Territorial Profile Pics

territoryjealousnat geonational geographicminemy territorybreaking badget outangry


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- African Countries Map

teitoku kakine my beloved toaru index

Conexão Brasil x Portugal Santa Placa e @o.poeta7c Os 30 primeiros artistas que levarem sua arte para o @psiconautastickers na Exposição do Santa Placa no próximo sábado no evento do @oscolasp terão sua arte enviada ao mano @o.poeta7c em portugal para combos realizados em Lisboa ! Não fique fora dessa ! #santaplacaculturasticker #stickers #brasil #portugal - @santaplacaculturasticker on Instagram

eye of god

Teto gato emovkeifreak

bdh collective nkosi montrealgotstyle montreal humanswithideas

- Avg. home sale prices by county in California, my first attempt making a map. [875x894]

earthbound sunday boy mother territorial oak

- [OC] Brasil dividido em 1 região

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- Ancestry - Family Research

Beautiful biracial model fashion woman

stay out walter territory

- World Countries


wallis and futuna territory of the wallis and futuna islands mata utu flag of wallis and futuna independence day in wallis and futuna

- the number 80 in Italian dialects (circa 1930)

btd6 swear words contested territory contested territory

- Australian State GDP compared to nations with similar GDP (Australia stronk)

Kasane teto by: unkown

40 hilarious parenting photos that any parent can relate to

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- Historical expansion and relocation of Oslo [2048 x 1871] [OC]


i am her best friend tanya a christmas surprise shes my bff territorial over my friend


hayden christensen

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- Country Maps

Enote gamer

fairy tail territory magic minerva

- Republic of San Marino [OC]

40 Photos From Polish Social Media Profiles That Raise As Many Questions As They Provide Answers

【重音テト】『重音territory ~ずっとテトのターン』勝手にPV

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- Africa

territorial oak tree creppy

- Simplified Map of Africa’s Religions but the coloring isnt cancer and its labeled


neutral uninterested indifferent neutral face expressionless

- Number of Venezuelan immigrants by country / Mil = Thousand / Milhão = Million

nimbo nimbros territory

- Funny Maps



ddd fran

- Years of turmoil ended, but at what cost?

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jimchi jim chi asmr jim%E3%81%A1asmr die society spin

- Map of Poland, green represents where nobody lives

soup I mean 🙁


O mapa Territórios da Morte, do Medo e de Resistência resultado da minha pesquisa A produção e disputa pelo espaço a partir do corpo: luta e formação do movimento LGBT de Presidente Prudente, acaba de ser publicado na coluna Outras Cartografias do Jornal Outras Palavras. Reformulamos o mapa a partir de algumas sugestões pontuais e o tornamos mais didático, tentamos ao máximo diminuir os ruídos de interpretação existentes na primeira versão. O artigo científico ainda será publicado, no entanto, a divulgação do mapa nessa coluna já nos dá alguns subsídios de onde queremos chegar com essa produção. Contribuíram para a construção desse mapa: Cacá Feliciano Mateus Sampaio Igor Venceslau Link de acesso: https://outraspalavras.net/desigualdades-mundo/outras-cartografias-medo-assassinatos-e-resistencia-lgbti/ - @willians_ventura on Instagram

50 Hilarious parenting moments that prove the job requires a good sense of humor

married jealous protective territorial changeup

- Most common immigrant group in every Spanish province

Tips On Caring For Feral Cats In Your Area

Akita Neru

ukraine ukraine sticker i stand with ukraine peace in ukraine united

- Genealogy


get off my property laura oliver toni collette pieces of her begone

- African Regions by the Human Development Index (Source: GlobalDataLab)

Kasane teto by:katai uji

Taiga Aisaka Pfp Icon

chat conversation speechbubbles doodles letter

- Size comparison of Somalia with the eastern United States

soup I mean 🙁


traveling into an unknown unfamiliar territory undiscovered uncharted expedition

- g

rapaiz xaropinho 3d text

#volgoitalia Benvenuti sulla mappa interattiva di @volgoitalia Volgo Italia è una comunità di persone volta a valorizzare le bellezze, larte, la cultura e le tradizioni della nostra splendida penisola. In questo spazio troverete con facilità le varie community regionali e provinciali che con passione e impegno portano avanti, ogni giorno, tutto quello in cui crediamo attraverso le immagini più belle ed emozionanti dei nostri followers @volgocampania ➡ #volgocampania 🔹 @volgonapoli ➡ #volgonapoli @volgopuglia ➡ #volgopuglia 🔹 @volgobari ➡ #volgobari @volgobasilicata ➡ #volgobasilicata 🔹 @volgopotenza ➡ #volgopotenza @volgocalabria ➡ #volgocalabria 🔹 @volgocatanzaro ➡ #volgocatanzaro - @volgomappa on Instagram


- Map of Western Togoland, which declares its independence from Ghana this past week

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- infographics

walking tigers fight for territory on my way omw im coming

- angola


- Percentage of Indian homes with toilets

kuko hypmic jakurai

- “Bassin au lever du soleil,” me, abstract, digital

modular festival modular modular2020 augsburg mod2020

- Nature

standing flag banner marking territory girlfriend

- Texas Things

international student day international buas bredauniversityofappliedsciences

- Volta River and its tributaries. (a major conflict for the future).

marking my territory evelynn madison beer kda more song

- Afrika

chat conversation speechbubbles doodles ok

- Sites in Kosovo and southern Central Serbia where NATO aviation used forbidden munition with depleted uranium during 1999 bombing

dog pee peeing lol wtf

.دامـت افراحـك يـا كـويـت🇰🇼. • #🇰🇼 #صباح_العز ‏⁧‫#أميرنا_فخر_شعبنا_ذخر‬⁩ ‏⁧‫#الكويت_حلوة_بأهلها‬⁩ ‏⁧‫#علم_الكويت_فوق_كل_بيت‬⁩ ‏⁧‫#الاعياد_الوطنية_الكويت‬⁩ ‏⁧‫#الكويت‬⁩ ⁧‫#kuwait #kiwaitcity #عيد_التحرير #عيد_الوطني #q8 - @kuwaitcarmuseum on Instagram

pazza animation text colorful

- cARTography

cbb2 cbbus2 bbceleb bbceleb2 ryan lochte

- History of ethiopia

rebelle bg

Tatar Galuh on Instagram ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ Sampurasun Warga Ciamis, Akang,Teteh nu karasep nu gareulis 😊😊😚😚 Sudah tau belum? Kota yang berada di bagian tenggara Jawa barat ini memiliki Luas -/+ 2555,75km2 dengan total jumlah penduduk 1,8 juta jiwa 👬👫👭👫👬👭👬👫 ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ Kota manis ini memiliki banyak keunikan dan hal-hal menarik lho, Hayu siapa aja yang bisa menemukan keunikannya, mangga silahkan share moment Ciamis kamu sebanyak banyaknya !!! 👇👇👇👇👇 Jangan lupa tag lokasi kamu bersama @ciamisbanget dan #CiamisBanget - @ciamisbanget on Instagram

iguana attack nibble fight wrestle bite tail

- Chez.


- Map of michigan


- All former British empire colonies say hello. Day: 4

letter e alphabet transparent sticker stickers

- Countries of the Americas by 2nd largest foreign nationality

sml joseph i told you this is my turf my turf my territory


happy canada day canada day canadian pride f%C3%AAte du canada dominion day

- Ethnic map of Yugoslavia before and after the war 1990 - 2015 [3254x4742]

mark her with your scent

- Fires recorded in Brazil from January 1 to August 22 2019

saturday glitch gif supreme vhs

📣🔔 MAPGAME ROUND 2 IS START NOW!🔔📣 YELLOW DOTS IS CAPITAL! ARTILLERY WAS ADDED! IF YOU WANT REINFORCE BORDER,YOU CAN USE 10K ARMY AND 5 TANKS! Algeria:@bilal62110 Morocco:@vietnam_bestest_country Mali:@tringopore Madagascar:@serb.iaball Libya:@colonel.potato_ Djibouti:@hanoishi27 DRC:@khiva_ball Nigeria:@extra.ball.maps Angola:@lucas7yamamoto Namibia:@thelocalsmallartist Sudan:@portugal_best_strongest_contry South Africa:@mysak_maps Tunisia:@rakha_commuter_tangerang Kenya:@memeuri._amuzante._ro Zimbabwe:@estonia.esti Tanzania:@mapperfromsk - @bielarus_.tangle on Instagram

roar duel dinosaurs territorial face off

- Mudança da taxa de homicidios entre 2005 e 2015 (baseado no mapa por /u/FGVanelli)

et ca jachete francois gagnon era immobilier era europe smile

- Half of Costa Ricas population (also protected areas)

stay out

- Serbian territorial expansion before WWI

happy canada day canada eh canadian pride f%C3%AAte du canada dominion day

- Maps

were here this is our territory mel national geographic secrets of the zoo down animal anthem of taronga zoom

- Walls of the world

happy canada day canada eh canadian pride f%C3%AAte du canada dominion day

- Seven7

you will not trespass on our territory jake sirtag sirtagcr you cannot cross to our territory

- Africa Icons

emotional kanan gill sentimental psychological inner feelings

- DK Find Out! For Kids.

chattitude cat attitude cattitude attitude get out

- Family trust

emirates stewardess heart smile

- Plate Tectonics

fiddler on the roof get out of here get off my land tevye mad

- нмммм gоие

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The small yet fascinating country of Monaco is located in the continent of Europe. France and Monaco share one border with each other. Monaco is also located at coast of the Mediterranean Sea which calls for beautiful beaches! Monaco consists of approximately 38, 499 people. There are so many amazing attractions to see in Monaco, we hope you visit soon! #monaco #travel - @lets.go.to.monaco on Instagram

xenoblade unique monster rotbart run away you will know our names

- Border gore responsibly

ecstatic roddy ricch cheerful dance

- [OS] Regions, realms and provinces of the Earths tropical reefs [1200x1314]

jeffrey combs the frighteners you are violating my territorial bubble violating violated

- Unlike its simplistic flag, Alabamas seal is just a map of the state

globe symbols joypixels globe with meridians internet

- AP- la quête de soi: lidentité linguistique

noahs arc thats your territory yeah right do you i see you

- The ISIS territorial domination goal set for 2020

arlene arcillas arcillas animated text name

- How tall are you?

kgf chapter2

- The literal meaning of North American country names.

talking with a mouthful x ambassadors adrenaline song smiling happy

- Map of ethnic Albanians

gtfo breaking bad stay out

- African empires

blablaismi drama text animation colorful

- How to Space

territorial peed pood reenact reenactment

- Languages and tribes in Nigeria

moeidu cobw kaagent uma drei letters

- The largest foreign born populations in London by borough

angry tigers fight for territory tiger roaring tiger international tiger day

- Grammatical genders in indian languages

emirates stewardess heart smile

- Follow Up Post: all the Languages of India

protective protect possessive mine jealousy

Important Ports in India Follow 👉 @upsc_map Follow 👉 @upsc_map Follow 👉 @upsc_map Follow 👉 @upsc_map . . . . #UPSC #ias #ips #cse #gk #generalstudiesforexam #generalknowledge #india #drdo #isro #cds #nda #ssc - @upsc_map on Instagram

yolo animated text text animation 3d text 3d text animation

- Antarcticas warm underbelly revealed [660 x 660]

thats my spot lisa house of payne thats my territory thats my place

- La Belle France

great jewel shells pikaole emerald wonderful

- (2011) Angola is not a small country

the lion king simba but i thought a king could do whatever he wants take any territory territory

- GDP per capita in Africa vs. China (1980 & 2016) [OC]

oof electric

- Africa

breaking bad stay out of my territory

- A simple visualization of Western Australias population distribution: 3 areas; 80%, 10% and 10% of the state population, respectively. [OC]

french southern territories flags joypixels flag of french southern territories french southern lands flag

- Could this solve Australias internet problem?

michigan michigansucks urinate dog

- Alans and Sarmatians

no way no piyomaru %E3%81%84%E3%81%88 %E3%81%86%E3%81%86%E3%82%93

#ubicacion #elcocuy #guican #sierranevada #map - @sierranevada0 on Instagram

my property tim stark tiger king2 its my stuff i own it

- A news bureau map from August 1947, pre-Partition, attempts to represent the complexities of the situation.

voting rights we vote taxwithrep taxation with representation no taxation without representation

- If Indian states were renamed after countries with similar population

rhop sharing gizelle keeping it to myself its mine

- Billy Style

canada canada text animated text lettering

- United Africa Flag

realbadashe ashe the territory was marked my territory i own it

- Gridded population cartogram of the EU

hari wilayah persekutuan hari wilayah selamat hari wilayah federal territory day

- Tried converting Wikipedias California Flag from svg to png, this was the result

tiger tigers fight for territory angry im coming cranky cat

- Alternative History

diego garcia flags joypixels flag of diego garcia british indian ocean territory

- in a game ive conquered this land as italy, but i want to create some vassals, can somebody send meideas of the name, land and flag?

mine ryo ryo mine ryo mining mining ryo ryo

- Africa map

spanel v2 spanel v2 animated text

- What Blossom Dearie says all the states are famous for in Rhode Island is Famous for You [OC]

breaking bad bryan cranston walter white stay out of my territory get out

- Brazilian Portuguese accents [824x960]

son mios curiosamente mi territorio mi maiz mio

Hausse des risques sismiques selon Claude Prepti Claude Prepti, le plus populaire des géologues haïtiens, révèle lexistence de nouvelles failles pouvant augmenter les risques sismiques en Haiti. Ces failles ont été récemment découvertes par des chercheurs dans la Grand Anse et lArtibonite. Il sagit de failles pouvant être considérées comme secondaires mais qui sont dangereuses. Elles peuvent générer une secousse tellurique de magnitude de 6 ou 7 sur léchelle de Richter. Le violent séisme du 12 janvier 2010, de magnitude 7, sur avait provoqué le décès de plus de 300 000 personnes et dimportants dégâts matériels. Ce séisme navait pas été provoqué par les deux failles historiquement les plus importantes. Les experts avaient indiqué que les secousses avaient été provoquées par une faille jusque là inconnue dans la région de Léogane. Il insiste sur la nécessité de communiquer les informations sur les risques sismiques afin de sensibiliser les citoyens. Haiti est plus que jamais sous la menace sismique, martèle M. Prepti. Considéré comme le spécialiste qui a vulgarisé linformation sur les risques de séisme et de tsunami en Haiti, M. Prepti a été investi en début de semaines dans ses nouvelles fonctions de directeur du Bureau des Mines et de lEnergie (BME) en remplacement de Ludner Remarais. Il a réitéré sa determination à continuer à servir ses compatriotes avec humilité. Avec 40 ans de carrière, lingénieur géologue Claude Prepti, sattaque à un nouveau défi celui de restructurer le BME. Apparu sous les feux des projecteurs au cours des dernières années avec les contrats dexploitations minières, le BME a été au centre dune polémique entre les pouvoirs Exécutif et législatif. M. Prepti ne pourra pas, pendant le gouvernement de transition, initier des réformes en profondeur dans ce secteur. LLM / radio Métropole Haïti #haiti #radiotelemetropole #tremblementdeterre #risquesismiques #claudeprepti - @radiotelemetropole on Instagram

this is my territory my territory my domain my area zone

- Africa Icons

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Dios bendiga a nuestra querida tierra - @yumedel on Instagram

mark my territory mine all mine territory ex on the beach

#vote via @watts - @love.watts on Instagram

asamblea territorial playa ancha logo

- viking helmet

bye girl jealousy jealous possessive

- Where are the Kurds?

- america latina

At city centre, Agartala, we will strike against climate injustices happening worldwide. It will be a 15-30 minutes demonstration following all the covid-19 regulations. Contact us if you want to join. @fridays4future.ghy_ @fridaysforfuture @fridaysforfutureindia_@youthforclimateindia - @fridaysforfuturetripura on Instagram

- Polar Bears vs Palms vs Penguins

- Most common Heritage in Brazilians around the country.

- African History and Geography

- Antigua

- AirAsia Flight 8501 Missing

- Historical countries compared to the river basins within Czechia [500x600]

- Intensive care units for every 100k inhabitants

- map of asia

- Percentage of people born in Europe in Argentina, 1914

- Our Metro and Tram Networks, on a map

- [OC] Civilian Deaths due to terrorism in Pakistan throughout the 2010s

- How I see America

- Somalia by governing/ruling bodies (x-post from r/Africa) [660x371]

- Comparing the population of the Dakotas and Manhattan

- Afrika

- South Australia divided into three roughly equal areas of population (about 560k)

- (OC) Forest cover in Brazil

- Its not a coincidence South America has never been truly stable.

- Map of where Mexican liquors can be grown


- Alternative World

- Principais destinos das exportações brasileiras, por estado.

📌Roma. (41°53′35″N 12°28′58″E) una ciudad cosmopolita ubicada en Italia, Europa, con mucha historia que contar. • • 📌Tiene a la vista casi 3.000 años de arte, arquitectura y cultura de influencia mundial. Las ruinas antiguas como las del Foro y el Coliseo evocan el poder del antiguo Imperio Romano. La ciudad se fundó el 21 de abril del año 723 a.C. A las orillas del Río Tiber. • • • 📌La ciudad del Vaticano, es una ciudad-estado, sede central de la Iglesia católica romana. Cuenta con la Basílica de San Pedro y los Museos del Vaticano, que albergan obras maestras como los frescos de la Capilla Sixtina de Miguel Ángel. • • 📌Todo el centro de roma es un museo al aire libre. Sus calles albergan un encanto y un ambiente único del que seguro te acabas enamorando. Visitar El Barrio “Trastevere” será una de las mejores experiencias para ti. No solo destaca por su época de máximo esplendor durante el Imperio Romano, si no que a lo largo de la historia siempre ha sido una capital destacable en todas las épocas. Destaca el arte religioso y el arte civil. • • 📌Cuenta con casi 3 millones de habitantes y es la 3ª ciudad con más habitantes de la UE. Tiene tanto para mostrarte que deberás visitarla más de una vez. Pero aquí he reflejado los imprescindibles para un primer viaje. (En mi opinión). • • #travel #maps #Roma #europe #turismo #turismoespaña #hollidays #tour #tourist #mapas #vaticano #coliseo #fontanaditrevi #rio #pais #capillasixtina #panteon #arte #diseñografico #gis #arcgis - @jxvichu_maps on Instagram

- Each color contains half the population of Algeria Red: 47% Green: 53%

⚠️🇭🇲 Australians in Colombia: Migración Colombia offices are now open. If your visa or entry permit already expired and you plan to stay in Colombia 🇨🇴, you should request an extension⁠ ⁠ 👉 Please check the requirements and procedures at www.migracioncolombia.gov.co - @ausembco on Instagram

- Flag map of South America

- Travelling

- Each color contains half the population of Algeria Red: 51% Green: 49%

- Porcentagem de pessoas na América Latina que pagaram suborno por serviços básicos r/MapPorn

- Countries that recognize Israel vs Palestine in 2018

- Afrika & Co

#removepoverty#dohelpunderprivleged#povertylines#povertypoem#povertydie#poverty . . . @dohelpunderprivileged - @dohelpunderprivileged on Instagram

Muitos me perguntaram onde fica Maia. Aqui as divisões geográficas tem nomes diferentes. Esse é o mapa do Distrito do Porto. É como se fosse o Estado. O Distrito é dividido em Concelhos, que seriam as nossas cidades. No Distrito do Porto, temos alguns concelhos mais “famosos”. O Concelho do Porto, onde ficam as principais atrações. O Concelho de Vila Nova de Gaia, do outro lado da Ponte Luis I, onde@ficam as caves de vinho do Porto. Temos ainda o Concelho de Matosinhos, que muitos conhecem por suas praias e temos o Concelho da Maia, uma zona mais industrial que é onde fica o aeroporto que serve ao Porto. Como podem ver no mapa, tem muitos outros Concelhos, mas para o turismo e quem bem passear no Porto, esses seriam os principais. Da Maia, dependendo do local, em 20 minutos estamos na Avenida dos Aliados, no coração do Concelho do Porto. . . #portugal🇵🇹 #viajarparaportugal #feriasemportugal #amoportugal #consultoradeviagens #turismoemportugal #portugalsemfiltro #portugaldenorteasul #turismodeportugal #coisasdoportoPT #coisasdoporto🇵🇹 #porto #nortedeportugal #amar_porto #visitporto #visitportugal - @coisas_do_porto on Instagram

- Comparable foreign climates of the Australian mainland

- Armenien

See how each the writing system writes Wikipedia - @seasia.co on Instagram


- Russia-sponsored breakaways from Eastern European countries since 1991

- It’s going to be hot this week. Enjoy the relative coolness while you can.

We’re on course for a 4 ° + rise in temperature ... We don’t want to alarm anyone but this image speaks for itself. It shows that none of the worlds breadbaskets will survive. It will be a world of famine, drought and war over resources. Oh yes, that reminds me, we do want to alarm everyone. this is quite important. #nomusiconadeadplanet #wewanttolive #extinctionthefacts #climatechange #climateemergency #activism #ukgovernment #musicdeclares #extinctionrebellion #fridayforfuture #politics #actnow #environmentalism #vegan #climatejustice #xr #greenpeace #friendsoftheearth #greenparty #carolinelucas #gretathunberg #davidattenborough #the1975 #billieeilish #radiohead #music # musicindustry #4degrees - @musicdeclares on Instagram

- ****Heliconias

#northamerica #mexico #mexicocity - @edgarvivar294 on Instagram

- Chile

- Territorial expansion of Vietnam [428×713]

- Languages of africa

- Map of Africa before the outbreak of WW1

- Etymology of every Spanish province

- African Memes

- Map of African Language Families

- California Wine Country

- 1957 Hersant plant to divide Algeria into French and indigenous states

- The historical and current distribution of the Hippopotamus

- Africa/ Eritrea

- Chile


- Population growth of the largest Brazilian cities between 1872 and 2010 (GIF) (*Mil=Thousand) (*Milhão=Million) (*Milhões=Millions)

Map Of India . Follow @upsc_map Follow @upsc_map . . . Follow 👉 @upsc_map Follow 👉 @upsc_map Follow 👉 @upsc_map Follow 👉 @upsc_map . . . . #UPSC #ias #ips #cse #gk #generalstudiesforexam #generalknowledge #india #drdo #isro #cds #nda #ssc - @upsc_map on Instagram

- Aconteceu. O Brasil virou a Venezuela.

Part 2 #congo #congorepublic #congosexstories #cogosex #sexstories #sexeducation #sexystyle #saucy-stories #raunchymemes #saucystory #raunchy_couples #threesome😂 #sexspells #africasexxx #africasexxx #adultsex #adultsonlyplease #africansextalk #africansexstories #funny #africa #nigeria #ghana #nigerian #southafrica #thegambia #gambia #gambiansexstories - @africagossiptv on Instagram

Per la giornata di Lunedì 8 giugno 2020: ALLERTA ROSSA - ALLERTA ARANCIONE - ALLERTA GIALLA 🔴 #allertarossa 🔶 #allertaarancione ⚠ #allertagialla 📢#protezionecivileitalia👁 #sempreallerta ⚠#protezionecivile @protezionecivileit https://www.protezionecivileitalia.it/alert - @protezionecivileit on Instagram

- Chad ethnic groups, 1969

- Ias study material

- Brazil

- Languages of the World

- Canada map

Quieres ser dealer de esta prestigiosa marca en tu país ? Te ofrecemo todo en equipos de buceo, Fotografia, video e iluminación y comunicación submarina recreativo y comercial ! Escríbenos 📩 ventas@diverplace.com ☎️ +584144493669 🌐www.diverplace.com #diverplace @outlandtech @tusalatina #scubafoto #innovativescubaconcepts @oceantechnologysystems #tusa #divegear #diverplace - @diverplace on Instagram

- ¿Como le llamamos a este cinturón que salió por senadurías?

- Languages spoken in different parts of India

- Religious Map of Indonesia

- Peculiarities

- Allies of the Congo in the the second Congo war 1998-2003.

- All these countries fit inside Africa.

- Spanish dialects of Argentina [604 × 1024]

(UH) #NoticiasCRC Alerta por el posible aumento de lluvias durante la noche y madrugada por el efecto indirecto de la Tormenta Tropical Marco. - @crc891radio on Instagram

- A map showcasing the development of most of Brazil’s regions in the last 20 years

- Rainbow snake

- wine regions of Moldova

La region de magallanes ocupa el extremo medirional del territorio metropolitano chileno y del continente americano Año:1992 Https://www.memoriachilena.gob.cl - @foto.historicasmagallanes on Instagram

Ini update level kewaspadaan kab/kota di Jawa Barat. Kabupaten Indramayu semula zona kuning kini berada di zona orange. . Ayoo lebih disiplin lagi gunakan maskermu agar tidak terpapar ... From @humas_jabar - @diskominfoindramayu on Instagram

- Subdivisions named Amazonas in South America

- Countries that fit inside Brazil [600x639]

- Omani empire at its height


- all the different ways regions of Italy say “vagina”

🔴 Ninguna otra área de España vive una incidencia como la de Madrid con el coronavirus La situación epidemiológica que vive la Comunidad de Madrid no es equiparable a la de ninguna otra área de España. Fuera de esta autonomía hay municipios con una tasa de incidencia similar, pero son pocas ciudades o con mucha menor población. ▶️ En el segundo gráfico se observa cómo los datos que la Comunidad de Madrid tiene en su web (con fecha 22 de septiembre) dibujan un mapa de incidencia acumulada en las últimas dos semanas, la tasa de casos confirmados por cada 100.000 habitantes. Muchos distritos de la capital y municipios de la comunidad superan los 500, 600, 700 o más casos, desde Madrid-Centro (774), Ciudad Lineal (976), Carabanchel (986) o Puente de Vallecas (1.272) hasta Fuenlabrada (968), Alcobendas (838), Parla (855) o Torrejón de Ardoz (803), por citar algunos. Además, junto a la capital, todas las grandes ciudades madrileñas (de 100.000 o 200.000 habitantes) tienen tasas elevadas: Alcorcón (716), Getafe (699), Leganés (616), Móstoles (602). En Alcalá de Henares es más baja: 520. ▶️ Los datos de ayer del Ministerio de Sanidad de incidencia acumulada por autonomías (casos diagnosticados por cada 100.000 habitantes en los últimos 14 días. Primer Gráfico.) corroboran que la cifra de Madrid es la peor: 775, cuando la tasa media de toda España es de 290. 🖋Lee el análisis completo de Marta Ricart, en el link de nuestra bio 📲 📸 La Vanguardia #coronavirus #Madrid #Covid19 - @lavanguardia on Instagram

- funny

- [OC] Political Parties of South American Presidents [1159x1500]

- (OC) Anamorphosis | Population of Brazil (2020)

- Comparative map of Brazil

- A alternate history map I made.

- Map of Locust Swarms and Hopper Bands across East Africa, Middle East and South Asia. [Source: FAO-UN]

- Afro-descendants in Latin America [734x737]

Berdasarkan rilis yang dikeluarkan oleh Dinas Kesehatan Kebumen, beberapa Kecamatan dinyatakan sebagai zona merah Covid-19. - Tetap selalu jaga kesehatan dan mematuhi protokol ya lur, seperti menggunakan masker, menjaga jarak, mencuci tangan dengan sabun dan hindari kerumunan. - @kebumenzone on Instagram

- Currencies of Africa

Selamat Pagi Warga Indramayu. . Berikut adalah peta sebaran Covid-19 di Kabupaten Indramayu per 28 September 2020 . - Zona Hijau (tidak terdampak) 4 kecamatan -Zona Kuning (resiko rendah) 0 kecamatan - Zona Orange (resiko sedang) 7 kecamatan -Zona Merah (resiko tinggi) 20 kecamatan - @diskominfoindramayu on Instagram



- Map of Ethiopia and Surrounding States in 1840[817 × 978]

- Medical doctors per 1000 inhabitants

- This map shows the current position of tankers, mostly filled with oil. They are “stranded” around the world because there is no way to unload, since onshore warehouses are full, pipelines are full, and without flow, due to the low demand for oil.

- Expected impacts of climate change in south and central America in 2050

- Catholicism in modern day Africa and Middle East

- Africa is so much bigger than you think (map)

Brazil ❤❤ #brazil #brasília #brasilia #love - @brazil.nature.rio on Instagram

Cah cah Ponsel (#ponorogo selatan) khususe #sambit #jetis kudune ngerti critane iki. Nyapo tho kok dijenengne dengok, puh limo, poh gosong, kebatan, bancangan. Hal ini terjadi ketika Bathoro Katong melawan Ki Ageng Kutu. Batoro Katong bersama dengan Patih Seloaji dan Kyai Ageng Mirah melakukan pengejaran Ki Ageng Kutu. Sampailah di tengah pengejaran Ki Ageng Kutu menoleh/menengok diantara semak (Jawa: Dengok) sehingga tempat tersebut dinamakan 𝘿𝙚𝙣𝙜𝙤𝙠 (lek saiki panggone neng lampu bangjo kidule RSUD Harjono Paju) Lanjut pengajaran kemudian Ki Ageng Kutu masuk kedalam Pohon Kepuh dan berpindah sebanyak lima kali di tempat tersebut kemudian dinamakan 𝙋𝙪𝙝 𝙇𝙞𝙢𝙤 (saiki melu desa karanggebang sisih kidul. Prapatan jetis ngidul menggok ngetan) Patih Seloaji melihat Ki Ageng Kutu masuk kedalam Pohon Puh kemudian melancarkan Ajian Gelap Sayuto menghantam Pohon Kepuh hingga terbakar kemudian Tempat tersebut dinamakan 𝙋𝙤𝙝 𝙜𝙤𝙨𝙤𝙣𝙜 (kandange @nttstransbus, wit ringin gede kulone perbatasan kecamatan jetis - sambit) Ki Ageng Kutu dengan cepat menghindar kearah timur dengan cekatan (Jawa: Kebat) tempat tersebut kemudian dinamakan 𝙆𝙚𝙗𝙖𝙩𝙖𝙣, (saiki melu desa #campurejo sambit, etane puh gosong sithik). dan berlari hingga kebancang-bancang dari peristiwa tersebut dinamakan 𝘿𝙚𝙨𝙖 𝘽𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙖𝙣 (kecamatan sambit). Mimin yo penasaran cah pohon kepuh kui bentuke piye gek kegunaane dienggo opo kok biyen akehmen tukul neng daerah ponorogo. Opo yo enek hubungane karo jeneng kepuh rubuh siman, puh ijo sampung? Sing ngerti infone jajal komen kene, sinau bareng bareng. Kepuh atau kelumpang adalah sejenis pohon kerabat jauh kapuk randu. Tinggi dengan batang besar menjulang, pohon ini kerap didapati di hutan-hutan pantai. Di Bali dan juga di Jawa, pohon yang lekas tumbuh ini banyak ditemukan di pemakaman. Wikipedia - @infoponorogo on Instagram

We are all brothers under Polynesia. #polynesia #samoa #tonga #niue #newzealand #melanesia #fiji #palau #micronesia #kiribati #hawaii #tuvalu #cookislands #tahiti #easterisland #harvardmodelunitednations @harvardmodelun - @samoaisacountry on Instagram

- The six republic of Central Russias Middle Volga. Size comparison with other countries [1800×1400]

- Kingdom of the Two Sicilies (1816-1861)

- Equivalent population for each Moroccan region.

- The Mafias in Italy

- Mapa del Huchachicol en Mx. Eres huachiculero o huachicool

- Map I found of the different regions of APPALACHIA // (Proud Agrilachian!)

- Separatism in South America

📢Round 1 Start 📢 Pls comment you move and what will you buy And in next round you all got $20 Algeria:@bilal62110 Morocco:@vietnam_bestest_country Mali:@tringopore Madagascar:@serb.iaball Libya:@colonel.potato_ Djibouti:@hanoishi27 DRC:@khiva_boy_ Nigeria:@extra.ball.maps Angola:@lucas7yamamoto Namibia:@thelocalsmallartist Sudan:@portugal_best_strongest_contry South Africa:@mysak_maps Tunisia:@rakha_commuter_tangerang Kenya:@memeuri._amuzante._ro Zimbabwe:@estonia.esti #mapgame #africa #map #game #geography #world - @bielarus_.tangle on Instagram

- @observadorxs_de_aves_antifa on Instagram

- Life Expectancy in Africa 2019

- How big Africa actually is

- Does each Spanish autonomous community have an autonomic police force?

- Books and Culture

- Africa map

- Map of Cultures in the Southern Region of Brazil.

- On the internet,their is no single map out their which shows only Jammu and Kashmir. Almost each and every image contains Ladakh too, even after its partition. So here is one.

- Basque country

- Africa map 2017

- Blursed_ChadEmpire

- Macaronesia [800x1052]

#volgoitalia Benvenuti sulla mappa interattiva di @volgoitalia Volgo Italia è una comunità di persone volta a valorizzare le bellezze, larte, la cultura e le tradizioni della nostra splendida penisola. In questo spazio troverete con facilità le varie community regionali e provinciali che con passione e impegno portano avanti, ogni giorno, tutto quello in cui crediamo attraverso le immagini più belle ed emozionanti dei nostri followers. @volgoemiliaromagna ➡ #volgoemiliaromagna 🔹 @volgobologna ➡ #volgobologna @volgotoscana ➡ #volgotoscana 🔹 @volgofirenze ➡ #volgofirenze @volgomarche ➡ #volgomarche 🔹 @volgoancona_ ➡ #volgoancona @volgoumbria_ ➡ #volgoumbria 🔹 @volgoperugia ➡ #volgoperugia @volgolazio ➡ #volgolazio 🔹 @volgoroma ➡ #volgoroma @volgoabruzzo ➡ #volgoabruzzo 🔹 @volgolaquila ➡ #volgolaquila - @volgomappa on Instagram

Európa Közepe | Middle Of Europe - @trianon_2020 on Instagram

Fertilitas Wanita Indonesia Data : BKKBN 2017 #Meme #MemeIndonesia #MemeSejarah #MemeGeografi #Demografi #Kependudukan #Rakyat #Indonesia #Jakarta #Fertilitas #BanyakAnak #BanyakRejeki - @geografi_sejarah5.0 on Instagram

- Chocolate News Stories

- Os nomes da capivara pela América do Sul

- African Countries by GDP Per Capita [954 x 918]

- What nations are across the ocean?

- Results of the Spanish national elections of 1979.

Domani 01/8 pericolosità incendi ALTA su CL-EN-PA . Dichiarata fase di ATTENZIONE. - @comunedibagheria on Instagram

- Average male height in Latin America [599x817]

- Natural Regions of Alberta [430x666]

- Earth & Space

- By request of u/Recurringg, here is a map of different voltages in Brazil. Note that there is exceptions inside shown areas too.

- Outras formas de Dividir São Paulo

- Every Century of the Reconquista [OC]

- “If you had to change the capital of Spain, where would you change it to?”

- Jeff bezos at 115 billion is worth more than all these countries combined at around 111 billion.

- Map of most popular surname in Italy by region

- Infographic

- South America Map

- Liberian County Flags

- Rainforest Biome

- South America but South America is Brazil and Brazil is South America

We at AES have TONS of LOVE 💗💗 for Asian elephants 🐘🐘 and the people who work with and live among them in their native ranges. . . . Check out our August newsletter to see how AES has been supporting efforts to help elephants in Thailand 🇹🇭, Laos 🇱🇦, Sumatra-Indonesia 🇮🇩, Sri Lanka 🇱🇰, and Myanmar 🇲🇲. . . . http://mailchi.mp/dcfb9389a9e8/aes-august-2020-newsletter - @asianelephantsupport on Instagram

Golpes de estado apoiados pelos EUA na América Latina desde 1953. Você sabe o que é golpe de estado? ➡️ Para samuel huntington um golpe de estado acontece quando a tomada de poder é executada por uma elite política, econômica ou do estado (forças armadas, judiciário, legislativo e etc), sendo um movimento de dentro (da ordem vigente) para fora. Carlos Barbé, resume que um golpe de estado é um ato realizado por órgãos do próprio estado. Geralmente buscando a substituição das autoridades políticas dentro de algo existente, com pouca ou nenhuma participação popular e sem grandes alterações na ordem política e sócio-econômica. Golpes costumam ser seguidos de reforço na máquina burocrática e policial do estado. Um golpe não necessariamente acontece com o uso da força, apesar de serem comuns na história do Brasil e de outros países da América Latina a ocorrência de golpes militares, ou seja, a ameaça do uso da força (ou da força em si) é usada para remover o poder constituído. Outras formas de golpe também são possíveis, com o uso indevido da Justiça (através de lawfare) para incriminar e perseguir lideranças e atores políticos. E mesmo através de manifestações populares geradas a partir de desinformação e táticas de guerra híbrida, que servem de estopim para a tomada de poder por parte de um dos entes do estado. Os golpes na América Latina ao longo do século XX e XXI contaram com o apoio dos EUA, como potência imperialista interessada na manutenção desses Paises sobre seu eixo de influência e de dependência Geopolítica. Por @alexandre.p.sales Fonte: dicionário de política e nerdologia #geografiadepressao #geografia #geopolítica #brasil #américalatina #americadosul #golpe #usa #golpedeestado - @geografiadepressao on Instagram

- Bribery Rates Acrosse Latin America and the Caribbean [1240x1754]

- The Amazon river basin covers about 40% of South America and is home to the worlds largest rain forest. [943x1200]

- How much does mobile data cost in Africa?

SKATE CUIDA! O mapeamento de ações sociais, desenvolvido pela @cbsskate em parceria com a @ongsocialskate, já identificou mais de trinta projetos que colocam o carrinho na via da solidariedade! Através dele, conseguiremos enxergar cada vez melhor essas ações. Muito legal ver esse trabalho, que começou durante a gestão do @bobburnquist na Confederação, ganhar força... e neste novo momento, com o Instituto, apoiamos a continuidade dessa união para conseguirmos colaborar socialmente pela veia do skate. Se o seu projeto ainda não está no mapa, envie um email para: social.skate@cbsk.com.br A/C @leilavsanto solicitando o questionário. Vamos unir forças para ver esse mapa cada vez mais preenchido nesta convergência em prol da transformação!  #SkateCuida #mapeamento #CBSk #SocialSkate #Ademafia #bobburnquist #IBB #inspirar #educar #transformar #InstitutoBobBurnquist - @bobburnquistorg on Instagram

The Motherland is under attack! Hey Skewers Fans, Its important to me to share this information, as the goal with Skewers is about more than just business. Its about sharing my culture, history, and passion with you. Armenia has been under attack over the course of the last week. Armenia was hit hard by the coronavirus. Both because of cases in Armenia and because of the impact on tourism, which is a major economic source. During this already difficult time, Azerbaijan (who last month refused to sign a UN resolution for no military conflict) has taken advantage of a vulnerable Armenia. Heres a brief history of the conflict: Armenia as a people group, language group, and culture is thousands of years old living in this same area. Turkey is about a one thousand year old people group, from which branched off Azerbaijan roughly 100 years ago. During the Soviet Union, Stalin carved out land from Armenia and gave it to Azerbaijan as a way to appease Turkey (they wanted Turkey to join USSR but because of NATO couldnt do it militarily). After the soviet union collapsed, this land was still populated by Armenians (over 75%!). A conflict over control of the land sparked a war that lasted 6 years (1988-94). A ceasefire was agreed, but there was never a peace treaty. Since then, Azerbaijan has regularly broken the ceasefire. Last week, they did so again. It is important to note that Armenia is defending their lands and not being aggressive; meanwhile, Azerbaijan is firing into Armenian villages. So far they have destroyed homes, businesses, a mask factory (for corona virus), and A KINDERGARTEN. For the remainder of our food truck season, a portion of our sales will go directly to help the families of Armenian soldiers and the rebuilding efforts in the areas effected by the struggle. Thank you for your continued support of Skewers. Thank you for your interest in our background and culture. #Spokane #Armenia #azerbaijan #artsakhisarmenia #artsakhstrong - @skewerstruck on Instagram

07 de Setembro dia da Independência do Brasil. Salve, salve pátria amada! ⠀ #bewit #serjogadordefutebol #categoriadebase #futeboletecnologia #futeboldebase #peneirada #tryoutsoccer #soccer #avaliaçõesdetalentoswit #peneira #teste #futebol - @witsoccer on Instagram


A Marcelo Gesteira Mergulho é membro da ABCMAR, muito obrigado @tuca_bahiascuba e @sandmarnitrox pela receptividade. #Todomundotafeliz #Onossonegocioediversao #mergulhoemrecife #abcmar #mergulho - @marcelogesteira_mergulho on Instagram

- Population comparisons between Chinese Provinces and Sovereign Countries

- Principal estado de origem dos migrantes

Para que tengamos una mejor idea, este es la situación de los #vuelos #domesticos e #internacionales en todo el #continente, entre los que van a abrir y los que ya están operando. #americas #latam #latinoamerica. @iataofficial @unwto @wtandtc @conseturismo @avemarep @avavit1 @avecintel - @realpp on Instagram

✨Feliz Aniversário Brasil! Que nesta data tão especial, 07 de setembro, cada brasileiro aumente o seu amor a nossa nação. Tenhamos todos muito orgulho de estampar a nossa bandeira e todos os símbolos nacionais. E que cada um de nós faça realmente a sua parte. Contribua. Honre a nossa Pátria Amada Brasil. Nosso país precisa muito de todos nós. Juntos somos sempre mais fortes! Vamos em frente! Viva o Brasil! Amo o meu país! 🇧🇷✨ - @robertacoltro on Instagram

- Mods are asleep, upvote this monstrosity

#RainfallNamakkal : Heavy to very heavy rain is likely to occur at isolated places over #Namakkal. #SmartNamakkal - @smart_namakkal on Instagram

- Historical and Present day lions range map [600 x 613]

- Murder Rate in the Americas

- Africa

- Regions of Africa by population

- Green screen app smash

- Extreme Poverty in South America (2019)

- Africa

- Map showing the word swing set in different Norwegian dialects.

- Summertime

- Difficulty understanding Spanish accents

- War for Peace - Turkish poster for the military operation against the Greek Junta 1970s

- Animals

- Number of passenger cars in Poland in 1937 [852 x 960]

- Distribution of Mallee shrublands (low-growing bushy eucalyptuses, comparable to Californian chaparral, which are found in the drier regions of Australia)

- Geography of zebras and the width of their strips.

- Long Chile Long Chile

- Mapa Elecciones Presidenciales 2006-2018

Nosso 15º Congresso Científico contou com mais de 12 mil participantes e reuniu cerca de 330 professores e profissionais, nacionais e internacionais, abordando os Desafios para Construção de um Mundo Sustentável”, em centenas de palestras! Agradecemos todos os participantes desta edição! #nafho #congressocientifico #congressocientificofho - @fho_oficial on Instagram

- American Revolution

¡ALERTA! 🔴 En toda América Latina se están adoptando normas para ampliar la territorialización de los #transgénicos en la región. ¡#AméricaLatinaLibreDeTransgénicos! 🍅🌽🥦🥕 - @aecologicaec on Instagram

- Former and Current Unrecognized States in Africa

- Cultural Spheres of South America (1725 × 2375)

O Brasil, pujante, já era a mais importante colônia de Portugal. Ansiava por ser independente e soberano. D Pedro I, sabiamente, cedeu à pressão popular e decidiu incluir, no cenário geopolítico mundial, uma nova potência, riquíssima, privilegiada pela natureza, miscigenada e feliz. Seguimos perseguindo o destino glorioso, que Deus, certamente, nos reservou. Repudiamos ideologias radicais. Queremos a democracia plena, com poderes independentes e harmônicos, segurança individual e institucional, economia sustentável, honestidade com a coisa pública, renda distribuída, justiça confiável e ágil, igualdade de direitos e obrigações, saúde e educação de qualidade, pleno emprego. Difícil, mas vamos chegar lá. BRASIL ACIMA DE TUDO!!! - @genheleno on Instagram

- Africa map

- How big Africa really is [934x974]

La COVID-19 deja a su paso una grave crisis alimentaria😞 Tener alimentos es algo básico y esencial para poder superar el hambre que sufren muchas personas. Gracias a personas como tú llevamos años apoyando a las comunidades más vulnerables en regiones como la de Sahel o el Cuerno de África. Ahora, con la crisis alimentaria agravada por la COVID-19, te necesitamos más que nunca. ​ ​Tus #GanasDeAyudar pueden salvar vidas 👉 ¡Dale al link de la bio! ​​. ​. ​. ​. ​#Africa #ayudahumanitaria #COVID19 #covid_19 #desigualdad #equality #emergencia #endpoverty #emergenciasanitaria #hambre #help #health #healthcare #humanity #Inequality #justice #oxfam #oxfamintermon #pandemia #pobreza #solidaridad #solidarity - @oxfamintermon on Instagram

- word map

- 2016 Olympic Games in Rio

Para atender todas as regiões do Brasil, a Adimax já está presente em diversas cidades espalhadas pelo País. ⠀ ⠀ Atualmente, são 4 unidades fabris:⠀ • Salto de Pirapora/SP (matriz);⠀ • Abreu e Lima/PE;⠀ • Goianápolis/GO;⠀ • Uberlândia/MG.⠀ ⠀ Além disso, são 10 centros de distribuição:⠀ • Benevides/PA;⠀ • Brasília/DF;⠀ • Cachoeirinha/RS;⠀ • Feira de Santana/BA;⠀ • Fortaleza/CE;⠀ • Itajaí/SC;⠀ • Juíz de Fora/MG;⠀ • Londrina/PR;⠀ • Ribeirão das Neves/MG; • São José dos Pinhais/PR.⠀ ⠀ #pracegover #pratodosverem⠀ Carrossel com 5 imagens.⠀ Foto 1 – Fundo amarelo. Mapa do Brasil com as marcações de todas as fábricas e centros de distribuição da Adimax. Descrição da imagem: A Adimax pelo Brasil.⠀ Foto 2 – Foto Aérea da fábrica de Salto de Pirapora. Descrição da imagem: Salto de Pirapora/SP (matriz).⠀ Foto 3 – Foto da fachada da fábrica de Abreu e Lima. Descrição da imagem: Abreu e Lima/PE (filial).⠀ Foto 4 – Foto da fachada da fábrica de Goianápolis. Descrição da imagem: Goianápolis/GO (filial).⠀ Foto 5 – Foto da fachada da fábrica de Uberlândia. Descrição da imagem: Uberlândia/MG (filial). ⠀ - @adimaxoficial on Instagram

- The blending of the flags is really cool looking

Peta Hasil Pemilihan Umum 1955 Follow: @bapak_qasim_soleimani @bapak_assad @baath_indonesia @bapak_sadat @bapak_musharraf @bapak_gaddafi @bapak_khomeini @bapak_abdolrahim_mousavi @bapak_ataturk @bapak_putin @bapak_nasrallah @bapak_saddam @bapak_khamenei @bapak_saddam @bapak_sultan_mehmed_5 #1955 #pemilu #orba #pemilupertama #nu #pni #pki #masyumi #parpol1955 - @sultan_mehmed_5 on Instagram

- Sapmi / The Forgotten Natives of the Northern Europe

- Origin of Brazilian Presidents