- Matthew 3:69 - “My healing hands are not covered by your insurance.”

Preppy power puff gurl pfp

- Also, please do not defend yourself when we come into your homes. Kthx!

50 Funny Jesus Memes To Fill Your Spirit With Humor

- First Poster for Fast and Furious 9


- Thought this was hilarious. Credit to u/pecho - @honestlyfakecomics

please follow me

- [OC] No pain no gain eh

- hmmm

Upcoming events for our 14th week

- Kratos laughs in Greek

People Who Forgot To Check The Background Of Their Photos Before Posting Them Online

- What happens when you slip........

Sabrina Carpenter pfp || Mine 💗

hephaestus cabin aesthetic !!

- The Moon

- Cursed_Dragon Ball Z

Weird Photos to AirDrop - Things To AirDrop People - Cursed images - Funny AirDrop Photos

- Arithmetic holup

The only way is Jesus Christ

- Humour Couple

- Bhagavad Gita

- hmmm

Text us if you need a personal workout program or meal plan📝 Follow @calisthenics_lifestyle . . . . #calisthenics #calisthenicsworkout #calisthenicsgirls #calisthenicsmovement #calisthenicstraining #streetworkoutindonesia #handstand #streetworkoutpro #streetworkout #streetworkouts#workoutroutine #workouts #workout💪 #workout24 #workoutfit #workoutclothes #workoutinstyle #workoutoftheday #barbrothers #barstarzz #frontlever #planche #gymnastics #thenx #fitness #athlete #bodyweight #bodyweighttraining - @calisthenics_lifestyle on Instagram

Focus On The Pathway To Jesus

𝓢abrina 𝓒arpenter ۶ৎ

He is always with you. 🙏♥️ . . ✝️How can you help spread the 𝗪𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐎𝐟 𝐆𝐨𝐝?⠀ ♥️𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 this post 💬𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 on this post . .⠀ ✝️We post the best 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 ⠀ 👉Follow us @jesus_christ_believers . . . . . #jesus #christ #jesuschrist #amen #pray #powerofprayer #seekhimfirst #morningprayer #biblestudy #biblejournaling #biblescripture #dailybibleverse #christianquotes #christianliving #blessed #trustgod #scripture #scriptures #wordofgod #christianity #holyspirit #jesusheals #jesusisreal #jesusisgod #catholicism #jesuslover #godisgood #godsword #jesusistheway #thegospel - @jesus_christ_believers on Instagram

wanna be yours

Christian worship picture

- Blursed_Counterpart

One of the main things I pray abt 🙏🫶🏻

Art by me :3

- meta or something

- My savior

- I laughed but not enough to do get it in my body permanently

- Happy fathers day

- Everything ends

- Time to settle this.

Comment love in your language 💞 Credit: @sundaekids - @artxplode on Instagram

- Super héros marvel

- Avatar: The Last Airbender 3

- GOD!

👄👄👄 - @theoatmeal on Instagram

- Who elses childhood ruined?

- so cute

- go find a babysitter or something

overalls problems 2: the sequel - @incendavery on Instagram

- Great ideas

- blursed_avatar

| Hit us right in the feels this one, just want to be back in the rave 😢☀️ ----------------- ▶︎ Something to get excited about... Weve just launched a HUGE competition for you to get your hands on! You could win a VIP package to @sequencesuk x @crucast_ Summer Shutdown! at @motionbristol - head to our story to get involved! 🤞🔥🥳 ----------------- #theblastbristol #drumandbass #bassmusic #sequences #motionbristol - @theblastbristol on Instagram

- Thanks, I hate perspective

- Christianity

- Prayer warrior

- Over here actin like damn Florida and shit.

- Bf

This. #shethepeople #girltalk Credit @happyfluffcomics - @girltalkindia on Instagram

- if you put the kira copypasta in the comments i swear to god

- Boston Engagement Photos!

- My humor in a nutshell

- blursed_jesus

- After removing 4 dead bolts, 2 chain locks, and a chair from the kitchen table—still in hell.

- photography tips

- ⛰️❄️

- Avatar

- Nice guys are always the best friends, arent they?

- Jesus Christ

- Painful

- Hes kinda disappointed tho

- oh-

- She be one too

- anime_irl

- Shit

Every single day - @ms_collycol on Instagram

- A man can only dream

- Things to think about

- send me nudes [oc]

- Bored

- Fear book

- me_irl

- picture of Jesus and kids and animals and people

- baba

- New year New me

- Lovely distractions

- Bible Verses

- They left this part out of the Bible

- The force is with me

- Church PowerPoints

- Boring comic.

- Marker.

- Catholic ✠

- Biggest pineapple.

- Distracted by love

- Blursed_evolution

- What did you think.....

- Pro gamer move

- I.. I can explain!

- blursed_wave

- Artists.

- Krillin asking shenron a request

- Defiant city under quarantine

- oof owie he dead now

- Affirmation!

- Fairy Tales

Morning fam, We hope you are all having a good week, . Our good friend George @geogantart has a new IP called BEWARE OF TODDLER @bewareoftoddler . Its based on his experiences as a father and we LOVE IT.. . This was his tribute post for Chadwick Boseman ❤❤❤❤ Rest in Power King . Go support him @bewareoftoddler and the other links below... . www.bewaretoddler.com . . www.facebook.com/bewareoftoddler . www.twitter.com/bewareoftoddler . . As always feel free to like and REGRAM crediting the creative and us as the source.. . . #bewareoftoddler #chocolatecitycomics #fatherhood #motherhood #blackparents #parenthood #blackgirlmagic #cartoons #cartoon #blackfathers #afrocentric #afroart #blackartists #funny #humor #chadwickboseman #blackpanther #marvel #wakandaforever - @chocolatecitycomics on Instagram

- Names

#avengersinfinitywar #avengerslover #infinitystones #infintywar #ironman #inspirationalquotes #tobecontinued #timestone #thor #thanos #thanosrising #captainamerica #blackpanther #blackwidow #marvel #mindstone #soulstone #spacestone #realitystone @marvel @marvelstudios - @great_thanos_quotes on Instagram


- Catholic Jokes

- Great Teachings

- Ship It

- hmmm

- Thanks i hate Bear Grylls

⠀ The Mighty Winter Soldier sounds not bad 🤔 What do you think, Goldilocks? ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ —Art by @a_belicka (Unicat Studio) ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #marvel #wintersoldier #buckybarnes #bucky #jamesbuchananbarnes #jamesbarnes #sebastianstan #thor #chrishemsworth #mjolnir #fanart - @jamesbuchanan_barnes on Instagram

- Humans can be metal too!

- The act of nonchalant escape still runs in the family

- Happy mothers day💚

- A somewhat depressing thought from Calvin and Hobbes.

- Son of God

The last image is the most important. We can mourn the folks weve lost but there is no time for despair. Also, check on your friends in the movement. They were tired before this and we cant imagine how much pressure and exhaustion theyre feeling now. . Vote, get your parents, family, friends to vote. Work the polls bc theres a shortage of workers. And dont give up. Apathy is how they win. #TheMCSquad #KeepItMoving Reposted from @thelilynews Comic artist @kagwheeler reacts to the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. #thelilynews #thelilycomics #ruthbaderginsburg #rbg - @themcsquad_dc on Instagram

- I would hate to step in that.

- [OC] M o u t h ? ( Im very new to creating comics and would love all your thoughts and criticism. Also thanks a lot for the love on the last comic :) ( PS: I actually have a really bad ulcer ;_; ) )


- Dev ji

- Blursed_Jesus

- Abarrotes “El Tlatoani”

- how could you rise anew if you have not first become ashes - Fredrick Neitzche [2160x2160]

- Luke was a true hero

- Blursed Dumbell

- Clogged

- Additional Christian Resources

- Oh those dirty Jews and their evil tricks!

- My oc is garbage at best

- Aaargh!!!!

- Prayer against the enemy

- Jesus Father

- Boyfriend

- This scene doesnt get enough appreciation. Underrated joke by Sokka.

- Awareness poster for Covid-19 (Draft). What do you guys think?

@natalyalobanova these are perfect!!! There’s a serious cold heartedness in the aggressive application of ‘positivity’ as a philosophy in our society. I’m calling BS. Sick of it. It’s lazy and leaves no room for listening or empathy. This kind of advice stinks of, ‘I’m strong, you’re weak’ ‘I’m a winner, you’re a loser’. Also! ‘We’re all in this together’ is an outright lie. - @annacordellmusic on Instagram

- Jesus Scares

Da millenni gli esseri umani tendono a idealizzare il passato e a lamentarsi per una presunta perdita di valori nella loro epoca presente. Un esempio di questo fenomeno proviene da un aneddoto ambientato nella Sparta del V secolo a.C. e riportato da Plutarco: «Una volta un anziano, vedendo che le antiche tradizioni lacedemoni andavano in rovina e ne subentravano altre peggiori, chiese a re Agide perché tutto a Sparta stesse andando in malora. Egli sorrise, poi rispose con una battuta: “Se davvero le cose stanno come dici, significa che tutto procede normalmente. Da ragazzo, infatti, sentivo dire da mio padre che tutto era sottosopra. E anche suo padre, diceva, aveva detto le stesse cose a lui quando era ragazzo. Perciò non c’è da stupirsi se le cose con il passare del tempo peggiorano; anzi, ci sarebbe da stupirsi se migliorassero o se restassero uguali”». - @pillole.di.storia on Instagram

- MegaMan un a nutshell

- Zuko forgot to credit someone...

- Warren Ellis, Cheeky as Ever [SPOILERS] [Excerpt] (The Wild Storm #1)

- Blursed_Lord and Savior

- It really do be like that

Comment BABY in your Language 💞 Credit : @93.minho - Follow us @art.wonder_land For more! - No copyright infringement intended DM for issues or removal Hastag👇👇 #art#draw#drawing#sketch#artstyle#traditional#digitalart#mini#miniature#animepage#disney#disneyart#cute#artpicture#artvisual#artwork#artwonder_land - @art.wonder_land on Instagram

- Expecting an actual meme? Fuck you, you don’t get one.

- better place ...

- Responsible son checks in with mom before going out on an adventure

- my father quotes

- Late December birthdays suck

- Well, at least she knows one law...

- It was fun making this meme but I hope he gets it of his shoes as quickly as possible.

- amen

- Sexy black art

- Blursed jesus

- BuT hE wAS a dARK-SkInNeD MiDdLE EaStERn MaN...

- A very handsome man, wouldnt you say?

- Im... Im so sorry, everyone.

- Religious Studies

- Imágenes Religiosas

- hmmm

- 2meirl4meirl

Era uma atividade escolar do Gianluca, mas virou uma grande farra! Como é bom ser pai! ____________ #blogpaimala #michelangelo #paisefilhos #diadosfilhos #paternidade - @pai_mala on Instagram

- meaningful

- Obey

- Cute couple memes

- Jairus daughter

- A - Christs Church Yukon

- blursed mario shirt

- 2meirl4meirl

- Time out.

- When this happens


- Father and Son Love:

- Blursed Injury

- Jesus lamp

- Confirmed?

- Legend has it they’re still marching

- @blackashcannabis on Instagram

- God is for me


- The black and white smurf gets me

- blursed_jesus

- Soul Winning

- All About Me

- For Sale, Baby Shoes, Never Worn (RimWorld Comics)

- Isildur!!!!

- They have sent the ambassador to punish you

- Comics

- Good things come in all sized packages

- What would Cheesus do?

- Not sure what it’s saying exactly, but I’m sure it’s “deep”

- Jokes on you, Im into that!

- Omae wa mou

Movies amirite?! . . . #comic #comics #cartoon #funny #singlepanel #actionmovie #movielogic #schwarzenegger #sylvesterstallone #terminator #brucewillis #diehard #jamescameron #michaelbay #therock #dwaynejohnson #jasonstatham #movies #films #moviereviews #miamiconnection #hollywood #bmovie #oldhollywoodglamour #montypythonandtheholygrail #montypython #theylive #johncarpenter #starwars #kungfumovies - @manchildmanor on Instagram

- It’s what I want the most

- BJJ training with Stoicism.

• one thing • 〰️ There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:42 NLT 〰️ Sometimes life may throw us many things that we need to take care of, and I do believe they are important and legit! Yet our Lord says that there is only one thing worth being concerned about, and that is sitting at Jesus feet, being close to Him, receiving from Him :) . Let us focus on what Jesus is doing and saying to us even when the enemy may try to start many fires (thoughts, worries, regrets, condemnation) to distract us. Jesus loves us and He is taking care of us. Let not our hearts be troubled ❤️ Do that one thing, He will take care of all the fires. . Inspired by Ps @josephprince s book, Live the Let Go Life . Blessed midweek, friends! - @child.ink on Instagram

- Wow. This didn’t take long.

- Blursed lionking

- B.C. Comics

- Oh Lord!

- Cute animals

- 💔 credit: xiaoness.art

- Lolllll

- meirl

- hmmm

- Señora Chocoflan. lo dibuja @ChavoDelToro

- [Image] Uncle Iroh is so cool

Oma Heidi on Instagram 🥰💙❤️ 🧓🏼 #webcomics #comics #comicart #wholesome #wholesomememes #wholesomemes #grandparents #grandmagoals #familygoals #familytime #influencerlife #socialmedia #funnycomics - @comicblues on Instagram

- me irl

- hmmm

- @goo_fotography on Instagram

- Came across this. If it’s a repost... sorry, but enjoy anyway

- Hey Kevin!

- Q-tips

- 000 may 13th our Lady of fatima

- R̨el̵̡͡a͠t͏i̴̸ón͟s̢͞h̷͘͜i̴p̸̛ ̴ ̛g̴̶̛ ̴o̶̕ ̛͠a̛ l͟͡ ̛s̨

Wholesome Aang 🥰 🔥🌪☄💧 ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ Memes and Credit from r/AvatarMemes ---------- Tags #korra #asami #bolin #mako #aang #katara #sokka #toph #zuko #azula #mai #tylee #iroh #suyin #tenzin #appa #momo #naga #pabu #ozai #amon #sukka #zaheer #atla #lok #zutara #avatarthelastairbender #thelegendofkorra #avatar #avatarmemes - @zukoatla on Instagram

- Sticky fingers punched Jesus and part 7 started

- Brave

- PLS tell me

- Blursed_Ancient-Laws

- Got this from a friend lmao

- Parenting

- Christ the good shepherd

- 13.1

- Blursed Savior

- [OC] Gotta take a shit

- Sundae Kids

- Cursed jesus

- Avatar The last Airbender

- Found this on r/stoicism thought this belonged here

- Blursed_bless

- Cat

- [LOK spoilers] [Turf Wars spoilers] *heavy breathing*

- JESUS IS HERE (last one got removed)

- Just a little fun

- “Father of Faith” artwork

- Swole in my heart

- Well if this isnt me

- I see great things in you

- [IMAGE] The PlayStation community on Wednesday.

- inspirational,God Quotes

- Meditation meaning


- Bad guys are always misunderstood

- Dont you think thats kinda cheap? (Invincible #10)


- Low-Effort Meme

- Christian memes

- No worries, You krillin it at being cool.

- All About The Armor Of God

- What was the importance/story behind this statue? Was it going to play a part in the story at some point in the show?

- [oc] jellyfish


- Words of more wisdom were never spoken (Flex Mentallo 4#)

- aang is just so cute in the comics 🥺 that face after the kids shocking faces is to die for

- As a grown ass man watching Inside Out

- otp

- amen #2

Wie interpretiert ihr dieses Bild? Entweder bedeutet es das es bald keine Religionen mehr geben soll und eine neue Weltreligion erschaffen wird.. Oder... ? Das überlasse ich euch... sehr interessantes Thema finde ich Seid ihr generell gläubig? Woran glaubt ihr ? Wozu gibt es Religion? Ist alles nur ein Märchen? 🤔 #religion #christentum #islam #buddhismus #hinduismus #judentum #christ #muslim #buddha #buddhism #hinduism #daoismus #konfuzianismus #konfuzius #spiritismus #sikhismus #nwo - @common.sense__ on Instagram

- Sponsored

- Let’s go for a walk.

- Sad times

- Buddhist monks (OC)

- Catholic pictures

- Charr hate yoga

- So very true

- Running

- that cross is not there for no reason(colored amai by cringe king)

- Happy Easter Quotes

- Blursed just blursed

- Love their friendship

- Thankful Friendship Quotes

No Caption for These🤯🤯 #thanos#thanosmemes#thanossnap#thanosquotes#thanoscar#thanoscar#thanosdemandsyoursilence#thanosedit#thanostattoo#thanosmeme#teamthanos#disney#disneyworld#disneyland#disneyprincess#disneylife#disneyplus#joshbrolin#thanosiscoming#thanosdrawing#thanoshotels - @mcu_41 on Instagram

- Radiohead

- Captain Disservice

- Me_irl

- Não sei quem foi o autor, mas a imagem fala por si só.

- Siuuu Sandals

- Mods, this is a historical fact

- [SPOILERS] Arya leaves Gendry speechless

- Please, MMA gods. Please!

- Blursed meirl

- All part of the plan

- Avatar

- Bible stories for kids

- Everyone after hearing about kamp koral

- Blursed_Polnareff

- C. Cassandra


- As a Friend

- Just a reminder not to fall into the traps of the ego!

- so true

- T-Pepsi

- Some Shaggyposting 💦

- Not all heroes wear capes


- Death note

- The Universal Gesture of Divinity.

- Farting in the shower

- I want to hear the entire Faith + 1 album


- hmmm

- rip #1

- Bible

- No matter what you click it tries to download a bible.

- Repost

- 2 Peepeepoopoos

- hmmm

- The best religion

Here comes the sun... . . . #edunddetwebcomic #edunddet #comic #friendship #webcomic #blackandwhite #lol #laugh #hate #fight #color #sketchoftheday #cartoon #picoftheday #photooftheday #bestoftheday #graphicdesign #illustration #digitalpainting #comicoftheday #comics #comicstrip #comicartist #graphic #design #digitalcomics #funnycomics #ink #mobbing #suizid - @comicmatze on Instagram