Glad Profile Pics

happyparamount plusim gladglad to hear itsmilelovebet networksi'm gladdance

When your teacher corrects a spelling error instead of the actual work

cute bear animal teddy happy

- It’s Talladega Week! I look forward to Talladega like a kid looks forward to Christmas. If you’re going, Raise Hell and Praise Dale!

SAI Wallpaper

Pin de Casinha no Paraíso - Barra Gra en toys | Fotografías divertidas de animales, Memes de animales tiernos, Imagenes de animales graciosas

glad we met are you happy we met so happy we met

☺️☺️ a Little clean humor to start your day! Dont forget to smile! Show them teeth under your mask all day long 😁🌻🌻 - @honilifestyle on Instagram


lotad loves you

- Nån som vet varför Vänsterpartiet röstade nej?

i%27m just glad that you%27re okay garp vincent regan one piece i%27m happy you%27re okay

- Ryan Preece was involved in not one, not two, but ALL THREE multi-car crashes on Sunday. His bad luck reminded me of a certain book...

im glad eric cartman south park s13e7 fatbeard

Pytanie, które wtedy najczęściej pada: Mamy coś słodkiego w domu? 🍫😅 #disneypolska #disneypl #disney #księgadżungli #junglebook - @disney_polska on Instagram

oh im glad lady gabriella penrose howe the outlaws im happy for you thats nice

Hey everyone, we are back!! So get your orders in for this upcoming Pozole Sunday 🤍 - @pozole_queen on Instagram

Sleep Token | iv


- Retirement: Wishes, Messages, Quotes and Poems

ill always be glad i met you jenna maroney 30rock im glad we met happy to know you

  ・ ・ 出張手形アート体験♡  いつもお世話になっている @oyakocafe.mamacoco 様からのご依頼で手形アートをさせていただきました。   お姉ちゃんと弟くんそれぞれ1枚ずつ♫ 双子ちゃんで仲良く一緒に♡  春らしくお花のアートが人気でした♪   出来上がった作品はお客様にも喜んで頂くことができました(^^)   コロナウィルスの影響もいろいろ出ていますが、今後も少しずつ活動を増やしていけたらなと思っています。 今回のように出張アートも受け付けていますので、気になる方はDMまたはLINEの方にお気軽にご連絡下さい。  LINE @ 🆔  @315yhhlz    ・ ・    #パステルの森 #パステルの森認定講師 #パステルの森インストラクター #手がよごれないパステル手形アート #手がよごれない #手形足形 #パステル手形アート #パステル足形アート #愛知県 #安城 #三河 #petaroku #ぺたろく #こども #赤ちゃん #キッズ #記念 #出張アート - @petaroku on Instagram

✧ carole

best friend day bffday

- ART - Inge Look

Pin on Cute Animals


glad happy

- Epic 2013

Hiding smile

nichelle and axel

im glad to hear that calvin jordan kingdom business s1e2 im glad you told me

- Miracles of Jesus

its good to know lamar freeman tales renee s3e2

- Thursday morning quotes

Ahh finally its over

Bad Passengers: Here Are The Types Of People You Never Want To Sit Next To On A Plane - Trendy Matter

im glad were friends friends red flower sparkle glad

- Carl Larsson Pictures

Malina is a Tsun (Fanart)

we are so glad you made it hunter engel agufish were thrilled you made it we are very happy you made it

The School of Media and Public Affairs is very lucky for a faculty member like Professor Steve Roberts. In honor of his late wife Cokie Roberts, Professor Roberts has set up a tuition relief fund for students experiencing financial hardship due to COVID-19. #smpaproud Link to the GW Today article is in our bio. - @smpagwu on Instagram


Pretence of emotions helps to protect oneself -

im glad you came michael kupris become the knight im so happy you came im glad youre here

Gracias viejo por no hacerme hincha de independiente. . . . Pero para, vos me estas diciendo que toda tu familia es de Independiente? Porque carajo sos de Racing? Mil? Dos mil? No se, tenía 8 años cuando deje de contar cuantas veces me habían hecho esa pregunta. Me acuerdo que de pibe mi programa preferido era acompañar a mi viejo, mi hermano o al que sea a lo de Rolo, el almacén del barrio. Caminaba con ansias esas dos cuadras que separan mi casa de la tienda sabiendo que detrás del mostrador del almacén me esperaba Rolo con un grito de cancha: “QUE DICE EL HINCHA NÚMERO UNO DE LA ACADEMIA. Acto seguido metía la mano en una bolsa y sacaba un puñal de caramelos sugus. Apoyaba los carmelos sobre la mesada y si había alguno colorado lo apartaba. Me miraba y se reía los rojos son para los amargos. Me acuerdo que el primer gorro de la academia que tuve me lo regaló Patricia, la chica que ayudaba en casa con las tareas domésticas, cuando cumplí cuatro años. Ella pensó que era un gorro de Argentina ( bendita confusión ). Me acuerdo de la quiebra, me acuerdo que no tenía la más puta idea lo que estaba pasando, pero me acuerdo que Rolo me decía: de esta vamos a salir porque somos Racing. Me acuerdo que cada vez que perdíamos sentía la obligación de salir a caminar por el barrio con la cabeza en alto luciendo la celeste y blanca. Vaya a saber uno la cantidad de kilómetros que habré caminado; fueron tiempos difíciles, lo sé. Me acuerdo que la primer vuelta olímpica que di fue al jardín de la casa de un compañero del colegio al que yo había hecho de Racing. Me acuerdo la envidia de ver a mis compañeritos del primario festejando títulos semestre tras semestre. Me acuerdo de romper la puerta del ropero cuando Gigli (este lo tuve que googlear) nos empató en Córdoba allá por el 2008; a Cáceres lo putie hasta en guaraní. Me acuerdo de cruzar el puente Pueyrredón en el 2014 escuchando música clásica con Rama y Belu para aflojar los nervios previos al partido contra Godoy Cruz. Me acuerdo de muchas cosas, pero la verdad que no me acuerdo del día que empecé a simpatizar por la academia. Será que es verdad: de Racing no se hace, se nace. Y es lo más lindo que te puede pasar. - @matudates on Instagram

No matter what you do, every day you get stronger.

im glad heather salvaggio dating around happy glad to hear it

- Sandy Thomas

TØP SAI Wallpaper (2)

im glad to make you happy gary after happily ever after im thrilled to make you smile im glad i could cheer you up

- Easter Day Images 2017


yandere shit

bisidderbanden glad happy glad bisidderbanden

J.J. Hayes, a morning show host for Wichitas KFDI 101.3 FM, had his prayers answered as his wife, Michelle, who is in the COVID-19 ICU at Ascension Via Christi St. Francis, came off the vent. Read how Michelles miraculous turnaround is helping inspire others at #WeAreAscension - @viachristi on Instagram

I feel like a soft toy

i%27m so glad you said that priyanka chopra jonas pinkvilla i%27m delighted you mentioned it i%27m really happy that you said that

🤩 Пополнение в семье Владислава Третьяка! ⠀ 25 сентября у внука президента ФХР, вратаря ХК «Сочи» Максима Третьяка и его супруги Евгении родилась дочь. ⠀ Наши поздравления всей семье! Желаем здоровья маме и малышке! - @russiahockey on Instagram

A girl with a kitty cat

۪ ֹ ˃ᴗ˂ ۪ ֹ

preyu glad

- Why tf does the U.S. think theyre the only ones with corona?


cute dino dinosally dinosaur cute dinosaur yay

- @awlambert on Instagram

Hiding smile

wow wah impressed happy glad

- These are the feet of Olympic Champion Maarten van der Weijden after swimming for 55 hours and 100 Miles to raise money for charity.

im glad you like it ella payne house of payne s9e19 im happy you love it

Michael, an ophthalmologist, couldn’t imagine that a chance conversation with a patient who mentioned that her sister had recently been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer would lead him to get a CT scan and reveal his own diagnosis of of the disease. While the specialists he saw weren’t optimistic about his prognosis, the support of family and friends helped Michael endure a grueling treatment regimen and eventually, surgery. . . Read our latest survivor story via the link in our bio for more about Michael’s journey. - @lustgartenfdn on Instagram

i%27m so glad carly shay icarly s3 e9 icreate a new ecosystem

- Denny’s mask for tonight’s race. 😳

alright %E3%83%99%E3%82%BF%E3%83%83%E3%82%AF%E3%83%9E betakkuma baby betakkuma %E3%82%88%E3%81%97

- Its happened to all of us

glad thats over

At Prospect Hospice, we are extremely proud of the remarkable contribution made by our volunteers, which is absolutely vital to our work. Here are some of our volunteers in 1997 welcoming people into Prospect Hospice. If you want to know more about the volunteering roles within Prospect Hospice, you can find out more here: #volunteering #hospice - @prospecthospice on Instagram

glad to meet you bai blippi wonders educational cartoons for kids it%27s nice to meet you pleased to make your acquaintance

- flew in to surprise Papou on his 86th orbit around the sun

im just glad to be here la voix queen of the universe turn back time s1e3

- Party time meme

furry dog clap happy wholesome

- 2017-2018 Catalog

im so happy youre home liane cartman eric cartman south park s10e7

- Responsibly Sourced

im so glad rob landes delighted im happy pleased

- Children

im glad you are enjoying it butt head beavis mike judge%27s beavis and butt head s1 e5

Take it easy 🌊 #saturdayvibes #relax #zen #chill #happyplace #saturdaze #rejuvenate #recharge #soulfood #live #life #present #goodvibes #energy #beach #westcoast #pch #beachchillin #pacificcoast #malibu #losangeles #california - @klaudiakawka on Instagram

im so glad you made it huck dembo mark wahlberg me time im glad youre here

Te Mandamos Un Fuerte Abrazo 😘 @chespirito_rgb Al Creador Del Chavo Y de Más Personajes 👏🏼Te Tenemos En Nuestro ❤️ Besos #Chavo - @chavodel8_chespirito on Instagram

im so happy for you brad mondo im glad im so thrilled for you

- Touching moment between Ross Chastain and Justin Haley after Talladega

lovelyti tv lovelyti2002 thank you i appreciate you have a nice day

- Blonde Memes

this hug is for you for you warm hugs congratulations happy hugs

- Happy New Year

ill be glad to help you faisal khan ill be happy to assist you im willing to help you id love to help you

- Australia

glad to have you around peter deligdisch peter draws im glad youre here im happy youre here

- Good Day Wishes

actually im glad philip j fry futurama im really happy i feel relieved

In 2019, we found new homes for 5,172 pre-loved reusable bags. #payitforward Other fun facts about last year’s impact on the blog - LInk in Bio 👆🏽 - @chicobag on Instagram

budding pop good thumbs up okay ok

ISOLATION ✨ - When Kit was born, we spent 6wks in NICU. I left the room for 20-30mins/day. It was a small room, mostly full of the apparatus for Kit. I had a bed, a chair, a toilet & shower. - We had some visitors for short visits, never more than two at a time & not every day. For the last two weeks, visitors were only allowed to see us through a window. - It’s amazing what we can do & get through when we have to. I really felt like my mountain expeditions, especially Everest, helped me to deal with the situation I found myself in when I had Kit prematurely. (Link in bio for a blog I wrote about it). - Here’s a few things I wanted to share that helped me then & are helping me again now.... - 💥Focus - understanding why I’m doing this & trust that I can do it. 💥Routine - simple things like making my bed, keeping things in order, thinking of things to do & dividing my day into chunks really help me work through the days. 💥Talking to my friends & family - sharing the worries, being there for them & being reassured they’re there for us too. 💥Self care - doing some kind of exercise always helps my mind & body. A short workout, a walk, stretching, yoga ... anything is better than nothing. 💥Thinking positive thoughts & looking for the good in any situation - not always easy but being conscious of this & taking time each day to think about it makes a huge difference. 💥Think about who you are - acknowledge your strengths & understand your weaknesses. Know who your “team” are & let them help. Ask for help if you need it. Be there to help if they need it. 💥Be present - if I think about what is, not what might be I feel instantly better. 💥Control what you can & don’t allow worry to take over what you can’t - easier said than done. But if you make yourself busy with what you can do that will automatically help with this one. 💥Speaking to myself like I would speak to someone I love - have you ever stopped & listened to the way you speak to yourself? 💥 Trust in yourself & others - we don’t often get put into these extreme situations & in my experience when I do or when people do... the results are often brilliant. 💕 - I hope everyone is ok xxx - @squashfalconer on Instagram

justjoycreation gladyouexist im glad you exist

when will i give in & j review the new twilight book? who knows! x⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ [image description:]⠀ a meme format that looks like one of those crappy inspirational posters, theres a beautiful sunset with some rocks at the bottom. on the middle left, theres a rock jutting out, and the silhouette of a figure with. their hands in the air, erjoicing (we presume) stands directly in front of the sun. In front of this, in a creepy kinda cursive font, written across the length and width of the image; Every day I look at silly little exhibitions and write my silly little reviews. - @thewhitepube on Instagram

total drama world tour bridgette oh im so glad to have you back glad to have you back good to see you again

- NHRA & Drag Racing

health mtv care present self care

JUDGES for ROUND 2! Farewell Tour August 8-9th at the Myrtle Beach Speedway 1 of 2 last events at the Myrtle Beach Speedway Our first judge is one of the OG drifters here in the Carolinas, @cornellthegreatwilliams ! Currently he has an IS300 that I hear he has a sweet turbo motor sitting, waiting to go in... Cornell is our lead judge this season. He brings tons of experience to the table from all the years that hes been drifting and helping run drift events to make sure the calls are fair. Hes had tons of different drift cars over the years, so if youre struggling with a certain part of the course, Im sure hell have some advice for you. All youve got to do is ask! Myrtle Beach Drift Series BridgeMoto Powder Coating By C-Ray USDrift Monkey Labs - @mbdriftseries on Instagram

kel omori omori i%27m glad friend omori tenor

- Barcelona

im glad you brought that up eric bauza stay tooned 104 im delighted you mentioned it

Community is the key to what we do and how we work. If we support one teacher, one teacher’s aide, one mum, there are many, many children, year after year, that are going to be the beneficiary of that learning, that support and that mentoring. - @alnf_ on Instagram

i%27m happy about that brandon william im glad about that that makes me happy thats good

- Dárek k narození dítěte

i%27m so glad grady smith i%27m delighted i%27m overjoyed

- Inspiration

glad to hear it seth meyers late night with seth meyers good to hear im glad

- My 58 year old dad was so disappointed fallout 4 didnt come out on 360. Look at his face when he opens up a Fallout 4 Xbox one bundle for Christmas!

i am so glad to meet you ani moonshine 207 its really nice seeing you

- Torsdag

im glad that you said that italo brown barbershop medicine thanks for saying it glad you said it

- Gaming


- My grandma saved a newspaper from George VIs coronation

happy dance

- wayment

its good to know lamar freeman tales renee s3e2

- Rio de Janeiros mayor comes up with cardboard masks to protect government workers on the streets

rfk glad dab sunde freddyfenderdab


i%27m glad you had fun brenda cecily strong i think you should leave with tim robinson i%27m so glad you enjoyed yourself

- book of revelation

happy glad winnie the pooh love

Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1441H, mohon maaf lahir dan batin🙏🙏 Wishing you all a very happy and peaceful🤍 #surfergirl #surfergirlindonesia #surfergirlbali #surfergirllegian #baliindonesia - @surfergirl.official on Instagram

wink sweet n sassy joypixels happy glad

- Jotaro, you will never live this down.

mika is perfect

- Minneapolis Events

cat sticker line sticker sticker cat flowers

- Is he calling himself an insect?

sun happy excited jumping clouds

- 20 days of Ron Dennis. Day 9: Ron discreetly expresses his delight at a young prodigy’s achievement; victories such as this make oddities of hair length temporarily forgivable

glad youre alive gerry dee family feud canada glad youre not dead im happy youre alive

- Awareness and Special Days

so glad to see you

- Amazing

i%27m glad we got that sorted rupaul rupaul%E2%80%99s drag race s15e15 glad we worked that out

Happy 1st Day of May ! It’s a Great Day here at Pathways Volunteer Hospice , Enjoy Your Spring! 🌷 - @pathwaysvolunteerhospice on Instagram

im glad you like it ella payne house of payne s9e19 im happy you love it

- This biker about to deck Joe Biden

im glad it happened cuphead the cuphead show im glad it took place im pleased that it happened

Our fantastic Auslan interpreters Michelle and Mikey are at stage left, helping us to make #CarolsByCandlelight inclusive and accessible for everyone! @AuslanStageLeft #VisionAustralia #Carols #accessibility - @visionaustralia on Instagram

cat smile morning good morning

- Ah, yes, the immortal

glad to have you around peter deligdisch peter draws im glad youre here im happy youre here

- Congressman Bob Brady (D-PA) snatches the Popes drinking glass and shares it with his wife

i am so glad sir tag cr happy relieved

- 2018 kate backdrops

exciting glad laughs dance dancing

- Funeral Quotes

im so glad to hear that miranda payne house of payne a payneful compromise s8e19

- Outdoors Bloggers Share

im glad yo came to see me fatima crystal renee hayslett sistas s6 e3

- 123

happy glad winnie the pooh love


we are so glad you made it hunter engel agufish were thrilled you made it we are very happy you made it

- Mourning quotes

i%27m glad to hear that cordell walker walker texas ranger happy to hear that blessed to know it

- Granny Goes Swimming


- Have a great friday

milk mocha milk mocha love cute

The one - @papi.escanor on Instagram

when we connect we thrive thrive connection mtv mental health

If you needed any proof that its good to have a Brother, this is it 🙌⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ While working with the Scenic Rim team on a brand strategy project early in the year, we simply fell in love with the region and its people 👩‍🌾👨‍🍳👩‍🎨⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ So, when the region was affected by recent bushfires, it was an easy decision for us to donate a campaign concept to help in the region’s recovery.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Check out the work! Link in our bio 🌄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #brand #communications #advertising #creativity #itsgoodtohaveabrother #marketingagency #print #design #creativeagency #photographer #inspiration #production #travel #tourism #scenicrim - @brotherandco on Instagram

so glad you asked marvin bubbly blippi wonders educational cartoons for kids im happy you questioned me its good to be curious

My dad, my best friend, my business partner, and my idol. I love you. Thank you for always being there for my family and I. Thank you for always bringing me up when I’m down. Thank you for all the lessons you have taught me in life. Thank you for being the best dad anyone can ask for. Happy Father’s Day. I hope one day I can be as great as you ❤️ - @_ish.c on Instagram

i%27m so glad hunter engel agufish i%27m pleased i%27m happy

- Vintage Wallpaper

so glad

- Actors Ive Interviewed

glad enjoy delighted broad smile pleased

Me explaining how wild the 757 is for turning up like Rona don’t exist 😭 - @djshowtime_va on Instagram

qu%C3%A9alivio juariu masterchef argentina s3e108 qu%C3%A9bueno

- Mid Ohio

cute adorable dance happy excited

Our Buy More Save More sale is back. Stock up and save today! Use coupon code: OPSV25 to get $25 OFF any 8 boxes of contacts.* Use coupon code: OPSV15 to get $15 OFF any 5 boxes of contacts.* Use coupon code: OPSV10 to get $10 OFF any 3 boxes of contacts.* - @opticontacts on Instagram

hug emoticon emoji this is

- Cheers to Walmart for its effective work force!

%E3%82%A4%E3%83%83%E3%83%94%E3%83%BC %E5%AC%89%E3%81%97%E3%81%84 %E3%82%84%E3%81%A3%E3%81%9F%E3%82%8F %E6%9C%80%E9%AB%98 %E8%B6%85%E3%83%8F%E3%83%83%E3%83%94%E3%83%BC


approve wink smile idris elba thumbs up

- Terry Gilliam

so happy so happy in yellow red green purple pink and blue bubble letters yay happy excited

- Happy 60th Birthday to Martin Brundle!

steve harvey clapping happy

Este mes aparecemos en la sección de nuevos emprendedores de la revista Cantabria Económica Gracias a la revista por pensar en nosotros, a Jesús Polvorinos por el reportaje y a María Casuso por las estupendas fotos. - on Instagram

laughs excited great ideas pleased glad

- 2014 FIFA World Cup

feeling better jack black im alright im okay all good

It’s a pretty common sight during a rainstorm to see water gushing off of roofs. But what if you could capture some of that water before it escapes so that you could use it later? You can! Rain barrels collect and store rainwater from building roofs. They provide a free source of water for watering plants and gardens which reduces stormwater runoff. Just ¼ inch of rain produces enough runoff to fill a 50-gallon rain barrel! Want to learn more about rain barrels? Check out our Smart Yard Guide, linked in our bio! Next week is National Estuaries Week! We will be taking a brief break from Smart Yard tips to bring you some great information about keeping our estuaries clean and healthy. We’ll see you for the next tip on October 1! . . . #smartyard #rainbarrel #cleanwater #runoff #nccoastalfed - @nccoastalfed on Instagram

good happy proud thumps up white

- Lucas / Evangelista

im delighted to hear that chief james t kirk william shatner star trek the original series

- Easter bunny jokes

%E3%82%8F%E3%83%BC%E3%81%84 %E3%81%AD%E3%81%93%E3%81%8E%E3%82%85%E3%83%BC%E3%82%93 %E3%81%86%E3%81%95%E3%81%8E%E3%82%85%E3%83%BC%E3%82%93 nekogyuuun usagyuuun

- Thank You Images

glad to hear it happy to hear it glad to hear happy to hear geico

Were sending extra love to Pops this #GrandparentsDay! #TheGoldbergs - @thegoldbergsabc on Instagram

awesome smiley guy joypixels amazing impressive

- holy cards

so happy makaya simson scott and camber glad elated

Sobre proteção espiritual e a diferença básica entre Seres de Luz e seres de treva: Os primeiros precisam ser invocados/chamados para se fazerem presentes, como Seres evoluídos, respeitam escolhas, estão à disposição todo o tempo, mas respeitam a nossa decisão de não chamá-los para fazerem parte do nosso dia a dia. Os segundos, apenas precisam encontrar uma brecha, e por essa brecha eles entram. O que é uma brecha? Vibrar em culpa, medo, ódio, julgamento, falta, carência, vitimismo, etc... Esses seres são atraídos por essas vibrações e se aproximam de quem as emite. Pros nossos filhos pequenos, ou crianças de nossa família, podemos e devemos invocar a presença forte e protetora desses Seres, eu faço isso sempre pras minhas, inclusive pra @bmachdo Bia que já tem 23 anos! Se pudéssemos enxergar com os olhos físicos, o que essas Hostes Celestiais nos proporcionam quando as invocamos, jamais deixaríamos de fazer isso. Não são necessários rituais complexos para que Eles se façam presentes, é na simplicidade do chamado que eles se apresentam, Eles se conectam ao desejo sincero que trazemos no coração de tê-los por perto, e não as parafernalias que criamos, que por vezes afastam mais do que aproximam, criam complexidade, distanciamento. Chame-os como vc chama o seu melhor amigo quando você precisa dele, quanto menos protocolo, melhor e mais direta será a relação com esses Seres das Altas Esferas. Vc já é tudo o que está querendo se tornar, precisa apenas se lembrar disso! Beijo no coração de TODOS...❤️❤️❤️ #protecaoespiritual #seresdeluz #eusouluz #simplicidade #conexão #somosum #somosdeusemação - @fernandomachado_oficial on Instagram

happy cute rabbit

- Bonequinhos

glad to know

- Burnham-on-Sea

yayyy %E3%83%99%E3%82%BF%E3%83%83%E3%82%AF%E3%83%9E betakkuma baby betakkuma %E3%82%8F%E3%83%BC%E3%81%84

- Alice In Wonderland

tap dance dance daffy duck talent tap

Can’t explain how you leaving has impacted me.... I miss you so much. I know what you would want me to do and I’m trying bro. One day we will meet again. Thank you for looking over me. Rest easy. - @djpenny12 on Instagram

This Friday and Saturday Fin will be taking on his biggest challenge to raise money for Alzheimer’s in memory of his Nan. Follow the link below for his full story. Hes been training like a beast during lockdown. He starts his 30 mile run at the Rugby Club at 5pm on Friday night. He will take on a 27mile row through the night and then a 130 mile static bike ride at the club on Saturday. Please take a few minutes to read his story on his just giving page and donate if you can. If you are around come up to the club to support him. @challengedementia - @horshamrugbyclub on Instagram

The 2018 TPON TIME Person of the Year: Frank V. Johnson “Usher for a New Era” - On February 20, 2018, Frank Veto Johnson was sworn in as the 30th President of TPON as a Republican from Ohio. Johnson had just won an election of the closest margins, overcoming Senator Warren by just one vote. That one vote may have very well changed the history of our simulation as we know it. Johnson had campaigned heavily on total sim reform. His involvement in the creation of the “TPON 2.0” plan, which outlined some sensible and in other aspects drastic changes to the way TPON operates laid the foundation for goals as President. Some of these goals were included resetting TPON as we know it. Less than a month before Johnson swore in, the new US and TPON Constitutions were officially ratified. Johnson took part in the writings of these Constitutions, being the principal writer of the TPON Constitution in particular. Through the ratification of these Constitutions, Johnson laid the groundwork for the reset. The reset had long been one of TPON’s most controversial issues. When the Constitution was ratified, and Johnson elected as President, he knew he had to be the one to finally turn back the clocks. On March 8th, 2018, President Johnson along with Joseph Pitts and John N. Tesla submitted their final version of the “Reset Act” which after intense debate in Congress made it to Johnson’s desk and thus signed into law. On April 3, 2018, TPON officially rewinded back 86 years smoothly, squashing all of the anti-reset concerns. The bloom of activity following the reset is regarded as one of TPON’s most active period. Despite Johnson serving only one term (albeit extended to 91 days due to new Constitutional provisions), he signed 42 pieces of legislation into law, vetoed 12, and issued numerous executive orders in-line with his Republican platform. In addition, Johnson set a new standard for how to operate the Executive, respond to events, and engage the world. Following his one-term tenure as President, Johnson continued to serve in TPON by authoring and moderating numerous events (which he still does). He now serves on the Supreme Court as an Associate Justice. #tpontime - @time.tpon on Instagram

- Best Retirement Wishes for Colleagues

- När man ska acceptera ett pris men glömmer låsa datorn

- Somebody just got shot!

Poem Box - near Davis Sq. Somerville-MA - @ekleyfh on Instagram

- About Us

- Postade nyss i r/gavle, men kanske Swedditintresse finns: Bockgaranti

- Aging Gracefully

- 3D patterns

God always calls home the ones who seem to know that unknown thing. I know wherever that place is, its better for it. Just as we were made better in the light of your unapologetic, abounding love 💜. Shoshona Porter, rest in eternal peace and freedom. You will be always remembered and greatly missed. - @danielmayofficial on Instagram

- Always repay your debts.

- Just wear your masks!

- Artist Collection

- Best Friends

Peter Fendi, 19th century - @fatarthistory on Instagram

- 2019

- Removal companies

- Baby Erskine

- Happy birthday best wishes

👀 Et si votre enfant lisait du #Modiano illustré par #Sempé ? Et ça, cest possible parce quen 1988, Modiano, pas encore prix Nobel mais qui avait déjà mis tout le monde daccord avec ses qualités littéraires, a écrit un bref roman pour Jaime lire et cest le père du Petit Nicolas qui se charge dillustrer ce roman. Là, cest une fille : Catherine Certitude. . 👀 Un roman pour enfant magique, car même le parent se sent bien dans lhistoire de Catherine Certitude et de son papa. Le papa de Catherine a ce truc flou quont, en fait, souvent les parents quand on est petit et quon ne comprend pas exactement le métier quils font et que de toutes façons, nos parents, cest des pas comme nous. Donc cest flou. Sauf que le père de Catherine, il fait des affaires (des petites) à la limite de la légalité, peut-être limport-export. Il dit à sa fille Disons que je travaille dans les paquets. Cest flou. . 👀 Mais de toute façon, le flou est beaucoup dans la vie de Catherine et de son papa. Ils sont myopes tous les deux, alors ils portent des lunettes. Et quand ils en ont marre de la vie réelle, ils enlèvent leurs lunettes. Sans lunettes, tout est doux et brumeux, flou, tendre. Et Catherine, quand elle fait de la danse, elle na pas le droit de porter ses lunettes, mais elle préfère, comme elle lexplique à son père, parce que cest doux, cest brumeux, cest flou et cest tendre. Et son père de lui répondre, à Catherine : . 👀 Ce sera comme moi quand jétais jeune : les autres te trouveront dans le regard quand tu ne porteras pas tes lunettes une sorte de buée et de douceur. Cela sappelle le charme. . 🎧 Réécoutez la chronique de @juliettearnaudpenelope consacrée à ce livre 👉 👉 . #livresenfants #litteraturejeunesse #dansmabibliotheque - @franceinter on Instagram

- Charles Swindoll

- The new poster from A million ways to die in the west reminds me of the haunted mansion.

Happy Halloween #gitrdonegram - @desi_murray on Instagram

- abuelos

- Grandad of the year converts his old car into the batmobile

- Caption this...

Congratulations to Deb Ballance, who will serve another 3 year term on the @nationalporkboard. @usdagov first appointed her in 2017. Her new term runs through June 2023. 🐷🐷🐷 Deb owns and operates Legacy Farms, a farrow-to-finish hog operation near Fremont. We are also proud to have her as a member of our Wayne County board. 🐷🐷🐷 #ncporkproud #ncporkcouncil #nationalporkboard #usda #ncpigs #ncpork #ncag #ncagriculture #waynecountyfarmbureau #ncfarmbureau - @ncfarmbureau on Instagram

- Eloise Wilkin Illustrations❣️

- Cute Animals@ Sexy Guys

- 2002 Australian Grand Prix: Kimi Räikkönen achieved his first podium, by finishing third

STAY HOME . . . #malayalam #mallugram #godsowncountry #kochi #keralam #love #india #instagram #entekeralam #keralagodsowncountry #malayalamcinema #malayalamtypography #thrissur #malappuram #photography #kannur #mohanlal #kozhikode #keralatourism #malayalamquotes #instagood #keralagallery #malayalee #malluwood • - @the_foodie_explorer_ on Instagram

- Badass quotes

- Franklin the Turtle

- Cursed_Franklin

- nerd quotes

- Afrikaans

- Green Stripes

- Animation

- Easter Day Sale

- blursed newspaper

- Powerful antiviral mask...

- i think the exact same thought every time this loading screen appears.

Your personal shopper is here for you. Save $10 EVERY TIME you shop online with Foodtown on the Go! Use promocode: Thanks10 at checkout. Valid at participating locations on orders of $125 or more. Cannot be combined with other offers. Shop Foodtown. Thats Smart! - @foodtownmorningside on Instagram

- ephemera

Do good with your used shoes! We have drop-off locations all around the world where you can safely donate the shoes you longer need. Find a location near you at the link in our bio. - @soles4souls on Instagram

- Richard Karn

Happy Womens Day to all the remarkable women of Uganda! Our mothers, sisters and daughters. The Lord keep and bless you all. - @janetmuseveni on Instagram

- Books Worth Reading

- Arts and Crafts for Kids

- Little People Big World

Way back to 9 yrs ago when chasing podiums was my fun with #british4x. Todays fun is chasing time for fun rides with the crew just hoping my back will be OK the next day and keeping covid safe. #fatladadventures @dialledbikes @biketrack1 @hktprotect @peatysproducts - @paddydialled on Instagram

- The Dailymail whenever an Irishman does something questionable.

- Wilma Flintstone

- Beachy Themes

#FlashbackFriday to when UC hosted the Women of Whitney Hall Luncheon during U of Ts 2010 Spring Reunion. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ We were delighted to welcome back many alumna, including those who lived in Whitney when it was an all-female residence, between 1932 and 1970. We loved hearing their stories of curfews and social etiquette protocols!⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Fun fact: The move to co-ed living at Whitney Hall in 1971 caused the Dean of Women to quit. She stated it was “inappropriate to expect a middle-aged spinster to be the madam of a drug-riddled bordello.”⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ #FBF #UCAlumniUofT #UniversityCollegeUofT #UofT #UofTAlumni - @uc_alumni on Instagram

- Great Bible Teaching

- Church ideas

My gorgeous Mom and me. Shes 96. - @garylewismusic on Instagram

Meet The BANK!ers❤️✊Listen to our amazing artists (and their wonderful accents...) and learn what they have to say about their work and participation in BANK! 2020. First up: Master @smugone 👏 Swipe for full interview. #bankstreetart #bank2020 #smugone #edsbruk #västervikskommun #tjustbygdenssparbank #därförälskarjagvästervik - @bankstreetart on Instagram

- SMOL baby

- Dunkirk WW2

Respect pour un père que j’aurais voulu embrasser une dernière fois. Je pense à toutes les familles qui sont dans le deuil et je rends hommage à tous les personnels soignants qui se dévouent pour les vivants. - @fhollande on Instagram

How’s that VV P1 purchase going Parker? #karma #makemovesinsilence #dontfakeittomakeit #rollsrepo #vehiclevirgins #yousuck #youtube - @bullybustergang on Instagram

It took me forever but I finally got my #yellowbookescape vlog up on my #youtube channel. Link to my channel is in my bio to watch it. #books #bookstagram #readathon #readingvlog #booktube #booktuber - @therealjazzrj on Instagram

- Bagley Cartoons

- easy rock painting ideas

- Decided out of the blue to rewatch X-Men Apocalypse and this scene with the Lee couple hits me in such a new light ❤️

“It’s nice to be remembered at this time of need. It is nice for the Men of League Foundation to give back and thank those players. Just a phone call and it means the world.” ❤️ Balmain Tigers legend Garry Jack recently conducted a virtual visit for friend of the Foundation Jim Schroder 🤜🤛 Check out the full story in our bio! - @menofleague on Instagram

- And in 2020 our team still uses design tools from 1999

WK x 2020 Virtual Emmys - @wolfkasteler on Instagram

Leave a 🤘 to wish this legendary Longhorn happy 98th birthday - @utaustintx on Instagram

- Friday morning quotes

- Eeyore

- water good society bad

- Apparently, Bitcoin is Dead (again)

- Marriage Challenge

- Baby illustrations

Heute mit dem Radl zum Forsthaus Heldenstein über die Legendäre WP vom letzten Samstag! #Forsthaus Heldenstein #Rallye SÜW #Pfälzer Wald#Rotwild#MSC Ramberg - @jan_enderle on Instagram

#Fallbrook Veteran Frances Price turns 100 years old - @fallbrookvillagenews on Instagram

- My work is doing theme days for us essential workers. Today was Disney day, which I decided to win!

- get well

- Nourish Lifestyle Center / Weight Loss

- G’day, I’m just wondering if anyone might be interested in filling out my mate’s survey for their Society and Culture PIP for the HSC. They’re project focuses on how Australia values the elderly - something that’s becoming harder and harder to determine. Link in the comments :)

No idea who is responsible for this but it totally made my day. If Skeletor can wrap his head around pronoun recognition so can you. Thanks @martinperna for the share. #80sbaby #theyman #evolve #fuckabinary - @creolemaroon on Instagram

Current vibe - @chris.owen.313 on Instagram

For one day only ! The birthday boy ! The best father ever ! A true gentleman , love you lots x x ❤️❤️ - @jilly_adele on Instagram

- George H. W. Bush wore special socks today for his visitor

Teach your daughters to realise their worth within and not seek for validation💯 . . . #hashtagme #bodypositiveart #indianart #indianartists #classicalartmemes #classicalartmeme #bodypositivequotes #hahahhahaha #fuckboyproblems #glowupseason #teachyourchildrenwell #thursdaymood #redflags #redflag #fuckboi #fuckbois #thisissome #whyisthisme #desimemes😂 #desimeme #desimemer #bollywoodmemes😂 #bollymemes #thinklocal #vocalforlocal #vocalforlocalindia #supportsmallbiz #indiandesigners #stonermeme #stonermemes - on Instagram

- Star Wars mask my aunt made me from a vintage 1970s Star Wars sheet

- Thinking Of You

Im completely humbled and honored to be the recipient of @therewithcare s 2020 Inspiration Award. ⁠ ⁠ While Im deeply devoted to giving back, my fundraising efforts are made successful by the dedicated support of Gary & Amy Wagner, @hmkabacoff, and the generous donations made by the entire MAX family of staff and clients who have bolstered this important work. Thank you to all of you. ⁠ ⁠ Thank you also to @pauladuprepesmen. I love you and adore you. ♥️ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ - @maxclothingstores on Instagram

- Little People Big World

The Golden brothers.... six years ago. #brothers #burgers #burgerbrothers #dontforgettocomeback #burgermafia ❤️ - @goldenstarburgers on Instagram

- Never in my life have I won anything, today, that changed! At the Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show. ❤️

🎂 Eddie Mae Eddings, a Berkeley resident for over 70 years, celebrated her hundredth birthday this week. She was born in a rural area near Houston, Texas, and moved to the Bay Area during WWII. After raising her children, her first job in Berkeley was as a nurses assistant for Berkeley Unified School District. She was also a lifelong photographer, and held an exhibit at the African American Museum and Library of Oakland in 2008. On Wednesday, Councilmember Cheryl Davila read a city proclamation honoring Eddings contributions to Berkeley. 🔗 Link to the full story in our bio to read more about her life, and advice for future generations. 📸: Supriya Yelimeli - @berkeleyside on Instagram

- Joey and Rory Feeks

- at the end of the day they chose this way of life

- Birthdays & Celebrations

Happy 106th birthday to Sunrise of Severna Park resident Edith Ramsay! - @severnaparkvoice on Instagram

- Achievement Unlocked ✅

Happy birthday to the one and only Joe Theismann! 🎉 Well be celebrating today with an ice cold glass of beer and some of Joes favorites. 🍻 - @theismannsrestaurant on Instagram

- Kids birthday wishes

Kelas XII-IPS Juara 1 Short Story HUT 7 Dasawarsa PENABUR #7dasawarsabpkpenabur #bpkpenabur #bpkpenaburofficial - @penabur_cjr on Instagram

- Schaumburg Lippe

Thanks David Bocking & @sheffieldtelegraph, nice features on @swiftconnor his 1st TDF.👍🚲 - @cyclingsheffield on Instagram

- Lead by example

- aMd

Oldest guy on the team ! - @kornfeldstudios on Instagram

- 2015 Reads in 2015

- Another part of my ongoing research of memes

- I want it done by naptime.

- Life Insurance

The mothers who are receiving the benefits of the Wordens green thumbs expressed their gratitude for the bounty. We all appreciate it more than words can describe. Times are very rough right now, and the boxes make a huge difference for our families, said one mother from the Kids Thrive program. Each box contains an assortment of organic vegetables, some of which are new to these families. One mother shared that she brought home vegetables that she had never even heard of before, but said, I cannot wait to learn how to make/prepare some of the stuff, and a peer echoed this, stating, It will be fun finding new things to cook. By getting good food into the hands of our most vulnerable we are providing that support they need to sustain their families through this crisis. When we meet people where they are, and assist in providing their basic needs, we will undoubtedly see them rise above their situation, said Angie Matthiessen, Executive Director of the United Way of Charlotte County. The Kids Thrive moms have already shown this to be true in rising above their past decisions and working diligently toward a better life for themselves and their children. The United Way of Charlotte County wishes to thank Worden Farm, their gracious donors, and the partner agencies that make up Kids Thrive for their dedication to the health and well-being of Charlotte County families. Worden Farm has also been giving bulk vegetables to Boys and Girls Clubs of Charlotte County for their drive through dinners. It is a very generous and most appreciated gift. Be a local hero! #BeTheOne #BeUnited Read the whole post on the UWCC blog here: #UWCC - @wordenfarm on Instagram

For many, retirement is a milestone allowing them to finally relax. But for Mike Soloski, that couldnt be further from the truth. At 61-years-old, Mike was a volunteer at our hospital when COVID-19 hit — a time when many volunteers were sent home as a safety precaution to limit exposure to this infectious disease. But Mike knew he needed to act. He decided to step out of retirement, and out of his volunteer role, and onto the frontlines of the pandemic as a COVID-19 screener. Click the link in our bio to read more. - @ottawahospital on Instagram

- @ Marcel Marlier

Happy (belated) mothers day💕 Thinking of, ..moms who have lost children .. ..moms who have lost their moms ..moms who have strained mother relationships ..moms who have strained child relationships ..those who have chosen not to be moms ..those who are yearning to be moms. 💕 (quote seen on insta) #momoftwo #girltribe #vancitybusinessbabes #vsco_mom #minimalmom #wildandlittles #ohheymama #fraservalley #freerangekids #mywild #familytrails #mamaliebe #pnwmom #littlehumans #wildandfreemama #mutterliebe #lebenmitkindern #kinderherz #geschwisterliebe #northvancouver #outdoorfamilies #seatoskylife #whistlerlife #letthembelittle #thatsdarling - @lynnvavancouver on Instagram

The cold has set in and the winter chills are here ❄️ But you can’t shiver when your a bag of bones. So I created this for a bit of fun yesterday, reminding myself and winter of a few things. Had lots of fun experimenting with a stipple brush for the shading on this piece. I’m loving all the textures you can recreate in Procreate. What’s your favourite feature on it? . . . . . . . . . . #procreate #stipplebrush #digitalart #digitalpainting #digitalartist #conricosteez #lettering #type #typography #editiorial #death #skull #gothic #satire #supportsmallbusiness #supportyourlocalartist #artistoninstagram #artist - @conricosteez on Instagram

- Still not getting me into a Subway


The @wyorescuemission has provided folks in need with help & hope for more than 30 years. It was an honor to be part of today’s graduation ceremony & groundbreaking for the new housing building. This program continues to provide a lifeline to many in the Casper community. - @senjohnbarrasso on Instagram

- Formula One Driver Cardboard Cutouts

- Funny Easter Quotes

- ONE MORE DAY (credit to @yen_symbol on Twitter)

- Royal Families of Ancora

- Animal Activities

- Stella Maris

Hello😃 from #AtlanticHighlands Library. We are here for the #AH #Bayshore Community and are bringing the books to you! Rolling out carts with Newest books & dvds. And you can call to request for door-side pickup! Hope to see YOU soon. Door-side or outside (weather/staff permitting) Tuesdays: 9-4; Wednesdays: 9-6; Thursdays: 1-9; Fridays: 1-5; Saturdays 9-5. Outdoor #checkitout #bookstoyou #readingisreading #takingittothestreets #wearehereforyou #librariesarehereforyou #librarycardsignupmonth @ahherald @atlantichighlandsmoms - @moncolibrary on Instagram

- all occasion greeting cards

71.37m in Sollentuna🇸🇪 #nike #globalthrowing #SpårvägensFK #svenskdirre #nocco - @stahlhoff on Instagram

Pacific Power employees are rolling up their sleeves wherever they can. Our Regional Business Manager Diana Knous and a colleague delivered vital supplies for families sheltering from wildfires at the Jackson County Expo Center and to stock the Talent–Phoenix donation site. - @pacific_power on Instagram

- Coast to Coast

- Happy Easter

- British TV programs, Photos & Information.

- PsBattle: Masked Mitch

- På söndag är det Marcus Ericssons (antagligen) sista race i formel ett

Last week for Four Roses Bourbon $5 any way you want. #fourrosesbourbon #Bourbon #fourroses #rose #cocktails #happyhour #greatdeals #drinkinggood #longbeach #downtown #lbc - @clancyslongbeach on Instagram

- Art - Mary Engelbreit

found some old photos of my Dad looking much healthier and it made me smile. miss him so so much. happy Father’s Day to all the dads, cat dads, etc out there love y’all 💓 - @cosmicconsciousness on Instagram

- Date night stops for nothing

- Two gay cowboys from part 7

- Jonny Quest

Auch in diesem Jahr ist morgen wieder der Valentinstag 💝 Denken Sie daran, dass Liebe auch durch den Magen geht und überraschen Ihren Liebsten oder die Liebste mit einem saftigen Steak 🥩 oder mit einem Diamantring 💍 darunter (dann aber mit Vorwarnung). Die Fleischerei & Partyservice Grönke, Tel.:03303 500 267 und die Wurstmanufaktur Grönke wünschen nur das Beste und wunderschöne Stunden 😍 #valentinstag #valentin #verliebt #liebe #geschenk #valentinsgift #valentintagsgeschenk #groenke #wurstmanufakturgroenke #wrstmnfktr #steak #dryaged #dryagedsteak #wurst #sausage #fleischer #fleischerei #handwerk #handgemacht #diewurstmachts #hohenneuendorf #berlin #birkenwerder #borgsdorf #hennigsdorf #bergfelde #schönfließ #Frohnau #Hermsdorf #pankow - @partyservice.groenke on Instagram

- 500cc GP season 2019

- Baby printables

- Artwork & Illustrations

Nowy rok, nowe zmiany i dlatego właśnie będę bardziej aktywny:) #Poland #travel #good #wojciechcejrowski #wc - @wojciechcejrowski on Instagram

- Its true though

- Audio crossover

- My local City Council persons name is Thanos.

🌟Coverage of the Week🌟 @megansteer22 for UK Community Foundations (UKCF) 👏🏼👏🏼 • @bethia.stone says: “My Coverage of the Week is Megan, for her coverage for UKCF in the Independent and Daily Express. Responding to news of a potential second lockdown, Megan secured two fantastic national op-eds for UKCF CEO Rosemary Mcdonald to outline the positive response of small charities to the first lockdown and what additional pressures could face the sector a second time. A great opportunity to showcase UKCF’s knowledge of the challenges facing small charities during the pandemic.” - @phaconsumer on Instagram

Getting the right resources to care for your loved ones means getting more time for the things that matter most. Get the support you need to care for the ones you love. OC Hospice (800) 658-5877 or visit Because We Care #becausewecare #ochospice #hospicecare #hospice #palliativecare #palliative #seniorcare #homecare #orangecounty #endoflife #hospicenurse #griefsupport #caregiver #hospicevolunteer #orangecounty - @ochospice on Instagram

#horse #horselovers #horsestories - @pjknickerbockers1995 on Instagram

- Lincoln

- Peterborough

- Late to the party? Nah

An Overview of Logistics & Safety Measures for In-Person Instruction Under COVID-19 Conditions Swipe to see the full video (9 slides) or visit the link 🔗 in our bio. #PYLUSD - @pylusd on Instagram

🎉#stepbacksaturday 🎉 My favorite day of the week! And todays epic nekked outdoors water seksytimes #stepback is all of the good things I love... Behold the amazing Uncle Jessie hair and the on point waxing and manscaping 🔥🔥🔥 Drop your guess in the comments or tell me manscaping yay or nay? . . Lots of nekked man nip love for @pinkcowlandreads for the best # ever 💖 . . Look @carmela_constable its nekked Uncle Jessie 🤣 . . . #romancestepback #romancereader #romanticbooks #historicalromancebook #historicalromance #historicalromancenovel #romancereader - @gigireadsromance on Instagram

- pch first time winner 8800

- @kakhiel on Instagram

- AnGeLs & FaRiEs

- Cluain Buadh

Now this is something special. Over 20 years ago there was something called the Y2K and my dad bought a few supplies much like they’re doing now. but instead of buying pallets of toilet paper he just bought this one package for a family of four. He was in his shed and he found it today. couldn’t believe how good of shape it is in and what a great time to find roll. Currently trying to decide if I want to use it for its intended purpose or try to preserve it lol - @hesrootedhome on Instagram

- Pick your neck up king

- concept album

Encourage children to care about nature and be grateful for nature ♥️ - @thegiftsofmotherearth on Instagram

✨Its the year 1970✨. The price of gas is 36 cents a gallon, bell-bottoms are in, and the Beatles announce their breakup. But as the legendary rock bands career comes to an end, BUDS Accounting Supervisor Joyce Haines begins her legendary career at Binghamton University💥! That was 50 years ago... thats half a century! 🤯 In celebration of Joyces anniversary, we are sharing this special segment of our Be You Dining Series with you. Be You” Dining is a chance to share with you the many stories and personalities that make our team BU-nique! Here are a few excerpts from her “Be You” Dining interview: What do you do at Binghamton University? “I am the Accounting Supervisor, so I do accounts payable, and reconcile reports, payroll, and I oversee the inventory. Anything they want, if they need help, I’ll do it.” Did you like going to school? What was your favorite subject? “Oh yes. Yes I did. My favorite subject in school was shorthand typing. That was a fun thing for me. I took business and secretarial for school, that was my degree. Originally, I was going to be a teacher.” What are some things you have learned about yourself over the last 50 years? “You can be a strong woman when you have to be. You can hold your head up high if you had a bad day. You can step up, and figure out ‘how can we fix this?’ and that’s what you do. I’m proud that you can be a strong woman. Help someone, if they’re down in the dumps, see what you can do to help them. This is what this whole world needs. Work together. Stop and think, and help one other. Just be a friend to somebody if they need it.” Who is someone that inspires you? “My mother. My mother was an awesome mom; she encouraged you, she helped you, she was just a positive person. She was very special.” Thank you for your endless hard work and dedication! Heres to 50 more 😉 #BeYouDining 📸: @itsbrendanhurley - @bingcampusfood on Instagram

Congratulations to Vic and Linda Jones, winners of the September yard of the month in St Andrews. Their lovely home and lush landscape is located on Cincinnati Avenue and we are grateful to have them as friendly neighbors and wonderful volunteers in our community. - on Instagram

- Humans Of New York

- 101st Airborne Division

- Im Ready


- A A Milne

- Alzheimer and Dementia

- Devotions & Lessons

- Happy Mothers Day

- ALsace france chez moi

- Easter Day Images 2017

- Best Friends Quotes.

Remembering happy times. We miss you Berta. Nivi and Lizzi #motherlove#sisterlove#rememberforever#missyou - @patpowerteam on Instagram

HAPPY 100TH BIRTHDAY!🎂🥳 News4Jax is wishing a special young lady a happy birthday today! “She’s just like the Energizer Bunny,” Jeans son said. We can feel the love through Jean’s smile and we hope she has the best day ever. - @news4jax on Instagram

Slowly but surely 🤞💙 . #DaMaria #DaMariaLondon #London #Londra #Napoli #NottingHill - @damarialondon on Instagram

- Tigger.. and Pooh

- Back in the day....

- facts dont care about your memes

I mean, @jenkinsbeag has a point 🙌 . . . . . #thedeadrabbit #irishwhiskey #whiskey #whisky #taoscan #dram #instawhiskey #whiskeygram #bar #bartender #cocktails #cocktailsofinstagram #ireland #irish #rabbitsofinstagram #art #irishart - @deadrabbitwhiskey on Instagram

- Alice in Wonderland


That’s all 1000 signed!⠀ ⠀ Our wonderful author, Mark Cole, has now signed all 1000 signature pages for the upcoming booking in our Ultimate Series, ‘McLaren F1 GTR - The Definitive History’, ⠀ ⠀ Limited to only 1000 and selling fast, pre-order your copy today.⠀ ⠀ Visit our website, link in bio.⠀ ⠀ #McLaren #F1GTR #UltimateSeries #UltimateCars #DefinitiveHistory #LimitedEdition #Preordernow #Motorsport #Motorracing #GetYourCopyToday - @porterpressinternational on Instagram

- An Inspirational Quote From Last Nights Winner

Our Community Financial Education Specialist, Bryan Harris, dropped off sling bags at the #Ramstein Elementary School for students to carry their books in. We hope everyones had a great start to the school year, no matter where youre learning! #MilitaryBrat #KnowYourMil - @servicecreditunion on Instagram

- ostern

Happy Birthday, @jimcramer! We think this is going to be your chillest year yet! - @madmoneyoncnbc on Instagram

- Birthday Greetings

- My mom is so cute

- Happy Easter Images

- Men för i helvete...

Members of the Konica Minolta Phoenix branch participated in the @nationalkidneyfoundation virtual kidney walk this past weekend! They were the walks top corporate fundraising team, raising $3,391 in donations 👏👏👏 #KMCares 🧡 - @konicaminoltaus on Instagram

- May

- Always Remember:)!