Lars Von Trier Profile Pics

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beautiful knitting

lars von trier nymphomaniac slap

- Wie das so ist mit den Bauwerken in Berlin


we don%27t need to grieve for it kristen dunst melancholia filmedit movieedit

- 1910s Fashion Era

mia goth for cultured magazine ☆ feb 2023

melancholia grouper kirsten dunst living room

- Lewis Carroll, de escritor a fotógrafo.

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- One year ago today I lost the only brother I had. A brother-in-law, a best friend and the most positive person in my life. I miss you Rory, stay posi bro.

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- Alan Rickman

reaction mad girl women lady

- Anna Ancher 1859 - 1935

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Atamız Taşköprüye karşı kahvesini yudumlarken ❤️ #DünyaKahveGünü - @adanabld on Instagram

melankoli lars von trier kirsten dunst apocalypse

- architects


¿Qué hacía un guardagujas? ¿Y un lañador o un mozo de cuerda? Hoy recordamos oficios del Madrid de antaño gracias al Archivo Regional de la Comunidad de Madrid 👉El ARCM nos permite conocer mejor la historia de nuestra región y parte de nuestro pasado son esas profesiones que se han extinguido o que perduran adaptadas a los nuevos tiempos. 🚋Desde los serenos o los guardagujas, quienes movían manualmente los puntos de empalme de los tranvías para hacer un cambio de vía, hasta los faroleros, que encendían y mantenían las farolas antaño. En el ARCM encontramos fotografías de oficios casi extinguidos, como los tejeros (fabricantes de tejas y ladrillos) o el mozo de cuerda, siempre dispuesto con su cuerda a cargar bultos, paquetes o cualquier mercancía. 🥽Los trabajos artesanales han cambiado en los últimos tiempos. Ahora sería impensable trabajar en las condiciones en las que lo hacían los fundidores de soldaditos de plomo. 💰La venta ambulante era una fuente de ingresos. En el ARCM vemos imágenes de vendedores de pipas o de molinillos de papel. ♻️Tienen una especial presencia los traperos, cuyo oficio dista del homónimo género musical contemporáneo. Se dedicaban a recoger basura a domicilio, la clasificaban, arreglaban y vendían de segunda mano. Pioneros del reciclaje. 🎹Algunas profesiones perviven en la actualidad, aunque cada vez son más difíciles de ver. Es el caso del reparto de carbón o el reparador de pianolas. 🔧En el Fondo Martín Santos Yubero encontramos instantáneas de lañadores, quienes se dedicaban a arreglar recipientes y cacharros de barro y loza. ☎️La nueva forma de comunicarse en el s.XX trajo nuevos oficios, como la mecanografía; la telefonía permitía hablar con otros sin salir de casa y el montaje de cine era casi artesanal. ℹ️Si queréis descubrir otras curiosas profesiones presentes en el ARCM, no os perdáis la expo virtual “Oficios de antaño.Testigos de una sociedad perdida”: (link directo en bio⬆️) . #Madrid #patrimoniomadrid #patrimonio #archivosmadrid #comunidaddemadrid #archivos #documentos #archivoregionalmadrid #profesionesantiguas - @patrimoniocm on Instagram

yikes awkward kristendunst


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nervous laugh kirsten dunst smile

- A Funny Thing

baby jump window peter pan

- Authors and Poets

melancholia bride lars von trier endoftheworld

- Addams Family


- Churchill

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- Betty Davis & Movies

melancholia lars von trier depression kirsten dunst

- Monsieur Mangetout - the man who ate a Cessna 150 airplane. He finished his meal after 2 years and also ate a bike, bed, computer, and more.

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the house that jack built lars von trier mr sophisitcation matt dillon myers briggs

- Julius Duc, photographed in a Chicago police station. Arrested for dressing as a woman. 1906. [456 x 640]


- Coronation Street

- Happy Birthday Brent Spiner - my first celeb crush

- History

So eine Trachtenhochzeit ist für mich etwas ganz spezielles. Es ist traditionell und doch sehr besonders. Außerdem kleidet einen Tracht immer sehr gut, oder was meint ihr? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #liebe #duundich #valentinstag #herz #glücklich #lieblingsmensch #herzensdame #lovely #tagderliebe #couple #trachtenhochzeit - @fruth_teresa_fotografie on Instagram

💥 Have you seen this appear on your feed lately? At #BonusStudio we’re proud to congratulate Viggo after our interview for @harpersbazaares 🙌🏻 . 🏆 Premio Donostia Saria/Award @sansebastianfes . . . . #photo #content #bonus_studio #Madrid #videography #video #shoot #shooting #instagram #videostudio #studio #design #creative #videomadrid #production #productioncompany #viggo #viggomortensen #lotr #lordoftherings #harpersbazaar #harpersbazaarespaña #sansebastian #festivalsansebastian #festivaldecine #ssiff #fallingfilm #premiosdonostia #filmfestival - @studiobonusoficial on Instagram

- A babushka, a fighter jet, a church, a lada, a military trailer... Not sure what title is appropriate here.

- Mods of r/raimimemes announcing the declaration of war on r/spidermanps4 after the Insomniac Kid attacks of 12/19/2018.

- Anton Giulio Bragaglia

- 1920s Wedding Designs

- Woman Skirts

- Artists

- Classical Music

- Caregiver Health Tips

- The last known photograph of Alexei and Olga Romanov, the only son and eldest daughter of Tsar Nicholas II c.1918 [COLOURISED] [500x377]

- Brothers

- Supernatural - Season 9

- 1925 Soviet Union - family listens to an evening broadcast. [700x525]

- British TV Comedies

- LAURA movie

- Growing Old Together

- Photograph of a young Sergei Rachmaninoff

- 1800s Clothing Style

- Artists life and self portraits

- Republic of Belarus. Bielorrusia. Belarus. República de Belarús. Europa Oriental. Sin Litorial. Capital, Minsk.

- Family History

- Shakespeare and Company, Paris

- Four Monks, Claudio Rinaldi, oils, 1884

- 70th, 80th, 90th, 100th Birthday

- Constructed Images

- #Nautical dress

- Even serious composers need some time off. Stravinsky playing solitaire.

- Peter Handke

- A private audience at Buckingham Place or Windsor Castle

- Princess Anastasia

- Anais Nin

- My great grandparents c. 1900 posing in a unique, badass way

- FDR at a 1938 Fundraiser

- Air

- Photos Of Frida Kahlo Dressed As A Young Man In 1924 [1118x761]

- Amedeo Modigliani

- ITAP of the same guy four times

- Weegee

- De todo

- Civil War Dentist

Hagans Venneforenings medlemmer fikk et eksklusivt møte med Per Spook i galleriet i går kveld . Spook ble intervjuet av Hege Christina Skredsvig og publikum fikk også stille spørsmål . Spook fortalte om sin oppvekst ,veien til eget motehus i Paris og om livet i Sigdal. Fransk musikk av Les Coupains , kanapeer og bobler i glasset satte en fin ramme for denne franske aften 🇫🇷🍾🎼#perspook #perspook #galleri_skredsvig #eggedal #sigdal #paris #hautecoutureparis #fotokunst #lescoupains - @galleri_skredsvig on Instagram

- Humor Musical

- fashion bones

- With her Nazi husband dead, this woman, probably fearing Allied reprisals, murdered her children before killing herself. Photographed by Margaret Bourke-White, Germany 1945. [550x575]

- Bon Jovi ♪♪♫♫♪♪♫♫♪♪

- Grace Kelly

- Louis hayward

- August Sander

- Feel Good

- Bridal lounge


- Back.Stage. Pass

- James Nachtwey

- Courageous People


- Poldark S5

- Rudolph Valentino

- 1940

- Richard basehart

- 1. Prinses Victoria 21.11.1840-5.8.1901

- Why does this stock photo exist?

- Vintage Brides I Love

- Basket - history

- Joseph Smith History .

- Beatrice Wood

- Artists working

- 1940s History

- Carl Larsson

- celebs

- Vermeer Paintings

- Captivating luxury with Mockbee & Co.

- Inside IPS

- PsBattle: British PM, Boris Johnson visiting a school

- capra/wilder

- Andre Kertesz

- Real Estate Headshot

- Chiropractors

- Bayern Bavaria Baviere Baviera Wittelsbach

- Fred Rogers (AKA Mr. Rogers) with his high-school year book editing team. 1946.

- 1800s & 1900s

- Marie Curie


- Great British Bake Off

- carravaggio

- A Shanghai tearoom, 1900

- Awesome Celebrity Portraits

- Pierre Curie, Marie Curie and their daughter Irene Joliot-Curie in 1906. Everyone in this picture was a Nobel laureate in science.

- Artist Gallery

- Perfume Scents

- Best Rock Musicians

- Murder in the House, Jakub Schikaneder, Oil on Canvas, 1890

- Celebrity Weddings

- PsBattle: this person holding a baby

- Newspaper Archives

- Bronte Family

- fantazija

- middle age inquisitions

- Hermann Hesse

- Leo Tolstoy


- bretton woods

- Doré

- Friendship Quotes Images

- Christ in Limbo - Hieronymus Bosch.

- Spirit photography

- Movie Trailers

- Blursed_Breaking_bad

- Post Mortem Photography

- mother and bride to be

Charee Part 2. A little something different today... Halloween comes early for this client, as she shoots her October catalogue in August. Always a nice break from wedding season. Photo: @opiefoto Makeup: @kristenpackardartistry - @kristenpackardartistry on Instagram

- Authors and Poets

- Hugh Hefner

Résonances Séfarades Jennifer Tani (voix) et Charlotte Testu (Contrebasse) Cette semaine sur France Musique, Création Mondiale par Anne Montaron avec Françoise Cordey & Soizic Noël. #soprano #doublebass #chambermusic #sefardí #francemusique #creationmondiale #music - @mirtru on Instagram

- Kim Dotcom

#ThrowbackThursday: In this photo from 1947, Albert Einstein is shown with two guests during a session of Princeton Universitys bicentennial conference on the University and its World Responsibilities. - @alberteinstein on Instagram

- US Civil War veterans dropping flowers from a plane 1938

- Indian Diplomat Krishna Menon treated by a Dr. Hitzig after collapsing after a historic 8 hour speech at the UN Security Council - 17 February 1957 (1310 × 1016)

- Charles Chaplin

- The photograph on the left was taken of Bob Dylan and this group of kids in Liverpool, 1966. In 2006 eight out of the ten kids returned to the same steps to capture the photograph shown on the right.

- Nuremberg trials

- Fidel Castro

- Ancestors Pommern

- Eric Clapton and his Mom - 1971

@oratoriosangiovanniurbino - Crocifissione - La meravigliosa Maddalena dei Salimbeni #artemedievale #arte #cultura #Urbino #goticointernazionale #goticofiorito #goticocortese #medioevo #artemedievale #artesacra #italia #italie #italien #italy - @oratoriosangiovanniurbino on Instagram

- Drag in History

Im Rahmen einer Feierstunde hat Oberbürgermeister Daniel Schranz der Oberhausenerin Aynur Celikdöven für ihr herausragendes soziales und ehrenamtliches Engagement das Bundesverdienstkreuz am Bande überreicht. Aynur Celikdöven arbeitet als Facharbeiterin in der Metallindustrie, ist verheiratet und hatte zwei Kinder. Ihre Tochter erkrankte Mitte der 1980er Jahre an Leukämie, konnte aber dank einer Knochenmarkstransplantation geheilt werden. Ihr Sohn erkrankte ebenfalls an Krebs und verstarb 1999 im Alter von sieben Jahren. Daraufhin gründete sie im Jahr 2001 in Oberhausen den Verein ,,Weg der Hoffnung e.V.“ für krebskranke Kinder und deren Angehörige, die beraten, aufgeklärt und vor allem gestärkt werden sollten. Die 54-Jährige unterstützt Familien, die oft aus der Türkei kommen, auch in Bezug auf Sprachschwierigkeiten und pflegt stets einen engen Kontakt zu den Betroffenen. 2003 gründete sie außerdem in einer Kleingartenanalage in Sterkrade den Treffpunkt ,,Engelsgarten“ für betroffene Familien und deren Kinder, die sich in der Krebsnachsorge befinden. Neben ihrer beratenden Tätigkeit organisiert Aynur Celikdöven jährliche Aktionsabende für Knochenmark- und Stammzellenspenden. Bereits im Jahr 2017 wurde sie für ihr ehrenamtliches Engagement mit der Ehrennadel der Stadt Oberhausen ausgezeichnet. „Für mich ist es eine große Freude, Sie hier begrüßen zu dürfen. Es ist immer ein seltener und ganz besonderer Anlass, wenn eine Bürgerin oder ein Bürger aus Oberhausen mit dem Bundesverdienstkreuz ausgezeichnet wird“, so der Oberbürgermeister.#oberhausen #stadtoberhausen #bundesverdienstkreuz #ehrenamt #engagement #verein - @stadt_oberhausen on Instagram

- Artists: Edmund Blair Leighton

- Winston Churchill tried to convince Turkish President İsmet İnönü to fight against Axis powers. İnönü decided to stay neutral due to the insufficient equipment of the Turkish forces. Adana Conference, 31 January 1943. [800x534]

- Queen Victoria Knits

- Enda still doesnt believe Gerry wasnt in the IRA

- Carmen DellOrefice

- Diabetes

- Alfonsina Storni

- Always and forever

- Ulysses S. Grant #18

- Great Movies, TV Shows, Books and Albums

- Artists

- Telephone Call

- Biologist Anne Davis lifts the lid of a pot in which Dennis Nilsen, Britain’s worst mass murderer, boiled the heads of victims.

- 1934 - 1955 - Webster Booth & Anne Ziegler

- Seven Days In May

- A Love Like That

[Link in bio] Attenborough fuels 7-year-old Prince Georges imagination, gifts him giant shark tooth fossil.⁠ ⁠ Click the link in bio to read the full story.⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ #PrinceGeorge #PrinceWilliam #KateMiddleton #UK #Royals #Instagram #Shark #Attenborough - @etpanache on Instagram

- Another Prewar, Jr 4 - E 68th St, NYC

- All about agatha Christie!

- Couple Photo Shoots

- Airships

- On this day in 1942, anti-fascist resisters Arvid and Mildred Fish-Harnack were arrested and later executed by the Third Reich. They were key members of the Red Orchestra, a group that collaborated with Soviet forces from inside Germany to undermine the Nazi government.

- Count Rüdiger von der Goltz in Finland, 1918. [635x851]

- Birlikte Yaşlanmak ❤️❤️

“The spiritual person gives his love to God first, then to mankind, and the overflow of his love he gives to the animals and to all creation.” - Saint Paisios the Athonite #TheOrthodoxWay #OrthodoxChristian #EasternOrthodox #Christian #TheChurch #OrthodoxMoment #SpiritualLife #Christ #Lord #Mercy #Love #Prayer #Philotimo #Saints #Salvation - @theorthodoxway on Instagram

- Self Portraits

- Adolf Hitlers death is announced over the radio. The Dutch Resistance celebrates. May, 1945

- Lottery winners $$where are they now?

- robert hardy

- Artist Madre

At times, I’m hard on myself when it comes to dealing with PCOS. I will berate myself for feeling exhausted and not having a more productive day. I silently accuse myself of being indulgent because I always make room in my schedule for exercise, self-care, and sleep. Sometimes I feel like I do not look fit enough to call myself a personal trainer. And I feel like I am being difficult when I ask my doctor to run extra tests or refer me to a specialist.⠀ ⠀ Can you relate to any of this?⠀ ⠀ If so, keep reading here: - @erikavolk_pcospersonaltrainer on Instagram

- Napoleon

- 1900-1910 The Edwardian Era

- FirstLight Care Blog

- By The Book

- Lincoln Assassination

Hoe door een avondje zuipen de invasie van Nederland werd uitgesteld🍻 ———— Adolf Hitler was van plan om al in januari 1940 Nederland, België en Frankrijk binnen te vallen. Het plan droeg de codenaam Fall Gelb. De Duitse leider stuurde majoor Hellmuth Reinberger (📷1) vanuit Berlijn richting het gebied rond de Rijn om zijn geheime plannen af te leveren. Vanwege de belangrijkheid van de geheimhouding mocht Reinberger absoluut niet per vliegtuig reizen van Hitler. ———— Bij een tussenstop in Duitsland kwam de Duitse majoor een goede vriend en collega Erich Höhmann (📷2) tegen. Ze begonnen met drinken en beleefden een prachtige avond. Höhmann was piloot en had voorgesteld om de volgende ochtend vroeg toch maar het vliegtuig te pakken, zodat Reinberger wat verloren tijd zou terugwinnen. Op 10 januari 1940 steeg er in de vroege ochtend een Duitse Messerschmidt Bf108 op vanaf Münster met Höhmann en Reinberger als enige inzittenden. ———— Het vliegtuig kwam in een mistbank terecht en dwaalde volledig af. Wegens een tekort aan brandstof moest het een noodlanding maken (📷3). De Duitse officieren overleefden de klap, maar waren op Belgisch grondgebied terecht gekomen, vlakbij Maasmechelen. Het eerste wat ze wilden doen toen ze het toestel uitklommen was het verbranden van de geheime documenten. Belgische soldaten hadden de crash echter zien gebeuren en waren snel ter plaatse. Nog voordat de Duitse geheimen vernietigd konden worden werden Reinberger en Höhmann gevangen genomen. ———— De Belgen stelden onder andere de Nederlandse regering op de hoogte van de documenten. Er werd echter getwijfeld of dit geen afleidingsmanoeuvre zou zijn. De troepen werden wel in staat van paraatheid gebracht. Adolf Hitler was witheet en Höhmann probeerde diezelfde dag nog zelfmoord te plegen uit angst en schaamte. De Duitse invasieplannen van januari werden een paar maanden uitgesteld... ———— 📷4&5: Monument op de plaats van de crash in België. Bronnen: Artikelen van @hln_be & @ooitaandemaas - @thedutchhistorian on Instagram

- Freedom Rider Jim Zwerg, immediately after being beaten up by segregationists in Montgomery, Alabama, 1961. [448x684]

- The Moon @ Witch Pix

- My dad was recently diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer, but still had the desire to marry his sweetheart and asked me to be the photographer.

- An Armenian woman in national costume poses for Prokudin-Gorskii on a hillside near Turkey 1910

All Is Vanity By Charles Albert - @artmadnessmagazine on Instagram

- King George V of the United Kingdom, 1893 (3714 × 5010) [Colorized]

- DIY Love

- Family History

- Carl Herman Unthan a 19th century violinist who was born without arms. During a concert, he accidentally broke a string; he replaced and tuned it using only his toes. Afterwards, he deliberately weakened a string before each performance so that he could repeat the stunt.

- Charles et Camilla

Mel Gibson and Sean Penn star in The Professor and The Madman, a fictionalised adaptation of how the Oxford English Dictionary came to be. 📚 Read our review at the link in bio. Showing at @palacecinemas from Thursday 20 February. . . . #filmreview #moviereview #melgibson #seanpenn #theprofessorandthemadman #theprofessorandthemadmanmovie #palacecinemas #oxfordenglishdictionary #thesurgeonofcrowthorne #moviestowatch - @milkbarmag on Instagram

- Paradise in a hollowed-out asteroid, painted by Roy Scarfo for “Beyond Tomorrow: The Next 50 Years in Space,” 1965.

- The first same-sex marriage in Spain occurred on 1901, between two women: Marcela Gracia Ibeas and Elisa Sánchez Loriga. To achieve it, Elisa had to adopt a male identity: Mario Sánchez, as listed on the marriage certificate.

- Peter Handke

- Family Archives

- PowerPoint & Presentations

- Strange pictures

- Autochrome Lumiere

- Artist studio 1800s

- 1950s

- Blowing Rock, North Carolina

- Channel 5 show reveals secret behind Her Majesty’s longevity

- [p] Julia Margaret Cameron

- Alopecia universalis

- Swedish Royalty

- Misfortune, Augustus Leopold Egg, Oil on canvas, 1858

- Photo post mortem


- The witches of Eastwick

- Candle Wax Stains

- Fidel Castro and Nikita Khruschev drink wine from horns in the Georgian SSR, 1963. [800 × 636]

- Tsar Nicholas II in Balmoral castle, 1896, with (from left to right) Tsarina Alexandra Fedorovna, Grand Duchess Tatiana, Queen Victoria, and Edward, Prince of Wales [2497 x 3291]

Как врачи развивают стоматофобию у детей. ⠀ На иллюстрации картина врача-художника Шикото, «Интубация» (1904). Мы видим маленького ребенка, который, сидя на коленях любящей матери, доверяет врачу серьёзную и болезненную процедуру. Мать держит малыша за ручки фиксируя их, ассистент придерживает головку малыша: крепко, но без насилия. Ребенок напряжен, но не вырывается из рук и не паникует, доверяясь взрослым. В целом это то, чего и желают добиться врачи в лечении детей. Им не нужно, чтобы ребенок с радостью ложился под шприц и нож: им достаточно, чтобы ребенок доверился. ⠀ Как-то услышал такую фразу от детского врача-стоматолога: «Ничего страшного, если ребенка подержать». ⠀ Некоторые врачи лояльно относятся к тому, чтобы физически фиксировать ребенка, когда тот сопротивляется. «Немного утихомирить», так сказать. Мол, ребенок и сам после процедуры поймет, что это для его блага, получит награду от мамы за терпение и успокоится. ⠀ Как эксперт, преподающий психологию, хочу разъяснить, почему я не рекомендую удерживать ребенка насильно. Если без физического воздействия убедить его не удается, то лучше отложить лечение. ⠀ А в случае, когда откладывать лечение нельзя, лучше применить медикаментозные методы от седативной премедикации до седации. И вплоть до общей анестезии. ⠀ Если вы ребенка успешно зафиксируете, то «ничего страшного» не произойдет только в рамках одной процедуры. Но впереди ребенка ждёт ещё много медицинских процедур. И эпизод становится предпосылкой к развитию стоматофобии, а иногда панических атак уже во взрослом состоянии. С последствиями уже придется работать неврологам и психотерапевтам. ⠀ Добавлю даже больше: фактически у всех людей, кто приобрел стоматофобию, был эпизод, когда его насильно удерживали в кресле стоматолога. ⠀ Прошу коллег, которые все еще думают, что «нет ничего страшного в том, чтобы подержать ребенка», поразмыслить над этим, и впредь думать не в рамках одной процедуры, а в комплексе. ⠀ Если вы хотите, чтобы ребенок вернулся к вам еще раз и доверился вам более охотно, то лучше применять другие методы воздействия. А их довольно много и успешным врачам не надо для лечения «хватать и держать»: дети им доверяются. - @b_i_c_h_u_n on Instagram

- Larry lamb

- UK Dating Locations

- Harpo Marx

- Jon Stewart didnt forget

- On this day, on the 1st of December of 1913 Crete was incorporated into the state of Greece.

Il 6 febbraio del 1778 nacque uno dei massimi esponenti del panorama letterario italiano: Ugo Foscolo, autore di stampo neoclassicista. #ugofoscolo#ugo#ughetto#foscolo#circololetterariodellazia#circolo#cultura#neoclassicismo#books#instabook#instabooks#insta#instagram#instalikes#like#likes#likeforlikes#like4likes#filtres#follow#followforfollow#likeforfollow#likeforlikeback#libri#libreria#italia#italy#world#poeti#poetiitaliani - @circolo_letterario_della_zia on Instagram

- By and By

- Chunk today

- characters

- Anything Austrian

- 1920s Hairstyles

- Depiction of thought transference from Magnetismus und Hypnotismus (1895) by Gustav Wilhelm Gessmann

- Bachelors

- old ones

- Green Funerals

- Alice Solantania Saga

- Hercule Poirot

- Blursed_Faces

- Peter Rabbit and Friends

- Second Wife

- Teahouse in Baku, Azerbaijan. Circa 1910s. [Colorized by me] (1400x1018)

“When seeking guidance, dont ever listen to the tiny-hearted. Be kind to them, heap them with blessing, cajole them, but do not follow their advice.” ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 🍃⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ~ Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Women Who Run With the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Photo: @simonefrankphotograhy⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ MUA: @mcknightmodemakeup - @mjohnson_harris on Instagram

- Amazing Women

Learn how to make a special St Patricks Day inspired cocktail in this class at @bluecashewkitchen on Thursday, March 15. Kingstons celebrated shamrock shaker boy, Paul Maloney of @stockadetavern, makes his next appearance in the Bluecashew Kitchen on Thursday March 15th at 6pm to pre-game getting your Irish whiskey on with a tasting & discussion of several Irish Whiskeys and punch. . . . #stpatricksday #mixology #mixologist #cocktails #cocktail #hudsonvalley #cocktailsclass #hvevents #hv #hudsonvalleyevents #stockadetavern #uptownkingston #kingstonny #kingston #chronogram - @expthehudsonvalley on Instagram

- Old photos

- Agnès Varda

Una tradizione estetica Made in Italy 🇮🇹 Gentlemen’s Choice vuole, con non poco orgoglio, diventare un esempio per tutti coloro che credono nella cura del pelo e nella qualità di un prodotto autenticamente made in Italy Per arrivare a questo obiettivo, ci siamo posti una severa e continua revisione qualitativa dei nostri prodotti, nella scelta delle matrici olfattive più peculiari e una minuziosa analisi delle fragranze. Tutto questo per garantirvi l’esperienza di barba più caratteristica e propria che possiate mai provare sulla vostra stessa pelle. scopri tutti i nostri prodotti su • • #gentlemenschoice #moustache #aftershave #stoned #blackorchid #beardoil #beard #beardgang #gentlemens #italian #oldgentlemen #vintage #madeinitaly #barberia #design #retro #beardcrew #rome #elegant #prodottibarba #retro #oldgentleman #italy #photography #beardbalm #gentleman #gentlemanchannel #elegance #barbershop - @_gentlemenschoice_ on Instagram

- Amazing Food and Drink

- Best British Movies

- 900

- Michael McKean shared this photo!!! Just look how ‘Saul’ Bob Odenkirk is!

- Thomas Couture

- Art

- Margaret Dumont

- The models of “American Gothic” stand next to the painting - (c.1935) ...painting by Grant Wood, 1930 - [1600x1421]

- 1 Sir Davos trying to convince Luke Skywalker to fight against the white walkers

- Trasmission of Knowledge, Marie Lucas Robiquet, Oil on Canvas, 1896

- Andrew Wyeth

- Michel Leiris

- George westinghouse

- Jacob Marley

- Peter Handke

- Dun tempo

- Brothers and Sisters

- coco chanel mode

- Arts and Entertainment

- hmmm

- 295 chandelier

G.O.A.T #benoitpoelvoorde #poelvoorde #acteur #actor #cigarette #smoke #dragon #bathroom #belge #belgique #legend #portrait #analog #analogic #film #filmphotography #kodak #boby - @odieuxboby on Instagram

- Alberto Giacometti

- Molded ear plugs

- Dutch resistance members celebrate at the moment they heard of Adolf Hitlers death over the radio, May 1945. [Colorized] [2000x1920]

Today it is the 107th birthday of the Peace Palace! In the presence of the Royal Family, founder Andrew Carnegie and a group of international politicians, lawyers and pacifists, the Peace Palace was opened on the 28th of August 1913. The building would not only house the Permanent Court of Arbitration and the Peace Palace Library, the palace itself embodied the cherished dream of world peace. Today, the palace still is the worldwide symbol of Peace through Law and it houses the Permanent Court of Arbitration, the United Nations International Court of Justice, The Hague Academy of International Law and the Peace Palace Library. Since its establishment, the palace is owned and managed by the Carnegie Foundation. Andrew Carnegie wrote that the world takes on a brighter radiance from the day the Temple of Peace opens its doors. See the link in bio to watch the opening of the Palace in 1913! #peacethroughlaw #peacethrougheducation #peacethroughculture #peacethrougheducation #peacethroughdialogue #opening #internationallaw #law #pacifism #worldpeace #peace #peacepalace #AndrewCarnegie #Carnegie - on Instagram

- A happy old Victorian couple standing under a mistletoe, circa, 1800s.

- After All These Years

- Farmers

🍂 A W 2 0 🍂⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ —————————————————-⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Shot by the don-dadda himself- @JermaineFrancisStudio⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Featuring MCO favs Charlemagne Bones @doyoubabyyy and @rionaosullivan_makeup.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Thanks to @SimonBenhaus and @ApprovedbyPablo!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 🙏🙏🙏⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ —————————————————-⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #MCOveralls⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #WeWorkHard⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #AW20 - @mcoveralls on Instagram

- Mark Twain with Helen Keller, Anne Sullivan, and Laurence Hutton around 1905.

- Cowboys and the Wild West

- American Press

- Regina Maxima

- Skalp - Featured

- Christening Baptism Photography Cornwall Devon

- Diverse Men

- Country Lovin, Me, Digital Composite, 2020

- About Us - Paula McDonald Design Build & Interiors

- Salem Witch Trials

- Dark Mark

- Christopher Bailey

Getting the right resources to care for your loved ones means getting more time for the things that matter most. Get the support you need to care for the ones you love. OC Hospice (800) 658-5877 or visit Because We Care #becausewecare #ochospice #hospicecare #hospice #palliativecare #palliative #seniorcare #homecare #orangecounty #endoflife #hospicenurse #griefsupport #caregiver #hospicevolunteer #orangecounty - @ochospice on Instagram

- Anton Szandor LaVey

- Three generations of a Russian family. From a color photo collection of Prokhudin-Gorsky, pioneer of color photography, Russia around 1910 [3,284 × 2,858]

- Two Plumbers, Norman Rockwell, oil on canvas, 1951

- Morbidly Beautiful- The dissection of a young, beautiful woman directed by Doctor J. Ch. G. Lucae (1814-1885) in order to determine the ideal female proportions. Chalk drawing by J. H. Hasselhorst, 1864

- Queen Maxima

- Game of Thrones Houses

- Inspiring icons

- Edinburgh Ale. Here’s the earliest known photograph of men drinking beer, 1844. [1600x1138]

- Paul

- Christmas mood

- Clone The Bride Photographs