Put Down the Phone Profile Pics

phoneput the phone downput it downget off your phonenbcnetflixpay attentionfocusbet networks


bench man yellow suit texting what are you doing

- Skanted!


zombi unicorn the zombi unicorn zombie unicorn the zombie unicorn yikes

- The Huns are getting into the meme game


- Cool Products

i cant turn this off sam trammell eric clarke the order turn off the phone

- How’s your skin looking?

menhera chibi cute sleep bedtime

- Thank you Billie

Some good things

put the phone down mabel mora charles oliver only murderers in the building

- Its big brain time

a Little cute duck.wallpaper

hoop the snoot cute poke im not happy of what youre doing boop

- hmmm


im gonna hang up the phone now sabrina hollins sistas im gonna put down the phone now im gonna end the call now

- Solid choices

cre: 清新bot

matching pfp idea

sushi cute food japan relaxed

- Now they’re citing their sources

putting down mic phone call turn off turning down on fire

- Indeed.


Night city

boooring boooring in pink bubble letters lame yawn boo

- when memes


throws phone nope

- ok u mouse

%E6%89%93%E7%94%B5%E8%AF%9D %E9%80%9A%E8%AF%9D%E4%B8%AD %E8%AF%B4%E8%AF%9D %E8%81%8A%E5%A4%A9 %E7%85%B2%E7%94%B5%E8%AF%9D%E7%B2%A5

- me_irl

Yuzuru 📸😘 #Anime Girl 📺

spongebob put down the phone eye roll memes giggle

- Blank paper, Technically the truth

aci maximum

ahin momoland ahin momoland momoland ahin heart

- Someone selling their iSight Camera is giving me nostalgic vibes.


whatre you doing on your phone abby kristen stewart john dan levy

- meme

ondel ondel in love tv theater house popcorn nonton yuk

- hmmm

Sad Boys wallpaper

anime phone

- Blursed eyelash

ما احللك تاخذينها بدون لايك

joyful white cute show delight

- Humor:

Kai Cenat

jenniferlawrence fingerwag cantlive behindyourphone

- All atheists do drugs

felicia wiggle dance blush text dance text back

एक तो कोरोना की मार दूसरा पानी के बिना जनता का बुरा हाल कोरोना काल में हाथ धोना जरूरी पर पानी के बिना कैसे धोए हाथ प्रशासन मस्त, जनता त्रस्त रियासी अपडेट्स : अंचित शर्मा रियासी, 30 सितंबर : पीएचई विभाग में कार्यरत डेली वेजर्स की हड़ताल के चलते पिछले 5 दिनों से रियासी जिले के ज्यादातर इलाकों में पानी की सप्लाई नहीं हो पा रही है। जिस कारण जिला हेडक्वार्टर रियासी के साथ ही अन्य कई इलाकों में लोगों के घरों में पीने तक के लिए पानी नहीं बचा हुआ है। कोरोना से बचने के लिए प्रशासन द्वारा बार-बार हाथ धोने की नसीहत दी जाती रही है पर जिला प्रशासन इस कोरोना काल में लोगों को पानी तक मुहैया नहीं करवा पा रहा है। जहां एक तरफ प्रशासन मस्त है तो वही दूसरी तरफ जनता त्रस्त है। जनता सुबह और शाम पानी आने का इंतजार करती रहती है, लेकिन जनता को निराशा ही हाथ लगती है। पिछले 5 दिनों में केवल एक बार ही पानी की सप्लाई हो पाई है, हालांकि सड़क किनारे कुछ स्थानों पर पीएचई विभाग द्वारा टैंकर से पानी की आपूर्ति की गई है। पिछले 5 दिनों से पीएचई के डेली वेजर्स हड़ताल पर है और उनकी हड़ताल लगातार जारी है। उनका कहना है कि जब तक उनकी मांगों को पूरा नहीं किया जाता तब तक वे अपनी हड़ताल को वापस नहीं लेंगे। अब सवाल यह है कि अगर डेली वेजर्स हड़ताल पर है तो ऐसे में सभी इलाकों में स्थाई कर्मचारियों को लगाकर पानी की सप्लाई क्यों नहीं की जा रही है। अगर स्थाई कर्मचारियों की संख्या कम है तो ऐसे में कोई और रास्ता क्यों नहीं ढूंढा जा रहा है। इसी साल फरवरी महीने में हुई पीएचई के डेली वेजर्स की हड़ताल में प्रशासन द्वारा विभिन्न विभागों के कर्मचारियों को लगाकर पानी की सप्लाई चलाई गई थी, उसी तरह का कोई रास्ता अाखिर अभी तक क्यों नहीं ढूंढा गया है। क्या डेली वेजर्स की हड़ताल तक जनता को ऐसे ही त्रस्त रहना पड़ेगा या फिर प्रशासन अपनी जिम्मेवारी को समझेगा। आखिर प्रशासन कहां है और क्या कर रहा है। जनता को हो रही परेशानी की जिम्मेवारी आखिर कौन लेगा। #ReasiUpdates #Reasi - @reasiupdates on Instagram

Beautiful anime boy with black hair and shiny eyes | anime art | anime wallpaper | anime pfp

jagyasini singh findnewjag phone down phone put the phone down

NCSHP - @nc_highway_patrol on Instagram

profile pic... watsapp dp ..

cheering encourage appreciate double five honour

- Truth

Felt cute :) might delete later…

jagyasini singh findnewjag put the phone down put phone down put your phone down

- The Last wish

dima dmitri dima moment cringe cope

- Real funny jokes

now to turn my phone off movie theater movies turn off phone

- Katya - a true queen for the people

pp mini penguin cute angry smash

- Not sure if this has been posted. Someone i thought was smarter than this shared this on Facebook.

put a reminder on your phone gabriella demartino fancy vlogs by gab note it down put it in your phone

- me_irl

mushroom cute bored lazy lie down

- Republicans don’t care about lives

utku ates can yaman can divit yigit erkenci kus

- Donate to Wikipedia..

wow ricky berwick shocked stunned amazed

- Invest in this brand new template! Never before seen format! Blank in comments

phone check liam scott edwards acetrainerliam checking my phone embarrassed

- Right to Die

pokimane poki twitch live

- me irl

texting searching cellphone steve berg white terry

- Found this and that man really needed to help his wife catch up with the time.

tkthao219 lengtoo heyyy

Luxury bones and marbles @aniacopian - @commentawards on Instagram

dinozones haruto haruto watanabe haruto treasure treasure

- more big boobs tiny body

laugh meme yao ming funny dance

- Cut the Swine Budget in Half and Give it to the Teachers

put the phone down

- { favorite things : meows

touhou laughing laugh marisa kirisame sumireko

- “I bet this entire store would appreciate hearing my music at full blast.”

need to put the down phone call facepalm problematic rapping

- how do you even title this

quby cute smile sitting down calm

👀👀👀👀👀 - @hyphomcr on Instagram

surprised seth meyers late night with seth meyers oh wow whoa

- Haha funny meme!!!!!!!! 🤣🔫

emoji iphone

- meirl

hanging up preston horace sistas s4e6 put down the phone

- Apple Stuff

animal kitty cat cute yeah

Sy Garte is a PhD biochemist and former atheist, now Christian. - @capturingchristianity on Instagram

ravens home put the phones down raven

- Posted a couple months ago. Survived first year of uni. I’m back bitches, give me your worst.

animation boy chibi cute kawaii

- Not sure what to say about this...

put it down put that down pokemon cute pikachu

- Same Logic

fang goodbye volcano high phone dino

- Really good for your age

eric reini reini phone get off your phone get out

- Thought this might come in handy on Sunday!

browalltedcom dollar buy sell btc bitcoin browallted

- I mean, he’s not that wrong.

putting down the phone giving up looking up searching explaining

- Get nae-naed

blackprez laughing on phone laughing on phone laughing hysterically

- Send me your bitcoin

put your phone down tyler oakley cameo get to work do some work

- They are really concerned out there

scrolling through phone bored swiping scroll unamused

- funny pins

throw phone baby skipping phones

- Wait, do they kill babies or sell them ?🙄

howl the pet collective wail talking on phone video call

- Zero Security.

smh maggie amato debi mazar younger shaking my head

- Super Weird Flex, but... whatever.

yao rd kora smartphone happy yes


get off your phone turn off your phone turn it off put it down hang up

- “If you’re a recovering drug addict you don’t deserve food.” - TPUSA’s Token Short-Sighted Lady

you go first cartman south park time to get cereal s22e6

- Garbage Rave [OC]

put the phones down ordered instruction focus put it down

- Floor protection

simple listen

- :(

get off the phone

- yep

just keep your mouth shut wendy testaburger south park s15e12 one percent

- Please tell me you feel the same way

can we turn off the phones please jack donaghy alec baldwin 30rock turn phone off

- Seal Team 6 conducts raid (2011)

miracle nikki phone waiting for an answer sad waiting for reply

- me when I opened the TP after the update

put your phone down stoprecording

- Blursed_PS5

laugh lol happy looking at phone phone

- Funny numbers

throw phone mad

- The Italian Joint feeling like The Sopranos

vi cua cuong ngu ngon

Not to mention the difficulties of applying for #jobs without a permanent address. These cycles keep our communities in #poverty, without the opportunities that people who have never experienced poverty take for granted. - @harlemunitednyc on Instagram

get off your phone give me your phone

- Cursed_glass(es?)

thank you for your review brad mondo thanks for your opinion thanks for your two cents thanks for commenting

- Kids say the darndest things.

spongebob put down the phone eyes rolling memes giggle

- hmmm

checking phone giovanni rivera gio and eli typing phone check

- Never forget

put it down omar adom zidan fbi put it on the ground hands down

- Featherless biped

checking phone marine leleu browsing in phone using phone

- Id still smoke with her

put it down threaten come on archery lara croft

- We all have a weakness! I would have done the same, IHOP breakfast is an elite meal.

mumbai ka boss miss call me can i get your number google

- Hol up

kung fury twitter twitter police put the phone down put down the phone

- Hero.

pick up phone yungblud weird grab the phone get the phone

- Crush memes

umm phone slap

- Its the American way I guess, if you dont like it leave or whatever.

cat shaking struggling dont want to no

- Blursed scare

what are you doing on that phone ella payne house of payne why do you keep looking at the phone why do you keep checking on your phone

- Concealed Handgun

animal crossing nok phone nintendo switch glasses phone

- ????

end the call tom holland zendaya zendaya maree stoermer coleman jacob batalon

- And free WiFi.

get off the internet sharon marsh south park overlogging s12e6

- When you need social media to push you into action

bye seyi awolowo goodbye end call end of conversation

- hmmm

gaudi heater warm sitting on phone

- Luxury bones and marbles

put the phone down put it away pay attention drop it stop

- Sleep Good Technology Bad

hang up saba mrs whoever song drop the call put the phone down

- 2meirl4meirl

gemme yo phone gibe me your phone shame on you no you didnt stop it

- I mean its nice, but not what was needed

black prez look up surprised shocked texting

- amusing

get the hell off your phone get off your phone no phone turn off your phone keep your phone

- Please Dont Use Your FACTS and LOGIC on Me, Charlie

dropping phone dropped my phone puuung puung cute

- I dont know anyone who didnt play with these.

put your phone done bustle leave you phone listen to me rickey thompson

- It do be like that

put your phone done bustle leave you phone listen to me rickey thompson

- fr man shits crazy 😤

dog no phone dont touch

- I’d like to make a statement

peach goma lying down phone

- Meirl

yoda star wars

Who’s riding today? #eatsleepshiftrepeat - @eatsleepshiftrepeat on Instagram

- When your vision is NSFW20/20

- It only works if you’re a con artist!

- Blursed_cat

- How the turntables

- Who needs to open the toilet door all the way anyway!

. ریپلاهای لویی به توییت هایی که بخاطرش زدن . توییت سندی ( یکی از موزیسین های واندی ) : 😳😳😳💪🏻 لویی : عشق میفرستم برات رفیق. بچه هات زیبان، ایمن و سالم بمونید . توییت دوم : هی لویی تو داری توی همه جای برزیل ترند میشی لویی : یکی از مکان های مورد علاقم در جهان . توییت سوم : خیلی دوستت داریم لویی : خدا حفظتون کنه ، عشق فراوان به شما . توییت چهارم : لویی لطفا یه اهنگ و لیریکس جدید منتشر کن لویی : هنوز خیلی زوده برای اون شت ( یا ابلفضل من اهنگ جدید میخواممم لویی😐😭) . توییت پنجم : لویی همیشه در حال دزدیدن اسکرین شات ها از طرفدارس، این بامزس لویی : آبویسلی ( 😂) . توییت شیشم : دیوونه کنندس. خیلی به خودمون و تو افتخار میکنم، ما غیر قابل توقفیم. دوستت داریم لویی : ما واقعا همینیم . توییت هفتم : اهنگ جدیدددد؟؟؟ به زودی؟؟؟؟؟؟ لویی : در طول ۴ روز ۴ اهنگ نوشته شده.در حال اماده شدنه ( یاتتودرممجحخااللنمپ داره روی اهنگای جدید کار میکنهههه گاااد😭😭😭😭😭😭نمیتونمم صبر کنممم😭😭) . #1d_news_contest_zahra - @_1d_news_contest on Instagram

- May you live in interesting times..

- Bruh...


- Blursed_Bernie

- Känslan när man scrollar i flödet och ser videos av USA:s poliskår.

- hi how can i help you

- Are you ok hydrohomie?

What costs more? Maintaining grass fields or acl care???? #acl #aclrecovery #aclrehab #aclsurgery #acltear #aclreconstruction #aclrehabilitation #aclclub #aclsurgery #aclrecoveryclub #aclcomeback #aclinjury #aclrehablife #rehabperformanceacademy #commack #newyork - @acl_academy on Instagram

- Nerd Alert!

- I think I know the reason

- what a slut!

- Haha.

- Leave you hat on

- How the people on this sub are going to look in 50 years

Happy Sunday 😂 #90ies #nokiamemes #kultklub #retro - @kultklub on Instagram

- Blursed RCA

- Pro-Life

- Blursed_relationship

- Something new to invest

- A offbrand airpods bigger than your hand? Im in!

In or going to #Belgium tomorrow? National #strike, be prepared, disruption expected at #Brussels Airport, transport and more . #staking #greve #betoging #manifestation #belgie #belgique #belgica #brussel #bruxelles - @travel2belgium on Instagram

- Played yourself

- At least someone around here knows what’s up

- Blursed Airpod

- Posted by my grandpa last night

- Cursed_phone charger

- Me irl

😆 - @mufasamurph on Instagram

- If you didn’t do this u had sad childhood

- Blursed Bernie

- Just saw on facebook, I dont think it works that way.......

He should just kuku mention OAU 😓🤔 . #oaujuice #teamOAU #oaublogger #oauife #greatife #greatIfestudent #oaustories #lifeofoaustudents #oaublog #oaustudent #oaustudents #oauevents #oaucelebrity #oau_styles #oaustyles #oautrends #oau_campus #oaucampus #thisisoau #thisisgreatife #oauevents #oaumodels #insideoau #inside_oau #ObafemiAwolowoUniversity - @oaujuice on Instagram

- Healthcare is governmental slavery

- For The Win!

- And thats a fact

- The phone is totally a script

- Refurbished Phones

- Going in for round 2

- Phrasing.

- meirl

- toot toot

- Allowing users to check charging status without turning on the phone screen

- This decision shouldn’t be that hard

- You can always count on Tomi for an opinion thats usually destroyed by history.

- me_irl

- My boyfriend found today and said I should post it here =^//^=

- The funky spiderman

- At least he is doing the right thing

- meirl

- blursed_mask

The latest device revision! A desk essential to increase that productivity you so badly need... Read more about our device on our website, link in bio. #productivity #productivitytips #productivityhacks #programming #coding #software #engineering #programmer - @gettimechi on Instagram

- Turning Point is so bad at this

- @njcarshows on Instagram

- @cabinetofmillionaires on Instagram

- Found somewhere

- hmmm

- Agree

- Oh god oh fuck run

- Tetris on a flip phone

- Nintendo Oui

- Youre not important unless their lives revolve around you

- Me_irl

- Blursed grater

- I never realized how cool morning walks were until I started smoking weed

- Puma

- Nokia=indestructible........

- Blursed Benz

- Color Guard

- Complex Problems require simple solutions

- Do I need to say anything

- This guy speaks nothing but the truth

- Thats assault and kidnapping right?

- Thought this belonged here

- blursed_wireless

- hmmm

- hmmm

- Funny

- See what they did there

- Upload in process

- oof

- I love to eat world

- I salute the Colonel!

😂 - @browgame on Instagram

- Make up your mind, do you want rich people to pay their fair share or do you want rent to be affordable?

- This actually made me laugh out loud

- 2020 technologies

- Australian University Develops Worlds First Bionic Eye To Fully Restore Vision In Blind People.

So yesterday this happened!!!!! Out of thousands of Luscious Lash pics of our Brand New Twisted Epic Mascara I won a fab prize after my photo was chosen as the best😲😲😲😲 WWHHHHHAAAAAAAT🍀🍀 To say Im shocked is an understatement!!!! I would never of thought that I would get recognised for a Lash Selfie!!! Before I started my journey I hated getting my pic taken, I would be the one hiding from the camera, smiling awkwardly🤣🤣🤣 Thanks to AMAZING support and being part of a company that encourages you to become the best version of yourself I now love taking selfies showing our AMAZING products😃😃 It might take 10 pics to get one I like but I love showing how much Ive grown TRUST ME WHEN I SAY IF I CAN DO THIS ANYONE CAN😂😂😂 #loveyourlashes #believeinyourself #youdeservethe best - @dervilla.madden on Instagram

- What is this even supposed to mean lmao

- Everyone’s mood

- hey guys look at my funnie glasses haha :)

- Blursed technology

- Working up a sweat

“Don’t ever get SMART with me” L😂L #EightLugMafia - @eightlugmafia on Instagram

- @shuerks on Instagram

- Giveaways

- Shower curtain with pockets

- blursed glasses

- Funny

hello queenagers it’s me karly here! just wanted to say sorry for everyone who’s tried to work on music with me bc i lose all motivation and stop replying. but this time i’m SERIOUS and i want to make MUSIC and work with cool people and producers and such so if u have any interest in me and my music pls dm a girl bc i don’t want to go to COLLEGE anymore i just want to make a living off music pls god - @karlylow_ on Instagram

- Smertness

Thats actually pretty smart 😂🤘🏼 - @guitarshub on Instagram

- cool stuff

- Jezza with a classic banger

- When you’re a grower

- [@takiinoue] the wise Inoue

Afeitado súper al ras , nada que envidiarle a las presto barba 🚩afeitado en húmedo o en seco 🇨🇴 envío gratis ✅ . La máquina de afeitar ideal que estás buscando a un click de distancia.🧔 Las mejores marcas los mejores precios 💈 Garantizadas✔️ La mejor tecnología✅ Sin irritación☑️ Sin cortes☑️ Máxima duración ✅ . Visítanos 🔎 www.maquinadeafeitar.site . #hombres #mujer #afeitado #maquinasdeafeitar #afeitadoras #machos #barba #barberia #peluqueria #cortesdecabello #cabello #moda #tendencia #tendencia #phillips #sony #bogota #medellin #cali #colombia - @maquina_de_afeitar on Instagram

- No gender, only chaos

- Ohhh basketball meme, it hurts

- Thanks, I hate spinach lube

- 2000s

- You literally arent a motorcyclist unless you put yourself at greater risk..

- Apple Slices

- Curvy blonde

- HolUp. That’s a fancy ass calculator he got.

- Jo Frost

- I found this remotely funny

- The New Dad

- Muwahaha

- Hershey chocolate pie

Double Tap if you Agree ❤️ Don’t buy expensive and unnecessary stuff just to please the masses. Remember, you have a family to feed, not a community to impress! - 📲 Save this for Later! 👥 Tag a friend who would love to see this. - Feel free to share all of my posts but make sure you give me credits please 😉 - Follow me @kickstartincome . 👉 @kickstartincome 👈 👉 @kickstartincome 👈 👉 @kickstartincome 👈 - #billgatesquotes #billgatesfoundation #wordsofinspiration #moneyquotes #motivationneeded #motivationspeech #motivationals #extrememotivation #billionairequotes #incomestreams #wealthymindset #inspirationalquoteoftheday #richmindset #inspirationbusiness #millionairequotes #inspirationalpost #millionairemindset #wealthmindset #motivationalspeakers #motivationnation #billgates #billionairelife - @kickstartincome on Instagram

- Ouch. 😅

- Wouldn’t that be cool?

- A confiscated light fashioned by a prisoner

- Honestly less scary because I can see them coming

- Cursed_infection

- Cell Phone evolution

- Don’t buy, don’t regret.

- ew. Wtf.

- my mothers reaction to finding this sub last night in picture form

- Chaos is the only real gender.

- Do not put away wet.

- A Braille watch for the blind.

Can’t argue with God 😂 . . . . . . . #Vegan #Veganism #Veganism #VeganAF #PlantBased #Vegano #VeganLife #VeganLifestyle #VeganHumour #PLANTBASED #VeganForTheAnimals #VeganAF #VeganBanter #VeganCommunity #VeganVibes #VeganMemes #VeganShare #Vegans #VeganLove #VeganPower #vegansofig #AnimalWelfare #ClimateChange #Environment - @vgnnews on Instagram

- Me_irl

- And as a bonus, this wont start any wildfires!

- Just saw this

- Feel like this applies to the kitchen life too.

- Fucking Synths

- hmmm

- Self defense keychain

- Absurdity

- Huh

- Found in r/boomerhumor

- Cursed_kettle

- True

- Hol’ Up

- Little ray of sunshine

- I just wanted to see who was gonna grab a HAMMER

- coiffures garçons

- blursed_sphere chucker

This is literally how my boyfriend and I date. 2020 be like...Oh and my mom changed her mind so I get to go to school with y’all again - @theresareasonforthis on Instagram

- me irl

- chronic stress

- hmmm

- This job demands for a professional

- hmmm

Swipe I’m trying to understand what this could have possibly been reported for. Maybe for excessive pollution?🇺🇸 . . #stayfrostydoc #corpsman #navycorpsman - @corpsman_ on Instagram

- Hate that..

- Cursed smile

now or never - @pinkonred on Instagram

- Does your loudspeaker editorialize?

now or never - @indieekids on Instagram

- Blursed_protection

- blursed_cat

- This light - I press that bump on its base so many times thinking it’s the switch!

That’s ps5 gone be NEXT❗️ • • • • • #selfcarethreads #selfcare #baddie #noxzema #aloevera #explore #explorepageready #beautyhacks #beauty #hacks #carehacks #clearskin #skincareroutine #skincarehacks #skincare #clearskin#showeressentials #skincareproducts #bodywashes#showerroutine#kicksfollowtrend #followtrain #love#pink #couplegoal#relationshipgoals - @baddiess.0nly on Instagram

- Hats

- me🎥irl

- blursed_phone

So like the answer is no! A thousand times no! Our eldest zit-hating child, KILLA goes deeper than most of her peers—but she would NEVER stab 🥺 ⁣ KILLA ❤️s your skin. #zitsticka - @zitsticka on Instagram

- Humour geek

- Showing her skills [via /r/bestofteen]

- 9 months to go

- We live in a society.......

- Catnip overdose

- Jimmy you dumb fuck.

- Faded.

- Harder than parenthood


- How to roast like a 3rd grader.

- Sleep Apnea

- Angry phone caller template

- Cursed_Hitler

- Fuck up specky

- Just doing squats

- Imagine wanting to feel like youre above others so you take obscure or popular things from your childhood and call yourself eLiTe

- Dont know where to start ....

Lola is ready for her discovery flight! ✈️🐶 ✅Book a Discovery flight for only $139.99 ✅Aircraft Rentals and Flight Instruction ✈️ ✅Call us at 850-316-8825 or visit www.kpnsair.com for more information #kpnsair #pensacolaairflightschool #becomeapilot #aviation #veteranowned #learntofly #flightinstruction #flightschool #pilottraining #privatepilot #commercialpilot #pensacola #pensacolaflorida #pensacolabeach #piper #supportlocal #learntofly #pilot #pilotlife #pensacolaairport #livetofly #freedom - @kpnsair on Instagram

- Holy moly

- pigs only liked cameras when they were in control.

- Teacher from my HS

- Fit legs

- People calling 911 on 9/11 (2001)