

- Maria Montessori

- discover yourself

Kvarat.aep on tt

- One direction louis

Al Pacino

- We cannot expect people to have respect for law and order until we teach respect to those we have entrusted to enforce those laws. - Hunter S. Thompson 1080x2220

Taxi driver 💥🚖

Kvarat.aep on tt

- Architecture qoutes

Abe Vigoda

- Led board.

The Godfather Art

- Citations churchill

# . . #fear #disease #end #war #satan #destruction #worldwar #pandemic #god #existance #peace #monster #power #revenge #dark #darkness #black #grey #quote #evil #ravan #blood #kali - @inspiringmentorr on Instagram

𝓨˚✶ ⋆

❤️———————————————————— 👤 @anitkabir 🇹🇷 #atatürk #mustafakemal #lider #cumhuriyet #ankara #anıtkabir #ata #türkiye #turkey #izmir ———————————————————— - @anitkabir on Instagram


- If your trains on the wrong track every station you come to is the wrong station. Bernard Malamud [685x311]

My thoughts exactly: mountains are a place to linger in and enjoy, not rush through in order to meet some kind of objective. - @midtoad_mountains on Instagram

Godfather (1972)

Profile pic

- 1940s mens hairstyles

1972 - The Godfather


Abe Vigoda

- Watch Free Movies Online

God Father Logo PNG Vector (CDR) Free Download

- @fkachristianlacroix on Instagram

God The Father by jezuspop

- Altruism and/or Government


- Charles Dance

- Beautiful Women

- Blursed Story time

- Alte Leute/old People

- Ben Daniels

- 1945-1946. Served Royal Artillery, Later Military Police, Later Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp. Suffered horrendous PTSD. Pictured with my Grandad.

- Pope Benedict

- Alfred Hitchcock

- American gangsters

- Camping Ideas

- Claude Alexandre Photography

#AffMemorabilia Anche un semplice backstage, quando si tratta di Ariano Folkfestival, si trasforma in una vera e propria festa. Lo scorso anno il set del trailer a tema Carnevale della 24esima edizione, diretto da @lorenzofodarella, è stato un vero e proprio show che ha coinvolto i volti della comunità di affezionati del festival. [foto di @_andreagrasso_] - @arianofolkfestival on Instagram


“You Take the Hanger, I’ll Hold The Cross” I made this last year in reaction to the Alabama abortion ban. And it is still my reaction—to the Tennessee abortion ban. #MicahVanHuss and @govkemp —happy to make an archival print for each of you. #abortionrights #abortionban #tennesseeabortionban - @celina.c.pereira on Instagram

- PsBattle: Conservative Australian PM Tony Abbott with a frightened child

- Albert einstein

- Karl Barth

- Heathen Reason

- Milton Friedman Quote

- blursed_pope_putin

I miss you dad. Thinking of you today. #alwaysmygreatestcheerleader - @cheriesmith15 on Instagram

- Tell people theres an invisible man... George Carlin [533x535]

- Valentino Men

- John Calvin

Bernard Arnault, this man who is at the forefront of Luxury! In 1989, he became the main shareholder of LVMH Moët Hennessy - Louis Vuitton, and thus created the worlds leading luxury group. He took over the Presidency in January 1989 and has held office since that date. A man of excellence!#bernardarnault# luxurylimitededition#luxury#Forbes#cynthiasarkisperros - @luxurylimitededition on Instagram

#wednesdaywisdom 💭 📸: John Bryson, 1966 - Las Vegas, Nevada ( LIFE Magazine) - @sinatragram on Instagram

- There are all kinds of love in this world, but never the same love twice. F. Scott Fitzgerald [765x430]

- Blursed Occasion

- Indian Scientists


- Prince George of Cambridge

- Short Travel Quotes

- Mark twain quotes

- “Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well.” ― Robert Louis Stevenson[1080X1080]

- Blursed_pope


- john wayne quotes

- Robert Jordan, passing the banner

- Freemasons history

Conecta con tu poder interior y enfoca con tu varita Souloa tus deseos. Connect with your Soul and use the wand Souloa for be focus in your intention. Connetta con la tua anima e usa la bacchetta Souloa per essere preciso in quello que desideri. #makeawish #magicwand #powerful #abundance #miracles #miraclesmagnet #harmony #prosperity #love #meditation #motivation #magic #happiness #angelsguidance #inspiration #highvibes #gratitude #grateful #1111 #souloa #nikolateslaquotes #inspirationalquotes - @souloa_org on Instagram

- Current trends in Catholicism - Adult interest

- Sin quotes

- Film Buff

- SIR Anthony Hopkins

- Ancestry!

- Billy Graham

- Boxed Wine Ladys Quotes of the Day

Can’t believe this was a year ago already! Looking forward to building the pool soon, covid permitting! ———————— #repost from 1 year ago! We are THRILLED to confirm that The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have continued their support of our organisation. Their amazing donation to our community pool (see earlier posts and highlights for more info!) project is Archie’s first philanthropic project and we’re excited to get started on it. The donation has gone a long way to make this pool possible and the dreams of many children a reality. This pool will increase the number of children who will be able to learn to swim in our area hugely, and will massively benefit the community, ultimately alleviating poverty and aiding conservation efforts. . . If you’d like to donate, you can still do so here: https://lovetheoceans.org/donate/ Every little helps. We’ll keep you posted with updates! . . @sussexroyal #sussexroyal #meghanmarkle #theroyalfamily #forcesforchange #lovetheoceans #ocean #nonprofit #nonprofitorganization #donations #donate #charity #mozambique #ecotourism #africa . . 📸 @bazaaruk @stellalevantesi @photographerswithoutborders - @lovetheoceans on Instagram

- American revolution

- I regard the brain as a computer... - Stephen Hawking [960x580]

- Sin quotes

The ‘Inca’ chair by @norellfurniture. Designed by Arne Norell. www.norellfurniture.com A big thank you to everyone who has taken these lovely photos and allowed us to share them!❤️ @timothy_godbold @interiors.by.lisa.guest @bradytolbert @em_henderson @hellosaratrampinteriors @_vintage_department.com_ . . . . . . . . . #norellfurniture #arnenorell #design #designinspiration #interiordesign #interior #scandinavianfurniture #scandinaviandesign #leatherchair #vintagechairs #vintage #armchair #inspiration #bobbyberk #queereye #norell #incachair #homesweethome #midcenturyfurniture #midcenturymodern #midcentury - @norellfurniture on Instagram

- Billy Graham Library

- Citate

- Charles Lindbergh

- Man Stuff

- Pink Floyd

- George Carlin on the government

- John Singer Sargent

- Recovery Tools

- American hypocrisy

🇲🇨 2019 🇲🇨 - @hshprincesscharlene on Instagram

Facts - @shonlindauer on Instagram

- Founding father of Turkey, Ataturk. 1881-1938.

Last known photo of Nikola Tesla, 1943. #Scientist #nikolatesla - @the_science_knowledge on Instagram

- prince Albert

- Joseph Smith

- I met Joe Biden as a kid

- JOHN MUIR. - Bless His Scottish Soul !!!

- BBC TV Shows

- My gramps in the Coldstream Guards during his national service in 1952. He has many cool stories of protecting Buckingham Palace...

- When the pope is about to drop a freestyle

- Progress is impossible without change - George Bernard Shaw - [1024 X 512]

Happy Birthday to John Zacherle (aka Roland/Zacherley), cool ghoul and local horror host par excellence, who broke through to a national audience on the pages of Famous Monsters and on the airwaves with his hit novelty song Dinner with Drac. Give it a listen today, my dear! - @miskatonicinstitute on Instagram

- Mahatma Gandhi

TBT. 90’s. Some fancy club in NYC... - @craig_stringed_instruments on Instagram

- Christening photography

- Ben Franklin quotes

- This should be posted here every hour

- Holy Father

Hope your weekend is finger-lickin’ good! - @grannisvintagenashville on Instagram

- hospitality quotes

- Albergo Lenno

- Clive Staples Lewis & Friends

#perthwillbeok - @perthwillbeok on Instagram

- Wise words.

- Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance. - George Bernard Shaw [1219X1538]

- 99 Problems

- Calvin Coolidge on the Importance of the Obvious

- silver anniversary gifts

- Lutheran

- General

- Trump cancelled Obamas portrait ceremony so I made a small change.

- Think and Grow Rich

This young bloke gets it. Pay attention to @abdullahialim #motivation #inspiration #quote #businessmotivation #entrepreneur #selfdevelopment #hustle #australianbusiness #sharetheplatform - @mark_bouris on Instagram


- Architects

- Winston Churchill (1900 - Colorized)

- Can we just ban them already

- Faith

- Arts: About artists

HERO #julianassange #julianassangemyhero #freeassange #freejulianassange - @freejulianassangenow on Instagram

- Old gift commission I did of a couple and their new family addition ❤. 11x14 inches, charcoal on vellum Bristol paper

- Black Folk Flying

- Polish People

- Einstein after meeting Chaplin in 1931: What I most admire about your art, is your universality. You don’t say a word, yet the world understands you! Chaplin: True. But your glory is even greater! The whole world admires you, even though they don’t understand a word of what you say.

music city 📸 @tomzylla - @sebastialization on Instagram

- Tesla inventions

- Quotes About Change

- Pope John Paul II, walks with president Ronald Reagan in Miami, 1987. [1154 × 1528]

- Robert Frost!

- Jack Nicholson and some babies. 1980s

- Muhammad Ali quotes

Bem Amigos da Rainha da Fronteira, para relembrar um pouco vale servir o Galvão Bueno no casamento dos amigos Filipe González e Ana Paula Salis 🙌 - @clodoaldomonteiroeventos on Instagram

Møtte Kongen på Kongsberg denne uka 👑Les intervjuet på nett i @dagensnaeringsliv i dag eller papiravisa i morgen! - @sigurdfandango on Instagram

- Above all, dont lie to yourself. The man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to a point... - Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Brothers Karamazov - [1280x720]

- ...One of the greatest things a father can do... -Howard W. Hunter [1292x1600] [OC]

- Blursed_Breaking_bad

- @rajeevkumarbajoria on Instagram


- Inspirational Quotations

🖤 - @christianearpvogue on Instagram

Lets remember the sacrifices and hardships of our ancestors for the creation of Pakistan 🇵🇰 . . . . #happyindependenceday #PAKISTAN - @apke_behan on Instagram

- Praying the rosary catholic

- Billy Graham Library

- Cursed_Grandpa

- A mighty good man...

- Inspirational quotes

- Albert Einstien

New Episode Out Now Star Wars- An Esoteric Breakdown Part 1 🗝Link In Bio🗝 Image via the one and only @themetaphysicsmagic Check Out Her Feed #knowthyselfpodcast #knowthyself #metaphysical #spiritual #esotericknowledge #esoteric #occult #occultism #selfknowledge #gnosis #whitemagick #consiousness #hermeticism #wisdom #manlyphall #knowledge #prsbookstore #tarot #alchemy #astrology #spirituality #spiritualawakening #podcast #thegreatwork #mind #soul #starwars #loveoverfear #markpassio #alchemist - @know_thyself_podcast on Instagram

- delirium

- Lutheran

- I’ll just leave this here.

- william blake poems

- Change Starts Here

- jumpsuit

- Book Posters

- Doc Martin

- Pope John Paul II

WE WILL NEVER FORGET! #911 🙏🏼🇺🇸 - @40threagan on Instagram

El eterno regalo de @noralezano para el primer @sansebastianfes (2018). Por lo que veo, hoy estoy menos angustiado que ayer. - @alfredoliveri on Instagram

- My grandpa holding a picture of himself knocking out his opponent in a boxing match back in the 1950s

- Civil war quotes

- A rare color photo of Nikola Tesla, 1928.

- Edvard Grieg

#archive @manoloblahnik for @thehommeplusmag #manoloblahnik - @tung_walsh on Instagram

- American Gothic

- Sri Aurobindo

- Roy Cohn: Trumps best friend and mentor

- camelot

- Catho et fière

- BILL CLINTON 42nd President

- One of my favorite quotes from Hayek

- All Things Great and Small

- Rothschild quotes

- Boys


#nationalsonday Proud of you buddy!!! @wesleyware_ - @oldhammerwoodwork on Instagram

- edgar allen poe quotes

- Three Good Scenes

Photo of my dad slightly younger than I am now. Just about outdid me on the hair front. Here’s to fathers everywhere around the world! Especially those who you can call a mate 👊🏻 - @_edwinelk on Instagram

Cutie💓 #dustinhoffman #cinemadream #cinematime #cinematographer #cinemalover #coolmovies #movie #movies #movielover #mrsrobinson #cute #cuties #classical #beauty #film #filmtime - @dustinhoffman_fanpage on Instagram

- RIP Eddy Vanhalen

- My cousin with our grandpa. Thats the back of Dr. Spocks head.

- Celebrity Apartments in NYC

- Sting speaks the truth.

- Sergei Rachmaninoff - Colorized

- Adjusting ties before the signing Oslo II, 1955 [600x344]

- Creepy joe biden

- My Old Kentucky Home

- Vladimir Nabokov

- Anders Zorn

- Peter Blake (artist)

- A LEGACY of Lady Pembroke

- Adolphe menjou

- Biblically Inspirational

- Album Covers

- Thought of the Day

- Nicola Tesla

- Matrix Quotes

- Meghan Markle & Prince Harry

- The successor to Saint Peter

The 33rd in a series of quotes attributed to Carl G. Jung shared by Carl Jung Studies and The Centerpoint Foundation: “Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darknesses of other people.” #CarlJung, #CGJung, #CenterpointFoundation, #CarlJungQuote, #CarlJungQuotation, #CarlJungSayings - @carljungstudies on Instagram

💥 #mondaymotivation #motivation - @afroexpressuk on Instagram

- A man with the weight of the world on his shoulders, John F. Kennedys official presidential portrait is like no other.

- [Image] Nonviolence means avoiding not only external physical violence...


- Cursed_pope

PLEASE be there tomorrow at the Old Bailey Court in London where the hearing regarding Julian Assange extradition to the US resumes. With NO DUE LEGAL PROCESS Julian Assange needs our support!!!!! POWER TO THE PEOPLE! - @support_julian_assange on Instagram

- Brain Usage

- Great Movie Directors

- 2018

- The Irish President meets the new Senegalese Ambassador.

- Decorating Swoon

- celebrities

- Canadian Facts

- Alexander McQueen

- Makes sense in the context of judging godmen of India.

- Remarque

- Vote Quotes

- Admire

- Speaking of political manipulation, heres a picture of a baby having fun with Hitler

- Fortifying Faith

Remember this and keep going.💪 ---------------------- Double Tap❤️ and Tag your friends👥👇 ---------------------- Love our content? Hit that follow button!👇😊 👉 @successfoundation 👉 @successfoundation 👉 @successfoundation ---------------------- . . . #success_foundation #successfoundation #inspiration #inspirational #inspirationalquotes #motivation #motivations #motivational #motivationalquote #motivationalquotes #morningmotivation #qotd #quoteoftheday #quotesoftheday #mindsetiseverything #success #successtips #successquotes #successminded #successmindset #successfulmindset #money #moneytips #moneyminded #moneymindset #entrepreneurs #entrepreneurship - @successfoundation on Instagram

- 20th Century Music


- Ancestry


- All men have fears, but the brave put down their fears and go forward, sometimes to death, but always to victory. - Dale Carnegie [1200x630]

- 10000% true

- Hes so fucking metal

- Albania Royal family

- 🙌 🙌

GIO by Ingvar Kenne 𝘌𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘸𝘦’𝘳𝘦 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘢 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘫𝘦𝘤𝘵 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘵𝘦 𝘴𝘺𝘯𝘤𝘩𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘪𝘤𝘪𝘵𝘺 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘱𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘰𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘱𝘩𝘦𝘳, 𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘤𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘣𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘧. 𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵 𝘣𝘺 @ingvarkenne 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘎𝘐𝘖. 𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬, 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵 𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘺𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘴 𝘢𝘨𝘰 𝘯𝘰𝘸, 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘴 𝘯𝘦𝘹𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘣𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘐𝘯𝘨𝘷𝘢𝘳’𝘴 𝘰𝘸𝘯 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬, 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘊𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘻𝘦𝘯 𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘤𝘩 𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘴𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘣𝘦 𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘭𝘶𝘥𝘦𝘥 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯 𝘴𝘢𝘪𝘥 𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘰𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘱𝘩. 𝘈 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘭 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵 𝘗𝘪𝘮 𝘝𝘢𝘯 𝘕𝘶𝘯𝘦𝘯 (𝘯𝘰𝘸 @unkl_studio ) 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘳𝘶𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘤𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘴 𝘪𝘯 𝘎𝘐𝘖 𝘢𝘯𝘥 @leoburnettau #ingvarkenne #gio #photographyislife - @thepoolcollective on Instagram

I saw this quote the other day and it really spoke to me. To remind us that the outside world reflects back to us the unhealed parts of our psyche. When you heal what you see out there in yourself - it doesn’t live out there anymore. In quantum physics it’s suggested that we live in a hologram and everything is made from the same ‘stuff’. Light 💫✨how we perceive this through the mind is what we call matter. #holographic #mirrorwork #lovetheworld #kinesiology #ramanamaharshi #yourbodyspeaks - @vesnapinter on Instagram

“Sellers… even when he wasn’t on form, after a time, fell into the spirit of a character and just took off. It was miraculous.” Born on this day, the incomparable, #PeterSellers. #StanleyKubrick - @stanleykubrick on Instagram

Some days you feel not so far from me If I close my eyes I’m back in Ballarat all those years ago I hear your singing song or a howling laugh I used to roll my eyes, but now it sounds so sweet Today I’ll drink to you and go back to those times Happy Father’s Day Big love to those whose Dads aren’t with us anymore They’re not so far away x - @callumlinnane on Instagram

- On this day in 1913, Guatemalan President Jacobo Árbenz was born. As President, he legalized union actions, took in socialist refugees from abroad, and redistributed land to hundreds of thousands of peasants before being ousted by the United States government in 1954.

- Subhas chandra bose

- Billy Graham

- Dad and little brother celebrate halloween 1956

- Dont Forget That In History... -Augusto Pinochet [850x400]


Nothing to do on a Sunday night? Look no further. This month’s article is up on BuffaloTales.net! The link to read is in our bio. - @buffalo.tales on Instagram

- hMmMMmMmMmMMmmM

- Every FPL manager right now!

- 4th Of July Nail Art

- Let’s stay together Bros

- Success quotes

- Former president

- Thomas Merton

- None of us can help the things life has done to us. -Eugene ONeill [736x993]

#mob #mafia #boss #quotes #johngotti #thedon #don #brooklyn #newyork #queens #statenisland #bronx #instadaily #instagood #instagram #followme @mob_quotes_ - @mob_quotes_ on Instagram

- British royal family

- Most Holy Rosary

- A Hays Town (and similar style)

DALÍ Por Leysber arias. #artecubano #art #Finearts #Dali #salvadordali #originalart #artcubaincontemporain #artecubanocontemporaneo #artistsoninstagram #surrealism #espatula #artcolors - @leysberarias.cuba on Instagram


- Abraham Lincoln Quotes

- Baby blanket patterns

- Alfred Hitchcock

- The then Prime Minister of Canada Pierre Elliott Trudeau carries the present-day Prime Minister Justin Trudeau into his office, 1973 [480 x 320]

- A - children clothes

- amish barns

- World Leaders

- Jackie Kennedy Wedding

- The History Of Politics

- robin williams quotes

- alan watts quotes

👋 HELLO SAN DIEGO! IM MIKE MCCURDY. I AM A WORKING DAD, HUSBAND, VOLUNTEER AND AMBASSADOR IN MY COMMUNITY. I also run a real estate company. 🏄 The reason I help people to buy and sell their homes in our area is because it is so beautiful, unique, and special. Its where we chose to raise our 👨👩👦👦 children for so many reasons...and why I want to give back. 🙌 Point Loma and Ocean Beach (the Point Loma Peninsula) are surrounded by water on three sides so there are amazing views 👀 of downtown and the ocean. It has amazing public schools, supportive and friendly 😄 residents, safe streets, a humble community, surfing, sailing and hiking, biking 🚴♂️ out our front door, Liberty Station @libertystation, PLNU sports @plnu 🏀 ...and so much more! 😍 We are all so passionate about our peninsula that we are members of the Point Loma Association @pointlomaassociation to help keep it pristine and thriving! This year, I got nominated to be the new Chair and so honored to accept the position and give back. ➡️ Check out what we are doing to impact our community. We are 100% funded by local residents and businesses. Join today! https://www.pointloma.org/about . . . . . . . . . . . . 👣 follow @pointlomalife 🌎 Mike McCurdy - McCurdy Team 📞 858.225.9243 📩 mike@mccurdyrealtor.com - @pointlomalife on Instagram

- ghost towns of America

- godfather quotes

I’ve never known a joy like this. What an interesting journey it has been to find and create my tribe. The depth of my joy now would not be anywhere what it is without all of the heartbreaks, trials, and tribulations along the way. I’ve been increasingly learning, especially over the last 20yrs, to work on self love/taking responsibility for my life goals, focus on the quality of my internal energy, and see any difficulty in my life as medicine and an opportunity for my growth and an expansion of my empathy, gratitude, strength, and wisdom. I’m grateful for it all and am learning so much everyday. I can’t wait to share with you my first solo album Les Jardins Mystiques, which is now going to be a three volume work with the first volume being a double album slated for release next year on the Brainfeeder label. Do you as respectfully and wholeheartedly as possible, and the right people will eventually find themselves into your life, reflecting your best self. Thank you to everyone over the years for sharing so much life with me, I appreciate it all and feel very lucky for any time we have shared. I hope that we all can envision the world that we most ideally want all the more during this difficult time in history. Sending you all a tsunami of Love! “When it is dark enough, you can see the stars.” Ralph Waldo Emerson - @miguelatwoodferguson on Instagram

Latest five star reviews for Ark. Next book in the series - Prophecy, out next week. #authorsofinstagram #author #knightstemplar - @returnofthetemplars on Instagram

The 39th in a series of quotes attributed to Carl G. Jung shared by Carl Jung Studies and The Centerpoint Foundation: “A man who has not passed through the inferno of his passions has never overcome them.” #CarlJung, #CGJung, #CenterpointFoundation, #CarlJungQuote, #CarlJungQuotation, #CarlJungSayings - @carljungstudies on Instagram

- Amen

- 10-year-old asked to meet President Jimmy Carter after he beat cancer

- Adolf Hitler in 1927, rehearsing his oratorical gestures [545x800]

On Prayer. - @saintmarylancaster on Instagram

I am in such disbelief today. One of the most amazing people I ever knew passed away last night. My Grandpa. Back in July, I chose to go home to Ohio for a week and saw much of my family, including my Grandpa. I had no idea that was the last time I would see him. You left too soon, Grandpa. You were a role model for me and so many others. And you always told me that in life “it’s not what you know, but who you know.” You were a social butterfly and I was always impressed by how easily you could strike up a conversation and make friends with anyone. I will always remember our trips to get ice cream, going to the zoo, the museum. You came to all my plays and film screenings. You were so supportive. And when we were little and misbehaved, you would joke and say you would “send us to the moon.” Your legacy and lessons will live on through your kids, your grandkids, and beyond. Thank you for making the world a brighter and better place for us. I miss you so much. Love, Your Best Buddy - @deanparka on Instagram

The idea is not to live forever but to create something that will - Andy Warhol Today we honor the life and legacy of Darren Lee Farwell. Although Darren lost his battle with melanoma 19 years ago today, his legacy lives on through his family, friends, and all of us at UV Skinz. Thank you, Darren, without your loss we never would have made it our mission to spread sun protection awareness and keep families covered. Because of you, families are able to have peace-of-mind in the sun and, because of you, countless children will never have to experience the pain of a sunburn. #neverforget - @uvskinz on Instagram

Let us have this faith which banishes all fear. We have besides us, facing us, in us, our Jesus, our God who loves us infinitely, is all-powerful, knows what is best for us, tells us to seek the kingdom and that the rest will be given to us.” - Bl. Charles de Foucauld #catholic #faith #fear #anxiety #catholicmen #quotes - @catholicgentleman on Instagram

- Captive pictures

- Trajes harvey specter

- Anything CSI

Jorge Salavisa faleceu. Foi uma das figuras fundamentais da dança em Portugal: primeiro como bailarino, depois coreógrafo; como Diretor do Ballet Gulbenkian, da Companhia Nacional de Bailado e finalmente como programador, dirigindo o Teatro S. Luiz. O Conselho de Administração do Centro Cultural de Belém junta-se a todos os que têm vindo a demonstrar o seu pesar pela perda para a arte e a cultura. Estamos todos um pouco mais pobres. © @estellevalentephotography / @teatrosaoluiz - @ccbelem on Instagram

Dear Ruth, Thank you for your life of inspiration. You made made me proud to be an American Woman. Your voice powered by ethics and morals made you a legend. America is weeping tonight. #rip #unitedstatessupremecourtjustice #ruthbaderginsburg #feminist #humanrightsactivist #lawyer #talent #fighter - @bonny_artconsulting on Instagram

- We embarked on a mission to bring the 1st Amendment to the world... Julian Assange [660x660]

- Ah yes, C H E E S E

118. Горюшкин-Сорокопудов 30х29 см 2020 г. #горюшкинсорокопудов #русь #царь #пенза #ретро #классика #графика #коробковденис - @korobkovdenisart on Instagram

- Ivy League Style

- Pope John

- James Buchanan, the 15th President of the United States, serving prior to the American Civil War, circa 1860 [colorized][678x800]

- Film

- @asad__usman on Instagram

- John Kennedy jr

- CF Catholic Prayer

- Bernie Fuchs

- Books = Life Changers!

- LDS Memes

- Devine Mercy

In honor of one of the greatest thinkers and inspirations in human history as well as Croatia making it to the World Cup semi-finals, Id like to wish a very happy birthday to Mr. Nikola Tesla. This scientist/engineer/futurists ideas far surpassed his own time. His unshaken morality and unbelievable work ethic paved the way for further the development of radio waves, AC electricity, lightbulbs, and much more. Be sure to check out the strides some people, like @theoatmeal , have taken to preserve his name and history. #TeamTesla - @michio_kaku on Instagram

Former president and a towering statesman, #pranabmukherjee passes away the age of 84. #RIP - @beingind on Instagram

Rest In Peace, Queen. You were a force, an inspiration, & a trailblazer. ❤️ #RBG - @sharonmuthu on Instagram