Russdaddy Profile Pics

xsetrussoh my godno waylets goyescorrectyeahalright

Call of Duty: Ghosts Single Player Campaign Trailer

Sarawat X tine 2gether

im trying to push this russdaddy russ im going for it im doing this

alright russdaddy is that okay is that alright okay

i hope they keep it russdaddy i hope they still have it i hope they save it xset

rubbing my nose russdaddy russ my nose itch wipe off my nose


wave my hand russdaddy russ hi hello

excited russdaddy russ i told you we did it

no comments))))


im not gonna lie russdaddy to be honest to tell you the truth honestly

call of duty ghosts by MACCOLA on DeviantArt


clapping russdaddy russ good job applaud

peace sign russdaddy russ strike a pose hand gesture

yup russdaddy russ yes correct


woah russdaddy russ amazing shocked

𖥻 : ❐ — 𝐊𝐄𝐄𝐆𝐀𝐍 ꞋꞌꞋ 𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐎𝐟 𝐃𝐮𝐭𝐲 ꨩ᮫࣭⛓️༅

smiling russdaddy russ happy joyful
hold on russdaddy russ wait stop
oh my god russdaddy russ shocking i cant believe it
rock and roll russdaddy russ rock sign lets go
what the fuck russdaddy russ what the hell wtf
nooo russdaddy russ no way this aint happening
yeah russdaddy russ yes thats right
russell ford crooked rooks funny dad daddy issues
yup russdaddy russ yes correct
wait russdaddy russ hold on stop
hope you guys enjoy it russdaddy hope you guys have fun hope you guys have a great time xset
lets go russdaddy russ come on move
have a good day russdaddy have a good one best wishes be well
dude look at me russdaddy russ eyes on me watch me
your daddys outside dad father out the door picky
destroy russdaddy russ eliminate demolish
i died so quick russdaddy russ i was killed easily eliminated
how much is that russdaddy russ how many whats its price
how are you doing russdaddy russ whats up hows life
stressed out russdaddy russ omg oh my god
my man russdaddy russ best friend my bro
game time russdaddy russ its time to play time for a video game
cracking my fingers russdaddy russ its show time im all warmed up
i got you russdaddy russ i have you covered i got your back
lets go russdaddy russ come on oh yeah
i dont have that shit russdaddy russ i aint got this shit i dont have it
wake up russdaddy russ rise and shine get up
sigh russdaddy deep breath exhale xset
huh russdaddy russ what can you repeat that
you heard me right russdaddy thats correct you heard me thats serious
we love it russdaddy russ we like it all of us likes that
stand up russdaddy russ get up stand
its back russdaddy it here again it finally back here it is again
rest of my life russdaddy russ rest of my existence my entire life
its back russdaddy its here again it has returned xset
oh my god russdaddy russ good lord no way
oh russdaddy russ gosh goodness
ill bait russdaddy russ ill be a decoy ill taunt
nodding russdaddy russ ok yeah