- Mindset Quotes

- Affirmations

- Yoga Lotus

- primal // movement

- yoga sequence

- Bloggers unite -Lets help each other

Hamburg, unsere Perle! Kennt ihr unsere Entstehungsgeschichte eigentlich schon?👋 Großgeworden in HH, dann für eine Weile ab nach San Francisco und nun haben wir unseren Hauptsitz im wunderschönen London. Unsere Zeit in San Francisco war perfekt, um inspirierende Menschen & Konzepte dort kennenzulernen, aber gleichzeitig war der Zeitunterschied zu euch nach Europa einfach zu krass. Wer mag schon Fernbeziehungen? Daher haben wir uns gedacht: Ab in die Startup & Fashion-Metropole London. Die Queen ist definitely amused! Woher kommt ihr?👇💬 〰️ 📷: @samirah_do - @swedish_fall on Instagram

- Yoga sweat

- Yoga Handstand Poses

- All the tips about fishing


- Dance Quotes

- Awsome Yoga Poses

- Astrology

- Achtsamkeit & Yoga-Mindset

- Fall Workout Outfits

- yoga

- Brene Brown

- Best Retirement Cities

- Dance - Photography

REVOLVED LEG to SIDE PLANK (variation)⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ This pose is so much harder than it looks, but has so many benefits! Core strength, balance, improved focus.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I challenge you to try a variation of side plank, take a photo, and tag me!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #yoga #meditation #selfcare #loveyourselffirst #blackyogi #blackgirlyoga #bestyoga #strawberry_010 #bestyogaphoto #art #bodylove #yogaposes - @samoralife on Instagram

- Lean legs

- Healing Camp

- A Yoga Marichiasana Poses

- stretching & training

- SUP Yoga

- Body Inspiration

- Flow Arts

I am a Warrior ⚔️ ✨ Just by doing Yoga... No need to fight to feel strong, no need to fight to win your own battle✨ I’m SO in love with the Warrior 3 pose... And you ?✨ Hope you had a great week-end 💛 . . . . . #yogaphotography #yogapose #warriorgirl #warriorpose #virabhadrasana #virabhadrasana3 #yogagirl #yoga #yoganice #yoganature #soleil #goodvibes #selfconfidence #loveandalliscoming #amour #peace #frenchgirl #yogapassion #flexibility #yogaeverywhere #yogaeverydamnday #cotedazur #yogini - @thepalmtreeyogini on Instagram

Consistency is key _________ @ashleighlauraa wearing the new Movement Bra and 7/8 Legging in Sage . . . #activewear #econyl #explorepage #explore #yogapractice #yoga #yogainspiration #yogalife #handstand #handstandpractice #handstands#wellnessjourney #wellness #activelifestyle #activewear #sustainablefashion #ethicalfashion #ethicallymade #bondibeach #ethicalluxury #pilates #pilatesinstructor #yoga #yogapants #pilateslovers#econyl - @_baythe on Instagram

- cultural significance

- Athletes & Ambassadors

- Fitness - Cardio / HIT / O-Course

- 3 Chakra

Acordei com saudade de ficar de cabeça para baixo vendo tudo de um ângulo diferente, voltando pra dentro de mim, me desconectando de tudo para no final me reconectar com a energia renovada! - @_pripatricio on Instagram

- Body Combat

- Angel Messages

- TRX yoga

- Best motivational speakers

- Art

- Keep fit

- Sobriety

- Daily Meditation

- Terra Verde

- Getting Fit

- Meditation & Mindfulness Group Board

- Calm down!

- Вальдорф-Waldorf

- 2013

- Gems of Interest

- Oxygen Yoga

- Yoga For Osteoporosis

- A Deeper Meaning

I am a woman of many tricks, interests, and talents. I own it. I explore. I fail, learn and grow everyday. I am more than a musician. I am more than a yogi. I am more than an athlete. I am even more than my body. I am an artist. I am a warrior. I am everything I choose to be. I have deep feelings and thoughts. And I have so much to share. So here’s an opportunity to get a little wild upside down, listen, and partake in a pressing and piking workshop with me. I believe you have the ability to be everything you want to be, transcending the physical and tapping in to the emotional. Don’t doubt it. This is magical stuff. Let’s dig into it on Saturday, 11/17 from 1-3pm. Hosted at Cara Fraser Yoga Studio in Fullerton. *$40 before 11/1, $45 after. DM me for more details and/or how to pay. - @ellexbree on Instagram

- aerial costume

- Affirmations

- Let me see you do that YOGA

- Spring Break: UNDO

- Kali Kali Kali

FULLBODY SUNDAY WORKOUT SWIPE & SWEAT 💦 Ich habe hier die perfekte Sonntags Motivation für dich - um heute für das alle wichtigste zu arbeiten: DICH SELBST 🦋 • Jede Übung 45 Sekunden durchhalten (in deinem Tempo) •nach jeder Übung 15 Sekunden Pause •das Set wir 3 mal wiederholt •kommst du mit einer Übung nicht zurecht, wähle eine, in der du dich sicher fühlst 💙 Ich wünsche dir einen fabelhaften Sonntag. Love & Light #lealight #workout #bodyweightworkout #outdoor #training #movement #yoga #sundayvibes #morningmotivation #sundaymornings #motivation #fitness #fit #fitinspiration #fitindentag #healthcare #workout #training #fullbody #functionaltraining - @lealight_fitness on Instagram

- heather hansen

- Yoga Routines

- Motivational Quotes for Weight Loss

Things I’ve Learned During Quarantine: • ▫️I use food to cure boredom • ▫️ Not working out wasn’t due to a lack of time • ▫️I want a pet tiger • ▫️Dog grooming is an art (do not attempt at home) • ▫️Remi is afraid of vents • ▫️I can complete puzzles pretty fast • ▫️Social distancing isn’t THAT different from my normal life #introvert - @alimarieruba on Instagram

sometimes the toughest part is showing up. whatever you need to feel this weekend, we have a class for you 👇🏼 𝐒𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐃𝐀𝐘: BASICS 10-11:15A @katie_arpin 𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐀𝐘: ALL LEVELS 11-12:15 @jen_nigro - @thejoyprojectbk on Instagram

- Diy embroidery thread

- Pilates Training

- Apple Cider for waight loss

- fitness inspo

- Crazy yoga poses

🔺🔺🔺 - @thekidcolors on Instagram

- Profound Quotes

- Amazing Flexibility

When I first started YTT in 2011 one of the first things I remember my teacher saying was if you can’t change your situation, change your perspective and that is advice I return to over and over again. If you aren’t willing to chose to change your situation or you are unable to because it’s beyond your reach, you owe it to yourself to change the way you are looking at it and accept it. The mind is so powerful and so creative that you really can change your life by changing the thoughts you bring in. The hardest part is getting quiet enough to listen to your Self. Then replace the thoughts that aren’t healthy with positive and healthy ones that will get you where you want to be. We let so much noise in, it only becomes more and more challenging to tune in but the tools are there. Remember the things you watch, listen to and read are YOUR choice. If it’s not serving you, it’s on you to change. ✌🏼 - @yoginiinheels on Instagram



- health

Happy Wednesday friends! 💓 Can’t believe our challenge is already finished. Stay tuned as tomorrow I will post one more submission for Day 7 😉😘hehe 🤓The last day of #AloBackToSchool is dedicated to getting upside down with Headstand or Pincha. I choose Pincha because for me it was a pose that taught me how to safely fall out of an Inversion and get over my fear of being Upside Down. For me this is the easiest variation of Forearmstand as holding straight legs Pincha requires lots of arm and core strength which I am still in the process of creating💪🔥 📌Tips to remember when going Upside Down🙃: 📎Any pose: 🔹visualize the pose and yourself before doing it 🔹learn how to fall out and fall on purpose many times, until you feel confident to do it on your own 🔹keep your core strong 🔹remind yourself to have the hips over the shoulders Have a safe practicing friends! 💓 Day 10 of #AloBackToSchool 🏋🏻♀️Back to School Asanas and foundations : 1. Triangle/Side angle (Open Hip)🤓 2. Cobra/Locust(back muscles)🤓 3. Warrior of choice🌺 4. Malasana/Goddess (Hip mobility and strength)🌺 5. Plank/Chaturanga (strong core and arms)🌺 6. Boat pose (core)🌺 7. Pyramid/ Standing Wide Leg Forward fold (closed hip poses)🌺 8. Up/Down dog (base of every flow)🌺 9. Bridge/Wheel (backbend)💓 10. Headstand/Pincha (Inversion) ⠀⠀🌺⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 👩🏻🏫 Back to school hosts: ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ @maikeyoga @nathalie.moves @sabine.appleby @liu.yanti @temyoga @nathalieshanti ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 🍎 Generous Sponsors: ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ @aloyoga @alomoves ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #aloyoga #alomoves #alo #aloyogachallenge #yogachallenge #pinchapractice #forearmstand - @temyoga on Instagram

- Fitness Fix

- Beach Pic Ideas

When mum does both 😜 Kicking it back to my Thai Boxing Days! So excited to introduce Mia to Muay Thai when she’s old enough. She can have her sparkly ballroom dresses on for her dancing lessons with Papa and she be a kick ass warrior princess too. 🥊 💃🏼 🥰 - @glouiseatkinson on Instagram

- Yoga Photography

- F i t n e s s

- Spiritual Guidance

- Exercises for Seniors

- Surf Yoga

- Feisty Life | Personal Development Group Board

- Fitness

- Destress Tips

- Urdhva Dhanurasana [COMP] Day 9 OmStars Yoga Challenge

- 30 Day Yoga Challenge

- Inspirational Quotes

- YOGA Phrases


- dance photography

ARE YOU A BETTER PERSON WHEN YOU PRACTICE YOGA? Nicer, more calm, more happy, understanding and caring. Well, we are 😉 So let’s say it loud! Yoga is one of the best things that happened to us – a life transforming journey that helps us to transform everyday into better versions of ourselves. Our specials !!! 1 Week Free Online Live-Streaming Yoga for all new clients. Online Teacher Training $1500 _______ Our Schedule for tomorrow #Saturday 9:00 #VinyasaYoga (Online) @veroenergy 11:00 #PowerYoga(Studio & Online) @arqui_yogi 4:00 #PowerYoga (Online) @mouldercat Om Beats Yoga Studio 450 SW 8th ST Miami FL 33130 www.ombeatsstudio.com Hello@ombeatsstudio.com 786.485.41.55 - @ombeatsyogastudio on Instagram


- Love yourself - Health & Wellness Group Board

- Yoga Poses

- Swimming Benefits

•REFLECTION• Reflecting the person you are doesn’t mean to criticize yourself. It means to reconsider the things you have made so far. It means to understand the person you have become. It makes you understand that this is what the NOW is about: reflecting life’s curves - because everything comes in waves that are part of our internal growth. • • 📸 @light.spotters WEARING @lululemonde @lululemon @is.a.belle.moon • • GIVEAWAY Win a free Yoga Class with me and a suprise little Goodie bag. The only thing you need to do: Go to @apple_podcasts and give my Podcast #embracingthechaos a review with your name or in case you want to stay anonymous send me a screenshot of your review. Start today 15.09.20 till Sunday 20.09.20 (11:59 PM) The winner will be announced on Monday 21.09.20 Thank you so much for all your love & support! Happy Tuesday ❣️ - @este.honey.yoga on Instagram

- dovers

📷 @yuval_aviv_ - @jordi_liebson on Instagram


- Asana instruction & benefits

- Le Mouvement

- Tantric Yoga

Some of my favorite dreams are the ones where I can fly... I wake up and feel super bummed that it’s not real. Maybe these dreams are an escape into another universe where I actually can fly. For now, in this universe, I’ll suffice with arm balances as my interpretation of taking flight 🙃 . . . @janimoorephoto #takingflight #yogaeverydamnday #yogaphotography #flyinglizard - @holistic_harmony_with_margaret on Instagram

No caption needed just check out this hollowback // @rebecca_ratcliff . . #rebeccaratcliff #hollowback #scoutpilates #training #pilates #pilatesinstructor #practice #pose #hold #breathe #splits #flexibility #fit #fitness #lovepilates #instapilates #pilatesphotographer #fitnessphotographer #yoga #handstand #yogaphotographer #marceauphotography #sydney #sydneyphotographer #sydneyfitnessphotographer #nikon #nps - @marceauphotography on Instagram

wow! 😍😍 @kalissekellyyoga . . . . . #yoga #fitness #meditation #yogalife #yogainspiration #love #yogaeverydamnday #yogi #yogapractice #namaste #yogateacher #pilates #yogalove #gym #yogaeveryday #mindfulness #yogagirl #yogaeverywhere #workout #wellness #health #yogini #motivation #yogachallenge #yogapose #yogaposes #asana - @yogaburnsuccess on Instagram

If we can’t go outside during these uncertain times, let’s go inside...deep within... let’s quiet our minds, deepen our breath, stretch our bodies, and open our hearts💚 Livestream on my Be Hummingbird Yoga YouTube Channel starts tomorrow 3/25 @ 10am! (link in bio) Looking forward to sharing my practice with friends new and old, near and far 🕉🌎🌏🌍🙏🏼 Namaste - @yogijamie on Instagram

#YogaFashionWeek Day 1 - Arm / Forearm balance Today we start our challenge along with the high fashion week in Paris! You can interpretatie fashion and beauty in so many different ways. I already got a message from someone saying that it doesn’t have anything to do with yoga. I do not agree at all! I worked in the fashion industry as a fabric and artwork designer for many years and loved the creative process of creating new mood boards, color atmospheres and design concepts. Creating something beautiful that you can even wear and see in the shops is fabulous. And feeling beautiful, giving yourself the love and care you deserve and feel good with it is a real yoga thing! Not for anyone else, just for you! I start today with a pincha version. First I am wearing my lovely @slenddy.uk outfit, then my favorite glitter pants and high heels and my hat! ✨✨✨ So curious to see all your lovely post! . 💄 hosts @kimterpstra_yoga @irosenav @semi.svetik @anniejames.yoga @anna_knysh_anna 👠 sponsors: @mettamats @yogajunkies @_mindmade @slenddy.uk @kirbanu @spoonk_space @adoratherapy @realign_back_wheel @bluebird.art 👗Line up 1 Arm / Forearm balance: strength is beautiful 2 Heart opener: the soul of beauty 3 Standing pose: self-confidence is the key to beauty 4 Hip opener: passion and strength 5 A pose that makes you feel beautiful. . #yogachallenge #instagramchallenge #yoga #yogi #yogini #inversion #handstand #prana #lifeenergy #apana #yogalove #yogalife #yogadaily #yogapractice #pincha #pinchamayurasana #yogalove #yogadaily #yogalife #yogashapes #yogafashion #glitter #fashionlove #yogateacher #yogastudent #backbend #heartopener - @kimterpstra_yoga on Instagram

- music quotes

- Happy Soul

- Yoga

- Bedtime Yoga Practices

- Yoga

- Yoga Motivation


- yoga before bed

- Tara Stiles yoga

WAKE UP AND FLOW in ELYSIAN PARK / Join us under a tree in Elysian Park for your morning wake up flow. Move, flow, breath and create space for yourself to be. Tues & Thurs 9:00am - 10:15am Lead by Jannica @yogannica EXPECT A social distanced class, and everyone respecting our fellow practitioners boundaries by keeping 6 feet apart. Practice with or without your mask. Just be sure to follow the distancing rule. If the weather is against us, we will notify you in and the class will be taught online instead. BRING Yoga Mat Towel Any props you would like to use like blocks, blanket, straps Water Well behaved puppies can join, just make sure to keep them by your mat or tied up. Your beautiful energy! LOCATION See map for location (just around the bend from the studio) there is also a google maps link on our website. PARKING There is plenty of parking in lot near location Its time to bring our beautiful community together again, and we are all looking forward to see you in person! - @yogalastudios on Instagram

- Beach gymnastics

☾ finding balance has been something I’ve always struggled with and still do. ⠀ ⠀ Trying to balance giving, teaching and offering to others while still filling up my own cup. Trying to balance my to-do list with rest and relaxation. ⠀ ⠀ Yoga has been such a great teacher, especially off the mat. Taking the lessons from the mat, breath, grounding, embracing imperfections, self-love, self-care and then applying them in my everyday life, even just a little bit has helped so much. ⠀ ⠀ For someone like me who has a busy mind, it always comes back to the breath. When I struggle with balancing all the things I need to do, sitting down and doing absolutely nothing for a few minutes and breathing makes all the difference. ⠀ ⠀ Don’t forget to take time for yourself and breathe ✨⠀ ⠀ 📸⠀ ⠀ #yogaeveryday⠀#yogaphotography #practice #yogi #yogini #yogapants #yogainspiration #yogateacher #dancerspose #perthisok #balance #findingbalance #selfcare #selflove #namaste #yoga - @taylorrnelles on Instagram

A whole year ago in this magical place with these wonderful people ✨ . Definitely missing this kind of connection to the yoga practice & people. Getting deep into the emotional stuff, the important stuff but also getting silly about all the other life stuff- like dogs. . This kind of yoga connection is what I will continue to look forward to as we progress together. - @sarahmalcs on Instagram

- Reduce thighs

- Meditation

- Workout

- Flips gymnastics

Yoga is both a means of access to self-realization and the desired goal of man which is the union of the individual self and the universal self Shri Mahesh #yoga #fitness #meditation #yogapractice #yogainspiration #love #yogalife #yogaeverydamnday #yogi #yogateacher #mindfulness #yogalove #namaste #yogaeveryday #pilates #workout #gym #motivation #health #wellness #yogagirl #yogaeverywhere #healthylifestyle #yogachallenge #nature #yogini #yogapose #fitnessmotivation #healing #bhfyp - @osmozyoga on Instagram

- Blog Posts We Love

- Benefits of Yoga Poses

- Yoga quotidien

- hard yoga poses

- Be Fit

- Gymnastic Strength Training

- Toning Exercises

- Feel Good mit Yoga

- Ab workouts

- Dance

Yoga with a view this morning at Tepoztlán, México 😍 @claudiocagnasso 🙏🏻 @lululemon #travels #yoga #yogi #yogateacher #asana #practice #strongandbendy #benddontbreak #dancer #inhaleexhale #flylikeagirl #balance #breathe #yogaphoto #yogalife #yogainspiration #namaste - @inkatiitto on Instagram

- Beeld

Today I took myself into nature once again... I ended up having the day off, and I got overwhelmed thinking about how maybe I should film some yoga tutorials for IGTV or start a YouTube channel or work on my website or figure out ways to further my career and reach more people. Then I decided that I just want to live my life this afternoon and go hiking with a friend. A lot of people have had success with the online platform, but I started teaching yoga because I love connecting with people face to face. . 🖤 . Obviously, everything is so different now than what it was when I first switched to this career path, and there is a lot going on in the world right now... I have felt the energy and its intense weight, especially with the election coming up and the massive amounts of injustice in our country right now. . 🖤 . I will continue to hold onto hope and pray for a better future and look forward so much to when it becomes safe to be side by side moving and breathing without worrying whether or not it is safe. Trying to continue to allow myself this in between time to pause and catch my breath and do things that I enjoy. Also finding time to be so grateful for all of the wonderful things in my life despite these trying times. . Photo by @victorbrodenphotography Wearing @wolven . #prayers #healingenergy #holdingontohope #hope #hopeful #yogini #makesustainabilitysexy #thirdeyevision #therewillbelight #dailyasana #yogamodel #yogateacher #timetopause #pause #catchmybreath #enjoythejourney #yogajourney #gratefulforthislife #moreloveplease #portraitphotography - @moonchild.movement on Instagram

Examine the contents of your own HEART. 💚⠀ ⠀ Your heart chakra is a place of love, kindness, forgiveness, generosity, and integration.⠀ ⠀ Its the middle way between earth and spirit, material and ethereal.🏔️🔮⠀ ⠀ If your heart chakra has an imbalance you may feel:⠀ ➡️ jealousy⠀ ➡️ holding grudges⠀ ➡️ grief⠀ ➡️ hatred⠀ ➡️ feelings of unworthiness⠀ ➡️ feeling like you need to sacrifice in order to be loved⠀ ➡️ putting others before you at the expense of your own heart⠀ ➡️ fear of betrayal⠀ ⠀ Learn how to balance your HEART CHAKRA, and all of your chakras with me in my upcoming course! 💻 Pre-sale goes LIVE this Friday!🎉 Pre-sale pricing is not only discounted but also includes a FREE upgrade to VIP access - which includes weekly distance Reiki!⠀ ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜⠀ ⠀ Day 4 of #APathToInnerPeace is a forward fold.⠀ ⠀ 💟 Pose list 💟⠀ Day 1 - Tolerance ✔️⠀ Day 2 - Open-mindedness ✔️⠀ Day 3 - Simplicity ✔️⠀ Day 4 - Forgiveness ✔️⠀ Day 5 - Gratitude (prayer hands) ⠀ Day 6 - Humility (humble warrior or any warrior)⠀ Day 7 - Non-judgement (seated) ⠀ Day 8 - Detachment(balance)⠀ Day 9 - Acceptance (hip opener)⠀ Day 10- Yogis choice - share your own experience about your path to peace🙏🏻⠀ ⠀ HOSTS:⠀ @clemeyoga ⠀ @dariasanchez ⠀ @flou_yoga ⠀ @divyak_yoga⠀ @yogawithadriana ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ SPONSORS:⠀ @aloyoga⠀ @alomoves⠀ ⠀ ⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #heartchakra #apathofheart #hearthealing #chakras #chakrabalancing #balanceyourchakras #chakrahealing #energyhealing #aloyoga #alomoves #alochallenge #aloyogachallenge #igyogachallenge #beagoddess #yogaforstrength #yogaforflexibility #yogainspiration #yogainspo #goddessvibes #lasvegasyoga #lasvegasyogateacher #vegasyoga #vegasyogateacher #vegasyogacommunity #lvyoga #vegasyogagirl #vegasyogini - @yogawithadriana on Instagram

𝔻𝕒𝕟𝕔𝕖 𝕚𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕛𝕠𝕪 𝕠𝕗 𝕞𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕝𝕚𝕗𝕖 🕊 • • • 📸 @joshluskphotography • • • #dance #danceworld #dancewear #worldly_dance_features #dancemodel #dancephoto #dancegrammers #dancersofinsta #dancerofinstagram #dancerforlife #dancers #dancephotoshoot #danceworld #dancelife #danceislife - @lexiemarie_dancer on Instagram


- Chakras

- Meditation


- Living Alone Quotes

- on the mat

- Quotes About Loving Yourself


- Ballerinas

- Law of Attraction Coaching

- All Things Yoga!

- morning yoga stretches

- Chakra Yoga

- Fluffy Bunny

- Be Fit

- Pavement

- Bikram Yoga Inspirations

- Dynamic Stretching

- Fall Reset

- Chakra

For many, the experience of aging surfaces common physical and emotional challenges. Join presenter Jenny Loftus (E-RYT 500, YACEP) for her CE Workshop Teaching Yoga for Older Adults to learn about how keeping your students safe through understanding changing bodies, offering modifications, and celebrating the wisdom found in the aging process. Details can be found at the link in our bio. #yogaalliance #YA #YourYA #YAcares #yogacommunity #yoga #yogatogether #yogaforall #RYS #RYT #YTT #yogateacher #yogaschool #ERYT #YACEP #jointheconvoya - @yogaalliance on Instagram

- warrior sports yoga

- quotes on dance

- All about health

- balance & yoga

Jour 4 de #yogaevasion2020 🌿. Je n’aime pas cuisiner pour moi mais j’apprécie cuisiner pour mes amis et ma famille. J’aime aussi essayer de nouveaux plats et cuisines. J’aime las cuisines asiatique (coréen, chinoise ou thailandais). Hosts: @omgirl_lifestyle @kristele.sun @b.yogamuffin @lauraneyoga Sponsors: @aura_yoga_wear @vayumudra @kirbanu @yogomyoga @drawings2life @loveprayjewelry Les Poses: JOUR 1: ÉVASION LECTURE: équilibre sur les mains au choix ou (inversion) JOUR 2: ÉVASION FILM: pose assise au choix JOUR 3: ÉVASION GUSTATIVE: pose sur la pointe des pieds au choix JOUR 4: ÉVASION SENSORIELLE: pose debout au choix JOUR 5: ÉVASION SOUHAITÉE: au choix #yogapractice #yogachallenge #yogadaily #yogafun #yogainspiration #tiptoes - @katesyogamind on Instagram

- Be Yourself

- Let me see you do that YOGA

- Holistic Medicine

- Yoga Stretches Poses and Mudras


- Martial Arts Quotes

- Boundaries

- Exercises For Yoga

Sunday Funday....⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ~⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Enjoy your Sunday everyone! Remember to love life and love it with full of happiness ♥️🙌🏼☀️ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ~⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ What are you doing today?? - @rbf.julie on Instagram

- hard yoga poses

- Meditation

- Urban Dance

Sparkly Sunday funday in this handstand variation. Truth be told, these bendy handstands are much easier for me to hold compared to a straight handstand because I do so much contortion training for my spine. . I love going upside down and feel so grateful that I get to move in this way each and every day. . ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 . Photo by @yancyscotschwartz Wearing @mikayogawear . #handstandseverywhere #handstandseveryday #inversionjunkie #flexibility #strength #mikayogawear #sundayfunday #sparkles #rainbowwall #yogainspiration #photooftheday #yogini #yogisofinstagram #inversionaddict #inversionaddictcommunity #handstandgallery #handstanding #handstandnation #handstandlove #bendsoyoudontbreak #dailymotivation #dailypractice #outdooryoga #venice #movementismedicine - @moonchild.movement on Instagram

- Body AND Soul

- Yoga Books

- Yoga am Morgen

- affirmations

- A Tribe Called Fit

- Stress Relief Yoga

- California Beaches

- Plan Your Next Trip

- Activities for Toddlers

- Fit

- Yoga Teacher Training Rishikesh

- Yoga wheel

- Yoga & Fitness

There is nothing so brave in the whole wide world as a candle daring to live on in the wind. 🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯 #yoga #yogateacher #coronayoga #stayhome #homestudio #homepractice #pinchamayurasana #inversionaddict #upsidedownpage #flyingyogidk #yogatherapy #yogaismagic - @flyingyogi.dk on Instagram

- Luna Yoga

- e.e. cummings

- Flexibility

- Building a home gym

- Yoga exercise

- Beach Yoga

the older I get, the more I’ve learned to cherish those closest to me. @baileyafleming visiting last week made San Diego feel a little bit more like home 🤍 whether were 2,300 miles apart or not, we never skip a beat. we explored and experienced some epic moments while hiking, snorkeling, getting tattoos and even perusing the city. So thankful for a friend like Bailey 👯♀️ - @theplantifulyogi on Instagram

- UNITY Church

- Feel Good mit Yoga

- Gymnastics photography

- Posture Correction

- Martial Arts

- exercise

- legging Fitness

- elixir

Things that make me smile: being with my favorite people, my sweet Keke and Silver, all animals in general, teaching yoga/Pilates, seeing people be kind to one another, delicious food, and impractical jokers 😄😊 What makes you smile?? #smile #happy #laughter #yogainspiration #yogaphotography - @holistic_harmony_with_margaret on Instagram

- Bliss

- Motivation

- A Yoga Diario

- K¡ck¡n✓It Up a Notch (Health & Fitness Group)

Never let your mind tell your heart not to wander. - - @soulyyoga x @tjameskphoto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #yoga #yogaphotography #yogalove #yogapose #yogapractice #yogagirl #yogadaily #yogafit #yogajourney #yogaeverywhere #yogaeveryday #yogainspiration #adultgymnast #adultgymnastics #flexible #fitnessmotivation #compasspose #fitgirls #yogavariation #lululemon #asana #dancer #yogisofinstagram #yogisofig #fitwomen - @tjameskphoto on Instagram

- healthy green beans

- Chakra Art

- Grafiche induismo

- runner yoga

- At the Barre

New online timetable coming for September 💫 DM any suggestions welcome 🤍 . - @_growwiththeflow_ on Instagram

- All things Yoga

- Live Your Dreams

- Being an Empath

- Best Health & Fitness Pins

- Acro Partnering

- Weight Loss for Women

- Stress Relief Yoga

- Aliens in Ancient Art

- Yoga for Beginners

- Gypsy Wisdom

Push yourself 💪 - @healthaus on Instagram

- Cello Yoga

Join Christince for a FREE introduction to Ashtanga Yoga class every Wednesday at 7:45p. Suitable for all levels and body types. In-person class size is extremely limited, so please register in advance. Zoom links will be made available upon registration. Wednesday nights we also have donation based Kirtan with Nada Brahmananda that begin at 6pm. Please feel free to join us for one or both sessions! - @wichita.ashtanga.yoga on Instagram

- Yoga Retreat

Let go and let it flow 🦋 The best moments are unexpected ✨ ・・・ 📸 @nvillagralopez Wearing @oysho #oysho - @tribevinyasa on Instagram

- Greek goddess of wisdom

- Yoga information

- Ballet

- Stretches for hamstrings

“In reaching for balance, we find alignment.” — Sue Krebs - - @soulyyoga x @tjameskphoto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #yoga #yogaphotography #yogalove #yogapose #yogapractice #yogagirl #yogadaily #yogajourney #yogaeverywhere #yogaeveryday #yogainspiration #stretching #adultgymnast #adultgymnastics #fitwomen #lululemon #aloyoga #asana #yogisofinstagram #yogisofig #downdog #threeleggeddog - @tjameskphoto on Instagram

- Chakras

- Badass Affirmation Cards

- Doing a one armed handstand in the bushes. (OC)

- Street Dance

- Yoga Stretches Poses and Mudras

- 2020 fashion must

Do you appreciate life? I think weve all been guilty a time or two or maybe more of taking people and things for granted. Gratitude has been the driving force in my life lately. Its a constant reminder to count my blessings. Learn to appreciate what you have, before time makes you appreciate what you had. P.S. This new camera makes everything so BRIGHT! 👻 Pose inspo: @tattooyogagirl - @jamiemarie_yoga on Instagram

- Affirmations

- Really proud of this one. I had a good day.

- Yin Yang Yoga

- Floor Pillows

Ok so real talk...anyone else having the HARDEST time finding motivation??? 🔅Lately there’s been so much that I want to do, but despite wanting to do it, the motivation to actually get these tasks done just isn’t there. 🔅Like, I’d much rather watch tv than do yoga these days 🤯 honestly, I haven’t had a legit yoga practice in 2 weeks now. 🔅Is it the pandemic? The lack of leadership and support in the US? The environmental tragedies? Existential doom????? Probably all of the above 🤷🏻♀️ What do you do when you’re lacking motivation? Help ya girl out 😅 . .(wearing @jednorthyoga @jednorthwomen) . . . #yogaeverywhere #yogaeverydamnday #positiveminds #asanapractice #mindsetiseverything #healthy #handstandpractice #mindfulness #stressmanagement #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthrecovery #anxietyrelief #anxietyproblems #anxietysupport #anxietyhelp #meditation #meditatedaily #vegansofig #yogisofinstagram #rumination #positivevibes #positivepsychology #yogapractice #fitfam #selfcare #fitnessgirl #yogapractice #yogaoffthemat #summer #yogamind #mindsetshift - @vitamin.dani on Instagram

- Yoga Lifestyle

Fall 10 Day *Sugar* Detox - ONLINE with Allison Modafferi 9/26-10/20 from 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM One of the best things we can do for our health is cut back on that good friend/fiend, the sweet (and seriously addictive) sugar. Did you know that sugar reduces white blood cell function by 50% for 5 hours?? Lets boost that half-time defense to full force resiliency this season! The Details ➡️ Link in Bio! #yoga #beyoga #livebeyoga #liveyourtruth #dailypractice #yogaeverydamnday #beyogaclt #beyogacharlotte #yogainspo #together #outdooryoga #celebratebeing #yogaforeverybody #yogaforbeginners #thisisyoga #yogaheals #holistichealing #doyoga #inhaleexhale #deepbreath #yogadailypractice #onthemat #yogamat #yogatothecore #slowflow #powerfulflow #bepresent - @beyogaclt on Instagram

- Ponytailed Yoga Blonde

- Yoga song theme

- 4th of July outfits

- Just Breathe Yoga

- Tight End

- video yoga

- Yoga - kids

- Aerial Yoga

- Shiva Rea


- Eden has changed us for the BETTER!

- Kim IG

- Beginner Yoga

- 30 Day Splits Challenge

😀 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Use # ExtremeboulderingFeature to be featured! Please only submit High Quilaty photos! Please do not spam! By using this # You are giving me permission to use the photo Without Tagging you If you do not agree with the terms please do not use the #. Feel free to tag yourself manually in the comments. Im looking forward to seeing all of your awesome bouldering feats! Thank you always -ExtremeBouldering ______________________________________________________________________________________ - @extremebouldering on Instagram

That which knows how to bend will not break We are not what we do, or what we have accumulated. With everything stripped down, your abilities taken away, who are you? “Only when you do not know yourself, the opinion of other people becomes important” Sadhguru • Inspired by the book: Inner Engineering Photo by: @nayitavp Outfit: @aloyoga #yoga #yogaeverydamnday #backbend #aloyoga #elvtmovement #elvt #movemore #visitunknown #spaceunknown - @gbmoves on Instagram

- Yoga Photos

Fall is the perfect time to get outdoors, get fit, and get healthy!💪 ⠀ Beginning Saturday October 3rd, Gem Body Mind Co. @gembodymindco will be running Yoga on the Green at Halcyon, as well as the bootcamp on Sunday mornings. Yoga teacher to be announced. Saturdays at 10am. Pre-registration required. To register, click on Link in bio of @gembodymindco💥 ⠀ Also, the CEO of Gem Body Mind Co. @gem_munro is adding resistance training to her popular virtual bodyweight workout program, the Gem Membership (featured in The Atlantan). You get 20 LIVE workouts with Gem every month, plus every workout ever done, and all future workouts, are recorded and uploaded into the members only area so that you never miss a workout and can do them at your leisure. Link in bio of @gem_munro Be sure to keep your eyes peeled for an exciting collaboration coming up between The Avalon and Gem next month!😎😎 ⠀ ⠀ #localretta #alpharetta #alpharettaevents #alpharettafitness #alpharettabusinesses #alpharettaga #livinginalpharetta #alpharettabusinesshub #alpharettalocals #supportlocal #northfultonCounty #bodywellness #wellness #fitness #fitnesstrainer #fitnessexpert #fitnesscoach #yogi #yogateacher #bodyworkout #virtualworkout #resistancetraining #awesomealpharetta - @localretta on Instagram

- PCOS Fitness

- Surya Namaskara

You do not just wake up and become the butterfly...growth is a process ✨🐛🦋 ・・・ 📸 @nvillagralopez Wearing @oysho #oysho - @tribevinyasa on Instagram

- Entrepreneur Motivation

- Quotes - Inspirational

- Affirmations & Mantras

- Cool things for the kids

Weekly Affirmation: Self-esteem I possess gifts of the soul that benefit me and others It’s easy to perceive others as being better than you. This is a trap of the ego. There is no one greater or less or than you; there are only those who have learned how to reveal their gifts to a greater or less or degree. Everyone is born with unique abilities of the soul, and just like snowflakes no two are ever alike. You have a unique perspective to share with the world and NOW is the time to put your stamp on it. Perhaps you may not be aware or even ‘in tune‘ with your incredible and gift itself. Why not try to make a list of 10 aspects of yourself or abilities you possess that you love and hold in higher regard? It is not always easy to write about yourself, but sometimes you need to be reminded just how special you are. Remember that you did not come down to the school room by accident. You have meaning and a reason for being. You are a treasure chest of incredible gifts and insights. Now is the time to celebrate you! James Van Praagh #weeklyaffirmation #intentions #yoga #yogi #bby #jamesvanpraagh #bohemianblissyoga #bbytribe - @bohemianblissyoga on Instagram

- Cosmic Convergence Festival

- Bodies in Motion

- Shaman healing

- Ahh Spa & Retreat

- Contortion

- [COMP] my favourite asana!

- Ayurveda & Yoga

Perception. Emotion. Intention. Acceptance. Where the body goes the mind follows. Looking for new insight, relief, or clarity? Invert the body. Change it up. - @charnetteb on Instagram

🌿End of Summer Feels🌿 August is coming to an end and most of us are getting ready for work or a new routine after the summer. I hope you’ve all managed to recharge during the past sunny warm months. I’m excited to be back in London, finally live in studios as well as online on zoom. Here’s this weeks schedule: ~Come and move with me~ 🔸Monday🔸 12.00 Barre Flow @bhutilondon 🔸Tuesday🔸 9.30 Pilates @wearerize 10.30 Yogalates @wearerize 🔸Wednesday🔸 12.00 Yogalates @wearerize 13.30 Yogalates @wearerize 18.00 Pilates Flow Online @movewithsimone 🔸Thursday 🔸 8.00 Pilates Flow Online @movewithsimone 🔸Friday 🔸 12.00 Yogalates @wearerize 13.00 Pilates @wearerize 14:00 Children Ballet @horizonballet 🔸Saturday🔸 9.30 Pilates Flow @emberyogatw12 🔸Sunday 🔸 9.00 Barre Flow @bhutilondon Photograph by the talented @nadinebrandtphotography Thank you. DM me here for an online invite. Pilates Flow classes are £5-£10 (per household). . . . . . . . . . #barreflow #pilates #pilatesinstructor #simonepilates #movementislife #dance #balletpose #movementcoach #thebreezeoflife #pilatesteacher #dancer #pilatesinstructor #barre #basi #basipilates #barreinstructor #danceteacher #ballerina #fitness #love #stayhealthy #ballet #dancewear #artishealing #healyoursoul #shapeyourlife #balletdancer #dancersofinstagram #bodyawareness #raiseyourmind - @movewithsimone on Instagram

- the healer builds a toolbox

- yoga poster

- Holly Flax (The Office)

- health + fitness

- All day Yoga

- Deep , Define and Intense