Smithers Profile Pics

simpsonsthe simpsonsmr burnsburnswaylon smithersexcellenttrendizisstrelease the houndssimpson

The best of The Simpsons fashion moments

Mr. Plow by dioner

minka madebyminka 70 70s 70th

- A turkey is a bad person

Season 27 News: Sideshow Bob will finally kill Bart! | The Springfield Shopper

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thumbs up lenny simpsons scaring

- Hey Bart, do you have a best friend yet? Cause Ive been looking for someone to boss me around.

Iconos Para Compartir (🌸) - [017]

fnfgf and bf fnf friday night funkin speakers %D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%B2%D1%8C%D0%B5

- That man ate all our shrimp! And two plastic lobsters.

Гамбол топ!

the simpsons lenny mr burns high five thumbs up

- March 15th: I wish Id brought a TV. Oh god, how I miss TV.

friederikehantel friends together happy lamb

- Im a level 5 vegan, I wont eat anything that casts a shadow.

✂️ well thats just rude

the simpsons pew pew stapler shoot

- Neddy! Neddy! Lets get in a quick nine down at the Pitch N Putt.

100 Greatest Simpsons Movie References

Les Simpson - Vêtements Techniques Et Spéciaux : Mode

mixer robot dance dab dabbing

- Just seeing if I can post here

Smithers finally comes out of the closet to Mr Burns after 27 years : Les Simpson

get to work work simpsons smithers trendizisst

- Yeah, alright, listen up guys. The Springfield police have told me that 91% of all traffic accidents are caused by you six guys

Гамбол топ!

pepe the frog listen music happy

- Well, get back to wherever it is you work whoever you are.

100 Greatest Simpsons Movie References

happy birthday special

- How come Bart gets to do that and I cant spend one night lurking in the bushes at Chef Boyardees house?

cool cartoon star moon swag

- When I first heard of the operation, I was against it. But then I thought, if Homer wants to be a woman, so be it.

excellent simpsons mr burns the simpsons evil smile

- I Loved That Movie Young Frankenstein.... Scared the HELL out of me!

Burns giño

yay yey hooray hurray woohoo

- Wow! You really clobbered him..


smithers mr burns

- Christmas in December. Wow, Wow, Wow!

pepe music pepe hip hop music pepe the frog smile

- Uh, Springfield, my computer shows your T-437 is fully operational. Uh, I suggest you- Oh, my God! Oh, God, no! Oh, this cant be happening! Youre operating without a T-437, Springfield! Oh, sweet mother of mercy! I mean- I mean, my God!

get to work work simpsons smithers trendizisst

- Homer, you knuckle-beak, I told you a hundred times: You gotta sell your pumpkin futures before Halloween! Before!

komiktemanmu temanmu goal keeper sideways

- God, shmod--I want my monkey man!

boney ness643ds alansaint15 nintendo nintendo switch

- No, why dont YOU come over HERE and make YOUR self comfortable?

batmarca batgirl marca canaglia marcacanaglia

- My basic understanding of Mythic Markets

release the hounds the simpsons running dogs hounds

- Shell go 300 hectares on a single tank of kerosene

wink she ra swift wind she ra and the princesses of power dreamworks

- Look daddy! Todd is stupid and I’m with him!

mr burns behave no idea the man has no idea behave like a billionaire

- Why no love for Larry Burns? Easily one of the best one time characters! Now let’s party!

horsemen mount and blade warband calradia horses

- Homer, you should be more supportive. Youre right Marge, good work boy........... ♪ Egghead likes his Booky-Wook! ♪

kaoboy stahel


jinzhan lily and marigold angelia air dancer happy

- Hey Homer, what did you do, get a haircut or something? Look closer, Lenny. Oh, I know what it is.. youre the biggest man in the world now... and youre covered in gold. Fourteen karat gold!

bye bye ta ta toodle u the simpsons later

- Of course we could make things more challenging, Lisa, but then the stupider students would be in here complaining. Furrowing their brows in a vain attempt to understand the situation.

bfb dora

- A show about a doll? Why not write a musical about the common cat, or the King of Siam?

simpsons thx movies loud overwhelmed

- Get back to wherever it is you work... whoever you are.

look bob belcher teddy bobs burgers watch

- First image of earth from the moon. Taken by the lunar orbiter on August 23rd, 1966. (Colorized)

new hat lisa smithers the simpsons

- What’s your name son?

barcamp fire cool characters friends

- Where ya goin, baby? Going to find the corpses?

mrburns dance simpsons

- Okay, okay, we need $40,000. Now, how much do we have in the check book? $70. Hmm... have we deposited any $40,000 checks that havent cleared yet?

robot girl friend

- First thing tomorrow morning Im gonna punch Lenny in the back of the head!

bobo smithers simpsons mr burns

- Sims 2 Bella Goth watching Dina steal her man, and her daughter getting cheated on from the UFO shes stuck on

friday night funkin fnf limo limo dancer dance

- And now we go live to Eamonn Ryan

simpsons burns yes

- I see your reading the newspaper. Everything but the opinion page. I dont need to be told what to think. By anyone living.

mizkif mizzy rinaudo matthew matt

- “Did you get the job? Nah, they wanted someone good. Story of my life.”

and to think smithers you laughed when i bought ticketmaster the simpsons mr burns

- blursed white apu

mwgg milky way and the galaxy girls saturn

- Merry Christmas from The Simpsons! HOOOOON

bobobear burns boboburns simpsons

- otto weekend job

omg oh my gosh wide eyes amazed disbelief

- “Well everyone, the fact is, I havent ever had relations. I am a virgin.”

conga smithers simpson burns

- Cant trust a pig with watermelons, yknow?

actually marcie peppermint patty lucy van pelt snoopy

- According to this magazine, Bart might be jealous of her. Yeah, well, Bart can kiss my hairy yellow butt.

strip club the simpsons smithers shame hiding

- I ate two grapes. Please charge me for them.


- Yes, Id like to send this letter to the Prussian Consulate in Siam by aeromail. Am I too late for the 4:30 autogyro?

smithers simpson

- I love you, Homey. Mmmmmmmm

priconne princes connect kokkoro hi oomfinators dance

- Now, what is a wedding? Well, Websters Dictionary describes a wedding as The process of removing weeds from ones garden.

release the athena mr burns the simpsons release the hounds athena

- “Hi-dilly-ho! Welcome to to your new home neglect-a-renos!”

fnf dave and bambi spin

- Despite Barts objections, The People of South Africa can now vote in free Democratic elections.

burns cmburns simpsons football atemlos

- “Hey! My dad May have gained a little weight, but he’s not some kind of food-crazed maniac.”

mr mre dance

- Damn those sideburns

mr burns gi ffor cli you are good

- Stanley is thoughtless, violent and loud. Marge, every second you spend with this man... he is crushing your fragile spirit.

siblings day siblings brothers and sisters family portrait

- Mrs. Krabappel and Principal Skinner were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me.



witch halloween woman happy delight

- Well, its 1AM. Better go home and spend some quality time with the kids.

dancing hard worker mr burns

- Its true. I read it on a placemat at a restaurant.

apples am i right chat technoblade techno

- @film.wave on Instagram

whoop dee doo mr burns

- Oh my God! He is like some sort guy!

bob and joe show

- Hello, Mr. Thompson

the simpsons waylon smithers mr smithers umm you probably should ignore that ignore that

- We could sit here and try to figure out who forgot to pick up who til the cows home. And lets just say were both wrong and thatll be that. Now how bout a hug?

fren band peepo band pepe band

- Some days, we don’t let the line move at all. We call those “weekdays”.

yes phillip lindsay coastal carolina

- I dont want to live anymore!

spinning twirling spin twirl dizzy

- No, I do not know what Schadenfreude is. Please tell me because Im dying to know.

release the hounds menacing simpson

- Umm... I shoot birds at the airport.

ruction beings allison sloan sleepover sleep roplizuxe

- Blursed Peter

smithers money fight the simpsons mr burns money

- Marge, in a world gone mad, only a lunatic is truly insane.

bonny defamme betty de famme

- “I want to help you, George Washington?” Even your dreams are square.

village people in the navy waylon smithers the simpsons the simpsons tide

- “Cartoons Dont Have to be 100% Realistic”

wtf what you say whatever mobile cellphone

- Gee, I dont know what youve got planned for tonight, Homer, but count me out.

whip the simpsons candy whip

- Wesley get mamas prying bar.

smiling oscar proud the proud family louder and prouder grin big smile

- Smithers, Im home. What...already? Yes.

simpsons mr burns laughing

- Am i really that ugly?

skeleton boomerang skeleboom skeleton boomerang

- Homer, are you just holding onto the cans?

clapping applause bravo great puppet

- Please kill me

pepe fast fren

- Compu-Global-Hyper-Mega-Net, junior vice-president Homer Simpson speaking. How may I direct your call?

mr burns excellent the simpsons

- Ah, now thats-a sensitivity. Right, Giuseppe? *Screeches* Giuseppe is happy monkey.

canticos baby chicks chickies family siblings

- Maggie Simpson sharpened up and ready for a bit of the old ultra-violence.

mr burns excellent

- Only one actor could have pulled off this role.

canticos best friends 3amigos chickie chickies

- Hi-dilly-ho. Welcome to your new home, neglect-areenos

whipping simpsons

- Do we sell French.....Fries?

moonglow moonette dance christmas xmas

- Why? Its not like anything interesting happened to anyone else today.

burns smither

- Goodbye Selma. Im not dead, idiot. I know, that was for the other patients.

metallia disgaea witch witch and the hundred night nippon ichi

- Patty y Selma

mrburns cake simpsons hapy birthday

- Who would have thought Darth Vader was Luke Skywalkers father?

embed fail epic reimu cry about it apple bottom jeans

- And since Id achieved all my goals as President in one term, there was no need for a second. The end. Hmm, good memoirs. Good, not great.

simpsons smithers wink burns

- RIP Anthony Bourdain

bambisona fnf friday night funkin dave and bambi baldis basics

- “Hi, Lisa. Hi, Super Nintendo Chalmers. Meow. I’m learnding.”

frown waylon smithers simpsons


upset teela masters of the universe revelation the forge at the forest of forever disappointed

- Hello Dean, you are a stupid-head!

mmmmmmmm dream nightmare

- If things had turned ugly, I always had my mace.

dabbing dab dabs dancing dance

- Smithers, I’m afraid I won’t be able to play tonight. My old gimpy knee has gone akimbo again.. Take that! Ooh, Smithers that precision assault popped it back into place, thank you masked stranger!


- Our defence today

ventje blues clues dance steve burns


applause good job simpsons mister burns smither

- You know Homer, its very easy to criticise. Fun too!

good like %E0%B8%AA%E0%B8%B8%E0%B8%94%E0%B8%A2%E0%B8%AD%E0%B8%94 excellent smiling


waylon smithers smithers the simpsons strip club dont want to see

- Its 11 oclock do you know where your children are? I told you last night, NO!!!

turn around rotate twiddling spin twirl

- Ow! My freaking ears!

the simpsons excellent %E8%BE%9B%E6%99%AE%E6%A3%AE %E5%A4%AA%E5%A5%BD%E4%BA%86 %E8%AE%9A

- Uhh... hello... uhh... Mrs... uh... Bart. IS YOUR POOL READY YET??

burns excellent simpsons evil plan thinking evil

- Well, sir, where shall we dump this batch? The playground? No. All those bald children are arousing suspicion.

the simpsons mr burns evil smile evil plan oh yes

- A dog like this you have to feed every day!

- My theory is, Skinner likes dog food

- Sir, there are six cinder blocks missing... There will be no hospital then, Ill tell the children..

- Tesla unveils the Tesla Roadster to the public (2008)

- I want to see you both fighting for your parents love! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!

- Homer, theres four places. Theres the Hammock Hut. Thats on third. Theres Hammocks-R-US. Thats on third too. You got Put-Your-Butt-There. Thats on third. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot. Matter of fact, theyre all in the same complex. Its the Hammock Complex down on third.

- Now do Classical Gas

- I live in a single room above a bowling alley, and below another bowling alley.

- Oh, January first. Better get started on those taxes, Neddy.

- Your father can be surprisingly sensitive. When I giggled at his Sherlock Holmes hat, he sulked for a week and then closed his detective agency.

- There are no good wars, with the following exceptions: the American Revolution, World War II, and the Star Wars Trilogy.

- Don’t forget the smell!

- I own the electric company and the water works, plus the hotel on Baltic Avenue. That hotels a dump and your monopolys pathetic.

- My knob tastes funny

- F2P Spies.

- Grandpa, are you sitting on the apple pie? I sure hope so.

- Homer, dont take this personally, but Ive obtained a court order to prevent you from planning this wedding.

- Hey there, blimpy boy, flying through the sky all fancy free

- Strange, I shouldnt have been able to hear that

- Uh, lets see...Ill

- Hey!! He looks just like you, pointdexter!!!

- Simpsons frases

- I wore a 15 pound beard of bees for that woman

- Smithers, this plague doesnt scare me, Ive constructed a germ free chamber for myself, not a single microbe can get in or out. Who the devil are you?

- Dad, women dont like being shot in the face. Women will like what I tell them to like.

- Why must you turn my office into a house of lies?

- just remember, one of our patients is a cannibal. Try to guess which one! I think youll be pleasantly surprised

- I gotta go, my damn wiener kids are listening.

- “I did it. Second in line and all I had to do was miss eight days of work.” “With the money you would have made working, you could’ve bought tickets from a scalper.”


- Who wants to guess how I got the money?

- white nike socks

- “My name is Mr. Burns. I believe you have a letter for me.” “Okay Mr. Burns, what’s your first name?” “I don’t know.”

- Listen up, guys. The Springfield police told me that 91% of all traffic accidents are caused by you six guys.

- Lisa Simpson

- But main street’s still all cracked and broken!

🥳🥳🥳 Passed the half way point on my weightloss goal today, nearly 2 stone lighter than I was before lockdown. Really the only silver lining of lockdown for me was that for whatever reason it flipped a switch in my head and I set about getting healthier again... To be honest I probably passed the halfway point a few weeks ago because it took me about a month before I even stepped on a scales, but as of now Im both the lightest and healthiest Ive been in about 3 years, hopefully be down to my birth weight before the end of the year 😝 - @mc_savy on Instagram

- “Just because I dont care doesnt mean I dont understand.”

- memes

- Comics and Cartoons

- Youll have to speak up, Im wearing a towel

- Homer, youre as dumb as a mule and twice as ugly. If a strange man offers you a ride, I say take it!

- Skinner says the teachers will crack any minute purple monkey dishwasher.

- Hello, Selma? Selma, my dear, how are you? Uh huh...uh huh...uh huh...listen, shut up for a second.

- Well if it isnt my old friend Mr McGreg...with a leg for an arm and an arm for a leg!

- Mr Mcclure, what does DNA stand for?

- [S04E08] Tis no man. Tis a remorseless eatin machine!

- Sir, why did you wait until the last minute to pay your taxes?

- But you rang my--

- You spoke while you were jinxed so I get to punch you in the arm. Sorry, its the law.

- hello.. uhm.. mrs.. uhh.. bart.... IS YOUR POOL READY YET?

- Look Marge, Maggie lost her baby legs!

- I was born a snake handler and ill die a snake handler

- You cant hide from me in this house, Bart. I spend 23 hours a day here.

- You know, I always felt you were the best thing my name ever got attached to ... I just want you to know Ive always been proud of you. Youre my greatest accomplishment and and you did it all yourself. You helped me understand my own wife better and taught me to be a better person.

- We spray her with the hose soaking her from head to toe, leaving us relatively dry. Relatively? Well, theres bound to be some splash-back.

- Dear Lord, thank you for Ziggy comics, little baby ducks, and Sweatin to the Oldies volumes one, two and four.

- Even as we speak, Ayatollah Razmara and his cadre of fanatics are consolidating their power.

- All opposed? Me. Who keeps saying that? It was him, lets get him fellas.

- Blursed Simpsons

- This is nothing but dead-white-male bashing from a PC thug. Its women like you who keep the rest of us from landing a husband.

- This is the Simpsons Rumpus Room. Its found at the rear of the house, its only been seen once or twice in the entire series.

- hmmm

- An accurate depiction of me tomorrow

- Hi Lisa! Hi Super Nintendo Chalmers!

- Hey fun boys get a room!

- See my Vest!

- Do you want to change your name to Homer Junior? The kids can call you HoJu!

- Cursed_Show

- When Ive got a day off.

- You know, when I was a boy I really wanted a catchers mitt, but my dad wouldnt get it for me. So I held my breath until I passed out and banged my head on the coffee table. The doctor thought I might have brain damage.

- In that family, nobody trusted nobody. They even brought their lawyers to Thanksgiving dinner!

- “Ow! Those gears down there really hurt!”

- how my girl be lookin when I show her the 5th pair of shoes I bought this month

- Spare me your euphemisms! Its fat camp for Daddys chubby little secret!

- Soon you’ll have a mighty hump.


- hmmm

- Find the bathroom alright?

- “That doll tried to kill me!” - “I’d say that the pressure has finally gotten to dad, but what pressure?”

- Checkmate. Checkmate. Checkmate.

- My God Youre Greasy... Uhhh Mr. Merooka... HELP!

- Thats ridiculous! The last tree held nine drums

- The most depressing episode of The Simpsons is “Crepes of Wrath.” As a child I had trouble watching it.

- You know the door was open, Chief Break Everything!

- Mr. Simpson, dont you worry. I watched Matlock in a bar last night. The sound wasnt on, but I think I got the gist of it.

- Hello, Simpson. Im riding the bus because mother hid my car keys to punish me for talking to a woman on the phone. She was right to do it.

- Villains when they try to run away from Anakin

- “Hey fellas, good news! I found an extra 75W bulb lying around”

- Oh, I cant take his money. I cant print my own money. I have to work for money. Why dont I just lie down and die?

- Oh ok Duude, I wouldnt want you to have a cow, maaaan. Heres a catchphrase you better learn for your adult years, Hey buddy, got a quarter?

- My God youre greasy.

- Its all over people! We dont have a prayer AHHHHHhhh

- aesthetic, but make it yellow

- Stealing, how could you?! Havent you learned anything from that guy who gives sermons at church, Captain whats his name?

- I am Lugash.

- Dear Neighbor. You are my brother. I love you. And yet I feel a great sadness in my bosom.

- HeybuddyyougottaslowyourcardownandletmeinbecauseImabigfatguyandIcantgoanywherebecausetherecouldbesomepoisongasImeantheresreallygoingtobepoisongasandeverybodysgoingtobedeadESPECIALLYME!!!!

- Me when I saw egg nog at the grocery store today.

- Look at me, Im a grad student. Im 30 years old and I made $600 last year.

- “A professional in an ape mask is still a professional”

- A+? You dont think much of me, do you, boy? No, sir. You know, a D turns into a B so easily. You just got greedy.

- Imagine that..! Sleeping quietly after a bug attack... and Todd is as dry as a bone!

- It was worth sneaking into town. That was some good corn.

- Since my other post with the reversed color schemes got so much attention, I present you with: Rick and Morty characters, as Simpsons characters, as Rick and Morty characters

- Yeah, you heard your mother.

- Well, well, well Ive never seen such reckless disregard for a wifes well- being in my life. You just won yourselves a motorcycle.

- I don’t know what you have planned tonight, but count me out.

- You know, Marge, in some ways you and I are very different people.

- Want to change your name to Homer Junior? The kids can call you Hoju

- Yeah I bought your little mutt.... And I ate him!

- For some reason, in Cape Feare (S5E2), whenever Homer gets Sideshow Bob’s first letter there is a mouse listening in.

- I thought I’d chauffeur myself this evening. Yes, that’s what I thought. How difficult can it be? Im sure the manual will indicate which lever is the velocitator and which the deceleratrix.

- Uh, my shirt fell off...

- Hot stuff, coming through

- O Simpson

- So I said, Look buddy, your car was upside-down when I got here. And as for your grandmother, she shouldnt have mouthed off like that.

- Hey, this TVs not broken, its just unplugged!

- Thank you door

- I fixed the DVD!

- No, Lisa, but I sure dont want to eat this crappy breakfast.

- I need a price check on two grapes! Yeah, you heard me, Phil. Two measly, stinkin grapes.

- me irl

- Name me one person whos gotten rich by doing yo-yo tricks.

- Miss Belle, were about to do our Around the World number, but Monte Carlo cant find her dice!

- Fan Theory: Snrub is actually Mr Burns in disguise

- Where’s Christmas?!?!

- Watch the potty mouth, honey.

- All this computer hacking is making me thirsty. I think ill order a Tab.

- Pipe down sister, I gotta book a new act for tonight. Turns out that Liza Minnelli impersonator was actually Liza Minnelli *Shudders*

- Have you been up all night eating cheese? I think Im blind.

- Listen, boozebags, I got a good thing going here. If you mess it up, I will out the one of you that is gay.

- I know where we can get some baguettes! Happy bastille day everyone!

- Now, as a special treat courtesy of our friends at the Meat Council, please help yourself to this tripe!

- Mr. Burns, Im afraid you are the sickest man in the United States. You have everything.

- ♪ You dont wind friends with salad ♪

- Slow down sir, youre going to give yourself skin failure!

- blursed_switcharoo

- I think Smithers picked me because of my motivational skills. Everyone always says they have to work a lot harder when im around.

- “Homer, is this the way you pictured married life?” “Yeah, pretty much. Except we drove around in a van solving mysteries.”

- Theres plenty of Milhouse to go around!

- (In honor of the first day of Spring) —Look, fellas! The first snapdragon of the season!

- “Don’t worry boy, when you get a job like me, you’ll miss every summer”

- Yes, Id like to send this letter to the Prussian consulate in Siam by aeromail. Am I too late for the 4:30 auto-gyro?


- Hey lady, Santa is gonna be here right? He just HAS to!

- Bart, cart, dart, eeyart... Nope. Cant see any problem with that

- Come see Bottomless Pete, natures cruelest mistake. Come for the freak, stay for the food!

- Youll have to speak up, Im wearing a towel...

- Up yours, children

- Oh, so now were judging each other based on things weve done!? Real fair. Class act.

- Weve syphoned extra power off from the orphanage. Who are they going to complain to? Their parents?

- Im A Lonely, Insignificant Speck On A Has-been Planet Orbited By A Cold, Indifferent Sun

- You...went to outer space? You? Sure, youve never been?... Would you like to see my Grammy Award?

- Simpsons - Characters

- Barts teacher is named Krabappel? Ive been calling her Crandall. Why didnt someone tell me?!

- Cant talk - keeping myself in a state of cat-like readiness.

- Whats a battle?

- un-zipping... Homer, no!

- Kicking and screaming please

- I pickled the figs myself

- Mom, theres a weird smell and a lot of cursing coming from the basement, and dads upstairs.

- Thats the same thing, you just replaced Dees with Doos.

- See, Lisa? Males aren’t hard to tame. They all follow their video cartridges.

- Theyre all covered with filthy germs! Arent they, Smithers?

- Who the devil are you?

- Listen to your mother Lisa. I owe everything I have to my mothers watchful eye, and swift hand. Oh, theres mother now...watching me. Whats that mother? I have a right to be here! Its school business! Mother, that sailor suit doesnt fit anymore!

- Bart tests Homer’s strength

- Oh, Fritz, you idiot. I didnt order a bologna sandwich. I ordered an abalone sandwich!

- Tell you what. We come back and everyone is slaughtered, I owe you a coke.

- Have you noticed any change in Bart? New glasses? No. He looks like something might be disturbing him. Probably misses his old glasses.

- If kids are so innocent, why is everything bad named after them? Acting CHILDish, KIDnapping, CHILD abuse.... What about ADULTery? Not until youre older, son.

- Were going out, Marge! If we dont come back, avenge our deaths!


- Donald Trump has hired goons raid his former doctors office. (2018)

- Tis the season, Marge. We only get 30 sweet, noggy days

- Now theres an employee, Smithers. A smile on his lips and a song in his heart. Promote him!

- This was originally a Halloween costume, but it found its way into my regular rotation.

- Art Humor

- “I got the idea when I noticed the refrigerator was cold.“

- I heard your dad went into a restaurant and ate everything in the restaurant and they had to close the restaurant

- “Help me, Lisa! I have serious Mental Problems!

- Marge, dont discourage the boy. Weaseling out of things is important to learn. Its what separates us from the animals... except the weasel.

- Flanders, you have no neck. Okely dokely, neighborino!

- Well, Bart, your Uncle Arthur used to have a saying: Shoot em all and let God sort em out. Unfortunately, one day he put his theory into practice. It took 75 federal marshals to bring him down. Now, lets never speak of him again.

- Now, normally, the birth of Siamese twins is a joyous occasion...

- So then I says to Mabel, I says...

- Yello? Youll have to speak up. Im wearing a towel.

- Im not a state! Im a monster!

- Every religion says theres a soul, Bart. Why would they lie?? What would they have to gain??

- And Lisa, I guess this is the time to tell you ... youre adopted and I dont like you. BART!

- Homer, we gotta do something. Today, hes drinking peoples blood. Tomorrow, he could be smoking!

- Cursed_Simpsons


- Simpsons

- Yello? Youll have to speak up: Im wearing a towel.

- Whats your favourite movie? The Little Mermaid, at least until you taped over it. Thats right, The Odd Couple! So meet your comically mismatched roommate, Bart Simpson!


- Mmm, I cant wait to eat that monkey!

- Now Homer dont you eat this pie.

- @simpscns on Instagram