Victim Blaming Profile Pics

victimsexual assault awarenessapril sexual assault monthvictimssexual assault victimsstand up for whats rightbecome a voiceend victim shamingapril

Boss Calls Woman ‘Slutty’ After Seeing Her Linkedin Profile Pic Where She’s Wearing A Basic T-Shirt, Employee Calls Him Out

Boss Calls Woman ‘Slutty’ After Seeing Her Linkedin Profile Pic Where She’s Wearing A Basic T-Shirt,

noticed startled alerted exclamation question mark hushed

- This is honestly just sad

holly frazier dance moms angry pissed blame

- *triggered*

Karen Calls The Cops On Driver She Crashed Into, Regrets It After They See The Surveillance Footage


- Do Something

Boss Calls Woman Slutty After Seeing Her Linkedin Profile Pic Where Shes Wearing A Basic T-Shirt, Employee Calls Him Out

wat zeg jij victim blaming hater haters gonna hate haters

- Raja showing Greta some love

Boss Calls Woman Slutty After Seeing Her Linkedin Profile Pic Where Shes Wearing A Basic T-Shirt, Employee Calls Him Out

Changing the stigma around Romance Fraud.

miggi islam

- How do these kind of people exist

Boss Calls Woman ‘Slutty’ After Seeing Her Linkedin Profile Pic Where She’s Wearing A Basic T-Shirt,

Boss Calls Woman ‘Slutty’ After Seeing Her Linkedin Profile Pic Where She’s Wearing A Basic T-Shirt,

dont put your blame on me rory charles graham human dont blame me angry

- Happy Easter

Boss Calls Woman Slutty After Seeing Her Linkedin Profile Pic Where Shes Wearing A Basic T-Shirt, Employee Calls Him Out

Boss Calls Woman ‘Slutty’ After Seeing Her Linkedin Profile Pic Where She’s Wearing A Basic T-Shirt,

anker moin dialekt deutsch hipster

- Of course, because meth is the vegan equivalent of Ritalin.

Boss Calls Woman ‘Slutty’ After Seeing Her Linkedin Profile Pic Where She’s Wearing A Basic T-Shirt

dont blame yourself its not your fault dont put the blame on you its alright its not on you

- Just spend 80 dollars to count towards for a blanket..

Boss Calls Woman ‘Slutty’ After Seeing Her Linkedin Profile Pic Where She’s Wearing A Basic T-Shirt,

ostfriesland moin morgen k%C3%BCste kueste

- You gotta be born with the hatchet and juggalo face

Boss Calls Woman ‘Slutty’ After Seeing Her Linkedin Profile Pic Where She’s Wearing A Basic T-Shirt, Employee Calls Him Out

you cant blame this on me jane fonda grace grace and frankie you cant blame me

- No ceilings

Boss Calls Woman ‘Slutty’ After Seeing Her Linkedin Profile Pic Where She’s Wearing A Basic T-Shirt

vind makelaardij vind vind financieeladvies

- Fuck Sake Big Man

Broken Alone With Name

victim blaming dat zeggen we niet meer schat schat

- Pass denied to night urse who tweeted that all white boys should be sacrificed to the wolves bitch.

Boss Calls Woman ‘Slutty’ After Seeing Her Linkedin Profile Pic Where She’s Wearing A Basic T-Shirt,

add plz tmobile love peace love

- Good Hunting

stop silencing women believe survivors practice consent educate youth end rape culture

- My new fear.

chat conversation speechbubbles doodles ok

“As proposals to make Maryland’s public colleges and universities tuition-free make their way through the Democratic primary for Maryland governor, one state senator plans to introduce legislation next year to create a framework that would make that goal a reality.” - @willcsmithjr on Instagram

victim stop being a victim jamey spiller mad angry

- There is so much stupidity to unpack here I dont know where to even begin...

anker dialekt meer moin nordsee

- Friend of mine is in Italy on his honeymoon. He just posted these fun facts about Italy. [FB]

this is not your fault its not your fault dont blame yourself guilty lieutenant olivia benson

- He thinks its fake instead of parody, does that count?

chat cat blink

- Totally worth it. 😂

raar dit hoezo koala wat zeg jij joehoe

- Transgender Captions

optica total optical eye specialist smile dance

- Divorce Coaching

no means no ive changed my mind im not sure stop wait

- That Yellow Bastard is real, and he lives in New Zealand.


- Humanity

sexual assault month sexual assault awareness april sexual assault month april victim blaming

- To be fair, she’s not even a real gamer

fairkabeln text animated text fair cables

- A gay knee? Unacceptable! Artificial knee? Even worse!

sexual assault month sexual assault awareness april sexual assault month april victim blaming

- Well that certainly makes her qualified

anker moin dialekt deutsch hipster

- Sad stories

listen believe support sexual assault awareness month sexual assault awareness

- 2009 execution of a 12 year old boy... Im sorry.

aqw aqw guild nobility

- This reply is damaging to brain

camouflage sexual assault awareness month sexual assault awareness april sexual assault month april

- This is why we need socialized college

join enter omori something gained a real one

- Rocky is headed home

dont you dare blame me lauren weedman tales from the loop dont blame me dont accuse me

- How male victims of DV are treated

add plz tmobile loading waiting

- Atheism.

scapegoats katharine conti katcontii fall guy blamed for the mistakes

- Harmful nonconsensual puberty

emotional gail julie bowen mixtape crying

- American activists protesting the illegality of hunting children (2020)

ik heb vragen gekke kat wat zeg victim blaming

- Longest password..

orospu mehmet

- Pièce de résistance

sexual assault awareness month sexual assault awareness april sexual assault month april victim blaming

- The huns got so bad where my friend lives that the vet had to set everyone straight

hoe zou jij het vinden hoezo hoe vind jij dit leuk hoor kat

- Found on FB. Religion is this woman’s crack.

papacito victime a victim victim explaining

- Teaching them from a young age

juba kathy

- When you have no soul, but still have that bill; she’s a pathological liar and is not a fraud victim.

believe survivors practice consent educate youth end rape culture exual assault month

- WokeKid accuses teacher of war crimes

saturday glitch gif supreme vhs

- Gemini

harassment is not a compliment sexual assault awareness month sexual assault awareness april sexual assault month april

- Undrar vad Raffe gör nuförtiden? (karin har själv lagt ut den och är kändis, därav ingen censur)

nietzijnschuld schuld victimblaming meerliefde tegenblamen

- Answer a question with a question.

its all your fault its not my fault its never my fault victim

- A little of Quora for you guys.

zeg jij nou victimblaming nietzo nouzeg geen geweld

- Girly captions

praten laten we praten victim blaming blamer nietzo

- Maybe not so insane, but still..

ikzegerwatvan victimblaming victimblamer okblamer ok

- This is why servers need to ask questions to us. Not guess.


- Vote Trump

kan zij niks aan doen victimblaming

- Overweight girl called out by her brother for claiming a genetic condition for her size

bb20 big brother bbjc screaming crying

- It will hurt your eyes reading this

kifesh victimblaming doe is lief wat zeg jij zeg

- Theres definitely a lot to unpack here

me too slachtoffer victim nederland

- No, not the scientist who was funded from outside sources

victimblaming doet niks zij doet niks slachtoffer

- Hes been watching the simpsons

eldorado blamed blamingyou

- It is amazing how dumb people can become

heysp violence against women plannedparenthood dv dv awareness

- What a great advice!

bartok anastasia blamethebat

- She has a point

victimblaming victim slachtoffer lobi soso

- they think theyve made such a huge point here

kat tegen victim blaming victim blamer victimblaming

- From a status bitching about Marxist BLM to...this:

no means no ive changed my mind im not sure stop wait

- Funny Facebook Posts

heysp violence against women plannedparenthood dv dv awareness

- Found a nice guy rant in a comment section for an advertisement for an online dating service.

stop silencing women believe survivors practice consent educate youth end rape culture

- Victim Blaming

trump blame everybody is blaming me messed up president

- This guy sees nothing wrong with bashing a company, even if theyre innocent...

hier gaat iets mis hartje wat is dit victim blaming blamer

- Betsy Devos

oh so im the problem denise saturday night live im the issue im the one with the problem

- Lee Kuan Yew

wat heeft dat ermee te maken ja en doei victim blaming blame niet

- This person wants their university to ban Honda civics from parking near their “real adult cars”

lisa rinna victim rhobh not my fault rinna

- I suddenly have a new found respect for Boris Johnson.

sexual assault month sexual assault awareness april sexual assault month april victim blaming

- Drug addict arrested for the 8th time cant make $40 bail

sail awolnation electronic blame it on my add

- Keanu Reeves, mega genius

camouflage sexual assault awareness month sexual assault awareness april sexual assault month april

- Imagine being so angry you throw up a hitler salute

mad pointing finger blame blaming rage

- Guy breaks into m’lady’s house to leave her flowers

sucks sux victimblaming victimblaming sucks loveislove

- No surprise then that hes also a Flat-Earther.....

youre entirely to blame blaming its you its your fault youre to blame

- This man is a fount of material.

listen believe support sexual assault awareness month sexual assault awareness

- The mugshot of a man who was caught molesting an 11 year-old boy. The boys father did not go easy on him. (Story in comments)

its your fault mistake blame criticize marcus cole

- Dense

tegen victimblaming tegen blamer nietzohard niet zo

- Trashy package thief who has a gofundme page

its not his fault rush will wierzba complexity gaming not blaming him


om te janken jank niet victimblaming om van te janken niet haten

- This is why men have a hard time sharing feelings. Woman destroys her partner after finding out he was raped when he was a child

victim dont be a victim dont believe sad

- Classy roofer with swastika tattoo

believe survivors practice consent educate youth end rape culture exual assault month

- Even the Paralympics aren’t safe

bbjc cries plays victim bb20 talking bayleigh

- My slaves look ugly

harassment is not a compliment sexual assault awareness month sexual assault awareness april sexual assault month april

- The latest post from my Trump loving, openly racist Karen aunt

kristoffer polaha kris polaha mystery101 sleuthers polahahas

- Trashy doesnt cover this level of degeneracy

sexual assault awareness month sexual assault awareness april sexual assault month april victim blaming

- Black lives matter/Equality matters

attention victim victim mindset victim mode irene choi

- America is Stupid

ewa ewa drerrie drerrie wat is dit victim blaming

- You wanna fat lip......,,

are you blaming me laura linney wendy byrde ozark at fault

- You can always count on Tomi for an opinion thats usually destroyed by history.

end victim blaming sexual assault sexual assault month sexual assault awareness april sexual assault month

- Found on an advert from Elle Magazine featuring a drag queen.

donald trump blame blaming everybody im blaming everybody

- Imee welcomes Thinking Pinoy

geen reden geen geweld victim blaming

- ChEcKmAtE

im the victim rhino love live serve im innocent not my fault

- More protesting BS and my response to the poster.

hij doet niks victim blaming

- Ryan Whittaker

ew ew victim blaming ewa iel sigaretten

- A British woman’s description of what circumcision does to a mans penis

rustagh rustig rustag victim blaming againstblaming

- 80,000?? Doesnt matter if youre trans or not go to prison.

kat tamin katriona tamin squadbot victim svu

- Women are only attracted to guys that look like Zac Efron apparently

niethunschuld schuld victim blaming

- Human Rights in Childbirth the Netherlands

end victim blaming sexual assault sexual assault month sexual assault awareness april sexual assault month

- anti vaxxers back at it again with the red dots.

victimblaming alert alert victim blaming blamer alert sjonge

- 16th Amendment

are you really going to blame the victim logan browning samantha white dear white people are you sure

- Apocalypse/ NWO/Political


- My hometown is one heck of a place...

- Hope this counts. Found on Facebook.

- You should know how the economy works.

- I wonder why

- I have never seen so much ignorance in one paragraph

- She denied the charges and accused the boy of raping her on at least four occasions.

- Comments on a photo in a local history group. No idea what the Obamas father post has to do with anything, he also liked it himself. Hes not even American and Obama hasnt been president for 4 years.

UPDATE: These shitheads were identified. Instagram do your thing ✊🏾 #trending #orangecounty #findthem - @ochoods_ on Instagram

- Seriously funny. Seagull prank gone WTF mode

- Top comment on a video of a National School Walkout protest.

- Chuds inadvertently reaching the point.

- Newspaper Funnies

- Saw this earlier today on r/insanepeoplefacebook

- Let’s not allow sick kids in school so that our unvaccinated child can go instead....

- So close.

- A mother expressed concern over rhe schools AVON fundraiser I mentioned before. This was a reps answer

- I Love America

- At least she has standards and a plan... ಠ_ಠ

- amusing: political- the conservative/libertarian equivalent of telling the left shut up Meg

- “According to the BMI” I was “overweight”.

- Dieting is the same as sexual assault

- Grandpa and Grandma share a FB account

- Well thats one way to get rich

- How to become financially stable: Step 1. Stop selling MLM products

#bluelivesmatter - @support._our_.police on Instagram

- Mall ninja letter opener

- Misleading headlines as such should be illegal.

- Eating Meat and Cheese is Okay as Long as Youre Eating Your Greens

- This is 2017, grow the fuck up

- Fuck This Asshole

- And then the whole street applauded the white mans heroic actions (this is an expat living in India, for context)

- Who would have thought that the hot page also shows useful life tips

- The nurse turned to google...

- now show me jesus

- Free tank top! [mind control][public][exhibitionism]

- That totally happened..


- How do you mistake such an obvious meme?

- It’s twitter but still

- Shared clit post; father-in-law comments...

- Right to Die

- eBooks and Digital Reading

- Someone Gets It!

- A Great Reminder

- If you liked Twilight, cool, but please dont demand it be taken seriously and is awesome in the grand scheme of the universe. I had sex with fat chicks. I dont however dare pretend its awesome.

- DoTerra is not local or handmade, and youre not self-employed Karen. I always thought some of these posts were faked.. then a hun began regularly showing up on my newsfeed...

- Jesus christ

- Medicine specialist Karen at it again

- Wrong Ice, again!

- Women do not get raped because...

- IRONMAN / Triathlon

- Republican views

- Facebook makes me want to fucking puke. Any goddamn excuse to attempt to justify murder.

- Im looking for a handshake job.

- A Trump fan calls Obama a pu**y. US Marine completely owns him.

Oh no: Dieser Fehler ist mir gar nicht aufgefallen! Seit gestern bin ich voll im Stress, weil wir jetzt natürlich all unsere Materialien und eigentlich unseren gesamten Ansatz überdenken müssen. *Ironie aus* Liebe Menschen, @dr.michaela.dudley hat es kürzlich auf den Punkt gebracht: Meinungsfreiheit ist ein Hohes Gut, ein Privileg, das wir ernst müssen. Meinungsfreiheit geht mit Verantwortung einher, nämlich der, sich angemessen zu informieren. Diese Verantwortung nehme ich sehr ernst. #einemeinungkannauchfalschsein - @josephine.apraku on Instagram

- What could it be

- Caught this hun commenting on her own post in a local group.

- Honestly thought this was satire when it popped up in my feed

- Cursed_abortion

- political

- Woman tries to get an Uber drivers account deactivated because she wears a headscarf

- Insane Homophobes of Reddit

- Advocacy

- Aww

- Warning: healing touch from the Holy Spirit!

- Safety was ultimately our number 1 reason we went with Tesla!

- Body positivity

- This is how you Tinder, right?

“We are so grateful for each day we have with Rob,” says Natalie. “When you’re told you might only have a year or two, the fact that we have had four years with Rob, and that his health really hasn’t changed during the past two, thanks to this new treatment, well we feel like we have been able to buy ourselves more time.” . The hardest and most important interview I will ever do. Link is in my bio: . September is #PulmonaryFibrosis month, a time to raise awareness of my husband’s terminal and incurable disease. It is also the perfect time to announce that I am donating a small percentage of the North American royalties from my book THE JANE AUSTEN SOCIETY to St. Joseph’s Hospital in Hamilton, Ontario. They continue to save my husband’s life and that of so many being felled by lung disease. . #thejaneaustensociety #nataliejenner #IPF @stjoeshamilton #stjoeshamilton @stjoes_hospital_foundation #lungdisease #pulmonaryfibrosis #pulmonaryfibrosisawareness - @authornataliejenner on Instagram

- Were all born bald, baby.

- On the verge of a breakthrough…

- Hunger Games!

- Sweet holy zombie Covid Jesus

- This guy. She died 6 days later after her injuries sent her into a coma and he faced 15 years in prison.

- Unleash the whole flood on this guy

- This woman is in her late 60s to early 70s and is known to the 2nd commenter through their DAV chapter.

- I used to be homeless and this makes me almost cry... bless this doughnut shop

- Anti-Vaxxers Are In A League Of Their Own

- Transgender

- She tried to blame the vaccine but failed

- The coronavirus is apparently just a cover.

- My favorite time of the year...when a former colleague gets back on Facebook and posts nonsense for 2 weeks straight then disappears.

- We Remember

- Did NOT see that coming.

- So proud of her son

- On my Facebook today. Im Autistic and high risk for Covid-19. 🙃 These people 🙃

- Doc… I think Ive got schizophrenia. Thats called thinking kid

- Old lady cartoon

- These Facebook comments about a rape case

The first entry in our October campaign for #Bullying Prevention Month! Like if you agree with Myven: Bullying has an effect: the effect of a lifetime! #YHTP - @yhtp1 on Instagram

- That girl recently shared this.

- FWD: Will someone in California please let the dingbat know that ISIS does not want to get along with us.

- Imagine finding out you have cancer and what you are concerned with most is that people know you would have voted for Trump. If I did not personally know her I would think it was a Russian troll.

- Noah that gravy was a miracle set to stop him

- Now smile for the camera

- Feeling peaceful though

- A Mom Reviews The Red Pill and Cries For Her Sons

- 26 year old invites people to Chuck E. Cheese and a slumber party (x-post from r/justneckbeardthings)

- Trashy father and daughter have sex with each other before marrying each other!

- Days Of Future Past

- Ben Carson and other hopefuls

- Christians in name only

- My son died from a preventable illness, but its not my fault right? :( (x-post /r/insanepeoplefacebook)

- Girls, man

- Oh you know, just some random but very vocal Mormon pro-lifer I keep seeing on Facebook calling for genocide pt 3

- This is significantly more than mildly infuriating, this man is a brilliant educator and one of my English teachers.. He is a good man, and I cant believe this is still happening in 2018. Please can we spread this and bring shame to my old school. A place I used to be proud to say I attended.

- Time for a sleepover over at your friend Kenny’s place

- Head scratchers

- Help! Vaccine injured and need help with ADHD.

- Happy Vegan

- I usually like the onion.

- mEn ArE dIsGuStInG

- Wow this guy really likes pears


- 9/11=Slavery [TW: Facebook]

- The watermark says „the truth about vaccines“, so this must be from a credible source.

- Male chasity

- Harry Potter

- Charter School Reform

- That’s fucked

- If Vaccines are Deadly, then so is Salt!

- Homophobe not only roasted, but burnt to a crisp!

- RT for awareness

- Pandering for likes taken to a whole new level

- Given that the party of protecting children is trying to get kids back in school during a pandemic I thought it would be worth remembering that the hypocrisy is not new.

- Any questions?

- Life is Precious

- Hey Hawaii, I like your business rules...

- Could be wrong, but I don’t think it works like that?

- tHiS iS OfFeNsIvE!

- There are people behind the disability. Anti-vaxxers don’t realize this.

- OF COURSE someone is asking this.

- Cause that’s the first thing on a 10 year old’s mind when you say they don’t have school for almost a month

- I’d nearly forgotten he existed until this morning.


- Because not wanting to be shot at school = indoctrination?

- Tg stories

- Atheism

- This lady who thinks proactively seeking jobs/connections is something to be shamed for

- Update on Haitian West Point graduate...

- (A response to a tweet about obesity-related health issues)... Apparently it’s the stress caused by weight stigma, not the weight itself, that causes diabetes, heart disease, joint pain, etc.

- If she didnt reject me, she wouldnt have killed herself

- Impaled by a wolden fence

- Politics, Feminism, and Cute Things

- Its hard to believe she made a mistake, being the photographer she is.

- A ventilator patients last words: “Who’s going to pay for it?”

- A teacher from my old High school posted this. Inspiring a kid of his to not only read more, but then joined his Advanced Placement course. (/r/pics didnt really appreciate this)

- Don’t share this image

- A gem explaining the logic behind why interracial porn exists with 100% real quotes

- Call me....

- Saving someone’s life by donating organs? It’s science and medicine gone too far!

- Oof

- Puerto Ricos president is an idiot anyway.

- Free Thinker

- Creepy

- Im so much smarter than my doctor

- Anyone down for a Covid Party? Coronas will be given !

- Love my son’s transgender dragon!

- Your corpse, you say? How accurate

- That def happened.

- Equals Sign

- Specific Rating: 9.7

- Misogyny, victim-blaming, AND trans-phobia, all in one post! Grandma and her friends have upped their game.

- Anything you cant explain or understand is a hoax

- Just nuke the hurricane, WCGW??

- Feminist mum hears some hard truths

A Florida woman who raised thousands of dollars for the families of three murdered men is accused of stealing the money and going on a spending spree, police said.⁠ ⁠ According to the Polk County Sheriff’s Office, Amanda Brown, 32, created a GoFundMe page in the names of Brandon Rollins, Damion Tillman and Keven Springfield, a group of friends who were slain in July while on a fishing trip in Frostproof, a small town about 70 miles southwest of Orlando.⁠ ⁠ Over 200 people donated a total of $11,915 to the now-defunct fundraiser, titled “Polk County Triple Homicide, Family Expenses.”⁠ ⁠ To learn more about this story, click the link in bio. - @investigationdiscovery on Instagram

- Well that would take your mind off it

- He got an A in reading, F in comprehension.

- These jokers aint woke yet.

- Leslie Nope

- Cuz of corona Virginia man let out of jail....

- Somebody is going to eat my pussy or Im going to cut your fucking throat.

- Secular Humanism

- You cant say the K-Word! Thats our word.

- Awesome

- Prissy sissy

- Super serious flu shot reaction her guys

#AD48th #california #sgv #sangabrielvalley #education - @berubio714 on Instagram

- Boomer trys to make boomers look bad

- Good Improvisation

- You brainwashed your daughter into thinking the solar system is a lie? Okay...

- Sino gusto mag1 usd to 100 pesos? 🤣

This morning I watched a press conference from a canning redemption center called @surewecannyc in Brooklyn, which got an eviction notice just before the pandemic. This is one of the places where bottle + can collectors trade their loads for the refundable deposits, except this one is a nonprofit that also serves as a community center. . Sure We Can is at risk of losing its 14,000 sqft lot — which takes 11 million bottles and cans out of the wastestream and put $700,000 back into the community, according to a founder — if they can’t secure a $2.3 million nonprofit capital funds grant from the city council before the budget is settled at the end of this week. ($1 million of that would come from the Brooklyn Borough president’s budget, already pledged by Eric Adams.) This is a tough year for budget requests of any form, and the organization is asking supporters to press their city council members in support. . There are other places that take cans. But only SureWeCan has a mission to remove the stigma in working as a collector. “I have noticed over the years that we are treated as subhuman, and that’s exactly the opposite of who and what we are,” said Pierre Simmons, a Brooklyn canner who presented this morning: “We’re independent workers.” He spoke alongside a state senator, a congressman, a boro prez + a former governor of Chicago. (You can watch it on SureWeCan’s FB page) Simmons also has a reply for those that claim canners steal revenue from the city: “Portraying us as stealing from the city is ludicrous. It’s a joke, it’s a further demonization of people who are already down.” . Last year I wrote a story for NYT about how street vendors were also fighting the city for dignity in their profession, yet another flexible, low-barrier-to-entry business available to the most vulnerable people in society. One woman told me that as long as she could vend, she knew she could put money in her pocket. She didn’t have to wait for somebody to hire her, a black woman, an immigrant from Africa with an accent. I had never really thought about vending or collecting like that before, as the right to work for oneself. - @rachelwharton on Instagram

- I need to delete Facebook

- Being a crew

- sachin tendulkar

- This anti-vaxxer mom claiming to have cured her cancer with this completely BS method, with hundreds of shares.

- blursed vandalism

- A very strange photo indeed

- Gotta make sure everyone on Facebook knows you have sex sometimes!

- Not one mass shooting...

- Immaculate conception

- Woman uses the standard I was sexually assaulted line and gets pinched for false accusations

- Malicious titty

- They can’t seem to fathom that death isn’t the ONLY bad outcome from the measles....

- Bless you dear child. You may very well have saved my life.

- Florida woman....