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cornbut whybutwhycatsadmememisscanonmisscornon


ulissesmaia maringa prefeito prefsmaringa maring%C3%A1

@sorridents.sumare - @fabiano_nunes86 on Instagram

★⚢。: 𝚢𝚘𝚘𝚐𝚕𝚟𝚛

mothyai the mais the mai islands mais mai islands

6 years and still goin, thanks to the amazing family of people whos passion for riding brings us all together. #ridemn #ridebrand #ride #ridelife #rideworld #moto #mx #bmx #bike #bicycle #snowboard #motorcycling #surf #skate #ski #atv #snowmobile #utv #wake #mtb - @ridemn on Instagram

n%C3%A3o fazia mais sentido ibere thenorio manual do mundo j%C3%A1n%C3%A3o funcionava tinha que ser feito de forma diferente

É trabalho na cidade e também no campo, as máquinas agrícolas não param de trabalhar, facilitando a vida dos agricultores rurais do nosso município. 🚜👨🏽‍🌾 #PrefSirinhaém #OTrabalhoContinua #Agricultura - @prefsirinhaem on Instagram

𓆩 𔘓 𓆪


corn elote food shuck cook

- Skid steer loader



n%C3%A3o era t%C3%A3o dif%C3%ADcil assim ibere thenorio manual do mundo era mais f%C3%A1cil do que imaginava afinal era simples

Carpet! #johndeere #6175r #johndeeretractor #johndeeregreen #johndeerepower #nothingrunslikeadeere #tractor #tractors #farm #farmer #farming #farmlife #agriculture #agriculturelife #agricultureworldwide #agripics #ağrı #agri #farmphotography #rolling #farminguk #norfolk Photo: 19th September 2020 _____________ @johndeereclub _____________ Credit: @tracs_and_digs _____________ - @johndeereclub on Instagram

mais si silteplait svp allez

obrigado Pernambuco... muito obrigado! a cada dia com mais certeza que vamos chegar aos 60 mil até domingo! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 - @ronantardin on Instagram


- Expedition Vehicle


but manjit minhas dragons den theres a but however

- 2020 is fucking us in the ass

para com isso porta dos fundos carine klimeck chega de palhacada para de besteira

- So on

A cat sticking out its tongue 🙀

leonidas um pouco mais a little more

Ahhhh....we say farewell to #summer2020 today and look to autumn as say hello on this #firstdayoffall🍁. - @portacool on Instagram

meu rob%C3%B4 my robot meu rob%C3%B4j%C3%A1curtiu muito mais do que eu t%C3%A9dio rob%C3%B4s n%C3%A3o v%C3%A3o ao cinema

C’est pas drôle la vie de rock’n’roll.Luxembourg tonight avec @vdicaire 😎 #showgirltour - @m.bachand2018 on Instagram

#ドールズフロントライン P90 - Seatolleadのイラスト - pixiv

encanto disney encanto encanto disney corn corn on the cob

Love this picture #johndeere #JD #nocase #greenalltheway #like #green #nonstop #nothingrunslikeadeere #farmers #farm #farm4life #coal #power Follow the crew! @usa_agriculture @so.godmadeafarmer @Iowa_farmer_IA @caterpillar_tractors - @johndeere_everyday on Instagram



%C3%A9 mais que amigo amig%C3%A3o

Sometimes you just gotta know when to quit. Today was not that day. Opps. I heard IG loves stuck pictures and videos #njag #moist #tooclose #stuck #johndeere #farmlife #justonemorepass brushhog #weeds #fbsn - @86vanny on Instagram

@ oatmealtoddler

e muito mais and so much more a lot more astronomia astronomy

Robotics project - @marieand88 on Instagram

neco arc desilusões da vida

sucesso sucess good right

Whats your thought on this transformation?! 🤔👌 Join @beforeafterz for more! Join @beforeafterz for more! 📸 :@theredfernhome - @beforeafterz on Instagram

a porra do lorax! Cosplayer vira meme e choca

wow but hello first nabilla vergara hollywood girls

best machinery Check out 🌾: @farmer__life__ 🌱 Check out 🌾: @farmer__life__🌱 Check out 🌾: @proud_farmer_life_ 🌱 🌱 . . . 🌱 🙏 🌱 🌱 ____________________________________________________ . . #bigmachines #farming #farmer #farmerslife #crop #farmmachines #ploughing #strongman #agriculture #agrar #agritech #hightech #gps #starfire #farming #farmingmachines #bigmachines #landwirt #farmer #harvest #agriculture #seed #plants #work #jaguar960 #livingonafarm #workingonafarm #agrartechnik #landtechnik #ackerbau #corn #claas #slurry . - @farmer__life___ on Instagram


Kpop meme

pra mim chega drelacionamentos dr oficial pra mim basta nao aguento mais

Deem só uma olhadinha nas diversas ruas que receberam pavimentação com blocos de concreto ao longo das últimas semanas! De ponta a ponta, Taquari vai crescendo e se desenvolvendo. Quem imaginaria que avançaríamos tanto? Com planejamento, economia e responsabilidade, nosso trabalho para qualificar a infraestrutura urbana a cada dia vai se solidificando. Isso tudo em plena crise. 👇 A luta não para e os desafios são enormes. Mesmo assim, já são milhões de reais aplicados em melhorias. Dezenas e dezenas de ruas asfaltadas e promessas cumpridas, inclusive aquelas históricas, consideradas inimagináveis. Com seriedade e compromisso, estamos transformando nossa cidade. E vamos seguir batalhando cada vez mais, porque temos convicção de que estamos no caminho certo e não podemos parar! Em frente, Taquari! - @manecopt on Instagram


qui toi who are you who mais tes qui toi but who are you

First acquisition is in the books....Go Contrast Energy! - @jredmondiv on Instagram

SEOHO BR on Twitter

what wtf omg why shit

- @fabienantoinepro on Instagram


corn on fork meme

- Me_irl

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- A heavy load to bear


corn hamster eating information my

Nuestro gran equipo de logística del Desafío del Desierto les asegura a los pilotos que sus máquinas lleguen a destino en perfectas condiciones. 🚛 - @desafioproducciones on Instagram


atendimento antecipadamente

Few bales made! Make sure to like and follow👍🌾 📸 = @jack_chandler_ag Keep sending in the great photos ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• #baling #tractor #hay #baler #farm #farming #farmer #farmlife #farmlifebestlife #farmphotos #farmphotography #farmlifeaustralia #farmingaus #farmingaustralia #farmtotable #farmlifeaustralia #farm_snaps #ausfarmingappreciation #ag #agriculture #agriculturelife #agriculturephotography #agriculturephotos #agricultureaustralia #australianagriculture #farmerprideau #agriculturalways #buyfromthebush #agriculture_aust - @agriculture_aust on Instagram

e mais and more and still even more a lot

Tractor hydraulic supa Price- according to model Contact us.9179508202,9425118035 #agriculture #agriculturalmachinery #agriculturalengineering #manufacturing #instabusiness #manufacturingengineering #madhyapradesh #datia#bundelkhand #farmersmarket #farmerstan #feildmechanic #khet #khetibadi #instabusiness - @bansalindustries on Instagram

foi mais por pena n%C3%A9 thati lopes porta dos fundos foi por piedade foi por caridade n%C3%A9

Las razones por las que desde hace años me gusta #bobesponja es porque el carácter del peculiar personaje demuestra que ninguna circunstancia es ni demasiado grande para enfrentarla, ni muy pequeña para dejarla escapar. La vida es básicamente una aventura y si intentas sacar lo mejor de ti, conseguirás más que éxito. Eso sin mencionar el cuerpo cuadrado, ojos azules... (el prototipo soñado) 😅 Gracias a mi hermano @lammoglia2 por este regalo de cumpleaños!!! Love you brother - @leolamm18 on Instagram

tell me more popcorn listening interested go on

- When you engine cover flies off and you expose F1 secrets worth millions

aaaaa tiago cadore aaa gritando grito

#kisaanmajdoorektazindabad 🚩 - @jeep_lovers__ on Instagram

explain tell me more

E aí, quem se identifica? 🤭 📷@meupaijoga #CougarGaming #CougarChair - @cougargaming_br on Instagram

chega j%C3%A1deu n%C3%A9 f%C3%A1bio de luca porta dos fundos j%C3%A1deu o que tinha a dar j%C3%A1n%C3%A3o d%C3%A1mais

Per farci una risata non voglio offendere nessuno. . . . . . #formula1 #sauber #fuoco #teamalfaromeo #f1 #followforfollowback #likeforlikes - @mememotori on Instagram

corn popcorn amazing match

Há diversos métodos que podem ser utilizados para o controle de pragas. Cada um deles depende da situação que a infestação se encontra. A aplicação de inseticida é o mais comum entre todos eles, que visa corrigir o problema de imediato. - @gumadedetizacao on Instagram

quer saber mais matematica rio quer mais curioso do you want to know more

Isonatural de allmax Solo en FitnessNutritionMexico La distribuidora de verdaderos atletas Ventas 7772238489 #FITNESSNUTRITIONMEXICO #FNSUPLEMENTOSMEXICO #SPORTSSUPPLEMENTS #SUPPLEMENTSTHATWORK #SUPLEMENTOS #TEAMFNSUPLEMENTOS #FITNESSNUTRITION #gymlife #getripped #getlean #beastmode #trainharder #trainhard #suplementos #preworkoutpowder #preworkout #performance #sportsperformance #pumps #whey #wheyprotein #proteinpowder #proteinshake #allmaxnutrition #allmax - @fitnessnutritionmexico on Instagram

confused what why meme but why

Ein Sprichwort sagt: „Morgenstund hat Gold im Mund.“ Beim Anblick dieser Aufnahme glaubt man es sofort. Das ist das Schöne am Beruf des Landwirtes: die Natur in ihrer Einzigartig zu betrachten. Und doch sollte es nicht darüber hinwegtäuschen, dass man auch über die harte Arbeit reden sollte. Zwölf Stunden auf dem Traktor sitzen kostet Kraft und ist ermüdend, egal wieviel Spaß einem die Arbeit auch macht. Und oft wird ausgeblendet, dass die Tiere noch vor Sonnenaufgang versorgt wurden. Wir wünschen allen einen schönen Abend. #imkleinenzuwirken #berufundlandwirtschaft #landwirtschaftthomsen #betriebthomsen #thomsensblühwiesen #Blühwiesenlandwirtthomsen #bluehwiese 🥀🌼🌻🎋#altmark #osterburg #düsedau #bluehwiesenprojekt #bluehwiesenpatenschaft #bluehwiesenchallenge #krone #johndeere #Sonnenaufgang #sonne #arbeit #blogger #landwirtschaftsblogger #ernte #mais #maissilage #lernortbauernhof www. Bluehwiesenlsndwirt. de www. „Im Kleinen zu wirken kann helfen, Großes hervorzubringen“ C. Thomsen - @landwirtschaft.thomsen on Instagram

chega mais rafael procopio matematica rio pode vir vem aqui

😍 minha casa nunca mais ficou arrumada mas também meu coração nunca mais sofreu por falta de amor...🙌💞 - @lianebremm on Instagram

but umm ok bye

Agora começou o game de vdd e eu conto com cada um de vcs meus amigos que interagem aqui comigo no insta e moram na cidade do Rio de Janeiro e que certamente acompanham o trabalho do meu incansável vereador @felipemichelrj e candidato a reeleição no rio, foi com ele que fizemos história no carnaval do rio e construímos o maior carnaval da história, foi com ele que a operação do rock in rio levou nota 10, foi com ele que conseguimos avançar e derrotar a luta contra o pedágio da linha amarela e muitas outras coisas mais e é por isso que peço seu voto pro meu candidato Felipe Michel 11021 conto com vcs !!! - @cosminhovida on Instagram

voce ja tem tudo que voce precisa rafael procopio matematica rio voce nao precisa de mais nada ja da pra fazer

Grosse nouvelle! Notre nouveau site web est maintenant en ligne! Allez vous informer sur nos services au Big news! Our new website is now online! Go check out all our services at - @evosuspension on Instagram

puss in boots cute cat shrek but

- Bad Day?

nao vou pagar as suas contas mais chega fabio de luca porta dos fundos pague suas contas

Armas não matam pessoas! Quer dizer... até você atirar nelas. - @heriberto_amorim on Instagram

snoopydance snoopydancing snoopy

Been out doing deliveries at work recently and I find I like it. Ya never know when youre gonna make a #dinosaur #friend! She was so surprised 😮 to see me! #velociraptor #workperk Kinda made my day. #silverlining #goddamnyou2020 - @massive_master_matt on Instagram

me ajuda por favor nao ahuento mais help me please

- Go commit buy

non mais

💚🌻 - @cachupinsaez on Instagram

sem mais nem menos estevam nabote porta dos fundos sem motivo sem explicacao

Check out this Fendt with great problems. . #fendt #newholland #problem #yellow #big #land #farmlife #johndeerepower #johndeere #farm #farmer #farming #tractor #country #field #agriculture #countryside #countrylife #farming #countryliving #countrymusic #usa #masseyferguson #newholland #agricultureworld #land #landscape #landscapephotography #socialmediamarketing #influencer 📷 @roadstercarclub - @agricultureworld on Instagram

mais amor por favor ygor marotta vj suave more love love

Trailer update: took it out for a maiden voyage! Lookin good loaded🤘🤘🚛🚛 #haywagon #hayhaulin #w900 #w900l #kenworth #18tolife - @loganb.307 on Instagram

knnyagi aaaahhh

Las casas hogares siempre están haciendo lo que se puede con lo que se tiene... no olvidemos que todas las comodidades que damos por sentado (una silla por ejemplo) no son la realidad de todos. #INFAL #infalac #InfanciaAlegre #niñosyniñas #adolescentes #casahogar #conocenos #agradecimiento #solidaridad #instafollow #ComoAyudar #donaciones #voluntariado #generosidad - @infal_ac on Instagram

love you more heart i love you

- Thats a lot of beer for all the farmer protestors in the Netherlands.

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O Podemos oficializou na convenção do partido, nesta terça-feira (15), a candidatura do vereador @abiliobrunini a prefeito de Cuiabá com o vereador @felipewellaton , do Cidadania, a vice-prefeito. O deputado federal @josemedeirosmt foi homologado como candidato ao Senado Federal. #nossopartidoécuiabá #nossopartidoématogrosso #podemosmudarcuiabá #unidosporcuiabá #juntospodemos #podemos19 #cuiabá - @podemoscuiaba19 on Instagram

mais mais isso adicionalmente in addition plus

🇪🇸 Ayer fue un día intenso pero muy especial, tuvimos el placer de poder trabajar en un proyecto precioso del que pronto os desvelaremos más cosas😉🌳☘️🍀🍁🌱🍂🌿🍃🌼🌾❤️ 🇬🇧 Yesterday was an intense but very special day, we had the pleasure of being able to work on a beautiful project about which we will soon reveal more things 😉 🌳☘️🍀🍁🌱🍂🌿🍃🌼🌾❤️ #shooting #grabando #forest #bosque #project #passionproject #goodvibes - on Instagram

eu nao bebo mais cerveja antonio tabet porta dos fundos eu nao bebo bebida zero

A Kubota utility tractor matched with a Land Pride RC5715 rotary cutter is the official task master of government fleet operators who want to get the job done right the first time. Learn more about the RC5715 here: #LandPrideDoesThat #KubotaCountry #KubotaUSA #MyKubotaCan #KubotaUtilityTractors - @kubotausa on Instagram

cat corn cat eating corn

- Today was one of these glitch in the matrix kinda days.. So I took a cab this morning to get to work.. then after work I had to take a cab again from work to get back home early and the cab driver I randomly stopped happened to be the same guy..

juntos somos mair fortes acorja - @ddsc0mpanies on Instagram

sad but but why no crying

Hand over unit SDLG wheel Loader LG936L -- Papua Nusantara Prima, Timika #alatberat #alatberatindonesia #wheelloader #projectindonesia #papuaindonesia👑 #timikapapua - on Instagram

ai nao tem mais jeito f%C3%A1bio porchat porta dos fundos ai nao tem mais como ai nao tem mais o que fazer

- Balazo en el pie o tiro por la culata?

abell46s reface jaja joker joke

Whatever ya gotta do!! Air mattress wall!! 🎶🌴🌵 makeshift studio🎧 - @paulumbach on Instagram

loveyou more you

🇨🇱Ambiente dieciochero en nuestro locutorio!🇨🇱 Es miércoles en El Conquistador FM, la red más extensa de Chile🎙 - @elconquistadoraraucania on Instagram

forage chopping corn mais fr

🌿🌾🐛 Today marks the beginning of seed gathering season. It has never been more important for us to get our hands into the soil, and be aware of biodiversity. We are concerned about the lack of funding to monitor soils, whereas millions is spent on monitoring water and air quality. In the words of Matthew Orman at Sustainable Soils Alliance quoted by Fiona Harvey in @guardian: “The commitment for all soils to be sustainably managed by 2030 is now 10 years old. For this to be achieved, an ambitious strategy linking all the policy mechanisms – education, regulation, assessment and incentivisation – with clear milestones for delivery, is urgently needed.” Click the link in our bio to find out more. #soilalliance #soil #worldissue #cash #environment #monitoring #examining #water #air #investment #soilassociation #pesticides #pesticideuse #farmbirds #insecticides #herbicides #fungicides #molluscicides #acaricides #insecticides #herbacides #farming #sussexuniversity #professorgoulson #birds #birdlife #cocktaileffect #seedgathering #seedgatheringseason - @songbirdsurvival on Instagram

nao quero nunca mais olhar pra sua cara fabio de luca porta dos fundos some da minha vida sai fora

Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk Simples assim! É apenas o George Clooney...kkkkkkkkkk _ #batmanbrasil #batmancomics #Batman #benaffleck #michaelkeaton #christianbale #georgeclooney #willarnett #darkknight #cavaleirodastrevas #nerdbrasil #geekbrasil #gothamcity #adamwest #kevinconroy #davidmazouz #valkilmer _ ** #ligageek ** @gui.geek @geekbrilhante @doisperdidosnotempo @instageek88 _ *PARCEIROS* : @anime.land00 @ded_geekoficial @quarentenerds @geeksofstreet @nerdnadisney @cafedenerd @multiversomickey @onixxprimes @muundogeek @mundocamundongo @canal_conthai @heymagiss @ohayo_animes_of @nerdsabido @portalnerd_of @estandela_ - @nerd_arretado on Instagram

non mais

- Se cuidem crianças.

ibyte loja ibyte mais tech mais divers%C3%A3o

Terraceador Civemasa de 48 disco, largura de 17.7 Metros, foto do parceiro @murilozandonadi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #agricultor #turmadoagro #soja #milho #fazenda #sitio #plantio #agricultura #agro #lavoura #trator #agronomia #agronegocio #agriculture #agriculturabruta #agronomiabruta #agropecuaria #roça #brutos #soybean #vidanaroça #pecuaria #madeinroça #madeinroca #vidanocampo #caipira #madeinmato #country #brutas - @turma_do_agro on Instagram


- Brasil em 2020

ninguem aguenta mais essa sua positividade antonio tabet porta dos fundos abaixa o volume se acalma

Bring the (Florida) heat on the race tracks! We’re cheering on No. 42 driver, @MattKenseth good luck in the #CokeZero400 race this weekend. #MK42 - @creditonebank on Instagram

misscanon misscornon shifty shifty eyes frightened

- Vintage tractors

love you i love you heart

Tada!!! One of many containers has arrived 😊 Stay tuned for more info 😍 - @franceathome on Instagram

mais vous fumez monsieur sarkozy fumez sarkozy sarko mais vous fumez

‼Después de 20 años, sigue siendo un buen disco ‼. Dewey no se equivoca 😆. ¿Quien aún lo conserva en físico? 🤔. #meme #miércoles #Septiembre #fotodeldia #foto #Mexico #disco #cdmx #Guadalajara #Monterrey #mérida #yucatan #dosmil #imagen - @genitallicamx on Instagram

n%C3%A3o consegue uma coisa mais discreta rafael infante porta dos fundos n%C3%A3o tem nada mais simples algo que d%C3%AAmenos nas vistas

Feliz dia do Ortodontista meus amigos! - @brunodaureafurquim on Instagram

heu not impressed chloe but why disgusted

Novidade! A partir de hoje sou colunista da Revista Economia S/A @revistaeconomiasa 💕 Minha coluna falará dos influenciadores e seus destaques na economia, além de profissões, empresas e muito mais! ❤️ Muito obrigado Alessandra pela oportunidade! Vamos juntos nesse lindo projeto! Confiram: - @thiagomichelasi on Instagram

esquece que eu existo fabio de luca porta dos fundos nao me procura mais me erra

- Now that is expensive

mais en fait

- This $1.99 tshirt is tearing up my heart.

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2º LEILÃO TOUROS BRAFORD DO NOROESTE MINEIRO LUZ DE SÃO JOÃO – BRAFORD PARA TODOS DESTINOS 26/Set/20 – 13:00hs. – UNAÍ-MG (Transmissão: LUZ DE SÃO JOÃO (São Gabriel-RS) + SUCUPIRA (Buritis-MG) + UNAÍ LEILÕES (Unaí-MG), touros Braford Rústicos. Cidade de UNAÍ-MG, muito bem centralizada, no eixo central dos grandes centros da pecuária brasileira. Estância LUZ DE SÃO JOÃO (São Gabriel-RS). “Raça e genética que geram resultados”. Genética BRAFORD presente em 12 Estados brasileiros. #braford #abhb #ondacarabranca #luzdesaojoao #pecuaria #touro #unaileiloes #genetica #leilao #remate #embrioes - @celsojaloto on Instagram

corn hide

- Esse meme de jogar água para apagar o fogo do poste tem potencial?

te digo mais rafael portugal porta dos fundos tem mais nao acabou

- Here in my garage...

why but

- James ford

para luba lubatv chega para com isso

- Ive just noticed that there were three Alsco 300s this season, has any other company sponsored 3 or more races in a season before?

corn gang corn n friends corn corn cob corn and friends

- Always makes me happy to see Norm show up. Give it hell this Friday, Stormin Norman!

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Teamwork 🔥🔥🔥 vamos @maverick12official Fullgasss #monsteryamaha #mvk12 #motogp #styriagp #maverickteam - @julito60 on Instagram

um pouco mais 300 a little more

- Heavy Equipment

love love you love you lots love you more adore

The picture on the top was taken nine years ago by mother before I even began riding bulls. I built that barrel with just the help of my younger brothers. (All we had was an old barrel, 2 ropes, and 2 sturdy trees.) Fast forward to the year 2020 I am truly blessed to be living my dream. No matter what no dream is to big!! #blessedandmotivated @ariatinternational - @thebluemitchell on Instagram

spongebob sad but but why

- Drag

tell me everything tell me more pose model banana

Museu Emerson Fitipaldi. - @claudio_campos_c1 on Instagram

but why what not me

In this weeks episode The Job Guys hire an accountant-played by @caseydolkas -this should go well... checkout episode 9 available now on Amazon Prime- link in bio #comedy #jobguys #indiefilm #amazon #nowstreaming #funny #work #happy - @jobguys on Instagram

carina vitral mulher mulheres politica

🚨🚨Conforme a las recomendaciones del Gobierno de Puerto Rico, se #pospone la obra “El Matrimonio es un Toston” Les pedimos a quienes tienen boletos 🎫 que por favor los guarden. ¡Pendientes a la nueva fecha! 🚨🚨 - @quebradillasproduce on Instagram

laughing so hard laugh hahaha

- Steyr

googleit google ask look it up google has the answer

- I bought my friend a throw cushion with Pierce Brosnans face on it as a housewarming gift

corn is god bley sunday truck thunderstruck

Fall Mini Sessions are available! • Looking to capture character and connection during a busy schedule? Mini sessions are perfect for families, couples and seniors! It only takes 30 minutes! Hop on over to my website for more details, or message to claim a spot! #sandiegophotographer #sandiegoportraitphotographer #sandiegofamilyphotographer #powaycalifornia #powayphotographer #escondidophotographer #countryfamily #ranchfamily #tractor #uniquefamily #howtopose #posingtipsforfamilies #posingtips #familyphotoshoot #familyphotographer #countryfamilyphotos - on Instagram

adoptinga best friend mais laugh google

E VOCÊ COMO FICA NESSE CALOR? 😰🌞 ⠀ #liberdade929 #radioliberdade929 #meme #calordemais ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ - @liberdade929 on Instagram

cool corn cob anthony hopkins

É assim! Da mão dos nossos produtores parceiros para a mão do cliente, por isso chega com tanta qualidade e frexcor! ⠀ Tem MUITO carinho envolvido. Não é apenas uma caixa de verduras, vai muito além disso, vamos mudar o modo que nos alimentamos! - @frexcoalimentos on Instagram

serious stare jared dines serious look unimpressed its not funny

כולנו צחקנו איתם, כולנו אהבנו אותם, כולנו נזכור אותם. אבל הכל נגמר בגלל נהג מונית💔 אחד מהזוגות האהובים ביותר של המירוץ הגיע לריאיון מודח קורע במיוחד 🤣🤣🤣 קישור לריאיון המלא מחכם לכם בסטורי שלנו📱 כבר מתגעגעים? הם מחכים לכם בערוץ 13 מיד אחרי כל תוכנית 💥 - @theamazingraceisrael on Instagram

obama confused why why tho but

Llevá tus operaciones hacia un nuevo nivel de eficiencia, confort y conectividad con la nueva Serie 6M. Descubrila en #JohnDeereConecta #Tractor #JohnDeereArgentina - Tractores Serie 6M. Tractor 6190M. - @johndeereargentina on Instagram

muito very much a lot more plenty

Não perca uma oportunidade de ser feliz , porque senão o tempo acaba e sua chance acaba junto 🆗️😜 -—————--------- 👥|Marque um amigo 🔄|Compartilhe em seu perfil 🔔|Ative as notificações 💬|Deixe o comentário ❤|Siga-nos: @elite_br116 . . . #divulgacoes_0987 #festacaminhao #caminhaomylifeofc #gbn13am #caminhaoantigo #caminhao #caminhaotop #gfm39am #caminhãomylife #caminhão #caminhaopaisefilhos #gdv18am #graneleiros #galeradamadrugada #grupomafia #galeradaverdura #caminhaotruck #graneleiro #elite242 #fé #sonhos #felicidade #felicidadesempre #sonhoseplanos - @elite_br116 on Instagram

patrick mais sad

Novidades!! Todo mundo gosta!! - @globalagronegocios on Instagram

roberto sampaio 55 alvorada

#farming #dairy #prairies #canada #agriculture #johndeere #caseih #newholland #fendt #massey #versatile #claas #farmlife #agmorethanever #farm365 #grain #silage #hay #harvest #harvest18 #plant18 - @agriculturecanada on Instagram

but why why whaat umm

Thanks for the happy birthdays guys it means a lot to me also if could all tag or @sonnystrait on the comments my goal is to get him to say happy birthday to me it’s impossible i know but i can try - @krillin.inreal on Instagram

francisco neto francisco pa%C3%A7o do lumiar sou17 17

- Farming 3

cat cats corn

- **Covid 19 exists** ... meanwhile in Portugal


- THIS should be the cover of Nascar Heat 4 🐐

corn ninisjgufi kukuruza mais

#TRACTOR_LOVERZ_HOLLAND ## NEW HOLLAND ## jassrandhawa230 ##🚜🚜🚜❤❤❤ - @tractor_loverz_holland on Instagram

new corn order corn site best crop wave

What are you going to play this week? 🤔🎮 . In the last days I got back to both Red Dead Online and Fall Guys while waiting for new releases 🙌 Also its Monster Monday... So I had to stock up for the new week 🔥🔥 How many monster can you count in this pic? 🙌🤣 . #monstermonday #monsterenergy#monstergaming #ps4 #playstation #playstation4 #ps5 #playstation5 #gaming #instagaming #gamergram #gamerlife #gamersofinstagram #GhostofTsushima #reddeadredemption2 #thelastofus #thelastofus2 #sekiro #detroitbecomehuman #deathstranding #godofwar #bloodborne #thewitcher #horizonzerodawn #starwars #jedifallenorder #Wasteland3 #assassinscreed #odyssey #dragonquest - @itssimplyal on Instagram


If you havent watched Wicked Pulling Team Official then you are missing out!! Making extreme power Team Wicked uses Waterman Fuel Pumps to maintain a strong fuel pressure! When you see this beast leave the start line you say THAT IS PRETTY WICKED - @watermanracing on Instagram

plus plus un up vote un

- New Holland

queendugif why mais pourquoi francais

🚜 • • • #35mmfilm #35mm #35mmphoto #35mmphotography #mmfilm #zorki3 #jupiter9_85mm_f2_0 #russianstuff @kodak #ektachrome #100 #madebykodak #analog #analoglife #analogcamera #analogfilm #analogphoto #artphotography #analogphotography #filmphotography #filmmaking #filmisnotdead #keepfilmalive #ishootfilm #colors #thefilmcommunity #ursus #harvesttime - @milorzab on Instagram


#NHAG 300 Series - For pushing & digging, the Radial Lift geometry gives outstanding power through the direct connection of the boom with the frame. Productivity in applications such as manure handling, soil moving and yard scraping is boosted by their outstanding breakout force - @newhollandag on Instagram

misscanon misscornon blink wide eyed stunned

- @nickolodeonkidschoice on Instagram

On National tv in Brazil doing my thing not sure how this happened could be worse !!!! - @tom.worrell.5 on Instagram

- hmmm

SEGUI ⤵️ Credit👇🏻@motor.wolf.007 LIKE❤️ & CONDIVIDI💦 ⚜️ @ TAG 🏷 💬 ⚜️ 🇮🇹*[𝗜𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗶𝗮𝗻 𝗣𝗮𝗴𝗲]*🇮🇹 ⚜️ HASHTAG DELLA CREW 👉🏻 #wolfmotocrew🐺 🔗 Manda la tua foto📷 via Mail ✉️ 💬 DM per info ℹ️ 📥 . . . . . . #ktm#exc125#exc250#exc530#exc450#exc500#exc530#redbull#redbullracing#weelie#impennate#2tempi#4t#puresound#sound#2t#2tsound#power#cross#motocross#ktmexc125#passion#bike#biker#sportbike#motard#enduro#bikeporn#stunt#picoftheday ⚜️ - @motor.wolf.007 on Instagram

2º LEILÃO TOUROS BRAFORD DO NOROESTE MINEIRO LUZ DE SÃO JOÃO + SUCUPIRA + UNAÍ LEILÕES 26/Set/20 – 13:00hs. – UNAÍ-MG - (Transmissão: TOUROS REGISTRADOS – Marcados (B) e selecionados, com suas réguas de DEPs ideal para seu Sistema Reprodutivo. Cidade de UNAÍ-MG, muito bem centralizada, no eixo central dos grandes centros da pecuária brasileira. Vejam a listagem das principais distâncias. Estância LUZ DE SÃO JOÃO (São Gabriel-RS). “Raça e genética que geram resultados”. *BRAFORD PARA TODOS DESTINOS* Genética BRAFORD presente em 12 Estados brasileiros. #braford #abhb #ondacarabranca #luzdesaojoao #pecuaria #touro #unaileiloes #genetica #leilao #remate #embrioes - @celsojaloto on Instagram

[AIRE] 🎙 #QuiénPagaLaFiesta 👉 equipo completo 🤩 de 9 a 13hs 💥 @mciccioli @homeropettinato @augustocesarok @tamara.tarrio @mareke87 📞11 7082 0959 📲App Rock&Pop 📻95.9 🔗 #RockAndPop35años - @fmrockandpop on Instagram

- Case IH Tractors

Con pandemia o sin pandemia, el FUC! continúa siendo un espacio de promoción y difusión de cortometrajes 📽️ Este año tenemos muchos proyectos e ideas y para lograrlo, necesitamos personas que se quieran unir a nuestro equipo. Buscamos gente motivada, responsable y que gusten de los memes. Si vives, respiras y te apasiona el cine, te invitamos a inscribirte y conocernos 💘 ➡️ Deja tus datos en el link de la bio y nosotres te contactaremos - @fucfestival on Instagram

Pues si, hoy me caen 37 añazos!!. En este post tan sólo quería dar las GRACIAS a todas esas personas que durante este último año me han acompañado, me han sacado sonrisas, me han ofrecido su tiempo y cariño, me han cuidado, me han dado lecciones de las que he aprendido, me han apoyado por muy absurdos que fuesen mis proyectos o decisiones, me han animado y escuchado en momentos jodidos, han contado con mi trabajo en sus proyectos, y me han hecho mejor persona!! Por supuesto también a los que de una manera u otra han tenido que sufrir mis meteduras de pata, porque no han sido pocos mis errores... Y de una manera muy especial a mi familia, que siempre han estado a muerte con este auténtico desastre de persona 🙌🏼🙌🏼. Empiezo estos 37 (en casa, quién lo hubiese pensado el año pasado cayendo en sábado, pero la situación es la que es por desgracia...) con mucha fuerza, con mucha energía positiva, con nuevos proyectos, con ganas de comerme el mundo, y con ganas de seguir creciendo y aprendiendo de vosotros y a vuestro lado.. GRACIAS DE CORAZÓN A TODOS! Siempre seréis mi mejor regalo, y eso me hace feliz cada día que pasa... Este año no podré celebrar mi bday bailando desde una cabina con todos vosotros como viene siendo costumbre, pero en breve estaremos bailando y sonriendo como siempre! Ojalá sea pronto... Sin más, tan sólo deciros que OS QUIERO! Gracias por todo 🙏🏼❤️❤️ - @klasse_artist on Instagram

One year. It has been one year since my best friend found his place in heaven. Some days... I still don’t believe it is real. I’ll go about my day waiting for a text from you, or a simple call. Anything at all, then reality hits that I’ll never get another. You taught me so much, but there was still so much more to learn and do. My life has flipped upside down since I lost you, and most days are harder than the rest because of it. If I could have one wish in this life, it would be to have you back. Planting season isn’t the same without my food plots going in, harvest is now just with grandpa and not you, and redoing tractors has come to a hault. During deer season I wait for you to text me out of the stand and I don’t get it. The next time I shoot a big buck, it will not be the same because nobody will be as excited as you would be. I walk to the truck expecting to meet you there and you don’t come. You were my roll model, and I thank you every single day for making me the person that I am. People always acknowledge my good heart, and that’s because I got it from you. And even then, I wish to have half of the heart you did. Thank you for raising me and guiding me through some of the toughest times in my life. I only wish that you were here to help me get through them now instead of facing them alone, but maybe that is what you were preparing me for. I love you so much dad, more than anything in this world. I miss you more every day 💚 - @brooklynpardall on Instagram

Dirt candycane! - @gundermann_acres on Instagram

- Industrial

- They liv̶e

JSH 1:17 One of them spake unto me, calling me by name and said, pointing to the other—This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him! - @freedom_and_country on Instagram

🖤🖤🖤 Follow @farm24.7 Follow @farm24.7 #Repost @fendtforlive -- #fendtagricuture #fendtpower #fendtlove #fendtvario #fendtagricuture #fendtastic #fendttastic #viral #blackbeauty #black #farm #farmers #boeren #grass #agria #agriculture #agri #followforfollow #ukfarming - @farm24.7 on Instagram

Like🖤 ====================================== 📍Location: USA 📷 By photo @farmer_henry_us ====================================== ⠀ 📝Tag ➡️ #supertractors 📌Mention ➡️ @super.tractors ====================================== ⠀ 👆Follow the featured photographer for more. And tag your friends in the comments👇 ====================================== #tractor #sustainablefarming #farmingsimulator #farmerswife #dairyfarming #farmersmarket #abstractors #urbanfarmer #farmers #prilaga #farmingphotos #farmerlife #tractorpulling #flowerfarmer #tractorlife #farming #tractorride #urbanfarming #farmersdaughter #tractors #tractorsupply #farminglife #farmersmarkets #farmer #farmingdale #farmerflorist #farmington #organicfarming - @super.tractors on Instagram

- Tractor Pulling

Froberg’s Corn Maze & Fall Festival will begin Saturday, October 3rd through November 1st. For information and pricing, please check our website and click on ‘Fall Festival’. - @frobergsfarm on Instagram

3 tratores Case IH Steiger 420 vendidos em Espigão do Leste - MT. 🇧🇷 📸 @leuzin - @agrooficial on Instagram

John Deere 😍 📸- #farm #agri #manure #deere #john #johndeere #deerejohn #farming #followme #kissmybum - @farminginbritain on Instagram

Ростом с колесо! Мне бы такую 🚜 - @zakhar.malagas on Instagram

- @swaraj_tractor_official on Instagram

- Brian Frances take on Sundays Brickyard 400

Been a while, might start posting again @farmer.bucky #johndeere #JD #nocase #greenalltheway #like #green #nonstop #nothingrunslikeadeere #farmers #farm #farm4life #coal #power Follow the crew! @usa_agriculture @so.godmadeafarmer @Iowa_farmer_IA @caterpillar_tractors - @johndeere_everyday on Instagram

// NEW VINEYARDS All in a days work at #Chalmers #MERBEIN vineyard. Soil being prepared with compost for a new white mother block for incoming newly imported varieties (clip 1), a heavy pre-planting application of organic composted cow manure going in the vine line ready for some new plantings of #Nero #fiano #Ansonica #aglianico and #Teroldego (clip 2) and finally a new 2 hectare patch of #lambruscomaestri that was planted yesterday (clip 3). Amazing job by the vineyard team and all right in the middle of the busy nursery season. Never a dull moment! PS. if you’d like to know more about our vineyard establishment techniques there is plenty of informative stuff, videos and recommendations, on our website. - @chalmerswine on Instagram

Ângulos diferentes que mostram o trabalho que fizemos seguindi o projeto da amiga @arquitetacarmensilvia para suíte master. Aqui mostramos armário com portas de vidroe painel de TV e eletrônicos, todos em MDF @araucobrasil que tem otima durabilidade e acabamento. #suite #conforto #sossego #luxo #projeto #arquitetura #marcenaria - @pontualmarcenariacg on Instagram

Bobo Polisi ge gogodeg kunaon eta mobil bisa Kitu 🤣 Komo urang teu apal lur!!! . . 🚩 Jalan Nasional, Cioray Kersamanah-Garut 📸 Kiriman Netizen . @tiktokofficialindonesia #tiktokofficialindonesia @selebmusical_ly #selebmusically #selebmusical_ly @muser.generation #musergenerat #sasswars #saswars🔥 #sasswarsindonesia #tiktokbucin @officialtiktokbanbar #bucin #tiktokbucin #quotestoliveby #staysafe #stayhome #stayathome #socialdistancing #fff #fff💋 #fff😊 #lfl #lfl💛 #ffl #fff😊ff💋ff👌ff💕4f❤️🔝🔫💣44follow4followforfollow4f4frs4likeforlikeforfollow4likeforlikesback44likes4me4lramahhits #followersinstagram #followforfollowback #followersaktif #ffff #follow #followers #instagood #instalike #instagram - @amikproject_ on Instagram

#JohnDeere what a beautiful sight! Thanks @philipcotterf for sharing this awesome photo with us! #american_agriculture_ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #ag #farming #case #ih #caseih #johndeere #newholland #agco #fendt #challenger #massey #claas #cat #masseyfurgunson #sunflowers #farmdog #farming101 #farmlife #mcceormick #challenger #caterpillar #tractor #combine #farm #farmersfirst #farmhouse #farmlife #asgrow #farmhard #kenworth - @american_agriculture_ on Instagram

- Who doesnt love this?

- Goodnight, goodnight construction site

📸_ Colheita que Segue!!! @ducatti__ 🔝🇧🇷🌎🚜 . . . . AGRO 10 BRASIL TAMO NO COMANDO DO AGRO!!! . . . . #agricultor #agro10brasil #vidanocampo #agricola #agro #agricultura #milho #soja #agronegocio #agronegócio #campo #agrotech #agronomia #agronomiabruta #fazenda #sitio #bruto #roça #vidanaroça #madinroça #sistemabruto #trator #agricultura #agronomiarustica #agriculture_grobal #agronegociobrasil #rural #agropecuaria #4X4 - @agro_10_brasil on Instagram

Bhai aisa payment method kon use karega Tagg that friend - @next_octave_memes on Instagram

- A todo o nada

This is what a sister hangout looks like in the middle of harvest. Racing for the finish line, having two way radio conversations. #farmingsisters #onceafarmgirlalwaysafarmgirl #harvest2020 #farmgirls - @canadianfarmgirl on Instagram

Chegou feio 🤺 saiu bonito😉 Recomendações. * verifique os sapatos antes de usá-los * sempre lavar bem os pés * secar sempre com toalha * meias sempre de algodão * manter os pés sempre hidratado com creme * sabendo que tem unha complicada nunca corta-las em casa * caso tenha cortado e sentiu dor procure sua podologa antes que agrave a situação... Podóloga: Adna Miranda Tel. 011-99899-5621 - @podologaadnamiranda on Instagram

Filming on set for Be Someone. Last minute role as an undercover detective. #BeSomeone #SAG #tvseries #htown - @keegancmassey on Instagram

- @nino6316 on Instagram

Sappiamo bene quanto impegno ci vuole per raggiungere una qualità superiore. È per questo che scegliamo i nostri agricoltori in base al merito e premiamo concretamente il loro lavoro attraverso una politica di incentivi che possano spingerli verso un continuo miglioramento. Per noi, e per loro, Pomodorino d’Oro non è un punto d’arrivo, ma un nuovo punto di partenza. 🍅🤝 ❤️ #Storiedimpegno #muttipomodoro #Pomodorinodoro - @muttipomodoroit on Instagram

Were off to the races! After sampling some corn last week we found out that we needed to wait a little bit longer for the dry matter to be at an optimal level. We waited patiently for a few days and now its time to start chopping corn for the 2020 season! #cowchow #DutchHollowFarm #dairygood #undeniablydairy #dairyfarm #nyagriculture #nyag #upstateNY #corn #chopper #harvest - @dutchhollowfarm on Instagram

- Iannone bingo

Harvested a high and low population non-irrigated hybrid trial today at PDP farms in Artesia. #mscrops #MSUext (Nolan Stapleton, @msuextservice Corn Verification Program associate) - @mississippicrops on Instagram

Um pouco dos trabalhos incríveis realizados pela Equipe de Manutenção do Campo Olímpico de Golfe; dentre eles, tratamento dos greens, do Driving Range e da Academia. Este é o Legado Olímpico em ação, proporcionando um campo lindo para todos. Agradecemos à equipe e aos coordenadores 👏🏽⛳️ Fotos: Cláudio Favoreto - @campoolimpicodegolfe on Instagram

Cosechadora John Deere 9670 STS: Muy buen estado General Año: 2013 Hs Motor: 2265 Hs Trilla: 1724 - Plataforma Drapper de 35 Pies Financiación Flexible! ¡Consultanos y armamos un Plan a tu medida! #usados #cosechadoras - @rattohnos on Instagram

Transportador de Plantadeira 7.5 mts - #macfortes #implementos #agricola #agricultura #agricultor #agro #transportador #plantadeira - @macfortes on Instagram

#timelapsetuesday I give you the Steiger 400! #steiger #caseih #puckcustomenterprises #shitshow #vti #aintsheabeaut #manure #manurespreaderpodcast #organicfertilizer - @farmermccaw on Instagram

- É muito porco mamando nessas tetas, impressionante!!

2 promozioni, 2 derby e 2 salvezze 💛💙 #parmacalcio #daversa #seriea - @tifosi_del_parma on Instagram

- Very secure rolls on the roll.

- pros vs cons

- La materia no se crea ni se destruye, se transforma

Thomas Betz unser Auszubildender hat seine ersten Prüfungen mit gutem Ergebnis abgeschlossen 👍💯👏 Nach der abgeschlossenen Hospitationsphase darf er jetzt Theorieunterricht halten und Fahrstunden in seinem neuen Audi A1 geben. 😃 Thomas kommt aus Roth, ist 26 Jahre alt. Wir freuen uns sehr, dass er uns ab sofort in unseren Fahrschulen Roth, Allersberg und Hilpoltstein unterstützt. 👏 #diefahrschulemitdemstern #olaf_grosshauser #fahrschuleolafgrosshauser #hilpoltstein #allersberg #roth #führerscheinausbildung #fahrlehrer #fahrlehrerausbildung #ausbildung #wirfreuenunsaufdich #audi #audia1 #grabbertwerbung - @fahrschuleolafgrosshauser on Instagram

CLAAS LEXION , intramontabile 🥰🥰. . Prima macchina consegnata per la stagione riso 2020 . LEXION 760 terra trac , sarà una delle tante 💪💪💪💪 , complimenti per l’acquisto 👏👏. . #zella #claas #lexion #combine #harvest #rice #dealer #professional #summer - @zella_agricoltura on Instagram

The image is funny, but the message is serious. Please slow down for our farmers. #StayAlert - @msfarmbureau on Instagram

Ploughing for barley with a Vari-Master 183! Thanks for sharing these 📸 @mikefuller_agri 😍🌾 #kuhn #bestrongbekuhn #ploughing #plough #soil #fendt #qualitycrops #arable #farming #agriculture - @kuhn_uk on Instagram

- Science

Ô juizão, libera logo! #futliga #voltafutebol #covid19 #varzea #futebol #futsal #instagood #instafutsal #fut7 #futebol7 - @futliga on Instagram

Gracias Doc. @gabriel_rapan , segundo retoque de nariz después de los 15 días, anímate no duele y logras lo que querés!! Gracias Doc. Feliz !!! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 #pride🌈 #dragqueen #transformistas #actores #dancerboys - @alexgrudque on Instagram

• NO VABBÈ AHAHAHAHA . • @schiaccia_passi ⬅️ sempre un passo avanti!!🔝 . . Passate da ⤵️ @italian.biker . #bike #bikegirl #bikegirls #bikelove #bikelover #bikelovers_ig #bikelovers #biker #bikeporn #bikepassion #moto #motorbike #motorcycle #motorcycle #motorcyclist #motor #motogirl #motorcyclesofinstagram #instamotogallery #instamotor #instamotorcycle #instamotorbike #ilredelpistone #meme #memeita #memeitalia #schiacciapassi #memeitalia #memeitaliani - @il_redelpistone on Instagram

- One in the back and the bucket up on the trailer. Fuck it

- Me_irl

Had to evacuate the ranch two nights ago. Grateful we have a safe place to stay with family that is willing to take us, our neurotic pit bull and six very unhappy barn cats. #czulightningcomplex - @emilyholleman on Instagram

O #Kubota M4002 dá-lhe uma versatilidade perfeita para o seu trabalho de campo ou trabalhos de manuseio de material. #kubota #grupoautoindustrial - @kubota.portugal on Instagram

¿Quién derrocha más sensualidad? A-Tala B-Francho C-El Chino (ni sale, pero sentimos su rica presencia)🔥 - @nisumaniresta on Instagram

- Agriculture staff

When those critical supplies just have to get there on time, utilize your Big Tex 14OA for quick deliveries. In today’s fast-paced environment, every minute counts and the 14OA provides a lot of versatility to quickly get a variety of cargo where it needs to be. #14OA - @bigtextrailersinc on Instagram

Aquí tienen algunas recomendaciones de películas para celebrar el Día de la astronomía en casa para ayudar a #aplanarlacurva. Mi favorita es Contact! 🌌👩‍🚀📡🤩 Pero también recomiendo The Martian y la serie Mars. Ahí me comentan si les gustan o que opinan cuando las vean 🤩 - @elisemarie_sb on Instagram

Alô povo da dieta! Quem se identifica? 😂 #NãoDeu ⠀ #IsraeleRodolffo #Analaga - @israelerodolffo on Instagram

#spottedunical #unical #spotted - @spotted_unical on Instagram

A IC Transporte, empresa de logística sediada em Sumaré (SP), há 30 anos PERCEBE O RISCO que existe no trânsito de cidades e estradas. Por isso, PROTEGE A VIDA através da conscientização não apenas de seus colaboradores, mas também de todos que fazem parte das comunidades em que está inserida ou que impacta de alguma forma. “Por isso, nosso desejo para o futuro do trânsito nas estradas no Brasil é que seja seguro para todos, pedestres, ciclistas, motociclistas, motoristas eventuais e motoristas profissionais”, afirma Fernanda Sarreta, vice-presidente administrativa da IC. . . #volvo #volvocaminhoes #volvotruck #segurancanotransito #dianacionaldotransito - @volvocaminhoes on Instagram

- John Deere

- Cartoon - Kyle Busch wins 200 races in NASCAR

Bom de Cocho #GRL #RONICARGAS #EQUIPECAÇAMBA #08am #br116 - @grlrapidoloucura_oficial on Instagram #luxembourg #caseih #newholland #johndeere #fendt #agco #challenger #work #masseyferguson #farmer #valtra #jcb #ursus #versatile #harvest #claas #deutz #masseyferguson #caterpillar #farm #agriculture #landwirtschaft #traktor #tractor #bauer #landwirt #milk #cows #luxembourg - @johny_fans_ on Instagram

Nicolas SPMT with PPU 10 axle 8 axle is driven With special offer For more info contact us! #spmt #nicolase #goldhofer #transport #transportation #scheuerle #kamag #trailer #mammoet #bucknerheavylift #crane #dozer #spt #craneporn # - on Instagram

- Why two simulators?

I would happily take another wreck like this, plowing my face right in the dirt, and fixing my broken #dirtdolphin to make all this #corona stuff go away like right now!!! I wanna get back to normal 😤😤😤 #thiswasamistake #oops #MonsterJam #broken #coryrummell #shark #monstertruck #megalodon - @coryrummell on Instagram

Never gets old! 💪 #Fendt 📸: @stevo7_agrifoto in Hájske - @agcocorp on Instagram

#farming #dairy #prairies #canada #agriculture #johndeere #caseih #newholland #fendt #massey #versatile #claas #farmlife #agmorethanever #farm365 #grain #silage #hay #harvest #harvest18 #plant18 - @agriculturecanada on Instagram

Our versatile Speed-Tiller high-speed disk cuts, sizes and incorporates high levels of crop residue to improve your crop yields and soil health. To provide even more options and configurations to meet your needs, we now have a 27-foot configuration available! Link in bio. - @case_ih on Instagram

- Blursed_thumbnail

#Stroh pressen mit einer #claasquadrant 2200 und einem mir einem #fendtfavorit512c und ein andermal mir einem #fendtvario924 - @grossflaechendesigner on Instagram

...pensieri e priorità... . . . . . #scannellare #scannellatoriseriali #triatletiignoranti #siamotuttitriatletiignoranti #pensiero #pensieri #pinarello #mondiale #mondiali #preventivo #meme #memes #memeita #memeitalia #memeitaliani #memeitaliane #memeitaliano - @scannellatori_seriali on Instagram

It was silage time again today. Lots of action........chopping, rolling and 3 trucks on the go!!! #drone#farm#silage#dairyfarm#feed#rolling#chopper#claas#rural#farmlife#dairyfarm#farmliving#rurallife#farming#droning#countrylife#johndeere#photography#countryliving#farmlifebestlife#dronephotography#photographyeveryday#chopping#farmphotography#farmlife#documentingourdays#countryphotography#outdoorphotography#rural_love#countrylifestyle - @mullins_dairy_farm on Instagram

Fendt 942 * #fendt #fendtlove #fendtpower💪 #fendtpower #fendtvario #fendtvarioprofiplus #fendt942 #fendtvario942 #fendtglobal #vario #bodenbearbeitung #wirbleibenzuhause #power #profi #landleben #landtechnik #lohnunternehmen #lohnbetrieb #agco #landwirtschaft #trecker #draußen #farm #farmlife #treckerpower #trecker_power #942 #tractor #tractorpower #boden - @eiche.55 on Instagram

🟢🔴 C L A A S 🔴🟢 • [*Werbung] #claas#claasaxion#claasaxion870#landwirtschaftistleidenschaft#farming#lohnunternehmen#farmgirl#girlsforbigmachines#agrarstudentin#landwirtinausleidenschaft#frauenpower#fraueninderlandwirtschaft#ackerbau#passionforfarming#landleben#hektarreißen#grubbern#lemken#lemkenkarat9 - @_babettephotography_ on Instagram

Case IH 1455 XL am ackern. Sende mir deine 1455 Bilder. #case #ih #1455 #xl #caseih #caseih1455 #caseih1455xl #ih1455 #ih1455xl #1455xl #ihc #international #grubber #stroh #strohpressen #anbau #blacksmoke #besterarbeitsplatz #bisdasnichtmehrschockt #dampfhammer #daseinzigwahre #erntezeit #ernte #einmal1455immer1455 #feuerinallentöpfen #feuerohneende #güllebomber #gülleauflieger #gülle #hubraumüberhubraum # - @case_ih_1455_xl on Instagram

Like💙 Grazie @brezzi_farm #newholland #t8 #crosetto #adm #powertractors #farm #agriculture - @powertractors_ on Instagram

Get to know #HobartWelders partner @vivona_art: 👨‍🏭 Michael Vivona 📍 E. Patchogue, NY Michael first started welding 10 years ago out of necessity. At first, he got by using a $99 flux-cored welder on small projects, then moved to a MIG welder when he started taking on larger projects. By day, Michael is a union plumber. After hours, he’s an artist. Michael’s metal sculptures are so unique, that you have to see to believe — trust us. He brings seemingly ordinary objects and materials to life. Fun Facts: 🔸Favorite welding process: MIG “because of its simplicity and cleanliness” 🔸Favorite Hobart® product: Handler® 140 MIG welder 🔸Favorite welding project: A life sized horse sculpture named Phoenix — standing 7’ tall 7’ long, made from recycled materials. 🗣️Words for Other Welders: “My only advice for welders is to be safe, buy quality equipment and work in a ventilated area.” Be sure to check out his work. 👉 @vivona_art #HobartWelders #HobartWeldersPartner #welding #DIY - @hobartwelders on Instagram

The LoadLifter 5000 might be the standard, but its no joke! Check out @mirabaljms set-up, featuring support from our LoadLifter 5000 air springs. 😍 . Want to see your truck featured on our page? Drop a pic in our DMs! 📲 - on Instagram

- Farming simulator

Rolo Faca Fênix de 06 a 09 Metros - Facas removíveis e protegidas - Quebra ondas internas - 👉 Solicite nos um orçamento - WhatsApp📲 (54)9.9261-4740 - Facebook: Macfortes Implementos Agrícolas - #macfortes #implementos #agricola #rolofaca #rolofacafênix #agricultura #agricultor #agro - @macfortes on Instagram

Este lado para cima ⬆️ #MAFIAGBN - @gbn13am_oficial_ on Instagram

- Problema resolvido. Brazil unido em 2018!

Mining with Pama🔥 . . . #romansasopirtruck #truck #mining #pamapersadanusantara #pamapersada #tambanghits #tambangbatubara #tambangupdate #tambangnasional #tambangbatubarakaltim #tambangindonesia #bontangku #bontang #indominco #indonesiatransportation #alatberat #alatberatindonesia #duniamekanikalatberat #volvofh16 #volvotruckindonesia #volvotrucks - @ayongrindika_bt on Instagram

Pre-owned machine of the week. Sennebogen 821R material handler, located in Taupo 12,500 hours, Wheeled Cabin Machine, No end attachment. $125,000 + GST Learn more here: #usedequipment #wevegotyourback - @transdieselltd on Instagram

- hmmm

Checkout the cultivator on this crawler! This Oliver HG Crawler has the seldom seen front mount cultivator. This would make a sweet demonstrator at your next tractor show. Check it out on the Devling Tractor & Antique Auction #aumannauctions #aumannvintagepower #classictractorfever #farmer #farm #farming #agiculture #farmmachinery #classictractor #classictractorstv #tractorauction #agriculture #farming #farmlife #farm #farmer #farmlife #farmmachinery #tractorvideo #tractorrebuild #tractorrepair #enginerepair #enginerebuild #cultivating #fieldwork #tractors - @classic_tractor_fever_tv on Instagram

Hoje, completo mais um ano de vida e percebo que a cada ano eu me conheço mais um pouco. Não sou perfeito e, aliás, ninguém é, mas quanto mais eu olho para mim, mais sei cuidar da minha vida e entendo o que realmente mereço. Parabéns para mim e que este ano seja mais um ano de evolução! 😂😅🙏✍🏻 - @douglas_siqueira1 on Instagram

This time of year, there are many late nights on the farm. We work when mother nature cooperates to get our crops harvested. #wearegrowers #halfyourplate #nsgrown #supportlocal #farmfood #tasteofns #doyouknowwhatwegrow #lovefarming #buylocal #meetyourfarmer #yourfarmersyourns #agdaily #agmorethanever #countrymagicproduce #annapolisvalley #novascotia - @countrymagicproduce on Instagram

Trabajo Continuo de Mano de los Obreros del municipio de Yumbo El personal de trabajadores oficiales, con la coordinación del Secretario de Infraestructura Jorge Hernán Solano, continúan trabajando por directriz del Alcalde Jhon Jairo Santamaría Perdomo, en el mejoramiento de las vías públicas en la jurisdicción urbana y rural del municipio. Esta vez, el turno correspondió al barrio Finlandia, mediante la utilización de material excedente de obras públicas de INVÍAS, para pavimentar un sector vecinal . #CreemosEnYumbo - @alcaldiayumbo on Instagram

😍😍😍🤤🤤🤤🥵🥵John Deere 6910😍😍🤤🤤👌👌 #johndeere #6910 #10series #oldschool #greenandyellow #likeadeere #greenpower - @john_deere_series on Instagram

Mais um verdinho no campo!! Confira a entrega do trator 5080E 12x12 Power Reverse à familia Pereira de Santo Antônio do Sudoeste- PR. 🚜🙋‍♂️👊 - @verdesuljohndeere on Instagram

- kaching

beautiful day on site. today’s focus is on the centre lodge! - @cibukan on Instagram

Ci siamo! 💻🎥è tutto pronto per la diretta streaming: questanno gli eventi si seguono da remoto! Come fare? ✏️ registrati (link in bio) 📩 leggi la mail (da con le credenziali personali e il link per accedere alla piattaforma dedicata ➡️ entra nella piattaforma a partire dalle ore 9 🖥 scegli il canale e segui la diretta 🌿vivi la sostenibilità! #CSRIS20 - @salone_csr_is on Instagram

Claas 850🔥🚜 Grazie @therealchiaroferragno #sametrattori#deutzfahr#lamborghinitrattori#hurlimann#fendt#johndeeere#newholland#valtra#fiat#claas#case#masseyferguson#mccormick#landini#bossini#ravizza#maschiogaspardo#friuli#arrizza#spedo#rinieri#kuhn#tractor#farm#farming#landwirt#landwirtschaft#agricoltura#agricolture#agricolture_global - @the_tractors on Instagram

💪💥 Ploughing for barley with a VM 123, 5 furrow NSH at 6 inches deep with B&B Tractors last week! Master plough range ➡️ #BeStrongBeKUHN #Ploughing #plough #soil #crops #barley #agriculture #farming #britishfarming - @kuhn_uk on Instagram

Na primeira noite de disputa do Monster Energy Team Challenge, as equipes que venceram seu confrontos foram Time Leme, Time Alves e Time Stetson Wright. Team Cooper Tires, Team Union Mortgage and Team Las Vegas won their matchups last night in Las Vegas during @pbr Monster Energy Team Challenge #bullriding #montariasemtouros #pbr #teamchallenge #lasvegas #southpoint #nevada #pbrfcoficial Foto: @bullstockmedia - @bullridingoficial on Instagram

- Capa do jornal O Dia - 25/05/2020

😍😍😍🤤🤤👌👌🔥🔥John Deere 7710 👌👌👌🔥🔥🔥😍😍 #johndeere #7710 #10series #thebest #likeadeere #nothinsrunlikeadeere - @john_deere_series on Instagram

- Soy McStupids Had Some Farms. E, I. E, I. Chapter 12.

Research and development is an integral part of what growing grains should be about. Regenerative agriculture practices set in an organic system is key to creating a balanced healthy soil, which in turn creates a healthy eco system. This is the rabbit hole that @turloughkeenan and myself have gone down and I’m not sure where it will take us, but it’s both fascinating and damn exciting to see the development from where we started with a few grams of grains to the present biodiversity on the farm. All this work is of course made easier when you have machines as aides to assist in the sowing, harvesting, drying and cleaning of the different crops, of which cereals are just a part. Cover crops are essential in building balance, which is the next step in the system, harvesting and saving seeds from this process. We’re fortunate to have learned so much about farming and machines from an early age, which makes all of this possible plus a good dash of enthusiasm and maybe a sprinkling of determination in there too! Pictured here are Turlough’s three combines, the wee Wintersteiger with a 1.5m header for small test plots, the Sampo with a 2.0m header for seed bulking and the John Deere for the rest. . . . #harvest2020 #testplots #researchanddevelopment #regenerativeagriculture #organic #organicfarming #organicfood #grains #cereals #wheat #rye #trialanderror #constantlylearning #ireland #thisisirishfood #monaghan #laragh #samporosenlew #wintersteiger #johndeere #plotcombine #plotequipment - @fintankeenan on Instagram

@turloughkeenan together with our cousin Martin Keenan and the @irishorganicassociation have been busy sowing organic heritage wheat trials in three different counties in Ireland as part of a research project to focus on soil and climate so that we can better understand their roles in the quality of the grains. . . The planting conditions have been exceptional and having the right equipment, quality heritage wheat varieties and diligent manpower makes all the difference. It will be very exciting to see the results from such a trail in counties Monaghan, Meath and Carlow. . . . #organic #organicfarming #heritagewheat #springwheat #testplots #irishorganicassociation #thisisirishfood #realbreadireland #hege80 ##plotdrill #ferguson #mf35 #monaghan #meath #carlow #ireland #foodrevolution - @fintankeenan on Instagram

İlk e-Yarışım olan 19 Mayıs Rallycross yarışına evden hazırım. Yarışı canlı izlemek isteyeneleri 16.00da @fordturkiye Youtube kanalına bekliyoruz... - @murat_bostanci on Instagram

Case IH 1455 XL am Mais abfahren mit einem Kaweco Radium 45 #case #ih #1455 #xl #caseih #caseih1455 #caseih1455xl #ih1455 #kaweco #häckselwagen #radium45 #mais #maisernte #ihpower #immeramgas #blacksmoketothemoon #besterarbeitsplatz #bisdasnichtmehrschockt #dampfhammer #daseinzigwahre #einmal1455immer1455 #feuerinallentöpfen #feuerohneende #hubraumstattvario #hubraumstattwohnraum #powerohneende #waffenschmiedeneuss - @case_ih_1455_xl on Instagram

#johndeere🚜 - @_john__deere_ on Instagram

- Case IH Tractors

#lubauer #erdmulde #tridemerdmulde #johndeere #johndeere6250r #linderundfischer #erdmafia - @fabi.niezz on Instagram

- Farm

- amazon fba tools youtube

- hmmm

Javier nos muestra que su pasión se mantiene intacta a lo largo del tiempo. ¡Gracias por compartir! #SomosJohnDeere #JohnDeereConecta #JohnDeereArgentina - Tractor 730. Foto por Javier L. - @johndeereargentina on Instagram

Wenn jemand sagt ihm ist schwarz vor Augen, denk ich immer an sowas😂🤪😍 #case #ih #1455 #xl #caseih #caseih1455 #caseih1455xl #ih1455xl #1455xl #ih1455 #treckertreck #traktorpulling #blacksmoke #blacksmoketothemoon #besterarbeitsplatz #bisdasnichtmehrschockt #dampfhammer #daseinzigwahre #einmal1455immer1455 #feuerinallentöpfen #feuerohneende #hubraumüberhubraum #hubraumstattvario #hubraumstattwohnraum #ihpower #immeramgas #powerohneende #waffenschmiedeneuss # - @case_ih_1455_xl on Instagram

Cosechadora Vassalli AX 7500: Piloto Trimble Muy buen estado general! Tracción Simple Rodado Dual Plataforma 30 pies Horas Motor 5.090hs (2.255hs) / Reparado con 800 Hs Año 2011 Financiación flexible. Consultanos y armamos un plan a tu medida!!! #usado #cosechadoras - @rattohnos on Instagram

- John Deere Equipment

Sueño cumplido !!!! Millones de gracias por hacerlo feliz !!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ - @fisiojtatay on Instagram

Après une préparation dans nos ateliers 💪 Direction le secteur de Seurre pour la mise en route dune rampe de semis GASPARDO 3m avec trémie frontale PA1 de 1100 l. 👍 Merci à nos clients pour leur confiance 🙏 #CLAAS ##gaspardo #maschio - @claas_bourgogne on Instagram

Book your private or group practice session at Perris Auto Speedway by emailing Also available for movie, television and commercial shoots. @perrisautospeedway - @perrisautospeedway on Instagram

🚚 Gracias a este camión cisterna y a nuestro acuerdo con #TransportesViercy, ¡ahora también podrás repostar nuestro #AdBlue en #Canarias! 🙌⁣ ⁣ ⛽ Se distribuirá #AdBlue4you a granel a flotas de autobuses y camiones, así como a distintas estaciones de servicio de Gran Canaria y de Tenerife.⁣ ⁣ #GreenChem #Transporte #Diésel #Juntosporunmedioambientesostenible - @greenchem_iberia on Instagram

- @asaf_trifon on Instagram

It’s go time in Clark County, Ohio! 🎥: Lynn Alan Farms/Ag-Pro London. . . . #agpro #agproco #strongonservice #equippedforanything #johndeere #johndeeregreen #deere #deeresighting #nothingrunslikeadeere #drivegreen #combine #tractor #harvest #fall #farm #farms #farmer #farming #farmlife #americanfarmer #equipment #farmequipment #crops #field #harvest20 # - @agproco on Instagram

Estou apaixonado😍😍 essa Nova inverter Black Trane, ficou TOP demais!!! @tranebrasil @tranelatinamerica @leverosoficial @leveros.profissionaliza Corre na Leveros e garanta a sua!!! - @noda_eng on Instagram

#farming #dairy #prairies #canada #agriculture #johndeere #caseih #newholland #fendt #massey #versatile #claas #farmlife #agmorethanever #farm365 #grain #silage #hay #harvest #harvest19 #plant19 - @agriculturecanada on Instagram

@twonuttychicks_ #peanuts #peanuts19 ##nofarmersnofood #thankafarmer #agriculture #farming #2019 #onlyga #georgia_agriculture #gafarms #farmlife Follow the crew 👇🏻🚜👇🏻 @northcarolina_farming @everything_caseih @farmmoney_usa @farmers_daily @usa_agriculture - @georgia_agriculture on Instagram

Texas Longhorn and horses 💪😃 - @dapperdanbob on Instagram

Hello October! Performance in just one pass! 💥💪 A PERFORMER 4000 out working with Farol Ltdthis week! #BeStrongBeKUHN #PERFORMER #Cultivation @FarolLtd - @kuhn_uk on Instagram

Its a beautiful day to harvest some soy beans, am I right?! 📸 : Lazy TV Ranch in Selby, SD - @titan_machinery on Instagram

John Deere 6190R . . . #johndeere#johndeerepower#johndeeregreen#johndeere6r#johndeere7r#johndeere8r#johndeere6130r#mecklenburgischeseenplatte#mecklenburgvorpommern#johndeerelife#johndeerelove#johndeerelover#johndeerelovers#fendt#claas#case#krampe#krampekipper#krampebigbody#johndeeremv#johndeere8345r#johndeere6155r#johndeere6150r#johndeere6190r#johndeere8320r#johndeere8285r#badenwürttemberg#neubrandenburg#newholland #johndeere8400r - @js_shoots on Instagram

John deere 💚🚜 Grazie @ #sametrattori#deutzfahr#lamborghinitrattori#hurlimann#fendt#johndeeere#newholland#valtra#fiat#claas#case#masseyferguson#mccormick#landini#bossini#ravizza#maschiogaspardo#friuli#arrizza#spedo#rinieri#kuhn#tractor#farm#farming#landwirt#landwirtschaft#agricoltura#agricolture#agricolture_global - @the_tractors on Instagram

A realistic model version of Volvo’s biggest articulated hauler, the LEGO® Technic 6x6 Volvo Articulated Hauler (42114) is ideal for Dads who love construction vehicles 🚜 The truck is powered by 1 large angular position motor, 1 XL motor and 1 L motor with a Bluetooth controlled Smart Hub for realistic functionality 👏 Shop: #LEGO #technic #construction #bluetoothcontrolled #fathersdaygifts #imagineiftoys - on Instagram

Vendange 2020 🍇 . #nestuby #cotignac #var #chateaunestuby #wine #domaine #winery #vignoble #vigneronindependant #recoltant #familleRoubaud #visitvar #visitprovence #myprovence #vendange - @chateaunestuby on Instagram

@galiano_gustavo 💛#johndeerepasion y etiquetanos en tu foto😉💚💛#calidad #integridad #compromiso #johndeerepasion #johndeere🌱🇦🇷🌾 #fuerza #inteligencia #agro admin:@leocanale_ok - @john_deere_pasion on Instagram

- .BIPoC - Jim Crow & Great Migration

#johndeere🚜 - @_john__deere_ on Instagram

O melhor escritório! - @toroperformancebr on Instagram

Atoladas em Maçambará-RS Foto:@jaque_tonetto . . . #agrozona#agro#farm#agricultura#agriculture#agronomia#agronomy#fazenda#trator#tractor#agropecuaria#pecuaria#farm - @agrozona on Instagram

Who’s got the best tractor? #ihatecityboys - @nocityboyz on Instagram

- @toubacakanam on Instagram

Another step closer to #harvest20 ! • • • Harvester is out, greased and chains oiled! Waiting on some belting for the primary then it should be good to go! • • 4455 will be on 4Row Grimme and the 7820 will be on the digger! I’ll be running a 7230 on the 2Row grimme! • • • • • #clarkinfarms #peipotatoes #agmorethanever #allanequipment #johndeere #johndeere4455 #potatoharvest #potatofarm #harvest20 #harvest2020 #potatodigger #digger #digging #harvesting #almost #8rows #peimade #islandmade #peiagriculture #peiag #deeresighting @agsteeze @aginthefield @agmorethanever @nothing_but_johndeere @johndeere - @thepotatohustler on Instagram

⚠️⚠️⚠️ Área da Abertura Oficial da Colheita do Arroz 2021 semeada hoje 🌾🌾🌾 @federarroz @embrapa @irgars - @irgazonasulrs on Instagram

Skörden 2020 är klar💯 #lantligt #plöjboy #frånjordtillbord - @muaymakha on Instagram

VAMOS REDESCOBRIR O BRASIL? Na terceira viagem da expedição virtual Redescobrir o Brasil o nosso Food Hunter (caçador de comidas) e Chef Embaixador Rafael Bruno, @rafaelbrunnop, chegou a um novo destino: o estado de Mato Grosso do Sul. Sua economia tem como base, principalmente, a pecuária e a agricultura. Além disso, tem uma considerável produção de aves e suínos. A agricultura é responsável por grande parte das plantações de milho, algodão, soja e cana-de-açúcar. O estado tem uma grande diversidade de povos e abriga a terceira maior colônia japonesa no Brasil, Além disso, é casa da segunda maior população indígena sobrevivente em terras nacionais: Guaranis, Terena, Guató e Kadiwéu resistem por todo território. O Pantanal, uma das mais exuberantes e diversificadas reservas naturais do mundo, é reconhecido pela UNESCO como Patrimônio Natural da Humanidade, e uma combinação harmoniosa entre turismo de aventura, de contemplação e turismo de experiência. Chegando em Campo Grande , capital do estado , me encontrei com o Chef Embaixador Nacional Paulo Machado, @chefpaulomachado, pesquisador e fundador do Instituto Paulo Machado, @Institutopaulomachado, colunista da Revista Menu, @revistamenu, e CBN, @cbncampogrande. O Chef Paulo apresentou o Macarrão de comitiva: “O macarrão de comitiva, para ser feito precisa de uma esquisita porém nobre tarefa: quebrar o macarrão. Uma vez que o prato é preparado de forma rudimentar em um fogo montado no campo e que serve para alimentar os peões que fazem parte da trasladação do gado no Pantanal e rregião. É uma variação do arroz carreteiro e é principalmente realizado nas comitivas pelo cuca O aroma que está aqui é dos Deuses... agora vou degustar o macarrão de comitiva que além de muito saboroso , trás a cultura brasileira para nossa mesa. Querido Paulo , muito obrigado por essa saborosa recepção! Agora vou pegar estrada com a minha “ comitiva para desvendar outros sabores do nosso Brasil. ROTA GASTRONÔMICA TURISMO Redescobrir o Brasil @rotagastronomicaturismo #RotaGastronômica #RedescobrirOBrasil #Turismo #DestinosTurísticos #ChefsEmbaixadoresDoBrasil #ChefsEmbaixadores #ChefEmbaixador #EmbaixadoresEmAção #Brasil - @rotagastronomicaturismo on Instagram

Me acaba de llegar un paquete inesperado... Ya estoy bautizado por la family de @eskukodrift con camiseta, pegatinas y lo más importante de todo... CHULETA DE KILO 😂😂😂😂😅😍 así si que voy a ir bien de cantuu 😂 QUE GRANDES SOIS #Eskuko #Drift GRACIÑAS #TeamChuletaPulpeira #OneLove - @pablogoprolopez on Instagram

- Tyler Reddicks championship flag destroyed the #9s quarter panel

Bora trabalhar agora!🙏🏻💪🏻 - @wedderborges on Instagram

!!! DIE LITFASSBRAUSE IST IM FINALE !!! Zusammen mit euch im Kollektiv haben wir eine Brausewelle gegen Rassismus angeschoben 💪🏾✊🤘😀!! Richtig richtig dickes WOW + DANKESCHÖN! Die letzten Tage haben so richtig Spass gemacht mit euch allen! Vielen Dank für das überwältigende Feedback und den Einsatz!! Jetzt dürfen wir auf Platz 2 die Litfassbrause im Oktober der Jury präsentieren!! Wir sind immernoch total aufgeregt :) ! Jetzt machen wir uns erstmal n Bier auf :) Prost ihr Lieben! Euer Brause-Kollektiv #danke #wirsindmehr #litfassbrause #brausekollektiv #AufstehenGegenRassismus #brausegegenrechts #Limonade #hamburg #hopfenundmalz #Drinkstarter #einfachmalmachen #durst - @brausekollektiv on Instagram

Like❤ Grazie @team__berruto #case #caseih #crosetto #tractors #adm #powertractors #agriculture #farmlife - @powertractors_ on Instagram

Back in the saddle again 🌽 #plant2018 - @melbatoast_man on Instagram

Diese Woche wurde auf den kommenden Rapsfelder gepflügt. Der Raps soll ein lockerer, blanker und feinkrümeliges Saatbeet haben, deshalb wird bevor man Raps sät gepflügt. #fendt #fendfavorit #fendfavorit614 #600erseries #waffenschmiedemarktoberdorf #grünundeckig #powermaschine #kverneland #kvernelandpflug LB 100 #5scharpflug #variopflug #5schar #pflug #pflügen #ackern #äckra #oldschool #wiefrüher - @grossflaechendesigner on Instagram

Telefono OU pistola?? São duas horas da manhã, seu cachorro no quintal começa a latir e após alguns segundos da um gemido e fica tudo em silêncio, logo em seguida alguém começa a tentar arrombar sua porta, você tem uns 10 segundos antes que o bandido entre, qual desses dois objetos você prefere ter nas mãos nesse momento?? . . . #cac #capixabadagema #capixaba #guerrero #guerreiro #guerreiros #taurus #defender #defesa #legitimadefesa #portedearma #possedearma #armas #armasdefogo #guns #serra #serraes #serraespiritosanto #vix #lojadearmas #capixabas #capixabemos #pmes #militar - @leonardo.loureiro_ on Instagram

- charles bradley

El ☀️ salio🤙🚜🌾🌾🌾🌾🌾🌾🌾🌾🌾🌾pero en cantidad - @nino6316 on Instagram

Another combine being prepped to go out! 📷: Ag-Pro Wooster. . . . #agpro #agproco #strongonservice #equippedforanything #johndeere #johndeeregreen #deere #deeresighting #nothingrunslikeadeere #drivegreen #green #combine #harvest #equipment #farmequipment #ag #agriculture #farm #farms #farmer #farming #farmlife #americanfarmer #crops #field #fall - @agproco on Instagram

With many county fairs being modified this year, we want to say thank you to those who continued to work on their fair projects and say GOOD LUCK to those showing. The future of agriculture looks bright with this kind of determination. #futureofAg #countyFair #determination - @akrsequipment on Instagram

- Farm

We Move Dirt With A Higher Purpose. - Witech Co., Inc. is an earthwork contractor out of Illinois. Theyve been absolutely great to work with and we just launched their new website and branding. - Check them out @witechexcavating - @buildwittmedia on Instagram

- @miguel_s_ferreira on Instagram

- Daniel 2

Thanks to John Warhurst for his new order of a Fendt 718 power plus.. enjoy! 💪 #outwiththeoldinwiththenew #leadersdrivefendt #candp . . . . . #fendt #tractor #vario #farminguk #farm #lifeonthefarm #tractors #lancashire #new #newandused #customerphotos #photography #photoshoot #machine - @clarkeandpulmanltd on Instagram

- New Holland

לא מזמין - @asaf_trifon on Instagram

Bak Besi Fixside....Fighter #karoseris1p #karoserimurah #karoseri #karoserisip #karoserijatim #karoserisurabaya #karoseriindonesia #sipkaroseri #dealerhino #hino #isuzugiga #isuzu #udtrucksindonesia #udtruck #astraudtrucks #fuso #mitsubishi #logistik #ekspedisi - @karoseri_s1p on Instagram

#chopperchewsday this 8700 is a big step up from a 7750 but I like it. - @mitchybear14 on Instagram

Precision planting apple trees. #fowlerfarms #gpsplanting - @fowlerfarms1858 on Instagram

Awesome aerial shot from @tmickey150 #9rx #corn #graincart #combine #johndeere #tracks #aerialphotography #harvest #fall #america #usa #agriculture #ag #farming #usaagriculture - @usa_agriculture on Instagram

No meu tempo todo mundo tinha a tatuagem do badboy feita do óleo da castanha do cajú. - @cearensadadagema on Instagram

- A semi, hauling a tractor and a smaller semi, hauling a smaller tractor!

Seeding is wrapped for @guerinifarms @jackk3ny0n #seeding2019 #johndeere #dbs Follow the crew @tristan_beck01 @blair_mclean1 @mcleans_farming_and_co - @aussie_utes.farming on Instagram

Sempre in prima fila quando si parla di beveraggio🍾🍻🍺🥃🥂 . . #farm #farm365 #agricoltura #agricolture #farmers #farmer #tractorporn #landwirt #johndeere #farmerlife #contadina #contadini #fendt #trattoriste_italiane #johndeeregreen #aratura #farming #tractor #farminglife #trinciato #newholland #fiatagri #trattore #tractorlife #contadino #farmlife #trattori - @fdm_digestatonellevene on Instagram

Passa logo pandemia. - @locutordanielnetto on Instagram

Registros desta segunda-feira nos municípios de Turuçu e Capão do Leão em áreas acompanhadas pelos Extensionistas @tiagosievert e @igorkohls - @irgazonasulrs on Instagram

🚜🚜Tell something💕 . . 🙏 Tag your friends, who need to see this 🤪 . . #farmerslover #farmersmarkethawaii #farmersfield #caseih #farmerscarry #farmacia #farmlife #farmerinstagram #plant17 #farmerboy #farmersson #farmersmarketfinds #farm #farmersdaughter #farmfresh #farmerslife #farmersbh #farmersonly #farmerstyle #silage #farmhouse #farmerswalk #farmergirl #farmersday #farmerflorist #farmermarket #farmerproblems #farmerboys #farminguk - @farmer_henry_us on Instagram

Foto do nosso parceiro. @iago_agro18 Patrocínio-mg #cafearabica #cafeyletras #safra #cafeiculturabrasileira #café #cafeicultura #safra2020 #agriculture #agronegocio #agronomia #agro #agroporamor #coffee #farm #farmlife #colheita #cooxupé #cerrado #cerradomineiro #cafenobrasil - @conexao_cafeeira_oficial on Instagram

Coupla big reds from @fidgey1346 • • • Follow the crew⬇️ @tristan_beck01 @blair_mclean1 @mcleans_farming_and_co - @aussie_utes.farming on Instagram

Il mosaico e il drago..😀😀😀👍#mosaicodeldrago #kaulonia #archeologia #inseparabili #questionedicuore #magnagrecia #mosaico #arte #calabria #buongiorno #turismo #artistic #covid_19 #storia #storiadellarte #tessere #mosaic #ellenistico #calabria_mania__ - @trasparenzacalabrese on Instagram

Linda has been putting in some extra hours washing equipment up the last few days! Gotta get things shined up so we can get them dirty! • • • • • #coonshiteverywhere #landapressurewashers #landa #lindalanda #sofreshsoclean #johndeere #s660 #hotwaterpressurewasher #hose #wet #greenpaint #combine #deeresighting #trending #explorepage #beautiful #blessed #harvestprep #farmer #illinoisfarm #harvest2020 #mcclearyfarms - @mcclearyfarms on Instagram

Happy Australia Day🇳🇿🍻 - @australian_farmers_ on Instagram

Segue a lida!🌱 Manda chuva São Pedro 🌨🙏🏻 📷 Créditos da foto via WhatsApp #agriculturainteriorsp 🇧🇷 :: :: :: “Acredite em você” Antes de tudo, acredite em si mesmo. Só é possível desenvolver um bom trabalho e atingir metas se tiver compreensão e clareza sobre a sua capacidade de realização.. :: :: :: #agriculturainteriorsp 🌱🚜 #boatarde ⛅️ - @agricultura.interior.sp on Instagram

Il fascino della mietitrebbia ! Si batte la lenticchia ! #norcia #umbria #umbriaturismo #mangiaitaliano #legumi #lenticchia #agricoltura #estate2020 #aziendagrariacastelluccio #work #lenticchie #fiorituracastelluccio #castellucciodinorcia #claas #claasagricoltura - @aziendaagrariacastelluccio on Instagram

As I took this photo of my husband and his father helping Grandpa up onto the combine, my eyes welled with tears. Here was the father of my children, a young man who knows he would not be the farmer he is today without the men who taught him, challenged him, helped him and stepped aside for him when the time came. My heart swelled with joy and gratitude. (Amanda Volsen/Farm & Ranch Living) 🚜🚜🚜 #farmfamily #multigenerationfarm #farmlife #combineharvester #johndeere #summertime #grandfatherandgrandson #grandpa #farm - @farmandranchliving on Instagram

Založil jsem si YT kanál kam budu uploadovat videa z drona. Nebudu tam nějak moc aktivní, jednou za čas až se mi nastřádají videa tak to tam hodím 😇 Dnes jsem nahrál své první. Budu rád za každou radu jak ohledně létání, tak ohledně střihu 🙂 Link v Biu #youtube #newholland #harvest #field #summer #work #newhollandcx8070 #liaztrucks #liaz #wheat - @dh3nr1 on Instagram

- @adm_agricoltoredimerda on Instagram

Think we finished harvest in the knick of time! #aussieag #australianagriculture #harvest17 #caseih #storm - on Instagram

- @asaf_trifon on Instagram

#fendt #fendt942 thanks @mattia.contin - @only_tractors on Instagram

- Tony Stewart

John deere 6175r💚🚜 Grazie @roby_sacchetti #sametrattori#deutzfahr#lamborghinitrattori#hurlimann#fendt#johndeeere#newholland#valtra#fiat#claas#case#masseyferguson#mccormick#landini#bossini#ravizza#maschiogaspardo#friuli#arrizza#spedo#rinieri#kuhn#tractor#farm#farming#landwirt#landwirtschaft#agricoltura#agricolture#agricolture_global - @the_tractors on Instagram

Entrega de trator Kubota M7152 Premium com Charrua RM2005 4Ferros. 💪🚜 Muitos parabéns aos novos proprietários e ao nosso concessionário pelo excelente negócio👌🔝 #kubota #grupoautoindustrial - @kubota.portugal on Instagram

Deutz fahr 7250 warrior 🔥🚜 Grazie @marco_briola #sametrattori#deutzfahr#lamborghinitrattori#hurlimann#fendt#johndeeere#newholland#valtra#fiat#claas#case#masseyferguson#mccormick#landini#bossini#ravizza#maschiogaspardo#friuli#arrizza#spedo#rinieri#kuhn#tractor#farm#farming#landwirt#landwirtschaft#agricoltura#agricolture#agricolture_global - @the_tractors on Instagram

- This is also there in pubg

Transportador de Plantadeira 18.000 Metros maior já Fabricado no Brasil - Fabricamos até 20 metros - Solicite seu orçamento (54)9.9261-4740 - #transportador #plantadeira #implementos #agricola #jonhdeere #agro #agricultura #34linhas - @macfortes on Instagram