Are You Delusional Profile Pics

delusionalcrazyyoure delusionaldelusionsdr philconfusedmentalbravoyoure crazydelusion

delusion delusional mobilizeamerica

- meirl



princess leia starwars star wars

- Friendly reminder that the LiteCoin ($36) founder sold 100% of his coins as it ran up to $300 while wearing a HODL shirt for video interviews.

bbangela bbtyleigh tyleigh bb20 angela rummans

- Had my first run in with a “health coach” so I’m pretty sure it’s an MLM, Optimal Health 5&1

loona loona isnt real youre delusional

- We had a black president for 8 years and I’m still racist. Checkmate, democruds.

bridgetsrose yara martinez luisa alver jane the virgin delusional

- How to stay single 101

🕷 OLIVHEE ☆ˎˊ˗

hendrick motorsports chase elliott nascar nascar race kyle larson

- Random funny stuff

you are delusional geometry dash

- Cheese grater lamp

Tom kaulitz

you are delusional geometry dash

- Isle of the Lost


delusions leia star wars insult no

- Yes or No


dr phil gasp wow what am

- I need monies because a leopard ate my face and thats not covered under my insurance

crazy delusional netflix delusions the

- tradgy

Theres just something wrong with me, nobody can ever truly like me.

doctorwho david tennant ten jackietyler delusional

- Progress picture is shared, crab acts accordingly. [FIXED]

jamesmarsden delusional 27dresses

- If you were born after ‘93 you can’t have your own personality

Pretty girl!3

I’m crazy for this guy

breydon brey bbcan9 delusional delusional mama

- How do I become this cool?


do you think im delusional erin greene kate siegel midnight mass book iv lamentations

- Shared clit post; father-in-law comments...


star wars delusions laser brain

“This actually gets to a theme that I often weave through commencement addresses; that is, the concept of a “perpetual student.” I continually learn, even from people like yourself who are much younger than I.” Dr. Fauci is a genuinely good guy. - @good on Instagram

youre delusional poppy trolls the beat goes on youre not thinking face reality

- Idk what to put here so yeah

delusions delusional da delusional attachment psychosis

- Botox is inversely proportional to brain

supergirl alex danvers delusional crazy

- Yikes!


reporter your fucking delusional

- 10 years ago, someone left their beer bong at my place and I thought the best thing to do was to hold it hostage for liquor.

louis theroux delusional

- On an upholstery page



delusion technical boy american gods bruce langley its fake

- Deep freezer DAMN

i 3 being delusional

me :333

bb can8 bb can big brother canada8 susanne fuda shes delusional

- assaulting a cashier over 86¢ and a snarky comment then posting about it


is he completely delusional angel bonanni tommy gibbs patrick heusinger nick duran

- You can just TELL

delusional youre

- girls are tough

days of our lives soap opera delusional spell

- Gold Pills

chernobyl delusional confused lost unreal

- I am so confused. This is by far the strangest comment I’ve ever seen

gilda kirkpatrick gilda rhoakl real housewives of auckland auckland akl

- America: the land of temporarily embarrassed billionaires

dominique dynasty

- The watermark says „the truth about vaccines“, so this must be from a credible source.

bh90210 you guys are delusional delusional

- ma’am you’re 18 where is your mother. not to mention they are both small town white kids.

wake up to reality frank sinatra ive got you under my skin wake up be real

- I really don’t think they could pull it off

delusional married to medicine not true not real imaginary

- Someone’s definitely been murdered in this

sassy looking around delusional you crazy married2med

- Voter who supported party that publicly stripped away the welfare state for 10 years surprised to find it missing when they need it.

marajestee teebelair

- I wish the number of idiots were this low.

real housewives of dallas youre delusional delusional crazy cray

- Always check the box!

eyeroll delusional bye bitchbye

- Me at home every day

becky lynch wwe thats delusional no bullshit

- What a nice guy!

dr phil gasp wow what am

- Well in that case

youre crazy youre delusional sarah g sarah geronimo asap

- Just Fedex her a Koala

you have to accept reality delusional acceptance face the facts wake up

- Not a WW3 meme

completely delusional but cute darma mae whitman germur

- I mean it’s cool, but not $10,041.99 cool.

curb your enthusiasm you are so delusional delusional crazy insane

- Hey sport, hows them internet mega bloks treatin ya?

delusional delusion ouat

- cursed_dream

bbangela bbtyleigh tyleigh angela rummans youre delusional


veronica mars veronica mars season1 amanda seyfried lilly kane kanes and abels

- Why do they keep pushing this?

steve harvey crazy oh you crazy cray cray cray

- Just another day living the dream.

dr phil meme excuse me are you delusional do you suffer from a mental illness

- Cheap ass mofos

phineas roast phineas delusional phineas and ferb

- crackers bad :(

this girl is delusional real housewives of atlanta delusional youre hallucinating you must be dreaming

- Do the thing... But also dont the thing

dr phil are you delusional delusional do you suffer from a mental illness illness

- Mate put this up on face book thought you guys would enjoy

- Now its because they love us *eyeroll*

- it must be hard being so different to the other girls :((

- Free menstrual cups are offensive.

- Being trans is a free pass to disrupting other peoples plans, obviously.

- Interesting take on the USA’s current predicament.

- More proof that they think ANYTHING that is not eating everything all the time is a “diet.” Sheesh.

- money money

- No doubt

- F Gold, Buy Bitcoin

- He mirrored the attack on her.

- This person threatens to kill an ex muslim because she dared to criticize Islam

- Madlad gets revenge for getting soap put in his mouth

- Needed to be said

- Maybe she can use it in a ring

- Drink up, people

- Dang, wish my memory was that good 😎

- While the wealthy cheat the system to the tune of trillions. Get ready for more of this bullshit once the deficit starts hurting. 💰🇺🇸

- This is the world we live in

#explorepage #explore #atlanta #atl #fitness #fit #4life #forlife #isaidwhatisaid #facts #byanymeansnecessary #byanymeans #2020 #2021 #future #growth #letsgo #whynot #challengeaccepted #challenge #forlifechallenge🧷 #gains #getoutside #getfit #fitlife #fitnessmotivation - @yo_thatsjazz on Instagram

- Roaster

- The media is the virus, sweaty! Im off to Ethels big birthday party now!!!

- Physics teachers aren’t chemists to my knowledge

- Please do!

- Everyones favourite nurse!

- 2Factual4ATextBook

- geT rEKt

- That’s wild for sure

- 0-0

- Absolute madlad roasting unsuspecting 12-year-old in front of dad.

- Since all the trade dust is settling, here’s a fun, random Zamboni fact

- If even a single human being goes without access to the basic needs for survival, is it possible for a good billionaire to exist? Asking for a senator.

- She’s so cute

- Let me sell my measles to your child. No blacks allowed, though.

- Does no one in this story have places to be? No one asked questions an hour into the movie about their appointment time?

- to replace Im sorry with thank you

- Sighs in American

- It has been 2 days and still no emojis dropped.

I don’t know where this originated (I found it on Facebook with the name already crossed out) but it’s only funny because it’s true. - @thatscottross on Instagram

- We need a time machine NOW!

- Two very dumb questions.

- Im just gonna leave this here

- To blackmail Jaromir Jagr

- To put this into perspective 10% (500,000) of Oregon’s total population have been forced to evacuate

- In his defense it’s very early and he’s racist

- This does make sense

- grandpa of the year

- They keep posting this chair up on local sell sites and facebook. Just throw it away!

- Girly Shit

- This Guy and His Ex Fighting, Oversharing on a Public Twitter Profile

- We goin swimming?

- Bea Arthur nudes ewwww.

- Another Target-fueled shopping addiction for you all.

- Well bye then

- Homlessness

- me_irl

- No other millennials date, fall in love, or get married.

- Oh honey, no

- She very clearly said “legit, no scam”. This is the replies she got...

- Shes not wrong though.

- I remember this guy being somewhat friendly.

- Such kids are rare.

- And in the USA, animal rights advocates can be charged with actual terrorism!

- We are never leaving quarantine.

- Blursed homelessness

- Cover Bills what?

- I, too, can answer any philosophical question. Ill just probably be wrong.

- Neoliberalism is dangerous

- ✰Dream wedding dresses✰

- I didn’t expect to be back so soon but, facetuning old family photos for parent tribute posts? Yikes

- Reminder

- Great idea stolen from Facebook

- Smh

- Karen is offended you are wearing a mask

- Call me....

- Smart idea of the day

- Right answer

- Time to face the consequences.

- Its not like pitching a movie (no matter your gender or race) is already pretty fucking difficult.

- ahh gotcha

- I know its low effort, but its true.

- Disgusting

- 41k are not like other girls

- truth

- Stuff like this. No Shit!

- “Don’t to put the key your happiness in else’s someone pocket.”

- A prophecy

- An hour a day on MFP?! HOOOOW?!

- Your life is more valuable than someone’s profits

- Reading community page comments is going to be good entertainment for the next four weeks.

- But... I dont live in Boulder, CO.

- Someone invite Michael to this sub

- What a nice person

- Great customer service

- Of course you would...

- How does someone even recover from a burn like this?

- Big word make me smart

- What is this thing called being attracted to you?

Looting small businesses that are struggling to survive is a terrible, tragic thing. That said, it is important to point out that large corporations and the super rich have been looting us for decades, most aggressively in these last few months. That is very much a form of violence and theft against us all. - @markchristopherharvey on Instagram

- Vulture, Plain and Simple

- TIL everything should be free for you if you’re husband or wife serves in the military...

- In case anyone needs a reminder today.

- feeling entitled to more than one free sample.

- Shaggy has competition

- Those darn ancestors...

- Meirl

- The gap

- And everyone let the lady get bullied

- I once waited for a mannequin to step out of the way

- Cameron Dallas

- Logic

- Something old, something new. Lol.

- This person photoshops weird fake faces on other people’s pictures and pretends it’s theirs. Part 3

- Could have been constipated though, lol.

- There is a reasonable and logical way to lower abortions

- Get yourself a girl like this

- Hispanic Tupperware

- I hope 2 free plane tickets for everyone is not a scam. OMG, its a scam!

- Hol up

- Career goals

- His face 😳

- 2meirl4meirl

- People who die of cancer dont want to live

- Weak hands always gonna complain

- Cursed_peach? Wtf

- The only way out

- Incredibly mad

- Slept like a baby

- I dont even want to know what this is supposed to be

- This shit needs to stop.

- For all your shabby chic decorating needs

- Yeah, me neither..

- BTC is the spherical earth 🤷🏽‍♂️

- When Terrorist quotes become inspirational

- 3 Home Remedies 3

- The folks on Facebook that post this sort of thing.

- yet here i am living paycheck to paycheck

- Blursed_post

- Can you imagine if the genders were reversed?

- Lmao savage

- I had to take algebra twice and even I know this is so wrong...

- Thats not how this works. Thats not how any of this works

- Women: learn your place

- Always ask for a Receipt!

- Priorities in the Pacific Northwest

- I mean why not, Right?

- Repost cause I forgot to block the username

- I feel like this is meant for us

- The possible answers are endless

- Convinces woman to have a baby despite her not wanting one. Makes an excuse not too adopt

- This is love

- laugh at my funeral

- Periods are unnatural, detox to stop having them, ladies.

- Super generic title

- My stupid rich cousin posts crap like this constantly

- Meirl

- Good intentions but couldnt help posting here

- Reddit needs to hear this.

- I find this pretty wholesome

- America explain

- Hmmmm $100, probably not

- Cringe and willfully ignorant

- Two of my Facebook friends shared this.... They are both grown adults.

- Thats a massive oof

- Cover your electrical connections with a flammable fabric! Very fun!

- Im sure the centre console does a better job.

- Getting ppe on credit an stockpiling

- Happy Sunday!

- What in the hell is going on in the US?

- Truly amazing.

- Waterproof skin

- How dare you

- Everyone should just work 937% harder.

- [request] I think their math is off, what would it actually be as a relative value and as a percentage of net worth.

- But...but I paid in full!

- $700 to drink water?! WINNING

- Those are some interesting... stickers. Period.

- Dont you dare compliment someone over something they have no control over.

- Corporate corruption should be illegal

- The strength of humanity

- You deserved it cheating b***h

- You’re gonna love it

- We love spending time away from our families to finance your new yacht

- Looks like a giclee....

- Blursed 4th

- Being loud and obnoxious is quite the opposite of a strong independent woman.

- When I told him these things have absolutely nothing to do with each other he called me the “thought police”

- Cursed_Woman

- (Repost)

- Corona has brought the crazies out in full force here in the UK #wakeup

- [Sanity] There is no question that we are waist-deep in a childhood obesity problem, but this is not a childs problem, this is an adult problem.

- Those are certainly all words

- Millenials dont have leg muscles..

- The glory hole

- Black Friday deal

- Apparently we are still blaming Obama for things?

- Family wall art set. What could make you mildly infuriated about that?

- Taking the loss

- Wait for it...

- Blatant lies to trick people into weight loss gimmicks

- Made me smile and tear up a bit.

- My friends mom.....

- Lets ask the real question

- At least I still have the privilege of dying from lack of healthcare!

- Must suck to be the 17th customer.

- 80s & 90s Nostalgia

- Upscale home decor

- Facebook Gets Me Every Time

- “soft yet bright colors”

- 2 broke people

- God’s plan

- Strip in front of me,you transphobe!!!

- Cite your source please?

- I cant think of a title for this

- Wow

- Fuck this hospital

- Sound comes out fine

- Shavin a tattie.

- Somehow I’m not surprised he is so proud of having voted conservative.

- The goddess

- now show me jesus

- Ah yes, the jar of life.

- Accidentally had sex...

- Shes so slim

- It’s not free please don’t ask again!!

- Transcel wants women to turn down dates with men who wont date him, because thats transphobic

- Devil is doing this

- Not political (you’re welcome), but I’m definitely against height-ism.

- Back at it again with the conspiracy!

- Its almost like capitalism is inherently based in inequality

- Meirl

- Impress your friends by replacing coffee table legs with deer hooves.

- Damn

- Sad thing is there are people out there who lack critical thinking skills

- Boy do I have egg on my face...and by egg I mean a massive death toll.

- This man trying to sell this terrible, terrible painting

- Why though

- Dont be this guy!! HODL

- These people can’t buy 500 cans

- Could be a crackhead or the greatest salesman.

- “Artistic...price is extremely firm”

- Shared by my grandpa, who also believes that Obama is a Muslim, too.

- I have a feeling my fb friend is fighting the urge to grabem and find out.

- If Walls Could See

- Everyone loves a good child abuse joke.

- Jan is having trouble painting rocks

- Caught this on my little cousin’s FB feed today

- Judge be like: [Visible Confusion]

- So he wants you to pay to live in an unfinished dump, fix it up yourself with your own money, and the more habitable you make it the more hell increase the rent..

- A rare insult with a taste of r/insanepeoplefacebook