Elizabeth Birdsworth Profile Pics

celia irelandwentworthliz birdsworthcryingemotionalnopeshockedthats rightthats not true
you were right liz birdsworth wentworth you were telling the truth i was wrong
why liz birdsworth s3e6 evidence wentworth
maybe she didnt have a choice karen proctor liz birdsworth wentworth maybe theres no choice for her
yeah you do liz birdsworth take that wentworth
emotional liz birdsworth wentworth crying sad
shakes head liz birdsworth wentworth nope no
shrug liz birdsworth wentworth maybe who knows
i need some time liz birdsworth wentworth i need time i want to be alone
shocked liz birdsworth wentworth suprised appalled
how do i do that liz birdsworth wentworth what am i supposed to do how am i supposed to do it
smile liz birdsworth wentworth concerned worried
crying liz birdsworth wentworth sad emotional
uncomfortable liz birdsworth wentworth umm nervous
worried liz birdsworth wentworth concerned preoccupied
haha liz birdsworth wentworth laughing hilarious
good liz birdsworth wentworth fine alright
think first liz birdsworth wentworth use your brain think before you talk
nodding liz birdsworth wentworth okay ok
oh please liz birdsworth wentworth give me a break come on
have a shower for gods sake elizabeth birdsworth wentworth take a shower you stink
youre right elizabeth birdsworth wentworth correct thats right
hugging elizabeth birdsworth bea smith wentworth embrace
thats okay elizabeth birdsworth wentworth its alright no problem
leave it elizabeth birdsworth wentworth leave it alone nevermind
what elizabeth birdsworth wentworth whats going on whats wrong
give me a break elizabeth birdsworth wentworth leave me alone get away from me
settle down elizabeth birdsworth wentworth calm down everybody relax
i do elizabeth birdsworth wentworth i am thats right
drinking coffee elizabeth birdsworth wentworth drinking sipping coffee
eating elizabeth birdsworth wentworth chewing delicious
i understand elizabeth birdsworth wentworth im with you understandable
ive got dementia elizabeth birdsworth wentworth im forgetful i cant remember
hes nearly a man elizabeth birdsworth wentworth hes coming of age hes growing up
oh elizabeth birdsworth wentworth really seriously
can we not do this elizabeth birdsworth wentworth lets not do this can we let this pass
stick to your guns elizabeth birdsworth wentworth stick to your guts believe in yourself
be strong elizabeth birdsworth wentworth stay strong be brave
who is it elizabeth birdsworth wentworth whos there who are they
crying elizabeth birdsworth wentworth emotional in tears
come on come on girls elizabeth birdsworth wentworth lets go cmon guys
do you want me to help elizabeth birdsworth wentworth is there anything i can help you with what can i do for you
thats true elizabeth birdsworth wentworth thats a fact youre right
yeah elizabeth birdsworth wentworth yup thats right
yeah elizabeth birdsworth wentworth yes yep
i got rid of it elizabeth birdsworth wentworth i threw it away disposed of it
thats a nice thing to say elizabeth birdsworth wentworth how kind how thoughtful
shocked elizabeth birdsworth wentworth speechless no words
what elizabeth birdsworth really shocked celia ireland
nope elizabeth birdsworth wentworth no thats not true
nope elizabeth birdsworth thats not true crying emotional