Cardiac Arrest Profile Pics

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Brittany Murphy Lived Fast, Dies Young of Cardiac Arrest

gearheads and monkeywrenches

i love you thank you for coming into my life

Take a look at what the coronavirus possibly does to the body. Nearly every organ system can be affected. šŸ“· @sciencemagazine - @drsanjaygupta on Instagram

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- Med

Once you see it, it cannot be unseen

The Cars of Wangan Midnight manga:

i love you

- Anatomy

heart sick heart attack

Healthcare workers are heroesā¤ļø We are so thankful for all the nurses, doctors, and staff who are taking the best care of our daddy. Although he is still on a ventilator, he has improved drastically since the 18th. Thank you to all of our followers who have been praying and thinking of our dad. We canā€™t wait to be in his arms again! Re @cocothemaltesedog ā¤ļøšŸ™šŸ¼#healthcareheroes #DennisStrong - @ohmydogboutique on Instagram

ch | Charles Charlie Spring

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- Biology notes

All your prayers are working: Fiancees joy as battling footballer Muamba is speaking again and moving arms and legs

heart attack

- birth

Attack Of The Funny Animal Pictures - 38 Pics

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- House

Not With The Cat - Funny

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- Brain

Guy lying in bed Porn gets slam by his own stepbrother 1,760 VIEWS 100% med hard - iFunny

Michael Jacksons brother Tito, 65, remembers the late singer

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- Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

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- Metabolic diet

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- Cardiovascular

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- Diabetic Health

130718 love you heart

- The biggest Cervical (Neck) Lipoma I have ever seen...

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A gasometria arterial eĢ um exame de sangue que eĢ coletado a partir de uma arteĢria, com o objetivo de avaliar os gases presentes no sangue, como o oxigeĢ‚nio o gaĢs carboĢ‚nico, assim como sua distribuicĢ§aĢƒo, do pH e do equiliĢbrio acidobaĢsico. Importante lembrar que se o objetivo for apenas medir o pH eĢ possiĢvel fazer a gasometria venosa. Permite avaliacĢ§aĢƒo diagnoĢstica do estado metaboĢlico acidobaĢsico e da troca gasosa pulmonar com medidas diretas de pH, PCO2, PaO2, SpO2, HCO3 e BE. Sistema TampaĢƒo: neutraliza o excesso e em seguida tenta recompor a relacĢ§aĢƒo normal (pH baixo: acidose ou excesso de H+ no sangue e pH alto: alcalose ou consumo de H+ no sangue). Sistema RespiratoĢrio: tambeĢm responde rapidamente para o ajuste do pH por meio da retencĢ§aĢƒo ou eliminacĢ§aĢƒo de CO2 no sangue. HipoventilacĢ§aĢƒo (diminuicĢ§aĢƒo da FR): aumenta CO2 que se liga a moleĢcula de aĢgua e vira o hidrogeĢ‚nio (aumentando os niĢveis de H), diminui o pH. HiperventilacĢ§aĢƒo (aumento da FR): diminui os niĢveis de CO2 no sangue, aumentando o pH. Sistema Renal: quando o pH sanguiĢneo se altera, os rins eliminam urina aĢcida ou alcalina para regular a concentracĢ§aĢƒo de H+. Contudo, sabendo interpretar uma gasometria, conseguimos realizar os ajustes ventilatoĢrios adequados para os pacientes. #GasometriaArterial #AjustesGasomeĢtricos #equiliĢbrioacidobaĢsico #sistematampaĢƒo #fisioterapiaintensiva #intensivismo #terapiaintensiva #sistemarespiratoĢrio #sistemametaboĢlico - @fisioamandajaconi on Instagram

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For more details u can Dm. #jackgyllenhaal #admission21 #admission21 #admissions #counsellor #connselling - @rabia_prizm786 on Instagram

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- heart

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- AA School

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- Smol

sad emo uno reverse sorrowful budding pop

Happy World Heart Day! . As we still dig ourselves out of this pandemic, lets not forget the number one killer in the world - heart disease. Almost 700K Americans and 17 million globally die yearly from heart disease. Pandemic or not, heart disease takes no breaks. Stay aware of your health, dont ignore any symptoms, and make sure you you seek medical attention if something isnt right. . šŸ’œ This here is one of my favorite heart images where the arteries have been infused and casted with a polymer and the rest of the heart has been melted away. Shows the amazing circulatory system of the heart from the epicardial vessels to the microvasculature. I have annotated the image with some labels of the coronary arteries and their branches. Sort of looks like a tree crossed with a spider web! . . . . #worldheartday #heart #cardiac #anatomy #coronary #medicine #cardiology #heartattack #hearthealth #cardiovascularhealth #cardiovascular - @yourheartdoc on Instagram

homer simpson heart attack the simpsons

- Biology

silence equals death silence death silence equals death project aids

- Natural Health

madness suggs dancing dance 80s

- How cute is this

cute okay duck ok sure

Hyattā€™s purpose- we care for people so they can be their best- continues to be at the forefront of all of our minds. We want to welcome those who are traveling away from home in order to assist others during this pandemic. We look forward to being be there for you just as you are here for us. #hyatthouse #whysettle #austintexas #travelingnurse #travelingnurselife #corona #hyatthouseaustindowntown - @hyatthouseatx on Instagram

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Cross section look at the inside of a left foot! . . . #anatomyart #anatomydrawing #feet #feetpics #feetanatomy #footanatomy #foot #humananatomy #humanphysiology #anatomyandphysiology2 #medicine #crosssection #anatomyartwork #anatomyforartists #humanbodyart #footsurgery #footsurgeon #footsurgeryrecovery #brokenfoot #footproblems #foothealth #foothealthawareness #foothealthpractitioner #foothealthcare #footcare #feetlove #humanmedicine #medicalinformation #medicinetribe #medicalschool - @ednurselifenz on Instagram

heart images heart love you i love you

Ieri sera intorno alle 18 alcune persone che transitavano in via San Mansueto a Milano, hanno sentito un miagolio provenire dallā€™interno di un vano motore di unā€™auto parcheggiata. Con lā€™intento di attirarlo per tentare di catturarlo, hanno posizionato una ciotolina con un poā€™ di latte. Dopo avere aspettato qualche tempo alla fine il piccolo micio si ĆØ fatto coraggio ed ĆØ sceso dal vano motore, per cercare di bere un poā€™, ma, non appena una persona ha tentato di avvicinarsi per prenderlo, il micino si ĆØ spaventato ed ĆØ tornato nella parte alta del motore, senza farsi piĆ¹ vedere. A quel punto per evitare di metterne a rischio lā€™incolumitĆ , una delle persone che aveva assistito alla scena ha contattato lā€™ENPA di Milano chiedendo il loro intervento. Una volta sul posto, lā€™operatore dellā€™Ente, ha subito posizionato una rete elastica intorno allā€™auto per evitare che il gatto, nel tentativo di scappare, potesse essere investito da una macchina. In seguito, grazie alla presenza della Polizia Locale ĆØ arrivato il proprietario dellā€™auto che ha aperto il cofano per consentire al soccorritore il recupero del cucciolo, avvenuto dopo diversi tentativi e con molta pazienza. ā€œSituazioni simili possono contribuire a rendere le persone piĆ¹ consapevoli del fatto che per un gatto il cofano di un auto possa rappresentare un nascondiglio caldo e che, per evitare di fargli male sia necessario adottare alcuni accorgimentiā€ spiega il presidente di ENPA Milano, Ermanno Giudici. ā€œIn casi come questo, infatti, ĆØ sempre meglio presidiare il posto e/o posizionare un cartello sullā€™auto dove scrivere della possibile presenza di un gatto allā€™interno del cofano. Un avviso lasciato a un proprietario assente puĆ² salvare al micio la vita! Inoltre, ĆØ sempre meglio telefonare subito alla Polizia Locale che avvisi gli operatori del gattile comunale oppure richieda il supporto di associazioni come la nostra, che possano intervenire prima che venga messa in moto la macchina.ā€ . . . #soccorsispeciali #soccorsiquotidiani #soccorsoanimali #gattinonelmotore #sostieniENPAMilano - @enpa_milano on Instagram

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zoom in scared nervous frightened oh no


heart attack

- Human cerebellum

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Now is the time to book an appointment to #HelpSomeoneElse at Rhode Island Blood Center! Please help increase the blood supply to prevent major shortages here and across the country. For more information on how you can help, click on @ribloodcenter #donate #donateblood #blooddonation #g#giveblood - @cardisfurniture on Instagram

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ā€œLetā€™s talk about ā€˜Periodsā€™. Yes, you read it right! If a female cannot talk comfortably about her periods, how can we expect the society to? Fortunately, I am blessed with a family where I can freely talk about it, and dont have to keep my pain wrapped in a black polythene bag. This happened on a hot, humid afternoon in May. It was the first day of my 3rd COVID duty rotation. I was posted in a ward having 30 patients, some of them in critical condition. I donned my PPE, entered the ward, and started my routine work of checking patients. I was feeling a little bloated, and had a slight pain in my lower abdomen. Yes, I was nearing the end of my menstrual cycle and was ā€˜preparedā€™ for it; but, I was praying that my periods should not start during my 6 hour duty, since the PPE alone was enough to make one uncomfortable and dehydrated. Half an hour later, one of the patients started feeling breathless. As I got up from my chair and approached the patient, I realized that my periods said ā€˜hello!ā€™ to me. I had sudden cramps in my abdomen- a situation all girls can relate to! I checked the vitals of the patient and tried to stabilize him. The patient was worseningā€¦ so were my cramps. Finding another resident doctor to replace me would have taken almost an hour, and wasted one more PPE. I didnt want to leave my patient unattended for such a long time. I told myself, ā€˜Ill bear the crampsā€™. After 15-20 minutes, the patientā€™s vitals improved; I went back to my chair, rested for a while and continued my duty. I had to endure the pain and bleeding for 5 out of the 7 days of duty. The scorching heat and the PPE, aggravated the discomfort. But, like all other female healthcare workers, I did my job. Girls, PMS and periods are tough. But were tougher, right? Functioning with pain makes us braver. I salute all the female healthcare workers, who are working tirelessly, regardless of their ā€˜Periods in PPEā€™, during this pandemic.ā€ ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€” Pictures and caption shared by @the_dancing_stethoscope. - @thehumansofmedicine on Instagram

love heart cony brown bear

- Asthma treatment

rescue ready

- Alzheimers Disease/ Dementia

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The first boy who shackled me with sweet words and thoughtful but measured gestures knew exactly why not to. Treating that solid why like a mirage, I often wonder if they were fearless or just too strong. I leave them, for them. Gifting them abandonment as if its a consolation prize, a participation medal in some game of hearts I dont remember participating. I dont know why I stick around watching as they swallow a piece of my void that I unintentionally left behind. The paint me as heartless, retelling about the pieces of love they worshipped me with whose absence they now carry around as callous souvenirs of resentment. I would have nodded in a sad understanding, had I not been so empty and they, not so fulfilled with their hate. One too many souls walks away, heartbroken, sorrowful and messed up, and I dont erase their mumbles or outright shouts claiming how big of a monster I am. Some promise to help me, to fix me, some tell me that I am afraid of what I feel and I want to give in on mornings my pain walks over my emptiness, I want to coddle myself in their ignorance but my head spins a memory of the times I ruined people who I failed to love. If only I registered as pain and not bliss. If only I had been the monster in the shadows, fated to remain unloved. Because souls I damaged now yearn to hold my obliterated being, and crush me in even more pieces. ā€” Karthika B. Surendran //why do I fail at easy love?// - @wordyvilla on Instagram

madness top of the pops dancing dance 80s

Thanks to one of our awesome member, the gym has been fogged with a medical grade COVID-19 cleaner. Thank you & thanks to all our members for wiping off your equipment after you use it. #stopthespread #keepingitclean #covid19 - @nextlevel_fitnessgym on Instagram

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- artbook journaling

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- Pima Medical Institute News

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Simplified . . . #registerednurse #anatomy #neurology #neuroscience #neurosurgery #biology #humananatomy #science #mbbs #medschool #medicalscience #medicalcannabis #medicine #medico #medics #medicalaesthetics #medicalprofessionals #nursestudents #nursepractitioner #nurse #nursingcare #aiims #likeforlikes #instagram #instalike - @exploring_lifescience on Instagram

act4yourheart diabetes type2diabetes heart disease doctor

- Cath Lab

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#lupusawareness #lupussucks #lupusnephritis #lupusnephritissurvivor - @lupus.fighters on Instagram

tug o var

Congratulations to The Food Doctorsā€™ very own, Co-Founder Dr. Paul Sarmiento, for being featured in Fabulous Arizonas Fabulous People article. . . šŸ™ŒšŸ» (Visit to read more) Dr. Paul Sarmientoā€™s resume is impressive, to say the least: physician, double board-certified in Family and Obesity Medicine, founder of Flywheel Weight Loss and Wellness and co-founder of The Food Doctors Healthy Meal Prep and Delivery Service. Here, Dr. Sarmiento reveals his local inspiration behind The Food Doctors and which famous brain he got to hold (seriously!). Learn about Dr. Paul Sarmientoā€¦ #thefooddoctors #flywheelweightlossandwellness #azmealprep #fabaz - @fooddoctorsaz on Instagram

mashup week backroom bash cardiac arrest

šŸŒ“ā˜€ļøThe vagus nerve originates in the brainstem, is an important element of the nervous system which detects, processes and regulates the vast majority of the automatic functions of our organism !! The vagus nerve is the direct link between the brain and the intestinal microbiota, it manages digestion, assimilation, but also the constantly changing flora of our digestive tract. Any imbalance of the vagus nerve, that is to say any over-activation of one of the two branches, sympathetic and parasympathetic, can lead to diseases. The vagus nerve regulates: -beating of the heart - blinking of the eyelids - the rhythm and depth of breathing - constriction and dilation of blood vessels - detoxification of the body by the liver and kidneys - the DIGESTION - the opening and closing of the sweat glands - the production of saliva and tears - If the vagus nerve is damaged and does not send these important signals to the stomach cells: this causes digestive problems, too low a level of stomach acid (necessary to denature proteins). It controls the release of digestive enzymes from the pancreas. It regulates the motor activity of the digestive tract. Thus, chronic constipation like diarrhea are the signs of poor vagal tone and insufficient peristalsis !!! Do some research of the importance of this nerve in our digestive process !! In the next post I will share some exercices to do to activate this nerve šŸŒ“ From the book Activer votre nerf vague du Docteur Navaz Habib aux Ć©ditions Thierry Souccar #antibacterial #antioxidants #anticancer #candida #ibs #sibo #smallintestinalbacterialovergrowth #bloat #bloated #bloating #pain #bellypain #food #intolerance #naturopathie #chronicillness #fatigue #tired #depress #eggplant #zucchini #lowfodmaps #fodmaps #food #lunch #healing #curcuma #courges #vagusnerve #nerfvague #constipation - @sibo_healing on Instagram

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- Anatomy


- Chat Bengal

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- Rn programs

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- mlm :3

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- Hospital health

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- just casually contemplating his next murder...

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- biochemistry notesā€āš•ļø

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- Inequality

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- Sophisticated Smol Girl

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- Brain diagram

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- Arritmias Cardiacas

%E7%88%B1%E4%BD%A0 %E7%83%AD%E6%81%8B %E5%9D%A0%E5%85%A5%E7%88%B1%E6%B2%B3 %E4%B8%98%E6%AF%94%E7%89%B9%E7%AE%AD %E7%88%B1%E5%BF%83

- Health & Medicine

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- Im what???

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- seaweed food

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- Blood Disorders

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ParabĆ©ns aos colegas que colocam o coraĆ§Ć£o em tudo que fazem. #diadocardiologista #cardiologia #cardiologista - @cardioivsonbraga on Instagram

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- 3

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- Anatomy puns

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- Man died due to choking on a grape

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- Blue line police

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For more videos & pictures follow us @Cats_fans1 - @cats_fans1 on Instagram

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šŸ’°10 bucks you cant find another kitty that looks like 2Spots šŸ€ . . . . . . . . . . . #rarebreed #kittensofinstagram #adoptdontshop #catsofinstagram #fosteringsaveslives #kittenrescue #orphankittenclub @2chainz #imdifferent #kittens #adoptme - @oliviabaloosanimalrescue on Instagram

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NEW #BYTENIGHT AUCTION ITEM JUST ADDED!!! Tian Tian, our male giant panda, will create a custom painting just for you!!! Using colors of your choice!!! Dont miss out on the opportunity to own a unique panda masterpiece!!! Check it out at #WeAreFONZ #FriendsForever - @fonznationalzoo on Instagram

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- Dental hygiene education

cardiac arrest

- 11:11

grateful gratitude take my heart heart attack my heart

- Meet Lilā€™ Bill. This tiny little fellow weighs about the same as a domesticated cat and is just as cute.

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Whoā€™s a little kitty? You are! Yes you are. #kittensofinstagram #neverendingkittenseason #ferndalecatshelter #omg - @catfelounge on Instagram

%E3%83%89%E3%82%AD%E3%83%89%E3%82%AD %E7%B7%8A%E5%BC%B5 %E5%A5%BD%E3%81%8D %E3%83%8F%E3%83%BC%E3%83%88 heartbeat

- Type of face

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Dear girl child, you can achieve anything you put your mind to! . Thank you @cslzambia for this photo showing @dazzleafricas Dr Sichande working on wild dogs- with the assistance of Mercy Njobvu who is currently on sponsorship under Project Luangwa. . Mercy is studying Vet medicine through the support of Dazzle Africa. It is so good seeing her do what she loves and working with someone as dedicated as Dr Sichande. . . #conservation #vetmedicine #animals #love #girlchild #female #work #zambia #mfuwe #csl - @projectluangwa on Instagram

cute girl student love life

- Study help

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Axial section through the parotid gland (above) and lateral view of the parotid gland (below) demonstrating adjacent structures. #face#anatomy#mbbs#doctors - @indian_medical_association on Instagram

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- Acls

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- Heart Attack Grill

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- Spinal Cord Anatomy

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- Internal medicine Doctor

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- Body facts

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- Female police officers

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- 20 oz of smol.

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Trophy Hunting supports more than 50 000 jobs in Southern Africa. - @phasa_hunters on Instagram

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- anatomy of muscles

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The effect of transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) on kidney function stage in patients with aortic stenosis remains poorly understood. This study sought to assess change in chronic kidney disease stage following TAVR, identify variables associated with pre- and post-TAVR estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and assess association of post-TAVR eGFR with mortality. Learn more in JACC. Link in bio. - @americancollegeofcardiology on Instagram

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- Bicuspid Aortic Valve

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- @la.xmi1096 on Instagram


- NSFW Costarican health care

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Gatitos en adopciĆ³n šŸ„° Hermosos gatitos en adopciĆ³n. Se entregan con protocolo completo de salud. Informes: 7228701245 - - #adoptanocompres #adoptamx #adoptaungato #adoptme #adĆ³ptame #adopt - on Instagram

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- Pericardial Effusion & Pulmonary Parenchymal


- doctor dog

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- Congestive Heart Failure

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- Candida

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- Cursed_ink

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- Jefferson County Colorado

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- 211 Final

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Today we recognize #WorldRabiesDay šŸŒšŸ’‰ to raise awareness about rabies, prevention, and vaccination efforts worldwide. Did you know Kahoots offers a huge menu of vet services including rabies vaccines!? Check out the services calendar link in our bio to see when the next clinic arrives at your Kahoots! āš•šŸ¾ (šŸ“ø: @steph.vetmed) . . . #KahootsFeedandPet #WorldRabiesDay #GivingBack #AnimalWelfare #Rabies #Instagood #RabiesAwareness #RabiesPrevention #Puppy #Dog #Dogs #PuppyGram #vet #veterinarian #vetservices #veterinaryservices - @kahootsfeedandpet on Instagram



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- biology

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- Yes doctor?

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- Anatomy

- Medical careers

- Paramedic quotes

When you throw your old Walkman into the trash instead of recycling it properly, you could be throwing away rare earth elements. U.S. Department of Energy researchers have found a way to extract those elements: - @protecrecycling on Instagram

- Small bowel ischemia and infarction

Most people donā€™t realize how different tongues can look. The human tongue is a huge indicator of what is going on inside the human body. As we improve our health, the tongue will lose itā€™s pathological appearance as it moves more and more toward normal. Take a look at your own tongue and see what you think. #tonguesinchronicinflammation #chronicinflammation #healthybody - @interstitialcystitisaltmed on Instagram

- Medical Questions


- Guillain Barre Syndrome

Plz Hay guys followšŸ‘‰ @gwala7701 šŸ‘ˆFollow me and 100%follw back šŸ˜˜ šŸ„° šŸ˜ šŸ˜› šŸ˜‚ #neet #mbbs #pharmacy #pharma #docter #nurse #covid19 #covid_19 #who #neet #neet2020#neetprepration #neetpaper #like4likes #followshoutoutlikecomment #comment #supportsmallbusiness #skincare #healthylifestyle #healthyfood #health #allen #likesforlike #liketime #likers #lik#community #comment4comment #girl #gf #gwala7701 - @gwala7701 on Instagram

Selamat siang nurses~ - on Instagram

Aww baby ā¤šŸ’™ā¤ . . . . . #kitten #cutecats #cutekittens #cutekitten #kittycat - @cats.makeme.happy on Instagram

- Fresh autopsy!

- Medicine

- hello nurse

- Career

You guys #stayhome and let them go home - @coronadefends on Instagram

- Madical illustration and neurosurgery CT

We stand in grim solidarity with everyone that have lost loved ones due to COVID-19. A million deaths represent one million individual tragedies. As volunteers and staff keep responding, heres a reminder: we are in this together. ā¤ļø #covid19 #coronavirus #weareinthistogether #solidarity #redcross #redcrescent #croixrouge #croissantrouge #cruzroja #medialunaroja #IFRC - @ifrc on Instagram

- EKG/ECG Technician

La AdministraciĆ³nĀ de Alimentos y Medicamentos de Estados UnidosĀ (FDA, por sus siglas en inglĆ©s) ampliĆ³ su investigaciĆ³n sobre una enfermedad surgida durante los estudios de la vacuna contra el Covid-19 del laboratorio AstraZeneca. . El ensayo a gran escala del laboratorio sueco-britĆ”nico, en colaboraciĆ³n con el Instituto Jenner de la Universidad de Oxford, estĆ” en suspenso desde el pasado 6 de septiembre, luego de que unĀ participante del estudio en el Reino Unido se enfermara con lo que se creĆ­a que era un raro trastorno inflamatorio espinal llamado mielitis transversa. . Conoce mĆ”s sobre Ć©sta nota en . #OrlandoTimes #OrlandoTimesNews #OTN #News #Newsletter #Comunicacion #Data #Network #Cool #Miami #Publicidad #Orlando #Florida #QueCool #Press #Digital #Contenido #QueCoolEsTenerAcento #Informacion #Prensa #Plataforma #PlataformaDigital #Periodico #Lectores #Editores #Productores #Redactores #Optica #Entretenimiento #socialmedia - on Instagram

- Oa

(Learning about anatomy of the brain.)#cpr ā™edicholics #mbbs šŸ…#doctor šŸ‘©ā€šŸŽ“ #dream šŸ’« šŸ’Š #neetpg šŸ“— #neetaspirants šŸ“– #instagram šŸ“ø #usmlestep1šŸ“˜#usa #nursing šŸ¤“ #dental šŸ¦· #dr šŸ‘©ā€šŸ”¬#books šŸ“• #notes šŸ—žļø #doctorlife ā˜ ļø #aim šŸ’„ #target šŸ—Æļø #medicalpages šŸ“” #medical šŸ’Š #medicalschoolšŸ„ #medicalcollege šŸØ #medicholics @medicholics - @medicholics on Instagram

- Regulation Of Control

- Medicine

- Nursing Profession

The real heroes ā¤ļø - @lake.como on Instagram

- This gunshot to the heart

- Health

If this isnā€™t nice, I donā€™t know what is. - @prettyghost on Instagram

- Health

- EC - School

- heart & human anatomy

- Medical assistant program

Despite our best efforts Nisha gave up. Her kidneys had damaged beyond repair. The normal range of creatinine is 0.4-1.8 while her was 19 and Urea at 500 plus. Rest in peace šŸ™ - @desi__dogs on Instagram

- Breast Implant Illness/autoimmune

- Anatomy and surgery

Welcome to the 400 gram club Marlon! šŸ™ŒšŸ». . He is very tiny for being just over 6 weeks. But heā€™s interested in food and eats well, and heā€™s slowly but steadily gaining. Heā€™s the sweetest little guy and always wants to be right up under my chin. He reminds me so much of Ducky šŸ˜ #gangsterkittensšŸ± - @whiskersnpurrs on Instagram

- 4 years ago we found out our adopted stray was pregnant with at least 3 kittens. We got 5 kittens in the litter, all healthy and still going strong today at their forever homes.

- Too smol to be a handful!

We always appreciate when our partner physicians give us the nitty gritty of this journey from the clinical perspective. Its graphic but this is what we go through to get relief from fibroids. Thank you @soyinihawkinsmd! #Repost ā€¢ ā€¢ ā€¢ ā€¢ ā€¢ ā€¢ Fibroid and Pelvic Wellness Center of Georgia Hello #fibroids. These benign tumors can cause a lot of #havoc šŸ˜–. The most common symptoms are heavy menses and abdominal dissension šŸ˜³ but there are many many more. They can be so significant at times a #fibroidsufferer can need a #bloodtransfusion and/or look pregnant šŸ¤°. There are several ways to manage fibroids including šŸ’« observation (if small and not bothersome), šŸ’« medication (to manage heavy bleeding šŸ©ø) , šŸ’«procedures or surgery. Procedures include @acessahealth radio frequency fibroid ablation, #ufe #myomectomy (@hologic #myosure, #robotic, #openmyomectomy ) and #hysterectomy. This young lady needed an open myomectomy due to the size of her fibroids! She is on the path to recovery and relief šŸ™ŒšŸ¾šŸ™ŒšŸ¾šŸ™ŒšŸ¾šŸ„°. Isnā€™t her uterus cute šŸ˜Š #onlyagynwouldthinkthat #fibroidmanagement procedure. #vancouver #womenshealth #fibroids #uterus #fibroidawareness #healthadvocate #knowyouroptions #femalesurgeon #docmom #minimallyinvasivesurgery - @wecanwearwhite on Instagram

Awesome tips to save from - ā€œHave you welcomed a kitten into your family and are wondering what to do for your first vet visit? Your new kitten should see a vet as soon as possible for a general health check and discussion to set them up for a happy, healthy life! There is no defined age for a first vet visit, however itā€™s best to have an exam within 24 to 72 hours after adopting a new kitten, and then subsequently for all required vaccinations. My 5 tips to prepare for these visits: 1. Assemble all your petā€™s paperwork, dietary information, and current flea/worming products 2. Start to get your kitty used to handling ā€“ go slow, use positive rewards, and be consistent 3. Acclimate your cat to the carrier ā€“ let them smell and play in the carrier so that itā€™s not a scary foreign object only associated with vet visits 4. Take a practice car ride ā€“ start with short trips only 5. Prepare any questions you have for the vet ā€“ there are no silly questions and thereā€™s a good chance Iā€™ve heard it many times before! ā€œ - @royalcaninanz on Instagram

VIVENDO E APRENDENDO! ATENƇƃO Por que ataques cardĆ­acos ocorrem com mais frequĆŖncia no banheiro? Isso foi escrito por um professor de medicina dos EUA na MalĆ”sia, que aconselha que as pessoas nĆ£o comecem a molhar a cabeƧa e os cabelos ao tomar banho, porque essa Ć© uma sequĆŖncia inversa. Isso faz com que o corpo tente ajustar sua temperatura muito rapidamente devido Ć  nossa condiĆ§Ć£o de sangue quente. Ao fazer esta sequĆŖncia incorreta, o sangue aumenta sua velocidade para alcanƧar a cabeƧa mais rapidamente (para compensar a diferenƧa de temperatura), que pode eventualmente causar vasos quebrados, capilares, artĆ©rias e, portanto, um ataque cardĆ­aco (ou quedas). A maneira correta de iniciar o banho šŸšæ Ć© comeƧar molhando os pĆ©s, as pernas šŸƒā€ā™‚ gradualmente atĆ© os ombros e, finalmente, a cabeƧa šŸ¤Ø. Siga estas instruƧƵes e, em seguida, complete o seu banho, normalmente isso Ć© especialmente recomendado para quem Ć© hipertenso, tem altos nĆ­veis de colesterol e atĆ© sofre de enxaqueca. - @cristinasilva6 on Instagram

- You had one job (x-post from r/pics)

- Acid base Balance

Posterior infarction accompanied approximately 1 out of every 5 STEMIs and usually occurs due to inferior or latetal occlusion and infarction. It should be noted that posterior extension of an inferior or lateral infarct implies a much larger area of myocardial damage. An isolated posterior MI is much less common. Isolated Posterior MI can be subtle. It is important to look closely at the ECG for the following findings in leads V1-V3 that are suggestive of posterior MI: 1ļøāƒ£ Horizontal ST depression (labeled red) 2ļøāƒ£ Tall, broad R waves (labeled blue) 3ļøāƒ£ Upright T-waves (labeled black) . On image 2, you can see that because posterior electrical activity is recorded from the anterior side of the heart, the TYPICAL ST elevation and Q waves become inverted. The picture shows the relationship between ECG changes in a ā€œtypicalā€ STEMI and those seen with posterior infarction. The picture of the posterior infarction has been inverted and now resembles a typical STEMI. . Notice how the: 1ļøāƒ£ ST elevation becomes ST depression 2ļøāƒ£ Q waves become R waves 3ļøāƒ£ Terminal T-wave inversion becomes uptight T-waves. . Do you guys see this? . Image three shows posterior lead placement, which should be obtained when you suspect a posterior MI. Picture four shows the same initial ECG, except now with posterior leads obtained. Notice the prominent ST elevation in V7-V9 (previously V4-V6). . This ECG was posted from Dr. Smithā€™s blog, Life In The Fast Lane. Please check it out! Hopefully this makes sense. Drop me a comment below. - @dr.bob_back on Instagram

- 6 newborn munchkins

- 123 Wheres Your Medical ID?

- Cardiac Sonography

- Woman finds her cat 16 days after a tornado.

- Physiology

- Heart organ

- Human Anatomy/dissection

- Human

- Uplifting News

- Human Body Name parts

- Cardiac Rehab

- Medicine student

- @is.rar9550 on Instagram


- Cardiovascular Training

- Implantable cardioverter defibrillator/Heart matters

- Chirurgiens EsthƩtique (Surgeon)

- Bariatric Sleeve Surgery


- Dissected heart and its complexity

- anatomia

- Abuse

- What is your diagnosis???

- The insanity plea cut, modeled by convicted murderer Jeremy Christian

- This is how we found them.

- Castles

- Andy Robertsonā€™s not in Scotlandā€™s lineup today, does anyone know what happened?


- Another criminal detained. Luckily she was asleep!

- the insides of the human heart

- Veterinarian assistant

- Fried ham

- A Foot Above The Rest

- Medical Laboratory Scientist

- Dysautonomia

- Doctors are on the floor after a 32-hour surgery to remove a group of brain tumors in one patient.

- Medical assistant // school

- Dont Forget THIS Happened in August 11, 2019

- Always wear your P.P.E.

- Toxic megacolon is the clinical term for an acute toxic colitis with dilatation of the colon. The dilatation can be either total or segmental.

- Facts

- High School Teachers

- Medicine student

- Anatomy - Human body

- Sleepy kitty

- Baby Nurse

ENCERRADO!!! NoĢs falamos que teriĢamos novidades em breve ne? SIM! Estamos lancĢ§ando o nosso primeiro sorteio: ESTETOSCOĢPIO SPIRIT PROFESSIONAL BLACK EDITION!! REGRAS PARA PARTICIPAR DO SORTEIO: 1. Ser profissional ou estudante da aĢrea da sauĢde. 2. Se inscrever no curso (link na bio). 3. Ser um dos primeiros MIL INSCRITOS. 4. Seguir @ecg.medeinstein e @mdprodutosmedicos 5. Comentar no post oficial e marcar DOIS amigos (naĢƒo vale perfil fake ou famosos). 6. Repostar nos stories este post (se for perfil privado, nos mandar a publicacĢ§aĢƒo por direct). Sorteio ocorreraĢ quando tivermos os MIL INSCRITOS! Aguardamos voceĢ‚s!!!! - @ecg.medeinstein on Instagram

- @teamcardio.pitiesalpetriere on Instagram

- Ems services

- Glasgow coma scale

Para os apaixonados por neuroanatomia, trago aqui nosso Ćŗltimo componente do sistema nervoso central, a famosa medula espinalšŸ’œ A medula espinal tem aproximadamente 45 a 43cm, possui um formato cĆ“nico e pode pesar 30 gramas, pesada nĆ£o? Ela estĆ” contida na coluna vertebral, ou melhor, dentro do forame vertebral. A medula espinal se inicia no forame e magno(uma grande abertura na base do nosso crĆ¢nio). Por fim, a medula tem seu final na primeira ou segunda vĆ©rtebra lombar (vai depender da raƧa do indivĆ­duo), logo apĆ³s seu tĆ©rmino, temos a cauda equina que Ć© um conjunto de raĆ­zes nervosas. Curiosidades: ā— A medula espinal abriga 31 pares de nervos espinais enquanto o encĆ©falo apenas 12 nervos cranianos. ā— A Medula espinal Ć© mais curta do que a coluna vertebral #anatomiahumana #neuroanatomia #neurofisioterapia #fisioterapia #areadasaude - @fisio.anato on Instagram

- I took this stray kitten to the vet for a fracture. Turns out he was dehydrated and had an internal infection. Three days of hospital stay. Hes adorable and a fighter!

- Faith in humanity

- Forbidden orange juice


- Anatomy Lessons

The physicians high and only mission is to restore the sick to health,to cure,as it is termed_Dr.Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #doctorsofinstagram #doctors#stethescope#homoeopathicmedicine#homoeopathy - @__unadultered__reality__ on Instagram

- Anatomie

- Flight Nurse

- 123 Wheres Your Medical ID?

- Emergency Nursing (the ONLY kind of nursing)

- Radiology student

- Maybe its because weve gotten better at detecting autism???

- Cardiology Nursing

- ABC Nursing - to arrange

- Certified Pediatric Nurse

Happy Black-Footed Ferret Day! šŸ¾ The Zoo welcomed a litter of five kits back in June to first-time parents, Oma and Curious George. The ferret Keepers were pretty thrilled as Curious George (last photo) tends to be everyones favourite (shh, dont tell the others!) He overcame a serious ear infection when he was younger and as a result, he can be a little lopsided (which to us, makes him super endearing). This clearly doesnt hold him back though As their mothers name is Oma, German for grandmother, these 5 kits have all been given names which means grandmother/father in different cultures. The three females are Nana, Babushka, and Abuela, and the two males are Pop Pop and Nonno. The Keeper team has processed all the kits to ensure they are in tip-top health, and they will remain in the breeding and release program at the Zoo The Zoo has participated in a breeding and release program for black-footed ferrets since 1992. Learn more at #savingspecies - @thetorontozoo on Instagram

- Ciencia medica

Kabhi Udasio Me, Khushi ka Koe Sila Dhundo Kabhi Jo Nahi He Usay Chor K Jo He Uska Socho Kabhi Na Shukri Tarak Kar K, Jo He Uska Shukar Ada Karna Seekho Kabi Khud Se Fursat Milay To, Dusro ko Muskura k Dekho Sometimes, in Sadness Find a reason of Happiness Sometimes, think about what you have Rather than what you donā€™t have Sometimes, Stop being unthankful And Be Thankful for what you have Sometimes, think Selflessly And Make Others Smile Yaan #cat #catsofinstagram #catlife #cats #catstagram #catlovers #cats_of_instagram #catsofig #kittens #kitten #kittenlove #kittenlovers #kittens_of_instagram #newbornkittens #newbornkitten #postivequotes #positiv #positivenergy #thinkpositive #thinkofothers #thinkoutsidethebox #catbabies #catbaby #writerscorner #loversofcats #catloversworld #pakistaniwriters #writersofpakistan #urdushayarilovers #poetryislife - @yaan.a1i on Instagram

Da SeĢrie: Dra precisa mesmo aspirar a seringa? A resposta eĢ sempre a mesma : OĢbvio! Aspirar antes de qualquer aplicacĢ§aĢƒo! NaĢƒo importa o procedimento, seja Intradermoterapia, Botox ou Preenchimento, Essa cautela previne danos permanentes ao seu paciente ! NaĢƒo esquecĢ§a: #Respira #Inspira #Aspira #naĢƒopira E voceĢ‚ jaĢ aspirou hoje? - @draandrielligama on Instagram

- cardiology

- Medical Surgical Nursing

What are you studying now? Comment the topic - @medschool.inspiration on Instagram

Hi! Just poppin a solo post up for a National Day of Prayer, if you havent already heard, for all affected by this COVID-19 and for national response efforts. Lets do this! šŸ™ This crazy virus has got to be STOPPED. Take a few seconds, minutes, or hours to pray for a miracle along with the rest of the nation. Hope youre well. Keep your immunity up and DONT FORGET TO LAUGH! ā¤ Miss ya! #smile #nationaldayofprayer #psalm91 - @itsadayreally on Instagram

As a part of the #BasepawsGives initiative, each ticket sold to this years Cat Behavior Summit will be a direct donation to Critical Kittens: The Chris Griffey Memorial Feline Foundation šŸ˜»ā € ā € Critical Kittens is a non-profit dedicated to giving every life a chance. Headed by our furriend, Ellen Carroza, LVT (@thecatlvt), this foundation believes there are no odds too great and no kitten too small to be given the proper treatment for their conditions. No longer are these special needs kittens deemed unadoptable; there is hope for each of them šŸ™šŸ»ā € ā € All ticket donations will go toward the care and medical treatment for these incredibly special kittens šŸ©ŗ We are proud to support such an incredible organization that uses their medical knowledge and resources to bring new life to each kitten that comes through their doors ā¤ļøā € ā € #BasepawsGives #specialneedscats #specialneedskittens #kittenrescue #catrescue #lvt #felinehealth #vererinarycare #rescuecatsofinstagram #CatSummit #catbehaviorā € - @basepaws on Instagram

This third week of #sexualhealthawarenessmonth will focus on orgasm. When discussing orgasm, the clitoris (and I mean the entire clitoris, not just the glans clitoris) is key. . The clitoris has been one of the ā€œfinal frontiersā€ in anatomy (we all have our theories on why). . There have been some relatively recent discoveries involving the structures of the clitoris, as well as the nerves and vasculature (Oā€™Connell et al. 2005). See the pictures above (Kelling et al. 2020). . Itā€™s important for detailed anatomy to be taught in medical and health professional school and taught during residency training programs, especially for those operating near this anatomy. . . Joseph A Kelling, MD, Cameron R Erickson, MD, Jessica Pin, BS, Paul G Pin, MD, Anatomical Dissection of the Dorsal Nerve of the Clitoris, Aesthetic Surgery Journal, Volume 40, Issue 5, May 2020, Pages 541ā€“547 . Image courtesy of @jessica_ann_pin a fierce advocate of clitoral anatomy education. . . . #clitoris #getclitorate #orgasm #arousal #anatomy #femaleanatomy #medicalstudent #medstudent #obgynresident #medicaleducation #clitoralanatomy #vulva - @jillkrapfmd on Instagram

- Medical assistant certification


- Anatomy

- ABC - Nursing - HDU

September marks National Atrial Fibrillation Awareness Month, an important time for education about this life-threatening condition that causes a quivering or irregular heartbeat. More than 2.7 million Americans have atrial fibrillation, or AFib, a figure that is estimated to rise to 12.1 million in 2030, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.ā£ ā£ @NuvanceHealth cardiologist Dr. Sankar Varanasi shares what you need to know about #AFib including what symptoms to look out for, treatment options and preventative measures. Click the link in our profile to learn more. ā£ ā£ #nuvancehealth #cardiology #cardiologist #heartcenter #afibawareness #afibawarenessmonth #atrialfibrillation #hearthealth #healthcare - @nuvancehealth on Instagram

What do you like about him? šŸ˜²šŸ˜ . Donā€™t forget to hit the LIKE button Follow the page šŸ‘‰šŸ¾ @dammnpapi Turn on post notifications šŸ” Comment āœļø Share šŸ’Æ PAPI: @ ? Pls Tag - @dammnpapi on Instagram

- We might have to call in a whole SWAT team for this illegally smol guy

- Acute Care Nurse Practitioner


- Our shelter does spay/neuter for feral cats and this angry little fluff was the 11,000th customer!

- A+ Postpartum Doula

- Probiotics for Dogs

- Future of Healthcare

Use MASKS more important stay home stay safe šŸ˜ šŸ˜ Tag a friend who would love these kitties Follow @lovekitty.meow for more cute kittens . . . . . DM for credit - @lovekitty.meow on Instagram

BEHIND THE SCENES: On Thursday we received a litter of six 1-day-old kittens and their mom, brought to us by a local Animal Control Officer. The kittens had very bad fleas, which can be deadly for animals at such a young age. Our team worked together to gently bathe each one and spent the afternoon combing and treating them to ensure each would survive. ā€¢ Weā€™re happy to report this feline family is doing well, they are currently under close observation in a specialized neonatal foster home. We will update everyone as they are ready for adoption in 8-10 weeks 3 #adopt #arlgp #animalrefugeleague - @animalrefugeleague on Instagram

- Helpless Hopeless

Continuiamo a far fumare 300 sigarette al giorno agli animali šŸ¤¬ Forse non tutti sanno che ogni giorno le sigarette vengono fatte fumare a cani, gatti, topi e conigli per testare la loro pericolositĆ  šŸ¤¬ Il governo non fa nulla anzi, continua a creare leggi che permettono questa violenza šŸ’” Allora tocca a noi. Se proprio non riesci a smettere di fumare allora acquista solo sigarette non testate. Ecco le uniche 2 marche che non testano: #yesmoke e #chiaravalle. Non essere piĆ¹ complice di questa violenza šŸ™ #AnimaLiberAction . . #GOVEGAN #crueltyfree #stopanimalcruelty #stopanimalabuse #animalrights #friendsnotfood #respectlife #choosevegan #veganlifestyle #stopcruelty #veganfortheanimals #veganism #activism #veganfortheplanet #veganforhealth - @animaliberaction on Instagram

Follow @medpert for more... #usmlestep1 #usmlestep2Ā  #neet #neetpg #medschool #medico #medicos #medicalstudentĀ  #premed #nursingschoolĀ  #nursingstudent #medical #mbbs #pg #surgery #surgeon #physicianĀ  #pediatrician #orthopaedic #medicine #anatomy #physiology #biochemistry #pharmacology #pathology #microbiologyĀ  #medlife #intern #nurse - @medpert on Instagram

- The vet thought we were so cute that they had to take our picture. Celebrity criminal.

- Only one day old and already breaking the law

- Why Be Vegan?

- Anatomy

- education

- Biology Drawing

- Baby Nurse



- Veterinary clinics

Secondary functional MR vs Atrial functional MR.. #cardiologyfellowship #cardiology #cardiologist #cardioligista #cardiovascular #cardiology #echocardiogram #echocardiographer - on Instagram

Ready Guys šŸ’•šŸ’• Baju Lebaran Untuk Kucing Kesayangan.. Tersedia Ukuran M šŸ˜šŸ˜ Info Pemesanan / Pembelian : - šŸ“² / WA : 085368689293 - šŸ›Store Jawara I : Letnansimanjuntak no 1305 ( Masuk jalan di sebrang hotel Aston ) Buka Sampai 21.30 Khuss palembang Kita FREE DELIVERY TANPA MINIMAL ORDER YAA šŸ¤—šŸ¤— #jawarapetshop #petshoppalembang #petshopmurahpalembang #groomingcatpalembang #cathotelpalembang #catloverpalembang #icapalembang #deliverypalembang #kucingpalembang#catfood#Catfoodpalembang#kucingpalembang#bajukucing#bajukucingplg#bajukucingpalemban - @jawaracatshop on Instagram

- Angio

- Education

- Dangerous criminal was loose, but luckily she was caught in time and authorities alerted!

- digestive system

But first, the basics. Most potassium is intracellular (98%) and a significant gradient infra- and extracellular plays a vital role in generation cellular action potentials. The renal system plays the most important role in regulation of potassium (90% of excretion). Normal levels are 3.5-4.5. Changes in these levels affect cell membrane potentials and result in cardiac and neuromuscular symptoms. The Na-K-ATPase pump plays a large role in cell membrane gradient. Causes include exogenous K+, excess endogenous K+ (hemolysis, rhabdo, burns, tumor lysis, trauma), redistribution, acidemia, meds (succinylcholine, beta blockers, insulin deficiency), decr in excretion (renal failure). Most commonly it is factitious (hemolysis, venipuncture issue). Symptoms are non specific and include general weakness, lethargy or confusion, depressed DTRs, GI effects like nausea vomiting diarrhea. ECG is one of the most diagnostic tests in hyperkalemia (see image above). Management is not dependent on cause but focusing on reversing to avoid dysrythmic complications. First, establish IV access, monitoring and o2. Treatment includes cardiac membrane stabilization which is the #1 priority first, transcellular shift and excretion (see image above). Keep giving these medications while watching for ECG improvements. Ultimately, dialysis is the most efficacious way to remove potassium. What about hyperkalemia in cardiac arrest? It alters the cardiomyocyte resting potential, resulting in inactivation of sodium channels and blocking conduction. Collab credit @bedsidenurse #hyperkalemia #ecg #calcium #arrhythmia #er #dialysis #emergencyroom #nurse #paramedic #emt #student #learning #medstudent #medschool - @ercrackingthecode on Instagram

- Medical assistant program

- dinduras

- Aging Gracefully

- Human heart with the aorta

- Sugar the kitten loved SPCA staff member Glenn so much and she would always cry for his attention. So, he had to take her home!

- Pericardial Effusion & Pulmonary Parenchymal

- Hemolytic Anemia

- Cardiac Nursing

- Congenital Heart Disease

- Uterus after a total hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy!

- What is your diagnosis???

- Anatomy

- Hand vs machete

- Heart Structure


- I want to meet this doctor very soon šŸ˜‚šŸ˜

The last one-eyed kitten posted on this account (you guys named him Winx) got a lot of attention! šŸ˜‰ So I see you guys like us one-eyed felines...well, here I am! I LOVE to play rough, am obsessed with toys and like my face scratched real good. Iā€™m 3-months-old and last but now least, Iā€™m a FEMALE orange kitty. Yup, #rare. āž”ļø (ID #I1342267; Kennel #S47) - @ivhsspca on Instagram

- body world

- New Grad Nurse

- Searched dog warts on google

POLICIAIS MILITARES SALVAM A VIDA DE RECƉM-NASCIDA APƓS MƃE DAR ƀ LUZ E O BEBƊ CAIR NO CHƃO . Na manhĆ£ desta segunda-feira (14), por volta da 7h15min, Policiais Militares do 5Ā° BatalhĆ£o de PolĆ­cia Militar Metropolitano, auxiliaram uma gestante momentos depois dela dar Ć  luz e o bebĆŖ vir cair ao solo. Os policias foram acionados via COPOM (Centro de OperaƧƵes da Policia Militar), para apoia a uma gestante em trabalho de parto, quando os policiais militares chegaram ao local, PraƧa TĆ³kio, 204, a crianƧa jĆ” havia nascido, vindo a cair no momento de seu nascimento e estava desacordada. A equipe entĆ£o realizou o clampeamento do cordĆ£o umbilical e com utilizaĆ§Ć£o de tĆ©cnicas de primeiros socorros, conseguindo ĆŖxito em reanimarem a RecĆ©m-nascida, presenciando seu primeiro chorinho. O Soldado ALEX, pai de uma menina , observou a importĆ¢ncia da primeira amamentaĆ§Ć£o, pois, durante o prĆ©-natal de sua esposa, o obstetra havia frisado esse detalhe e entĆ£o a Soldado LAƍS auxiliou a mĆ£e nesse momento tĆ£o especial, que Ć© a primeira alimentaĆ§Ć£o da pequena CLARICE. Cabe ressaltar, a parturiente de nacionalidade Boliviana, nĆ£o compreendia plenamente o idioma e nervosa pelo ocorrido, foi acalmada pelos policiais, que conseguiram prestar esse apoio, contando com o auxilio e experiĆŖncia de uma equipe do Corpo de Bombeiros, que tambĆ©m foram atĆ© o local. MĆ£e e filha foram socorridas ao hospital Vereador JosĆ© Storopollis, onde estĆ£o receberam atendimento mĆ©dico e passam bem. #POLICIAMILITARSP #AFORƇAPƚBLICADESƃOPAULO COMUNICAƇƃO SOCIAL PMESP - @policiaagora on Instagram

- Anatomy educational

šŸ‘Øā€šŸš’ + šŸ± = ā¤ļø Shortly after 9:30am yesterday morning, Fire and Rescue NSW were called to rescue some inquisitive kittens who had become trapped in a hard to access area of the Joe Maguire Hotel, Tamworth. Tamworth Fire Station responded to the incident and on investigation, could hear the fur-miliar sounds of meows coming from a concealed ceiling cavity. The crews got to work to gain access to the space and were able to avoid cat-astrophe by rescuing three fur-tunate kittens from their hiding place and hand them back to their worried owner. All attending firefighters are feline fine and are very relieved with the purrfect ending to this tail. šŸˆ - @fireandrescuensw on Instagram

- Nclex

Another Crazy Transfer Day! Twenty three animals arrived today....busy busy days.... Here are some pics of SOME of the new intakes..... PLEASE NOTE...we are not answering any questions (or taking any applications) on these guys as they JUST arrived into care and need time and assessment prior to us being able to tell you anything about them.....Thanks for understanding!! - @victoriahumanesociety on Instagram

- @biologypostive on Instagram

Human Heart ā¤ļø sent by a Student šŸ‘©ā€šŸŽ“ @neet_mantra . . . Like ā¤ļø Comment šŸ’¬ Save šŸ§  and Share šŸ“¤ . . . Turn on post notification so you wont miss a High-yield points for your NEET preperation. . . . Check the link in bio for PDF of books, video lectures and important points. . . Must Follow to Ace your NEET 2020 preparation . . @neet_mantra @neet_mantra @neet_mantra @neet_mantra @neet_mantra @neet_mantra #neet #aiimsdelhi #aiims #neet2021 #neet2020 #jipmer #neetpreparation #neetexam #neetug #neetmantra #allenkota #mbbs #mbbsdiaries #kotacoaching #medico #allenite #neetcoaching #biologynotes #neetmotivation #neetcounselling #mbbslife #mbbsstudent #doctor #biologystudent #medicine #medical #medschool #medicalstudent #Biology #neetcoaching - @neetmantra_global on Instagram

ā£ā£ EKG 22: I canā€™t believe we got to 22 EKGs and I was yet to discuss a normal EKG. There is no EKG you should know better than this one. Imprint this in your brain, and everything else is an abnormality that you have to figure out. I will not segregate beginner, intermediate and advanced level points here because this one is for all levels! ā£ā£ ā£ā£ ā£ā£ ā£ā£ā£šŸ“Œ It looks simple but trust me, sometimes, when during a tough situation, it needs a lot of confidence for you to look at the patient and tell them itā€™s not their heart. Sometimes patients are referred to us from far away, and they come loaded with expectations. So you have to be sure about how you interpret a normal EKG!ā£ā£ ā£ā£ā£ā£ā£ āœ… HR = 60-100/m. If 60/m look for bradyarrhythmias (sinus brady, heart blocks). If 100 look for tachyarrhythmias (SVT, atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, VT)ā£ā£ ā£ āœ… Normal rhythm is regular. Slight irregularity (10%) is normal as in sinus arrhythmia. ā£ā£ ā£ āœ… P-waves = 80-110 ms. Upright in inferior leads, negative in aVR, biphasic in V1. If too wide and notched in inferior leads, think left atrial enlargement. If too tall think right atrial enlargement. ā£ā£ ā£ āœ… QRS axis: -30 to + 110 degrees (upright in I, and aVF). If aVF is negative, and II is positive, thatā€™s still normal axis. If aVF and II negative = left axis. If I is negative = right axis.ā£ā£ ā£ āœ… QRS width = 80-100 ms. 100-120: conduction delay. 120ms: Look for bundle branch criteria. If wide and fast, think VT.ā£ā£ ā£ āœ… PR interval = 120-200ms. If longer than 200ms = first degree AVB; QT = 360-440ms at normal HR.ā£ā£ ā£ āœ… T waves = upright in most leads. Negative in aVR, and V1. If If T waves inverted 2mm think ischemia. If tall, peaked T waves, think hyperkalemia, or hyperacute MI in the right clinical setting.ā£ā£ ā£ āœ… This is a quick starter list. There are many more. Comment below on some other EKG criteria!ā£ā£ .ā£ā£ā£ā£ā£ .ā£ā£ā£ā£ā£ .ā£ā£ā£ā£ā£ .ā£ā£ā£ā£ā£ #medicalstudent #medicalschool #meded #cardiologia #usmle #md #cardiology #ecg #foamed #hospital #nursingschool #whitecoat #scrubs #physiology #ekg #electrophysiology #doctorsofinstagram #instadoctor #doctors #paschool #heartrhythm #nursepractitioner #health #medical #defibrillator - @therhythmdoc on Instagram

++ - @cardiacnurses on Instagram

- Lpn schools

- Battery Operated

Left bundle pacing resulting in a narrow QRS with a significant improvement in symptoms @thefeastingmedic @cardiologyoncall #ecg #cardiology - @type_a_heart on Instagram

This magical moment brought to you by Muesli and Dr. Pueblo! - @abingdonsquarevet on Instagram

[ CAT ADOPTION ] šŸ± Tin tį»« bįŗ”n @meonmeon ā¤ļø ā€œ[QuaĢ£Ģ‚n 3] Em beĢ HaĢ£t TieĢ‚u šŸ§‚ caĢ‚Ģ€n tiĢ€m chuĢ‰ šŸ’“ VaĢ€o moĢ£Ģ‚t ngaĢ€y đeĢ£p troĢ›Ģ€i, em roĢ›i tuĢ›Ģ€ treĢ‚n noĢc nhaĢ€ miĢ€nh xuoĢ‚Ģng aĢ£ šŸ˜‚ BeĢ đaĢƒ đuĢ›oĢ›Ģ£c xoĢ‚Ģ‰ giun āœ”ļø šŸˆ ĐieĢ‚Ģ€u kieĢ£Ģ‚n nhaĢ£Ģ‚n nuoĢ‚i: - NuoĢ‚i nhaĢ€ kiĢn, āŒ khoĢ‚ng thaĢ‰ roĢ‚ng. - Ba meĢ£ coĢ coĢ‚ng vieĢ£Ģ‚c oĢ‚Ģ‰n điĢ£nh. - ChiĢch nguĢ›Ģ€a đuĢ‰ 2 muĢƒi nguĢ›Ģ€a 4 beĢ£Ģ‚nh. - ChiĢch nguĢ›Ģ€a daĢ£i. - TrieĢ£Ģ‚t saĢ‰n khi beĢ đuĢ‰ tuoĢ‚Ģ‰i (seĢƒ đuĢ›oĢ›Ģ£c hoĢ‚Ģƒ troĢ›Ģ£) - BeĢ veĢ‚Ģ€ nhaĢ€ moĢ›Ģi keĢ€m theo 1 tuĢi haĢ£t đeĢ‚Ģ‰ an taĢ‚m hoĢ›n aĢ£. CaĢ‰m oĢ›n caĢ‰ nhaĢ€ đaĢƒ đoĢ£c baĢ€i nheĢ aĢ£ šŸ’Ŗā€ šŸŒæ - @homeforkittens_ on Instagram

- Cute polar bear

A #ttmnotation #cheatsheet of various #skratch #combos that I used in an IDA battle a few years agoāš”ļøšŸ›”most of these combos have tutorials on our YouTube...this was the first battle where I chose not to go purely #improv (#freestyle) using these patterns as a general reference during the set. many of these combos were designed to fit into a one bar loop...feel free to try some of these out at #ttm #skratchnotation #scratchnotation #scratchcombo #scratch #scratching #graphicnotation #musicscore #turntablism #djbattle #sheetmusic #turntablist #tablature #calculus #practiceyocuts - @ttmacademy on Instagram

- Cardiovascular nursing

- National Doctors Day

The vascular correlations of ECG changes in acute MI. #cardiovascular #cardiology #cardilogist #cardioligista #cardiologia #cardio #cardiologyfellowship - on Instagram

EKG 21: A flutter with a twist šŸ˜œā£ ā£ā£ā£ā£ ā£ā£ā£ā£ šŸ‘¶šŸ» Beginners should look at the regular atrial activity and pick up atrial flutter. It is kind of saw-toothy and organized. Had this been irregular without discrete p waves you would have picked atrial fibrillation. It is also important to know that the ST segments can be distorted by flutter waves mimicking ST depression, elevation or prolonged QT. Always march out the flutter waves before making these diagnoses.ā£ ā£ā£ā£ā£ ā£ā£ā£ā£ šŸ§’šŸ» Intermediate readers should know the mechanism of common arrhythmias. Atrial flutters are macroreentrant circuits where there is a slow zone of conduction and unidirectional block that allows the genesis and propagation of a large wavefront of electricity. The classic way to figure this out is continuous activity of the chamber involved, in this case the atrial where you see constant undulation of the baseline. ā£ ā£ā£ā£ā£ ā£ šŸ‘ØšŸ»ā€šŸ¦³ Advanced readers should know that typical flutters have discordance between V1 and inferior lead p wave axis. In this case both are positive. Plus the rate is slower that typical flutter (220 vs 300). Atypical flutters are usually related to prior scar in the atrial (surgery or ablation). Here the circuit is posterior to anterior in V1 and top to bottom in the inferior leads. It can be challenging to know what the exact circuit is, but you should be thinking of a left atrial circuit with this morphology. We terminated this flutter in the mitral isthmus. Usually isoelectric intervals suggest focal tachycardias but if you look closely, most leads have continuous activity, and this pattern can be produced by scarred atria.ā£ā£ā£ā£ .ā£ā£ā£ā£ .ā£ā£ā£ā£ .ā£ā£ā£ā£ .ā£ā£ā£ā£ #medicalstudent #medicalschool #meded #cardiologia #usmle #md #cardiology #ecg #foamed #hospital #nursingschool #whitecoat #scrubs #physiology #ekg #electrophysiology #doctorsofinstagram #instadoctor #doctors #paschool #heartrhythm #nursepractitioner #health #medical #defibrillator #nurseofinstagram #ccunurse #epeeps #nursingstudent #nursingschool #healthcare šŸ’‰ - @therhythmdoc on Instagram

I carabinieri forestali della stazione diĀ Marigliano (Napoli), insieme a personale veterinario dellā€™ASL locale hanno ispezionato la proprietĆ  di un 58enne di Mariglianella giĆ  noto alle Forze dellā€™Ordine. Allā€™interno di uno degli ambienti controllati i militari hanno trovato 13 cani di razze varie ā€“ shar pei, maltesi e meticci ā€“ in pessime condizioni igienico-sanitarie. (Foto @armadeicarabinieri ) #carabinieri #cani #napoli #cronaca #cane - on Instagram

- Fugitive has been apprehended. Credits to @bocaratona on instagram, who rescues cats full time, works in the police department part time.

- Nurse in action

A distanza di soli pochi giorni dal precedente salvataggio, un altro gattino ieri nel tardo pomeriggio ĆØ stato soccorso dagli operatori dellENPA: questa volta ci sono volute quasi tre ore prima di riuscire a recuperarlo dal vano motore di unauto questa volta parcheggiata in viale DAnnunzio di fianco alla Darsena di Milano. La vera difficoltĆ  ĆØ stata in realtĆ  quella di riuscire a rintracciare il proprietario della vettura, che una volta arrivato sul posto ha aperto il vano motore e ha consentito il soccorritore di catturare il piccolo micio molto agevolmente. Essendo quella via molto trafficata la possibilitĆ  che potesse rischiare di essere investito da unauto in transito era molto alta ha dichiarato il nostro soccorritore Andrea. Ero molto preoccupato che non si riuscisse a rintracciare il proprietario perchĆ© la macchina lavevo giĆ  avvolta nella rete elastica di sicurezza che utilizziamo in questi casi, ma dopo gli innumerevoli tentativi di metterci in contatto con il proprietario della vettura, avevo quasi perso le speranze. Si stava avvicinando il buio, quindi laltra eventuale possibilitĆ  sarebbe stata quella chiedere lintervento dei Vigili del Fuoco. Ma fortunatamente per il micio siamo riusciti a risolvere la situazione! Il gatto nonostante inizialmente sembrasse molto stressato dalla brutta avventura, successivamente si ĆØ calmato e si ĆØ fatto anche fotografare ed ĆØ stato adottato dalla segnalante! . . . #soccorsispeciali #soccorsiquotidiani #soccorsoanimali #gattinonelmotore - @enpa_milano on Instagram