- CEO Photography

- Bob Odenkirk ladies. This man does it for me.

- Business People

time to prove em all wrong🤧 - @dj_carter35 on Instagram

- Virginia Tech Basketball

- Annie Leibovitz

- Swedish hockey player Gabriel Landeskog

- Mason Raymond

- Cilla Black

- Hear me out...James Spader. The inexplicably and simultaneously scary/creepy/panty melting older man lady boner.

We got 5 seats left for Legacy 2020 - looking forward to meet you there! :) _____ A picture from the series we shot for @Hasselblad Thanks to @c.a.r.o.l.i.n.89 @frank_lochau for nerves of steel in front of the camera, @nike.nitz for her – as always – excellent styling, @zoandwillowbridal for the lovely dress by @alarobe, crown by @beretkah @descale_mtm for the perfect suit and @elk_foto for the assistance. #weddingphotography #oldmasters #hasselbladmaster #hasselblad #destinationwedding - @muse.and.mirror on Instagram

- #07 Freedom & Patriotism in America @LIFETEAMS

- Party at Backline

- ethics, policy, practice

- The community donated a van so that boy who was separated from the class during lunch as punishment for being late wont be late to school anymore.

- Health Transformations

- Moaning myrtle

Since we’re all missing basketball at the moment and stuck at home, here’s a #TBT of our coaching staff during their playing days. We may be washed now, but at one time we all got buckets. 😂 #TheCityHoops - @culvercitybball on Instagram

- Lets congratulate the 2015 Sexiest Man Alive: David Beckham

- Carmelo Anthony!

- Happy Birthday to the kindest man in the precinct, Joel McKinnon Miller!

- Texas Rep. who put forth a bill supporting the death penalty for women who had an abortion even in cases of incest,rape or health of the mother

- Authors

- Business poses


- a handful of southwind...

- John Malkovich

- Days till christmas, Dinos!

- Demotix in the Press

- Anthony Stewart Head 🥰

- Andy Gotts

- Onion benefits health

Reposted from @unitednations #Throwback to 1960, as a #UnitedNations interpreter works from his booth overlooking the General Assembly Hall during the 15th session of #UNGA, held at UN Headquarters in #NYC. Wednesdays International #TranslationDay is an opportunity to pay tribute to the work of language professionals, who play an important role in bringing nations together, facilitating dialogue, understanding and cooperation, contributing to #GlobalGoals and strengthening peace and security. 📸: UN Photo #TranslationDay - @uninindonesia on Instagram

- greg proops

- Andy Daly played a school principal in both Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life (2016) and Modern Family (2009-2020), confirming both take place in the same universe

- Sports Fanatics

- Kevin Dunn

- Outdoor Team Building Activities

- MRW Im driving and see a guy in a BMW use his turn signal

- Sled racers losing their hats

- Seeing a lot of him on the tv lately made me realise Victoria’s Chief Health Officer Professor Brett Sutton is hot.

- Matthew Macfadyen

- Head Start

- Prince

- Hylands House


- My music

- Celebrity Rides


- PsBattle: Bill Nye Advertising a Hashtag

I cannot speak to why Blair decided to make this face while signing his hitching papers to Jussie, but he did and I can so relate on this Monday. This is the energy thats going to last me through to Friday. Whos with me? - @goldandgrit on Instagram

- Myrtle Manor

- Sam Heughan

- Bacon brussel sprouts

- Retirement Planning

- American pickers

- Movie theater wedding

- Justin Roiland

- Ray Winstone

- Happy Birthday to the guy who made science fun and interesting for millions of school children across the world!

- Cool-O-Rama

- Liam Neeson

- November 4 Caregivers

- All things Christmas

- Thomas Bernhard, 1957

- Sean Pertwee

- Ted Danson

- My grandmother just passed, and this was her favourite photo. Please make her feel beautiful one last time.

Súď človeka podľa toho čo si s ním zažil. Nie, čo si o ňom počul... @evannarbk #helloitsme#rodinnepripady#shithappens#actorslife#portraitphotography#slovakboy#slovakman - @filipustrba on Instagram

- Jared Harris

- Denver Wedding Photographer: Erin Witt Photography

- {color scheme} biscay bay

- Achim Lippoth

- Anais Nin Quotes

- Angelo kelly family


You guys, my first born is eight today! 😮 Eight years ago, I had a c-section and immediately after Tennison was born they took him up to the NICU because he needed an assisted breath. What was supposed to be a quick visit to the NICU turned into 8 hours before I got to hold him and love on him. His time in the NICU was very short compared to many babies but as first time parents, it felt like eternity (I’m tearing up just thinking about it). That baby has grown into the most amazing person a mom could ever hope for. He is incredibly kind to everyone, easy going, funny and just a joy to be around. His outlook on life is pretty amazing at such a young age. His ability to see the positive in everything and be fearless makes me such a proud mama! 💗 - @andreanighphotography on Instagram

- Corbin Bernsen

- Bible

- Ashlee super hero Wedding

- PowerPoint & Presentations

- PsBattle: Richard Branson posing with an employee he caught sleeping


- Philanthropy

Joignez-vous à nous pour souhaiter un joyeux anniversaire à notre archevêque, Mgr Christian Lépine! 🥳🎉🙏 - Please join us in wishing our archbishop, Most Reverend Christian Lépine, a happy birthday! 🎉🥳🙏 . . . . #birthday #archbishop #years #happybirthday #montreal #diocese - @diocesemontreal on Instagram

- if you aint from kentucky.

- Drew Carey

- L.A. Kings Fan

- Climate change debate

- Bernie Sanders after Super Tuesday dot jpeg

- Royal lodge windsor

- Adoption

“Dissent is the highest form of patriotism.” - Howard Zinn (1922-2010) - @peoples_history on Instagram

Stel: we hebben een miljoen euro. Welke horloges moeten we kopen? Jasper Lijfering vertelt het ons. Ik heb het bedrag over tien jaar zeker verdubbeld. Benieuwd naar investeren in klassieke autos, stenen, kunst en vintage horloges? U leest het in de speciale editie van Quote. Beeld Maurits Giesen #horloges #watches #vintagewatches #rolex - @quotenet on Instagram

- Art studio

- African American Museum Philadelphia

- Executive Protection

- Chevy Camaro SS

#hollywood #blackandwhite #gq #actor #losangeles - @idriserba on Instagram

- White pumpkins wedding

- Sally Clarkson

- 10 Questions

- Fotografías

- Hockey News

- PsBattle: Greta Thunberg fist pumping Obama

- Great Scott! - Just a Standard Weekend...

Dream come true. Thanks @nhlcanes #TakeWarning - @domfensore_ on Instagram

- Alabama Bad politics



- Michael Moore

Das größte Wunder der Welt 🥰⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Info‘s und Preise unter⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ https://babyfotografin-stade.de/⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #newbornphotography #stade #cuxhaven #bremerhaven #neugeborenenfotografie #neugeborenes #fotografstade #babyfotografinstade #stadefotograf #fotografhamburg #newbornbaby #cute #instababy #vpkfotografen #biancawistfotodesign #baby2020 #lovemyjob #babyfoto #babyfotografie #muttersein #mamasein #photographer #newborn #baby #buxtehude #endlichistessoweit #igmotherhood #momtogs #vpkf - @biancawistfotodesign on Instagram

- 40 Inspiring Workspaces Of The Famously Creative

- Daily habits of successful people

- Christopher Biggins


- Escaping Fate Series

- Government

#Premiera w @anywhere.pl @huberturbanski_official nie jest graczem pokerowym 🃏 Jeżeli gra, to prawdopodobnie tylko na ekranie. O sporcie, korzeniach i podróżach w rozmowie z Łukaszem Radwanem. Materiał powstał przy współpracy z @tvn.pl @milionerzy.polska.tvn Sprawdź #gdziekolwiekjesteś #link do wywiadu znajdziecie w naszym #bio☝🏻 #produkcja 🔗 @anywhere.pl @kasia.swiacka @marcin_ranuszkiewicz #montaż @eltukvno #wywiad @radwan_lukasz #foto📸 @michalbuddabar #miejsce @nobuhotelwarsaw ______________________________________________________ #najlepszewywiadyanywhere #najlepszezdjęciaanywhere #najlepszeokładkianywhere #mistrzowiekontentu #HubertUrbanski #Urbanski #Milionerzy #tvn - @anywhere.pl on Instagram


- Bruce Dickinson of Iron Maiden received the Honorary Citizen of Sarajevo award today for his 1994 concert in the besieged Sarajevo

- Expert Babysitter from r/pics...

- Amazing Actors

Oldest guy on the team ! - @kornfeldstudios on Instagram

- Jack Paul

- Born To Be My Baby

- Lectin free foods

- Art

- Buttonholes Wedding

- At Your Service

- Elfman/ Oingo Boingo

- Album Metallica

Rest In Peace to one of the most inspirational people. A real lost. and my prayers to his family for losing such a young girl Gianna. #kobe #gigi r.i.p. art done by @misteralek - @ratanas_ on Instagram

- In The Dark Knight (2008), Bruce Wayne drives his “other” batmobile - a Lamborghini Murcielago - which means “bat” in Spanish

- boys suit

- Alan Ohh Alan

- blogs

Addie Rose Holland of @realpickles joined CISA to talk about vegetable ferments, how Real Pickles supports local farms, and how you can get started on your own home fermentation projects. Link to the video is in our bio! - @cisa_localhero on Instagram

- blue bloods

- Dont care how old he is: Kevin Spacey.

- Looks like Spike Lee drive the Knight Bus to the Oscars

Ainda há tempo para participar do concurso de desenho do Novo Basquete Brasil! ⠀ Além de concorrer para ter sua arte estampada na bola de basquete do jogo de abertura da NBB, os participantes ganham uma aula de solidaridade! É que não está sendo disputado um prêmio fisico para levar pra casa. A premiação será muito mais valiosa: participar de uma ação social em benefícios de projetos de inclusão no esporte. ⠀ As inscrições vao até dia 09 de outubro! ⠀ Saiba mais na matéria do dia 21.09, de Moema e Região (link na bio). ⠀ /foto: Beto Miller/agencia corinthians ⠀ #nbb #panalty #LNB #concurso #açãosocial #desenho #basquete #cidadania #moemaeregiao #vilaolimpia #campobelo #indianopolis #brooklin #moema #emcasa #quarentena #isolamento #vaipassar #naopassou - @moema.e.regiao on Instagram

- chuck e cheese

- Dispicable Corrupt Untrustworthy Left-Leaning (Lame-Stream) Media

- NASA astronaut Douglas Hurleys wife Karen Nyberg and their son before the postponed Space launch

- Andy Warhol artist

- 3 Secret of My Success

- Kim Dotcom

- Pitti Uomo 94

- Climate change and Australia

- Freddy Kruger

- appreciation

Back at Bexley Public Schools talking to elementary school teachers about the critical importance of teaching about race and racism to students. It’s never too early to teach children #HardHistory. - @profjeffries on Instagram

- Meet me...

- Annie Leibovitz

- lawyer

- @deliss_clementine on Instagram

- Anxiety

- President Gerald Ford discusses with George H.W Bush in the Oval Office of Bush taking over CIA as director. 1975 (1024x699)

- Baja 1000 iconic entrants

- Stellan Skarsgard

- Career Advice

- Stanford Womens Basketball Team 2013-2014 season

- Aging gracefully

- Finishing GOT series finale and Im sat here afterwards like

- Ways to Use GREAT STUFF™

- Groom Suit Grey


- Autism court

- Mother Son Dance

- Mark Burnett

- Guy Liner

- Financial Planner

- My best friend (and I, behind him) watching his bride come down the aisle.

- Robin Williams

- Bella Cova Awards & News

- Boston Legal

- Ed Helms

- Authors and Author Birthdays

- The last photo taken of president Franklin D. Roosevelt before his death. April 11, 1945. [975 x 1400] [Colorized]

- Lincoln

- Kelly Olynyk

- Lady Vols Basketball

Günaydın 💫 #tbt - @saniser.fanclup on Instagram

- Photo of German president Steinmeier in line waiting to vote

- BIAS ... MSM (Main Stream Media)

- Today is Jimmy Carters 95th birthday. Happy birthday Mr President!

- The Alienist

- Gerard Jugnot

- The creator of fake glasses and noses novelty toys demonstrates his creation. (1940)

- Kentucky athletics

- Anderson Cooper

- CAPTAIN JOHN (Canon QL17 | 40mm | Ilford)

- PsBattle: British PM, Boris Johnson visiting a school

- Branding

- idriss elba

- David Furnish

I clean up alright. - @mattiseman on Instagram

- Coco Puffs

With great sadness we announce the loss of Pierre Eggermont, founder of Models Office. We will miss his vibrant personality 🖤 - @modelsoffice on Instagram

- Speaking of well aging Jeffs, Bridges cant go unmentioned.

- James bond suit

Watch videos and listen to Brian Crombies podcasts at https://briancrombie.com/. Brian Crombie is the Chair of Transit Alliance, Past President of the Mississauga Arts Council and was Co-chair of the Western GTA Summit 2013, Co-chair of the Mississauga Summit, a community organization working for a brave bold future for Mississauga 2007-14. Brian received the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal for his civic involvement. Brian has written and published several academic papers and other articles and videos. You can access all Brians podcasts at: https://briancrombie.com/podcasts/. You can find most of his radio shows as videos at: https://briancrombie.com/video-gallery/. All Brians podcasts and videos can be accessed any time on Brians web site https://briancrombie.com which holds repository of all his shows. He is adding new sessions 5 times a week. The Brian Crombie Radio Hour on radio is every night, Monday to Friday on line at SAUGA 960 am at 6:00 pm. Please subscribe to Brians YouTube channel. Stream, listen, like, watch and share. #briancrombie #crombie #bcrombie #briancrombieradio #briancrombieradiohour #thebriancrombieradiohour #briancrombiecom #sauga960am #mississaugapolitics #torontopolitics #ontariopolitics #canadapolitics See Less - @briancrombie on Instagram

- Paul Bettany

- Can we just applaud the meme lord himself for his launch today *clap* *clap* *clap*

Some #WednesdayWisdom from the brilliant @davidmorrissey @naomi_ackie @tracyanno @danielmays9 #danielmonks and @jonahhauerking sharing the best advice theyve picked up during their careers 👏👏🙌🙌 . . #wednesdaymotivation #wednesday #wisdom #acting #lockdown #performers #performing - @spotlightuk on Instagram

- Authors and Author Birthdays

- Ill crush on any age James Spader

New publication by #ILADS past president Robert C. Bransfield, MD: A Clinical Diagnostic System for Late-Stage Neuropsychiatric #Lyme Borreliosis Based upon an Analysis of 100 Patients. https://www.mdpi.com/2227-9032/8/1/13 - @ilads.lyme on Instagram

- Tim Robbins

We are excited to announce the opening of our new exhibition, NOW BULLETIN: Artworks, Letters and Printed Matter from the Garry Neill Kennedy Collection 1968 – 2019. Please attend our special opening preview weekend on September 19th and 20th. This is a timed opening preview weekend to ensure guests can maintain proper social distancing measures. Each ticket is 30 minutes, but guests are invited to get two tickets if they would like more time to visit the exhibition. You can book your ticket(s) on Eventbrite (link in our bio). About the Exhibition Exhibition Dates: September 19 to December 12, 2020 Guest Curator: David MacWilliam Now Bulletin is an exhibition, residency series, and public program on the collection and works of eminent Vancouver artist and former NSCAD president, Garry Neill Kennedy. Reflecting on hospitality, history, memory and the archive in relation to Kennedy and his long history at NSCAD as well as the relationships that have unfolded ever since, NOW BULLETIN asks, how do we tell the story of a community? What does it mean to create consequential provisional communities (including faculty, students & visitors)? How do proximities affect innovation and experimentation? Which relationships became formative and why? In a moment in which conviviality is at stake in the business models of many public institutions that teach art, how do we draw upon one of the most exciting and successful experiments in Canadian art, to protect and nurture current and future spaces in which experimentation and openness may take place? Including public programs and residencies, this project examines Kennedy’s personal archive to explore these questions. Image: Lawrence Weiner, “Portrait of Garry Neill Kennedy,” 1990, photograph with irregular matte, 28 x 35.6 cm, Collection of Garry Neill Kennedy, Photo by Rachel Topham Photography - @griffinartprojects on Instagram

- @maloofgavn on Instagram

- Scully and Hitchcock


- Bobby Kennedy

- People We Admire

- Photographers

- UK Retail

The family of Atkins Public Schools Superintendent Jody Jenkins announced Tuesday morning that he passed away due to complications from COVID-19. For more on this story, tap the link in our bio. #ARNews - @kark4news on Instagram

- Instructional Coach

- Celtic pride

- mercury marquis

- Corporate headshots

- Caregiver Questions

- Childhood

- Watch Live College Basketball

- Brooklyn Basketball

- Matthew Broderick

The School of Media and Public Affairs is very lucky for a faculty member like Professor Steve Roberts. In honor of his late wife Cokie Roberts, Professor Roberts has set up a tuition relief fund for students experiencing financial hardship due to COVID-19. #smpaproud Link to the GW Today article is in our bio. - @smpagwu on Instagram

- Corporate headshots

- 12 Monkeys

- ITAP of John Lewis


- British TV programs, Photos & Information.

- Duke Blue Devils

- Dean Norris

- Edwards Syndome, Trisomy 18


- Eminem wallpapers

- Agents of Shield

- Malm

- Michael Pitt is ruining my life, and I love it.

- PWAT: Painting with a Purpose

- 2011 nba finals

- Elton John Sunglasses

- Saltiest man alive. Upvote this so it comes up when you look up saltiest man alive

- Man-Made

Jay is giving away THREE signed large format prints, each one personalized for the lucky winners. . How to ENTER: 1. Follow this page 2. Like this photo 3. Tag two friends in the comments . Deadline to enter will be next Tuesday (October 6th) 12PM PST, when the winner will be announced in our IG Stories and in this post. US only. . P.S. I love you. . #LenosGarage #JayLenosGarage #LenosCarCare #AutoDetailing #LenosGiveaway - @lenos_garage on Instagram

- Monsieur Mangetout - the man who ate a Cessna 150 airplane. He finished his meal after 2 years and also ate a bike, bed, computer, and more.

- The first look at Tony Dalton as Lalo! Bob Odenkirk and Peter Gould said that the actor is amazing, dynamic and magnificent.


- Dr Phil show

- My grandfather presented his architecture book last week. This is him signing one of the books. [Mamiya 645E + Portra 400]

- Amish Auctions

- The Sporting Life

- Bruce Mau

- Stephen curry wallpaper

- Business Practices

- Tnt Basketball

- Bayer AG

- Oregon Food

- Mens Business Headshots

🌧Luces bajo la lluvia🌧 . . . . . . . . . . . #fotografiazaragoza #fotografazaragoza #spanishwedding #elbaile #bodadivertida #novias2020 #novias2021 #novias2022 #bodas2021 #bodas2022 #instawedding #weddinginspiration #fotografiadebodas #fotografosdebodazaragoza #igersaragon #invitadaconestilo #adamaldonadofotografia #weddingphotographyideas #weddingphotographyinspiration #bodasreales #bodasconencanto #noviamojadanoviaafortunada - @ada_fotografia_de_boda on Instagram

- Patton Oswalt

- Veggie egg rolls

- David Sinclair

- Leben in Klagenfurt

- jack and victor

- NBA Draft

- Ed ONeill

- Mike Crapo

BNY Mellon names Todd Gibbons CEO. “I am deeply honored to serve as CEO of BNY Mellon, a company to which I have dedicated my entire career. We are the trusted stewards of our clients’ businesses, and I look forward to working with the Board and leading our nearly 50,000 talented employees as we continue to evolve our great company.” - @bnymellon on Instagram

- Cescaphe Trolley

- Basketball player from the 80s

- Tim Gunn

- Sound of Music

- White Desk with Drawers on Both Sides

- Heaven Sent

- PsBattle: Phil Swift smiling and pointing

- I am trying to find a new look. What do you guys suggest for my clothes and hair?

- Chronic Fatigue

- Basketball and spartans

- Mike Lee

- Michael douglas

- Hagrid without his beard, cleaned up in a suit

- Keanu writing letters to Sandra B in The Lake House

- Amish show

- Chris Bauer

- Sam Waterston

- Corporate shoot

- Great Websites

- Tom ford men

We had a great time serving up fresh @mrschickenaz Nashville Style Hot Chicken at @barrett_jackson in Scottsdale! We even got to check out @larryfitzgerald ride! - @frasherssmokehouse on Instagram

- steve perry

- Prinz Charles

Поздравляю всех работников Красногорского завода имени С. А. Зверева с Днем машиностроителя! ⠀ Этот праздник по праву считается нашим. КМЗ стоял у истоков отечественного машиностроения. На протяжении десятилетий предприятие выпускает различные необходимые обществу изделия, которые встраиваются в большие, масштабные механизмы. Наша оптика по-прежнему работает на Земле и в космосе. ⠀ Завод производит современную и качественную продукцию, которая по цене и потребительским свойствам успешно конкурирует с зарубежными образцами. Это совместный, порой тяжелый, труд рабочих, инженеров и управленцев. ⠀ Желаю профессионалам своего дела дальнейших успехов в выполнении сложных задач, достижения поставленных целей, новых научных открытий, реализации всех планов в работе и личной жизни! Примите слова благодарности за верность избранной профессии. ⠀ Генеральный директор Александр Новиков ⠀ #zenit_kmz #Швабе #rostec #деньмашиностроителя - @zenit_kmz on Instagram

- Allen Leech

- University of Kansas

- CEO Photography

- Anderson Cooper is a silver fox