Jordan Klepper Profile Pics

the oppositionthe daily showstar talktds teamthe opposition with jordan klepperokayserioustds exclusiveyes
tim baltz fuck him eff you eff him driving
the opposition just between us shh quiet private
slander lies jordan klepper youre lying
im not paying for that fucking wall no wall not paying mexico nope
jordan klepper this is why youre an asshole asshole heres why education
the opposition get in trumpformation i got mayonnaise in my bag swag mayo
the opposition moms am i right i no longer recognize my own son jordan klepper dark
its my first time first time inexperienced jordan klepper star talk
booyah bam burn nailed it in your face
the opposition with jordan klepper dammit hollywood get it together hollywood not impressed
jordan klepper you go girls you go thumbs up supportive
the opposition unforgivable jordan klepper nope not forgiven
very clear clear crystal clear jordan klepper star talk
i liked it love it like satisfied jordan klepper
you can do it you got this yes lets get it on tds exclusive
jordan klepper i am not threatened at all by that threatened not threatened sarcastic
lot of pressure pressure too much pressure jordan klepper star talk
jordan klepper aaron jackson josh sharp the opposition interesting
the opposition with jordan klepper eating shoving food mc donalds fast food
yes right correct yeah jordan klepper
jordan klepper the opposition with jordan klepper slander false lies
okay sure oh okay ok go ahead
ricky perry cancer oh yeah approved excitement
jordan klepper the opposition with jordan klepper bottom line i was right suck it media i was right
seriously oh yes okay stop talking liar
only one one one and only unique jordan klepper
jesus take the wheel jordan klepper drive jesus drive
jordan klepper opposition game recognizes game finger gun i got you
serious face alright so what i dont care just a little
i get women women i get it smug sarcastic
jordan klepper the opposition wake up america wake up pay attention
really interesting fascinating hmm jordan klepper
yes agreed passionate into it supportive
sad angry mad serious face talking
okay alright wine cheers tds exclusive
never say what whatever okay then bye
i love it great day fun smile serious