Master Chef Gr Profile Pics

master chefkontizasmasterchefkaterinamasterchefgrkoutsopoulosgreecemasterchef grjohn mike


pinoy philippines kiss lips arcdesignlab

With the new normal, we must adapt ourselves. However, it is going to take time. Especially because the enemy is invisible. Connecting with others is of course vital. Luckily, we live in a digital age and therefore social distancing does not have to leave anyone cut off from others. However , we need each other more than ever now. We are in this situation together and we must find a way to recover. Each of us learning how to manage this new normal. Let’s be strong and work hard to save our businesses, our hotels and restaurants. We must be creative and engaged, being positively mindfulness to each others. #parkhyatttokyo #newnormal #hyattcare #hyatt - @ronan.cadorel on Instagram

master chef greece uncle leo master chef koutsopoulos kontizas

One of my happy places - @thatinspiredchef on Instagram

joure broodnodig wij zijn broodnodig video marketing vintage

@mo_bodrum PASTRY TEAM 🇹🇷 - @ejdert on Instagram

%CE%BA%CE%BF%CF%85%CF%84%CF%83%CE%BF%CF%80%CE%BF%CF%85%CE%BB%CE%BF%CF%82 koutsopoulos master chef lets go

Bora dar aquele trato na máquina e começar a fumaça outra vez!!! Mais testes para lançar um cardápio novo de delivery nesta semana...🌪️🔥🚀 . . . . #fumaça #bbq #bbqlovers #pitsmoker #churrasco #meat #meatlovers #outdoorcooking #asado #cercadelfuego - @pedrohspadaro on Instagram

anker moin dialekt deutsch hipster

duck - yuzu / fennel / foie - @slocooking on Instagram

koutsopoulos master chef kontizas gelio laugh

Ratatouille! - @rodrigobocardi on Instagram

faze clan faze fazeup sticker transparent

Mensaje de @jerrygalindo16 a la comunidad: “Amigos, afición y todos los que lean este mensaje. LA SALUD LO ES TODO, soy testigo de ello. Enfrentemos al Covid-19 con responsabilidad, hagamos caso a las recomendaciones y cuidémonos. Hagamos equipo y evitemos que el 🦠 juegue en nuestra cancha. ¡A darle! 👊🏻 #QuédateEnCasa”. . . #TeamCommRoom #UnidosPodemos #VamosMéxico #StayHome - on Instagram

luben memes 2022 master chef greece

Gratidão ! #Repost @chefmoacir with @make_repost ・・・ Hoje o dia está sendo maravilhoso com esses dois lindos @chefarthurpendragon @cheffranciscopinheiro vocês arrasam muito!!! . . #mestredosabor #mestresdobrasil #nhacgnt #gnt #muitoamorenvolvido #chefmoanamudia - @cheffranciscopinheiro on Instagram

speech balloon responding to comments fire lit comment

Ho sempre assecondato le idee di mio fratello, anche quando sono imbarazzanti, tipo questa 😁🤦🏻‍♂️ #ristorantebro. #chef #cheflife #chefmode #picsoftheday #brothers #bronzino 🙏🏻 - @stefano_bronzino on Instagram

kala %CE%BA%CE%B1%CE%BB%CE%B1 phge pige %CF%80%CE%B7%CE%B3%CE%B5

#Repost @gazetamulheres with @make_repost ・・・ O nhoque com músculo que vai fazer você deixar sua família TODA com água na boca 😋. Quem nos ensina é o @chefdouglasbenatti. #MaisUmPedaço MÚSCULO E NHOQUE RECEITA Ingredientes do nhoque: 400g de batata 100g de farinha de trigo 2 gemas 50 g de parmesão Modo de preparo do nhoque: Cozinhar a batata com casca até amolecer (10 a 15 min) Ainda quente tirar a casca e amassar ou espremer no espremedor de batata, se possível passar em peneira, para ficar mais liso Aguarde esfriar, misture a farinha de trigo aos poucos mexendo para o purê misturar com a farinha. Adicionar as gemas, misture bem Adicione o parmesão Faça uma forma de bola e reserve Deixe descansar na geladeira por uns 20 min Divide em 4 pedaços Divide uma parte em 3 Faça movimentos de vai e vem alongando a massa em formas cilindricas e longas E corte aproximadamente 1cm Depois de cortados cozinhar em agua fervente até subir e retire e coloque em uma agua com gelo Escorre e reserve na geladeira com um pouco de óleo Em uma frigideira coloque a manteiga e à salvia Espere derreter e adicione os gnochis, ajuste o sal e silva com o osso buco Ingredientes do músculo: Fatias músculo 200Cenoura 200Cebola 100Salsão 5 Louro 80g Sal 20g Pimenta do reino 1 garrafa Vinho tinto 300ml de óleo ou azeite 1 ramo de tomilho 1 ramo de alecrim Modo de preparo do músculo: Coloque o sal e a pimenta no músculo e deixe descansar de um dia para outro junto com os legumes cortados grosseiramente, o vinho, óleo, e as ervas. No dia seguinte, em uma frigideira bem quente sele (refolgar) os músculos deixando-os bem grelhados Volte para a assadeira, coloque mais vinho um pouco de água, tomilho, alecrim e alho amassado com casa e manteiga Cubra com papel alumínio e deixe em forno médio por equivalente a 1:30, verificar se esta já macio Retire o molho e peneire Volte a uma frigideira deixe ferver Em um copo dissolva 1 colher de amido de milho em 50 ml de água E junte ao molho. Deixe ferver até engrossar Engrossando desligue o fogo e adicione mais uma colher de manteiga Banhe o osso buço com o molho e sirva com o nhoque. Pode colocar ao molho v - @chefdouglasbenatti on Instagram

hogemaru houchi kousonsan

I feel blessed to have had such culinary titans in our kitchen @ashbournefarms for our #regrow dinner. @barbaralturner @sixteen_bricks @tobikko44 @chef_scales @dsmith6386s @leeinitiative #OB1 and @juliedefriend with the wine service. Amazing night helping our hospitality family regrow. Photo credit @hyslop - @chefpatrickroney on Instagram

master chef greece mpompenas bobenas

- @eugenimunoz on Instagram

harth harthlock harh chibi harthlock chibi angry

🏅 Je ne le dirai jamais assez, pour bien cuisiner avoir les bons ingrédients cest indispensable ! La liste de ce quil vous faut est dans ma BIO 🗒️⁠ ⁠ #challenge #certificatmentor #onnelacherien #methode #progrès #motivation #ficherecette #programmementor #cuisine #recettefacile #recetterapideetfacile #recetterapide #philippeetchebest⁠ #matériel #ingrédient⁠ #liste⁠ - @chef.etchebest on Instagram

xarrois marese

Bienvenue @chez.claudesp ! Sempre uma alegria ver a cidade ganhando reforços 👊🏽 #vamoquevamo @mercier_julien @ttroisgros @c_troisgros - @rodrigomocoto on Instagram

minka madebyminka hartje leuk je weer te zien

Recuerdos imborrables de mi visita a la que considero mi casa el restaurante #pepevieira , su personalidad se hace patente en cada detalle de hacer un restaurante distinto , gracias pepe , familia y equipo por inspirarme , por cómo nos queréis y cuidarnos , no veo la hora de volver @pepe.vieira #raxo #riasbaixas #galicia #cocinagallega #cocinaconpersonalidad #restauranteincreible #arquitecturaydiseño - @nachomanzano_casamarcial on Instagram

%CE%BC%CF%80%CE%BF%CF%85%CF%81%CE%B4%CE%B5%CF%82 %CE%BA%CF%89%CF%83%CF%84%CE%B7%CF%82 master chef master chef

Ya Allah ini ibu gemezin banget ... manis kaya coklat nya @ibunmaniscoklat - @chefchandra_y on Instagram

saki tenma saki tenma tenma saki project sekai

It has been 10 years (2011) since the last time Indonesia was chosen to compete in the world’s most prestigious professional chef competition: Bocuse d’Or in Lyon, France. Once again Indonesia is going to the finals to showcase the culinary talent of Chefs in Indonesia, in the highly distinguished and renowned competition - the @bocusedor , in January 2021! 🇫🇷 ⁠ ⁠ We are so proud to have our Chef Owner @chris_salans selected as Head Coach of the team alongside @mandifwarokka @nugrahalutfi and @gillesmarx to represent Indonesia on the world stage 🇲🇨✨⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ - @mozaicrestaurantubud on Instagram

sotiris kontizas masterchef master chef

- Cheap Aprons

gem gif queen gem cute smile happy

#Repost @omnivoreworld with @get_repost ・・・ « La cuisine, c’est comme la vie, ça doit avoir de l’allure. » @pierregagnaire. En matière d’allure, le quatre-mains dont a été gratifié la salle à manger du festival, en a pas mal ! Le pop up dinner a donné accès à des plats créés par Pierre Gagnaire et @alexandremazzia , des figures incarnées de la cuisine, sans doute les deux plus beaux représentants de la gastronomie contemporaine. 📸 @mickaelbandassak #omnivore2020 #festival #popupdinner - @alexandremazzia on Instagram

kontizas kodizas masterchef master chef

We’re the three best friends that anyone could have #hashtag #thr eeyearsstrong #ogs - @vinzilla620 on Instagram

wamdood aha aaha ahaa wah wah

- 6 Foot 7

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You love to see it! Big bro @chefmichaelrafidi adapting and staying in his element at his very own @albiwashdc @yellowthecafe 🦾 #lundyway - @lundyway on Instagram

faye faye_tan fayetan faf bongo

- La Bella Donna degli Spaghetti

masterchefgr masterchef star ioannis survivor gr

We are proud to present Team Sweden 🇸🇪 Ready to compete in Bocuse d’Or Europe in Tallinn May 2020. Our Candidate Sebastian Gibrand, Commis Jakob Persson, Coach Jonas Dahlbom and President Henrik Norström. #roadtolyon #bocusedor #sweden #gastronomisverige @sebastiangibrand @jakobperssons @jonasdahlbom @henrikluxrestauranger - @gastronomisverige on Instagram

thinking shreya buzzfeed india taste test chewing food

- Interesting Recipes

master chef master chef gr malakas sad holding it in

Kansainvälistyminen kannattaa! 😍 Keudan kondiittoriopiskelijat Petra ja Henna kokevat puoli vuotta sitten suorittamansa kv-jaksot Espanjassa antoisiksi ja opettavaisiksi. Molemmat muistelevat jaksojaan lämmöllä! Käy kurkkaamassa kuulumisia myös muista onnistuneista kansainvälisistä jaksoista @keudainternational. #Repost @keudainternational - @erasmusplusfinland on Instagram


Chef Ned Heath wants everyone to be able to enjoy dining out in a restaurant, even those with food allergies. Check out his personal fundraising page and learn more about what he does at @intentionalfoods can vote for him with your donation dollars and help him win the 2020 Signature Chefs Champions Award! - @marchofdimesaz on Instagram

masterchef masterchefgr mask masterchef gr maria clapping

I been in this industry since I was 19 I am 35 now I seen so many crazy Things that I am never speak on and met some amazing ppl. Within this picture there 3 different type of chefs that I know personally and 3 different type of relationships with. The art comes with a price time energy and PASSION What would you sacrifice to be great #TBT CAN YOU NAME ALL 3 CHEFS IN THIS PICTURE? PS this industry is like a boys club either in the circle or out the circle I’m just me I am who I am #chefmikail #wearechef Don’t lose yourself trying to become great photo Cred: my brother’s @whoisdefy @mosgenthepoet - @chefmikail on Instagram

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Prometo vaciarme contigo, mimarte, cuidarte y tratar de que tus momentos en Monte sean lo que te han contado... Pic by @soysaracastano - @xune.andrade on Instagram

bacaliaros masterchefgr master chef greece moutza

Merci à Thierry Marx qui une fois de plus, à fait confiance à Enodis ! «... J’ai un lien assez fort avec ENODIS. Il est basé sur la confiance et sur un partage de valeurs. Quand nous avons créé CUISINE MODE D’EMPLOI(S), cette entreprise a su être là et nous a accompagner dans des conditions qui étaient très difficiles. Ce sont des attitudes que l’on n’oublie pas. Par ailleurs, ils ont des matériels très innovants et une R&D qui fonctionne et qui sait anticiper le marché.» Cuisine Mode d’Emploi est un centre de formation de cuisine, boulangerie et métiers du services pour des personnes en reconversion qui forme environ 250 personnes par an. #thierrymarx #chef #étoilé #cuisinemodedemploi #gastronomie #enodis #food #france #savoirfaire @thierrymarx @cuisinemodedemplois - @enodisfrance on Instagram

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Watch #chopped on @foodnetwork TONIGHT at 8pm. Let’s see what happens this time 🤣 @ctbites @chefbeckettaz #connecticut #represent #foodtv #cheflife - @nom_eez on Instagram

masterchefgr master chef stop it stop stamata

- Be A Better Man

mms_promo mms_ru mms

Nuestro Chef Asociado Gabriel Occelli está ansioso por brindarte la mejor experiencia gastronómica que puedas imaginar. ¡Ven a vivir la experiencia! #puntacana#rd#republicadominicana#grill#tamoburlao#restaurant#food#staytuned - @burlaopc on Instagram

anous master chef gr

Challenge 🔪 #fredericanton #lejulesvernefredericanton #lejulesverneparis #eiffeltower #frenchgastronomy #toureiffel #paris #relaischateaux #michelinguide @lejulesverneparis - @kev1_garcia on Instagram

good job chhota bheem thumbs up well done awesome

I have thought long and hard about how I wanted to re-enter this space. During this pandemic and with the closing of my restaurant I had the privilege of being home with my family, safe and healthy. Not all have been so fortunate. As a chef, my heart has broken for so many fellow restaurants that have been forced to close indefinitely and in some cases permanently, the life work of so many wondering how to feed their families and what their future holds. It has been inconceivable. Most importantly though, are the lives lost to this virus, the families torn apart and the unthinkable sorrow of losing someone that you can’t even see to say goodbye. So what can I do as a Chef? And what can we do as a restaurant? How can we make a meaningful contribution? On August 1, Addison will reopen anew. On our secret rooftop space overlooking the serene Penasquitos Canyon, a privilege I do not take for granted. I am blessed to generously space tables in an extraordinary open air setting, with views to dream about. I know that not everyone is so lucky or so fortunate and I do not take this privilege for granted. We have learned many lessons during this time. And above all, that our health is truly our greatest wealth. And I believe that food is medicine. As I re-enter the kitchen my commitment will be to nourish our guests, to restore wellbeing with nutrition and to do so with the most meticulous standards for health, safety and sanitation for all. My team and I look forward to welcoming you back, our treasured and valued guests. Your loyalty is one of my greatest motivations and your safety while dining at Addison will remain our mission. Reservations are available online. @addisonrestaurant #saverestaurants #wearamask #sandiego #california - @chefwilliambradley on Instagram

bacaliaros kontizas masterchefgr laugh boss

Lino e Luca Padre e figlio Tradizione e innovazione 50 anni di storia che continua @cheflucagagliardi #ristorantelarampina #milano #beautiful #lucagagliardi #top#restaurant #tradizione #innovazione #localistorici #food #anticaosteriarampina - @ristorantelarampina on Instagram

anker moin dialekt deutsch hipster

Ohibi & Friends. Mercoledì 18 dicembre 2019 #ohibi #hostaria #gastrosofia #big #chef #bonta #emotion #moment #beauty #magic #beautiful #instagood #instafood #love #passione #foodie #passion #cuore #details #photooftheday #picture #lovely #life #foodpornnapoli #foodgasm #Campania food #campania_illife #likeforfollow #followers #art - @ohibi_hosteria on Instagram

katerinamasterchef masterchef katerina masterchef greece masterchefgr survivorgr

Here with my good friends for the opening of their hotel plus a wonderful art event with some amazing food!! @capri_southampton @naiahamptons @domingozapata @costaspicadas @johnmoslerworks #travel #chef #hotels #food #foodie #picoftheday #travel #work #fun #summer #newyork #art #food #travelgram #hamptons my great friend #michaelpitsinos# - @cheftoddenglish on Instagram

huat ong cny prosperity happy

Meet Rashika Kulshrestha, 23 year old chef her journey started with the sentences like kya re tu babarchi banegi ab. Rashika, a 23 year old chef works for a restaurant and recently started a food delivery chain Shubh Rasoi. Her mother is the true inspiration behind her job. Two year back she got his back injured. Doctors clearly advised for bed rest and change the profession because she can not do heavy works anymore. Without creating any single negative thought in her mind, she recovered herself and started working again for Indian cuisine as its her favourite department. She believes everyday is a new journey. Everyday has its new challenge and from which I will grow internally. From Growth and Money you can get success but from Internal Learning and building knowledge your mind will grow. According to her one is happy from heart then all is well. Do not run behind Growth or money- you will only be happy and satisfied at a certain point. But, from learning and knowledge and practicing your skills you will achieve great heights (in terms of self satisfaction).  According to Rashika, she will only achieve success when no one in this world will go empty stomach to bed. Her purpose is to feed everyone and that can only happen if no one sleeps hungry. Spread the word of love and care to everyone. We all need it. Do not fight for the sake of anything. We are children of God and even his senders. Do not waste food. In case you have extra food, feed someone. Instead of giving money to anyone- give them food. Instead of Donations, donate food. After all, we all work for food and shelter- Let’s Start doing it with others too.  Shubh Rasoi, currently delivering in Noida and prepares food at home with full hygiene & Sanitation. Signature dishes of Shubh Rasoi includes Dal Makhani, Shahi Paneer, Dora- cakes, Biryani, Korma, eggless muffins, Gulab Jamun, Dosgulle and Pasta Kheer. She wants to bring out her dream to serve actual Indian Food through Shubh Rasoi but due to pandemic she is currently serving a multi cuisine menu so that she can please everone’s palates. #humansofnoida #noidafoodie #noida_gallery #noidablog #noidafood #noidabloggers #delhigrammers - @officialhumansofnoida on Instagram

master chef gr mpelos master chef maria

With local roots, and a wealth of talent and passion, we couldn’t be more excited to introduce Jesse Powers as Culinary Director for our family of restaurants. Starting at Cavey’s, then honing his craft at The Copper Beach Inn, Millwrights’ and most recently On20 as the Executive Chef, he has relentlessly pursued detail driven cooking using New England ingredients. - When you meet Jesse, don’t be surprised if the conversation goes from food, to foraging, to music, to board games with his family. You may even find out about his 5-star Uber rating (the true mark of a gentleman). - Welcome to the family, Jesse! We’d give you a group hug, but we’ll have to settle on an air-five for now. ✋ - @thebeamhousect on Instagram

brazey jared d weiss sticker cute distracted

Proud to announce the start of our new head chef of @vdiningsg chef @jpfiechtner Go to my stories to see images of the new menu that launches today Chef jp has a unique style that is so refreshing for Singapore and one to watch @lifestylebyvzug @theartofplating @thebestchefawards @thebestchefsoftheworld @chefstalk @chefstalknow @the_creative_chef_collection @theworlds50best @michelinguide @michelininspectors @gourmetartistry @cuisinewineasia #new #newteam #newdream #teamwork #musttry #singaporefood #unique #creative #fermentation #pushingtheboundaries #flavor #technique #goodluck - @chefryanclift on Instagram

masterchef gr master chef stavros star masterchef bye

E essa semana foi de celebração para o nosso braço direito aqui no restaurante. O comandante da nossa cozinha, nosso sous chefe Alisson soprou velinhas. Parabéns nosso querido, muita saúde e paz. Que essa parceria possa permanecer por muito tempo!!! *tirou a máscara só pra aparecer na foto....hehe - @almamatertiradentes on Instagram

speech balloon responding to comments fire lit comment

Oportunidade maravilhosa de estar com pessoas muito especiais na minha vida. Amooooooo - @elenneves2020 on Instagram

mpompainas apolyeste masterchef gr

Brindo por seguir creciendo y luchando por huir cada día de la rutina para hacer lo que más nos gusta;por que si hay algo duro en esta vida, es tener que dedicar cada día de tu vida en hacer algo que no te emociona #foodworld #foodie #añosdeaprendizaje #cocinar #zaragoza #cheflife🔪 #esfuerzo #chupchup #picoftheday #nofilter #marbella #dedicacion #hardwork #cocina #lomejorestaporvenir #comer - @victorcarracedochef on Instagram

elated excited laughs exciting amused

Reportaje de @lasartebcn  para la @guiarepsol . 🖋️Texto de @pilarportero 1-Emplatando en la cocina el lomo de merluza asada, coco, curry rojo y percebes. 2-La mesa de la cocina, con una visión panorámica de todo lo que sucede durante el servicio gracias a la gran ventana indiscreta. 3-Destapan la campana y el aroma de trufa blanca flota por la cocina. 4-@paolocasagrandetv, jefe de cocina del restaurante de Berasategui. 5-La luminosa sala de Lasarte en el @monument_hotel , en la que nada queda al azar. 6-Tartar de calamar con yema de huevo líquida, consomé de cebolla y kaffir. 7-Cuentan con 4 sumilleres y unas 750 referencias. 8-A la izquierda, Joan Carles Ibáñez con José Antonio Quintanilla, Director de sala y sumiller, respectivamente. 9-Los tableros de la mesa ubicada en la Bodega sirvieron de apoyo para cortar mármol y se les ha dado una segunda vida, elevándolos a obra de arte. #guiarepsol #lasartebcn #excelencia #2solesrepsol #barcelona ©📸 - @_cesar_cid on Instagram

katerina leni master chef 2020 greece aidia

A big Happy Birthday to our much-loved staff member Sammy! Sammy has been with The Lagoon since the 90s and is a very valued member of the team. Happy Birthday Sammy! 🎂🍰 - @lagoonrestaurant on Instagram

cake cake face throw cake surprise lets be friends

So great to spend the weekend with old friends as well as new ones. Thank you @farmerleejones for the incredible hospitality at your culinary mecca. @james_simpson86 you were an incredible host and I am grateful to you for all of your professionalism and kindness. @danielboulud and @chefthomaskeller your guidance and vision with @mentorbkb is truly remarkable and I am honored to play a very small role in what I consider to be one of the most important legacies for future generations of young chefs. - @aaronbludorn on Instagram

koutsopoulos masterchefgr masterchef spiridoula

- food

ffm cny 2022

In case you haven’t heard... 🎉WE’RE OPENING🤗 Missing💜these amazing people and the many more that make up our brigade, our kitchen family, our work life. I really miss my team! The laughing, the daily challenges, our constant passion and serious focused attention to every single thing that we do. I miss discovering, creating and celebrating the many joys of our work together. It is such an emotional time right now, the world has been through so much over the last few months. Words cannot express the joy and emotion I’m feeling knowing we are now getting close and preparing to get back in the kitchens @langdonhall to return to one of the most beautiful places on Earth🌎doing what we love, creating #deliciousjourneys special memories and bringing joy to so many through cuisine and hospitality #langdonhall #langdonhallcuisine #relaischateauxcanada #canadas100best OPENING JUNE 21st🍽 For reservations call ☎️1-800-268-1898💋 - @chefbangerter on Instagram

master chef master chef gr dionisis shocked star

We look forward to seeing you at Myvendo Fair in Odense😊 Come take a look at our chef wear. Your choice of image with sustainable attitude – Designed together with chefs. Find us at stand no. 4201 #myvendo #Kentaur #Sustainablekentaur #sustainable #recycled #chefwear #workwear #chefstyle #chef #cheflife #chefjacket #chefcoat #chefsofinstagram #gastronomy #topchef #chefuniform #chefphotography #chefspecial #chefstagram #cheflifestyle #instachef #cooking #cook #chefconnected #cuisinier - @kentaur_chefwear on Instagram

187th warden foxhole sledge hammer gsups

- Chef Aprons

koutsopoulos master chef win clap master chef gr

This #ThrowbackThursday is a #Repost from Alfonso Urruti @chef_fons, an Umbrella Training Apprentice graduate. . Alfonso joined the team at The PIG as a Chef de Partie in 2017, and has quickly worked his way up through the ranks. Alfonsos employer @the_pig_hotels recently recognised his talent and accomplishment with an internal promotion. . Alfonsos hard work and passion for his work shows in every dish he makes. He is hard working, creative, approachable and dedicated. A great asset to the team. The team at PIG are very proud of Alfonsos efforts and work ethic. . Head chef Oli Tucker says –  Fons has shown incredible commitment in his role and development. He fully deserves his position of Junior sous, and we see him being promoted to Sous in the new year. . It is a delight to see him continue in his career after his graduation with us. Everyone at Umbrella Training wishes him the very best with his future. . #ComeUnderOurUmbrella #tbt #training #apprenticeships #Repost @chef_fons • • • • • • The Pig Hotel Huge thanks to @tuckeroli and @proudmanalex95 and the whole team at @the_pig_hotels Brockenhurst Couldnt have done it without you guys! Really appreciate the opportunity that @andy.wright99 @james_golding_chef and @lexbw11 have given me with the course. Also massive shout out to Nick @newforestknives for this amazing knife. @seniorproductioncheflevel3 @umbrellatraining @the_pig_hotels - @umbrellatraining on Instagram

bee delivery sou bee food delivery hexagon

Joyeux anniversaire @danielboulud Ill drink in quarantine for you!! Hope you get to celebrate a little. - @edscarpone on Instagram

katerina master chef greece gelao thanks

SAD & HEART BROKEN...such a wonderful kitchen... a fantastic place.. the restaurant at meadowood in Saint Helena napa...destroyed in wild fire....💔💔 grateful to have been there....@ckostow @therestaurantmw sending our love, wishes and strength to all of you #heartbroken #sadqoutes - @chefmanishmehrotra on Instagram

becky g rebbeca marie gomez iambeckyg sass fab

Lino team 🙌 #london #cheflife #chef #chefsofinstagram - @tomhendrie on Instagram

lubentv luben masterchefgr masterchef katerina

Giovannini met le masque⁣ ⁣ Franck Giovannini ne veut en aucun cas prendre le risque de contribuer à diffuser le virus à ses collaborateurs ou à ses clients.⁣ «Comme tout le monde était parti un peu partout et que les recommandations changent tout le temps, on a agendé un test pour toute la brigade», explique le chef.⁣ Tous les tests se sont révélés négatifs: ouf! - @gaultmillau_suisse on Instagram

sm ravichauhan handsome smile smirk pose

Cette semaine c’était la rentrée pour les 9 écoles Cuisine Mode d’Emploi(s). Bienvenue à l’ensemble des stagiaires en Service en restauration, boulangerie, Employé Polycompétent de Restauration, Produits de la mer, cuisine et prepa CME ! C’est parti pour 8 semaines intenses au rythme du RER : Rigueur - Engagement - Régularité . Bon courage également aux stagiaires qui entament leur stage en entreprise. Dernière ligne droite avant la mise à l’emploi 👊🏽 #CME #Formations #Cuisine #Service #Boulangerie #EmployéPolycompétentdeRestauration #ThierryMarx #Rigueur #Engagement #Regularite #Grigny #ClichysousBois #Nice #MarcqenBaroeul #Dijon #Besancon #Toulouse #ChampignysurMarne #Paris - @cuisinemodemplois on Instagram

katerina katerina masterchef masterchef master chef gr

The “A” Team. Blessed is every Chef that counts this level of professionals as his confidants 👏 . . . . . . . . . . . @alistairbirt @philkhoury @harrodsfood @harrods #teamwork #creativegenius #nextlevelpastries #webuildthefuture #topteam #wearelucky #onlythebest #refined #pastryheaven - @chefmarkusbohr on Instagram

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Wine South America 2019. Bento Gonçalves, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. @gianlucabelli @monica_rossetti_enologia @janicerota @winesouthamerica - Grazie mille ragazzi! Che squadra. #slowfood #italia #serragaucha #kmzero #imbriago #cucinadifusione - @cesarbrandelli on Instagram

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I am honoured to be amongst such names and part of a global initiative with the best chef on the planet to raise money for Beirut . Starting 10th and until September 13th AskChefsAnything will be banding together with close to 100 chefs & food-adjacent personalities from across the world for #AskChefsAnythingBeirut, an online auction to raise awareness and funds for the hundreds of thousands impacted by the recent port explosion in the Lebanese capital. Each participant will auction off 30 minutes of their time to share their favorite recipes and cooking tips. Help this important cause and bid via @askchefsanything @polonskyandfriends @beitelbaraka @kamalmouzawak - @omar_sartawi on Instagram

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En vedette en fin de semaine a part notre nouveau chef ;) Omble chevalier amandines à lérable #piscicultureacadienne #erable #foodporn #fiertedecheznous #exploreNB #winelovers - on Instagram

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29 сентября в Zuma прошел гастрольный ужин с авторскими блюдами Артема Гребенщикова @a.grebenshikov, который является шеф-поваром ресторана BoBo (Санкт-Петербург) @bourgeoisbohemians. Гости этого вечера были удивлены необычными гастрономическими сочетаниями и эффектной подачей от Артема @a.grebenshikov, а также коктейльным сопровождением от известного бартендера Максима Гладышкевича @gladyshkevich. Благодарим каждого, кто разделил с нами этот вечер❤️ До новых встреч в Zuma! Фотоотчет с гастрольного ужина уже доступен на нашей странице в FACEBOOK📸 #zumavl #zuma_guests - @zumavl on Instagram

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Southampton-born, but he has deftly built a mini culinary empire in Padstow, Cornwall, with wife Emma - including restaurants, a pub, a small hotel & a cookery school - and here @paulainsworth reveals his ‘Favourites’: . INGREDIENT - Parmesan - I love it on its own, or to jazz up a simple salad. Parmesan can make such a difference. It’s like a seasoning, like soya sauce . COOK AT HOME DISH - Definitely a roast, with potatoes, gravy, and all the trimmings. I even love doing a roast dinner with a nice meaty fish like monkfish, turbot or cod. . MIDNIGHT SNACK - Marmite on toast . PIZZA TOPPING - Quattro formaggi, because I love cheese. You can have it with a white base or a tomato base, but I prefer tomato because of the acidity. At Caffè Rojano I’ll always have it with some pancetta on top . COOKBOOK - ‘White Heat’, by Marco Pierre White. It’s a book that totally changed things for me. I love the way he talks about the industry. It’s not just about the food, it’s a cookbook that was so far ahead of its time. . ICE REAM FLAVOUR - Vanilla and Brown Butter Ice Cream from Caffè Rojano. I’m a bit biased here, but we worked a long time on the Whoopsy Splunker, based on my favourite flavour - vanilla. We whip some brown butter through it so you’ve got a lovely nuttiness . FOOD MEMORY - Being in Sweden with my wife Emma, Tom and Beth Kerridge, at what used to be Frantzen Lindeberg. I remember sitting down and seeing bread proving in the middle of the table; then it was taken away during the meal and cooked in a wood-fired oven and brought back with three different butters. Tom and I couldn’t get enough of it, but it was a 24-course menu and by the time it got to course 20 we were just stuffed on bread! It blew me away . COCKTAIL - Tom Collins - but I like it with lime rather than lemon. At CiCi’s Bar we make it with lime, soda, gin, and a little bit of sugar syrup - delicious . WORLD CUISINE - We go to Greece most years and I love Greek cooking, especially the taramasalata and lamb kleftico. Greek cuisine is Greek cuisine so colourful and fresh . CHEF MENTOR - Gordon Ramsay - @madame_foiegras on Instagram

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We ready for you @chswineandfood #chswff #campfiresandcorkscrews #eatdrinkchg - @stephanie_castellucci on Instagram

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Host in friendship🤗 #host2019 #faema #cimbali #mumac #mumacacademy #espresso #coffee #barista #coffeetime #coffeebreak #friends #passion - @ale_john_matthew on Instagram

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- @ballardbobby on Instagram

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Joyeux anniversaire Chef @thierrymarx, merci dêtre un réel exemple pour moi et toute la profession 🙏 #PierreSang #Transmission #Partage - @pierre_sang on Instagram

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Fresh herbs and flowers from our sustainable greenhouse #bio #localproduce #zanzibar #gardening #meliachefs #meliazanzibar - @dayanidhisubedi on Instagram

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Announcing the finalists for this year’s Valrhona Pâtisserie Championship #ValrhonaChamp2019. . Finalist #1 is Andrew Ryan @ryana252 Pastry Chef @ashfordcastle. . Finalist #2 is Karen Bell @jingle_bell_21 Pastry Chef at James Street South. . Finalist #3 is Mathieu Masson @mathieumassonm Pastry Chef @luttrellstowncastleresort. . Finalist #4 is Jessica Scanlon @jessjjscanlon Pastry Chef @chapteronedublin. . Finalist #5 is Gary Corrigan @g.c.pastry Pastry Chef @craft_bistro. . Finalist #6 is Paula Hannigan @_paulahannigan_ Pastry Chef @cliffhousehotel. . Finalist #7 is Camille Mazeron @camillemzr Pastry Chef @restaurantpatrickguilbaud. . Finalist #8 is Tara Gartlan @taragartlan Pastry Chef at The GreenHouse. . Thanks to all who entered and best of luck to the eight finalists competing next Wednesday 5th June in DIT Cathal Brugha Street. . #odaiosforchefs #culinaryjourney #valrhona #chocolate #valrhonachocolate #pastrychef #chocolatier #patissier #pastry #patisserie #pastrylove #competition - @odaiosfoods on Instagram

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Thinking back to the incredible week we had with @cellercanroca @cellerrocabbva Thank you Chef Joan and @hernanluchetti for bringing your team to @fairmontatx to cook with us. 🙏🏼💪🏼🔥 - @chefjasepurcell on Instagram

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Foto #precovid ¿Qué le estaría diciendo yo tan serio a @jjjuana? #precovid picture What would I be saying so seriously to @jjjuana? #mugaritz #mugaritz2018 #tbt #chefsofinstagram #chefslife #chefsoninstagram #restaurante #cocina #kitchen #bauldelosrecuerdos - @gastrojulius on Instagram

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- Apron Dress

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Such a FUN experience! ❤️😊Caption this: - @sarah_faherty on Instagram

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Congratulations Ludwig Tjörnemo, chef of the year 2020!! By Malin Nordblom #gourmet #swedishfoodmagazine #ludwigtjörnemo #åretskock #åretskock2020 #champagne #vinnareavåretskock #lycka #happiness #sprutachampagne #sprayingchampagne #chefoftheyear2020 #chefs #stockholm #tareqtaylor #teamalmegård #tomsjöstedt #joy #swedishchef #instachef #chefsinsweden #chefscompetition #kocktävling - on Instagram

speech balloon responding to comments fire lit comment

#Repost @limewoodhotel ・・・ Here we go! It’s @angelacooking Guest Chef Pop Up time with @cheftomkerridge and the HH&Co crew @holder.luke @iainatbackstage 🍴 #foodie #limewood #newforest - @iainatbackstage on Instagram

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#Repost @chefsuzannesabah • • • • • • When there’s a chance to learn I’ll grab it specially when I’m taught by the best 🙏#orfalibros #orfalimasterclass #icca #pastry chef #blessed #ilovedubai🇦🇪 - @iccadubai on Instagram


Boucheries Nivernaises - Paris - July 2019. Thanks for welcoming us and let us discover your passion. What a pleasure to understand from A to Z how your beautiful meat arrive in Hong Kong. Merci @jbbissonnet #boucheriesnivernaises #boucheriesnivernaisessainthonore #meat #quality #passion #familybusiness #gourmetenprovencehongkong #gourmetenprovence #gep #hongkong #macau #chef #butcher #boucher #paris #france #quality #topmeat - @mickael_gep on Instagram

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You cant see his big cheesy grin, but its there 😁 Chefs getting ready to feed you Geelong, feeling the 💞 #geelongcoffee #openforgeelong #supportlocal #themainspring #itsourbackyardgeelong #clickforvic #padrecoffee #pakingtonstreet #geelongcafes - @kingofthecastlecafe on Instagram

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Meu primeiro estágio fora de Porto Alegre, em 2006, foi no Olympe e no Bistrô 66. Era a minha primeira experiência em um restaurante reconhecido... e eu tava feliz da vida. Estagiei no Olympe com o Batista @do.batistaoficial e no Bistrô 66 com o @ttroisgros... lembro até hoje dos cozinheiros e tenho meu caderninho de receitas bem guardado! Nunca imaginei estar hoje aqui, tendo a oportunidade de me desenvolver e aprender junto com vocês! ♥️ @c_troisgros @ttroisgros @jessi_trindade @mercier_julien - @carolalbuquerque_coz on Instagram

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@greatbritishmenu Tune in tonight at 8pm @bbctwo for the last regional heat of the series! #northeast @joshangus27 @hide_restaurant @samira_effa @truefoodsltd @tf_chefstable @ruthhansom @alex797 @alchemillarestaurant #greatbritishmenu @officialsusancalman - @tf_chefstable on Instagram

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Le nouveau chef du Lausanne Palace, Franck Pelux se dévoile entre francs éclats de rire et passion gourmande.⁣ Vous retrouverez son interview complète en cliquant sur le lien dans notre bio. - @gaultmillau_suisse on Instagram

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Parte de equipo con Pau - @jose.atrio on Instagram

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Kitchen Portraits Chef :- @chef_pratik_1109 photography :- @yugal_sawarkar_studio For more photos from this series Watch . #foodphotography #cheffooder #momos #hotelshoot📸 #foodstagram #kitchenphotostories #hotellife #foodblogger #foodpics #chefselection #chefwork #chefslife🔪 #photoshoot #foodlover😍 - @yugal_sawarkar_studio on Instagram

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Feelin cute, might win the Louisiana Seafood Cookoff tonight idk... . . . #louisianaseafood #feedyoursoul #chefmotto - @chefchrismotto on Instagram

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Olá, olá! - @vinebazan on Instagram

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We are doing our utmost to feed our community! We have some of the best in the industry cooking for you. We just want to feed everyone. We want to put up a good food. We know everyone is hungry. I am fucking hungry. We want to cook. So, please do your best to support our community. @rob_gentile @adam1squires @rafventrone @barbuca @ubereats_canada @bucatoronto @cucinabuca - @chefkris_lee on Instagram

katerina master chef master chef gr dance

Harika bir 4 günün ardından Fatih Tutak ve ekibini yolcu ettik. Tasarımları, bakış açısı ve yaratıcılığı anlamında kendisi ülkemiz için gerçekten önemli bir kazanım. Yolunun açık olması ve daha büyük başarılara imza atması dileğiyle kendisine ve ekibine çok selamlar gönderiyorum. Ellerinize sağlık. @fatih_tutak @og_koca @turkfatihtutak @amanruya #chef #fatihtutak #popup - @chefcihaz on Instagram

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- Celebrity Aprons

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Celebrating Friendship! - - The @chefclaudeletohic and the O’ team were honored to have Chef Hubert Keller in the kitchen for last night’s event. Thank you @chefhkeller for this great moment! - - #finedining #foodie #food #chefs #instafood #restaurant #chef #michelinstar #foodphotography #gastronomy #foodstagram #dinner #michelinguide #cheflife #gourmet #chefsofinstagram #chefstalk #finedininglovers #foodlover #culinary #delicious #foodies #michelin #theartofplating #foodblogger #wine #foodart #instagood #foodpics #bhfyp - @obyclaudeletohic on Instagram

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Frescura pela manha! Da nossa costa para o alecrim!!! Equipa animada 🐟🐟🔪🔪 - @albertomuralhas on Instagram

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I learned so much from these two men, and continue to learn everyday! Forever grateful!! #mentors #fathers #thankyou - @chefdrewcurren on Instagram

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#tbt de uma aula de produtos do Pará no @ifbrasilia Tacacá (tucupi, camarão seco, jambu) Pirarucu glaceado com tucupi negro, feijão de Santarém e terrine de macaxeira. Sagu cozido no tucupi #chef #instachef #chefsofinstagram #chefstalk #food #comida - @chefleandronunes on Instagram

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Miau! 🐣 📸❤️ @mihaigeorgiadi - @dexterchef on Instagram

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« La cuisine, c’est comme la vie, ça doit avoir de l’allure. » @pierregagnaire. En matière d’allure, le quatre-mains dont a été gratifié la salle à manger du festival, en a pas mal ! Le pop up dinner a donné accès à des plats créés par Pierre Gagnaire et @alexandremazzia , des figures incarnées de la cuisine, sans doute les deux plus beaux représentants de la gastronomie contemporaine. 📸 @mickaelbandassak #omnivore2020 #festival #popupdinner - @omnivoreworld on Instagram

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Allez, à 11:30 Aujourdhui notre chef prépare une Tortilla aux pommes de terre pour @marina.orsini.officiel @icirctele @5_chefs_dans_ma_cuisine #ibericos #tapas #stdenis #tapasespagnol #foodmtl #spanishfood #mtlfoodie #montrealrestaurant #mtlfood #freshfood #mtlmoment #barcelonafood #tapastime #spain #tastydishes #mtllife - @ibericosmontreal on Instagram

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📸@ottoristorante ・・・ Head Chef Will Cowper in action #OTTOBrisbane #OTTO #Brisbane 🐟 . . #workingwiththebest #australianseafood #foodservice #wholesaleseafood #brisbanefood #brisbanefoodblog #bestproduce #freshseafood #chefsselection #chefs_eye #freshingredients #brisbanecaterer #brisbanerestaurants #seafoodbrisbane #seafoodmarket #seafoodlover #seafoodfest #seafoodrestaurant #brisbanebusiness #poulosbrosseafoods #brisbanecafes #brisbanechef #brisbaneeats #brissielife #brissie #brisbane #brisbanefoodie - on Instagram

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Nuestro Chef 👨‍🍳 @ger_carrizo Él es 100% PASIÓN y ENERGÍA. Cada día al pie del cañón para hacerte disfrutar de tu paso por nuestro restaurante. • Our Chef 👨‍🍳 @ger_carrizo He is 100% PASSION and ENERGY. Every day on the line to make you enjoy your visit to our restaurant. • • • #FierroTeam #EquipoFierro #GermánCarrizo #Seguimos #gastronomia #finedining #LifeStyle #Foodie #FoodLover #FierroLovers #BestRestaurantsValencia #VisitValencia #LexquisitMediterrani #Eurotoques #MichelinGuide #MichelinRestaurants #GuiaMichelin #guiarepsol #gastronomy #chefstalk #instafood #foodies #caritolourenço #germáncarrizo #FierroTemporada7 #lovevalencia #restaurantesvalencia #chefslife #FIERROValencia - @fierrovlc on Instagram

excellent chutki chhota bheem very good superb

#Repost @kuisinekueen with @get_repost ・・・ REMARKABLE. If you are looking for an extraordinary culinary experience consider Knife Pleat’s six-course dinner on South Coast Plaza’s Garden Terrace, now in its fifth week. Seating is limited and is sold out every week. ⭐️ 💫 ⭐️ Chef Tony Esnault’s details, quality of ingredients, creativity and lighter style is truly the mark of a Michelin star chef. 🇫🇷 The entire team—Yassmin, Germain, Victor and Michelle are poetry in motion in the execution of the evening. 🥂 With so much on hold in our lives, it is nice to indulge. Perfect for a special birthday, anniversary or celebrating life. Strict social distancing protocol!Friday’s menu follows: Tasting Menu Friday August 21 Extremely limited outdoor seating TOMATO SALAD valdavia farms heirloom tomato, compressed cucumber 7-herbs, scallion, house made crème fraiche LANGOUSTINE chilled norway lobster, radish, cucumber, pickled grapes, almond gazpacho CHEF’S SPECIAL TERRINE tiger stripe figs, black mission chutney, port reduction, toasted brioche BOURRIDE market fish, tomato, leeks, fennel, potato, rouille, toasted sourdough CAPE GRIM GRASSFED BEEF TENDERLOIN potato boulangère, kohlrabi, king oyster mushroom, cipollini onion TROPICAL vanilla panna cotta, passion fruit coulis, mango, caramelized coconut & sorbet $175 per person with optional $90 wine pairing #southcoastplaza #knifepleat #scpeats #travelcostamesa #costamesa #latimesfood #ocregister #foodiesofinstagram #ocfoodies #prixfixe #underthestars #patiodining #graciousliving #luxe #cuisinefrançaise #michelinstar #ocdining #melissasproduce #gayot #jamesbeard #eaterla - @knifepleat on Instagram

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Keep calm and ‘carrot’ on. 🥕 James Willis, our lovely Head Chef. - @charliesmayfair on Instagram

Os amigos Chefs na abertura do @chez.claudesp. Obrigado amigos queridos @ljunsakamoto @paololavezzini @felipeschaedler_ @oscar_bosch @mercier_julien @carolalbuquerque_coz @ttroisgros - @c_troisgros on Instagram

Next level . On va casser les codes #paris #renaissancearcdetriomphe #cuisine #2020 #photography #picoftheday #food #foodlover #arcdetriomphe #kitchen#model #mode #fashionweek - @chefwilfried on Instagram

I had the pleasure of breaking in the brand new kitchen at the @littlebluedynamos in Folsom tonight. A cool spot. #blueberrygincuredsalmon #porkbellypopcornblueberrymustard - @oliverridgeway on Instagram

Sabato e Domenica il @ristorantetrippini si traferisce a @vinoforum vi aspettiamo #temporanyrestaurant #vinoforum2020 #tordiquinto #roma #vino #beviresponsabilmente #chefpaolotrippini #unumbroaroma #umbriacuoreverde #umbriafood - @chefpaolotrippini on Instagram

In conversation with @chefmanishmehrotra . . #Repost @rochecom • • • • • #MeetTheChef...Today we dive into the live of @ChefManishMehrotra, Corporate Chef of @IndianAccent in London, New York and New Delhi. Indian Accent New Delhi was recently awarded the Best Restaurant in India for the 6th consecutive year at #Asias50Best and ranked #13 in Asia - from #17 last year! @theworlds50best. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 🌟What’s your earliest food memory?🌟 Each year for Diwali, my family would have hundreds of ladoos (a traditional Indian sweet) delivered to our home to give to our family and friends. They were my favourite treat, and I was always so excited to have one. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 🌟What is your favourite restaurant?🌟 It’s so hard to pick just one, and it depends what mood I’m in, but I’d say the best meal I’ve ever eaten at a restaurant was the mushroom tasting menu at @rutabaga_stockholm. The flavours were incredible. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 🌟What is your favourite food/cuisine?🌟 I absolutely love mushroom risotto! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 🌟Who is your biggest inspiration?🌟 @chefrickstein ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 🌟Describe your cooking style in three words.🌟 Inventive, refined, comforting. - @indianaccentnyc on Instagram

Good luck to all of @craftguildofchefs #NCOTY finalists today! Especially @rouxaps sous chef @tomtinyswaby89 enjoy the day, dont dwell on any mistakes and taste taste taste! . . . #competition #nationalchefoftheyear #chef #final #cioking #food #chefs - @stevegroveschef on Instagram

A trip down memory lane to this time last year. 🍔🎵🍷#gwff #seeyouinApril #memories - @greenwichwineandfood on Instagram

A cozinha está sempre a mil, mas leveza é palavra de ordem ✨⠀ ⠀ #iggypeixoto #villariso #degustação #gastronomiadeeventos #grupobluemoon - @ignaciopeixotoo on Instagram

Just hammering out some new dishes with @chefbrianmorales @soncubanonj Lastly congratulations to Brian on @perutotheworldexpo #winning #TeamChewdoin #soncubanonj #photobomb #autumnvibes #cheflife - @chef_carmine on Instagram

All good things come to an end. @tresdelhi was my home for the past 4 years. Having joined the restaurant when it was already running in its old avatar to relaunching and starting from scratch with the new Tres. Its been an amazing journey and one that has tested me the most. Am so immensely proud to have been part of such a team which together has pushed ourselves to get better with each passing day. Shout out to the amazing set of people past and present who have been a second family to me and for supporting me in all my endeavours. Ive learnt so much from each and every one of you and to leave the team is the hardest decision for me. Thanks to @jatin_mallick and chef Julia for being my mentors and for pushing me to do things i otherwise would have not thought possible. To the entire team @litebitefoods @amitburman1669 @rohitlbf i would like to say thank you for all the love and support you have shown us. Last but not least i would like to thank all our guests who have supported us so immensely over the years. Your loyalty and patronage is what helps us do what we do day in and day out. To new beginnings......... #dreamteam #chefstalk #chefsofınstagram #allforoneoneforall #farewell #movingon #tonewbeginnings #delhigram #delhirestaurants #somethingbrewing @tresdelhi @litebitefoods @amitburman1669 @rohitlbf @jatin_mallick @susmitakhare @jiten.sharma.31105 @aaftaabm @themanbunchef @ramneupane369 @duh_potato_man @1995.baker @adityasen7 @theonewhoisalmostsane @maharveere @he_who_loves_food @kushaltopo @surleenkaur @_rahul_roxcks @countlesshustle @virsanghvi @marryam @foodtalkdelhii Photo credit @nainagahlaut - @jamsheedbhote on Instagram

TANTI AUGURI CHEF!! CI VEDIAMO PRESTO ❤️ Happy birthday Chef! We can’t wait to see you soon! @massimobottura - @tornosubitodubai on Instagram

So much fun collaborating with @golfkitchen @dianadelucia for this years magazine and book!! Looking forward to this release!! @libertynationalgc @thentgolf @petertunneyart @pgatour @chefshaunchristopherlewis @theculinaryinstituteofamerica @iccedu @barstoolsports @riggsbarstool @ericripert @creaest1971 #chef #chefsofinstagram #countryclub #golf #golflife #moderncooking #mixology #imbibe #jerseycity #jerseycitynj #newjersey #nyc @thentgolf @pgatour - @chefandchic_ on Instagram

Exactly one year ago today, what an awesome day, my win at FINE FOOD competition in sydney presenting the NATURE in chocolate. I want to thank all the people and teamates who were there supporting me @nicolapelliganachef @andreatrancherochef @chefsandroisabella @chefgabrielefranco @chefcarlostaropoli @giuseppe.migliaccio.712714 @alessandrobiviano A big thank goes to this amazing friend /chef and much more @salvatoredalterio_chef in his position of teamanager, mentoring and guiding me in every possible way THANK YOU SO MUCH As well as to the president @tony.sabia.56 of @ficaustralia who gave me the opportunity to take this journey. Also want to tank all my friends for their support to @fabriz_85 @angelolsp @giacomofranceschi_ @tommyrents @ernestocirciello @_b_art_tenders_ @ashcamsmith. THANK YOU ALL and I cant wait for the next one coming up.... . . . #pastrycheflucioisernia #pastrychefinaustralia #pastrylife #competition #culinaryart #memories #friends #win #experience #chocolate #chocolateshowpiece #familyfriends #cheflife #pastrychefforlife #pastryforever #pastryblogger #pastrypage #love #chocolatier #thisagin - @lucio_isernia on Instagram

Happy Birthday to the Executive pastry chef of Waldorf Astoria Maldives .!! Have a sweet day .! @saurabh.shahi #pastrychef #cheflife #pastrychef #pastry #patisserie #cake #foodporn #dessert #chocolate #food #instafood #pastrylife #chef #pastrylove #bakery #yummy #foodphotography #foodie #sweet #instagood #cheflife #pastryart #cakes #baking #pasticceria #cakedecorating #delicious #desserts #homemade #foodstagram #love #bhfyp - @vijayakant_shanmugam on Instagram

Happy One Year Head Chefs Anniversary to Connor Berg (@bergconnor) and Jesse Wilson (@jesquill) 🎉🍾 Grateful to have you guys at the culinary helm 🙏 #cheflife #yyjfoodie #yyjrestaurants #bestchef - @littlejumbobc on Instagram

Hey guys.... Real Talk..... I’ve struggled with self-confidence my entire life. And maybe some of you have too. Whether it was not having a parent instill power, love, or faith into you as a child, (BTW my mom was and still is my hero😉), maybe you were bullied or spoken down to, maybe you’ve never pushed yourself to your full capabilities.... I’d like to share my top 3 CONFIDENCE builders that have helped me grow as a Chef, Father, Husband, and Friend over the past couple years: 1• Keep the promises you make to yourself! 2• Do the work, even if you don’t feel like it, and ESPECIALLY when nobody’s looking! 3• Take ANY opportunity you get to grow as an entrepreneur, whether it’s a paid one or philanthropic, and put 100% effort into it! Put service of others in front of your own needs. I guarantee you will feel like a superhero because of it!!💯 It also helps too feel and look great when you work in slick digs like this apron and chef coat from @chefandcocanada🔥🔥 Founder Patricia Wong is a master of putting Chefs of all sizes and shapes(like your truly😬) into the most stylish AND comfortable attire humanly possible. Allowing you to focus on what TRULY matters.....your craft & your guests🙏🏻 If you guys want a little more detail on this comment below or shoot me a DM! ❤️👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 Let’s keep it real and help each other out as a community!!❤️❤️❤️ #Dothework #confidence - @hi_def_chef on Instagram

Kitchen Spotlight celebrating our hard working culinary crews who put their passion on our plates!! 🖤🔪 #teamtuesday Photo: @chef_william302 @bryceleeconnors @chefmike56 @doubletreewilmington #team #teamwork #culinary #chef #ch#cheflife🔪 #chefsofinstagram #chefwork #culinarytalents #cheflife #kitchencrew #hotelrestaurant #hotellife #foodielife #pmhotelgroup - @pm_hotelgroup on Instagram

- chef

What can you say about the guy you’ve spent the past decade with and worked at three restaurants together... This dude and I have been through thick and thin, seen more of each other than our own families, shaved many years off our lives by countless party nights and have accomplished a vast amount of personal goals together. Robbie! You’ve been such an influence by living your values and upholding integrity. Your talents come from dedication and extreme effort. You’ve impacted my life to personally make me better and grow. It’s sad to see you go and I feel a piece of me is leaving with you... but you deserve everything you get and I know this is not the end. Super happy to know you’ll be living the Sunny life back at my hometown in palm beach. Florida peeps-you’re lucky to have this guy and take care of him. I love you like a brother and we will party again soon 🎉 - @joeanthony_nyc on Instagram

Belle surprise ce matin... Livraison de mes magnifiques couteaux japonais @ryusen.japan quoi de mieux pour travailler et sublimer les superbes produits du jour ! #larome #art #coutellerie #couteaujaponais #savoirfaire #gastronomie #chef #ryusen #fukui #echizen #japon - @thomasboullault on Instagram

It’s widely accepted that the restaurant industry is built on the backs of cooks who can rarely afford to eat at the restaurants in which they work. As a young cook, eager to find mentors, I willingly gave my back and my bones to work alongside great chefs and learn as much as I could. In one such kitchen, I was cooking for two dining rooms simultaneously: one serving an elaborate tasting menu and another offering “elevated” bar food. At any one point I could be plating a delicate poached lobster with gnocchi and braised gem lettuce and, at the same time, a burger with the most delicious crispy fries cooked in duck fat. It was stressful, high volume, and it beat me up. At the end of each service, I was drained. But, inevitably, there were always a few misordered and partially cooked burger patties hanging around from service. I’d fire them up, toast off a few buns, dress them in salsa verde and mayo, and share them with the others. We’d stand there, our eyes and faces glazed over, running on fumes and coffee. In those moments, we felt like royalty. Grease stains, cuts and burns, no matter! With those burgers in hand we could have been anyone, anywhere. The older I get (and I am getting old), the more I have grown to appreciate simple things done well. With care. Burgers are personal… as in, we all like them a little different. I like them with salsa verde, but you may not. You might like tomato, but I don’t. That’s why I’m really stoked about the @AmericanoBombay Burger Bar. We’re giving you everything you need to make the burger that fits you like a Christmas sweater. We’re offering them this weekend only, in two styles: Quinoa, Chickpea, and Walnut (vegetarian), or Freshly Ground Dry-Aged Water Buffalo. For more info, head over to @AmericanoBombay Photographed by @sakshi.parikh - @chefalexsanchez on Instagram

- CIA Alumni

- Anthony Bourdain

NEW ANNOUNCEMENT MY journey continues... as I collaborate with @mista_pr as the management company representing me in Australia So excited about this partnership ! #announcement #masterchefau #thespiceangel #sandeeppandit #sandeep_cooks - @sandeep_cooks on Instagram

On September 10th - September 13th chefs & food-adjacent personalities from across the world will band together for #AskChefsAnythingBeirut, an online auction to raise awareness and funds for the hundreds of thousands impacted by the recent port explosion in the Lebanese capital. Each participant will auction off 30 minutes of their time to share their favorite recipes and cooking tips. Find out more @askchefsanything. - @chefmichaelmina on Instagram

Part of the magic team of Mani in Pasta Ristorante. • • • #maniinpasta #germany #berlinstagram #kreuzberg #instagood #food #foodie #instafood #italian #dinner #foodporn #italianfood #lunch #delicious #yummy #eeeeeats #foodstagram #berlinfood #berlinfoodie #berlinrestaurant #foodinberlin #berlinrestaurants #bestrestaurantberlin #esseninberlin #streetfoodthursday #catering #foodpic #eating #cleaneating #healthylifestyle - @maniinpasta on Instagram

⁣Da oggi fino a martedì 4 agosto torno a @locandaperbellinialmare.⠀ ⠀ Ho voluto fare una piccola sorpresa a una terra che non finisce mai di regalarmi emozioni.⠀ ⠀ #Xbe - @chef_giancarloperbellini on Instagram

Meet the chefs ... Akrame Benallal, the French-born 2* Michelin star chef, brings to Tinos his childhood memories in Algeria, alongside his professional experience in France and the world. At a very early age, Akrame realized that he wanted to become a chef and to dedicate himself to gastronomy, that led him among others to El Bulli with Ferran Adria and Pierre Gagnaire in 2000. Having opened his Paris-based restaurant in 2011 to such acclaim, chef Benallal opened his Hong Kong-based restaurant only two years later. Today, he runs 8 culinary projects worldwide, showcasing his personal, awarded cuisine. Book your table now, reservations through our website or via . . . . . . #chefs #event #thebestchefawards #michelinstarchef #friends #family #thama_tinos #tinos #finedinning #nissosbeer #drakoulisbutcheries #aegeanessence #infinityviewhotel #rokakisfish #differencecoffee #lenouveauchef #chefsdinner - @dimitriskatrivesis on Instagram

- Cheap Aprons

🌊Елени е авантюрист и дори обича да ходи на риболов. Коя риба, е най-лесна за приготвяне, според теб? Много скоро ще предложа 3 рецепти които бързо , лесно и вкусно да си приготвите вкъщи 🍤🌊🐟 - @eleni_aleksandrova on Instagram

Good old times💯 - @ale.rm96 on Instagram

Via la cucina dalla tv: Lascio agli altri la parte cool, per me tengo le passioni Cit: CHEF RUBIO 💪💪 #chef #rubio #cucina #cuoco #dmax #passioni #via #cucina #dalla #tv #daje - @chef_rubio_ on Instagram

The meaning behind Provecho goes further than the origin of the word for us. Provecho is a phrase used in Mexico before someone is about to eat. The person serving the food or the couple about to eat the food says to one another, “¡Buen Provecho!,” or “¡Provecho!”. In English, this translates to “enjoy your food!” The word “Provecho” is special to us because the first time Gerardo(our founder) heard of this word was when his wife Karem said it to him before they ate on their first date. This word is intimate to us, this word means more than enjoy your food, it’s the beginning of an experience; an unforgettable experience that will be cherished. Our mission is to cultivate an experience with coffee and food that will be remembered forever. As a Bi National Company of 1st generation Mexican Americans, we want to provide a place where all people can be included. Everybody has the right to live and enjoy all of the experiences that life has to provide. At Provecho! we are committed to promoting diversity through our products and through our individual stories. Through our food and drinks we are telling a story, providing an experience and a delicious moment that could take someone back to the sweetest memory or create that memory in the present moment. We believe that everyone - Customers and Employees - are at the same level of equity and no one is less than or more than one another. #mostracoffeesmallbusinessgrant #provechosd #provecho - @provechosd on Instagram

Butcher’s Block is delighted to present its very first collaboration with Nouri chef and owner Ivan Brehm, alongside Diego Jacquet, Chef Patron at Bochinche on 26 Feb 2020. Butcher’s Block Chef de Cuisine Rémy Lefebvre, Ivan Brehm and Diego Jacquet will present 2 acts each as part of this South American Takeover, and guests can expect an exciting interpretation of a contemporary Steakhouse and Grill by 2 vibrant chefs of the contemporary gastronomic scene.⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ Make your reservations for this event at⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ #SouthAmericanTakeover #ButchersBlock #ButchersBlockSG #RafflesHotelSingapore #Steakhouse #MyRafflesExperience #LuxuryTravel - @butchersblocksg on Instagram

Nous vous présentons notre nouveau chef qui a pris la cuisine en main depuis quelques semaines maintenant. De part ses nombreuses expériences en cuisine gastronomique et son talent, Maxime nous présente sa nouvelle carte imaginative qui sera amenée à changer régulièrement. Une carte aux multiples influences, fusionnant l’Asie, l’Amérique Latine, le Moyen-Orient et l’Europe. Maxime, bienvenue dans l’équipe du @cafemancuso !! #cafemancuso #nouveauchef #chef #cheflife #nouvellecarte #menu #produitsfrais #produitslocaux #freshfood #homemade #faitmaison #cuisinefaitemaison #bordeaux #bordeauxmaville #bordeauxfood #bordeauxfoodclub #fooding #lefooding #lefoodingbordeaux #restaurant #bar #cafe #yummy - @cafemancuso on Instagram

The Power of Photoshop 👍🏻 Ada 7 hal yg di edit, swipe di slide ke 3 untuk jawabannya Thank you @favor_photography for this pic #beforeafter #profilepics #profilepicture #chef #cheflife #chefken #thebiggerchef #masterchefindonesia #uniform #chefuniform #editted #photoshop #editan #portrait #portraitphotography #portraitphoto #chefsofinstagram #chefsofig - @thebiggerchef on Instagram

O chefe Ljubomir Stanisic abriu uma loja online, onde além das referências vínicas feitas em parceria com produtores como a Niepoort, os fãs do seu trabalho vão poder provar o seu café de assinatura Delta Q, lançado o ano passado, e até ter uma réplica de uma das suas facas, em parceria com o cuteleiro Telmo Roque. (📸 Fabrice Demoulin) - @etastept on Instagram

Quand tu as une partie de la Méditerranée qui sinvite dans tes cuisines, merci @yoni.saada et @dennyimbroisi dêtre venu nous rendre visite au @brachparis #israelienfood #italianfood #northafricanfood #freinds #cuisinedepartage - @adambentalha on Instagram

1 of 3 FINE ART PERSONAL BRANDING PORTRAITS #homeroalemanphotography #canon #branding #fotografocorporativo #retratoejecutivos #executivedirector #chef #ipade #empresariosmexicanos #personalbranding #integrapersonalbranding #emprendedores #coparmex #empresarios #marcapersonal #entrepreneurs #labday #ahoralamarcaerestu #bussinessinfluencer #beyourself #loveyourself #girlboss #lovemyjob #personalbrand #chefportraits #mexico #executiveheadshoots #fotografoempresas #victoria47 #empresariosmexicanos - @homeroalemanphotography on Instagram

The world isn’t making a whole lot of sense right now. COVID, California wildfires, Kobe and Gigi, Beirut, Chadwick, more black lives taken... The pain is real and almost feels like it’s coming from all sides. Although it feels like all hope is lost, we must continue to stay in the light. We must continue to fight through this with unrelenting optimism and grace. I know how hard it may be but let’s be a beacon of hope. We’ll get through this. “You are a light. You are the light. Never let anyone - any person or any force - dampen, dim or diminish your light.” Rep. John Lewis 🙏🏾 #Hope #bethelight #strength - @chefjj on Instagram

Me and my Crepe Cake Photo Credit @darrelellis - @chefdoran on Instagram

- @henry_wong626 on Instagram

Throwback to one of the best times of the year #YCO. A big thank you to @iihmbangalore @iihmhotelschools @chowdhury_sanchari @drsubornobose . Got a chance to meet @chrisgalvin8 Chef Brian Turner and also got the opportunity to meet and interview Chef John Wood. #yco2020 #iihmhotelschool #iihmbest3years😍 #iihmblr - @amanjeetkaurchhatwal on Instagram

Mise En Place. “Everything in its place” + No matter what I get involved with, I apply the disciplines I’ve gained through the kitchen. + Learning how to maneuver through the intense environment of the kitchen helped me maintain my composure with almost everything I do. Staying cool while putting out fires. - @chefmikepham on Instagram

Flash back Monday.  Miss u H @thehestonblumenthalteam Great memories.  More to come.  GC xxxx 🧿 #tbm #throwback #chefs #chefsofinstagram #mates #cantwaittoreunitesoon - @gcalombaris on Instagram

All smiles before a demonstration. | #ojai #venturacounty #edibleojai #discoverojai #cheflife #foodpics #foodie #thefeedfeed #chefstalk #foodrepublic #foodporn #chefsofinstagram #chefsfeed #chefholz #truecooks #foodislife #wannabite #instagrub #chefsgossips . . . @messermeister - @chefholz on Instagram

- Black Aprons


- Sauerkraut Recipe Videos

A mind all logic is like a knife all blade. It makes the hand bleed that uses it. Chef - @chef_pratik_1109 📷 @yugal_sawarkar_studio For more photos from this series - @yugal_sawarkar_studio on Instagram

- Retired seven years, heart transplant four years ago. Put on my whites to help this beast of a chef tonight. We both used to work here, no chef, so we jumped in to put out a banquet.

#workinprogresse #britishchefscook #risdeveau @hotel_vernet - @richardrobe on Instagram

𝗦𝗰𝗲𝗴𝗹𝗶 𝘂𝗻 𝗹𝗮𝘃𝗼𝗿𝗼 𝗰𝗵𝗲 𝗮𝗺𝗶, 𝗲 𝗻𝗼𝗻 𝗱𝗼𝘃𝗿𝗮𝗶 𝗹𝗮𝘃𝗼𝗿𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗻𝗲𝗽𝗽𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝘂𝗻 𝗴𝗶𝗼𝗿𝗻𝗼 𝗶𝗻 𝘃𝗶𝘁𝗮 𝘁𝘂𝗮. 💪💥 〰️ Ti aspetto a @villalabollina , e sempre con il sorriso 😀 〰️ #piemonte #serravalle #chef #cheflife #cooking #lovefood #cucinaitaliana #gastroart #foodnetwork #gourmetfood #theking #mykitchen #bestchef #chefclub #chefstagram #fooddesign #culinaryart #passionecucina #tastesogood #altacucina #chefart #cheflove #Designfood #kingchef #lamiacucina #milanorestaurant #toprestaurant #chefvip #creativefoodart #creativefood - @matteotorrettachef on Instagram

Time for kick off!! #åretskock2020 #åretskock #öka - @ltjornemo on Instagram

The last year and a half has been one of the best learning experiences of my life. I learned, grew up and moved closer to my goals. I had the privilege to work alongside 4 different chefs who brought their own styles and personalities to the plate. Water library will always be the first place I had the opportunity to truly live my dream through culinary arts. I joined as a trainee, worked my way up which taught me to be humble and that no job is small. This journey has made me the chef I am today. With this I would like to thank everyone at waterlibrary for welcoming me, teaching me and preparing me for my next challenge in my career. 🙏 . . . . . . . #waterlibrary #cheflife #chef #finedining #newchallenge #newjob #kitchen #michelinguide #lifestory #experience #cooking #food #restaurant #friends #fun #goodbye #unforgettable #bangkok #thailand - @sidencocina on Instagram

- @aubergeduvieuxchateaucabris on Instagram

Team Alabama for the win! Thanks @davidbancroft for inviting me to cook with y’all! - @adamhevans on Instagram

Forbes Five Star Gala, great job team! #howwevegas #forbes #forbestravelguide #verified #arialuxuryevents #thisishowwevegas #petrossiancaviar #petrossian #valhrona #arialv #mgmresorts - @chefguia on Instagram

Equipe tá preparada 🙌🏽🙏🏽❤️ - @metralha_jr on Instagram

How do you like your eggs in the morning? ⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ @_jasonatherton #jasonatherton #michelinstars #restauranteur #breakfast #feedfeed #foodiegram #foodphotography #foodbloguk #thekitchn #buzzfeast #realfood #realfoodwholelife #huffposttaste #foodandwine #pizzatime #foodstreez #feedyoursoul #eeeeeats #youonthechew #foodgawker #eatrealfood #instayum #healthyliving #eggsforbreakfast #foodpics #livewell #freshfood #lunchideas - @heritage_breeds on Instagram

October 11th @yellowtail_sushi come join @andrewmarc @ras_bj_the_chef and myself for another night of great food. This is #4 of the Legacy Dinner Series and I’m stoked to be part of this. Tickets are available for purchase online. Check the link in my bio! #soignefood #cheflife @truecooks #livethelifeyoulove #blessup #grinddontstop #cookingsavedmylife #lostdreamsawaken #delraybeach #palmbeachfoodie #yummy #southfloridafoodies #culinarygangster - @emersonfrisbie on Instagram

Happy birthday to our dedicated and hardworking Head Chef @carlosmontobbio! 🎉🎉🎉 You are a stellar and outstanding culinary artist - a real gem of Esquina! Salud! 🥂 . . . . . #esquinasg #unlistedcollection #catalanchef #felizcumpleaños - @esquinasg on Instagram

Joël Robuchon Legacy Dinner - @mark_hammons on Instagram

A Great News I am so humbled, excited and grateful for becoming a Scarf Community Ambassador, a wonderful enterprise which helps young people seeking protection from migrant backgrounds. I’m really looking forward to lending a hand to young people in need. Get behind this fantastic group! #Repost @scarfcommunity • • • • • • We’re so excited and humbled to announce Coskun Uysal @tulumrestaurant has just joined our team of Scarf Ambassadors! “As a newly minted “Aussie”, I know what it’s like to start life in a very different culture. If I can offer opportunities to young people from a migrant and refugee background, I can begin to pay back what I owe to this country.” Read more words from Coskun via the link in our bio, and stay tuned for another ambassador announcement coming soon! 👨🏽‍🍳🙌🏾🤩. Photos c/o: @tulumrestaurant #scarfcommunity #scarfambassadors #coskunuysal #tulumrestaurant #turkey #istanbul #legend - @coskunuysaltulum on Instagram

- My chef and leads.

Indonesia akan kembali lagi bertanding di kompetisi paling prestisius di dunia kuliner global, Bocuse dOr (@bocusedor) Selengkapnya di (link on bio) - @toptables on Instagram

New projects and new challenges... Enjoy this beautiful day everyone! - - - #chef #instadaily #foodphotography #foodblogger #restaurant #lunch #london #healthyfood #foodlover #dinner #foodpic #foodgasm #foodporn #organic #me #enjoy #food #instafood #healthy #cheflife #eating #instagood #eat #delicious #cucinaitaliana #foodie #picoftheday #tasty #beautiful #foodstagram - @davide_desimone_chef on Instagram

- CIA Alumni

Its crazy to think that a decade of cooking up a storm in restaurants has gone by! It has been countless hard battles, long nights and early mornings, but there isnt a thing that I regret in my career. To think of all the chefs that have supported me and gave their trust in me to lead the kitchen, to help me become the chef I am today, Im thankful beyond words. Cheers to every cook, chef, manager, server, you name it! Thank you for everything, youve helped shape the person I am today! #chefinthemaking - @mothernatureschef on Instagram

- Chefs

- Scott Conant

All the best Culinary Team for the 10th Dhaba Estd 1986, The Pavillion Mall, Pune - @rravisaxena on Instagram

Just one of MANY epic memories with this incredible human being. Happy birthday my brother 🙏🏻❤️ - @dubfire on Instagram

And yes we are now open @sartoriarestaurant after more tan 4 months today Sartoria reopens it’s doors ... so looking forward to welcoming you back and try some new amazing dishes along with the classics #mayfair #italian #italianrestaurant #italianfood #london🇬🇧 - @chef_francescomazzei on Instagram

When you are inspire with yours.... - @1chefsclub on Instagram

On September 10th - September 13th chefs & food-adjacent personalities from across the world will band together for #AskChefsAnythingBeirut, an online auction to raise awareness and funds for the hundreds of thousands impacted by the recent port explosion in the Lebanese capital. Each participant will auction off 30 minutes of their time to share their favorite recipes and cooking tips. Find out more @askchefsanything. - @maloufsnews on Instagram

- MasterChef Moments

Almond and mint sugar glass tuille... Stay tuned for the upcoming dessert next week. Pastry chef @lucio_isernia Executive chef @salvatoredalterio_chef Restaurant @viziocaffeecucina . . . #pastrycheflucioisernia #consulting #consulenza #isomalt #sugarglass #dessrt #restaurant #italianrestaurants #pastrypassion #pastrypage #pastryporn #pastryart #pastrylover #chefpatissier #pastrychefinaustralia #pastrychefsofinstagram #pastrychefpage #pastrycheflife #pastrylove #food #foodstagram #instagood #foodie #foodblogger ##instafood #sweet #good #pastryaddict #sugar #yummy - @lucio_isernia on Instagram

Amazing reviews are flowing.... pic @joachim2202 #michelinstar #foodporn #finedining - @sebadidiomasa on Instagram

“It’s been a #sensational and #incredible #2020. Over the duration, the task was appointed to expand grow and be nimble to adjust to current times. With hard work and dedication, We’re very proud to say that is official launched here in #London #Ontario and #Canada wide! We’re very excited to share our passion with you😃😃😃!!” -Chef Matthew @livefitfoods - - #vegan #paleo #keto #glutenfree #organic #livefit #chefsofinstagram #cheflife #foodie #handmade #london #ontario #ottawa #nationwide #pizza #bread #teamwork - @akoete on Instagram

Taxi Kitchen, one of Melbourne’s best restaurants, have launched a ‘Heat at Home’ range which will be landing in our Tooronga & Mentone stores tomorrow! The @transport_hotel ‘Heat at Home’ range showcases some of Taxi Kitchen’s most renowned dishes. Each meal is prepared and vacuumed sealed with easy to follow instructions so that you can easily recreate your favourite Taxi Kitchen dishes at home! Executive chefs Tony Twitchett & Sam Forte focus on locally and sustainably sourced produce to deliver modern Australian dishes with aromatic Asian inspired flavours. The exquisite ‘Heat at Home’ range available at Scicluna’s Tooronga & Mentone from tomorrow: 🐖 Candy pork 🦆 Szechuan duck 🐟 Salmon red curry 🐠 Barramundi yellow curry 🍗 Whole Balinese Chicken We cannot wait for you to try this! 🤤 - @sciclunasrealfoodmerchants on Instagram

Watch me this weekend try to take down @bobbyflay !!! I’ll be representing TX!!! Episode airs this Sunday night on @foodnetwork 9pm cst 🙌🏻🔥🤪 #inspirebycooking #beatbobbyflay - @chefnickwalker on Instagram

#ristorantedacandida1886 #weshtermolteni #katia #chefgiovannicroce #demicapopartitajhon #gioellepagani #martinare #lisaredaelli #prasan #chefpatronbernardfournier #basketball #lugano #Campioneditalia🇮🇹 #luganolake🇨🇭 #mamancandida #figlialuciataroni #gastronomia #storia - @fournierbernard on Instagram

BLACK ROSE LATTE 🖤 🌹 ☕️ . . . . Housemade rosewater simple syrup~27 Club Espresso~steamed milk~mint sprig~dark chocolate shavings #27clubcleveland #comingsoon #verysoon - @jgurseycoffee on Instagram

O Top Chef Brasil continua, mas para mim foi a última vez naquela cozinha. Um sentimento estranho porque a vontade era ficar até o final 🙃 Como disse, saí feliz pela trajetória, por ter sido eu mesmo o tempo todo. Conseguir aprender e trocar experiências com ética e alegria, apesar das dificuldades do confinamento, foi a maior vitória. Nesse último (meu) episódio, encaramos uma prova difícil e inédita que, apesar de ter perdido, adorei fazer. Mandioquinha é algo bem brasileiro e não faz parte das minhas raízes, um desafio a mais além da comunicação à distância. Na prova final, me senti muito bem comigo. Estava confiante porque fiz receitas de família, adaptadas para que tivessem esse toque #topchefbrasil. Usei referências aprendidas no Brasil e apliquei um pouco da minha admiração pela culinária oriental. Entre tantos ingredientes, o missô não brilhou, algo que faz parte do dia a dia da cozinha. Mas no programa não há segunda chance para ajustar. As palavras dos jurados, que não cabiam no programa editado, me confortaram e mostraram que o caminho que escolhi, quando deixei a Química (após o doutorado) para seguir entre as panelas, é mesmo sem volta. Não sobrou nada nos pratos que servi e é o que me importa: oferecer comida boa, que aqueça o coração e traga a ideia de conforto e família. #topchefbrasil #topchefbrasil2020 🇮🇹🇧🇷 - @petenzimichele on Instagram

Tomorrow. 270 guests. 16chefs. 1 hell of a good cause. I’ll be cooking at @arcadiafood’s largest ever farm dinner in support of vets learning sustainable farming. Proud to be a part of this incredible lineup for a cause that we all support! - @reidshilling on Instagram

- Joakim Prat

Finally the team has completed, we have choosen our theme For the platter and platter concept, It Is going to to be our secret project for the next 3 months, very challenging project involving culinary practitioners and lovers, we still need support from the stakeholder; tourism and horeca industry in order to reach the podium, finger cross, we will try our best te reach the best result. Please follow @bocusedorina for the update news and program. - @mandifwarokka on Instagram

Ten Finalists. Three Challenges. One Ultimate World Food Champion. Set your reminders and DVRs to watch WFCs finale saga –– #IndyFinalTable –– on the Cooking Channel, Oct. 3rd at 1pm Eastern to see who was crowned the $100,000 World Food Champion!! - @worldfoodchampionships on Instagram

Quando impera a boa disposição, o profissionalismo e a qualidade o sucesso é garantido! *** Quality, expertise and excellent teamwork are the key to success and to clients delight! @chefruisilvestre #finedining #foodlovers #gastronomicexperience #dreamteam #equipamaravilha #gastronomydelights #michelinstarrestaurants #michelinguide2020 #laguiamichelin #foodlovers #finedining #portugalflavours #chefruisilvestre #vistasruisilvestrerestaurant #montereiresort #golfcourseviews #eastalgarve #Portugal - @vistas_ruisilvestre on Instagram

Para FEGACH todos sus miembros son importantes, ellos están presentes en todo Chile, son nuestro orgullo, docentes, cocineros, pasteleros, baristas, administradores, etc. cada uno desde su actividad profesional realiza un aporte al desarrollo de la cocina, la formación, las tradiciones y nuestra gastronomía chilena. . #SOMOSCOCINACHILENA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #cocinachilenarica #cocinachilena #chefs #fegach #fegachcl #cocineroschilenos #chefchileno #chefchilenos #chileancook #chileanfood #chilecocina - @fegachcl on Instagram

- Jeremy Ford Top Chef S13 winner

THE WALL RETURNS 🔪 I’m so happy to announce our return to @FoodNetworkCA! #WallOfChefs is back for a brand new season and this one is bigger and better that before! ⚔️ Hot on the heels from a successful first season, Wall of Chefs tests the skill and nerves of Canada’s home cooks as they battle in the Wall of Chefs kitchen, under the towering shadow of the country’s best chefs known as “The Wall.” 📺 Wall of Chefs returns September 1 at 10 PM ET/PT on Food Network Canada through STACKTV, with Amazon Prime Video Channels, or with the new Global TV app, live and on-demand when you sign-in with your cable subscription. - @ninjachef on Instagram

Comincia a fare freddo , mettetevi la sciarpina ... #basilicata #matera #italy #italia #sassidimatera #lucania #travel #matera2019 #picoftheday #igersitalia #igersbasilicata #photooftheday #volgobasilicata #photography #instagood #nature #landscape #sassi #igersmatera #love #basilicatadascoprire #volgomatera #basilicataturistica #travelphotography #yallersbasilicata #vivomatera #summer #ig_basilicata #instatravel #ig_italia - @basilicata_food_and_travel on Instagram

Are you ready ???? @louise.hkg #cheflife #chefsofinstagram #frenchchef #chef #frenchchefinhk #lamaquette #positivevibes #frenchrestaurant #frenchrestauranthk #youarenotready @imperatricewine thanks for the picture 👍 - @franckelielaloum on Instagram

Das waren unsere vier Koch-Pärchen der Switch-Challenge der letzten Folge. Welches Team hat eurer Meinung nach am besten abgeliefert? 💛❤️💙🤍 © sky / Silviu Guiman #switchchallenge #masterchef #masterchefcelebrity #sky #skyone #skydeutschland - @masterchefde on Instagram

@lucasazevedorj guest at @taberna_do_calhau for the food marathon with @leopoldogarciacalhau ... #japanesefood #portugalfood #portugaljapanfusion #lisbonfoodies #hautecuisines #hautecuisine #foodlovers - @octolumi on Instagram

Christian Bau creates elaborate dishes with skilful understatement right down to the smallest detail. Each individual course is brilliantly conceived and perfectly balanced, starting with the host of fabulousamuse-gueules! His trademark is the perfect mix of classic and Japanese cuisine. He is the youngest of all star chefs in Germany awarded with three Michelin Stars. He received his third star at the age of 34 year for the restaurant “Victor´s Fine Dining by Christian Bau” where he is host and chef de cuisine. Since 13 years he defends this star. . @christianbau Excellent work chef💯👌 . #cheflife #executivechef #privatechef #finedining #dubai #foodie #foodies #foodblog #foodbloggers #chefslife #foodporn #foodphotography #foodstyle #starchefs #professionalchefs #delicious  #yummy #tasty #culinarylife #beautifulcuisines #instayum #gourmet #cook #instacook #cooking #foodaddict  #hungry #dinner #eeeeeats #foodiegram - on Instagram

Hélder Diogo foi o vencedor do Chefe Cozinheiro do Ano em 2000. Hoje conversa com Paulo Amado sobre o concurso e o seu percurso na rubrica semanal Live Talk CCA. 👉 Não perca esta conversa às 18h, em directo, no Instagram do @pamado. - @edicoesdogosto on Instagram

🌸🖤THE FINAL STREAM 🖤🌸 Tonight we will be live streaming our last set on Twitch (link in bio). Weve got a tonne of good tunes to throw at you and we cant wait! If youre out and about town tonight, with the no music policy being put in place, crack open the stream and get the headphones in. Well sort ya out 🌠 Tonight is @sniperxsnaps & @jrc_drums so please drop requests in the chat and lets have a final good time 🎉 - @decadeclubnight on Instagram

Retour de la naturalité, nous sommes heureux de vous retrouver chez Alain Ducasse au @plaza_athenee. Jessica, Romain, Denis et leurs équipes seront ravis de vous ré-accueillir à partir du 2 septembre au dîner. Nous serons ouvert du lundi au vendredi au dîner, déjeuner à partir du 17 septembre. Il nous tarde de vous revoir. Naturalité is back. We are happy to see you back at Alain Ducasse au @plaza_athenee. Jessica, Romain, Denis and their team are delighted to welcome you back for diner starting September 2nd. The restaurant will be open for diner from Monday to Friday, and for lunch starting September 17th. We are looking forward to welcoming you again. #gastronomy #food #parisfoodlovers #nature # @jessicaprealpato @romainmeder @deniscourtiade @francois.delahaye photo @philippevauressantamaria - @alainducasse on Instagram

#Repost @beyondbeautybh Lucas Corrêa Expert Braé , com Tiago David diretor Nacional da marca, no salão Mood Beauty. Trabalho de orgulho com time de BH 🙌🏻🧡 #braebh #timebraébh #distribuidoroficial - @vanessamottabeauty on Instagram

Vamos a volver con fuerza @chevrepanama @naarmiami @wineloverpty @diegomunozchef @francisco7barrientos enorme placer poder trabajar con este equipazo para regalarle a todo Panamá experiencias memorables y cada día se consolide como el destino quesero que todos queremos! Las travesuras que se crearán en esa cocina Chévre. Nos vemos pronto gente! - @lee_the_monger on Instagram

Esa era la actitud, hasta en los momentos más serios @renzo_garibaldi with @get_repost ・・・ @cirowatanabe y @carlosgarciareq grandes cocineros pero aún más grandes amigos ! Qué tal dupla. Nos van a traer unas arepas Nikkei! Que estoy seguro van a estar increíbles! Gracias por venir a compartir con nosotros #latam50best #latamallstars - @carlosgarciareq on Instagram

Milos - chef patissier ⁠⠀ Als patissier zijn voor hem twee dingen heilig, een de weegschaal en twee zijn recepten map. ⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ Rubriek - 𝘞𝘦 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘥𝘶𝘤𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘯 𝘥𝘦 𝘩𝘦𝘭𝘥𝘦𝘯 𝘶𝘪𝘵 𝘥𝘦 𝘬𝘦𝘶𝘬𝘦𝘯, 𝘥𝘪𝘦 𝘻𝘪𝘤𝘩 𝘥𝘦 𝘢𝘧𝘨𝘦𝘭𝘰𝘱𝘦𝘯 𝘵𝘪𝘫𝘥 𝘪𝘯 𝘩𝘦𝘵 𝘻𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘩𝘦𝘣𝘣𝘦𝘯 𝘨𝘦𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘬𝘵 -⁠⠀ - @restaurantfelixamsterdam on Instagram

#Repost @eunicengyn (@get_repost) ・・・ One team one dream baby #rideordieCREW - @chefskkim on Instagram

Ohhh !!! I miss every moment spent #masterchef set.. . This was from V3 challenge, one of the toughest, super enriching experience. . . #throwback #masterchefindia #masterchef #task #v3challenge #conceptfoosd #artofplating #foodgram #cheflife #chefofinstagram #abimilano - @abimilano on Instagram

Our Sous Chef Gerardo Viejo was born and raised in Panama🌏 With his precense at Helios he made sure that our menu will have an original Latin American flair🔥 Join us for an authentic Latin American experience🎆 #fsathens #helios_fsathens #teamwork #chefslife #latinamerican - @helios_fsathens on Instagram

70 ANOS DE TELEVISÃO e minha singela contribuição. Chegamos ao ano de 2014 e minha estreia no SBT. Quem sente mais falta de Hell’s Kitchen (Cozinha sob Pressão) do que eu? Arrasta pra matar um pouco dessa saudade. #hellskitchen #cozinhasobpressao #chef #reality #realityshow - @cabertolazzi on Instagram

Even Samir, my kitchen porter since 13 years got the stylish mask at Club Gascon kitchen! #teamwork#safeact#safekitchen @clubgascon #kitchenporter #plexysexy #mask#masked#masque #portrait #cheflife#chef#restaurant #french @clubgascon . Pic @nathalie_toure - @lechefpaski on Instagram

Não percam hoje à noite no @masterchefpt a prova dos cinco finalistas com a nossa ajuda!! @annkristinofficial @andre_cruz_ @joaocura @pedropenabastos 👏👏👏 - @nunomdcastro on Instagram

- Media

This is our friend Afrim Pristine and today is his birthday. It’s a big one!    He’s one of the most generous people, always giving back to the causes he believes in!    So, we want to honour a special guy on his special day! A bunch of us got together and decided to throw an epic Private Dining event which we will auction off in support of a cause very near and dear to Afrim’s heart, St. Josephs Health Centre and mental health care. Your support will help build a Transitional Aged Youth Unit for at-risk youth between the ages of 16 and 24 who need specialized care for mental illness.   This is a once in a lifetime chance to have some of Canada’s best chefs and even Canada’s only Cheese Master prepare a 6 course tasting menu with wine pairings  in your home for up to 10 of your closest friends. Swipe right to see the line-up.  @chefbangerter, @chefvictorbarry, @chefcraigharding , @afrimpristine, @coryvitiello @jonathangoodyear  The auction goes live on Sunday July 26th and will end on August 4th.  Please visit our site link in bio. Donations are also very welcome and can be made at - just click mental health in the drop-down menu. @stjoespromise #supportstjoes #stjoespromise - @chefvbarry on Instagram

Nos sumamos al sentir de nuestro Presidente. Un gran abrazo a toda la familia de la gastronomía y la cocina. @maisontroisgros #repost @andoniluisaduriz ・・・ Nos ha dejado Pierre Troisgros a los 92 años, uno de los padres del movimiento de la Nueva Cocina que cambió todo. Tuve la suerte de conocerle en Pamplona en 2007 durante la concesión de los premios Eva de gastronomía. Me contó la anécdota de la que les cayó encima cuando pasaron de cocinar con sartenes de hierro a sartenes antiadherentes. Con posterioridad la vida me ha permitido conocer a más miembros de esta saga familiar tan vinculada a la gastronomía. De hecho con su nieto @ttroisgros me une una gran amistad. Desde aquí mi más sincero reconocimiento y sentido pésame a todos ellos. Un caluroso abrazo. @maisontroisgros @c_troisgros - @euro_toques on Instagram

What a dream come true to have gotten this experience! Thanks for sharing the journey with me again! ❤️#masterchef all-stars better look out! 😉 - @sarah_faherty on Instagram

Los esperamos este próximo sábado !! @natalcomunidad Cupo muy limitado 🔪🍾😎 - @esteban_lluis on Instagram

Rivoluziona la tua attività con la formazione di @mone_pitmaster e #BarbecueProfessionale. Una consulenza a 360° che ti fornirà gli strumenti, la materia prima e le tecniche necessarie per avere un attività barbecue vincente. Che tu abbia un food truck, bistrot, ristorante o laboratorio delivery questa è la strada giusta da intraprendere. Tutte le attività che lo hanno fatto negli ultimi 2anni hanno raggiunto risultati importanti. Invia una mail a e chiedi maggiori informazioni. ✌️😉 #MonePitmaster #barbecueparadise #torino #milano #italia #bbqitaly #bbqlife #bbqinfluencer #barbecue #PitMasterlife #steakhouse #PitMaster #chef #FlameTeacher #influencer #foodporn #cookshack #fastEddy #fec120 - @bbqitaly on Instagram

La fin d’une aventure extraordinaire pendant plus de deux ans. Je remercie @jeanlouisnomicos, @jennifer.boulai pour leur savoir, de m’avoir transmis leur professionnalisme et leur passion pour se métier ainsi que toute l’équipe du restaurant Nomicos. See you 😘 #michelin #michelinstar #work #kitchenlife #food #paris #paris16 #jeanlouisnomicos #likeforfollow #follow #boys #instagram #instamood #pictureoftheday #newadventures #theend #gastronomy #chef #frenchboy #cheflife #repost #nomicos - @victor_demouge on Instagram

No caption required - @sandz_ihm on Instagram

- When you are short staffed and your cook has a nosebleed on our third double-digit hour day in a row 🤕

La brigade d@adriencachot en pleine finale 💜💪 Bravo à @mory_sacko_ @justine_piluso @diego_alary et @martinferagus pour lavoir soutenu jusquau bout #brigade #adrientopchef #topchef #competition #concours #prestige #instacook #chef - @topchefm6 on Instagram

Professores estrelados! O Guia Michelin 2020 divulgou na última semana a lista com os restaurantes e chefs premiados e temos orgulho de ter entre eles, os nossos professores Jun Sakamoto, com uma estrela, e Felipe Bronze, que coleciona duas estrelas do prestigiado guia francês. Que tal ser aluno de um chef estrelado? No nosso site (link na bio), estão abertas as inscrições para o curso A Arte do Sushi, de Jun Sakamoto, e o curso de Cozinha Contemporânea, do Felipe Bronze. Parabéns professores! - @curseria on Instagram

Hey everyone! I’m Chris Scott (@chefchris512) and I’m a chef at the Institute of Culinary Education (@iceculinary). I’ll be taking over Spruce Eats today to teach you all about grilling and show you how to grill one of my favorite fish: mackerel! My recipe for grilled mackerel, roasted rainbow carrots, black olives, parsley and yuzu uses the grill in many ways. Head over to Stories to see how it’s done! For more recipes and technique IGTVs, check out @iceculinary. . #takeover #IGtakeover #summergrilling #grill #flameandfire #backtobasics #chefchrisscott #eeeeeats #fish #seafood #loveoneanother #feedoneanother #followme - @chefchris512 on Instagram

Excited to celebrate New Year’s Eve with @kalikatomas - in town one night only from Buenos Aires to cook with us! Stop by for a drink or snack in the lounge if you can, any time after 5:00. (Had to use the “Hefe” filter for this post!) - @grantisiusmaximus on Instagram

É campeão! 😎 @dario_costa é o vencedor do #MestredoSabor! 👏👏 (📷: Artur Meninea/Gshow) - @mestredosabor on Instagram

Many years ago, I had the honor of cooking with @ckostow and his team at @therestaurantmw for the 12 days of Xmas event they held annually. Despite our crude offerings, Chris and his team made us feel welcome and helped transform Northern Thai country cooking into an experience worthy of the venue. That venue is now in ashes but my memory and appreciation for that amazing hospitality feels very immediate and clear. My heart goes out and I hope for a Phoenix like rise from the ashes. All my best 🙏🙏🙏 photo by @bonjwing - @pawkhrua on Instagram

Jajaja Nos divertimos muchisimo, mas que una competencia fue un reto..... SUPERADO 🔥 @susanecastillo eres excelente cocinando, tienes manso gusto y sazón. @marco_oses jajaja pura maldad loco, ya ni sabias q maladad hacer... mosntro, calidad de persona 🤘 @fuegovsfuegopa gracias por la invitación, como siempre, saben como subirle la adrenalina a los programas. Gracias Éxitos Totales ☠🍾🔥🍻☠🤣🙃🤘🔥☠ Pd: sino fuera por el pescao crudo, no la contaria igual 🤣🤣🤣🍻🍻🍻 salud - @carloslucaschef on Instagram

- My Executive Chef Mike Minor had Jon Favearu come through our restaurant for a new Netflix series

Sumito Estévez y sus principios innegociables. Como cocinero soy parte responsable de la preservación del acervo de mi patria. Veo la cocina como mecanismo de contribución en la consolidación de nuestra identidad; por lo que en mi caso, documentar técnicas, generar bases, definir denominaciones de origen o relacionarme con colegas para establecer movimientos, siempre será un viaje tras esa búsqueda. Todo cocinero es responsable de la salud de quienes alimenta. Ello me ha llevado a hacer una cocina que como mínimo no haga daño. Creo que cocina y ecología son una misma cosa, lo que me ha llevado a priorizar la sustentabilidad. Por eso ataco a los monocultivos, a los transgénicos y jamás compraré un animal prohibido por la ley. En cocina el robo se llama engañar, por eso no creo en la cocina mentirosa. Róbalo es róbalo, lo compré hoy y está fresquito es santa palabra y carpaccio de pulpa negra no es de lomito. No creo en una cocina que produzca hambre. Creo que la cocina debe ser uno de los vehículos para lograr una vida digna a los agricultores atrapados por los embudos de las cadenas de comercialización. Creo en un reparto justo de las ganancias asociadas a la restauración sin empobrecer el entorno. Botar comida es una afrenta. Sumito Estévez es el único cocinero que ha sido reconocido con el Gran Tenedor de Oro (2012), la máxima distinción que concede esta Academia. #seriecocinerosvenezolanos #premiadosavg Foto: Liliana Martínez - @academiavenezolanagastronomia on Instagram

Sala+Cucina+Ricerca e sviluppo= Madonnina del Pescatore ❤️ LA MATURITÀ DI UN ETERNO RAGAZZO, A SENIGALLIA È quasi impossibile credere che Moreno Cedroni e Mariella Organi abbiano festeggiato il compleanno della Madonnina del Pescatore soffiando, assieme sin dall’inizio di questa straordinaria avventura, ben 36 candeline. Impossibile perché vedendo l’energia, la vitalità, la freschezza con cui entrambi conducono questo splendido luogo non si può credere che la loro storia sia cosi lunga. Ebbene, sì, il trucco nella vita è proprio questo e loro ce lo insegnano, mettendo sempre una straordinaria passione in ciò che fanno tutti i giorni coadiuvati da un sous chef, Luca Abbadir, che ha sposato in pieno la filosofia della casa e si è integrato splendidamente. Però, c’è un però. Spesso parliamo della incredibile cucina di Moreno e Luca, Luca e Moreno, che anche quest’anno ha superato se stessa. Ma ci dimentichiamo di raccontare quanto la sala di questo magico luogo, condotta amabilmente dalla sua padrona di casa, sia in un crescendo continuo. Attenzioni discrete, passo svelto ma mai evidente, una macchina perfetta che gira come un orologio svizzero. E che soprattutto vi inonderà di calore e attenzioni, sempre discrete. Ci si sente a casa alla Madonnina, una casa elegante, sobria, d’altri tempi. Un caldo tepore che allieta l’anima. Ma anche la cucina, dicevamo, non si è affatto fermata anzi ha continuato la sua progressione e il suo miglioramento continuo sebbene con la storia e il blasone che questo ristorante ha alle spalle, forse, non ce ne sarebbe nemmeno stato bisogno. Eppure è così, crescita continua, mai fermi sulle posizioni. Tant’è che quest’anno a fianco di qualche nuova entrata, derivata direttamente dallo studio portato avanti nel tunnel – il laboratorio di ricerca della Madonnina – sono comparsi molti piatti storici abilmente rivisitati e attualizzati. Grazie @alberto.cauz 🙏🏻 #madonninadelpescatore - @lucaabbadir on Instagram

During this isolation time I’ve come to realize what an incredible cast of people I get to work alongside every day. I’ve also realized how much they’ve come to impact my life and the bonds we’ve forged through our successes and tribulations. I’ve seen the most flawless of services and some down right circus acts here yet I wouldn’t change any of it. I love all of you and I can’t wait to get back into the kitchen with you guys. Stay safe ✊❤️🔥⚡️🌈. . . . . . #bargeorge#bargeorgemtl#secondfamily#kitchensquad#chefcrew - @alexanderzelina on Instagram

- American Academy of Culinary Arts

Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you. 🔪 : @the.devour 📸 : @tarekmoussallyphotography . . . . . #picoftheday #instapic #photo #chef #photooftheday #love #passion #energy #power #instagram #instagood #followforfollowback #follow #instafood #instamood #smile #cutting #knife #cheflife🔪 #lebanon #justdoit #youcan - @the.devour on Instagram

This week we review Restaurante Lera, a real gem of a place for lovers of deep fine flavours located in a tiny village in Zamora, in the heart of Empty Spain. Specialised in game, @luislera turns a humble pigeon into a delicacy convincing even the non-game lovers. Taking care of the wine is @rociosomm , a passionate young woman who likes to pair Leras dishes with local wines -the list is long and varied- but also with sherry, bubbly and orange wines from diverse origins. The trip is totally worth it because Lera is one of those places that stays in the memory and gets under your skin. You can read the review on #goodfoodandwine #spanishwinelover #lera #castroverdedecampos #zamora #emptyspain - @spanishwinelover on Instagram

¡A por ellos! @worldpaelladay - @chabe_soler on Instagram

Saudades da vida normal, das cozinhas, da minha equipa, dos clientes, o processo criativo, as correrias do servico, as conversas de corredor, as risadas, saudades de vestir uma jaleca, de sentir o foco daqueles que me acompanham diariamente. Vamos voltar, e voltaremos mais fortes, mais focados e com muito mais vontade de sermos, e fazermos os outros felizes 👨‍🍳👩‍🍳👨‍🍳👩‍🍳👨‍🍳👩‍🍳💪💪💪 @restaurante_vistas - @chefruisilvestre on Instagram

TopTen 50TopPizza, edizione 2020: ecco le posizioni da 1 a 5. 1 - I Masanielli - Francesco Martucci 2 - Pepe in Grani 3 - I Tigli 4 - 50 Kalò di Ciro Salvo Pizzeria 5 - La Notizia 94 - @50toppizza on Instagram

Em breve teremos o resultado final do Bocuse d’Or 2019! 🥇 . A equipe brasileira já está reunida 💚💛 . Para nós, esse time já é o grande vencedor! 🇧🇷 . #sirhalyon2019 #bocusedor #bocusedor2019 - @sirhalyon_br on Instagram

📸 . - @chef_in_sydney on Instagram

- @lmh51113 on Instagram

- Chef Quotes and Clothing

Akiraback Dubai 🤙🤙 - @sandysandy12 on Instagram

Περιμένοντας την άνοιξη !! - @theokarathanasis on Instagram

“Per dare nuova spinta al #turismo è importante investire in un grande progetto di riqualificazione della #RistorazioneItaliana. Auspico che il ministro #Franceschini intenda includere anche questo settore tra quelli strategici cui destinare le risorse del #RecoveryFund” A dirlo è il presidente Fipe Confcommercio Marche Centrali @morenocedroni, chef della Madonnina del Pescatore a Senigallia, in occasione della Giornata Mondiale del Turismo e rivolgendosi al Ministro @dariofrances in merito alla questione #recoveryfund. Il settore turistico è uno di quelli più duramente colpiti a livello mondiale dalla pandemia ancora in corso. Oltre a fornire alla gente opportunità, il turismo può svolgere un ruolo importante nella preservazione dellunicità delle nostre culture condivise e nella tutela della biodiversità e degli ecosistemi che ci sostengono. In un anno difficile come questo, concentriamoci sullimportanza del turismo consapevole e sostenibile con il suo valore sociale, culturale, politico ed economico. #goeldlinchef #MorenoCedroni #worldtourismday #newpost #giornatamondialedelturismo #chef #recoveryfund #ministro #franceschini #arte #cultura #politicaitaliana #fondi #manstyle #adg #italy #identitagolose #workuniform #sinergia #ristorazione #riqualificazione #foodphotography #kitchendesign #goeldlin - @goeldlinchef_and_collection on Instagram

Super excited to be cooking with my mentor next week @danielboulud in @cafebouludto ! It’s been over 6 years since we last shared the stove together. Also stoked to cook with @meljrodriguez one of my great friends. This will be a great event featuring some really talented chefs! @beardfoundation #michelinstar #mentors #honored #yvrfoodie #vancouverchefs #vancitybuzz #jamesbeardfoundation - @chefrogerma on Instagram

Today on set with one of the best chefs in germany! Thanx to amazing 2-Michelin-Star chef Thomas Martin for a great cooking session! It was a pleasure and honor to look over your shoulder and see you creating this wonderful loup de mer! 😃 #miele . . . . . . . #liebefeld #truecooks #cooking #chef #cheflife #chefsofinstagram #instafood #foodporn #food #bielefeld #nyc #hamburg #münchen #düsseldorf #instachef #happy #enjoylife #food #hungry #simpleandsexy #fishlover #foodie #delicious - @toby_wulfmeyer on Instagram

#Repost @sebastien_quazzola with @get_repost ・・・ Follow us for chefs of future and their modern presentations. ➡️#chefsandfoods @chefsandfoods ・・・ #chef #chefporn #food #foodie #foodart #foodpic #foodporn #foodstagram #fitness #foodshare #foodphotography #culinary #goodfood #like4like #likeforlike #instagram #instalike #instafood #instagood #delicious #cook #cooking #chefs #art #kitchen #eat #yum #yummy - @chefsandfoods on Instagram

Une nouvelle aventure qui commence à @one65sf ! #delicious #chocolate #pastry #chocolatelovers #pastrychef #cake #cakes #foodphotograpy #foodpics #instafood #foodism #foodstagram #instafood #foodlover #pâtisserie #gâteau - @bernier_theo on Instagram

Noche de ramen🍜 Jhon Da Silva @jhonsnacks preparó el menú japonés de la octava Gastronoche Moreno, la primera y única Gastrofoodie que hemos celebrado, y el plato estrella fue el ramen, ese cuenco de caldo aromático con fideos de trigo y una variedad de toppings que gusta a todo el mundo. Antes de disfrutarlo los comensales probaron gyosas yakitory y sashimi de atún aleta amarilla y edamame y después del ramen el tiramisú de lychee con matcha que se ofreció de postre. Jhon Da Silva se reunirá nuevamente con nuestro chef Víctor Moreno @victormorenoc el próximo 4 de octubre. Prepararán un ramen delicioso en una nueva experiencia de The New Kitchen qué acompañaran con unos snacks imperdibles. Las entradas ya están disponibles en @elpatiocontentstudio No faltes! . . . #GastronocheMoreno #GastroFoodie #MorenoCaracas #CocinaViajera #MesAniversario #venezuelakitchenpower💛💙❤ - @cocinaviajeraccs on Instagram

ChefCristiano Tomei foto #LidoVannucchi #reportergourmet #chefoftheday #chefstalk #chefs4passion #finedining #chefslife #MyStoryWithMichelin #chefsroll #chefmaitre #chefstyle #gastroartistry #foodartchefs #chefsplate #cucinandoarte #Gastroart #Cucinacreativa #GourmetFood #Cucinastellata - @reporter_gourmet on Instagram

The good, bad and ugly, we saw it all. We had some amazing time and services together, until next time, we wish you all the very best for your next adventure. I have learnt a lot from you and I promise to never let the lessons leant go waste. To my chef and mentor, @jamsheedbhote , we had one hell of a journey. #farewell #procooks #psycooks #chefworks #kitchendiaries #bestofluck #chef #chefs #mentor #cheflife #shotononeplus - @duh_potato_man on Instagram

#Repost @restaurantmoorhall with @make_repost ・・・ // MOOR HALL MEETS // Marks Head Chef at Moor Hall, James Lovatt, has been part of the Moor Hall family since day one, helping to shape the dining experience here over the last few years. Taking a break from a busy kitchen, James shares with us his childhood memories of cooking, career highlights to date and his favourite dish of the moment. See more at Link in bio. Want to work with James and his team? WE ARE HIRING! Link in article. #restaurant #restaurantmoorhall #restaurantwithrooms #thebarn #thebarnmoorhall #moorhall #moorhalllancashire #lunch #dinner #michelin #michelin2star #2star #chef #markbirchall #Lancashire #moorhallmeets #headchef #team #staff #hospitality #hospitalityjobs #recruitment #jobs - @james_c_lovatt on Instagram

Weve done more than most could imagine in the past year. Couldnt be more proud of what weve done and what we continue to do with our restaurant family in this strangest of times. Thanks to @jkatz411 and @chefjameskent for bringing us all together. See you all on GoogleMeet for now. Posted @withregram • @jkatz411 Opening night. Tomorrow would be our 1 year anniversary of opening Crown. I’ll never forget the first time I heard the “oui” come out of the kitchen when that first ticket got called. Gracie and I looked at each other like, “what have we done !!” This photo captured the energy perfectly. “Shit! are we gonna be able to figure this out?!” And we did. We figured it out and we’re gonna do it again. Stay safe team, we need you all back in one piece to keep figuring it out- we couldn’t do it without you. - @gracie_estacio on Instagram

“Early fall is a gift. The abundance of sweet squashes against the last push of colorful eggplants and peppers. The fragrant grapes, tart apples, sweet corn, bitter leaves, umami rich mushrooms, underrated kohlrabis, and a rainbow of radishes that farmers will put up to store for the winter. Around this time tomatoes begin to change from sweet to acid signalling to me that its time to really cook again. I begin to focus on nourishing broths, warming spices, deep roasting, drying, fermenting, and wood fire. The race to put all of summer on a plate yields to the tranquil focused cooking of fall. Its my favorite time to be a chef.” @chefnealh getting us excited for our fall menu available for indoors for the first time this wednesday. book your reservation at the #linkinbio - @abcvnyc on Instagram

The Maestro behind the flavours singing in unison at Serena Brasserie- Chef Yusof Combining local exotic tastes with the meticulous talent, he has been churning up numerous delicacies that will leave you wanting more! Come have a taste of Chef Yusof and his teams spectacular work presented at the enticing Neptunes Feast as the prominent dish, Ikan Tiga Rasa is featured once again! Available every Friday and Saturday evening from 6:00pm-10:00pm! Get in touch with us now via Call at 03-2782 6000 or Whatsapp at 016-202 4623 *Discounts available for all major credit cards! - @intercontinental.kualalumpur on Instagram

Throwback picture! Besides my house with my family, the kitchen has always been my sanctuary, safe place full of emotions and creation! Please support locals and small restaurant owners. #bestrong #supportlocal #cheesysmile ##kitchenheaven #azchef #lovefood - @chefgomezaz on Instagram

•Santorini moments• • • #santorini #chefsplateform #foodstarz #theartofplating #foodies #chefsofinstagram #foodstagram #instafood #foodart #foodporn #foodpics #foodphotography #gastroart #chef #cheflife #chefsofinstagram #chefs #picoftheday #recipe #recipes #gastronomy - @vagleou on Instagram

- Catering Premier Work Wear

- Chef

Ab dem 25. Oktober gehts wieder los! GRILL DEN HENSSLER!🎉 Und was für eine Staffel 😄#grilldenhenssler #vox @grilldenhenssler_vox - @steffen_henssler on Instagram

What are you baking this weekend? 🍩🍪🎂🍰🧁🥧🍫🍮 #cake #cakeart #desserts #weekend #baking #fun #tasty #delicious #yum #pastry #patisserie - @thesweetassassin on Instagram

- Weekend Getaways from NYC

#Repost @abocados_etb (@get_repost) ・・・ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 👨🏻‍🍳 J U E V E S 👩🏻‍🍳 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Miradas intensas en el plató mientras preparamos esta Lasaña de calabacín con pollo y salsa napolitana ✨ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 🔥 Irresistible 🔥 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ¡A BOCADOS! ¡Todos los días de lunes a viernes en ETB2📺 a las 20:15h🕣 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 💚 ¡Feliz jueves! 💚 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ @gu_nutricion @ander_gonzalez77 @bastidasukaldeak @lacormenaje @villeroyboches @qooqer @lartigue1910 @basokoaltzariak @maitaneagotearquitectura @grupocosentino @dektonbycosentino @estilismo_eitb @decotek @eitb #gastronomia #recetas #salud #trucos #nutricion #food #instafood #euskaltelebista #abocados #abocadosetb2 #historiasabocados - @eitb on Instagram

Orgullo mexicano, uno de los restaurantes más populares y trendy de Chicago es dirigido por el Chef michoacano José Sosa y su extraordinario equipo de cocina. Pocas personas saben lo que esconden las mejores cocinas de los restaurantes en EUA y todo el esfuerzo e historias qué hay detrás de un gran plato. Admiración y respeto a todos los grandes cocineros mexicanos que dejan su pais para alcanzar el sueño americano. Gibsons Italia Chef José Sosa @gibsonsitalia @chefjosesosa 233 N Canal St Chicago, IL - @rodrigoestradagarcia on Instagram

Our very own Chef @conantnyc is competing on #Chopped tonight! 🙌🏽 Watch how it all unfolds April 14 at 9pm on @foodnetwork. #teamshcotty #peacelovepasta - @cellaiosteak on Instagram

O chef italiano Massimo Bottura será o novo embaixador da Boa Vontade da Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU) na luta contra o desperdício e o descarte de alimentos no mundo, anunciou o órgão. Leia mais: #onu #MassimoBottura #bottura #chef #italia🇮🇹 #italy🇮🇹 - @ansabrasil on Instagram

- chef uniforms

Final de semana já passou mas ficam as lembranças de um serviço lindo!💎 Um casamento cheio de emoção, amor e sabor! 💗🍴 😊Queremos aproveitar para agradecer os amigos que também fizeram parte deste evento com seus trabalhos: Cerimonialista: @vanessaluzwagner 🙋🏼 Decoração A Florista Decorações: @jovanarupolo 🌹 Espaço: @espacoondasfloripa 💒 Buffet:@banqueteria100maneiras 🍴 Louças: @i9alugueiseeventos 🍽️ Doces e bolo: @innovarebolos 🍰 Dj Martins: @djgeraldo.martins 🎧 Parabéns para todos! #casamento #buffetdecasamento #banqueteria100maneiras #servicodebuffet #amor #noivos2020 - @banqueteria100maneiras on Instagram

Du très haut niveau dans les assiettes de la table de Baumanière... un duo Jean-André Charial & @glennviel qui fonctionne à merveille. @michelinguide @theworlds50best #cuisine #gastronomie #gastronomy @lesbauxtourisme - @jacquespourcel on Instagram

This podcast was born on the idea of asking great questions, and sharing inspirational stories. It is always a good time to check in with your mates and colleagues to ask #RUOK ? @ruokday - @kitchentherapypodcast on Instagram

Happy Birthday to one of our culinary idols, the ‘Prince of Parmigiano’, Chef @MassimoBottura! 👨🏻‍🍳 🇮🇹 🎂 Who cooks for the greatest chef in the world on his birthday?!?! • #gflfw #italy #italian #modena #osteriafrancescana #happybirthday #birthday #chef #cheflife #chefsofinstagram #kitchen #kitchenninja #foodandwine #festival #celebritychef #chefworks #foodie #foodporn #foodstagram #foodgasm #instafood #delicious #delish #yummy #forkyeah #eeeeeats #foodiegram #thegoat #bravo #buoncompleanno - @gflfoodwine on Instagram

Hard work pays off #withanicepicture #crownshynyc @chefjameskent @crownshynyc #nyceats #chefswhowearJ #cheflife - @unclejoorew on Instagram

#Repost @farturabrasil • • • • • • Os jantares e almoços FESTIM sempre foram as mais aguardadas atrações do FESTIVAL TIRADENTES. Este ano, na 23ª edição do FESTIVAL, vamos levar a experiência FESTIM até você 3 Convidamos estes renomados e maravilhosos chefs, que em dupla criaram menus com entrada, prato principal e sobremesa, pra você receber em casa. As receitas serão enviadas semiprontas para serem finalizadas por você! E o melhor: você ainda recebe uma dica exclusiva e especialíssima dos chefs pra ajudar por aí na finalização do prato. É experiência completa que chama, né? ;-) Se você está em Belo Horizonte, São Paulo ou Rio de Janeiro, confira os menus, escolha seu favorito, peça agora e receba de 1 a 4 de outubro, durante o 23º FESTIVAL PRÓ-TIRADENTES: 🍴Belo Horizonte: 🍴São Paulo: 🍴Rio de Janeiro: #chef #gastronomia #culinária #cultura #Tiradentes #ProTiradentes #FestivalTiradentes #ExpedicaoTiradentes #FarturaTiradentes #FestivaldeGastronomia #Fartura #FarturaDigital #MinasGerais #FestivaldeTiradentes #Turismo #Instafood #FestivalCulturaeGastronomiadeTiradentes #visitetiradentes #dicasdetiradentes #menu #menufestim #festim - @angatutiradentes on Instagram

MEILLEUR RESTAURANT GASTRONOMIQUE BEST FINE DINING RESTAURANTS - WORLD — C’est une grande joie, une fierté et une récompense pour mes équipes. Nous venons d’être élus « Meilleur restaurant gastronomique au Monde » au « Travellers’Choice Awards Restaurants 2020 » Ce classement est établi par les consommateurs du site @tripadvisor et basé sur un algorithme analysant des millions de commentaires et d’opinions recueillis au cours de l’année dernière par des voyageurs du monde entier. « Nous cuisinons tous les jours avec amour pour vous, pour exalter vos papilles, pour mettre en lumière les richesses de nos producteurs locaux. C’est avec vous tous que nous partageons ce prix, preuve s’il en est, que notre cuisine sait satisfaire le plus grand nombre, MERCI infiniment. » Vivre une cuisine haute couture, quelque part en Corbières ! • @auberge_du_vieux_puits • cabinet @verritable_ • #Enzo #Axel #Family #TravelersChoice #bestworld #tripadvisor #frenchgastronomy - @gilles_goujon on Instagram

Tonight 7:30 @channel10au see this squinting Queenslander cook for state and pride on @masterchefau. Fun times! - @mrbenwilliamson on Instagram

- Chefs

Meet the chefs for our Top Chefs & Top Wines Dinner! Its an #NJWFF favorite that you wont want to miss.⁠ .⁠ Enjoy dishes from Chefs Eric Adjepong, Joe Sasto and David Viana of Heirloom Kitchen along with Aishling Stevens, Matt Laurich and the Restaurant Latour team!⁠ .⁠ Grab your tickets through the linkin bio and get excited for a great dinner on May 1st!⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ #njwff2020 #12thannual #njwineandfoodfestival #culinaryevents #culinarygoodness #topchefs #topwines⁠ #chefstyle #winestateofmind #winesfromaroundtheworld #igotuncorked #njfoodstars #nycfoodstars #chefsnightout #eventoftheyear #grandtasting #winetasting #winemakers #exclusivedinners #restaurantlatour #events #partyoftheyear #dontmissout #getyourtickets #ticketsonsale #njisntboring #thisisnj #explorecrystal #sussexcounty⁠ - @njwineandfoodfestival on Instagram

- Cheap Aprons

💚 Campinofamily 💚 #campinorestaurant #campdemar #restaurant #insel #inselliebe #mallorca #italianrestaurant - @restaurante_campino on Instagram

- Home and Family TV

Prueba nuestra pasta fresca 🍝 hecha a mano, cual es tu pasta favorita ? - @labarritadelmar on Instagram

We welcome Chef @franconorhal to the new generation of P.A.N. People 💫 he will be sharing more details about the #PanArepaChallenge 🔜🍽🏅 #panpeople #allinonepan #challenge #foodies #franconoriega - @allofpan on Instagram

Today is my birthday; its that moment in life to look back and appreciate and value all the things that Ive accomplished. Its been a weird/hard 2020, but instead of focusing on the negative stuff, Id rather pay attention to the positive and great things that have happened this year. I opened a restaurant during a pandemic, a dream that Ive been working towards for a long time. Ive learned how to live with anxiety instead of fighting against it. I speak up my mind more often, and I overcame my fear of public speaking. What Ive learned this year...there is no impossible when you are determined, just follow your dreams and listen to your heart. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #veganmexican #mexican #mexicanchef #vegantoronto #labartola #torontoeats - @veganartisan on Instagram

Happy Birthday to our Chef & Owner @rkirsop Wishing you a new year filled with many more laughs & fun times with your C&M family! #coastandmain #seafood #chophouse #localchef #supportsmallbusiness 📸 @412matt - @coastandmain on Instagram

Nuestro querido @adriandelgadotv superó el reto. Preparó un delicioso #pezleon frito, en sancocho y hasta pisillo. No le conocíamos la faceta de cocinero, pero ya nos dimos cuenta que es rodó un chef. Que delicioso. Gracias por aceptar el #retogalapagosfish Reposted from @adriandelgadotv Hoy hubo fiesta de Pez León en la casa, aceptando el reto de @galapagosfishlosroques 😉 hay sancocho y todo... con la receta de Gualberto, aquí se las dejo😀 • También quiero que lean sobre este pez y la campaña que están haciendo para su consumo⬇️⬇️⬇️ • En @galapagosfishlosroques quieren fomentar el consumo de Pez León, por ser este un gran depredador de nuestros mares. • El Pez León es una criatura impresionante, hermosa que se pasea lentamente por los arrecifes de coral causando estragos en la biodiversidad marina pues se alimenta de  peces pequeños evitando su crecimiento. A su vez este es un animal de muy fácil reproducción, un ejemplar puede producir en cada desove hasta 300 huevos. Pero lo bueno de todo  todo es que este representa un producto de exquisito sabor con el que se pueden preparar deliciosas recetas.  • Es un gran paso que cada vez más personas consuman este tipo de pescado con la finalidad de controlar su reproducción y seguir preservando nuestro hermoso Parque Nacional Archipiélago de Los Roques. • Te invito hoy a unirte al reto de preparar un plato con este exquisito pescado 😉 • #pezleon #galapagosfishlosroques - @galapagosfishlosroques on Instagram

Det är riktigt svårt att inte skratta inombords när man ser på den här bilden. Hur sjukt lycklig kan ett gäng individer bli egentligen?! Så galet mäktigt! Jag älskar er alla!🇸🇪🥇🏆 Ett riktigt stort tack till alla som har hjälpt oss på vägen, utan er är vi ingenting ❤️ #culinaryworldcup2018 #kocklandslaget #oneteamonedream #vägentillbaka #tallriksmaffian #åkabåt #rum008 #älskarsmakenavguld #mot0S2020 - @daniel.a.haynes on Instagram

Il y a une semaine jétais à @ithqofficiel pour parler du petit@mousso de @projetcantouque et travailler le doré de lac ! Merci @chben.l et @gillesherzog (📷) de votre invitation. Merci aux étudiant pour votre patience... #ithq #mtlrestaurants #mtllife #lemousso #lepetitmousso #projetcantouque #farmtotable #doré #walleye #sustainablefishing - @benjamin_mauroy_langlais on Instagram

Se acerca el momento de conocer al ganador de @masterchefchile 🔥 Súmate en 🤩 #GranFinalMasterChefCelebrityChile - @masterchefchile on Instagram

[SOIREE PECHE DURABLE] Ce sera le 7 décembre à Mougins avec lEquipage des cuisiniers de la mer ! Léa Combelonge, Quentin Leroux, Jérémy Coirier, Sébastien Rath, Sélim MNasri Réservez vite à - @ethic_ocean on Instagram

Familia @flowgalleryfood - @mauriciomoralesm on Instagram

As we move out of golf season we are transitioning to being open all year round at Victoria! Being Edmontons only River Valley Restaurant which will be open in the winter is exciting! . . Imagine cross country skiing or using the skating facilities and then popping by for a fantastic winter brunch with the family! . . Chef Paul and the team are working on a new brunch and dinner menus, which will be less gastro pub style, that we have been serving duing golf season, into a menu more along the lines of what you see at Workshop Eatery... Stay connected over the next few weeks as we slowly tease some of the items you will see on our new Fall and Winter menu! . . #openallyearlong #greenhouseatvictoria - @thegreenhouseyeg on Instagram

- The “end of a round on a cooking competition show” starter pack

Una final llena de emociones junto a nuestros finalistas ✨ ¡Revívela en!🔥 - @masterchefchile on Instagram

- Osvaldo Gross

#MeetTheTimoFamily His love for food has taken him across India & around the globe. Meet Chef Raviraj Gai, our Head Chef & the hands behind our delectable food at Timo. And he has a message for all of you, “I would like to urge everyone to stay at home & stay safe. Times are hard but we will get through this together” When he is not travelling or experimenting with new flavours, you can find him busy reading something interesting. What book would you like to recommend him to finish during the quarantine? . . . #PuneInsta #PuneDiaries #FoodInPune #Pune #InstaFood #SoPune #WhatsHotPune #Bavdhan #Punekar #PuneTimes #Europe #EuropeanCuisine - @timopune on Instagram

ITS NOW OR NEVER! Tomorrow is your last chance to see culinary legend MARCO PIERRE WHITE live in our Chefs Open Theatre! Dont miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime experience for FREE at no extra charge! Tickets are available at the door or online via the link in our bio. #GFWS2017 #Foodies #MarcoPierreWhite - @goodfoodsa on Instagram

- Crime Scene and Murder Mystery Party

- Waiter uniform

Boa tarde, amigos e amigas! . . . Essas são as Dólmãs que nosso querido amigo @hsbertolucci escolheu, especialmente para ele. . . Nossa maior satisfação é ver nossos queridos chefes bem vestidos. Trajados de amor e elegância. . . . . #restaurantepequenomundo #doumasdecozinheiro #cheff #artemis #artemisup #uniformesprofissionais #cozinha #restaurante #gastronomia #sabor #amor - @artemisupuniformes on Instagram

- chef