Satoshi Symbol Profile Pics

animationsymbolgufsatoshistack satsbitcoincryptobtcmoneyblockchain
guf animation symbol


guf animation symbol

- Chinese letter

guf animation symbol

- もろ“ちらし”とか

orangutan monkey digibyte dgb gorilla

- 2016: Year of the Monkey

animation alchemy symbol

- Shop Card

digibyte dgb bitcoin crypto litecoin

- flight finder

guf animation symbol

- Blue Exorcist

guf animation symbol

- art ideas.

guf animation symbol

- Icons

guf animation symbol

- yarichin bitch club

snorlax digibyte dgb crypto pokemon

- Beautiful Japanese words

guf animation symbol

- Assassination Classroom

guf animation symbol


guf animation symbol


guf animation symbol

- Chino

bitcoin btc stack sats satoshi litecoin

- Anchors

guf animation symbol

- Stencil painting

bitcoin btc crypto criptomoneda blockchain


guf animation symbol

- Dessin yu gi oh

guf animation symbol

- Japanese to English

guf animation symbol

- Amu Hinamori

guf animation symbol

- Elements

guf animation symbol

- art nouveau

guf animation symbol

- university logo

guf animation symbol

- logo verde

se%C3%B1ales aftermovie vive latino2019 simbolos comunicacion se%C3%B1al

- ABCS,#s,Seals,Symbols,Signs,Emblems,Geo,Tattoo, Tablets,Glyphs, Scripts

guf animation symbol

- Learning Japanese

guf animation symbol

- Dibujos tumblr

guf animation symbol

- Brochures&Posters Ideas

runic oraculo symbols oracle change symbols

- swamp rabbit

guf animation symbol

- Kanji Japanese

guf animation symbol

- gift for lover

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- 4 element

guf animation symbol

- Stomach tattoos women

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- [ART] New series, Magu-chan: God of Destruction, featured on the cover for Weekly Shonen Jump issue #29 releasing this Sunday.

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- Branding

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- Simple tattoo with meaning

guf animation symbol

- Calligraphy

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- art and teaching

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- Learn Chinese Language

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- @the.xx.ttt on Instagram

regional indicator symbol letter a regional joypixels symbols letters

- Drakes songs

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- asian writing

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今日は敬老の日🇯🇵 September 21 is Respect for the Aged Day in Japan🇯🇵 - @jccsc_la on Instagram

satoshi stack sats sat symbol sats symbol satoshi symbol


ophiuchus symbols joypixels zodiac sign zodiac symbol

- Devsurf logo

keep stackin sats satsymbol satoshi symbol satoshis symbol sats are bitcoin

- Canadianized flag of the Confederate States of America

digibyte dgb bitcoin btc satoshi

- Blogs

satoshi stack sats satoshi symbol sats symbol stack satoshis

- Mangekyou Sharingan Eterno

taurus symbols joypixels taurus sign zodiac symbol

- mensa

satoshi stack sats satoshi symbol sats symbol stack satoshis

- Frequent Flyer Programs

bitcoin digibyte dgb btc criptomoneda

- Computer science degree

satoshis neon bitcoin stack sats stack satoshi stack satoshis

- Brochure / DM / Menu

om symbols joypixels aumkara omkara

- Elements

satoshi stack sats sat symbol sats symbol satoshi symbol

Amusing. #naruto#gaara#gaaraofthedesert#gaaraofthesand#hiddensand#villagehiddeninthesand#sabakunogaara#shukaku#sandspirit#onetail#shinobi#1tail#shippuden#kazekage#narutoshippuden#anime#manga#sunagakure#kishimoto#sandvillage#jinjuriki#sunanoGaara#sabakunoGaara#narutouzumaki#uzumakinaruto#redfox#orangemail#heart#love - @gaaraofsunagakure on Instagram

sagittarius symbols joypixels sagittarius sign zodiac symbol

- 2 Versions of my redesigns of the flag of the Philippine province, Batangas. Might add a 3rd version.

satoshi satsymbol sats symbol satoshi symbol satoshis symbol

- Cultura general

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- Aboriginal language

satoshis neon bitcoin stack sats stack satoshi stack satoshis

- Alphabet tattoo designs

- Kingdom hearts

- Learn Japanese

- Prince of Stride: Alternative

- This is a food pyramid poster from a high school in Japan.

- Millwall FC

- Camping icons

- Stained glass grinder

- Language proficiency

- Baka and test

- Akame ga kill

- I made some awesome bumper stickers!

- aigami

- Logos inspired by the flag of Hong Kong

- Popular on Gurafiku

- Harvest Moon (fomt)


- kirito kirigaya

- So useful

- Animals

- Design | Banner

- anime bebas

- Sakura Wars

- Endometriosis Tattoo

- Dessin animé kawaii

- Design idea

- Kid

- Face painting

- PoKemon

- Asahina Azusa あさひな あずさ

- luck symbol

- car decal

- EAL Resources

- Keep Moving Forward

- C.I.

- nan

- Abstract Graphics

- Chinese letter

- cartoon love

- Childrens Day

- Tatouage

Bye 網易雲👋🏻 Deleting all my songs now its been a fun time with yall💗 - @yungtakeem on Instagram

- anime 3

- Oil logo

- Anime Fries n Cherries

- language

- Luminous powder

- Airn swimming with Jeska project

- We need to rename penguin!

- Ancient egypt

- YY5X

- Star Wars X Wing

- Avion


- Learn Mandarin

- Japanese Handwriting

- Logo - Japan / Asian

- [design] logo

- Eagle Logo

- Cho Ku Rei!!

- Art 7

- arabic

- tattoo sun

- Little Green (artist:me)

- Asian graphic design

- Book LOG

- Mandarin Chinese

- tokushima

- Paine Field

- Playing Card Design


- Dororo

- Mots émotions

- Chinese lessons - holidays

- Bungou stray dogs

- Learn Japanese

- Fish icon I made last night. Inspired by George Bokhua.

- Japanese language school

- Humor?

- chinese alphabet letters

- Landing&Branding

- Tennis shirts

- Flag of the Rosetta Space Probe (Based on Rosettas flight path and the 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko comet)


- Folding shelf bracket

- CG tutorials


- Fruit icons

- Chinese symbol tattoos

- Making stencils


- cleanliness boy

- Surge Surfer

- Heart tattoo

- Air Gear

- Cute icon

- Branding

- Color paper made in China

- Jenkins

- Anime/Cartoon

- Protection sigils

- korean martial arts

- Design :: logo

- Chinese characters

- Design business card

- Manga mania

- Anime ❤️

- 40 and 60 year old Chopper by Oda (from Volume 97 SBS)


- Bento boxes inside and out plus chopsticks

- How to Tattoo

- exercise

- Korea wallpaper

- coisas de jg

- *l o g o*

- star e marco

- Happy from fairy tail

- Character Reference

- China’s not exactly the best country out there but you gotta admit their characters look amazing

- Boys minecraft bedroom

- Education

- Mayan Symbols

- Peoples Daily (a Chinese state media) says National Security Law will help stabilize and support Hong Kong economy. Their own illustration suggests the exact opposite.

- Awesome LOGOS

- Fantasy Eyes

- Page Dividers

- Japanese Language

- Feng Shui Living

- inazuma eleven orion

- Education2

- cropcircle message medallion

- { Logo & Branding }

- A flag I made for a fictional country.

- Happy Logo


- Bee logo design

- Branding

- Junjou Romantica

- Kawaii Hawaii

- Anime

- logo

- swim club

- LoGo

- Gaming Icons

- Asian Cafe

- Film Anime

- Kim Brown

- Gate pictures

- farm games

你,鍾意廣東話嘛? 我會毫不猶豫地答:「我愛廣東話!」,但事實上,香港係少咗人講廣東話,尤其是出街時,聽到唔少身穿校服嘅中、小學生都係講普通話,真係好有可能喺一、兩代之後,博大精深嘅廣東話就會失傳。人,總係要到失去先會珍惜,但有啲嘢,失去咗就唔會返轉頭。廣東話,都係。 The Common Ground 開業至今,其中一款最好賣嘅產品係香港特色燙章系列,當中有一個系列就以廣東話做題材,由平面設計師Frank Lo 創作。今日就由Frank 從廣東話講起,帶出佢心目中最需要保育嘅香港特色。 Frank 呢個系列設計嘅誕生,正值反國教、傘教發生嘅2014年。「當年我從中睇到有關香港嘅語言問題,當時愈來愈多學校用普通話教學,好多人都話要用普通話取代廣東話,所以我希望用final year project 去幫助保育廣東話。設計有雙重意思,首先係希望可以用文字配合圖像設計,去教人用廣東話,二係用lettering 嘅方式去展現廣東話詞語嘅獨特性。」如果有嚟過我哋門市,都會見到Frank 設計嘅九款廣東話燙章,只要睇到文字設計,就會聯想到相關意思,例如黐線會係一堆線纏住、惡死嘅字體係又粗又崛。 廣東話要保育,香港能夠接納同包容多元文化嘅能力亦需要保育。「近年五至十年,我發覺香港對於唔同文化嘅接納同包容能力愈來愈低。以前香港係轉口港,有好多世界各地嘅文化嚟到,香港人隨住時間同環境去學習唔同地方嘅文化,吸收再轉化成香港獨有文化。我認為可以讓唔同特色、文化共存嘅呢一點,係令到香港變得特別嘅地方。」無錯,香港之所以係香港,因為社會可以容納100個人有100種聲音,而唔係100個人只講一個意見。 土地問題亦係「香港特色」,同時影響本地創意工業嘅發展,「喺香港要發展創意事業,所有成本都太貴,尤其係土地成本,所以令到好多想投身設計嘅年輕人卻步。」對比其他亞洲國家,香港對創意工業投放資源及協助一直都唔缺,可惜並不是人人都可以受惠。「每年Create Hong Kong、藝術發展局都會批出好多資源,但獲得資助嘅通常都係傳統機構或某一班好清楚申請程序嘅人,令到唔識遊戲規則嘅年輕創作人難以獲得資源。如果資源可以有效或平均分配畀有需要、有能力、有熱心嘅創作人,我覺得香港其實係絕對唔缺乏資源㗎!」 近年,似乎台灣嘅創意工業已追過香港,其實個問題出喺個制度。「早幾年,我主動去搵資源幫自己嘅社企,申請政府資助過程都幾痛苦,制度、限制好繁複,係令人氣餒到唔想申請。」情況就好似抗疫基金,受惠最多嘅係美心、I.T 呢類大集團,只因熟悉遊戲規則。錢銀以外,香港政府項目招標仍以價低者得為準則,亦係香港輸蝕嘅地方。「早幾年,台灣政府取消價低者得嘅規定,衡量價錢同時,亦要求質素。令台灣近年發展出好多出色嘅公營設計項目,好多年輕有能力嘅公司可以參與政府工程,官方接受程度及能力亦比香港高好多。」 要政府改變,不如我哋香港人自己出手支持創意工業,The Common Ground 有個長期與不同本地插畫師、設計師、藝術家合作嘅「藝術家聯乘計劃」,將佢哋嘅作品製作成燙章,每售出一個燙章,創作者都可得到12% 收入,讓大家以實際行動支持本地創意工業! 燙章於門市及網上商店同步發售: 想了解更多Frank Lo 嘅設計,可以去: #TheCommonGround #TheCommonGroundHK #TheMills #南豐紗廠 #可持續時裝 #SustainableFashion #可持續發展 #環保 #GoGreen #SustainableLiving #可持續生活 #藝術家聯乘計劃 #ArtistCommissioinScheme #HongKong #HongKongArtists #HongKongDesign #香港設計 #香港特色 #香港藝術家 - @thecommongroundhk on Instagram

- Cursed_skelekirby

- Hotel

- Symbol drawing

- Flag of Ogasawara, Tokyo

- Typography

- Emblem

- Coffee Industry

- Player one

- Fishing Logos

- japanese branding

- I made a Jojolion (Golden Wind Style) logo because I couldnt find one for Jojolion, I also made one for SDC for the same reason

- Classroom

- Brain Logo

- Year of the Rabbit

- Draw

- China Website

- Assassination classroom funny

- Weekly Shounen Sunday #42 Cover: Tonikaku Cawaii

- Simple BI&CI

- Remedies

- brande

- China For Kids

- J. Carver Distillery (work)

- Did a quick sketch of Benimaru from Fire Force

- Bushido

- chinese logo

- paper logo

- History of Video Games

- design

- Warrior symbol tattoo

- Free! Iwatobi Swim Club♡

- Akatsuki no Yona


- anime

- Kuroko chibi

- Red blood cells

- Logo - Japan / Asian

- Japanese particles

- Netflix Original Series

- Eyes from naruto

- Japanese - Kanji

- Chapter 130 confirmed for July 9th 2020 [news]

- Astrological Signs

- Chinese character for kids

- Assassination Classroom

- Chinese

- Icons

- servamp


- Write Chinese Characters

잘 부탁드립니다. - @chomun_books on Instagram

- Yo superior

- Cute japanese words


- Card captor Sakura (✿◠‿ ◠)

- Japan info

- crafts

- Design business card

- Crunchy Nihongo!

- Hajimemashite

- Beast & Monster

- teaching in Japan

- Branding

- Yellow Cake Mixes



- Typeface

- ao no exorcist

- Zen logo

- Japanese Language Lessons

- hello people, so like 4 years ago my (really fucking dumb) friend made this tattoo on his hand in a forgein langauge, does anyone knows what it really means? thanks!


- dog vector

- Design

- Chinese character for kids

- AAA art plastique carnet de croquis

- Cute Drawings Ideas

- Awesome Artwork

- Cat painting

- leader logo

- nice lo go

- Characters

- The difference is subtle but important

- kids

- ci/brochure

- Komi San poll results are out

- If you ever wondered what Kirbys skeleton looks like

- Animee


- Ulquiorra and Orihime

- Japan Store

- Shop Card