Governor Election Profile Pics

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keep ca blue oppose the recall recall gavin newsom democrat

- hmmm

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- The Law, not a person, not a pundit, not a blogger, says Hillary is not allowed to be President.

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- 2016 Presidential Election

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- The RepubliKKKarens

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- Hillary Clinton

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- Newspaper front pages

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Victorias 14-day rolling average has never been more pivotal to the state progressing to its next steps out of lockdown after key roadmap dates were replaced with a trigger point system yesterday. In order for Melbourne to move to step three, Victoria must achieve daily average case numbers of less than five, as well as less than five cases with an unknown source in the past 14 days. More in #9News at 6.00pm - @9newsmelbourne on Instagram

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- Big Letters

we want elections not auctions bids bid lobbying voting

Grateful for the chance to pay our respects to Justice Ginsburg yesterday. - @hillaryclinton on Instagram

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- The only proper thing to do

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- That will leave a mark

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Did you know we have an official photographer at UK Parliament? 📸 Every week our photographer captures images from Prime Ministers Questions in the @ukhouseofcommons. Heres some of the snaps from today, featuring the Prime Minister @borisjohnsonuk , Leader of the Opposition @keirstarmer , and a selection of MPs from all parties. 📸 ©️ UK Parliament / Jessica Taylor #ukparliament #houseofcommons #pmqs #primeministersquestions #borisjohnson #keirstarmer - @ukparliament on Instagram

stateelection voting voted election its time to vote

- And senile too

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- Trump accidentally chokes himself out after attempting to grab his neck pussy

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- I love this picture. Help him transform this country!

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Tonight is gonna be so good! #presidentialdebate #presidentralph #trump2020 #maketrumppaytaxesagain #garageland - @garage_land on Instagram

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- Memes of Mine

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- Conservatisms finest

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- 🥳 Charlie real happy

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- My idiot family

go vote virginia virginia va virginians election

- Interesting turnaround

virginia va virginians virginia governor governor election

- Collection of political cartoons.

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Ist das noch Wahlkampf? 🤔🇺🇸 . . Den Link mit weiteren Informationen zur ersten TV-Debatte findet ihr bei uns in der Bio! . . #ndr2 #biden #trump #demokraten #republikaner #uswahlkampf #elections #democrats #republicans #debates2020 - @ndr2 on Instagram

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- The openning statement of Alcatraz prison. (1934)

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- CBS News

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- Private Eye, 10th January 2020

vote democrat virginia va vote blue

- I didnt realize what an awful candidate Bernie Sanders really is ...

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“For us, as doctors, the images are indelible: Trump supporters packed together in warehouses and airplane hangars, with only a scattered few wearing masks. Above them, over 6 feet away and solitary, stands President Donald Trump, cheering his supporters on—but never interacting with them directly. He is protected. His supporters are not…Trumps indoor and outdoor rallies, whether in a crowded warehouse in Nevada, a packed hotel room in Arizona or airplane hangars across the country, make it abundantly clear: He doesnt care about you. He doesnt care about the 200,000 Americans dead from COVID-19. He only cares about himself, his elite friends and his re-election.” Hit the link in our bio to read more. Photo: BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP via Getty Images * * * * * #newsweek #presidenttrump #donaldtrump #doctors #firstresponders #rally #opinion #coronavirus #covid19 #covid_19 - @newsweek on Instagram

virginia va virginians virginia election vote

- How dare that lady comedian be so vulgar!

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- Trump already has a birthday card signing set up on his official site a month away from his birthday

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- Trump was loudly booed with chants of vote him out while visiting RBGs casket today

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- Blursed special guest

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The two-party dominance of American politics is cracking at its foundations and an independent person is needed to spackle the lines and rebuild. #Vote #BrockPierce #Brock2020 #BrockTheVote - @brockjpierce on Instagram

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- PsBattle: President Trump sits in Winston Churchills chair after meeting with Theresa May at Chequers.

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- Colonel Sanders

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- Lady protesting The Trump Train

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- AMERICA !?....REALLY!!!!

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- Brexit

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- me🐸irl

stateelection voting voted election its time to vote

- Trump Lies

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- Child Safety

virginia va virginians virginia governor governor election

- America

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- Education is Mind Control

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- Political

i support voter freedom cowboy hat thanks texas democrats for fighting for voting rights texas democrats texas voting rights

- Pictures of Obama

vote democrat virginia va vote blue

🤷‍♂️ These signs write themselves. - @zoombuffalo on Instagram

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- Venn Diagram: Trump and Libertarianism

stateelection voting voted election its time to vote

- PsBattle: kid facepalming next to Donald Trump

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- 66 Million people knew.

stateelection voting voted election its time to vote

- Topics Not Discussed At The Debate...

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- Important People in History

virginia va virginians virginia election vote

- Melina Trump

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- Money, Mississippi

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- Scomo playing on his phone with his back turned after Liberal voted no to any debate regarding the recession.

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- Rolling Republican Disaster

stateelection voting voted election its time to vote

- Bible

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- How is Your 2013?

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- Madam Speaker, Nancy Pelosi!

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- #maketrumpdrumpfagain

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- Trumpville owning the libs Jonestown style!

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- Why I Plan to Use My First Vote for Bernie

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- Obama lies

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- Presidential Election Spread Ideas

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checked something off of my bucket list and covered bernie’s campaign today!!!! 😳👉🏼👈🏼 - @manateemailbox on Instagram

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go vote virginia virginia va virginians election

This weekend marks one year since the launch of our 2019 campaign, and that incredible energy continues today!   Since March, dedicated volunteers and organizers have made 300,000+ calls to check in with Canadians and hear your priorities for our work together to build a stronger, more resilient Canada. — Cette fin de semaine marque le premier anniversaire du lancement de notre campagne de 2019, et l’incroyable énergie qui régnait alors est toujours présente aujourd’hui! Depuis le mois de mars, des bénévoles et organisateurs dévoués ont fait plus de 300 000 appels pour prendre des nouvelles des Canadiens et pour connaître leurs priorités afin de bâtir ensemble un Canada plus fort et plus résilient. - @liberalca on Instagram

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- Enough states left to make our efforts worth it!

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- Huh

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“Someone who used whatever talent she had to do her work to the very best of her ability. And to help repair tears in her society, to make things a little better through the use of whatever ability she has.” — Ruth Bader Ginsburg on who she would like to be remembered as, in a 2015 interview with MSNBC. ••• Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has died of metastatic pancreatic cancer. The court’s oldest sitting justice was 87. Ginsburg was appointed to the Supreme Court in 1993 by President Bill Clinton. She was the second woman to serve on the Supreme Court. Read more about her legacy at - @ajcnews on Instagram

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- No matter which version you get, its bad

virginia va virginians virginia election vote

I can’t decide if this is weirder or less weird than Clint Eastwood talking to a chair. - @tvsandydaly on Instagram

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- brigitte macron style

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- Barbara Boxer

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- House gop cut out quotes and brought signs to the hearings

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- not addictive

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- Mike Pompeo

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- US Election 2016

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- blursed_Queen Elizabeth

vote for the party who wants everyone to vote democrat donkey vote

- Covid Larry

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- Elizabeth Trump

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Judge Amy Coney Barrett, President Donald Trumps nominee to the Supreme Court and Vice President Mike Pence arrive at the Capitol where she will meet with Senators on Tuesday. The Supreme Court to seen behind them. ⁠ ⁠ 📷: Erin Schaff/The New York Times via AP, Pool - @yahoonews on Instagram

virginia va virginians virginia election vote

PEDO @joebiden #pedobiden #sleepyjoe #novotebiden #bidengate #obamagate #pedogate #pizzagate #spygate - on Instagram

virginia va virginians virginia election vote

- Donald trump president

virginia va virginians virginia election vote

- “Trump Lied 200,000 Died” outside the White House tonight. DNC demonstration

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- Trump • International

virginia va virginians election virginia election

- Vote Trump

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- Joseph Ducreux

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- Trump staring directly into the eclipse.

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- Russian agent smuggles Chinese bioweapon into WH. October 5, 1920

virginia va virginians election virginia election

- Who is pushing for medicare for all, environmental regulations, taxes for the rich, and college education who wants it? Oh right, Democrats

virginia va virginians virginia election vote

- Tick Tock Moth*******r

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- That needle keeps moving...

im voting terry mcauliffe virginia va virginians election

For @USATODAYOpinion, Jill Lawrence writes that one is enough. Cancel the remaining two presidential debates: To hold them would be sadistic. Americans don’t deserve this. Biden didn’t deserve it and neither did the moderator, Chris Wallace. ⁠ ⁠ Trump is uncontrollable and cruel and unpatriotic. He made clear in his closing argument that any election he doesn’t win is rigged and fraudulent. His claims had no basis but may have been enough to scare some people off voting in what used to be the world’s exemplary democracy. ⁠ ⁠ David Mastio added that Biden won this contest handily. ... Biden is a sane, normal, polite human being, but I think he spoke for most Americans when he said, “Will you shut up, man.” That’s what I have been yelling at my TV and my Twitter feed every day for more than four years.⁠ ⁠ And that was before Trump started going on about how “we’re weeks away from a vaccine.” His own scientists say we’re looking at next spring or summer before widespread availability of a vaccine, yet Trump doubles down on hogwash even as he has to know no one believes him.⁠ ⁠ David Mastio, a libertarian conservative, is the deputy editor of USA TODAYs Editorial Page. Jill Lawrence, a center-left liberal, is the commentary editor of USA TODAY. ⁠ ⁠ Read the full piece at our link in bio. - @usatoday on Instagram

virginia va virginians virginia election vote

- Conservative memes

virginia va virginians election virginia election

- PsBattle: Laura Ingraham salutes Donald Trump

virginia va virginians virginia election voting

זה אחד הימים המרגשים בחיי. כל כך הרבה פעמים ראיתי את ראש הממשלה יוצא לפגישות חשאיות ברחבי המזרח התיכון במטרה להביא שלום לעמנו. היום, סוף כל סוף אחרי 20 שנה, כולם רואים את פירות השלום שהוא הביא. הרגע ההיסטורי הזה של חתימת שני הסכמי שלום עם איחוד האמירויות ובחריין - ייזכרו לעד בדפי ההיסטוריה של עמנו. כך נראה שלום תמורת שלום, שלום מתוך עוצמה. אני מודה מעומק ליבי לנשיא טראמפ ולרעייתו הגברת הראשונה מלאניה על קבלת הפנים החמה והמרגשת. אמרתי למלאניה שאלמלא הקורונה הייתי מתחבקת איתה כפי שהתחבקנו בפגישות קודמות. הקשרים האישיים הללו הם נדבך מרכזי בהבאת הסכמי השלום ההיסטוריים הללו. אני כל כך שמחה וגאה על כך שהייתי חלק ברגע הזה. אוהבת אתכם, שרה. - @sara.netanyahu on Instagram

virginia va virginians election virginia election

- @moishemana on Instagram

Watch Ninas exclusive interview for @CNN ! Link in our bio #ninamclemore #cnn #womeninpower - @ninamclemore on Instagram

- Libertarians

- Fred Thompson

- Presidential History

- An odd choice, but the I always thought the West Wing was the ultimate cosy tv program. Perfect viewing to unwind after a stressful day.

- Hey Reddit, seems like nows a fitting time to unveil the cover for this years Chaser Annual


‪BREAKING NEWS...2016!!!‬ ‪Businessman @realDonaldTrump tries to minimize his taxes...‬ ‪BREAKING NEWS...2020!!!‬ ‪Businessman @realDonaldTrump tries to minimize his taxes...‬ ‪#trumptaxreturns - @larryeldershow on Instagram

- For What Its Worth

- Gracias Javier ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

- historical photos

- A Pair of 45s ❤️❤️


- This guy has completely lost it

- American hypocrisy

- 2018

- Dump Trump!

- George H.W. Bush, the 41st POTUS Has Died at Age 94. Here He is Awarding the Presidential Medal of Freedom to the King Richard Petty

- America Land Of The Free?

- Tom Snyder

- Biden/Harris 2020

- An interesting title

- And thats the way it is

- ! Bernie & Elizabeth hit the nail on the head !

- Sen. Bernie Sanders is predicated to win the US 2020 election.

- Capricorn symbol

- cute QUOTES on politics

I’m here for it! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 - @iamkenricgreen on Instagram

- World News Now


- Jamaican curry goat

- PsBattle: Trump fist bumps Queen

Posted @withregram • @weareforeurope Stanley Johnson shopping without a mask. : : : #brexit #uk #loveeu #stopbrexitshambles #bestforbritain #exitfrombrexit #LoveEurope #FBPE #russiareport #russiabroughtbrexit #RejoinEU #NeverGiveUp #WeAreEurope #Resist #the3million #IAmEuropean #brexitisntworking #brejoin #rejoin #onecrisisatatime #sackcummings #covid19 : : #registertovote : #westonsupermare #clevedon #portishead #nailsea #northsomerset - @north_somerset4eu on Instagram

THIS IS THE END. FOR YOU, MY FRIEND. - @antiflag on Instagram

- Critical Thinkers

This weeks Miami New Times cover is a sendup of the old Tiger Beat magazine to honor Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos A. Gimenez, whos popping up everywhere these days! Cant get to a New Times box? Flip through the virtual pages from home via⁠ Cover: Tom Carlson Design Carlos Gimenez 📸 by Joe Raedle/Getty Images; Ron DeSantis 📸 by Gage Skidmore via Flickr; Donald Trump (left) 📸 by Seth Poppel/Yearbook Library via Wikipedia; Donald Trump (right) 📸 by Shealah Craighead–White House/Public Domain via Wikipedia - @miaminewtimes on Instagram

- Blursed news

- Spa gate

- Donald Trump Campaign Rallies to the White House 2016

- If only...

Its nice to meet a fellow Dick - @cheney.dick on Instagram

- Spooky scary skeletons will lead the revolution

- Trump says no one more competent in the world than daughter Ivanka to replace Nikki Haley as UN ambassador

- Anti-Trump celebs, high officials and countries

- ??????

- #DNC Becoming GOP

- Educate Before You Vaccinate

- What a difference two years makes

- America

- How could this lady on the news have accidentally dressed up as Austin Powers as well as she did?!

- Trump being persuaded at G7 Conference. Buy buy buy!

- PsBattle: Mike Pence and Donald Trump watch a video of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

- Its all a democRAT ploy sweaty.

- Solitude

- All Trump

- Mr. Vice President you look so... beautiful?

- I wish her well

- If you believe Obama is a communist, you’re a delusional moron.


- Karma is a son of a gun.

- Trump thinks Biden is juicing.

- “I love kids jumping on my lap”

- A picture of George HW Bush & a KGB/Mossad/MI-6 spy who also happens to be Ghislaine Maxwell’s father.

VOTE. - @manewitz on Instagram

- Those two buzzkill friends who argue over stupid shit when youre high

- Stand Strong!

- Editorial Design

- Donald trump eating

- No mask required

- 2018

- US Election 2016

- Donald, these cows are small but those ones are far away...

- 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

- In pantyhose

- President of russia

- Was that noise glub glub glub?

The president has chosen conservative favorite Amy Coney Barrett as his supreme court nominee.  If the name sounds familiar, its because the former Notre Dame law professor has been here before. Barrett was a top contender to replace Justice Anthony Kennedy in 2018. That spot went to Brett Kavannaugh. However, before her consideration for the high court, the Louisiana native and former Antonin Scalia clerk was nominated to the Court of Appeals. - @newsy on Instagram

- Free Meme Tuesday: Little F***ing Mitch McConnell

Ending the year with a bang! ⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ .⁣⁣ It was an honor to be the first Senator to receive the golden gavel in the 116th Congress from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Vice President Mike Pence for presiding over the Senate for 100 hours. - @marshablackburn on Instagram

- BidenHarris2020

- /Meme/ Throwing diplomatic curve balls towards the EU during Brexit negotiations

- Barrack Obama

- Shimon Peres

- Made the Snapchat news and still can’t tell if his face is edited.

- Private Eye front page

- Bleeding Heart Liberal

- coexist

- Freedom

- Dont Be Un-American, Vote Republican USA, 2002

- Liberal candidates 2020

- MAGA (Made in gina)

- Look like gravestones!

- Donald Trump Pictures

- asshole TRUMP

- Essential text is missing: be entered into a drawing where you might win...

- Bernie Sanders

- #####Joe BIDEN & SON

- Politics

- Betty Ford

- Invest in the season. Memes fresh as holly.


- Dollar Presidential

- 43 Another Great Man

- Be Watchful


- 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington


- Popular Books

- The First Lady


Correct. - @marshadecordova_ on Instagram

- Pro trump

#DEBATES2020 - @nvdems on Instagram

- Angelica Rivera

- MAD Magazine: Trump’s “Imagine”

#manifesting - @bernicelmcfadden on Instagram

- *⊱ Spring ⊰*

- John trump

- Grandma sees the connection...

- End me

- PsBattle: Trump holding newspaper

- Lets ignore 180k deaths and almost 7 million confirmed cases and Trump wanting to re-open school when cases are still rising

- Let’s all get close for the cameras as this Coronavirus Stimulus Bill gets signed.

- Found this sealed game for $4. Maybe it will be worth something someday.

- Raised Right

- .Hillary

- PsBattle: Trump seating Evangelist Paula White

- Chair

- caricature

It’s a sad day...Its worth acknowledging this is the closest a Leftist presidential campaign, a leftist movement has gotten to entering the highest levels state power. Thank you @berniesanders for reminding the working class, the poor, the marginalized what solidarity is. - @dailystrugglesession on Instagram

- Blursed role

- Bonkers and Beyond

- I saw Bernie Sanders last May when he was losing by 60+ points in the polls & was using electric tape & stickers to hold up signs. Wow, hes come a loooong way!

- Justin Trudeau

- Political Opinion

- Aneurin bevan

Tap the link in our bio to stay up to date with the latest state-by-state polling data! #biden2020 - @downtownfordemocracy on Instagram


Ni rojo, ni azul (🐘🐴)...y mucho menos “de color”...este es un tema absolutamente humano. ¿Por qué carrizo lo politizan? 🙄😫 ¡Arrggg!! . Tras el terremoto en 2010 en #Haiti muchos niños quedaron huérfanos... {realidad aún tangible}. . La familia Barret adoptó en ese entonces a un niño llamado John. Esta era la segunda adopción de esta familia en ese país... mucho tiempo antes habían acogido a una niña llamada Vivian. . Años después (ahora) -y en medio de la incertidumbre en cuanto a quien reemplazará a #ruthbaderginsburg en la Corte Suprema de Justicia-, salen algunos a cuestionar (justo ahora; really??) la legitimidad de esta adopción internacional de parte de #AmyConeyBarrett, candidata nominada por @realdonaldtrump #supremecourt 🇺🇸 . Barrett tiene 7 hijos: 5 biológicos. 2 adoptados. Los que la conocen dicen que es de carácter fuerte pero amorosa, compasiva y justa. . No conozco a esta mujer (que no juzgo, la jueza es ella 😉) pero sus acciones para mi hablan mucho más que sus palabras (o las de los que los critican... a ella y a su esposo...). . Yo (independientemente del tema político, eso a un lado) la admiro por su tenacidad por apoyar a Vivian, una niña a la que los médicos le pronosticaban lo opuesto a lo que hoy en día dicen que manifiesta: salud, capacidad para comunicarse y avances más allá de la compresión. De eso se trata el compromiso que implica una decisión como la #adopcion. . No me interesan (digamos que solo por hoy 🙄) los “burros” ni los “elefantes” (🐴🐘). Me importa la HUMANIDAD y lo humanamente Justo... sin distraerme, claro 🤚🏽! . Soy madre adoptiva x2. No me toquen ese botón. 👦🏽👧🏽 . 🤦🏽‍♀️ - @xiomararadiotv on Instagram

- Black Friday Deals

Washington: Presiden Amerika Syarikat Donald Trump dan isterinya, Melania disahkan positif Covid-19. Sebelum ini, Trump dan isterinya dilaporkan mengambil ujian saringan selepas seorang penasihat kanan kepada presiden, Hope Hicks disahkan positif virus berkenaan. Malam ini, @FLOTUS (Melania Trump) dan saya disahkan positif Covid-19. Kita akan menjalani kuarantin dan proses pemulihan dengan serta-merta. Kami akan menghadapinya bersama-sama, ciapnya menerusi Twitter. Hicks, 31, sebelum ini mengembara dengan Trump beberapa kali minggu ini, termasuk ketika menaiki kapal Marine One, helikopter presiden, untuk kempen pemilihan presiden pada Rabu. Selain itu, individu itu turut bersama Trump ketika presiden itu dalam perjalanan ke Debat Presiden di Cleveland, Ohio, Selasa lalu. - @buletin_malaysia on Instagram

- Social Proof

- ?

SEN. BERNIE SANDERS IN MILFORD, NH /// /// #newhampshire #primary #2020 #berniesanders @berniesanders - @christopherhall__ on Instagram

- Stand Up, America !

- Based thatcher

- America President Trump family

- Blursed Snapchat story

- News Highlights

- easter egg competition ideas

Next up is a free livestream with @jeffreytoobin & @scott_turow on Tuesday, August 4. Link in bio to register. • • • • • #jeffreytoobin #scottturow @penguinrandom #book #politics #law - @writersblocla on Instagram

- Brexit

- FWD: What a hero!!

Via @noticiastelemundo - @julito77 on Instagram

- Spread the word about Shillarys illegal foundation!

- 2016 Presidential Election

- Oh dear me...

- 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington

- Fortnite players

- PsBattle: A lady very excited to have her baby touched by Trump

- campain posters and viedo

Eedaflegging van de federale regering ⁣⁣ Prestation de serment du gouvernement fédéral Eidesleistung der Föderalregierung⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ @alexanderdecroo @vincentvq @vvpetegh @sammymahdi @meryamekitir @pdsutter @tinnevds @elianetillieux @ludivinededonder1 @pydermagne @karinelalieux @zakiakhattabi @gilkinetgeorges @sarahschlitz @sophiewilmes @davidclarinval @mathieumichel⁣ #BelgianRoyalPalace #MonarchieBe⁣ ⁣ 📸 FOD Kanselarij van de Eerste Minister / SPF Chancellerie du Premier Ministre - @belgianroyalpalace on Instagram

- A wider angle of the previously posted photo of Trump signing a document.

- Humor


- Tina turner 2017

- hmmm

- How the shutdown ends

- Campaigns

- Sydneys Daily Telegraph newspaper today

- Maybe in his spare time

- 420 Buzz board

- Cops are trumps base

- UK Politics

- English royal family

- The left is soooo petty

- T shirt art

- Should have been Bernie.

- Rude birthday wishes


- Made this 4 years ago...still true

- 1920

- A scary proposition

Today, we recognize #WorldDayAgainstHumanTrafficking, a day to raise awareness and redouble our efforts to protect weak and vulnerable populations from sex or labor trafficking. Human trafficking is a barbaric human rights abuse that thrives on greed, secrecy, a perverted sense of entitlement to exploit the vulnerable and an unimaginable disregard for the victims. As the author of five comprehensive laws to combat human trafficking––including the landmark Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA)—which marks 20 years of success this year–– I urge everyone to redouble their efforts and step up, bolster, and renew our commitment to eradicate the scourge of human trafficking once and for all. Unfortunately, COVID-19 has made our anti-human trafficking work more challenging—especially as predators groom more children online, traffickers and those they exploit become even more invisible, and jobs evaporate for rescued victims making them more susceptible to being trafficked. You can help break the cycle of human trafficking. Call the National Human Trafficking Hotline: ‪1-888-373-7888 if you or someone you know is a victim of human trafficking or to report a tip on suspected trafficking activity. #endhumantrafficking #humanrights #trafficking - @repchrissmith on Instagram

- Die Queen

- ACA Alternative

Still reeling from the debate? We have to save our future. Use your vote. ⁣ ⁣ 🔥Check your registration in our bio🧯 #⁣WeDecide2020 - @ppact on Instagram

- Liberal candidates 2020

- PsBattle: Joe Biden snacking on a finger

- Donald Trump Campaign Rallies to the White House 2016

Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden and his wife Jill Biden pay their respects to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg as she lies in state in the U.S. Capitol 📸Erin Schaff/@apnews/#Shutterstock #shutterstocknow #ruthbaderginsburg #rbg #joebiden - @shutterstocknow on Instagram

- The Brits, and I can’t fucking stress this enough, are at it again.

- Hail to the Chief

- Pro donald trump

- NEW NATIONAL POLL: Bernie +12 over Trump

- America

- All the News


- Laughing Pictures

- 2016 Presidential Election