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📢ATENÇÃO VESTIBULANDO!📢 Ainda em dúvida sobre o processo seletivo 2020.2? E o Vestibular 2021? Trouxemos estas e outras respostas para você. Para mais informações sobre o processo seletivo 2020.2 acesse o link na bio. - @universidadeufsc on Instagram

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We want to take a moment to thank each of you for continuing to refer your loved ones for care at NS. 💚💚 We remain open and are providing the very best personalized medicine and personalized care. More information on our website: listenandcare.com Stay healthy. Stay strong. We are in this together! •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• #naturopathicmedicine #staysafe #stayhealthy #naturopathicmedicineweek #ndhealth #naturopathiconcology #naturopathicspecialists - @naturopathicspecialistsllc on Instagram

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OUTSTANDING RESULTS: Despite the very challenging year, this summer 78% of our students achieved A*, A or B grades, with many being awarded a Triple Distinction in their BTEC studies. Our pass rate across all our Level 3 courses remains astoundingly high at 100%. We are extremely proud of our students continued success. 👩🏼‍🎓👨🏾‍🎓 Applications are open for September 2021, apply on our website NOW! Link in bio 👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻 #WilberforceForYourFuture - @wilberforce_sfc on Instagram

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Oi amigas, tudo bem? Imagino que a maioria de vocês saiba ou tenham noção de que eu vivia apenas de trabalhar com entretenimento na vida noturna... Com a chegada do novo coronavirus meu setor foi um dos primeiros a serem afetados e provavelmente será o último a ser liberado. Desde o começo da pandemia eu tenho procurado emprego, mas a crise não ajuda, tenho feito alguns trabalhos alternativos, mas infelizmente eles não dão conta financeiramente das minhas contas fixas e mesmo somando com o auxílio, ainda assim a coisa tá feia. Com tudo isso resolvi aproveitar que sábado é meu aniversário e chamar meus amigos pra fazer um evento no Zoom, serão 14 DJs que tocarão durante 14h e durante a festa vou divulgar formas das pessoas doarem dinheiro para me ajudar. Qualquer R$1,00 pode fazer a diferença e serei eternamente grato. 𝑰𝑴𝑷𝑶𝑹𝑻𝑨𝑵𝑻𝑬: O evento será divido em 2 salas diferentes, a primeira se chama Day Party e vai das 15h até 22h, a segunda Night Party vai das 22h até 05h, é necessário retirar o ingresso de ambas pelo Sympla. Ambas as salas são limitadas a 300 ingressos. 𝓓𝓪𝔂 𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓽𝔂: https://bit.ly/manolapaloozadayparty 𝓝𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓽𝔂: https://bit.ly/manolapaloozanightparty 𝓛𝓲𝓷𝓮-𝓤𝓹 (em ordem alfabética): - ADRN aka Adriano Leite (https://soundcloud.com/djadrn) - Benjamin Ferreira (https://soundcloud.com/benjaminferreira) - Claudia Bukowski (https://soundcloud.com/claubukowski) - Clemente aka Clemente Gabriella (https://soundcloud.com/clementegabriella) - Dani Souto (https://soundcloud.com/danisoutodj) - Eduardo Castelo aka Edu Castelo aka Mama V (https://www.mixcloud.com/educastelo2/) - Gabriel Santana (https://soundcloud.com/gbrlstn_) - Jenipapoo aka Jenifer Coimbra (https://soundcloud.com/jenipapoo) - Julia Jacobina (https://www.mixcloud.com/julia-jacobina/) - Kessy aka Cesar Keki (https://soundcloud.com/kkkkkessy) - Leo Goulart aka Leonardo Goulart (https://soundcloud.com/l_goulart) - Manolo Neto (https://soundcloud.com/manoloneto) - Marcell Boareto - Rat Trap aka Claudio Gonçalves (https://soundcloud.com/clauface) Link para doações em breve - @manoloneto on Instagram

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A 03-12-2008, há precisamente 11 anos, o CustoJusto.pt deu-se a conhecer ao mundo! Agradecemos a todos que nos acompanham ao longo destes 11 anos #custojusto - @custojusto.pt on Instagram

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Très Très très chers membres😍 Voici, concocté rien que pour vous, le nouvel horaire des cours collectifs 🤩🥳 Whats new? 😏 45 minutes dIndoor Cycling tous les mardis à 13 :00 🚵‍♂️ Une heure de Core Stability tous les jeudis à 20 :30 💪 Une heure de Zumba tous les dimanches à 11 :30 💃 Une heure de Jims Kick tous les samedis à 10 :30🥊 Dès le 01 avril, vous pourrez profiter de ce nouvel horaire avec nos supers instructeurs🥰😊👍 A bientôt ? Votre team Jims Porte de Namur 😎❤️ - @jimsportedenamur on Instagram

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⏰24 horas 🧴24 produtos 💵24 reais cada . Será liberado no nosso site das 0:00 do dia 24.09.20 (amanhã) até as 23:59hrs. * estoque super limitado, tem produtos extremamente abaixo do custo 🔥QUEIMA 🔥de estoque. Alguns produtos que estarão com validade próxima estará na descrição. . Compras pelo site 24 hrs www.abelacosmetica.com.br e pelo WhatsApp das 09:00 as 18 hrs ( 47 99927-3319) Qualquer dúvida só entrar em contato. . * não faremos reserva de itens. - @abelacosmetica on Instagram

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🗣 J-1 ! Le rapport sur la planète vivante 2020 sortira officiellement demain ! Le rapport planète vivante est produit tous les deux ans par le WWF, avec la contribution dexperts de premier plan et dautres organisations. Il sagit dun bilan de santé pour la planète, qui montre comment se porte le monde naturel, quelles sont les menaces auxquelles il est confronté et ce que cela signifie pour nous, les humains. 👥 Les experts du monde entier ont mesuré les changements dans le temps des populations de milliers despèces animales, du comptage du nombre des espèces. Les scientifiques rassemblent ces données dans une base de données et les analysent pour établir lindice de la planète vivante (Living Planet Index, LPI). 🌍 Ce déclin de la faune et les lieux sauvages est principalement due aux activités humaines, et elle commence à empêcher le système de vie de fonctionner comme il le faut pour répondre aux besoins de la population humaine croissante. 📅 #Rdv à partir de demain et pour une semaine pour connaître l’état de notre planète terre. #Connect2Earth #LPR2020 #NaturePositive - @wwfmadagascar_ on Instagram

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Sobre comprar! 😉 . Copos, canudos, talheres... Pense: preciso comprar? vou usar? Em muitos casos você pode usar o que já tem, ou até compra mais não usa. Não se prenda com o conceito de ser sustentável para comprar essas coisas, porque eu sei que a maioria não tem um valor baixo então meu conselho é: avalie a necessidade e a utilização! 🖐🏿Eu mesma, não tenho talheres de madeira, eu separei os comuns (igual usamos em casa) e coloquei na bolsa, para os lugares que eu vou é tranquilo! Acho que se eu fosse passar com ele em aeroportos eu teria problema, enfim, ele supre a minha necessidade atual! . Foque em reduzir e não em consumir! 👉🏿 Ah se você tiver alguma opinião sobre isso é só deixar aqui ou chamar no direct, gosto de conhecer histórias e opiniões diferentes! . . . #ecofriendly #meioambiente #sustentavel #consumo #consumoconsciente #ambiental #eco #ecologia #campinas #interior #interiorsp #minimalista #menoslixo - @sustentavel.eu on Instagram

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All aboard June 1st 🤞🏻. We are still waiting on rules and regulations, therefore booking will have to be on hold until the salon/stylist schedule is worked out. Thank you for your patience! #cocoonmsp #kwcraft - @k.w.craft on Instagram

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Kementerian PUPR Pastikan Tidak Ada Asosiasi Jasa Konstruksi Yang Dibekukan Dengan terbitnya Keputusan Menteri PUPR Nomor 1410/KPTS/M/2020 tentang Asosiasi Badan Usaha Jasa Konstruksi, Asosiasi Profesi Jasa Konstruksi dan Asosiasi Terkait Rantai Pasok Jasa Konstruksi Terakreditasi, tidak berarti bahwa sejumlah Asosiasi Jasa Konstruksi akan dibekukan. Pembekuan asosiasi merupakan penafsiran yang tidak tepat terhadap Peraturan Menteri PUPR No. 10 tahun 2020 tentang Akreditasi Asosiasi Badan Usaha Jasa Konstruksi, Asosiasi Profesi Jasa Konstruksi, dan Asosiasi Terkait Rantai Pasok Konstruksi. jkt(18/09). Asosiasi yang belum terakreditasi tidak dibekukan, namun dapat mengajukan permohonan untuk akreditasi pada periode selanjutnya yang dilaksanakan oleh Lembaga Pengembangan Jasa Konstruksi (LPJK) sesuai Permen PUPR No. 10 Tahun 2020 (periode penetapan akreditasi 4 (empat) bulan sekali. Dengan demikian kesempatan bagi asosiasi masih terbuka lebar untuk pemenuhan persyaratan akreditasi yang telah ditentukan, dan tidak perlu ada pemutusan hubungan kerja (PHK) terhadap pegawai asosiasi. Asosiasi tetap dapat melakukan fungsi pembinaan kepada anggotanya dan kemudian mendaftar kembali pada proses akreditasi selanjutnya”, ujar Dirjen Bina Konstruksi Kementerian PUPR Trisasongko Widianto. lebih detail : https://www.lpjk.net https://lpjk.net/kementerian-pupr-pastikan-tidak-ada-asosiasi-jasa-konstruksi-yang-dibekukan/ - @lpjk_nasional on Instagram

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EIA 2020നെ പറ്റി നമ്മളിൽ കൊറച്ച് പേരൊക്കെ കെട്ടുകാണുമായിരിക്കും, കൊറച്ചധികം ആൾക്കാർ ഇപ്പോഴും കേട്ടിട്ടുണ്ടാവില്ല 😬. This is little boring topics പക്ഷെ ഇപ്പോൾ നിങ്ങൾ ഇത് വായിക്കാനൊള്ള ക്ഷമ കാണിച്ചില്ല, ഇതിനെതിരെ പ്രതികരിക്കുനില്ല എങ്കിൽ ഭാവിയിൽ നമുക്ക് ഒരുമിച്ചിരുന്നു അനുഭവിക്കാം (വേഗം പറഞ്ഞു തിർത്തിട്ടു പോയേക്കാം ) EIA draft seems to favour industries.. പണ്ടൊക്കെയാണെകിൽ ഒരു പ്രൊജക്റ്റ് (chemical plant, gas plant, oil plant ) തുടങ്ങിയ തുടങ്ങാൻ അപ്പ്രൂവൽ കിട്ടണമായിരുന്നു, ഇതിനെ പറ്റി കൊറേ പഠനങ്ങൾ നടത്തി ഇതിന്റെ ill effects, how is it going to affect people എന്നൊക്കെ പഠിച്ചിട്ട് ആണ് അപ്പ്രൂവൽ കൊടുക്കുക but now onwards things are going to change, ആർക്കും എപ്പോൾ വേണെമെങ്കിലും തുടങ്ങി പിന്നെ അവരുടെ ഒക്കെ സൗകര്യം അനുസരിച്ചു permit വെടിച്ചാൽ മതി (post facto clearance ) 2. ഇനി തുടങ്ങി നമ്മുക്ക് പ്രേതിഷേധിക്കാനോ, കംപ്ലയിന്റ് ചെയ്യാനോ പറ്റില്ല, only the government officials and owner can do something regarding this 😬 ഇപ്പോ എന്റെ വീടിന്റെ അടുത്ത് ഒരു ഫാക്ടറി തുടങ്ങി എന്നിട്ട് ഒരു ദോഷാഫലങ്ങൾ ഉണ്ടായെന്നു വിചാരിക്ക് , എനിക്ക് ഒന്നും ചെയ്യാൻ പറ്റില്ല, ജസ്റ്റ്‌ കണ്ടുനിൽക്കാം 🥺 3.Reduction for public consultation to 20 days earlier it was 30 days... ഇതിനെതിരെ നമ്മുക്ക് പ്രതികരിക്കാൻ സാധിക്കുന്നത് ഓഗസ്റ്റ് 11വരെ മാത്രമാണ്... നോക്കുകുത്തികൾ ആവാതെ പ്രതികരിക്കാം, സമയം അതിക്രമിച്ചിരിക്കുന്നു... You guys can send your valuable emails to eua2020_moefc@gov.in @eia2020_moefcc@gov.in Do share and definitely email them🙏🙏 Sample emails are given online NB: korachu boradi vishayangal aanu njan paranjathengilumvayikkan manasukanichathunu nanniyund 🙏, but no worries i will be comming soon with intresting things.. (My diary entries 🤭😜) #malyalamezhuth #malayalamwriter #malayalamliterature #keralam #manglish #manglishworld #malayalipwoli #mallutweet #malluhub #endekeralam #endechindakal #eia2020 #eia #eiadraft2020 #eia❗️ #malayalam #malayali #chinthagalude_chavattu_kutta #chinthagal #kerala #mallutweets - @pagal_thought_writer_ on Instagram

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That is a lot of colds and a lot of tissues being used. Maybe we can help you cut that number down a little. #disinfxcertified #coldandflu #snottynose - @disinfx on Instagram

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Kolkatacalcuttabuzzphotozone orgranise a photography contest. Date of submission-12.08.20-30.09.20 No entrys after 30.09.20 Free entry for everyone Rules and Regulation to follow- 1.Must follow @kolkatacalcuttabuzzphotozone 2.share your post in your and mention us.(send the screenshot if it is private account) 3.Mention your 5friend in comment section. 4.After you have completed1-3 Email your photo at- bloggingindia1999@gmail.com Or , Dm us your entry in the instagram account. We will not responsible for decrese in image quality in insta dm. One photograph per id DATES OF RESULTS-depends on the number of entry.it will be declared after one week of the contest. Note- 1.you have to follow every rules of the contest. 2.anyone unfollowing any account during the contest is disqualified. 3.Using unfair means will led to disqualified. #photographycontests #photographycourse #calcutta #calcuttacacophony #calcuttaoutdoors #california #calcuttacacophony #kolkatadiaries #lensbongraphy #lensbondikolkata #bongolens #siliguridiaries #photographylover - @kolkatacalcuttabuzzphotozone on Instagram

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ما ٲبعد الله عنك شيء ٳلا وهيئ لك الٲجمل ، ٲمضِ راضياً تحت مجارې الٲحڪام .🍿🌿. - @h_ad7 on Instagram


- If ever you feel you aren’t progressing, compare your latest work to an old one! You may just surprise yourself :)

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Não há dúvida: Se precisa viajar, não coloque em risco seus planos, sua segurança e sua saúde. Só o Transporte Regular atende todas as normas e garante seu direito à uma viagem segura. Vamos juntos❕👊🏻 #viagemdeônibus #viajeseguro #transporte #fiscalização #transporteclandestinoécrime - @gontijopernambuco on Instagram

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✨Were open ✨ Beginning today, the long-awaited exhibition Marking Time: Art in the Age of Mass Incarceration is now open. This group exhibition highlights artists who are or have been incarcerated—many showing in a museum for the first time—alongside artists who have not been incarcerated but whose practices expose aspects of the carceral state. Seen together, their works reveal how punitive governance, predatory policing, surveillance, and mass incarceration impact millions of people: mo.ma/markingtime Plan your visit and reserve tickets online at mo.ma/ps1tickets. Were at capacity this weekend, but book ahead for a visit on a weekday evening, were now open later until 8 p.m. Photos by @matthewseptimus #MarkingTimePS1 @marking_time_art @nifleetwood - @momaps1 on Instagram

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28 de septiembre: Día de la Lucha por la Despenalización y Legalización del Aborto en América Latina y el Caribe. #EsUrgente #AbortoLegal2020 💚💚💚 La pandemia agudizó los abortos clandestinos. La legalización del aborto es una cuestión de salud pública - @paola.kohli on Instagram

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Nuevo modelo de campera con capucha, deportivo con ristop combinado. Hace tu pedido! Envíos sin cargo a todo el país! - @hidrasport.oficial on Instagram


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After careful consideration, and in light of the ongoing Coronavirus (COVID-19) developments, we are postponing the Worldwide Womens Film Festival until 2022. Postponing the film festival will enable us to provide the experience that our filmmakers, filmgoers, and volunteers expect and deserve in a safe environment. We remain excited to have the film festival in 2022 and will get back to you with more information on specific dates. The latest information will always be available at wwfilmfestival.com and our social media accounts. - @worldwidewomensfilmfestival on Instagram


Are we heading to the right direction? 😕 #wedontdeservethisplanet - @save___animals_ on Instagram

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Ten Thousand Subscribers On YouTube , All Thanks To Yahweh 💙🙏🏾 , S/o To Everybody Who Hit That Subscribe Button, S/o To Everybody That Don’t Miss Out On When I Upload , S/o To Everybody Who Purchase My Beats & Invest In Their Career , I Appreciate Y’all Fr Fr On CRIP 💙♿️ .... We Gon Keep Running These Numbers Up , Nd Keep Expanding , Love 💙👊🏽 - @n3monia3x on Instagram

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Ha Giang is located in the up north of Vietnam between Vietnamese and Chinese border. This mountainous zone with huge ranges of green rocky hills until the horizon would amaze you, all the road around go around moutain cliffs look like a giant snake amongst the nature. because of the mountainous terrain in Ha Giang makes the culture and the lifestyle of the locals unique. If you go to Vietnam, dont miss this mountainous paradise on earth. #Travelinvietnam #hagiang #Discovervietnam #Vietnamesetourism #Vietnam #whattodoinVietnam #wheretogoinvietnam - @cheekymonkeyvietnam on Instagram

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Dream🌱Green Bhilwara Drive 2 Plants 30 💚 Location: Radhe Krishna Garden, Shastri Nagar Dream 🌱 Green Family: @dhruvsinghchoudhary @sketchvilla_parul (Artist) @3shubhamjain @chivalrous_kartik_sahu @_.gouransh._ @_______rajput_sarkar @_.gannu._.parashar._ . . Collaboration with: @bhilwara_diaries 🧡 . . @bhilwara_exclusive @bhilwara.wale_ @all_in_one_bhilwara_ @rajasthan_photography_ @bhilwara_waala @bhilwara_nature_click @bhilwarablogger @fitbhilwara @bhilwaralokvani @bhilwara_news #dream_green_plant #dream_green #dream_green_bhilwara #dream_green🌱 #bhilwaradiaries #bhilwara_diaries #bhilwaradiaries #bhilwaranews #bhilwarawale #plantatree #treeplantation #plantation #bhilwaramarket #bhilwaracity #plants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #greenthumb #greenforce #treeplanting - @dream_green_plant on Instagram


Chiara Ferragni è incinta. Lannuncio su Instagram, dove la fashion blogger pubblica uno scatto del primo figlio Leone con la foto dellecografia: «La nostra famiglia si sta ingrandendo - scrive - Leo sta per diventare il fratello maggiore». Fedez commenta ironico: «Ma io non sapevo nulla!». Per la coppia si tratta del secondo figlio dopo la nascita di Leone nel 2018 #ilmattino #chiaraferragni #fedez #ferragnez #ferragnezfamily #mamma #instamamme #instabimbi #pixelkids #newbornphotography - @ilmattino.it on Instagram

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Goals per 15 minuten in de @eredivisie. In deze tabel valt veel te zien, zoals:⠀ ⠀ ▶ Willem II dat nog niet scoorde in het laatste kwartier⠀ ▶ Ajax als enige club ieder kwartier positief⠀ ▶ AZ in de periode voor & na rust ijzersterk⠀ ▶ Vitesse voor rust zeer zwak - @tussendelinies on Instagram

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.دامـت افراحـك يـا كـويـت🇰🇼. • #🇰🇼 #صباح_العز ‏⁧‫#أميرنا_فخر_شعبنا_ذخر‬⁩ ‏⁧‫#الكويت_حلوة_بأهلها‬⁩ ‏⁧‫#علم_الكويت_فوق_كل_بيت‬⁩ ‏⁧‫#الاعياد_الوطنية_الكويت‬⁩ ‏⁧‫#الكويت‬⁩ ⁧‫#kuwait #kiwaitcity #عيد_التحرير #عيد_الوطني #q8 - @kuwaitcarmuseum on Instagram

- 🔥 The moment a silverback gorilla clenches its fist before punching a wildlife photographer. (photo credit: Christophe Courteau)

607 Forever Plus BTS: Behind the Film: مرحبًا بك في 607Forever Plus Movies - موطن الأفلام القصيرة والممثلين والمخرجين المبدعين والكتاب والرسوم المتحركة والمزيد! @ 607foreverplus الانقسام. TS # 607ForeverPlusBTS سننشر جميع مقاطع الفيديو من وراء الكواليس لمنشئي المحتوى لدينا هنا ، حتى يتمكن الجميع من رؤية كيفية صنعهم وكتابتهم والمعنى الكامن وراء مشاهد معينة ، وكل ما تحتاج إلى معرفته لمرافقة فريقنا من الأفلام وصانعي الأفلام. سيكون هنا. BTS (صور وصور) - 607Forever Plus BTS هي شركة أفلام تقدم وظائف للممثلين الشباب وصانعي الأفلام. قدم الآن! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀#arabic #arabicmusic #arabicdancer #arabicactors #arabicmovies #arabicfilm #behindthescenes 🎬 - @607foreverplusarabia on Instagram


- Chimpanzees prefer to hunt and kill red colobus monkeys. They make up 80% of their meat diet and almost make this species locally rare.

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Charles Bridge is always full of people! . . . . . #picoftheday #followme #instadaily #czech_vibes #czechia #czech_world #czech_insta #instaczech #czechtraveler #czechtourism #czech🇨🇿 #visitczechrepublic #czechrepublic🇨🇿 #charlesbridge #charlesbridgeprague #history #time #timepass #timestream #prague #loveprague #instaprague #war #secondworldwar - @prague.czech.photoguide on Instagram

Thank you all for 100followers - @cucumber14211 on Instagram

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1st winner = @art_lover__harry . . #indian #india #art #illustration #drawing #draw #TagsForLikes #picture #artist #sketch #sketchbook #paper #pen #pencil #artsy #instaart #beautiful #instagood #gallery #masterpiece #creative #photooftheday #instaartist #graphic #graphics #simrangupta_art #simranguptaart #_only_art_competitions_ - @_artistworldwide on Instagram

Celebration moment for me in these tough times, 1/2 million MEPS hit, 110 months, 4962 Average/ month 🍾 thank you #myzonemoves #keepmepping #effortrewarded - @davidstalker1963 on Instagram

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Ciao everybody. We are so sad about the COVID situation in Dublin at the moment. We will be closed from tonight for the next three weeks. We are so sorry for those of you who had bookings. We want to thank all of our customers for their fantastic support since we re-opened in July. We can’t wait to see you all again soon - @granodublin on Instagram

Se penso che ora c’è lì un altro. . Artist: @pinguini_tattici_nucleari Song: Ridere . ASCOLTALA in play (link in bio) INDIEITALY è la tendenza© . #indieitaly #indieitalyplaylist #indie #indieitalia #music #indiemusic #spotifyitalia #indieitalylive #indieitaliano #gazzelle #carlbrave #franco126 #carlbravexfranco126 #coez #thegiornalisti #calcutta #frahquintale #community - @indie_italy on Instagram

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Piggies ! 3 3 3 Love Pigs !!!! 🐷🐽🐖 Cutiee Piggies :D - @animalcollage on Instagram

Buongiorno a tutti! 🙌🏼 Wir wünschen euch allen einen super Woche und ja bei dem Wetter fällt uns nur ein Wort ein...😒 #italiener #italienliebe #italien #italianpassion #italianiingermania #italiani #italiangirl #italiano #italia #italy #bellaitalia #ciaobella #ciaoragazzi #buongiorno #gutenmorgenwelt #gutenmorgen #buongiornoatutti #italienurlaub #urlaubinitalien #italien🇮🇹 #italian #italianstyle #vaffanculo #mavaffanculo #like #deutschland #solingen #augsburg #münchen #düsseldorf - @italian__passion on Instagram

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11 серпня ми зробимо офіційний запуск. Ми будемо місцем номер один для світових незалежних художників, творчих керівників, помічників, композиторів, менеджерів тощо. 🇺🇦 #607ForeverPlus #ukraine #ukrainemusicians #ukrainemusic #ukrainelabel #ukrainians - @607foreverplusua on Instagram

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Happy #YorkshireDay - @i_yorkshire on Instagram

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New Logo For My Page ________________________________________ Very soon...!!! We are going to start our online photography contest or competition.. Stay connected with us... Thanks - @photography_contest_4_you on Instagram

Another one of my fav animals Team Squirrel Lover !!!!! For all the squirrel lovers ;) :D 3 3 3 - @animalcollage on Instagram

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Jeff Bezos daily routine #financialfreedom #millionaire #millionairemindset #billionare #rich #routine #daily - @yours_financial on Instagram

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Just found out our debut single is going to feature in @tonyminvielle ‘s superb Folded Space show on @jazzfmuk late tomorrow night. Tune in or listen online after the event! - @jondarby55 on Instagram

I am extremely happy 😊 And you should be too 😎 . . . . . . . . . . . #monkeylove #monkeyshoulder#monkeybutt #cheekymonkeys#mychunkymonkey #yearofmonkey#mymonkeys #lilmonkey #spidermonkey#monkeyjoes #snowmonkey#monkeyking #puppymonkeybaby#mylilmonkey #sillymonkey#flyingmonkey #funkymonkey#squirrelmonkey #monkeytemple#monkeyyear2016 #12monkeys#goldenmonkey #monkeygirl#happymonkey #mrmonkey#monkeybaby #littlemonkeys#threemonkeys #monkeytime#monkeyworld - @nature_calls_beauty on Instagram

Quando entrei pela primeira vez na academia, eu não imaginava que um dia completaria 3 anos de treino (07/03) me sinto muito feliz pelos resultados que estão aparecendo, pois não foi fácil, às vezes dá desânimo, você pensa que seu corpo não evolui, não é todo dia que você vai chegar no ginásio e mandar aquele treino pesado, tem dias que você vai estar lá só para manter a rotina ou porque não tinha nada pra fazer em casa e decidiu ir treinar, muitos faladores te criticando dizendo que isso é perda de tempo, ficar levantando peso é coisa pra quem não tem o que fazer... eles acham que isso é muito fácil, mas só quem se dedica a essa vida sabe o quão difícil é se manter firme, buscar forças da onde não tem para ir treinar, comer a mesma coisa repetidas vezes para seguir uma dieta, dar do seu melhor para sentir a sensação de dever cumprido. Me apaixonei pela musculação porque ela te faz se sentir bem com a vida, te torna mais disposto, não é só levantar peso e construir um corpo musculoso, na maioria das vezes serve como uma ótima terapia. Musculação é meu esporte 💪🏻💪🏻❤️❤️❤️ #musculação #fisiculturismo #shapeinexplicavel #bodybuilding #bodybuildinglife #bodybuildinglifestyle #saúde #saudeevida #fitness #mundofitness #academia #evolução #determinação #corposaudavel #estetica #treinoemcasa #treinopesado #treinoefoco #dieta #nutrição #bodybuilder #motivação #hipertrofia #resultado #massamuscular #edfisica #bacharelado @schwarzenegger - @musculacao_e_fisiculturismo on Instagram

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Admin:@__mickel_bavan__ Go admin:@_rabin_official_ : : : : Do you support: @__freakz_of_india__ : : : : : : : : #likeforfollow #likeforlikes #gaintrain #gaintrick #sdvtodos #gainwithcarlz #gainwithmchina #gainparty #followtrain #chuvadelikes #100likes#kerala#sections #india #malayalam #mallu #kochi #photography #love #keralagram #instagram #godsowncountry #malayali #keralatourism #keralagodsowncountry #kozhikode #malappuram #positivemalayalam #malayalamcinema : : : : : : - @__freakz_of_india__ on Instagram


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The distance between the lens and the image sensor is known as the.................? #photographyquiz - @cameraskenya on Instagram

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Fuoye classic campus wears now available in all sizes and colors now available send a Dm for yours or call/WhatsApp for more details 08162352660 - @fuoye_clothiers on Instagram

A Family of 2K now 😍💋💋💋 really blessed to have all of you ❤️💋🌼 Thank you soo much . #_foodie_pie #_food_repost - @_foodie_pie on Instagram

- Pessoal, ontem postei uma moeda do período Imperial aqui. Vi que algumas pessoas se interessam por coleção ou até mesmo a numismática em si. Então criei esse subreddit, quem tiver interesse: r/Moedas

La destrucción de su hábitat natural y el cambio climático son algunas de las causas que amenazan a las jirafas, juntos podemos aportar un poco para su protección, Mitigar el CO2 producido a diario con la plantación de #Pawlonias es una opcion al alcance de todos. 1€ = 1🌳 #CuidaTuPlaneta #PlantaUnArbol #PorUnMundoMejor #PlanetaTierra #MedioAmbiente #Reforestacion #MitigaTuCO2 - @fundacionbioplanet on Instagram

- @pakistan_flag on Instagram

- Pisces Monthly Horoscope For February 2020 -

🗺 𝚆𝚎𝚕𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚝𝚘 @intershooters 𝙰 𝚙𝚊𝚐𝚎 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚠𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚌𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚕𝚎𝚗𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚊𝚕𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚙𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚘𝚐𝚛𝚊𝚙𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚊𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚕𝚍, 𝚝𝚊𝚐 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐. 𝙵𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙰𝚛𝚝 & 𝙿𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚘𝚐𝚛𝚊𝚙𝚑𝚢 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑: @intershooters 📷𝚃𝚘 𝚐𝚎𝚝 𝚏𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎𝚍: 𝙵𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠 & 𝚃𝚊𝚐 #ig_intershooters ================================= 🗺𝙱𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚒𝚍𝚘𝚜 𝚊 @intershooters 𝚄𝚗𝚊 𝚙𝚊́𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚊 𝚍𝚘𝚗𝚍𝚎 𝚗𝚘𝚜 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚊𝚖𝚘𝚜 𝚊 𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚟𝚎́𝚜 𝚍𝚎𝚕 𝚕𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚎 𝚍𝚎 𝚝𝚊𝚕𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚘𝚜𝚘𝚜 𝚏𝚘𝚝𝚘́𝚐𝚛𝚊𝚏𝚘𝚜 𝚊𝚕𝚛𝚎𝚍𝚎𝚍𝚘𝚛 𝚍𝚎𝚕 𝚖𝚞𝚗𝚍𝚘,𝚎𝚝𝚒𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚝𝚊 𝚊 𝚝𝚞𝚜 𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚐𝚘𝚜 𝚢 𝚎𝚖𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚜 𝚊 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚘𝚜. 𝙱𝚞𝚜𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚘 𝙰𝚛𝚝𝚎 & 𝙵𝚘𝚝𝚘𝚐𝚛𝚊𝚏𝚒́𝚊 𝚌𝚘𝚗: @intershooters 📷𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚊 𝚜𝚎𝚛 𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚍𝚘 𝚂𝚒𝚐𝚞𝚎 𝚢 𝙴𝚝𝚒𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚝𝚊 #ig_intershooters - @intershooters on Instagram

- August 2018 Calendar Template

- Aloe

Live with a whole heart, Paint with an open heart,Freeze the moment and photograph without fear. Wishing all the members a very happy new year❤️💓❤️ - @hijibijbijsociety on Instagram

- Nigerian Flag

- At the start of 2019 i bought dt990s

- Pakistan Independence Day

Niveau de sécurité : bleu métal . . . Abonne-toi et partage la page pour nous soutenir 😘🍺 . . . #savoie #hautesavoie #genepi #alpes #montagnes #yaute #pc #gaming #meme #memes #mdps #lol #mdr - @memesdespaysdesavoue on Instagram

Here are our prices for the slime we are selling!!! - @sunset.ocean.slimes on Instagram

- 2016 Calendar Template

- Coding

On this new year’s eve, I’m so inspired by The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel…empowerment AND fashion oh my!! Here’s to going after whatever your heart desires in 2020! ☺️ (font courtesy of Fontmeme.com) #mrsmaisel #worklikeyoumeanit #nashville #creativeagency #brandingdesign #wardrobe #glam - @jandy_works on Instagram

渾身のサービスをリリースします。 これはスタッフ武田豊の熱い思いを込めたサービスです。 その名も【marimo project】 ママ、リモートワークアウトの略、まりも。 0ー5歳のお子さんがいるママ。 なんと月500円で(ママ専用)RW使い放題。 ママコミュニティページも作ります! 是非ともお近くのママにシェアお願いします! <marimo project始動> ママ向けRemote Workoutを本日よりリリース致します。 0〜5歳のお子さんをお持ちのママ限定で、週2回のオンライントレーニングとコミュニティへ(FBグループ)の参加が月500円(税別)で可能となります。 コミュニティ内では、身体・食などに関しての情報発信やプロトレーナーからの食事指導だけでなく、同じ悩みを持つママさん同士での情報交換や子育て相談などができ、一緒に頑張れる仲間を作れる場となればと考えております。 ・ジムに通いたいけど、小さな子供を連れての外出はなかなか大変 ・動画の見ながらのトレーニングは続かなかった ・トレーニング仲間がいたら頑張れそう ・いつまでも綺麗で元気な女性でいたい そんな方々のサポートができればと考えております。 よろしくお願いします! 詳細はHPに記載しております。 http://rw-caladalab.mystrikingly.com/marimo-project #ママ #トレーニング #赤ちゃん #産後トレ #お母さん #marimo #remoteworkout - @kazuo_higa on Instagram

Over 1500 students have already trusted us!🔥 Now its your turn! Join us at www.thevfxschool.com ——— ¡Más de 1500 estudiantes ya han confiado en nosotros!🔥 ¡Ahora es tu turno! Únete a nosotros en www.thevfxschool.com - @thevfxschool on Instagram

Thanks a lot for ur support guysss....😍😉 Wen i started this account I wasnt expecting this.... 🙃😐😅Tht it will go till 600!!! And more to go ✌🏻🤞🏻soon 1k 🔥 Once again loads of thanks to all who have supported me and motivated me ❤😌🌼 . . . . #fitfam #inspirationalquotes #healthy #sport #photography #loveyourself #healthylifestyle #positivity #photooftheday #quoteoftheday #gymlife #art #motivational #smile #yourself #weightloss #inspire #instadaily #muscle #selfcare #fashion #beautiful #strong #quote #nature #picoftheday #exercise #nevergiveup #music #gymmotivation - @_that_art_nerd_ on Instagram

- كلنا اخوة_♥LONAL♥ シ

The main reason why Indians want to separate Balochistan because of CPEC. They’re jealous that China is helping develop Pakistan and Balochistan however this project will bear fruit for local Baloch people not for Paid Fake Balochi ppl operating outside Pakistan. Pakistan zindabad Pak China dousti zindabad Pak Army zindabad - @balochistan.pk on Instagram

#Forzalombardia #andratuttobene #Milano #Lombardia #regionelombardiainfoto #RegioneLombardia #italia #coronavirus #COVID19 - @regionelombardiainfoto on Instagram

@igworldclub_astrophotography - @igworldclub_thematic on Instagram

- Amazing Creatures

5,000,000 SUBS!! 🥳 🎉 Thank you to everyone that has supported me throughout this journey, we’re only 50% of the way. :) 💚 - @mrfreshasian on Instagram

Introducing Maud, one of our student midwives who has spent the last 3 years training with us and we are soon to have the pleasure of working alongside too as a qualified midwife! ‘Hello, my name is Maud. I have spent the last 3 years training at East Surrey Hospital, and have recently recently completed my final shift as a student midwife! My time as a student has given me so much appreciation for the sheer strength and incredible capabilities of women, and has made me feel truly grateful to have the opportunity to support those amazing mothers at such a special time in their lives. I can’t wait to start at East Surrey in a few weeks as a qualified midwife, where I know I will be so well supported by the incredible team that have taught and guided me through the past 3 years.’ #thankyounhs #eastsurreyhospital #sashmaternity - @sash_maternity_ on Instagram

Au au! 🐾 Obrigada Patudos !! 🤍 Já somos 1000 🥰 - @pdc_portuguesedogscommunity on Instagram

Il “modo di essere”...le fondamenta della “Casa del bambino”. Un percorso lungo... - @stefanoghisleni4 on Instagram

Celebration time! 3 trophies once again. Onwards to 2018! #HanleyIP - @lcu_lightning on Instagram

HAPPY NEW YEAR! - @thepoloworldcom on Instagram

Kecamatan Samarang. Senin, 28 September 2020. Link Youtube: https://youtu.be/rFfaZQ7ERGU #kabupatengarut #kecamatansamarang #camatsamarang #sekretariskecamatansamarang #kasipelayanansamarang #kasitantribsamarang #kasikesrasamarang #kasipmdsamarang #kasipemerintahansamarang #kasubbagumumsamarang #kasubbagkeuangansamarang #satpolppsamarang - @kecamatansamarang on Instagram

@sandesh21jhingan #5 The Wall of Defence 🔥 #JoyMohunBagan #marinersbasecamp #MohunBagan - @marinersbasecamp on Instagram

#wwf #🐒 - @wwfchile on Instagram

- Tree Cover vs. Urban Areas in the world’s most polluted city. Lahore, Pakistan

Protégeons ceux qui en ont plus besoin svp #wearetalibésfamily# - @je_suis_enfants_de_rue on Instagram


- 42nd Parliament of Piscania (2020-?)

Nigeria My Country! May the old be retired and a new greatness emerge at 60 in Jesus Name Happy Independence Day - @adaehimoses on Instagram

𝟐𝟏𝟎,𝟖𝟗𝟖 𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐬 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝⁣ ⁣ 𝟸𝟶𝟷𝟶 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘢 𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮 - a dream to plant a million trees in Gurgaon. More than the number, 𝐝𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐭 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐦𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐭.⁣ ⁣ 1. 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘵𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘴 – this meant planting species that were 𝗻𝗮𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲 to the Aravali⁣ 2. 𝘊𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘷𝘪𝘷𝘢𝘭 – developing a 3 year plan to take care of each sapling after planting⁣ 3. 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦 – planting at a time we need less water and ensure better survival rates⁣ ⁣ 𝟏𝟎 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐨𝐧 ... 𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘣𝘭𝘦 without the help of the government who provided us with barren land, the corporates and citizens who provided the much needed funds and energy!⁣ ⁣ We will get to a million #onetreeatatime⁣ #𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐮𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ #biodiversity #plantingtrees #ecology #greenercity #urbanforest #nature #rewilding #nativespecies #treeplanting #spiritofgurgaon - @i_am_gurgaon on Instagram

Друзья, приглашаем на церемонию Камбо в Санкт-Петербурге. Оставим карантин без шансов на продолжение 💪🏻 #камбо#камбороссия#уамбоспб#камбомосква - @kambo_life.russia on Instagram

What do you call a monkey who works in a call center? 🦧 🦧 🦧 A who-rang-utang!📞😂 #ToledoZoo #RoamNearHome #Orangutan #Fajar - @thetoledozoo on Instagram

#BLOGGMAGAZINE поздравляет С Новым 20.20 Годом и успешным открытием нового десятилетия! Впереди много интересных событий, много открытий, много проектов и конечно же - много новых стран! Пусть у каждого в этом новом году появится волшебный чистый лист и это будет самое лучшее начало года, и только от Вас будет зависеть, что в течении 20-го года на нем появится. Ну а кто верит в волшебство, для того этот лист будет действовать целое десятилетие! Мы счастливы, что познакомились с вами в «десятых» годах и вместе пошли в «двадцатые»! И более того, мы — сами строим своё настоящее; знаем, каким хотим видеть будущее; ценим и уважаем наше прошлое! Мы умеем благодарить, умеем прощать и знаем себе цену! Мы научились мечтать, как взрослые люди, ведь каждый взрослый — обязан мечтать! И этому, мы научим подрастающее поколение, и успеем научить взрослых! Мы люди - создающие реальность! Мы люди - живущие в двух мирах! Мы созданы в #OFFLINE! Но живем мы в #ONLINE! И это - наше время! С НОВЫМ ГОДОМ! С НОВЫМ ДЕСЯТИЛЕТИЕМ! С уважением, #ТатьянаСкаковская @skakovskaya_tatyana и #МаксимСергеев @maxim_sergeev www.bloggmagazine.me #bloggmagazine_russia #bloggmagazine_kazakhstan #bloggmagazine_italy #bloggmagazine_uk #bloggmagazine_uae #bloggmagazine_ukraine #bloggmagazine_caucasus #skakovskaya #русскийглянец #maximsergeev #глянцевыйдом - @glyanets_bloggmagazine on Instagram

Ios memang jos. . 🖤🖤🖤🤞🤞 - @unboxing_ytinc on Instagram

Wondering how much vanlifers spend? Heres some #vanlife benchmarks for you.... - 61% of van lifers spend less than $200 per week on expenses - 30% of van lifers spend between $301- $500 per month on fuel - The number 1 fixed cost was subscriptions like Netflix and Spotify!! See the full survey results for more incredible stats #vanlifers and #buslifers need to know: 🚐 🔥 https://nomadsaroundaustralia.com/survey-results/ #vanlifestyle #buslifestyle #vanlifeaustralia #buslifeaustralia #vanliving #campervanlife #australia #homeonwheels #campervan - @nomadsaroundaustralia on Instagram

What does development mean to the victim of environmental injustice? The State of India’s Environment Report 2020, released earlier this year by the Centre for Science and Environment and Down-to-Earth reveals the disturbing state of India’s situation vis-a-vis climate change. Climate Change, of course, is not arbitrary and neither are intensified situations in our subcontinent particularly. At the heart of the issue, lies a regressive understanding of progress and nation-building that dispossesses the already vulnerable communities of their fundamental rights and hands over the benefits to the already privileged. Exploitative corporations from Adani to Vedanta have remained the primal culprits and the State, the most powerful enabler. As the deadline for submission for comments to the draft EIA, looms not far ahead of us, it is important to remember the millions of victims of environmental injustice in this country, who have been displaced, murdered and alienated from fundamental legal justice. Social justice remains at the heart of our work, and environmental justice remains most intrinsic to social justice. #withdraweia2020 #nujslas - @nujslas on Instagram

Mais.. @\\\@ 😭💕✨ - @the_real_mitsu on Instagram

Follow and tag #treviso_cartoline - @cartoline_hub on Instagram

Hey Santa Helpers. Its @jolly.xmas_ Sorry I didnt post this - @everydaychristmascountdown2019 on Instagram

Guilford! With the new school year sneaking up on us, I (@jacobhalsema, the owner of this page) thought it’d be cool to share with you some of the cool statistics that go behind my photography work for the high school. Get ready for some cool content this fall! #LetsGoGuilford - @guilfordhsathletics on Instagram

Photo of the Day (Day-267) . Photo By - Arka Deep . #indiapictures #clickindiaclick #mypixeldiary #dslrofficial #yourshot_india #photofie #photographers_of_india #photosclub #earthpix #ig_india #indianphotography #photographyclubofassam - @photography_club_of_assam on Instagram

Cheap rates... 😍😍 - @followers_permotion on Instagram

‏⁧‫#الصحة‬⁩: ‏الحالات الجديدة المسجلة بفيروس ⁧‫#كورونا‬⁩ ‏بحسب مدن ⁧‫#المملكة‬⁩: - @makkahregion on Instagram

- Attualità

- Hair Restoration

We are thrilled to share 50% of today’s painting auction proceeds with The Jay Bloomer Foundation. Established in memory of Jay Bloomer, the foundation will provide scholarships, cancer awareness and patient and family support. “The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit.” - Nelson Henderson Go give @jaybloomerfoundation a follow and bid on a painting to support this EXCELLENT cause and Jay’s legacy. For those wondering, the other half of the auction $$ will be used to buy canvases and materials for future paintings. 🎨 - @theoliveshoe on Instagram

H A P P Y I N D E P E N D E N C E D A Y 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚 - @that.brown.hijabian.girl on Instagram

Great news! You can now pre order the official Virtual Marching Band patch! Get it now at the link in our bio. ⠀ ⠀ #VirtualMarchingBand #VirtualArts #VMB20 #Drumline #Percussion #Colorguard #Brass #Hornline #FrontEnsemble #Trumpet #Mellophone #Baritone #Euphonium #Tuba #Contra #Flag #Rifle #Sabre #Snare #Quads #Bass #Cymbals #DCI #WGI #BOA #MarchingBand - @virtualartsinc on Instagram

Sábado é dia de pelada e essa foi fantástica. 50 anos do Beckembauer, em Munique. Lendas Alemães 8x8 Lendas Mundiais. Só alguns, Beckembauer e Breitner pela Alemanha e no nosso, Platini, Euzebio, Bobby Charlton, Roger Mila, Carlos A Torres, George Best e de Tecnicos , Puskas e Di Stefano. É mole ou quer mais... Os 2 gols que fiz, aí na telinha. - @zico on Instagram

🚨 #filmwholesalegiveaway 🚨 • We are giving away 10 ROLLS of FUJICOLOR 100 35mm - FULL BRICK 🧱 Follow these easy steps to participate in our Instagram giveaway: 1. LIKE this post 2. FOLLOW @filmwholesale 3. Tag THE 4 BEST film photographers in the comments • WINNER WILL BE ANNOUNCED ON MONDAY 5/25/2020• if the winner is in the USA, we will ship for free. International winner will get the prize free with ANY purchase on filmwholesale.com #filmphotography #35mmfilm #35mmphotography #analogphotography #analoguephotography #disposablecamera #filmcamera #filmisnotdead #35mmstreetphotography #staybrokeshootfilm #shootfilmstaybroke #analogvibes #analogvn #fuji200film #expiredfilm #filmwholesale #c200 #fujic200 #fujicolor #fujicolor100 #fuji100 #fujijapan100 #fujicolor #35mmfilmphotography - @filmwholesale on Instagram

- 4th grade math

- Calories

- @animalcollagess on Instagram

I helgen står man där å har racesug igen på ”andra sidan”. Men det är ett race i sig att försöka vara bästa arrangör istället. Lång väg kvar innan ett perfekt arrangemang men så surt att inte få fira kanonloppet 70år på det sätt vi planerat. 3 stora band var bokade för en grym musikfest på lördag kväll. Men det tar vi igen nästa år. Får så länge trösta mig med lite statistik.... Vem vinner i helgen? @robertdahlgren är mitt tips. - @richardgoran on Instagram

Unutmadık! #02temmuz1993 #Madımak #SivasKatliamı - @ahmetkayagam on Instagram

According to our on-going survey, 86% of the respondents were concerned about their health but ONLY 21% were making a conscious effort to have regular health checks! 😱😱 One of our goals is to make health check ups more accessible, with more options for everyone to stay at the top of their physical and mental health. Go to our website and join our mailing list to get early access when #docdoc launches! 根據我們正在進行的調查,有86%的受訪者擔心自己的健康,但只有21%的受訪者有意識地進行了定期的健康檢查! 😱😱 我們的目標之一是使健康檢查更容易獲得,並為所有人提供更多選擇,使他們在身心健康方面處於領先地位。 #docdoc啟動時,請訪問我們的網站並加入我們的郵件列表以獲取早期訪問權! #hongkong #hk #healthyliving #healthylifestyle #docdoc #comingsoon #doctors #hongkong🇭🇰 #香港 #香港🇭🇰 - @docdoc.io on Instagram

- @pakistanigram_pk on Instagram

I N O V A T I O N. C I X A A R A L A Y I Di djiajeufeul mbolem gni tahawa li Di joumtu kay bou dioulit yeup meuna jieufandiko li nk Moy gum sa bop geum sa rew ndah tallan yaguii fii té firndel lassi nionguii dit ndokalé créateur yii yalla naleneu suniou brom doli yiw - @mouride__makane on Instagram

LUniversiade #Napoli2019 sarà ricordata anche per il sorriso, laccoglienza e limpegno delle migliaia di #volontari. A loro ancora un ringraziamento da parte dellambassador Patrizio Oliva e del Comitato Organizzatore. #ToBeUnique #napoli #naples #volunteers #sport #volontariato - @napoli2019 on Instagram

- @indigartsstories on Instagram

- @pakistan_flag on Instagram

@insta.udaipur Go green in this rainy season plant a tree and save nature #savenature #loveudaipur #instaudaipur #udaipurwale #gogreen #plantatree #savetheplanet #green #treesofinstagram #udaipur - @insta.udaipur on Instagram

We’re grateful to all the medical professionals that are putting themselves out there to help people, not just during this time of increased concern, but all year round. And right now we’re especially proud of Dr. Dan Rubin and Dr. Melissa Coats, part of our Naturopathic Oncology team here at NS, who were again acknowledged as “Top Doctors” by Phoenix Magazine in 2020!! With this acknowledgment, a doctor (or doctors) from Naturopathic Specialists has won this award every year it’s had a section for naturopathic doctors — that’s 9 years! Thank you both for the amazing care you make available in the field of Naturopathic Oncology! - @naturopathicspecialistsllc on Instagram

💄 EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENT💄 We at Sugar Venom have become the first cosmetic company in the WORLD to receive a Palm Oil Free Certification Trademark for all of our palm oil free products! (54 of them to be exact 😙) #We are so fortunate and proud to be listed with @palmoilfreecertification and apart of the International Palm Oil Free Certification Accreditation Programme. Please check out their post and support what the great organisation does to raise awareness to STOP deforestation and fellow companies who choose not to use palm oil in their products. 🍃 Vegan 🐰 Cruelty free 🌱 Palm Oil Free 🇦🇺 Made in Australia 💕 Ethical #vegan #veganmakeup #vegancosmetics #crueltyfree #crueltyfreemakeup #ethical #ethicalmakeup #australianmade #australianmakeup #palmoilfree #palmoilfreebeauty #palmoilfreeproducts #makeup #beautyproducts #veganbeauty #veganlashes #livecrueltyfree #crueltyfreebeauty #crueltyfreecosmetics - @sugarvenomcosmetics on Instagram

and the winner is Margherita!!! - @santo_stefano_del_sole on Instagram

- banknote

Did you know September is National Prepardness Month? With the recent activity, this is an important reminder to take some time and think of a plan in case disaster strikes. Go through your Grab and Go bags and don’t forget to pack one for your furry family members as well! Visit https://www.ready.gov/september for more info! #cityofwalnut #beprepared 🦺⛑🎒 - @cityofwalnut on Instagram

برای دریافت فوری و سریع پست های جدید پیج ما را فالو کنید 👇👇 1.پستها را لایک کنید و کامنت بگذارید 2.اونهایی که لایک و کامنت گذاشتنو فالو کنید 3.فالو شدی بک بده . 👽پیج ما را 👈فالو کنید 😱 ↔↘ ↔↘ @mano_follw_.kon @mano_follw_.kon @mano_follw_.kon ↔↘ ↔↘ @mano_follw_.kon @mano_follw_.kon ↔↘ ↔↘ _______________________________________💣 💥شات و تبلیغ پربازده در سه پیچ💥 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 💥لطفا دوستاتونا تگ کنید جهت افزایش فالوور. #instagrammers #igers #instalove #instamood #instagood #like #follow #comment #shoutout #photography #iphoneography #androidography #filter #filters #hipster #contests #photo #igaddict #photooftheday #insta #picoftheday #bestoftheday #instadaily #instafamous #popularpage #popularpic #like #like4like #likeforlike #likesforlikes #follow # - @follwers_99 on Instagram

4-H British Columbia Growing Leaders 50/50 Raffle* 📣🍀 WINNER TAKES HALF 50/50 tickets are: 2-Ticket Pack for $10; 5-Ticket Pack for $15 Deadline: Midnight, Monday, November 30, 2020 Draw: Tuesday, December 1, 2020 12:00 PM More details here: https://4hbc.rafflenexus.com/ The draw will be streamed live on our Facebook Page at https://www.facebook.com/4HBritishColumbia. The public can watch live online, but they cannot attend the event in person. *must be 19+ to play. Know your limits, play with it. - @4hbritishcolumbia on Instagram

- @share_market___expert on Instagram

New schedule official as of August 2020 - @bear.bjj on Instagram

- Map of the United States by state highway marker (Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/97882991873752815/)

- Home internet

Happy 14th August! Pakistan Zindabaad! . . . #aug #pakistan #hockey #hockeyislife #pakistanzindabad #kashmir #nationalgame #pakistanhockey #game #team #hockeyskills #fieldhockeylove #fieldhockeyskills #follow #fih #sports #fhockey #sport #independence #fieldhockey #canon #pakistani #hockeyfamily #independanceday #fieldhockeylife #gooddays #independenceday #togetherstronger #familygame #14thaugust - @ghulam_mustafa_2020 on Instagram

- A true model

I am SO EXCITED to share with you our newly updated and BEAUTIFUL website! These new updates not only look amazing but it also has all the fancy bells and whistles to help us navigate the ever changing online engines and after months of working on it,  we went live this morning. Yay! Some of the things I am really excited about is our new logo, I absolutely love it! You may notice we changed out all of our profile pictures here on social media so it carries through all of our platforms.  Im also super excited about the blog feature the updated site has.  This is going to be an amazing place to hang out. A place to grab a cup of coffee/tea and read along as myself and team members will be posting there often. If you have some time, bounce over and check it out. Also if you havent already signed up for our monthly newsletter youll want to right away as we have even more news to share coming soon. saleranch.org This project was a labor of love and Tim Ivey did a beautiful job getting it done for us, thank you Tim.  Our old website was wonderful. We had it for years and this one will be able to grow with us as we continue to. Thank you for your continued support, anxious to hear how you all LOVE the new and easy to use site. Please leave us some LOVE below by dropping a 🎃 (hello October). And remember its your interaction will allow this update to be seen. With Gratitude Jen   . . . . #Saleranchsanctuary #animallovers #animaladvocate #Animalrescue #farmsanctuary - @saleranchsanctuary on Instagram

- @adolfo_netodance on Instagram

Lets adopt the practice of waste segregation. #MyCleanIndia - @swachhbharaturban on Instagram

Abnehmen kann man man auf verschiedene Weise! Folge jetzt @fitwork27 !!!! #kalorien #kalorienverbennen #kalorienverbauch #abnehmen #abnehemen2020 #gesundleben #seilspringen #laufen #joggen #schwimmen #spazieren #fettverbrennung #sport #fettverlieren #training #fitness #fitnesstipps #kaloriendefizit #kalorienverbrennen - @fitwork27 on Instagram

Are you ready yet? - @bangalorewatchco on Instagram

🏃‍♂️ RACE DAY 🏃‍♀️ • Here are todays start lists for the ‘A’ races at the #AFD End of Season Meeting • There will be four 100m races (AFD only), four 200m races (AFD only), 11 x 1500m races (open) and 5 x 3000m races (open) • Races will be streamed live on RunningLive over on Facebook - @afdacofficial on Instagram

- web 2.0

- 1D/Other Celebs Wearing British/Irish Clothing

Kourel 1 #hizboutarqiyyah Dkh prépration Magal 2020 #dieuredieufserignetouba #khassidayirek #mouride #santeserignetouba #begueserignebamba #18safar #magal #touba #magal2020 #senegal🇸🇳 #galsen221🇸🇳👊 - @khassida_rek on Instagram

For the parrot lovers !!! They are like rainbows with feathers !!! :D - @animalcollage on Instagram

Since launching at the end of June 34,000 of you have visited our website. Wow! Thank you all so much. 💚 Let’s keep the incredible support going. 💪 #ChampionGreen #SupportLocal - @championgreen.ie on Instagram

- Is Jake going to the good place?

#الصحة : - 492 إصابة جديدة بـ #كورونا. مجمل الإصابات 335,097 حالة. - 592 حالة تعافٍ جديدة. مجمل التعافي 319,746 حالة. - 26 وفاة جديدة. مجمل الوفيات 4794 حالة. - الحالات النشطة 10,557 حالات. - الحالات الحرجة 993 حالات. - @jeddahnow.sa on Instagram

- A different side of me


trick coming soon. follow and wait. #free #instagram #freeinstagram #freeinstagram - @free_follwers_instag on Instagram

Bonjour, Moien ! Excellent weekend à tous ! #platdujour #restaurantdudelange #dudelange #cottagedudelange #platdujourdudelange #restaurantcottage #diddeleng #villededudelange #villedudelange #dudtown #dudetown #bonappetit #luxembourg #guddenappetit #cuisinier #moien #logis - @hotelcottagededudelange on Instagram

Congratulations @tvesistar for putting the Indian flag up there and finishing 4th . Waiting to see you at the TOP ! Yet to see someone with so much discipline and hardwork ❤️ And it is paying off . #golffitness #golffitnesstrainer @janetalexander1 ( thank you ) @chekinstitute @paul.chek ( for creating chekkies worldwide and sharing your knowledge) #newdelhi #india @brandon.desouza2903 @heromotocorp @callawaygolfind #creatingchampions #dlfgolf - @thefitnesshub on Instagram

The word for apple in many European languages ----- #languages#language#languagelearning#englishlanguage#learnung#words#vocabulary#dailyword#dailylearning#english#dutch#german#danish#norwegian#swedish#turkish#french#italian#spanish#portuguese#russian#polish#czech - @languages.of.europe on Instagram

🏔山の日-il giorno della montagna 🏔 11 agosto 🎐 Il Giappone è un arcipelago di isole, ma anche un Paese in cui il 70% della superficie è montuosa ecco che allora nasce la festività nazionale chiamata: “山の日(Yama no Hi)”, il “Giorno della Montagna”, che dora in poi renderà ogni 11 agosto una giornata extra di vacanza. Frutto di una legge approvata nel 2014 ed entrata in vigore a inizio anno allo scopo ufficiale di “celebrare una giornata che offra alle persone lopportunita di avvicinarsi alle montagne e apprezzarne i benefici”. La Cerimonia si tiene a Nagano. 🇯🇵 - @tozai.it on Instagram


- Italian flag on Googles doodle celebrating Italys Republic Day

Ahahaha😄😄 - @rteuparody on Instagram

- Governo pública imagens oficiais da nova cédula de real

🏆 DÉFI LECTURE N°38 🏆 . Chaque semaine nous vous proposons un thème et des idées lecture pour que vous puissiez relever nos 52 challenges ! 😁 . Aujourd’hui, nous vous proposons donc de lire un roman qui se passe dans une librairie ! Quel titre allez-vous choisir ? . #defilecture #livre #lecture #jailuedition #jailu #Booklover #bookstagram #livrestagram #livres - @jailu_editions on Instagram

- The IRA

Pour connaître l’actualité des Instagramers de Charleville suivez le compte @igers_charleville — #Charleville #Ardennes #igerscharleville #igersgrandest #grandest - @igersgrandest on Instagram

ygap is incredibly excited to announce that, through the 541 ventures that have come through our programs over the last 12 years, 1,295,411 lives have been impacted across the countries and regions that we work within. That’s over a million people who have a better chance to improve their lives and the lives of their families through better access to things like health care, education, and regular employment in the Pacific Islands, Kenya, South Africa, Bangladesh and Australia. Reaching one million lives has been an organisational goal since 2014, and is an exciting milestone as we grow and mature in our work. Read more and celebrate with us at www.ygap.org/millionlives 💚 - @ygap on Instagram

We did it!! Thank you to all the Hammersley Hammers who made this possible. Together the Hammersley Hammers ran/walked or cycled a combined total of 949.3km (just falling short of our 1000k target)....HUGE appreciation to: @charliesmithldn @simon_keenleyside @christopherwoods @rmrhomes #Miroslav Rakovan @graham_dolphin #markhamilton @ian_kelland @katiekelland @drkkhanna @simjagger @jademitchelljem @noelr71 @squli @drnicolajohnson @roderickharist #Sharron and Poppy Hinde @sites_of_horror_ Luke Jackson @samjacksonpainter #lewistaylor @theredrobin #Maarten De Vries #Nigel Hurst @jpstonard @benpaulsmith @andymclovell #Richard Harvey....You are all AMAZING!!!! #hammersleyhomes #hammersleyhammers #enduringmentalillness #HomeForLife - @marylinzellellis1 on Instagram

10yearschallenge😫😀😂😂 - @maiga_wonkoye on Instagram

🔰🔰🔰Bem Vindos 😃😃😃 Voltamos a estaca zero 😃😃😃 Continue usando a Tag #⃣igersbrasil 🔰🔰🔰 - @brasilgram on Instagram


- Según el face index, este serie el rostro del varon mexicano promedio y el de algunos otros países.

- @queenofhillsphotography on Instagram

The Chef’s Garden is on Instagram ⬇️⬇️⬇️ Follow us @farmerleejones for #InSeasonNow vegetables and #ThisIsFarming behind the scenes from the farm Follow us @culinaryvegetableinstitute for Public and Private #EventsatCVI information and #TheArtofPlating behind the scenes from the kitchen See you there! - @the_chefs_garden_ohio on Instagram

Toro’s “Breaking BJJ” shirt. Screen printed on a Next Level CVC 60/40 blend. Comfortable with a great fit. #livetoroll #bjj #toro #torobrand #torobjj #jiujitsu #bjjlife - @torobjj on Instagram

The Reserve Bank of Australia has announced a new $100 banknote will be released into general circulation on 29 October 2020. The new $100 banknote celebrates the contributions of two outstanding Australians, Dame Nellie Melba and Sir John Monash. Existing $100 banknotes retain legal tender status and can continue to be used. Learn more about the new design Link in bio. #CreditUnionSA #Adelaide #SouthAustralia - @creditunionsa on Instagram

La famille,vous avez été nombreux à porter votre choix sur @president_wade un leader et entrepreneur confirmé !!! 💪🏿Ensemble allons le découvrir en détails 💪🏿Partagez avec vos amis car c’est un model pour la jeunesse mondiale 💪🏿Commentez YES pour assumer votre choix 💪🏿Hâte d’y être merci de Liker❤️ @lagrandealliance @president_wade #defkomoudieikh #g2l🇸🇳 #galsenleaderslocaux🇸🇳 ______________\\\\\\___________________ - - #leadershipskills #leader #entrepreneur #entrepreneurlife #entrepreneuriat #entreprendreautrement #senegal #dakar #africa #entrepreneursenegal #dakar2020 #dudufaitdesvideos #terangacom #ajels #jeunessesenegalaise #jeunesses #yachtlifestyle #kaayjob - @galsen_leaders_locaux on Instagram

We are happy to announce this years Decolonise Fest zine to coincide with an online edition of our festival. This resistance-themed collection includes poetry, paintings, photography and written pieces, all of which centre worlds that exist outside of the white hegemony. The zine will be available online for the first time 💥📘 The 60 page zine is being printed on recycled paper in full colour and will also be available as a PDF. Both will be available to order during and after the festival. We hope to be able to distribute our zines from behind a physical merch table at a show in the not-too-distant future! Contributors: A sketchy hand, A.A. Noun, Adam Karenina Sherif (@thsheridans), Afroditi Goulioumi (@venus_in_vain), Ahilapalapa Rands, Alkebuluan Merriweather (@alkebuluanm), Baris Yüksel (@yukselbarisevren), Gayathiri Kamalakanthan (@unembarrassable), Glory Samjolly (@glorysamjollyart), Ibrahim Noor, Jelly Cleaver, KD Chavez, Kim M Reynolds (@kimberland_1 / @becomingphotoseries), Nadia Mirza-Saadi (@nadiams19), Nile HQ, Jo Walsh and Ariana Davis, Kelsea Delatango, Larissa Brown, Maira Butt (@writuale), Marco Marcelline, Maria Rosamojo, Mariano Dos Reis Borges, Momoe Tasker, Nile HQ, Priscila Hernandez (@growwithher) and Kelsea Delatango (@_delatango), Shimul Chowdhury, V23 and Vijay Patel Page layouts, collation, etc. by the Decolonise Fest zine team - Ishani, Sandy, Moni and Syra - @decolonisefest on Instagram

- @rsl_tshirt on Instagram

- @followers_growths on Instagram

Virtual VIP USA WhatsApp number.. For sale.. More details +91 7756034138 #india #usa #dubaï #amravaticity #nagpur #inventivelife #inventivecafeamravati #logodesigning #graphicscard #digitalcards #webdeveloperhumor #websitedeveloper #applicationdevelopers #softwaredeveloper #software #indiapan #animatedart #animatedvideo #facebookadvertising #instadaily #youtubechannel #youtubemarketing #startupbusiness #startupbusiness #businessstartup101 - @inventivecafe_mh on Instagram

Congratulations to the winners of photos of the day #naturefeature - @naturefeature on Instagram

Nominees for Comedy show of the Year in the Naija FM Comedy Jam and Award Night 2017. Please visit our website to vote. www.naija102.com/lagos/vote Lets bring it home again - @unicmade on Instagram

- Scottish football fans display Palestinian flags at game in Israel

10.000 fotos etiquetadas con #estoesasturias por los Instagramers Asturianos - @igersasturias on Instagram

Les 16 qualifiés ##championsleague 19-20## - @sport_comment on Instagram

Customized Watches..!! Dm us for Order - @giftvalley.pk on Instagram


- @followers_growths on Instagram

Happy World Gorilla Day!! Join us today as we celebrate these beautiful creatures! We have more activities lined up for the day: an interview with the Her Royal Highness of Buganda Sylvia Nagginda. Team gorilla song premier, Ill also be live on @ctph_uganda at 6:30pm, have your questions ready. - @gladyskalemazikusoka on Instagram

We are excited to participate in @newartdealers FAIR, opening next Wednesday, May 20. We will be showing works by @chiiikinfat @solocrudo @chri_dom_ick and @brittniannharvey Also, our first show ‘Room Service’ opened 5 years ago today 🙃 - @bkmotel on Instagram

#vote #texas #election #youngvoters #rockthevote #rockthevotesatx - @rockthevotesatx on Instagram

- 3D Printers Nieuws

Happy St. Patrick’s Day to my Irish #MiddlesexMoms 🍀 - @middlesexsouthmoms on Instagram

Growing Green Communities Market at our organic gardens on September 20th! See you all there! - @patom_organic_living on Instagram

👩🏽‍🎓🧑🏼‍🎓🎉 : joignez-vous à nous pour féliciter nos 1 347 nouveaux diplômés #uqac #diplômé2020 #diplômée2020 #fieruniversitaire #université # - @choisir_uqac on Instagram

UNO-DUE VIOLE: UFFICIALI MALOCAY E SOTGIA I biancoverdi hanno definito l’arrivo del puntero Klodjan Malocaj e del centrocampista Elias Sotgia, innesti importanti nella rosa a disposizione di Pino Scattini http://www.eccellenzacalcio.it/news/leggi/12322 - @eccellenzacalcio on Instagram

Heres a tip for #igersnewzealand mates who would like to save their instagrams photos automatically into #dropbox. For a step by step guide, go to http://dmad.com/backupinstagram 👍 #instagramers #instaport #igers #newzealand #nz - @igersnewzealand on Instagram

Bones festes! - @maslesmates on Instagram

**Save the date alert** This years @wn_feast dates have been confirmed! The first Sunday of each month, kicking off on 7th April. The ultimate mix of brilliant local, independent businesses. Click on the account to find out about Feast’s new sustainable living agenda this year, too. . . . #westnorwood #westnorwoodfeast #southlondon #lambeth #localbusiness #localmarket #sustainableliving #zerowasteliving #savethedate #farmersmarket #hernehill #eastdulwichmums #tulsehill #supportsmallbusiness #shoplocal - @shopsouthlondon on Instagram

، لطلب قائمة الأرقام يرجى التواصل على الوتساب 0508800080 ، ، ، ، #055 #056 #ارقام_اتصالات #ارقام_دو #etisalat #اتصالات #du #دو #numbers #ارقام #uae #الامارات #052 #ابوظبي #dubai #dxb #أرقام #دبي #sharjah #shj #الشارقة #ad #050 #أرقام #إتصالات #050 #055 #052 #054 ....... #دو - @inst.uae on Instagram

É rapaz acho que mudou um pouco😏. Como dizem, sou que nem vinho, quanto mais velho, melhor! - @prettodobronks on Instagram

Happy Independence Day 2020 (Advance). Full video available on YT Swipe - @umar_gaming_studio on Instagram

، لطلب قائمة الأرقام يرجى التواصل على الوتساب 0508800080 ، ، ، ، #055 #056 #ارقام_اتصالات #ارقام_دو #etisalat #اتصالات #du #دو #numbers #ارقام #uae #الامارات #052 #ابوظبي #dubai #dxb #أرقام #دبي #sharjah #shj #الشارقة #ad #050 #أرقام #إتصالات #050 #055 #052 #054 ....... #دو - @inst.uae on Instagram

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