Symbol Profile Pics

logoanimationloveguflove symbolsymbolsstarcraftscsc2


парная ава 2

repeat symbols joypixels loop symbol repeat button

- Alchemy

love symbol animation

- Ancient Symbol Tattoo

friso blankevoort freshco emoticon logo smiley

你,鍾意廣東話嘛? 我會毫不猶豫地答:「我愛廣東話!」,但事實上,香港係少咗人講廣東話,尤其是出街時,聽到唔少身穿校服嘅中、小學生都係講普通話,真係好有可能喺一、兩代之後,博大精深嘅廣東話就會失傳。人,總係要到失去先會珍惜,但有啲嘢,失去咗就唔會返轉頭。廣東話,都係。 The Common Ground 開業至今,其中一款最好賣嘅產品係香港特色燙章系列,當中有一個系列就以廣東話做題材,由平面設計師Frank Lo 創作。今日就由Frank 從廣東話講起,帶出佢心目中最需要保育嘅香港特色。 Frank 呢個系列設計嘅誕生,正值反國教、傘教發生嘅2014年。「當年我從中睇到有關香港嘅語言問題,當時愈來愈多學校用普通話教學,好多人都話要用普通話取代廣東話,所以我希望用final year project 去幫助保育廣東話。設計有雙重意思,首先係希望可以用文字配合圖像設計,去教人用廣東話,二係用lettering 嘅方式去展現廣東話詞語嘅獨特性。」如果有嚟過我哋門市,都會見到Frank 設計嘅九款廣東話燙章,只要睇到文字設計,就會聯想到相關意思,例如黐線會係一堆線纏住、惡死嘅字體係又粗又崛。 廣東話要保育,香港能夠接納同包容多元文化嘅能力亦需要保育。「近年五至十年,我發覺香港對於唔同文化嘅接納同包容能力愈來愈低。以前香港係轉口港,有好多世界各地嘅文化嚟到,香港人隨住時間同環境去學習唔同地方嘅文化,吸收再轉化成香港獨有文化。我認為可以讓唔同特色、文化共存嘅呢一點,係令到香港變得特別嘅地方。」無錯,香港之所以係香港,因為社會可以容納100個人有100種聲音,而唔係100個人只講一個意見。 土地問題亦係「香港特色」,同時影響本地創意工業嘅發展,「喺香港要發展創意事業,所有成本都太貴,尤其係土地成本,所以令到好多想投身設計嘅年輕人卻步。」對比其他亞洲國家,香港對創意工業投放資源及協助一直都唔缺,可惜並不是人人都可以受惠。「每年Create Hong Kong、藝術發展局都會批出好多資源,但獲得資助嘅通常都係傳統機構或某一班好清楚申請程序嘅人,令到唔識遊戲規則嘅年輕創作人難以獲得資源。如果資源可以有效或平均分配畀有需要、有能力、有熱心嘅創作人,我覺得香港其實係絕對唔缺乏資源㗎!」 近年,似乎台灣嘅創意工業已追過香港,其實個問題出喺個制度。「早幾年,我主動去搵資源幫自己嘅社企,申請政府資助過程都幾痛苦,制度、限制好繁複,係令人氣餒到唔想申請。」情況就好似抗疫基金,受惠最多嘅係美心、I.T 呢類大集團,只因熟悉遊戲規則。錢銀以外,香港政府項目招標仍以價低者得為準則,亦係香港輸蝕嘅地方。「早幾年,台灣政府取消價低者得嘅規定,衡量價錢同時,亦要求質素。令台灣近年發展出好多出色嘅公營設計項目,好多年輕有能力嘅公司可以參與政府工程,官方接受程度及能力亦比香港高好多。」 要政府改變,不如我哋香港人自己出手支持創意工業,The Common Ground 有個長期與不同本地插畫師、設計師、藝術家合作嘅「藝術家聯乘計劃」,將佢哋嘅作品製作成燙章,每售出一個燙章,創作者都可得到12% 收入,讓大家以實際行動支持本地創意工業! 燙章於門市及網上商店同步發售: 想了解更多Frank Lo 嘅設計,可以去: #TheCommonGround #TheCommonGroundHK #TheMills #南豐紗廠 #可持續時裝 #SustainableFashion #可持續發展 #環保 #GoGreen #SustainableLiving #可持續生活 #藝術家聯乘計劃 #ArtistCommissioinScheme #HongKong #HongKongArtists #HongKongDesign #香港設計 #香港特色 #香港藝術家 - @thecommongroundhk on Instagram

protoss symbol starcraft sc sc2

- art

green peace sign peace sign joypixels peace peace symbol

- Tennis shirts


night elves symbol warcraft3

- Pisces tattoos

🂡 ʳˡʸᶜʳᵘˢʰ

tyler the creator icon

check symbols joypixels check mark tick

- :: I n s a p i 1

satoshis neon bitcoin stack sats stack satoshi stack satoshis

- Bo-Bo线稿LOGO

discord pfp

shoshinsha mark symbols joypixels beginner symbol yellow green shield

- China For Kids


Skeleton hands icon

anarchy peace sign peace sign symbol

- A collection of “EB” monograms and ciphers I sketched.

fortnite muslim dogecoin

- Minimal Shape

zack fair + tifa in the background

supernatural symbol anti possession

- Tattoo shading

〔 camilla 〕♡


- Château

khalai caste protoss symbol logo

- Logo Style

a button symbols joypixels blood type a letter a

- Celtic Clover

Gigi bird

ave finsternis darkville glitch symbol

- Boog tattoo

tyler the creator icon

part alteration mark symbols joypixels m shaped symbol japanese music punctuation

- Love sayings

♡ @astrogyen ♡

satoshi stack sats satoshi symbol sats symbol stack satoshis

- Henna Animal Designs


asterisk symbols joypixels asterisk symbol annotation

- Dot pattern vector

♡ roblox avatar art

Pfp 3

terran symbol starcraft sc sc2


pink peace sign peace sign joypixels peace peace symbol

- Pretty henna designs

no profile

batman symbol bat

- Baby boy nail art

D&d stuff

regional indicator symbol letter g regional joypixels symbols letters

- A selection of my logos

Aggresive Lesbian AUBREY icon

Cute Duck

zerg symbol star craft logo spinning

- Learn Chinese Language


dotted six pointed star symbols joypixels star of david magen david

- Company names

symbol symbolnem xym

- man logo

leo symbols joypixels zodiac sign zodiac symbol


runic oraculo symbols oracle change symbols

- calligraphie

input symbols symbols joypixels music note ampersand

- Branding / Packaging / LOGO


- Designs

regional indicator symbol letter h regional joypixels symbols letters

- Incense



regional indicator symbol letter c regional joypixels symbols letters

- Small Tattoos

you have become a symbol spirit of life symbolic poetry rap

- Awesome Fight Club movie poster (tilt screen back to see)


For all of our digital designers & artists out there: if youve ever wondered how to create this letterpress effect in an online space, look no further! Our amazing Art Director put together a quick & easy video resource just for you. Tap that link in bio + comment here with any other design “how-to” resources youd like to see❣️ - @greenvelope on Instagram

terran symbol starcraft sc sc2

- 123RF Vector Business Logos Design


- Neck Tattoos for Women

love symbol animation illumination

- Sharpie Tattoos

regional indicator symbol letter f regional joypixels symbols letter

- Energy Hygiene

preity zisti ali khan text word alphabet home decor

- Symbols

regional indicator symbol letter w regional joypixels symbols letters

- Beautiful Letters

the riftbreaker symbol icon logo

- aikido

regional indicator symbol letter j regional joypixels symbols letters

- Animal Graphics

symbol shiny logo icon

- 4. Tattoo

atheists of south asia atheist atheism god blue

Who reps the spade? #ba #ballisticadvantage - @ballisticadvantage on Instagram

love symbol illuminated fingers

- Shadow hunter tattoo

peace symbol joypixels peace sign well love

- korean martial arts

mango pmk election symbol pmk mango symbol gopinath tamilan

- Art Deco patterns

regional indicator symbol letter m regional joypixels symbols letters

Vandaag staan we stil bij de moed en daadkracht van onze brandweercollegas die tijdens de uitoefening van het vak zijn omgekomen. Wil jij hen ook herdenken? Deel dit bericht en verander je profielfoto door het zwarte brandweerlogo. #brandweerherdenking - @brandweernl on Instagram

protoss symbol star craft spinning logo

- Arm Tattoos


- Body Art!

symbols symbol emoji smiley encrypted

- Chinese Patterns

regional indicator symbol letter z regional joypixels symbols letters

- Amazon Symbol Tattoos

rock and roll guitar logo

- Adoption

divide symbols joypixels division symbol math symbol

- I made a logo for a music group. Nice, thought. It incorporates the mascot, an upside-down quarter note, an f and s for the groups initials.... My wifes reaction: It looks like a ballsack.

adeptus astartes symbol space marines symbol warhammer40k imperium of man

- matching tats


- Elements

love symbol priya mani dhee jodi heart symbol gif

- ink.


- Bid Day Shirts

symbol symbolnem blockchain

- ideas

regional indicator symbol letter y regional joypixels symbols letters

- Japan Store

love symbol



- Computer science degree

symbol abstract

- Angelic Power rune


- School logo

orks symbol warhammer40k spin skull winking skull

- crowdspring loves typography

regional indicator symbol letter b regional joypixels symbols letters

- Tattoo tribal

zerg symbol starcraft sc sc2

- Minimalist cat tattoo

regional indicator symbol letter l regional joypixels symbols letters

- Arrows

eighth note bird music sound downsign

- king logo

regional indicator symbol letter u regional joypixels symbols letters

- Tumblr png

heart love symbol moving rotating

- Logo mk

heart exclamation symbols joypixels heart affection

- 4 element

guf animation symbol

- Casa & Feng Shui

regional indicator symbol letter a regional joypixels symbols letters

- Inspired by this months contest, heres a flag for the Moon

world emoji day love lub gif trending

- Feng Shui Living

regional indicator symbol letter t regional joypixels symbols letters

- symbols

led zeppelin album magic

- smith 2 Jhonson co

male sign symbols joypixels man symbol boy

- Branding



regional indicator symbol letter n regional joypixels symbols letters

- Draw

love symbols

- Calf Sleeve

regional indicator symbol letter d regional joypixels symbols letters

- elephant table

inquisition symbol warhammer40k imperium of man

- Tattoos

plus sign symbols joypixels plus addition

- Celtic knot tattoo

guf animation symbol

- @n_e_h_u__n_e_h_a_ on Instagram

om symbols joypixels aumkara omkara

- Astrological Signs

guf animation symbol

Cute Deer Logo #logodaily #logoinspiration #logobook #logoawesome #logooftheday #logotypeclub #professionallogo #logobrand #logomore #logoidentity #logohero #logopassion #logoart #logowork #logonew #logotix #learnlogodesign #brandmark #logohexa #logobloom #logoexcellent #logoxpose #goldenratiologo #desainlogo_rp #logosai #typetopia #branddesign #curveslogo - @widjanarko20 on Instagram

regional indicator symbol letter s regional joypixels symbols letters

- ankle, ear, wrist tattoo ideas

symbolism catherine ohara moira moira rose schitts creek

- Celtic knots

regional indicator symbol letter v regional joypixels symbols letters

- Eye logo

symbol %E3%82%B7%E3%83%B3%E3%83%9C%E3%83%AB love symbol crypto


medical symbol symbols joypixels aesculapius asklepios

- All for lOvE

guf animation symbol

- Japanese tattoo symbols

regional indicator symbol letter x regional joypixels symbols letters

- Henna Designs & Inspiration

guf animation symbol

- Three sister tattoos

registered symbols joypixels registered sign circled r

- cropcircle message medallion



regional indicator symbol letter p regional joypixels symbols letters

- Chinese symbol tattoos

guf animation symbol

- hunter tattoo

- Grill door design

- Logo Academia

- Japanese particles

- globus logo

- Attractions

- Birthday outfit for women

- And, ampersand, plus, mix

잘 부탁드립니다. - @chomun_books on Instagram

- wc logo

- Pretty henna designs

- Massage room

- Dermatology Associates Logo


- Branding: personal & corporate

- Cultural Bucket List

- Taurus logo

- Unicorn fashion

- Business

- Art: Calligraphy

Join my wife @_oro5_ and I, along with #3xd0pe (@curlykid.math / #comptoneeoh and #ayahfree) for a little recap of what we are calling Season 1 of our homesteading journey. From a housing crisis to cross country journeys, purchasing 5 acres of land and our new terminology for the special way we are building, negotiating collaboration dynamics and cooking at least 2 hot, delicious meals a day, lots of stars in a unadulterated sky and listening as baby coyotes practice their howl in the night... Thank you @agrowingculture for inviting us to share these stories- we are EXCITED to bring our unique twist to reporting life from another side of this experience. LINK IN BIO! - @_oroori_ on Instagram

- Tattoo shading

- Logo

- compass


- Creation logo png

- beautiful things

- Design Inspirations

- Qualities of god

- Symbols

- Logo cat

- Stained glass grinder

- art ideas.

- Entrepreneur Motivation

Lets grow together.... Increase your followers without increasing your followings. . . . . The way to sign up is very easy. You have to follow these instructions and youll be added in our loop. . 🌹You must have two accounts 1 (from which you will follow our followings) and other one (on which you wanna gain followers). . 🌹follow the loop page and admins from both accounts (main account and backup Account) and send screenshot. @mr.kojja @_day.dreeamer_ @hashim___photography @gain.insta01 . 🌹mention 5 bloggers in comments and send screen shot. . 🌹put this post on your story and mention us. (Make sure that tag works). . 🌹After all these steps you have to send your both accounts (Main @__ Backup @__) in one msg. . 🌹Note: youve to do all steps from your main accounts. . Happy gaining ❤️😇 - @gain.insta01 on Instagram

- Endometriosis Tattoo

- Colourful garden

- nice lo go

- Industry logo

- Celtic stained glass

- Japanese warrior tattoo

- Page Dividers

- Animals

- chinese alphabet letters

- Art of Ampersands


- Happy Hippie

- asian font

- Design

- rose back tattoos

- Small geometric tattoo

- Cho Ku Rei!!

- Aboriginal language

- Ampersand

- Batman converse

- corporate identity design

- Netflix Original Series

- Egipto mi sueño

- coining

- Anchors

- Tattoo Celtic

- Dress logo

- tumbler backgrounds

- graphic

- circle pattern

- I will have more ink someday

. 🌼Character Meaning 救:help 護:protect 車:vehicle . 🌼Entire Meaning Ambulance🚑 🌼Example 👩🏻:幸好救護車及時趕到車禍的現場。Fortunately, the ambulance arrived at the scene of the car accident in time.(xìng hǎo jiù hù chē jí shí gǎn dào chē huò de xiàn chǎng) . 🍃Simplified Chinese: 救护车 . #traditionalchinese #ambulance #vehicle #medical #chinese #l4l #good #lfl #like4like #language #learning #fun #service #emergency - @daily.trad.chinese on Instagram

- Baby Bauch Training

- Branding, visual identity and typography

- Animal shapes

- Apparel design

Abstract logo design . Hello friends, hope youre having a good day. So, this is an abstract logo I worked on today, done with only 7 circles. . And its open for interpretation. Ill love to know your interpretation of this. Especially if you were tagged😊 . What do you see??? Your thoughts are highly appreciated as always. Cheers! . . . #abstractlogo #monogramlogo #logodesigner #logochallenge #logolesson #logostylist #logoshift #logofolio #logobrand #logobook #logopassion #creativelogo #logohood #abstractmark #logodesignlove #logoawesome #graphicdesignersclub #logoart #logoexpose #logogreat #learnlogodesign #logoinspire #logodaily #logo_showcase #logoroom #logoconcept #graphicdesigncommunity #branddesigner - @josh_studios_ on Instagram

Logo dla @pracownia_tanca_pryzmat_ #logodesigns #logo #design #flatdesign #logoart #designlogo #logotype #olsztyn #gravite @mateuszobarek #graphisdesign - @gravitedesign on Instagram

- Crystals And Rituals

- asian writing

- Alchemy Witch Magic

- Tattoo Mario

- Ink Statement

- sword logo

- calligraphy

- The Great Indian Ads

- Art 7

- How to Tattoo

- Animals

- Clinic Design

- Butterfly outline

- Devsurf logo

- design

- logo

- Symbol for family tattoo

- Advertising


- arapca dövmeler

- [Logo Inspiration] Health & Wellness

- Brochures&Posters Ideas

- Emblem

- Font Tattoo

- Ancora

This has been an amazing year for us over at IDEAL and we are definitely thankful for a lot of things! One of the biggest things though is the crazy growth we have seen this year in our local Ventura County dance music scene 🥰 A lot of homies of ours are hosting shows this holiday weekend so make sure to come swing by and check them out! Tonight we have Techsgiving from @tech_805 and @club_fallout Friday the bros @chaunceypearls and @xstianlatour are playing the Saloon And Saturday @buildthemomentum is at it again at XL in Agoura! Hope to see you out! (And also be on the lookout for something a little low key from us December 20th 🤫🤫🤫) - on Instagram

- Icon package

I’ve partnered with 21 Black designers to bring Black fashion to one place—Black Fashion Fair. Together, with their pledge of 15%, we can support Black designers of our future. “Where fashion, community, and culture meet.” — (9/18 10:00AM EST) - @blackfashionfair on Instagram

- tattoo sun

- Ancient symbols

- A+G

- Sanskrit & Symbols

- Arabic Calligraphy

- Chinese Typography

- Photo cup

- Ink It

- Adrinka symbols

- animal illistrations

- A flag I made for a fictional country.

- Alfabeto

- Sanskrit & Symbols

- Cultura general

- sigil & symbols

- plant logos

The #Ducklogo #logodaily #logoinspiration #logobook #logoawesome #logooftheday #logotypeclub #professionallogo #logobrand #logomore #logoidentity #logohero #logopassion #logoart #logowork #logonew #logotix #learnlogodesign #brandmark #logohexa #logobloom #logoexcellent #logoxpose #goldenratiologo #desainlogo_rp #logosai #typetopia #branddesign #curveslogo - @widjanarko20 on Instagram

- logo

- a prendiendo japones

- Gothic 2

- Arabic calligraphy

- Sun designs

Before his passing, my terminally ill Uncle took up painting and painted keepsakes for family members. He revealed I was his initial inspiration to learn to paint because I was constantly sketching or watching art shows. Its only fitting I honor him by tattooing myself as I continue to learn this art form. Its a reminder that its never too late to follow a passion. I look forward to leaving lasting memories with those willing to go under the needle. RIP Uncle Butch🙏🏼🌈🕊️ #blackworktattoo #newkeytattoos #tttism #losangelestattoo #makememories - @newkey.tattoos on Instagram

- Tribal eagle tattoo

- Academia de Vampiros

- Buddhism

- Amazigh,Berbères

- Adoption Symbol Tattoos


- calligraphy

- YY5X

- Candy messages

- adventure logo

- Elements

- Design celta

- Things I Like!

- Art

- Engraving Fonts


- Dog Bathing Station

- Folding shelf bracket

- & Beautiful Ampersands &

Morgen staan we stil bij de moed en daadkracht van onze brandweercollega’s die tijdens de uitoefening van het vak zijn omgekomen. Wil jij hen ook herdenken? Deel dan dit bericht en verander morgen je profielfoto door dit zwarte brandweerlogo. Aan alle brandweerkorpsen ook de oproep om morgen bij de eigen kazerne om 14.00 uur het ereteken water te maken en live uit te zenden via Facebook of Instagram. #Brandweerherdenking #StandingStrongTogether Kijk voor meer info op - @brandweernl on Instagram

- Star Wars Celebration

- center line

- Blogs

- arapca dövmeler

- Butterfly Place

- Om sign

- Cat painting


- Fantasy Eyes

- Design

- meaning of tattoos

- Animal Logo Template

- Anime Fries n Cherries

- @the.xx.ttt on Instagram

- sonic vs knuckles

- Lotus Tattoo Small Symbol

- Yin Yang Art

- Arabgraphy

- Japanese language school

- Paine Field

- Stomach tattoos women


- elephant table

- arabic tatto

- university logo

- Ink

- ampersand


- Protection sigils

- Warrior symbol tattoo

- Inspirational

- dog vector

- Back tat

- LOGO [ Flat ]

- art nouveau

- Initials Logo

- Mayan Symbols

- bodh gaya

- Ancient symbols

- Minimal Love Tattoo

- logo verde

- Something

- ci/brochure

- Celtic knots

- leader logo

- hat

- Zen logo

- Celtic symbols and meanings


- Logo mk

- Gemini Symbol

- Make temporary tattoo

- Celtic quotes


- Character Reference


- Zen logo