Copwatch America Profile Pics

copwatchbet networksbetcopwatch patrol unitthe movement familykimprotestrallyhawk
protest rally yelling megaphone listen up
disappointed gross whats that smell hand gesture disgust
megaphone screaming protest lead yell
nod agreed yeah okay alright
smh shake my head headshake nope nuh
frown focused concentrate fierce badass
protest marching rally lead listen up
i wasnt really surprised not surprised unsurprised just what expect expected
we dont care no one cares no once care who cares idc
rally protest march gathering unite
protest rally marching black lives matter copwatch america
downtown atlanta movement family protest marching rally
grow up wiping tears have a life be mature crying
theyre going to give us justice justice equity equality fairness
that was pretty awesome awesome amused amazed bewilder
protest yelling rally megaphone marching
you can only beg so much until you get tired begging tired of begging get the far begging
theyre trying to make a sin bad mistakes they make things complicated error
did anybody ever report to you report expose reveal uncover
i agree with what hes saying i agree agreed on that acknowledge recognize
watch out beware look out be alert copwatch america
i was highly upset disappointed dismay troubled pissed
its really great awesome amused amazed great
they protect their own protecting their own shield secure
recording filming police protest video recording
were nothing getting there too far from our goals whats going on ambition nowhere
respect them high regard admire appreciate think highly
i have some mixed feelings mixed feeling mixed emotions different feeling unclear
justice fairness fair play equality unbiased
tired of being nice tired nice nice aint good exhausted
she has to take care of her self take care be careful observant mindful
nobody calls me nobody needs me no one calls me not wanted annoyed
make em go against one opposed contra at odds with defy
they want to scoop expose revelation reveal uncover
intense reaction extreme reaction extraordinary violent extreme
spectrum of trouble trouble scope of trouble range mess
that needs to be clear lets make it clear straight to the point clear up be direct
take a different approach different approach take it differently different path other way
were not afraid not afraid brave fearless courage
its my fight its my battle its my war quarrel clash
actions maybe different unalike unusual irregular process
its important that we keep that alive important keep that alive crucial vital
yall gone stop killing us stop killing us protest rally black lives matter
im sorry apologies sorry pardon forgive me
there is an institution should not exist dont exist cease stop
you can go play go ahead you can go now begin go on
language is important communication is important speech is important contact word
help us out help needed support us assist cooperate
raising an activist family activist advocate group people
america usa american eagle
focused seriously staring serious face for real