Smart City Vlc Profile Pics

valenciaajuntament de valènciacomunitat valencianaidioma valenciàsmart cityvlcbarriobarriavalencia
encorts barrio barri valencia ajuntament de val%C3%A8ncia

- bologna

barrio barri valencia ajuntament de val%C3%A8ncia comunitat valenciana

#cooperationiscentral to reinvent the industrial past 🏭 Many central European regions have an industrial past and struggle with defining a post-industrial identity. Our #InduCult2.0 project embraced the challenge of repositioning these regions as appealing places for work, life and recreation. They developed action plans together with creatives, museums and companies to define the regional identity profiles based on the concept of #livingindustrialculture including the redesign of abandoned urban spaces is part. One example? The tower in the picture: the Martin Hoop IV is a coal mining shaft in the East German district of #Zwickau. The last time black coal was digged up through this shaft was in 1978. The tower stood abandoned ever since. Forty years later the giant landmark turned into a piece of art for everyone. The new look of the old building was created by Christoph Steyer - a designer and illustrator known as #Flatmat - after he won an international contest. 🥇 Discover more on the transformations #InduCult brought about ➡️ #weekbyweek #MadewithInterreg #Interreg30 #EUinmyRegion - @interregce on Instagram

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- Urban Rail

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- Density

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- A small tram-bus hub

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- Japanese streets

barrio barri valencia ajuntament de val%C3%A8ncia comunitat valenciana

+++Letzte Heideldruck-Mitarbeiter ziehen nach Wiesloch – was wird aus der Print Media Academy?+++ Die Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG verschwindet endgültig aus der Stadt, die dem Druckmaschinenhersteller seinen Namen gegeben hat. Schon 2015 zogen der Unternehmensvorstand und große Teile der Verwaltung in das Werk Wiesloch, 2018 zog auch der Bereich Forschung und Entwicklung nach. Nach dem Verkauf aller Verwaltungsgebäude in Heidelberg war die Print Media Academy am Hauptbahnhof das letzte Heidelberger Gebäude im Besitz von Heideldruck. Doch was geschieht nun mit der Print Media Academy, die mit ihrem stählernen Pferd vielen Reisenden, die am Heidelberger Hauptbahnhof angekommen, ein beeindruckendes Bild bietet? „Alle Optionen liegen auf dem Tisch“, zitiert die RNZ einen Unternehmenssprecher von Heideldruck. Auch ein Verkauf könne sich das Unternehmen vorstellen. Die Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG hatte das gläserne Gebäude erst vor drei Jahren gekauft und zuvor jahrelang gemietet. Mehr dazu auf #heidelberg #heidelbergcity #heideldruck #printmediaacademy Foto: Stadtmarketing Heidelberg - @heidelberg_24 on Instagram

barrio barri valencia ajuntament de val%C3%A8ncia comunitat valenciana

- Taxco, Mexico

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- Unremarkable Intersection

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- Italy, San Gimignano. The medieval town where time has stood still.

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- One of the default district names

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- The canal dividing the two largest districts

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- New Museum

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- This scaffolding looks like the buildings facade.

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- Malta In January [Nikon F100, 50mm 1.8 Ektachrome 100]

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- Place Saint Michel Square

a valencia valencia ajuntament de val%C3%A8ncia comunitat valenciana idioma valenci%C3%A0

- Irlande

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- Dubai Metro [OC] [3000x2250]

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- Imperial Shipping Co. warehouse and dock, c.1958

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- spaghetti

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- Vienna, Austria (720x720)

valencia ajuntament de val%C3%A8ncia comunitat valenciana idioma valenci%C3%A0 smart city

- Pecan nuts & Maple syrup. Winner of the Festival del Gelato, Firenze 2012 - best Icecream I ever had.

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- Tilt Shift Lens

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- A real life sliding puzzle gone wrong

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- Spaghetti interchange: Pedestrian edition

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- art photography

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- Fuel cell cars and trucks

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- ITAP of these guys playing basketball

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- doors and windows

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- Busssssyness card

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- PSA- as we enter the silly season, it might be worth a refresher of the Road Code for roundabout rules. Would love if tourists had this info given to them as well, pretty daunting to hit a country with no advice given at car pickup! Seen plenty of near misses and prangs that this would have avoided.

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- This sign in Utrecht, Netherlands, shows the number of available parking spaces for bicycles.

valencia ajuntament de val%C3%A8ncia comunitat valenciana idioma valenci%C3%A0 smart city

- Subway Maps

val%C3%A8ncia es valencia ajuntament de val%C3%A8ncia comunitat valenciana idioma valenci%C3%A0

- Albania City

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- Sadly, the european buildings dont fit at all.

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- Asian burger

valencia ajuntament de val%C3%A8ncia comunitat valenciana idioma valenci%C3%A0 smart city

- Riding into the sunset

valencia ajuntament de val%C3%A8ncia comunitat valenciana idioma valenci%C3%A0 smart city

- Nanning

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- Leaving Chefchaouen (Fuji GW690ii, Portra 160)

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- A normal day at São Paulos metro system

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- My uni has some small railroad crossings

lacreucoberta creucoberta barrio barri valencia

- Any tips how to improve this already nice crossing? (V2)

barrio barri valencia ajuntament de val%C3%A8ncia comunitat valenciana

- back alley 路地裏

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- Strictoaster Cafe on the Corner

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- actually our crossings are kinda normal (Pilsen, Czech Republic)

betero barrio barri valencia ajuntament de val%C3%A8ncia

- My pedestrian path that cuts across my city.

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- Italy, Montepulciano

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- Step away Czech republic, Germany and all the other ones. I present to you, Slovnaft, Slovakia

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- This junction marking mod is great.

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- Berlin

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- Diamond Buying Guide

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- Doğup büyüdüğüm yer CİHANGİR

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- This red police car

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- Backyard: Murals & Art

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- Calle Adolfo Hitler, Manalisco, Jalisco

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- Swiss country

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- Milan

favara barrio barri valencia ajuntament de val%C3%A8ncia

- ITAP of the side of a building near Seattle.

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- Seaside towns

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- girl in flowers by Ernesto Maranje, Kyiv, Ukraine, paint in 2016

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- The graffiti on this building in Barcelona .

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- [Building] Sunny Hills, Tokyo. By Kengo Kuma and Associates. Took this picture a few days ago.

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- Endless urban sprawl of Mexico City with no natural boundaries

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- Markets in Ulm, Germany

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- Famous Edinburgh

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- Algeria

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- Night owls are coming home !

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- A shopping alley.

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Devi richiedere un permesso per entrare in ZTL? Se ne hai i requisiti puoi farlo online su:⁣ ⁣⁣ ⁣ Noi verifichiamo le informazioni, la documentazione e il pagamento e, se è tutto ok, inseriremo la targa a sistema e ti inviamo una email con il contrassegno in PDF. - @romamobilita on Instagram

barrio barri valencia ajuntament de val%C3%A8ncia comunitat valenciana

- Ardennes italienne ville italienne

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- Bisley Workflow 2016

valencia ajuntament de val%C3%A8ncia comunitat valenciana idioma valenci%C3%A0 smart city

- google sketchup

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- brick construction

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- greenbelt park

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- Walking the many tiled streets of Lisbon, Portugal

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- City Square

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- urban planning

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- Npcs keep trying to park near my Intercity Bus Terminal and its causing a lot of traffic. Ive moved it multiple times and each time the mass amount of traffic follows. How can I stop this?

barrio barri valencia ajuntament de val%C3%A8ncia comunitat valenciana

- I just... want to... go to the... right lane... it will be just one second... I promise...

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- Venice, Italy.

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- Frankfurt, Germany

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- Mooding

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- Firenze

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- Heres a picture from my visit to the Western Wall in Israel, one of the holiest spots on the planet.

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- Mont dore

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- Aleppo Old house

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Life passing me by - @liz_whitney on Instagram

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- Pigalle - Paris

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- A Milano

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- Skilled Parking

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- Banksy!

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- Artsy Fartsy

laraiosa barrio barri valencia ajuntament de val%C3%A8ncia

- The impressively clean streets of Split, Croatia at 4 A.M.

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- Tunnel Entrance

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- The Roman aqueduct in Segovia, Spain. Held together in perfect balance by gravity (no mortar or cement holding the stones together) for 2,000 years. Each stone is perfectly shaped to fit tightly with the next. A masterpiece of engineering.

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- Croatia

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- Downtown Intersection

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- Adriaan Geuze

- This tree is not centered.

- Downtown from above

- Welcome to fictional Koenberg, 1927.

- Modern roofs

- Latest Technology Updates

- I Have Something With Shoes

- maya hayuk

- Lithuania celebrates its independence day today, thats why some traffic lights in capital were rearranged to fit national flag.

- Helsinki, Finland (Early 1980s)

- JR NEX running through the CBD

- Street Tattoo

- Split, Croatia

- Ciao, Milano!

- Done making the biking zone boss.

- Amsterdam

- My current city of Glenchester.

- City center

- Good Person

- A small town in Siberia, Russia

- Just Russia things (Moscow)

- Bellissima italia

- Is it enough detailing?


- Languedoc, France

- hmmm

- Copenhagen tourist attractions

- All About Africa

- What. The. Fuck.

- All of Landscape Arc.

- Locations of All 10 Profile: Odessa Sawyer Comms Added in Episode 2

- Graz

- Cool Maps

- Pavement

- Well.... I wonder what happened next? [pic]

- Downtown Train Station

- Amazing Street Art

- Parking lot reconstruction

- Absolutely nothing but a parking lot

- My Soviet-style city

- Abu Dhabi Bus Map

- Now it feels like Im playing the same game

- 2020 - 2030

- Clichy-sous-Bois, France

- Adaptive Reuse

- I wish the lane connector tool could be incorporated into Cities Skylines, I understand the argument about the difficulty of improving traffic AI, but TM:PE has some awesome tools which dont rely on improved AI, but make a huge difference to traffic flow.

- Notre-Dame, Paris [OC]

- Just another angle of a curved

- @cristian.gadau on Instagram

- My army will find you, you can not hide from us.

- Downtown and industry

- Barcelona, Las Ramblas

- Thinking of a trip to Cornwall?

- California state of mind


- Asolo

- Germany: Berlin

- Cefalu

- Urban canyon

Up or down 🚋 💛 Lisbon Congrats @jackspiceradams Use #map_of_portugal #portugal - @map_of_portugal on Instagram

- I found a debugging river that the mods left in by accident!

- Voyage Italie

Merci @_nelio pour cette fresque magique, la première de #rouenimpressionnée, dans le cadre de @rormandieimpressionniste. Un paysage rouennais réinterprété, face à la bibliothèque et le parc du quartier Grammont . Curating: @olivierlandes #arturbain #muralisme #neomuralisme #streetart #urbanart #muralism #muralismo #paysage #rouenimpressionnee #normandieimpressionniste #rouenphoto #igersrouen #streetartrouen - @artenville on Instagram

- Balloons are evidently not permitted at Malmö train station, Sweden.


- Nightfall City - Container Building

- Fully customed station and it functions ! Took me hours to make

- corfu town

- My interchange

- Imaginary Post-Olympic Athlete Village .. getting better at dealing with slopes.


- View down Bethesda St, c.1958

- Lane change.

- A pic I took of the Roman aqueduct in Segovia, Spain.

- blursed_wall

- Copenhagen tours

- Another fun little piece of road architecture. A five way roundabout marking the boundary of upper midtown.

- Articles

- German Architecture

- Frankfurt, Germany

- Graffiti

- Underpass

- Campaign Inspiration

- People standing in line at the bakery in Germany.

- For the uninitiated, and even seasoned riders, a reminder when putting your feet down on a street

- Aerial view of Dubai Highway

- Urban Heat Island: Melting Roads [India]

- London City Airport

- Where will I go? What will I see? Everything beautiful.

- Drive way

- Thank you, Mr Tanaka

- My main railway station

Am Montag, den 20. Juli startet die erste Bauphase zur Neugestaltung des Sophienstiftsplatzes. 👷🏻‍♂️👷🏽‍♀️ Die Visualisierungen zeigen, wie das Ganze mal aussehen soll. Weitere Infos: On Monday, 20th of July the construction works at Sophienstiftsplatz will start. The visualizations gives you an impression of how it will look like in future times. #weimar #stadtweimar #infrastruktur #baustelle #verkehr - @stadtweimar on Instagram

- HD Ideas

- I Jönköping kör uppkörningen upp dig

- Holiday Competitions

- Is there any road like this or similar to this on the Workshop? Ive been searching through it for a few days now and cant find anything like this.

- The Italian Commute. Contax 645 | Kodak Portra 400

- Road with Two Way Buffered Bike Lane

AUTOBUS V NOVÝCH BARVÁCH OD ZÍTŘKA NA LINCE 176 I Prototyp autobusu v nových barvách dle výsledků soutěže na novou vizuální identitu systému Pražské integrované dopravy je představen. ➡️ Sledujte nás! Již brzy přineseme podrobnosti včetně jízdního řádu. #jezdimeprovas #praha #bus #autobus #dpp - @dppoficialni on Instagram

Ekiplerimiz, daha güzel bir Kırşehir için sahada çalışmalarına devam ediyor. #selahattinekicioğlu #kırşehir #kırşehirbelediyesi - @kirsehirbld on Instagram

- Afghanistan

- Berlin

Lifes a climb, but the view is great! Check out Rock Climber by @martinwhatson for Out in the Open project supported by @kirkgallery . Bridging the gap between spontaneous graffiti and sharply cut stencils Martin Whatson has created two of his first murals this year due to the severe travel restrictions around the world. @plusmalergrossistenaalborg @kompashotel @cafegoodlife_ @visitaalborg @migogaalborg @nordjyske ___________________________________________ 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️ 📲📲📲 our APP & select your city from our list or check our website to 🧐 the best murals in the 🌍 650+ cities active and counting... 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️ _____________________________________________ #love #instadaily #cool #streetart #streetartistry #streetarteverywhere #streetartofficial #streetartnews #streetartdaily #urbanphotography #urbanart #mural #murales #muralart #repost #arteurbano #arteurbain #streetartphotography #arteurbana #graffitiart #outintheopen - @streetartcities on Instagram

- Bridge Mode Separation

Gennaro è operaio #FacciamoloQuestoMiracolo - @jorit on Instagram

- Dystopian Macau cityscape. (Yes, the monster in the distance is a casino, of course.)

- My attempt at an Italian city.

- Urban Workshop

- Athens, Greece Travel

- Arizona Trenton

- Welcome to the city of Atlas! (Population of 60,000)

- A downtown of mine with railway station in the background

- Bus

- True Low Density

- PDSA Abseil 2012

- Oakland California


- Pacman anyone?

- Aeroplane spotted flying over London while browsing Google Maps

- El born Barcelona

- Bridge Engineering

- Eco City

Sant’Erasmo - Protettore dei Pescatori (di uomini) - @igor_palminteri per FLAG e ONIBI, @lacasadellacooperazione . Ex pastificio Virgo - via Ponte di Mare - Molo Sant’Erasmo, 2019. #streetartpalermo #streetartfactory #streetartinsicilia (ph. @filimauro) - @streetartpalermo on Instagram

- Can anyone tell me why theres a huge migration of people on this street in particular?

- Theyre watching every move you make.

- PsBattle: A man rides a donkey-drawn cart transporting an old car

- The view from Florences Forte di Belvedere

- Garden City, Cairo, Egypt [1280 x 960]

- A-Level Exam 2017: Manufactured Structures

- Rome in a Day

- I was trying to take a screenshot of my nice roundabout when..

- Architettura (zibaldone)

- Bologna

Dusty Signal Mons, Belgium 2019 Thanks to @fakieboy31 #nean - @nean_kingdom on Instagram

- ITAP of a square in Granollers, near Barcelona

- tour montparnasse

- Metameur, Tunisia

- Giant

- Lucca Italy

- Arte no Mundo

- My growing city in the sunset

- I just found out i live in the same house as Minecraft got invented by Markus Persson and Jens Bergensten


- Had to set up Windows dual boot for this mod to work, but goddamn was it worth it.

- Denmark

- Tourism & Travel

- Architecture

Live painting at the @lhospitaletexperience #mobilecongress #graffiti #streetart #illustration #color #dlow# action #lifepainting #livepainting #hospitalet #Barcelona #spain #lh #hospi #narcelona #spain #urbanart#shanacmyk #kwets @contorno_urbano - @shana.cmyk on Instagram

- Someone must of had a really bad day

- cArt

- Small Canals

- art gallery

- 3D Street Art

- Metro & Train Map of my city (Created using PowerPoint and

- Bilbao

- Cermak Ave in Downtown Racine, 1952

- Direct Action

- Istanbul Central Bus Station

- Cuba Today

- The Sphagetti tunnel intersection.

- GTA : san andreas

- The crosswalk in front of my hotel looks like piano keys.

- Were ready in Manchester.

#AhmetTOLGAY #istanbul #TURKEY @visit.turkey.turkiye @tolgay.official #travel #traveling #insta #InstaTags4Likes #visiting #vacation #instatravel #instago #instagood #trip #holiday #photooftheday #travelling #tourism #tourist #instapassport #instatraveling #mytravelgram #travelgram #турция #travelingram #igtravel #instagramers #insta #Türkiye #türkei #تركيا - on Instagram

- Architecture & Activity

- View from the stadium in a Berlin inspired city

- Algarve Portugal, September 2015

- My Uber is 6 blocks and 45 minutes away

- I forgot to get rid of parking. Too bad... Hope you recognize this place!

- lArt dans la rue

- CHEAP festival

- Seems pretty straightforward.

- Another view of Baku Azerbaijan, old and new town.

- Optical illusions

- Office near busy alley.

- Warring Libya - Liberation of Tripoli (2025)

- My apartment complex in Prishtina, Kosovo

- Triq Sant Orsla - Valetta, Malta [2073 × 2764]

- Location of where the homeless man this morning was removed by an industrial vehicle while still sleeping in his tent. An Eoghan Murphy poster in prime location

- My first post on reddit. Im working on my city since one and a half years. I will post more pictures in the near future :)

- Branding

- City dividing elevated highway... felt cute, might fall apart and be demolished in 30 years, idk 🤪

- Landscape architecture drawing

- Real Life Tetris in Warsaw

- Traffic light shaped like a heart for Valentines Day

- Light Rail and Trams

- Art Médiéval

- Manshyet Nasser, Egypt.

- Safe Crossing

- This mural looks like something you wouldnt normally put on a building.

- Transportation Solutions

- Corsica - Bastia

- Prague love street signs

- Driving in Italy

- Gustave Eiffel

- Zooming in on Buckingham Palace on Google Maps turns the street view man into the Queen!

- [ask] What is this type of architecture?

- Atwater Village

- Road Closure

- Montpellier, France. Where does the painting end and the the real painting start?