Gender Based Violence Profile Pics

violence against womenwomenviolenceabusedomestic violencetrendingkulfydomesticwoman

♧☆♧ꜰᴀᴜꜱᴛ ɢᴜɪʟᴛʏ ɢᴇᴀʀ♧☆♧

se%C3%B1al lesslie polinesia pretty girl friends dace

- Apparently, trans women can have periods...

cyclonus troll alternative universe lore

- More.Than.Words

lesslie polinesia pretty girl peace sign strike a pose tongue out

- How mind boggling is it that this even has to be said?

fennec fox cat le goob big floppa big chungus

- Anon tries to become a chad

huntyourzodiac2022 dbscny dbsbank posbbank posbcny

- Warriors of Chris

women bitches lexi the studio woman on woman violence

- Mexicanos: si no estamos para ayudar, mínimo estamos para incomodar

rest in power trayvon martin trayvon blm black lives matter

- Por estas personas me da vergüenza ser mexicano

gender equality love couples

- My favourite FB page sold out and started posting clickbait

adorable yellow and red flowers around adorable in pink bubble letters aww so cute pretty

- Nicegirl posts picture of girl from her school on rate subreddit, hoping for low rates and gets mad when she gets called for her bullshit.

domestic violence hangry pizza fight

- The Two Types of Unironic Alex Jones Fans

knighted pepe

- quit speaking my language if you hate me so much

buttigieg pete buttigieg mayor pete buttigieg violence against black trans women

- Everyday at the casino

ong ech pepe

- 2020? Virus? Wtf is OP on about?

cersi violence game of thrones

- Was ist wenn antifasischiste Zeitgenossen das Gegenteil tun ????

kumu kumu universe cute squishy ku

- Didnt know where else this belonged but this dude believes that Trump is in charge of the UK...

we deserve a country free from gun violence gun reform nra stop gun violence innocent lives

- Dont believe in paid trolls

jiu dreamcatcher stuffy dcappg

- Senators Visit MILF Camp

1994 macintosh spearheaded the violence against women violence against womens act violence

- Fallout 3 4Chan style

joshi links oeklo

- In response to Pelosi ripping up Trumps SOTU speech. Did I even say anything accusatory or provocative?

chaennie friends friendship

- Shut up Martha

digicny2020 digicny orange springroll prawn

- You brainwashed your daughter into thinking the solar system is a lie? Okay...

emmys emmys2016 jill soloway stop violence transgender woman

- Its tough when others point out what went wrong with the Philippines

mystic messenger 707 luciel choi emotional worried

- Red loves his damn thesaurus.

gender is a construct

- Dont Brainwash Our Children! Anti-gay parents and their children protest New York Citys Rainbow Curriculum in 1992, which would teach students about AIDS and respect for gay and lesbian lifestyles. [540x800]

project sekai tsukasa tenma tenma tsukasa prsk proseka

- Karen, decaf means that the caffeine was removed, nothing added ...

anohito toxico terry y candy no a la violencia esto es maltrato te guste o no

- No surprise then that hes also a Flat-Earther.....

pdhunna podhunne na mood paaducheyaku sticker mood karaab cheyaku mood swings

- PCOS as a main excuse, with a side order of mobility issues.

me deixou desesperada desesperada violencia contra a mulher maria da penha lei maria da penha

- What’s the point of fact checking if they are just going to ignore it and continue to bend information to fit their own reality?

mobile legends bang bang mlbb ml moba

- It’s to love multiple. Any healthy Poly relationship is a good relationship

zamba canuta liberate contra la violencia

- Porn political compass

mystic messenger

- This guy tries to compliment an old song and this is what he gets

hosoki kazuko violent hit

- There are people behind the disability. Anti-vaxxers don’t realize this.

dramaturgy vtuber

- Bill Gates is the Devil

maru campos cuuc

- This simple solution would actually work!

wumpusscared wumpus

- Her love for Trump has no limits

basta de violencia

- Raise your hand if you got your gay/lesbian flu vaccine

ghostring ragnarok online ragnarok mmorpg

- 9gag mods don’t even check which flag is which before posting

the man who wrote the1994 violence against womens act family values protest protest sign

- The life cycle is beautiful.

univen text orgulh de ser univen proud of being univen hashtag

- You are never too young to be a queen.

lupita jones violencia simb%C3%B3lica forosmx en d%C3%B3nde est%C3%A1la violencia

- Becoming a Ghostbuster

jiu stuffy dreamcatcher furious dcappg

- Homöopathische Wissenschaft

porta dos fundos humor funny comedia violencia nunca ea solucao

- The countrys leading infectious disease expert apparently doesnt have the credentials required to speak about the coronavirus.

aaron z 4town turning red turning red4town 4town aaron z

- Anon tries tinder

caged! stuck struggle chained locked up

- Welp

ok nhat tri glasses spark

- Actually, thats exactly how it works.

heysp gunviolenceaware wear orange thoughts and prayers mass shooting

- Poor kid. It didnt have to end this way.


- Yup, Facebook is still a dumpster fire.

apunt catala catalan 69raons valencia

- Anon is picky.

undertale asriel sad je vois que je ne peux rien pour t aider adieu

- The EU is a regional jurisdiction that coordinates polices over several countries

cat violence violencia kindness kitty

- r/politicalcompasmemes send their regards

feminism female feminismo gender machismo

- The bullshit about the HPV vaccine is truly never ending.

delhi crime wins emmy for best drama series netflix delhi crime nirbhaya violence against women

- All that sciencey sounding stuff couldnt save him from logic


- This is a post of Titanfall 2, AND a reddit post


- Not a bot account

haechan nct127 nct super human magic

- Hun bot sad that more people are congratulated when getting a job instead of starting own business

you can make a difference world elimination of violence against women day abuse domestic abuse sexual crime

- You like having information on the food you’re eating? Then you either have an eating disorder or are fat-phobic.

corrieliotta violence against women plannedparenthood domestic violence hotline dv

- Imagine retweeting and attacking a 15 year old girl that didnt even mention weight for talking about a body feature that made her self-conscious.

violencia genere agressio abus heteropatriarcat rescat

- The W.H.O. is controlled by China! Do research!

nct127 nct taeil super human magic

- Maybe this is why the rest of the world views Americans as stupid

stop violence against women stop abuse violence against women physical taruma honor killings

- For fucks sake Ancom.

%E0%B8%A7%E0%B9%89%E0%B8%B2%E0%B8%A7 %E0%B8%95%E0%B8%B7%E0%B9%88%E0%B8%99%E0%B9%80%E0%B8%95%E0%B9%89%E0%B8%99 %E0%B8%95%E0%B8%B0%E0%B8%A5%E0%B8%B6%E0%B8%87 %E0%B8%94%E0%B8%B5%E0%B9%83%E0%B8%88 wow

- a (3Fll0) e (3Fll0) s (3Fll0) t (3Fll0) h (3Fll0) e (3Fll0) t (3Fll0) i (3Fll0) c

violencia sileciosa erola pons ruben romero gender violence

- Dont push Vax on dogs... Do some research (Older Post)

dramaturgy vtuber

- Vaccine injury

you played right into her hands joan ferguson wentworth fell into her fingertips she outsmarted you

- Classy girls

say her name sandra bland breonna taylor say their names say his name

- Insane people LinkedIn. Take your pick

domestic violence emotional abuse dv talk atx krystal hotline

- A two in one!

violence against women plannedparenthood domestic violence hotline dv dv awareness

- Clean and Simple

the man who fought wrote the1994 violence against womens act family values protest protest sign

- you know, maybe its okay to have diabetes


- Better side of /r9k/

locked up! international elimination of violence against women day women ponnu girl

- Anti-Corruption Bill kaya?

mystic messenger

- This would be satire but it was posted on a serious group

you have to sign for it katrin jaeger fbi international i need your signature please sign it

- Sweden is a rape capital of the world.

pouring ragnarok ragnarok online cute bounce

- Damn all those Cis white males and their *shuffles cards * ability to use voice chat

i get depressed the thought of losing you emotional sad upset

- imagine getting baitted into responding and showing just how much you choose to turn out certain things in your community.......

amazing laughingpikachu awesome fantastic wonderful

- Sell these people some scissors please.

consent drug flirting maybe past consent

- Reddit’s very own secret police on Drone Strike Bama. These people are nuts, no innocents killed cause the narrative must be protected.


- Donna wants you to wake up, sheeple

international day for the violence against women women l woman ponnu violence against women

- My friends Republican Boomer mom needs her salon back.

minka madebyminka bakkie bakkie doen koffie

- Whos fighting in Syria?

end toxic masculinity

- No woman ever - did fact checking before talking bullshit. Caught out and shut down!

dp elektronik dpelektronik langenhagen hannover

- 100% no

no nope

- It is amazing how dumb people can become

female sign symbols joypixels girls women

- china bad, trump good


- Another genital preference post

1994 macintosh spearheaded the violence against women violence against womens act violence

- Ok who’s spying on me?

violence doesnt bother me dee why women kill i like the violence im not scared of violence

- LOOK: Ako ay May Kiki, sinusulat na! Matapos ang pag-viral nakaraang linggo ng childrens book na Ako ay May Titi at pagkaubos ng stock nito sa Shopee at iba pang mga bentahan online, inanunsyo ng Lampara Books sa Facebook na susundan nila ang patok na pambatang libro.

the man who wrote the1994 violence against womens act family values protest protest sign

- Someone help me budget this

believe survivors support comfort

- I hope this doesn’t break the no partisan politics rule

the man who fought wrote the1994 violence against womens act family values protest protest sign

- Bullshitter steals a story word-for-word, mistakes and all

abhijit naskar naskar a man who raises his hand at a woman has no right to the world domestic violence gender based violence

- What is going on with bill gates this time? (Failed to process media last time)

stop violence women stop violence against women pink

- From Chicken to China real quick #PaWoke

abuse doesnt equal love abuse isnt love love abuse intimate partner violence

- That awkward moment you remember some of your followers are related to you

end violence against women purple ribbon vday violence against women domestic violence

- Clean conscience

bradcostadesign end domestic violence love shoud not be deadly cupid heart

- Yikes

abuse doesnt equal love abuse isnt love love abuse intimate partner violence

- Gender reveal parties are not only annoying but also violent and oppressive

end violence against women purple ribbon vday violence against women domestic violence

- The penis is a weapon

bradcostadesign end domestic violence love shoud not be deadly cupid heart

- Who cares about murder? Check your privilege!

gender based violence angieluxd violence women gif art

- Anon loves Trump

heyheysu vday violence against women domestic violence abuse

- The Confederacy Didnt set out to exterminate a huge portion of any population, but somehow they oopsied and 4 million Africans were killed by the transatlantic slave trade

heyheysu vday violence against women domestic violence abuse

- Anon V Satan

- Anon does the right thing

- Dont defend corporations, they will not return the favor

- This is how you get a fellow musician paid when he gets stiffed.

- Incompetent, stupid, and also notorious.

- /fit/ discusses deadlift

- Redditor gives Anon Reddit Platinum

- Personally, I try not to let the petty, narcissistic envy of others define my life choices

- anon gets caught doing something he shouldnt

- Washington National Opera advertises performance of Otello. Lady chimes in to correct their spelling.

- Political Beliefs

- Help! Vaccine injured and need help with ADHD.

- Denied

- „Educated“

- UCDavis hasnt been paying their student employees for over TWO months

- How do you do fellow Auth Rights?

- Well this doesn’t sound creepy at all...

- When your logical evidence based argument gets called an opinion

- Is your teen using DUTCH to communicate in secret?

- $100 for a stenciled painting with a trite message

- Anon questions some design choices

- 2019 and people still complain

- Youtube commenters just have to go political

- Anon becomes female

- Biology dont real. Only feels are real!

- Anon hates balls

- Anon is a good person

- Ah, it’s those ‘inherently fatphobic’ weight loss pictures again!

- Anon Doesnt Do Well In History Class

- They will never shut up with the same points disproven years ago 🙄

- Tom Cruise has done just fine according to /tv/

- Britt-Mari fullkomligt hatar att hon inte är den enda svensken som bor i Nederländerna

- He got there in the end.

- Hypocrites of the quadrants

- Lol what else?

- A two for one! Fake news comes in on all sides. Not too hard to just double check with Google first before posting. Will leave website in comments for all curious to have a look at.

- Red was asking for medical advice concerning vague and potentially dangerous symptoms but don’t worry because her friendly neighborhood RN dropped in to unleash some truly powerful medical wisdom [Shitpost]

- Anon is living the happy life.

- Also the left follows it up with and thats a good thing and the right with and thats a bad thing

- Coronavirus Explained

- Homophobes make the dumbest arguments and sometimes I dont know whether to laugh or get angry.

- LGBTQ Flags

- Here are some more Lies given to you by Diet Culture.

- Anon is inclusive

- Clitoral breakage???

- Yes, its to refrain from common sense

- FA tells a black person being fat is inherited and unchangeable as race...

Annastacia Palaszczuk or Deb Frecklington. Thats the choice you have to make at this election. Its a choice between a strong Premier who has a real plan for Queenslands economic recovery, or budget cuts from Campbell Newmans former Assistant Treasurer. Its a choice between sticking with a Labor government that listens to the health advice in order to keep Queenslanders safe, or voting for the LNP who will put the wellbeing of everyone at risk solely for political gain. This election matters. On October 31, vote for a stronger and more united Queensland. Vote for Annastacia Palaszczuk and Labor. #qldpol #TeamQLD - @markfurnermp on Instagram

- Philippines National Troll Program.

- Wait... how and what?

- Flood the mothers with smallpox.

- White people and their *shuffles deck* legitimacy

- Anon goes healthy

- Anon wants a white pill

- I’m not damaged Karen

- Im So happy He Decided To over simplify It For Us Simpletons. Id Hate To Read The Long Version.

- The only politician who will likely be fired that tweets a lot also spoke against vaccines a few times

- American Politics

- Jowa over Droga ❤️

- The naked truth about you must always listen and believe all the women who cry rape!

- Loving mothers dont make their children fat.

- Covidiot Red says Who cares if 3,000 people die?! The economy is more important!

- “stan” is slang for super/stalker fan... not anymore I guess

- Lets use a warm color to represent the cold areas!

- Cursed Internet

- Grammas a Yuuuge Reba Fan! (Link to article in comments)

- The big ol Yikes with a capital Y

- ThEn WhY Do MeXiCaNs SpEaK sPaNiSh?

- The challenge was literally just ‘post a pic of you in 2010 and a pic of you in 2020’, so nothing whatsoever to do with weight loss. But apparently just acknowledging you’re ten years older now is ‘inherently fatphobic’.

- Anon is excited for the next debate

- Anon memes on a german chef

- Hospital in Davao City got the HIGHEST financial help from PhilHealth

- Caught a wild one!

- News and Views

- I reckon theres a reason why there isnt an International Day against Heterophobia...

- The political compass, according to people who have no idea how it works

- El espectro político mexicano

- Anon has a autistic girlfriend

- 6x6 AuthRight Political Compass

- Bloody Brilliant!

- It has zilch to do with virginity lmao

- ... yep

- Britanon sang the national anthem of Amerimutts

- Found in the wild

- Stop the killing of children (Hebrew, English, Russian and Arabic) - 232 Palestinian children died since the beginning of the Intifada. 38 Children in the past 6 months, Israel, late 80s (by Btselem).

- Memes (rightfully) bashing the Presidential debates are in season now!

- you hear that, bi women? you apparently have some gross “man residue” on you

- Let’s talk about being socially responsible, ano ang dapat ginagawa ng mga pinoy ngayong panahon ng pandemya?

- Let’s not forget saying hi to strangers

- Man is accused of being a Holocaust denier

- /mu/tant wants to hit up a cute girl

- Robot fears the end of Net Neutrality

- Thats the proper mentality to have, only read literature by authors with the same gender, race, and ideology. Thats what books are essentially for...

- Biologist quits everybodys bullshit

- Preach

- Anon makes a friend

- Anon doesnt watch television

- Amongusgender

- “Natural lifestyle” except when natural ingredients are in a vaccine

- Utensils Cultural Appropriation

- Anon has AIDS

- Letting someone infect other people to own the libs 😎

- I think he qualifies.

- Anon is part of a sisterhood

- #justpeople

- America is the new loo

- Exactly why the fat acceptance movement can be extremely toxic


- Karen DeCrow gets it.

- /pol/tard describes the president.

- Anon treats the Las Vegas shooting like a game

- Anon is a Megavirgin!!

- Anon raises a good point

- Two anons have very different reactions to being pooped on

- Anon asks a Russian if he works out

- A story as old as time

- How the quadrants think their utopia will be VS. how it will actually be :

- By the way, theyre talking about themselves in third person.

- Anon needs help naming his snake

- Analysis of down-time during an OWL stream

- Anon fixes medicine

- Education News

- aliens?

- “I majored in gender studies”

- Any of yall like Greentext Tomboy memes?

- Anon is confused

- To all of y’all considering suicide

- Dont make fun of your kids

- George Floyd’s Instagram was covered with the phrase “ Da Sho”, what does it mean?

- Femanon suggests

- Anon failed chem in high school

- Awkward male teen circa 2012-15

- Sino gusto mag1 usd to 100 pesos? 🤣

- Anon is progressive

- Looks can kill

- yellow man bad, give updoots

- Anon makes a compelling political argument.

- 2x2 china compass

- Anon live in small town

- That was fast

- Better luck next time Arlene

- There are no white Europeans.

- Sums it Up Perfectly

- Anon is mentally ill

- 6x6 LibLeft Political Compass

- Why won’t she leave us alone...

- Each quadrants views on ownership

- Shopee employees received a care package before 9.9 because they worked extra for one of their biggest sales amid pandemic. I hope they take care of their riders, too.

- your feelings cause the beetus

- Dota 2 political compass

- All types of abuse

- Anon goes to a wedding

- Anons discuss Biden and sheep

- Anon tries to console

- 4cHAn iS FoR NAzIs

- Quadrants reaction to Libleft paranoia.

- Anon is concerned

- Back in 2007, the post that decided what SCP stood for

- Anon is disappointed

- “What makes your country special?” Anons reply with:

- The Political Compass, except its people you meet when you play Dungeons and Dragons

- The quadrants reacting to Christianity

- Noo Authleft not the Monopoly dude!

- Anon on the hot seat

- Anon with some deep insight

- Anti-Maskers Unfortunately Impact Others

- Technically its ephebophilia

- Anon committed a sin

- Anon says the n word

- Honest Britbonger

- A straight white male isnt feeling oppressed enough, so he starts identifying as a lesbian orthodox muslim

- Onions taste better in Comic Sans

- After AHS trashtalked PCM I got this idea

- Who knew Nazis would meet in the middle?

- Whos smarter?

- Anon is proud of his flag

- Bolivia Shall Overcome Fascism (Young Communist League of Britain poster)

- Child abuse

- Open season, anons.

- „Fascism [...] by definition [...] is leftism“

- The Political Compass: High School Edition

- Snowden is fucking based and I will fight anyone who says otherwise

- Not sure if this meme has been posted before but its funny and Im going to share it for others to enjoy :)

- Destroy the fed and return to the gold standard.

- kAnusfag

- Pls stop it

- Anon explains the Enkidu gambit

- /pol/ discusses trumps wall

- How each quadrant views Neoliberalism

- Political Compass but it is Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

- Anon stands up for himself.

- Damn, I guess I missed that SS memo...

- Anon hears from higher-ups

- Anon has a solution

- Anon corresponds with Stephen Colbert

- /pol/ finds a trident

- Stop watching porn.

- People in the U.S. care more about politics than Europeans.

- Confirmation bias is real

- You know its serious.

- /ourguy/ ?