David Wenham Profile Pics

sir tiuri the valiantthe letter for the kingnetflixwhat are you talking abouti dont get what you talking abouti dont understand what you talking aboutwhat do you meanconcernedworried
i will not set eyes on you again i wont do it again it wont happen again i wont look at you i stop looking for you
you must not get involved in this dont get involved in this you cant get involved in this dont get involved leave this alone
what the hell where have you been where have you going what the hell have you been where were you
i wont tell you again dont let me tell you again i wont repeat again im not going to repeat myself im going to say it again
dad and son kiss dont worry youll be find i love you
punch fight fall down knock out david wenham
not looking for trouble not looking for fight not looking for problem i dont want any trouble i dont want any problems
what are you talking about i dont get what you talking about i dont understand what you talking about what do you mean concerned