Validation Profile Pics

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Whispers for my beautiful girlies

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Theres a lot of talk about advocating for ourselves, but what does that really mean? How do we actually do it? I thought Id share this real life example of something that happened to me this week when I requested an ultra sound referral (with a little before and after of how I responded). ⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ This week, when I asked for an ultra sound referral, my doctor said that I had just had one six months ago (it was actually 8) and Im probably fine. ⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ The first slide is how I used to respond before I learned to advocate for myself. Before I realized I knew my body best. Before I had a cyst grow to 10cm (that ruptured) after asking for ultra sound year after year and being denied. ⠀ ⁠⠀ The second slide is how I responded today. And did I get that referral? HELL YES I DID. Advocating for ourselves is not always easy and takes practice. And I was ready to say 👋🏼 to this doctor if he said no again. We know our bodies best and you have every right to fight for that body.⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ Do you have any real life stories of advocating for yourself? Sometimes seeing actual language people use can help someone who is just getting comfortable with starting. Please share! #knowyourendo⠀ - @knowyourendo on Instagram

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·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳

je valide valider

Você sabe como funciona a Assistência Social?   A assistência social organiza-se por dois tipos de proteção: a proteção social básica, definida no artigo 6º-A da Lei Orgânica da Assistência Social (LOAS) como um conjunto de serviços, programas, projetos e benefícios da assistência social que visa a prevenir situações de vulnerabilidade e risco social por meio do desenvolvimento de potencialidades e aquisições e do fortalecimento de vínculos familiares e comunitários e a proteção social especial, definida como conjunto de serviços, programas e projetos que tem por objetivo contribuir para a reconstrução de vínculos familiares e comunitários, a defesa de direito, o fortalecimento das potencialidades e aquisições e a proteção de famílias e indivíduos para o enfrentamento das situações de violação de direitos. Nesse contexto, os equipamentos da assistência social são as unidades nas quais os serviços socioassistenciais, programas e projetos são realizados. Essas unidades podem ser públicas ou entidades de assistência social. A Tipificação Nacional de Serviços Socioassistenciais organiza os serviços ofertados conforme seu nível de complexidade, indicando o equipamento recomendado à execução do serviço. No âmbito da proteção social básica, os atendimentos são prestados pelos Centros de Referência de Assistência Social (CRAS) e pelos Centros de Convivência. No âmbito da proteção social especial, os serviços são prestados pelos Centros de Referência Especializados de Assistência Social (CREAS), Centros de Referência Especializados para População em Situação de Rua (Centros POP), Centros-Dia de Referência para Pessoa com Deficiência e suas Famílias e pelas Unidades de Acolhimento. O @datasuas mapeou essa Rede Socioassistencial da @assistenciasocialflorianopolis e disponibiliza gratuitamente o acesso às informações! Acesse e conheça! #assistenciasocial #suas - @mariaclaudiagoulart on Instagram

Academic Weapon: Navigating the Realm of Academic Validation

I mean……….

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makes me feel loved and appreciated loved appreciated valued respected

UPDATE!! i am taking a little break from accepting new commissions— with a lot of transition happening + an unknown schedule, i figured it was best to just close shop for the time being! — if you’re into the enneagram at all i’m a solid 2 strong wing 3 so you’ll know that naturally i have a hard time saying no & am very goal driven so this is actually really hard for me to do😅 — two important things: 1. if we have already talked your portrait is still happening, i will get it to you- don’t worry💛 2. if you want a portrait but aren’t in a rush i’m going to link my email so click that button for an inquiry & i’ll get back to you when the time comes or if i have some random free time!! — i am so so thankful for this account and for everyone who has ordered from me & i will be back doing portraits eventually! love ya + thanks for sticking with me🖤 - @lefthandedlyns on Instagram


Navigating Academia: A Journey into Intellectual Validation

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#stayhome #coronavirus #covid_19 - @sukikim007 on Instagram

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Academic Weapon: Navigating the Realm of Academic Validation

Academic Weapon: Navigating the Realm of Academic Validation

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Every single part of you matters to me ❤️ Tag your person or send it to them. . . @poets @poetryrise @poetsglobe #wordsgasm #wordhue #poetryquotes #deepwords #quotesofinsta #poetrycosmos #quotesoflove #lovequotesdaily #dailypoetry #micropoem #wordsporn #relationshipquote #poetsoninstagram #poetryforthesoul #lovequotesforher #poemsdaily #lovequotesforhim #poetryislove #wordsoftheday #poets - @ryan.poetry on Instagram


Name something more painful than this

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Always important to check the language we’re using in everyday conversations with everyone! #passthebaton4eatingdisorders #eatingdisordercare #eatingdisordersupport - @edfaustralia on Instagram

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- DIY Gifts

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- @everydayself_care on Instagram

Academic Weapon: Navigating the Realm of Academic Validation

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- Genius Quotes

being smart is so 🤩🤩

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- Essay words

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Toca hacer limpieza y renunciar de lo inservible o caduco aunque sea nuevo. De todo, menos de aquello que parece envejecer bien y que me acepta tal cual soy conforme a mis cambios, como ese jersey viejo y descolorido que, pese a sus agujeros y sus manchas de “vete a saber” sigue reconfortándome como un abrazo… Pero si no sirve, va fuera. Sólo permito algo de espacio a lo imprescindible, en un afán romántico de apegos necesarios para la supervivencia de mi especie. Todo lo demás, casi que me sobra. Y sin el “casi”. Me deshago de las palabras que rasguñan. De los teléfonos de los ahora desconocidos. De aquel vestido preparado para una ocasión especial que nunca llegó a suceder. También de las promesas absurdas y tibias posteriores a un revolcón esporádico. Esas nunca deberían tomarse en cuenta. Deberían ir fuera, a la papelera. Lejos. Olvidadas. Una cosa menos. Toca tirar lo inútil: libros de recetas que nunca tengo tiempo a cocina, macetas vacías en mi balcón, suspiros, esperanzas… Y con ello, me desprendo de lo incómodo, también. De los zapatos con rozadura. De las recuerdos que supuran. De las ilusiones inventadas… De los silencios. De las suplicas. De las objeciones disparatadas. De las amistades por compromiso. De lo congelado. De lo insulso. De lo carente de pasión, emoción o gusto. No me queda espacio. Los metros cuadrados de esta cartografía íntima que es mi vida precisan algo de holgura para abarcar lo nuevo que vendrá. Distancia de seguridad. Ese tipo de distancia. Solo quiero guardar la alegría, lo humano, lo sencillo, lo útil y auténtico. Lo que llega sin motivo y elige quedarse. Y algunas palabras sinceras: “Fuerza. Ilusión. Libertad.” Toca hacer limpieza antes de que las hojas de este otoño confuso atoren las alcantarillas en caso de lluvia. Adiós a las lacas de uñas secas. Adiós a esa radio que no funciona. Adiós a esa sonrisa falsa. Me quedo con las ganas, que son muchas, para descorcharlas en cuanto tenga oportunidad. Porque la vida es eso, un reunir y tirar. Y cuando toca liberarse no hay que hacerlo arbitrariamente, sino en consecuencia. Agradeciendo lo sentido… Y en la mayor parte de los casos, será para no volver a mirar atrás. - @alejandraremon on Instagram


·⋆ whisper ⋆·


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Women of Character: Rewriting your Inner Story with Lindsay

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Normal ECG @medical_notestepup #medlife #medical #mbbsgoals💉💊🎓📚 #mbbslife #pathology #pharmacology #medstudent #medicalstudent #medicalnotestepup #medicos #surgery #anatomy #who #notes - @medical_notestepup on Instagram


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It’s kind of hard to come up with a caption. . . . . . . . #cartoon #illustration #freelanceillustrator #newyorkercartoons #digitalart #cartoonart #procreate #artist #newyorker #comic #art - @jpdoodling on Instagram

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We often sulk about the way others treat us. Dont we? We often encounter ourselves questioning, why me? But did we ever try to find the core of this dilemma? The answer is No. Today lets stride into the depths of our inner ground and find its root cause. For all this while we were busy complaining about others but we never paid attention to how well did we treat ourselves. It is so essential to be aware of what we feed ourselves. Its not only about the food that we intake but every little thing that we do for ourselves. Pay close attention to how you treat yourself, the way you talk to yourself, the way you speak about yourself, the way you behave and respond when your body tries conveying that something is wrong. My friend, you set the supreme standard for others. Never, I repeat never treat yourself poorly. Never speak ill about yourself. Your mind and soul are like babies. They absorb and believe what you say. Nurture your inside world with deep love and affection. Let every inch of your spirit feel the touch of your kindness. The way you nurture yourself sets the ultimate standard for others. Regards Rαkshikα If you liked what you read then please follow @inkofpeace_ and help me grow, tag anyone who needs to see this right now ❤️ ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● #writing #writer #writersofinstagram #ttt #terriblytinytales #writersofttt #wordporn #poetryporn #spilledink #poetrygram #wordsofwisdom #poetrycorner #blogger #poetry #authorsofinstagram #writingcommunity #writers #poetrycommunity #writerscommunity #poetsofinstagram #writersofig #poetry #poems #bookstagram #amwriting #creativewriting #quoteoftheday #mypeace #loveforwritings #inkofpeace - @inkofpeace_ on Instagram


your feelings are not weird or wrong because weve all got them dr iggy frome tyler labine new amsterdam validate feelings

Restez cohérent avec votre routine de soin de la peau et vous verrez des résultats. Classe: soin de la peau Date: Samedi 19 septembre Heure: 2h pm a 4h pm Frais: 500gdes A scandal beauty Plaza41 rue lamarre petionville Réservez au 2278-3585 Venez avec votre visage propre. Nous allons faire une pratique. Facial et application de soin. - @scandalbeautyhaiti on Instagram

✦ ; Miss Thavel icon

Whispers xoxo

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- [image] you are not meaningless.

I dont need friends, theyre annoying. I just need academic validation.

je valide valider

- A Glimpse of Me

Academic Weapon: Navigating the Realm of Academic Validation

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костёр догорает, наступает рассвет, да и ты уже кремировался, и нас больше нет #arts #artshow #artlife #artgallery #illustration #drawing #drawings #picture #paper #sketch #ink #inked #inklife #inkaddict #inkwell #dotwork #point #рисунок #арт #дотворк #творчество #линер #точки #бумага #чб - @lilih_om on Instagram

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Academic Weapon: Navigating the Realm of Academic Validation

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- Peaches

shes smart :)

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Another letter to my former self: One year ago today I received the news that I had No Evidence of Disease, affectionately called NED. I struggle to adequately explain how I was feeling in the weeks and months preceding this news, after my stem cell transplant. I felt inwardly despondent, despairing, depressed. Utterly without hope. While outwardly pretending to be my cheery, happy self. This news changed my life completely, allowing me to move forward and try to put the cancer chapter behind me. But this post isn’t about that. It is the lucky one’s who get to grow old, who have the chance to live a whole life. And for everyone person who gets the cancer all-clear news, there are those who will never hear this. Those whose lives will always be tainted by cancer and illness. It seems more of my friends in the cancer community are getting bad hands dealt to them with their scans and I feel broken for them. So this post of for them, and in the hope that all those who are healthy and take their lives for granted, that they will not lament the fact that they are growing older, but recognise how lucky they are to be given that chance. Always think of those away from whom this chance at growing old has been taken by illness or by the unjust brutalism they face by just being who they are. And think of those, beleagured by illness, who are living on in the now with as much gusto and love that anyone else can spread over a lifetime. This one’s for the heroes - @dizzdalton on Instagram

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- 2019 Be you!!

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- Chakras

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You matter, always. - @beatingeatingdisorders on Instagram

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Testing and optimization can help you pinpoint the areas your consumers are having the biggest challenges, so you can fix them. - @thegood on Instagram

when you live for their validation you arent living veefriends stop seeking approval from others dont care what others think gary vee

- Rose icon

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- Storyboard

when you live for their validation you arent living veefriends stop seeking approval from others dont care what others think gary vee

Your fitness app should be designed around you 💛 #IAmMighty - @mightyhealthapp on Instagram

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Storta va, deritta vene. What leaves crooked, comes back straight. • • #editnapoli #editnapoli2020 #sundaythoughts #whynapoli #designandarchitecture #designfair #joinus - @edit.napoli on Instagram

je valide valider

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- Is that slutty enough?


- me_irl

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Confirmen ! 😂 • #govegan #vegan #veganos #plantbased #mama #veganfood vi este meme hace un rato y hoy me acorde que me gustó mucho ❤️ - @guatonvegano on Instagram

you are valid hug hugs huge hug mental health

(Dm us for collaboration) Much love @readers_blush + Tag your loved ones for poetry, quotes and motivation. Follow :- @readers_blush 🌺 Hashtags:- #Thoughtcatalog #Writerspocket #globalpoetrycult #runawaywriters #theliteralscript #thecultivatedfool #honestlyworded #instapoet #poetsofig #poetry #instaquote #poetsandwriters #poemsociety #writersnetwork #poetry #writerssociety #worldofpoets #herwordisgold #poetryoftheday #poetsofig #poetsandwriters #wordswithkings #wordsofwisdom #spilledink #poetsofig #justlifequotes #honestlyworded #gun #likeforlikes #like4likes #likeforfollow #complete #quotes #likeforlikeback #followforfollowback - @readers_blush on Instagram

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- Quarantine pounds going to all the right places 🙌

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Growth {words by @marcandangel} #youcandoit #bloom #thebehappyproject - @thebehappyproject on Instagram


Monday Motivation.🌞 . . . 📸 and quote @spiritdaughter 💕 - @excelsior_candle on Instagram

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Believe what you see. Dont create an alternate story or make excuses for things that you find to be an issue. Being aware may not mean ending a relationship; instead, it might mean treating people based on what they can handle or allowing them a role in your life based on who they are. “When people show you who they are, believe them.” ~Maya Angelou #nedranuggets - @nedratawwab on Instagram

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If You Are Viewing This Follow For More💢 Help Me Grow💕 . Follow For Quotes Thoughts And Saying 😍 @broy99224 . Use My Hashtag #broy99224 . . #wordsbyjayyy #penvibes8 #zindagi__ke__pal #bepositivealwayss #niteshgoswamiwrites #youthful_sparkle #mai_teri_shayari #firaaq_e_mohabbat_ #_storiyaan_ #the_halcyon_poet #jaasa_scribbles_official #_poesy_world_ #rainbow_p_e_a_r_l_s #shazar_23 #_word._.relics_ #wordsbyjayy #written_by_heart_01 #alfaaz_e_arvind #sharma_madhu75 #_Ink_of_Heart #its_reality___ #leftuntold__ #feel._.writer #befikar_hun #aalfaaz_e_qalb #loveshayarri - @broy99224 on Instagram

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“Properties of the Hammer”, a self portrait developed in a darkroom by me in 1993. I was 19 years old, and I knew there was something deeply rotten in the area of Texas I grew up in. Insidious behavior and thoughts can be concealed by Southern pleasantries, the pulpits of churches, and suburban attics. I didn’t understand what white supremacy was in 1993, but I knew there was something invisible operating on my body. I could feel that much. My folks never sat me down to talk about it, but I was starting to piece something together from observing their relationships with white folks over the years. I was never called nigger to my face (like my parents were), but you don’t have to be. There’s a zillion other ways to be called that. I was beginning to get that too. I was naive then and running on pure intuition. My need to express some growing unease came out in my pencil, brush, or camera whether I wanted it to or not. I didn’t know what the art world was or what galleries were in 1993, so these images were just for me. Now they’re for you too. - @trenton_doyle_hancock on Instagram

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Please comment with answers and support! Remember, these are people’s experiences, not medical advice. DM me with questions that I will post. All posts are 100% anonymous. Don’t forget to #KeepCalmAndFightCrohnsAndColitis 💜💪#crohnsdisease#colitis#ibd#staystrong#crohnswarrior#colitiswarrior#ibdwarrior#crohnsawareness#colitisawareness#crohnsfighter#colitisfighter#medications#remicade#entyvio#infusion#crohns#remission#ostomy#ileostomy#humira#crohns#crohnssucks#colitissucks#methotrexate#6mp - @crohns_colitis_questions on Instagram

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🍎 The A-Z of youth work! 🦓 What words would you use to describe #youthwork? Tell us below 👇 - @uk.youth on Instagram


Hey Little One, You are a blessing, a JOY to the earth, a LIGHT to the world, a lamp set on a hill. You are beautiful, incredible, a MASTERPIECE. Shine so BRIGHT because your light is just what the world needs. The Beautiful Box of You™ - The Perfect Gift - @phillynfriends on Instagram

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History made on 6th September 2018 Love wins!❤️ #loveislove#lovelgbt#lgbtcommunity#lgbt🌈#nomore377india#nomore377 - @lgbt.kolkata on Instagram

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- Email anxiety [OC]

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- Thyroid diet

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🙏🏼✨ @yung_pueblo - @joyfrequency_healing on Instagram

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#WarriorsRoar4SSR - @sushantsinghrajput999 on Instagram

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🔥FOLLOW @madisonvintagee 🔥 If youre redhead send your pics📩 and it will be uploaded ❤ #redhead #redheads #redheadgirl #bestredheads #redhair #red #redlife #redhaired #redhairdontcare #redheaddoitbetter #redpassion #pelirroja #ginger #gingerhair #gingergirl - @best.redheads on Instagram

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Estudiantes, adjuntamos la carta a nombre del CE con las inquietudes que se hicieron llegar por carrera, esta fue enviada a la Administración de nuestra Universidad, esperamos prontas respuestas que les estaremos comunicando. Pt2 - @ce_unach on Instagram

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#tululipi #tuluscript #tulu #thetuluscript #educationintulu #tuluto8thschedule - @thetuluscript on Instagram

things to remember when no one is kind to you you can i can do it you can validate yourself

Postdocs make the research world go round, but how does it feel to be a postdoc in 2020? Dr Adrienne Assmus @adri_in_scotland answered with this clever illustration. Sums up how many people are feeling just now so we wanted to share it with you here 🎨 🧬🦠🧪🧫🩺 #NPAW2020 #EdUniPAW #LovePostdocs - @edinburghmedicalschool on Instagram

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- Yellow words

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- Carry On

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- I think Intuitive Eating is not for me

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reflecting➰〰️ - @brigitte_sire on Instagram

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Greetings time travelers, ready to #readmoreplays? Choose your journey below to find out which title you should read next! - @concordshows on Instagram

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When we do something that we are not supposed to or anything for that matter, we get a feeling before. Our 6th sense warns us for not doing it. Because its wrong, its wrong for you or your parents or partner or family or kids or friends or whoever, God knows. Even after all this dilemma we end up doing it, we take that decision and hence the suffering follows.. and follows a guilt and then apology. So, Why do in the first place? Why? I have been there, probably will go there again in the future, because its heart that rules and we lose our brains 😓 #writer #writersofinstagram #writerscommunity #instagood #life #inspirational #motivational #emotions #happy #family #friends #forgiveness #apology #sixthsense #wrongdoing #quote #thought #poem #words #story #independent #freedom #spilledink #penningmymind #SelfCare #fff #followforfollow #personaldevelopment #wisdom #evepoetrygroup - @penningmymind on Instagram

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Automasajes para toda la vida y, para la cuarentena, mucho más. Preferentemente hacételos con aceites esenciales y/o crema Mirando la tele, leyendo un libro, etc etc o con una música relajante, los ojos cerrados y repitiendo el sonido que representa cada energía (cada dedo) de cada mano. Desintoxicate...invertí en vos 🙌🏻 - @wandacasadelalma on Instagram

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- Study nursing

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Simple rules. Simple response. Go after it. Ask for what you desire. Step forward, always. - @theloveinspired on Instagram


- @stop_death_on_the_streets on Instagram

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- Instagram Laura

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- @keep_faith_in_yourself__ on Instagram

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- Being thin is a power play over Fat People

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Sine - @stvkmco on Instagram


- Morning motivation quotes

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- 86% Crystalline

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@adry_bella - Tips to a successful weight loss: 1.) Believe in yourself! If you don’t, how do you expect you’ll stick through it and accomplish what you’ve set out to? No one can do this for you but yourself, give yourself pep talks that you have what it takes to succeed! 2.) Make a short term goal, start a weight loss journal even! Don’t set an unrealistic goal for yourself because it will only make you feel overwhelmed and like you’ll never reach it. Small steps, small goals, big determination! Make yourself a long term goal as well—ultimate goal weight—but store it and leave it to the side. The closer you get, the more real it will feel to you on reaching that ultimate goal!!! 😄👍🏼 3.) Take pictures. You will see changes when comparing photos that you may not see in your everyday reflection when looking in the mirror. And even though you may never want to post them or share them with anyone, the point is that you will be able to always look back and take pride of how far you’ve come! 4.) Be prepared to do it alone. Don’t make others accountable for your life choices. It is within you to commit, get up everyday to workout, and to eat healthier. 5.) Make healthy choices/choose healthy alternatives. Don’t expect progress if you fail to prepare for success! Grilled/Baked lean meats, whole grains, more veggies, lots of water, low sugar fruits, 3 healthy snacks and 3 healthy small meals daily to keep your metabolism going. 6.) Aim for 3-5 days of exercise, 30 min-1 hour at the least. Healthy eating accompanied with physical activity boosts weight loss results! 7.) Understand that plateaus happen, take a breath, and push harder! Our bodies get comfortable with our routine. Look into your diet, go harder longer on your workouts. Push your body to start moving and losing again! It’s all within your power to do so. 8.) Be proud of every little accomplishment! Celebrate your victories, you are a badass!!! 9.) Accept your flaws. Weight loss can leave us with excess flabby skin, cellulite, stretch marks, and wrinkles. Wear them proudly TIGER 🐯!!! 10.) Enjoy every second & have a treat meal to stay sane! Hope these tips help you my loves! - @female_body_transformations on Instagram

valentines day valentines day love galentines day galentines love you

Location: Khidderpore Kabitirtha Year: 1958 Artist: Ramesh Ch. Pal All credit goes to the respective owner of the photographer. @ashlopujo @pujoo.official @pujopics_sarbojonin @pujodarshan @durgapujakolkata @durgapujaa @durga_puja_kolkata @kolkatadurgotsabfansclub @kolkatadurgapuja @durgadarshanofficial @shardotsav @_calcutta_photography @kolkatas_paparazzi @ig_kolkata @praner_pujo @thekolkatabuzz @kolkatar.utsab @kolkatar.utsab @ig_calcutta @calcutta_prime_ig @coloursofpuja @pujaarchives @puja_chronicles_kolkata @durga_puja_kolkata #durgapuja2012 #prpfc #pradiprudrapal #prpfconinsta #durgapujooninstagram #pujoparikrama2019 #instapujo #TasteOfCalcutta #NatGeoYourShot #calcuttastreet #storiesofkolkata #ourcitykolkata #incredibleindia #lonelyplanetindia #calcuttatravel #kolkatatravel #kolkatadiaries #explorekolkata #kolkatagram #explorecalcutta #durgapujapreparations2012 #kolkatablogger #calcuttadiaries #calcuttacacophony #sokolkata #onlyinbengal #ig_calcutta #desi_diaries #calcuttawalk - @pujaarchives on Instagram

curiouspiyuesh piyueshmodi visualthinking acknowledgement appreciating

Maybe its a bit boring in the beginning but please read it to the end. I give u - I Became an Invertebrate . . Art - @pinterest . . #kambixpoetry #growyourpoetry #untwineme #thesoulwriter13 #poetsandwritersfeature #bymepoetry #lonelypenguinpoetry #untwineme #writing #writingcommunity #writer #writerslife #word #wordporn #wordoftheday #wordhour #poets #poetry #poetrylovers #poetryisnotdead #poetryisalive #poetryislove #poetryislife #poetsandwritersfeature #igpoetrycommunity #instapoet #quotes #quotestagram #sayings #monstersinsideme #monstersinside #invertebrate - @kambixpoetry on Instagram

modern family phil dunphy thumbsup approve validation

Edit by @swarup__photography @bong_nari_der_shoutout @shoutout_hot_bongs @shootoutgirls421 @kolkata.shoutouts @worldwide_photoshootout @model_shoutout_bd @red__lips__shoutout @__shoutout__2020__ @shoutouts_pages50_ @oye_its_shoutout_ @sexygirl_shoutout09 @hot_real_shoutout_ @shoutout.bold.girls @nari_der_shoutout @boldbong_shoutoutt @shoutout_gang_bd @indian_girls_shoutout2 @the_bong_iconic @only_puja_lovers @red__lips__shoutout @bold_mirror @bold_divas_ @boldshoutoutzz @bold_and_brown @thegirlsyoudezire @bold_shoutout_female @bold_shoutout_for_hot_girls @bold_divas_2020 @bold_beauties_universe @nudeart_boudoir @nude_photoshop @boudior_nudeart @poja656 #instagood #instabeauty #instafamous #instastyle #instafollow #instadaily #fashionmodel #fashionblogger #fashionstyle #fashionista #follwo4follow #followforfollowback - @moumitabiswas20012001 on Instagram

tom darondovas signature text calligraphy potographie

*Nutrition and social media* 📚 Leading Dietitians @halael_shafie and @sophiedietitian, have started a petition to protect the public from false and potentially *harmful*medical claims made by “celebrities” and ” influencers”. . 💭 WHAT’S IT ALL ABOUT? 📚 Currently there are no regulations for any health-related posts on social media. Anyone without a health professional title can provide nutritional information or promote products for profit. Celebrities often secure lucrative deals to specifically market dangerous “diet products”. . 📚 Unregulated content has led to a negative impact on young people’s physical and mental health often leading to *disordered eating* and negative body image. . 📚 *53%* of young people use social media to access health information on food, exercise and body image. . 🚨 MAKE YOUR SAFETEY ONLINE A PRIORITY 🚨 . ⚠️Dangerous “diet” products include diet pills, skinny teas etc. These can cause severe physical consequences such as infections and could also have a negative impact on mental health. . ⚠️ “If you’re well enough to walk in and ask for one, you shouldn’t be given one.” - @sophiedietitian, dietitian and founder of @citydietitians, on IV drips. . ⚠️You can improve your health through consistent and sustainable lifestyle changes with the help of an accredited Nutritionist (Check the UKVRN Register) , Registered Dietitian or your GP. . ⚠️@halael_shafie, dietitian and founder of @nutrition_rocks, discussed how being exposed to the idealised lifestyle and body image on social media could lead to the over obsession of healthy eating (Orthorexia Nervosa). 🗣 MOVING FORWARD 🗣 There are several charities such as BEAT or the Mental Health Foundation that you can contact. . “A new *regulatory system* would aim to remove the risk of such posts and protect the general public from harmful messaging, whilst also educating the young and vulnerable on what and who to trust when using social media for medical information.”- @halael_shafie . Help us end “celebrities” and “social media influencers posting about “diet products” by signing this *petition*. 🤓sign the petition now Link in bio! #diet #dietproducts #influencer #dietitian - @nutrition_rocks on Instagram

lili meishi love cats validation

Crazy how the exact same behaviour can be perceived differently depending on your gender. ⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ Likeability bias impacts women way more than men; while he gets seen as assertive, she gets seen as a bitch 🙄 SIGH.⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ Who relates?⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ Credit: @sarahcpr 👏🏻👏🏽👏🏿⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ #dreambighustlehard #hustlecrew #pocintech #techish⁠⠀ #womeninbusiness #womeninbiz #womenempowerment #womensupportingwomen #femaleentrepreneur #womenintech #diversityintech #techdiversity #techinclusion #careergoals #careercoach #career #entrepreneur #startup #business #entrepreneurship #startups #bias #feminism #unconsciousbias - @hustlecrewlive on Instagram

innervoice media ivm film audio

I stepped away from Instagram this week to reflect and focus my efforts on listening, educating myself and acting. After a week of tears, speeches and protests, it goes without saying that this cannot be it. We must continue to use our resources, our bodies and our minds to support one another. One protestor’s sign engraved in my mind - “Right The Future.” - @conniechung101 on Instagram

i no longer seek validation gabriella demartino fancy vlogs by gab i no longer seek approval

- Based on true story

world emoji day emoji day emoji ballot ballot emoji

- Corny Jokes

gaming funny validation

now that the days are getting colder and autumn is approaching, chances are, depressive episodes are coming for me. winter is my biggest depression trigger ever, and swedish winter is hellish to me (and like, most of us living here). i decided to sit down a little while ago and write down all my personal depression signs so i can be more mindful of when it might happen. it seems - well, depressing, to plan for depressive episodes, but that’s life with bipolar disorder. you gotta stay on top of your moods. i am a huge advocate for understanding your mental illness and knowing your triggers, warning signs, and symptoms. when i start feeling depressed, my extrovert heart grows uninterested in social interaction, and when i find myself around others i just feel so incredibly dull, bored and tired of playing the character that is myself. my energy is low and my motivation is pretty much zero. dishes pile up, teeth get that fuzzy feeling from not being brushed enough, room starts looking like a pigsty, it’s a whole mess. but once i realize that i might be depressed, the easier it gets to start fighting back, because you have to fight that damn depression until your will to retain your normal self is stronger than depression’s grip of your psyche. knowing what your depression looks like when it starts creeping up is really important. these are my signs of an incoming depression, what are your signs ? • • • #mentalhealth #mentalillness #mentalhealthawareness #psynligt #nostigma #mentalhealthwarrior #recovery #art #digitalart #artistsoninstagram #comic #crazyheadcomics - @crazyheadcomics on Instagram

sabonner abonn%C3%A9%C3%A0lamiti%C3%A9 youtube mental health abonn%C3%A9 amiti%C3%A9

- words

valid%C3%A9 validation

- Wow... Thanks...

nft art nft art finance nft art token enter art kim andr%C3%A9

- Omg I wasnt expecting that!!!!!!

witness me mad max fury road paint

As part of our cultural voyeur routines, we name, describe and organize gestures, postures and digital rituals that typically emerged with the use of digital technologies. We see these curious rituals as ingredients with which technological objects are domesticated by people, integrated into their own daily routines. They highlight the ingenuity users employ to repurpose and adapt digital technologies to their own context. We like to circulate these insights as constant design patterns in the evolution of technological products and services. For a book 📖 and small film 📺 we produced on this topic ➡️ link in bio. #designfiction #curiousrituals - @nearfuturelaboratory on Instagram

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- •Definitions•

captain holt brooklyn nine nine brooklyn99 captain raymond holt andre braugher

This is not just a grab-bag candy game. Via @reallynathan - @ripostemagazine on Instagram

you are valid hug hugs huge hug mental health

- Sign

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Do you agree? - @success.portal on Instagram

mental health mental health awareness month mental health month validation wellness

- SJW Cringe

valadation validation confused yeas yeah

We are ushering into the tenth month of 2020. It’s unbelievable how it has come by so fast. May this month bring an abundance of joy to you all. Have a very happy October! 🧡 • • Shop now @ • • • #primnproperco #primnproper #supportsmallbusinesses #handmade #october #octoberishere #octobermonth #10thmonthoftheyear #octoberinspiration #octoberpositivity #octoberlove - @primnproperco on Instagram

you are valid hug hugs huge hug mental health

- Dat ass..

valid self validation im valid stamp

who’s the hottest girl in the world ? ——- A desi girl 👩🏻💖 #saree #sareelovers #sareeblousedesigns #ethnic #india #indian #indianfashion #indianfashionblogger - @shwetahatwal on Instagram

validate my cyber existence

Data-driven optimization helps you use the clicks and movements of visitors on your site to innovate your way to long-term growth. What has your data taught you about your customers? - @thegood on Instagram

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- Being Hurt By Someone You Love

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Words have power. You can heal a person and break the same person. It all depends on the choice of words. The right choice will lead to right circumstances. Here are a few sentences that deliver the same message in a different way! Tell us your choice of sentences in the moment of anger or any emotion. How do you deliver? #language #learning #education #vocabulary #sentences #wordsofwisdom #wordsofpower #emotions #fuziaworld - @fuziaworld on Instagram

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Hoping God is sending those people 🙏 #micropreemiemom #micropreemiedad #micropreemiemama #micropreemiemommy #nicu #nicumama #nicumom #nicumommy #nicudad #nicubaby #nicubabies #22weeker #22weekers #23weeker #23weekers #24weeker #24weekers #25weeker #25weekers #26weeker #26weekers #27weeker #27weekers #28weeker #28weekers - @micropreemiesupport on Instagram


This is why MS is known as an Invisible Illness 😒 . . Via @multiplesclerosis.awareness Follow: @multiplesclerosisfoundation . . . #multiplesclerosisresearch #multiplesclerosisawarenessmonth #multiplesclerosismama #multiplesclerosissucks #multiplesclerosisfighther #multiplesclerosissociety #multiplesclerosissupport #multiplesclerosisproblems #multiplesclerosisfoundation #multiplesclerosissociety #multiplesclerosissucks #multiplesclerosiswarrior #multiplesclerosisawareness #multiplesclerosisfighter #multiplesclerosis #msawarenessmonth #msawarenessweek #mswalk #mssucks #msfoundation #mswarrior #msfighter #msawareness #mswarriors - @multiplesclerosisfoundation on Instagram

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- 15

tag em if you love em 🥰 # LTMPoetry . . . . . . #poetrycommunity #dailyinspiration #spilledink #igpoets #blackpoets #poetryaccount #poetsofinstagram #igpoetry #igpoetrycommunity #lovepoems #blacklove #writersofinstagram #writerscommunity #writing #spilledthoughts # - @lovetianamonique on Instagram

While school districts continue to monitor and adapt to #COVID updates, HealthCorps ensures that both the physical AND mental health of our students are considered and cared for. Read more from our CEO, Amy Braun, on why we must actively combat stress in our youth and how we’re doing it — link in bio. - @healthcorps on Instagram

- Sunday

Most of us feel bad when our actions have hurt someone else. We genuinely want to apologize to soothe hurt feelings and repair the relationship. But some are more interested in protecting themselves than making another person feel better. PT contributor Dan Neuharth explains, Apologies that begin with phrases such as Im sorry but or Im sorry if often lack authenticity. Such faux apologies seek to avoid responsibility, make excuses, downplay what was done, invalidate, confuse, or move on prematurely. Here are some signs that youre receiving a false apology, according to Neuharth. To read more about false apologies—and what genuine apologies sound like—click on the link in our bio. #psychology #relationships #friendship #apology #sorrynotsorry - @psych_today on Instagram

- Love and Lust

Go check out and follow the beautiful @faerie.core_ 😍🔥 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - #model #modelsearch #modellife #modelswanted #modelingagency #modelsofinstagram #modeling #photography #portrait #photographylife #photomodel #travel #travelmodel #travelphotography #glamour #fashion #photoshoot #style #photographer #beauty #outfit #photo #beautiful #fashionblogger #portraitphotography #makeup #picoftheday #fashionmodel #modelsearch #curvy - @modelsunder10k on Instagram

- Angel abundance

To all of our women, we see you and we love you ❤️ #covid_19 #shelterinplace #stayhome #women #giveyourself - @bluntcuts_podcast on Instagram

Which one are you today? #OYOCircle #QuarantineMoods #moodygrams #coronamemes #mytwomoods #dailygrind #readingislife #plantsmakepeoplehappy #selfcarethreads #homehaircut #ludostar #workoutroutine - @oyocircle on Instagram

- What Vegans Eat

Poucas pessoas sabem as diferenças entre cebolas no uso culinário. Aqui vão algumas dicas úteis!🥗 . RP: @dra.samaradias . 👉Sabemos que muitas vezes pode parecer que o estilo de vida vegano leva uma alimentação sem graça e sem gosto - ❌Mas a partir de agora vamos te mostrar que isso está completamente errado, você não precisa gastar muito dinheiro nem ter que ficar pensando se o que você está comendo é vegano ou não, pois nós temos algo especial para você - 🌿Um Livro Digital com 60 Receitas Veganas Exclusivas, Extremamente Saborosas e Nutritivas, que ajudará você a dar os Primeiros Passos em direção ao veganismo sem ter que gastar muito dinheiro e sem ficar pensando em ficar doente - ⭕️Você quer mesmo descobrir o verdadeiro veganismo e ter muito mais saúde? - ⭕️Quer impressionar sua família e amigos com suas receitas veganas? - 🐷E o mais importante, quer salvar cada vez mais animais tendo uma ótima alimentação vegana? Então, Clique no LINK da nossa BIO e Transforme sua vida agora! 💚 . 👉Para Acessar mais Rápido, Clique Aqui --- @veganosnapratica - @veganosnapratica on Instagram

heres a weird little drawing and free write just because. im going to try to do a sketch and a poem every day for #TAPTober2020 so consider this a small preview. t.d. - @fine_lined on Instagram

- The machine

- american indians

Happy friendship day. . . #friendshipday #happyfrindshipday #friendshipday2020 #friends #meaning - @versatile_branding on Instagram

What will they think? Vs. How can I improve = healthy striving 👊🏼 . Thanks @brenebrown #bloomyellow - on Instagram

Moving on does not happen, until we accept that it is time to do so. No matter how painful the process 🍃🌾☀ • • • #gèvettepoetry #globalpoets #bymepoetrylovespeaks #bymepoetryaus #mankindpoetrylove #mankindpoetry #poetrydownunder #wellofpoetry #poets_ig #poeticverses #poeticreveries #societyofpoetry #heartbreakpoetry #lovepoetry #womenpoets #womeninpoetry #femalepoets #femalewriters #thewritersturf #theurbanpoets #thelonenotebook #silverleafpoetry #bleedingsoulpoetry #writersville #poetrybyme #poetryisnotdead #poetryofig #poetryjournal #poetry_corner_official #spilledinkpoetry - @_gevette on Instagram

- Menstruation and Sacred Femininity

Sweet @weepphoto wearing the Ava crop and Anja thong⚡ - @kayleighpeddie on Instagram

- Backlighting - Silhouettes - Contraluz

How I write my captions in LESS THAN 5 MINUTES 👇🤯⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ A huge misconception many people have is that they need to spend hours on perfecting their caption 😢⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Guess what? You don’t. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ This is how I write my captions in less than 5 minutes 👇⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ ✍🏼 I choose the topic of the post - this is also going to be the topic of the caption. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ ✍🏼 I decide what type the caption is. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ ✍🏼 If I’m posting a carousel - I’m choosing 1 slide to elaborate on in the caption. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ ✍🏼 If I’m posting a single post - I’m adding more value in terms of education or personal.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ ✍🏼 If I’m posting a video - I’m not adding more in the caption. Most of the content is already in the video. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ ✍🏼 I have a template for all my captions. Usually - The template consists of a CTA and hashtags. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ ✍🏼 The GOLD TIP - I record myself speaking the caption (In Microsoft Word). This way, I get to copy and paste what I said into my caption, and it sounds like me. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ How do you write your captions? Let me know 👇⁣⁣ ⁣ 𝗦𝗲𝗻𝗱 𝗺𝗲 𝗮 𝗗𝗠 “𝗰𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻” 𝗶𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘄𝗮𝗻𝘁 𝘁𝗼 𝗸𝗻𝗼𝘄 𝗵𝗼𝘄 𝘁𝗼 𝘄𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝗰𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗵𝗲𝗹𝗽 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗯𝘂𝗶𝗹𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗻𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗲𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗳𝗳𝗶𝗰 𝘁𝗼 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗱𝘂𝗰𝘁𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘀𝗲𝗿𝘃𝗶𝗰𝗲𝘀 ✍🏼⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ 𝗣𝗦. 𝗖𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗸 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗸 𝗶𝗻 𝗺𝘆 𝗯𝗶𝗼 if you didn’t get access to the “Debunking IG Myths” course yet 🎁 ⁣⁣ ———————————⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ Hashtags 🔍 #instagramexpert #personalbrandingcoach #personalbrandingexpert #marketingconsultant #onlinebusinesscoach #coachesofinstagram #healthcoaches #womanceo #womenceo #womenceos #bossbabesociete #fempire #staybossyladies #femaleentrepreneur #femalecoach #instagramtips #mentorshipprogram #instagramstrategy #personalbrandingcoach #contenttips #salestips #coachingforwomen #creativepreneur #makemoresales #saleslife #brandmarketing #personalbranding #personalbrandingtips - @boostingbee on Instagram

- • pow

- art

- Edification


Its time to put up the Christmas tree and call it a year!! 🙃 - @thelittlesensorybox on Instagram

The last image is the most important. We can mourn the folks weve lost but there is no time for despair. Also, check on your friends in the movement. They were tired before this and we cant imagine how much pressure and exhaustion theyre feeling now. . Vote, get your parents, family, friends to vote. Work the polls bc theres a shortage of workers. And dont give up. Apathy is how they win. #TheMCSquad #KeepItMoving Reposted from @thelilynews Comic artist @kagwheeler reacts to the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. #thelilynews #thelilycomics #ruthbaderginsburg #rbg - @themcsquad_dc on Instagram

Heres some #WednesdayWisdom around trying to conceive: The emotional aspect of #fertility is often overlooked. Not anymore. The science is clear - the two are connected and we want to give you the resources, tools and guidance you need to work towards your goals. Visit our site to learn more. . . #ttc #infertility #fertility #ttccommunity #emotionalhealth #infertilityawareness #infertilityjourney #ttcsupport #infertilitysupport #fertilityjourney #tryingtoconceive #infertilitywarrior #fertilityawareness #infertilitycommunity #fertilitytreatment #naturalfertility #fertilitysupport #fertilitycoach #fertilityproblems #ttclife #organicconceptions #behindthescenes #research #inspiration #conception #conceive #familybuilding - @organicconceptions on Instagram

- Useful spanish phrases

- Delicious and curvaceous

- Talk dirty to me [F] [20]

- Ana drawings

- Chanakya Niti.

Pasos para empadronarte... - @red_nacionalgt on Instagram

- Better life

- geek out!

#escritoencafe . . . . #palabrassabias #letrasenversos #libros #micropoesia #frasesparacompartir #textospoeticos #dichos #pensamientospositivos #escribir #pensamientopositivo #nochedepoemas #accionpoeticafrases #librodereflexion #librosrecomendados #realidadenfrase #Reflexión #armonía #cosasdelavida #pareja #pensamientodeldia #consejos #nochesdebesos #díahermoso #love #loveyou #amor #poesias - @escritoencafe on Instagram

// READ CAPTION //⁣ ⁣ You talk in your sleep and ⁣ I watch how small your world ⁣ Is compared to the vastness ⁣ Of your characters⁣ ⁣ You write colorful sunsets ⁣ And beautiful strangers⁣ When in reality you ⁣ Live in bitter winters ⁣ ⁣ You are worthy and ⁣ Yet the bearer of such fate⁣ You leave in your hands ⁣ Such an atrocity ⁣ ⁣ ~ Bipasha // @pain.romanticizer⁣ ⁣ Like◽Comment ◽Save ◽Share ⁣ ⁣ •Follow @pain.romanticizer for more 💙 •⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Dont forget to tag if you repost it. ⁣ - @pain.romanticizer on Instagram

- BD

It may be hard. But it’s yours. And it’s there for a reason. 🧡 #SoulScripts - @soulscripts on Instagram

- @fake__humour on Instagram

- I was dominated while cuckolding hubby. Story in comments. X

- Social platform

- Encouraging Quotes about loss.

- Lord Rama

I Need You More. @aprilhillwriting • • • I know its been difficult lately for some of us (me included) but I just wanted to share this lovely one with you. Peep my story for the full background image for your phone. I wont stop if you wont. • • • #igpoets #igwriters #spilledink #writingcommunity #drawing #doodle #writerscommunity #poetsofig #instapoetry #aprilhillwriting #instapoet #poetrycommunity #writersofig #prose #aprilhill #poemsofinstagram #igpoetry #wordgasm #poetsofinstagram #wordsmith #poets #wordporn #igpoems #poemsofig #writersofinstagram #art #poems #poetryofinstagram #typewriterpoetry #poemsofig - @aprilhillwriting on Instagram

photo by @pramstrytlr Model by @liveyourkefi Makeup & styling by @sadhnaduhoon #art #artist #portraitphotography #portrait #fashion #fashionnova #street #streetphotography #lightroom #igart #photooftheday #photographer #model #sony #tones #instagood @portraitsofficial @pursuitofportraits @portraits_mf @moodydelhi #pramstrytlr @sodelhi @delhipride @bestportraitsindia @human.edge #human.edge #sodelhi #photography #photooftheday #photoshoot #photographer #photogram #photographers_of_india #artistsoninstagram - @pramstrytlr on Instagram

- Buddhism

ᵂᵉ ᵗᵃᶫᵏᵉᵈ ᵃˢ ᶦᶠ ʷᵉ ᵖᵃʳᵗᵉᵈ ʸᵉˢᵗᵉʳᵈᵃʸ, ᵃˢ ᶦᶠ ʷᵉ ʰᵃᵈ ᵏᶰᵒʷᶰ ᵉᵃᶜʰ ᵒᵗʰᵉʳ ᶠᵒʳ ᵐᵃᶰʸ ʸᵉᵃʳˢ. 💔 - @ghost.tttown on Instagram

Drop a ❤️ if you feel this message with your heart and your soul.. you’re beyond amazing. I know we all struggle accepting ourselves at times, but that struggle is part of the process remembering who we are. That pain is painful indeed, but that pain is the dark nights of your soul you have to go through to remember. That pain is your guide guiding you back home where you belong, and where you are unconditional eternal spirit that doesn’t need, that doesn’t seek or require validation. It is always in its full authenticity expressing itself unapologetically. Remember. Come home. Be. You are amazing! Blessed be. Yours, @lukasnotes 🍃 #lukasnotes - @lukasnotes on Instagram

A new article I wrote titled: “Why its more important to work harder on yourself than you do on your job”. It only takes 12 minutes to read - so please do so. . I explain what it means to work harder on yourself than you do on your job or business or whatever you want to succeed in, by offering ten of the most valuable lessons I have learnt from applying them to my own life. . An upgrade in your mindset will undoubtedly give you an upgrade in your paycheque​, your job​ and ​your ​quality of life. The funny thing is, is all of this takes place outside of the office and is what will have the biggest impact on your job, career, or anything else. . Please do me a favour and share this with anybody who needs to read it. I spend a ton of energy writing these, and fuels me knowing people are getting value from them. Tap my link in bio to read the full article. Enjoy. #iloveugly #iloveuglywisdom #articles - @valentinozich on Instagram

- Ultrakurzhaarschnitte Akt

10 incarnations of Lord Vishnu 1. Matsya 2. Kurma 3. Varaha 4. Narasimha 5. Vamana 6. Parashurama 7. Rama 8. Krishna 9. Buddha 10.Kalki. (yet to be come in this Kali yuga) - @indianmythology on Instagram

- Mantra tattoo

We can be REALLY fucking mean to eachother online. And we are. . Anyone with a differing opinion gets railed. There is no middle ground... only sides. And anyone not on yours is an ignorant piece of trash. . Many of us say things with our keyboards that we would NEVER say to someones face. . We are Ugly. Cruel. Hurtful. JUDGEMENTAL. And we refuse to Listen. . We will NEVER all agree. People will never see 1 single situation through the same pair of eyes. . We cant. . Our surroundings, upbringing, friends and differing life experiences wont allow for it. . I dont know how to stop all the hatred and race bashing. I wish I could fix the misunderstandings that happen between people who are so passionate about their opinions that they cant even stomach the idea of another viewpoint. . We need to learn how to LISTEN MORE. And how to JUDGE LESS. . Hell, I dont know. But I do know that we need to be better. Our lives, quite literally, depend on it. 🖤🤍 - @authorjsterling on Instagram

- [Image] Try kindness

— 3/3 • 𝑖 𝑤𝑜𝑛𝑡 𝑠𝑝𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑐𝑜𝑓𝑓𝑒𝑒; 𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑠𝑝𝑜𝑖𝑙 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑐𝑜𝑓𝑓𝑒𝑒. ✨ Art by yours truly. 🙋🏻‍♀️ Reference: google. — #sulattula #writersph #parasalahat #coffeeloversph #coffeeloverph #coffeloverquotes #coffequotesthoughts #coffeequotes☕️ #coffeepoetry #parasapuso #filipinowriter #writersofinstagramph #hugot #philippines #tagalog #filipino #filipinoquotes #hugotquotes #love #lovequotes #pagibig #pinoy #pinoyquotes #poetryph #quotesph - @sulattula on Instagram

Follow this hot girl @69elisarocha 🔥🔥🔥 - @only.fans_promotion1 on Instagram

- Developpement personnel

- Cards

When it comes to inflammatory conditions, pain undoubtedly has a huge impact on a person’s quality of life. Identifying the key drivers of inflammation is imperative. Most of them are systemic and therefore take time to address and resolve.⠀⁠ Typical key drivers of inflammation are:⠀⁠ ⠀ Dysbiosis⠀ Infection⠀ Metabolic Syndrome (insulin resistance)⠀ Tissue damage / injury⠀ Chronic stress⠀ Food sensitivities and allergies⠀ Medication / NSAIDs⠀ Sleep disruption⠀ EMFs⠀ Toxins / Biotoxins⠀ Teeth / cavitation, root canals…⠀⁠ ⠀⁠ #trulyheal #stress #health #functionalmedicine #healthyliving #evidencebased #naturalmedicine #gutbrainconnection #mindfullness #mentalhealth #toxins #toxicenvironment #foodsensitivities #leakygut #EMFs #pain #chronicinflammation #rootcause #healthcoaching - @trulyheal on Instagram

“Mind is king of the senses. Breath is king of the mind and the nerves are the kind of the breath” BKS Iyengar ❤️ - @oneyogatrinidad_beyondyogatv on Instagram

- Romantic anime couples

- Aura Colors

Anything is possible when the right people are there to support you 💕 - @muru_jewellery on Instagram

Linen materials through perfect tone, texture, and colour🔥 Not just usual linen tho👀 - @cozybycoma on Instagram

- Self love , care , and everything in between

Unpoem 9. Inspired by @freddy_birdy - @vvmusings on Instagram

Si que nos ha dejado impresionados tanta belleza y sensualidad de @acuarelablanca - @beautifuladdicted on Instagram

‘Ups & Downs of Learning from Home’ No. 1 - The constant distraction I find this one of the hardest parts of online learning, and I am trying every day to get better at it. It’s hard to think of this study time as something official and, because you have full control over your daily schedule, well, that can go rather interesting. To make it easier, write down the days and the intervals when you are focusing on your studies. Don’t spend time on it over that. This way, you can relax and catch up on your other duties. What do you find the most distracting? Created by @sorottya - @westminstersu on Instagram

GEO is the outcome of Human Geography and Physical Geography. The intersection of the two topics informs the direction of each collection. - @geo_location on Instagram

- namasté hijos de puta

the alchemwitch Photography: @moorepolaroids - @alessandrastarrward on Instagram

Sunday affirmation: There’s no timeline, guide or rulebook you have to follow to be your most successful self. Keep showing up, stop comparing and the rest will come ✨ #NLCertified - @thenutritiouslifestudio on Instagram

- Boudoir

{ENERGY} I believe this so much! The space you create around you directly affects your energy. From colour, furniture, artwork, decor items - all of these things contribute to your own personal energy. This week I encourage you to consider your homes and how they make you feel. Whilst the undertaking of a declutter usually makes things worse before they get better, the end result always leaves you feeling lighter! x 📷 @moon.flower.healing - @caseydorlingdesign on Instagram

🤯 - @camietchegoyenn on Instagram

Follow @larubiatop - @insta_sweet_girls2 on Instagram

Yes yes yes! Resting is 100% part of the work, its the internal work 💜 ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ #trulyheal #healthcoach #healthcoaching #healthandwellnesscoach #wellnesscoaching #functionalmedicine #naturopathicmedicine #healthpractitioner #coach #lifestylecoach #rootcauses #causefinding #career #passion #rest #recovery #guilt #productivity #internalwork #selflove #psychology #growth #alwayslearning #selfdiscovery - @trulyheal on Instagram

- [Image] You can prevent eating disorders and/or recover from it. Be kind to yourself and seek support!

Steps💫 - @artnajla on Instagram

Just a nice quick simple line drawing in @posca_uk on paper. Pfff it feels to me like nothing has been happening with ease recently, it feels difficult and unclear and hazy (life etc I mean). Can someone cast a spell to cleanse my mind pls and make me feel sharp🔮🌿🕯 - @bethcub on Instagram

The world is a result of your mind. Know your mind. The world is only a phenomenon appearing on that pure consciousness. Pure Consciousness is itself unaffected.... The Universe is like a painting on a screen. That which rises and sinks is made up of what it rises from. The finality of the universe is the Self. - Conscious Immortality ~sri Ramana maharshi - @sri_ramana_maharshi on Instagram

Happy Friday! - @floralneverlandofficial on Instagram

Empaths in Relationships...⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Moving from Unaware to Empowered!!⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Awareness is key, knowledge is power. ⁣ ⁣⁣ When we know better, we do better. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Learn to ⁣⁣ 🤍protect your heart and your energy⁣⁣ 🤍regulate your nervous system that IS more sensitive than the average Joe’s⁣⁣ 🤍embody a genuine sense of confidence and positive self worth⁣⁣ 🤍find true love, in a healthy, balanced energetic space⁣⁣ 🤍never get caught up in a toxic relationship again⁣ 🤍never settle for less than you deserve ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ There are so many layers here!!⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ The Soul Ascension Academy breaks it all down for you, and then some!!⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ This engaging, comprehensive 6-week group coaching experience is designed to walk you (the Empath) through your deeply healing inner work so you can clear blocks/barriers to love and create a life beyond your WiLdeSt dreams!! ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Read more about the Academy through link in bio and get on the WAITLIST!! Exclusive offers coming this week to those signed up 🤩🤩🤩⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ We start 10/4/20. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ The Empowered Empath free 3-day series is a sample of what you’ll learn in the Academy. We start today at 11:11am EST in our private fb group Intuitive Self Healers (link in bio)!!⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ 🤍✨ Join us ✨🤍⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ DM with any questions ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Xo,⁣⁣ Kara⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ #empath #empathproblems #empathsofinstagram #empathprotection #toxicrelationships #codependency #noboundaries #anxiousattachment #attachmentstyles #healingjourney #spirituality #spiritualawakening #trusttheprocess #lovehard #dothework #investinyourself #worthit #growthmindset #intuitiveguidance #personaldevelopment #privatecoaching #rebirth #unlearnandrelearn - @kara_karaoguz on Instagram

This weeks definition follows on from last weeks summary so if you haven’t read it yet - go check it out! • #law #student #barrister #solicitor #paralegal #redress #compensation - on Instagram

- Islam Motivation

the revolution is love from the beautiful fashion editorial The Age of Separation from @thelissome quote from charles eisenstein . . . #contemporaryluxury #silkweddingdress #bridalgown #bridalcouture #sequins #thoughtfuldesign #oneofakind #australianwedding #bridalinspiration #texture #aboutphaedra #uniqueweddingdress #textiledesign #gettingmarried #weddingdress #concsiousdesign #ethical #bespoke #madetoorder #heirloom #modernparadigmforanancientritual #design #mindfulluxury #ethicallymade #weddingplanning #uniqueweddingdress #couture #mindfullymade #bride2020 - @aboutphaedra on Instagram

Hello everyone 🙋‍♂️after long time I again pick my pecil ( life sketching )🕉 - @essence_of_art_80 on Instagram

- @martinpechac on Instagram


- Just a reminder

- Would you play with me? 👀🥺😋

Segue @rosaa_belleza - @isabelramirezz03 on Instagram

🍂🍃 - @mypoeticscripts on Instagram

No nos cansaremos de mostrarles esta nueva marca, pa disfrutar sin remordimientos, prejuicios y sin con muchas GAAANAAS 😏😏 . . @chorreo.col con engalles de Naming Branding Fotografing y sexing.. . . . #bogota #foodporn #photography - @elengallee on Instagram

Saints, let us no longer give into every craving for junk food, soul food, sea food, fast food, alcohol, etc. . . We must build our discipline in regards to the foods we eat. . . Granted, I know first hand that it’s not easy not giving the body what it desires, but I truly believe when we practice having control in this area; we will be able to conquer many other obstacles in life. . . So, I encourage you today to ask Father GOD; “What exactly did HE prepare for you to eat?” . . And when HE answers (or delivers your answer thru me lol) prepare yourself to get in alignment with HIS nutritional word and acquainted to our DAD who is a nutritionist. - @pastor_of_nutrition on Instagram

- Teen ass

- Neonatal nurse

- Drunk and ready [f]or a shower!

- My friend could fucking get it

- Micron Pen Figure Sketch

- Right?

💏❤ - @_couple__goals on Instagram

- in all the right places

Your morning motivation. 💛💛💛 - @samisueluvsyourhair on Instagram

Wine 🤦🏽. #wine #winelover #winetasting #winetime #wineoclock #winery #winelovers #wineandwomen - @gabecosttastudio on Instagram

- Learn english

Just how lucky am I,⁣⁣ To share these moments,⁣⁣ Waking up every morning in your arms,⁣⁣ No words yet said,⁣⁣ No emotions stirred,⁣⁣ Just you and I,⁣⁣ And the whole world unaware,⁣⁣ Just how much i adore you,⁣⁣ How much I care,⁣⁣ For it was always you,⁣⁣ And forever you may stay⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ - T.L.L⁣⁣ (@polaris_writings_ )⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ Follow @the.writing.nomads for more!⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ Submit you write ups to get featured. Link in Bio! - @the.writing.nomads on Instagram

🥰 have a stunning day - @shuturp on Instagram

- Art

- @kolkatamodel9 on Instagram

- mamma

It’s PCOS Awareness Month. PCOS can affect women’s health in so many ways. Until those are addressed women can’t optimize their health. The criteria for PCOS is: 2 out of 3 from: 1. Irregular Periods 2. Hyperandrogenism ( elevated male hormones leading to acne and hair loss) 3.Ovarian Cysts Treatments can involve traditional medicines such as Metformin to balance insulin resistance. Spironolactone can be used to help acne. Balancing hormones such as Progesterone can also help with symptoms . A keto diet and fasting can help with insulin resistance and decrease inflammation. Supplements such as Berberine, Inositol, Chromium and NAC have all been used to help relive symptoms . PCOS can be treated and women can havr a normal life. Questions about PCOS put below. #pcos #pcosawareness #pcosawarenessmonth #pcosweightloss #invisibleillness #biohackng #womanshealth #insulinresistance #bcp #keto #fasting #hypothyroid #supplements #bioidenticalhormones #metabolicflexibility #fertility #wellness - @drpaulvin on Instagram

- Brilliant words/thoughts

**** Blogging Contest Winner **** . . . . Congratulations @pausethemoments03 for winning the contest. Team @bloggersbrew is as excited as you for this wonderful win . Amazing content and what a great post ! . . Keep weaving magic with your words and streams of thoughts.. Goodluck ! . . #bloggersbrewcommunity #brewsomeblog #thebloggingcontest - @bloggersbrew on Instagram

Weekend mood! 📖☕ #mood #morning #coffee #weekend #weekendmood #moments #relax #rainyday #foreveragentleman - @forever_a_gentleman on Instagram

😍😘 - @desilover12 on Instagram

- Leader

¡Combinar los ingredientes correctos, puede hacer maravillas con tu piel! Prueba estas combinaciones y verás como obtendrás tus #skingoals en menos de lo que esperas😉🙌✨. - @muradskincaremx on Instagram

- ID plz

- Ines Helene MASSIVE ASS

- Artistic Nude Photography

Your mom took 9 months to make your body, don’t let someone make you hate it in seconds. 🖤 - @tylercharlyy on Instagram

- Asking me why i only ordered one cheeseburger isnt me talking about my fear of weight gain

Life is always happening for you; not to you. - @matthewpaetz on Instagram

🔝🔝🖤🖤 Buen fin de semana para todos❤ - @leslielaos08 on Instagram

Neverneverneverland - @just.a.tad_ on Instagram

👁 @amusecalledine 👁 . So many beautiful pictures on her account @amusecalledine , take a a look 👀. - @more.pleasure.of.the.eyes on Instagram

- @denissimachev on Instagram

- Screenshot from a video 😈 onlyfans link in the comments 💋

CONGRATULATIONS TO PENT-UPTHOUGHTS WEEKLY CONTEST WINNER :- @chaotic_phrases _________________________________ Curated by :- @_words.heal _________________________________ #poetry #poetrycommunity #poets #words #thoughts #writersofinstagram #writing #poetssociety #poetsofinstagram - @pentupthoughts on Instagram

- @bnw_shadows_artistic on Instagram

Sleep deprivation is like kryptonite to your immune system – causing inflammation levels to spike and throwing your entire system out of whack. So prioritizing sleep is crucial when it comes to your immune health and keeping inflammation at bay. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ When it comes to sleep, you want to focus on both quantity and quality. Ideally, you want to log 7-8 hours of sleep each night. And when it comes to quality, you want uninterrupted and restful sleep. Sometimes getting quality sleep is easier said than done, so some simple steps that might help improve your sleep quality include:⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ 💤 Keep your room cool, dark, and comfortable⁣⁣ 💤 Block out any sounds that might disturb you by using a fan or white noise⁣⁣ 💤 Shut off all electronics at least 30 minutes before bed⁣⁣ 💤 Establish a nighttime routine that eases your body into a relaxed state⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ If you have trouble falling or staying asleep, an all-natural sleep aid like LipoCalm might help. It is available via in my Dr. Jill Health Store.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ For more information on exactly what interleukin-6 is, what role it plays in inflammation, and how to keep your levels balanced, click LINK IN BIO now.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ - @drjillcarnahan on Instagram

- MYERS BRIGGS personalities

- Bottle green saree

Serie strung from 2015, made for a local exposition Model @artmodelbrookelynne #pencildrawing #nudefigure #strung Original reference picture by Stefano Brunesci @stefanobrunesci Original reference picture by photo by Henry Gaudier-Greene Original reference picture by Gary Mitchell @garymphoto - @joeridrawspeople on Instagram

Triangle · · · · · #procreate #blackandwhite #couple #drawing #digitalart #love #art #ipadpro #couplegoals #drawings #procreateapp #bnw #couples #sketch #blackandwhiteonly #couplelove #draw #bw #artist #illustration #procreateart - @noir.blanc.erotique on Instagram

- Whenever I decide to change things up I always draw my vision

- Create

- Tap it (f)

Carpelli, stami, petali e sepali. Dal progetto: /còr·po/ /ce·lè·ste/ (ovvero tutto ciò che riveste e ricopre la «vera essenza» spirituale di un essere.) - @melamangiai on Instagram

Which one did you hear the most? Which one do you say the most? Which ones did we leave out?!😂⁠ .⁠ .⁠ #momquotes #tuesdaythoughts #hydration #skinfacts #zincitover #skincarecommunity #sunscreen #cleanbeauty #simplepleasures #prettythings #skintreatments #selfcare #bblogger #ecoskincare #seriouslyfab #greenbeautyproducts #facial #skincareexpert #dryskin #beautyfavs #skincaremusthave #skincarefavorites #Sportygirl #greenbeauty #friyay #crueltyfreebeauty #makeupsettingspray #seaweedskincare #sunprotection #veganantiagingproducts - @seriouslyfabdotcom on Instagram

You know where to find the experts. Just click on the location tag! #CommunicationCrafts #CC #Ahmedabad #Branding #AdvertisingAgency - @communicationcrafts on Instagram

#boudoir #noiretblanc #blackandwhite #original #fp5 #boudoirphotography - on Instagram

- Morning, heres a simple nude🌞

modelar Follow her account -- @anushka0700 Follow this Account @hottest_modle_shoutout_page @hottest_modle_shoutout_page #hpageair #haircut #model #new #fashionblogger #fashion #instafashion #facebook #follow4followback #instagram #repost #look #indian #mumbai #photooftheday #fan #support #followforfollowback #followforafollow #likesforlike #goodvibes #fashionista #comment4comment #tagforlikes #tag #keepsupporting #keepgoing #good #viral #kpop must for follow 2.keep following this page 3.And enjoy keep supporting us @hottest_modle_shoutout_page @hottest_modle_shoutout_page - @hottest_modle_shoutout_page on Instagram

#body #back #human #skin #shape #line #tattoo #spinetattoo #blackandwhite #bnw - @juliamutor on Instagram

Every year, suicide accounts for over 800,000 deaths globally. Every life lost represents someone’s partner, child, parent, friend or colleague. Today is World Suicide Prevention Day with the theme Working Together to Prevent Suicide. What we can do: 💬 Talk openly about suicide - doing this can give a person other options, or the time to rethink their decision. 💡Learn to use informed, appropriate, sensitive and non-judgemental language when talking about suicide. 📚 Educate yourself on the complexities of mental health difficulties and suicide via trusted sources and try not to make assumptions. 💙 Recognise the valuable contribution of those who struggle with their mental health, have attempted suicide and recovered and those bereaved by suicide. 📲 Reach out to a support organisation for advice on how to respond to negative behaviours or comment that result from stigma, such as discrimination. 🙋‍♂️Start a conversation with someone you care about - you dont have to have all the answers, and wont. 👩🏽 Listen with compassion, empathy and a lack of judgement. #WSPD2020 Find more at: - @mentalhealthireland on Instagram

- Everything will be alright

It’s been a challenging time for many so I thought I’d share some techniques that I’ve learnt that have helped me greatly and also helped many others I know around me... ❤️ Feel free to share / tag friends. #mindsetiseverything #positivevibes #staystrong #presentmomentawareness #personaldevelopment #morelloltd - @anthonymorello on Instagram

Comment “💜” to NORMALIZE REAL BODIES 👇🏼💜 ~ {TINY SPEECH} There’s no such thing as a bounce back after giving birth. The surreal images we see online of mothers who just gave birth a few days before, are not giving anyone a real image of how it actually IS. Your uterus -normally the size of a pear- grows up until the size of a watermelon as it carries the baby. It takes 9 month for the baby to grow, and your belly to grow with it. After giving birth, your belly is supposed to be soft and squishy. Your body changes after being pregnant and giving birth in a very beautiful way 💜 LOVE IT with all your heart 💜 ~ My comics are brought to you by my lovely Patrons. Join our community and sign up for more exclusive content on 🙏🏼 ~ Markers by @buschvanderworp ~ #patreoncreator #preaching #datinglife #millenniallife #artispower #makeadifference #freelanceartist #freelanceillustrator #happiness #positivethoughts #artforsocialchange #mentalhealth #selflove #selfcare #empowerher #funny #womenownedbusiness #comic #comics #webcomic #createdtocreate #bodypositive #womenempowerment #feminism #funnycomics #dailycomic #feministart #instacomic #creativeentrepreneurs #illustrationgram - @planetprudence on Instagram

Our lungs are made up of delicate tissues that need protection as well as nourishment to stay healthy for functioning adequately and for keeping our body fit to fight off infections. Some of the followings are: Turmeric: It has a high antioxidant capacity, which helps in neutralizing the inhaled free radicals such as superoxides, hydroxyl and hydrogen peroxide, by neutralizing these free radicals may reduce inflammation of the lungs. When our body is exposed to pollution, smoke and microbes the lungs get irritated, it produces excessive mucus, which the body finds difficult to cope with, but turmeric has proven to down-regulate the excessive mucus production and helps the body to recover. Apple: It contains vitamin E, and C, along with antioxidant quercetin. Quercetin protects the lungs from the effect of cigarette smoke and air pollutants. A study published in The Pharmaceutical Journal (2000) states that people having five or more apples per week had a better lung function. In another study that was published in The European Respiratory Journal (2017) found that apples helped in the slow declining of lung function over a 10 years period. Garlic: Allicin, a powerful antioxidant found in garlic helps in reducing the risk of lung cancer, a study published in Cancer Prevention Research (2013) suggested that even a smoker can reduce the risk of lung cancer by around 30% by consuming raw garlic two or more times a week. Banana: It is associated with lung health due to its Vitamin A content, it is also a rich source of potassium which is essential for the process of contracting and relaxing the lung. In a study, it was found that adults who consume bananas tended to have better lung function and fewer symptoms than their counterparts who did not eat. #foodfacts360 #foodmatters #nutrition #eathealthy #eatwellbewell #eatwelltostaywell #foodismedicine #eatright #bitebybite #nutrition #nutritioncoach #dietitian #healthylife #healthyfood #nutrition #herbalifenutrition #Foodfacts360 #FoodIsLove #nutrition #foodmatters #healthylifestyle #immunesupport #lunghealth #eatandgain #eatwelltostaywell #eatright #balanceddiet #lifestyle #eatlocal #basic #food #antioxidants - @foodfacts360 on Instagram

- @nude_photoshoot on Instagram

takashimuratamura SERENDIPITY Karbn Magazine @karbnmagazine Director&Hair @masahonda Makeup @michikochiba color @miurakenyu Model @mimi.sai @shizenkazama #editorial #landscape #serendipity #distance #microcosm - @takashimuratamura on Instagram

- Music essay

;) ANTIDOTE by @mrferryvandernat STYLED BY YANN HAIR ;) BY ME 🙋🏻 MAKE UP BY CECILE - @michalbielecki_ on Instagram

- Upvote for nudes in ur DM 🤤

- Massage therapy career

- Big Mood


- Beautiful form

- Sitting Female Nude, pencils, 1440x1770

Just a friendly reminder... Photo by: @charlotte.illu - @bestyoga on Instagram

- juzamma for kids

@slowpottery Nikita Dawar Is someone who has inspired me so much by her will to learn and to show up even with all the work she does on a daily basis. She commits and works hard on her commitments even when the going does get tough. She joined my FT program in June and was quick to also begin the animal flow classes for 3 months which she completed last week. I cant wait to upload some of her AF work in the coming days. Some of her moves are better than mine so watch out for that 😎😎 These are her words regarding her virtual training experience with me. I joined umars online classes in June with the goal of getting fit and strong! And I can’t be happier with the results, I not only have lost weight which honestly is a natural result of living a healthy lifestyle, but also have gotten stronger, way more energetic, my skin glows and I sleep like a baby :) The best part is that umars style of training is holistic, he not only works with the body, but also with ones mindset, making ‘fitness’ become a part of ones lifestyle instead of just a crash course! I highly recommend his training programs!! I think you have great energy and potential Nikita, I am so glad you chose me as your trainer and put faith in both my programs. More power to you, to more progress and growth. And also working together soon ☺️ #keepgoing💪 - @umar_keepgoing on Instagram

late night thoughts about the parts of me that I like my collarbone and side boob the parts of me that I censor like the the pimples on my chin I feel most like myself in this form ✨🌚 - @danayaaw on Instagram

- Arthur Meehan

ℭ𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔲𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔰 𝔞𝔤𝔬, ℑ 𝔱𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔟𝔩𝔬𝔬𝔡⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ • • • • #black #blackmetal #deathmetal #metalgirl #ginger #redhead #blackmetal #viking #runes #spike #look #outfit #outfitoftheday #metalgirls #mayhem #dead - @thaisnijholt on Instagram

Concurs de còmic! 🖌️ . . 📃 Bases del concurs del còmic simplificades. . . 📣 Pots llegir les bases legals a lenllaç de la nostra biografia. . . Participa-hi! #AAVVBarceloneta #concurs #50aniversari #fembarri #aavvbarceloneta50 #còmic #concursocómic #concurscòmic #art - @aavvbarceloneta on Instagram

- Motivational Quotes

Wish we all could find that reboot option for our mind :) Credits - @chaibuoy #AgencyLife #CreatorsLife #WorkLife #WFHLife - @officialsocialsamosa on Instagram

- Chicken-fried rice

Follow us @nudesketch_art11 . . . . #sketch #drawing #nudesketch #naked #modeling #fashion #pencil #pencildrawing #shooting #sexy #artist #artistoninstagram #nudemakeup #drawingbook #love #crush #paper #nudework - @nudesketch_art11 on Instagram

- Bodies: gestures

- [F] Should I bring it in or leave it out? 🍑 Follow our sexploration on IG @sayhitowink 📸 sexy pics of us and other people 😋

visual diaries // @leparadisdumal ☽ - @katdenaps on Instagram

She’s 😍😍😍 @x_.faiza._x @x_.faiza._x @x_.faiza._x - @bold_shoutouttss on Instagram

Ven a mi sombras de amor, a postrar vuestras manos en mi piel y hacer de la locura, placer...🌌❤ Vallecas, Madrid. June, 2020) 😍👏🏼🔝📸😘 ¿Cuál foto en sombras/contraluz os gusta más? Con los destellos como censura, aunque apenas de ve nada, pero esta la censura de Instagram muy puñetera...😒 Photographer: @erichitobv #goodafternoon #monday #september #summer #sesion #shooting #professional #me #model #photographer #erichitobv #home #madrid #elegance #pretty #portrait #glamour #shadow #sensual_shots #humanedge #nudeart #impliedmagazine #volomagazine #modelsgoup #playboy #curvymodel #portraitfestival #eroticart #beauty #girl - @siildivina on Instagram

@dreamgaia 🔮 - @stephaniemoore007 on Instagram

- Hope you guys are having a great monday [f]

So much love for this human. @rhythmandbreath_ 🖤 #women #loveyourbody #feminism #feminist #studiophotography #photooftheday #byronbay #byronbayphotographer #australianphotographer - @vickyjay__ on Instagram

- Black and White [amateur] amateur

Matera 20 • life feels like a movie with you 🎞 #italia #moviescene #woman - @claraeunoia on Instagram

When we use our bodies as material to make art vs. art with some bodies that happen to be in it. Imagining more space for collaborative, embodied, subjective performance and an empathetic gaze. . . . #hansbreder #intimacy #intimacycoordinator #performanceart - @zanrobertson_ic on Instagram

High life @miss_capricorni_model and #art #photography #bw #simple #filmphotography #orthochromatic #sky #venus - @negliz.magazine on Instagram

Eu me viro. Foto do talentoso @chicocerchiaro - @natashajascalevich on Instagram

📷 @playerzparadise #sfbayarea #sanfrancisco #sanjose #slimthicc #bayarea #slimthickgirls #fitspo #glovefet #glovesfetish #nikon #noedit #nofilter #realcurves #builtnotbought #petitewomen #petitegirl #bookme #availablenow - @cristinaloriofficial on Instagram

- shot by Comis Hart

- Heart Eyes {PENTAX K1000: TMAX 400}

Bom dia meninas !!!! CINTA MODELADORA MIRACLE BELT A MELHOR DO BRASIL !!! 🔸Ideal para utilizar durante seus exercícios e no seu dia a dia. 🔸Cinta totalmente diferente das vendidas no Brasil, com alta qualidade e compressão. 🔸Não dobra, não enrola 🔸Não marca na roupa 🔸Super confortável, não machuca nada! 🔸Reduz de imediato a linha da cintura 🔸16 barbatanas sendo todas de silicone dando mais conforto e flexibilidade. 🔸Molda sua cintura com o uso frequente. 🔸Auxilia e corrige a postura. 🔸Alivia grande parte das dores nas costas 🔸Acelera a recuperação pós parto. 👉🏽Através da sua alta compressão a Cinta Modeladora também atua na retração da pele nos casos de perda de peso, auxiliando no Combate a Flacidez da pele. É super indicado que se use Cinta Modeladora durante a prática de exercícios físicos, pois ativa mais a circulação sanguínea trazendo assim todos os benefícios citados acima, para você.❤️ ✔️Não importa o seu biotipo, Miracle Belt é para todas e todas!!! ✅Temos diversos modelos de cintas, cada uma com a sua finalidade! Reconhecida no Brasil e também no exterior, a cinta foi desenvolvida para atender todos os requisitos e trazer os melhores resultados. Quem usa, recomenda! A melhor do Brasil ❤️ - @revendedora_oficialmiraclebelt on Instagram

- Expand Your Vocabulary.

- Vipassana meditation

- Pressed up

there wasn’t actually ever a box. dismantle that belief. you are limitless! ...and magical. ✨💕⚡️🦋 a lil drawing made back in may of this year✨ • • • • • • #digitalart #art #drawing #illustration #artist #artwork #digital #sketch #artistsoninstagram #digitaldrawing #digitalpainting #procreate #fresco #digitalartist #instaart #digitalillustration #design #illustrator #graphicdesign #vectorart #typography #lettering #words #nolimits #vulnerability #positive #psychology #indesign #arkansascreative - @possepapergoods on Instagram

#schoolgirls - @typical_school_girl on Instagram

- 18 years old, what do you think? 🤭

👁 @sensual_thoughts_of_her 👁 . Photo 📷 : @pure_form_collections . So many beautiful pictures on their accounts @sensual_thoughts_of_her , @pure_form_collections , take a look 👀. - @more.pleasure.of.the.eyes on Instagram

- Did some simple color correction on mobile for my favorite part. Pt. 2/2

- @sensual_bold_models on Instagram