Thevoice Profile Pics

the voicenbcblake sheltonariana grandeclappingthe voice season21kelly clarksonjohn legendapplausei want you


(old) -- smg3 fanart

hahaha lol laughing out loud hilarious so funny

¡BATALLA! 😮 “Danna Paola” y “Olga Tañon” mostrarán purito talento en el escenario de #YoSoy 😱🎶 - @yosoyperupaginaoficial on Instagram

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Miku & Teto’s Magic: Uncover Their Mesmerizing Secrets!

the voice the voice brasil ivete ivete sangalo

Tom Selleck 2018 am Staatstheater Darmstadt in „Reise um die Erde in 80 Tagen“ #schnauzer #darmstadt #julesverne #throwback #luftballons #samuelkoch #tomselleck #theater - @einsamuelkoch on Instagram

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shaking my head smh disappointed no good unhappy

Jiihaa, Tempparit alkaa tänään! Siksipäs jatkossa Alma ja Kimmo ei oo täällä keskiviikkona eikä torstaina. Mut ei syytä huoleen: kooste talon tapahtumista tulee tavalliseen tapaan Temppareiden jälkeen Neloselta kello 22 🧡 #bbsuomi @tisuomi - @bigbrothersuomi on Instagram

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clapping john legend ariana grande blake shelton the voice

2020 & 2010// This time last year I wrote down several pages of goals all organized into categories... and I think it worked out alright - I definitely did some growing. 🙃 This year I’m changing it up though. Going to take it easy and slide into 2020 with a little less pressure and a little less written down. 😉💆🏼‍♀️ . . . . . . #2020 #goals #takeiteasy #acrobat #worldchampion #athlete #gymnast #acro #acrogym #acrobatics #gymnastics #speaker #keynote #keynotespeaker #cirquedusoleil #passion - @kristinallen4 on Instagram

handsome 😲☝️

your voice is like an angel jesus tales jesus walks s3e9

#Throwback to three years ago today when the incomparable @AnthonyCallea joined us for one night only at @ArtsCentreMelbourne! 📷 @DanielAulsebrookPhotography #Melbourne #MelbourneSymphonyOrchestra #MSO #ClassicalMusic #VisitMelbourne #AnthonyCallea - @melbournesymphonyorchestra on Instagram

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Mr Puzzles/ Adware Icon

clapping the voice bravo magnificent amazing

I just want you to know that you shouldn’t quit right now. ⁣ I know it’s hard.⁣ ⁣ I know you feel behind. I know you feel like an Imposter. I know you’re wondering who the heck is going to listen to/buy from you. ⁣ I know you’re comparing yourself to another woman’s success. ⁣ 6 years ago I hosted my first event in Chicago. I asked a gym owner if I could train his clients in exchange for space (my budget was $0). Rain or shine, I hustled the streets of Chicago pitching businesses to sponsor. I didn’t know if a single woman would show up & I asked complete strangers to believe in my dream.⁣ ⁣ Embarrassed & nervous, I printed out janky flyers & handed them out at train stations. “I’m hosting a wellness + motivational event. Wanna come?”⁣ ⠀⁣ 24 years old + 100k+ debt + no fancy resume + no college degree...GRIT was my only asset.⁣ ⠀⁣ “Would you like to sponsor my event in exchange for social media exposure?”⁣ ⠀⁣ I asked this question to 638 different brands.⁣ Dead.freaking.serious.⁣ Over 600 companies.⁣ ⠀⁣ I asked (for MONTHS) until I got at least 5 “yes’s”. I had no idea what the fack I was doing, I just knew God was telling me to take action.⁣ ⁣ 5 women showed up to my first event. Then 20. Then 50. Then 100.⁣ Now thousands. But I’d never have thousands, if I didn’t show up for the 5. ⁣ If you NEVER read another post of mine, I want you to write this on your mirror.⁣ ⠀⁣ Start somewhere.⁣ ✨Record the video as best you can. Forget perfect editing. Just post the damn video.⁣ ⠀⁣ ✨Record the podcast. Who cares if you don’t have the most expensive mic. Use your flippen iPhone & publish the damn episode.⁣ ⠀⁣ ✨Publish the book. Who cares if you dont have a book deal. Self publish & dont wait for anyone to tell you youre good enough.⁣ ⠀⁣ ✨Join the NWM team. Who cares if you dont have experience or a supportive upline.⁣ ⠀⁣ ✨Pitch to your customer. Who cares if she says no. There’s 10 more people who would love your product or service.⁣ ⠀⁣ ✨Launch the course. Who cares if you don’t have a perfect sales page or no one signs up. Launch again. And then launch again.⁣ ⠀ Did this hit home for you, friend?👇tell me below & let’s chat! #ReadyIsALie #CelebrateTheSuck - @angieleeshow on Instagram

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huh disgusted turned off frown disappointed

Hljómsveitin Albatross lauk ferð sinni í kringum landið um helgina með frábærum tónleikum í beinni útsendingu. Vonandi skemmtuð þið ykkur vel í allt sumar 👏👏👏 - @ruvgram on Instagram

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I am actually husk irl (not my whisper)

lara fabian the voice press button whoo happy

@Sunken_State live at @UrbanSessionsZA shows a band that used the last 6 months of lockdown to hone their performance skills. 📸 @henry.engelbrecht Link in bio for full feature & gallery. - @texxandthecity on Instagram

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skipp and stone

megravasalonline megrava salonline marcela maita marcela

- me🎸irl

whats bro going to do? pray to god?

SOMEONES AVI🫶🏻 @janihatesdrwin

the voice brasil the voice ivete sangalo ivete

- Find a New Job

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holly logan comedian comic singing singer

Exquisitely healing... as a testament to artistry and tenacity, #ATimetoSing itself was an exhilarating earful.—@washingtonpost If you missed @reneeflemingmusic & @vanessawilliamsofficials thrilling kickoff to our On Stage series, dont worry—you can still watch it on demand! Link in profile. 👆 📸 Scott Suchman - @kennedycenter on Instagram

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im touched ariana grande the voice im moved thats sweet

Foto de la grabación de voces de @dan__tao para el nuevo disco de @pervyperkin, con @dante_the_samurai a la batuta . . . . . . #estudiograbacionmadrid #estudiodegrabacion #recordingstudio #productormusical - @lastingnoise on Instagram

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byee kelly clarkson nick jonas bye good bye

- Adele wallpaper



i want you the voice chair turner i love it blind audition

Årets program 2020 #spökjakt @joakimlundell @jonnalundell #kristallen2020 @itvstudiossweden - @tvpriset_kristallen on Instagram

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Disgust inside out sticker

%D8%AD%D9%85%D8%A7%D9%82%D9%8A %D8%B0%D8%A7%D9%81%D9%88%D9%8A%D8%B3 mbc mbc the voice %D8%A7%D8%AD%D9%84%D9%89%D8%B5%D9%88%D8%AA

@verissimotv - @therealtrussardigram on Instagram

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kasane teto || Mesmerizer

wow ariana grande the voice omg yes

Kevään kaikki keikat tiivistettynä tänään telkkarista klo 21. Kyl täst hauska tulee, tai ainaki parempi ku ei mitään, eiks nii 😅. Setissä biisejä viideltä eri albumilta, eli laatu korvaa määrän. Yks biisi, jota ei oo aiemmin kuultu livenä versiona, joka tulee ens perjantaina myös Spotifyyn. Kiertueen (joka jatkuu sitten ku joskus taas on turvallista) lookista pitää kiittää @makiaclothing , @turo1938 , @instrumentarium ja jälleen näiden säätämisestä @ainojolkkonen 💙💙💙💙 - @socialsuicidebomber on Instagram

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what shocked surprised startled unbelievable

Thanks for having us out to set up the bars at the new Campari America offices in NYC. We had a blast! You all have certainly built yourselves a Ferrari. - @simpleserve on Instagram

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dancing the voice feeling it happy dance happy

Da siempre lo mejor que tienes.🎶 #management #eventmanagement #artistmanagement #talentmanagement #artístas #comedia #eventos #management #manager #organizaciondeeventos #bookingagency #eventos #eventoscorporativos #eventosocial #eventossociales #eventospersonalizados #eventosempresariales #corporateevents #corporateeventsplanner #eventplanning - @central.talent on Instagram

SMG3 Icons

(⊙_◎) ✧˖°

whatever kelly clarkson nick jonas who cares so what

東京は夜の七時のお知らせ♪  いよいよ明日(9/30)、 フジテレビNEXT 21:00〜豪華完全版ライブ『野宮真貴、還暦に歌う。〜黒いサングラスの男たちと赤い口紅の女』放送です!  鈴木雅之さんと「ランナウェイ」他、横山剣さんと「シンデレラリバティ」他デュエットに、インタビュー映像も加えた見応えのある2時間!どうぞお楽しみ下さい〜♪  📆9/30(水)21:00~ 📺フジテレビNEXT  Yahoo!ニュースも読んでね😉 ●Yahooニュース  #東京は夜の七時 #フジテレビnext #還暦ライブ #野宮真貴還暦に歌う #赤い口紅の女と黒いサングラスの男たち #豪華完全版 #鈴木雅之 #横山剣 #クレイジーケンバンド #yahooニュース #野宮真貴 #missmakinomiya  - @missmakinomiya on Instagram

pTron Bassbuds Duo in

sarahmcfadyen danny jones mcfly the voice kids the voice kids uk

Hoje é dia do cantor e parece que do Rock também! Então toma uma dose desse clássico! Obrigada, Campo Grande-MS! 😘 - @ellenoliveira_oficial on Instagram

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a lot many times a great deal plenty smile

Viernes de @cantando2020 @holasoylaurita @angeldebritooki 🎙 - @lafliaok on Instagram

A Silent Voice Matching Pfp Christmas

the voice title intro logo ad

Me going thru old live music pics that I forgot about and seeing which ones Ima post from now until forever. - @kikivassilakis on Instagram

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Join Yumii ! ✦

brush off im the man confident easy peasy attitude

Desde março quando voltamos de algumas agendas na Europa não ministrávamos! ⠀ ⠀ Veio a Pandemia mais a gravidez e depois nascimento do Theo! ⠀ ⠀ Nesse tempo os cultos e momentos de louvor aconteceram na nossa casa eu no violão 😂😂 e ela cantando! O fogo descia kkkk! ⠀ ⠀ Agora voltamos, mas o que me deixou mais encantado foi que continuamos a adorar a Deus da mesma forma a audiência de 1 aconteceu. Cantamos sobre Jesus, e ele sempre estava presente! Inclusive nossa igreja cresceu 33% kkkk Theo chegou e já participa dos cultos kkkk⠀ ⠀ Mesmo sendo um momento incrível ter tempo com Deus em casa, congregar não tem preço. Viver igreja é maravilhoso. Ontem foi um dia marcante em uma igreja acolhedora que amamos estar!!⠀ ⠀ Que Deus abençoe nosso 2020, nos encha de vida e coragem!⠀ ⠀ Obrigado Jesus 🔥💜 - @pedro.hmartins on Instagram

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✿ tg ⋆ 𖨆♡𖨆 ᶫᵒᵛᵉᵧₒᵤ (*_ _) . ˖⸝⸝ tearsfallingdownmyface

last night on the voice the voice previously on the voice last time brief recap

PE- DRO SAM-PA-IO! #bailedoconfuso 🚀🔥 - @bailedoconfuso on Instagram

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lol lmao funny hilarious gwen stefani

What a lovely day to share with you all something we’ve been working on 💫 We are in collaboration with a fab new Agency 💫@hdeventsuk💫we have been rehearsing and shooting promo as part of their flagship 10 piece show band!🤩🤩🤩 They are currently launching promo of their new bands over at their page! Many couples are on the look out for bands available for their re arranged dates next year! These guys have a some fabulous bands! Check them out @hdeventsuk 💫 #showband #music #weddingmusic #partyband - @jerismusic on Instagram

clapping the voice applause splendid amazing

So excited to be joining forces with my hubby @jeremymjordan for our first concert together “Starring Opposite You” @sonyhall! And our ❤️ @brauhala too!! Get your tickets now for July 16th!! Link in bio... 🎤#webelt - @ajbway on Instagram

the voice mbcthevoice mbc %D8%A7%D8%AD%D9%84%D8%A7%D9%85 %D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%BA%D8%A8

What a day not to have my Unicorn Shirt on. - @scottbullallen on Instagram

applause blake shelton the voice great awesome

Włącz TVN folołersie. Z moją szefową Viki zagramy Ci piosenkę. @vikigaborofficial 💙 @danielkapustka_drummer @cichockipiano @lukaszzitans @magnus_bassplayer @aleksandra_ulinska #vikigabor #dziendobrytvn #influenserzy #muzycy #novationbassstation2 #synthbass #instamusic #videomusic - @magnus_bassplayer on Instagram

john legend blake shelton bye good bye peace out

Así llegamos al final de nuestro #VibraTyMDriveIn. 💥 Tres días de música, amigos y #buenavibra 💥 @karenvinascovibra @santicruz @jaobonilla @menditos @anaromusic @leonardourregom @soydavidrc @comidistaprofesional @natygabanzo Ph: @gabo_gomez - on Instagram

feeling it ariana grande the voice im pretty go girl

- Global Citizen Festival

what kelly clarkson nick jonas huh whut

Ieri con @mamakass_music insieme a @coma_cose sul palco dell’arena di Verona per il concerto di @heroesonfuturissima a sostegno della filiera musicale 🎼🌈 - @fabio.dale_ on Instagram

the voice incinerator the voice button the voice judge

- Hayley Williams

kelly clarkson nick jonas crying let down sobbing

Blackheart 🖤 Forever - @roxyrocamusic on Instagram

clapping the voice applause applaud cheering

One of our bandleaders, frontline divas is putting together a setlist that will knock your socks off later this month! Stay tuned for more details as this will be a show you don’t want to miss out on! #onthemoveevents #singers #bands #nyc #events - @onthemoveevents on Instagram

john legend blake shelton bye good bye peace out

Die XXL-Tour-Family rollt weiter 😎 #today #hallewestfalen - @reim.matthias on Instagram

push the button the voice press the button hit the buzzer ariana grande

- @yosvanycordero on Instagram

sinatra frank sinatra frank albert sinatra singer musician

Wouldn’t mind releasing some new music 🎶 - @kurtogram on Instagram

alicia keys alicia the voice voice the voice us


hug embrace tight hug pals buddies

As you can see I got a little too excited while playing on my new @logitechg wheel and pedal set😂 Can you guess what game I was playing? 📸 @swikarpatel - @maxmclaughlin_ on Instagram

facepalm the voice disappointed dismayed oh no

@celinamichaelstavropoulou LIVE this Saturday 📲0437 888 085 - @defi2sydney on Instagram

i dont know why he is bragging so much curious no idea why i dont get it too much boasting

Planning our next event! We’ll see you on November 6th! 📸: @talialezamaphotography - @fortheloveoflocals on Instagram

mika the voice

Amanhã as 21h estarei com muito prazer participando desta live com o meu pra sempre mestre @jorgecasagrandeaulas aqui no Instagram. Vai ser muito maneiro! @lyriaband 🤘🤘🤘 - @mateuthiago on Instagram

holly logan comedian comic singing singer

#Academy Xmas Party - @paulettelifton on Instagram

applaud the voice clapping standing ovation wonderful

New Music coming soon!💙 S T A Y•T U N E D #singer #itunes #spotify #8o8Soundz #songwriter #KaceyLynnv - @8o8soundz on Instagram

kelly clarkson nick jonas hug yay squeeze

- Really really happy to play with you guys on AD show this time~~~~hope we could play again in the future😁😁😁 - #bass #bassist #musicians #musiciansinstitute #artistdevelopment #adshow #adshowdownweek #hiphop #r&b #laklandbass #lakland #daddario #daddariostrings #hollywood #la #losangeles #bartolini #JSmusicvideo - @jasonwang_0217 on Instagram

dancing camila cabello the voice vibing grooving

The past few days have been about celebrating what God has done. I still can’t believe I get to do what I do. I’m so grateful for the people I get to do it alongside. Not least my wife, and most cherished companion at every point on the journey @k_fielding ... I’m grateful for long-standing partnerships that have stood the test of time and are as fruitful as ever. @reuben_morgan and I stood on this stage 10 years ago for the first song we ever wrote together (Mighty To Save). After years of writing, it’s so special to stand with this dear friend again. Congratulations to @reuben_morgan and @hillsongworship and @brookeligertwood for winning Worship Song of the Year @gospelmusicassoc for WHO YOU SAY I AM - and to @hillsongunited for winning Worship Album of the Year for PEOPLE. It was an honour to get to play Who You Say I Am. In a world in identity crisis, how much more do we need to know not just who we are, but whose we are. Not just persuaded by the loudest voices, but attentive to the one voice that matters most. We are called to live in the identity Christ has won for us, where the practical and most real parts of our lives are aligned with the high calling that we have as children of God; that we would live out our God-given potential and that God would receive all the glory. - @ben_fielding on Instagram

kelly clarkson nick jonas shocked surprised speechless

LETS PLAY A GAME. Am I thinking about where to get food afterwards, or am i thinking about the beautifully cleared timpani heads? • • Thanks @ro_bear_ for catching me in my natural thinking state probably about food ❤️ @surely_taylor what are those mallet angles?? @pulsepit #pulsepercussion #pulse - @anthonygilleland on Instagram

the voice the voice gifs ceelo green push press

De George Clooney van Vlaanderen palmt na 5 jaar de Q-studio nog eens in! 🔥😍 - @qmusic_be on Instagram

claaping king applause crowned well done

- Celebrities

press the button blake shelton the voice eager anxious

So proud of my good friend @christy_coleman head of creative design @beautycounter . Go see her beautiful new store in Soho at 51 Prince St. #betterbeauty #foreveryone #beautyshouldbegoodforyou #cleanerdayintheneighborhood #soho #newyork #greatopening #saferskincare #cleanercosmetics - @larrylobaugh on Instagram

pandb voice power

We are family! @ hollisterco_koblenz ✨ #31448 #Team #FamilyGoals #WorkAtHcO #Hollister #Koblenz #ForumMittelrhein - @forummittelrhein_hco on Instagram

the voice the voice gifs

On this day: September 15th 2013 📷 The Offspring @ Credicard Hall, São Paulo 🇧🇷 - @tijsvl on Instagram

kelly clarkson nick jonas thinking hmm curious

New video shoot Thursday for @sennheiser and @sweetwatersound Gearfest. Cant wait to share the new footage. - @ariandthealibis on Instagram

pick me blake shelton the voice choose me over here

- @bettemidler on Instagram

slow clap good job very well clapping applause

The final day of filming this episode was my birthday which was extremely fitting because it truly was a gift. I feel so lucky that I got to meet and work with so many incredible people. Beyond that, it restored some faith in this dream I’ve been working towards for years. Real talk: I was going through a tough time and feeling very over the whole music industry, being broke and dealing with so much rejection & disappointment. Being on @nbcsongland reminded me of why it is all worth it. I’m forever grateful for this experience and these people. Make sure to stream my new single “lost cause” out at midnight! #songland - @chillranda on Instagram

clapping reba mcentire the voice applaud praising

Con esta hermosura! @gredmarie_colon 🖤💖 . . . . . . . . #photooftheday #smile #friends #puertorico #picoftheday #igers - @mrivan_07 on Instagram

kstr kochstrasse no racism against racism stop racism

Tune in TONIGHT Thursday Aug 6th at 10pm Est on ABC @abcnetwork To see what Ill be doing with this crazy bunch😉😁😊👀🤷🏾‍♀️ #ontv #television #abc #singer #actress Follow @cherri_black on IG & Twitter SUBSCRIBE Cherri Black on YouTube #sweetcherries #blessed #abccasting - @cherri_black on Instagram

the voice i want you chair turn adam levine chosed

𝗝𝗼𝗲 𝗥𝗼𝗴𝗮𝗻 𝗖𝗲𝗻𝘀𝗼𝗿𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗽!?⁣ ⁣ UPDATE 2 and we’re back!!! Episode is up. However there are still episodes missing. So I guess we’ll see what that’s about? Okay. Getting demonetized from @youtube is one thing. At least they didn’t shut down my channel. However this is COMPLETELY different. ⁣ ⁣ @spotify is NOT uploading select @joerogan episodes including my episode.⁣ ⁣ It’s number #1164 and it along with other select episodes are nowhere to be seen on Spotify. What’s going on? @chrisdelia @heytommychong @joelistcomedy @sargonofakkad100 @kurtmetzgercomedy @nickkroll @michaelshermer1 So exciting! Was it censorship? Was it Joe’s decision? Was it Spotify being sneaky? Or am I just an impatient mofo and Spotify is slow at uploading? Dun dun dunnnn UPDATE: Alex Jones says episodes will be uploaded at a later date. - @mikhailapeterson on Instagram

wink star cute adorable flirty

- Adrian romero

shocked the voice surprised stunned astonished

If you missed it a few weeks ago when it originally aired here is a link to my trio show from #liveatlucilles in Knoxville TN! Hope that this music finds you well and brings some joy to your evening! (Link in bio) @dezthought 🎻 @darrellgreendrummer 🥁 @kbrokeys 🎹 #nyc #nj #tn #bam #keithbrownpiano #keithbrowntrio #kb3 #dezrondouglas #darrellgreen #easttnpbs - @kbrokeys on Instagram

thats very good so good applause you did well great

- DECA Conferences

whoa carson daly the voice amazed wow

Saturday night MCing Sounds of Studio 188 Live music is back! This pic was when the Ghost Light was turned off in the theatre after being on for 4 months during Covid. A very symbolic moment for everyone involved. Looking forward to hosting the next show on August 1! 📸 @createddbyg - @olympiakwitowski on Instagram

hearts wink adorable charming cute

I Was having so much fun last night Thank you for your support always 🙏😘❤️ . Styled by @carendelano Outer by @fennysaptalia “Nan Elok” Rumah Gadang on organza Captured by @awanpotret17 . . #mayaratih #lida2020 #fashionandstyle #fashionisfun #staysafe #stayfabulous #ligadangdutindonesia2020 - on Instagram

gwen stefani the voice voice buzzer turn

On Fridays we wear black 🖤 📸 @ali_cohen_ - @beardymiller on Instagram

speak your mind even if your voice shakes speak your mind speak voice vocal

Thanks @alibspec ⭐ for the golden buzzer! Making us going directly to the semi final! Will be seen on 17 October. 📺 Oh ... And you can follow us at @beatboxbybartendaan 👀 . . . #semifinal #golden #beatboxbybartanddaan #follow #buzzer - @b_artbeatbox on Instagram

im touched reba mcentire the voice it was heartfelt i felt that

So who will @canelo face next.. who should he fight next ??? #TBT DEC2018 #canelo #mexico #Ak&Barak #dazn #siriusxm - @boxingwithak on Instagram

this is the voice presenting proud intro introducing

- Jane mcdonald

yesss john legend the voice clapping press the buzzer

Senhoras e senhoras, com vocês a Mestre em Direito Penal pela USP e jornalista @gabrielaprioli, prontissima para o @cnnbrasiltonight com produção de moda minha para o styling de @thiagosetra! Hoje as 22h30 na @cnnbrasil ! Muito feliz em participar desse projeto! . Look: @tufiduek Joias: @hsternofficial Sapato: @carranooficial . . . #producaodemodabyme #styling #cnnbrasil #boanoite - @alanmagomes on Instagram

what john legend blake shelton huh whut

home :) - @sophia_izzo on Instagram

pick me blake shelton the voice choose me over here

Merci au public d’avoir fait de @lasemainedes4julie l’émission no 1 jeudi à 21 heures tout réseaux confondus ☺️ merci à toute l’équipe de @prodjinc et et @bellmediapr!! - @juliesnyderofficielle on Instagram

sorry john legend blake shelton my bad my fault

Marie-Mai était radieuse et visiblement en pleine énergie et heureuse de jouer sur scène dimanche dernier au Ciné Parc Belle Neige. 🎙️Article et photos maintenant en ligne. @mariemaireal #cineparcbelleneige #show #music #fans #mariemaireal #concertpic #live #arpmedia #singer #valdavid #cineparc - @arpmediaofficiel on Instagram

alicia keys voice want button the voice

#hevhetia#hevhetfest#hevhetiashowcase#hevhetialabel#hevhetiashowcase2020#suchovaevents&co - @suchovaevents on Instagram

oh no unbelievable unreal headache i cant

🇦🇺Auzzie Auzzie Auzzie🇦🇺 @renegeldenhuys is a citizen and so happy for her & here to stay! ☀️ ‘Three musketeers’ are celebrating 🥳 #auzzie #citizen #strayamate - @josh_congreve on Instagram

feeling it kelly clarkson the voice sway dance

Welcome to Beatport Live Stream to celebrate 20 Years of Stereo Productions with @chuslesteban @oscarderivera @sparrowandbarbossa @oscarldj @dformation @lasanta_music Thank You to everyone who attended last night event live via Beatport Twitch channel! For those who missed, we are scheduling a restream for this Sunday, stay tuned. . @beatport #livestream #stereoproductions - @stereoproductions on Instagram

tvof the voice the voice of finland voice music

- Sammy !!!

i fell you the voice awe im touched empathize

Throwback to when my good friend and legendary songwriter @desmond.child joined the IDOL jury - and caused headlines in Sweden by being brutally honest! I had not seen the show before I came on board, and I have not been watching it since I quit, but I had some fun years being one of the judges. @tv4idol @andersbagge1 @lailabagge - @andreas.carlsson on Instagram

tvof the voice the voice of finland voice music

- Yoshiki

mind blown gwen stefani the voice that%27s mind blowing wow

We are Gold Standard. #downbeatagency #goldstandardla #hudsonloftwedding - on Instagram

tvof the voice the voice of finland voice music

Hands up if you have ever... 🙌🏻 1. Been encouraged, cheered on and supported by another woman 2. Been the one to encourage, cheer on and support another woman 3. Had to be brave 4. Held the hand of another woman while she was being brave 5. Had your hair all shades of the colour spectrum 🤪 #challengeaccepted #womenempoweringwomen - @sarahkhiroya on Instagram

push the button the voice press the buzzer hit the buzzer ariana grande

Mis adorad@s estamos terminando la semana pero seguimos festejando a México🥳! Cuáles de mis canciones con banda siguen escuchando desde el martes? 🎤🎼 - @luceromexico on Instagram

mwah kisses sending my love sml kisses for you

- Anuel aa wallpaper

facepalm blake shelton the voice ashamed embarrassed

Mariah Carey #CNSJ19LookBack #CNSJ19 #CuracaoNorthSeaJazz #Curacao #music #festival #willemstad - @curacaonorthseajazz on Instagram

tvof the voice the voice of finland voice music

#weschool #welingkarinstituteofmanagement #performance #performer - @nishanth_sv on Instagram

niall horan the voice chair turn pressing button button press

💜@tatumquinnxo 💙@jazziest_cat ❤️@robbiepins 🧡 so much love for these guys💚 ✨AUG. 23RD. 2019✨ #tatumquinn #tatumquinnxo #montreal #montrealmusicscene #montrealrock #rock #poprock #montrealpoprock #music #punkrock #glamourous #queen #musicians #montrealmusicians #photography #photographer #live #angles #closeup #purple #vibes - @madisonbigeatr on Instagram

tvof the voice the voice of finland voice music

What a night. @elliegoulding’s Brightest Blue Experience on #LIVENow direct from the iconic @vamuseum. Thank you to all who tuned in. #BrightestBlue #EllieGoulding #Music #LiveMusic #Concert #Gig #Museum - @livenowglobal on Instagram

turning chair reba mcentire the voice its me identity reveal

NEW Messages are UP on the Awaken Church App, iTunes, and Youtube!⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ Share and stream these amazing messages from all of our Awaken Pastors. God has a Word for YOU! 🙏🏼 #awakenchurch - @awakenchurchsd on Instagram

hahaha laughing laughing out loud lol so funny

Happy #julieandthephantoms day everyone! Stand tall! @kennyortegablog @david.hoge @themadisonreyes @charles_gillespie @owenjoyner @jeremyshada - @dancross100 on Instagram

i choose you blake shelton the voice i want you press the button

Nasz festiwal to mnóstwo pozytywnych emocji, których nie zabrakło na niezapomnianej gali. 😉 Całą uroczystość prowadził fantastyczny duet: niezastąpiona 💗 Ania Zając @fashionablecompl oraz przebojowy 💖 Łukasz Jemioł @lukaszjemiol. Podczas uroczystości wręczyliśmy eFKI, czyli nagrody dla kobiet i marek pełnych pasji, które chętnie dzielą się swoimi doświadczeniami z innymi. Wśród nagrodzonych znalazła się: ⭐ Dorota Wellman dziennikarka ⭐ Marta Klepka @martaklepka pomysłodawczyni projektu #byckobietaontour ⭐Ola Budzyńska znana jako @paniswojegoczasu ⭐ Agnieszka Hyży @agnieszka_hyzy organizatorka koncertu Artyści Przeciw Nienawiści ⭐marka Apart @bizuteriaapart ⭐Jonna Banaszewska @jbanaszewska założycielka Instacademy ⭐Joanna Przetakiewicz @joannaprzetakiewicz Kobieta Nowej Ery Mieliście okazję być na naszej gali? Pokażcie swoje relacje, zdjęcia i podzielcie się Waszymi wrażeniami. 😊 - @festiwalkobiet on Instagram

tvof the voice the voice of finland voice music

Feeling desperately sad today about the state of the music industry. It’s frightening to have zero idea of when we will all safely be able to play and enjoy music together again. I’ve been lucky enough to play at some wonderful venues throughout the UK who are now on the verge of collapse. please listen #letthemusicplay - @izofitzroy on Instagram

wow kelly clarkson the voice shocked surprised

Hoy a las 22:00h en @telecincoes gran estreno de @idolkidsesp 🤩🤩🤩 - @carlosjeanofficial on Instagram

tvof the voice the voice of finland voice music

I don’t have the words to adequately express the love and goodness I felt last night. I have always wondered what it would be like to see angels. I can truly say I was surrounded by angels on stage last night that are truly making a difference in this world for children! Sara OMeara and Yvonne Fedderson founders of @childhelp are truly the Mother Theresa of our day. They simply amaze me and inspire me to want to end child abuse! They have been doing this for 61 years. I’m so blessed to know and call them my surrogate mothers! @timballard89 founder of @ourrescue you truly are a superhero in every way. Thank you for coming to my event and sharing your powerful message to put an end to human child trafficking. Jim and @carolhebets thank you for your amazing donation to help me exceed my goal tonight. You both have big hearts and I just know God is smiling down on you both for helping these abused children in desperate need. Thank you to all of my amazing sponsors #TheHebetsCompany, @bashasmarkets, @western_transport_logistics, @schnepf.farms, @sunamericanmortgage @zachburton.lebaroncarroll , #SpringCreek and many many more. Thank you for helping the children. To all of the amazing volunteers @nicklepickle_07 , @ourrescue and @childhelp who I call family, thank you!! You all are so amazing!! To all of the amazing performers that I had the privilege to share the stage with. @jesterjef @thecoachdar @repandybiggs @williamjosephmusic @coltonaverymusic @joelstevenett @michellemoyermusic @alaqchs_danceofficial @inspireent1 inspireent1 What can I say about all of them other then WOW!! So much talent!! What an amazing evening. Thank you , @gudenschwagerphotography , @sassyscafe for going above and beyond in making this evening spectacular. Big thanks to agent @josephlynntenney , my vocals coach @carolynslarson , @clearlampav , sound engineer @stephenmoyermusic , dress designer @confidancecouture and hair by @braidsby.riley. You all are so talented and I’m so blessed to have you all on my team. My heart is full of love towards my family and God. They are all so good!!❤️ - @rosevelt_sings on Instagram

showing off face niall horan the voice being cute need a better look

Silent Partners Studio and Silent House Productions collaborated with XR Studios for an all new digital experience for Katy Perry’s performance of “Daisies” on last night’s American Idol Season Finale. Production Company: @xr.studios Directors: @thebazhalpin + @jtrooneymedia Lighting Design: Cory Fitzgerald Choreography: @thesquareddivision Video Programming: Charles Dabezies Video Producers: Silent Partners Studio Screen Producer: J.T. Rooney Video Creative Director: David Fafard Inspired by Original Music Video Concept by @valleeduhamel @silenthouseproductions @prg.north.america @disguise_one @notchvfx #xrstudios #xr #ar #mr #extendedreality #augmentedreality #mixedreality #katyperry #daisies #americanidol - @silentpartnersstudio on Instagram

tvof the voice the voice of finland voice music

#xns #extranightshow #amaliabellantoni #bellisiciliani #antena1_oficial - @amalia.bellantoni on Instagram

pointing at myself blake shelton the voice pick me choose me

We’re back in the studio tonight with one of our upcoming featured artists Lauren Nielsen! Keep an eye out for her video and more exciting content from Sarasota Features! - @sarasotafeatures on Instagram

tvof the voice the voice of finland voice music

@palomafaith for @thevoicekidsuk Styling @phoebearnoldstylist Make up @lanslondon #hairbydeclan @premierhairandmakeup #palomafaith #thevoice #manchester #beforelockdown - @declansheilshair on Instagram

thrilled john legend the voice yeaaah oh yeah

Got to intv Spike about The BlacKkKlansman and Trump - @minters on Instagram

listen now listening to music listen pjr music

Check out @arcssl New series #ARClive on @twitch - @arcssl on Instagram

press button nick jonas the voice i choose you i want you

Está noche a las 20.00h, entrevista con la gran @cayetanagc en @atencionobras en @la2_tve - @blackizar on Instagram

this is the voice presenting intro shout out logo

Was so great to hang with these 2... So much talent in the Netherlands as always... - @chris_inp on Instagram

clapping kelly clarkson gwen stefani john legend blake shelton

Happy Independence Day, Nigeria!! 🇳🇬🇳🇬 @oyiborebel, thank you for an amazing performance 🙌 Reposted from @oyiborebel Happy Independence Nigeria❤️ 🇳🇬 My Home, My Country, My Heart #60together A Fuji Classic Mashup😊❤️ Produced and Mixed by @tiwezi Directed and Edited by @guygosis Shot by @guygosis & @directortsunky Coloring @directortsunky Big shoutout and massive Thank you to @cloutafrica for this fantabulous studio Session❤️❤️❤️ Completely out of this world this Studio has 💯 👏 👏👏👏👏❤️ - @cloutafrica on Instagram

My hearts been in a sensitive place these last couple of days. Every night it feels like my heart is going to leap out of my chest and I ask God...”What do you require of me?!!!” There’s a borderline desperation in that question. I sense Him pacing back and forth as if He’s about to do something huge and he’s getting ready to give me “the play”. I need to know, I have to know. What is He doing? What is He saying? I’m listening with my whole entire being because I. Just. Have. To. Know. I don’t want to miss a thing so I’ll stay right here... until He speaks. I don’t mind waiting. What a sweet surrender❤️ ————————- #Hisgirl 📸: @desi.alexandria ⛪️: @freechapeloc - @rqlvga on Instagram

When you act out a bit about how white women protest like they might be photographed at any time and you get photographed at that moment and realize it does, in fact, make for a good photo 🤷‍♀️ 📸 @candytman - @michelleisawolf on Instagram

OSF 2020 I Anna Jurksztowicz w repertuarze Dziękuję, nie tańczę @anna_jurksztowicz - @opolesongwritersfestival on Instagram

Today livestream 12:10pm the wisdom of salmon is exactly what we need right now... this photo is from the rehearsal yesterday. - @alexmorton4salmon on Instagram

Sofia Vergara X Agent Provocateur Styled by: @tjacobsonstyles - @violettagroup on Instagram

TONIGHT after the game @maskedsingerFOX is back and it includes a super sneak peek of the new @seeyourvoicefox. @kenjeong hosts it so please don’t dismiss him like I do constantly.  #TheMaskedSinger #icanseeyourvoice - @joelmchale on Instagram

A memory that will never fade away 💕💜 some more pics from my show in London last December because I miss u 💔 📸 by @lucyrosefuller 💫 - @hannahdiamond_ on Instagram

D-5 Halo battle diadakan lagi @hiyaedtzs vs @hsn.edtz (win) - @akyuga.soc on Instagram

Andiamo alla 3ª puntata con questa felicità 🤩 Voglia di ballare, di divertirci e farvi divertire. Perchè se stiamo andando cosi bene è anche grazie a voi che ci fate sentire il vostro affetto ogni giorno 🙏🏻🖤 Sei pazzesca @vittoria_schisano #ballandoconlestelle - @marcodeangelisreal on Instagram

- Seahawks

Este Jueves Estaremos en Este Increible Show Con Platillos Y Bombos EL Show De George Harris @elgeorgeharris En VIVO! 8:30pm Gracias A La Produccion Y a Todo El Equipo de Trabajo Por La Invitacion 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏👏 ... BENDICIONES..🇻🇪🇻🇪🎹🎧🎤🎤🎤 @partyliquormiami @alanasbeautycl @charlottearocha @lainder11 @monpetitgarden @orlandoboatrentals @saborritero @torneocarlitosjimenez Gracias a Todos Por El Apoyo.... Integrantes Robert Richards-Cuatro y Solista JesusChuchitoIbarra-Solista Fernando Mindeola-Solista Avelino Romero-Solista LuisChuaUrdaneta-Congas y Coros Jose Rafael Querales-Bajo y Coros Gilberto Ferrer-Teclados Ronald Guerra-Pianos Adelmo Gauna-Bateria/Timbal JosePokemonFerrer-Tambora Melvin w Alvarez-Charrasca Melvin Alvarez Sr.-Furro Arnaldo Quintero(Contra Bajo) Daniel Gonzalez(Bateria ) Alejandro Araujo(Timbal) @chmarketingservices @alanalashesandbeauty @orlandoboatrentals @qkenan #venezolanosenorlando #maracuchosenorlando @pokeferrer @chuchitouvl @robertrichards6175 @luischuas @avelinoromero @gilberto_ferrer @rafaqbass @thedanigonzalez @adelmocokis @melvinwilliam @portillo @rodpadillabass @gilberto_ferrer @leocolina @nachoelbionico @robertnava10 @maisongtv @venezolanosenorlando #gaitazuliana#doralcity #maracuchoseneldoral#maracuchosenelexterior#venezolanoseneldoral#venezolanosenelexterior #venezuela#venezolanosenmiami#venezolanosporelmundo#maracuchosenmiami #maracaibo#gaitaenmiami #gaitaenusa#gaiterosenmiami  @elcolosalcepeda #venezuela #Miami #Florida #música #concierto @ricardoaguirrepelon @ovejoestrellasdel2000 @ramirsalazar @algimironava @comunidadzulianaenchile @maracuchos_enpanama @maracuchos_en_miami - @proyectopentagrama on Instagram

Last night with @celinedion was unbelievable 💃❤️️👏 - @fedexforum on Instagram

#WCW Today we are crushing on our WAU & MECON Co-Founder, Rachel Karry. 💪 Her day-to-day is crazy and no one really knows about it! It normally includes a call with the team, many call with new business, securing capital for major projects, building brand recognition, and organizing events & partnerships, to name a few. 👩🏼‍💻📞💡 Being that March is Women’s History Month, let’s support all our women who work in silence and take no reward. Let’s empower and lift those who spend time empowering us. Tag your inspiring female leaders here! 👯‍♀️ #musicbusinesstips #nycmusicevents #nycmusicscene #nycmusic #musicproducer #nycmusicproducer #musicbusiness #musicstrategy #nycsinger #nycpowermove #musictools #entrepreneur #nycworkshops #musiceducation #musicnews #artrepreneur PC: @bobbyguliani - @musicentrepreneur on Instagram

Τρομαγμένο μου - Άννα Βίσση - @antonismorgan on Instagram

- Haley Reinhart

Be back soon................ Follow @cherri_black Follow @sweet_cherri_eats Follow @deeperlifegc SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube Channel #linkinbio or SEARCH CHERRI BLACK on YouTube EVERYTHINGS BETTER WITH A CHERRI ON TOP! 💋 #performinglive #liveperformance #liveconcert #largecrowds #katycats #sweetcherries #fans #thestage #onstage #singing #singer #bgvs #backingvocals #bandfam #kpband #kpbandfam #socialdistancing #staysafe #cherryontop - @cherri_black on Instagram

On this day a year ago we were playing at the Sydney Opera House. Right now its the longest Ive ever gone without performing live or being in an audience. Life is smaller, scarier, less textured, less colourful. Sitting in a crowd of people watching music or other storytelling brings me comfort, connection, inspiration, faith in humanity, joy and escape... I never realised until now how much I have relied on those things, and how powerful they are. This morning I started sobbing while listening to a live recording of Pete Seeger leading the crowd in a singalong of We Shall Overcome. I have no doubt when covid is over, live performance will come back stronger than ever - there are already the first shoots of recovery growing around the country. For now, here in Melbourne, I will have to make do with memories, be grateful that Ive been a part of so many moments of human connection, and await a future time when we can gather again. Photos by @daniel.boud Crown by @fordmillinery @jesshitchcockmusic @frankywalnut @isaac.hayward @adrian_donadei @stevevarga @sydneyoperahouse #sydneyoperahouse - @katemillerheidke on Instagram

your fav?(1-10)♥️ beloved @frida_aasen in @sanclementepalacekempinski - @vicoolyasaida on Instagram

- Rob Thomas

Pongámosle a todo un toque de locura 🤪 - @deejayjoe on Instagram

Sista söndagen i September och vilken dag vi har haft hittills! Det bästa är dagen inte är slut än utan att vi ses ikväll igen för Revival Nights. Vi har fortfarande platser kvar på ett mikromöte nära dig eller så ses vi online 19.00. 🙌 - @hillsongsweden on Instagram

wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf this is unreal i can’t believe this wtf AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRGHHHHHHHHG i won @thevoicekidsvlaanderen WHAAAAAAAAT thank you guys soooo much👽😎🐝🐬❤️🥰✨ - @galaaliaj on Instagram

Raus aus dem Wohnzimmer, rein in die Stadt & rauf auf die Bühne: Dieses Motto haben wir in den letzten Wochen gemeinsam mit allen KünstlerInnen hochleben lassen. Danke für eure großartigen Auftritte! Wir werden die Erinnerungen daran noch lange in uns tragen. 😍   Fotos: Ostermann, Liebentritt, Wey - @kultursommerwien on Instagram

Då kör vi på TV4 20.00 som vanligt och tack bästaste @thestylistlinda för alltid så sköna kläder - @andersbagge1 on Instagram

Można naskórkowo i o pozłotkach - tylko po co? Dla kliknięć i popularności? pewnie tak. Ja na szczęście mam już to poukładane w głowie. Interesuje mnie spotkanie i prawdziwy kontakt. A gdy bohaterka jest taka jak @meryspolsky to poważne i mniej tematy łączą się naturalnie i człowiek zostaje z wielkim uśmiechem 🙃 O 14 premiera kolejnego odcinka moich „Nagrywek” na @empikmusic By słuchać trzeba ⬇️ aplikację. Dajcie znak jak wyszło. Moim zdaniem nienajgorzej ☺️ #polishgirl #polishwoman #polishgirls #music #girls #positivevibes - @babaszydlo on Instagram

Has it been a year already since that ill fated day in Las Vegas when @davenavarro made my mom cry on tv? Must run in the family 🤷🏾‍♂️ Tomorrow marks the one year anniversary of the season 12 finale was aired. It also comes with sad news that Ink Master has been canceled after 13 seasons cause Paramount Network needs more reruns of...actually I don’t know, I don’t watch that shit but apparently they canceled COPS too, which amazes me that it was still on tv at all. Anywhoo, great times regardless and I’ll just keep telling myself that winning would of just fudged me on my taxes that year and I’d have to pay back all my Obamacare subsidies. Thanks to @inkmaster and everyone on the production and talent side and of course @derek_rocks514 for being the heart of what the program stood for. Thanks for all good times and the stressful ones and not making me look to much like a drunk idiot on tv. Oh and thanks for all the free booze. To everyone on the talent and production side, I hope our paths cross again one day on or off tv, good luck🤘🏾 - @creepy_jason on Instagram

Winner in the category ‘Educator of the year’: congrats @ludovicbeckers #tse19 #thesalonexperience #thesalonexperienceawards #educatoroftheyear Photo: @robbybrouwers for The Salon Experience - @the_salon_experience on Instagram

Gosto dessa camisa 😂❤️ - @adrianefelixneguebe on Instagram

- Celine Huijsmans

My journey has just begun ✨ - @kenadidoddsmusic on Instagram

Çok Teşekkür Ederiz #bodrum ; Muhteşem Bir Konser Yaşattınız Bize... Yine Yeniden Birlikte Şarkılar Söylemek Dileğiyle... Kostüm by @volkankerim 🙏🏻💜🧿💜🙏🏻 #bodrumantiktiyatro #konser #aytasözeri #AytaSözeri #konzert - @aytasozeri on Instagram

❤️❤️❤️ @rosarioficial #lavozkidsespaña - @la_vozkids_esp on Instagram

- Taylor Swift - Red Tour

Cristina Ferreira: “Recebi mensagens de pessoas que tiraram folga para ver o programa”. A NiT esteve no programa “Dia de Cristina” e conta-lhe tudo. Leia a reportagem em #nitpt #portugal #diadecristina ✏️ @ricardoafarinha 📷 @inesglourenco - @revista_nit on Instagram

Ontem Manu, Gloria Groove e Lucas Silveira fizeram a performance de “Deve Ser Horrível Dormir Sem Mim”, dessa vez uma versão acústica e mais intimista! Gostaram? O vídeo está disponível no canal do YouTube da @mtvbrasil. ❤️✨ #manugavassi - @manugavassiinfo on Instagram

Thank you for the invitation @catalin_maruta, it was a pleasure to attend your #tvshow @lamaruta_protv 🖤 - @gabrielailiescuofficial on Instagram

Couldn’t be happier to have our studio working round the clock now ⏰ Stay safe dear friends ~ the music is coming 💜 @sanfernandovalleyrecording - @mandamosher on Instagram

- Adele pictures

Tommy Page. Singer-songwriter and music industry executive in America, and topped #1 the Billboard Hot 100 with his single, Ill Be Your Everything in April 1990. He was very well-known in Asia. In 2011, after a successful stint as an executive at Warner Bros. Records, where he helped to shape the careers of Michael Bublé, Alanis Morissette, Josh Groban, and Green Day, among others, he joined Billboard as publisher. You will be missed, Sir. #TitiDJ #TommyPage #RIPTommyPage #American #Billboard #MichaelBuble #AlanisMorissette #JoshGroban #GreenDay - @titidjworld on Instagram

#Motivation - @richardstead on Instagram

- Avril Lavigne

Grattis på 30-årsdagen @tv4 🥳 Jag var med 15 av de åren, många många sändningstimmar har det blivit. Swipea för ett smakprov på parhästar jag haft längs vägen och några andra jag sprungit på. Jag började göra travet på TV4 2002 och sen rullade det på med 6 fotbollsgalor, Nyhetsmorgon med Anders Kraft, Tipslördag, ett fotbolls-VM för damer, ett handbolls-EM för damer, Biggest Loser, Kristallen, Nyhetsmorgon på söndagar, Lets Dance, She’s got the look, Spårlöst, Stjärnkusken och så klart massa travsändningar bla 14 (!) Elitlopp. ÄLSKAR att göra TV och älskade mina år på TV4, det har varit kul att få va med på halva resan. Så hurra för denna fräscha 30-åring idag! #tv4 #30år - @jessicaalmenas on Instagram

Mein Statement bezüglich DSDS. Seit 18 Jahren sitzen bei @dsds jährlich neue Jury Mitglieder. Das wir das Glück hatten 2 Jahre in der selben Konstellation weiterzumachen war eine absolute Ausnahme. Mit Liebe und Dankbarkeit verabschiede ich mich von diesem wunderbaren Projekt das mir unheimlich viel Spaß gemacht hat. Ich wurde unfassbar warmherzig aufgenommen und die gegenseitige Wertschätzung war großgeschrieben. Sowohl im Team als auch von euch. Ich schätze mich für sehr bereichert dafür dass ich mit euch zusammen arbeiten durfte. @dieterbohlen @xaviernaidoo @pietrolombardi Ich habe euch alle lieb und die Zeit nimmt mir keiner mehr. Viel Glück @dsds für die neue Staffel, viel Glück euch für alle weitere Projekte @dieterbohlen, @xaviernaidoo @pietrolombardi . Einen riesen Dank auch an, Marc, Radeck, @julietteschoppmann1 @irina_kuss @sebastiano.buca @hellobellastylist @tine.siepmann @aribeustar @alexanderklaws83 . Schön dass es euch gibt ! ❤️ Euch allen auch DANKE dafür dass ihr es mir zugetraut habt und dass ihr mich so unterstützt habt ! Ich freue mich auf alles was die Zukunft für mich vorbereitet hat. P.S. Wo würdet ihr mich gern in die Zukunft sehen ? 💋 - @oana_nechiti on Instagram

One of the sweetest moments from this years #HollywoodAwards was @dakotajohnson presenting the Hollywood Actor Award to her step-father, @antoniobanderasoficial. 💕 - @hollywoodawards on Instagram

Apsveicam 6. sezonas uzvarētāju - @samantatina ! ltvsupernova #supernova2020 Foto: @lauris_viksne - @ltvsupernova on Instagram

ITS HAPPENING!! Our @KeithUrban pre-show is LIVE RIGHT NOW! Stay tuned for THE SPEED OF NOW Global Livestream later at 6pm PT/9pm ET only on @amazonmusic.  ⬇️⬇️⬇️ or ⬆️⬆️⬆️ . . . #amazonmusic #twitchmusic #keithurban #livestream #livemusic #newmusic #JohnnyAndHeidi #thejohnnyandheidishow - @johnnyandheidi on Instagram

- alexa vega

- Danny Gokey

Couldn’t ask for a better art crew to light candles, fluff pillows, and arrange roses. - @tspete on Instagram

Kocham scenę 🤗 to ogromna część mojego życia 🙌🏾 daje mi dużo radości, mobilizacji, motywacji 💪🏾 Już niedługo wrócę z wielką siłą którą dla was zbieram 💙 Foty z mojego ostatniego koncertu podczas wyborów @missziemilodzkiej/@misterziemilodzkiej 💚 Foto: #janick #stage #singer #singerslife #scena #moc #mojezycie #mamtemoc #publicznosc #wystep #show #showmustgoon #kochamswojaprace #kochamłódź #lodz #ldz #miss #missziemilodzkiej #kochamtocorobie - @nsinckler on Instagram

“There I was, about to wrassle my dog for the dropped McNugget” - what this photo of me says to me. Shout out to @ngozicomedy with the 📸 #standupcomedy #jokemedaddy - @markalext on Instagram

Had a blast today seeing my queens and singing at the @thedriveinldn today with @westendmusicalbrunch Thanks you @tudorvonsnaps for these pics ❤️ - @misssteers on Instagram

Ontzettend bedankt voor alle toffe reacties!!!! Thanks!!! Missed it? Kijk naar mn blind-auditie op YouTube... #tvoh #johnvooijs - @johnvooijs on Instagram

ur still fake if u didn’t come but it’s okay bc i have pics - @tyra_2875 on Instagram

Thrilled to announce Judy Carmichael @stridequeen is doing a special performance for #feedtheneed #thebestjams 🙌🏽 Show your support for east end food pantries... . . Tune in 6/6/20 at 8pm @sagharbormusic on #youtube #facebooklive #instagram OR LTV channel 20, WLNG, #foodpantry #relief #eastend #eastendlongisland #riverhead #southampton #southold #shelterisland #easthampton - @sagharbormusic on Instagram

Hope you’re having a 𝘏𝘰𝘵 𝘉𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘥𝘦𝘥 Labor Day🔥 📷: @seanfitzthum . . . . . #ldw #foreigner #classicrock #hotblooded #keyboard #laborday #labordayweekend - @foreignerlive on Instagram

Arina Bertenyi has been singing at House of Voice for many years. She has always been a great singer. She is also a great dancer. Her shuffle skills made her famous. But last week she had a HUGE week as a singer! 2 concerts and an acoustic release later, and she is now on her way to great things. Her talent, positive attitude, and dedication will bring her good things. Check out @arinaluisa for more info about her new songs! We are proud of you! photo credit: Rheinthaler - @houseofvoice on Instagram

OMG came across this photo of when I did @kittyplays makeup at the @maccosmetics booth taught by the ICONIC @romerojennings 😂🙌🏼 this makes me miss events so much 🥺 sending everyone love and please wear a mask. - @tydieofficial on Instagram

The Voice Battles are here!! Congrats to the beaut @berylsolo_ for getting through to the lives ❤❤ Thank you to @craigchapmanhair @jackie_tyson @alchemyartistsuk @hairdotcomartteam for involving me for the third year with this amazing team of people!!! #TheVoiceuk - @riak_hair on Instagram

#stthomasvirginislands #stthomascarnival #stthomascarnival2019 #JMEMedia - @toray101 on Instagram

Delta’s new song blew us all away in last night’s Grand Finale 🙏 #TheVoiceAU @deltagoodrem - @thevoiceau on Instagram

🙌🏻 Este domingo estreno! sale el segundo capítulo de la temporada 2020 con un superlujo que nos dimos! @anafontanok vino a nuestros estudios a emocionarnos con su voz privilegiada! 🙌🏻 . 🎬 Estreno: Domingo a las 20:30 en @canaldelaciudad 📺 Repeticiones: @canalnuevaimagen @somosnortetv @somossur y - 📲 Suscribite a nuestro canal de Youtube: TVJamsession . . . #buenosaires #estudio #grabacion #recording #recordstudio #musicaargentina #televisionargentina #nuñez #mastering # #estudiodegrabacion #grabacionenvivo #musicoscaba #musicosargentinos #argentina #buenosaires #music #anafontan #tango #buenosaires #diegomizrahi - on Instagram

Estrenamos mañana a las 22:30 “El Show de Bertín” donde participaré proponiendo cada semana un reto gastronómico a @bertinosborne @canalsurtv - @aleentrefogones on Instagram

Éxito total en el Claro fest música!! La gloria para Dios quien nos da la vida y el don Gracias mi pao @paolajarapj orgulloso de acompañarte todos estos años y ver todo lo q hemos alcanzado, y Gracias a @jessiuribe3 por la confianza tremendo artista!! - @joseirlen on Instagram

Monday Vibes • music by @florenzacampos 8pm-12am • ITB pricing for all #Hospitality Professionals • 🍹 🥃 🎼 every monday! @bluemartiniftl @galleriaftlaud _________________ #bluemartini #fortlauderdale #mondays #nightlife #itb #drinkstagram #florenza #music #musicmonday #livemusic - @bluemartiniftl on Instagram

:) #passion #work #belogicstudio #music #video #production #warsaw #poland #filmproduction #musicvideo - @kamil.rydzewski on Instagram

SOTW-Abby🤍 - @janet.jacksonfan on Instagram

Divine’s Soul Band say Hi to y’all 😎🙌🏻✨✨✨✨🎶 Hoping you are doing good all these days ! We miss to play together but we are cooking more cool music for all of you 🎶🎶🎶🎶✨🙌🏻😎🙏❤️ Did you watch our Live Session? 🧐 Check it out on @enriquedivineofficial YouTube channel ! Link on his Bio 🎶🎶🎶✨✨✨🙌🏻🔥🎧 @alejandropass @enriquedivineofficial @abelardobolano @arodbass @josuortiz 📷 by @antoniomartinezestates 🙌🏻 #soulband #LAbands #music #divinesoulband #goodvibes - @abelardobolano on Instagram

Tack för i höst, min fina vän och kollega Emanuel! En ynnest! - @jivansson on Instagram

When ya boy hijacks the decks❤️ - @dj_angiespence on Instagram

Dapet kesempatan main sama @andmeshkamaleng_ x @kapalabatumusicofficial seru2 merinding gimana gitu. Danke Andmesh x Kapalabatu deng tim so ajak beta isi2 tipis. 🙌🏻🙏🏻 - @valentfebri on Instagram

This is how I feel about being on @kellyclarkson @kellyclarksonshow today! So giddy, I love love hanging with Kelly and chatting all things gardening, bras and #harmonicspodcast Glam: @hairbyaviva @kmannmakeup @thevampireswife - @bethbehrs on Instagram

E a equipe do Núcleo Casa continua crescendo e para melhorar ainda mais o relacionamento com nossos parceiros agora temos também na cidade de Campinas a @crissoutelo. Parabéns Cris é muito sucesso nessa nova jornada!!! 👏🏼🚀✨ - @nucleocasa on Instagram

Haj. #tvog - @markforsterofficial on Instagram

Congrats to @rosariodawson on her new show Go Big Show on TBS showcasing supersized talents with @snoopdogg @jennifernettles @bertkreischer @americannightmarecody #fashionrising #studio189 - @studiooneeightynine on Instagram

Doing a little interview with @teiturlassen for the new session series Í luftini airing next month @kringvarp - @rolantwaagdam on Instagram

LA! If you’ve yet to see @sebastiancomedy live. It’s you’re time! 1/11/20 at the FORUM. Who’s coming out?!! #sebastianmaniscalco #briansamuelsonphotography #laforum #losangeles - @briansamuelsonphotography on Instagram

Zapraszam dzisiaj przed telewizory. TVP2, 21:00. Trzymajcie kciuki! - @michalbober on Instagram

Nanne och jag.#tv4 #klassfestentv4 - @annablombergkomik on Instagram

That feeling you get when you hear the condenser microphone and the piezo pick in the house system at church..... Go follow @jasonwhitehorn he has w new single out entitled, “Chosen” available on all streaming platforms..... • • • #jasonwhitehorn #worship #gopherwoodguitars #G800RE - @gopherwoodguitars on Instagram

Hoy buen show con @melcanta #yomellamodavidbisbal para Ecopetrol @le_carpatian @sirerevolution #musica #streaming - @miguel_vasquez10 on Instagram

No caption needed! SOAR Championship Wrestling is proud of all three of you! @aewontnt @aewdark saw in what weve known all along... You 3 are stars!!!!!! Well deserved and keep up the hard work!!! #soar #prowrestling #professional #independent #wrestling #dallas #texas #usa #championship #wwe #roh #impact #njpw #america #gym #muscle #fight #sport #competition - @soarchampionshipwrestling on Instagram

بذار بین من و تو ، دستای ما پلی باشه واسه از خود گذشتن 🌉 #گوگوش #ایرج_جنتی_عطایی #واروژان - @googoosh on Instagram

BREAKING NEWS! 🌟💙 (English to follow) Som ni vet har @beatdiabetesfoundation på grund av den pågående pandemin valt och ställa in den årliga Diabetesgalan, som skulle vara den största hittills. Den 14 november på världsdiabetesdagen visar vi istället en dokumentärfilm där @jihdesdiabetes utforskar hur coronaviruset påverkat vardagen för de med diabetes runt om i hela Norden. Att pausa årets gala är ett ansvarsfullt beslut och vi kommer komma tillbaka starkare än någonsin! - - - - - - BREAKING NEWS! As you already know has @beatdiabetesfoundation due to the ongoing pandemic decided to cancel the annual Diabetesgala, which intended to be de the biggest one so far. On world diabetes day, the 14th of November will we instead present a documentary film, hosted by @jihdesdiabetes who explores the impact of coronavirus on the everyday lives of people with diabetes across the Nordic region. To pause this year’s gala is a responsible thing to do and we will be back stronger than ever! #beatdiabetes #documentary #diabetesgala - @beatdiabetesfoundation on Instagram

THANK YOU for tuning in to watch my performance in support of @mindcharity. Blown away by the support youve all shown to this cause over the past week, to how many people these conversations have touched and Im humbled to be help contribute to such an amazing charity. If youd like to donate, please do so at the link in my stories. ❤️ - @calumscott on Instagram

Neskutočne krásna @mariannadurianova 🔝Takto sme spolu podporili mladé talenty v Ružomberku! 💥 #miklosko #feromiklosko #slovensko #navrhar #moderatorka #marianadurianova - @mikloskofashiondesign on Instagram

🇦🇺AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE OI OI OI🇦🇺 congrats to my sister from another mister for becoming an Aussie citezen @renegeldenhuys - @kingysprivatelife on Instagram

Merci @9inthemorning pour le pantalon! 📷Kaunas Jazz Festival - on Instagram

Finālu noslēdz pieredzējusī Samanta Tīna ar dziesmu “Still breathing”. Artis Dvarionas uzskata, ka Samantas dziesma nav pārāk pateicīga radio staciju rotācijai, taču Eirovīzijai tā der: “Gribētu no tavas puses lielāku kustību pa skatuvi. Balss ir ļoti piemērota Eirovīzijai.” #ltvsupernova #supernova2020 Foto: @lauris_viksne - @ltvsupernova on Instagram

No todos los días tenemos el Honor de poner nuestra música al servicio de artistas de esta magnitud @paolajarapj !!! Gracias Dios, Gracias mi amada Música !!! 📸: @edwinjaimes @jessiuribe3 @tour_laconquista @manodeobramusic @rafaelmejiajrmo @juancarlosvargaz @johnjavila @persivalproducciones - @lodwing_villacua on Instagram

Feliz Jueves Mi Gente Cuídense Un Fuerte Abrazo “El Celo” @gruponicheoficial @joseaguirremusik @german_baratto_at_meinl @meinlpercussionlatinoamerica - @fabiocelorio on Instagram

Awesome worship set with @harkupmusic thanks to @dariolirio for the photos! - - - - - #takethemtochurch #livemusic #singing #harkup #worship #worshipmusic - @geoffreymhansen on Instagram

Ehrliche Podcast-Runde für #BeyondBoysExposed mit @chefshunter und unserem heutigen Ehren-BBoy @f.falk von @justspices. Nächster Take ist im Kasten - watch out on #Spotify and #ApplePodcasts soon! Much love to my brother from another mother @kookaroo_nicolas for the most beautiful location in #Düsseldorf! • #podcast #crewlove #beyondboys #portrait #whosin #justspices • 📸: @chefshunter 🙏🏼 - @janwischermann on Instagram

Oggi 26 Luglio alle 18.30 su Sportitalia canale 60! 🇮🇹 Prima comparsa in TV su Sportitalia. Cè altro da aggiungere ? Esperienza indimenticabile, tanta emozione e tanta felicità a portare in alto i colori del , con un ringraziamento speciale a @simulatorgiantruck che ha reso tutto questo possibile. 🇬🇧 First appearance on TV on Sportitalia. Is there anything else to add? Unforgettable experience, so much emotion and happiness to bring the colors of the gtwr team to the top, with a special thanks to Giantruck who made all this possible #tv #sportitalia #simracing #interview #intervista #simdriver #simracer #motorsport #ontv #firstappearance #legendcar - @giorgionini on Instagram

У моей мамочки сегодня День Рождения! На днях, выбирая тебе духи, вспомнила, как в детстве, лет в 13, накопив денег и попросив остаток у папы, купила тебе духи...сейчас понимаю, какие они были жуткие🤪 Мне кажется, ты ими так и не пользовалась 😄 Но я старалась. Ты прекрасно выглядишь, ты молодая. Сегодня, например, ты выкрасила розовые прядки...даже для меня это смело! Горжусь тобой! Я тебя очень💕 Будь здорова, береги себя, балуй себя, люби себя! #аумамыденьрождения - @oburkovskaya on Instagram

While it’s still 2019 let me take a moment to appreciate being able to play music in a foreign country for the first time ever! Though tbh today is the second time I’m living through Dec 31st 2019 since Australia is on the other side of the date time zone hehe... that aside the three shows I did in Australia were really great and I couldn’t have asked for a better team of musicians to do it with. Here’s to more good times in the next decade #mikelove #mikelovemusic #reggae #roots #touring #trombone #woodfordia #mullimbimby #sydney #brisbane - @atta_faiya on Instagram

With our new safety policies in place, we’re able to continue doing what we love and help make our clients wedding days the most memorable 💛 📷: @coryryanphotography #weddings #weddingmusic #weddingbands #livemusic #weddinginspiration #weddingideas #bride #groom #booking #love #happiness #weddingwire #theknot - @moontowerentertainment on Instagram

- Kelly Clarkson Family

there she is... walking away with her Emmy for the Best Actress in a Drama Series for The Handmaids Tale... so well deserved. This is one of the most talented individuals i have ever had the pleasure of knowing! and she is the most hard working, kick ass , fun loving person who also comes with an incredible sense of humor! this could not have happened to a better person! Congratulations from the bottom of my heart Lizzie!!@elisabethmossofficial - @gayser on Instagram

I had sooo much fun these past couple of weeks! Jingle Balling around the U.S., heading over to Dubai and Doha, and spending time with some of my favorite people!! I’m so grateful for music, the places it takes me, and the outfits it puts me in. 🤘🏻👀 @katyperry @iheartjingleball @fender #stratocaster - @devonjanemusic on Instagram

- Wwe wrestlers

Video shoot complete ✅ amazing day with an amazing band and crew! I’ll be sharing the footage very soon! #live #video #performance #music #musician #vocals #jazz #cspace #yyc #calgary #grateful #itsawrap #gig #show - @sillanpaaj on Instagram

Took my new @pearldrumsaustralia masters for a spin for a bucket list moment of doing @triple_j ‘s like a version this morning, covering @juicewrld999 ‘s righteous. Cheers up to @maryskate0lsen for the guit/backing vox assist. Thanks heaps @sallyanderica for having us! 🥰 - @jonnoatlantic on Instagram

@kchenoweth will be our guest tonight at 8pm ET for #starsinthehouse! She will be performing in full hair and makeup... from her bathroom. Hopefully in this dress! Join us tonight and remember to donate! All for @theactorsfund !! - @jameswesleynyc on Instagram

Thanks @forwardcon! #forwardcon - @ianmcintoshtv on Instagram

Miss and Mister Abilities Pageant, having a good time for our date day! - @jayyzus19 on Instagram

If you need a podcast to entertain 🥳 you today I have had the pleasure of being on some of the best podcasts out there and they’re up this week! 💕💕 Including talking buffets and Diane Keaton with my Chelsea Lately pal @helloross on @hellororsspod• 🛀 On @askronna with @bryansafi I try to talk Bryan out of giving Ronna an UNWRAPPED BATH BOMB• The hilarious @divalacy and I break down history’s most INSANE scam 🚀 on @scamgoddesspod • My @midnight buddy @ronfunches and I talk about how we are Gettin Better 💜on @gettingbetterpodcast • I give my hair 💁‍♀️ a run with the money with @milesofgray and @divalacey on @dailyzeigtgeist• I talk about accidentally kicking Courteney Cox in the face on 🎥 @hollywoodlife with @bonniefuller & @Alistagnitta • AND @alisonrosen and I talk about me spraying my inky spray up and down the leg of a paramour on Alison Rosen is Your New Best Friend. • ✨✨These are available on Apple podcasts, Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts!! 💞💞💞 - @ardenmyrin on Instagram

Noche de tertulia con @jorgemarronmartin, @elmonaguillo y @ernestosevillaoficial 😂 #tertulia #risas #debate #alegria #chistes #anecdotas #elmonaguillo #marron #ernestosevilla #WoodyAllenEH - @elhormiguero on Instagram

Mᴏɴᴅᴀʏ Vɪʙᴇs ♥︎ #monday #mondaymood #mondayvibes #mondaymotivation #justdoit #letsdothis #thundermother #tambourine #inthezone #singer #vocalist #rocknroll #rock #grlpwr #heatwave 📸 @denishedzet - @guernicamancini on Instagram

Check that off the bucket list. @familyfeudabc watch @thehills vs @jerseyshore tonight at 8pm on abc - @kingfrankiedelgado on Instagram

Say hello to the Lovely Ladies Of Party Machine. Lady Laura and Miss Jules are incredibly talented performers! 📸: @jwoodsphoto - @pmbanddallas on Instagram

Beirut born, British-Lebanese singer @mikainstagram has announced the ‘I love Beirut’ benefit concert, which will be performed on Saturday, September 19th and will be live-streamed across four time zones via YouTube. MIKA will perform an intimate show from a special location with a number of surprises from friends. MIKA comments: “Although far away, my heart broke for the families losing their homes, their livelihoods and their loved ones in this catastrophe. I wanted to do something to help in any small way I can.” 100% of all proceeds are being split across Red Cross Lebanon and Save the Children Lebanon. Tickets are on sale now at link in bio. - @livenationsf on Instagram

#laletrachica en @tvciudad Style: @anitamaty 👗 @rotundastore - @tvciudad on Instagram

- Family Channel

- Good laaawd! Liked his music for awhile now, just watched his Tiny Desk Concert and saw how pretty Anderson Paak is...

Tag a friend. 😏 Find out who the @nbcweakestlink is on @nbc September 29. #WorldofDance - @nbcworldofdance on Instagram

SORRIA :) ⠀ ⠀ ALGO INCRÍVEL IRÁ ACONTECER HOJE !! ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ QUEM ACREDITA DIGA AMÉMMMMM !!! ⠀ ⠀ JÁ AGRADEÇA 🙏 O que vcs acham que estou falando pra Eliane?? 😍 - @davidmarxofc on Instagram

Miss being sweaty with u all 🖤 💦 photos by Bruce Baker 🖤 - @iamkucka on Instagram

Termina la segunda noche de audiciones a ciegass!! 😍 Nos encantan!! 👏❤️ #lavozkidsespaña #vanesamartin - @la_vozkids_esp on Instagram

#HRFMNews Taylor Swift ngalahin rekornya Whitney Houston nih!⁣ ⁣ Ga hanya sukses di jumlah streaming, album Taylor Swfit yang baru juga membuat ia berhasil mengalahkan rekornya Whitney Houston. Kali ini Taylor Swift berhasil ada di posisi nomor 1 di chart Billboard 200 selama 47 pekan, sedangkan Whitney Houston yang sebelumnya memegang rekor ini berhasil berada di puncak chart Billboard 200 selama 46 pekan. Hmm, kira-kira siapa lagi nih ya yang berhasil ngalahin rekornya Taylor Swift?⁣ ⁣ #RadioLawanCovid19 - @hardrockfm on Instagram

- I found the french pewdiepie

Вот и прошли первые прямые эфиры на шоу @voice1tv на @1tv Никогда не думала, что быть ведущей такой тяжкий и нервный труд. Если бы не поддержка (в прямом смысле тоже) @nagiev.universal не знаю, чем бы для меня все закончилось)) и ещё дети! Они своей искренностью и талантом заряжали энергией в самые важные минуты. Спасибо им! А ещё огромное спасибо руководству Первого канала за то, что разрешили мне поздравить мою маму с юбилеем на всю страну в прямом эфире! Большей радости не испытывала никогда! Девочкам за красоту макияжа и причёски отельное спасибо @marinarykova_stylist @makeupkrisstina ❤️Ребятам -за чудесное платье @snezana0608 и ее мужу Лёше❤️ и моя любимая @petitnp за постоянное прибывание рядом со мной и чудесные фото ❤️#аглаяшиловская #первыканал #голосдети #валериймеладзе - @aglaiashilovskaia on Instagram

🤩🤩 @hobbipeeps - #music #singer #singing #cover #covertreat #song #vocals #music #hotvocals #allaboutvoices #superstar2021 #dsds #dowhatyoulove #andraday #riseup #riseandshine #pitch #learning #musicvideo #musician #singerofinstagram #singersongwriter #attnde #singersfreepromotes #jazz #love #hot #acousticcover #acoustic #model #curvy - @music.shoutouts._ on Instagram

- Nia Jax

What a pleasure to meet you sis ❤️ • • #nakadia #sis #techno #friendship #happiness #luvu - @mintech.ofc on Instagram

Rindu bamget tampil lagi.... Sampai kapan ya? Tuhan maafkan semua dosa manusia di muka bumi ini... Terutama Dosa dosa ku.... Biarkan ak bisa bekerja utk menebus semua kesalahanku yg lalu.... - @kikishowindonesia on Instagram

Una noche de puro LOVEEEEEE💛💙💚❤️🧡. Gracias a todos los que nos acompañaron , no se imaginan lo bonito y emocionante que fue para nosotros regresar a un escenario y cantar para ustedes. Gracias por sus mensajes y por vivirlo con toda desde Sus Casas. Pendientes del NUEVO LANZAMIENTO 🔥. @laurayjuanoficial #MeFaltasyPunto #laurayjuan fotos by @portelahe - @lauramayolo on Instagram

One year ago I won my first @vmas Good luck tonight everyone! - @todrick on Instagram

Delicadeza e modernidade é o mix da campanha Real Life de #AnaHickmannEyewear #RealLife #AnaHickmannEyewear #GoEyewear - @goeyewear on Instagram


#shaniatwain in #sequined #jumpsuit #hotbabe #secondskin #fit - @lucisewy on Instagram

Day 15 IJM Social Media Challenge “What are your future aspirations?” My favorite place to be is on the stage. I love singing, songwriting, and performing in plays and musical theater. I have been doing a lot of songwriting lately and hope to attend college to pursue a career in the performing arts! I am also very involved with my program “Don’t Shop -Adopt” which encourages animal rescue instead of buying from a pet store. Over the past 5 years, I’ve volunteered extensively with local pet rescue organizations and have raised over $5,000 for the @animalhumanemn Walk for Animals. I also love serving on the Student Advisory Board for @pacer_nbpc PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center to help raise awareness and end bullying. These are two causes near and dear to my heart and I hope to be involved with them for many years to come. @internationaljuniormiss @ava_ernst_pageant #internationaljuniormiss #ijm #ijmcrownofopportunities #crownofopportunities #spreadyourwingsatijm #ijmjourneytothecrown #ijmminnesota #ijmminnesotajrteen #ijmmn #ijmgirl #ijminternationals #passport2thecrown #areyouanijmgirl #avaernst - @ijmminnesotajrteen on Instagram

Dont miss the premiere of the Weakest Link tonight on NBC hosted by Jane Lynch on channels 9 and 1009 at 9 PM! - @maxxsouth on Instagram

Not shown here: the smoothie and gelato bar we hit up immediately following this pic @instagram HQ #client - @jzrosenberg on Instagram

The voice of Greece 🇬🇷 no5! Blue high neck guilted jumpsuit by @sandicouture @himonico jewels by @pogonatos_jewellery hat&shoes by @pantazonas_jr glasses by @sinpanos @musurus grooming by @olympiakollia shooting by @gp2323 styling by me - @annaziazia on Instagram

Next Level 🤝 @beccafrica - @adonkocompanyltd on Instagram

WELCOME TO BUTEAUPIA is coming to @netflix September 29! Produced by Push It and also directed by @pagehurwitz, were thrilled to have worked with the talented @michellebuteau on her first hour-long stand up special! #pushitprods #michellebuteau #netflix #standupcomedy - @pushitproductions on Instagram

Вчера прошла онлайн презентация в студии проекта, где мы снимаем 4 сезон проекта «Ты супер» @ntvru трансляцию смотрели более 1.500.000 человек в одноклассниках, ютьюбе и на сайте, а первый эфир уже в это воскресенье в 20.10 на телеканале @ntvru #тысупер #нтв #вайтмедиа #дети #вокал - @yulia_sumacheva on Instagram

- Adele Adkins

Dicen que no hay mal que dure 100 años somos capaces de volver a de iniciar una y otra vez. @pins_vestuario simpre en los mejores eventos colaboración @miss.bloom.b @aidishii & @dgongalvan para @flashback90soficial - @dgongalvan on Instagram

Fergie @ #iheartradio - @toconcertphotog on Instagram

Finally!! I am now an Australian citizen, 9 years in this beautiful country i am so blessed to be a dual citizen 🇦🇺🇨🇦 its been an amazing journey, one where I didnt know what I was doing or where I was going, but I just went with the flow and Im grateful my choices that Ive made has landed me to where I am today. To what was supposed to be a year adventure with one of my besties @ambercanauz , to the @togninis family @bennitognini @ttsnaps @kt_tognini @mejulies and the many amazing friends I have made along the way, today was an amazing celebration with my other 2 musketeers @kingysprivatelife and @josh_congreve for supporting me in the nosebleeds (glad they served beer haha) #nationalcitizenshipday #australia @australiancitizen @citizenceremomy @dualcitizen @brisbanecity #celebrate #goodtimes #nationalcitizenshipday #sponsor @adventureclub @whatsnext - @renegeldenhuys on Instagram

W minioną niedzielę, podczas koncertu Premier miałam ogromną przyjemność wręczyć nagrodę Stowarzyszenia Autorów Zaiks za najlepszy tekst i najlepszą muzykę. Serdecznie dziękuję Kapitule za zaproszenie, wspólne obrady i zaufanie a @sanahmusic serdecznie gratuluję zwycięstwa ♥️ Lubicie Sanah ? Osobiście uwielbiam... #aniakarwan #sanah #opole #festiwal #zaiks #nagroda - @aniakarwan on Instagram você está aí esperando um grande presente, ou milagre de Deus, preciso te dizer que estou olhando, sorrindo e cantando pra um neste exato momento🎁🙌🥰💕❣ . Foto @valeriofotografias #driveinshow @divino_oleiro #musicaprarezarecasar - @simonemedeirosoficial on Instagram

- @jus.8391 on Instagram

Saturday was BANANAS 🍌 Big thank you to @jrcevents and @taralipsyncki for putting on such a great show last weekend @metromusichall . ✨ Hair: @peppyfaeriehair 🎥: @_goth_brooks_ 📸: @mladywood - @sallycone_slopes on Instagram

@taylorswift performing at the 11.11 Global Shopping Festival Countdown Gala. The gala is produced by Youku, Alibaba’s video streaming platform. For more coverage on all things #Double11, check out - on Instagram

Kvalfinal i gång och @andersbagge1 i IDOL juryn har snygga skor från @eccoshoes styling av @thestylistlinda #idol2020 #eccoshoes #skobranschradet #tv4idol - @skobranschradetsverige on Instagram

🔥🔥🔥 @nadinechammas This concert was amazing! Thank you to each and everyone of you 🥰 #nadinechammas #spotlightlive - on Instagram

wollte mal hallo sagen also HALLO!3 #beatriceegli #love - @beatriceegli_ on Instagram

Escolhi esta primeira imagem para começar a descrever o meu dia de hoje: euforia, satisfação total, felicidade extrema e uma vontade gigante de vos poder contar este segredo tão bem guardado! E se eu dissesse à Lenita de 14 anos, que via todos os dias a @dailycristina na televisão e queria ser como ela... que un dia ela mesma me iria escolher e contratar para apresentar um programa na TVI? E se eu contasse à Lenita de 19 anos que o meu modelo crush favorito aka @ruben_rua e que parecia ser uma celebridade inatingível, estaria ao meu lado a apresentar esse programa e viraríamos amigos? E se um dia dissesse à Lenita já adulta, cheia de dúvidas do que seria o futuro, sem saber o que fazer a 300km de casa... que o meu futuro morava nesta cidade? E se eu dissesse à minha professora que sempre que mandava recados para casa porque eu falava demasiado nas aulas... que afinal estava só a “afinar a minha comunicação” para que um dia virasse a minha profissão? 😂 Enfim, brincadeiras à parte, que dia feliz, que ano incrível e que PRAZER poder tornar o meu hobbie na minha profissão e por ter tomado tanta decisão certa mesmo quando tudo indicava o contrário! Ahhhhhh🎉🎉🎉 - @helenacoelhooo on Instagram

New vibes on the way...💙 S T A Y•T U N E D #singer #itunes #spotify #8o8Soundz #songwriter #KaceyLynnv - @8o8soundz on Instagram

Obrigada pelo carinho, por acreditar no meu trampo, por ter aceito meu convite e por ser tão genial @sombrinhaoficial adoro sua sensibilidade 😍 ♥️🍀 . #alivedaminhavida #live #sortequemeabraça #marcellemotta #sombrinha #samba #luz - @marcellemotta on Instagram

I’ve honestly lost count on how many years I’ve been a part of @wodapalooza but one thing remains the same no matter the year - It. Is. Awesome! 🎉🙌🏼 #WZAMiami 📷: @sevenamphotography • • • #Crossfit #WZA #MIA #miami but headed back to #Cali @loud_live - @kikidickson on Instagram

I think I like this idea of less social media and more real life engagement. So, as per always, Ill try keeping my posting to a minimal of absolute necessities; Like warning you for an upcoming vocal cover, for example! That happens tomorrow at 18.00 EEST #YannisPapadopoulos #VocalCover #New - @yannispapadopoulos_official on Instagram

Thank you so much to @jowhiley and @bbcradio2. I just loved playing at Maida Vale studios tonight! (And you can listen back on @bbcsounds now) x - @dido on Instagram

Bendita suerte la mía la de aprender a diario de gente tan espectacularmente talentosa. Este es nuestro año @rokooficial - @albertotorresyo on Instagram

Registros de sábado! Estúdio maravilhoso bem iluminado. Melhor coisa para nós fotógrafos, menos coisas para preocupar! Minha linda cada dia mais linda 😁😍 #canon5dmarkii #sigma70200 #70200mmf28 #canonphotography #photooftheday #worshipninght 📸 - @pedro.hmartins on Instagram

08.10.2020. 20:15 Uhr. Pro7. Jubiläumsstaffel. Ich hab Bock. ❤️ Du auch? #tvog - @markforsterofficial on Instagram

Eu não tenho nem PALAVRAS que descrevam minha emoção, @manugavassi! 🤧 Te receber assim, tãão aclamada, de volta no meu palco foi.... simplesmente... TUDO! Obrigada por isso, Gavassiers 💛 #MPN - @nickelodeonbr on Instagram

Here’s a huge shout-out and heartfelt thanks to all those at SM4 who made it possible for our new live-streaming! Special appreciation goes out to Pastor Sergio, Jasmin, and Manuel. You guys are the best! #SM4online - @timmossholder on Instagram

@gordongram on #TheMaskedSinger is and always will be iconic. 🙌 Dont miss a new episode TONIGHT followed by an all-new #ICanSeeYourVoice starting at 8/7c. - @hellskitchenfox on Instagram

Zaczynamy galę FFF2 👊 #FFF #polsatsport #fight - @zbigniewkolton on Instagram

Freedom Fest - Fundraiser Educational Protest! Presenters / Speakers @ashleenormanhair @amberoharahair @emmanuellstyles @pompsalon @fred.jones.pbfc @victorval August 30th 6/9pm pst online and in-person 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 Hosted by @hairartproducts For more info and tickets visit - @victorval on Instagram

We love a #CountryMusicMoment here at @scotiabankcentre ❤️ On October 12th, 2008 we hosted the one and only @carrieunderwood after the release of her second studio album Carnival Ride 🎧 She was joined by @littlebigtown for a rocking night at Scotiabank Centre. - @scotiabankcentre on Instagram

Eilen sain esiintyä The Voice of Finlandin finaalissa tällaisten ihanien Turun Konservatorion lapsikuorolaisten kanssa! Kiitos koko TVoF-työryhmä, oli mahtavaa. ❤️❤️ Esitys on katsottavissa Ruudussa. Onnea kaikille finalisteille, kaikki olivat mielettömän hyviä! #tvof @thevoiceoffinland @ruutu @nelonen #uusiaunelmia #vesalalive #vesalakeikat #unelmat Bändin kapu, pianomaestro @kelmikalle Visual design @arilevela Promohahmo/järkkääjäsankari: @ketttu Styled by @vesasilver Puvun tekijä: @pinkkiheidi Muah: @neeakuurne Haircut&color @hairstylistroosa @fourreasons Tää eka kuva: Saku Tiainen @sakutopias - @vesalaofficial on Instagram

Jennifer Lopez. J.Lo. Jenny from the block. A legend by any name. #jlo #jenniferlopez #iheartfiesta #iheartradio #nikonnofilter #nikonambassador - @toddowyoung on Instagram

Tamaras Message an euch Bleibt schön disgusting! 😅 Sie hat den Best Personality Award defintiv verdient! ❤️ #GNTM 📸 Richard Hübner - @germanysnexttopmodel on Instagram

Στους #teamPanistes βρίσκονται πλέον η Μυρτάλη και η Μαρίνα. Βρείτε τις ερμηνείες τους από το κανάλι μας στο YouTube! 🎼 - @thevoiceofgreece on Instagram

- Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga

True(th) Winners #bitterx #truthfactor #bittercorona - @bittertruthband on Instagram

Which Masked Singer is @gordongram most excited to watch tonight? My guess is #PopCornMask! 🍿 Dont miss the premiere of #TheMaskedSinger and #ICanSeeYourVoice TONIGHT starting at 8/7c. #24HoursFOX - @24hoursfox on Instagram

Five years ago today.... @taylorswift played the first of two sold-out nights @NationwideArena with #the1989worldtour. #asseenincolumbus - @nationwidearena on Instagram

Une RENCONTRE riche et douce ce soir avec @mariemaireal et @beatricepirate 🎤🖤 @ampcogeco @festivoix - @cultur3r on Instagram

- Celeb Eats

Late night scrollin....2017💥 Crazy looking back and remembering how fast that year FLEW on by. - @ashlandcraft on Instagram

We be cheesin on the @heidiandfrankshow last Friday 😁 They played Little Bird on the radio and it was rad. - @eastofjune on Instagram

Minha gratidão à todos que prestigiaram nossa live!!! Sigam @oepiccooficial . Foto @williandiezfotografia - @daianegaia on Instagram

Ever choke slammed someone while wearing G+R TechStretch? @baroncorbinwwe does it regularly!! Stoked to know you brother, thanks for trusting us to make the denim you beat people up in 🙏🏼 - @gentryandrose on Instagram

VEM AÍ: a nona temporada do #TheVoiceBrasil! E tem novidade na área ✨✨ As noites de shows musicais repletos de talento e emoção estão voltando, e nosso time de técnicos continua sendo formado por grandes nomes da música nacional, mas em nova formação: @lulusantosoficial, @micheltelo e @iza passam a ter a companhia de @carlinhosbrown nas cadeiras 💛 Nossa mainha @ivetesangalo passa o bastão e dá as boas-vindas ao conterrâneo: “Não foi uma decisão fácil e eu não estarei presente como técnica nesta edição, mas o The Voice é uma família e estarei conectada com todo meu coração e minha torcida 🥰 Quem aí já tá ansioso também? 👆 - @thevoicebrasil on Instagram

Anna Puu The voice of Finlandissa #samieskelinen asussa Stylisti: @vesasilver Kuva: @sakutopias - @samieskelinenofficial on Instagram

“Se eu passar pelo vale, mal não temerei Se eu passar pelas águas mais profundas não me afogarei Se eu passar pelo fogo não me queimarei Pois Tu estás comigo, eu sei Só em Ti confiarei!” Gente, são tantas emoções com essa canção... Eu não vou contar tudo agora, vou deixar pra mais pertinho do lançamento, mas quem esteve lá no dia pôde ouvir a história dessa oração em forma de música. Foi um presente muito precioso que recebi do meu amigo @mikelacerdadirector e logo após ouvir pela primeira vez eu imaginei um dueto com uma voz que transmitisse paz! Obrigado meu amigo @davidmquinlan por ser essa voz que faz nosso coração bater mais forte! Essa #Paz que você emana vem do #Emanuel 🙏🏻💙 Foto: @reginaldobandrade #Áquila #DavidQuinlan #DVDÁgape #SonyMusic #sonymusicgospel #adoração - @aquila on Instagram

Hermoso Programa @mujereseltrece @eltrecetv Vestido @syesmoda botas @micaelaoficialok PB.@johana_31_ - @gladyslabomba18 on Instagram

Authentic, mesmerising and unapologetically diva-ish! These auditions will not be forgotten anytime soon. Link in bio for TOP 5 Greatest Auditions OF ALL TIME! 🙌🎉 - @thexfactor on Instagram


WE DID IT BABYYY!!🖤🤩💪 Proficiat lieve Gala!! Geniet van het moment en blijf vooral ook zo hard werken voor je passie! Het was een absoluut voorrecht om met een gigantisch groot talent als jou te mogen werken de afgelopen maanden.🙏 Zó verdiend dat jij dit jaar als winnares uit de bus bent gekomen!! Een echte artieste ben je, nu al. And this is just the beginning. Go and inspire, kid!!😉👊 En voor iedereen thuis: GA NU METEEN DIE ONGELOFELIJK VETTE NIEUWE SINGLE CHECKEN DIE GALA VANDAAG UITBRACHT!!😎 Swipe up link in m’n stories✌️ X #TeamSean #TheVoiceKids #winner - @seandhondt on Instagram

Yes, it’s possible! You can still create inspiring & heartfelt moments of impact in a virtual setting. We help you think about the message, the voice, & the digital context of these moments to inspire your audience✨ . . Technical Production:, producer @jonscreen // Venue: @thegeraghty // Linen: @kehoecollection by @bbjlinen // Photography: @collinpierson . . #BlackOakTechnicalProductions #BlackOak #KehoeDesigns #TheGeraghty #WishUponAWedding #BlissfulWishesBall #wuwchicago #wishgranter #gala #annualgala#chicago #galaproduction #pivot #virtual #inspire #move #impact #touchhearts #movepeople #raiseawareness #raisefunds #achievegoal #techproduction #eventtech #contextisking #digitalworks #celestial #starrynight #impactfuldesign #makeitmemorable - on Instagram

Your @acmawards #EntertainersOfTheYear! Photos by @dustydraper & @kaylaschoen - @bridgestonearenaofficial on Instagram

Wow!!! Niesamowita przygoda, o której rozpoczęcie nigdy bym siebie nie podejrzewał, właśnie się rozpoczęła! Jestem w drużynie @urszuladudziak.official i mam nadzieję, że to, czego się nauczę od Pani Uli w trakcie programu, zostanie na całe życie! 🙏 Pani @edytagorniak , dziękuję! ❤️ Bardzo się cieszę! Trzymajcie kciuki za kolejne etapy The Voice! @voiceofpoland -- Facebook: #thevoice #thevoiceofpoland #talentshow - @michalbober on Instagram

Zagadka😉. @l.u.cbook na zdjęciu zamawia napoje dla Rebel Babel Commanders, czy z wielką radością odlicza dni do koncertu w @miasto_zielona_gora , gdzie Wasz wspaniały zespół wystąpi podczas Winobrania🍇🍇🍇 ? Prawidłowa odpowiedz : 🎺🎺🎵🎶🎵 muzyka zawsze wygrywa. Zagramy dla Was o godz. 20.00 w piątek 11.09.2020r. na scenie winobraniowej (Plac Teatralny).Zapraszamy wszystkich. ————— Is LUC in the picture ordering drinks for Rebel Babel Commanders? Or is he counting down the days to the concert in Zielona Góra, where your wonderful band will perform during the Grape harvest? Correct answer: 🎺🎺🎵🎶🎵 music always wins. We will play for you at 8.00 pm (Theater Square) We invite everyone. —————— #winobranie #winobranie2020 #odliczanie #counting #koncert @winobraniezg @niesamowite_lubuskie @lubuskielove @miasto_zielona_gora @miastozg @falubazzg - @rebelbabel on Instagram

You are my inspiration. Thank you for the masterclass! #imatstoronto - @marynova_mua on Instagram

Getting ready to Zoom a magic show for a wonderful private audience. #magicshow #zoommagic #sharpo - @erichowellsharp on Instagram

Esperando para ver al más lindo🔥🔥🔥🔥😍😍😍 @maritoman @maritoman @mamushkaeltrece - @marioguercifans on Instagram

🎶 Virtual Concert Giveaway! 🎶 We’re teaming up with our friend @LaurenAlaina to giveaway TWO VIP TICKETS to her virtual concert on October 14! E-meet Lauren before the concert then enjoy a night filled with music from the comfort of your own home. Just follow these two simple steps to enter to win: 1) Follow @verabradley 2) Tag a friend in the comments below! * * * Giveaway is open to U.S. residents only, 18+ years of age. The giveaway ends on 10/1 at 11:59 p.m. This giveaway is not sponsored by Instagram - @verabradley on Instagram

Сегодня у нас в @voice1tv первые поединки. Подошёл ко мне @nagiev.universal и сказал - фотки эти разрешаю выложить, только если скажешь, что у нас роман!) вот я выкладываю и говорю- Дмитрий Владимирович- я вас очень люблю!)#голосдети #1канал #аглаяшиловская #дмитрийнагиев hairstyle @a_nytka.gneusheva makeup @makeupkrisstina 💕💞 - @aglaiashilovskaia on Instagram

Zmiana kodu na 3 z przodu 🙈😂! Dziś świętujemy od białego do białego rana 🥳! Zapraszamy do wspólnej zabawy przed radioodbiorniki oraz na 🕺🏼😍! #30latradiazet #radiozet #dzieńdobrybardzo - @radio_zet on Instagram

O The Voice Portugal estreia AMANHÃ! Depois do telejornal, na RTP1🔺Styling Tiago Baptista @tiagofilipebaptista_ 🥼 Nuno Gama @maisonunogama 👟 JAK @jak_shoes #zambascorporate #thevoicept - @antonio.zambujo on Instagram

- @ginesdrum on Instagram

New blog post on Recovery Podcastland section of @thesobercurator - @daxshepard we ❤️ you big time buddy! We all have just #odaat Thank you for your bravery and your honesty. #linkinbio • • • #daxshepard #relapseisapartofrecovery #wedorecover #nationalrecoverymonth #bettertogether #armchairexpert #sobrietyisworthit #sobrietyishard #sobrietyisthenewdrunk #youcandohardthings #wecandohardthings #recoverycommunity #honestyisthebestpolicy #gettingreal - @thesobercurator on Instagram

Madrugada 🎶 @tatygirl . Siga @portalforrozeirooficial Siga @arnildojunior2 . • • • • SIGAM MEUS PARCEIROS📲 • @portalforrozeirooficial @trechos.musicais__ @piseiroofc @ygorsalescds @equipepiseiro22 @tocantinsertao @o_povo_gosta_do_piseiro @doidosporpiseiroeforro @Portaldasmusicas @vaqueiro_estouradog @videosnofeed__ @piseiro_ipubi @galeradointerior26 @jaiane_divulgacoes @piseiro_penaforte @portal_dapisadinha @piseiro_music @reidopiseiro_fc @forrozeiiros @_topsmusicais @piseironofeed @vaquejadasdovale @piseirama @portalmusicais @piseiro_raiz @pisadinha1000grau_of @centraldoshits @jamile_divulgacoes @so_forro_oficial @suamusica_videos • • #piseiroofc #piseiro #vaquejada #forró #Maranhão #jogaagua💦 #chamanabota #pizeiro #reidopiseiro #statuswhatsapp #videosmusicais #musicasertaneja #suamusica #biudopiseiro #zevaqueiro #baroesdapisadinha #doidosporpiseiroeforro #vitorfernandes #wesleysafadão #xandyaviao #gustavolima #mariliamendonca #henriqueejuliano #bregafunk #pisadinha1000grau_of #raisaiarodada #euorlandinho #neymarjr #tirulipa #piaui - @portalforrozeirooficial on Instagram