Kelly Mclaughlin Profile Pics

drakkenheimdungeon dudeswilhelmdungeons of drakkenheimwilhelm wolfsbaneshadows of drakkenheimthumbs upyeahyea
clapping justine earl superstore bravo

- Dove Cameron

drankkenheim dungeon dudes mind blown kelly mc laughlin wilhelm wolfsbane

- Barbara mandrell

dungeon dudes kelly mclaughlin drakkenheim monty eat meat

Tatyana Ali (January 24, 1979) is an #American actress & singer best known for her role as #AshleyBanks on The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. She confirmed a reunion is coming! • She was born in Long Island, New York, the eldest daughter of Sheriff & Sonia Ali. Her father is #IndoTrinidadian & her mother is #AfroPanamanian. She has 2 sisters. They’re #Dougla & #Latina. • She grew up in a household that spoke #Spanish & fully embraced #Panamanian culture, often indulging in the countrys food, music & dance. However, she knew little of the family life her mom left behind. All she knew was that her grandmother, Estella, had fled Panama to escape an abusive marriage & relocated to America with her 5 children. Tatyana went to Panama for the first time in 2011. Its easier to know exactly where youre going when you know where you come from” • While she fully embraced her role as part of the country’s beloved black tv families, at school grappling with her identity was much more complex. “I remember black friends & white friends saying, ‘why is your hair different?’ It was hurtful & confusing, when you’re little” • “When we moved, my mom would speak her native language, Spanish, to other Spanish-speakers & people just kinda looking at her funny. Like, Why is that coming out of your mouth? With language, we can use music, food & culture to keep the #Latinx culture alive. We’re a dancing family. I love all kinds of music & with salsa dancing, Im a medium skill. Dancing is a completely different experience in a latin club. With food, I dont cook as much as I’d like to, but when I do, I cook what I grew up on: tostones, rice & gandules. I love having #Trinidadian food to honor my dad’s side too, curry fish or curry chicken. When my friends come over my house, they know its going to be something ethnic!” • “I speak a fair amount of Spanish. I read & write it. My dad doesnt speak Spanish, so it wasnt until my grandma started living with us that we started speaking it” • “My advice to young girls: Dont hesitate to talk & tell people who you are. A lot of times its so much easier to fit into other peoples boxes” 🇵🇦🇹🇹🇮🇳 #mixedgirl #latinoheritagemonth - @mixdgrlprblems on Instagram

jealous glare glance drakkenheim dungeon dudes

- Elise neal

dungeon dudes kelly mclaughlin drakkenheim joe o gorman wrath

- African American Love

approved wilhelm drakkenheim kelly mclaughlin dungeon dudes

- Bernard Buffet

drakkenheim dungeon dudes kelly mclaughlin shadows thumbs up

- Irish (drinking) songs

dungeon dudes scared oh no wilhelm kelly mclaughlin

- the coasters

dungeon dudes wilhelm kelly mclaughlin drakkenheim upset

- Elvis Presley

kelly mclaughlin dungeon dudes drakkenheim yay yes


yeah yea drakkenheim dungeons of drakkenheim shadows of drakkenheim

- NYFW 2016

- Florals


- MuSic

- Ciara style

Janice At The Hotel Bar- Hailey Whitters I did the art direction for this music video under the creative direction of Harper Duddy. Check out that backdrop 😏 It was such an incredible opportunity and I’m so proud of how this turned out! Rolling Stone and People covered the music video so yea, pretty freaking cool. We also filmed part of it at Ah Sing Den- one of my favorite spots in Austin. Big thanks to Sanetra Longno for bringing me on board for this project! Director Erica Silverman executed this vision so beautifully. I had so much fun! AHH! Music Video link in bio! Director + Editor: Erica Silverman @shesaunicorn Producer: Sanetra Longno @sanetrastew Executive Producer: Langan Sebert & Brandon Bloch Creative Director: Harper Duddy @harpersmithphoto DP: Peter Longno 1st AC: Derrick Mitchel @derrick_edgar Gaffer: Keaton Loudamy @keaton_loudamy Art Director: Loleita Vatikani MUA: Erin Lee Smith @erinleesmith & Stephanie Slayton @slay_morr Stylist: Lindsay Grosswend @lindsaygrosswendt Safety Lead: Mary Grace Longno Powell @capturedbymgl PA: Renee Dominguez @renphotogs Color: Olio Creative Colorist: Marshall Plante - @seeyouleita on Instagram


- Katie McGrath

- Katy perry music videos

- Minimal style


- Andre Leon Talley

- Citations sur le Bonheur et la Souffrance

- Akilah Hughes

- Gospel singers

- C.S Combo

- body

- Obama diary

- America Shoot

- China Anne Mcclain

- Gabrielle Union

- Guitar

- American Idol Alums

Once upon a time... 🙇🙇🙇 #baxmusic - @baxmusic on Instagram

- Black history facts

- 50s and 60s singers

- Sonequa Martin Green

Remembering Ray Charles, born 90 years ago this week in Albany, Georgia. Here he is performing Whatd I Say at the Antibes Jazz Festival in France in 1961. He’s accompanied by The Raelettes, featuring Gwen Berry, Margie Hendricks, Pat Lyles, and Darlene McCrea. - @dusttodigital on Instagram

- All about the PIANO♪♫♪♪♫♪

- Aerin Lauder at Home

- Wedding Magazines

- Beautiful ethiopian women

- Age Appropriate Dressing

- Back to school pictures

- IT Girl

- Amsale Bridesmaids

- Zendaya and trevor jackson


- Boy senior photography

- Responsibilities of a Home Owner

- Mina

- Could I pull off this Rihanna white eyeliner look if I have hooded eyes? Im an eyeliner novice, so could someone please help with direction or point to a YT tutorial?

Retouching for Calvin Klein⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #Bespokedigital #retouching #calvinklien - @bespoke__digital on Instagram

- Andre Rieu & classic

- Joan Armatrading

- Haute couture

- A man in a suit!! Luv it!

- Ice skating pictures

A year ago I was in Mexico City. But this October I am in CHICAGO! Check out my concert calendar to see what’s Happening! - @susanmerdinger on Instagram

- Tamara Strasser

- Black Indians

- music

- Andre Rieu Music & Concerts

- 90’s

- Kentucky Sports

- Ingrid Alexandra

- Protective Braids


#tbt Time flies! This pic was taken almost 7 yrs ago. So many great memories from the @montreuxjazzfestival and the 2013 Jazz Guitar Competition #jazz #jazzguitar #livemusic #montreux - @leandro.pellegrino.guitar on Instagram

- Esperanza Spalding

- Alberto Makali Spring 2019

Estate italiana con @elodie #AmenStyle #AmenSS20 #WhoWearsAmen - @amenstyle on Instagram

- Obama photos

- celebre

- Acoustic Music

- Sanity Sunday Queen since 2016 (she’s been make up free since then)

- Victor Borge

- Pretty Melodies & Harmonies

- Aaliyah

Happiest of birthdays to @jadebirdmusic. We’re looking forward to hearing new music! 🥳🎂🎉 #happybirthday #birthdaygirl #jadebird #singersongwriter #uhhuh #lovehasallbeendonebefore #glassnoterecords #americanamusic #voicesofamericana #womenofamericana - @womenofamericana on Instagram

- creative fashion work

- Music Group

- Jessica Pearson

- **Obama Sisters

- Home

- Lagarde Christine

There are no words to say how truly honored I am to call this woman my friend. What a powerful performance from @mickeyguyton at the ACM awards last night. Makeup: @direimage Hair: @dalextino Styling: @ecduzit - @direimage on Instagram

Episode 27 features @sad13. We discuss a cappella and frog-shaped percussion. 🐸 link in bio! - @badsongwriter on Instagram

- Gene Tierney

- 6th grade Common Core

- Marla Gibbs

- Active

- Tennis wear

- Ill listen for hours

- Bass Guitarists

- Donna Tartt

- mary jane outfit

- Althea Gibson

- alejandra guzman

- Daniel ODonnell

- Album artwork


- **HEBREW MUSIC (+youtube)**

- Kiera Knightly

- Julia Jones

- Tom Morello

- A&W


- Music

- 20s, 30s, 40s & 50s music

- Maxwell

- Celeb Modesty

Con el gran Barry Harris. Recuerdo de 2017. Foto de @astudillofotografias #jazz #jazzwomen #música #music #mujeresmusicas - @tatianacaraccia on Instagram

- Classic soul

Thandie Newton from the archives, this print soon available #byvaultworks part of a special series of unseen images of beautiful creative people #thandienewton @derricksantini - @derricksantini on Instagram

- Bryana Salaz

- Earth, Wind & Fire

Whos here for some swoon worthy groom images?!?! While all things weddings tend to be focused on the bride...lets not forget about our grooms out there because...ITS YOUR DAY TOO! It’s important that as a groom you feel comfortable and that your wishes and desires are considered as well! Not only do I want you to have an enjoyable day, but I want you to look and feel your best in your wedding day photographs. So today on the journal were walking through how to create swoon worthy groom images on your wedding day (link in profile)! Swipe right for a sneak peak of todays tips! Thanks to all the incredible vendors who made Dina and Pauls wedding day incredible! Venue @foxhallresort Planning @georgiagraceweddings Photography @amandaoliviaphoto Videography @danielshackleford Wedding Dress @winniecouture Bridal Shoes @bellabelleshoes Florist @gardeniafloraldesign HAMU @brushworx Grooms Attire @theblacktux Entertainment @DJDaveSewell Musician @meepmerpmeow Cake @pine_cone_bakery Paper Goods @paperdaisiesstationery Design + Catering @boldeventsatl Rentals @atlantapartyrentals @plusheventfurnishings Shuttle @atlantic_limousine Film Processing @photovisionprints Neon Sign @the_neon_company #amandaoliviaphoto #amandaoliviaphotography #foxhall #georgiagraceweddings #atlantawedding - @amandaoliviaphoto on Instagram

- Anna Ewers

- 12 Days of Christmas

- Michelle Stafford

- Buck Rogers

- Lisa Edelstein

- Funeral Music and Songs

- Bel canto

- Jazz Art

- Barack & Michelle Obama

- Serena williams wins

- André Rieu

- Artists and Songs that Move Me

Every Wednesday for the month of July we will be highlighting the collection at Clark Atlanta University Art Museum with selections chosen by the museum staff. Today’s selection is Radcliffe Bailey’s, “Date of Arrival” (1998), Mixed-media assemblage. 1998.002. This selection was made by former Tina Dunkley Fellow TK Smith. @tksmith106 is a writer, arts critic, and curator who served as a 2018- 2020 Tina Dunkley Fellow. This Fall he will matriculate into the American Civilization Program at the University of Delaware. “Bailey’s “Date of Arrival” was one of the first works in CAUAM’s collection to challenge me. This mixed-media work is a large scale and difficult to ignore, even when fragmented. The work blends colorful abstract forms with engaging archival photographs. Whenever I was working in storage or researching the collection, “Date of Arrival” would confront me and demand I spend time making sense and finding meaning in its imagery.” #CAUAMfromHome #BlackArtists #MuseumfromHome #staffpicks #cauartmuseum #RadcliffeBailey - @cauartmuseum on Instagram

- Alisha Wainwright

- Michelle Obama.

- Today show cast

- Whoopi Goldberg

Creative shoot🌼 with @ali_marie_parker @jacklynvb @whiskyrose - @avalangevin on Instagram

- Work // SHORTS

- *Obama*

- Stand Up Comedy Shows

- Tennis Photos

- Adriana Lima

Join Leah Thomas, as she discusses Intersectional Environmentalism within Corporations on September 23rd at 8pm ET. Please register for the event at the link in bio. ⁠ ⁠ Intersectional environmentalism, coined by Leah Thomas, is an inclusive version of environmentalism that advocates for both the protection of people and the planet. It identifies the ways in which injustices happening to marginalized communities and the earth are interconnected. It brings injustices done to the most vulnerable communities, and the earth, to the forefront and does not minimize or silence social inequality. Intersectional environmentalism advocates for justice for people + the planet. ⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ #environmentalpolicy #earthinstitute #columbiauniversity #sustainablefutures #sustainability #columbiasipa #newyorkcity #environmentalscience #policy #climateaction #sustainabilityleaders #morningsideheights #environment #intersectionalenvironmentalism - @columbiampa_esp on Instagram

- Tom T. Hall

🚨PARIS 2021 PROSPECT🚨 Julia will be attending the showcase with NEMG in May. - @europeanmodelshowcase on Instagram

- 2014

- Viola Davis

- female sports

- Benefit Alberto and Kimberley Rivera

- Nina

- Fashion over 50

- Sonequa Martin Green

- Entertainers

- a video music

- Dean Martin Roasts


- Ootd

- #LBD

- Akilah Hughes

- 50s & 60s Music

- Uplifting songs

- Sunspel SS20 Lookbook

- 1900 - 2013

- Andre Rieu

- beyonce red carpet

- Modern Street Style

- Cotton Citizen

- Black Poetry Slam

- Classical art

- Alexej von Jawlensky

- 3t

- Authentic Salsa Music Videos Only!

- smooth music

- Braid Designs

- Janina Gavankar

- Belleoftheball45

- Jessica Pearson

- Princess Sofia Hellqvist, Duchess of Värmland

- Benjamin Zephaniah

- Tammy faye bakker

Flow, adapt, create void, rearrange space: the Avant‐Après seating is able to do it all. Thanks to the special and unique armrest/backrest system that detaches with a simple movement and may be positioned all along the base, it can be rearranged freely.⁠ ⁠•⁠ ⁠•⁠ •⁠ #sabaitalia #designlovers #sofadesign ⁠ #softdesign #interiorarchitecture #luxuryhomes #luxuryinteriors #designlovers #designaddicted #homeinspo #instarchitects #sofa #designinspiration #interiorandhome #interiors #interiordesigninspiration #instaarchitecture #designdetails #interiordetails⁠ #design #interiordesign #homedecor #decor #home #furnituredesign #interiorstyling - @sabaitalia on Instagram

- 1950s

- Sing to me

- Mirror over fireplace

- Astrud Gilberto

- André Rieu

- NYC Wedding

- Professional headshots women

Lighting designer @howellbinkley made magic wherever he went and elevated theater to a mystical experience. Thoughtful, kind, brilliant, and meticulous Storyteller, we are forever dim without your illumination. SOUSATZKA Toronto 2017. RIP, friend. - @victoriajclark on Instagram

- Glee videos

- Neo Pop

- referee

- Body - photos

- First Dance Wedding Songs

- Interviews

- Charlotte Salomon

- bea hairstyles

- art suisse: presque oublié. redécouvert.

- Latest trends

- beautiful


- Song for my Father (Gospel)

- adult humor


- Christina Onassis

- Diane Kruger

- Girl Fashion

- Aja Naomi King

- * Hinos

- Beautiful..

🔊 meda nsa da 🙏 - @original_kwaku_gyasi on Instagram

- Bands Worth Catching...

- Classical music

- Detroits Jazz History

- Al white

- Bernadette stanis

- Coltrane

- Esperanza Spalding

- Leon Bridges

- Camelot


- 50 year old screenwriter Mara Brock Akil

- Dueling Banjos

- Chaos and Critters Homeschool

- Smooth Jazz

- 1980s TV

- mes chanteur que japprécie

- Book of Deuteronomy

- LIterary Lions

- FASHION Abed Mahfouz

- Choir Songs

- Affordable Ethical Fashion for Women

- Andy Murray

- Celebrity couples

- Angelina Jolie (Джоновна) Pitt,в девичестве Voight

- Jazz

- Nordic art

- Brazil: Art


- Andre Rieu

RAZIELA . El vestit Raziela és un vestit de tall recte amb el què seràs el centre de totes les mirades el dia del teu casament. Aquest vestit de núvia línia A presenta un cossatge únic que estilitza el tors. @rosa_clara #RosaClarasoft #RosaClarasoft2020 #RosaClara #RosaClara2020 #bride #bridetobe #bridalfashion #marryme #wedding #weddingdress #bridaldress #bridetobe #love #weddingideas - @rosaclara_girona on Instagram


- Black Poetry Slam

- Weather Report

- Cello Lessons

- Everything for my wedding

- Victor Borge


- Tenis nadal

- Les be honest

- Geeky Chic

- history

Director and CEO of CUR8 Gallery, Ashley Ramos, discusses the mental health repercussions of cutting arts funding due to the current economic climate in’s latest magazine feature. Link in bio. - @cur8gallery on Instagram

- artist

- Groove Baby White Soul

- Aretha franklin

- elopement + micro-weddings

- Esperanza Spalding

- jazz artists


- Australia Day 26 January - What it means to be Australian

- Photography: Portraits

- Judge Alex

- John Farnham

- Joshua Bell

- Smokie Norful

- 1993

- Dueling Banjos

- Disney


- Its not only Rock&Roll...

- Photography ideas

- Amy Sherald

- old rock , r&b & pop

- bryn

- Leon & Harper

- Barack Obama and Family

- Mary-Louise Parker

- André Rieu

- Jaco Pastorius

- Avery

- Pricilla Shirer

- Manolo Escobar

- 80s fashion

- Norman Brown


Teknik dasar dalam bermain biola yang paling penting adalah cara memegang biola dan bow yang baik dan benar. Jika tidak dikuasai dengan baik maka bermain biola akan menjadi lebih sulit dan resiko cedera. Memegang atau menahan biola bisa dilakukan dalam posisi berdiri dan duduk dengan postur tubuh yang tegak lurus. Posisi berdiri tegak dengan posisi kaki yang sedikit terbuka tujuannya adalah untuk menjaga keseimbangan Pada umumnya memegang biola menggunakan tangan kiri dan biola diletakkan di tulang selangka/di atas bahu. Setelah itu biola ditahan dengan cara menempatkan rahang di atas penyangga dagu. Jangan sampai biola bergeser dan terjatuh. #eventseppcmssmr #teknikbiola #sekolahmusikbekasi #lesmusikbekasi #staysave - @purwacarakasummarecon on Instagram

- #Felicidad #Happiness


- Leon Bridges Coming Home

- Cello // Technique

- Attire - Chic

- Birdy

- Alicia Keys and Swizz Beatz

- James Galway

- Style Icons & Inspiration

- Remembering 2004

- Stephen Hough, Pianist

- #livelist

- Brian McKnight

- Cole Porter