Solidarity Profile Pics

unitystrikeworkerslaborsupportunitedtogetherunionstand with strikers

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fertig luschtig lustig fertigluschtig schweiz

Happy SCAA Convention Day! . . . . . . . . . . #YM30 #coffee #coffeeroaster #ambex #ambexroaster #coffeeroasters #masterroaster #scaa #coffeetable #coffeeshop #cafe #coffeeroastery #tampa #clearwater #coffeeroastersguild #atlanta #tea #chicago #newyork #3dprinting #engineering - @ambexroaster on Instagram

that one pic of the why gay ppl walk so fast

Solidarity Sheriff Minecraft Skin

justice change solidarity community census

Depuis ce mardi 4 août, jour où les deux explosions ont eu lieu à #Beyrouth, nos collègues de la Croix-Rouge libanaise travaillent 24h/24 pour apporter une aide immédiate à la population. Continuons à soutenir leurs opérations de secours en faisant un don en bio ❤️🇱🇧 #redcrossfamily 📸: @afpphoto - @croixrougebe on Instagram

𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖋𝖎𝖑𝖊 𝖕𝖎𝖈𝖘

catalan cnt fau union gewerkschaft

- @sharonnesalaam on Instagram

Dazai Osamu


katniss katniss everdeen the hunger games jennifer lawrence

#Capannori, commozione ai #funerali dei giovanissimi Amedeo e Samuele, morti sul colpo due giorni fa in un incidente sulla via #Pesciatina. Leggi questa e altre notizie in homepage su #luccaindiretta #lidgram #dolore #incidentestradale - @luccaindiretta on Instagram

❝ kase tomoka ❞

Lucy maud montgomery icon / pfp

trans pride youth sports are about unity not division dont sideline transgender youth trans trans kids

- @diversidadcomunidadlgbtmex on Instagram


patches pfp

world revolution strike union industrial

Que Antifascista você é???? - @jorgewebsilva on Instagram


Jimmy and Scott matching pfp!

you are not alone mental health samhsaselfinjurymonth recovery relapse

I am so proud of my daughter @jurnilelia her peers and the #CityofFlint for coming together for a #peacefulprotest !! The Sheriff and Chief of Police marched with the people today !! #UnitedWeStand #DividedWeFall #Loveforall #GeorgeFloyd your death was not in vain,, you left in that horrible way to change the world,.. #StartthemoffEarly #Proudofyoukid - @chef_ksmith on Instagram

Little Nightmares II, Thor Odenson



Et hop ! Une pleine page dans @liberationfr. Un grand merci à @balla_mf @piiiiment #lederangeur #piment #petitlexique #decolonisation #livres #livrestagram #books #bookstagram #edition #editionindependante #horsdatteinte #editionshorsdatteinte - @hors_d_atteinte on Instagram

lesbian moomin

𝚈̷𝚊̷𝚗̷𝚏̷𝚎̷𝚒̷ 𝚇̷ 𝙷̷𝚞̷ 𝚃̷𝚊̷𝚘̷

you are not alone mental health samhsaselfinjurymonth recovery drug prevention

AVENIDA LISANDRO ALVARADO DE VALENCIA: 10:30 pm. También protesta en la vía El Paito. Sur de Valencia. #Venezuela #Protestas #OscarPerezSomosTodos - @oscarperezsomostodos on Instagram



New interview/ collab with the brilliant and badass @phaggot.planet up at @thenib. Follow and support Regan and also the projects they work with including the @indigenouskinshipcollective and @club_a_nyc. I tried a darker palette than I usually use for this one/ still playing and getting used to working on the iPad Pro! Thank you to @elerimai as always for your astute editorial intervention. #decolonize #defundthepolice #settlercolonialism #comics #thenib #BIPOC #resistance #interviews #bethewall #takethehits #accomplicesnotallies - @jbbrager on Instagram

mental health depressed samhsaselfinjurymonth self injury awareness month jefcaine

You are loved, heard, valid and important. I am privileged, listening, fact checking and committed to speaking up. *POSTED WITH PERMISION* • • • #nojusticenopeace #jerseycity #istandwithyou - @nix1of6 on Instagram

Raised Fist Rainbow Decal - Equality - Solidarity - LBGTQ BLM Clenched Fist Decal - Raised Fist Rain

me and who

world earth planet freedom protest

🌍 wir haben nur diesen einen zauberhaften und in diesem Universum einzigartigen Planeten, lasst ihn uns schützen und für zukünftige Generationen bewahren! Heute waren wir, wenn auch nicht komplett wie die letzten beiden Male, wieder gemeinsam mit auf der Straße für eine enkeltaugliche zukunft. #keingradweiter heißt, dass wir uns alle dafür einsetzen müssen die globale Durchschnitts Erderwärmung nicht über 1,5 °C steigen zu lassen. Auch wenn die meisten Länder dieser Welt das Pariser Klimaabkommen zwar unterschrieben haben, verfehlen fast alle die notwendigen Handlungen um dieses Ziel auch zu erreichen. Wäre die Lebensmittelverschwendung ein Land, wäre es nach China in USA der drittgrößte Treibhausgas Emittent. Herzlichen Dank An alle der Fridays for Future Bewegung für euren unermüdlichen Einsatz seit mehr als zwei Jahren, ihr seid großartig und gebt uns allen Mut und Hoffnung! Jetzt braucht es Menschen die ihr persönliches Leben umstellen, aber auch in Ihrer Firma oder Organisation - oder gründet gleich selber! Wir müssen dafür sorgen, dass das Thema Nachhaltigkeit auf der Prioritätenliste nach ganz oben kommt! Gemeinsam werden wir es schaffen deswegen auch ein großes Dankeschön an alle Lebensmittelretter:innen für euren Einsatz, so konnten wir gemeinsam schon Millionen Kilogramm Lebensmittel retten! 🙏🏻❤️💪🌎 #klimastreik #SIRPLUS #lebensmittelretten #allefürsklima #enkeltauglichkeit - on Instagram

“Standing in solidarity with all healthcare workers! Thank you

unity solidarity togetherness humans society

Thanks for all of your support. We appreciate all of you, all of the messages youve sent us and mostly your patience. We will be back soon, we promise. - @newwimbledontheatre on Instagram

~.cute sunflowers.~

follow for more

union power support unions heysp middle class boycott

Southern Solidarity has begun distributing in New York City in addition to our New Orleans distribution. - @southern_solidarity on Instagram

olivia baker


vote for peace unity 2020 peace vote

THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO JOINED US AT OUR FIRST PROTESTS BACK IN: MANCHESTER, LONDON & BRISTOL! All Black Lives UK will not stop until our demands are implemented by the government and true racial equality is reached in this country! If you feel like your city needs to STAND UP & FIGHT BACK, please comment below! IT IS NOT ENOUGH TO BE NON-RACIST, YOU MUST BE ACTIVELY ANTI-RACIST! NEXT PROTEST DATE: 20th SEPTEMBER IN BRISTOL, LONDON & A CITY TBA ! #BlackLivesMatter cc: @fh_photos - @allblacklivesuk on Instagram

I Have a Serious Problem With ‘Nuun’ Profile Pictures.

solidarity fund solidairty fund rsa unity in action ubuntu unity

Don’t worry y’all. I got this. ❤️ 📸: @xadamassadx - @readermeetauthor on Instagram


protect lgbt kids pptransrights trans protect trans kids feminist

Silence is complicity. BLM protest in DTSA 5.31.20 - @thehextron on Instagram


jhené aiko

peace peace sign equality black lives matter black power

Last year almost at the same period I was painting a similar silhouette. It was a tribute to women with the word Bagurrk meaning women in the Australian native language. For my last day on their land, I decide to adress a problem they encounter. Thats a global problem, that we, Black people encounter in too many so called state of rights. Racism is wrong nothing to argue about that, but when its coming from those who are supposed to protect us, that become a life threat problem. Be it U.S, France or Australia law enforcement force shouldnt be bias. As an African descendant, I cant remember the last time I felt safe around French cops. I felt safer around Ozzie cops, but I cant say that my brothers and sisters feel the same in their own land. The problem is here, its everybody problem,pretending not seeing it or diminish it, wont make thing better. So if youre truly anti racist, stand up, raise your voice and do the right thing. #BlackLivesMatter #NativeAustraliansMatter #Osno #BlackOsno #GFBklan #CUA #HoodPride #NSW #LeKollectif #Melbourne #AcDcLane #Graffiti #StreetArt #Instagraff #HipHop #hiphopmusic #Hosierlane #Art #WeLoveGraffiti #artistsoninstagram #Graff #HoodDiary #HoodLife #FromDunkirkToMelbourne #France #Australia #australiagraffiti #melbournegraffiti - @black_osno on Instagram

𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖋𝖎𝖑𝖊 𝖕𝖎𝖈𝖘

you are not alone mental health samhsaselfinjuryday jefcaine recovery

Yesterday morning @fountainvalleyfiredept units were dispatched to a fire on the 405 Freeway around 9am. The fire was contained with no injuries.📸: @fatherofsiege #fire #firefighter #fountainvalley #405freeway #orangecounty #huntingtonbeach #firstresponders - @fountainvalleyfirefighters on Instagram

ia solidarity iatse iatse union iatse strike hollywoodstrike

Wednesday eve on the water - @marylotuff on Instagram

trans pride trans day of visibility trans trans flag feminist

Muharram in Kashmir 2020.. #امیرالمؤمنین #السلام_علیک_یا_قمر_بنی_هاشم #امام_زین_العابدین #یاحسین #یاعلی #یازینب_سلام_الله_علیها #یا_صاحب_الزمان #خمینی #یازهرا #کربلا - @servants_of_imam_hussain_as on Instagram

wafi cat julie tiarne renny

The ACLU of Oregon believes a special prosecutor appointed by Gov. Brown could be Portlanders best bet for holding police accountable for their behavior at protests. Read more at the link in profile. (📷 by @mathieulewisrolland ) - @portlandmercury on Instagram

Jimmy Solidarity coded

fist up we the people raised fist clenched fist solidarity

Die Stadt Konstanz hat bei den für das Wochenende angemeldeten Kundgebungen gegen die Corona-Maßnahmen unter anderem Reichsflaggen verboten. „Reichskriegsflaggen, Kaiserreichsflaggen und Zeichen, die einen deutlichen Bezug zur Zeit oder zu den Verbrechen des Nationalsozialismus haben und eine Verbindung zu der aktuellen Corona-Pandemie herstellen“, seien nicht erlaubt, teilten Stadtverwaltung und Polizei am Donnerstag mit. Zudem machte die Stadt strenge Hygieneauflagen. Den Artikel findet ihr in der Bio verlinkt. ___________________________________ #corona #covid #coronavirus #stayhome #quarantine #virus #lockdown #staysafe #stayathome #demo #coronademo #hygienedemo #querdenken - @tagesspiegel on Instagram

simdemocracy amongus solidarity solidarity party simdem

- @_official_j_a_y on Instagram

50 Seeds Malva Sylvestris Hollyhock Seeds French Mallow Hollyhock


1u industrial industrial workers of the world injury iww - @kazdagikoruma on Instagram

from illness to solidarity illness solidarity fist justice

The City of Miami declared a climate emergency last year. Nothing has fundamentally changed. The science is clear, either we take drastic action now or we have no future. In Florida on 28% of eligible voters participated in the primaries. The Democrats and Republicans have failed to preserve the planet for future generations. Electioneering and politicking are not going to be sufficient to generate the energy needed to protect us. Nonviolent direct action, noncooperation, and disruption are necessary to take back control from the global power brokers. Adopt nonviolent direct action practices and methods. Were calling on everyone to commit to organizing: •Rent & mortgage strikes •School & work strikes •Die-ins •Boycottsa •Fasts We will support your actions. #extinctionrebellion #extinctionrebellionmiami #timesup #Miami #actnow - @extinctionrebellionmiami on Instagram

ukraine ukraine sticker i stand with ukraine peace in ukraine united

📢📢📢 Xavier Naidoo weiß auch Bescheid, in seinem Song Marionetten erwähnt er auch PZZAGATE, er ist nicht irre, er weiß was abgeht.🔞 Verschwörungstheorien= Die Wahrheit, die die Politiker vertuschen und das Volk nicht wahr haben wollen.😭 I thank everyone from the bottom of my heart, who stands up for our freedom.❤️🗽 Thank you for your courage and your devotion. Everyone needs to wake up and figure out what’s behind the curtain, what are they trying to hide? What are they trying to distract us from? ❓ Wake up wakeup wake up‼️ The global pedophilering (PIZZAGATE) does exsist and many powerful people and politicians are involved.🆘 Research Watch the following: Out of the Shadows and Fall of the Cabal Share Share Share and raise your Voice 📢📢📢 Together we are more powerful than the People in Power.💪💪💪💪❤️ #sextraffic #deepstate #humanrights #global #pedophelia #coronavirus #distraction #money #freedom #politics #pandemic #freethechrildren #vaccination #querdenker #brainwashed #quarantine #wakeup #verschwörungstheorie #children #fakenews #manipulation #maske #mask #peaceandlove #netflix #pizzagate #amazongate #wayfairgate #savethechildren #childsextrafficking - @shirins_bubble on Instagram

positive jess new girl jess day zooey deschanel

Isnt she pretty??? COMING SOON....The new and improved Mens KANDY GOLF LOGO... KG no excuses now gentlemen... time to restock your golf wardrobe with the most COMFORTABLE and AFFORDABLE shirts in golf! Stay tuned for info on how to order. WWW.KANDYGOLF.COM 🍭⛳🍭⛳🍭⛳🍭⛳🍭⛳ #golfapparel #golfwear #golfshirt #golffashion #menspolo #golfpolo #canadianbrand #eastcoast #kandygolf #sweet #golfpros #golfcoach #jmackgolf #brightwood #granitesprings #eaglequest #trurogolfclub #eaglequest_grandview - @kandygolf on Instagram

ia solidarity iatse iatse union iatse strike hollywoodstrike

Curieus present! #asielcoalitie - @curieus_brussel on Instagram

solidarity aapi anti asian hate anti black hate we are here for you

En dias de tristeza y cuando no lo son es igual , los precios no bajan y la calidad no mejora #artbyme #procreate #FWM #antisistema #etecsaapretandocomosiempre - @fwm_antisistema on Instagram

ia solidarity iatse iatse union iatse strike hollywoodstrike

⬅️RECAP!!!⬅️ Yesterday, @malaya.northeast together with the member organizations of the September 21 People Power Coalition said never again to martial law in a rally at the Philippine Consulate in New York City. #USPGG @afsa.official @ichrpnyc @ichrpnj @nychrp @bostonpear Today marks the 48th anniversary of the declaration of martial law by the fascist dictator Ferdinand Marcos. We denounce Dutertes current dictatorship and his continuation Marcos corrupt legacy. We stand together to resist his state terror until he is ousted! @tigre.balm represented @malaya.northeast and shared these inspiring words, Although we are in another dark period in history, if we look back to the People Power movement in 1986 that ousted Marcos three decades ago, this proved that Filipinos can topple dictators when we come together united. May we honor the legacy and all the lives lost under the Marcos regime, get organized, and take action, because we know the Filipino people can and will once again topple the dictatorship of Duterte! #MarcosNoHero #NeverAgainToMartialLaw #PeoplePower #OustDuterteNow - @malaya.northeast on Instagram

ilhan omar minnesota mn05 district5 whip

- Fascist Switzerland

vote heysp prodem election politicians

- @inviernodeabril on Instagram

salute hunger games jennifer lawrence

Text: With 2,401 active COVID-19 cases and 17 deaths, the outbreak at San Quentin State Prison is the second largest in the nation. This is a public health crisis that demands our attention. White Coats 4 Black Lives at UCSF authored a statement demanding that Governor Newsom grant mass releases at San Quentin, reducing the prison population to below 50% capacity. This is the only way to control the spread of COVID-19, as it is impossible to safely social distance within an overcrowded prison. Incarcerated people are human beings and should not be consigned to death because of Governor Newsom’s failure to act. The full statement with demands can be read and signed via this link: %22 #StopSanQuentinOutbreak #FreeThemAll #CareNotCages - @donoharmcoalition on Instagram

clean sobriety sober recovery sober living

I just posted updated addresses 🇦🇲 - @lilitslife on Instagram

winter lgbt rights feminist vidhyan plannedparenthood

Caravana de hoy que terminó con un banderazo en el bandejon💪🏼💪🏼 GRACIAS a todxs lxs que participaron!! Se vienen más actividades🙌🏽 RECUERDEN CUIDARSE ESTE 18 PARA VOTAR APRUEBO EN OCTUBRE ‼️ 💙💛💚 - @concon_movilizado on Instagram

trans pride trans day of visibility trans trans flag transgender day of visibility

It’s a movement, not a moment. Proud of our student-athletes and @ucimbb for being committed to the fight for change. . . . #blacklivesmatter #freedommarch #unity #equality #togetherwezot - @uciwbb on Instagram

no solidarity no team no teamwork no unity no agreement

GET LOUD. GET PROUD. VOTE. #CountVoteWin #ContarVotarGanar #VoteForOurLives #VotarParaVivir #VoteWithDHF #VotaConDHF #MyVoteMyVoice #MiVotoMiVoz #GOTV #Vota #SiSePuede #DHF #ThrowBackPicture - @doloreshuertafdn on Instagram

solidarity fund solidarity fund rsa thats solidarity ubuntu south africa

#HelpMIE @lesmidisdumie @utopia56paris @msf_fr @comede Rassemblement pour le soutien aux mineurs etranges - @timmy_association on Instagram

1u industrial industrial workers of the world injury iww

#policebrutality #blacklivesmatter #georgefloyd The people blocked of the BK bridge in and out of the city. The cops aggressively followed behind us. Rocks and waters were thrown at the police by the people. No one was hurt but getting this close was a adrenaline rush. Shot by @lens_on_standby - @lens_on_standby on Instagram

union power support unions heysp middle class boycott

Red and yellow: two colors alighted by an errant porch light — illumination from behind the strips of canvas; a wind-chime hanging like a brushstroke in the foreground; a sign suggesting certain death. There’s comfort in the colors, though. Red: groundedness, passion, centeredness. Yellow: brightness, awakening, hopefulness. This pairing illustrating change and possible healing within. There are people and places and feelings that you are moving on from, and it’s encouraging to hear that scripture in the silence of color. You see backlit fumigation tents as often as you think about the fossil record of the internet, and how, without the right technology, hundreds of years of information will go unbrowsed until aliens establish formal societies and research labs. Or, maybe, as the sun swallows our planet, the brightness will unearth a mystery even more nuanced than cyberspace. An eternal yellowness tuned to galactic monochrome. Daydreaming has always been a specialty of yours. Once, as a child, you looked toward a skyscraper when its entire underground parking structure unfurled into a series of combustion chambers — a rocket engine, an upside-down reactor, a testament to the promise of deep-space exploration — and ignited, launching itself well into the depths of the Mariana’s Trench. You muttered to yourself, “This is how Atlantis was founded. Deep under a lenticular sky, a garden of rebar and windowglass — panes: boasting coral latticework; refracting airbrushed triggerfish; dyeing the horizon lazuli. Awash with angry foam and raging currents, each wave repeating itself as a new beginning, the end pre-existing in its slow undulation.” You’re older now, growing out of this habit, yes, but you find this primordial sense of wonder every so often while swimming — dusk — at the ocean’s edge, sinking into the rhythm of your hips and shoulders until you are no longer anything, but everything: a pink aura, an end becoming, drifting, salt-suspended, into a cascading night. - @fumigationcircus on Instagram

station 19 andy herrera so being a union family you understand the importance of solidarity importance of solidarity

Hello everyone, This is Alex, and I want to make an important announcement regarding this group going forward. As many of you know, the Bernie Campaign has been suspended for numerous months now, and its up to us to keep his vision going and to fight for a better future for us all. Amidst the impending climate crisis, the rising tide of fascist ideas making their way into mainstream political discourse, and the blatant displays of rampant police brutality, the leadership of this group has decided to transition into a YDSA Chapter that will be known as YDSA at UCF. While it is important to remain engaged in the electoral process, it is also important to realize that true political change often arises outside of formal government institutions. YDSA at UCF will be an activism-focused socialist group dedicated to bringing about positive change by primarily working to empower the students, staff, and workers of the university. We are also currently planning to work with Orlando DSA to bring about a better future for us all. On behalf of all of us currently involved in the transition process, I would like to thank you all for following this page and standing with us as we struggled and fought for Bernie to win the Democratic Party’s nomination for the President of the United States of America. Bernies campaign might be over, but the ideas he brought to the American people and the movement he inspired will not fade away so easily. I hope that you will be willing to join us in this process as we turn our organizing platform into something new and greater than what it was before. More information about the transition to a YDSA chapter will be posted as it is decided by our transition team, but for the time being, if you wish to join us and assist these efforts please DM this account and you will be provided a link to our Slack Workspace. In solidarity, Alexander Harris, President and Founder of Knights for Bernie. - @ucf_ydsa on Instagram

solidarity fund solidairty fund rsa unity in action ubuntu unity

- @stafdahq on Instagram

ia solidarity iatse iatse union iatse strike hollywoodstrike

Que grande Concón! Seguimos avanzando a un mejor pais! Gracias a todxs que apañaron hoy! Nos juntamos el proximo sabado! Queda un mes para el plebisicto, a no bajar los brazos✊✊ - @maticortesa on Instagram

solidarity fund solidairty fund rsa unity in action ubuntu unity

Are you listening @defrauk ? This Colonial hobby has no place in Africa, it is not an African tradition. We are working with KUAPO, House of Friends Kenya and the Global March for Elephants to ensure these voices are heard and to #letafricalive Credits Steve Kyenza, Patrick Othieno (Pato), Petrix Peter, Jamey Ponte, Joseph Wandera @gm4er @dan710ths @kp24 @ben_garrod @benfogle @the_bill_bailey @garynuman @teddysphotos @thevickimichelle @stanleyjohnson @chrisgpackham2 @carolinelucasbrighton @lukepollard @liberiachimprescueprotection @janegoodalluk @protectingafricanwildlife - @bantrophyhunting on Instagram

solidarity fund solidarity fund rsa unity in action ubuntu unity

💥 @franceinfo impressionné par le nouveau film de David Dufresne. #UNPAYSQUISETIENTSAGE, demain au cinéma. #unpaysquisetientsage #daviddufresne #cinema #film #teaser #cinemadocumentaire #cinemapolitique #filmdocumentaire #filmpolitique #politique #giletsjaunes #revolte #coleresociale #manifestation #injusticesociale #debat #debatcitoyen #repression #repressionpoliciere #bavurepoliciere #forcedelordre #policenationale #prefecturedepolice #critiquedesmedias #quinzainedesrealisateurs #cannes2020 #jour2fete @davduf_ @quinzaine_des_realisateurs. - @jour2fete_distribution on Instagram

justice change solidarity community census

Une Banderole avec une punch d’ @ahmed.scredconnexion légendée avec une punch de FaBe “La vie est une manif, la France une vitre et moi un pavé” #perfectcombo #scredconnexion #parcequeçaresisteencore 📸 @raph.depret - @scredofficiel on Instagram

mc coy kirk agree approve nod

As a media company reaching millions of people, we feel a big responsibility to keep our audience informed about the spreading and protection of the #coronavirus outbreak. We do this with all our journalistic power across TV, radio and online. To protect our people and families, we work with limited teams to keep our newsrooms and systems running. #TogetherAgainstCorona - @rtl_group on Instagram

solidarity peace unity peace sign bobby hundreds

- Science for the People, -- United States, 1971

support moral support moral cheer cheering

Tonight we will light our plaza red in solidarity with the live entertainment industry as part of the #RedAlertRestart campaign. Join us in posting your favorite live event memory with these hashtags. #WeMakeEvents #RedAlertRestart - @kfcyumcenter on Instagram

covid covid19 corona coronavirus solidarity has no borders

Ocorrência na Grande São Paulo Na madrugada de 21 de setembro Homem ameaçava tirar a própria vida no interior de um motel. GATE acionado no apoio do policiamento territorial e após horas de negociação a equipe tática fez a intervenção para salva-lo Parabéns a todos os envolvidos. #gate #gatesp #bope #bopesp #pm #pmesp #polícia #militar #sp #brasil #specialforces #bombsquad #tactical - @gate.oficial.sp on Instagram

love sport heart gaming legend

‪Polijas vēstniecība Rīgā jau divas dienas nenogurstoši novāc ziedus un karogus, taču varavīksni nenoslēpsi! Varavīksnes auto šobrīd droši novietots atļautā vietā. Dodies uz turieni un ievieto savos sociālajos medijos foto/video Polijas LGBTQI kopienas atbalstam! #MuremZaMargot ‬ - @mozaikalv on Instagram

solidarity peace

Ache dino ke liye........ Buray dino se ladhna padtha hy!!! Blessed for another year 🎂🙏🏻!!! #birthdayboy - @pathanvlogs7 on Instagram

ash vs evil dead chet ash williams solidarity evil dead

So tired of the censorship. EstherandSasha is 95% showing beautiful things, 5% politics it’s absolutely awful that they suspended her account. I really wish there was a different option For social media that allows people to share their political views without meddling. How horrible is it that Instagram only have getting pictures of Trump and fabulous ones of Biden. Why can’t they be neutral and let people say what they want without conservatives / Trump supporters being suspended, censored and fact check? #bringbackestherandsasha #censorship #electionmeddling - @jewishwomentalk on Instagram

solidarity fund solidairty fund rsa unity in action ubuntu unity

[Le Canada est de tout coeur avec vous] ❤️🇨🇦 Aujourdhui, on vous partage ce message despoir initié par loffice du tourisme du Canada, @explorezsansfin Nous avons hâte de vous accueillir... bientôt. En attendant, nous sommes là pour vous, pour répondre à vos questions, vous accompagner. Et nous avons de nombreuses idées pour continuer à vous faire voyager virtuellement, par des quizz, des suggestions de lectures, ou encore des faits insolites à découvrir. Car le Canada est aussi dans notre coeur à tous. Prenez soin de vous et de vos proches, Léquipe de Parcours Canada Pour rester informé sur la Covid-19 et les actions de Parcours Canada pour nos voyageurs : - @parcourscanada on Instagram

black and asian solidarity black lives matter blm black trans lives matter aapi

We will no longer stay silent. @projectsouthatl @georgiadetentionwatch. #AbolishICE #FreeThemAll #ShutDownIrwin - on Instagram

solidarity fund solidairty fund rsa unity in action ubuntu unity

Took these pictures at todays Black Lives Matter protest and just being there massively opened my eyes to how much power we have as humans! We really are the generation of change ✊🏾🖤 #blm #blacklivesmatter - @ohnosharky on Instagram

nof23 nofake

Lo dijimos de tantas maneras y lo seguiremos diciendo , es urgente #quesealey #abortolegal2020 #abortolegalseguroygratuito - @scafatiscafati on Instagram

ukraine ukraine sticker i stand with ukraine peace in ukraine united

**In Oregon, we are proud to have 15+ healthcare organizations scoring 95 or better on this index!! Thank you! A record number of 765 healthcare facilities participated in the Human Rights Campaign Foundations 2020 Healthcare Equality Index, which scores facilities on policies & practices ensuring equitable & inclusive treatment of LGBTQ patients, visitors & employees. Even during this moment of profound unrest with COVID-19, we are seeing more of our humanity and resilience come to life, especially within our health care facilities. - @hrcpdx on Instagram

solidarity fund solidairty fund rsa unity in action ubuntu unity

Taco sale today! Thank you to everyone who purchased a taco today. Miigwetch for the love and support. - @candace_catering_ on Instagram

ilhan omar minnesota mn05 district5 whip

Come on people!!! We need music more than you might realize!! - @theindieatl on Instagram

fistbump ed helms steve carell the office bffs

Our members participating in the inspiring teach-in held by @nwkfreedomsummer. We discussed defunding the police and demands around funding our communities. - @north_nj_dsa on Instagram

start aiming solidarity dividend tree growing plant

London 03.06.20 #blacklivesmatter - @sasathomann on Instagram

ren%C3%A9van densen solidarity support protest agree

Impresentable y vergonzoso ... Para nada casual #renunciapiñeraculiao #renunciavictorperez - @omarcarrascomolina on Instagram

fred hampton racism fight racism not with racism fight with solidarity solidarity

Dimanche vers 17h dans la petite ville de Kenosha dans le Wisconsin, Jacob Blake, un afro-américain, a été grièvement blessé de plusieurs balles dans le dos. Suite à cette bavure policière, deux policiers ont été suspendus de leur fonction et une enquête a été ouverte. Dans la nuit de mardi à mercredi, des affrontements ont eu lieu lors de manifestations pour Jacob Blake. Deux personnes ont été tuées par balles et une troisième personne a été hospitalisée suite à de graves blessures, aucun pronostique vital est engagé pour le moment. Un jeune homme blanc de 17 ans soupçonné dêtre lauteur des tirs, a été interpellé mercredi en vue de son inculpation pour meurtre . Nos pensées sont avec Jacob Blake, sa famille et toutes les personnes qui sont affectées par ces événements. Durant les prochaines semaines, nous allons aborder le sujet de la santé mental au sein de la communauté, notamment les effets néfastes de ces violences sur l’esprit. 📸 @strobecityproductions #blmgeneva #blm #jacobblake - @blmgeneva on Instagram

covid covid19 corona coronavirus refugees

- @memoriaenresistencia on Instagram

ukraine ukraine sticker i stand with ukraine peace in ukraine united

Durante esta mañana, la Directora Regional Carmen Gómez, estuvo realizando control preventivo en la comuna de #Ranquil, junto a @carabchile y equipo @previeneRanquil, entregando información sobre la seguridad vial, prevención del consumo de alcohol y medidas sanitarias. #septiembreenfamilia #Eseesmihijo #SéResponbleEste18 - @senda_nuble on Instagram


🙏🏻 #prayforlebanon - @jessicabearcandles on Instagram

1u industrial industrial workers of the world injury iww

🍅 ¿Tu qué le pondrías? Fotografía del 12 de noviembre de 2019 vía @aloha.cll 🔥 #evasionmasiva #pasajejusto #luchaportusderechos #contraelestado #manifestacion #chiledespierta #victorjara #santiagodechile #evadirnopagarotraformadeluchar #metrodesantiago #plazaItalia #santiagocentro #instachile #instagram #santiagodechile #chiledespierta #ñuñoa #plazañuñoa #piensaprensa #santiagodechile #renunciapiñera - on Instagram

breakfast club fist bender john hughes yes

*Edit: See link in @climatestrikecanada bio for randomized email generator to demand representatives meet with 6 Nations Land Defenders.* ------------------------------------------------- Do you know whats happening at #1492landbacklane? . Since Jul 19 demonstrators have occupied the Mackenzie Meadows construction site (aka 1492 Land Back Lane) to prevent development of some 218 homes. This land was awarded to the 6 Nations after siding with the British during the American Revolution, however, since then, most has been lost as a result of unlawful sale or seizure by the Canadian and Ontario governments. This includes the land in dispute which was sold to a development company. . In 2016 developers, as agreed upon by the 6 Nations of the Grand River elected council, transferred the band 42.3 acres of the site as well as $325,000 in 2019 which was put into a land banking account for future purchases. However, those occupying the site deny the legitimacy of this agreement since “public consultations held by the elected council were sparsely attended, and that the majority of those residents who did attend voted against the deal.” . On Aug 5, in an attempt to enforce an injunction order to disband the encampment, OPP tased and shot rubber bullets at peaceful demonstrators at the Mackenzie Meadows construction site; 9 were arrested. . On Aug 18, the Haudenosaunee Confederacy Chiefs Council released a statement in support of the demonstrators for protecting the land and asserts they are “opposed to this development and as the holder of collective rights for the Haudenosaunee people has not granted any type of consent which would allow this development to proceed.” . Further, on Aug 24, a group of Haudenosaunee women issued a formal statement opposing the use of injunctions against their people, “who are exercising our sovereignty over our land.” . On Aug 25, Superior Court Justice John Harper ruled to continue the injunction and to start working toward a final hearing, which would deal with whether the injunction would become permanent. . Please join with me by demanding our representatives meet with 6 Nations Land Defenders immediately. . 📷 via @hamiltonspectator - @amy.would on Instagram

ia solidarity iatse iatse union iatse strike hollywoodstrike

25 et 26 : diversité des tactiques et luttes locales, chaque GL a eu son mot à dire ! Voici le récap des actions et les revendications locales : 🚲 À Cergy-Pontoise, les jeunes se sont allié.es.x aux associations cyclistes du coin réclamant la pérennisation des pistes cyclables ! Cétait leur première marche mais déjà beaucoup de revendications au nom des luttes locales : larrêt de lagrandissement de laéroport de Roissy-Charles-de-Gaulle avec le Terminal 4, larrêt de Lurbanisation des terres de Gonesses @oui_aux_terres_de_gonesse, larrêt du projet de carrière à Brueil-en-Vexin ✈️ 🍟 À Angers, les jeunes ont bloqué un Mcdo, iels dénoncent entre autre leur fournisseur Cargill, entreprise produisant du soja pour nourrir du bétail sur les terres amazoniennes. Par ces pratiques, iels sont en partie responsables des feux en Amazonie... Le secteur de lélevage contribue énormément aux injustices climatiques cf notre post sur le sujet 🐮 ⛺ À Paris, un camp climat a vu le jour place Sainte Marthe, un lieu de résistance, on y a parlé peu, parlé luttes : de nombreuses conférences appelant à se déconstruire, à converger, à réfléchir, à écouter celles et ceux à qui on a depuis toujours coupé la parole... Derrière les barricades, les militant·es comptent bien repenser ce lieu aux innombrables locaux vacants imposés par le loyers trop cher... Affaire à suivre 👀 🚧 À Nantes, les militant·es ont déambulé dans les rues avec leurs pancartes fraîchement peintes, après des pauses pour dessiner au sol, le cortège sest arrêté et a laissé la parole aux individus. On y a parlé de la jeune ZAD du carnet et de la base climat, squat nantais de lutte en construction ! 🎨 🏟️ À Rennes, les militant·es du centre ville ont rejoint les terres de la Prévalaye en musique, réveillant automobilistes et sur le passage, sen suivent des prises de paroles contre le projet de betonisation des terres prévu pour accueillir un complexe dentraînement pour le @staderennaisfc ! Une journée qui sest terminée par une table ronde au sujet du plan de sauvegarde du lieu ET par un match de foot de la part des activistes.... sur lherbe ⚽ Suite en commentaire #Fridaysforfuture - @youthforclimatefr on Instagram

solidph1 solidph phsolid phsolid1 solidfam

🔥 Gestern: Klimademo in Aarau! 🔥 Wir waren etwas über hundert Menschen und sind lautstark durch Aarau gezogen! 🌈💚 Bei der anschliessenden Kundgebung ging es nochmals um unsere „Ja, aber“-Position zum Energiegesetz, aber auch um die Grossratswahlen im Oktober: Wir brauchen ein Parlament, welches kantonal die notwendigen Veränderungen einleitet und effektiven Klimaschutz betreibt! Deswgen: Wähl fürs Klima! 📢 Und überzeuge deine Bekannten, Kolleg*innen und Verwandte dasselbe zu tun! Infos zu den einzelnen Kandidat*innen bezüglich Nachhaltigkeit findest zu z.B. unter 🌍 Vielen Dank an alle Teilnehmenden und Organisierenden und bis zum nächsten Mal! ✨ • #klimastreik #klimastreikschweiz #klimastreikaargau #climatestrike #demo - @klimastreik_ag on Instagram

union power support unions middle class boycott good union jobs

Greatest day of the year!!!! - @angelinnleeds on Instagram

not me us feel the bern bernie2020 still sanders elizabeth warren

- @jaxprada on Instagram

from illness to solidarity illness solidarity fist justice

- India Gate

were all in this together flag alone lonely united

- @jreenagreenmovement on Instagram

union power support unions heysp middle class boycott

Saturday was such a powerful day #united with my queen @nenanearly to bring awareness and to fight for #justice #justiceforvanessaguillen #miluchaestulucha #blackandbrown #abolishice #blackamdbrownunity I was thankful to team up with @sdprotest and @g.uunit to have our fights combined #unitedwestand we must no longer separate each other by race and continue to fight for one another! #fightforjustice #fightforchange fight for a better future #revolution #relationshipgoals #socialactivism #activist #goku #dragonballz #dragonballsuper #spiritbomb #blacklivesmatter #blackandbrownlivesmatter #themovement #fight #sandiego #socal - @kcxgokuxichigoxdeku on Instagram

king soopers colorado iatse amptp strike

#blacklivesmatter #aboriginallivesmatter Together we stand in solidarity. Always was, always will be. #peacefulprotest #stopblackdeathsincustody #blacklivesmatteraustralia - @rycorr on Instagram

vote 19protest equal power voters protest

Important update from @giant regarding new protocols. Please read! #visitnewhope #buckscounty #lambertvillenj #newhopepa - @visitnewhope on Instagram

kstr kochstrasse statement solidarity flag

Freedom is every Filipino’s birthright. This Independence day, we stand together as one. Keep your chin up as high as your hopes. We’re in this together! - @prulifeuk on Instagram

king soopers colorado iatse amptp strike

#crua #somoscarnecrua #somoscarnavaisderua #carnavalépolítica #carnavaispelademocracia #carnavaisantirracismo #carnavaisderuaemação #somoscrua - @carnavaisderua on Instagram

total drama island bridgette you know united together in solidarity or something united together

Le clip est en ligne !!! Sur #Facebook et sur #Youtube #Baldespompiers à #Lorient = samedi 13 juillet 2019 !!! - @pompierslorient on Instagram

sobriety sober recovery sober living relapse

Happy Juneteenth! Today Black Americans celebrate our freedom, and honor our ancestors who fought and died for us to be here now. And even still, with everything that is currently happening it is clear that the “freedom” we have experienced has been mostly symbolic. there is still much work to be done on the path to realizing our true freedom and liberation from the tyranny of global racism and white supremacy. As we celebrate today, let us also build with each other, create spaces for unity, squash the beefs and reflect on our history. For our Non-Black ally’s this is a holiday you should also celebrate! This is a chance to do your research, educate yourself and have truly meaningful conversations with your people about the true history and legacy of the enslavement and continued oppression of Black people globally. Do some reading, listen to podcasts (NY times 1619 is a good place to start), watch informative movies and video content. Whatever you do, don’t ask no Black people to explain anything to you today. We’re not here for that this time. Also please consider spending $ with black artists & businesses today or making a cash donation to a black lead organization. Whatever you do, just make sure you take a little time to appreciate the impact of black people and black culture in American history. End rant. ✊🏾❤️🖤💚✊🏾 #juneteenth #blacklivesmatter #liberate #getfree #unite #killwhitesupremacy - @mmyykkvibes on Instagram

✊🏿😷❤️ • Estamos txapaus! Lutxemos juntos cuidándonos y kietitos en casa por el bien común y por recuperarnos pronto!... Después buenos tiempos vendrán! • Itxita gaude! Elkarrekin borroka dezagun gure burua zaintzen ta etxean goxo, gure gizarte onerako ta honetatik goiz jeike gaitezen! Garai onak etorriko dira gero! • #borrokasoziala #etxeangeratukogara #lutxasocial #noskedamosencasa #eutsi #aguanten #goraherria - @afuegonegro on Instagram

trans pride trans day of visibility trans trans flag feminist

On this day my I pledge my Loyalty and my Love to you my Black Family. I have forgiven all past transgressions, the future is all that matters and I look forward to building a great and glorious future with you. I Love You All ♥️✊🏿💚✊🏿🖤 Happy Juneteenth Family!!! #juneteenth2020 #juneteenth #juneteenthcelebration #blackandproud #blackpower #africaninamerica - @m4nyfacedgod on Instagram

fist pump the rock strong solidarity right on

Adams County students, parents, teachers, and others marched to bring awareness to racism and white supremacy in education. Students spoke about experiences with school resource officers, peers, curriculum, and more. Colorado Parent is interested in hearing your thoughts on how anti-racism can be taught in school, what needs to change, and how that can happen? Head to our FB and join the Colorado Parent Squad to share, or email #blacklivesmatter - @coloradoparent on Instagram

gordyfit geb%C3%A4rdensprache gebaerdensprache %C3%B6gs oegs

Did you hear? Child Rescue Coalition was quoted in a major Interpol report on COVID-19. . Interpol is the International Criminal Police Organization. They have 194 member countries and help to make the world a safer place by sharing crime data and offering technical and operational support. This report is focused on the threats and trends of child sexual exploitation and abuse related to the COVID-19 pandemic. It covers a wide range of subjects including “zoom bombing”, file sharing networks, online gaming and more. We are so proud to be able to contribute to thought leadership around child safety.  . . . . . . #technology #lawenforcement #childrescuecoalition #nonprofit #keepkidssafe #police #stopchildabuse #childabuse #success - @childrescuecoalition on Instagram

together we stand mary jo shively annie potts designing women were a team

🌞Diesen Freitag gibt es um 16:00 ein Socialising-Treffen im Kurgarten🌞 Ihr könnt gerne vorbeischauen, den Aktivist*innen Fragen stellen oder diskutieren! #fridaysforfuture #fridaysforfuturesalzburg #klimakrise #klimastreik #actnow #climatestrike #climatejustice #climatecrisis - @fridaysforfuturesalzburg on Instagram

holding hands solidarity solidarities handshakes shaking hand

The Black River Mouth shocked us all. What a devastating sight it was. The clean up hardly put a dent into the plastic pollution that filled its waters. We need to spread awareness, we need more hands, we need to make proper change. #disposeresponsibly With just over 30 hands and two hours on the clock we managed to take the following out: 2414 Bottle tops 2398 Ear Buds 1837 Cooldrink bottles 1740 Plastic lollipop sticks 332 Water bottles 197 Lighters These are items that are intended to be used only once and thrown away. It starts with us, the consumer. Enough is enough. The good news is, we managed to recycle 241.82kgs of the 324.32kgs collected. Thats a wopping 74.6%!! We need more ocean warriors, we need your help. Join us at our next cleanup, DM us your email and we will be in touch. Thank you to For your continuous support and parntership to help reduce plastic pollution around Cape Town. Thank you to @oceano.reddentes and @sea_the_bigger_picture for being amazing beach cleanup partners. As they say, Change is almost impossible without collaboration, cooperation and passion. 📸: @calahcouzens #FORTHEOCEANS #parleyair #parley#marineconservation #saveouroceans #zerowaste #plasticfree #CapeTown #YOUTHFORCLIMATE #southafrica #beachcleanup #beatplasticpollution - @sentinelocean on Instagram

carrie brownstein fred armisen portlandia solidarity you got this

- @bengstonmorgan on Instagram

ukraine ukraine sticker i stand with ukraine peace in ukraine united

Big big thank you and love to everyone that came down to the march today to show support for live events! It was amazing to see so many of you! We did dead good as always💛🖤 x #wemakeevents #wemakeithappen #liveevents #teamworkmakesthedreamwork #protest #helpus - @jadeparkermusik on Instagram

solidarity al pacino the irishman

Last years pinch...Is it really a crime to take bets on how long da pizzas cooks in da oven?! 😤 🍕 - @uncletommynj on Instagram

black and asian solidarity black lives matter blm black trans lives matter aapi

We will be back up and sizzling tomorrow. Thanks again to everyone with being so patient and understanding. Looking forward to serving up all your favourite burgers🍔, wings🍗 & fries🍟 #baconloversunite🍁 #covid19 #coronavirus #toronto #torontofood #foodie #foodiecanada #canadatogether #kensingtonmarket #delivery #takeout #cravethe6ix #bacon #butgersto #chewtoronto #foodreviews #blogto #foodphotography #dishedto #quarantine #cheese #cheeselovers - @baconnationcanada on Instagram

office fist bump

JUNTOS. SIEMPRE. ✊🏿✊🏾✊🏼✊🏻 Art by Rossi Gifford #allLivesMatter - @lacostalongboard on Instagram

solidarity fund solidairty fund rsa unity in action ubuntu unity

- @abelzicavo on Instagram

bernie sanders solidarity solidarity forever bernie

A few words from our festival co-founder Garry Stewart @recognizeblackheritage. • Remember The Windrush Festival Media Launch will be taking place on September 29 from 6.30pm BST! • #WindrushFestival #windrushgeneration #empirewindrush #windrush #WCFF2020 #WCFF #caribbean #filmfestival2020 #filmfestival #onlineevent #SaveTheDate - @windrush_fest on Instagram

solidarity aapi anti asian hate anti black hate we are here for you

BREAKING: Anti-American California Governor @GavinNewsom has signed multiple #guncontrol bills. Our legal team is already spun up and working hard to file new lawsuits to protect YOUR #2A rights. Please chip in $5 or $10 to FUND the FIGHT if you can! - @gunpolicy on Instagram

katniss katniss everdeen the hunger games jennifer lawrence solidarity in sisterhood

A climate strike with more people than all of Wyoming... #climatestrike #fightforourfuture #gretathunbergforpresident - @georgiaeidemiller on Instagram

kstr kochstrasse statement solidarity flag

Earlier this year, we empowered our Petro-Canada Associates across more than 1,850 sites with a $3 million investment to help them and their front-line staff say ‘thank you’ to Canadians who are doing their part during the pandemic. Each community has different needs, so we left it up to our associates to decide how best to support their own local community. From putting together food bank donations and care packages for truck drivers and health care workers to helping out local schools, senior centres and animal shelters, our associates’ efforts have been inspiring. #livebytheleaf // Plus tôt cette année, nous avons encouragé nos associés Petro-Canada dans plus de 1 850 établissements en investissant 3 millions de dollars pour les aider, ainsi que leurs travailleurs de première ligne, à dire merci aux gens d’ici qui s’impliquent pendant la pandémie. Chaque communauté a des besoins différents. Nous avons donc laissé à nos associés le choix de décider de la meilleure façon de soutenir leur communauté locale. Que ce soit en faisant des dons à une banque alimentaire, en préparant des collations pour les camionneurs et les travailleurs de la santé, ou encore en aidant des écoles, des centres pour personnes âgées ou des refuges pour animaux, les efforts de nos associés nous ont impressionnés. #FierementDici - @petrocanada on Instagram

salute solidarity jennifer lawrence hunger games katniss everdeen

Hoy volvimos a salir a la calle y es que el miedo al contagio es menos que el miedo a seguir despertando con la noticias de que nos falta una compañera o lagmien más. Hoy nos reencontramos con nuestras energías y resistencias a esta violencia patriarcal que no nos deja de atacar pero ante la que no cedemos, sino que respondemos con fuerza y organización. Exigimos #JusticiaParaAmbar, pero no nos quedamos ahí, seguiremos adelante hasta que podamos caminar todxs libres y felices - @redfeministaccp on Instagram

Bu #TarihiYolculuk koltuklarından biri de bizim. Türk Hava Yolları, Ulu Önderimiz’in 16 Mayıs’ta çıktığı yolculuğunu 19 Mayıs’ta noktaladığı İstanbul - Samsun rotasında tarihi bir uçuş gerçekleştirecek. Ne Mutlu Türk’üm Diyene! #Atatürk #19Mayıs #NeMutluTürkümDiyene #THY #TürkHavaYolları #TurkishAirlines - @featured_craft on Instagram

- @vicval79 on Instagram

Gov. @gavinnewsom, your veto on SB1257 is preventing domestic workers from getting basic worker protections. We need health and safety protections for all workers. #sb1257myhealthmysafety #diein @cadomesticworkers - @pwcsc on Instagram

I’ve been out documenting the peaceful protests and looting/riots. I want to show the truth and disparity amongst what’s really happening out there for those that are not able to experience it for themselves. This image I captured depicts two young females (almost kids) that have been detained by 5 officers after protesting peacefully. I need not describe what you can clearly see in the picture. My previous post shows hundreds of people looting the @supreme store in the heart of SoHo without a single cop showing up for 20 minutes. You do the math on what authorities are prioritizing as “the problem” and what message they are truly trying to silence. #BLM #blacklivesmatter - @whisbe on Instagram

Samen met onze artiesten en alle andere ondernemers en werkenden in de entertainment- en evenementenbranche laten wij onze stem horen! Geweldig dat er zoveel geluid komt vanuit deze branche. We blijven strijden! #IKDOENIETMEERMEE @fvdnl @bizzey @djlafuente @jebroer @outsidersnl @tisjeboyjay @djpaulelstak - @wybrenvanhaga on Instagram

***UPDATE: ALL SOLD OUT. Working on more and will post again when they become available*** So far we’ve raised over $1,000! I DO NOT MAKE A PROFIT FROM THESE. #mmiw #mmiwg2st #mmiwhoismissing #mmiwawareness #nomorestolensisters #sayhername - @hernameismykel on Instagram

Black Lives Matter, 06.06.20 Alexanderplatz, Berlin - @daniellekourtesis on Instagram

. . . .#nador #morocco🇲🇦 #temsamane #rif #imazighen♓ #berber #northafrica #alhouceima #rifeños #memesrifeños #rifis #jbala #jbel #jbelvsrif #jbala #imzuren #nadorcity #nador #nador #morocco🇲🇦 #temsamane #rif #imazighen♓ #berber #northafrica #alhouceima #rifeños #memesrifeños #rifis #jbala #jbel #jbelvsrif #jbala #imzuren #nadorcity #nador #riffrance #spain #magreb #mgarba #irifiyen #irifien #amazing #amazhigiyen #irifienne #belgique🇧🇪 - @yemayno on Instagram

Zusammen mit den @jusosstaedteregion und den @jusos_aachen bei der Kundgebung der @dielinke.aachen gegen Polizeigewalt und Rassismus. #blacklivesmatter #changethesystem #againstracism - @ben.cremer on Instagram

OUT TODAY (Habibi Funk 014): SOLIDARITY WITH BEIRUT, 100% of the profits will go to to Lebanese Red Cross, link in bio: We at Jakarta Records have been shocked and saddened by the explosion in Beirut 3 days ago. It was important for us to express our solidarity with a city that means so much to us, so we spent yesterday at our sister label @habibifunk with calls and messages to some of our favorite musicians from Beirut. 100% of the profits will go the the Lebanese Red Cross. Although this compilation was put together in order to raise funds as quickly as possible, we truly love how it turned out to be musically too. It will drop as a digital only @bandcamp exclusive today, coinciding with Bandcamp Friday, the day the platform waives their seller fees so we can maximize the donation. Shout out to Issam Hajali, Toufic Farroukh, Rogér Fakhr, Munir Khauli and Abboud Saadi for their contributions. Cover photo by @myriamboulos, artwork by @raphaellemacaron @simone_cihlar and @malakmakar. Big up to @radioalhara @beirutgroovecollective @soledxb @rootradiolive and @chicorecords for helping us spread the word and supporting. - @jakartarecords on Instagram

🎒#bothamjean #BeLikeBo #justiceforgeorgefloyd #justiceforahmaud #justiceforbreonnataylor #everyoneschild - @duhhbox on Instagram

Thanks 4 The MMRS! - @tertcard on Instagram

Happy Juneteenth to my friends, idols & heroes who continue to overcome impossible odds, and to a culture & people who have raised the bar to heights unseen & contributed more to my career, joy & taste than any other. #juneteenth #blm - @falconry on Instagram

#BlackLivesMatter ➕ #Pride March in WeHo yesterday ✊🏽🌈 love, strength and unity in support of #Equalityforall ♥️ #lovewins #humanrightsforallhumans #poweroflove #keepfighting #keepstanding #keepmomentumgoing - @krysmint on Instagram

Happy Anniversary 32 th KPA. MACAN RIMBA 9 September 1988 9 September 2020 . JAYA SELALU !!! . Salam Lestari !!! Salam Rimba !!! . #kpabalikpapan #kpasamboja #kpamacanrimba #kpaindonesia #kpamacanrimbasamboja #salamlestari #salamrimba - @kpa_macan_rimba on Instagram

This film is made with peasant Balkan blood, sweat and tears, for the noble and civilized Western audience. • THE WITCH’S CAULDRON - 2020 (Performance based feature-length film, 92 min) — Poster designed by @steviewhisper In the second photo: father and uncle 1978, Borovo Selo, Former Yugoslavia. • Special Thanks to: Frederic Moffet @fmoffe , Tirtza Even @tirtzaeven , David Getsy @getdavid , Jesse Ball, Arnold Joseph Kemp @arnoldjosephkemp , Luke Lanter @lukelanter #thewitchscauldron #Veštičijikotao #Balkan #Yugoslavia #artperformance #film #MMA #Fighting #War #Violence #Ethnicity #Identity #Nationalism #Religion #History #Homeland #Serbia #Croatia #Bosnia #Hercegovina #Montenegro #Slovenia #Bulgaria #Romania #Macedonia #PetarBozovic #BranslavJankic #DanicaKrstic #jacmonika #željkazdjelar - @slavjankic on Instagram

There are no “good” and “bad” protesters. There are no “correct” and “incorrect” ways to protest. Some protests are going to be more violently policed than others, no matter what. Law enforcement’s response to protests is often more about the perceived identity of protesters than it is about protesters actual conduct* *all policing is more about identity than conduct This is the point that nonviolence makes: passive resistance highlights the unjustified brutality of the police. But- There is no amount of property destruction that would make the violent response of the police morally or legally justified. NLG-NYC supports the rights of all protestors in their struggle for liberation. PEOPLE PROPERTY • Art by the always incredible @j0nnea🌻 #blacklivesmatter #nlg #nyc #protest #policebrutality #nonviolence - @nlg_nyc on Instagram

Another great cleanup from @oceanis.tunisie 💙 Well done heroes 🌊❤️ #LitterAct #CreateYourCleanWorld #BeatPlasticPollution #Plogging #Pollution #Plastic #ClimateChange #TrashTag #Litter #Cleanup #CigaretteButts #SaveTheOcean #Ocean #London #SanFrancisco #Singapore - @litteract_global on Instagram

- @instainsgram on Instagram

- People protesting Breitbart writer Milo Yiannopoulos take to the streets on February 1, 2017 in Berkeley, California.

#sydney #australia #cityofsydney #blacklivesmatter #blacklivesmattersydney - @depthoffieldsphotography on Instagram

Nova Scotia has always held a special place in our hearts, and we treasure the youth, partners, and communities we are so fortunate to work with. To our Nova Scotia fam: we stand with you, we grieve with you, and we love you #NovaScotiaStrong - @unitycharityhalifax on Instagram

Masks for the People! Please spread the word and support this face mask drive coordinated by Karen Begay for Diné and Hopi communities. Karen is driving throughout the reservations delivering face masks to families in need and providing them to anyone along the way. They have distributed thousands of masks so far and are getting about 1,000 out per week including other PPE gear. Contact Karen Begay: 928.606.8943 or You can also send mask donations to Karen Begay c/o Kinlani Mutual Aid 1704 N 2nd st. Flagstaff, AZ 86004. Support autonomous Indigenous Mutual Aid! #indigenousmutualaid #mutualaid #solidaritynotcharity #solidarityandceremonynotcharity - @indigenousmutualaid on Instagram

#freebelarus #верамможампераможам #жывебеларусь #nycwithbelarus @nexta_tv @bulbanews @nexta_live @radiosvaboda - @karalina1211 on Instagram

- @oaxacatacos on Instagram

It’s all happening... vegesoc supports the students striking for climate action 🤩🤩 #climatechange #climateaction #studentmarch #usyd - @usydvegesoc on Instagram

NEW COLLAB WITH @tradesonlybro #streetartnyc #slapsticker #graffitistickers #tradesonlybro - @heartsny on Instagram

✊🏼✊🏾✊🏿 - @morgana_robinson on Instagram

🚫🚫 - @ga.jne on Instagram

71 years ago today, on October 1, 1949, Mao Zedong declared an earth-shaking victory: the Chinese Communist Party had prevailed in the country’s long civil war and China was now a People’s Republic committed to the construction of socialism. Click see more for a deeper look at this history👇 . . ————————————————— FOLLOW - @PSLWeb 👉 ✊🚩👀 ————————————————— . . Those still loyal to the reactionary, pro-imperialist Kuomintang party led by Chiang Kaishek fled to Taiwan. China and the world are now marking the 70th anniversary of this milestone that changed the course of history. Just ahead of the famous October 1 declaration, Mao told delegates to a summit of top leaders from across the country, “We have closed our ranks and defeated both domestic and foreign oppressors through the People’s War of Liberation and the great people’s revolution, and now we are proclaiming the founding of the People’s Republic of China … Ours will no longer be a nation subject to insult and humiliation. We have stood up.” Beginning with the first Opium War in 1839, China’s sovereignty was uprooted by imperialism for over a century. The British waged this war of aggression in response to the Chinese monarchy’s prohibition on British opium imports into China, which were causing a massive addiction epidemic. China was defeated. What began as five open “treaty ports” to be controlled by the British became countless foreign-dominated ports to be exploited by many different imperialist powers. China endured invasions by the Japanese empire, border disputes with Czarist Russia and the secession of areas once part of its territory. Known as the “Century of Humiliation,” China went from being one of the most advanced civilizations, producing 30 percent of the world’s economic output, to a state of serious under-development, colonialism, warfare and domestic instability. The Chinese Communist Party’s victory on October 1, 1949, put an end to the Century of Humiliation, liberating the Chinese people from imperialist strangulation. The People’s Republic of China was established, thus beginning the path towards socialism. #chineseindependenceday #国庆节快乐🇨🇳 #国庆节快乐 #maozedong #chinesehistory - @pslweb on Instagram

Hier noch ein paar weitere Eindrücke von der Mobilisation für unsere Kundgebung in Siegburg. Am 11.09. Gemeinsam gegen den Rechtsruck! Kommt um 17:00 zum Marktplatz in Siegburg, für eine solidarische Gesellschaft! #Siegburg #rheinsiegkreis #rechtsruckstoppen #rechtsruck #rassismustötetweltweit #fckafd #noafd #noazis #gegennazis #kommunalwahlen #rechtehetzestoppen #solidaritätstatthetze #blm #BlacklivesMatter #sanktaugustin #troisdorf #lohmar #hennef #IJ #internationalejugend - @internationale_jugend_rhld on Instagram

Black lives matter! Black Lives Matter How many times will you hear this words before you hear these words. pain and burden has been etched into my vain and dna. Screaming the emotions and pain of my ancestors my people. I can hear them voices and loud whispers carried in the wind of history. They say forgive But we will never forgot Black lives matter They tell us racism is over no more whips and chains, but these poor fools sold there soul for the whips and chains the pressure and shackles of fear when you see blue lights. It could be day or night you freeze cause this could be your last breath. false freedom is the same as being in those chains Black lives matter I scream it from the top of my lung with the last tears in my eyes You say all lives matter as protest to my protest All lives can never matter till black lives matter a friend once told me. I felt like doing this the MLK way The old me died and passed way with that methodology No more crying No mor dying We will share this pain for every black live that has been taken we shall mark it. For enough is enough cause all lives matter but black lives don’t Feel the burden and pressure of my ancestors ghost that cry for justice and equality Cause black lives matter My pain matters My tears matter So why don’t you hear it Black Lives Matter - @mikexv_ on Instagram

BREAKING: Today the @dalhousieu BoG voted to sign onto the UN Principles of Responsible Investing & to increase investments in renewable energy. This is a big win for our campaign and a direct result of student pressure (including last years campout) & students work. However, were going to keep fighting until we win a commitment to full fossil fuel divestment! #divestdal #divestnow #studentorganizingworks - @divestdal on Instagram

If there’s one short-term positive from all that is going on, it’s the glimpse of a cleaner, greener world that is possible with less carbon emissions and pollution 💙 How can we all work together to make this a long-term effect? Let us know in the comments if you have any ideas or commitments already! Happy Earth Day everyone! And #stayscrappy to take care of all the amazing resources our Mother Earth has given us 🌎♻️🙃 #earth #earthday2020 #earthday #earthdayeveryday #foodforall #foodforallapp #zerowaste #stopfoodwaste #scrappyaf #oneplanet #nyc #climatestrike - @foodforallapp on Instagram

Today, we honour and stand in support of awareness and action for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. #WearRed #mmiwg #mmiw #NoMoreStolenSisters - @mbq.tmt on Instagram

Yesterday all around the world activists and community members participated in a Day of Global Climate Action! 🌍🌱 Despite the rain and blustering winds people came together all over Cape Town in different areas: - Town @ Parliament - Khayelitsha @ Isivivana Center and Yomelela Primary School - and Mitchells Plain @ Littlewood Primary School All calling for System Change and the end of injustice - environmental, social, and economic. Here are a few pictures from our Town action! Keep your eyes open for pics from the other actions. #SystemChangeNotClimateChange #FightClimateInjustice #globaldayofclimateaction @fridaysforfuture - @africanclimatealliance on Instagram

Funnel Birds will be closed for the day, we will be participating in a protest to end Azeri and Turkish aggression towards Armenia and Artsakh. Our people are currently at war against a very crooked agenda, and innocent civilians are being killed. Please help spread awareness by reposting this photo with the hashtags #artsakh #artsakhstrong #defendarmenia and signing the petition (link in bio). Any support helps. Thank you! - @funnelbirds on Instagram

The Clash Sono rimaste le ultime copie! Last few copies left! Serigraphy 70 x 70 cm Numbered edition of 55 Info #clet #cletabraham #serigraphyart #cletstudio #cletabrahamfanpage #roadsign #streetart #silkscreen - @cletstudio on Instagram

#Juneteenth - @katyoungdesigns on Instagram

🏞️ Avui a la pl. de la República - @eustboi on Instagram

Feel the Love 24.09.20 @djprivateryan x @wearefreetown #FreetownCollective #DJPrivateRyan #VisitTrinidad #RepublicDay #trinidadandtobago #UntilEverywhereIsFree - @booktrinidad on Instagram

Happy to support our neighbors across the bay yesterday as they organized to end SF’s policy of putting up barricades in the Tenderloin to prevent folks from sheltering in tents and against the UC Hastings lawsuit which aims to force the city to clear the streets around campus without any plan for how to house the residents living there. #homesnotbarricades #housingishealthcare #hastingsdropthesuit - @loveandjusticeinthestreets on Instagram

BREAKING: The bargaining committee of Unifor Local 594 has reached a tentative agreement with the employer at the Co-op Refinery. Thank you to the Unifor members, and workers from across the country and around the world for your unwavering support. #Unifor #Canlab #saskatchewan #sasknews #cdnpoli - @uniforcanada on Instagram

Dam felt good too atleast get in a little smash not the best flick @makes_4wat @phowat_lok @metaphor310 @natemac653 - @og_ohgosh_2001 on Instagram

- @theskyisntlilac on Instagram

@inplainsightmap #inplainsight #freethemall #abolishice #liberenatodos #xmap - on Instagram

LA RAZA turned out today, at the 50th anniversary of the Chicano Moratorium in East LA. we stand UNITED against the injustices that the CHICANO NATION and our indigenous brothers and sisters. we are prepared to continue the FIGHT against white supremacy and capitalism, militant forces that have oppressed our peoples. NOW WE RISE ✊🏼 - @am42096 on Instagram

🏳️ - @simongallardoboskovitz on Instagram

തകർന്ന വിമാനത്തിൽ പി പി ഇ കിറ്റും ഫെയ്സ് ഷെൽട്ടറും ധരിച്ചെത്തിയ പ്രവാസികളെ ആംബുലൻസിന് പോലും കാത്തു നിൽക്കാതെ കിട്ടിയ വാഹനങ്ങളിൽ ആശുപത്രികളിലെത്തിക്കാനും സംഭവിച്ചെതെന്തന്നറിയാതെ വാവിട്ട് കരയുന്ന പിഞ്ചു മക്കളെ മാറോട് ചേർത്ത് നിർത്തി ആശ്വസിപ്പിച്ച് രക്ഷകർത്താക്കളെ കണ്ടെത്തി സുരക്ഷിതമായി കൈകളിലേൽപ്പിക്കുകയും ചെയ്യുന്ന കരിപ്പൂരിലെ , മലപ്പുറത്തെ , നാട്ടുകാരുടെ ആ വലിയ മനസുണ്ടല്ലോ... മാനവികതയുടെ മനസ്സ്. അതിനൊരു ബിഗ് സല്യൂട്ട്.. സ്വന്തം ജീവിത പരിചയം കൊണ്ട് മാത്രം അഗ്നിക്കിരയാവാതെ വലിയൊരു അപകടം തട്ടി മാറ്റി നമ്മിൽ നിന്നകന്നു പോയ പൈലറ്റ് Captain #DVSatte സഹ പൈലറ്റ് #AkhileshKumar പ്രണാമം - @aslam__majeed on Instagram

🖕🏾 - @reab08 on Instagram

La maternidad será deseada o no será #28S - @berenicezamora on Instagram

EN CHILE HAY RACISMO HACIA EL PUEBLO MAPUCHE (Traducción del comunicado) Como Asamblea Feminista La Reina creemos necesario visibilizar y condenar el ABUSO y RACISMO por parte del estado Chileno y civiles contra de nuestrxs hermanxs Mapuche, en donde los intereses personales traen como consecuencia la vulneracion de los derechos humanos de los pueblos originarios. EXIGIMOS LA LIBERACION DE LXS PRESXS POLITICXS MAPUCHE, LA JUSTICIA CHILENA ES COMPLICE, ESTADO CHILENO FASCISTA, ¡CHILE FASCISTA! #wallmapulibre #libertadppm #solidaridadconelpueblomapuche - @feministas.lareina on Instagram

Моя 79 неделя. ⠀ Многие люди готовы помогать оплачивать штрафы, которые мы получаем за то, что боремся за наше общее будущее. Но меня расстраивают не сами штрафы, а то, что это становится нормой в нашей стране. ⠀ Сегодня вам не разрешают выходить на пикеты, а завтра что? ⠀ Давайте покажем им, что нас много и мы не собираемся сдаваться? Присоединяйтесь к нашим пикетам – онлайн или офлайн, как вам комфортнее. ⠀ 25 сентября будет глобальная забастовка за климат. Важно, чтобы нас было много в этот день! ⠀ Да, страшно, что наше правительство бездействует, и тем самым способствует климатическму и экологическлму кризису, а когда мы требуем перестать это делать – нас штрафуют. ⠀ Это ужасно, но так получилось, что на научные факты нельзя оштрафовать (или посадить в тюрьму), запретить сам климатический кризис тоже не получится. ⠀ Нам нужны изменения на политическом уровне, чтобы предотвратить катастрофу. От этого зависит наше будущее и мы не собираемся сдаваться. ⠀ My 79th week. In Russia, they sometimes fine us just for single strikes, but there are countries where everything is much worse. If you want to go on a single strike in Belarus, its the law to pay the state about $100. Even worser in China and many other countries. Were all in this together, and we should support and help each other. We need to find ways, but I dont know how yet. ⠀ #FridaysForFuture - @makichyan.arshak on Instagram

Yesterday, the European strike was a big succes, youth activists from 25 countries were present accompanied by 4000 Belgian strikers. We demanded a more social and fair Green deal that is more ambitious (in line with Paris agreement) and has sufficiënt fundings. I received the awesome possibility to take some great pictures (except the last one). Thanks to everyone who was present! - @michielsenbram on Instagram

It’s world suicide prevention day and over the next month we want to reduce the stigma of mental health and we will need your help to do so. We are launching the #HandsUp 🖐 campaign so show us your pictures with your hands up if youve ever struggled with your mental health or supported a loved one who has. We want to show it is not something to be ashamed and that taking care of your wellbeing is a normal part of life #mentalhealth #counselling #worldsuicidepreventionday #mentalhealthmatters #happybodiesstrongminds - @projekt_42 on Instagram

At a time where you have somebody that Latinos dont know, who is Joe Biden, who didnt spend any money in the primary talking to them, who needs to re-introduce himself to us, and then you sprinkle in the way covid has over-indexed in our community, you have the perfect storm for under-performance, lagging numbers. Political consultant and former Bernie Sanders advisor @chuck_rocha joined us today, to discuss polling suggesting Bidens weakness with the Latinx community in Florida, as well as the path forward. More on the pod. - @whataday on Instagram

Ya Kanal Ya İstanbul: Katliamı Birlikte Durduralım! İstanbullular olarak yıkım, talan ve rant projesi Kanal İstanbul’a karşı bir kez daha yaşamı savunmak için 20 Eylül Pazar günü Kanal’ın lojistik bölgesi ilan edilen, güzelim kıyılara, tarım alanlarına sahip İstanbul’un son köyleri Yeniköyden Karaburuna yürümek üzere İstanbul’un dört bölgesinde toplandık. Pandemiyi kendi toplantıları mitingleri için yok sayan iktidar, tüm önlemlerini aldığımız yürüyüşümüzü kolluk kuvvetleri eliyle yasadışı biçimde engellemiştir. Günlerdir kolluk üzerinden arkadaşlarımız taciz edilmiştir. Bugün de yürüyüş için toplandığımız alanlarda 2 arkadaşımız gözaltına alınmıştır. Arkadaşlarımız şu an serbest aramızdalar. İktidarın kolluk kuvvetleri, il jandarma komutanı ve emrindekiler günlerdir ziyaret edeceğimiz köylerde halkı tehdit ediyor. Yasal demokratik haklarımızı kullanmamıza engel oluyorlar. İstanbul halkının ezici çoğunluğu sonucu hem doğanın hem yaşayan insanların ölümü demek olan projeyi istemiyor, iktidarın pek sevdiği kamuoyu yoklamaları bunu net gösteriyor. Ama kar ve para hırsı gözünü bürümüş olanların umurunda değil. Halk bas bas bağırıyor, işsiziz, geleceğimizi yitirdik, sağlığımızdan olduk diye. Sağır sultan mutfağından altın kaplamalı mutfak musluklarını, tahtlarını sergiliyor. Kapısında insanlar kendilerini yakıyor. Pandeminin en çok etkileneni sağlık emekçileri en çok kaybettiğimiz grupken iktidar yalan haberlerini servis etmeye devam ediyor. Bütün dünya virüsle ilgili türkiye’nin yanlış bilgi verdiğini biliyor. Her ilden imdat çığlıkları geliyor, iktidar yandaşlarını daha da zengin etmenin peşinde. Deprem geliyor, uzmanlar İstanbul alt üst olacak diyor iktidar bizim paralarımızı bir avuç zengine harcamaya kararlı. Yandaş şirketler para kazansın diye istanbulun kalan nesi varsa yok edecek. Orman kalmadı, tarım alanları birer birer yok edildi, dünyaca ünlü Küçükçekmece lagünü yok olacak. İstanbulun su sorunu bilindiği halde son gölleri havzaları kanala kurban edilecek. Bugün yeniköye, karaburuna, durusuya gitmemize engel olsanız da bilin ki bu kanalı size yaptırmayacağız. Giresunda yaşananların istanbul’da da tekrar etmesine izin vermeyeceğiz. Devamı 👇 - @kazdaglariist on Instagram

1-Shine Youth Services is a movement... Tonight we joined forces with @childrenstrivingtogether @crenshawymca YMCA, and @peacefulyouthprotestla to create our posters for our Peaceful Youth Rally this Saturday.. Our goal is to teach the youth how to use their voices collectively and positively to make a differences. Each 1 Teach 1 Find 1 Reach 1 ✌🏽✊🏽🖤🌍 - @1shineyouth on Instagram

- Car Flags

Good news! Before we share how to get your Alabama absentee ballot we remind you that you can not vote unless you are first registered. Go to to register or check if you already are. Alabamians can access the absentee ballot application 3 ways: (1) Online at and select “Absentee Ballot Application (2) Visit or call the local Absentee Election Manager’s office (same link as above, select “You can find the address for your countys Absentee Election Manager here. (3) Contact the Secretary of State’s Office at (334) 242-7210 to request an absentee ballot application Any qualified voter who determines it is impossible or unreasonable to vote at their polling place shall be eligible to check the box on the absentee ballot application that is most applicable to that individual or during a declared state of emergency voters may check the box which reads as follows: “I have a physical illness or infirmity which prevents my attendance at the polls. [ID REQUIRED]” IMPORTANT DEADLINES for November 3rd election 👉🏽 Monday, October 19 – deadline to register to vote (go to to do this) 👉🏽 Thursday, October 29 – deadline to submit an absentee ballot APPLICATION 👉🏽 Monday, November 2 – deadline to RETURN an absentee ballot to the Absentee Election Manager is the close of business 👉🏽 Monday, November 2 – last day to POSTMARK an absentee ballot 👉🏽 Tuesday, November 3 – last day to POSTMARK an absentee ballot for those eligible to vote following the Uniformed and Overseas Absentee Voting Act News source: #alabama #votebymail #votebymailUSA #vbm #vbmworks #voteabsentee #registertovote #registertovote2020 #democracy #savedemocracy #votesafe #votesafely #votefair #voteathome #votebymailelections #noexcuseabsentee #noexcuseabsenteevoting #votesafeact2020 - @votebymailusa on Instagram

Some great pics from @toucantakepictures who were at our Sydney laneway gig last weekend 💙 - @thewhitetree on Instagram

I took this photo in Wollongong today. They told us to keep this fire burning in our hearts ♥️ I learned a lot today and listened to the stories of people from our own country as well as America. I am changing the link in my bio to the First Nations Resource Directory where you can find information and ways to support and donate. I know I have a lot of reading and learning to do and I hope that the same fire is burning in your hearts. Grateful for today, thank you. [And thank you @jack_river for sharing these resources with us] - @megmacmusic on Instagram

We are so grateful to the hundreds who joined us last week as we took to the streets!! In honor of victims and survivors of police violence, we recited their names, marched, and made it crystal clear: our Black and brown communities have always known, and data confirms, police do not keep us safe and actively threaten our safety. For the immediate safety of our communities, the Board of Supervisors must vote to DEFUND SFPD by firing officers THIS YEAR and reinvest these funds into reparations, housing, healthcare, and education. Despite over 200 hours of public comment and thousands of protesters demanding that we defund SFPD, the Board of Supervisors is offering us crumbs -- they have proposed cutting only ~6% of the bloated billion-dollar police budget and won’t commit to firing a SINGLE officer this year! As long as they deny our need for real safety as unrealistic or unnecessary, we will continue to speak up at every public forum, march, and make our voices heard -- because we will not accept anything less than a world free from the trauma of policing because everyone deserves to be safe. ✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾 - @defundsfpdnow on Instagram

Get ready to listen to some real talk aur mere bhai logon se darkhwast hey ki ise jitna ho sake utna fela dena - @p_r_a_z_i_c on Instagram

Die offiziellen Zahlen sind da: wir waren gestern in Deutschland 200.000 Menschen 🥳🥳🥳 • • • #keingradweiter #globaldayofclimateaction #allefürsklima #bonn #climatestrike #fridaysforfuture - @fridaysforfuture_bonn on Instagram

#Faschingsumzug#geilwars💪🍻 - @lukas_weber02 on Instagram

I helped make this zine with some rad artists about how to protest safely, the full printable thing is posted on my Patreon for free at check it out! #whosestreets #lenapestreets #deescalatethepolice #saferinthestreets #acab #protest #resources - @jbbrager on Instagram

📷: Protesters from the Uighur community living in Turkey, carry flags of what ethnic Uighurs call East Turkestan, during a protest in Istanbul, Turkey, Thursday, October 1. 👉Hundreds of demonstrators took to the streets of Istanbul on Thursday to protest Chinas treatment of mainly Muslim Uighurs in Xinjiang, an AFP journalist said. Around 500 people gathered at the citys Beyazit square, holding pictures of their missing families and unfurled banners reading: Wheres my family?, Free my family and Shut down concentration camps! The group, which included children, called for an end to the crackdown in Chinas northwestern region, -- where more than 1 million Uighurs and other mostly Muslim Turkic-speaking residents are believed to be held in camps. China is running hundreds of detention centers in northwest Xinjiang across a network that is much bigger than previously thought, according to research presented last month by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) think tank. The number of facilities is around 40% greater than previous estimates, the research said, and has been growing despite Chinas claims that many Uighurs have been released. Beijing has denied the existence of detention sites. The government says they are vocational training centers used to counter extremism. Not many Muslim leaders have openly criticized the treatment of Uighurs with the exception of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, which has linguistic and cultural connections with the Uighurs. (AFP) #voanews #turkey #uighurs #protest - @voanews on Instagram

Start of the next youth strike - @xryouthaberystwyth on Instagram

[ Manifestación frente a la Moneda] hoy . . Por las personas con daño de trauma ocular y en apoyo a Fabiola Campillai. No olvidamos! #arribalosqueluchan #noolvidamos #abajoladictadura #nomasrepresion #justicia - @prensarevolucionaria on Instagram

Lady Vengeance V2 Flags are live 💀🖤🤘🏼 • • • #vaevictis #ladyvengeance #blackheartsyndicate - @blackheart.syndicate on Instagram

Assinalamos assim o 25 de Abril nos Bombeiros Voluntários de Vila Nova de Poiares. ⚘ - @bombeirosvoluntariosdepoiares on Instagram

- @sv_lichtenberg47_1.frauen on Instagram

Hoy nos concentramos en la Plaza de Tomé por la libertad del Machi Celestino Córdova y todos los PPM ✊🏽 Solidarizamos con las comunidades azotadas por la violencia del Estado y el racismo histórico que viven los pueblos y naciones originarias #enchileseviolanlosddhh #enchilehayracismohaciaelpueblomapuche #libertadalospresospoliticosmapuche #machicelestinoasurewe #machicelestinocordova #ppm #chiledesperto #renunciapiñera #chileprotestas - @asamblea.tomedespiertacl on Instagram

“They were there when the cases spiked to hundreds of thousands and it seemed like we would be left without personnel and beds. And they are now, when we return to normality, while avoiding a second wave of cases,” said South African Minister of Health, Zweli Mkhize. - @bellyofthebeastcuba on Instagram

Over 1,300 live events professionals and campaigners assembled in Parliament Square, London yesterday for the #StandAsOne Creative Demonstration in support of the ongoing #WeMakeEvents campaign, which highlights the global live events industry’s urgent requirement to return to work safely. It is reported that over 30 million people in 25 countries typically operate in the events industry, but with social distancing measures in place, there is little possibility of a financially viable return for the foreseeable future. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ As unemployment soars, 25 countries are set to join forces to represent workers in the worldwide events sector as part of the #WeMakeEvents campaign’s global day of action today. 📸: @projoe.photograpy / @wemakeeventsofficial - @tpimagazine on Instagram

Sooo @jimmyfallon will be highlighting a few small businesses this week and @grandchampsbk is one of them!! Check out the show tonight to see @paulbeaubrun @lulustrings @chico_bee @jephteguillaume and I bring some musical ambiance.😊💪🏾🇭🇹 #grandchampsbk #community #bedstuy #work #keepgoing #smallbusiness #nationalsmallbusinessweek #jimmyfallonshow #theroots - @okaimusik on Instagram

The People United Will “NEVER” Be Defeated🙏🏿✌🏿💖 - @wilkins9121954 on Instagram

✊🏾 - @brynnsiefit on Instagram

Always #antifa - @dubplayss on Instagram

Yesterday I joined my neighbors to protest the proposed #AstoriaPowerPlant. . Astoria, aka #AsthmaAlley, generates almost half of NYCs power. And as a result, has elevated asthma levels. New state pollution rules are forcing NRG to close one of their polluting power plants, but they want to replace it with a *different type* of polluting power plant. Replacing oil with fracked gas is not a fix, we need renewable energy now! Queens is the future. Dirty energy is not. #StopNRG . Join us in fighting to protect Astoria’s air against a new polluting power plant! . Thank you @nycdsaecosoc and all the other organizing groups! . . . 📷 @lehrhaupt_photo - @cabanforqueens on Instagram

- A Black Power take on the Gadsden Flag (credit Twitter @RayHughesLA)

Flashback to Tuesdays 2-hour @wukkout holiday fete at @aspire2dancebrooklyn! So much fun was had. Shout out to #teamwukkout for always supporting and representing! Looking forward to more jukking, wining, sweating and soreness in 2020. 🇯🇲🇹🇹🇬🇾🇭🇹🇧🇧🇧🇸🇦🇬🇻🇨🇻🇮🇩🇴🇨🇺🇵🇷🇩🇲🇬🇩🇧🇲🇸🇽🇧🇿🇦🇬🇰🇳 Make sure you follow my fellow #wukkoutinstructors to get your soca on in 2020: @kristawukkout; @crmelyzedwukkout; @frose_wukkout; @tavi.anna. #socadance #socafitness #socaclass #soca #brooklyn #wukkout #aspire2dance #fete #dancefitness #dance #dancecardio - @drtyronewukkout on Instagram

No Justice! No Peace! Give the Bruce’s back their beach! • Please take some time to check out the link IN MY BIO to learn more about the true history of Bruce’s Beach and please sign the petition for restoration and restitution. • #restitution #restoration #eminentdomainabuse #blacklivesmatter #change #protest #reparations #blackhistory #blackfamilies #generationalwealth #manhattanbeach #stolenland #brucesbeach #powertothepeople #linkinbio - @ginayull on Instagram

#resistepueblomapuche #yoapoyoalpueblomapuche #newen #walmapulibre #chileracista #chiledesperto #nomasracismo #renunciapiñera #mapuche #laverdadsiempretriunfa - @bauchermann on Instagram

- @acidmondays on Instagram

OVERWHELMED, the only word I can use to explain the feeling I had today, it was amazing to see everyone pull together for this protest. People from all different backgrounds and races. Let’s not let this die down until another black person is murdered due to racial injustices. We shall not be stopped till the police and the government understand the severity. IF YOU ARE SILENT ABOUT RACISM AND POLICE BRUTALITY YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM AND 100% RACIST. BLACK LIVES MATTER TODAY AND ALWAYS! ✊🏿✊🏾✊🏽 - @chancellee on Instagram

Julius Baer Cares and Julius Baer Foundation have pledged a #donation of approximately USD 170,000 to support the recovery of #Lebanon and meet the needs of families impacted by the tragic event that took place at the port in Beirut on 4 August 2020. The funds will be equitably distributed among the Lebanese Red Cross, the Lebanese Hospital Geitaoui, the Saint George Hospital University Medical Center and the Assameh Birth and Beyond Pediatric Unit in Karantina Hospital Our thoughts remain with all affected people across Lebanon. ➡️ Read the full media release on our website: #JBCares - @bankjuliusbaer on Instagram

This is exactly how I feel. Oh, and Skittles and sour patch kids too. Can’t eat them all at once. Perfect message brother 🤘🏼🤘🏼 Be Safe and stay Blue Line Fit 💪🏼⚫️🔵⚫️📸 Credit @salutetheblue with @make_repost ・・・ THE MESSAGE: 100% truth but sadly there are many pushing to prevent this and divide us more than ever! To those persons you are not part of the solution but represent part of the problem! Be part of the solution! I was raised to judge others by the content of their character and let others word and actions speak for themselves. We are living in dangerous times America! Wake up! #GodBless #MLK #HonorGodFirst #America #WakeUP #PrayMore #WeSeeYou #Believe #HOPE #Pray #PrayForAmerica #DividedWeFall #UnitedStates #OnePeople #OneRace #Human #Humanity #BeKIND #BeSmart #LoveWINS #Love #LoveOneAnother #LoveEachOther #BeTheVoice #FeedYourFaith #SaluteTheBlue 🇺🇸⚫️🔵⚫️🇺🇸 📸 via @buckeyesteve97 - @threat_based_threads on Instagram

✊🏽✨🔥 La fonction publique en colère contre les baisses de salaires! #laustéritétue - @solidaritesge on Instagram

And it’s off ☘️ - @irishtimesmagazine on Instagram

Senior Skateboarding is a new article at (Link in Bio) ✊️✊️ Josh Sutton (@guyropegourmet) began skating at 51 and @esthersayers started at 47. Josh wrote and illustrated this article for us which involves a discussion with Esther about their experience and what it means to them. Read about their rare accounts and how skateboarding has helped them “deconstruct the confinement of adulthood”. We hope it can empower others to do the same 🙏 - @slamcityskates on Instagram

9/27/20 Taking to the streets in solidarity with victims of police terror. Thank you to all of the other organizations who marched with us today, community spans across city lines. Together, we keep us safe! - @vacavibe on Instagram

B L A C K L I V E S M A T T E R Gegen Rassismus, gegen Polizeigewalt. Auch in #Aachen waren wir heute demonstrieren, um diese Botschaft gemeinsam zu senden und Gerechtigkeit für #georgefloyd und viele Andere zu senden. #westandwithyou darf kein bloßer Slogan sein. Er muss gemeinsamen Kampf bedeuten. Für eine Welt frei von Rassismus und Diskriminierung. #lieblingsstadtac - @jusos_aachen on Instagram

The pain we are feeling takes you from the guts. Our hearts are shattered just like the glass all over the roads. Lebanon is my home . It is where i was born where my son was born, where my father lives and where some of my best friends are from. It is where i have some of my happiest memories . All our life we have been used to its beautiful instability. However this year has been something else . The corruption of the horrible government has reached new heights. The economical crisis hit so hard and people are starving as food has become too expensive. This wild explosion is the last thing Lebanon needed but it happened. People are now coming together to help on the ground and internationally. They need all the strength possible to come through the other side. Help us rebuild Lebanon . Please donate to @impact.lebanon @lebaneseredcross @beitelbaraka #prayforlebanon - @emimikareh on Instagram

Today at 6:30am, DC Mayor Muriel Bowser (@mayor_bowser) got a wakeup call. Our demands: Fire @dcpolicedept Chief Peter Newsham and release the names of the officers involved in murdering Deon Kay, along with the body camera footage. The MPD (Mayors Personal Defenders) were there guarding her house, as a little reminder that no matter how many times Bowser says Black Lives Matter, the cops work for her, and if she really cared, shed take action to stop their murder and incarceration of Black people. Call Mayor Bowser today to keep up the pressure: (202) 727-2643 Shoutout to @sunrisemvmtdc for organizing #JusticeForDeon #blacklivesmatter #FTP #washingtondc - @occupationfreedc on Instagram

- @patriciaarabfcp on Instagram

Протесты не сдуваются. Минск сегодня! . Источник @news.gomel - @bulbavarka on Instagram

- @wekeepus_safe on Instagram

- @cityofworcestermassachusetts on Instagram

#NoStateExecutionByCOVID19 #FreeThemAll #CareNotCages #EndMassIncarceration #MassReleasesNow #EndStateViolence - @donoharmcoalition on Instagram

Bergamo è #fortezza e non molla. Forza Bergamo ! Abbiamo le migliori strutture e personale medico. Tocca a tutti noi aiutare con consapevolezza, rispetto e buon senso. #bergamo #bergamomolamia #coronavirus #mediciinprimalinea #bergamononmolla #italia #italy #Repost @nrebaioli - @unesco_venetian_fortresses on Instagram

RIP Breonna Taylor... Designed for @studionumberone we have a bunch of protest art images available for download at - @nevermade on Instagram

Step 1 in goin on = emergency kitchen with world central kitchen @wckitchen #Repost @wckitchen ・・・ WCK is on the ground in Beirut after the devastating explosion. Much of the city is covered in broken glass & thousands of volunteers are in the streets helping to clean. We’ll be working alongside @kamalmouzawak to prepare nourishing meals in the morning & expanding efforts from there. More updates coming soon. - @kamalmouzawak on Instagram

Wohoooo: Der #ultrabike findet 2021 wieder statt 🙌 --- Whoop whoop: the ULTRA Bike takes place again in 2021 🙌 #ultrabike #bischfit #areyouready #mountainbike #blackforest #bikemarathon #schwarzwald #mountainbikerace #bfu2021 #kirchzarten #stimmungsvollsterbikemarathon #bfu2021 - @ultra_bike on Instagram

Black and brown standing united. We will always be stronger together. Abolish ICE Black Lives Matter #eastlasvegas #westlasvegas #northlasvegas #vegas #abolishice #fuckice #fuck12 #blacklivesmatterlv #vegasblm #brownpride #blackpride #brownlivesmatter #blacksforbrownlives #lasvegasliberation #savethechildren - @sodasierramist on Instagram

Author Bernard E. Harcourt (bottom photo, on the left) and @Columbia students pay their respects to the Honorable #RuthBaderGinsburg. ⠀ @thecccct - @columbiauniversitypress on Instagram

When students, parents, teachers, and staff are asked to risk their lives for a plan that is constantly changing, it takes real community to stand up and demand safety and accountability. @cecd1nyc organized a march filled with families and teachers from across the district so that our voices could finally be heard. Thank you for always bringing us together @motherleeearth7 @powermalu and Naomi! - @chrismartenyc on Instagram

These pictures were taken at the black trans lives matter protest!! It’s a really important message that everyone should take to heart and educate themselves on as why they are at high risk in this country. If you are in any of these pictures please comment or dm so we can tag you. Thank you guys❤️ #pomona #ptown #pomonacalifornia #blm #blacktranslivesmatter credits to: @shadiyahh and @jaylamichelleee for the pictures! - @pomonaprotests on Instagram

#activists thank you everyone who took the time out today to come and bare witness, we got lots and lots of toots as well as torrential down pour that soaked us all but we stood strong 💪🏾 that’s the least we can do for the animals right? - @aucklandanimalsave on Instagram

Student-led #blacklivesmatter✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿 protest and march in McLean on June 10, 2020. 📸: @c_douglasmoran - @tysonsreporter on Instagram

Get out. Use your voice. Swipe for local black-owned businesses. #blacklivesmatter - @iambradb on Instagram

¡No más abuso, No más excusas postes de argumentos, No más violencia, NO MÁS MISOGINIA! . . . . . #nomasviolenciacontralamujer #yolecreoamiamiga #skategirl #skatefemenino #nomasabuso #nomasmisoginia #nomasexcusas #elvioladorerestú - @sth_artistico on Instagram

❤ THANK YOU to the incredible firefighters and first responders working hard to keep us safe. We are grateful ❤ #california #californiawildfires #thankyou #napastrong #sonomastrong - @kron4tv on Instagram

LULA LIVRE! BENEDITA DA SILVA DEPUTADA FEDERAL 1377. PT - @antoniopitanga on Instagram

- Flag of england by Banksey

- @kingkhankil009 on Instagram

✊ Retour en images sur notre action devant le siège de la @fff. Pas de victoire pour le racisme #touchepasamapote - @sos_racisme on Instagram

Compas les mostramos algunas intervenciones en distintos entornos naturales de la con-con que nos llegaron hoy ✊🏽 - Les recordamos que esta iniciativa surge el 22 de agosto, día en que se cumplieron cuatro años del feminicidio empresarial de Macarena Valdés y decidimos convocar a intervenir los entornos naturales de la comuna devastados o en riesgo, reivindicando la defensa de la tierra y las aguas 💦💧 - Agradecemos sus aportes y les recordamos que estaremos recibiendo más fotografías hasta este domingo 🖤 - Se agradece la difusión de esta bella iniciativa 🌿🌼 - @justiciaparamacarenavaldes #justiciparamacarenavaldes - @feministasconcon on Instagram

Eine Million mal Danke! Wir bedanken uns bei den MitarbeiterInnen und Freiwilligen des @roteskreuz_at, die rund um die Uhr im Einsatz sind. Wir unterstützen diese Arbeit mit unserer Spende. Österreich #glaubandich. 📷 ÖRK/Helmut Klein 📷 ÖRK/LV Wien/KHD Dokuteam/Armin Fauland 📷 Marlena König - @erstebank.sparkasse on Instagram

Thousands of workers. Eight cities. Six works of art turned large-scale murals (including this beautiful piece by All happening July 20th to support the Strike for Black Lives to demand racial equity and justice. In true BBOI style, we’ve harnessed our creative production skillset to provide artwork that will amplify the work happening on the ground to bring forth meaningful social change. #strikeforblacklives #artforblacklives #blacklivesmatter ​#streetart #fightfor15 - @bigbowlofideas on Instagram

Yesterday a crew of people came to @pointreyesnps to draw attention to and demand the fence at pierce Point be taken down. . This fence prevents the largest herd of Tule elk from roaming free in the national park. It prevents them from foraging healthy food and when the water dries up (as we’ve been noticing, and this is only the beginning of the dry season) they will be left to die. This happened once under NPS’s watch and we don’t trust them to not let it happen again. . The fence is there to prevent the elk from eating grass in the park that is leased to 24 private cattle and dairy ranches. that’s literally it. . It’s bleak out there. These images are both inspiring to me and give me hope, and they make me sad and infuriated as well. It should not take this much work for wildlife to be prioritized— esp in a national park. . Keep fighting everyone, we can do this and we must!! . #savethetuleelk #freetheelk #takedownthefence #defendthewild photo by @ida_international - @forelk_ on Instagram

Auf in die nächste Runde ... 👩‍🚒🧑‍🚒 Am 1. September konnten wir 20 neue Auszubildende für die Ausbildung zur Werkfeuerwehrfrau bzw. zum Werkfeuerwehrmann begrüßen. Wir sagen herzlich willkommen und wünschen euch viel Erfolg für die kommenden drei Jahre. Auch Interesse an der Ausbildung zur Werkfeuerwehrfrau /-mann? Unsere Infos hier 👉 Direkt zur Onlinebewerbung für die Einstellung zum 01.09.2021 👉 . . . #feuerwehrffm #feuerwehr #frankfurt #werkfeuerwehr #ausbildung #berufsfeuerwehr #freiwilligefeuerwehr #frtc #meinfrankfurt - @feuerwehrffm on Instagram

Weg mit §219a !!! 📢 #wegmit219a #wegmit218 #safeabortion #safeabortionday #prochoice 🤰 @prochoice_de - @medicamondiale on Instagram

[LV • swipe left 👈🏼for ENG] Nekad vēl savas dzīves laikā neesam dzīvojuši šādā pasaulē. Ņemot vērā ārkārtējo situāciju pasaulē un Latvijā, mums ir jāpieņem sāpīgākais lēmums savā dzīvē – šī gada Positivus festivāls tiek pārcelts gadu vēlāk. Rūpējieties par savu un savu tuvāko veselību, esiet pacietīgi, līdzcietīgi un palieciet drošībā! #PaliecMājās #TiksimiesDrīz be #positivus21 • We have never experienced the world as it is right now. Regarding the situation in the world and the State of Emergency in Latvia, we had to take the hardest decision in our life - this years Positivus festival will be rescheduled to the next year. Take care of yourself and your beloved ones, be patient, compassionate and stay safe! #StayHome #StaySafe be #positivus21 - @positivus on Instagram

Happy World Peace day ☮️✌🏼 Photo of @creativeheadspace at @depotmayfield the week before @homobloc festival - one year ago. The message always the same. ☮️ Let’s look after each other. We are all earthlings. #worldpeaceday #ForPeopleForPlanet. #OneWorldOnePeople 📸 @amylilalouie - @homoelectric on Instagram

#teamwork #lgnordberlin #djm #heilbronn #lateseason @langundlaufladen @pumaperformance @puma @pumasportstyle #langundlaufladen @bycasfor @grosskopfnadine @caro_joyeux @florarustemeyer @frederik.pmz @tomsnntg @lcb.07 @jan_niklas_gw - @lgnordberlin on Instagram

Tre vigili del fuoco, tre ragazzi, tre eroi hanno perso la vita a causa di unesplosione in provincia di Alessandria. Siamo vicini alle famiglie e al loro profondo dolore. #vigilidelfuoco #vdf #eroi #ilpompierepauranonneha #cordoglio - @polizia_stradale on Instagram

Whats your view on the removal of the statue of Edward Colston? Take our poll. Link in bio #blacklivesmatter - @bristollive on Instagram

- Shau Kei Wan Protest held against virus clinic plans near residential buildings. However, Hong Kong gov. still ignored the citizens demands.

SAVE THE DATE Internationaler Klimastreik am 29.11.2019! Wir sind dabei, du auch? #savetheplanet #saveournature #fridaysforfuture #klimastreik #neustartklima - @naju_saar on Instagram

- @danielstingo.c on Instagram

From October 5-10, 2020, people across the world will join together to mobilize against imperialism. Events are being organized by people’s movements and organizations, left political parties, trade unions and international networks from across the globe in order to explore the meaning of imperialism and its impact on our lives today. #antiimperialistweek - @anti.imperialist.struggle on Instagram

#climatestrike - @markossyk on Instagram

**ತುಳು ಬಾಸೆನ್* ಕರ್ನಾಟಕ ಬೊಕ್ಕ ಕೇರಳ ರಾಜ್ಯದ *ಶಾಲೆಡ್ ಪ್ರಾದೇಶಿಕ ಭಾಷೆ* ಯಾದ್ ಕಲ್ಪಾವೊಡು ಪನ್ಪಿನ ಉದ್ದೇಶೊಡು ಉಂದೇ ಬರ್ಪಿನ *ಆಗಸ್ಟ್ 16 ತಾರೀಕ್‌ಗ್ ಕಾಂಡೆ 6 ಗಂಟೆರ್ದ್ ರಾತ್ರೆ 12 ಗಂಟೆ* ಮುಟ್ಟ #EducationInTulu ಪನ್ಪಿನ ಹ್ಯಾಶ್ ಟ್ಯಾಗ್‌ಡ್ *ಟ್ವೀಟ್ ತುಳುನಾಡ್ ಅಭಿಯಾನ* ನಡಪರೆ ಉಂಡು. ಈ ಅಭಿಯಾನದ ಗೆಲ್ಮೆಗಾದ್ ತುಳುವೆರೆನ್ ಒಟ್ಟು ಮಲ್ಪುನ ಬೇಲೆಗ್ ಎಂಕುಲು ಜಯ್ದ. ಟ್ವಿಟರ್ದ ವಿಷಯೊಡು ನಿಕಲ್ನ ಅಭಿಪ್ರಾಯೊನು ಪಟ್ಟೊಲಿ *ವಾಟ್ಸಾಪ್ ಗ್ರೂಪು ಸೇರೊರ್ದುುಂಬು‌ ಗ್ರೂಪು ನಿಯಮೊಲೆನ್ ಓದುಲೆ* 1. *ಒರಿ ಒಂಜಿ ಗ್ರೂಪು ಮಾತ್ರ ಸೇರೊಡು* 2. *ಜಾತಿ ,ಧರ್ಮ, ರಾಜಕೀಯ ವಿಷಯ ಪಾತೆರಿಯರೆ ಬಲ್ಲಿ* 3. *ಗ್ರೂಪುಡು ತುಳು ಬಾಸೆದ ವಿಚಾರೊಡು ಟ್ವೀಟರ್ ಅಭಿಯಾನೊಗು ಸಂಬಂಧ ಪಟ್ಟಿನ ವಿಚಾರ ಮಾತ್ರ ಪಾತೆರೊಡು* 4. *ಗ್ರೂಪುಡು ಅಡ್ಮಿನಕಲ್ನ ಪಾತೆರೊಗು ಬಿಲೆ ಕೊರೊಡು* 5. *ಗ್ರೂಪು ಸೇರುನಕುಲು ಕಡ್ಡಾಯವಾದ್ ಟ್ವಿಟರ್ ಅಕೌಂಟ್ ಮಲ್ತ್ ಉಪ್ಪೊಡು. (ಇಜಿಂಡಾ ಸೇರಿಬೊಕ್ಕ ಆಂಡಲಾ ಟ್ವಿಟರ್ ಅಕೌಂಟ್ ಮಲ್ಪೊಡು)* 6. *ಪೊಣ್ಣುಲು ದಯಾದೀದ್ ವಾಟ್ಸಾಪ್ ಗ್ರೂಪು ಸೇರೊಡ್ಚಿ. (ಪೇಸ್ಬುಕ್ ಗ್ರೂಪುಗು ಸೇರ್ಲೆ) ಇಜಿಂಡಾ ಎಂಕಲ್ನ ಟ್ವಿಟರ್ ಐಡಿ @JaiTulunadOrg ಪೋಲೋವ್ ಮಲ್ಪುಲೆ* 7. *ಅಕಲ್ನಕಲ್ನ ಪೋಸ್ಟುಗು ಅಕುಲಕುಲೆ ಜಬದಾರಿಲು* 8. *ಗ್ರೂಪುದ ಸದಸ್ಯೆರೆನ್ ರಿಮೂವ್ ಮಲ್ಪುನ, ಸೇರ್ಪಾವುನ ಅಧಿಕಾರ ಅಡ್ಮಿನ್ಗ್ ಉಪ್ಪುಂಡು* 9. *ವಾಟ್ಸಾಪ್ ಗ್ರೂಪು ಡಿಲಿಟ್ ಮಲ್ಪುನ ಅಧಿಕಾರ, ಗ್ರೂಪು ಪುದರ್ - ಡೀಪಿ ಬದಲ್ ಮಲ್ಪುನ ಅಧಿಕಾರ ಅಡ್ಮಿನ್ಗ್ ಮಾತ್ರ ಉಪ್ಪುಂಡು* 10. *ಉಂದು ಲಿಂಕ್ ಗ್ರೂಪು ಆಯಿನೆರ್ದಾವರ ಮುಲ್ಪ ಎಂಕಲೆಗ್ ಪರಿಚಯ ಉಪ್ಪಂದಿನಕುಲ್ಲಾ ಸೇರುವೆರ್. ಅಂಚಾದ್ ನಿಕಲ್ನ ವೈಯಕ್ತಿಕ ವಿಚಾರೊಲೆನ್ ಶೇರ್ ಮಲ್ಪೊಡ್ಚಿ* 11. *ಗ್ರೂಪು ಅಭಿಯಾನ ಮುಗಿಬೊಕ್ಕ ಒಂಜಿ ವಾರ ಮಾತ್ರ ಈ ವಾಟ್ಸಾಪ್ ಕೂಪೆ ಉಪ್ಪುಂಡು. ಅವೆರ್ದ್ ಬೊಕ್ಕ ಡಿಲೀಟ್ ಮಲ್ಪುವ* 12. *ಗ್ರೂಪು ಮಲ್ದಿನಿ ಎಡ್ಡೆ ಉದ್ದೇಶೊಗು ದಯಾದೀದ್ ಜಬದಾರಿಯುತವಾದ್ ಮಾತೆರ್ಲ ಸಾಕಾರೊ ಕೊರ್ಲೆ.* *ಫೇಸ್ಬುಕ್* ಗ್ರೂಪು ಲಿಂಕ್ *ವಾಟ್ಸಾಪ್ ಗ್ರೂಪ್ ಲಿಂಕ್* 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 *ಸುಳ್ಯ, ಪುತ್ತೂರು, ಕಡಬ* *ಕುಡ್ಲ, ಉಳ್ಳಾಲ* *ಮುಲ್ಕಿ, ಬೆದ್ರ* *ಕಾರ್ಲ, ಹೆಬ್ರಿ* *ಕಾಪು, ಒಡಿಪು, ಬ್ರಹ್ಮಾವರ* *ಬೊಲ್ತೇರ್, ಬಂಟ್ವಾಳ* *ಕಾಸ್ರೋಡ್, ಮಂಜೇಸರ* *ದಾಲ ವಿಚಾರ ಇತ್ತುಂಡ ಮೇಲ್ ಮಲ್ಪೋಲಿ* *ಸೊಲ್ಮೆಲು* *ಜೈ ತುಳುನಾಡ್ (ರಿ.) ಸಂಘಟನೆ* - @jaitulunadbolther on Instagram

vanessa’s family will not fight alone and her justice will not be reached without faith and support. i showed up for vanessa, for her family, for all of the victims with the same stories, and for all of the injustices that occur under the american flag. día y noche rezo por la familia de vanessa guillen para que encuentran una paz y la justicia en dios y en nuestro apoyo! nos tenemos que unir y tenemos que ser igual de valientes que vanessa. like vanessa, we will fight with bravery. our mexican and hispanic community is our army and our power 🇲🇽🕊#vanessaguillen #elpueblounidojamasseravencido #justiciaparavanessaguillen #soymexicana #justiceforvanessaguillen - @melodym02 on Instagram

Migrante LA says #JunkTerrorBill! Swipe right for our statement #junkterrorbill #junkatb #oustduterte - @migrantelosangeles on Instagram

LOOK: In Indonesia, #breakfreefromplastic changemakers from reports that they found a lot of plastic wastes produced by mutinational corporations and local Indonesian companies in the lower reach of Bengawan Solo River at Sedayu Lawas Village, Brondong District of Lamongan City. It is located near a national harbour for fish port in East Java Province. “It is crucial for companies to reduce plastic production and for governments to invest in Zero Waste systems.” - @darurini_ . . . #GoForZeroWaste #goingzerowaste #reuse #sustainablesystems #noexcuseforsingleuse #fossilfree #fossilfuels #plasticwaste #plasticpollution #beatplasticpollution #storyofplastic - @breakfreefromplastic on Instagram

Un message de l’équipe Dare To Care / Grosse Boîte - @dtcrecords on Instagram

I have been wanting to say something about whats happening in India from some time, but I thought that to some extent, at least the semblance of India being a democracy was still intact. Not any more. Today, 2 bills pertaining to agriculture were passed in the Rajya Sabha (upper house of Parliament) today, without a physical vote. The BJP, which doesnt have the majority in the RS, basically bulldozed its way with the dep. chairman getting the bills passed via voice vote, in spite of opposition MPs demanding a proper count. Farmers are protesting for a reason. Were at a juncture where activists have been arrested on charges which we know are false. Literally, people who speak for the marginalized like Sudha Bharadwaj are in jail. Anyone who thinks differently is an ‘anti-national’. The real anti-nationals are those who are selling our country to private businesses. There is a bigot network that masquerades as a TV channel. Right-wing turds would say that the problem with Muslims is that they are not in the mainstream. But the moment a marginal increase of Muslims was seen in the UPSC once, that channel termed it as UPSC Jihad (what next, biryani jihad?). It is depressing, this atmosphere of fear. The anti-CAA protests sparked something India had never see before, and everyone who had enough, came out to protest. The most beautiful thing about it was It was led by women. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic hit us, and we’re still adjusting with life (were now among the worst affected too). We may not be able to go out in groups, but every word and voice counts. Each time we stand up against hate, it counts. It can be in your family WhatsApp group, or in your school group, or against friends-turned-bhakts who now spew hate. Don’t sit quiet. SPEAK OUT. Speak about before it is too late. Those who have been on our behalf until need us. We’re two steps short of officially ending as a democracy. #india #india #parliament #power #people #democracy #voice #hope #resist #dissent #policebrutality #police #violence #world #end #instagram #instadaily #resistance #instagood #insta #art #image #artwork #love #hate #picture #speak #arrested - @thathyderabadiboy on Instagram

FREE PRIDE 20! JUNK THE TERROR BILL NOW! NO AID TO DUTERTE! The New York City chapter of the International Coalition for Human Rights in the Philippines (ICHRP NYC) vehemently condemns the violent dispersal of the peaceful Pride Protest March in Mendiola, Manila, Philippines earlier today, which led to the arrest of members of the progressive LGBTQIA+ organization Bahaghari, from allied organizations Gabriela, the Children’s Rehabilitation Center, and others. We stand in solidarity with the LGBTQIA+ community during Pride month and with the Filipino people in their call to Junk the Anti-Terror Bill. We invite fellow human rights activists and all peace loving individuals and organizations to join our solidarity movement and to take part in our currently ongoing Week of Action to Defend Free Speech & End Duterte’s Tyranny, which will culminate this upcoming Monday, June 29 with taking part in global mass demonstrations condemning the fourth anniversary of the presidential inauguration of Duterte. Read our full statement in bio. #FreePride20 #PrideIsAProtest #JunkTerrorBill #NoAidToDuterte - @ichrpnyc on Instagram

#AbortoLegalAhora Hoy se conmemoran 30 años de la declaración de San Bernardo, en la que feministas de Latinoamérica y el Caribe, suscribieron su compromiso por la despenalización y legalización del aborto en la región. 💚 . En Chile, a pesar del fuerte movimiento feminista a favor de la despenalización de aborto, aún no existe una garantía real de los derechos sexuales y reproductivos. . Sabemos este tema es competente de la salud pública y afecta a miles de mujeres del país, que aún no tienen la seguridad de poder acceder a la interrupción del embarazo, sino es parte de las 3 causales. . Durante la pandemia, se evidenció y agravó el acceso seguro y oportuno a servicios, insumos e información esencial con respecto a la salud sexual y reproductiva. . Por eso creemos necesario terminar con la criminalización del aborto, que ha sido perpetuado por el Estado chileno. . ¡Por eso, una nueva Constitución debe ser el camino para garantizar los derechos básicos de todas! 💜✊ - @diarioclever on Instagram

As Nashville recovers from the destruction seen in many communities in the area, we found ourselves asking: what can we do? The answer is to use what we have. We have power. We have people. We have presses. For our neighbors in need, were offering up to $100 in free printing for anyone affected by the tornado, through March. Hit us up for details! #nashvillestrong #nashvilletornado - @jiveprint on Instagram

❗Spendenerlöse ❗ Bei der Gingo Nacht sind 348€ zusammen gekommen, die an @spenden_fuer_libanon gespendet wurden. Auch wenn die verheerende Explosion in Beirut nicht mehr in aller Munde ist, befindet sich der Libanon immernoch im Ausnahmezustand. Das gespendete Geld kommt dank der Initiative @das_licht_ev ohne Umwege und zu 100% da an, wo es ankommen soll. Wir sagen danke an Alle die mitgemacht haben und dicke Gewinne bekommen haben, danke an die Lokale in Münster, die die Gewinne zur Verfügung gestellt haben und danke an die Initiative Das LICHT e. V für deren ehrenamtliches Engagement. - @cubanovamuenster on Instagram

La mia laurea in 10 semplici mosse. Un grazie speciale a @_vic.martinez._ che ha saputo catturare questi attimi, che sono dei perfetti meme. - @braless.ia on Instagram

Though this year I’m focused on my own survival and health and not spending International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers in community, I appreciate the hustle and resilience and rage and mourning we all carry with us. It brings me a smile to see @stamaribuchi’s graphic design for a NYC December 17 event Red Umbrella Project coordinated several years back making the rounds on this day, and I feel proud that @antiviolence posted about this day without prompting from me. There is so much violence the people in the sex trades face from police, the state, and individuals - especially Black and Latinx trans and cis femmes - experience, but I want to remember to acknowledge the small victories in the ongoing fight for our safety and dignity. #sexwork #sexworkersrights - @audaciaray on Instagram

Thankful for the time I spent and the culture I experienced up on Mauna Kea. 07.28.19 - @doobydelicious on Instagram

ID: It has come to the attention of our Black Femme leadership that when Ewoks agreed to support our community on Saturday, September 26 th , 2020, that this was misunderstood as Ewoks endorsing or sponsoring this event. We support our community at large and we’re unable to do that if we are pulled into political messes and infighting. We share many of the communities’ concerns about the reports coming out that we, like the rest of you, are unable to substantiate or confirm. To this end, Ewoks wants PDX to know that we’ll be out in our city, supporting our community in the fight to end white supremacy, as we always do; however, as a Crisis and medical contingent, we often work in alarming circumstances but we do not use or carry weapons in the course of our work. Ewoks feel compelled to support our community in what has the potential to be a situation of high medical and crisis need. Having said that, we do not feel that the current conditions are ethically sound. We appreciate the opportunities to continue to serve you, PDX. BE SAFE – We love you. . . #portlandprotests #mutualaid #portlandstrong - @pdxewoks on Instagram

اللهم احفظ لبنان و شعبها 🙏🏻 خالص التعازي للشعب اللبناني الحبيب #lebanon🇱🇧 #لبنان - @ramimam on Instagram

Another successful eviction blockade in neighboring PG County. The landlord sent a notice to evict, called a 1-800 JUNK truck (stay strong! the driver told us lol when we wouldnt let them in), called the cops on us, and was told in no uncertain terms by said cops, three elected officials, and about 75 neighbors that he would not get away with evicting anyone today. WHEN WE FIGHT, WE WIN! #cancelrentdc #RentStrike2020 - @dctenantsunion on Instagram

Yesterday, @roclosangeles assisted the organizing efforts of their member leaders at Coldstone Creamery in Van Nuys after being underpaid and retaliated against for speaking up. Great news — they got their back pay today! Organizing works! When we organize, we win! - @roc_united on Instagram

- Police brutality has never ceased

Moria is ash now, and we shouldnt be even surprise. The EU let that happen. To be more specific far rights, european conservatives and social Democrats are once again responsible for a humanitarian disaster. Today I joined a spontaneous protest with assumingly 500 other people in nuremberg organized by the local Sea Watch group (@seebruecke_nbg). #wirhabenplatz #leavenoonebehind #moria #campmoria #lesbos #lesvos - @khademohali on Instagram

We watched the #DNC. We watched the #RNC. We know #Trump and his cronies wont listen to our demands, but those asking us to vote say we can move #Biden and #Harris to listen. Well, so far were not impressed. Were angry, tired, and ready for change. The rich in power have their days numbered as we fight for a better world. Check out the alternative demands and solutions of ILPS orgs to challenge the empty promises of the Democrats and Republicans. Tune in tomorrow Wednesday, September 9 at 5pm PT/7pm CT/8pm ET for “US vs the People’s Platform” hosted by and! Let’s bind together and fight for genuine change #election2020 #downwithimperialism #peoplepower - on Instagram

Maybe a hot take but if the government doesn’t want people to protest maybe they shouldn’t use excessive force and murder innocent citizens. These protests are non violent. The cops always throw the first punch. And if they didn’t want people to loot and steal maybe they should do a better job providing economic support with the nation at 42+ million unemployed. The GOP “promising” to cut UI benefits at the end of July provoked fear. Millions of industries will still be under some form of state lockdown. People are scared. And they don’t care anymore. Why preserve a society where your options are: 1) be dehumanized and murdered 2) relinquish all economic stability and die for the system. COVID didn’t “go away”, protestors haven’t forgotten, they have simply chosen their poison. - @shesasleep on Instagram

An imam stands on the porch of the biggest and oldest house in #clarkston calls us to our better angels. And here we are, the most diverse small town in America, in peace. #blacklivesmatter - @chuckreece on Instagram

- Dont buy on Black Friday graffiti in Trondheim, Norway

It’s just the beginning of a generation making a change🤎#peacefulyouthprotestla from our poster making event today! - @peacefulyouthprotestla on Instagram

Four European states are amongst the top ten of worst-hit countries: United Kingdom, Italy, France and Spain. Read more in our bio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #coronavirus #covid_19 - on Instagram

. Wabah Covid-19 yang melanda Indonesia sejak awal Maret lalu telah memberi dampak signifikan bagi sektor perekonomian di Indonesia. Tak terkecuali menerpa industri kreatif dan seni khususnya di Banten. Kebijakan pembatasan sosial berskala besar (PSBB) untuk menekan penyebaran Covid-19 memberi dampak serius bagi dunia usaha, termasuk kalangan ekonomi kreatif dan seni yang berdimensi ekonomi seperti konser musik, kafe, film, seni pertunjukan, dan lainnya praktis terhenti total selama pandemi Covid-19 sejak awal Maret 2020 hingga saat ini. Kondisi sulit seperti ini membuat kita perlu melakukan upaya dan tidak tinggal diam. Untuk itu kami menginisiasi sebuah Forum untuk menyatukan aspirasi serta membuat langkah nyata dengan nama Forum Ekonomi Kreatif (FEKRAF) Banten. . Siapa FEKRAF Banten? FEKRAF Banten adalah kita semua baik perorangan, kelompok atau komunitas yang bergerak di bidang seni dan 17 subsektor ekonomi, antara lain : 1. Aplikasi 2. Pengembangan permainan 3. Arsitektur 4. Desain produk 5. Fashion 6. Desain interior 7. Desain komunikasi visual 8. Seni pertunjukan 9. Film, animasi, dan video 10. Fotografi 11. Kriya 12. Kuliner 13. Music 14. Periklanan 15. Penerbitan 16. Seni rupa 17. Televisi dan radio Untuk itu, sudilah rekan-rekan se provinsi Banten yang bergerak di bidang tersebut untuk mengisi data singkat agar kita dapat bergerak bersama, melalui link ini : #bersamakitakuat #pekerjaseniindonesia #insankreatif #pekerjaekonomikreatif - @bantenevent on Instagram

La resistencia es nuestra herencia 🖤 Algunas de hoy ____ #plazadignidad #plazadeladignidad #chiledesperto #chile #chilegram #chileendictadura #acabchile #chiledespertó #acab #primeralinea #primeralineachile #protest #photography #canonphotography #canonchile #photographer #renunciapiñera #dignidad #photooftheday #photograph #revolution #revolucion #caos #estallidosocial #apruebo #apruebonuevaconstitución #yoapruebo #protestasocial #protestaschile - @fourtgraphy on Instagram

Superwoman Journée de manifestation des Gilets jaunes, acte 83. 19 septembre, 2020, Paris. Photographie de ACCORSINI JEANNE / SIPA PRESS. Images disponibles sur #superwoman #woman #femme #france #giletsjaunes #giletsjaunesparis #forcedelordre #colère #updown #gendarmerie #manifestation #mobilisation #jeanneaccorsini #sipapress #photojournalism #paris #streetphoto_bw #streetphotography #streettogether #acte83 @liberationfr @lemondefr @polkamagazine @insidephotosmagazine @nikonfr @nikoneurope @streetphotographyinternational @life_is_street - @jeanneaccorsini on Instagram

- @aminata_km on Instagram

- @tca_nola on Instagram

Solidarity with hunger striking Palestinian and Irish prisoners! Dr. Issam Hijjawi Bassalat and Irish republicans on hunger strike in prison: organize solidarity and demand their freedom! As Samidoun Palestinian Prisoners Solidarity Network we stand full solidarity with Dr. Issam Hijjawi Bassalat and the Irish Republican prisoners, who have started a hunger strike on 16 September as protest against the isolation of Dr. Hijjawi Bassalat by the prison authorities. Dr. Hijjawi Bassalat, who is a prominent Palestinian community leader in Scotland, was arrested together with nine Irish republicans by the British MI5, the Irish Gardaí, Police Scotland, London’s Metropolitan Police, and over 500 officers of the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) in the so-called “Operation Arbacia.” We demand the freedom of all political prisoners in Palestine and Ireland, and call upon their supporters to organize solidarity actions. Dr. Issam Hijjawi Bassalat, who is 62 years old, started his hunger strike on 16 September, as he was again forced into isolation in the filthy and unsafe Foyle House, a wing of Maghaberry prison in the north of Ireland. Irish Republican prisoners immediately engaged in a solidarity hunger strike to support Issam. Earlier that day, Issam’s bail was denied by the magistrate court. He will now proceed to the high court in order to await his trial in freedom. Dr. Issam Hijjawi Bassalat has multiple health conditions and has undergone an MRI scan this week. It is clear that for any person, let alone those who have health conditions, Foyle House is an unsafe prison. As the Irish Republican Prisoners Welfare Association (IRPWA) noted, “It is widely known that recently an O.D.C. prisoner who was on Foyle House had tested positive for Covid-19. To punitively isolate Issam in Foyle House that is not fit for a human being for a day never mind two weeks is proof yet again of the attitude and mindset of the regime in Maghaberry.” Freedom for all political prisoners! - @samidounnetwork on Instagram

Feministas marchaban por el #28S del Monumento a la Revolución al Zócalo de la #CDMX cuando fueron encapsuladas en Avenida Juárez. 🚧⚠️ . 📸: @hiedra2012 . #feminismo #feministas #marcha #movilización #aborto #abortolegal #méxico #excélsior - @periodicoexcelsior on Instagram

Őrségben❤️🔥 @freeszfe @matthewdrayman95 - @peterfybori on Instagram

Pray for Dominica 🇩🇲 🙏🏾 #bahamas #jamaica #stmartin #antigua #barbuda #barbados #nevis #caymanislands #cuba #haiti #dominicanrepublic #dominica #stlucia #stvincent #stkitts #anguilla #turksandcaicos #guadeloupe #stbarths #trinidad #puertorico #grenada #usvi #usvirginislands #stthomas - @caribbeannews on Instagram

From August 17–22nd, the Women Warriors of the Surabaya River measured their water quality & level of microplastics while tracking sites of illegal dumping 🌊🧪🔬 No one deserves to live in a dumping ground for plasticwaste. Here’s to the dedication & advocacy of this group of mothers & young women to #breakfreefromplastic! @river.warrior @fully_syafi @envigreensociety #betterwaythanthrowaway #breakfreefromplastic - @upstreamsolutions on Instagram

DONDE ESTÁ JOSÉ VERGARA, Detenido desaparecido en esta supuesta democracia militarizada. @carabchile lo desapareció en la pampa, no han dicho dónde está ya van cinco años desde que bajo impunidad no hay rastro de su paradero. Exigimos verdad y justicia para José Vergara, no olvidamos! - @redmujeresaltohospicio on Instagram

Manifestazione #prioritaallascuola Roma, 26 settembre 2020. Il tema ci sta a cuore. Dare priorità alla scuola significa darle il valore che merita, significa finanziarla, restituirle il prestigio che merita, credibilità e autorevolezza sociale. È la scuola che ci permette di combattere le ingiustizie, di diffondere sin dall’infanzia il valore della solidarietà, della parità e dell’uguaglianza. L’educazione libera il pensiero e libera i polmoni di tutti i George Floyd del mondo, ma sopratutto l’educazione deve liberare il cervello di tutti quelli che non lo fanno respirare. #blacklivesmatterroma #blacklivesmatter #prioritaallascuola - @black_lives_matter_roma on Instagram

Thats not a chip on my shoulder, Thats your foot on my neck. #malcolmx #BLMIreland - @connollyym on Instagram

[ALARME INCENDIE] Bon anniversaire Lubrizol, 1 an après on noublie pas ! ✊ Les rebelles d@extinction_rebellion_rouen se sont installé.e.s sur le pont Jeanne dArc à Rouen en en bloquant laccès ⛔ 🎯 Objectif de cette occupation 👉 dénoncer lirresponsabilité de la préfecture de Rouen suite à laccident de Lubrizol 🔥 du 26 septembre 2019. En effet, les pouvoirs publics ont préféré appliquer partiellement le plan particulier d’intervention en déclenchant plus de 5h plus tard les sirènes d’urgence 🔔 Cette gestion catastrophique a mis en danger les populations et a protégé lentreprise Lubrizol lui permettant de ne pas prendre ses responsabilités 😒 Pire, lentreprise a pu reprendre ses activités à peine 3 mois après... sans que rien de plus ne soit mis en place au niveau sécurité ! 😱 Alors aujourdhui nous crions notre colère et nous faisons résonner dans les airs cette sirène dalarme qui aurait du être activée 🔊 Les catastrophes industrielles de ce type doivent cesser ! Elles ont un impact terrible sur les écosystèmes, sur les êtres vivants... ☠️ Les ONG ont alerté sur l’absence de visibilité quant à la toxicité du nuage de fumée et sur les impacts écologiques de l’accident. Et le gouvernement na rien fait ! Aucune étude na été mené. Et nos élus préfèrent voter des plans pour protéger les secteurs industriels polluants au risque de voir ce type daccident arriver encore et encore... Suite à cette action, 34 activistes ont été amené-e-s en Garde À Vue. Iels ont été libéré-e-s le lendemain et ont été accueilli-e-s par un comité de rebelles à leurs sorties pour leur apporter tout le soin nécessaire 🤗 Des Violences Policieres pour les mouvements sociaux ✊, pour les quartiers ✊🏻✊🏿✊🏾, pour les luttes écologiques 🌱... ça commence à faire beaucoup 🙄 En continuant ainsi, nos dirigeant-e-s promeuvent la rébellion de toute la population ! #RebellionMaintenant (Crédits photos : Bastien Doudaine et LeaH) Gouvernement = #DangerPublic ⚠️ _________________________________________________ Retrouver plus dinfos sur ces sujet avec ces hashtag : #ExtinctionRebellionFranceRouen #ExtinctionRebellionFranceActions #ExtinctionRebellionFrancePhotos - @extinctionrebellionfrance on Instagram

Somos democráticos, inclusivos e repudiamos atos, ideologias e bandeiras que sejam ameaça contra a vida e a dignidade humana. Nossa alta é antifascista e antirracista! ✊🏿✊🏾✊🏽✊🏽✊🏻✊ avante! Viva la revolucion de LasAltas! - @lasaltas on Instagram

Today marks the 155th anniversary of #Juneteenth, the day that commemorates the official end of slavery. Making June 19th a symbol of complete freedom from the slave trade. It is a day of remembrance and joy for our community, where we can acknowledge all those who fought for our freedom before us. As we continue to work towards a more just society, today we celebrate and reflect on our history, our people and our culture! - @senatorvelmanettemontgomery on Instagram

#DoaUntukBeirut - @syahrirazfar on Instagram

⚡️⚡️Phone Zap Today (9/25)⚡️⚡️ We need to FLOOD the South East Regional Office of the BOP with calls for Just today, starting at 11 am. Our comrades will be protesting outside. Its time to hold FCI Jesup accountable for the torture it perpetrates. Report back to us by emailing Try to record your calls. Send us the recordings if you feel comfortable. We want to create a record. Just wrote, A prisoner differs from a slave in that the former’s life is expendable. The only factors that give value to that life is community backlash... Now is our time to listen, the time to be that backlash. Never forget why we do this, never forget, #PrisonsKill! - @iwoc_nyc on Instagram

- Today, the police arrested a large number of first-aiders, insulted and tied the hands of first-aiders. This has been a serious violation of international humanitarian law.

@kristyansarkis - @creativeartmagazine on Instagram

#JUNKTERRORLAW in the Philippines! Here are some highlights from our emergency action with @anakbayansc on the international day of action! Thank you for everybody who attended. Stay tuned for P-SONA 😏 #AKTIBISTAHINDITERORISTA #OUSTDUTERTENOW #DEFENDFILIPINOWOMEN #DEFENDGABRIELA - @gabrielasc.slugs on Instagram

We’re fighting together, there’s powers in numbers and we will always make space for trans people. Thank you, ABLBRIS - @allblacklivesbris on Instagram


“This was our beat, and these were our people.” 💙 PC Allan and Sgt McAndie lay flowers to commemorate the three men who so sadly lost their lives in Stonehaven this week. They’d known both members of rail staff for many years, and responded to the incident from home on Wednesday. . Those who died, along with their families, friends, and colleagues, will always be in our thoughts. It’s been a desperately sad week for all of us. #WeAreBTP - @britishtransportpolice on Instagram

Necesitamos de todas las fuerzas posibles en las artes, para alcanzar los cambios reales en el medio. Si disfrutaste de algún espectáculo, solidariza con las personas que hicieron posible que eso fuese posible. Comparte y difunde. . #alertaroja #agtaechile #intervención #cultura #santiago #trabajadoresdelasartes #arte #musica - @manurojasfotos on Instagram

We keep us safe; We ❤️ and 💁🏿 each other; We have 🚫 to lose but our ⛓️; We RIDE AGAIN this Saturday with the leadership of Black Women For Black Lives For Breonna For Liberation We are @ridersforblacklives We are not here to play. ✊🏿❤️🖤💚✊🏾 🚴🏿‍♀️🚴🏽‍♂️🚴🏿🚴🏻‍♀️🚴🏻‍♂️ #ridersforblacklives #blackwomenlead #whokeepsussafe #thevolunteers #ridingwithpurpose #ridingforchange #sayhername #justiceforbreonnataylor #nojusticenopeace✊🏾 #theblackradicaltradition #whatcommunitylookslike - @ridersforblacklives on Instagram

A new installation from celebrated artist @carriemaeweems is now in place at the South Main MicroPark art box at @somafortworth, curated by @arttooth The piece speaks directly to the impact that COVID-19 is having on our community and how, together, we can endure. We are especially fond of this phrase, “Don’t worry, we’ll hold hands again.” We look forward to that day. Stop by to see the piece this week and share, share, share to get the word out. 105 S Main Street Fort Worth, Texas 76104 - @nearsouthside on Instagram

Fuerza Chile !! #protestaschile #fuerzachile #renunciapiñera - @makuzamag on Instagram

Fight racism. Solidarity is strength. - @tottenhamtextiles on Instagram

An Extinction Rebellion protester proved a catwalk surprise at Paris Fashion Week when they gatecrashed the Christian Dior show and unfurled a sign that read We Are All Fashion Victims”. Reuters reports that a spokesman for the movement in France said the protest was designed to highlight “the impact of the fashion industry on the environment and society. Its not the first time the environment action group have targeted fashion shows to get their message across. At London Fashion Week last year activists attempted to form a human traffic blockade around venues. As the runway seasons long-anticipated return since Covid-19 halted the calendar in March got underway, it wasnt exactly business as usual in the French capital. Only 350 fashionistas were present for the show, instead of the usual 1750, with face masks the hot accessory. #ParisFashionWeek #Fashion #Protest #Environment #ClimateChange #bbcnews - @bbcnews on Instagram

Stand Up. Shout Out. Marching in Washington flashback with our protest crew - @jvincentmakeup on Instagram

🔥FUORI ENI DALLE SCUOLE🔥 Vogliamo un’istruzione libera da accordi con chi inquina bruciando il nostro futuro. La scuola deve essere un luogo di sapere critico dove possiamo apprendere l’urgenza della situazione in cui ci troviamo e formarci per combattere la crisi climatica. #climatestrike #climatejustice - @fridaysforfuture_torino on Instagram

Shouts to our @neworleansworkersgroup comrades for reminding us yesterday that HOUSING IS A HUMAN RIGHT! In the middle of a pandemic, this city has the nerve to threaten 30,000 workers, many of whom are currently unemployed, with eviction. Even with the CDCs recent concessions, workers will be forced to pay back rent plus fees come January 2021. That aint right! CANCEL THE RENT! CANCEL THE MORTGAGES! - @takeemdownnola on Instagram

Lebanese Red Cross and a bloody protest PS: the contents might be harmful to who cant stand to see blood. 8/8/2020 . . . #blast #explosion #buildings # streets #massivedestruction #Beirut #lebanon #lebaneseright #lebaneselivesmatter #destroyed #city #prayforlebanon #heartofthecity #architecture #natgeo #cnn #mtv #lbc #arabia #aljadid #photography #photographer #sonya7iii #lebanonrevolution #beautifulbeirut #disaster #revolution #angry #teargas #people #lebaneseredcross - @mustave_a1 on Instagram

AREA AMBIENTE - ARIA Seduta consiglio comunale del 29.07.2015 - Delibera n. 33 Punto 2 ordine del giorno: linee programmatiche dellazione amministrativa 2015-2020 Dino Ambrosino, Sindaco neo eletto, prende la parola e elenca gli obiettivi del programma che la sua amministrazione si sarebbe impegnata a realizzare entro il 2020. Analizziamoli in maniera obiettiva ed imparziale a distanza di 5 anni. A. AREA AMBIENTE ARIA: 23. Problema traffico ripensando la mobilità sullisola e aumentando la vivibilità: NON REALIZZATO 24. Rilevazione periodica dei livelli di inquinamento dellaria: NON REALIZZATO❌ 25. Rendere il trasporto pubblico più conveniente, efficiente e affidabile: NON REALIZZATO❌ 26. Limitare il traffico pesante per lisola: NON REALIZZATO❌ 27. Favorire luso di mezzi commerciali di ridotte dimensioni: NON REALIZZATO❌ 28. Realizzare unarea di interscambio tra mezzi pesanti e mezzi satellite più piccoli: NON REALIZZATO❌ 29. Incentivare la costituzione di cooperative per consegne a domicilio e disbrigo pratiche in modo da ridurre luso dellauto: NON REALIZZATO❌ 30. Incentivare la costituzione di cooperative per il trasporto degli anziani in modo da ridurre luso dellauto: NON REALIZZATO❌ 31.Incentivare il trasporto pubblico scolastico fin dalle prime classi: NON REALIZZATO – (PRIMA QUESTO SERVIZIO ESISTEVA, OGGI NON PIU’.)❌ 32. Incentivare luso delle bici ma nel rispetto del codice della strada: LA PRIMA PARTE E’ STATA REALIZZATA PRIMA, MA SULLA SECONDA E’ REGANATA LA TOTALE ANARCHIA 33. Ridurre le dimensioni dei taxi: NON REALIZZATO❌ 34. Promuovere il taxi collettivo specialmente nei periodi di bassa stagione: NON REALIZZATO❌ 35. Incentivi per i cittadini che dispongono di un posto auto privato: NON REALIZZATO❌ 36. Istituire un tavolo per la mobilità aperto a cittadini, categorie, sindacati, professioni e quartieri: NON REALIZZATO❌ - @procidapertutti on Instagram

Excelente miércoles 😎 - @conectapachuca on Instagram

#AbaENSEKIRITE #Rasanble👥👤🗣 #REJWENNnou🤞🏾🇭🇹#haiti - @haiti_en_fete on Instagram

Never Forget. August 4th at 6:07pm Beirut innocent lives were stolen by our Government terrorist low life scum. Kilun Yani Kilun @whatsuplebanon #lebanon #beirut @melb2beirut @megaphonenews - @ramseyshantouf on Instagram

Stamattina a #Cadelbosco a sostegno degli amici che giustamente si battono per #NOFabbricaDellePolveri ma vi ricordiamo che 💥 Martedì 16 dalle ore 21 saremo in 🌍 diretta sulla nostra pagina facebook. #nobiogas #nobiometano #nobiodigestore #ambiente #salute #economiacircolare #rifiutizero #prevenzione #bastaconsumodisuolo #bastaopereinutili #pianurapadana #ReggioEmilia #emergenzaclimatica #crisi #cambiamentoclimatico - @coambient_re on Instagram

Support the #LeilaKhaled webinar tonight, organized by @amedstudies ! @collectifpalestinevaincra and Samidoun stand in solidarity!! #TeachingPalestine - @samidounnetwork on Instagram

Save our kids💪 #stoppnvd #saveourchildren - on Instagram