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The @dpa_com (German Press Ageny) did a piece on Germans in New York in the midst of the #Corona #pandemic . Glad to be a part of it. Thanks to Christina Horsten. . . . #dpa #deutschepresseagentur #deutschepresse #germansintheusa #germansinnewyork #nyc #coronavirus #pandemic #crisis #instagood #instadaily #instamood - @timo_vollbrecht on Instagram

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US$ 8 bilhões para a caridade. 💰Aos 89 anos, o bilionário norte-americano e filantropo Chuck Feeney cumpriu o objetivo de usar sua riqueza para ajudar as pessoas. O seu biógrafo informou que ele está hoje muito feliz por ter concluído sua missão após quase 40 anos, o que virou motivo de celebração para o empresário e a esposa Helga, com quem mora em um apartamento de dois quartos em São Francisco, EUA. Feeney é fundador da Duty Free Shoppers (DFS), a empresa de vendas isentas de impostos para viajantes, com lojas em aeroportos e portos. Leia a história do empresário no ink da bio #BBCBrasil - @bbcbrasil on Instagram

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Citazione attribuita a Pausania tratta dal “Simposio” di Platone (183d). . #platone #simposio #amore #amante #ignobile #volgare #corpo #anima #costanza #costante #carattere #animo #amare #filosofia #filosofigreci #filosofiagreca #letteratura #letteraturagreca #pausania #antichigreci #anticagrecia #storiaantica #greci #citazionifamose #frasiamore #citazionilibri #citazionedelgiorno #frasicelebri #massime #saggezza - @pillole.di.storia on Instagram

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Ce soir La Revue de Presse fait sa rentrée en direct sur Paris Première ! Du chouchou au perturbateur, des insolents aux petits rigolos ils sont tous en pleine forme pour accueillir @thomas.dutronc ! 💥 . . 📺 La Revue de Presse, présentée par Jerôme de Verdière ! ⏰ Ce soir à 20h50 . . . . . . . @bernardmabille @pouxelodie #LRDP #RDP #larevuedepresse #revuedepresse #nouvellesaison #jeromedeverdiere #direct #chroniqueur #actualité #décryptage #analyse #débat #discussion #grandpointvirgule #convivialite #bernardmabille #elodiepoux #philippechevallier #jacquesmailhot #regismailhot #didierporte #thierryrocher #stephanerose #florenceburnold #michelguidoni #humour #parispremiere - @parispremiere on Instagram

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É claro que ela não poderia faltar. Tomadas embutidas na bancada, práticas e de fácil acesso, estão sempre presente em nossos projetos. . . 📐 Projeto - Elvira Monteiro 🛋 Produção - Elvira Monteiro 📷 Foto - @carol_rahal . . www.elviramonteiro.com.br . . #designdeinteriores #meuprojetonaaec #decora #arquitetura #decor #design #decoracao #arquiteturadeinteriores #interiordesign #interiores #home #architecture #homedecor #casa #instadecor #reforma #casacor #arte #projeto #decoration #marcenaria #decoracaodeinteriores #moveisplanejados #designer #arquiteto #decorando #inspira #arquiteturaeinteriores #projetos #elviramonteiro - @elviramonteirodesigner on Instagram

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1 Ottobre Festa di Santa Teresa di Gesù Bambino La Francia dellOttocento è il primo paese dEuropa nel quale cominciò a diffondersi la convinzione di poter fare a meno di Dio, di poter vivere come se egli non esistesse. Proprio nel paese dOltralpe, tuttavia, alcune figure di santi, come Teresa di Lisieux, ricordarono che il senso della vita è proprio quello di conoscere e amare Dio. Teresa nacque nel 1873 in un ambiente profondamente credente. Di recente anche i suoi genitori sono stati dichiarati beati. Ella ricevette, dunque, una educazione profondamente religiosa che presto la indusse a scegliere la vita religiosa presso il carmelo di Lisieux. Qui ella si affida progressivamente a Dio. Su suggerimento della superiora tiene un diario sul quale annota le tappe della sua vita interiore. Scrive nel 1895: «Il 9 giugno, festa della Santissima Trinità, ho ricevuto la grazia di capire più che mai quanto Gesù desideri essere amato». Allamore di Dio Teresa vuol rispondere con tutte le sue forze e il suo entusiasmo giovanile. Non sa, però, che lamore la condurrà attraverso la via della privazione e della tenebra. Lanno successivo, il 1896, si manifestano i primi segni della tubercolosi che la porterà alla morte. Ancor più dolorosa è lesperienza dellassenza di Dio. Abituata a vivere alla sua presenza, Teresa si trova avvolta in una tenebra in cui Le è impossibile vedere alcun segno soprannaturale. Vi è, però, unultima tappa compiuta dalla santa. Ella apprende che a lei, piccola, è affidata la conoscenza della piccola via, la via dellabbandono alla volontà di Dio. La vita, allora, diviene per Teresa un gioco spensierato perché anche nei momenti di abbandono Dio vigila ed è pronto a prendere tra le sue braccia chi a Lui si affida. Statua custodita nel Santuario di San Giuseppe - @festeeritireligiosi.enna on Instagram

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Profile Pict [Noctis]


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Voici quelques photos de la première de SUSPECT NUMÉRO UN, dernier long métrage de @danroby1970, qui avait lieu mercredi au @cinemadumusee. Le film prend laffiche aujourdhui et nous avons discuté avec le réalisateur pour loccasion! (lien dans notre bio) 👉 À voir dans un cinéma près de chez vous! 🍿 📸 Paul Ducharme / @lesfilmsseville #cinémaquébécois #suspectnuméroun #onsevoitaucinéma - @quebeccinema on Instagram

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• #17Agosto • Paso a la inmortalidad del Gral. José de San Martin 🇦🇷 . “La conciencia es el mejor juez que tiene un hombre de bien” . . #casadeentrerios #cer #sanmartin #gralsanmartin - @casadeentrerios on Instagram

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Business Profile: DaVinci Inspired Gallery, Brewster | The Examiner News

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1 октября Церковь совершает попразднство события Воздвижения Креста Господня, а также молитвенно вспоминает преподобных Евме́ния, епископа Горти́нского, Евфроси́нию Су́здальскую, Иларио́на О́птинского. Эти святые при жизни своей особенно отличались доб­ро­де­тель­ной жиз­нью, глу­бо­кой ве­рой и бла­го­че­стием. Из­бе­гая мир­ских со­блаз­нов от юности своей, они тщательно за­бо­тились о спа­се­нии ду­ши и неуклонном ис­пол­не­нии хри­сти­ан­ских обя­зан­но­стей, имея стре­м­ление слу­жить Еди­но­му Бо­гу. 1 октября митрополит Тверской и Кашинский Амвросий совершил Божественную литургию в Крестовом храме 12-ти Апостолов в Тверском епархиальном управлении. На сугубой ектении были произнесены прошения об избавлении от губительного поветрия. После ектении владыка вознес молитву об избавлении людей от эпидемии. В завершение литургии владыка поздравил молящихся с днем памяти святых, в подвиге преподобия просиявших. *** Преподобный Иларион Оптинский, один из великих Оптинских старцев 19 в. Его монашеское имя Иларион, означающее в переводе с греческого „тихий“ и „радостный“, выявило то главное, что было свойственно этому подвижнику веры и благочестия: тихую, смиренную кротость сердца и постоянное пребывание души в пасхальной радости о Воскресшем Господе. Дар исцеления душевных недугов, которым наделил Господь всех преподобных Оптинских старцев, в полной мере усвоен был и преподобным Иларионом. Любовь его к страждущим была безгранична, о чем свидетельствуют многочисленные случаи его помощи. Особенно содействовал старцу в деле духовного окормления многочисленных чад присущий ему дар прозорливости, который по чувству глубокого смирения, он старательно скрывал от людей. Мудрость батюшки была велика: хотя говорил он очень мало, но слова его имели благодатную святую силу, а потому, получив от него наставление, человек чувствовал в себе искреннее желание исполнить его. Как не может град укрыться, верху горы стоя (Мф. 5:14), так не могла укрыться от внимания людей и высокая деятельность старца Илариона… 18 сентября 1873 года старец Иларион тихо и мирно отошел ко Господу, причащаясь Святых Христовых Таин ежедневно перед своей кончиной в течение 33 дней. - @tver_pravoslavnaya.online on Instagram

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Em novembro, a Escolinha do Professor Raimundo está de volta!💜O programa tá caprichado e foi feito com muito carinho. Um beijo grande e especial aos incríveis redatores finais @leolanna e @lopesangelic e aos colegas maravilhosos com quem tive a alegria de dividir a sala de aula. Posted @withregram • @lopesangelic Essa semana terminaram as gravações da temporada 2020 da “Escolinha do Professor Raimundo”. Escrita para um mundo sem pandemia - o prazo de entrega era 14 de março do que hoje parece uma outra existência -, foi toda reescrita, adaptada e bravamente gravada para retratar os novos tempos. Em um futuro próximo utópico, nossos alunos se reencontram no primeiro dia de ensino presencial, depois de terem passado meses com aulas on-line, que é justamente o tema no nosso especial de estreia, todo gravado por videoconferência. Um projeto que não seria tão divertido de fazer sem a parceria genial de @leolanna, a garra e experiência de @cininha_de_paula e da nossa maravilhosa equipe de redatores. Em novembro, na Globo e no Canal Viva. - @renataandraderj on Instagram

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Dream it. Believe it. Achieve it. #MondayMotivation 📸: @unsplash - @oceinnovation on Instagram

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“Nunca se dê por vencido, porque quando você pensa que tudo acabou, é o momento onde tudo recomeça.” Irei completar 4 anos na gestão da K e esse cara cresceu junto comigo na empresa. O que mais gosto do trabalho com ele são as divergências que temos, pois sempre alinhamos juntos os nossos pensamentos e evoluímos para o bem da Korpus. É um grande gerente, mas acima de tudo um amigo de primeira. Estamos mais uma vez juntos, em nosso maior desafio, mas que será vencido. - @dudu_medeiros on Instagram

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1 Timóteo 4:16 “Preste muita atenção à sua vida espiritual e a todas as verdades que foram fundamentais no seu inicio e que você ensina, pois viver o que você prega liberará vida ainda mais abundante dentro de você e para todos aqueles que a ouvirem. - @janduidearaujo on Instagram

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Falar do trabalho consistente de Anselmo Hoffmann é chover no molhado! O cara tem uns landscapes de deixar muita gente boquiaberta. Olha só essas composições. Impressão em papel Studio, adesivagem a frio em foam e montagem em moldura amadeirada escura. Top, top, top!!! #claudiocolavolpephotoart #claudiocolavolpeoficial #claudiocolavolpe #giclee #papelalgodão #impressãofineart #arquitetura #decoração #fineart #fotografiacontemporânea #hahnemuhle #epson #pigmentomineral #fotografiadigital #hahnemuhle_imaging - @claudiocolavolpephotoart on Instagram

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To all professionals in the film, theater, entertainment and arts worlds JOIN THE CHALLENGE to post a photo of you in your job. Just a picture (or video), no description. The goal is too flood social media with examples of our precious professions. Copy this text and post along with your image. #savethearts #supportthearts - @davynewkirk on Instagram

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Ce soir, je ne prendrai pas le micro sur scène pour le concert d’ouverture du Festival 2020. Je me réjouissais d’autant plus que nous devions accueillir un artiste devenu ami qui nous faisait l’honneur de sa présence exceptionnelle encore une fois. Les quatre derniers mois furent si particuliers pour tout le monde et les suivants le seront tout autant. Mais chaque jour, je me lève avec la conviction que les jours meilleurs sont devant nous et que rien n’arrêtera La Musique, jamais! Sa forme changera peut-être, des habitudes seront bousculées, mais c’est aussi ça la beauté de notre métier: se réinventer encore et toujours, parce que La Musique déteste l’immobilisme et le conformisme. Alors oui, je suis triste de ne pas monter sur scène ce soir, de ne pas croiser vos regards heureux, de ne pas déambuler sur les quais et partager ce plaisir de vous retrouver comme chaque été. Mais je me console en étant persuadé que le retour sera d’autant plus beau et fort en émotions, ces émotions et cette passion pour La Musique qui nous habite tous et toujours. Pour maintenir cette flamme, nous lançons ce soir et pour 16 jours le 54th Summers of Music avec 17 concerts iconiques du Festival, des messages d’artistes inédits et des clins d’oeil touchants de nos amis journalistes qui sont eux aussi orphelins des festivals et qui vous feront vivre cette 54ème édition différemment. Alors profitez de cet été néanmoins musical et prenez soin de vous. Merci aux artistes, à nos partenaires, aux autorités et à tous les acteurs qui rendent un festival possible et qui nous ont témoigné de leur soutien indéfectible, mais surtout merci à vous, cher public, chers fans du MJF pour votre passion. Vive La Musique Love ever Mathieu #mjforever #montreuxjazzfestival #54summerofmusic #mjf2020 @montreuxjazzfestival - @mathieujaton on Instagram


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💬 La oferta de viviendas construidas bajó a sus peores niveles históricos durante los últimos 4 años.” 💬 El objetivo es llegar a un piso de 8.000 viviendas por año e incluso superarlo y alcanzar 10.000 anuales.” 💬 No estamos para nada de acuerdo con cualquier tipo de toma porque además de dificultar las cosas, no ayuda en lo más mínimo y la mejora habitacional hay que hacerla planificada, realizar las obras y después que vaya la gente de forma correcta.” 💬 El Plan Quinquenal de Obra Pública sirve como una locomotora que empuja y atrás viene el sector privado. El Estado es el que genera ese empuje que después permite que el sector privado asuma el riesgo de invertir en el país”. “Nosotros queremos dar certezas.” #provinciaenmarcha - @agustinsimone on Instagram

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📸 The best in the biz @chrisheadshots 📸 “When you hear headshots, think @chrisheadshots www.chrisheadshots.com #chrisheadshots #ftlauderdale #headshots #photography #professional #ftlauderdalephotographer - @casey_fla on Instagram

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do you ever smell the air and it smells like the 5th grade scholastic bookfair on a chilly friday in September of 2001 ? 📖 do you miss going through the Scholastic pamphlet and highlighting every « horse » or « dolphin » book ? 😩 I do!!! comment if you did the same!!! #throwback - @kate_lalic on Instagram


😍🐶 Follow us for daily updates @mydogoiscuter #mydogoiscuter #dogsofinstagram #dog #doglife #dogstagram #dogs #dogsofinstaworld #doglover #dogoftheday #dogphotography #dogphotography #dogtraining #dogsofinsta #dogmodel #doglover 📸 @konachow - @mydogoiscuter on Instagram

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- I bought this to put in my car for shits and giggles and it kind of looks like hes floating in the sky.

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🙋‍♀️ Moin, wenn ich schon mal durch die Bilder schaue... kann ich auch etwas reposten 😉 Dankeschön liebe Gaby 🙏🤗😘. Finde es auch schön und passend 😍!! Was meint Ihr ??? Schönen Rest-Mittwoch 🥰. 😊. 🤗. 😘 - @hermann.christel on Instagram

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✏️¡Muchos de nuestros peques empiezan mañana con mucha fuerza el nuevo curso! Y que mejor mejor manera de empezar que con NANO, sus gafas graduadas INDESTRUCTIBLES!! Gafas para niños super ligeras y flexibles🤩 #protección #niños #muchosabrazos #nanovista #collection #glasses #web #nanovistaweb #historias #gafasparaniños #gafasdeniños #nanoindestructible #cole #colegio #vueltaalcole - @nanovistagvo on Instagram

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✨ Somministriamo terapia lampo ✨✨ Una medicina unica ✨✨✨ cerebro ricreativa e rigenerativa😉 Sono i libri, I saggi, I romanzi di Enigma edizioni. ✨✨ Somministrare SEnZa CaUtElA✨✨ Enigma : la cultura dellinsolito, da 5 anni con voi✨. Shop Now at https://www.enigmaedizioni.com/shop/ ✨✨ Novità in arrivo.... ✨✨ NOI SIAMO ENIGMA 😉. #bookstagram #bookstagramitalia #bookshop #booklover #bookbloggher #shoponline #shoppingonline #Amazon #cultura #storia #green #scrittoriitaliani #scrittrice - @enigmaedizioni on Instagram

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Mesmo não possuindo a vida perfeita aos olhos dos homens, quando olho para trás vejo até aonde cheguei, Deus é fiel. - @draanacouto on Instagram

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Sexta sai “É a Esperança “; música de Danilo Penteado com Luiz Tatit , na voz de Maurício Pereira. Tem pré save já ! - @ybmusic on Instagram

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Interest in Miraculum was nonstop today at IBS in Vegas!! - @lisabeththomas on Instagram


Andradinenses entenderão... Eternizando na pele o que já está no coração! - @rprado82 on Instagram

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This picture is my first painting. It is called the Ghent Altarpiece. It was painted by me in 1432. This was ranked among the most significant works of art in Europe. #MeAndMyBrothersMasterpeice - @jan._van._eyck on Instagram

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Bonjour, à partir de ce samedi 22 août, nous lançons ce nouveau projet, une communauté qui se réunit virtuellement pour ensemble, prier le Chapelet. Tous les jours de la semaine, deux moments de prière, soit 10hrs et 19hrs. Voici les liens pour se connecter. À 10hrs: web: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84631823651 téléphone: 438-809-7799 – 0 – 846 3182 3651 – ## À 19hrs: web: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86336157564 téléphone: 438-809-7799 – 0 – 863 3615 7564 – ## - @bcmarie_reine_du_monde on Instagram

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On the New (Gregorian) Calendar: St. Natalie - CS722 skete.com Church Commemoration date is August 26th New (Gregorian) Calendar Celebrated August 26th secular calendar - @orthodoxbyzantineicons on Instagram

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MTI homme Mauboussin #titane #lunettehomme #lunettes #glasses #optometrist #optometria #optometry #mtl #nyc #paris #outremont #westmount #solaire #vue #correction #mtllife #quebecoise #quebeccity #montrealaise - @mauboussin_eyewear on Instagram

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Liebe Partner, auch wir sind seit dem 16. März im Homeoffice und leisten damit unseren bescheidenen Beitrag zur schnellen Eindämmung und Bekämpfung der aktuellen Bedrohung. Unsere Büroräume in der Ulmenallee und auf der Sürther Hauptstraße bleiben bis zum 19. April geschlossen. Aller widrigen Umstände zum Trotz sind wir aber weiterhin gerne für Sie da. Da unsere Telefonzentrale momentan nur sporadisch besetzt ist, erreichen Sie uns am besten unter den bekannten Email-Adressen oder Mobilnummern. Informationen zu den neuen Veranstaltungsterminen finden Sie tagesaktuell auf unserer Webseite www.berndt-medien.de. Wir hoffen sehr, dass sich der momentane Zustand schnell bessert und wir bald wieder normal miteinander umgehen können. Wenn wir alle zusammenhalten, wird dies auch in absehbarer Zeit möglich sein. Gemeinsam sind wir stark. Liebe Grüße & bleibt gesund! Euer berndt medien Team 😊👋 #bleibtgesund #gemeinsamsindwirstark #berndtmedien #wirhaltenzusammen #aufgutezeiten #eventisnotdead #köln #Sürth - @berndtmediengmbh on Instagram

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Her eminence the Archbishop of Church of Sweden, Antje Jackelén photographed at the grand cathedral in Uppsala, for Svenska Dagbladet, during quarantine times of 2020. Churches may be empty this Easter, but what Jesus said? “The kingdom is within you”. #archbishop #churchofsweden #antjejackelen #hereminence - @pierre_bjork on Instagram

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- art bible

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Proud To Be Part Of The Autostyle Design Competition 2020 Digital Edition As Official Host. Follow All The Events To Discover Automotive Design World News And Secrets. _ Lets Start Together With Car Design Democracy Powered By @autostyle_design_competition @wacom @wacom_tokyo @wacomitalia _ Technical Partners @3m #fleetcartransportation @_autodesignmagazine _ Speakers @maserati @maserati_italia @volvocars @volvocarit @polestarcars @lamborghini @mitjaborkert @ford @toyota @toyota_italia @fiat @fiat_it @paganiautomobili @horaciopaganimuseo @alfaromeoofficial @alessandro_maccolini @dallaragroup @dallara.racing @ferrari @flaviomanzoni _ @texproduction @texentertainment @ied_torino @iaad.it @riccardo.budelli @darc.studio_italy #autostyle #design #competition #car #centrostile #bermanspa #wacom #digital #maserati #volvopolestar #lamborghini #ford #toyota #3m #fiat #pagani #alfaromeo #dallara #ferrari #secret #democracy #love #life #tex #host #event #contest #young #designers - @__tex__ on Instagram

insomniac logo eye color rainbow edc las vegas

Many people think of eyewear magically popping out of a machine, but the actual process is nothing like that. Each STATE frame is born from a sketch by designer @nicoroseillier, that sketch goes to our team of craftsmen who painstakingly bring that vision to life. An average of 75 steps go into manufacturing each STATE frame here in Chicago. More than half of those steps are performed by hand. Truly a labor of love. Heres the evolution of the new Diversey sunglass. . #stateopticalco #madeinusa #handcrafted #design #independenteyewear #sunglasses #style #bts #inspo #madeinchicago #inspiredbychicago #craftmovement #americanmanufacturing - @stateopticalco on Instagram

diplein gioconda monalisa da vinci leonardo da vinci

Um dos trabalhos mais incríveis de 2020! Foi maravilhoso conhecer e poder assinar esse trabalho junto da minha irmã @dayrodrigues.oficial e do @centrocriativo_ Para a Fernanda, que é uma pessoa sensacional e responsável pelo sucesso da @santaideiaoficial E aproveito para reforçar a importância do posicionamento digital. A importância de fotos e vídeos de qualidade! - @fotografia.otaviopessanha on Instagram

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- Imagenes de Cumpleaños

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- Art Love

landesmuseum history painting painter museum

- Mont carmel


Páscoa é dizer sim ao amor e a vida, é investir na fraternidade, é lutar por um mundo melhor, é vivenciar a solidariedade! . . . . . . #pascoa #felizpascoa #energiasolar #limpa #sustentavel #solar #energia #barata #renovavel # #produção #produçãoagricola #compustar #cianorte #maringá #tecnologia #redes - @compustaroficial on Instagram

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Happy Easter, I did this painting a while ago for a story about the Resurrection, the painting depicts Peter and John running to the Tomb to see for themselves that it was empty. Ive always loved how it turned out. #hehasrisin #hearhim #easter #thetombisempty - @danburrillustration on Instagram

humanism humanist humanitarian compassion kindness

- Everyone saying Keanu Reeves is immortal, look at Samuel L Jackson. LOOK AT RINGO STARR. KICKING IT AT 80 YEARS OLD

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Missa transmitida dia 15 de agosto Com encerramento da Semana Nacional da FAMÍLIA - @paroquiadaserraria on Instagram



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Half rectangular, half round—The Archie gives you the best of both worlds. 🍬 - @sunniesspecskids on Instagram

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- Frases

i could no longer stand the ridicule leonardo da vinci futurama i couldn%27t take the embarrassment i was tired of being humiliated

SantAntonio Abate è uno dei più illustri eremiti della storia della Chiesa. Nato a Coma in Egitto, a ventanni (intorno al 250) abbandonò ogni cosa per vivere in solitudine e dedicarsi alla contemplazione e alle pratiche ascetiche per più di 80 anni: morì ultracentenario nel 356. Lopera nella foto, un gonfalone processionale con leffige del santo, realizzato nel 1457 circa da Niccolò di Liberatore detto l’Alunno, veniva portato in processione, e per questo è dipinto su entrambi i lati. Anche dopo il suo ingresso nella pinacoteca di #Deruta, e fino al 1953, è stato impiegato nella processione del 17 gennaio per la festa del santo dedicatario. L’opera è commissionata dalla Compagnia di Sant’Antonio Abate, che ha sede nell’omonima chiesa derutese. @museoceramicaderuta www.umbriaterremusei.it . . . #iorestoacasa #laculturanonsiferma #sistemamuseo #umbriaterremusei #scoprendolumbria #umbriatourism #umbrialovers #museumlovers #artlovers #museumgram #museitaliani #visitumbria #yallersumbria #umbria_illife #artoftheday #picoftheday #masterpieces #be_one_sacro #umbriatiamo #best_italiansites #finestresullarte - @umbriaterremusei on Instagram

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- Thy Kingdom Come

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Welcome September! Now give us all the shades of brown!!! 🍂🙌 📸: Closeup of 4129 Col.2 . . . . . #tekaeyewear #glasses #eyefashion #eyewear #eyewearstyle #lovemyglasses #eyeblogger #luxuryeyewear #optician #optical #eyestyle #fashionglasses #igfashion #igstyle #loveit #whatshewore #photooftheday #myglasses #ontrend #trending #newglasses #eyeglasses #allyouneedisteka - @tekaeyewear on Instagram

leonardo da vinci sketch whiteboard comparison art

Had the awesome opportunity to help out with the VFX for this project for @tombrady x @christophercloos • Huge thanks to @giladhaas and @shadowlion for bringing me on board. • I was responsible for the CG and VFX work. Swipe to see my specific shots. • Created in Cinema 4D Rendered with Redshift • #3d #vfx - @will.hendrickson on Instagram

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Mera dost, mera bhai @yasir.hussain131. One of most talented artist of this generation - @wajahatraufofficial on Instagram

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On the New (Gregorian) Calendar: Virgin Petrovskaya - CT806 skete.com Church Commemoration date is August 24th New (Gregorian) Calendar Celebrated August 24th secular calendar - @orthodoxbyzantineicons on Instagram

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- Social Network

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Samen gezellig naar de #koffiekamer 👊#thuiswerken #wijblijventhuis #wijblijvengaan - @vrtradiospotcel on Instagram

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Dê preferência a sua loja de bairro. Ajude as pequenas empresas! #opsisotica - @opsisotica on Instagram

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[1st August ,On Air @m2oradio , from 1am to 3am] LINK IN BIO - @armonicamusic on Instagram

leonardo da vinci davinci artist painter erb

- Elegant Eyes

theinventorfilm theinventor here see jimcapobianco

Oficina amb vistes per un dia. #anofficewithaview #workandpleasure - @anna_solerpont on Instagram

bomboclaat guy

DR. GADZHY DAZHAEV Главный врач клиники «DAZHAEV» , Президент Евразийской Ассоциации Эстетической Стоматологии Гаджи Дажаев Совмещает практическую деятельность и преподавание. Прошел обучение в Италии и США. В 2015 году избран Президентом Евразийской Ассоциации Эстетической Стоматологии. Использует профессиональную оптику (Немецкий операционный микроскоп Carl Zeiss). Общий стаж практической работы более 20 лет. 15 лет - опыт лечения пациентов со сложными клиническими случаями. Осуществляет комплексное лечение на базе клиники,восстанавливает функцию и эстетический вид зубов. Выполняет компьютерное моделирование результата работы до начала лечения и тесно сотрудничает с зубными техниками, признанными авторитетами в данной области, из Италии, Америки, Швейцарии, Германии. Также Доктор Дажаев проводит семинары и мастер-классы для коллег в России и за рубежом. Прошел обучение навыкам лечения пациентов с изношенными зубами в г. Скоттсдейл (США). Доктор Гаджи Дажаев выступит на нашем конгрессе 24-25 апреля с темой : Аспекты препарирования зубов. Эстетика и симметрия. Стресс в стоматологии. Вся подробная информация на нашем сайте ⏩www.wda.world/ru⏪ - @world_dental_association on Instagram

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- Minha Fé

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Today, 12 noon EST, @houseofroulx will be dropping 4 all-new limited editions, including “Vampire Librarian.” . . . . . . . . . #collagework #collageartist #surrealart #popsurrealism #weirdart #retroart #lowbrowart #newcontemporary #houseofroulx - @moon_patrol on Instagram

mona lisa

- When you are on your 8th “Dayum that’s crazy” and they are still continuing with their BS story..

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In NY not in NY. Shots of remotely installing with the kids from the sofa. Bit gutted not to be there IRL... all new works that took a about a year to make. I miss the texture and the smell of it... Opens 10th at Lisson’s new gallery next to the other (quite new) gallery in Chelsea if you’re in town. - @ryanjgander on Instagram

above above em paris delega%C3%A7%C3%A3o above

- Almighty God

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Visiting @artinstitutechi today. Looking at El Greco and Monet with @paulashley84 and @pippa.ashley although she and her crew did not stay with us old people :) - @clairehelenashley on Instagram


A corrupção do mundo não quer dizer que estamos corrompidos. #bibliasagrada #noé #dilúvio #hollybible🙏 #hollybible #trechosdabiblia #pertodedeus #socristosalva #deusestavivo #jovenspregadores #jovenscristãos #jovensdedeus #jovensdecristo #somosnoiva #noivadecristo #citizenofheaven #cidadãosdocéu #palavradedeus #palavraqueedifica - @levithomas.oficial on Instagram

yes leonardo davinci

- Quotes about Special Needs

If it wasn’t for the massive shit storm engulfing the globe I’d say I was thoroughly enjoying this. . . . #dailysketch #painting #illustration #design #instaart #artstagram #creative #goodtype #traditionalart #albumart #characterdesign #sketching #lifedrawing #caricature #streetart #creative #myart #surrealism #contemporaryart #drawing #procreate #digitalart #graphicdesign #makearteveryday #artoftheday #visualart #artist #paintingoftheday #kozyart - @kozy_art on Instagram

If you’re feeling woodsy, make sure to check out TK166 Col.3 which features a Bocote wood brow! Talk about exotic!!! . . . . . #tekaeyewear #glasses #eyefashion #eyewear #eyewearstyle #lovemyglasses #eyeblogger #luxuryeyewear #optician #optical #eyestyle #fashionglasses #igfashion #igstyle #loveit #whatshewore #photooftheday #myglasses #ontrend #trending #newglasses #eyeglasses #allyouneedisteka #bocotewood - @tekaeyewear on Instagram

No. I & No. II ;I’m no. II👉2015-2020 - @ziggyattias_art on Instagram

Excited to announce our next drop with the almighty Moon Patrol. 4 all new editions including “Vampire Librarian” touch down TOMORROW, Monday the 28th at Noon, EST. @moon_patrol @houseofroulx #collageartist #surrealart #popsurrealism #weirdart #pulpart #retroart #lowbrowart #newcontemporary #moonpatrol #houseofroulx #independentfilm #bmovies #movieposters #filmart #horrormovies #exploitationmovies - @houseofroulx on Instagram

- Esses últimos dias não estão fáceis, com alguns pensamentos pessimistas evoquei Maquiavel.

- Frases de harry potter

MOMENTOS EN LA 4ª CONVENCIÓN! #ladeexporeforma @alter_os - @convenciontattoocdmx on Instagram

- buongiorno....e...

Olha pai, eu sou um “Piata”🏴‍☠️ . #levidorigon #fashionkids - @wilsondorigon on Instagram

In questi primi giorni di #autunno 🍁🍂🍄abbiamo pensato di proporvi dei #dettagliambrosiani tratti da un’opera poco nota, ma comunque ricca di fascino, che ritrae una vivace scena di vita contadina. Fate scorrere tutte le immagini nella gallery e diteci qual è il vostro particolare preferito! Noi siamo molto indecisi tra il gattone minaccioso 🐱 e il pulcino che becca i chicchi di grano🐥. - Pittore fiammingo, seconda metà del XVII secolo, Vecchia filatrice con pollame, olio su tela,📍 scala rossa Questa tela si impone per la presenza di unanziana signora, che tiene nella mano sinistra una conocchia e un fuso, e nella destra, appoggiata sul grembo, un pulcino che becca chicchi di grano. Mentre sulla destra si apre il paesaggio idilliaco di un parco, sulla sinistra la scena si presenta molto affollata e dinamica: in una cesta una chioccia battagliera sembra difendere da un grosso tacchino i suoi pulcini; fuori della cesta un pulcino gioca con un anatroccolo, mentre un altro anatroccolo nuota in una pozza d’acqua; verso l’angolo superiore sinistro si nota un gatto nero accovacciato, guardato a vista, con fare minaccioso, da un gallo e da un altro tacchino. Il dipinto è firmato con la sigla (o monogramma) “VH”. - - - @clp_relazionipubbliche @abbonamentomuseilombardia @ad_artem_milano @milanoguida @yesmilano @5vie_milano #pinacotecaambrosiana #instamuseum #museum #youmobile #artwatchers #lookingatart #guardarelarte #igersitalia #ig_italia #art #museiaperti #ritornoalmuseo #ripartiamoinsieme #milano #aperitivo #milanoeventi #cosafareamilano #museumlover #museumgram #museimilano #milanomusei #aperitivotime #museiitaliani #italianmuseums #autunno2020 #equinoziodiautunno #AntichiMestieri - @pinacotecaambrosiana on Instagram

É amanhã! Esperamos a sua visita na Rua Euclides da Cunha, 664! - @oticasparisvisioncg on Instagram

Associate Paintings Conservator Allen Kosanovich discusses his interest in the materials and techniques used by artists throughout history, and shares what hes been working on in his home studio. Who doesnt love a #Raphael? ⁣ ⁣ Creative Connections features Wadsworth staff musings about art, creative know-how, and ways they stay connected to the museum when they work from home. Tune in Thursdays at 5pm for a video message from a different museum staff member. ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ Artworks: Unidentified Artist (probably Italian), copy after Raphael, “Madonna della Sedia”, late 19th century. Oil on canvas. Gift of Mrs. Chas. A. Robinson and Mrs. Albert H. Olmsted, 1897.9; Giovanni Paolo Panini (Italian, 1691-1765), “The Picture Gallery of Cardinal Silvio Valenti Gonzaga”, 1749. Oil on canvas. The Ella Gallup Sumner and Mary Catlin Sumner Collection Fund, 1948.478 #thewadsworth - @ctarttrail on Instagram

Customized photo etched acrylic boxes for, Christenings, birthdays, engagements, weddings, Valentines, anniversaries and more. #tekneeklasering #lasercut #lasercutting #laserengraved #engraving #photoetching #photoengraving #acrylicbox #box #keepsake #keepsakebox #stcharbel #lebanese #maronite #charbel #baptism #christening #anniversary #gift #birthday #wedding #engagement #holycommunion #photooftheday #quality - @tekneeklasering on Instagram

اسحبوا الشاشة لإستكمال القراءة🖤 رأيكم مهم✨ @pen_limitation _______________________ ‏‎(#احبك)(#كتب)(#حبيبتي))(#اشتياق)(#حزن)(#رومانسيه)(#عشق))(#حب)(#شتاء)(#كومنت)(#عتاب) ( #غرام)(#تصاميم )(#اكسبلور_فولو)(#تصميم)(#تصميمي )(#احساس)(#فولو)(#اقتباس)(#خواطر)(#اقتباسات))(#تابعوني ))(#اكسبلور) ) (#اكسبلور_ضيفونا ) ) .. #اقتباساتي #كلمات #رمزيات #رمزيات_بنات #صور #اناقة - @pen_limitation on Instagram

Are you lost baby girl? 😂 #μοντελλαιφ - @nikosmoutsinas on Instagram

- Maria Auxiliadora

Que puedo decir...??? Soy inmensamente feliz por la oportunidad de estar de vuelta en @chilevision para este nuevo reto junto a mis querid@s @emiliadaiber @enniocarota @yannyvin y @chriscarpentier y por supuesto todo el increíble equipo de Chilevision. Gracias a todos los que lo habéis hecho posible y por supuesto a ti mi amor @fran_laree por ser cada segundo como eres, te amo infinito ♾!!!! Ahora toca hacer la cuarentena y a darlo TODO EN #oyealchef #erastu #soulmates💕 #teamocaleta❤️ #brothersincrime😈 - @sergiarola on Instagram

- Bichos

- If I fits I sits - Nativity Edition

- Celebrando la navidad

A barbearia do Seu Getulio está chegando no dia 22/08!! E para comemorar essa data tão especial em grande estilo com nossos futuros clientes e amigos, vamos sortear um kit super especial. 👉🏻O vencedor vai levar uma camisa Osklen irada e uma barbaterapia para deixar sua barba na régua. 🚨Mas fica ligado nas regras do sorteio!🚨 Para participar, basta seguir as regras. Seguir os perfis @seugetuliobarbearia e @humacontabilidade . Curtir e salvar essa foto. Adicionar essa foto a sua história mencionado a @seugetuliobarbearia Marcar 2 amigos por vez nos comentários. ‼️Importante lembrar‼️ Não vale marcar perfis fakes, famosos ou lojas nos comentários Seu perfil deve estar aberto no dia do sorteio que vai rolar no dia 21/08 e deve ser um perfil real Quanto mais comentar, mais chances de ganhar! Fiquem atentos as regras, vamos conferir todas de acordo e boa sorte! - @seugetuliobarbearia on Instagram

INSANE collection ➡️ INS2/03 😎 . . . #sevenfriday #sunglasses #brown #leather #eyewear #product #design #productdesign #friday #live #wknd - @sevenfriday_sunnies on Instagram

- Mejores thrillers

- citazioni - italiano

Your health is the most important thing in your life. . Not your relationships, not your family, not your wife, kids or even your job. . Your HEALTH is and has to be NUMBER ONE! . Why? Because without your health you won’t be able to enjoy the others... . Having my eyes tested is on of the most awkward things I do every year, but I don’t turn my back on it, I don’t run away. . I know that for 20mins of uncomfortability I’m giving my sight the best chance I can so I’m able to look at my friends, my mates, my family, my son, my beautiful wife. . . #jc #johncoutis #ificanyoucan #yourhealthisnumberone #life #health #outofmycomfortzone #comfortzone #keeprolling #eye #attitude #eyesight #resilience #inspiration #inspire #glasses #specsavers #specs #goggles #newglasses #optometrists #glassesarecool #mrmagoo - @johncoutis on Instagram

- (A) Angels & Saints

E se @gigidalessioreal canta io e @stefanodemartino zitti adoriamo. #sangennaroday2020 #teatropoliteama #napoli - @giannisimioli01 on Instagram

“A sign of spiritual life is the immersion of a person within himself and the hidden workings within his heart.” - Saint Seraphim of Sarov #TheOrthodoxWay - @theorthodoxway on Instagram

- Contact lenses tips

📌Nuevos ingresos Muchos colores💙💚💛🧡💜🖤 - @optica_del_sol on Instagram

Czas przywitać się ze światem socjalu ;) #jestem #mampsa #kooikerhondje #elio #eliothedog #szczęście #milosc - @mariusz_lava on Instagram

● Il lavoro di Charlei dopo il primo giorno su testina passa al modello, quì la prima regola diventa osservare. 6/7/8 September 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐄 𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐘 - 𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐌𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ——————————————————————————— Stay tuned new posts coming soon 𝗥𝗜𝗖𝗖𝗔𝗥𝗗𝗢 𝗣𝗔𝗡𝗘 𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐑 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐅𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋 📍Via Santa Maria a Cubito 239 Qualiano NA——————————————————————————— ➡ @charliegray248 #hairprofessional #madeinitaly #barberinnaples #italybarber #napoli #workshop #stileitaliano #barberiaitaliana - @riccardopanehairprofessional on Instagram

- Christian signs

✅Teste Bloqueio da Abundância (Gratuito) 🤔Descubra o que te impede de Realizar seus Sonhos! 👇Faça o Teste Agora!⠀⠀⠀ Instagram👉Link na Bio @osegredoquantico Facebook👉 osegredoquantico.com.br/teste . . #osegredoquântico #osegredoquantico #osegredo #thesecret #leidaatracao #leidaatração #poderdamente #abundância #prosperidade #cocriacao #cocriação #cocriacaodarealidade - @osegredoquantico on Instagram


- AP- la fam et la com: les rapports sociaux

- El hará Maravillosas

Feliz fin de rodaje #shootingday #somosequipo #picnic #divisionq #madrid #barcelona # - @division_q on Instagram

- Church icon

Vous vendez avec Your Place, vous fixez notre commission ! 🖥www.yourplace.lu 📧info@your-place.lu 📲Follow us on @yourplace_luxembourg - @yourplace_luxembourg on Instagram

- Isolamento Social

Après cest théorique... dans la pratique tout est possible - @meme_dla_valleedilliez on Instagram

- Beauty within

- Accesorios

Η @panikplatinum καλωσορίζει στην οικογένειά της τον @kostaskarafotis_ !🥳 Ο ταλαντούχος τραγουδιστής εντάχθηκε στο δυναμικό της κορυφαίας ανεξάρτητης ελληνικής δισκογραφικής εταιρείας, υπογράφοντας το συμβόλαιο με τον CEO της Panik Entertainment Group, @garsenakos ✌️ Έρχονται σύντομα πολλά όμορφα πράγματα 😉 Stay tuned - @panik_entertainment_group on Instagram

- No value

Rdv bientôt pour les 36e Médiévales de Provins, les 15 et 16 juin sur le thème « Fêtes et Réjouissances » 😀 #medieval #Provins #fetemedievaleprovins #fêtemédiévale #fetemedievale #weekend #paris #seineetmarne - @provins_medieval on Instagram

- Stanley Tucci

- Rabbi

Concours régional Auteur FPF UR09 (@myriam_rivals_fpf ) ! Nos 3 juges, @dg.pierre, @vanessamadecphotographies, @leonasnowphotographies au boulot !!! - @poussiere_dimage on Instagram

- Gotic

João 16:33 Tenho-vos dito isto, para que em mim tenhais paz; no mundo tereis aflições, mas tende bom ânimo, eu venci o mundo. #Jesus - @versosdabiblia on Instagram

If You Cant Be, Believe You Will. - @dailycampfirestories on Instagram

- Microblading Eyebrows

Mais um dia na construção do Programa Cultura & Design! Nada de dormirem cedo e perderem a estreia. 19 de setembro as 20:45 na TV Cultura. @programaculturaedesign @jcgfilmes - @jesushel on Instagram

- Branding

- Maryland Renaissance Festival

INVESTIGATE #energy #frequences #vibrations ph @valentina_tamborra83 - @stefanorusso_studio on Instagram

- amitié royale + florale

- Happy birthday Galileo Galilei, the Father of Observational Astronomy. He discovered the four moons of Jupiter and the phases of Venus, invented a number of technical instruments including a compound microscope, a military compass, and an air thermometer, and damaged his retinas looking at the sun.

Heute unterstützt uns der kleine Anton im Brand&Event Büro... Wird das das IDEAL Logo?🔷 #idealist #healthyfood #healthyatwork #creative #kids #nachwuchs #strawberry #karlserdbeerhof #idealversichert #creativekids #lifestyle #onboarding - @ideal_versicherung on Instagram

ProDesign Denmark⁠ 3436 . 1115⁠ ⁠ Bold and minimalistic, with details that provides⁠ character.⁠ ⁠ #ProDesignDenmark - @prodesigndenmark on Instagram

- Catholic Preaching & Hymns

Les gusto nuestra ultima #jamsession “Open The Ocean”??? Comenta si estás a favor de que nos abran el mar. El 2 de septiembre sale nuestra nueva jam session que está buenísima. Eso si, si la quieren matizar ya, la pueden encontrar en nuestro canal de Fan-Fam @fanfamapp . Descarguen el app y subscribite a nuestro canal Earthstrong. Hay un montón de contenido rajado. #abranelmar #reggaeroots #costarica #puravida - @earthstrongmusic on Instagram

Mein absoluter Favorit bei #fabuleon - @wortetanzen on Instagram

What are some of your favorite @persol frames? 😎🤓 Come in and try these on! They’re IN STOCK NOW! #persol #persoleyewear #glasses #optometry #optometrist #fashioneyewear #dtculvercity #mainstoptometry #frames - @mainstoptometry on Instagram

- @marche_rebirth on Instagram

Endlich Freitag! Wir wünschen euch einen tollen Start ins Wochenende 🤗 Was ist bei euch denn so geplant? ____________________________________________ #andrekuhnert #qnerd #laurawinter #johnment #radiohamburg #wochenende - @radiohamburg on Instagram

Estou no ar! Apresentando o canal no youtube! Link na minha bio! #tiozinhodomergulhovirouyoutuber - @leofrancinifotografo on Instagram

Paul Hueman 심플함에 숨겨진 화려한 디테일 PHF-367D Col.5 안구 프레임에 촘촘한 직선무늬와 고풍스러운 문양을 새겨넣어 다양한 각도에서도 멋스럽게 느껴지는 베타티타늄 안경테 입니다. #폴휴먼 #폴휴먼안경 #아이웨어 #안경 #안경추천 #여자안경 #남자안경 #안경브랜드 #패션 #paulhueman #glasses #eyewear #fashion #daily - @paulhueman on Instagram

- Glasses

- @unisantos on Instagram

- Bible Heroes

- St. Bartholomew

Part of our precious collection, the M9011 is a combination aged Japanese acetate and sterling silver frame. The round acetate shape is paired with a hand formed bridge to fit perfectly across your nose. Filigree detailing is added to the temples and then finished with Matsuda’s “M” detailing.⠀ ⠀ #matsuda #matsudaeyewear #M9011 - @matsudaeyewear on Instagram

- Agronomo

- [Image] Horizon Zero Dawn dev Patrick Munnik has unfortunately passed away. Guerrilla said, We are eternally grateful to have had our greatly valued and much loved Patrick on our team.

- Chiêm Tinh✡️

#vaipassar #vamosvencer - @serradesaobentorn on Instagram

The new normal. Yep, back at it with my fam bams!!! And as different as it is with the Covid protocols, I’m very happy to be here and that everyone is being super safe. #cantstopwontstop - @antoncropper on Instagram

En esta ocasión hablaremos de la modificación de vocales y haremos algunos ejercicios articulados. Recuerden, De Canto y de Cantantes donde todos podemos cantar mejor. *****Link en la bio**** - @canto.cantantes on Instagram

- Apple glasses

Todos los días Dios nos pone a prueba y está en nuestras manos encomendarnos a él para salir victoriosos en cada batalla. 💪 #VisiónPerfecta #Colombia #reflexiones . . . . . #diosesbueno #diosesamor #santidad #musicacristiana #cristianos #fe #amen #gloria #cristorey #godisgood #evangelio #espiritusanto #oracion #oraciones #jesussalva #graciasdios #palabradelseñor #adoracion #devocionaldiario #palabrassabias #devocional - @centrocristianocucuta on Instagram

Parabéns a quem se dedica a cuidar dos nossos melhores amigos. - @boutiqueforpet on Instagram

- Interior Design Books

Odon plays with geometry where the temple color is seen through the crystal colored acetate on the corner. The juxtaposition of Mikli colors makes each piece unique. ⁠ - @alainmikliparis on Instagram

- Pascal Blaise

- Oil Painting on canvas

There’s a word in Scottish parlance. And that word is ‘glaekit’. Google it. It kinda sums up the way I look here. I think I’m in a wee trance, to be honest, so elated am I to have gone for the full chop. Aye, the mullet has been sooooo much fun. But t’was time, damn it, t’was time. My barber Ken is a genius, I tell ya. A genius! Is there ANYONE out there who thinks I should have kept my mullet? You can be truthful! - @colinandjustin on Instagram

In the coming weeks I plan to launch a new site that showcases the kind of work I was doing before I began painting. DursoCreative will feature my design and brand work and talk about the proprietary process I developed, and taught to create graphic identity and brand campaigns for client of all sizes. Many of you have asked about my fine art practice. That, of course will continue, as I choose only assignments that allow me to continue my work in both realms. Truth is that I’ve always lived in both worlds, and need to work in both art and design in order to stay balanced. Each discipline feeds me in different ways, and each satisfies different parts of my brain and body. One of my professors, the late Milton Glaser, said “everyone has a genius” (that inner compass that guides us), and if we ignore it, it goes away” by adding this layer to my professional life and practice, I’m following that voice once again. Stay tuned for new URL and launch date. Photos by Francis Catania, at least one of which will appear on the new site. Which is your fav? . . . . . #innerguide #artandesign #leftandrightbrain #trustingintuition #covidclarity #miltonglaser @fcat1 - @rodneydurso on Instagram


A huge thank you to @chattyman for raising awareness of neuroblastoma on @thismorning. Around 100 children are diagnosed with this aggressive cancer every year in the UK. A huge thank you to everyone who has followed, shared, made a donation or ordered T-shirts/gold ribbons. The money you have so kindly donated will help fund vital research to develop new, more effective and kinder treatment for children with neuroblastoma. Thank you 💛 Order online via the link in our bio 👆🏼 - @neuroblastoma_uk on Instagram

🎨 - @xcocolino on Instagram

- Bible quote


- Jesus Christ Painting


- Jesus, Son of God

- Heaven

- Buenas tardes


“It is impossible to get infected or acquire any disease from Holy Communion, the holy icons, kissing of the hands of the priests, or by our presence in the sacred temples. If we so believe with all our hearts, we shall receive abundantly the grace of our God in our lives. If we deny or doubt this, we suffer the heresy of Barlaam and the iconoclasts; we deny God, and we commit a blasphemy against the Holy Spirit....There is health in the temple, not disease. You can get the virus outside, not inside the church...” + Metropolitan Joel of Edessa - @orthodoxyforyou on Instagram

Ao final do primeiro episódio da série Dirty John: o golpe do amor - exibida pelo Netflix - meu marido perguntou: “quem é a vítima nessa temporada?” Conclui-se que todos são vítimas. Enquanto Dan Broderick (esposo) e Linda (amante) foram vítimas de assassinato, Beth Broderick foi vítima de infidelidade por longos anos e sofreu por cada mentira que lhe foi contada, cada sonho que lhe foi prometido e tornou-se ilusão, pelo afastamento do contato materno-filial, pela usurpação patrimonial, pelo julgamento familiar e social, após mais de 15 anos de dedicação exclusiva à família. Também foram vítimas os quatro filhos de Beth e Dan Broderick, que sofreram com a deterioração familiar e, mais especificamente, de sua mãe, além de terem perdido o pai, que faleceu, e a mãe, que foi presa. Numa separação, não há um culpado pelo fim do amor, mas todos são vítimas pela frustração de um compromisso que acabou. O que vai determinar as condutas dos envolvidos e proporcionar que ambos sigam suas respectivas vidas é a forma como agem, ou seja, se será com dignidade e respeito com aquele(a) para quem juraram amor um dia. Isso vai refletir juridicamente e pessoalmente. Dan ganhou todas as investidas jurídicas contra Beth, ficou com a guarda unilateral dos filhos, divisão desigual e desatualizada do patrimônio comum, baixa e temporária pensão alimentícia, além de medidas restritivas de contato entre os ex-cônjuges. Dan ainda casou-se com Linda, enquanto Beth, que sempre viveu como mãe e esposa e menos como mulher, perdeu os filhos, o marido, o patrimônio, o estilo de vida, ou seja, perdeu sua identidade. A Justiça não resolveu o problema. Aliás, colaborou para a criação de um novo problema. Manter a saúde mental, controlar impulsos, estar acompanhado psicologicamente e juridicamente, ter uma rede de apoio presente e confiável, é essencial durante uma separação. Saber que existe vida pós-separação é importante, porque, apesar de óbvio, quando se está atravessando momentos de perda como esse, pode haver dúvidas. Por fim: vale lembrar que os filhos são os mais vulneráveis em toda a situação e que, enquanto pais, é preciso estar bem para oferecer abrigo, segurança e amor. - @oliviapinto.adv on Instagram

Grande @vincenzomollica! @giovanna_e_amadeus @sanremorai @raipubblicita @rai1official #Sanremo2020 #Sanremo #RobertoBenigni #musica #Benigni #attore Tutte le foto e video riguardanti Roberto Benigni sono state prese da internet o da Instagram. This is an unofficial account. Questo è un account non ufficiale. _____________________________________ - @robertobenigni52 on Instagram


#volveralruedo ... y volver con amigos Gracias @machadito_arte y @balfederico 💜 #shooting #photography #costume #lapolillavestuario - @lapolillavestuario on Instagram

- Han van meegeren

Today we filmed at @mysheltonstate for their modern manufacturing program with several companies like @mercedestuscaloosa and many others. It’s a great opportunity it just for high school kids to get involved with but people of all ages looking for a career in manufacturing - @hollowayproductions on Instagram

- God the Father

Desecrate Now! the brand new collection by Apro Spectacles, MARINA is OUT NOW! #apro #female #him #desecratenow #sunglasses #mido #accessories #spectacles #ottica #occhiali #fashionblogger #influencermarketing #likeforlikes #basquiat #tagsforlikes #followforfollow #marina - @aprospectacles on Instagram

- @macz.maria on Instagram

Arnie. #portraitphotography - @tprassis on Instagram

- @joptimistehaiti on Instagram

- Father images

- Catholic Tattoos

Preparando la vuelta a @escuelaapertura ¡ya queda menos! . #staffapertura #bts #behindthescenes #workshop #photographyschool #retouchingacademy #lighting #captureone #profotospain #photoshoot #photoshop #shooting #malaga #fotografia #master #escuela #curso #taller #retoque #wacom #profesor - @mierteran on Instagram

- LDS Art

Alef △ Mem ◇ Shin ○ 🜐 🜔 🜎 - @mystic_archives on Instagram

E hoje é o dia dela: Santa Teresinha das Rosas 🌹 🌹🌹. Quantas e quantas vezes eu tive o privilégio de receber uma rosa dela após ter feito a novena....E como foi especial e de maneira inesperada cada uma das vezes...Sou muito devota! Santa Terezinha das Rosas, rogai por nós! 🙏. PS: @ciccyhalpern sempre lembro de vc ❤️🌹 - @mariarudgealbuquerque on Instagram

- Eye Health & Awareness

Excelente Gracias Felicidades para los Organizadores, y los Colegas Artístas que estamos participando en esta Hermosa Exposición Great Gracias Cheers to the Organizers, and the Artistic Colleagues that we are participating in this Hermosa Exhibition - @artemacanao12 on Instagram

#lockdown. Tackling lockdown with positivity and productivity! (Reckless Beard),Watching movies- listening to 🎶-Pyjamas are a no-no, sweatsuit instead! lucky enough to have a family, a garden & a playground -workout- Developing Design, vidéo chats with family & friends, a break from the news cycle! “Decluttering home offers mind body & soul a RESPITE from stress!” Resilience will prevail to this extraordinary challenge! - @ihabghosn on Instagram

- Round! Glasses collection!

- Charla UAI


Crónica | Amor Próprio ou Dignidade ❤✨ link na bio! • #coaching #lifecoaching #lifecoachingportugal #lifecoachingpt #coachingportugal #empoweredwomen #coachingdevida #coachingcomalma #womeninbusiness #gratidão #produtividade #confiança #mudança #desenvolvimentopessoal #mudançadehábitos #estilodevida #fazercontecer #transformaçãopessoal #mindfulness #ser #findbebreath #propósito #onossopropósito #empoderamentofeminino #amorproprio #selflove #crónicas - @lifecoachingportugal on Instagram

Los rincones de #Quito #centrohistoricoquito - @normacristinabock on Instagram

#pub Com o regresso às aulas, aqui vai uma dica super importante do Institutoptico! É altura de fazerem o exame anual de visão com os vossos filhos, para começarem o ano letivo com a certeza de que a visão não irá ter um impacto negativo no seu desempenho! Em particular como pai de 3 filhos, é tão importante estarmos atentos e não deixo passar um ano sem fazer! #institutopticooficial #oseuóticodefamilia #paracuidardaminhavisaoafamiliadameamao @institutoptico.oficial - @ricardotpereira on Instagram

- Rosary - Prayer, Information and Stations of the Cross

- Astur-Leonese Dynasty

- Amy

Bevor die Särge während der Bauzeit die #Hohenzollerngruft verlassen, werden sie von Profis noch fotografiert. - @berliner.dom on Instagram

Bom dia! Já li as noticias de hoje, e ainda não é sexta fenas. 🤔 mas o sol 🌞 tá chegando pra esquentar nosso corpinho !🤗 #dog #cachorro #cao #instadog #beaglebrasil #beagledaily #beaglemania #hound #love #amor #perro #beaglelove #puppy #puppylove #filhote #perfect #perfeito #glasses #nerd #cute #fofo #instadog #dogsofinsta #doginfluencer #influencer #doglover - @baltazarobeagle on Instagram

#sangennaro #19settembre San Gennaro nella Madonna con il Bambino di Filippo Vitale. Un’opera, dal forte impatto realistico dove è raffigurato il santo patrono della città. Si tratta della Madonna con il Bambino tra i santi Gennaro, Nicola di Bari e Severo dipinta dal pittore napoletano Filippo Vitale nel 1618. Il santo, che indossa abiti vescovili, è riconoscibile perché mostra, poggiate su un libro, le due ampolle con il sangue miracoloso, raccolto secondo la tradizione da una pia donna dopo il martirio. Il ritratto di San Gennaro, che guarda verso di noi, è stato dipinto con quell’attenzione microscopica nella realizzazione delle epidermidi che caratterizza non solo gli altri personaggi della tela ma, più in generale, le opere del pittore. #museoboscocapodimonte #santopatrono #napoli #painting #workofart #sangennaropensacitu #omiracolo #duomodinapoli #cappelladeltesorodisangennaro #catacombedisangennaro #instaday #art #instart #beniculturali30 #mibact #museitaliani #igersitalia #igerscampania #igersnapoli #volgoarte - @museoboscocapodimonte on Instagram

The Big Jebowski SWIPE⬅️ • • #thedude #thebiglebowski #suckertom - @suckertom on Instagram

- Lucas / Evangelista

- This was painted in 1595, in the Church of Saint Peter near Florence, Italy. The painter Ventura Salimbeni called the object the Creation Globe.

Cat Stevens with a Cat Beard. - @jeigel on Instagram

We had a lot of fun working on this project with @penguinukbooks for the release of Gary Lineker and Danny Baker’s book - Behind Closed Doors. - @thevisualsteam on Instagram

We’ve had the pleasure of working with Brazilian architect @isayweinfeld since 2013. His well-rounded body of work, comprising architecture, furniture, art, and film, showcases his ability to balance elegance and minimalism in equal measure. In addition to Domino Storage, his first project with Geiger, Weinfelds credits include the celebrated reincarnation of the famed Four Seasons Restaurant in New York. For more on this celebrated designer, and to see his new designs for Geiger, visit the link in our bio. 📸: Bob Wolfenson - @geigerfurniture on Instagram

#poésie#poesiefrançaise#litterature - @charles.baudelaire_off on Instagram

Escolhendo materiais com os proprietários da PRIME - construtora e incorporadora para a residência no condomínio Alphaville Jacuhy. @base.portasejanelas @lider.construtora @composerevestimentos - @giovanichiste on Instagram

Padre pio sacerdote ❤️❤️❤️#sanpio #padrepiosacerdote #instalike #instagood #instamoment #post #newpost #likeforlikes #italy #italia - @padrepiosacerdote on Instagram

The title :( - @evanbrandt33 on Instagram

Chuck and paint by number Jebus. #artbar - @ellery.marty on Instagram

When you get cast as Jesus for the second time in your life. Am I typecast as the lord and savior? . . . . . . . #imnothim #film #actor #character #jesus #savior #movie #heaven #blessed #workhardplayhard - @eric.whitten on Instagram

Who you callin four eyes? @thelifeofdjango #dogsinclothes - @dogs.in.clothes on Instagram

Third day at VCS! Dr. Saltz will be presenting his large experience on endoscopic facial surgery and tummy tuck. #vcs #vegascosmetics #lasvegas #meeting #plasticsurgery #saltzplasticsurgery #saltzspavitoria - @saltzplasticsurgery on Instagram

Las que estabas deseando , de nuevo disponibles en el Showroom. Agenda tu cita vía WhatsApp para que , te enamores de todo lo nuevo 😋. #venezolanosenargentina #buenosaires #argentina #monturas #armazones #showroominprovica - @inprovica_ar on Instagram

- Men eyeglasses

Grabando proyectos de esos bonitos, con un equipazo y de los que aún no se pueden contar. Proximamente... #latribumedia #latribumediaon #talentolatribu #talentagent #contrataciónartistica #publicidad #tv #nuestratribu #tribusamigas #latributeam - @latribumediacom on Instagram

- Estudos bíblicos

Happy birthday to me, you fucknuts! - @pay_attention_to_greg_downing on Instagram

- handmade craft

- @nossasenhora on Instagram

Hond DJ bij visagie 🐾 - @lukkien_casting on Instagram

I’m going with (E): None of the above... - @david.waxman on Instagram

Marc Menden and the #excellentedges anaconda thank you for all #curlyhair #haircut - @marcelmeyerbluebox on Instagram

Congrats Newton Fahl on this new work. Porcelain and composite best friends. Love you bro! - @pascal_magne on Instagram

Happy Sunday to all 😁 #connection #sunday #break #photomanipulationart #abstractart #explore #exploremore #barber💈 #hairdresser #instapic #picoftheday #create - @anthonygalifot on Instagram

- Jesús

You fell in love with Ella, NOW MEET MAXX... Introducing Ella’s partner, Maxx. He’s sophisticated, bold, fun, and influential, just like Ella. Together they are Ella & Maxx, a new and luxurious European eyewear collection for the confident woman and man who celebrate unique style and dare to be seen differently. 🎉 #ellaandmaxx #new #european #glasses #fashion #style #eyes #love #eyewear #instagood #photography #newlaunch #like #me #photooftheday #picoftheday #follow #selfie #instagram #happy #accessories #model #travel #maxx #ella #brilleneyes #new #bhfyp - @ellaandmaxxeyewear on Instagram

ARE YOU MY FRIEND? -JESUS #love #spiritualjourney #God #friendship #Jesus - @jesusdaily on Instagram

Happy feast of Padre Pio! For the majority of my life, I had no devotion to him. I couldn’t understand the hype behind him. Well, in 2017, Padre Pio came into my life in a very real and special way and I’ve been close with him since! Padre Pio was a priest in Italy who died in 1968. He was known around the world as a miracle worker - he bore the stigmata (the wounds of Jesus), was known to bilocate (be in two places at once), had the gift of prophecy, healing, and reading souls, was assaulted by Satan, witnessed visions, and more. Pio is one of the most incredible Saints of the Catholic Church and one of the most powerful before the throne of God. If you haven’t asked for his intercession, why don’t you do it today? I am very blessed to have some beautiful statues of Padre Pio and a few relics, including some of his hair. Pray for us, Padre Pio. We love you! - @jflorinh on Instagram

Peep our funky Newshorn wallpaper in our reception area at our new office space!! 😎😎✔ settling in nicely! Office feng shui on 100% !! 📰😍🎥😇💚 #NEWSHORN #WALLPAPER #OFFICE #FENGSHUI #MEDIA #communitynewspaper #forthepeople #lovelocal #supportlocal #sneakpeak - @newshorn on Instagram

In India 🦉 ÔWL is considered as both lucky and unlucky Many superstition are there on this bird in different states 🦉🦉🦉🦉🦉🦉🦉🦉🦉🦉🦉🦉🦉🦉🦉🦉🦉🦉 Its also one of the character of Harry Potter franchise Owls are birds from the order Strigiformes, which includes over 200 species of mostly solitary and nocturnal birds of prey typified by an upright stance, a large, broad head, binocular vision, binaural hearing, sharp talons, and feathers adapted for silent flight.  Scientific name: Strigiformes Class: Aves Kingdom: Animalia Higher classification: Neognathae Mass: Barn owl: 430 – 620 g, Snowy owl: 2 kg, Eurasian eagle-owl: 2.7 kg,  Length: Barn owl: 32 – 40 cm, Snowy owl: 63 – 73 cm, Eurasian eagle-owl: 58 – 71 cm #harrypotter #owl #bookstagram #love #TFLers #tweegram #photooftheday #20likes #amazing #smile #follow4follow #like4like #look #instalike #igers #picoftheday #food #instadaily #instafollow #followme #girl #iphoneonly #instagood #bestoftheday #instacool #instago #all_shots #follow #webstagram #moneyheist - @studdgeek__ on Instagram

#Tbt do dia que banquei o ator😂🤣 #campanhamagnifica #spoileralert - @fabio.habemus on Instagram

- Jony Depp

NOUVEAUTÉ: Tous les vendredis à 15 hrs, connectez-vous et prions le chapelet de la DIVINE MISÉRICORDE. Voici le lien pour le chapelet de la Divine Miséricorde (vendredi): 15h: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84264734970 téléphone: 438-809-7799 - 0 - 842 6473 4970 - ## Tous les jours de la semaine, deux moments de prière, soit 10h et 19h Voici les liens pour se connecter. À 10h: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84631823651 téléphone: 438-809-7799 - 0 - 846 3182 3651 - ## À 19h: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86336157564 téléphone: 438-809-7799 - 0 - 863 3615 7564 - ## - @bcmarie_reine_du_monde on Instagram

🇮🇹 Scopri la nostra nuova campagna istituzionale dedicata al #madeinitaly! Il Made in Italy rappresenta per noi un frame privilegiato all’interno del quale raccontare la nostra personale narrazione di #biologico, allinsegna di qualità, etica e cura della terra. #probios #probios1978 #biologico #italiano #bio #sceglibio #madeinitaly #campagna #comunicazione #adv #advertising #alimentazione #qualità #sostenibilità #etica #purabontàzerocompromessi - @probios1978 on Instagram

- Chien

Strike a pose! Wear your blue light glasses and protect those pretty eyes! @amycarson720 - @touccakids on Instagram

🌍 123 applications, 34 countries, 6 laureates! . 🏆 We are proud to present the recipients of the 2019 International Awards for Social Responsibility in #Dermatology! . ➡️ Link in bio! . #inspireskinconfidence #WCD2019Milan #IASRD #IASRD2019 #socialresponsibility #skin #skincare #skinhealth #dermatologia #dermalogica #dermalogical #derm #derma #dermatologist #dermresident #resident #md #womeninmedicine #boardcertifieddermatologist #CSR #instahealth #patientcare - @inspireskinconfidence on Instagram

- The flag of Martinique in the style of the California flag

- Carlomagno

Straight from our Studio: Dieter Funk SKALLI — one of the new autumn 2020 releases. Seen here in our beautiful hvm acetate and now on tour in the suitcases of our sales representatives. Of course also available in our FUNK Optikstores! #dieterfunkeyewear #brillenmanufakturkinsau #independenteyewear #madeingermany #newrelease #nachhaltigebrillen #whomadeyourglasses #wemadeyourglasses #funkoptikstores - @funkeyewear on Instagram

- Benediction & Prayer

- @_brenomiranda_ on Instagram

the complete shaving is the basic of all barbers, you have to know how to shave and leave a perfect skin above all, but knowing how to shave everything allows you to approach any style of beard, so train is necessary :) #barbershop #barber #barberlife #barberlove #barbershopconnect #barberworld #shave #shaving #hairdresser #hairstylist #hairshop #shop #coach #coaching #training #trainer #menstories #cyleameforme - @anthonygalifot on Instagram

Seamos sinceros como el ❤️ amor que Dios nos brinda a cada uno de nosotros y sigamos el ejemplo que él nos dio. #VisiónPerfecta #Colombia #reflexiones . . . . . #diosesbueno #diosesamor #santidad #musicacristiana #cristianos #fe #amen #gloria #cristorey #godisgood #evangelio #espiritusanto #oracion #oraciones #jesussalva #graciasdios #palabradelseñor #adoracion #devocionaldiario #palabrassabias #devocional - @centrocristianocucuta on Instagram

I’m also a bird whisperer. - @olleurban on Instagram

- Christmas advent calendar ideas

- angeles muestramelo

- blursed_friends intro.

Barbas de confinamiento #artchallenge2020 - @gervasio_posadas on Instagram

#noussommesresponsables #mesuresbarrieres #iso20121 #engagement #helentraiteur #organisateurdereceptions #traiteurevenementiel #hotesses #hotessesdaccueil #responsabletechnique #sauvonsnosmetiers - @helentraiteur on Instagram

this is amazing thank u so much @coughs 💙 - @cvstillo on Instagram

Personas Mágicas 🙌🏻 - Hay seres humanos que dejan huella en su andar. Son personas mágicas que aparecen por los caminos de la causalidad de la vida y se convierten en tu amuleto de buena suerte. Son seres alegres, positivos, de mirada clara, auténticos y están disponibles para ayudar en cada momento. - Las personas mágicas saben ganarse tu confianza, son parte de las soluciones y perseveran en las metas que se establecen, te acompañan en las ideas y se enorgullecen de tus logros. Un ser mágico posee un elevado espíritu de crecimiento, de pasión y vocación por lo que hace. Se meten en tu mundo y te impulsan a alcanzar tus ideas, tus sueños, influyen en tu vida de tal manera que son fuente de inspiración. - Las personas mágicas son de edición limitada, cultivan la amistad y aportan pequeñas alegrías que sumadas se convierten en una felicidad duradera. En resumen, las personas mágicas son tu reflejo, son amor, cuando levantas la mirada buscando la fuente divina ellas aparecen y se transforman en el Ángel que te acompañará siempre. - Las personas mágicas cuando llegan lo hacen tocando el corazón y se quedan en tu vida para ocupar un espacio en el Alma. - ​​​​​​​¡Gracias por existir!✨ - #efectolemnor #phrasesoftheday #frasesinspiradoras #coaching #coaching - @ronmelrangel on Instagram


Nice to meet you! - @italia_pom on Instagram

- blursed_lookalike

#Art project - I want to build a layered One X One #onexone with spray paint layers & dimensional transformations. First try on #perspex ✌🏾 let’s go people 💳💳💳 - @feder1x1 on Instagram

@artistjasonjones loves him some Jesus...paintings. These are a few of Jason’s thrift store glowups. If you haven’t seen our post yesterday with some of his murals, you might be the only one. We’ve had a huge response to @artistjasonjones. Make sure you follow him and leave some love on his page. Each like, share, and save helps increase the reach of your favorite #arkansascreative. ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ——————————————————-⁣ ⚡️JOIN OUR PATREON COMMUNITY!⚡️⁣ ⁣ Patreon Community Members: ⁣ - are eligible for exclusive monthly giveaways⁣ - support local creatives⁣ - foster a growing community of artists, makers, and artisans⁣ ⁣ Become a part of our community by clicking the link in our bio!!⁣ ———————————————————-#artistjasonjones #arkansas #arkansascreative #arkansasbeautiful #arkansasfiberarts #arkansasmade #arkansasflorists #arkansasphotographers #arkansasmodels #arkansasartists #arkansastattooartists #arkansasbloggers #explorearkansas #nwaarkansas #littlerockarkansas #wonderfularkansas #arkansaslife #igersarkansas #thenaturalstate #arkansaslife #visitarkansas #arkansasonly - @arkansascreative on Instagram

- Advento

- christophe mae

#noussommesresponsables #mesuresbarrieres #iso20121 #engagement #helentraiteur - @helentraiteur on Instagram

#noussommesresponsables #mesuresbarrieres #iso20121 #engagement #helentraiteur ##événementiel #agenceevenementielle ##intérim #agencedinterim #dj #sauvonsnosmetiers - @helentraiteur on Instagram

Uns würde interessieren: Womit verbringen eure süßen Katzen und Kater am liebsten ihre Zeit? Antwortet mit dem entsprechenden Emoji: 😴 Schlafen ⚽ Spielen 🍲 Essen 👀 Beobachten 🐈 Erkunden - @catslove_official on Instagram

📌Exclusivo Avistamiento de Pequén en Estero Zamorano. El registro se realizó en un sector ribereño del curso de agua reafirmando la importancia de este ecosistema para la biodiversidad comunal. Para mayor detalle, nota web en nuestro sitio. Link en biografía 👀 Iustraciones @vallefri 🎨 #humelabapp #humelab #humedales #humedalesurbanos #aves #avifaunachilena #natularlovers #Pequén #athenecunicularia #EsteroZamorano #sanviadictos - @fundacionananuca on Instagram

Celebrating all the Teachers whose vision paves the way for the dreams and hopes of a generation. Happy Teachers day #MacV #HappyTeachersDay #Teachersday #Fashion #Style #Sunglasses #Eyewear #creativespot #topicalspot #topical @officialsocialsamosa - @macv.in on Instagram