it’s June 1st tdy..

- Boeing 787-8 leaving Boston to Narita



- Land pirate spotted in Minnesota!

.*• Felix 🏵 •*. PFP of two 💞 2/2

Weird Photos to AirDrop - Things To AirDrop People - Cursed Pictures - Funny AirDrop Photos

Well I had a freaking cool weekend. Huge thanks to the #tricitieswaterfollies crew to the @bergstromaircraft crew and all those volunteers who helped make my only Airshow so amazing. It was a blast. Thanks to @gatora10 for letting me use the amazing 4 ship picture he got. Thank you to the F35A pilots for the escort to Pasco #f35lightningii #f35demoteam #f35a #viper #f16viperdemoteam #f16viper #a10warthog #a10 #p51mustang #p51dmustang #propsandpistons #warbirds #keepemflying #usaf #usairforce #heritage #heritageflight #fourship #myjobisbetterthanyours #airplane #airplanemechanic #warbirds #aviationphoto #airplanevideo #airplanespotting #aviationvideo #aviationdaily - @hangar.queen12 on Instagram

Weird batch

- Flying back to 2018

- Saudi Military

- Enjoying the ride

- Png kawaii

- Does my goofy Moo qualify?


follow me vxKyz9

- Baby Mantis on a Purple Basil Seedling.

furina ,, ○

- Watch dog

★Angry Kitty :c★

- Old boi does a truck ride

Coquette Kitty

Such a sick photo from fighting fires down in Colorado! 📸 by @honeybadger_x - @emergco on Instagram

Coquette Kitty / Kittycore 😽💋🌸

Killer crush

- everyday holiday

- Break time.


A response would be nice

- Did you know that during the first 100 hours of Operation Desert Storm, 277 AH-64s destroyed 278 Iraqi tanks? The aircrafts night-fighting capabilities are legendary. [1061x1061]


- This lineup of yellow firetrucks at a hotel after a local wildfire required backup from several stations


or like

Ardemos - @mestizafilms on Instagram

K. - CAS

- Caught my corg mirin’ herself last night.

Follow me🩷

- Had the opportunity during a cross country refuel to get a photo op with the state trooper in Little Rock.


Turkusowe jezioro w którym nie można pływać🌊 ale zdecydowanie warto zobaczyć🦋 #trip #vie #lake #nature #turkusowejezioro #konin 🚁 - @ewachmiest on Instagram

Grrrr :(( | Im leaving tomorrow, on a school trip, I wont be around for a week. anyways!

Davis had an early flight through #josephine this morning with the @af_reserve_hurricane_hunters . . A quick trip revealed some quicker winds and new convection. She should remain northeast of the Leeward islands and start weakening, according to @noaahurricanes. . . Saw lots of lightning today - pretty electrifying! 🌩 - @jennieanddavis on Instagram


- So this is happening behind my golf course Club House...

Cute Cat Pfp

Sansa Cessna 208 Caravan aterrizando en Puerto Jiménez (MRPJ). Matrícula:TI-BHL - @abm.spotter on Instagram

outfits ideas

- Journey/adventure quotes

- Behind the scene video screenshot while filming air to air with an F-86. The video link is in the comments.

- Gear up!

- The daily spectators for the 380.

Welcome to the @iss, @astro.doug and Bob! #Dragon #Endeavour - @astro_jenni on Instagram

- I think he’s too big for this crate. But he loves it anyways.

- Well that fucking sucks

- Air Force Two (Vice Presidents plane) was in Shannon on Monday, with a C-17 like the one pictured in Dublin taxiing on the runway behind.

- Wing condensation is formed during any subsonic maneuver that reduced pressure over the upper surface of the wings, like high-g turns.

Atlas A400M beach landing on Pembrey sands #2020rankin #photography #photo #art #photographer #photos #travel #camera #landscape #photooftheday #canon #sunset #nikon #picture #naturephotography #instagram #aircraft #a400matlas #a400m✈️✈️✈️ #pembrey #pembreybeach - @kevrobertsonphotos on Instagram

Dabby making sure @tokkethedog is ok. #subcoolssupersoil #thescienceofsoil #theartofdirt #chapter59 All Grow Questions Anseered - @subcoolsig on Instagram

- My dog likes to lean against the back of the seat on long car trips

- British Aircraft Corporation (BAC) One-Eleven 400, registration N789CF, at Topeka Regional Airport (Forbes Field) in Topeka, Kansas, February 2020

IMPORTANT UPDATE: As we move down to level 3 we would like to advise the following update on our Kaitaia and Great Barrier Island services. Great Barrier Island: If you were on the island at the start of lockdown but Great Barrier Island isn’t your primary residence you can leave the island to go home but can not return. It’s important to realise that you can’t come back. Going to your batch or holiday home is not Ok during level 3. You can not come to Great Barrier Island for this purpose. Each booking ‘off island’ will still be assessed by Aotea Health for approval. Only essential workers and those approved by Aotea Health are permitted to travel to Great Barrier island under alert level 3 or until further notice. All bookings will be referred to Aotea Health for approval if not booked by Aotea Health originally. Kaitaia - We will be reviewing demand for instigating our Kaitaia service as we move towards lock down level 2. Under level 3 only essential workers travel is allowed. We can do charter flights to Kaitaia for essential workers. It is important to remember under alert level 3 that travel between regions is not permissible unless you are an essential worker. For further information please do not hesitate to contact our customer service team on 0800 900 600 For charter enquires for essential workers please email Kind Regards The Barrier Air Team - @barrierair on Instagram

- These two shadows come together to form someone holding a down vote

- Drones

- aircraft

- Theres a cat on our lawn!

- Accidentes en pista

I’m not saying this Marine bought a fire truck because of me, but I want to badly to say I helped him make the decision. #goodbuy #diertruck - @angrycops on Instagram

- I was at work one night when my girlfriend sends me this Snapchat picture of our dog. She said he was being unusually quiet and, when she went to investigate, he was sitting in the dark like this, staring at himself in the mirror.

- In Case Youve Never Seen a Baby Praying Mantis Before

- Aviation

- Best picture Ive ever taken; its electrifying.

- Vultures plotting how to get through traffic

- Cant fall asleep

© #DassaultAviation - V. Almansa / #Rafale #technology #performance #sunset - @dassaultaviation on Instagram

- This asshole needed MORE room to look out

- ITAP of a sunset at flight school

ㅋㅋ호치는 평생엄빠 만나 잘먹구~잘놀구~ 잘싸구~ 적응잘하고있다는 소식들려주셔떠용♡ #사지말고입양하세요#반려견#가족 - @milimili_223 on Instagram

A gente brinca com ele, mas é uma baita maquina! Não existe avião ruim, existe piloto meia roda! Kkkk 📷@aviacaoacreana Fotão #SenecaII 👏👏👊✈️🇧🇷 ---------------------------------------------------- ✅Curta nossas Ultimas 5 publicações, Ative as Notificações ⚠️ ---------------------------------------------------- 📥Envie você também suas fotos, será um prazer posta-la por aqui🛫🚁👊✈️🇧🇷. ---------------------------------------------------- Siga @profissaopilotonegocios e fique por dentro do Mundo dos Negócios Aeronáuticos Curta #ProfissaoPiloto também no Facebook Use nossas TAGs #ProfissaoPiloto #AviacaoComoElaE - @profissaopiloto on Instagram

- @heavy__tri_pp_er on Instagram

Theres nothing quite like a brand new jet. Just look at that #Flexjet livery sparkle in the hangar as we get her stocked for her first flight. By the end of 2020 we will have taken delivery of six #Embraer #Praetor500s. 📸 by Flexjet Aircraft Support Supervisor Mike Allen - @flexjetllc on Instagram

Thank you to all the brave men & women fighting the historic wildfires burning across California. We are so thankful for the sacrifice of all the @calfire fighters here in SLO County and across the state! - @hixpaso on Instagram

- Qatar Airways Landing in Philadelphia

- Top tents

- After being together for 2 months, my dogs are finally starting to act like best buddies.

One last happy snap of our very own @dylanstenson as he gets ready to board the plane for Europe to chase a RIO qualifier and race some of the worlds best. Best of Luck dyl. #teamdalytrack - @teamdalytrack on Instagram

- on the way to the dog park

- Waterfall Canyon Falls, UT

- Just checking up on my baby brother

- A pair of recently retired OH-58D Kiowa Warriors skirting the colorful Hawaiian coastline. [636 × 358]

- Bursters looking beastly in PTS

I don’t really have anything to post, so I’d like to share the day the winds went over 33 knots ! This is when pilots earn their pay, but hey, a good pilot is a person that walks away from a safe landing! — © Picture courtesy of Luke Bratcher / @lbaviation - copyright rules apply in case of any fraud or theft. Reposts are welcomed as long as credit is directly provided to my account. — #a350 #themasklookingslick #airbus #airfrance #queenoftheskies #airbuslovers #rossiya #retro #bea #goldenhour #landing #sunset #aviation #avgeek #rainbow #aviationphotography #photography #instagramaviation #avporn #airwaysmag - @lbaviation on Instagram

- Office hours [4032x1960]

Kamchatka! Two years of plotting, planning, logistics and training, finally we’re here. In the midst of the Ring of Fire, volcanoes everywhere, and a raging whitewater river we hope to run source to sea. Let the adventure begin! - @backshall.steve on Instagram

- Boston Airport has rocking chairs with a view


- Mi-24 of the 6th Air and Air Defense Forces Army [1200x800]

Heli-Logging Native Timber yesterday in Northern Taranaki. Nice to get some logging done in in the Hawk. Thanks Mike, look forward to more lifting with you sometime soon. 1: Parked up ready for the cutters to give us the all clear to lift. 2: 200 with the remote. Normally native will be all done with the grapple but we are without one right now so strops and remote did the job. 3/4: The Hawk in its element! 5: Some decent size pieces coming out thats for sure. Measuring up with MPI to ensure all is within the ALP. #KahuNZ #blackhawk #uh60 #helilogging #aviationphotography #instahelicopter #rotorcraft #helicopter #helichopper - @kahu.newzealand on Instagram

- Shot this photo while I was in Bora Bora last year. Thought I would share it cause it’s one of my favourites!

- A n i m e c o l l a b :3

- After 30 years of exploration, I have finally been everywhere.

- Buckle up!


- Just a picture of our home, next to the sea 👌🏻

Welcome to Boise! HSC-4 has been shooting 20mm guns and Unguided Rockets over the past few days, working with Air National Guard JTACs to employ ordnance on target and on time. Photo credit: AWS2 Arvidson - @hsc4blackknights on Instagram

- ITAP of a 787 that I flew on to Japan

Getting ready to roll into the weekend...what’s everybody up to? 🇺🇸🚀🐝🐝🦅💪🏻🍻 Follow @ml085 #flynavy #navalaviation - @ml085 on Instagram

- German Tornados in Nellis AFB in Las Vegas during Exercise Red Flag [1200x800]

- Australian Bushfires 2019-2020

- This is what I do at school! (Im in Se-LPK)

#Repost @scramble_nl ・・・ New Singapore Chinooks in Australia The Australian Ministry of Defense has confirmed the Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) will increase the number of CH-47F Chinooks based at the Army Aviation Training Centre at Oakey (Australia). This move is part of a bilateral agreement between Australia and Singapore. It is reported that ten newly built CH-47Fs, part of an unannounced Singaporean order for sixteen helicopters signed in November 2016, will be based at Oakey. The first of the new helicopters are expected to arrive in the first quarter of 2021, by shipment from the US directly to Singapore. Five RSAF CH-47D Chinooks have been based at Oakey under the Oakey Agreement between the two countries since 2018. It allows up to sixteen helicopters to be based in Australia for pilot training at any given time. The agreement was signed in October 1996 and included provision for up to twelve Airbus Helicopters AS332M/M1 Super Pumas to be relocated from Singapore to the Army Aviation facility at Oakey, with an option to include Chinook helicopters at a later date. The Oakey Agreement came into effect with the arrival of the first helicopters in September 1998. The Super Pumas have since returned to the island nation, replaced by the five CH-47Ds. It is not yet clear what will happen to the five heavylift Chinooks currently at Oakey once the new helicopters are delivered. The RSAF currently has sixteen CH-47SD Chinook transport helicopters in its inventory. The Chinooks are operated by 127 Squadron at Sembawang (Singapore), with the mentioned detachment of five Chinooks at Oakey (Queensland, Australia) for training. Credit photos: Vincent Games See also Scramble Facebook News report of 24 July 2020 New Singapore CH-47F Chinook #militaryaviation #avgeek #avgeeks #aviationnews #RAAF #AustralianArmy #Singapore #Oakey #CH47D #CH47F #Chinook #militaryaviationnews #ArmyAviation #USArmy #AATCOakey #Australia #SingaporeArmy #helicopter #Boeing @avgeekery @boeing @ausairforce @thersaf - @ig_topics on Instagram

- Emergency communication vehicles being loaded into a C-5 leaving for Puerto Rico [1025X769]

#landing #sbh #saintbarth #caraibes #atterrissageendouceur @stbarthcommuter #grancaravan #aero #turbopropulseur #saintbarthelemy - @emmanuel_quinart_photographe on Instagram

- Fly, you fools!

Elicotteri HH-139A dell’84° Centro Combat Search and Rescue del 15° Stormo e caccia intercettori Eurofighter del 36° Stormo si sono addestrati in missioni di 𝘀𝗹𝗼𝘄 𝗺𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗰𝗲𝗽𝘁𝗼𝗿, simulando l’intercettazione di velivoli a bassa quota e a bassa velocità 📸 In foto un momento dellattività addestrativa . . . #AeronauticaMilitare #latuasquadrachevola #ItalianAirForce - @aeronautica.militare on Instagram

- The engine of the Dash 8 Q400

- Aircraft

- From someone who is 63 and has back problems, a big thanks to Delta for giving me a proper seat!

- Does anyone know what happened here? Ive seen this same plane going from Perth to Jakarta in real life a few months ago (although I wasnt able to see the rego on the actual plane) and it was definitely a Boeing 737.

ASG taking over the ramp at FRG. King Air 300, Gulfstream G200, Sikorsky 76B #aircraftservicesgroup #flyjetasg #kingair300 #gulfstreamg200 #sikorskys76b #wednesdaystartstheweekend #dropandgo #byeandfly #rampready #destinationunknown #nearorfar #wetakeyouwhereyouwanttobe #getthemin #getthemup #propsspinning #flyeveryday #letsgoeverywhere #letsflyeverything #enjoytheride 📸: @kerrysailler - @flyjetasg on Instagram

- Aircraft

- The love in those eyes + guest appearance from her 4y.o little Boxer mix sister

Does your F4WM.ORG program work to help control wolf populations? Your Membership dollars kept Paul Coward in the woods this fall and he just tagged out with 20 wolves! Seasons only been open for 7 weeks in most areas- F4WM brings those who want wolves managed together with those who have the ways and means to get the jon done! Your membership dollars are used to reimburse hunting and trapping members for their expenses accrued while successfully reducing wolf populations. Idahos most productive wolf trappers tell us they could not continue to remove wolves without the help of our program. These guys need your help. Idaho wildlife needs your help! Please join today at F4WM.ORG ! Thank you Paul for your hard work and dedication to Wildlife Conservation! - @f4wm_wolf_management on Instagram

- Cat camping

- Darcy heard a siren.....

- Mango calls for All Aboard the Treatsville Express!

#wingwalking - @masonwingwalking on Instagram

- Raging fire in Letterkenny.

- She thought we were going to the park. I reluctantly informed her that we were actually going to the vet.

- Coast of Florida from a B-17G

- ORDER66 for an E-4B huh?

- I see this outside my window at NAIA Manila Airport.

- POV of a 380 Pushback.

- A Corner inside Wuyi Shan National Conservation Area

- The Navys new railgun (oc)

- Sunrise HUD life

- ITAP of my coworker taking a picture of a DC3

- Daily Challenges | Fortnite Comic #002

- The crazy amount of patching-up theyve done in this one area

- Just having a chill day with my bud.

- Differences in Disciplines

- Shes been in the car for almost 2 days. I think my girl is going insane soon.

- An impressively long mailbox

- This helicopter showing off its junk.

- Love these little hoppers

- @repsiehrc on Instagram

- [2048x1365] An Apache and a F-16 MLU from the Dutch Solo Display Team at the Royal International Air Tattoo 2013.

Как мне было стыдно перед пассажиром 🤦🏻♀️ ⠀ Когда в каком-то разговоре возникла эта тема, сначала я думала, что мне совсем нечего рассказать. У такой организованной благородной девицы, как я, всегда все четко. А потом вспомнилось, как я ходила с расстегнутым на половину платьем на ближневосточном рейсе. И как я пролила лак на подол, потом пыталась его оттереть и дотерла до гигантского белого пятна в самом неприличном для этого месте 🙈 ⠀ Но есть еще одна история. Мы вылетали из Лос-Анджелеса, я вышла в салон читать приветственную информацию: как меня зовут, в честь кого назван самолет и как мы рады всех видеть на борту. И вот я произношу: «Наш самолет назван в честь выдающегося поэта Николая Гоголя». Глаза одного из пассажиров бизнес-класс на меня резко поднимаются, и я понимаю, что сморозила глупость, потому что Гоголь всему миру известен как писатель. Я сделала вид, что никто этого не заметил. Кроме того пассажира. Он подошел ко мне и спросил, когда же Гоголь стал поэтом. Фейспалм. Я улыбаюсь и извиняюсь, дяденька качает головой, подмигивает: «Я уверен, что кроме меня этого никто не заметил» 😉 ⠀ Месяц спустя я снова вылетаю из Лос-Анджелеса, мой самолет снова оказывается Гоголем, а среди пассажиров я — ого! — снова вижу того дядю. Я предусмотрительно пишу на стикере «ПИСАТЕЛЬ», вешаю его на видном месте и в этот раз говорю все правильно. Тут дядечка снова идет ко мне. «Вы знаете, Анастасия, поскольку «Мертвые души» — поэма, мы смело можем называть Гоголя поэтом!». И заговорщики подмигивает. Все-таки, наши пассажиры — очень милые люди. ⠀ Так сложилось, что потом я ещё несколько раз летала с этим пассажиром. Я ничего не знаю о нем и его жизни, но с тех пор мы всегда друг другу улыбались, как люди, у которых есть общий секрет. ⠀ Фото @julia_choco Текст @curious_for_more ⠀ - on Instagram

- Someone braided these seatbelts

- A very smol guide dog in training

- Jaxson had surgery and is not happy

- A front-loading Antonov An-124 Ruslan

- Pupper ready for training

- Quest KODIAK

- Just landed in Highbury Fields!

- Was lucky enough to have been offered a flight in this beautiful and rare aircraft: a Spartan Executive.

- Indian Air Force.

- Wondering why her milkshakes are not bringing the boys to the yard. Neighbour kitty Bitty is in heat for the 2nd time this month

Canadair en pleine action #pompier #canadair #canadaircl415 #foret #nature #bordeaux #nouvelleaquitaine #france #drones #dji #photography #photoshoot #video #dronephotos #gironde #france🇫🇷 #nouvelleaquitaine #histoire #voyageursdumonde #voyage #monde #bordeaux #médoc #girondetourisme #nature #tourisme #monde #paysage #village #villagedefrance #dronestagram #voyageursdumonde#saintmedardenjalles - @droneattitude33 on Instagram

- Farming crop nutrient & protection

- A new gang moved into my neighborhood

- Tiger Moth

- Qatar 777 at ORD

- Aircraft

- Saw a wind turbine blade being transported while driving through Kansas

Fighting is at the top of summit lake - @dunnvineyards on Instagram

- This beautiful shot of a WW2 era B-24 Bomber that my wife just took.

✨Falcon Field Fun Facts✨ MD Helicopters, Inc. is located at Falcon Field and is a leading manufacturer of high-performance commercial, military, law enforcement and air-rescue helicopters. The innovative NOTAR® system with no tail rotor is used exclusively by MD Helicopters to provide safer, quieter and confined-area access capability. The company has more than 2,500 aircraft currently in use around the world. #FalconFieldFunFacts - @falconfieldairport on Instagram

- Giraffic jam on Kilimanjaro Safaris today - this little dude wouldnt move for 10 minutes!

- ITAP: Venus and Jupiter over an early morning tarmac

Checking the swamp - @907_greenbean on Instagram

Quebec 1 and Quebec 2 leased by the LAFD from idk where in Canada 🤔 sitting next to an all black Sikorsky S76 at VNY! • • • #cl215 #cl415 #bombardier #canadair #canada #superscooper #sikorsky #s76 #vannuys #airport #aviation #aviationphotography #aviationlovers #aviationdaily #avgeeks #planespotting #planespotter #planespotters - @expert_aviator on Instagram

Vous aviez hâte de le découvrir ! Le voici, le nouvel @airbus #A350XWB ✈️ - @aircaraibes on Instagram

- My helper for this morning’s chores

USMC accident: F-35B crash, KC-130J emergency landing The pilot of an F-35B has ejected and parachuted himself to safety after colliding with a KC-130J during a mid-air refuelling operation over southern California, around 16:00 hrs (local time) on 29 September 2020. The KC-130J was able to make an emergency landing, all eight crew members survived. The F-35B pilot is reported to have slight injuries and is being treated. The Lightning II crashed just north of the Salton Sea, Imperial County, after hitting a KC-130J tanker, forcing the aircraft to make an emergency landing. The KC-130J, BuNo 166765/QB of VMGR-352, based at MCAS Miramar (CA), landed in a field in the vicinity of Jacqueline Cochran Regional Airport. The F-35B (BuNo unknown) disintegrated and is completely destroyed. It was operating out of Miramar too, but was based at Yuma AFB (AZ). The cause of the collision is unknown. More info to follow when available. Poto credit: KC-130J Matt Walters via Twitter and Mail Online #aviation #avgeek #avaddict #avgeeks #aircraft #aviationenthusiast #planes #F35B #F35LightningII #aircrash #crash #C130 #USMC #Yuma #Miramar #militaryaviation #jetfighter #fighteraircraft #militaryaviationnews #aviationnews @marines @avgeekery @mcasyuma @mcasmiramarca - @scramble_nl on Instagram

- A sailor on the flight deck.

- Tactical Support Helicopter of Indian Army, HAL Dhruv. [930*900]

- Boarding a 777 through air stairs at MWCR/GCM

Happy to hear from our friends at HeliAir in the Netherlands. If youre attending @ibcshow you might see them flying over RAI! #cineflex AS350B3 in action with our Cineflex Ultra camera system🚁🌤 #helicopter #as350b3 #instahelicopter #avgeek #heliairnl #cineflex #spo #aerialfilming #airbushc #eurocopter #as350b3 #reddragon 📷: - @cineflex on Instagram

- New Belgian Air Force F-16 Solo Display aircraft Dark Falcon of Capt.-Comdr. Stefan Darte ‘VADOR’.[1.200x900]

- My mate hates when people touch his bed so we took it and let a boot guard it.

Concrete Jungle in the house NY, Lets go Jets - @dutty_rutty on Instagram

- Military Helicopters

- Sometimes friendships break boundaries.

Repost from @danhelipilot. You ever seen a Chinook land on a 61 blade?⠀ ⠀ Great shot Dan! Thanks for tagging us in it!⠀ ⠀ #Helicopter #Pilot #Chinook #Erickson #BambiBucket #61blade #SkyCrane #Erickson #Chinook #Boeing #CH47 #Rotorcraft #RotorcraftPro - @rotorcraftpro on Instagram

#NHV has so many awesome parks and open spaces! This guy was hanging out this morning at the Pardee Rose Garden! #monarchs #NHV #nhvparks - @friendsofthegreennewhaven on Instagram

- 🔥 Relaxing view

Flying over last years fire path. #contrast - @blackswanhelicopters on Instagram

- Came back from the rooftop to find this.

- Murky guard rail

- Have this Horizon 3 screenshot as my wallpaper and multiple people have thought it was an actual photo!

- My wife and I repurposed some railroad ties into gate posts today - got to try my tractor post hole digger and it was SO much better than my handheld auger.

- Woof irl

- Squishy boi was mad he didn’t get to go on a car ride.

- IAF Il-78MKI RK3454 aerial refueling aircraft dumping flares [1067x1600]

- Air - Birds

- Make you cry!

- I thought you all would appreciate this. I had the opportunity to assist local Fish and Game in stocking 7 area lakes with 22,000 rainbow trout via helicopter!

- Currently the world’s only flying De Havilland Mosquito. With a Junkers Ju-52 sitting in the background.

- My ride to Marjah (ch-53, c130; Bastion, AFG. Feb 2010) [720 x 413][O.C.]

Sikorsky UH 60M de la Fuerza Aérea Mexicana. Designado para actividades de combate, reconocimiento y auxilio a la población por medio del plan DN-III. _________________________ #FAM #FuerzaAereaMexicana #SEDENA #Sikorsky #UH60M - @fuerzaaereamex on Instagram

- 737 BBJ goverment of the netherlands

- @robbbielicious on Instagram

Cuando el @negrolaskt se las da de spotter - @nachocibor on Instagram

- Rufus and Penni are park splootin pals

- “My goal is no longer to get more done, but rather to have less to do.”

- Virgin Australia 737s parked at brisbane Airport.

Find a nice quiet spot, turn up volume and enjoy 🙌 #rockymountainrotors #bell212 #charters #tours #flightschool #thesoundofmusic #helicopters #pilotlife #bozeman #montana #turnupthegiver - @_rockymountainrotors_ on Instagram

Have you seen the newest addition to the already proven line up of Rite in the Rain kits? Check out our new Land Nav Kit - link in bio. - @riteintherain on Instagram

- BEHOLD! The majestic Cirrus Jet spotted at PDK!

Repost from @cjh3051photography⠀ Agusta Bell Sioux AH Mk1 - XT131/G-CICN - Historic Army Aircraft Flight ⠀ ⠀ #helicopter #pilot #rotorcraft #rotorcraftpro #bellflight #bellhelicopters #bell47 #canonaviation #duxford #duxfordairshows #heliseries #instaaviation #instahelicopter #armyaircorps #vintageaircraft - @rotorcraftpro on Instagram

- Social Distancing

- Staring down a 747-8F


- apache helicopter meme

- Great shot of the Mil Mi-PSV, which is the fastest conventional helicopter in the world with a record of 405 km/h!

- Clarkson top gear

- There is a cat stuck in the nose of our plane home...

- Track dog

- Hope I dont get stuck next to a human on this flight

My guard dog. Fridge made a noise ( ears perk up) car door closed next door ( stands on the end of the bed) I moved my leg ( he retreated into the covers) #scaredpup #guarddog #spoileddog - @bowiethejackrussell on Instagram

- Fat boiiiii at EHAM

El recuperado helicóptero medicalizado permitirá reducir el tiempo de respuesta en 20 minutos y beneficiará especialmente a La Janda y la Sierra. #CádizProv - @lavozdecadiz on Instagram

- Does Lucy take the day off from her neighborhood watch duties just because its raining? No she does not!

Today’s training with Henry 1 from @sonomasheriff. . . . #sonomacounty #sonomacountysheriff #sonomafire #henry1 - @sonomavalleyfirefighters on Instagram

- Hug time in the car.

Such a beautiful day for a drive ☀️🚁 . . . . . #photo #bussiness #explore #beautiful #sunshine #traveler #love #naturephotography ##photooftheday #nature #photography #picoftheday #travel #travelgram #instagram #adventure #instagood - @mandydooms87 on Instagram

- Erickson Air Cranes

- SH2 Seasprite from the Royal New Zealand Navy Assisting in Evacuation of Locals After Devastating Earthquake [591x960]

REDSK31 Q-17 AH-64D Apache @301redskinsquadron @koninklijkeluchtmacht #koninklijkeluchtmacht #rotorcraft @helipressmag @verticalmag @heliopsmag @helihub #vertical #verticalmag #helipress #heliporn #heli #helicopter #instahelicopter #helicopterlovers #helikopter #apache #apachehelicopter #ah64apache #ah64 #ah64d @roxberry_actual @thegunpilot - @dennisvdwiel on Instagram

- She knows shes going to the dog park and she has this look on her face. Im dying.

- SA362 Gazelle from 4ème RHFS (Regiment dHélicoptères des Forces Spéciales) in the Sahel [1080 x 698]

- Plane landed without landing gear (source in comments)

- Just finished his first day of fishing the river with me. Not sure if hes tired or sad were leaving. He did not disappoint.

It’s not all about clocking miles when on trail. It’s moment like these when we often see and hear more. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Stop. Pause. Listen. She has so much to tell. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #walkpafuri #itsinourblood #walkwithus #pafuri #adventure #getoutside #krugertrails #primitivetrails #inourfootsteps #Safari #WildlifePhotography #VirtualTravel #TravelInspiration #SouthAfrica #Africa #TravelAfrica #Makuleke #KrugerPark #Limpopo #Live #WalkingSafari #GuidedSafari #AfricanAmazing #BushLife #FollowingInTheFootseptsOfGiants #Wildlife #Nature #Travel #SafariGuide #FollowInOurFootsteps⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ @ReturnAfrica - @africanbornsafaris on Instagram

- InSight just captured a sunset on mars!

- My Facebook friend took a picture of Iron Maidens disabled 747

Jetfly officially certified to operate PC24 jet on unpaved runway. Special training in Epernay airport today. Love @pilatusaircraftltd ❤️ - @jetfly.aviation on Instagram

- Doing some helicopter supported geotechnical drilling in Northern Alaska. Our engineer snapped this pic of me drilling while the helicopter is landing.

Call off from frontal position and fended into legs, grounded decoy, out and recall from guard. Someone was a bit naughty after the out! @blepin14 @gavindwyer @biteworkblooded @courtneymm97 #Tarheelcanine #tarheelk9 #k9 #canine #policedog #policek9 #highriskdeployment #k9decoy #psak9 #psa3 #belgianmalinois #germanshepherddog #controlledaggression #podcast #jerrybradshaw #2020PSANationals - @tarheelk9 on Instagram

We are thrilled to introduce one of the world’s most celebrated helicopters - the state-of-the-art AW139 - to our Isles of Scilly service from tomorrow, Saturday 12th September 🍾🚁 . . . . #helicopter #heliport #aw139 #a139 #leonardohelicopters #avgeek #aviation - @penzancehelicopters on Instagram

- Koa enjoying this mornings cool weather.

- In the Israeli military, you never button up the last button. Its called The suicide button, the reason is that when an Israeli soldier is killed he his buried with all the buttons closed. If you close the button its you saying I wanna be dead and is a cry for help.

Sabíeu que a #ulldecona hi ha un Camp de vol dUltralleugers? Si voleu gaudir de les nostres fantàstiques Terres del Ebre i Maestrat a vista docell, no dubteu en gaudir daquest servei. Us encantarà! Més info a: @campodevueloulldecona @terresebre #terresdelebre #terresdelebrenatural #Mintsià #terresdelsenia #reservabiosfera #vols #vuelos - @turismeulldecona on Instagram

- This crew using a helicopter to string a cable

- Brand new Cal Fire converted Blackhawk

A military transport plane with 8 people on board made a forced landing this evening in a field in Thermal after a possible midair collision - @nbcpalmsprings on Instagram

- Just saying hi to our fellow pups while cruising on a Saturday night!

- Like a werewolf, my phone turns into a potato when the full moon in out. Still a great night at LAX.

• • Il nostro mare preferito, • sicuramente quello “di nuvole” • #cnsas #soccorsoalpinoveneto #airrescue #mountainrescue - @cnsasveneto on Instagram

- Aircraft images

- Chinook parked up at sunset for a sleepover on our hot pit refuelling area

- Finding a plane you flew being used as a kids playground.

- Someones pouting... we wouldnt give him fries

- 5th ASOS convoy blessed by an Apache escort [1208x731]

- [1790 x 987] A USCG MH-60T Jayhawk in the Bahamas. The yellow paint scheme was to celebrate the centenary of USCG aviation in 2016.

- A masked PBY

Aircraft: HH-60 Pave Hawk 📸: @spinks2a ___________________________ Follow my partners: @__wings_of_glory__ @canadian.rcaf @usmcjets @armyaviator @rotor.hub ____________________________ #military #usa #army #airforce #usaf #marinecorps #usmc #navy #usn #uscg #coastguard #helicopters #aviation #avgeek #heli #copters #choppers #blackhawk #apache #chinook #pavehawk #venom #huey #hind #us #uk #pilot _____________________________ DM me to send in photos! Credit always given! - @militaryhelos on Instagram

- My “barrel rolling” ride from Vancouver to Seattle

- Blocked Wind Turbine

- I took this photo, can anyone identify this aircraft?

- This isnt something I see everyday

- A CH-124 Sea King spreads on the flight deck of HMCS Frederiction (FFH-337) in the Mediterranean Sea. [1800x1200]

- All kinds of BRRRRRRT in Athens, GA today

- Black Hawk

- Took this picture back in October in Switzerland. Caught some gs doing some gangster stuff in the Alps. Pretty sure the Eurocopter can anyone help me identify the model?

- Oh Deer who do we have here?

- First Solo!

- Winnie and little Winnie looking out the door.

India ki shaan! @lca.tejas getting ready for takeoff✊🏻 #indianairforce #indianairforce🇮🇳 #iaf #lca #lcatejas #departure #takeoff #fighterjets #military #militaryaviation #militaryaviationphotography #aviation #aviationphotography #aviationlovers #avgeek #avgeeks #fighters #airforcepilot - @gaur.av_iation on Instagram

- Always on the lookout for new adventures.

- My mum works at an airport cafe she just sent my this photo of a Catalina

- A Canadair CL-215-1A10 has crashed in Portugal while fighting forest fires (8/8/20)

- Racing myself in the desert

- Here, we see a rare image of a mother helicopter carrying her young.

- V tail and a single jet on top of it. What is it?

- Harrison Ford’s plane (and helicopter) collection outside his hangar at Hawthorne Municipal Airport. That’s one hell of a toy box...

Throwback to deployment season 2017. Leaving, while out there and coming home to my family and meeting my son for the first time! ♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤ #memories #tbt #throwbackthursday #family #deployment #MarineCorps #USMC #aviation #travelandadventure #prescottaz #yavapaicounty - @sgt_fahringer on Instagram

Welcome to our newest recruits, Wiffle (yellow) and siblings Grant (top) and Goji! All three are off to a great start handling the flight like champs! We are excited to get to know them all better. #labs #servicedogintraining #servicedogsofinstagram - @servicedogsinc on Instagram

- Good boye, angry boye.

- Flying Experiences

- Airline Flights

Notre paille en queue #mafate#airbus#bonheur - @mafatehelicopteres on Instagram

Aviation is a career you can choose! As long as you qualify 🙌 nothing cooler then flying or working on helicopters! #army #national #guard #ct #ctguard #aviation #paid #job #training #college #benefits #navy #airforce #marines #coastguard #military - @ssgmarto on Instagram

- Dogs on Boats

- Just two puppers guarding the house from intruders...and birdos

- Boyfriend just sent me this from the airport in Chicago. Hes about to board.

- He takes car rides serious.

- Simi Valley

- Airplanes

- How can you not take your corgi with you on a nice Sunday drive?

- @zirolinick on Instagram

- A Turkish Gendarmerie S-70 Blackhawk helicopter on a mission [1600x1219]

- I do I.T. Went onsite to a new client today... This should be fun!

- High IQ meme

- Uh-60A helicopters took over our parking ramp to help fight the pine gulch wildfire.

- ITAP of the Irish Coast Guard

- Black Hawk

- Dads bff and my fur-brother

- Dang hoomans dont know how to drive!

- Bonnie doesn’t mind being a cushion.

- South African Air Force Super Lynx 300. [960 x 960]

- BOAC British Airways 747 at JFK

#SnowFire: CalFire crews are battling a fast-moving vegetation fire in Palm Springs. The flames started with a vehicle fire, officials say. As of 6:00 p.m., the fire is at 500 acres and 0% containment. Live reports tonight on KESQ and updated on Video: Inez Gonzalez, pics: Todd Goodwin, @ Jeranormal - @kesq_news_channel_3 on Instagram

- How much to rent this one?

- This helicopter seen at a local airfield.

- What kind of helicopter is this?

- I finally found one I dont recognize. Biplane with gear on wingtips?

- Top Corgi

- Taking my handsome corgi to the dog park.

- Fresh paint job and Graphics

- Cute Corgi Madness!

- Calli was NOT happy we got her spayed

- Mi-26 biggest helicopter in the world

- Hey Felix, its the airline pilot yet again! My DMs are blowing up from people asking me when we are going to play Flight Simulator! Are you ready to join Sky Gang?

- The golf course in my backyard puts on a helicopter ball drop fundraiser every year that brings in a massive amount of money for various charities.

- The Mi-26 is the worlds largest and most powerful helicopter.

- Lets all admire how awesome and underrated Coast Guard aviation is as a military branch!

- this crazy looking helicopter

- First image of Bell V-280 Valor tilt-rotor aircraft prototype [960x540]

- Mv22

Watching our pilot Jake take off from the Watsonville base. Thank you @jakelounsbury and all the other brave souls battling the fires here in the Monterey Bay area. . . . . . . . . . . . #santacruz #monterey #california #czuaugustlightningcomplex #specializedhelicopters #helicopter #calfire - @specializedhelicopters on Instagram

- Delicious Blue Raspberry Pop Rocks (ramp salt)

- Douglas is inquisitive about his first plane ride.

- Soooo, that noisy thing is taking us where exactly?