Rian Gordon Profile Pics

dean gibsonamazon studiosget dukedgordongordon ramseygothamdj beatrootviraj junejacommissioner gordon

cook cooking chief gordon ramsay kitchen

- It’s over, Anakin! I have the longest road...

dmitry gordon dmitry gordon %D0%B4%D0%BC%D0%B8%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%B9 %D0%B3%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B4%D0%BE%D0%BD

- They all deserve to burn. Every last one of them.

gordon ramsey talking what

- The best armor in the Clone Wars

bonnie gordon tempting fate savingthrow savingthrowshow rpg

- Same

gordon ramsey change

- Rise of the Cocktail Stick

aaron gordon

- “Wildcard, bitches! Yeeeehaaaaaa!”

gordon nachtmerrie laughing david harbour

- One of the best parts of Lokis play in Ragnarok was the cheap looking Sif and the Warriors Three

diana gordon

- Mindblown

gordon ramsay

- If only it was real

just roll just roll fucking gordon ramsey

Willem Dafoe as Green Goblin and Norman Osborne in Spider-Man (2002) - @willemdafoe1955 on Instagram

gordon ramsey fuck really jfc wtf

- A perfect world

karlsruhersc kscmeineheimat ksc gordon

- Anakins Eye in the final episode of The Clone Wars....

gordon ramsey wtf doughnut

- Star Wars

jim gordon jim gordon gotham serious

- Clone Wars

commissioner gordon james gordon gotham ben mckenzie

- How long was Luke on dagobah anyway?

gordon ksc karlsruhersc kscmeineheimat

- The clone wars S:1 E:5

bonnie gordon library bards good fortnight kevin alpha geek and sundry

- Obi-wan at it again

gordon hmm slap gordon slap gordon hmm

- Groovy.

gordon ramsey what are you shouting angry

- Ewan McGregor. We need more of him, ladies! He’s sex on a lightsaber.

breathing heavy commissioner gordon james gordon gotham ben mckenzie

- Lets hope red skull aint a Snitch

gordon ramsay delicious fucking delicious

- If Jango has a moment to think

hogwarts gordon rain

- Under Dave Filoni and without the Disney guidelines we can rule the galaxy

jim gordon commissioner gordon gotham ben mc kenzie

- Unlike ‘Lego Avengers’, there is no ice sculpture during the party in Age of Ultron. This is because it would have given Captain America PTSD.

bjj grappling wrestling

- Requesting URGENT appraisal on rare triple format

ryan reynolds

- Literally just an image of Obi-Wan Kenobi.

who are you dean gibson rian gordon get duked do i know you

- This party’s over!

explosion dean gibson rian gordon get duked explode

- MRW someone gets flak for liking the prequels more but stands their ground.

cringe dean gibson duncan macdonald rian gordon lewis gribben

- Dr strange 2 :-Tobey Returns

high five dean gibson dj beatroot rian gordon viraj juneja

- ☝︎♏︎■︎♏︎❒︎♋︎●︎ 🙵♏︎■︎□︎♌︎♓︎✏︎

lighter explode dean gibson rian gordon get duked explode

- Found this on Instagram

scream dean gibson dj beatroot rian gordon viraj juneja

- Wait a minute! How did this happen? Were smarter than this.

scream dean gibson dj beatroot rian gordon viraj juneja

- We do not grant you the rank of Jedi knight

who are you dean gibson rian gordon do i know you who is this

- When your friend says Revenge of the Sith is the worst Star Wars movie

sleeping dean gibson rian gordon get duked asleep

- Traffic is my religion

hesitate dean gibson rian gordon get duked heres the thing

- Earth-96283 is the best universe change my mind

sleeping dean gibson rian gordon get duked asleep

- me when I remember something cringy I did 5 years ago

- Hmmm

- Not oc, but I couldnt stop laughing when I first saw this. (spoilers for Avengers: Endgame)

- the current state of r/prequelmemes

- Saw this masterpiece on r/equelmemes

#marvel #marvelcomics #ironman #avengers #infinitywar #tonystark #theavengers #spiderman #spidermanhomecoming #ironman4 #ironman3 #ironman2 #captainameric #deadpool #deadpool2 #dc #dccomics #batman #harleyquinn #joker #wonderwoman #blackpanther #superman #aquaman #quicksilver 🐲 If you love my pictures and my page then follow to share more 🔥Thankyou so much🔥 #ironman#marvel#marvelcomics#marveluniverse#dccomics - @iron_man_marvel_fans on Instagram

- my dog after me telling it no when he barks for a treat

- Reason 2839293 why D&D deserve all the hate they get

- How did this happen!? Were smarter than this!

- Obi secret thoughts after his master proposes him for knighthood.

#jogosvorazes #thehungergames #joshhutcherson #peetamellark #haymitchabernathy - @jogos_vorazes_oficial on Instagram

@ironman_ig From the first scene to the last... do you think Tony Stark will return for future movies?? - - Comment below! - - #robertdowneyjr #ironman #tonystark #marvel #avengers #rdj - @world0fmarvel on Instagram

- Young Palpatine and Plagueis with the jokes (in the book Plagueis explains why Jedi can’t conjure true lightning)

- Coming this JANuary

- YoU uNdErEsTiMaTe My PoWeR

- When youre trying to avoid the spooktober bandwagon but the pull off the dark side is too strong

- me irl

- Calling it now. Skrull.

- Poor Zero Two

- Who would want Tarkov to make a cameo in infinite as a leader of ODSTs?

- In Phase 3 we’ve had at least three times when someone deliberately mimics a classic film. Is this a Phase 3 thing?

- Safe to say this is OC

- Stargate!

- My friends pretend not to know me when we go out in public

- I think this fits, probably.

- Maybe it was all a dream....

- Thank you for being a huge part of my childhood

- Second and third panels are from the Revenge of the Sith GBA game

- Its treson then..

- Based of Elastigirls last sighting in The Incredibles, the main story takes place in 1970.

- Helo ther

- blursed_vr

- AI do be like that sometimes

- Last week was the 8 year anniversary of Irvin Kershner’s death. This is one of my favorite pictures of him.

- Brave, but foolish...

- My friend got two memes mixed up the other day so it inspired me to make this

Happy #BatmanDay - @xmengeek on Instagram

- Star Wars: Luke

- He remembered

- What if?

- When IMDB lists Ewan McGregor as part of the sequels and r/sequelmemes have no explicit rules against Ewan McGregor memes

- I’m sorry, little one

- //music plays

- hmmm

- A surprise to be sure, but an unwelcome one

- The path of every prequel memer

- Books, Films & Tracks

- He is the chosen one

- Funny memes sarcastic

- I see no respect for our Bilbo here

- When people post captionless memes about captionless memes to save the subreddit from Pewdiepie fans but there are no Pewdiepie fans and people are just karma whoring and unoriginally following the prequelmemes meta like theyve always been doing

- Star Wars

- I sense something; a presence I’ve not felt sense...

- John Hurts Doctor meeting The Dalek Emperor

- It’s another Death Star.

- Wear a mask to be safe or Vader will force choke you

- We dont win wars by destroying what we hate. . .Or do we?

- Visible happiness!

- Seven of Nine

- Watching ROTJ as a toddler I genuinely thought that at this moment luke realizes that every extremity he cuts off of Vader will result in his own body transforming. The end result being him in a complete head to toe Vader suit. I kept this belief until mid 20s. Thank you.

- I Am Iron Man

- Bros before Padmè

- When you want to post lolis but Rule 7.2 exists now

- Our princess would have been 63 today. Happy birthday Carrie Fisher.

- I come back to raimimemes and then this happens

- You can never be careful enough!

- When the guy with bad breath is also the guy with no personal boundaries.

- Remember, we are all one with the force, Star Wars will win.

- Anakin: I dont have such weaknesses

- Dont smoke kids!

- Obi Wan should watch his little punk tongue.

- It cant be

- Controversial opinion but I prefer the alternate ending to Jedi.

- Updated version of old post

- My theory on why Thanos was the only one to have a vision in the Soulworld

- Ki-Adi-Mundi keeping it real.

- It really do be like that

- In the twist ending of The Invisible Man (2020), we find out that the Invisible Man was in fact Brad Pitt all along

- She may not be champ but she holds the record for most memes in under 5 minutes

- Keanu good

- Waste of parts

- Alias - Season 2

- Margot Robbie - Harley Quinn

- Sleep tight tonight Dublin

- Yeah, its Big Sith time

- Don’t judge my bad editing skills lol

- We need more Kylo Rent appreciation here. Hell finish his grandfathers oranges

- When r/prequelmemes bans Ewan but r/sequelmemes welcomes him with open arms. . .

- Ive seen a community transmision of them... shutting down the rumors

- me_irl

- Proceeds to become the biggest problem in the galaxy

- You said it, Chewie!

- All violence is cool so long as it didnt come out of a blaster.

- General Kenobi. You are a smart one.

- Youre under arrest Template (without text)

- We need this map in instant action before we start get OT maps (also vehicles pls)

- Alan Sidney Patrick Rickman

- Happy Birthday Idris Elba

- [Easter Egg] In The Last Jedi, Finn and Rose are charged with parking violation 27B stroke 6, a reference to the movie Brazil

- Mark Hamill in the movie Slipstream (1989)

- In Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015), Ultron claims that there are no strings on him, yet when Scarlet Witch tears his heart out, in a blink-and-youll-miss-it moment there are two strings connected to his heart.

- In time, Palpatine grew tired of his apprentices shenanakins

- [NO SPOILER] This scene in Ep. IV made me realize the spot on casting decision for Driver

- Dr Who

- A party size of three to four is the ideal party size

- Star Wars Christmas Cards

- A photoshop I created of an older Anakin dealing with a slightly dark side Luke.

- When someone asks if you have any ideas to win the meme war against r/sequelmemes

- My attending and NP when they mention I dont need to come back this afternoon [High Yield Shitpost]

- Hellboy Comics & Films

- Good soldiers follow sausage

- Up vote if you get this

- Guys under six foot need not apply - Theotinder King


- I sense a continuance error

- When youre French and someone asks you whats beginning

- Obi-Wan has spoken

- I love how Jango and Obi-Wan clearly dislike one another immediately when they first meet, and the scenes are tense. Yet in the next movie hes joking with and has formed quite the bond with the literal Clone of Jango. Really goes to show how the Clones really were their own unique men.

- Djimon Hounsou; the only actor in both Captain Marvel movies.

- CS on Takodana should have the destroyed castle

- Id say theyve done a damn good job (life of Matt Damon)

- Luke Skywalker

- Spoiler Alert: ITS FUCKING RAW!!!

- What I love about Marvel is that even the villains have complex arcs that it’s never just a black-and-white universe. Which MCU villain do you identify the most with and why?

- Hes right, you know

- I am a Jedi, like my father before me!

- Spider Man is back in the MCU?

Continuing the Star Wars trend, here’s the BTS of an old photo of Emma at Disneyland that I turned into an Extra Life promo a couple years ago. I think it was something along the lines of “Emma’s holding off the empire so you can donate to Extra Life!” So, you know...donate please? 🤷🏻‍♂️😊❤️ 🔮LINK IN BIO🔮 #starwars #extralife #darthvader #jedi #aftereffects #compositing #extralife2020 - @trevorcarlee on Instagram

- Oh Boy Yeah

- Ewan McGregor (Obi-Wan Kenobi) is the real life nephew of Dennis Lawson (Wedge Antilles) from the original Star Wars trilogy.

- Cops shouldn’t use the Punisher logo

- I love all of Star Wars but let’s not forget that “Hello There” and “General Kenobi” where both said in ANH 27 years before ROTS

- This is the way

- When you see another Swolo meme after you thought they had died out.

- Hello there.

- Actors I Like

- When youre wear a bra and three layers but can still see your nipples...

- Hardhomelander

- Wait a minute...

Which Emperor do you prefer: OG, Prequels or Sequels? #starwars - @swouterrimempire on Instagram

- So, new meme format?

- Narrator: she didnt

- Lets make this happen people

- A little late but:

- PlayBuzz Quizzes

- You turned him against me!

- Random funny facts

- A Tragic Tale

- This is where the fun begins...

- Oh, Im not brave enough for British politics

- 😆😆😆😆

- [Spoiler] Delos Family Before and After William

- Hmmm

- What did the clones think about Order 66 after it happened? What was the justification for the chip? Apparently not all clones felt bad about executing the Jedi.

- He can say Hello There every day now

- Who would win?

- The kid used to bulls-eye womp rats in his T-16 back home. . .

- *opens the chest with Anakin’s lightsaber*

- Clone Wars Appreciation - 23/10/17

- just saw the smash direct

- You are a bold one

- Youre laughing, Reach has fallen and youre laughing

- This is not the Kenobi youre looking for

- sadly all animes i was waiting got delayed

- Thats wiggity wack yo

- Baba Yaga come at night, little children sleepy tight

- Lego Star wars

- Mandalorian Season 2 will likely focus on Mandos attempts to return The Child to his own kind (The Jedi). Will Baby Yodas story end with him getting slaughtered with the rest of Lukes students the night Kylo destroyed the Temple?

- The next time Grievous battled Kenobi after finding this sub

- What if I told you that Middle Earth was under the control of the Dark Lord of the Sith

- I think Chancellor Palpatine is a bith lord

- Let this be the end of Mr. Diktovitch

- Star Wars:Attack of the Dad Jokes

- Have you tried turning it off and on again?

- C-3PO, Human Cyborg Exploitations

- A repost, to be sure, but a pleasant one - to celebrate The Senates (Ian McDiarmids) 75th birthday today

- Bringing back this golden meme for old time’s sake

- Star Wars greatest love stories. Happy Valentines everyone!

- Poe lord and iron holdo

- Grievous wins

- my boss yelled at me for making memes during my shift

- Twelfth Doctor

- When the kids at the summer camp you work at tell you they like the Prequels better

- Before The Dark Times

- I remember this scene. Took me hours to settle down my shock.


- Ah, victory


- Don’t ever fly with Steve Rogers

- Childhood trauma

- I cannot wait for this!

- Rage quit

- Your costume is very impressive

- When you end up getting in an argument with a neck beard and you just wanna leave

- You should have gone for the head

- Leia Template

- The final thing Obi-Wan sees before he dies is Luke and Leia reunited after 19 years, after witnessing their birth.

- Too bad there won’t be a sequel

- When someone says, “Pewdie-Pie memes will last forever”

- everyone gets this moment

- When my OC has gotten zero upvotes since I posted it the minute before.

- It’s meme potential we can’t afford to lose!

- The negotiations were short.

- I had to make memes for my online geometry class

- When the enemies pokemon confuses yours

- A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one!

- Time to abandon ship

- 2020

- When you realize the series that youve built for decades has been turned to shit.

- In Avengers: Endgame (2019), the biggest plot twist was that it is possible that Paul Rudd can age.


- sorry for low quality

- Perfection

- Mr. Zhukov, I dont feel so good.

- Oh, wait!

- Ok last one i will stop making these

- *wheeze*

- In CA The First Avenger, Red Skull says this to Captain America and in Endgame.. You know.

- The negotiations WERE short...

- Yousa in Big Doo Doo this time

- Apparently Lumpy is going to be in it

- Thats Rough Buddy.

- Let’s not forget, “LEGO Star Wars: the Padawan Menace” is a prequel too!

- This is the way.

- He is an astute one

- Hmmm

- And Not Just Elementary...

- Execute Order 65

- I just think theyre all neat

- Ok I can’t be the only one that got RvB vibes right?

- When your friend defects to r/sequelmemes and tries to get you to commit treason

- You are A Infectious One

- Slovadan Milosevic has entered the chat

- There is another. Two other actually.

- When you become conscious in a dream

- Crossover time!

- Funny Star Wars

- Anakin Sky-Wrapper

- cinematography

- They say

- I wish anakin never turned to the dark side

- Those midichlorians

- Show me the happiest moment of Anakin’s life

- *Duel of the Fates intensifies

- When someone tries to tell you to that the sequels are better because they have better critic reviews

- Always two, there are

- Im gonna call you Darth Matt

- The Sweeney

- They did that on purpose

- And she was a good friend (shameful OC)

- Cap 1-v-1 Avengers Villains

- [beep beep boop]

- The Ultimate Sacrifice

- Better build some ones that go under water.

- Fly as fuck

- Unexpected this is, confused I am!

- made with no self respect

- Clone wars

- Youll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

- Dr. Who

- Original force ghosts of Return of the Jedi. In my opinion, one of the most satisfying shots of the whole series.

- Double baby lasers with George Bush

- Did anyone expect it?

- Nephew my ass. Kenobi got them mandalorian cheeks

- Ew tower