Noting Profile Pics

nothingnotesnoting this downtaking notesnotedwritingnopeyesokay

~Misa Amane Icon~

Profile pics I made

rzcat hmm noted rzcat hmm noted hmm noted

- aidens room

anime icons


theres nothing more i can do harry smith wentworth thats all i can do i cant do anything anymore

- My aunt made this watercolor! I had it turned into a magnet as a surprise for her upcoming art show


nothing more to say abba the winner takes it all song theres nothing left to say i have nothing else to say

{Finally Set Free} from my gallery and camera roll! These mini decals from @pocketprintsapp are just beautiful to hold, and the print colour is very true to the image. They can stick to any surface and can be peeled off and restuck up to 100 times ~ perfect for so many uses! Ill definitely be ordering more. And one of their gorgeous Grid Prints while Im at it! • When was the last time you printed your memories? • #pocketprintsapp #weprintmemories #printyourphotos #memories #asecondofwhimsey #itsthelittlethings #livethelittlethings #gifted #thesweetlifeunscripted #floralstories - @coffeepaperyarn on Instagram

eunjo ☕️


jontron ok goon notes yes

As mais antigas pontes de Paris - Pont Notre Dame, Pont au Change - eram habitadas, como mostra este quadro do Carnavalet. Gosto de flanar pelo Museu Carnavalet para descobrir obras que nos revelam os segredos da antiga Paris. O Carnavalet é um excelente museu dedicado à história da cidade. Uma sugestão, quando for passear pelo Marais, não deixe de conhecê-lo. Vale a pena! Ele está ao lado da Place des Vosges. . . #conexãoparis #conexaoparis #dicasdeparis #historiadeparis #historia #pontesdeparis #arte #art #museecarnavalet - @conexaoparis on Instagram


Misa amane icon 33

nothing rudy ayoub forget it not a thing theres none

Uma fotografia é um instante de vida capturado para a eternidade. . . . . . . . . . . . #InovFotos #momentos #registros #fotografia - @inovfotos on Instagram

Pin von rigby auf profile pics | Profilbilder, Anime zeichnen, Anime

nothing serious face neil de grasse tyson

- Art Cloth

L Lawliet

canticos heart music note music

- Alphabet Soup

Profile pics I made

masc icon

misa misa misa amane death note the charli gc

Just released: ‘Superpowers of Scale’, my book on the politics of scale in architecture, through the work of the Office for Political Innovation. With contributions by Keller Easterling, Beatriz Colomina and Paul B. Preciado. Such an enriching collaboration with @Columbia_books_on_arc ( @jmzgraham , @isa__kl ). Designed by @lauracoombs ! Link in bio . . With the support of @grahamfoundation #SuperpowersOfScale #AndrésJaque #OfficeForPoliticalInnovation #OFFPOLINN #KellerEasterling #BeatrizColomina #ArchitectureBook #Eameses #Eames #Mies #PowersOfTen #IKEADisobedients #PHANTOM #pornifiedHomes #victoriaAmazonica #AndresJaque #sleepyboy #Berlusconi #Milano2 #Brazilian #JacuzziRiots #LosAngeles #Grindr #IntimateStrangers #Tessenow #davidhockney #JanetteRodruguez #sexandthecity #Cabrujas - @andres_jaque on Instagram

masc icon

nothing smp minecraft bedrock smp brighton deep

Der Weg von einer Idee zum fertigen Produkt ist von zahlreichen Tests gepflastert, die der Konkretisierung der Idee unter (mehr oder minder) realen Bedingungen dienen. Prototypen sind daher ein wichtiges Werkzeug bei der Entwicklung von Innovationen, sind essenzieller Bestandteil von agilen Methoden wie Design Thinking und Scrum und werden eingesetzt, um frühzeitig Feedback von potenziellen Kund*innen einzuholen. Neue Prototyping-Technologien bieten spannende Möglichkeiten, um Ideen schnell erleb- und erprobbar zu machen – sowohl virtuell als auch physisch. Bei der fünften Learning Journey am 23.09. von 18:00-19:30 Uhr besuchen wir drei Stationen aus diesem Bereich und lassen wieder die Expert*innen zu Wort kommen. Diesmal sind dabei: Larissa Zeichhardt (Geschäftsführerin, LAT), Fridtjof Gustavs (Gründer, MotionLab.Berlin) und Prof. Dr.-Ing. Fabian Hemmert (Professor für Interface- und User Experience-Design, Bergische Universität Wuppertal). 👉 Mehr zu den Stationen und zur kostenfreien Anmeldung: @lat_berlin @motionlabberlin @uni.wuppertal #prototyping #testen #kreativwirtschaft #learningjourney #designthinking #scrummaster #innovationen - @kreativ_bund on Instagram



its nothing different bustle relocated not impressed its the same

Quand la lumière entre dans latelier avec les merveilleux tissus dAntoinette Poisson.. Et que tu dois te plonger dans létude pour les réunir en un patch, cest juste le bonheur pour une créatrice textile! Merci à léquipe dAntoinette Poisson pour leur accueil @antoinettepoisson et à Camille Soulayrol et Marie Claire Idées pour leur confiance renouvelée @marieclaireidees @camillesoulayrol When the light enters the studio with the wonderful fabrics of Antoinette Poisson .. And you have to immerse yourself in the study to bring them together into a quilt, its just happiness for a textile designer! Thanks to Antoinette Poisson team for their welcome and Marie-Claire Idées for their renewed confidence #antoinettepoisson #marieclaireidees #tissusaparis #papiersdominotés #tissusfrançais #frenchfabric - @cosabethparriaud on Instagram

Misa 🤍


music note

L’acheminement 🚚 Nos grains de café vert bio prennent donc la mer sur un cargo, afin de rejoindre la France. Après trois à quatre semaines de voyage, les containers arrivent au port du Havre. Les cafés sont ensuite acheminés vers notre usine artisanale bordelaise. Que les mélanges commencent ! 🌊 #bio #organic #fairtrade #fair #café #coffeelovers #coffelover #instacoffee #coffeegram #traveljournal #artbook #journal #gouache #art #peinture #journaling #cafébio #destinationbio - on Instagram


⚚ღ 夜神月

pooh nothing

МОСКВА⭐ ...глазами Здорово, что вы берёте наши скетчбук с собой в путешествия🤗 #usk #sketch #sketchbook #watercolorgram #watercolor #draweveryday #moscow #russia - @sketchstory_ru on Instagram

┇・ ˎˊ 𝘓 📓

nothing more jake drama drama thats all it is no more

Lovely Artist ☺️ By 👉👉👉 😍 @mmarley57 #abstractpaint #artwork_in_studio #paintings #abstracts #artistic_nation #artist_features #artabstract #abstractart #paintingart #abstract #creativeart #artistic_share #youngartist #abstraction - @abstractartclub on Instagram

light yagami hot

nothing nada nothingcoin i have nothing whitney

- Interior design mood board

Profile pics I made

fem icon

m150 usa itworks energy drink well noted

- 2013 Reads in 2013

Death note pfp📓

no nothing stop it nothing confusing sign

- Decals - LAPTOP

Nico | nanbaka

misa icon! ★

memorandum written take note %EA%B3%B5%EC%B1%85 %EB%A9%94%EB%AA%A8%ED%95%98%EB%8B%A4

- Assemblage

Profile pic I made


nothing andre raines fbi international thats not important not a thing

Wenn ihr gerne mit dem Fahrrad, zu Fuß oder auf dem Pferderücken unterwegs seid, dann soltet ihr unbedingt einen Blick in die Neuauflage der #Freizeitkarte Münster und Umgebung werfen. Sie liefert euch nicht nur Infos über die Sehenswürdigkeiten entlang der Strecken, sie gibt auch viele nützliche Hinweise, zum Beispiel zu Fahrradverleih und -ladestationen. Für Kunst- und Kulturinteressierte sind sogar 60 Skulpturstandorte angegeben. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Mehr Infos dazu gibs beim städtischen Vermessungs- und Katasteramt unter ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #vermünstert #Münsterinfo #muenster #meinmünster #münsterland #münstergram #exploremuenster #münsterinbildern #stadtmünster #ms4l #allesmünster #stadtmuenster - @stadt_muenster on Instagram

Profile pics I made

amane misa

drama llama funny animals so bored alone nothing to do

- on Instagram


death note | L

nothing spectacular sungwon cho prozd nothing interesting nothing special

Great Shot by @carlinafarlotta - #tagusinyourphoto - @igerswien on Instagram


music notes

- ((nest))

funny ig notes ideas

L pfp

breaking bad walter white bryan cranston nothing

- Art Ideas

Profile pics I made

Death Note Misa | Kira | Ryuk | L | Digital Art

music notes

- Collagraph

funny ig notes ideas

masc icons

i dont know

- scrapbook

notebook objects joypixels write notes take notes

- Art journal - Mixed media 2

aurelius467385 sonny boy pony nothing

- Workshop Cafe

alright noted with thanks thank you noted with pants bear

- Youtube Channel | The Coastal Confidence

noting this down noting heart locket heart noting this down heart locket noting this down

Looking for a beautiful headband to compliment a hairstyle. Check out these stunning creations by @md_handmadeheadbands @munamatti #designerheadbands #weddinghair #handmade - @salonnvmag on Instagram

erika lust lusties music note musical note

Akcja donacja👍🏻 Marka Always Polska, we współpracy z Polski Czerwony Krzyż (PCK) walczą na rzecz problemu ubóstwa menstruacyjnego w Polsce❤️ Dlatego za każde opakowanie podpasek Always zakupione pomiędzy 1.09.2020 a 29.09.2020, Always przekaże podpaskę potrzebującym dziewczynkom w wieku szkolnym za pośrednictwem Polskiego Czerwonego Krzyża. Dołącz do #akcjadonacja, a Always przekaże donację potrzebującym uczennicom💁🏻‍♀️ ❗️Za produkty zakupione pomiędzy 1.02.2020 a 15.03.2020, Always przekazał 2,777,800 podpasek❗️ Więcej na #akcjadonacja #always #okres #podpaskialways #akcjamenstruacja #podpaski #ubóstwomenstruacyjne #menstruacja #drogerie #drogeriepolskie #polskiczerwonykrzyż #pck #wsparcie #dojrzewanie - @drogerie_polskie on Instagram

something out of nothing from nothing from something from scratch making things happen from very little grow

~we like strong women here~ Do you watch Downtown Abbey? • I just love Downtown Abbey so I knew I had so do a spread of it for The Roaring Twenties of #journalingthroughtheages (yes, Im really late). - @messydesk_messymind on Instagram

%E4%BD%95%E3%82%82%E3%81%AA%E3%81%84 %E3%82%BC%E3%83%AD %E7%A9%BA%E3%81%A3%E3%81%BD %E3%81%A4%E3%81%BE%E3%82%89%E3%81%AA%E3%81%84 %E3%81%84%E3%81%AC


nothing no nope naw nah

- arte educacion

notebook with decorative cover objects joypixels journal sketching

🚬JETPACK hom(m)e® restock for @lantiki_official 🇯🇵 Handcrafted “Found Object” Cigarette necklaces with sterling silver chains, since 2017. #jetpackhomme - @jetpackhomme on Instagram

noted with thanks gif

- Art Course Ideas for Adults


❤️ So small, so clever. And so cute - never underestimate cute. The limited edition @the_gentlewoman mini magazine with 10 years of cover stories. Get it while you can. #tgw20 #miniature - @jopvanbennekom on Instagram

homes dot com reporter nothing to see surprised shocked

- Art Tutorials

musical notes symbols joypixels music music notes

Lo sapete già: dopo mesi di chiusura forzata, finalmente giovedì 17 alle 19 inauguriamo Behind Three Stars, il lavoro di Angelo Ferrillo & Sara Rossatelli che svela il dietro le quinte dei ristoranti stellati italiani. La mostra è curata da Barbara Silbe e Chiara Oggioni Tiepolo e fa parte della XV edizione di Milano Photo Festival @milanophotofestival. 🎈Ingresso gratuito ma contingentato secondo le norme anti Covid, scriveteci a per prenotare la vostra visita. Vi aspettiamo! @pherrillo @sara_rossatelli @lasilbe @chiaraot #fotografia #mostredifotografia #fotografiamilano #trestelle #trestellemichelin #ristorantiitaliani - @officinefotografiche_milano on Instagram

theres nothing to talk about susannah the summer i turned pretty theres nothing to discuss dont mention it can be found. Beauty can be created. The trick is to embrace it all... . . . . . #earthangelsstudiosdotcom #linkinbio #handmade #gallery #jensearthangels #collection #dowhatmakesyouhappy #creativepreneur #pursuepretty #darlingmovement #womeninbusiness #womeninbiz #ilovemyjob #happyplace #thatauthenticfeeling #momentslikethese #momentsofmine #shopsmall #smallbusiness #shophandmade #risingtidesociety #liveauthentic #theartofslowliving #livethelittlethings #jenoconnor #earthangels - @earthangelsstudios on Instagram

duly noted with thanks gif


nothing anthe allu arjun nothing no never

- Book Art

shark sharkenergy sharkenergydrink notes noted

- Crafts

nothing special emma engvid nothing much just normal

Qualcosa non ha funzionato_SPETTACOLO di TEATRO CIVILE 21 NOVEMBRE Auditorium Cimarosa. Se qualcuno mi chiede cosa si prova ad essere una donna io risponderei chiedetemi prima di tutto cosa è provi ad essere una persona .. Per la Giornata Internazionale per lEliminazione della Violenza Contro le Donne, che ricorre il 25 novembre, Teatro Vernice ha scelto di mettere in scena presso lAuditorium del Conservatorio Domenico Cimarosa uno SPETTACOLO di TEATRO CIVILE che vuole indagare e riconoscere la violenza nascosta, a volte, anche nei gesti apparentemente normali. Qualcosa non ha funzionato sarà rappresentato MERCOLEDi 21 NOVEMBRE in 3 REPLICHE: DUE REPLICHE la MATTINA alle 9.30 e alle 11.30 ESCLUSIVAMENTE per gli STUDENTI delle SCUOLE SECONDARIE DI II GRADO e i loro insegnanti; - LA TERZA REPLICA LA SERA alle 20.30 aperta ad PUBBLICO più ampio di ADULTI Parlare oggi di #violenza in una realtà come quella attuale in cui la rapidità di visibilità e la spettacolarizzazione degli eventi sembra cancellarne limpatto emotivo, diventa ancora più urgente e pressante Le #storie , raccontate entrate in una successione di video affrontano temi rilevanti come la ricerca di una propria identità attraverso lomologazione e la prevaricazione, le dinamiche di gruppo, il confine labile tra gioco e violenza Questo spettacolo è il risultato di una lunga ricerca, ricerca orizzontale verso lesterno, fuori e intorno a noi, nelle storie di uomini e donne comuni, ma anche una ricerca verticale dentro di noi, cosa succede quando entriamo in contatto e in relazione con altro In collaborazione con #vernicefrescateatro - @conservatoriodiavellino on Instagram

canticos web3 crypto kiki kiki chickie

- 100 day project

writing down taking note

- art

it means nothing real housewives of beverly hills that doesnt mean anything theres nothing into it its useless

Thats what we call a hotel with a view! Are you all ready for the #ECMLjubljana2019 conference? #WeAreECM #visitljubljana - @europeancitiesmarketing on Instagram

noting this down mlp pinkie pie pony cringe

- Boxes

taking notes noting scribbling scribble notepad

- collage and assemblage

noting notes taking notes noting this down

- contemporary african art

pepo g peepo notes write

Palette di colore al Labirinto della Masone. Grazie a @sabrinadanella per il #repostmonday di oggi. • • • • • • „Larchitettura è il gioco sapiente, corretto e magnifico dei volumi raggruppati sotto la luce. I nostri occhi sono fatti per vedere le forme nella luce: lombra e la luce rivelano queste forme; i cubi, i coni, le sfere, i cilindri e le piramidi sono le grandi forme primarie… La loro immagine ci appare netta… E senza ambiguità.“ Le Corbusier #ilovethisthingswithpantone #ilovepantone #pantone #instapantone #pantonecolors #pantonecards #pantoneproject #labirintodellamasone #francomariaricci #piercarlobontempi #labirintodifrancomariaricci #designer #architettura #architecture #archlovers #architecturegram #beautifull #labirinto #labyrinth #luce #piramide #bamboo #fontanellato #parma #igersparma #emiliaromagna #igeresmiliaromagna #iloveemiliaromagna - @labirintodifrancomariaricci on Instagram

lil nam kuroneko noting this down replay review gokou ruri

- 2 Fr.nau Herfst

usagyuuun note write pen writing

Double tap if you’d love to receive this in the mail 😍 @theopulentz has the right idea! #rg - @spafinder on Instagram

notes taking notes noting this down

- Michelle McNamara Scrapbook Pages

ookun animax cute anime animal

- Buttons and Beads

nothing nothing south park s18e10 happy holograms stan marsh

- Assemblage / Boxes

nothing im not doing anything forget it

Breathtaking right ?!!! Repost from @olya_kravets_ #finnabaircreativeteam #finnabair #finnabairproducts #primamarketing #primamarketinginc #primamixedmedia #finnabairmixedmedia #createwithfinnabair #mixedmediaart #tutorial #artalchemy #mixedmediavideotutorial #mixedmediavideo #canvas #primamarketinginc #createwithprima #primaflowers #primamixedmedia @primamarketinginc @finnabair_studio - @primamarketinginc on Instagram


Over 100 pretty notecards just sitting in my studio... hmmmm. 🤔 Stay tuned for how to get your hands on one, or two, or three! 💌 . . #covid #covidkindness #covid2020 #covid19 #care #caring #help #smallbusiness #smallactsoflove #smallactsofkindness #handmade #design #designkind #kinddesign #helpingothers #helpeachother #stationery #quarantine #quarantinelife #dosomething #project #needaproject #quarantineprojects #notecards #note #sendthemlove #spreadlove - @sugarhouse_stationery on Instagram

cute take notes writing

- 2 Vak Italië

homer simpson i see nothing i know nothing i was never here

- Dem Klima zuliebe: Kohleausstieg vorgezogen

nothing tim henson none zero blank

- All Whimsy

taking notes writing down jeremiah buie

- Art Assignments

nothing thats nothing empty not a thing high stakes jenga

- Slide Rule

noted golden girls write down noting blanche devereaux

- Collage Collage

nothing emma stone mia la la land none

- Art journals

nothing doing done mugatu zoolander

- Albumes con rollos de papel

ema skye ace attorney phoenix wright noting noting down

- Book

chihiro noting this is the way down noting this down

- David Hughes

vengeful notes record cat cute

- Altered Art

nothing thelgx nothing at all not a thing just nothing

- Annes September 2017 Thirty paintings in 30 days

nothing fred pye nought none zero

Buy a book of postage stamps today. Help save @uspostalservice and stop this bum from rigging another presidential election. Also we have mail-in ballot forms available in the shop. Just ask ❤️ - @starr_wines on Instagram

blac youngsta smile thingking writing

- Art - Assemblage/Collage

rzcat hmm noted emoji hmm noted emoji hmm noted

Klickt auf den Link in unserer Bio & dann auf den Post - So gelangt ihr zum Deal! ⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ #urlaubspiraten #venedig #schnäppchen #italien #luxushotel #luxus #silvester #urlaub #urlaub2020 #travelblogger #reiseblogger #reiselust #wanderlust #fernweh #reiseliebe #reiseinspiration #citytrip #städtetrip #venice #igersvenezia #canalgrande #gondel - @urlaubspiraten on Instagram

raccoon writing taking down notes insomnia homework

STEP INTO MOTION Bist Du zwischen 18 und 39 Jahren alt und hast eine Krebserkrankung hinter Dir? Dann könnte Dich dieses neue, kostenlose Online-Programm interessieren! Ihr werdet in einem vierwöchigen Online-Kurs (Oktober/November) darin bestärkt Sport/Bewegung (wieder) aufzunehmen und als festen Bestandteil eures Alltags zu integrieren. Dafür finden wir Deine individuell passende Bewegungsidee & attraktive Angebote, die dazu passen. Dann planen wir das Angebot/deine Idee präzise in deinen Alltag ein. Gleichzeitig lernst Du Strategien, wie man trotz immer wieder auftretender Barrieren (zB. Müdigkeit, Selbstzweifel, Zeitdruck, Überstunden, Stress) das individuelle Sportprogramm beibehält und seinem Körper zu stätig was Gutes tut. Und abschließend baust Du Dir noch ein Motivationsteam, welches sehr wichtig sein kann, um regelmäßig körperlich aktiv zu sein. Alle Inhalte werden immer samstags hochgeladen und Du kannst sie ortsunabhängig und zeitlich flexibel bearbeiten. Neugierig geworden? Dann registriere dich unter Ich freue mich auf Dich! #krebs #krebshilfe #talkaboutcancer #gemeinsamstärker #dubistnichtallein #lebengeniessen #InfluCancer #Kurvenkratzer #gesundheitistalles #gesundheitsmanagement #fatigue #derwegzurück #cancersurvivor #stayfitgethealthy #stiftungfürjungeerwachsenemitkrebs #krebsnachsorge #jungerwachsenemitkrebs #jungundkrebs #gemeinsamgegenkrebs #strongertogether #cancerfighter #füreinanderdasein #Awareness #Gemeinschaft #lebensqualitätsteigern #getactive #activelifestyle #BewegungundsportnachKrebs #bewegungsförderung - @stepintomotion on Instagram

cartoon network escandalosos wbb we bare bears polar

- # 4 - Art Journal Inspiration

taking notes okay alright

- Boekbinden

nothing bored nothing at all

Order then chaos in the name of design - @alksassociates on Instagram

noting this down noting

I will be offering SPECIAL senior sessions - smal group friends, father/daughter dance, small group “prom”, cap n gown. Call 561-271-7954 Luxe Senior Photography WP Photography - getting ready for Boca High auction. #hsseniorphotography #familyphotographer #delraybeach #bocaraton #palmbeach #southflorida - @luannwarnerprokos on Instagram

music note dancing music notes musical score wanna sing

** 🚨giveaway alert🚨** We’re so excited about our new space and hope you’ll help us spread the word— tag two friends in the comments and follow @gravy_studio for an entry into a drawing for the prints, postcards, and zines pictured above. United States only please— we will be randomly selecting a winner on March 25th! Many thanks to the friends of Gravy who have donated these materials at prints swaps and other events— please give them a follow! #givemesomegravy #printgiveaway #giveaway #phillyartist @popuppolaroid - postcards @discotography - prints @artmurri - print @iamjohnwaller / @permanent_drift - print and zine @matthurstphoto / @katiereyphotography / @daytimelauren / @callmebutterfield / @j.ddot - zine @stefike - postcards @jacobpast - zine @ihaveanoseynose - postcards - @gravy_studio on Instagram

%E4%BD%95%E3%82%82%E3%81%AA%E3%81%84 %E3%83%8A%E3%83%83%E3%82%B7%E3%83%B3%E3%82%B0 %E3%82%BC%E3%83%AD %E3%81%A4%E3%81%BE%E3%82%89%E3%81%AA%E3%81%84 %E9%80%80%E5%B1%88

- artful journals

nothing pink spring and purple cloud below nothing in red bubble letters bored doing nothing nothing at all

- Magic Carpet

write that down taking notes school universities university

- Alice van der vennen

write noted angry cute

- Branding Photography

tamar nothing nope

Getting back to my nightly routine of embroidery (instead of clicking endlessly on my phone) has been GREAT. Also getting a head start on Christmas embroidery gifts is making my heart happy for all the reasons 🎄 - @ashwritesbooks on Instagram

shush quiet hush say nothing secret

Nach exakt 30 Jahren haben wir gestern Abschied von unserer tollen und engagierten Mitarbeiterin und Kollegin Doris Gundert genommen. Heinrich Riethmüller und Karin Goldstein haben es sich nicht nehmen lassen, sich stellvertretend für die gesamte Geschäftsführung sowie für ganz OSIANDER persönlich bei Frau Gundert zu verabschieden. Sie geht in ihren wohlverdienten Ruhestand. 30 Jahre lang hat sie für OSIANDER mit viel Freude gearbeitet, war gleichermaßen beliebt bei Kollegen und Kolleginnen und Kunden und Kundinnen wegen ihrer herzlichen Art und ihrem tollen Fachwissen. Heerscharen von Studenten und Studentinnen haben bei ihr die medizinischen Lehrbücher eingekauft - und auch auf Facebook hat sie ihre Schützlinge unter Gundis Mediziner-Ecke immer auf dem Laufenden gehalten. Wir alle werden sie sehr vermissen! Und das Abschiedsfest wird demnächst unter Einhaltung der Corona-Bedingungen stattfinden. ___________ #osiander #osianderland #bücherliebe #buchhandel #shopdaheim #heinrichriethmüller #karingoldstein #osiandergeschäftsführung #buchladenliebe #buchhandlung #leseliebe - @osiander_buchhandlungen on Instagram

patrick star list to do

@quarentenagaleria invites you to the inauguration of the 5th Cycle. The exhibition will open this Monday till 21st of oct 2020. • Artwork Details: Downward II (21st century mental state) Mixed media 13 x 12 / 7.5 inches 2020 • #21stcenturymentalstate #habeebandu • • • #mixedmedia #mixedmediaartist #abstractart #mixedmediaart #visualartfeature #abstract #childsplaystudio #art #artist #arte #artistsoninstagram #21stcentury #mentalstate #educationstate #artgallery #artcurator #artcollector #andrebutzer #countryside #Rocky #ibiza #thepawn #greatart #color #contemporaryartist  #artaroundtheworld #artcollectors - @habeebanduart on Instagram

knnyagi noted

- BLOG DECOuvrir Design

nothing at all maxine chapman max a league of their own absolutely nothing

- Go, Go, Go

knnyagi noted

Get your hands on these amazingly Tinted Watercolour Sheets by @st_cuthberts_mill ARTIST STARTER PACK A pack containing 13 Assorted Sheets of Saunders Waterford and Bockingford Papers in all surfaces, varieties and weights in size of 11in x 15in. This pack contains 1 sheet of the Following: Size: 11x15in Surface: CP, HP & Rough No. Of Sheets: 13 Price: Rs750/- Bockingford 300gsm White Bockingford 300gsm Cream Bockingford 300gsm Oatmeal Bockingford 300gsm Grey Bockingford 300gsm Blue Bockingford 300gsm Eggshell Saunders Waterford 190gsm HP Saunders Waterford 190gsm CP Saunders Waterford 190gsm Rough Saunders Waterford 300gsm HP Saunders Waterford 300gsm CP Saunders Waterford 300gsm Rough Saunders Waterford 638gsm Rough . . Easy to lift the colour wash to get back to the white base paper. 5 Light Tints: These are excellent for artists to create instant mood and atmosphere to a painting. The warm shades of Cream and Oatmeal give instant warmth to the picture, whilst Blue, Grey and Eggshell produce a cooler feeling. Beautiful Random Surface Texture: Surface enhances the finished #painting Suitable for Multimedia: In addition to watercolour the paper accepts #pastel, #gouache, #acrylic, #pencil, #charcoal and #pen & #ink. The paper can also be & ink for certain print techniques and bespoke cartons. #saundersindia #saunders #stcuthbertsmillindia #stcuthbertsmill #bockingfordindia #bockingford #watercolor #artistpaper #artist #art #watercolourpaper #TheArtIndustry #printmakingpaper #nowinIndia #acidfree #sketchpaper #sketchpad #artistpad #artessential - on Instagram

mark cuban shark tank notes taking notes remember

#Repost @artisanprintscom with @repostapp ・・・ T R A V E L J O U R N A L by @rommentiqevents “We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us.” – Anonymous Feat: Soft Cover Book 8x12L #travejournal #travelbook #travelgram #wanderlust #wanderlustphotography #travelling #kinfolk #vsco #igsg #sgig #photographer #fineart #arttoprintsmadesimple #artisanprints #softcoverbook #artisanbook #holidaybook #journal #hongkong #macau - @rommentiqevents on Instagram

bored nothing to do bummed out irritated mad

Witaj Warszawo! Kochani, czekam na Was do 13:00 w Ogrodzie Krasińskich przy stoisku nr 5 🤗 #czaspokuty #amwriting #lovewriting #writer #writing #pisarz #autor #książki #powieść #author #authoratwork #literatura #polishboy #thriller #groza #horror #czytanie #booklover #wydawnictwo #grzegorzkopiec #janka #lubliniec #ogródkrasińskich - @grzegorz.kopiec_literacko on Instagram

notes note pad noted write down note down

ЗАВЕРШЕН! ДАРИМ 15 КНИГ СЕРИИ ЭКСКЛЮЗИВНАЯ КЛАССИКА❤️ ⠀ Мы, вместе с Леной и Таней разыграем 15 книг. ⠀ 📌Будет 3 победителя, по 5 книг серии каждому! ⠀ ‼️Вот условия: ⠀ ▪️быть подписанным на меня @lozovsbooks, на @elena_nemecz и @tataka_blog ⠀ ▪️Поставить лайк этому и двум последним постам у каждой из нас❤️ ⠀ ▪️ оставить один любой комментарий под постом 1ЧЕЛОВЕК=1КОММЕНТАРИЙ! ⠀ ❗️Если делаете репост в сторис с отметкой наших страниц + оставляйте ещё один комментарий со словом Репост ⠀ ❌Ограничения: ▪️участвуют живые аккаунты ▪️массфолловеры не участвуют ▪️ Доставка по РФ через пункт озон, вайлдбериз ⠀ Победителей выберем 25 сентября с помощью @lizaonair ⠀ Пусть тебе повезёт! 🍀 Книг много не бывает 😍 ⠀ Фото @tataka_blog #розыгрыш#книжныйрозыгрыш#гив#книжныйгив - @lozovsbooks on Instagram

noted ok

- Surprise box gift

noted meme but looney tunes

Happy to confirm that PechaKucha founders from Tokyo Astrid Klein & Mark Dytham will also present at PechaKucha Night Bangkok! Join Astrid and Mark in their very own award-winning creation — Open House at Central Embassy. Tuesday 17 July, party starts at 19:30 and speakers begin at 20:20 sharp! #pechakuchabangkok #pechakucha #openhousece - @pechakuchabkk on Instagram


- A-Level Photography

hyperx hyperxfamily fuslie cloud alpha wireless writing that down

- Amazing Abstract Inspirations2

emoji writing taking notes %E8%AE%B0%E4%B8%8B%E6%9D%A5 recording

おばけ本完成。2年遅れのFW2017版。 Obake Fashionweek Book, 2 years delay fall-winter 2017 #obakefashionweek #paris #france #fashion #fashionweek #17 #illustration #fashionillustration #エルメス #イラストレーション #ファッション #おばけ - @macotsawada on Instagram

looney tunes daffy notes writing

- Live Events

wikipedia wiki cat writing notepad

- Book Arts

writing notes checklist spongebob squarepants

- Dry fruit box

oh nothin butters stotch south park s9e9 marjorine

- ada work embroidery

noted notes take notes

En sons berättelse om sin mor. En bok för dig som vill läsa en gripande och fint skriven berättelse om ett liv, och om det svenska klassamhället. 📖 Har du läst? Vad tyckte du? 🦋 . . När Birgitta Lundberg föddes fanns det hopp, även om hennes liv. I rekordårens och folkhemmets Sverige kunde en arbetarflicka på landsbygden gå åtta år i skolan, ett år i husmoderskola och få ett kontorsjobb måndagen efter examen. Hon kunde spara till körkort och bil, åka på dans och hitta kärleken. Snart levde Birgitta Lundberg den svenska drömmen: Make, två barn. Volvo och villa. En välfärd som fanns där när hon behövde den. Sedan kom 1990-talets finanskris. Skilsmässan och stressen. Fattigdomen. Barnens liv till varje pris. #adlibris #fjärlisvägen #boktips - on Instagram

Die Sommerausgabe ist da! 😎💦Autorin Johanna Bukovsky kennt Strände bisher vor allem von den klassischen Badeferiendestinationen am Mittelmeer. Als sie auf Sansibar ankommt, verschlägt es ihr erstmal die Sprache. Natürlich bleibt sie aber nicht einfach liegen. Sie erkundet Nationalparks, besucht Seegrasbäuerinnen, Gewürzplantagenarbeiter und kommt mit den Massai in Kontakt. Sportkletterer Pirmin Bertle reist fünf Monate lang durch Argentinien, Chile und Bolivien. Mit seiner Frau, zwei Kindern – und einer Katze namens Malbec. Im Bialoweza-Nationalpark im Osten Polens findet Tobias Panwitz endlich Ruhe. Und Wisente, nach denen sogar das lokale Bier benannt ist. Katharina Finke begleitet den jungen Inder Guddu, der beide Beine verloren hat und sein Leben in der Millionenmetropole nun auf dem Skateboard meistert. Bruno Heinzer besucht eine kleine Insel in Japan. Okinoshima ist winzig, aber von grosser kultureller und spirutueller Bedeutung. Ausserdem freuen wir uns unter anderem auf starke Bilder aus Georgien und eine Reportage aus La Gomera. Wir treffen Karin Hofmann, die 13 Jahre lang fürs IKRK in den Krisengebieten der Welt unterwegs war und sprechen mit Levin Lüthi, der Star einer neuen SRF-DOK-Serie ist, in der auch sein Vater André zu sehen ist. Zudem gibt’s Adressen für eine bessere Welt und eine witzige Geschichte über das Reisen als Tiersitter. . . . . #reisemagazin #travelstory #reisereportage #printmagazin #schweizermagazin #sansibar #polen #georgien #indien #japan #lagomera #südamerika #marokko #traveltheworld #travelphotography #sommer2020 #lesenmachtglücklich #dreamnowtravellater #meinglobetrottermoment #reiselektüre - @globetrottermagazin on Instagram

- deco boards

@ediebcampbell for @vogueparis Photographer: @alasdairmclellan Fashion Editor : @aleksworo Hair: @anthonyturnerhair Make up: @hiromi_ueda Manicurist: @pebblesnails Set Design : @andyhillmanstudio Production: @ragidholakiaproductions - @ragidholakiaproductions on Instagram

새노트 개시😍😍😍😍 #똘꾸방76주차 #똘꾸방 #다이어리 #다이어리꾸미기 #빈티지다꾸 #감성다꾸 #마스킹테이프 #다이어리스티커 #데일리다꾸 #journal #journaladdict #journalspread #decodiary #bujo #bulletjournal - @matting00 on Instagram

- YOUR story

- aesthetic process book

Entrevista a María Isabel Peña sobre el proyecto CCScity450 en la Bio. Co-fundadores @alizmena @francomicucci @misa.pena - @myurbanvlog on Instagram

Corde 4, a woven stretch fabric inspired by the structure of a honeycomb, with colorways that support its multidimensional texture. - @elizabethwhelandesign on Instagram

Heute war es so weit: Unsere Geschichte wurde zum ersten Mal in einer Zeitung veröffentlicht! In der heutigen Regional-Ausgabe der @die_rheinpfalz für #speyer kann man über uns und unser kleines Unternehmen einiges erfahren. Wir sind #stolzwieoskar und finden, dass der Artikel richtig schön geworden ist 😊 Wir freuen uns über das tolle Feedback aus der Region, dass wir bereits erhalten haben. Vielen Dank 🙏 [Werbung, da Accountnennung] - @heylittlegreen on Instagram

- Artists books

Золочівській замок збудований у першій половині XVII століття. Замок представляє неоголандський тип оборонних споруд і належить до памяток типу palazzo in fortezzo, тобто поєднує функції оборони і помешкання. Оборонні споруди Золочівського замку - це вали, бастіони, надбрамна вежа, міст і равелін. З часів заснування збереглися вали, бастіони, частково надбрамний корпус, а равелін і міст - це реконструкція.  Замок Якуба Собеського побудований за проектом невідомого архітектора. У 1686 р. на замовлення короля Яна ІІІ Собеського був відновлений та оздоблений творами мистецтва.  Від багатого спадку у 1801 році залишилося небагато – лише невеликі землі з замком. Відтоді кілька разів змінювалися власники, поки замок не став власністю держави. У замковому дворі збереглися донині лише Китайський палац, великий палац для помешкання і значно перебудована у кінці XIX століття надбрамна вежа. Китайський палац у Золочівськомй замку збудовано в кінці XVII століття. Спочатку це була так звана галерея - ротонда з вісьмома колонами з боку головного фасаду і балконом навколо. На другий поверх вхід був через міст з валу. У XVIII столітті добудовують бічні прибудови і називають будівлю Китайським палацом. рельєфи над дверима і вікнами другого поверху ротонди збережені. Вдалося відтворити і внутрішню забудову. У відреставрованому Китайському палаці Золочівського замку 21 травня 2004 року відкрито Музей східних культур. У центральній двоповерховій частині Китайського палацу  - ротонді - інтерєрна частина і чайна вітальня.  Одним з найцікавіших експонатів у Золочівському замку є камені з зашифрованими написами. Написи датовані кінцем XIV - початком XV століття, не мають аналогів, поки що не відчитані. Камені привезли з околиці Золочева - села Новосілки.  #золочів #україна #livadiapalace #мандруйукраїною #travel #traveling #travelgram #travelling #travelingram #traveler #travelphotography #traveller #travels #traveltheworld #travelblog #мандруй #подорожі #travelukraine #vacation #instatravel #instatraveling #instatrip #instagramanet #instatag - @travelofukraine on Instagram

The muddle of moodboarding, and then they finally come together. How? I’m still never quite sure. #Bath #interiordesign #interiors #colourboarding #schemes #design #paint #softfurnishings #sourcing #style #marmaladestyle #home - @themarmaladehouse on Instagram

NOVÁ APLIKACE KE STAŽENÍ! Snadná rezervace taxi Jednoduché a intuitivní prostředí aplikace, pro rychlé objednání vozu. Efektivně, snadno a rychle. Po městě, kamkoliv! Okamžitý přehled nad útratou Přehled o všech Vašich útratách a případných platebních kartách, které k platbám využíváte. Historie jízd Jednoduchý přehled všech absolvovaných i plánovaných jízd. Konfigurace příplatkových služeb Usnadní Vám přepravu nejen s dětmi, domácími mazlíčky a zavazadly #citytaxi #taxi #praha #aplikace #pomestekamkoliv - @citytaxi257257 on Instagram

- Cornell box Тестувала папір Hahlemuhle.) - @lenchik_axk on Instagram

- arts frame

- Altered Art

Beautiful Greek Lot!!! #stamp #stamps #stamping #post #postage #greekglobalstamps4ever #greece #greekart #philately #philatelic #philatelist #instalike #instagood - @greekglobalstamps on Instagram

- Adobe Illustrator

Hello everyone! Its already August of this year, few more months for to go for the new year. And few days to go for where it all started. Heyy, Its the Anniversary of Artibute. Whoo... How time flies! A year already. We are here to celebrate it with a Pre- Anniversary Sale as a Huge Thank You to all you guys for all your love and support. We, got some for our Hit products and our recent launches for you, in various combo offers. So, what you waiting for. Go into the link in the bio. And start ordering. Before we turn 1. P.S: We will be adding more offers along the way. Stay Tuned. #YoursArtibute #Sale #FirstAnniversary #AnniversarySale #Celebration #ArtProducts #art #notebooks #notebook #journals #handmade #handmadeinindia #smallbusiness #supportsmallbusiness #thankyou - @artibute_ on Instagram

- Wedding Stamps

My morning walks next to the river have been a learning experience. The river is constantly changing. One day its ebbing and flowing with full force and the next day its calm and friendly.One day its loud and the next day its silent. One day its gushing and taking over the banks and the next day its slowly receding and seems distant. One day its dark muddy green and the next day its bright cheerful blue. Its moody, its happy, its angry, its calm. It has its ups and downs. It has its good and bad days just like us. But no matter what, it keeps flowing. It never gives up. It never stops. . . . . . . . . #riverrhine #riverpainting #landscapepainting #landscapeart #watercolorlandscape #aquarelle #waldpark #makearteveryday #outdoorpainting #pleinair #pleinairpainting #greenlandscape #paintingnature #inspiredbynature #naturelove #naturejournal #keepcreating #doitfortheprocess #künstlerin #urbansketching #inkandwatercolor #travelsketch #naturetherapy - @sushhegde on Instagram

08.30.19 // @inglewoodsir ✈️🏷 - @edgarmoren.o on Instagram

This weekend: last chance to check out my solo show @theakagallery - spread the word please. Link to book your time is in my bio above. - @talismanplace on Instagram

- Anne Davies

- Abode

- Combo Collours

- assemble

- Midori

A grid collage is one of my favorite exercises. My students made these as our warm-up exercise two weeks ago in my Mixed Media Exploration classes and these are some of my Thursday class students’ wonderful grid collage creations that I neglected to post earlier. . . #arteveryday #maketimeforart #collage #collageart #artinthetimeofquarantine #cutandpaste #paintedpaper #abstractcollage #paintedpaperart #mixedmedia #mixedmediaart #mixedmediaexploration #jenniferwilkinpenick #artclass #artteachersofinstagram #artteachers #cutandpastecollage #collageartist #collageartistoninstagram #papercollageart #papercollage #analogcollage #gridcollage - @carriagehouseartsandcrafts on Instagram

- Shrink art

- Bücher

XII. Specks of Dust — After minutes of contemplation and mundane snapshots that didnt do the entry any justice, I decided to tear the paper off altogether. I guess the result looks best when the page is spread out on its own 💫 Also, *drumrolls* no fingers were harmed during the entire process! Im so totally obsessed with this specific approach to blackout poetry. As this is by far my most favourite one Im thinking about getting it framed or such 🥺 — 📝 From the series of blackout poetry out of the book Graveminder by Melissa Marr #blackoutpoetry #blackoutpoetrybyVK #blackoutpoem #blackoutpoetrycollection #blackoutpoet #fadeintoablackout #blackoutpoetryart #erasurepoetry #blackoutpoetrychallenges #blackoutpoetrycommunity #bpchallenges #poem #cutoutpoetry #redactedpoetry #poemsofinstagram #poemoftheday #poemsdaily #poetry #poet #poetrycommunity #poetsofinstagram #poetsociety #poetrysociety - @vkcahyarani on Instagram

- Photography


@swede_snap . . #sweden #swedenlove #swedenimages #swedenlandscape #photography #photooftheday #photo #pointofview #bw #blackandwhite #nature #trees #lake #leaf #city #citylife #citiesofsweden #cityphotography - @swedenlovee_ on Instagram

Atölye ne zaman başlıyor? 6 Ocak 2020 Atölye içeriği nedir? Oyuncuların herhangi bir auditiona hazırlanırken yaşadıkları sıkıntıları aşmak amacıyla çalışmalar yapılacak. Bir auditiona girerken nelere dikkat etmek gerektiği, verilen metne nasıl yaklaşılacağı ve nasıl bir hazırlık yapılacağı üzerine çalışılacak. Temel hedef, katılımcıların atölye bitiminde auditionlara girerken kaygı ve stres yerine, heyecan ve istek duymalarını sağlamak olacak. Sınıfta kaç kişi olacak? 12 kişi Atölye süresi ne kadar? 10 hafta sürecek. Haftada 1 gün olacak. Saatler? 19:00/22:00 Kayıt nasıl olacak? adresine mail atın lütfen. Mailde kısaca kendinizden ve ne tür eğitimler aldığınızdan ve atölyeye neden katılmak istediğinizden bahsedin. Atölye nerede ? Serdar-ı Ekrem sokak no:5/2 Kat:1 GALATA / BEYOĞLU - @tansubiceratolye on Instagram


- 1canoe2 Creekside

- Artist Books

- Art Ideas

- collage

- Angelica Paez

Our recent exhibition Existing Between Line and Space, curated by artist Paul Branton (@urbanmenta), closes to the public tomorrow! This exhibition, ranging from drawings, printmaking and collage, features the works of Krista Franklin, Kyrin Hobson, Eddie Filler, Kevin “WAK” Williams, Thomas Lucas, Leonard Maiden, Sandra Bridges, Paul Branton and Russell Harris. To book an appointment to view these stellar works on paper, please click the link in our bio! ✨🙌🏾 #BlackContemporaryArt #BlackChicagoArtists #SouthSideCommunityArtCenter - @southsidecommunityartcenter on Instagram

Next stop Rumpshagen I love it when the studio looks like this. All artworks framed for the exhibition. #velo #veloclassico #rumpshagen #cycles #ilovecycling #artworks #framedartwork #exhibitiontime #berlinstudio #ufa #ufafabrik #ufafabrikberlin - @theolddrifter on Instagram

- origami step by step

- All I Want for Christmas

- dibujos

- Instant print camera

So Super Seconds Saturday is here! And here are a few A5 Prints on offer here, all at just £5 each! City scapes and Product Prints! From Colmans and Marmite to Lincoln and Norwich, many many options. Message me or comment below if you are interested ☺️ more to come throughout the day on my story!!! #supersecondssaturday #design #illustration #inspo #landscape #graphiclandscape #graphicillustration #designersofinstagram #digitalartworks #moreillustrations #illustratoindaily #illustrationgram #illustrationinstagram #illustratoroninstagram #artprints #artistsofig #wallart #commission #landscapeillustration #architecture #etsy #supportsmallbusinesses #businesssupport #etsyshop #smallartaccount #graphicdesigner #illustrator #customart #digitalprint #designer - @samuel_rowson_prints on Instagram

- Free collage

- 2016-04

- buzz

- Jean Tinguely

from new series READ ‘EM AND WEEP: Boss Lady. 2020. 5x5 inched. mixed media on digital print: vintage playing card, beads, sequins, stones hand-sewn onto the paper. @eftuchman @koelsch_haus #apartogether_art #apartogether #sewingonpaper #mixedmedia #serialimagery #contemporaryart #moreisbetter #bosslady #cowgirl #collageart #vintageephemera - @eftuchman on Instagram

- YOUR story

- art cards

- Album ideas

- Brievenbuscadeautjes-verpakken

- ATC Collages/Tags

- College Home {The Faucet}

- Antique textiles

Oui. #spaceytuesday #healing #dartness - @dartness_ on Instagram

Idag inleds Bokmässan Play - årets bokmässa i digitalt format! 💥 Ta del av hundratals programpunkter via skärmen, med bland andra Salman Rushdie, Nina Björk, Annika Norlin och Författarscensbekanta som Valeria Luiselli, Jonathan Safran Foer, Majgull Axelsson och Betlehem Isaak. Helt kostnadsfritt! 💥📚 Se mer: @bokmassan Inte nog med det! Stadsbiblioteket gästspelar som en av mässans digitala scener! 💥 På lördag klockan 12.00–17.00 sänds Rum för poesi på Bokmässan Play, live från Stadsbiblioteket. Med samtal och läsningar av bland andra Catharina Gripenberg, Lone Aburas, Marisol, Ida Börjel, Felicia Mulinari och Eiríkur Örn Norðdahl. Ett förstklassigt poesiprogram som du kan se live! Och som följs av en timme musik och poesi från Sydafrika med kvinno- och hbtq-rättigheter i fokus. Vilken lördag va? 💥💃🏻 Länken till livesändningen kommer upp på Stadsbibliotekets facebook strax innan start klockan 12 på lördag. Håll utkik! 💥 - @malmobibblan on Instagram

- Gorjuss

Здравствуйте, дорогие! ☀️ Сегодня у меня раскладка, а завтра - новый набор. Подписывайтесь на #свободный_кофейный_набор , чтобы не пропустить! Все, больше не буду мучить вас этим хэштэгом, обещаю! 🤣 Хорошего вам воскресенья! И желаю всем здравствовать, ваша 🌱 Бирючинка! ____________________ #цветы #ретро #by_birjuchinka - @birjuchinka on Instagram

Ook Jimmy Nelson bouwt mee aan onze nieuwe vestiging in de Mall of the Netherlands 🤩 we kunnen niet wachten om het aan jullie te laten zien! #openingszin #zinin #bookstore #boekenwinkel #bijpaagman #leidsenhagevernieuwt #leidsenhage #westfieldmallofthenetherlands #openingsweekend @leidsenhagevernieuwt - @paagman on Instagram

- Air dry clay ideas for kids

- copenhagen

Дорогие друзья, мы ждём вас в Туле на книжном фестивале @literatula 11,12 и 13 сентября! #ЛитераТула #фестиваль #абрикосбукс - @apricotbooks on Instagram

🇬🇧 August 2020: we have decided to stay by your side continuing to give you our support on an ongoing basis, without pauses. Foglizzo will remain open throughout the month of August: our people and our know-how will guarantee you the usual quality and assistance, to win together. 🇮🇹 Agosto 2020: abbiamo deciso di restare al vostro fianco continuando a darvi il nostro supporto in modo continuativo, senza pause. Foglizzo resterà aperta per tutto il mese di agosto: le nostre persone e il nostro know how vi garantiranno la consueta qualità e assistenza, per vincere insieme. #hereasalways #italianfineleather #madeinitaly #italiandesign #leather - @foglizzo.leather on Instagram

- Art & Design worth noting

- Architecture

- Altered Tins

- Grey Quilt

- 1

- Aerial view of mother board

A peek at what Ive been working on in the #lorestudio 🌾🌿🌸🏵 - @sheworelore on Instagram

- Art

- African Notebook

- Alice van der vennen

Mini journal. Spread two. #minijournals #postalstamps #doilies #vintageemphemera #vintageinspired #blackjournal #journaloftheday #journalkeralam #artjournalpages #artjournalindia #journalinspo #journalspreads - @enigm.a____ on Instagram

Illustrator @banzisu ⠀ She didnt major art in college. In fact, her major is a completely different subject. However, she suddenly realized that she was genuinely very happy when she draw and look at artworks. So she became a self-taught artist and this journey began in 2014. She started working as a background artist at an animation studio after her graduation. And now she is a freelance cartoonist and illustrator. She studied illustration by herself and frankly, it wasnt easy. But instead of feeling always let down, she tried to embrace and enjoy what she love, which is drawing. And she would also like you to join me and start drawing. She will share my tips to you all. * * Master your iPad drawing with two classes & SAVE $20💵 If you’re interested in the class, refer to the link in bio. Also, don’t hesitate to reach us for any inquiries. #digitaldrawing #digitalart #illustrator #illustration - @class101_us on Instagram

- artist books II

- Art & Design

And the ULTIMATE DECADE OF TRAVEL SCRAPBOOK HAS BEGUN!!! My goodness this page alone took so long to put together 🤣🤣 - I just find myself staring at the page and slightly rearranging photos for hours before I can decide to stick them down 😂 - All being filmed! Watch this space! Weve got a lot of countries to get through! - #quarantinecrafts #quarantinelife #travelcraft #scrapbooking #scrapbookingideas #scrapbooklayout #travelscrapbook #scrapbookpage #scrapbookideas - @psychotraveller on Instagram

To more of these #kommunechennai - @wordsinwork on Instagram

Colour your world 👨🏽‍🎨 #printproof #printmaking #artprints #colourpalette #colourinspiration #colourful #photographylife #fineartphotography #filmphoto #fotografiaartistica - @anneschouten on Instagram

- Art Quilt


Was in love with the clear envelope idea i saw on one of @sincerelythepagelady s spreads and a few other spreads so had to try it out! A memory inspired spread, the evelope holds some memories and snapshots with a poem on memories and perspective by my favourite poet @thepoeticunderground. #qotd What is your favourite memory? #artjournalpage #art #poem #artjournalpages #like #artistsoninstagram #journal #artjournal #memories #journaling #artjournaleveryday #artjournalcommunity #sketchbook #junkjournal #poems #poemjournal #artjournaling #journalappreciation - @journalki on Instagram

Dear friends, these days we find ourselves working at the shop as usual and dreaming of cooler months 😅 and planning new classes and workshops after a tricky first part of the year 😬 Our upcoming workshops and classes are: 〰️22.08.2020 - Introduction to Colourwork Knitting Workshop and Colourwork Sock Workshop – with Charlotte Stone @stoneknits 〰️28.08.2020 – Shibori and Indigo @anna_und_juan 〰️01.09.2020 – Crochet for Beginners @anna_und_juan 〰️02.09.2020 - Knitting for Beginners @dynamo_zuerich 〰️12 and 13.09.2020 - Hand Embroidery Basics and Implementing Them on Clothing – with Stefanija Pejchinovska @_damaja_ 〰️14.09.2020 Natural Dyes Week 〰️19.09.2020 Shibori and Indigo 〰️26.09.2020 Plant Dyes @anna_und_juan 〰️27.09.2020 How to Make Natural Paints – with Jennifer Grunder @lemondedenou Check out details and apply through our website✨ . . . . . . #annajuan #annaundjuan #workshops #sustainabletextiles #textiletechniques #diy #colorworkknitting #charlottestone #colorworksock #stoneknits #stricken #tejidoamano #shibori #indigoblue #bluedyeing #crochet #crochetforbeginners #häkeln #haekeln #handembroidery #stefanijapejchinovska #damaja #embroidery #sticken #bordadoamano #plantdyes #plantdyeing #naturaldyes #naturalpaints #jennifergrunder - @anna_und_juan on Instagram

- Art

- Azza

Postcard set expo BCC2 For the exhibition BCC (Belgian Contemporary Collages), 18 promising and talented Belgian collage artists were selected. Their works are exhibited at the renowned @verbekefoundation for six months, on view till april 4th 2020! From both editions, BCC # 1 and # 2, a package of postcards was compiled with a work by each participating artist, and this in a limited edition of 50 copies. Each package contains 9 high-quality printed postcards, and is available at € 15 + shipping costs. Check out the webshop at our website, and find out more about the expo and the artists! With @nicolasvanparys , @sjaancdoebrs , @brunhildeborms @isabellecordemans , @bramantheunis , @sophie_vanhomwegen , @benedictehenderick , @ddelruelle and @evelinekurylak #kolaj #collageartist #collage #collageillustration #handmadecollage #globalcollage #cutandpaste #contemporaryart #contemporarycollage #collagemaker #artpaper #c_expo #collage_guild #analogcollagecommune #surrealart #papercollage #collagecollectiveco #analogcollagecommune #analogcollage #instacollage #edinburghcollagecollective #коллаж #拼贴 #コラージュ #colagem - @coupee_collage_collective on Instagram

📖✂️ Finally ‘Making Books’ by the London Centre for Book Arts is back in stock. Find it in our Graphic Design section. #counterprintbooks #makingbooks #londoncentreforbookarts - @counterprintbooks on Instagram

#Triestitudine puntata 1 Cosè Trieste? Loccidente più orientale dItalia, loriente più occidentale dei Balcani o il meridione di un nord continentale e imperiale? A chi appartiene allora Trieste? AllItalia, allaquila bicipite, alla tradizione slava? . Queste sono le domande essenziali alle quali la letteratura triestina tenta di rispondere fin dai suoi primi vagiti. Per farlo però bisogna prima assegnare alluna o allaltra casistica casistiche più piccole. . Trieste è italofona? È tedescofona? È slavofona? La sua società quali valori condivide maggiormente, quelli italiani, austriaci o slavi? La sua cultura di quali elementi è maggiormente impastati? E così via. . Prima delle risposte che nascono dallinterno, ecco qua due saggi compendiari su come, dallesterno, si è cercato di rispondere. Jan Morris, soldato gallese che vive in città durante gli instabili anni del Territorio Libero di Trieste, cerca le sue risposte nella storia, nella cultura, nella società e nel modello economico triestini. Pratico, aneddotico, piano e divulgativo è il compendio primo dal quale partire per avere uninfarinatura di base. Magris e Ara invece indagano le risposte letterarie alle annose questioni, esponendo con un filosofare estenuante le soluzioni che ogni intellettuale triestino ha elaborato attraverso i suoi scritti. Meno accessibile ma più completo è un vero esercizio di resistenza intellettiva. . . . #claudiomagris #letteraturatrieste #ilsaggiatore #ilsaggiatoredizioni #einaudieditore #saggistica #saggisticaletteraria #saggisticastorica #saggidaleggere #libridaleggere #libribelli #libribellissimi #librichepassione #libriconsigliati #bookstagram #bookstagramitalia #bookphotography - @torquitax_ on Instagram

- Art Journal - figure

- Mono print

- Tuto mini albums

📈Увеличим количество белорусских подписчиков в Вашем аккаунте! Станьте популярнее и заметнее на просторах Instagram вместе с @Minsk_2day ⠀ Более 2-ух лет являемся организаторами масштабных Гивов в Instagram на территории Республики Беларусь. Провели около 20-и успешных розыгрышей. ⠀ 🤝Сeйчас мы набиpаeм спонсоров в Givеawaу. В качестве спонсоров приглашаем бренды, блогеров, личные аккаунты. Есть несколько вариантов участия с разными приходами. ⠀ 🔥Получите гарантированно от 2500 до 6000 живых белорусских подписчиков в ваш аккаунт. По поводу участия пишите в Direct @minsk_2day ⠀ ✔️Старт в первой половине октября ✔️Аудитория 23-40+ РБ ✔️Заключаем договор и прописываем гарантии прихода ✔️Работаем с юр и физ лицами ⠀ 📌 Активности для спонсоров: • лайк-таймы, коммент-таймы • визитки, рекламные макеты в сторис на конкурсном аккаунте •ваши авторские подарки в рамках конкурса 📌 Подарки: денежные призы, отдых в гостинично оздоровительных комплексах (базы отдыха) по РБ, технику, боксы ⠀ По всем вопросам 👉 Direct @minsk_2day - @minsk_2day on Instagram

- Collage

Encantarias 💫 Cosme & Damião (técnica mista sobre tecido) - @matheusgalves on Instagram

- pop up art

- Art - collage & mixed media

- 13@RTS

Gemeinsam mit @timpuktu ISBN 978-3-8316-4836-8 Erschienen: 02.04.2020 - @matthiasjohannesbauer on Instagram

- asiatique

#tbt da reportagem que eu produzi sobre a artista pernambucana @joanalira publicada na Revista Arquitetura e Construção, em julho de 2015. Na foto, a dupla da @revistaaec com detalhes de seu atelier e coleções especialíssimas desenhadas para marcas como @tokstok @bobinex e @dallepiaggeladrilhos⠀ 💡produção @mayranavarro⠀ © publicação @revistaaec⠀ fotos📸@cacabratke ⠀ #produçãofotográfica #direcaodearte #setdesigner #props #tiles #decor #artepopularbrasileira - @mayranavarro on Instagram

Just a snippet of what my studio floor looks like today! BMcN intro Fall 2020💕 - @an_hahn on Instagram

- * 2 Vakantie Frankenau

Now Im hooked on Zines and journal making with teabags and recycled materials#reuseandrecycle#repurposeteabags#botanicalinks#rachelburkeinspired - @artworkshops_group on Instagram

Wer hat Lust kreativ zu werden? 🎨 @steffistuefteleicelle hat da was für euch: Gemeinsam blättern wir durch den neuen Katalog, ich zeige euch ein paar Highlights und anschließend werden wir kreativ! Vorab schicke ich euch natürlich den brandneuen und heiß begehrten Katalog und ein Materialpaket zu. Die Party wird in einer geschlossenen Gruppe stattfinden... Anschließend gibt es noch eine kleine Überraschung für euch!!! Die Teilnahmegebühr beträgt 5€, darin enthalten ist der Versand, der Katalog, eure Materialien und die Überraschung!!! Neugierig!? Wer ist dabei!? 💕 • • #cellehaeltzusammen #cellehältzusammen #supportyourlocals #shoplocal #kaufregional #celle #paperwork #staytogether #zusammenstark #gemeinsam #kreativ #basteln #corona #fürcelle #wirsindfüreuchda #support #regional #wirhaltenzusammen #celleregional - @cellehaeltzusammen on Instagram

- 2 Vak Tsjechie Praag Croatië

- 100dayproject

- Cardboard

‘The Place We Left’ is a virtual exhibition featuring works from Richmond-based artist Keely O’Brien! Check it out as part of #BCCultureDays ✨ Posted @withregram • @keely.rois.obrien 18 drawings for “The Place We Left” (illustrating your lost and left behind places) are finished!! 💪🖌💙 A virtual exhibition of this work in progress is open for you to check out through the Richmond Arts Centre (link in bio) along with the beautiful words and memories of each participant I have illustrated so far. 💙 (Every time I sit down to draw I end up with another scrap paper of little test brush strokes. I like how these scraps are becoming an accidental record of this process). 💙 #communityart #siteresponsiveart - @bcculturedays on Instagram

Cześć, biorę udział w wyzwaniu@kobiecafotoszkoła, moja specjalność. I powiem krótko papierowe kolaże to moja specjalność, w której czuje się dobrze i która daje mi niesamowicie dużo satysfakcji. #wyzwaniekfs1 #kobiecafotoszkoła #kolaż#papierowykolaż #collage#zostańwdomu #stayhome#Woman #collageartistoninstagram #papercollageartist #paperart #pariscollagecollective #artcollages# fotodreamingincollages#arizonacollagecollective#creativephoto #papercraft#artist#collage #paper#collages#instacollage#analogcollage #koronawirus#paperscollage#itisartime#photography#art#collag#kwiat#polishcreators - @vienna252 on Instagram

Dans #rattrapage - @letellier_ftv on Instagram

- Blogs to Follow

Congratulations! It’s a book! The artist book that documents the KAPUTTNIK exhibition by #PauleHammer is here! In Paule Hammer’s childhood memories, “Kaputtnik” first appears as a dysfunctional but energetic figure concept. In 2019, Hammers idea of ​​this figure - in the form of a 12 meter high sculptured, childlike predator with a human head and facial features of Klaus Kinski – saw the light of day in the Museum of Fine Arts in Leipzig. This is where the adventurous journey of Paule Hammer and his guests begins. In search of meaning and nonsense, they invite you to curiously explore human experience. This artists book documents the creation and development of Kaputtnik in encounters, conversations and dreams. Artist book with a five-fold folded, colored cover, 19.5 x 25 cm and 6 colored fold layers, 38 x 49 cm, rubber band, German/English, Edition of 500. Edited by the City of Leipzig/Museum of Fine Arts Leipzig. Photographs by #WaltherLeKon. Designed by @mzinleipzig (Philipp Neumann, Karen Laube) and Alexey Malygin. Published by @LubokVerlag Leipzig. ISBN 978-3-945111-60-4. –– #MdbKLeipzig #MdbKPauleHammer #PauleHammer #MdbK[insight] #WaltherLeKon @mzinleipzig @LubokVerlag @StadtLeipzig - @mdbkleipzig on Instagram

- Unique Cards

An inventive and exciting interactive bookish experience awaits...  Do you dare delve into the freakishly funny Monstrous Book of Monsters where nothing is as it seems? 👹 Dr Thomas Jelly has packed his notebook with nauseating novelties and foul facts to teach readers how to avoid monsters, to spot them in the news or on the street and give us all a peek inside their dangerous (and smelly) world. At the end, readers learn that Dr Jelly has fallen foul of the infamous book monster - the readers themselves will be lucky to escape the same fate... 👽 Age 5-9 Fantastic work from @jonnyduddle, @bitskoff and #libbyhamilton, thus pop-up book will delight monster hunters everywhere! 🎃 #jonnyduddle #monstrousbookofmonsters #alekseibitskoff #popupbook #halloween #halloweenbooks #childrensliterature #childrensbooks #childrensbookshoplondon #childrensbookshopmuswellhill #muswellhill #bookshop #london #northlondon #currentlyreading #bookstagram #goodreads #kidlit #monsters #bookofmonsters - @childrensbookshoplondon on Instagram

HERE SHE IS! Im overwhelmed with the amount of love Ive received from todays video 🥰 If you want to see how I put a DECADE of travels into one scrapbook then hit up my YouTube channel! 🎨🖤 - #scrapbookideas #travelcraft #travelscrapbook #scrapbooking #scrapbooklayout #scrapbookpage #indiatravel #quarantinecrafts #quarantinelife - @psychotraveller on Instagram

- Art in a Box

International Artist magazine is now on Instagram! See how the worlds leading artists create their work, find workshops and classes worldwide and learn about art materials. #internationalartist #art - @internationalartistmagazine on Instagram

Digging through old journals this afternoon and found these tucked away in the pages. I miss journaling like this. I could fill an entire notebook up in a single month. Oh to have that kind of time again! - @whatacuriouslife on Instagram

Da ottobre 2012 lOnaf pubblica la propria rivista, InForma, l’unica rivista di Cultura Casearia!🧡 . Il direttore è Elio Ragazzoni. Il giornale ha l’ambizione di rappresentare tutte le anime dei soci Onaf e di tutti gli appassionati. . Vi si trovano quindi l’aspetto tecnico e degustativo, reportage, attualità, l’attenzione alle problematiche del settore caseario e, non ultimo, l’aspetto associativo e tendenzialmente legato alla convivialità, un momento importante per mantenere salda l’aggregazione! . Abbonati andando sul sito 👈🏼 . . #onafitalia #onafsedenazionale #food #cheese #italiancheese #formaggio #formaggioitaliano #formaggiodop #assaggiatoriformaggi #formaggiochepassione #InForma #foodmagazine #cheesemagazine #culturacasearia - @onafitalia on Instagram

⚠️PRÓXIMO ESTRENO - 17 JULIO⚠️ Más de 20 instrumentos grabados a distancia dan vida a la nueva versión del single Cambia el Norte🎶🏘️ que también cuenta con un video en el que participan invitados muy interesantes👀... El @mimotuga 🎪 es un exponente notable de las artes escénicas nacionales 👏. Residiendo en Valparaíso, ha sido premiado y reconocido internacionalmente por sus creativos espectáculos en las calles de Chile y el mundo 🌎. Estamos muy felices de volver a trabajar juntos, aunque sea a la distancia. Te queremos Tuga!! ♥️ ▶️Puedes programar el estreno en el siguiente link: Montaje: @sebap_almuna 🤗 #musicachilena #rockchileno #musicaenvivo #music #art #collage #arte #worldmusic #kekoyoma #musicamestiza #musica #musicos #musicoschilenos #musicoschilenos #tuga #mimotuga #mimo #mimos - @kekoyoma on Instagram

- books

- Ceramic tile art

- Art Journaling

- Book Art

- Cloud lights

- Fabric books


- Annes September 2015 Thirty Paintings in 30 Days

- 1

Poetry. Organic Feast. Stunning morning. Even aircon! Join me... from 11 today. Gillian 🌻🗒🖌 - @gillianswainpoet on Instagram

mood board 1: untitled i got this poster book last year for art journaling but didn’t really use it so i turned it into a massive art journal instead :D it looked like i had everything planned bc i did, one day before that i was losing my mind just trying to fill this spread for 3 hours. anyway i hope you guys like it! i also hope i’ll have the courage and energy to do this again!🤠 moodboard, 09192020/ prom queen, floral sounds/ #moodboard #moodboards #vintage #retro #film #stationery #stationeryaddict #artjournal #artjournaling #artjournalpages #artjournalpage #junkjournal #collage #collageart #collageartist - @lostandstars on Instagram

Are you ready? These bad boys are going live on Sunday the 27th of September at 10am Australian CST. Whos showing up? 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️ #maypaperco #kikkikplannerlove #lvagenda #lvagendapm #lvplannerparty #aussieplannergirls #aussieplannercommunity #aussieplannershops #minimalistplanner #minimalplanner #chanelagenda - @maypaperco on Instagram

“Walking on Water” 9” x 7” Monotype prints with oil pastel. . . Last year I did a similar piece about faith journeys. It was only one wave image, and was intended both humorous & serious that the water was a tidal wave. This piece pairs two wave images together. It’s about two people’s faith journeys, distinct but next to one other. A couple. I haven’t been able to capture it right, but the piece glows. . . . EDIT: Sold - @allisonwalkerart on Instagram

- asian collage a la donna watson

- Emma Lewis

- Assemblage

- Quilling

- Abstract Collage

Letters Looking for a Language 4, nearly completed. Yes: uneven, temporary, torn. Thanks to #t_i_c_g for suggesting an exploration, nudging me to visualize my sense of the shambles now: the pandemic, gross inequalities in society, ineffective leadership, our foundations tumbling down. I am questioning our collective ability to find a common language. #danielprude #collage #decollage #uncollage #abstractcollage #kolajfest #globalstreetart #paperart #readymade #mixedmedia #AnalogCollageCommunity #chq #chautauquaartists #buffalosocietyofartists #westernnewyork - @sarabakermichalak on Instagram

- Cards

- 2 Vak Tsjechie Praag Croatië

- *Love* Paper

- 11x8.5 Landscape Photo Book Pages

- fabric design by artists

- 2016 Fall Color Trends


Studying abroad is more than just a chance to explore a new culture from yours. Its an opportunity to create memories that will last a lifetime. Just ask Lauren Fels, a Fall 2019 semester student from North Carolina State University. During her time in Italy, she took a photo a day to capture her experiences.  “One year ago, I landed in Italy. These are a few of my favorite pictures from my time there! I took a polaroid picture and wrote down what I did every day to reminisce forever. The more time goes by, the more I cherish the memories.” Ready to start creating your memories? Check the link in our bio to visit the LdM Virtual Office to learn more! #ldminstitute #studyabroaditaly #memoryaday #italy #florence #tbt #virtualoffice - @istituto_ldm on Instagram

- Bücher / Kunsttherapie / Psychologie / Literaturempfehlungen

I received many letters recently from everyone I swapped with and also some from long term penpals. I am extremely grateful and each and every letter brought a smile on my face. Thank you very much!!😊 Im sorry if I havent thanked you personally, I will do it by today:) Also, I didnt take pictures of all my mail so if I didnt post yours, dont worry🤗🤗 #stampswapping #stampswaps #stampswap #stampsswap #stampexchange #stamps #postcard #penpal #postcardswap #penpal #thankyou - @the_girl_that_loves_art on Instagram

Lost in Transition//Letter to Amayel exhibition begins 31st Jan. With my good friend and cosmic ball yassine - @amydougiemo on Instagram

- * 2 Vakantie Frankenau

- Art sketchbook

- Amazing miniatures

Loving this color palette from @farmersdaughterinteriors featuring @caesarstoneus. #caesarstoneus #quartzcountertops #interiordesign #architecture #kitchens #farmhousestyle #countertops #quartz #brandstrength #philly - @lyrica_caesarstoneus on Instagram

Today lockdown, something fun, very small work.... Watercolour on handmade paper. For my watercolor painting videos please visit my youtube channel. Link in bio. . . . #art #artsy #art_conquest #artfido #art_feature #artshare #artshelp #artfeature #art_spotlight #watercolor #painting #waterblog #illustration #art_collective #artgallery #sketch_dailydose #sketchbook #watercolorpainting #magicgallery #artwork #watercolor_daily #instaart #cityscape #instagood #artoninstagram #artoftheday #aquarelle #watercolourinlove #indian_artists_club #vilaskulkarniart - @artistvilaskulkarni on Instagram

- French AMD ad: No Pentium, no problems. The answer is Athlon.

~name a badder b*tch* than Moll~ *we dont use bitch as a curse but more than a pet name (my friends are weird😂) • Super late entry for #journalingthroughtheages 1600s London. I chose to journal about Moll Cutpurse, a very cool criminal😅 - @messydesk_messymind on Instagram

- Artifact uprising

❕Буквами Dk/t обозначается кислородная проницаемость контактных линз. «Dk» – это объём кислорода, проникнувшего через единицу площади материала контактной линзы за единицу времени. «t» – это толщина материала контактной линзы в центре. 📌Высокий показатель Dk/t означает высокую степень кислородной проницаемости контактных линз, значит линзы эффективно «дышат» и обеспечивает здоровое ношение. 🔔Высоким значением кислородопроницаемости считается от 80 Dk/t и выше. ❓Почему это значение важно? ✅Для функционирования роговицы глаза ей необходим кислород, который она получает из окружающего воздуха, а также из слёзной жидкости. ✅Контактная линза – это инородное тело, барьер между роговицей и воздушной средой. Если материал контактных линз не пропускает к роговице достаточно воздуха, она не сможет «дышать», нарушится её нормальная работа и могут возникнуть неприятные ощущения и даже некоторые глазные заболевания. ✅В линзах с высокими значениями Dk/t к глазам поступает столько же кислорода, сколько поступало бы и без линз. - @illusion_lens on Instagram

- Couture

🌺 Delight 🌺 Toujours la même émotion avec les paysages du Japon... Broches-paysages à découvrir sur mon site (lien dans la bio). . #sophiemalard #bijouxtextiles #embroideredjewelry #bijouxcreateurs #createurslille #imageimprimée #brochefaitmain #tissujapon #broderiedor #goldembroiderywork #kyoto#kamakura#takamatsu #pinnoir #nenuphars #nymphéas - @sophie.malard on Instagram

Delighted by this campaign were running for our members this autumn. It was beautifully realised by our printer @soonerthanlaterprint, in Dublin 🤩 * * #graphicdesign #artistsoninstagram #illustratorsireland #illustratorsoninstagram - @illustratorsireland on Instagram

[Memanusiakan Manusia]⁣ ⁣ Berbicara soal memanusiakan manusia, di foto, jadi teringat masa kecil. Baru bisa berbicara mulai kelas 1 SD, dibawa bolak balik dari Kalimantan ke Surabaya hanya untuk terapi. Masih sangat polos dan mencoba-coba semua hal pada saat masa kecil.⁣ ⁣ Tanpa bermaksud untuk pamer demi belas kasihan, rasanya banyak sekali dari kita yang masih belum memanusiakan orang lain dengan baik. Di sosial media, atau di lain konteks, merasa iba, padahal niat membantu orang lain aja ogah⁣ ⁣ Termasuk dengan orang-orang yang memiliki kebutuhan khusus. Termasuk orang-orang yang dianggap memiliki hal tabu dan jalan yang berbeda dari manusia normal. Orang-orang yang normalnya menjadi target cemoohan kita yang kerapkali hanya dianggap bercanda⁣ ⁣ Mereka gak meminta apapun, gak meminta disetarakan, gak meminta perlakuan yang lebih. Yang paling utama adalah mereka minta agar diperlakukan sebagai manusia yang layak dan berhak dihargai⁣ ⁣ Aku harap dengan caption ini, ada paling gak sedikit dari yang membaca buat minimal menghargai orang lain dan gak asal menghakimi ketika orang tersebut berbuat kesalahan⁣ ⁣ Selamat hari Jumat semuanya 😇⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ #analogpeople #film35mm #retrocollector #nostalgicmoments - @ihsudn_ on Instagram

- Assemblage / Boxes

- Altered & mixed media items 2

FEATURED IMAGE: “Ebb and Flow of Rural Black Spaces” by emerging artist Malik J. Norman. Explore the rescheduled opening reception walkthrough of H2O/20 - Elemental Retribution curated by @denise_thugstable tonight from 7 to 10pm. Limited capacity & social distancing enforced all evening. Masks highly encouraged. Featured Artists: @whoisghost91 @artofajane @iamhelmsie @umojaizm @dammit_wesley @malikjnorman @madiisonelaine @myloandinh represented by @elder_gallery_clt @kingstonjamesandco @odriewgo @iamcoopernicus_ @scruggsford . . . #cltarts #charlottearts #c3lab #socialdistancegallery #southendclt #charlotte #galleryexhibit #artgallery #charlotteartists #chicagoartists #columbiaartists #groupexhibit #covidmask #covid19art #charlotteartculture - @galleryc3 on Instagram

- 49 and Market Vintage Artistry

- Janet Jones

5 октября, в 11.00, в Амурском областном краеведческом музее им. Г.С. Новикова-Даурского состоится презентация первой детской исторической книги «Записки о Дальнем Востоке» Фонда поддержки социально ориентированных проектов и программ «Петропавловск». В мероприятии примут участие Андрей Черкасов, соавтор книги, руководитель «Албазинской экспедиции», ученый секретарь Фонда «Петропавловск». ⠀ Научно-популярное издание посвящено истории Дальнего Востока и охватывает период от появления здесь первых людей в каменном веке до присоединения Приамурья к Российской империи в 19 столетии. ⠀ Книга состоит из четырех частей: первая рассказывает о каменном веке, вторая – о дальневосточных империях эпохи Средневековья, третья – о русских землепроходцах XVII в., четвертая – о возвращении в XIX в. Приамурья в состав российского государства. Документальное повествование, дополненное художественными рассказами, представляет читателю последние научные данные из археологии, этнографии и истории Дальнего Востока. ⠀ Книга богато иллюстрирована художественными изображениями, а также фотографиями и рисунками археологических находок и музейных экспонатов. Издание адресовано школьникам младшего и среднего возраста и всем, кто интересуется историей Дальнего Востока и России. Может быть использовано как учебное пособие в школьных учреждениях. - @amurobl_tv on Instagram

- Bookbinding

Рисуете маркерами, акварелью, акрилом или просто любите писать в красивых блокнотах? 😍 @maxgoodz дарит #свободу творить каждому🙌🏼 Доставим блокноты для рисования и письма в любую точку мира🤘🏼📒 ⠀⠀ У нас вы сможете заказать: ✔️Блокноты для маркеров, акварели, пастели, акрила, графики и миксмедиа из топовых европейских материалов ✔️Сумки и пеналы для художников ✔️Палитры для выкраски и многое другое 🔥Дарим скидку 50% на ежедневник мечты #TheJournal_maxgoodz ⠀⠀ Заходи к нам на сайт и выбирай🙌🏼 ⠀⠀ 🌎🌎 (Переходи по активной ссылке в профиле @maxgoodz) 🚀Доставка по всему миру ____________ #maxgoodz #свободаТворить #скетчбук #блокнот #sketchbook #siberia . Благодарим за фото @markerman_ua - @maxgoodz on Instagram

Foto 23 #elretodeelena de #pegapapelotijeras #estejuniovoyaserlareinadelscrap #scrapbook #scraplovers #scrapbooking #ink #distressinks #distressinkblending #parents #cansonpaper #lovely #bluecolor#butterfly #stars #stencil - @mo_chuisle59 on Instagram

- Crafts

Доброе утро, мир! ☀️ Сегодня без слов! Просто желаю всем здравствовать! Ваша 🌱 Бирючинка! ____________________ #цветы #ретро #by_birjuchinka - @birjuchinka on Instagram

. FORÊT ENCHANTÉE . . Nous vous annoncerons dici quelques jours la date douverture de la boutique ! Attention, les ventes ne se feront plus sur Etsy mais sur notre site internet 🎉 Nous vous préciserons le lien très bientôt 😉 . #aquarelle #aquarellefrance #watercolour #watercolor #handmade #homemade #handmadewatercolors #faitenfrance #madeinfrance #lescouleursvf #couleurs #colours #pigments #pigment #faitmain @by_flow_r @val_tine #copaquarelles #watercolorart - @lescouleursvf on Instagram

- ATCs

- Anne Moore

- Art Class Tuesday

- 7 - Art - Scrapbooking and artjournaling ideas

- Art Books

- A Kit

Bläddra för tips på nya spännande bekantskaper att följa! 📚🔎👣 Nattsångaren (Ölandsbrotten) Den skickliga polisutredaren Hanna Dunckers tvingas efter 16 år i Stockholm att återvända till barndomens Öland. Trots allt som hände där. Trots alla blickar och rykten är det i den lilla stugan vid havet hon hör hemma. . Låt det brinna ( ... Deckardebutanten Björn Paqualin skildrar Stella genom avbitna meningar och återhållet språk, hennes bränsle är vreden och hon riktar den åt alla håll. Stundtals är man helhjärtat på hennes sida, stundtals blir man bara illa berörd. Det är mycket skickligt gjort, och långt från de rättfärdiga hämnare som vanligtvis befolkar populärkulturen. DN . Vargasommar (Haparanda) En människa hittas i magen på en död varg och plötsligt blir den lilla gränsstaden platsen för en kedja av brutala händelser som är värre än något Hannah Wester och de andra vid Haparandapolisen kunnat föreställa sig. . Försvararen (Ebba Tapper) Polisen Ebba Tapper är uppsagd och utfryst, men blir plötsligt headhuntad till en av Sveriges främsta advokatbyråer och kastas rakt in i Sveriges just nu hetaste mordutredning. . Likblomman (Kaldan och Schäfer) En berättelse om hämnd, rättvisa och förlåtelse och den första boken i en ny kriminalserie om journalisten Heloise Kaldan och polisen Erik Schäfer. Har vunnit Danska Deckarakademins debutantpris. . Det sista livet (John Adderley) Kriminalserie om FBI-agenten John Adderley. Den har högt tempo, smarta cliffhangers och psykologiskt djup. I en klassisk Nordic noir-inramning får vi möta en huvudperson vi inte är vana vid att se i denna genre. . 300 grader Oförutsägbar och välskriven klimatthriller om vad som kan hända en het sommar och om hur eld inte bara dödar skoningslöst utan också effektivt undanröjer bevis. Första delen om Lilly Hed vid Nynäshamspolisen. . Offermakaren (Åremorden) Åremorden utspelar sig i de jämtländska fjällen och som alltid väver Sten samman den storslagna naturen med starka karaktärer i en rafflande mordgåta. . Ur askan (Höga kusten-serien) En genomtänkt intrig, oväntade vändningar med en twist på slutet som är SÅ bra SVT Gokväll . . . #adlibris #boktips #serietips #ilovebooks - on Instagram

#zlotyfryderyk #fryderyki #CzeslawBartkowski. Złoty Fryderyk w kategorii jazzowej powędruje w tym roku do Czesława Bartkowskiego. Artysta współtworzył najważniejsze składy jazzowe w historii: od Kwartetu Zbigniewa Namysłowskiego, poprzez Trio Tomasza Stańki, po Trio Andrzeja Jagodzińskiego, w którym gra obecnie. Ma na swoim koncie kilkadziesiąt albumów, w tym Drums Dream – pierwszą w Polsce płytę firmowaną przez perkusistę. - @polskienagrania on Instagram

- Create - Collage

I received many letters recently from everyone I swapped with and also some from long term penpals. I am extremely grateful and each and every letter brought a smile on my face. Thank you very much!!😊 Im sorry if I havent thanked you personally, I will do it by today:) Also, I didnt take pictures of all my mail so if I didnt post yours, dont worry🤗🤗 #stampswapping #stampswaps #stampswap #stampsswap #stampexchange #stamps #postcard #penpal #postcardswap #penpal #thankyou - @the_girl_that_loves_art on Instagram

Hey guys, the owners have decided to keep us open for two more weeks! The 40% off sale is still is a great time to pick up some Christmas gifts! - @artistcraftsman_nola on Instagram

- Craft Videos

Behold the beauty of the @ctcpoetry Rewilding cover! Cover art is from a new bookwork by Aoife Higgins. You have one week to get your poetry, artwork, theory and ephemera submitted. There is no limit in terms of form we just want good interrogative shit. 💕🤯 - @chloproc on Instagram

- Art Journals

РОЗЫГРЫШ В ЧЕСТЬ 10К🥳 ⠀ Привет, друзья! УРА! Мы отмечаем свои первые 10 тыс подписчиков! И в первую очередь говорим спасибо ВАМ! ⠀ И это отличный повод провести совместный розыгрыш с @aquarelle_cafe, не так ли?🥳 ⠀ 📌Итак, ТРИ победителя получат шикарные призы: ⠀ 🎁 Склейка бумаги для акварели Hahnemuhle Selection (розыгрыш в аккаунте 🎁 Скетчбук Hahnemuhle zigzag book (розыгрыш в аккаунте 🎁 Публикация работы в аккаунте @aquarelle_cafe ⠀ 📌Условия очень простые: ⠀ ✅Быть подписанным на наш аккаунт и аккаунт @aquarelle_cafe ✅Поставить лайк этой публикации😉 ✅Отметить друга в комментариях к этой публикации, интересующегося творчеством👌🏻 ⠀ Если поделитесь публикацией, булдем очень благодарны🤗 ⠀ Победителей определим генератором случайных чисел в четверг 1 октября! Информацию опубликуем в сторис ☝️ ⠀ ‼️Важно! Подарки отправляем только по России. На момент розыгрыша ваша страница должна быть открыта. ⠀ #невскаяпалитра #nevapalette #nevskayapalitra #art #watercolor #draw #painting #gift #giveaway #oilpainting #розыгрыш #подарки #конкурс @lizaonair - on Instagram

DIE KUNST DES WEGLASSENS – AQUARELLFARBEN IM URBAN SKETCHING mit Jens Hübner - Mittwoch, 05.08.2020 11:30 bis 13:00 Uhr 14:30 bis 16:00 Uhr Veranstaltungsort: boesner Leinfelden-Echterdingen Kostenlose Vorführungen mit Voranmeldung - Obgleich beim Urban Sketching jede Technik erlaubt ist, bevorzugen die meisten Sketcher zum Festhalten des unmittelbar Erlebten einen Stift und Aquarellfarben aus dem Hause Schmincke. Was es zu beachten gibt, wenn man an der Straßenecke, im Café oder gar in der U-Bahn skizziert, zeigt Jens Hübner in seiner Vorführung. An Hand vieler Bespiele aus der Praxis und während ausgiebiger Demo-Skizzen verrät der Zeichner Tricks, um schnell vorüber hastende Menschen, moderne Architektur oder alte Bäume im Park mit wenigen Strichen ins Skizzenbuch zu bekommen. - Diese Veranstaltung ist kostenfrei, aber aufgrund der geltenden Abstandsregeln ist eine schriftliche Anmeldung per Email erforderlich: - Wir freuen uns auf Euch! #boesnerstuttgart #jenshuebner #boesnerle #boesnerleinfelden #schmincke #schminckehoradam #boesner #veranstaltungstuttgart #uskstuttgart - @boesner_stuttgart on Instagram