˙•ᴅᴇᴀᴅ ᴘᴏᴏʟ💅🏻🦄.˙•

He so goofy bro😵💫🫶🏽

These designs are available for sale! Contact me on DM or email for details & purchase : 📩 traddicallabs@gmail.com . #distressedunrest #theskullreserve #artisan #graphicdesign #tattooworld #traditionalkings #clothing #drawdaily #tattoodesign #oldschool #tattooclothing #artoftheday #traditionalartist #tattooideas #oldschooltattoo #traditionaltattoo #vintagestyle #boldtattoo #tattooworld #badgedesign - @traddicallabs on Instagram

Chroma Shogun

Raiden Shogun Icon

#adamantium #samurai Art by me and #colors #betomenezes Essa arte é capa do meu primeiro Artbook que está em pré venda publicado pela Criativo. Se você curte meu trabalho é uma boa oportunidade para dar um apoio garanta já o seu no site da editora: https://www.editoracriativo.com.br/ Ao entrar no site Clique em LOJA CRIATIVO e depois em pré venda, meu livro estará lá, antes de finalizar a compra adicione o cupom D1 para ganhar 10% de desconto na compra, muito obrigado. - @ericblakeart on Instagram

Join Yumii ! ✦

Raiden Shogun ⚡️

Shoots from a shoot - @gelatin_silver_love_ on Instagram

- Ninja weapons

emo Cory #coreyxkenshin

- [Mod Updated] ★ Heretic Astartes: Primarch ★


Handlebar Model T Pipa 2mm Drat tanam m12 Price 300 Wa ada d propil #rangkarigid#rangkachopper #sisibar#tigerchopper#scorpiochopper #sr400chopper #xs650chopper #triumphchopper #binterchopper #triumph#springerfork #triumpht100#Springer#springerforks#motorchopper #jualmotorchopper #motorchopperindonesia #chopperlife # #choppergold #choppergood#chopperlife #chopperasia #chopperina #kaleumwe#chopperland #customparts #spatborchopper #tangkichopper #tutuptangkicustom#framechopper#motorcustom #kaleumwe - @choppergood on Instagram

- L5R


- Bushido code

Latest creation of @davidzutur @elders_garage! #Chopperland with a Yamaha Scorpio Engine! . Such a beautiful way to end this year 🎄🎄🎄 . Kindly check @elders_garage to start build your own #Chopperland ⚡⚡⚡ . #kickasschoppers #eldersgarage #chopperland - @chopperlandstory on Instagram

ᵕ̈ 高→ 𝓻𝓪𝓲𝓭𝓮𝓷 𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓰𝓾𝓷 🌩️⚡︎˚.

Number Game @thubepatil #jawa #jawamotorcycles #jawa250 #jawamotorcycles #rajdoot #rajdoot350 #rd350 #rd350club - @yogichhabria_ycdesign on Instagram

🔮•˖°⊹ 𝑹𝒂𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝑺𝒉𝒐𝒈𝒖𝒏 𝑰𝒄𝒐𝒏 𑁍

Ready💥💥 . . . . . . . . #yamaha #rx135 #yamaharx100 #2stroke #2strokes #love #bae #readytorace🏁 - @bilal_805 on Instagram

Raiden shogun summertime odyssey pfp

145. 1/2 • 𝐃𝐮𝐨/𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐏𝐟𝐩

Man i spent frikin 3 hours just to flat color dis piece of a derpi here and i accidentally erased my colored layer and closed the app and the app automatically saved my erasing step and deleted all the back ups :/ if breaking up is painful to you, try this to experience another dimension of pain 😂 The next visual for my track gonna be fire - @dj_kamikatzi on Instagram

Yae Miko and Raiden

This junk funny

- Team :v

and you cant argue that shes not well written when she isnt

* ★ 𖦹

- Art Style

Join Yumii ! ✦


- Fox mask

Gaming Black And White Genshin Pfp Пин от пользователя Miu на доске

im back old meme coryxkenshin

Support terus, Lgr @cb_region #cbholiday #cbpelajar #zonacb #cbstory #cbhits #republikcb #herex1200m #galeryhondacb #cbjateng #cbjatim #cbteyeng #cbracing #herexhits #herexindonesia #herexgalery #herexjomblo #cbindonesia #herex #cbindo #cbindonesiaklasik #herexgaleri #herex1200M #herex_hits #cbinspirasi #cb_banjarnegara #cbstoory #cewecb #cbnganjuk #cb - @cb_region on Instagram


- Sabbath

hes so silly

𝐵𝑎𝑎𝑙 ^•ﻌ•^

- Avatar


- Samurai Gandalf

Nosebleeding Baal

˙•ᴅᴇᴀᴅ ᴘᴏᴏʟ💅🏻🦄.˙•

Santa Ceia com Facada, 2018 - Rio Negrinho/SC - @flashbangermedia on Instagram

ᵕ̈ 高→ 𝓻𝓪𝓲𝓭𝓮𝓷 𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓰𝓾𝓷 🌩️⚡︎˚.

- Ibn ali

˚ · 𝙂𝙚𝙣𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙣 𝙄𝙢𝙥𝙖𝙘𝙩 𝙄𝙘𝙤𝙣. *ೃ༄

Join Yumii ! ✦

- Byzantium Greek Empire

bros got a whole bakery


- Dungeons and Dragons


THIS dude. So much love. So much. @bigbaldhead @rideamc - @rambodonkeykong on Instagram


The Tiger Tee 🐯 Discover more at www.izabelalugosi.com . . . #izabelalugosi #tees - @izabelalugosi on Instagram

The Boys are Back. Friday January 18th 8pm. Black Rose returns to the Slidebar in Downtown Fullerton with a Blistering Tribute the the Legendary Irish Rockers Thin Lizzy with all the Classic Hits and some old Gems too. Call and reserve your table now before there gone. (714) 871-2233 Are You Ready? 🤘 - @blackroserocks on Instagram

- [BoTW2] Old Man Link by Trent Kaniuga

- OSC Santa: Jimi Hendrix (late 60s)

Tonight we are live from @starlanepizzabar. I have the pleasure to share this lineup with @alessio_joohin & @joseouter. TUNE IN from 5pm ❤️ @sentakumusic 🔥🔥 - @dandeloo__ on Instagram

- The Best Friends, as drawn by the creators!

シマネジェットフェスは今年もクラウドファンディングに挑戦します。 シマネジェットフェス2020を開催します! 今年は9/26日(土)の開催です。 コロナの渦中で、この先がわかりません。 開催かWEB開催か? しかしかっこいい音楽を世界中に届けます。 みんなの力を貸して欲しい!! クラウドファンディングに挑戦します。 ロッカーとしての戦いをします。 https://camp-fire.jp/projects/301457/backers?page=2 シマネジェットフェス・ヤマタノオロチライジング2020 場所:島根県松江市古墳の丘古曾志公園 日にち:9/26(土) The SHIMANE Jett Festival2020 challenges crowdfunding again this year. We will hold the Simane Jet Festival in 2020! This year, it will be held on Saturday, September 26th. I cant see the future in the corona. Held or web held? However, it delivers cool music all over the world. I want everyone to help! !! We challenge crowdfunding. Fight as a rocker. https://camp-fire.jp/projects/301457/backers?page=2 Shimane Jet Festival Yamatano Orochi Rising 2020 Venue: Kofunoka Kososhi Park, Matsue City, Shimane Prefecture Date: Saturday, September 26 #guitarwolf #ギターウルフ #rockfes #jet #shimane #島根 #matsue #松江 #izumo #出雲 - @jettfes on Instagram

HASTA LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE - Che Guevara Adalah kutipan dalam surat dari seorang revolusioner Kuba yaitu Che Guevara kepada Fidel Castro yang dalam bahasa Indonesia berarti MAJU TERUS MENUJU KEMENANGAN! Che diberi gelar martir bagi penganut kiri di seluruh dunia. Wajahnya menjadi simbol perlawanan dalam gerakan kontra-kebudayaan dan dalam budaya populer. 100% original linocut print Dicetak terbatas 20 pieces saja Dicetak diatas kaos Gildan atau combed twotone/misty (optional)- keduanya kualitas premium Bahan kaos cotton combed 30s Proses pengerjaan berlangsung selama 3-4 hari Estimasi waktu pengiriman produk 3-4 hari (Jawa dan Bali) . IDR Rp. 125.000,- (exclude shipping) . Store: RETRORIKA Jl. Dewi Mumainah no. 02 Rt 01 Rw 05 Banaran, Bumiaji, Kec. Bumiaji, Kota Batu Jawa Timur . Untuk pemesanan online, kamu bisa hubungi ke nomor Whatsapp 08998255965 Atau kunjungi toko kami di tokopedia.com/rtrk Happy shopping! . #woodcutprint #linocut #linocutprint #blockprint #printmaker #printmaking #cukil #cukilkayu #kaosmalang #kaoscukil #kaossablon #kaossabloncukil #sablonmanual #cheguevara #revolutionary #cheguevaraart #cheguevaratshirt #cheguevarashirt #craft #crafting #handmade - @rtrk.id on Instagram

- ninja 2

- Japanese wallpaper iphone


- Desenho do power rangers

Budayakan bilang OTW padahal masih rebahan. #potd📸 #sunmori #helmetloversindonesia #kythelmet #kythelmetlovers #ttc #kytttcourse #tn #teamngaret #teamngaretbdg - @wldnrdnsyh_ on Instagram

- Wallpaper

“In horimono, we never choose meaningless motifs. In other countries, they sometimes put favorable designs or memories but not in Japan. It’s based on spiritual culture” -Horiyoshi III #irezumi #irezumi_sketches #irezumicollective #irezumitattoo #irezumiart #japaneseart #art #japan #hokusai #utagawa #shunga #kuniyoshi #tebori #tattoo #japanesetattoo #yoshitoshi #horimono #yokai #greatwave #shrine #tsukumogami #utagawakunisada #ghost #kitagawa #Horiyoshi3 #horiyoshi #bodysuit #bodysuittattoo - @irezumi__ on Instagram

. Happy 18th Anniversary Bikers Brotherhood 1% MC - Bali Chapter - @bikersbrotherhood1percentmcjkt on Instagram

apni bullet chale hue aaj 2 Mahina ho gya😐 - @aadil_paari on Instagram

Future Shichibukai . . . I wanna give a big shout out to @vva026 who made this phenomenal master piece! Check out more of her work on her page @gokibuvi and hit her up for commissions. - @franktheiv on Instagram


- Live Tattoo

- Babylon empire

THE TIME NEEDLE The alarming clock got stuck at 3 am The tick tok tick tok The rhythmic tune for the ear For the past 3 hours kept playing and getting into my nerves Making and breaking a place for itself In the complexity of human mind Becoming a virtual reality Which is true only virtually But not in reality That’s how our past is, Certain events haunt you for life It doesn’t matter how many years have passed It doesn’t matter how much you tried To get it out of your mind It stays on with you Till the time you are making history In a world full of historians. All that is left with you Is to make a choice Which is either to get engrossed Into something Which isn’t your present Or to focus on your present To make your future So that the past doesn’t haunt you Much often, as your brain learns it to tackle IN THE END ALL THAT MATTERS IS THE CHOICE YOU MAKE.🍂🌼 - @greyisthenewsure_ on Instagram

#chuntatos mañana nuestros amigos de @dinamomx estrenará nueva canción #bruja les dejamos el presave https://tinyurl.com/y2la4etx . . . #newsingle #DigitalDistribution - @chuntatamusic on Instagram

#continental_gt #picofthedays #autohash #explorer #pic #royalenfiled #instagoodmyphoto - @_s_h_a_mil on Instagram

Know thy roots. From Valhalla to helvegen. - @seraphim.system on Instagram

- Devil May Cry

- Old cartoon movies

- League Of Legends

NEW EP THE RESURRECTION OUT NOW ON @napalmrecordsofficial Pick up your digital download today! Link in bio. - @crimsonshadowsmetal on Instagram

skypierr Loop kit out now. Link in my bio. ✨✨✨✨✨ - @skypierr on Instagram

- [OC] My Shinobi. (Details in comments). Art and concept based on a show called huntik. Lots of homebrew.

- Love you gif

- AWAKENING / 覚醒, Me, Digital, 2020

New album “Russian Jawbreaker” is out now! Check our bandcamp page via link in bio! #convince #convinceband #convince666 #dbeat #hardcorepunk #crust #metalpunk #punx #russianjawbreaker #crustpunk #punk #hardcore #blackenedpunk #neocrust #metal #moscow #russia - @convince666 on Instagram

sometimes i just wanna run away, run away, away from everyone - @oficial_tenten on Instagram

- Avatar: The Last Airbender

🎥⚔️ #7AKIRAKUROSAWA, 7 filmes do período de maior glória do grande mestre do cinema nipónico distribuídos em Portugal pela Leopardo Filmes já andam pelos cinemas. Para além da edição limitada do TOTE BAG, estão já à venda, na loja online da Leopardo Filmes https://leopardofilmes.com/loja-online e também no Cinema Nimas, os cartazes criados pela designer @_catarinasampaio_ , em exclusivo, para este ciclo. - @leopardofilmes on Instagram

- Lets Go Pens!/ Hockey

- samurai girl

Shantanu and Satyavati from Mahabharta. Raja Ravi Varma had a bold and an artistic style and a powerful imagination and did not fear to show it in his work. He was the first painter to visualize Gods and Goddesses in a human form. He painted semi-nude paintings of goddesses and Apsaras like Urvashi, Rambha from the time of Mahabharata and Ramayana that got him into a lot of trouble on the grounds of hurting religious values. However he believed in his work and always had an eye for the unexplored. #raja_ravi_verma #indian_art - @rajaraviverma_ on Instagram

« TOTKV OH-ONVKV » STORY OF THE FIRE - told through Seminole patchwork. + The first photo is a landscape of mountains and trees on fire under a starry sky. + The second photo shows animals (birds) escaping and water being used to extinguish the fire. + I’ve been really preoccupied with everything that I haven’t felt like making art. This piece helped me start to process all the anxiety I’m having right now. + [EDIT]: I couldn’t think of way to articulate what I’ve been feeling and seeing with these fires. How could I describe it without using photos? Because I don’t have any and while it’s the reality of our situation that doesn’t mean seeing those photos of the earth burning aren’t hard to look at. I used patchwork designs as a way to talk about fires that could be “read” as both a story but also as a photograph of the landscape. While I’m illustrating the devastation that’s happening, I’m also using the visual language of Seminole patchwork as a way to heal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #seminolepatchwork #creek #muscogee #mvskoke #artworks #illustration #blackworknow #blackworkillustrations #blxckwork #blxck #procreate #procreatedrawing #procreateart #procreateartist #blackworkillustrations #iblackwork #blackworknow - @dommivera on Instagram

You can now purchase digital copies of our 2012 debut album GLORY ON THE BATTLEFIELD from our bandcamp page! Link is in our bio. For today only bandcamp is waving their fees so grab your copy today!!! . #Gloryonthebattlefield #bandcamp #nofees #epicmetal #debutalbum #swords #battle #metal #powermetal #deathmetal #BATTLEHARD - @crimsonshadowsmetal on Instagram

“Dan (ingatlah juga), tatkala Rabbmu memaklumkan; “Sesungguhnya jika kamu bersyukur, pasti Kami akan menambah (nikmat) kepadamu, dan jika kamu mengingkari (nikmat-Ku), maka sesungguhnya azab-Ku sangat pedih” (QS. Ibrahim: 7). #hondaracingproject #cbanakrantau #cbperantauankarawang #pasukancb #pasukan_cb #cbracingrace #cbracingtouring #cb125 #cb100 #cbholiday #herexkarawang #herexlintascikarang #cbsarangan #cbindonesiaclub #cbindonesia #cbjabar #cbovertime #sumberklasik #cbphoto #cbpacmansleman #naikcbyuk #cbteyeng - @a_badawi19 on Instagram

- Asian style art

Chop Chop - @sy_matic on Instagram

eva 01 . . . #evangelion #eva01 #shinjiikari #evas #angels #nerv #asukalangley #misatokatsuragui #reiayanami #kaworunagisa #gendōikari #anime #tvshow #edit #picsart #instaart #japan #japaneseanimation #theendofevangelion #film #fanart #animeart #drawing #minimalistic #design #manga #mangaart #robot - @lordmaxsimon_art on Instagram

👹 Artwork by: Hua Lu⠀ Location: Shanghai, China⠀ Artist’s IG: @hualu_art #irezumicollective - @irezumicollective on Instagram

Thorin Oakenshield. The king under the mountain.⚔🥀 --------◇-------- Have a nice day💙 --------◇-------- Tags: #thorin #kingoferebor #thilbo #bagginshield #thorinoakenshield #kingunderthemountain#kilithedwarf #kiliel #kili #sonsofdurin #thelonelymountain #thehobbit #erebor #dwarfs #brother #archer #death #thedesolationofsmaug #thebattleofthefivearmies #anunexpectedjourney #bow #arrow #fight #hobbit - @sirius.kenobi.of.erebor on Instagram

- Eastern Fantasy

- Desgin Før

Contoh PET Film Yang Sudah Tercetak Sudah dikasih powder dan di oven sehingga bisa disablon kapan saja selama disimpan dalam kondisi tertutup Bis di press dengan hot press atau setrika, hasil terbaik dengan hot press Suhu 160 derajat waktu 10 detik Cabut pas sudah dingin Press lagi 5-10 detik Tarik secara lembut hasil press agar hasil sablon handfeelnya lembut Order bisa lewat tokopedia ronita ya https://tokopedia.link/IMHOYTuI69 #sablon #sablontepung #sablonpetfilm #digitalprinting #ronitadigitalprinting - @ronitadigitalprinting on Instagram

#Thorin #Oakenshield #thorinoakenshield #krasnoludy#hobbit #thehobbit #krasnoludy #king #dębowatarcza #król #samotnagóra#dwarf #erebor #dwarves #dwarf fc @ / polarrff - @kaoili.oakenshield on Instagram

Time for my FURRY OC! I dedicate some time to make my character based on my dog Luna and here you have him! Im still looking for a name to give him! Related to Luis and my dog called Luna, so an example would be: Lunyx Luy Luxy |Luny What do you guys suggest me to call him? GIVE ME UR OPINION!!! . For those of you that are looking for any furry designs send me a message 😁👍 . #furry #furryart #drawthisinyourstyle #manga #comics #animeartwork #animefanart #tips #animeart #body #art #anatomy #drawing #sketch #artist #character #design #muscle #lineart #fitness #fanart #fit #inspiration #howtodraw # #virus - @inkartluis on Instagram

- By Takashi Okazaki

🙏 おはようございます 🇯🇵 Dokkōdō (獨行道) (The Way of Walking Alone) 🥋Miyamoto Musashi Precepts : 📜 17. Do Not Fear Death. Everyone dies, Everyone comes to terms differently. The best way to do it is identify what scares you the most about it and work from there. 📸®️ #ronin #musashi #dokkodo #katana #bushido #budo #dojo #ninja #samuraiart #iaido #kendo #judo #aikido #japanesemartialarts #japanese #zen #bujinkan #japonalia - @japonalia on Instagram

🔥👀💯 @reesemoney300 #newmusicalert #lilreese #lamron - @chicago_music_plug on Instagram

Esas noches de rock... Se extrañan! 🙇 - @crudo_armonico on Instagram

Track Machines #track_machines #superbikes #superbikesinindia #superbikesshowroom #superbikesgram #suzuki #intruder1800 #bmwmotorrad #bmws1000rr #ducati #diavel #harleydavidson #harley48 #hondamotorcycles #cbr600rr #superbikelovers #indiasuperbikefestival - @track_machines on Instagram

BB1%MC cp.Sukabumi pt.1 ( 📸 : @reizaghaizar @hamzaa.ah ) . . . #bikersbrotherhoodonepercentmc #cpsukabumi - @hellkey_ on Instagram

Yooo...berdanska - @tilemsaja on Instagram

- Koboto Santaro, a Japanese military commander, wearing traditional armour, photo taken by Felice Beato in 1863 [830x1000]

The latest release from our Cov 5 piece. Threw a ton of money at this as you can probably tell. The lads wanted Scorsese to direct, we settled with Michael Bay - @clappedrecords on Instagram

- A Celebration of all Women across the World

Sorry about the earth shaking last night. It was just us turning up the grills to eleven for todays ceremony of burg smash. Open 11-9/7days a week. - @grillemall on Instagram

- Kung Fu - Martial Arts

- Star Wars Ewok

I remember this dive so well. Will keep it in my memories forever. That was that first time I ever took photos of a freediver. (Of course I was with my scuba gear). When I was there waiting for @veronikafreediver under the water I was so excited that this is finally happening. And to be honest with you when she showed me the sign she is going down I was so ready! She went down slowly, moving like a real mermaid (Freaking mermaid!!! Just in front of me!), Looked into my eyes, turned around and went back on the surface. And I cant tell you enough how beautiful freedivers look like under the water. Just them and water. Nothing else matters. You just have to be there and feel this magic. I knew I will take more photos of this amazing girl! Well, that was first shoot I had with my dear friend Veronika, then we did two more. Cant wait for our next project next week! ❤️🙏😘 . . . . . 📷@karolatakesphotosdaily 🧜♀️ @veronikafreediver . . . . #freediving #diving #apnea #freedive #underwater #underwaterphotography #freediver #ocean #scubadiving #sea #scuba #underwaterphotography #underwater #scubadiving #diving #scuba #ocean #uwphotography #underwaterworld #photography #padi #dive #nature #underwaterphoto #sea #marinelife - @karolatakesphotos on Instagram

- Sci-Fi


Acompañando a Osvaldo de la Fuente en la presentación de su disco Lumbre realizado en Teatro de Prosa del Centro del Conocimiento junto a Anita Bertrán (voz), Julian Texeira (voz y guitarra), Gonzalo Bobadilla (piano y coros) y Marcelo Perez (Bajo y coros) #canciones #music #percussion #baterosargentinos #Drummer #folckloreargentino #folcklore - @mottolamarcelo on Instagram

- Chinese

#tb to 2005 and Annihilation of the Wicked. What are your favorite tracks and memories from AOTW? And did you attend some of the epic shows that the boys had on that tour? #Nile #Nileband #AnnihilationOfTheWicked #tbt #deathmetal #technicaldeathmetal #metal #Nileofficial #Nilefan #Nilefans #metalhead #Metalgirl #metalmusic #Metalboy #niledeathmetal #Music #egyptiandeathmetal #2005 - @nile_official on Instagram

Maturrrr suksme ♥💛💚 - @_penikmatmusikreggae on Instagram

Dialing in details for @dubfreaks #RAW Thank you for the opportunity. Hand crafted & created 👍🙏 Custom Honda Ruckus bikes Information 📧📨 Built to order custom HONDA RUCKUS Email - dorbyworks@hotmail.com SHOP 🎁 www.dorbyworks.com 🏍️🚛✈️Shipping can be arranged by uship to anywhere in world. Contact us today for more details #ruckus #rucklyfe #rucksters#ruckuslife #gy6 #ruckusporn #honda #ruckusrims #ruckwheels #ruckuswheels #ruckporn #miamiruckus #meshlove #ruckus_offical #hondaruckus #ruckus #ruckuslife #gy6 #ruckusporn #ruckporn #dorbyworks #miamiruckus #meshlove #ruckus_offical #hondaruckus #scooter #zoomer #cheekyseats #truespikelugnutsleeves - @dorbyworks1 on Instagram

Thankful to be a champion in evo 2019 in #vegas after #evo japan. A journey that was so tough but gave me the best, once i dedicatedly achieved the title. Thanks to Allah, my family and friends who where there for me. Lets hope to get more titles in 2021 InshaAllah. 📸: @awa_malik_1 #gaming #esports #arslanash #championship #tekken7 #twt #gamer #progamer #fgc #gamingislife #hope - @arslan.ash on Instagram

- Wolf on the run (by Jed Henry)

#fate #fategrandorder #fatego #typemoon #fategona #fgo #fatestaynightunlimitedbladeworks #fateapocrypha #fatestaynight #fateextra #fatezero #animeart #animeartist #animeartwork #animeartstyle #kawaii #kawaiianime #kawaiianimegirl #animes #anime #manga #otaku #weeb #weeaboo #doujinshi #animecommunity - @fatecity on Instagram

- @dj_duh_original on Instagram

Agradezco a mis patrocinadores: @emmethdrums - Tarola. @owlcymbals - Platillos. DX - Fundas. Sin duda la calidad de cada uno es increíble, además es producto 100% Méxicano. Foto:@travelpictureblogger el mejor de Toluca. #drummer / #drummers / #drummerlife / #talento / #talentomexicano / #emmeth / #owlcymbals / #musico / #covers / #follow / #picoftheday / #talentotoluca / #toluca / #fotorock / #outfitrock / #outfitinspiration / #follow / - @soyamauriacosta on Instagram

DAECHWITA WAS SO GOOD. heres a lil lighting experiment one🤩🥰🥰 whats your fave song from the mixtape? #agustd #agustd2 #mixtape #daechwita #yoongifanart #btsfanart - @xxerru on Instagram

- Dragon Project

Guitarras heavies, base de ritmo moderna y rápida, coros enormes y voces impresionantes: Jaded Heart está de vuelta con otro álbum de metal melódico, ¡y el primero en la historia de la banda sin teclados! Stand Your Ground se lanzará el 27 de noviembre de 2020 a través de MASSACRE RECORDS. Diseño de Thomas Ewerhard Artwork Puedes reservar tu disco en: https://lnk.to/standyourground - @huesoproducciones on Instagram

WHOAH! It is our absolute HONOR to take part in Shimane Jettfes 2020! Guitar Wolf! Our besties KING BROTHERS! Oblivians! Teengenerate! Big Boys! The 5678s! The Sloks! Joan Jett!! Lots more! Just LOOK at that lineup!! This will be INSANE! Sept. 26 (10:00-17:00 Japan Time) jettfes.net #shimanejettfes - @blackmekon on Instagram

Fuma Dragon - Collaboration whit Wacom Indonesia #illustration #japanese #dragon #blue #pink #wild #culture #clothes #mythology #tattoo #tattoodesign #japanesetattoo #teesdesign #teedesign #tshirtdesign #clothingbrand #vector #vectorart #branding #wild #wildlife #grapicdesign #logodesinger #logo #posterdesign #wacom #cintiq13hd #adobeillustrator - @vandy_.m on Instagram

- First Poster for Korean Historical-Zombie Film Rampant

The Pharaoh of The Three Egyptian God Monsters 😎 #AnimeWorld92 - @animeworld92 on Instagram

- @palermo_tattoo_expo on Instagram

- Ronin, digital, 2500x2800

FAN DU MOIS - On vous présente le très talentueux @_atom___x, se spécialisant dans la photographie virtuelle! Allez jeter un coup doeil à sa page Instagram et à son article directement sur notre site Web. 😁 Were so happy to present you our Fan of The Month, @_atom___x, an incredible virtual photographer. Go have a look at his Instagram page! • 📷: @_atom___x • • #fanofthemonth #fan #ubisoft #ubisoftquebec #videogames #assassinscreed - @ubisoftquebec on Instagram

LAST CALL ! “Bersikap untuk mengecam penindasan zionis terhadap tanah palestina.” Merchandise Official from Fattah “NEVER SURRENDER TO FIGHT AGAINST ZIONISM.” IDR 99k (exclude ongkir) Cotton Combed 30’s Plastisol Update size : M sold out L sold out XL ready XXL sold out link order on bio or for more info 081554565818 No. Rekening BCA 829 144 4440 an. YAY PEMUDA BAIK Yuk ikut berbagi dan beramal bersama kami dengan membeli produk-produk official dari @muslim.unite.store #muslimunitestore #muslimunite #muslimstore #muslim #store #muslimunited #muslimmovement #muslimbersatu #betteryouthfoundation #muslimfashion #kaosdakwah #kaosislam #kaospemuda #kaospemudahijrah #kaummuslimin #fattah #neversurrender #neversurrendertofightagainstzionism - @muslim.unite.distro on Instagram


- comics

- CPUSA’s Rendition of the Gadsden Flag

🌕MOONLIGHT DIVE 🌕 @phannapast 🌙 @wondercapetown เมื่อปีก่อนมีคนที่ทำงานดีไซน์มาขอสัมภาษณ์ยูนเกี่ยวกับเรื่องวิธีการทำงาน ว่าเราสามารถถ่ายทอดแรงบันดาลใจออกมาได้อย่างไร เขาอยากให้ยูนอธิบายเป็นภาพ เพื่อให้คนที่อ่านบทสัมภาษณ์นี้เข้าใจ และลองเอาไปใช้ในชีวิตประจำวันได้ ตอนนั้นแบบคิดแล้วคิดอีกจะวาดยังไงให้เขาเข้าใจ เพราะอธิบายว่ามันคือการพูดคุยกับตัวเอง สุดท้ายก็เลยวาดเป็นตัวเองที่กินตัวเองไปเรื่อยอย่างรวดเร็ว พอกลับมาถึงบ้านก็กลับมาคิดเรื่องการพูดคุยกับตัวเอง ว่ามันยังอธิบายเป็นภาพอื่นได้อีกไหมในมุมอื่นๆ แล้วถ้าเป็นมุมที่เราไม่ชอบ หรือเราไม่อยากเป็นล่ะ เพราะทุกคนก็คงต้องมีส่วนนี้ที่ต้องเข้าไปจัดการดูแลส่วนนี้เหมือนกัน และจากประสบการณ์ส่วนตัวพอเราจัดการจุดนี้ได้ เราจะพบกับแรงบันดาลใจใหม่ๆมากมายเหมือนกัน #phannapast #wondercapetown #wondercapetownxphanapast #moonlightdive - @phannapast on Instagram

BIG STAR 1976 Digital #design #art #artsy #londonartist #adambaranowski #year #dragon #japan #instart #dailyart #digital #poster #print #big #star #modernart #artcollector #original #thought #style - @artsybaron on Instagram

- @sekiro_fans on Instagram

#cherpulasseryparthan #aanapremisangham #aanapremikal #aanapremi #parthan #denimart #denim #art #denimartwork #denimworld #artwork #aanaparuma🐘🐘🐘🔥🔥🔥❤❤🔥🐘 #aanapranthanmar🐘 #aanapremi #aanapremi_sangham sah - @stars_so_bright_ on Instagram

- Spear weapon

Find your passion and it’s no longer work! Photography by @whoisshobby . . . . . #aomindia #artofmotorcycles #motorcycle #motorbike #bikelife #moto #biker #motorcycles - @aomindia on Instagram

➡️ Quédate con quién te mire como yo a la campana del ride O mejor no... 😂 Este sábado estamos con los @new_indians en ALTA GRACIA! ☑️ @festivalmionca - 23 HS. 💥 Dale que se funde tuti. Nos vemos ahí! 📸 PH del uno @ale.visioner . . . #drummer #show #camion #mionca #enero2020 #eneroenlapiel #powergrunge #ride #capana #solidrums #promark #face #paistecymbals #altagracia #rockers #indians - @lucas.lvdrum on Instagram

Always cool to see what Jason @6voltcycles has in the shop. This #KZ900 is pretty sweet. 💪 . . . #vintagemotorcycles #kawasakimotorcycles #vintagekawasaki #motorcyclegloves #motorcyclesofinstagram #motofoto #motorcyclemafia #instamotogallery #motorcycleapparel #racerglovesusa - @racerglovesusa on Instagram

Kollappadum Remix Album Outed Maximum Share plzzzzzz ഞാൻ സംഗീതം പഠിച്ചിട്ടില്ല, പഠിക്കണമെന്ന് വലിയ ആഗ്രഹമാണ്. നിങ്ങളുടെ ഓരോരുത്തരുടെയും സപ്പോർട്ടുണ്ടെകിൽ എനിക്ക് അതിനു സാധിക്കും ..... യൂട്യൂബിൽ നിന്നും ട്യൂട്ടോറിയൽ കണ്ടാണ് ഇത്രയും പഠിച്ചത്... ഇപ്പോഴും പഠനം തുടരുന്നു... എന്തെങ്കിലും തെറ്റ് കുറ്റങ്ങൾ ഉണ്ടെങ്കിൽ ക്ഷമിക്കുക.... - @vismay_vlogger on Instagram

Whos your favorite One Piece character? Dt: @shonenzoro Ib: @sagez_artz (for the glowing affect style) • • • • • Credit me if reposting // Turn on Post Notifications to stay updated! • • • •⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Follow @dm_designs for more daily anime edits - @dm_designs on Instagram

🌻 🦋 @_rashi_mhd_rd_ @_53_mhd_rd @king___rider7235 #hills #mintgreen #keralaturisam #ride #viral #giveaway #blackpink #loveyourself #world #power #raiding #costumedesign #bomdia #change #chile #vibe #goodvibes #nachuralworld #go #peace #miami #mint #loveyou #baby #romantic #peace #yamaha #birds #trippy #explore #love 🦋 - @_53_mhd_rd on Instagram

- Anthrax

- sketch

Limited to 100. Printed on Next Level brand tees. Free domestic shipping. Link in bio. - @tdwpband on Instagram

Shimotsuki Ryuma Tag the artist if you know Admin:- @izumi_shinichii_ Tag your friends ♠️♠️♠️ #onepiece #One_piece #Anime #Ace #Luffy #Zoro#Nami #Sanji #Usopp #Robin #brook #Franky#Shanks #shimotsukiryuma #لوفي #سانجي #يوسوب #زورو #بروك #نامي#روبين #فرانكي #ونبيس #ون_بيس #انمي #رمزيات #صور @onepiece.legends #onepiece_legends - @onepiece.legends on Instagram

جاهزين لعروضنا 🇸🇦💚 - @asante_coffee on Instagram

- Forgotten Ghostrunner - Rubinkowski

- Black Anime Characters

Ayuk neng abang boncengin 🕶 #yamaha #dt100 - @joeysatria on Instagram

Fuuuuck yes!!!! @whenplaguescollide is now officially signed by @laceratedenemyrecords . Couldn’t be more proud of this achievement! #deathcore #deathcoreband #laceratedenemyrecords #signing #recordlabel #symphonicdeathmetal #shure #shuremicrophones - @vocals_wpc on Instagram

Sing Wani-Wani - Build bu: @dtiga.garage • • #chopper #choppergold #choppermind #choppermine #chopperinc #choppergoods #choppergod #buildtoride #ridechopper #choppercamp #custombike #aspalyangsama #kustomculture #chopperlife #chopperindonesia #kustomkulture - @choppergold on Instagram

“The Trail Of Tears” has always been an often forgotten phenomenon in American History, placed on the back burner and lost in the shuffle. Well at least until now, tune in as #IUICREPORTS dives into the history of what happened to our so-called Native American brothers and sisters.Only on IUIC Documentaries YouTube Channel Like, Share, Comment, Subscribe 🔥🔥🔥 https://youtu.be/1AgK80BZLX4 - @iuic.minneapolis on Instagram

Hardy we stood. Plumes of red crowning the heads. The helmets of silver, Outshining the eyes, Gleaming red of fire. Undaunted hearts, And ardour burning in the veins, Guided the white swords Embedded into flows of blood. The feet moving daringly, Into midst of clashes. Red, orange, yellow beats Sparking up the shadows. The foes grazed down, One by one Into numerous field of corpses. Cries are striding over the plain. Dire conquer catching up the end. Our brightest flame, Left us in despair. #poem #maglor #silmarillion #feanor #maedhros #celegorm #noldor #curufin #carantir #gothmog #balrogs #fire #flame #battle #feanorians - @maglor_the_poet on Instagram

So proud to reveal even more #BillandTed goodness from @mondonews and myself! Two triumphant tees as part of the ever growing Excellent Collection! #BillandTedFaceTheMusic in theatres and VOD This Friday! - @mattryan on Instagram

- The Witcher

Check it out. We finally are updating our bass drum thanks to @easystreetd and @remopercussion come check it out at the album release show on Friday at @moesbbqenglewood we are gonna playin a longer set then normal and this is most likely our last show on the year due to Covid. We have am absurd amount of merch deals put together for this show as well. #art #music #musician #guitarist #colorado #deathmetalband #underground #hosatech #sitstrings #wbgear #dirtbagclothing #deadsearecords #metal #metalband #shenanigans #undergroundmusic #aliens #newrelease #remodrumheads #aheaddrumsticks #shehitslikeagirl #shesthedrummer #goathulu #goathillmassacre #goat - @goathillmassacre on Instagram

我可能是个换装控...... . . . twi:HONBAE1 #魔道祖师 #mdzs #mdzsfanart #mdzs_超沙雕 #mdzsart #魔道祖師 #魔道祖师漫画 #魔道祖师蓝忘机 #魔道祖师动画 #魔道祖师同人 #魔道祖师魏无羡 #魔道祖师之陈情令 #魔道祖师蓝湛 #魔道祖师魏婴 #魔道祖师江澄 #魔道祖师金凌 #魔道祖师蓝思追 #蓝忘机魏无羡 #蓝忘机蓝湛 #魏无羡魏婴 #雅正 #蓝忘机雅正 #雅正端方 #魔道祖师画画 #沙雕魔道 #汪叽 #蓝忘机x魏无羡 #蓝忘机王一博 #魏无羡肖战 #汪叽x羡羡 - @mdzs_lan2de.yazheng on Instagram

- Toshio Saeki

- Ahlulbayt a.s.

- @doremon_2297 on Instagram

This Bad bitch ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) #painterofthenight #yaoi #bl #gay #manhwa #manga - @vanitas_prince on Instagram

We are so proud of our volunteer artists who gave of their time and talents for this year’s art contest. The fandom of Firefly & Serenity brings great artisans to the table and we love to see rich, beautiful concepts from year to year. We’d like to extend our thanks to Anastasia, Julie and Nick for creating excellent works of art. We would also like to thank everyone that voted. Participation in choosing this year’s design was strong and we can now announce that Nick Kremenek’s work will grace our website, social media networks and merchandise for the 2020 Can’t Stop the Serenity season. Congratulations, Nick! - @cantstoptheserenity on Instagram

Hey everyone - I know this is small news given what’s going on around the world right now but our album Holger Danske turned a year old today! We recorded the album over the course of a year and really tried to step outside the box with this one. The four of us are diverse people with a wide array of musical tastes and interests and we tried to show that with this record. Anyway, this is an important record for us, and we hope it is for you as well. Comment with your favorite song from the album or other thoughts about it! 👇🏽#theoldfirmcasuals #oldfirmcasuals #holgerdanske - @theoldfirmcasuals on Instagram

- Templar knight tattoo

- Character: Samurai

- (Fan)Art * InuYasha

💚💛❤ - @rx100__rx_z__rx135 on Instagram


Releasing tomorrow on @karikkutuned YouTube channel at 7pm Kollappedum Ribin Richard ft Nihal Sadiq Music Video Karikku Tuned @ribinrichard @nihal_sadiq #musicvideo #karikku - @karikku_fresh on Instagram

- Citações


ART OF #uncrownedking @actorprabhas 🖤 . . . . . . . . . . #baahubali #radheshyam #adipurush #prabhas20 #prabhasrajuuppalapati #prabhasraju #rebelstar #rebelstarprabhas #tollywood #tollywoodmemes #actorprabhas #tollywoodupdates #tollywoodactresses #bollywoodmemes #comicposter #alternativemovieposter . . . . @prabhas_fans_club_official @prabhasboxoffice @mana__prabhas @itsprabhasera @prabhasarmy @prabhas_addictz @just_prabhas @actorprabhasfanspage @ampposters @posterspy @posteraholic @ssmusicofficial @meme_raaja @pb_cults @fullyfilmy - @artbarzz on Instagram

- Alone!!!

#rx100 #uyir #yamaha - @palakkadan__boi on Instagram

41 days until Election Day dead.net/vote. Art by @lianeplant - @gratefuldead on Instagram

New logo by @charlie_glitch . #samurai - @cosmic_samurai on Instagram

- [help]Wondering if anyone has a DIY pattern for a haori?


A spectacular Sunday of the music of The Grateful Dead with @darkstarorchestra ✨ Photo Credit: @erichemphillphotography - @drive.in.live.nh on Instagram

- SPARTAN Warrior

⛓️LVL. 7 Alphonse Elric ⛓️ Pre-order: Miércoles 10/06 - 12/06 (o hasta agotar stock). . Para crear una cosa, debes pagar con otra del mismo valor. Es la Ley de los Estados Equivalentes. En aquella época creíamos que eso era lo único cierto...pero el mundo no es perfecto y no existe una sola ley que gobierne todo lo que sucede en él.. . Precio: $800 . Para reservar la remera se va a pedir una seña por adelantado, equivalente al 50% del total de la remera! . Diseño por @lvshin . Talles desde XS a XXXL ENVIO A TODO EL PAIS. . 💲Efectivo/tajerta credito o debito a través de Mercadopago (10% recargo). Transferencia bancaria o de MP a MP, sin recargo💲. . TALLES DESDE XS A XXXL (Las medidas estan en destacados!). . Por el momento solo hacemos envios por mercadoenvios o epicklog (verificar que funcione en tu zona) a cargo del comprador!. . Xsusanooxclothesx2020X - @susanooxclothes on Instagram

Artwork by @emerbyhq • Follow us and tag #vektorina #vektorinaid to be featured! • • #graphicdesign #graphicdesigner #creative #designinspiration #creativity #designer #illustration #gfxmob #dribbble #behance #vexel #vexelart #art #fanart #photoshop #illustrator #adobe #vectors #vectorillustration #adobeideas #digitalart #vector #vectorart #vektor_id #adobeillustrator - @vektorina.id on Instagram

ONI I - 2020 - @imprudentco on Instagram

부활 싱글음원 순간이 1년만에 나왔습니다. 많이 알려주시고 들어주세요~^^ - @96jemin on Instagram


- does anyone know how to do this type of gradient effect in either photoshop or illustrator? Or atleast what its called?

- We waiting for the announcements

和楽器バンド Japan Tour 2019 . REACT-新章- . パシフィコ横浜 国立大ホールから開幕する全国ツアー初日に母、祖母と参加してきました‼️ . 今回も素晴らしいステージ演出で楽しませて頂きました😆 . . . #和楽器バンド #REACT #ライブ #初日参戦 - @bianca_ochiai on Instagram

- 「漫威」浮世繪

Lançado videoclipe para nosso terceiro single de 2020! Corra em nosso canal no YouTube e veja, link na Bio. Disponível também em todas as plataformas digitais. #vento #culturaindigena #resistência #metalindegena #mãeterra - @aranduarakuaa on Instagram

👉Swipe 👉 Geisha 3 of 3. 03 - Torii (traditional portal) ——- Here is the weekly challenge post! To force myself to explore more, to learn, to search and to discover a graphic universe that suits me I push myself to draw or animate once a week! (wish me luck guys!) There will be no other constraints, the goal is always to have fun and feel free. Passion first ! ——- Geisha series 3 of 3 The story of Japanese Geisha is inspiring and fascinating, a perfect blend of strength and sweetness. - - - #illustrated #illustration #motiondesign #motiongraphics #inspiration #characterdesign #art #illustrator #mdcommunity #mgcollective #portrait #weekly #creative #dribble #sounddesign #animation #thedesigntip #2d #mograph #drawing #digitalart #sketch #japan #montreal #canada #france #geisha - @bewoy on Instagram

#Repost @cb_genit.id • • • • • • Reposted from @cbpopuji kabut teball tak kan mematah kan niat kuu untuk melihat indah nya Alam Follow follow **@cb_genit.id **@cb_genit.id Supot media #cbkampung #cbceria #cbcomby #yoikicb #cbtugupelajar #cbrembang #cbsakwayahwayah #cb_stooy#cbjateng#cbjatim#pckp#cbplatk#cbkerjo#moto_cb#cbkuliner#cbkusam - @cbtugupelajar on Instagram

- Concept Art - Characters

- Imperial Russia

Samson built by Scooter Shooterz 219 374 0005 The Grind Bike Build off - @warrenvesely on Instagram

Ulah nganggap sepi teuing bro , bisi jadi rame🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 . . Bidikan : @dunde_sunrise Wardrobe : @sena_asbhoel @asbhoel_catalog - @dkaryana69_real on Instagram

- Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

Palermo Tattoo Expo A seguito delle nuove disposizioni ministeriali, è con grande dispiacere che gli organizzatori consapevoli delle difficoltà attuali, hanno deciso di tutelare i propri amici tatuatori e rinviare levento a data da destinarsi. Per coloro che hanno in precedenza aderito alliscrizione, sarà nostra premura contattarVi per la restituzione della cifra in acconto.Vi lasciamo liberi di sceglierci nuovamente una volta definite le nuove date. 2021 A Palermo - @palermo_tattoo_expo on Instagram

Nyebeeeeee kitaa Yo ditumpak.i go dinas juga cb ne ⇓ 👤@danang_artileri . . ⏹️▶️▶️ @cbningrat ◀️◀️⏹️ . Bedo Body Tetep Sak Hobby ⇓ ⇓ 🧡Like 💬Comment 👥Tag 🔝Share __________________________________________ Follow @cbningrat Hastag #cbningrat . . . #cbningrat #non_dohc #cb_pensiunan #quotescinta #quotesherex #quotesjowo #quotesbijak #quotesindonesia #quotescb #kata2herex #rosokcilik 12#sedulur_paido #cb_carterr #cbjatim #naikcbyuk #cbmoveon #sambatragat #herex_sultan1200m #honda_racingproject #quotes #lffl #lfllflffllfllflflflfllffllflfllflflfllflflflfllffllflfflfllfllflfl💙💙 #like4likes #likeforlikes #lfl #lfllfl #lfllfllfllfllfllfllfllfllfllfllfllfllfllfllfllfllfllfllfllfllfllfllfllfllfllfl #lfl💛 #lffl #likeforfollow - @cbningrat on Instagram

A big thank you to @omraut for his magnificent vision. Proud to be a part of the @tanhajifilm family with @ajaydevgn @kajol #saifalikhan @tseries.official @tseriesfilms #tanhajitraileronnov19 #mughalhistory #marathahistory #hindicinema #hindifilms - @luke_kenny_live on Instagram

*Zenitsu Agatsuma* (kimetsu no yaiba / demon slayer) Zenitsu Agatsuma is a demon slayer who works With the demon slayer corps along side Kamado Tanjiro and inosuke hashibira. An extremely namby pamby weakling who was forced to join the Demon Slayer Corps to pay for his debts but trust me despite of his cowardliness he is the kind of guy you don’t wanna mess with. Zenitsu Agatsuma trained in the Thunder Breathing Kaminari no Kokyū-ho style by the former Thunder Hashira, Jigoro Kuwajima but was only able to learn the first technique, and because of this he often gets startled , despite the fact that he is talented. His cowardly personality acts as a barrier to him and he is only able to fight when he is unconscious or asleep, during that time His subconscious mind takes over, his body and he fights like a professional. It’s like having a split personality . This is because, in this form, his body moves on pure instinct of his surroundings, which means his swordsmanship ability is very high, as his ability to defend himself against dangerous and furious demons. but he later learns to push his fears away and trains hard to become strong, to the point of fabricating a new, exclusive thunder technique Ichi no kata: Hekireki Issen . Zenitsus sword is of golden colour every swordsman who bears a nichirin blade has his own colour. He has a heightened sense of hearing which allows him to distinguish a persons true character by the sound of their heartbeat. A coward brat with a wanna be womanizer intent Who relies on his teammates to save his life But becomes robust and unbeatable when he is unconscious who uses god like lightning ability and extraordinary skills. That’s Zenitsu Agatsuma for you. 3 . . Anime Illustra by @_the_sketch_lad_ Caption by @jinmoriie Feature by @amy_dazz . #doodle #goldend0oodle #doodlesofinstagram #drawing #goldendoodlesofinstagram #doodleart #doodletales #dailydoodle #goldendoodles #goldendoodlesofinsta #doodleoftheday #instadoodle #goldendoodlelove #doodlelife #goldendoodlesofig #doodler #doodleselfie #doodlesofig #doodlesofinsta #motivate #inspire #motivation #inspiration #motivationalquotes . (Continue in Comments) - @therecapgag on Instagram

- Kylo Ren / Ben Solo

- @sekiro_fans on Instagram

CONVENTION APPEARANCE ANNOUNCEMENT . Mark your calendars I will be attending @fanexpodallas FAN EXPO DALLAS - March 27-29th, as a Cosplay Guest and Cosplay Contest Judge...and I am super excited to see all of you guys there in a couple weeks! . Photo credit: @davidlackeymedia918 . #fanexpodallas #FXD20 #Fanexpo2020 #cosplayguest #cosplayjudge #celebrationfandom #cosplayguest #dallas #comiccon - @cheekycheetahcreations on Instagram

Thanks a lot @zhushi_skull to come @heartworktattoofestival n for this amazing #handmadejewelry n a big hug to my dear friend @appleboystattoo - @exorcism_of_tattoos on Instagram

- Back tattoos

- diskworld

- Aztec tribal tattoos

Saturday 03/03... Kissinger: The Artball: The Vibes & Rumours Edition - @nonkelguy on Instagram

- Chinese Armor

- Ninja turtle tattoos

Rasanya Anjim banget ⚡️ #jawacz250 @kastemklasikbogor @catharsismc_ - @pagihari97 on Instagram

I did this design for @krypt0wrld Dagger tee dropping today at 12 PM PST!! - @wokstein_ on Instagram

- @sekiro_fans on Instagram

Vishwaroop 🕉️ #krishna #vishwaroop #mahabharat #ramayan #arjun #shivalingam #illustration_art #illustratorofinstagram #illustrationartists #artdaily #vectorart - @nova.d.art on Instagram

Proclamation tees on their way now to @nwnproductions No introduction needed for these. #adventoftheblackomen #messiahofdarknessandimpurity #execrationofcruelbestiality #nethertombsofabaddon #nwnproductions - @infernoscreenprinting on Instagram

- Chinese Warframe’s New Year banner

gentleman ride night #thenobleman #produsen #product #pomade #localbusiness #localpride #lifestyle #rockers #bikers #ride #night #caferacer #speed #gentelman #roadtrip #motorcustom #vintage #klasik #balap #indonesia #ulahadigung #gass #katapang #bandung #hornet #single #shit - @thenobleman.official on Instagram

- @zuhrie.jber on Instagram

- The true notification

So spent the day eating Thai Menudo soup. Beef intestines, tripe, pancreas, lemongrass, lime leaves, sour spicy soup. Haven’t had it in 18 years. Then went to the park. Got to think alone. My name isn’t “Ken”, actually. My real first name is Kenshin. My father named me. My kanji means “Clever Cautious” ............................... #kenshin - @thekenhayashi on Instagram

- Dmitri Hvorostovsky

New machine @ home# Rxz#cbr disk#interceptor shocks #ported#chamber #waiting - @rojiamazon on Instagram

💜Beautiful Fanart💜 Artist ?? #wanxian #modaozushi #lanwanji #weiwuxian #jiangcheng #lanxichen #lanwangjixweiwuxian #theuntamed #xiaozhan #wangyibo #gay #drama - @vanitas_prince on Instagram

- I drew Hinata as Mulan!

RX-Z team 💫3 - @__sad__hiq__46__ on Instagram

To visit Desertfest was an old dream of mine. Could never have thought that one day Id be invited as a photographer and even get tips from the coolest photographers! 🙌 All weekend was surreal! Many thanks to @trix_online @halfvollemel @stijnverbruggen 🖤 #desertfestbelgium #desertfest #belgium #music #musicphotography #festival #festival #truckfighters #band - @eglehannya on Instagram

Life is full of choices... Hihihi Japan series is dominant here...now its the right time to choose... #kuy #ultimateforbiddencloth #ultimateforbidden #japaninvasion #japanstreetwear #japanseries #localpride - @ultimateforbidden on Instagram

YSS Top Prime, The latest generation of twin shock top up featuring new slick design and high-end specs for better performance. Equipped with Progressive Spring and Spring Pre-Load Adjuster. . Available Sizes : 280mm / 320mm / 340mm / 360mm . Available Colours : Black/Red, Black/Black, Black/Yellow, Black/Blue, Black/Turquoise, Chrome/Red, Chrome/White, Chrome/Chrome . Price (HET) YSS Top Prime Colour : Rp.780,000 YSS Top Prime Chrome/Chrome : Rp.840,000 . Order online at @oneteamstore and other @tdrmitra2000 official online stores. (Tokopedia, Shopee, BliBli, JD.id) . #HighPerformanceCompleteSolutions #UpgradeYourMotorcycle #ComfortRiding #TakeControl #Handling #SuspensionSystems #YSS #TwinShock #TopPrime #Oneteamstore #GotoTheNextLevel #NextLevel #LevelUp #Gerakan200Hari #IndonesiaBangkit - @yss4g on Instagram

- Elder Scrolls

- Dead By Daylight (Fanart)

- Manhua

Reposting my Sekiro fanart I did a year back! Even though its one of my favorite games I never managed to beat Isshin in the final battle. My favorite battle was against the true corrupted Monk 🔥I just loved the flow of it! To those whos played this game - which boss was your favorite? . . . #sekiro #fromsoftware #fanart #shadowsdietwice #activision #samurai - @monafinden on Instagram

- Thanks for all the love for Storm, gang. And BTW its the big day! Black Panther is out in theaters (in the US) and to celebrate Im going with a more recent piece- The Black Panther King!!!

H•A•M 2010 CREATIVE DIRECTION BY RICCARDO TISCI Artwork by myself in collab with @lydia.raev for KANYE WEST & JAY Z - @_courtneymc_ on Instagram

❕🥁❕ W/ @laflordelcerezodisco - @ju4nch1gr4m_8 on Instagram

Indonesian Finest Hand-Painted Batik by Traditional Artisan™ • • • INFO DETAIL: #batikpdip Stock :✔️AVAILABLE✔️ Jenis batik : Kain pola kemeja katun Panjang kain : 268 x 108cm Jenis kain : katun jepang Rekomendasi : kemeja lengan panjang Harga kain : wa 085366661166 Menerima jasa jahit baju batik • • • *The color might be slightly different due to lighting condition* - @ondomohen1952 on Instagram

Puntos & Líneas #compo #vector #colors #digital #kontra - @trakon on Instagram

- War elephant

Merdeka Cloth by @dreamer.inc - @kidnep_official on Instagram

- Star Wars

- Blessed

- anime

- Green power ranger

@insta_samurais 🇸🇨 . . . . . . . #kerala #kerala360 #photography #gang #zara #legend #friends #gains #gaintrick #followforfollowback #likeforlikes #likeforfollow #photooftheday #churrasco #rose #love #insta_squadron #instagram #instadaily #happy #jaseem_momz #nature #carcare #naturephotography #beautiful #giveaway #girl #lovequotes #shameer @sayid_shameer_ @__.shamsad__ @_safvan._.mhd_ #insta_samurais - @insta_samurais on Instagram

- 5 rings

👹🦸⠀ Artwork by: Muhammad Firdaus⠀ Location: Singapore⠀ Artist’s IG: @freakyfir #irezumicollective - @irezumicollective on Instagram

Hatur Nuhun mang asèp @kierukier3 ... Kami besar karena kami beli motor yang bisa dianjuk... . @layskandangsubang @layskandangsukabumi @layskandanggarut @layskandanglampung @layskandangcitarum @layskandangbogor @layskandangmajalengka @layskandangkarawang @layskandangsumedangg @layskandangciamis @layskandangtasik @laysborneo @layskandangpadalarang @layskandangpurwakarta @layskandangcilegonserang @layskandangciwidey @layskandangcianjur @layskandanglembang @layskandangbanjar @utahlalaystore.id @utahlalay.id @utahlalayband.id @kierukier3 . . #utahlalay #pelantapiparty #ebelkan #jalanjalanterus #makanterus #partyterus #pestaterus #motorclubbing #motorpesta #motorebel #havefungomad #yamahav75 #yamahav80 #yamahaVseries #suzukijambul #suzukifr80 #suzukikuntul #yamaha #suzuki #motorklasik #komunitasmotor #indonesia - @artgram on Instagram

Sultan Syekh Haji & Raden di SULTAN AJI setiap Hari Pukul.19.00 Wib di MNCtv.#syekhmaulana#syekhhaji#sultanajimnctv#mncp - @anandageorge25 on Instagram

Another fruit left in my folder. (Sorry for the absence here.) I really like drawing clothes! All kinds of them! (And old people also) (I really should turn back to pencil lines... Works way better than my digital lines it seems 0.0) #art #doodle #江南百景图 - @botanica_xu on Instagram

- [ART] Eiichiro Odas Vivi Illustration for ONE PIECE Magazine Volume 10

- Wolverine and jean grey

- It’s been a little while, but here’s another of my favorite Strawhats, Boss Jinbe by....ME! Really hope Goda gets well soon!

Bit of Lord Yupa @ghibli.movies #nausicaa #nausicaaofthevalleyofthewind #lordyupa #hayaomiyazaki #anime #illustration #artistsoninstagram - @adammurphyart on Instagram

- Vector Portrait

- Coloring apps

いや、美しいライブハウスの光景だった なんか文句あるかよ 最高だろ #ENSLAVE - @ryotajima_dmrt on Instagram

All shots by @raffu42 . . #godofwargallery #godofwar #godofwar5 #godofwar2020 #godofwar2019 #godofwar4 #godofwar2018 #kratos #atreus #odin #thor #baldur #loki #hell #valhala #gow #santamonicastudio #sony #sonysantamonica #corybarlog #ragnarok #faye #fraya #playstation4 #playstation5 #playstation #oldnorse #norsemythology #screenshot #KratosMemories . - @godofwargallery on Instagram

- 3D figures

Persamaan kamu dan sepeda adalah sama2 ingin ku ajak jalan jalan kemanapun dimana hanya ada aku dan dirimu. #JiahElah #GombalanNakSepeda #Gombal #SaanAeLu #PacificNorisPro #PacificBike - @tommylimmm on Instagram

- @chetanyesharma2 on Instagram

Excited on how this design came out. Worked this up with @violentgentlemen for the @vegasgoldenknights .. A variation of the river card teesh design. You can scoop it up online at the Vegas team store.. ⚔️ ♦️.. .. .. #nowhereland #nowherelandsupply #art #design #illustration #graphicdesign #apparel #appareldesign #clothingbrand #teesh #tshirt #tshirtdesign #vegas #vgk #vegasgoldenknights #violentgentlemen #vghc #lasvegas #poker #freelance #freelancedesigner #createandexplore #knight #playingcard #stayweird #staywild - @nowherelandsupply on Instagram

- armors

🍂 Вітри Цушіми принесли нам переможців творчого конкурсу, і тепер ми готові підбити підсумки! Дуже вдячні вам за велику кількість робіт, унікальних і направду талановитих! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 👨⚖️ Судді конкурсу: ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Дмитро Данилюк @dima_opopop Олександр Корешков @alexander.koreshkov Ігор Лобода @igloinor Роман Гуро @romanguro ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 🏆 Переможці конкурсу: ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 1. Олексій і Максим Бондаренки — ігрова консоль PlayStation 4 Pro + гра Ghost of Tsushima 2. Антон Северин — бездротова гарнітура PlayStation Wireless Headset + гра Ghost of Tsushima 3. Олександра Кучківська — бездротовий контролер DualShock 4 + гра Ghost of Tsushima 4. Сергій Трушкін — підписка PlayStation Plus на шість місяців + гра Ghost of Tsushima 5. Роман Дубина — підписка PlayStation Plus на три місяці + гра Ghost of Tsushima 6. Марія Шматок — гра Ghost of Tsushima ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Вітаємо переможців і дякуємо всім учасникам конкурсу! Усі роботи незабаром опублікуємо в окремому альбомі. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #ccu_contests #playstation #comicconukraine #ghostoftsushima - @comicconukraine on Instagram

barangkali ada yg minat kaos ny bahan catoon combar 24s sablon plastisol jahitan rantai. IDR 100K langsung dm z gaes - @njang.ramz_knc.garut.012 on Instagram

- Ninja and Samurai

Much love to @bailey_b_b from reppin our From the Coffin. Savage work by @creativeheathendc new stuff coming really soon!! . . . . . . . . #aethersoath #blackownedbusiness #blackclothing #metalvoice #goth #metalgirls #metalclothing #tattooclothing #tattedmodel #neotraditionaltattoo #motorcycle - @aethers_oath on Instagram

#harleydavidson #shovelhead #shovel #chevy #chevydeluxe #strokershovel #stovebolt #chopper #51chevy #stylellinedeluxe #flh #swingarmy - @pietrogarcez on Instagram

@jishar_kadavallur @safvan_moidunni #smokingpistonskerala @2stroke_riderz_kerala @2stroke_club_tvm @2stroke_owners_india @2.stroke.smokers @malabar_two_stroke_club_ @2stroke_motoclub_payyanur @2strokers_shoutout @2stroke_riderz_kottayam @2stroke_holics @2.stroke.smokers @rx_100_rx_135_rx_z @rx_rd_owners_club @rx_zone_ yamaharxclub @yamaharacingcomofficial #rxkingmodifikasi #Rxz #rxkingindonesia #vandipranthan @vandi_bhranthanmar @vandikkaaran_ #rx135 #rx135modified #modification #modified #2strokelove #2strokelife #yrc #offroad #ridermania #bikersofinstgram #ride #rider #rx #rx135 #rx135cc #rx135lovers#rxking_rajajalanan135cc #rxkingmodifikasi #yamaha_riderss #yamaharx #yamaharxking #yamahamotogp #ride #rider #ridersofinstagram #motorcycleriders #biker #bikers_lifestyle #bikersofinstagram@crk_ @2stroke_riderz_kerala @2stroke_home_airbrushing @2stroke_holics @malabar_two_stroke_club_ @2strokeking2 @2.stroke.smokers @team_htz @2rc_thalassery @2stroke_owners_india @rx_loverz @yamaha_2_stroke @2stroke_club_anchal @i_am__2___stroker_ @yrc_sungaidanau yamaharxclub @yrc_nagpur @yrc_punalur_official @_yrc_2_stroke_ @_yamaharxclub007 @kayal_yamaha_rx_club @yrc_mangalore @team_racing_pistonz @yamaharacingcomofficial - @smoking_pistons_kerala on Instagram

• Ini adalah visual untuk lagu @slankdotcom berjudul lembah baliem. Terlepas dari simpang siur keaslian lagu ini asli daerah mana, aku akan memaknai lagu ini menceritakan situasi di papua selama ini. • Berikut lirik dari lagunya: Aku gak perlu uang ribuan Yang aku mau uang merah cepean Aku gak butuh kedudukan Yang penting masih ada lahan tuk makan Asal ada babi, untuk di panggang Asal banyak ubi, untuk ku makan Aku cukup senang, aku cukup senang Dan akupun tenang • Aku gak ngerti ada banyak tambang Yang aku tahu banyak hutan yang hilang Aku gak perduli banyak nada sumbang Kita orang ini dianggap terbelakang Asal ada babi, untuk di panggang Asal banyak ubi, untuk ku makan Aku cukup senang, aku cukup senang Dan akupun tenang • Hei yamko rambe yamko aronawa ombe Hei yamko rambe yamko aronawa ombe Hei ngino kibe kumbano kumbu beko Yumano kumbu awe ade • arti dari lirik paragraf terakhir adalah seperti ini: Hai jalan yang dicari sayang perjanjian Sungguh pembunuhan di dalam negeri sebagai bunga bangsa Bunga bangsa, bunga bangsa, bunga bertaburan di taman pahlawan • Ilustrasi ini adalah bagian dari pameran online kelompok Udeido (Udeido Art), kalian bisa lihat pamerannya di sini: www.udeido.com • Terimakasih @dicky_takndare yang sudah memberikan kesempatan untuk terlibat di pameran ini. respect! • Last but not least, terimakasih untuk bim bim, kaka, ivanka, abdee dan ridho yang sudah menciptakan lagu lembah baliem, piss! (slanker gunungkidul) - @prihatmokomoki on Instagram

#Repost @brainlight_ • • • • • • Long live honda japan #herex1200m #herex #herexspeed #herexhits #herexrepostid #gl200 #cbglmptiger_hits #tiger #tigerkediri #tigermodifikasi #herexyuk #tigermodifikasi #tigers #tigermodifikasijogja #herexcaption #tigermodifikasimadiun #tigerherex - @herexrepost.id on Instagram

DESAIN TERBARU KAOS SERIAL 4 KHULAFAUR RASYIDIN 📣 . Dapatkan 4 kaos Khulafaur Rasyidin versi Adlan Muslim terbaru Abu Bakar ash-shiddiq, Umar bin Khattab, Utsman bin Affan dan Ali bin Abi Thalib di masa Pre-Order 28 SEPTEMBER - 7 OKTOBER 2020 . Kaos Adlan Muslim merupakan produk PREMIUM, HIGH QUALITY. Produk kami mengutamakan kenyamanan, bahan dijamin adem, terasa lembut dan keren saat dipakai Insya Allah 😊 . Rasakan sensasi menggunakan kaos ini membuat Anda tampil BEDA. KEREN da ORIGINAL tidak ada di tempat lain hanya bisa Anda dapatkan di sini 🤩 . Spesifikasi Kaos Warna : Hitam Bahan : Supersoft Combed 24s Sablon : Plastisol (kuat & anti retak) Ukuran : S M L XL XXL . DAPATKAN PROMO SPESIAL UNTUK PEMESANAN DI MASA PRE ORDER 28 SEPTEMBER - 7 OKTOBER Untuk order kaosnya, silakan chat admin di sini 👇 📲 WA : 0822-1391-0531 📲 WA : 0822-1391-0531 📲 WA : 0822-1391-0531 . Atau bisa klik link otomatis yang ada di bio @adlan_muslim.store Tersedia bonus stiker, masker dan ebook eksklusif untuk jumlah pembelian tertentu, yuk segera order sekarang, sebelum kehabisan 😀 . . . #adlanmuslim #kaos #baju #kaosmuslim #bajumuslim #abubakar #umarbinkhattab #utsmanbinaffan #alibinabithalib #sahabatrasulullah #sahabatnabi #sejarahislam #peradabanislam #sirahnabawi - @adlan_muslim.store on Instagram

🦋@_team_gladiatorz_🦋 - @team_gladiators_shield_ on Instagram

Free show ATX March 20 RSVP link in bio #goldendawnarkestra - @goldendawnarkestra on Instagram

- Nomad LP cover, me, procreate, 2019

- @devil_x_doe._ on Instagram

- SEVENTEEN (세븐틴) DK (도겸) - Xcalibur Musical Character Poster

- @daisensou_kobe on Instagram

- 「漫威」浮世繪

- alexander

- @kalimatha000 on Instagram

- Alucard (Castlevania)

📜特 報 解 禁📜 天下無双💥壮大すぎる(!?) 特報映像が到着しました👏 劉備と孔明のゆる~い掛け合いにもご注目を😂 新解釈三國志とは… 一体どのような世界になっているのでしょうか👀⁉ #新解釈三國志 #大泉洋 #福田雄一 #ムロツヨシ #賀来賢人 #橋本さとし #高橋努 #佐藤二朗 #城田優 #山田孝之 #岡田健史 #矢本悠馬 #半海一晃 #橋本環奈 #山本美月 #映画 #三國志 - @new_sangokushi on Instagram

Gracias por esta noche espectacular e inolvidable. Gracias a @telebitoficial, @danielfluxus, @felipedonron y @javirodryguez por seguir apoyando mis pasos y por ayudarme a ser abogado de día y rockero de noche jajaja - @jnicolasz on Instagram

We are so happy to share photos from our recent Australia/New Zealand tour by Jamie ❤️ @sub_lation while we are all cooped up inside 🏓🌞🏡 Sub lation will be posting more photos so be sure to check them out 👆📸 Hope we can come back to Australia soon!! - @kikagaku.moyo on Instagram

- Fantasy magician

- celtic, vikings

- A possibility for Lingdao? I see a lot of people arguing between tonfas or a jian, but what about double bar mace 🤔

I can finally talk about THE DEVIL’S RED BRIDE, a new comic I’m writing with @bivensjohn @croweffigies @jeffcpowell & published by @thevaultcomics this October! It marries my love of Japanese history with my other loves of badass sword fights, demons, and exploring the infinite horrors that slumber in the depths of every human soul. COMICS! Get your +1 in for this red wedding! Gonna be a blast. - @sgirner on Instagram

MY REMIX OF YASUO IS OUT NOW! 🔥 LINK IN MY BIO - @cybertr0n666 on Instagram

Trick or treat👻👻👻👻 Another amazing work by Block and Tackle https://www.blockandtackle.tv/ - @yukimorita555 on Instagram

VBA 41.. Bond Stronger than Blood.. #roadtocentraljava #roadtrip #roadtojogja #vba #BA41th #blackangelsmc #sportster1200 #fxr #dynalowrider #ridersonthestorm - @rezantonie on Instagram

- Avatar the Last Air Bender

#𝟐 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐊𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑_⚡❣ #𝐲𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐡𝐚 #𝐩𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐑 Ø𝐍✥-❣-✥ - @most_wanted.__456 on Instagram


Kolaborasi bareng @wacom_indonesia baru selesai sekarang, cuplikan dulu ya full preview nya besok..😁😁😁 #illustration #japanese #japan #samurai #samuraimech #fuma #blue #dragon #clothingbrand #clothes #history #ornaments #tattoo #tattoodesign #japanesetattoo #teesdesign #teedesign #tshirtdesign #cloth #vector #vectorart #branding #grapicdesign #wacom #cintiq #procreate #adobeillustrators - @vandy_.m on Instagram

OLD MAN GLOOM Zozoburn / Old Man Gloom + Zozobra - Live at Fiesta Roadburn 2019 - a new release on SIGE Records. Digital version available now, physical version forthcoming. ⠀ ⠀ All proceeds from the sales of this digital release benefit:⠀ National Bail Fund Network, Pueblo Action Alliance, The Federation Of Southern Cooperatives/Land Assistance Fund, and the Loveland Therapy Fund for Black Girls and Women.⠀ ⠀ Link to the release in profile. Thank you!⠀ ⠀ @puebloactionalliance @federationofsoutherncoop @thelovelandfoundation - @sigerecords on Instagram

The night is young, the motorcycles are old. . . 📷 @elisi_13 #sekepalaspal - @sekepalaspal on Instagram

Congratulations to our family up at @suckerpunchprod on the launch of #GhostOfTsushima! Were ready to learn the way of the Ghost and fight alongside Jin and take on the Mongol Empire! - @sonybendstudio on Instagram

Reposted from @brainlight_ Long live honda japan #tigermodifikasimadiun brainlight_ - @tigermodifikasimadiun on Instagram

- Witcher

Samurai androids _ #人造人間17号 _ Tags: #dragonball#dbz#dragonballgt#dbs #dbheroes#dbaf#dbmovie#dbjapan #Over9000#goku#gohan#piccolo #vegeta#trunks#android18#krillin - @realrapis on Instagram

#Repost @jimbobisaac ・・・ My brand new official ‘Minotaur’ poster for @clutchofficial is now available • Once again, I’m honoured to work with my old friends and comrades on another limited poster run. Only 300 copies are available, and are all signed/numbered by the artist (JBI). Head to my store at WWW.JIMBOBISAAC.COM to order yours now ✨🤘🏻 . . #jimbobisaac #clutchband #minotaur - @clutchofficial on Instagram

- Hector Cloud Defect by Core Studios

Foto atau video kalian mau direpost??? Caranya follow dan tag IG👇 ----------------@rxking_135_ ----------------- ------------@imamknalpot07 ---------- ----------@rxking_nusantara_ ------ ------ --- -👑 Repost 📸@rama_kojek . . Kunjungi dan follow toko shopee: IMAMSAHRONIKNALPOT & IMAMKNALPOT07 . . #rxking #rxkingindonesia #rxking135cc #modifikasi #rxkingmodifikasi #rxkingjambi #yrki #rxkingmodification #rxking_nusantara #rxkingsulawesi #misterijokbelakang135 #yamaharxking #infotouringrxking #rxkingclubindonesia #rxking135 #rxkingbandung #indonesia_modifikasi #indonesiamodified #modifikasiindonesia #rxkingindependent #rxkinglampung #rxkingmedan #rxkingaceh #rxkingkalimantan #rxkingjatim #rxkingpapua #rxkingsumatra #rxkingnusantara #rxkingjayapura #rxkingjogja - @rxking_135_ on Instagram

- Sword Dance

- Hệ thống tự cứu

- Ghibli movies

#mulan #fanart @yifei_cc Cr:logo #liuyifei #disney #disneymulan #mulan2020 - @liuyifeibar on Instagram

- Japanese wallpaper iphone

- @shadow_rider_001 on Instagram

- rock n roll music

Good morning everyone! I wish you all a great day. Love, Mulan.❤️❤️ [ #mulan #mulandisney #famulan #disneyprincess #disneyprincesses #saviorofchina #china #chinese #disneymulan #mulanmovie #disneyartfans #disneyart #mulanfanart ] - @famulanofficial on Instagram