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- Blursed_Pokemon


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来年の大波対策 筋トレ! #ネイチャーフィットネス #サーフィン #水島倶楽部 #高知県 #四万十市 #エンペラー - @shinyaokumoto on Instagram

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- @indian_gym_loverz on Instagram

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Há sempre muita dúvida no uso da NANDROLONA em lesões músculo esqueléticas, então, eu e o @andrerizzuti resumimos aqui as dúvidas das principais lesões: . 1 - MÚSCULO (ruptura, estiramento nas fibras) o efeito anabólico da NANDRO favorece sim o reparo da lesão, de forma mais acelerada (é onde os estudos são mais evidentes) . 2 - OSSO (fraturas por trauma, estresse, osteoporose, osteopenia, desuso): as evidências também são positivas para utilização da NANDRO. Mas veja bem, pacientes saudáveis, fazendo o tratamento adequado, terão pouco benefício adicional nesse processo de consolidação óssea por já possuírem um mecanismo eficaz para isso. Talvez aqui a utilização seria mais benéfica pensando no mecanismo anticatabolico, evitando uma perda exagerada de massa muscular durante a reabilitação. Já em indivíduos acamados, osteossarcopenicos, idosos, doenças reumáticas, o benefício é maior. . 3- ARTICULAÇÃO: maioria dos estudos demonstra pouco ou nenhum benefício direto na articulação (condropatia/ artrose), exceto em pacientes que possuem doenças reumáticas, osteometabolicas. Entendam que grande parte das dores articulares são por desequilíbrios musculares, fraquezas, então quando utilizada dentro de um programa de fortalecimento e equilíbrio muscular (principalmente em sarcopenicos) é provável que este experimente melhora das dores, mas pouca melhora da qualidade articular. 4- TENDÕES: A maioria dos estudos apontam para nenhum efeito, ou até degeneração do tendão no uso de EAA principalmente em “abusers” associados ao esforço físico. O mecanismo não é claro se esse efeito negativo ocorre apenas por a hipertrofia muscular não ser acompanhada pelo tendão, gerando sobrecarga deste ou pela própria ação direta do EAA na modificação do colágeno tendineo. Estudos com GH e peptídeos tem apontado para melhores resultados neste sentido. . 5- lesões durante o uso de esteroides: (essa é uma opinião pessoal) não parece ser inteligente parar abruptamente o uso de EAA na presença de lesão, talvez manter doses de um cruise, para evitar ter que lidar com a reabilitação de uma lesão e um crash hormonal ao mesmo tempo. - @drthaironmedeiros on Instagram

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Repost from @john.rebuildstronger • At some point youve probably heard a coach or lifting buddy say Squats are great for the hamstrings! But are they actually?⁠ ⁠ Looking at the available body of information we can comfortably say for the majority of squats, the hamstrings do aid in hip extension, but the squat exercise likely does not provide the most optimal stimulus for growth. ⁠ ⁠ Anecdotally, we can hypothesize that squat variations that utilize greater hip flexion and less knee flexion would stress the hamstrings more via a longer rom. ⁠ ⁠ So regardless of what type of athlete you may be, we recommend that the squat not be your main hamstring work. Doing more specific hamstring work will likely grow your hamstrings better. And of course bigger and stronger hamstrings wont hurt your squat 😏 #powerlifting #squat #physiosinpowerlifting - @physiosinpowerlifting on Instagram


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- BANE!!

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- Picture Of The DAY

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- Nerd

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No lifts no gifts 2018. This year with more weight on the bar. . . . #noliftsnogifts #fitness #fitnessmotivation #christmas #anytimefitness #merrychristmas - @bryantomie on Instagram

Why this is here?

★ ℓιχ

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375x12 squat PR A pre-wedding PR so big it took two slides to fit (first 10 reps in first video, last 2 reps in second video) Last day lifting for 10 days so decided to send it! 💪 #powerlifting #vegetarian #dontskiplegday #peachbois #squatlife #squats #squat #poweredbytofu #poweredbyplants #sharetheplatform #transliftersbelonghere #maskup - @plant_based_brotein on Instagram

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#King 🔥HOT SALE🔥 at Arnold Outlet 👉Your favourite bodybuilding clothes Up to 60% OFF ▪︎ Hurry Up!! 👉Click the link in bio👈 🌍Free shipping over 30$🌏 ▪︎▪︎▪︎ - @arnoldoutlet on Instagram

ᨳ ⋆。˚ ⋆

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The encyclopedia of greusome leg day faces 😂 GROWING though 😎 #crunchjohnscreek - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Workout was as follows : QUAD EXTENSION - lot of warm of sets - 3 top with a lot of reps HACK SQUAT - work up to 7 + 1/4 each side ( these reps were slower than I would have liked, however the overload is real ) - 8 reps Drop to 4 plates - 12 reps with pause at bottom, pause 1/4 way up SMITH SPLIT LUNGE ( not shown ) 4 x 12-15 each leg SEATED HAM CURL - lot of warm up sets - 3 top to failure ADDUCTORS ( not shown ) - 5 sets AMRAP - @steve_krug3x on Instagram

Mine 🫶🏻

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- Polnareff is giving me a vibe but I cant really explain it? Help?

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- Blursed_Resemblance

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#fitness #fitnesspageforall #fitnessphysique #genetx #genetxsupplements #igdaily #body #bodybuilding #fit #beastmode #igfitness #igfitnessfreaks #fitfam #health #diet #physique #workout #ripped #crossfit #crossfitmotivation #olylifts #olympiclifts - @legday_motivation on Instagram

Glow Baby | Sparklecore

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Another year older. Just as excited as I was, back when this photo was taken. - @wcroz on Instagram

★ ℓιχ

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- Meat-Head Problems

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Allen got a dumpy no cap🤣😭 - @dylanhillesheim on Instagram

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- Powered Toast Man


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- Ronnie Coleman giving Jay Cutler a Pigback ride after he beat his 8 year winning streak at the Mr. Olympia Competition in 2006 is what you call Good Sportmenship.

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. . . I’m often asked how we get guys in these positions so regularly. It takes a lot of persistence but if you demand they will achieve. A couple points on it. . . ✅ Hip IR is essential. No hip rotation means deadlifts until it’s fixed. ✅ Work on micro-movements of the knee. Tibial rotation as well as glide and roll of the femur. ✅ Train Spinal Flexion All Day. It HAS to segment ✅ Utilize Tempo to Load the Legs. Maintain tension in the quads. Of Course the Front Rack Position Means Addressing Wrist Extension as Well. @bethlewisfit @jquintnmt @robertcjacobs @sccoachhoward @owingsderek @frank_castle9 @coach_myatt - @coachscholz on Instagram


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- hmmm

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Not my best squat performance today as my IT band started to get inflamed but I usually squat at the very end of my workout making it way more intense. Just thought that I would share trying to work my way backup to the mid 6 hundreds for reps. @lookinglivefit@originalmetroflexgym Legendary stuff 👉 Subscribe to my YouTube channel/Chris Smith bodybuilder #moneyandmuscle #physique #picoftheday #motivation #igdaily #instahealth bodybuilding #lookinglivefit - @lookinglivefit on Instagram

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5 Hamstring exercises to spice up your Hamstring day! Swipe & Save ✔️ . Unilateral Hamstring Curl Cable Pull Throughs Romanian Deadlifts Wide Stance Romanian Deadlift Narrow Stance Good Mornings . Credit by @rbnfitness_ - - - Follow us @bodybuildinggymcenter more posts Tags your friends Thanks for following - @bodybuildinggymcenter on Instagram


Had one of the greatest leg sessions today with @seancoffeyfitness and @donnachamullfit ! Went as heavy as I possibly could set after set 📈. 🔴Leg Session🔴 Each Exercise 3 Sets × 8-10 Reps -Squats 130kg,140kg,130kg -Leg Press 200kg,250kg,250kg -Leg Extensions 70kg,70kg,70kg SUPERSET -Sissy Squats bodyweight -Leg Curls 40kg,40kg,40kg -Seated Calf Raises 50kg,50kg,50kg SUPERSET -Standing Calf Raises 50kg,50kg,50kg - @c.m.c_fitness_ on Instagram

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545/247KGx1 Deadlift PR along with a 2x2 volume PR with 515/234KG(2nd set shown)! Now time to get to the 6 plate club😎 - - - - - #SBD # powerlifting #sbdusa #squat #bench #deadlift #deadlifttillimdead #liftlikelarry #uspapowerlifting - @nickopp_52 on Instagram

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Attack the Monday and let us deliver you the fuel to do it! 💪😬 || #organic #nutrition #greensmoothie #superfood #smoothie #fitlife #fitness #vegan #yyj #yyjeats #victoria #viccity #cleaneats - @cleaneatsvictoria on Instagram

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- Arnold

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Mein Beintraining von heute (zum durchswipen): — 1. 20 Wdh. P.I.T. Pausierte Kniebeugen mit der Safety Squat Bar 2. 22 Wdh. P.I.T. Glute Ham Raise mit Gummiband 3. 5x 20 Wdh. GPS Beinstrecken 4. 5x 20 Wdh. GPS Beinbeugen 5. 5x 20 Wdh. GPS Beinpressen 6. 5x 20 Wdh. GPS Adduktorenmaschine — Nach dem anschließenden Wadentraining war komplett GAME OVER! 😬😴 — P.I.T. und GPS (Gerhard Pfister System) zu mixen ist knüppelhart aber unheimlich effektiv und hat mir dieses Jahr bereits 5(!!!) kg Muskelmasse beschert - validiert anhand der fast gleichbleibenden Hautfaltendicke (Summe aus 7 Messpunkten). __ Wie funktioniert GPS? Schwer in Worte zu fassen. Ein Teil dieses Konzeptes ist es, wie du in den Videos vielleicht siehst, die Art der Kontraktion zu MODULIEREN - ich schalte quasi alle 4 Wdh. im Kopf „um“. Also nichts für Leute die ins Gym gehen um einfach nur Gewicht aufzulegen um in einer Tour „zu ballern“ bis nix mehr geht. Gerade dass ich mit dem Kopf unheimlich viel tun kann und auch muss um den maximalen Effekt herauszuholen macht es für mich so spannend. Spannend ist auch dass es zwischen den Sätzen MAXIMAL eine Minute Pause gibt 😳🥺😬🙄 — Jetzt wirst du dich vielleicht fragen, was ich da wie umschalte!?!? Man muss es einfach mal unter Anleitung MACHEN um es wirklich zu durchdringen! Die Gefahr von Missverständnissen und falscher Umsetzung ist - wie es bei P.I.T. ebenfalls der Fall war und immer noch ist - einfach zu groß … daher gibt’s keine weiteren Details. 🤷‍♂️ — An der Stelle noch mal ein großes DANKESCHÖN an @gerhard_pfister der für @nadinebaers und mich in der letzten Woche 5 Stunden lang unfassbar wertvolle Tipps und Tricks aus seiner Schatzkiste geholt und uns praktisch vermittelt hat. Viele wertvolle Details die man heutzutage sonst nirgends mehr sieht oder hört. — Getreu dem Motto „Wer denkt dass er alles kann und alles weiß hat aufgehört besser zu werden“ kommen wir bestimmt noch ganz oft wieder! 💣💣💣 — Vom Pumper zum ECHTEN Athleten: 🥇 www.weltmeisterformel.de 🥇 — #pit #gps #zerbaerstung #beintraining #hardcore #bodybuilding #workout #quads #kniebeuge #squats #legs #legday #squatting #hallofcrosssports #training #ichbraucheeinenrollstuhl - @peterbaers on Instagram

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- Would you watch more international films, if subtitles looked like this?

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Pic after today’s leg session. Right now the goal is to add as much size as possible detail will come with dieting. My current weight has been close to 230 now for a couple weeks. Now that I am holding this weight about to make another hard push to 240. The progress I’ve made this off season will show next time I step on stage. Also like to thank @complete360_victoria for keeping me fueled by the best supps in the industry. #npcclassicphysique #npctexas #npcnewsonline #npccompetitor #bodybuilding #classicbodybuilding #legday #legworkouts #consistencyiskey #fitnessmotivation #fitness #eatcleantraindirty #swoleisthegoal #gymmotivation - @jordanregg on Instagram

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- Blursed Ned Flanders

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- Alex Davies

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#nextstopfatland #PRoderso #grinsenkannich #fotossindnichtmeins #strongman #motivation #deadlift #kevinkannfilmen #dankeanihn - @ztimhcs_nomis on Instagram

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- Blursed Misty

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- 6 days out 6’3 242 lbs

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- Reign Over Me

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The look on my face says it all. Training has been a struggle. As I continue to battle health issues training has become more and more challenging. Ive had to alter many aspects of my life both inside and outside of training to help alleviate some of my symptoms. Needless to say Ive been lethargic and irritable. That wont stop me. It wont get me down. I choose to view every hurdle as an opportunity to overcome adversity. You choose your own path in life. Choose wisely. @narrows_labs Use code billryan25 at Narrowslabs.com for 25% off! #transformationnation #narrowslabs #bodybuilding #bodybuilder #weightlossjourney #gymrat #picoftheday #homegym #gainz #bulking #fitsporation #fitnessphysique #fitspo #fitnessfreak #flex #gains #classicphysique - @billybuildsfitness on Instagram

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DIESEL DAVE I’m coming for ya! 💪🏼 . #WAYBACKWEDNESDAY . . . . : #jackedandtan #fannypackgang #fitfam #fitness #oldtimes #tbt #flexfriday #fitspo #fitness #bodybuilding #powerbodybuilding #gymselfie #swelfie #nike - @i_am_dj_webb on Instagram

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- PsBattle: This strong man

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Finished up quads this morning #npc #bodybuilding #mastersnationals #sportshacksupplementdepot #speciesnutrition #apex #fitnessandbeyond #npclouisiana - @big_philly30 on Instagram

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#Repost @maximummusclereport • • • • • • 💥BREAKING NEWS💥 @big_ramy just confirmed entering the @npceuropean where the top 3 will be heading to @mrolympiallc 2020 ! The last 2 shows to qualify for the Olympia are getting stacked!! Who are your favorites to earn their spot? ⬇️⬇️ #BreakingNews #BigRamy #DragonPharma #IfbbPro #Bodybuilding - @fernando_arroyoo on Instagram

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- The character Biscuit Oliva from the anime Baki was based of no one else but THE MYTH himself!

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AllNutrition BCAA Max Support Instant представляет собой комплекс аминокислот с разветвленной цепью ВСАА в соотношении 2: 1: 1 (L-лейцин, L-валин, L-изолейцин) в инстантизированной форме что значит аминокислоты лучше растворяются и быстрее усваиваются. Этот тип аминокислот играет важную роль в обеспечении мышц энергией, поддержке их роста и восстановлении. Кроме своей структуры, ВСАА отличаются рядом других особенностей. Аминокислоты ВСАА могут способствовать расщеплению жиров и, в случае дефицита основных источников, выступать в качестве мгновенного источника энергии для мышц.  Однако, самыми важными для бодибилдинга преимуществами ВСАА является их способность активизировать развитие новых мышечных клеток. В комплексе ВСАА наибольшей анаболической активностью обладает лейцин. Именно он играет основную роль в регулировании мышечного строительства. Как упоминалось ранее, в условиях дефицита энергии, организм может использовать ВСАА как источник топлива. Отсюда следует, что употребление BCAA Max Support Instant от Allnutrition помогает повысить энергетические резервы организма и снизить усталость. При силовых тренировках, это качество аминокислот ВСАА крайне важно для подавления катаболизма и защиты мышечных клеток от разрушения. Также многие атлеты отмечают, прием ВСАА перед тренировкой ведёт к повышению мышечной выносливости, а значит, помогает заниматься с большей интенсивностью, повышая эффективность тренировочного процесса. Комплекс дополнительно усилен аминокислотой глютамин, важность которой невозможно переоценить. Глютамин составляет 60% мышечной ткани, что говорит о его необходимости при построении новых мышечных клеток. Помимо того, что глютамин является одним из основных строительных блоков для мышц, он принимает участие в синтезе мышечных протеинов, снижает уровень катаболизма и укрепляет иммунную систему. Преимущества: 5000 мг BCAA в порции; усилен глютамином; подавляет катаболизм – сохраняет мышцы; обеспечивает восстановление мышц после тренировки; способствует сжиганию подкожного жира. Состав на порцию 10г BCAA 5000 мг L-лейцин 2500 мг L-изолейцин 1250 мг L-валин 1250 мг L-Глютамин 3000 мг #allnutrituon #dsngroup - @dsn.com.ua on Instagram

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- I love Schezwan sauce, do you?😂

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Dog collars: $6 ea BFR pump: priceless . . @nutrexresearch @nutrexresearchwarriorzone #NIOX #AlphaPump #IsoFit - @joelthomas_ifbb on Instagram

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- He seems to be new to the game but Hulk Hogan has a solid collection

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The beginning of the year my goal was to bench 315, I have never attempted it, mentally I put a block on that weight. Attempted it, nailed it. . . . I then hit it again last week for 2 after taking over a month off from any pressing movements due to a slight injury in my chest. My goal tonight was 3, I hit 4. . . . Riding that PR high I told myself never again will I put a doubt in my mind, Ill try anything within reason and loaded 365 on the bar and set a new PR by 25 lbs (340 was previous) . . . NEVER SETTLE, FUCK EXCUSES AND EXECUTE! You are truly more capable than what you give yourself credit for 💪 . . . #chest #benchpress #muscle #fit #fitness #body #bodybuilding #mensphysique #fitfam #tattoo #personaltrainer #athlete #aesthetic #ifbb #npc #instafit #photooftheday #lift #gym #model #pr #diet #fun #l4l #instalike #relentless #stayhungry #thelpfitness - @thelukepaul10 on Instagram

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FOLLOW, SHARE & LIKE this athlete @quinnfehrenbacher_official of @generationjacked #instafit #bicep #chest #athlete #fitness #gymlife #flex #instafitness #gym #grow #dedication #strength #ripped #swole #muscle #shredded #grind #lifestyle #bodybuilder #bodybuilder #fitfam #inspiration #bicep #bodybuilding #bodybuildingmotivation - @the_aesthetic_revolution_ on Instagram

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Start of Week 6 - @stmartmassage finally has my knee feeling nice after being patient with it. 4 weeks of @umbrellaresearchcorporation BPC157 and TB500 helped too 😎 - PB on Unilatetal Horizontal Plate Loaded Leg Press today 350kg x 7 (7 x 25kg a side) backed off to 250kg x 18. - Lying Ham Curl 85 x 8 backed off to 60 x 12. Soon will have this stacked 😎 - Recovery has been a huge priority this Phase with daily IR sauna or Epsom salt baths. - Bodyweight was 95.8 kg this morning so almost 9kg up in 5 weeks. No changes this week by @calum_themusclementors. #supplementneeds #DrDeanrange ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ Formulator @supplement_needs DRDEAN discount code for 5% ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ - @deanstm on Instagram

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• @nick_walker39 Leg day pump!!!!! Everyday gotta be better then the last @revive_md  (MUTANT) @getrawnutrition (MUTANT) @thepridefoods (MUTANT10) @gym_pin (MUTANT10) —— Coaching inquiries- nick@walkernationusa.com ————————————————————— #igbody #ig_fitness_freaks  #igfit #instagramfitness #instafit #instafitness #allornothing #fit #fitfam #fitbody #fitnessfreaks #eatcleantraindirty #trainharderthanme #dedication #dedicate #sofit #hardbody #undeniable #campjansen #pinksaltpump #walkernation @revive_md @getrawnutrition @walkernationusa @thepridefoods - @pt_supplements on Instagram

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Took what @jdiesel__ said seriously and slowed way down. Still got my reps in too. Control is better than ego. Thanks for keeping me humble bro beans!! - @freakshowjeff on Instagram

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- Nnooo you can notnt do that that(thatS) GROSS !1!1!1😎

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- Ah. So naive.

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Direct current muscle stimulation has a long and well-researched past. Decades ago, Soviet coaches applied DC stimulation to their athletes, but the technology was so crude that it left burn marks on the skin⁠ .⁠ Further iterations came along over time and the technology improved. While the side effects diminished, the devices still werent quite able to make as profound impact on neuromuscular re-education, or retraining the way the brain sends signal to the muscle, as practitioners would have liked.⁠ ⁠ Plenty of AC devices exist on the market and their effect on the body is not unlike taking an aspirin for pain relief. You might feel better right after using it, but there are some problems with alternating current devices when theyre turned up high enough to actually have an effect on reeducating the the nervous system. ⁠ ⁠ For several years, the Neubie by @neufitrfp has been the gold standard by which all of their estim devices are compared. Offering more varied wavelengths for different purposes, more affordable, more versatile, and the only one of its kind with a special process through which the current is delivered to the nerves in the muscles, its been called the most powerful electrical stimulation machine known to humankind.⁠ - @evo.performance on Instagram

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Dont skip leg day 👌😃 #power #sherd #fat #fit #gym #core #streetworkout #pro #nike #bar #pushup #pullup #bench - @selfpo on Instagram

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- ma ma 💪💪💪

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- Blursed Arnold

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Yup. - @zacaynsley on Instagram

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What a BATTLEFIELD and what a moment! ⛓💀⚠️⚠️💀⛓ 👁 #STRENGTHWARS 👁 - @strengthwars on Instagram

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Das die richtige Technik fürs Bankdrücken enorm wichtig ist, sollte mittlerweile jedem bekannt sein. Aber warum haben so viele Leute Probleme mit der richtigen Technik zudrücken?? Die Antwort ist: - ZEIT - Um seine Technik zu verbessern und an Schwachstellen zu arbeiten benötigt man ZEIT. Je nachdem wie fortgeschritten die Person ist, kann es schon bis zu 3-6 Monate dauern bis man eine gute Technik entwickelt hat. In dieser Zeit solltest Du nicht mehr als 70-75% deines Maximalgewichts trainieren! ‼️Mein Tipp um die Technik schneller und effektiver zu trainieren.. Die Hooke Strap wird dir dabei helfen die richtige Technik schneller zu erlernen. Durch das Overloadtraining (Training mit mehr Gewicht) und das Einhalten der perfekten Technik, kannst Du dein Training noch effektiver gestalten. Hinzukommt das die Hooke Strap eine mentale Unterstützung ist. Genau im unteren Punkt hast Du die meiste Unterstützung durch die Hooke Strap. Dadurch kannst Du dich besser an größere Gewichte trauen, drückst in perfekter Technik und fällst nicht wieder in’s alte Muster. - @thestrongerathlete on Instagram

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#Oxytropin helped to our champion @fattykiddd to prepare to this contest. Can not wait him at international contest!!!! He is only 21yo👍👍👍 @kostyan.sila @nataliya.amazonka @carlainhaia @rodmartho @duylinhvu6789 @jessica_6trem - @pharmagenlab on Instagram

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“First you feel like dying, then you feel reborn.” - @strongmanathletes on Instagram

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- Jay Cutler 3 weeks out from the 2009 Mr. Olympia

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Ben Rice (@benrice_plg) with a 363kg/800lb Sumo Deadlift along with a 347kg/765lb pull with a @monsterenergy shotgun beforehand. Thank you for all the generous donations during this one! @lifttogether4charity Twitch.tv/lsmcclain - @elevatebarbell on Instagram

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- Feliz navidad

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- Blursed_dog

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The People’s Champ, Roelly the Beast ❗️❗️❗️ - @npc_activewear on Instagram

ripped working out work out nss wyatt

1000 days of GymChak Day 148: so I’ve got some good news and some bad news... the good news is that my exam is over so I can be more active on here now. The bad news is that one of my house mates was showing symptoms of COVID... so I’ve gotten tested today and will hopefully get results by tomorrow. Until then I think it’s sensible to stick to home workouts. So today I’ll be doing a back yard session. But I’ll hopefully be back in the gym tomorrow night 💪🏼💪🏼 - @gymchak on Instagram

come here showing muscles flexing flex weird flex

- Goodbye trophies

add up

Give it all in the name of faith. But giving it all, sometimes means taking a bit back. @the_showdown_meet was my 29th sanctioned meet. I am 27 years old. Ive cut hard many times. Ive hurt myself many times. Ive bombed out 3. Ive ended up in the hospital twice. Ive spent tens of thousands of dollars. Won a couple. I hold one all time world record. . . This will likely be my last meet at 220lbs. And my cervical spine and nerve compression issues are obviously not rectified due to my bench being 40lbs off my best, and deadlift over 100lbs. The cut was the hardest its ever been. @sully6319 and I were one round of sauna away from calling it. I wanted to quit before I let myself. Long before I did. . . @phdeadlift is going to write me a hypertrophy program to follow for the near future. I had my first appointment with @optimize_chiropractic today and set up a 20 week treatment plan for my spine and neck. I will return to the platform at 242 with @scottmiller5 once my neck is manageable and my left arm and lat works correctly. Whether that is in a year, or in 5, that is when Ill be back. Until then we will build. Fire and water. . . . Gym @pinnacleperformanceoh KMS @kabuki_virtualcoaching Lifting Gear @sbdapparel Coach @scottmiller5 Nutrition @optimus_koz Health Supps @leviathannutrition Shoes @bearfootathletics . . #muscle #fitness #gym #bodybuilding #workout #fit #motivation #fitnessmotivation #gymlife #training #fitfam #lifestyle #strong #health #instafit #gymmotivation #fitnessmodel #bodybuilder #personaltrainer #abs #exercise #gains #healthy #fitspo #crossfit #sport #strength #body #shredded #bhfyp - @joesullivanpowerlifter on Instagram

swole bruno bruno valorant beefy corgi buffed out

- Muscles

roger kangaroo dark iron gains esoteric lifter memes roger absurdism

Alguém adivinha o ano e a competição que eu estava me preparando? Tava legalzinho né? Não é o X que eles querem? Sempre teve! - @jamesbondipro on Instagram

fitness workout gym power fit

- Blursed_handsome_Spongebob

animatemeapp animateme faceswap spongebob spongebob meme

- 9 week goob update. Album and info in comments. 55@181lb. Hamstrings on the come up, back fat still hanging on for dear life.

weightlifting athletes empower muscular gym gyms

- Dorian Yates

muscles walking flex pumped

- Even after 21

party party hard rage angry roid rage

Un poquito de lo que se vivió hoy en la mecca @miamiirongym , everyday is legday !!! . @tonytomedes @cristian_fit19 . Mi casa @miamiirongym Mi sangre @landerlanamerica Mi alimentación @feedmenow.bog Mi suplementacion @imnutritioncolombia Mi salud @dr.enzofiorillo Mi sonrisa @draalexandraos . #everydayislegday #legsworkout #legday #miami #usa🇺🇸 #fitness #fit #gymlife #fitlife #gymlove #culturismo #bodybuilder #bodybuilding #culturismo - @camilodiazifbbpro on Instagram

flexgirl muscle girl

Leg Pump 💪@nick_walker39 (Tag a Friend) 👊💯 - 👉@shredded.legends💪 #legs #shreddedlegends #bodybuilding #exercise #legworkout #training #motivation #fitness #gym - @shredded.legends on Instagram

weightlifting lifting weights bodybuilding barbell grandma

- Blursed greta

swole muscles body building working out

Great session with @strippcam tonight. Training is going good, getting ready to turn it up a bit over the next few months. Lets work ⚔ @thetopstrengthproject - @amonty23 on Instagram

empower flexed biceps muscular gym biceps

- Starts with the pec pop and the next level is the shelf

anchorman guns workout will ferrell

- dragon ball

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Such a fun experience at Canadian Masters Competition on Sunday. Both my openers were competition PRs, which gives me confidence and motivation to keep growing and improving. I learned a lot from this competition. It is a game of millimeters. My 3rd Snatch was right there, and my third CJ felt good, but received two reds. In the end finished with 97+107. Even though I had higher expectations I am still quite happy with this and feel there is so much room to improve. A big thank you to @me_beauchemin for keeping me calm, and focused, and coaching me through my nerves. And another big thank you to @londonweightlifting coaches and team for the continued support. I thought it was important to post my fails. You will see why trying to clean with a large hork in the throat is a bad idea. Couldnt clear it out and time was ticking. Lol - @brad.tilson on Instagram

dance gym mustache

Felt fluffy might delete later. #prestige_physiques - @j_wesselhoft85 on Instagram

%E5%BC%B7%E3%81%84 %E3%81%86%E3%81%95%E3%81%8E%E3%82%85%E3%83%BC%E3%82%93 usagyuuun %E7%AD%8B%E8%82%89 %E3%83%A0%E3%82%AD%E3%83%A0%E3%82%AD

Heavy ‘Cessories! ft. @mcclain_crcl pink logo tee Tonight was fun. Without any of the “Big 3” on my plate tonight, I decided to feast on accessories and it was delicious ••• DB INCLINE: 170x6 Had my eyes on 180+, but getting the DBs up without spotters is crazy hard, so called it in favor of safety/not embarrassing myself SSB GOODMORNING: 645x5 Been having a lot of fun with these during this block REVERSE HYPER: 450x10 Felt good to let my back stretch back out a bit after goodmornings CHEST SUPPORTED ROW: 225x8 Little disappointed in this one. Gotta work on upper back strength SA LAT PULLDOWN: 180x6ea Love doing these and love the tightness in my back for the next two days from this extreme ROM #RoadTo1000kg - @dowrey_53 on Instagram

swole robert frank gym

Great bench day today at our gym. So good we gotta figure out what’s more impressive the leg less 585 single or the 605 he did right after lol. Big trey always brings it when he is training here. @powerliftingmotivation @elitebenchpress #strength #power #benchpress #motivational #beastmode #strong #gym - @fordsfitnesscenter on Instagram

%E7%AD%8B%E8%82%89 %E3%83%A0%E3%82%AD%E3%83%A0%E3%82%AD %E3%83%9E%E3%83%83%E3%83%81%E3%83%A7 %E5%8A%9B%E6%8C%81%E3%81%A1 %E3%83%A2%E3%82%AB

- @arnoldschwarzengr on Instagram

big ramy bodybuilder chest massive

- Motivational Training Quotes

swole doge

Gooooooooooood afternoon everyone hope your Friday is going great! Head up north to see the family but that doesnt mean I dont stop putting in the work! Had a great chest and bicep workout with my brother JC. Need ACCOUNTABILITY??? WE GOT YOU!!! Click the link in BIO to get registered for our next 21 Day Challenge! It’s ONLY $10 to jump start your journey, regardless of the goal! DID I MENTION? The Prize Pot is $3000!!! You have nothing to lose, but so much to gain. Drop a 💪🏽for more info. . #GetStarted #21daychallenge #GetACoach - @coach.david.colon on Instagram

spongebob squarepants chest bust rip shirt

I genuinely have nothing else to post or to even offer anymore - @angelomoran_ on Instagram

muscle frog

Resurrecting the classics, for a new generation to honor. . . . #retrofitnessera #health #motivation #motivational #gymmotivation #bodybuilding #bodybuildingmotivation #goldenera #physique #mensphysique #classicphysique #canadianphysiquealliance #cpa #aroundthecpa #npc #npcworldwide #aroundthenpc #cpaproud #ifbb ifbbpro #ifbbproleague #mrworld #mruniverse #mrolympia - @retrofitnessera on Instagram

gains muscles

- Never again

The first leg session in my “Harry Squatter” t-shirt from @reelmuscle was a success! Progress was made and it definitely added a little magic to each set. A little Wingardium Leviosa helped get those last reps up too! I know. I’m a massive geek. 🤓⚡️ Awesome artwork by @illustratusmaximus #Viking #LegDay #StromSportsNutrition #MonsterFactory #TeamLSRUK #NordicBotanics #BearGrips #Muhdo #MyoMaster #bodybuilding #bodybuilder #fitness #fitfam #motivation #commitment #muscle #instafit #focussed #beard #picoftheday #tallbodybuilder For all online coaching enquiries: joshmaleypt@mail.com @beargrips knees sleeves Code: TEAMVIKING ⚔️ - @josh_maley on Instagram

Clanging and banging with @michael_maltese and @bradcastleberry Always pushing hard with @modernbodylabz #uncleross . . . . . . . . #thegym #bodybuilding #fitness #workout #hardwork #gym #fitness #strong #weights #sandiego #california #christian #contestprep #diet - @kruckemonster on Instagram

#fuckstandingonthesideline - @kk_fit._ on Instagram

- Strongest animal

- I wonder if he is happy with the look.

Strong, feminine, powerful... muscles and curves AF🔥 This beauty @thephoenix4669 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 . #flexingladies #bigbiceps #biceps #murves #femalemuscle #musclewomen #femalebodybuilding #musclegain #gunshow #muscled #womenwithmuscles #quads #quadzilla #legsmatter #legworkout #legsfordays #legz #quadsquad #strongisthenewpretty - @flexingladies on Instagram

- Justice League Animated

Dizem que muito difícil Dizem que é para poucos Dizem que um monte coisas Mas só acredita no que dizem, aqueles que não vivem sua própria história. #ohomemmaisfortedobrasil #motivaçao #mohai #musculaçao #treino #foco #gomohai #gymmotivation #gym - @mohaioficialst on Instagram

- hmmm

Vid 1: 170 kg bench (5kg pr) Vid 2: 250kg paused dl (10kg pr) Switched back to hook grip after missing another single on grip last wednesday. Fingers crossed this fixed the issue. Vid 3: 230kg 4*1*0 tempo squat My best lifts this week combine into a 665kg total, with my best ever lifts combining to 675. Getting really close to 700kg now! #teampowermove #risinglifters #liftgratefully #benchpress #170kgbenchpress #tempopausesquat #temposquat #pauseddeadlifts #pauseddeadlift #squat #sbd #sbdbeldium #belgianlifter #belgianlifters #jonathancelis #deadlifttilimdead #a7intl #demandgreatness #getbettertoday #personalrecord - @_jonathan_celis_ on Instagram

- @mechanic.memes.only on Instagram

- bodybuilding

A few shots from my quick pull session yesterday night 💪💪 #fitness #gym #workout #fit #fitnessmotivation #motivation #bodybuilding #training #health #fitfam #lifestyle #sport #healthy #healthylifestyle #gymlife #classic #personaltrainer #exercise #muscle #gymmotivation #fitspo #instafit #wellness - @tyler_greis on Instagram

And we have 6 plates going on this sucker at last ! . First set 5p + 5kg/side x 5 - I want to load the whole range while I have lots of power to get muscles short/fully contracted . Second set I went to 6p , this was insanely hard to lockout , as you can see, a lot of my oomph in the lockout was taken in the first set. So set 3 I adjust the loading and put 2 and a bit plates at the top, and keep 3 and a bit in the middle - This set feels overloads the stretch ( so it’s super heavy at the start ) and then it just drops off nicely to let me lockout and get muscles short as I am fatigued now. Final set 4 and a bit at the top and left one in the middle , this set is my fav as it squeezes out every last drop of chest stimulation because it drops off a ton in the short which is needed here as I don’t have much strength left in that range. Shouldn’t take me too long to have 6 plates if I start with it, I just need to be sure I’m safe. Having a lot of fun on the @primefitnessusa kit , looking forward to @staffsfitness getting me a few more bits sorted :) #trainedbyjp - @trainedbyjp on Instagram

PULL DAY 1 second workout from my plan. Focusing on back, biceps, and triceps! * * * * * #backworkout #ppl #pushpulllegs #liftingtips #heavy #powerlifting #fitness #shredded #lift #flex #transformation #health #dieting #healthylifestyle #physique #fitnessmotivation #workhard #fit #bodybuilding #fitlife #gymlife #gains #liftheavy #getstrong #sask #snapfitness - @tylergrieve_fit on Instagram

Pull Day for Thickness 💪 - @vigoroussteve on Instagram

Nossos segredos kkkkkk 💀😋🙏 - @rafaelbuilder on Instagram

- Cyclist legs.

Today was a great quad day with the best squat squad there is @khrhodes and @streaky_yates_ !!! Here is my last set of 5 @ 425lbs. Not bad for a old man 👴😂👌🏼the second video is a clip from wagon wheels yesterday. 8@445lbs. The hypertrophy work has been so much fun and my strength has gone through the roof! Thank you @herford_rise for getting me back at it and feeling the best I’ve felt in a long time!! So excited for the new year and the new opportunities to come!! @riseathleticperformance @riseathleticclub - @seanblair85 on Instagram

- cozy Facebook group


TAG YOUR GYM PARTNER - Tag us in your fitness and bodybuilding pics using #fitnessandbb and @fitness_and_bb to get a feature. #bodybuilding #pumpingiron #classicbodybuilding #goldenera #gym #goldenaesthetics #staygolden #iron #fitgirl #lift #booty #fit - @skinkredibletattoo on Instagram

- Iain Valliere Looking Absolutely Big Ramyd

Work for your Dream ! #motivation #gym #fitness #workoutmotivation #workout #nopainnogain #liftingweights #bodypositivity #positivevibes #mindset #vegan #push #chestworkout #bicepsworkout💪 #strong #sport #giveall #fokus #beastmode - @alexruniron on Instagram

- gonna...🤭”blink”?😂 yeah..OK🔫😡

Baixar a cabeça irmão, só se for para orar... 🙏 #Deusebom #rumoaopro🗡 - @lipreribodybuilder on Instagram

- Taller bodybuilders look the most imposing to me

It’s not about starting all over again, it’s about starting with experience. These legs will be better then before. Every leg day counts 💯. . . . Leg pump brought to you by @cutlernutrition prevail. . . Ps: it was a double scoop kind of night . . . #fridayvibes #fridaypump #legday #ledgendary #cutlernutrition #cutlernation #bodybuilding #bodybuildingmotivation #fitness #fitspo #fitstagram #fitfam #npc #npcwestcoast #ifbbpro #ifbbproleague #212 - @themanster310 on Instagram

- Kevin Levrone In His Prime

Push/pull Tuesday 😎 3x200kg bench using the super RAM by #titansupportsystems , and sets of 7 at 220kg hexbar deadlifts 🥵💪🏼 #summervibes #auxstrongman #swagswabian #heat #gfsa #strongman #deadlift #benchpress #powerlifting #kindafitkindafat #strength - @krautstampflsepp on Instagram

- Le Horny Slayer has arrived

555LBS (252KG) DEADLIFT!!! Yes i know, my form was a little bit off, but holy crapsticks this was awesome to pull off!!! Unofficial world record. Also, in the second slide, i tried my best to point out the 75lbs plates, but its pretty hard to see. - @neverendingnivek on Instagram

- hmmm

- Bench Press Tips & Chest Training

Taken last weekend #gettingitdone @crayfordweights #theplacetobe #ukmecca #daybyday #gettingitdone #noexcuses #headdown #phonedown #focused #priorites #privatelife #work #bodybuilding #crayfordweightsandfitness #instagood #yep - @robcannon26 on Instagram

🇧🇷Treino da Independência ou Morte da Dorsal! Bem cansado de viagem, mas a disciplina sempre fala mais alto. Um pouco do que rolou no treino: ▪️Vídeo 1 - Remada curvada Clusters e backOff set. ▪️Vídeo 2 - Remada unilateral ClusterSet. ▪️Vídeo 3 - Remada Cavalinho DropSet e unilateral NoStop até falha total. ▪️Vídeo 4 - Pulley frente. ▪️Vídeo 5(bônus) - morte lenta pós drop. 💀 - @ninjabodybuilder on Instagram

- crazy muscle

. . . #backtothepast #generationx #genx #the80s #80skids #80snostalgia - @backtothepast_ on Instagram

- This U N I T is the most absolute of all units

- Exercising baby

- Can of asbestos found in an old barn. Iron will melt where this cement will stand is on the back.

- Thanks, I hate rape face He-man

Bora !? - @ac.top.gym on Instagram

Marca seu amigo que tem que mandar essa no treino hoje! No vídeo @pedrobussas e @lucas.clauss - @fdmoficial on Instagram

- Bodybuilding (Favorite Bodybuilders)

- Iain Valliere Looking Massive

- Arine on the beach pumping Iron

- Mindblowing 4 year transformation from @goodvito

Saudades de um treino pesado, né meu filho?! 😢👊🏽 700kg legpress - 200kg agachamento - @rayan_araujo on Instagram

- Found this really awesome picture of a young Jay Cutler :)

Training with young Triston Purtell. Light weight baby ha ha. - @glenpurtellbodybuildingcoach on Instagram

@ericbarnes28 showing his work! Can you say QUADZZZZ! #hosstile #hosstilesupps #hosstilebrandwear #realshit #work #walkyourownpath #sacrificewithoutregret - @hosstilebrandwear on Instagram

Vorbereitung auf die Herbst Saison 2006 mit dem Ziel Gesamtsieger Int. Deutsche Meisterschaft, was für mich immer eine enorme Bedeutung hatte. Nach einigen Wochen wurde dieser Traum wahr obwohl ich vorher meine Klasse bei der bayerischen nicht gewinnen konnte. Denkt immer an eure Ziele auch wenn es immer wieder mal Rückschläge gibt. Nichts geschieht von heute auf morgen, Beständigkeit zahlt sich am Ende meist aus. Geduld, Disziplin, Hingabe, Beharrlichkeit, Leidenschaft und die Liebe zum Sport über viele Jahre hinweg sind im Bodybuilding sehr wichtige Eckpfeiler. Das ganze macht man in erster Linie für sich selbst und nicht für andere, Instagram und social Media. So war damals immer unser Grundgedanke. Ist man in kleinen Dingen nicht geduldig, bringt man die großen Vorhaben zum Scheitern (Konfuzius) - @manuelbauer76 on Instagram

Today.. Checking my back.. NOW SPECIAL OFFERS 30% IN DUBAI ON PERSONAL TRAINER DM FOR MORE DETAILS .. ... #instagood #fitness #amazing #healthy #mydubai #Ko_Squad #happy #picoftheday #life #bodybuilding #dubai #abudhabi #instadaily #follow #me #transformation #photooftheday #likeforlike #instagram #healthy #fun #inspiration - @bigh__1 on Instagram

125s for an amrap (5). Big PR, followed by the 110s for 9 and a half and 100s for a set of 10. With the video @coreyscontent Working on some accessories. Time to grow! 🇺🇸🤫 - - - - - - #squats #powerlifting #squat #bench #benchpress #a7intl #sbd #inzer #deadlift #powerlifter #gymshark #alphalete #ipf #usapl #kotl #kingofthelifts #deadlifts #GetBetterToday #powerliftingmotivation - @b_mackle on Instagram

Épisode 3 Saison 1 #sevendeadlysins - @elaine.cute_ on Instagram

- @johnpaulmuringodi on Instagram

- Absolute unit Sajad Gharibi. Aka the Iranian Hulk

🔥Você é fruto de suas escolhas🔥 . ❇️Mais uma semana que se iniciou e com ela, mais oportunidades de você se aproximar da sua melhor versão!❇️ . ♻️Continuando ou Recomeçando... não importa! Plante hoje o que colherá em breve... conte comigo pra isso 👊🏻 . 🔮DR TEAM . Treinador/Atleta: @ftwoficial . #mudesuamente #mudeseucorpo #DRteam #FTWteam #bodybuilding #hardwork #fitness #gym #lifestyle #consultoriaesportiva #diet #nutricaoesportiva #bodybuildingcoach - @treinadordanilo on Instagram

A few movements from leg day today 🦵🏼 Movement 1: Barbell squats Movement 2: Heavy banded leg press Movement 3: Leg extension superset with sissy squats Movement 4: Pit shark RDLs Movement 5/6 (not shown): Good girl/Bad girls (Abductor/Adductor) Finished with sprints 💦 🏃🏼‍♂️ Contact myself or @ironculturenj for personal training 💪🏼 #pt #personaltraining #gym #gymlife #ironculture #bodybuilding #training #gains #bodybuilder #fit #fitness #fitspo #fitfam #fitlife #instafit #fitstagram #legday #legs #hwmf - @zach.drake_15 on Instagram

- Blursed_Drive

ME AFTER A W*MAN STEALS THE SMITH MACHINE I WAS USING 😤😤‼️ - @dark_iron_gains on Instagram

- Maze runer

Our 2020 @bevsgym NY Pro champion... Iain Valliere!! @iainvalliere Im working much slower than usual, as cutting has me reeeeally lethargic. But Id say the quality of the art is still up to standard 😜 . . . Iains a favorite of mine. Size, proportions, conditioning and a great personality, the guys got it all. I first saw/noticed Iain at the 2018 Mr Olympia. What caught my attention was... His hair. His dyed hair had me intrigued, to say the least. And then the announcer mentioned he was Canadian which then made me go OOOOOO HELL YEAH LETS GO OH CANADAAAAA. So, Ive been following him ever since. My favorite pose of his used to be his quarter turns(weird, I know), but after the revamped poses from the NY Pro I cant pick just one anymore. Needless to say, Im really excited to see what him and @ptuor bring to the Olympia this December! - @jpgrandi on Instagram

Ieri check col coach nella super palestra di @mircogeroldi 🔥 #instafit #motivation #fit #TFLers #fitness #gymlife #pushpullgrind #grindout #flex #instafitness #gym #trainhard #eatclean #grow #focus #dedication #strength #ripped #swole #fitnessgear #muscle #shredded #squat #bigbench #cardio #sweat #grind #lifestyle #pushpullgrind - @alessiobertolino.physique on Instagram

Just out here trying to get wings to fly away✈🚀🚀 More post on the way but here a rear lat spread at 197lbs here💪💪💪 #instafit #motivation #fit #me #fitness #gymlife #pushpullgrind #grindout #flex #instafitness #gym #trainhard #eatclean #grow #focus #dedication #strength #ripped #swole #fitnessgear #muscle #shredded #squat #cardio #sweat #grind #lifestyle #pushpullgrind #18yearsold #bodybuildingmotivation #bodybuilding - @dalton_muscle on Instagram

Доброго времени суток, друзья✊ ⠀ Я получил довольно большое количество сообщений в директ по поводу литературы для изучения правильного тренинга, для лучшего понимания физиологических и биохимических процессов организма. ⠀ Ниже я приведу основные источники направленные на эти темы, добавлю, что эти источники сформированы мной и были использованы для понимания аспектов массонабора и уменьшения жировой прослойки, понимания усвоения пищи и спортивных добавок. ⠀ Первым и главным источником знаний в сфере фитнеса для меня стал Профессор Силуянов - специалист в области биомеханики, антропологии, оздоровительной физической культуры, спортивной адаптологии. Изучением занимался читая его книги, к прочтению советую книгу Сердце - не машина, так и на просторах YouTube (много интересных видеороликов полезных для набора массы, похудения, увеличения силовых и показателей выносливости, понимания работы спортивных добавок). ⠀ Вторым делом, я открыл для себя литературу FPA, федерации профессионалов фитнеса. Эта федерация помогает получить диплом тренера и у них очень занимательная литература, пусть свои книги они выдают только ученикам, вы всегда сможете найти их книги в интернете, хорошо поискав. Книги включают в себя основы анатомии тела, физиологии организма, помогут понять правильную биохимиханику техники упражнений. ⠀ Третье и последнее на сегодня место информации, для меня представляет книга Ильи Одинсона, называется Андрология - Наше тело. Книга включает в себя такие аспекты как: физиология, анатомия, биохимия, расскажет о фармакологических препаратах, их воздействии на организм. Действительно стоящая книга, которая уверен будет вам интересна, т.к большинство ваших вопросов касаются анаболических препаратов, в книге много информации для ознакомления. ⠀ Автор материала: @goodvito - @baron__team on Instagram

Legs day is over😰😰😰😰@sampsonproductions @vitaminhubusa Sahara / Nellis 2208 S Nellis Blvd 89104 Las Vegas nevada @robert_hospedales #viral @musclecontest #LVAClife #survivalofthefittest#goodconditions #viral #musclecontest #npcathlet @jaycutler @npc_stevekarrlasvegasclassic @npc_nv #fit #fitness #fitnesscut #bodyfitness #fitnesslife #fitnessworld #muscle #musclemen #musclenation #musclemania #onlymuscle #cut #physiqueworld #lifestyle #mealprep@mrolympiallc  #miamimuscle #followme #fitness #muscle #flexmuscle #musclefit  #lifestyle #musclenation #ifbb #musclerip #muscleboy #earnandgo #bodybuilding - @cubaniron83 on Instagram

- Congress looking to double their 2014 tallly. RaGa:

- Carl Wheezer, the Defiant

Starting to get back to where I was, the #quarantinegut is starting to go away but I dont plan to stop there. I want to get shredded and massive. Aint that right @fitstokes #liftingweights #cuttingseason #abseason #fitfam #gymaddict #gymjunkie # - @robbie_lambert90 on Instagram

- Sajad Gharibi aka the Iranian Hulk is an absolute unit if i ever saw one, in awe at the size of this lad

We LOVE our fans and we are truly overwhelmed by the response to our new music that we have handpicked some of our faves from twitter!! Take a look! ➡️🌐➡️🌐➡️🌐➡️🌐➡️ - @pushbaby on Instagram

- Since you asked for [m]ore, here are my legs

The show may be off but the attention to detail still continues. Was on approx 1500 cals 4 weeks out from my show. Zero carbs. Now with the show getting postponed @davidfox402 and I have acted quickly and readjusted the protocol until a date is announced. 100g carbs for 3 days 200g carbs for 4 days 300g carbs onwards 2h cardio reduced to 45mins Keeping everything lean and keep chipping away at the stubborn fat. The world may nearly be in total lock down but thats no excuse just to eat everything. I will train and be creative with home workouts if needs be when my gyms close. Still go for walks and do body weight movements until things settle. Health comes first - no excuse. Keep grinding. - @thejonnyreid on Instagram

- The sad truth

Couldn’t pass up the opportunity to pull this legend! @gouldmikel #armwrestlingtraining#armwrestler#armwrestlers#power#strengthtraining#getbent#legends - @bigcammy86 on Instagram

- 😳gay is kinda crine😳😳😳😬😬

Lifting Together Again! It’s fo fun- - @andyhaman on Instagram

Progress. 💯 - @jeremymoffitt43 on Instagram

Where to start! Now I finally have a moment to post 😂. So yesterday me and @stephaniemay87 took part in a world record attempt with @fitxpo_uk to raise money for mental health charity and other charities too. I took part in the bench record and Steph did the deadlift record 😁. Both records got smashed, the team bench record almost doubling the previous record, and the deadlift going way past the old record too 🏆🏆! Just want to give a massive Thankyou to Darren and @fitxpo_uk for the opportunity to be a part of this, and a part of the fitxpo community! Shout out to all the sponsors too who got involved to give away prizes and raise money, and to all brands, ambassadors and athletes that took part in this amazing day. Il tag as many as I can and apologise for any I may miss out 😬! @strom_sports_nutrition @officialcnp @reignbodyfuel @crayfordweights @supplement_needs @supplementreviews @hr.labs @kompakwomen @kompakmen @gb_powerlifting_support_group and more!! ————————————————— @mythic_nutrition.uk Alex10 for 10% off @fitxpo_uk code Fitx79 for your tickets and goodies @xploape code stephm10 for 10% off ————————————————— #worldrecord #benchpress #fitxpo #deadlift #deadlifts #strongman #strong #strength #stronglife #power #gym #gymlife #train #training #trainhard #muscle #health #workout #fit #fitness #fitnessmotivation #fitfam #fitspo #instafit #fitnessfreak #progress #beast #blessed #god above all 🙏🙏🙏🙏 - @alex.kent.1993 on Instagram

- Selfie of German track cyclist Robert Förstemann

old diet pic. love to be shreeded !!! #Gym #gymlife #gymmotivation #nopainnogain #nevergiveup #lifestyle #motivation - @__nawfal__ on Instagram


- Big SWOLE 2

- hmmm

- David Baron

- I mean, is no one concerned about altering the past?

- Sheamus

U ded bro🤣 Tag your gym buddy! @gymknowledge via @immortalbarbell - @gymknowledge on Instagram

- Im npt sure if this is satire or not


- As A Gay Man Who Works Out Religiously, Bigorexia Is My Constant Adversary...

- Cursed_swole_boy

- It do be like that. INVEST NOW!!!

- How it looks like hitting the vein?

Reposted from @nobleheathenx (@get_regrann) - Few weeks out from peaking on #thorspowerprogram and this was the task: 469lbs x2 down to 381lbs x6 for 3 sets. Fucking spent. And excited for more. Few takeaways on technique. I learned of two concepts known as rooting and stacking. I’ll probably butcher the explanations but here’s the gist I gathered. Rooting is footwork. Which is key because because squatting requires feet, strong feet well rooted to the floor for movement that is safe and efficient. Working on it. Stacking is just like it sounds. For squats imagine, it’s obvious once you think on it, that your feet, ankles, knees and hips are separate parts of the same column. You stack them to be at your strongest. If your an amateur and don’t know stuff, you’re a little less ignorant now like I was when someone told me about this stuff 2 weeks ago. #themoreyouknow #strongmantraining #strengthtraining #squats #norsefitness - #regrann - @castlepowerlifting on Instagram

An all-new episode of MD Vintage featuring @thebranchwarren & @johnnieojackson Visit www.musculardevelopment.com for more #musculardevelopment - @musculardevelopment on Instagram

- Frear mEe!!11!!!+

- Blursed super doggo

- Blursed_arnold

All reds for my top set last squat session. Worked some singles, wanted to go a bit heavier but called it at 727. 727 lbs (330 kg) 672 lbs (305 kg) 600 lbs (272.5 kg - bar was mis-loaded on one side) Another good training day @theshopgym . Starting a new block for squats this week and thinking in a couple months we will see a PR. - @daddy_beitzell on Instagram

This was a leg and heavy on the core kind of day. If you have followed me for a while you will know that my core is my absolute favorite area to work on. It didnt start out that way. I had to really work hard on this area and eventually it became my favorite. This core session consisted of. Weighted kneeling crunches 10×4 Ab extensions 10×4 Ab crunches on anchor chairs 1 minute planks ×4 #fitness #fit #exercise #gym #gymlife #core #plank #fitfam #fitnessenthusiast #fitnessaddict #yqr #canada #coreexercises #instfit #beastmode #training - @lennypantel on Instagram

#fitness #bodybuilding #bizeps #bizepsblaster #nopainnogain - @linkuslinkus on Instagram

Imagina se a moda pega aqui no Brasil ? 💪😂 - @bodybuildingemotivacao on Instagram

- time for pro leeg 😁

Sky’s the limit - @enesereen on Instagram

- fail & fun * funny images

A couple of years ago this used to be my favorite gym pose. And this used to be my favorite gym tshirt. And the person taking the photo was my favorite gym partner. And the orange towel on the bench was my favorite towel. And the glasses Im wearing here were my favorite pair. Times change. People change. But I still go to the same gym. If you have been trying to find anything motivational or inspirational in this caption up till now, I am sorry (but I admire your effort). I was just bored and decided to post a picture I took in 2018 and went off on a random rant. 😂 #gym #bodybuilding #exercise #exercisemotivation #motivationalwords #motivation #inspiringquotes #inspiration #dedication #workout #karachi #karachibloggers #pakistani #pakistan #pakistanibloggers #superman #clarkkent #gympic #fitnessquotes #fitnessblogger #lifestyle #lifestylebloggers #karachigram #diet #doctorsofinstagram #fitspo #fitfam #comedy #fitnation #fit - @drasimkhanofficial on Instagram

Mulheres também treinam, marque sua amiga - @frangodeacademia on Instagram

Both getting ready for the Lee Haney. @matthewr5380 is getting ready for the stage. Im just trying to hold my own in the biggest coach in the audience division. 😂 #HarrisTrainingSystems #HTS @riseathleticclub @lee_haney_games #leehaneygames #bodybuilding #Godisgood #blessed #thankful - @tylerjharris_1 on Instagram

Chest day!!! 4th week of phase 1 Working sets bench press {20,15,7} The rest of the workout reps {20,15,12} - bench press - incline press - cable chest flyes. #chestday #fitness #bodybuilding #gym #workout #gymlife #fitnessmotivation #chestworkout #motivation #fitfam #gains #benchpress #fit #gymmotivation #chest #powerlifting #muscle - @edmondfitnessofficial on Instagram

Im back in the rabbit hole. It goes so much deeper than you think. ▪️ ▪️ ▪️ ▪️ #naturalbodybuilding #coaching #life - @motivationking on Instagram

- Marvel jokes

- Coomer Imp

- Why yes, i do play the Witcher 3 and moderating r/fuckepic at the same time, how could you tell?

- Antoines legs look hilariously photoshopped... but theyre not.

Squat deep..☝️ - #powerlifting #powerliftinglife #powerlifter #powerbuilding #liftheavy #gym #fitnessmotivation #fitlife #gymlife #deadlift #deadlifting #deadlifts #benchpress #bench #squat #squats #ipf #pwrlft #powerliftingmotivation - @pwrlft on Instagram

- This Bodybuilder is 3ft 11

- Look its the cool 😎 Guy

- Why

#Repost @prof.leonardomatta ・・・ Saibam que assim como em qualquer profissão existem os que se destacam pela sua competência e os que também negligenciam. Mas o competente pode e muito fazer a diferença dentro do centro de treinamento. É dever do professor de educação física cumprir todas as exigências que permite um treinamento físico saudável ou desportivo, minimizando as mazelas e elevando os fatores positivos. Muitos professores, inclusive próximos a mim, se preocupam com os detalhes que compõem os exercícios e isso faz total diferença. . .🔽NOSSO PAPEL ⤵: .👉Educar movimento; .👉Sermos agentes incentivadores; .👉Aperfeiçoar técnicas; .👉Melhorar o padrão motor no exercício; .👉Otimizar os benefícios dos exercícios; .👉Intervir e corrigir quando necessário; .👉Auxiliar o paciente/aluno para que atinja seu melhor desempenho (dentro da sua limitação); .👉Estarmos atentos para eventualidades; .👉Translacionar a ciência para a prática; . ☝E DIVERSOS OUTROS FATORES☝ . Percebam que a intervenção profissional, quando bem feita e de maneira consciente é capaz de te fazer não só progredir em MAIS UMA repetição. Mas te proporcionar melhorias no sistema orgânico como um todo, redução de doenças, promoção de saúde e desempenho. . 👉Sim professores, somos fundamentais e necessários para o avanço dos nossos alunos. Parabéns a cada amigo que orgulha a profissão e lutam para fazer o diferencial! - @rodriguezrhuantr on Instagram

@sensorimotor_ce Using my Forearm for anatomy @ict_northumberland_college class 🤓 Getting excited to finally start school for massage therapy @ccmh.halifax in a few weeks. 🤩Its been a big part of my bodybuilding career & overall health. Good vibes - @thebigbakerboy on Instagram

- CCaillou

- [Hanma Baki: Son Of Ogre] It hurts just from seeing it.

Aquele treino de braço insano 💪🏼👽 #monstrosemusas 📽️ @regangrimes - @monstrosemusas on Instagram

O volume relativo de séries por sessão mostrou estar positivamente associado aos ganhos induzidos pelo treinamento de força [TF] (doi:10.1519/R-16874.1; doi:10.1519/JSC.0b013e31821d5cc4; doi:10.1519/JSC.0b013e3181d4d436). Além disso, volumes maiores de TF parecem produzir maiores benefícios na regulação da glicose (doi:10.1519/JSC.0b013e318218dea3) que podem neutralizar a resistência à insulina. Curiosamente, os aumentos na fosforilação de moléculas de sinalização que regulam a síntese de proteínas, como p70S6K1 e a proteína ribossômica S6, parecem depender do volume de TF (doi:10.1007/s00421-010-1527-2). . Ahtiainen e cols (doi: 10.1007/s00421-015-3155-3) compararam a ativação das vias de sinalização celular que regulam a síntese de proteínas e a captação de glicose no músculo vasto lateral de voluntários inexperientes submetidos a dois volumes diferentes de TF agudo no exercicio Leg press: 5×10RM e 10×10RM (biópsias musculares foram obtidas 30 min antes e após o exercício). . Os principais resultados demonstraram que: ☆Marcadores de mTORC1, p-p70S6K (Thr421/Ser424) e p-rpS6 (Ser240/244) aumentaram mais após 10×10; ☆As alterações induzidas por exercício em p-IRS-I (Ser636/639) que inibem a sinalização de IRS-I por meio de feedback negativo da sinalização de mTORC1 hiperativado foram maiores após 10×10; ☆As mudanças no sensor de energia p-AMPKα (Thr172) foram maiores após 10×10; ☆Um importante regulador da captação de glicose no músculo, p-AS160 (Thr642), aumentou mais após 10×10; . Em conclusão, os autores sugerem que o protocolo com maior volume (10×10RM) induziu maior ativação de importantes proteínas sinalizadoras regulando a captação de glicose (p-AS160) e síntese protéica (p-p70S6K, p-rpS6). Além disso, as presentes descobertas sugerem ainda que, especialmente após 10×10RM, a sinalização IRS-I é regulada para baixo e que o AS160 é ativado através da via de sinalização AMPK. - @walter.krause.neto on Instagram

If you aint making gym faces, are you even trying? Lol 😂 Something I need to get better at is proper posing after training. If you want to help muscular growth you need to have posing as part of your training. Yes youll look weird, yes people will think youre a douche, but its not for them. Youre trying to better improve yourself. So make a funny face, dont crap your pants, have fun, and make progress. . . . #bodybuilding #fitness #bodybuildingmotivation#gym #bodybuildinglifestyle #fitnessmotivation #bodybuildingnation #follow #motivation #fit #workout #bodybuildinglife #muscle#bodybuildingaddict #gymlife #bodybuilder #bodybuilding_motivation#fitfam #fitnessmodel #bodybuildingfood #fitnessaddict #instafit #training #preworkout#beastmode #bodybuildingmeal #biceps #gymmotivation - @judah_niknam on Instagram

- Working on a new build when I’m reminded: of course this is still a thing

@hulkmafia taking the social distancing a bit far here? Sorry @leonidasmma, you ded. 🤷‍♂️🤣🤣🤣🤣 #jokes #PostQuarantine #Lifting - @soul_roll_ on Instagram

- Old superman

Massive ARMS..⁣ ⁣ Hardwork⁣ veins⁣ Flexors ⁣ ⁣ 💪💪💪💪💪🏋️‍♀️⁣ ⁣ #armstrong #armstrongmccall #armstrength #veinspoppin #veïns #flexible #flexibilitytraining #tightlines #tight #forearms #biceps #fitness #gym #triceps #bodybuilding #armwrestling #arms #workout #muscle #forearmworkout #strong #power #gripstrength #armwrestler #traps #veins #fit #grip #veinyhands - @fitdontquit8 on Instagram

- A reminder of how thick Lee Priest got in the off season.

Treino hoje com meu irmãozinho branco @maurysoeiro apresentando-o ao levantamento terra !!! Para primeira vez de levantamento terra levantar 110kgs está de Bom tamanho !!! 🤜🏿🤛🏻💪🏾🙏🏿 - @jairgomesstrong on Instagram

Who else already did legs this week?! Leg motivation 😉 - #bodybuilding #workout #fitspo #fitspiration #inspiration #bodyfat #contestprep #shredded #ripped #dymatize #abs #arnold #bulking #cutting #fitness #fitnessaddict #goals #leangains #muscle #progress #winterbulk #summercut #muscle #instafit #protein #gym #aesthetic #trainhard #instagramfitness #sixpack #flagnorfail - @abs_attack on Instagram

- thanos’ only rival

Mein Gesicht wenn die Oma nach 20 Sätzen sagt: sooo, genug aufgewärmt. Jetzt der erste Arbeitssatz. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #therocket #teamhell #sybrotterdam #maschinenbau #tanktop #muskelshirt #warmingup #workeveryday #beard #pumper #luftpumpe #nac #npcbodybuilding #ifbbproleague #pca #preparation #vorbereitung2019 #dennisjamesclassic ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - @antontherocket on Instagram

- g uys what the fr*ck does this mean

Loading... - - - - - @relentless_pursuit @strongbodymurfreesboro #strongman #powerlifting #bodybuilding #physique #athlete #pro #figure #bikini #golds #olympus #massagetherapy #massage #lmt #norsefitness #strongbodymurfreesboro #murfreesboro #nashville #fitness #health #bodywork #viking #heathen #norseman #norse #back #herniation #disc #cancinocartel #musclemafia #relentlesspursuit - @the.iron.buddha on Instagram

새벽에 호다닥 하체!!!! 여자친구가 자기 셀카봉이냐고 화내너🤫🤳 미트리 추천인코드 100411273 #헬스타그램 #운동 #미트리 #닭가슴살 #널스타그램 #남자 #간호사 - @hsr6870 on Instagram

- Justin Compton was absolutely freaky

🤵Why are we so married to certain exercises? Barbell Bench Press Edition 👰⠀ ⠀ 👀 Let’s look at the traditional barbell bench press - Monday’s exercise (and sometimes an everyday exercise for some people...) 🗓 ⠀ ⠀ 🔄 The traditional barbell bench press is an internally rotatING motion that compresses our thorax in a front to back direction - thus, limiting our ability to rotate (this can be good or not so good depending on our goal)⠀ ⠀ Any exercise that is bilateral, symmetrical (squat, barbell bench press, chin-up, row) is a compressive strategy. Unilateral, asymmetrical strategies will usually promote more rotation. ⠀ ⠀ 🤔 So why do the traditional bench press? ⠀ ⠀ 👉 The main reasons to do this particular exercise are:⠀ ⠀ 1. If you want to be a better bench presser (either powerlifting for sport or just to be better at being jacked and tan)⠀ ⠀ 2. To create compression and stiffness (Football Lineman or someone that is just weak overall and needs more stiffness)⠀ ⠀ 🚫 The main reasons to NOT perform the traditional bench press (or to at least modify it or have this be a small portion of your program):⠀ ⠀ 1. It hurts. Modify your pressing. There are soooo many variations. Find one that feels better and then sprinkle on barbell bench press as tolerated. ⠀ ⠀ 2. You’re a rotational athlete and want to be a better rotational athlete....⠀ ⠀ So check out just SOME of the options that are out there in the following videos. ⠀ ⠀ There are so many variations to alleviate stress on sections of the body that may become cranky with excessive pressing so give these a shot! ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ LET ME KNOW HOW IT GOES IN THE COMMENTS!⠀ ⠀ #StarkStrength #BenchPress #BigBench #ShoulderPain #CrankyShoulders ⠀ P.s., I’m definitely not against getting after it and having a big bench!! Just be smart about it!⠀ ⠀ - @starkperformancept on Instagram

Sunday Funday back day lets go 👉 Subscribe to my YouTube channel/Chris Smith bodybuilder #moneyandmuscle #physique #picoftheday #motivation #igdaily #instahealth bodybuilding #lookinglivefit - @lookinglivefit on Instagram

- Progamer Happy new year

- Llama power gang!

DRAAAAAIIIINN GAAAAANNNGG 😤😤‼️‼️ - @dark_iron_gains on Instagram

- In a nutshell

Hit 420/191kg x 5 today on squat for a huggeee PR at RPE 8 along with 385/175kg for 2 sets of 8 which is also a rep and set PR😳 Training is definitely coming along nicely so far... Cant wait till I get to start going reallyyy heavy here soon🦍😎 #squat #bench #deadlift #powerlifting #personalrecord #420lbs #uspapowerlifting #ipfpowerlifting - @nickopp_52 on Instagram

- [Art] Kengan Omega chapter 75 colored in Mangaeffect.com style

- Very heavy.

Por @professorbenhur_soares e @williamfin.personal . A obesidade tem se tornado uma doença cada vez mais característica da população mundial, e com o período de isolamento vívido durante a pandemia tem grandes chances de sofrer um aumento exponencial. Para combater essa realidade é necessário se introduzir algumas mudanças no estilo de vida e nos comportamentos alimentares. Afinal, não basta treinar sem se alimentar corretamente e também não basta fazer dieta sem praticar exercícios adequados e orientados por um profissional da área de Educação Física. . Como assim? Vamos entender isso melhor! . Primeiramente, precisamos parar de ver o emagrecimento simplesmente como uma conta matemática onde se ingere menos calorias e se gasta mais. Obviamente que isso é muito importante, mas nosso corpo é movido a fisiologia e não a matemática. Sendo assim, ele responderá e se adaptará ao que lhe será oferecido. . Não basta apenas fazer dieta pois nosso corpo assumirá um processo chamado de termogênese adaptativa, e gastará menos energia para sobreviver do que gastava anteriormente. Portanto, somente o déficit calórico não será suficiente pois um momento não vai mais fazer efeito esperado. . Não basta apenas fazer exercícios. Os exercícios são extremamente importantes para provocar adaptações fisiológicas importantes na redução de gordura corporal e emagrecimento sustentável, como: Aumento de mitocôndrias; aumento de capilares; manutenção de massa muscular; etc. Contudo, esse por si só não será eficiente se você tiver uma ingestão calórica acima do normal. . Precisamos entender que o exercício não serve apenas para gastar calorias e dieta não serve apenas para provocar déficit calórico. Cada um tem um papel fisiológico importante e são essências quando se pensa em emagrecimento sustentável. Fuja do que é rápido e ilusório. Isso não existe. - @williamfin.personal on Instagram

Monday Morning Motivation: I’m not claiming to be Tom platz or an IG “quadzilla” by any means, but one thing I see and hear often is a tone of just “making it through” leg day. You see memes about skipping legs in favor of arms. Often guys have chest and “show me” muscles programmed at the beginning of the week after a rest over the weekend. I invite you guys come out on mondays, set the tone for the week, and attack your leg training. Don’t just get through it, dominate it. Nothing says you’re not fuckin around quite like burying some squats and big movements on the same day everyone else is posting about needing an extra cup of coffee and hating their job. - @josephpircher on Instagram

- Piter gRifffin for layfe!!😎😎😃😃😤😤😒😡😨😖😖

- workout

🤦🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️ . . . #gym #deadlift #gymmemes #bodybuildingmeme #weightlifting #weighttraining #strongman #crossfit #powerlifting #bodybuilding #bodybuilder #powerlifter #bodypositive #fitnessgoals #fitnessmodel #hardwork #training #trainhard #gains #gymfails #gymrat #strength #noexcuses #riptoned - @riptoned on Instagram

- Feel the burn

Grind doesn’t stop 💪🏼 - @nateroliczek on Instagram

- Sajadghari. AKA The Iranian Hulk

- No sinks allowed here😡

- Ah yes, gf. We all have that

- Guys AMA I’m open to questions 😎

Was feeling big the other night #bodybuilding #armworkout #shoulderworkout - @swolba_fett on Instagram

- Blursed titans

- Me changing Kim Jong Uns wikipedia page to past tense just in case

Veins starting to come back in the legs and I’m not even lean yet - @nickmakras on Instagram

This is so me that its not even funny. #deadlift #meme #fitnessmeme - @drasimkhanofficial on Instagram

I couldn’t have asked for a better career. @the_muscle_medic has exploded since I opened in January and I am continuously grateful at every turn. Helping athletes get to their full potential, building programs for you guys, and overall getting embedded in the strength and fitness community from the far corners of TN and even Georgia, has been an amazing time so far... - I specialize in what I’m growing to call “Athlete Re-Patterning” - Through various modalities, my goal for most athletes is to address the movement patterns specific to their sport. Decreasing the natural resistance we have built through time, posture and/or injury, and amplifying the positive movement through correctional rehab/prehab protocols made specific to their biomechanics... - The key concept behind this is every sport has a set number of standards and goals, however every athlete can possibly meet those requirements a different way with their body. Everyone is different!!... - Outside of the sports realm, I have a large soft spot for those that were told by doctors there is nothing they could do. They will only recover so much, or they would be limited for the rest of their life. - I can’t tell you how many surgeries I’ve prevented with the work I do!! If you know someone going through a lot of pain, let’s talk and see if it falls into my scope of what I can assist!... - - - Thanks @sheismeegs_ and @the_misfit_marshall for the great pic! #themusclemedic #strongman #powerlifting #bodybuilding #physique #athlete #pro #figure #bikini #olympus #massage therapy #massage #lmt #strongbodymurfreesboro #murfreesboro #nashville #fitness #health #bodywork #rehab #prehab - @the_muscle_medic on Instagram

- Off season Lee Priest looking absolutely dad bod weekend warrior

- Piss even

#gotshoulders ? #workout #diabetesT1 #roadto120kg - @yanny1987 on Instagram

- Muscled Mirror Bulge

- hmmm

- @bicep_beasts on Instagram

- Fitness Humor

- blursed_bigman

- And this is to poop even further beyond.

Chicken legs!!! Mas tentando evoluir!!! #LEGSDAY #nopainnogain #mastersports #teammazzi #bodybuilding #lifestyle #musculação #teamtreta - @gustavomastersports on Instagram

Spotting squats is already uncomfortable as it is.😳🙌 .. . . . . #immortalbarbell #comics #webcomic #cute #funny #motivated #motivation #fitness #fit #fitfam #fitnesslife #gym #diet #nutrition #strongman #powerlifting #powerlifter #bodybuilding #bodybuilder #weightlifting #weights #squat #bench #deadlift #workout #crossfit #gymmemes #spot #uncomfortable #weird - @immortalbarbell on Instagram

- Animal Feels

Bra axelpass idag. 😃👍 #gorillawearsweden #gorillawear #teampalmell #bodybuilding #classicphysique #viking #vikingbeard #braids #beard - @83larsson on Instagram

- Not tough enough (OC)

- Strength and Conditioning

- Crossfit

- @mens_fitness.moddles on Instagram

- Kai Greene

️چگونه توده عضلانی رشد میکند 1⃣ ایجاد ریز آسیب روی عضلات تا وقتی که شما یک برنامه تمرینی خوب نداشته باشید و قدرت کافی برای زدن وزنها نداشته باشید ریز آسیب خوبی ایجاد نخواهد شد و عضلات شما به سختی رشد خواهد کرد 2⃣ تغذیه ✅ برای این که پیشرفت خوبی داشته باشید باید ۶ وعده ی کامل در روز غذا بخورید بهتر است که از مربی خود یک برنامه غذایی بگیرید و طبق یک برنامه غذایی پیش برید 3⃣استراحت ✅عضلات بعد از یک تمرین سخت نیاز به استراحت دارند تا ریکاوری بشن یادتون باشه عضلات توی خواب رشد میکنه خواب خوب به معنی پیشرفته خوب 4⃣ دوری از غذاهای ناسالم ✅ غذاهای ناسالم مثل علف هرز میمونه و شما را از هدفتون دور میکنه ✅نکته همیشه با یک مربی با تجربه کار کنید تجربه چیزی نیست که هر کسی مدرک داشته باشه بگه من مربیم و تجربه با سالها تلاش و زحمت کشیدن به دست میاد پاینده و سلامت باشید ℹغلامرضا اسکندریℹ جهت مشاوره و تهیه برنامه بصورت تخصصی و هدفمند کافیه لینک تلگرام زیر عکس پروفایلمونو لمس کنید عزیزان توجه داشته باشید برنامه نسبت به شرایط بدنی،امکانات و هدف شما در نظر گرفته میشود و هزینه هم دارد عزیزان توجه داشته باشند جوابدهی به درخواست شما به دلیل درخواستهای متعدد دوستان مبنی بر گرفتن مشاوره و برنامه در اسرع وقت خواهد بود خواهشمندیم صبور باشید - @bodybuilding.com.iran on Instagram

- Leg & Butt Workouts

- Gym Struggles

- Top 10 Quickest Ways to Cook Your Mom

- Blursed ideal male form

Gym lighting is a beautiful thing - @isaacgasbara on Instagram

- So uncivilized.

Nowadays suitless deadlift such a rear thing in strongman sport 🤷‍♂️ #strongman #strongmanlife #strongfamily #competition #lalas #lalasbrothers #training - @vytautas.lalas on Instagram

- Bro you dont have sp*rm bro thats kinda ceinge bro

- Thanks 343 for letting me grind in Halo 2 and 3

- Martins Licis out here making Machio-san proud

- Omg, this is so cute!

@fukxfit - @powerliftingmotivation on Instagram

- Funny

- Devil