Climate Justice Profile Pics

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Greta Thunberg on Her Fight to Save the Planet — and Why Aspergers Is Her Superpower — People

Apple Products Fan on Twitter

abjahanbin zero percent one hundred percent zero one hundred

MORE CHURROS LESS COPS! Powerful rally on Thursday as immigrant & workers rights, small business & transportation advocates demanded @nyccouncil let our smallest businesses thrive! Stop criminalizing street vendors & pass #intro1116 !! 💛 Big thank you to our elected officials & allies who each day advocate for dignified working conditions, justice and opportunity for our city’s smallest businesses @__jessicaramos__ @teammargaretchin @menchaca @carlinalrivera @jumaane.williams @cabanforqueens @queensneighborhoodsunited @workersjusticeproject @maketheroadny @thenyic @brandworkers @transportationalternatives @jfrejnyc @anhdnyc 💛 📸🔥 photos by Enrique Rosas, a Mexican-born artist living in Queens, New York. Check his work @_ibarraperez ! - @streetvendorproject on Instagram


Yanfei: Impartial ⚖️

lcvearthday lcv worldwarzero climate climate justice

One of the worst things that ever happened to me turned into some of the most defining moments of my life. @she_sepuede can use my voice to speak my truth and fight against injustice, no matter what. And feeling powerful in response to something that made me feel so powerless is a feeling I will never, ever forget. #shesepuede - @jesslivmo on Instagram

The Staggering Consequences of Neglecting Your Bible

The Oral History of the Waynes World Bohemian Rhapsody

democracyrising clean air climate climate justice climate change

- @chrisgadbury on Instagram

To be or not to be ethically correct

𝓔𝔃𝔃𝓲𝓮 on Instagram: “swipe! Join the global climate strike this Friday to demand climate justice and system change. More info at”

there is no planet b climate change vote earth election

A Black Lives Matter rally and March were held in Southampton Village on Saturday afternoon. - @theexpressnewsgroup on Instagram

im proud to say science is back president biden joe biden lcvearthday lcv

Heres the thing: we cannot expect black americans to focus on the climate crises when we are at risk in our streets, in our communities and evidently, in our own homes. I urge you to read Dr. Ayana Johnson’s recent article in the WP on racism and climate change efforts. Link here: - @treesdurham on Instagram

on to cop26the world climate summit glasgow lcvearthday lcv worldwarzero climatesummit

📣 Ayer viernes 25 de septiembre, fue la 6ta MANIFESTACIÓN MUNDIAL POR LA CRISIS CLIMÁTICA . ✊ Convocamos a les ciudadanes a manifestarnos por todas las problemáticas actuales, tanto de la provincia como del país, que nos impiden y nos arrebatan el derecho a un ambiente sano. 🌱 Queremos vivir sabiendo que mañana tenemos un futuro prometedor, que las futuras generaciones y la nuestra misma no tendrán que preocuparse por la probabilidad de vivir en un ambiente hostil y desolador. 👉 Hoy, siendo conscientes del colapso sistémico al cual el modelo de ayer y de hoy nos está llevando, tenemos el deber de ser agentes de cambio, de crear juntes, un nuevo presente, en pos de un futuro sostenible. Por eso, salimos a las calles, una vez más, a demostrar nuestro repudio al accionar de quienes están a cargo, frente a los problemas medio ambientales que nos conciernen a todes, estamos en emergencia ecológica, climática y social, exigimos que se tomen medidas acorde y a la altura de la situación, basta de pintorescas mentiras, BASTA DE FALSAS SOLUCIONES, BASTA. . . 💚 Agradecemos a todes aquelles que se pudieron sumar al menos un ratito, a todes les que participaron difundiendo, y les que ayudaron con la producción de carteles y banderas. Agradecemos también a @francoalonsofotografia por capturar momentos de la manifestación y a @cordobaclimatesave por acompañarnos ✊ . . . Sin dudas queda un camino muy largo por luchar aún, pero entre todes podemos alzar el puño y hacernos escuchar por un mundo mejor 🌎 🌱 . . . . #ViernesPorElFuturo #BastadeFalsasSoluciones #PorNuestroMonte #NoAlAcuerdoPorcinoConChina #EscazuAhora #LeydeHumedalesYA #EmergenciaClimatica #CambioClimatico #BastaDeDesmontes #BastaDeFumigaciones #EnergiasLimpias #CalentamientoGlobal #Cordoba #Argentina #Viernes #Climatestrike #Globalstrike #Fridaysforfuture #Climatechange #Globalwarming - on Instagram

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Marching with @gaysagainstgunsny and friends for this years @queermarch Queer Liberation March for Black Lives and Against Police Brutality #qlm4blm Best #pride yet! - @carlitoegelato on Instagram

ruchita_bait keep earth wild earth day happy earth day lcvearthday

Hoy se gritó por el derecho a elegir: las calles en México se pintaron de verde a favor de la despenalización del aborto. - Cientos de mujeres tomaron las calles de la CDMX este 28 de Septiembre en el Día de la Lucha por la Despenalización y Legalización del Aborto en América Latina y el Caribe, donde diversos colectivos feministas se congregaron para exigir la libertad para decidir sobre su cuerpo en todo el país. - Un grupo de mujeres feministas partió del Monumento a la Revolución con dirección al Zócalo de la Ciudad de México, sin embargo, en su camino fueron cercadas por policías, las instrucciones eran no dejar pasar al Zócalo para proteger la integridad de las personas del Frente Nacional Anti-AMLO (Frenaaa). - Los elementos, en su mayoría mujeres, hicieron un cerco que impedía la salida y entrada de las manifestantes y transeúntes. Hubo detonaciones y enfrentamientos entre manifestantes. - Conoce todos los detalles en el link de nuestra bio. - Fotos: Lorena Jiménez/Forbes México (@soldelagua_), Sáshenka Gutiérrez/EFE. - #México #28S #AbortoLegalYSeguro #CDMX - @forbesmexico on Instagram

earth day happy earth day lcvearthday lcv climate

When I was 12 years old walking amongst my family and family friends in Lahore towards a Basant party, I had worn some heels to dress up and was lagging a bit behind our group. Three men who were walking parallel to us in the opposite direction surrounded me, grabbed me, groped me and ran off. As I screamed, none of my mehrum nor anyone came to my rescue. Months later one of my mehrum accused me of making it up. On three separate occasions I was harassed on the road while driving, all three times the perpetrators attempted to drive me off the road. On one occasion I was nodding along to the music (not allowed to do much more lest I be “asking for attention”), two boys on a motorbike took the exit before me and both looked back to stare at me. The boy sitting behind, and I say boys because they could not have been more than teenagers, looked at me with animosity, pure hatred - I was baffled and just avoided eye contact. The boys however spent the next 20 minutes of the drive speeding up in front of me, slowing down, driving straight towards my car, forcing me to veer into other lines, when I slammed on my brakes to make distance they drove towards me - all with menacing looks on their face. All in daylight. All for what? For what? For nearly 2 years a man on the same floor of the building I worked, a man whose identity has never been discovered, stalked my comings and goings. I had hundreds if not thousands of messages from him across multiple Facebook pages describing what I was wearing, how I was talking, where I worked, what days I took off, so on and so forth. He kept making new pages, he kept on messaging me, FOR YEARS. I did not know until I left that job when I had a gut feeling I should check my filtered folder. I cannot describe the way I felt when I realised that for years I was going to work, GOING TO WORK, and that I was ignorant to somebody documenting my every move. I was terrified, devastated, humiliated - all I was doing was going to work. At that same building, a man in the elevator screamed at me to put on a chaddar before I leave the house, gesturing to my breasts and infuriated. [Cont in comments] - @sabahbanomalik on Instagram

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Fighting for justice and equality of all black lives in DC! I will keep fighting and never give up! ✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿✊🏽✊🏾 #blackmodel #jasoncpeters #jasonchristopherpeters #lgbtqia #blm #blackmodelnyc #blacklivesmatter #justice #equality #freedom #justiceforgeorgefloyd #justiceforgeorgenyc #nyc #blackart #blackmusic #blackdancer #blacksinger #blackmua #washington #dc #marchonwashington 📸 @streetnessmag - @jasoncpeters on Instagram

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My mother and I have been travelling from the time when hardly any female was seen driving on GT Road or Motorway, I still remember when we used to travel to Gujrat, people used to stare at us and point fingers in amazement that a woman was driving the car and in one of these travel trips we had to go to Rawalpindi for my cousin’s nikkah and some emergency came up and had to travel back to Lahore at night. We decided to go via Motorway because it “was” considered the safest at that time, at least(now thinking about it whether it be any road, GT road or Ferozepur Road, it’s never safe for a woman unless she lives in “France”). Anyways so the journey started and this car started to follow us, in a super strange manner, I still remember it was a white old Honda car and there were four men sitting inside of it. Initially, it was weird because whenever my mother would increase the speed they would have the indicators on to tell us to slow down, they would go ahead of us and then slow down to come back and whenever my mom would overtake them or they would overtake us they would smile and stare at us. During all of this I being a child thought stopping at Behra was the safest option but my mother kept refusing and said that we will only stop when we reach home, because if we stop they might also stop and that’s not safe. Although later my mother took the car following us as a positive sign because she thought maybe they were “angels” protecting us but for good half of the journey she was dead scared. She was constantly reciting Ayatul Kursi, and today I realise why and how it’s so easy for men to do what they desire to do. It’s like females are a prey to them! Afsos ke baat tou yeh hai ke ab ap aese mardo kou yeh bhi realise nahi karwa sakte ke enki maa behnai bhi hai kyun yeh tou Onka bhi lehaz nahi kartey, Jab aurato ne marital rape par awaaz uthana chahye tou enho ne aitraz kia, jab aurto ne child marriage ke baat ke tab enko agg lagi, aur jab aurto ne mera jism par awaz uthai tou pori qoum nach pari. Kyun? I am not going to give suggestions on what needs to be done because thousands have already. Allah tamam aurto kou apni hifz o aman mai rakhe. - @swardanaqvi on Instagram

our earth is worth fighting for our planet is worth fighting for lcvearthday lcv climate

#ripbreonnataylor #blacklivesmatter #breonnataylor #blacklivesmattermovement . . . . . #emmottelainea #elaineaemmottphotography #blackartists #blackphotographers #protestphotographer #activist - @elaineaemmott on Instagram

jazminantoinette earth day happy earth day lcvearthday lcv

Just play your role and play it well. Everyone isn’t gonna feel comfortable protesting, donating, signing petitions, etc. Just find something you can do - @paragondon605 on Instagram

defend virginias progress on climate justice vote blue virginia va virginia governor

#JusticeForBelly #JusticeForGeorge #JusticeForBreonna #TheUKIsNotInnocent #BlackLivesMatter - @harris_tench on Instagram

worldwarzero climatesummit climate climate justice happy earth day

- The story of the Debenhams workers so far....

alaska needs climate infrastructure climate action climate justice climate crisis climate strike

Happy birthday to Harlem Renaissance poet and playwright Georgia Johnson! #JoyandJustice #HappyBirthday #HarlemRenaissance - @foundationforla on Instagram

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#cbse_compartment_exams_2020 - @cbse_official_ on Instagram

vrl justice for climate dr seuss lorax climate justice

Hoy 28 de Septiembre, las Yerbateras alzamos la voz contra la ilegalidad del aborto. Desde nuestro conuco ecofeminista Argelina Laya también decimos que esta lucha, es nuestra y debe ser de todas y todos. Cada día es una oportunidad para juntarnos y ser más sensibles y solidarias, entre nosotras principalmente. Exigimos la garantía de nuestros derechos sexuales, reproductivos y el acceso al aborto seguro y gratuito. Más de mil mujeres pidieron orientación para abortar en el 2019. Según llamadas realizadas a la Asociación @faldasr #hablemosdeaborto #AbortoLegalYaVzla #MadreSiYoDecido #tabú #informaciondudosa #estafas - @anacnunezf on Instagram

climate action now climate action climate justice climate crisis climate strike

Joined @natlnorml and Legalize PA to call for my colleagues in the House and Senate to finally end the prohibition of cannabis in Pennsylvania. End the war on drugs, end the war on people, achieve social and criminal justice reform and create economic gain. These are now mandates in the face of a pandemic and our communities calls for social and economic justice. #cannabiscommunity #philadelphiacannabiscommunity #letmypeoplegrow #letsgrowpa #cannabusinesses #aftercovid #covid #covid_19 - @sensharifstreet on Instagram

earth day happy earth day lcvearthday lcv climate

Governor Newsom signed AB32!!! Thank you for your time and support! - @im4humanintegrity on Instagram

earth day happy earth day lcvearthday lcv climate

Scenes from the Justice for Breonna rally and march from Nubian Square to Boston City Hall September 25, 2020. (Jesse Costa/WBUR) @jessecostapix - @wbur on Instagram

lcvearthday lcv worldwarzero climatesummit climate

We are grateful to follow the leadership of these Black mothers Adrienne Hood (Columbus, mother of #HenryGreen) Sabrina Jordan (Dayton, mother of #JamarcoMcshann) & dozens more fighting for justice for their loved ones lost at the hands of Ohio police. Their message: there is no true justice since their children should still be here, but they are fighting for us, for a future without fear because #BlackLivesMatter. We recognize the leadership of State Rep @erica_crawley marching alongside us and honor all the families who spoke their loved ones names. #TyreKing #JaronThomas #KareemJones #JuliusTate #AbdiRahman and so many more. 📷 Columbus Dispatch #DefendBlackLives #BlackLivesMatter #columbusprotest - @peoplesjustice on Instagram

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Peaceful protesters bear witness to The National Eviction Team (NET) evicting tree protectors at Jones Hill Woods who have been living there to protect this ancient woodland. Difficult scenes today on #NationalTreeKillingDay A big thank you to the brave tree protectors and supporters, without whom the woods would have been chopped down earlier this year 🙏🏻🌳#WereNotGoingAway #JoinUs - @hs2rebellion on Instagram

fight for your planet lcvearthday lcv climate climate justice

Swipe through to learn more about the history of #DisarmPSU, #JasonWashington, and how you can help! ✊🏾⠀ ⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ ⁣[image 1 text: With all eyes on Portland…what is Disarm PSU?]⠀ .⠀ [image 2 text: Disarm PSU is the campaign which has been calling for the reversal of the decision to create PSUs campus police force since 2015.⠀ ⠀ On June 29th, 2018, PSU Police murdered Jason Washington, a Black man attempting to break up a fight outside of a campus bar.]⠀ .⠀ [image 3 text: Disarm PSUs Origins| On December 11th 2014, during the first explosion of the Black Lives Matter movement, the Portland State University Board of Trustees voted to create an armed and deputized campus police force. The same night as the non indictment of Officer Darren Wilson, who had gunned down unarmed teen Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO that past August.⠀ ⠀ This decision came after two years of student, staff and faculty resistance, since the potential creation of the police force was initially proposed in January, 2013 by then President Wim Wiewel⠀ ⠀ Much of this opposition was led by the Portland State University Student Union who championed the need for the university administration to “explore and investing in community centered, non violent, researched alternatives solutions to campus safety concerns.”]⠀ .⠀ [image 4 text: Who are the PSU Board of Trustees?| The PSU Board of Trustees are the unelected governing body of Portland State. They are selected by the governor and appointed by the state senate, with input from the university president.⠀ ⠀ The vast majority of board members do not come from careers in education, but rather, but rather represent various business interests. For example,, former chair and current Board member Pete Nickerson is the former General Manager of Nike in China.⠀ ⠀ At any given time the 15-member board has only one faculty representative one staff representative and one student representative. Not even these members are chosen through any sort of democratic process.] - @disarmpsunow on Instagram

the solution is undeniable covid19 corona coronavirus racial justice

Heute waren 200.000 Menschen mit uns auf der Straße. Unglaubliche 21.000 Menschen waren heute mit uns in Berlin dabei. Ich kenne niemanden, der das für möglich gehalten hätte. Das ging, weil tausende Helfer*innen & Aktivist*innen angepackt haben. Und weil Menschen überall bereit sind für 1,5-Grad zu kämpfen. Komme was wolle. Wir streiken nicht weil die Klimakrise unsere Zukunft gefährdet - sondern weil das nicht so bleiben muss. Eine klimagerechte Welt ist möglich, solange wir für sie kämpfen. #KeinGradWeiter #fightclimateinjustice . . 📸 Dominik Butzmann // @dominikbutzmann - @luisaneubauer on Instagram

democracyrising clean air climate climate justice climate change

Nurses and healthcare workers attend a Black Lives Matter rally at Union Square in New York City. . . Lisa, a physician, said, Im here to protest against racism because the institutionalized racism in this nation has been going on for way too long. One result of this is that the novel coronavirus has disproportionately impacted people of color. We take care of our patients, and we stand with them as well. #blacklivesmatter #blackouttuesday - @pninson on Instagram

80billion pounds of food is thrown away each year equivalent to1000empire state buildings food waste pizza eggs

Scenes from yesterday’s march against police brutality in Miami. - @delgiudicephoto on Instagram

earth day happy earth day lcvearthday lcv climate

📰 Notre focus pour le Webmédia @auxsons est à retrouver sur leur site (lien dans la bio) #musiquesdumonde #environnement #auxsons - @thegreengreenroom on Instagram

climate dream team dream team climate climate change climate justice

Proud to march with Oakland protestors today to call on the Oakland School District to end its contract with the Oakland Police Department. Here we are marching to the house of the Oakland School Board president who has supported the contract in the past. - @mfondy on Instagram

if the world wont get no better if you just let it be john legend john legend quote wake up everybody world

Thats not a chip on my shoulder, Thats your foot on my neck. #malcolmx #BLMIreland - @connollyym on Instagram

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So great to see so many for the #blacklivesmatter march in #callicoonny. And no counter protestors. Thank you @willowabaum for the lovely photo and companionship today. Thank you @sachajonesceremonies for inspiring me to go! - @derickmelander on Instagram

oh earth sustainability ohio recycling

🌈What a blessing it is to be alive in this moment - to be queer, deliberate, and afraid of nothing. To be in the streets with chosen and extended family. To be shape shifters, freedom fighters, radiant, marching with power and joy and rage and grief and tenderness towards a future without police, without prisons. For Black trans power. For futures where we are ALL thriving, free, alive, here, always. Happy Pride, beloveds. #queerliberationmarch for #blacklives🌈 🌈 Please join me TODAY in moving dollars to @blackxcollective - an organizing hub for and by Black Trans/Queer young people. Follow them and donate through the link in their bio. 🌈 - @jessielevandov on Instagram

earth sustainability new jersey recycling nj

This morning I uploaded a “black square” blackout post. I’ve taken it down because I read a lot of Black activists saying they were drowning out crucial organizing messages. I recognize that I have a pretty big audience here (you guys are the best) and, if I’m going to be a good ally, the most important thing I can do is amplify Black voices. Check my stories for a link to some incredible Black photographers on Instagram who are documenting what’s happening. Also, here are some accounts to check out if you’re looking to stay informed and get involved: @justiceforgeorgenyc @mvmnt4blklives @mnfreedomfund - @sebmodak on Instagram

marylanders need big bold action on climate jobs and justice climate action climate justice climate crisis climate strike

madison, wi protest #photography #protest #madison - @shotbytanner on Instagram

a healthy democracy needs a healthy environment eagle united states freedom american eagle

#justiceformanishavalmiki #castesystem #women #dalitlivesmatter #dalitwomenslivesmatter #ifwedonotrise - @ifwedonotrisegoa on Instagram

buildingbacktogether climate justice environmental justice bbt pollution

On sindigne pour ce qui se produit à létranger. On critique les autres pays, mais là, cest ici et nulle part ailleurs que ça se passe. Je nai pas les mots pour crier haut et fort toute ma peine et ma rage. Jai attendu quelques jours avant de prendre la parole parce je suis à bout de souffle, à court de mots. Voilà un autre cas. Une autre injustice de trop qui est arrivée près de chez-nous. Il faut agir maintenant et ne pas attendre une autre commission, une autre enquête qui sera sur les tablettes, quon jettera aux poubelles sous mille et un prétextes. Le racisme systémique existe au Québec, au Canada. En voici une autre preuve. Une autre mort qui aurait pû, qui aurait dû ne se jamais se produire. #JusticeForJoyce #amnistieinternationale - @felipe_del_pozo on Instagram

texas climate change this is climate change global warming power outage

- Merkt ihr was?

earth day earth environment planet climate

I had SUCH AN AMAZING TIME at #climatestrike I cannot wait for the next one! I used to talk a lot about the women I have drawn here and the hope they all give me. That is the feeling I got today. Do I wish we didnt have to fight for these changes? Absolutely. But having a crowd of people willing to put in the effort, it really gives me hope that we might win Profits from this print (link in bio) are going to Rainforest Alliance. . . . #climatestrike #climate #climatechange #gretathunberg #environment #sustainable #climatecrisis #12years #dailydraw - @bambiiart on Instagram

climate justice sunflower earth earth justice racial justice

Long prison terms don’t make us safer. People can return home early from prison and live peacefully in their communities. Former Philadelphia juvenile lifers who were released early and given #SecondChances are a case in point. - @fammfoundation on Instagram

lcvearthday lcv worldwarzero climate climate justice

Thank you to everyone who came out and tuned into our live on Facebook. Special thanks to everyone who helped put this together. As we continue to fight for MamaGlo’s freedom you can do your part by calling the governors office (225)278-0644 #freemamaglo - @pdm_nola on Instagram

lcvearthday lcv worldwarzero climatesummit climate

UPDATE from our comrades @ignitekindred: 14 of the 15 of the #Georgia15 has been released. The last comrade is being held on false past charges. Local folks are assessing ways to support. More updates to come. #CountEveryVote - @blmatl on Instagram

earth day happy earth day lcvearthday lcv climate

Silence is complicity. BLM protest in DTSA 5.31.20 - @thehextron on Instagram

fight for your planet lcvearthday lcv climate climate justice

Faces of the climate strike. Ihr seid die Demo, ihr seid die 10.000, ihr seid Fridays for Future. Danke an jede:n einzelne:n, der:die gezeigt hat #keingradweiter 📷 @moritz.heck - @fridaysforfuturekoeln on Instagram

earth day earth environment planet climate

We shut the Brooklyn Bridge down and then took the streets in the name of justice! We gonna #DefundNYPD & get that billion dollars (or more!) for our communities!!! - @mooreprogress on Instagram

lcvearthday lcv worldwarzero climatesummit earth day

Hats off to @climatestrikewa who pulled off an amazing Climate Strike on September 25th here in Tacoma on the traditional lands of the Puyallup people. Racial justice is climate justice! A huge thanks to all the speakers who helped make this point at the rally: •Miriam McBride @tacoma_action •Mariah @nativedailynetwork •Zuarel Blue Black Panther Party •Alex Coley @thenewgenerationtwo.0 •Beth Doglio @electbethdoglio •Josef Barlow-Farrar @xrtacoma •Hugo @tacomamutualaid •Penny Rowe - UPS •Steven Neshyba - UPS •Gemma - SAMI •Annette Bryan @puyalluptribeofindians •Dakota Case - Water Warriors •Marquis Mason @sunrise_tacoma •Nakanee @tacomaprotestdaily #climatestrikewa #climatestrike #globalclimatestrike #fridaysforfuture #saytheirnames #justiceformanuelellis #blacklivesmatter #defendblacklives #defundthepolice #defundthepolicestate #investinblackcommunities #supportblackownedbusinesses #standwithpuyalluptribe #realrent #honorthetreaties #abolishICE #shutdownNWDC #climateemergency #climatejustice #wedonthavetime #NoLNG253 #stoptacomaLNG #nomethanol #justrecovery #carbonneutral2025 #taccouncil #greennewdeal #tacoma #tacomaprotest #tacomaprotests - @350tacoma on Instagram

lcvearthday lcv worldwarzero climatesummit earth day

- Decentralization Triangle by Tone Vays

worldwarzero climatesummit climate climate justice happy earth day

ASHE 9/26/20 . This afternoon, we passed out a rose to every black woman and woman of color that was at the rally. We want you to know that we love you and we cherish you. If you to go to our website, and you donate to our fund, we will be supporting black women led organizations and black girl supporting organizations with every dollar that comes in. We will do more. Say Her name. Breonna Taylor. -My Block My Hood My City- . #myblockmyhoodmycity #sayhername #breonnataylor #chicago #daleyplaza #latina #mom #teaching #my #son #justice #blacklivesmatter #unity #love #respect #accept #embrace #diversity #downtown #chitown #chicity #photojournalism #documentaryphotography #photographer #photography #nikonusa #chicagomag #todayinchicago #ashe #producechange - @gabyvalladolidphotos on Instagram

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- Catholic Faith

earth day happy earth day lcvearthday lcv climate

45 bénévoles ont répondu à l’appel aujourd’hui à Thionville 🎉🎉 Merci à vous tous d’être venus, pour votre bienveillance et bonne humeur. ☺️ Au total +5 kilos de mégots collectés et 20 sachets de déchet 😰😰 Mais nous avons vraiment été efficace!! C’était une super matinée, merci également à la Ville de Thionville qui nous a fourni le nécessaire et merci à d’avoir été présent et d’avoir récupéré ces 5kilos de mégots qui seront recyclés dans du mobilier urbain ! ♻️♻️ À bientôt pour une nouvelle cleanwalk 🙏🏼💚 Elisa 🧤 - @cleanwalker_moselle on Instagram

climate climate change climate crisis global warming pollution

Wir verstehen uns als Teil einer zivilgesellschaftlichen Bewegung, die den Austausch zwischen Bürger*innen, Wissenschaft und Politik auf Augenhöhe anstrebt. Wir freuen uns, dass so viele großartige Gruppen unsere Volksinitiative für einen Klima-Bürger:innenrat unterstützen. 💚 Wenn auch du uns kennenlernen willst: Ab 18:30 Uhr Onboarding für Interessierte in der Bauhütte Kreuzberg, Friedrichstraße 18/19! #Bürgerrat #Klimaschutz #Berlin #Onboarding #Support #Netzwerk #klimaberlina - @klimaneustartberlin on Instagram

lcvearthday lcv worldwarzero climatesummit earth day

Announcing the Ivy League Votes Challenge!! We are pumped to be working with our Ivy League peers to increase student turnout. Game on! - @harvardvoteschallenge on Instagram

earth day happy earth day lcvearthday lcv climate

This is a challenge for all of us. We want to show our solidarity. ✊❤️✊🏿Please feel free to share this picture if you would like to do the same! It’s important to focus on the positive side of humanity. But if you are silent, and do not act, it means we are allowing the idea of racism in our society. We miss you all, and send our love❤️💙💚💛🧡🤎🖤#blacklivesmatter - @kikagaku.moyo on Instagram

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Fanclub @hgcdames1 @milifernandezl !!! Vamos! - @hgchockey on Instagram

earth day happy earth day lcvearthday lcv climate

#stoplivehorseexport photo by @dinnerwithjulie we ship hundreds of large draft horses every month out of the Calgary international airport.. they are crated four at a time for 30 hours or more - no food no water. They often arrive dead crumpled on top of each other ..... this is a sinister part of Canadian agriculture.....that has to end. It’s so Fucking secretive and done in the dead of night... why??? Because it’s #horseshit - @jannarden on Instagram

earth day earth environment planet climate

The #COVID pandemic and increased anxiety, financial stress, growing unemployment and a scarcity of community resources all continue to make life more dangerous for those experiencing domestic violence. I am proud to join @ctaop @careorg @eifoundation and so many others to stand #TogetherForHer Join me to bring support and resources to women and children who need it most - @michaelboltoncharities on Instagram

resolve to fight for climate justice climate climate justice global warming globe

✔️✔️✔️ #blacklivesmatter - @simonjonespr on Instagram

earth justice is racial justice earth justice racial justice environmental justice environmental racism

We need to protect our planet and its people from the climate crisis. Our future, and our children’s and grandchildren’s depends on it. We need Ed Markey in the US Senate more than ever leading the fight for climate action and environmental justice. Please join me for a conversation with Ed on Thursday, August 13th. RSVP at the link in my bio. - @teddanson on Instagram

climate justice racial justice justice injustice racism

1 Center Street today. Please, pass Int. 1116. - @kelenkhereanye on Instagram

climate climate change climate crisis global warming pollution

The Message♠️♠️♠️♠️♠️♠️ #justiceforgeorgefloyd #equalityforall #theshaderoom #channel2news #artacevedo #georgefloyd #nojusticenopeace #houston #discoverygreen #fox26newshouston #khou11 - @dshotitraw on Instagram

earth sustainability recycling lcv climate crisis

Global day of climate action Cape Town 🌍🔥 . . . . . #tellthetruth #actnow #rebelforlife #xrsa #extinctionrebellion - @extinctionrebellionsa on Instagram

earth sustainability recycling lcv climate crisis

The Theresa Sondra Jacobs Foundation Is looking for a number of volunteers to help at upcoming events as well as with some current projects. The Theresa Sondra Jacobs Foundation has work with students at Loudoun County Public schools as well as George Mason University in extending the credits for volunteer hours as well as intern opportunities for class credits. The TSJ Foundation has an event this Saturday (Oct 3rd from 3- 5:30pm) which consists of a drive-by parade for about 2 1/2 hours throughout a local community here in Loudoun County/Aldie Virginia on Saturday. If anyone is interested please Direct Message us or comment on this post and we will get you more details. - @star_wars_rides on Instagram

planet over profit corrieliotta environmental justice pollution climate action

Heute war Global Strike💚wir waren bunt, laut und mit viel Power auf der Straße 🌍💪 Tausende Menschen💚Danke an alle die da waren, es war wirklich super! - @fff.treptowkoepenick on Instagram

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- An anti-Brexit protester in London

lcvearthday lcv worldwarzero climatesummit climate

Wasz nowy minister edukacji i nauki. Kojarzycie Przemysława Czarnka? Przypominamy archiwalną grafikę o tej smutnej postaci. --- ✱ Chcesz wesprzeć naszą fundację? Zasil nas przez PayPal jednym klikiem na stronie:
 --- #zdeszczupodrynnę #tosiędzejenaprawdę #najgorzej - @dziewuchy_dziewuchom on Instagram

tackle climate change fight environmental racism bipoc bipoc women limate change

After 7 years of direct actions, protests, research , gathering community based planning recommendation- driven to serve our people & the planet TONIGHT industry City pulled their rezoning application - we are grateful to everyone who joined us in this David & Goliath fight - when we organize, We win - #onelove check out #thegrid on our website 🔥 - @uprosebrooklyn on Instagram

earth florida sustainability recycling fl

Get out and make your voice heard. See the people in the streets for yourself. Join them, peacefully. Dont rely on others to carry the message of change. BE THE CHANGE #blacklivesmatter #laprotest #losangeles #losangelesprotest - @cadenm_film on Instagram

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No justice. No peace. #blacklivesmatter - @steph__299 on Instagram

earth day happy earth day lcvearthday lcv climate

We as the Students Against Displacement condemn @londonbreed for the failure to provide housing for our housless community in San Francisco! Not only do we see the connection of student struggles in housing at SFSU but the whole Bay Area itself. We stand in solidarity with @DoNoHarmCoalition to demand a long term plan to house everyone in San Francisco! #HousingIsTheCure - @sadsfsu on Instagram

earth sustainability recycling lcv climate crisis

Meet the 2021 ASID National Board of Directors! The incoming board boasts a diverse range of design professionals who exemplify the Society’s place as the association for all sectors of design, from commercial to residential. . “ASID is delighted to see our returning members take on new challenges, and we are excited for our three new Directors to join our National Board,” said ASID Interim CEO Gary Wheeler, FASID. Kerrie Kelly, FASID, NKBA, CAPS steps into the Chair role this year, with Jennifer Kolstad, ASID, Assoc. AIA transitioning to Past Chair, and Carolyn Noble, ASID, WELL AP taking on the role of Chair-Elect. . In addition, John Cialone, FASID; Ellen Fisher, Ph.D., FASID; Elizabeth Von Lehe, Allied ASID; and Ken Wilson, ASID, FAIA, LEED Fellow continue their Director At-Large roles, while Patty Dominguez will remain as our Industry Partner Representative. To round out the 2021 Board, we welcome three new Directors At-Large – Margi Kaminski, ASID, CLBG; Lisa M. Tucker, Ph.D., ASID, LEED BD+C, WELL AP; and David C. Euscher, ASID, LEED AP, Assoc. AIA, WELL AP. . We look forward to seeing what the incoming board will accomplish this year! Link to press release in bio. . . . #ASID #NationalBoard #DesignImpactsLives #DesignStandsTogether #IDcommunity #InteriorDesign #InteriorDesigners - @asid_hq on Instagram

earth justice is racial justice earth justice racial justice environmental justice environmental racism

- Nazi at todays Free Speech rally outside Googles Dublin offices

no climate justice no peace climate justice no peace indigenous indigenous woman

Large anti-racism rally occurs in downtown #abbotsford. Visit for more coverage #blacklivesmatter #antiracism - @abbynews on Instagram

environmental justice climate pollution global warming keep the justice in environmental justice

Lots of stories and lots of love during the #BLM demonstration at Sunnidale Park. #blacklivesmatter #BLMBarrie #blacklivesmatterbarrie #barrie #community #onelove #peace #love - @barrie_360 on Instagram

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“Laying down the groundwork for embracing the fight around the Supreme Court is really important.” - @anamariaarchila1 Read the full article: #notrumpnominee #scotus - @popdemoc on Instagram

planet over profit environmental justice pollution protest jefcaine

A seis años de la violación más grave de derechos humanos de la historia reciente en México, se han liberado a 77 de los 142 detenidos. Las familias de las víctimas asesinadas y desaparecidas del caso Ayotzinapa siguen buscando justicia. Hoy se reúnen con el Presidente de México en el Palacio Nacional. Foto @dal_air . . . #ayotzinapa #mexico #justicia #protesta #sociedad #iguala #43ayotzinapa #derechoshumanos - @pdpagina on Instagram

oh earth sustainability ohio recycling

Protesters gathered in Florissant and downtown St. Louis on Wednesday to protest that no charges were filed directly related to the death of Breonna Taylor, a Black woman killed in Louisville, Kentucky, earlier this year during a police raid. ⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ Police in St. Louis said protesters started a fire in front of police headquarters on Olive Street and tossed water bottles and fluids at officers. Police in Florissant said someone in the protest group there tossed fireworks as police were arresting six people for peace disturbance. ⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ No injuries were reported in St. Louis or Florissant.⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ The protests centered around a grand jury decision in Louisville. On Wednesday, Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron announced that the grand jury decided to charge one officer with wanton endangerment in connection with the raid. No officers were charged directly in Taylor’s death, setting off protests in Louisville and other cities.⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ Locally, about 50 demonstrators gathered in Florissant. Florissant police said the demonstrators walked onto Lindbergh Boulevard and blocked the road. Police ordered them to clear the road and six people were arrested on suspicion of peace disturbance. One of the six was also arrested for resisting arrest, police said. A protester threw fireworks at officers, police said. No one was hurt.⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ Share the news. Click the link in bio to read more about last nights protests.⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ — 📷: Colter Peterson, (@colterpeterson_productions) #stl #stlouis #stlco #stlouisco #stlouiscounty #florissant #stlmo #stlmetro #wearestltoday #protest #protests #protesting - @stltoday on Instagram

bentuber climate action climate justice climate crisis climate strike

- Pro-Trump, anti-lockdown protestor wants America to be more like social democratic European nation with universal healthcare

vote racism climate justice we cant turn back time on progress clock

#fridaysforfuture climate strike in Sydney, Australia. Week 44. - - #climatestrike #noplanetb #climatecrisis #earth #nature #biodiversity #sydney #youth #youthstrike4climate #climateactionnow - @fff_sydney on Instagram

solving the climate crisis takes one thing you solving climate crisis environmental crisis worldwarzero climatesummit

White folks, we invite you to join SURJ DC for a 1 hour new member orientation where well discuss elections, dismantling white supremacy, and steps we can take to support Black communities now. Join us: Thursday October 1st at 7:30pm EST Registration: OR Friday October 2nd at noon EST Registration: - @surj_dc on Instagram

earth day earth environment planet climate

Helping #SaveRestaurants is one of the best ways Congress can support jobs, businesses, and our economy during this challenging time. We employ 11M Americans and, on average, 90% of our revenue flows back into communities. Its time for Congress to pass the #RestaurantsActNow. - @kenoringer on Instagram

planet over profit corrieliotta environmental justice reduce reuse recycle climate action

I recommend that anyone who cares about the BLM movement goes to protest. It’s hard to explain, but when you’re in one of those marches, you feel strong. You feel like you are a part of something so much bigger than yourself, because you are. Listen to the speeches, talk to one another, March with the thousands of others who want racism to be a thing of the past. March for a better future for humanity. - @emoneymedia on Instagram

democracyrising clean air climate climate justice climate change

Just the beginning... - @justkayleychery on Instagram

fight for environmental justice bipoc climate change climate control environmental justice

Finally finished the big painting for the show @shac_robertson. It’s been an interesting and very rewarding journey #oilpainting #trump #climatechange #gretathunberg #fightforplaneta #craigruecassel #noplanetb #snl #stephencolbertthelateshow - @jamesking_paintboy on Instagram

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Way back in the lifetime ago that was June, I helped with an art build for one of many protests at City Hall, organized by @justicecommittee @bkmovement @jfrejnyc and others. The call was (is) to take funds out NYPDs bloated militarized budget and into the programs Black and brown communities genuinely need. Ever more work to do here. It was a beautiful and fulfilling way to contribute creatively to this movement; I feel honored to have been asked to jump in. Turns out Id truly missed the joy of acrylic paint! Working with my hands through hot days and nights alongside friends new and old ways the best antidote to the anxiety of these times. This is a movement, not a moment, and there are indeed, so very many ways to be part of the work. #defundnypd #blacklivesmatters #nypdbudgetjustice #protestart - @mollieru on Instagram

no climate justice no peace climate justice no peace indigenous indigenous woman

Today was a beautiful day for a protest here on Kumeyaay land! Free them all!! #freethemall #nokidsincages - @rhymes_w_areta on Instagram

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This is what we want. - @holdpoliceaccountable on Instagram

earth clock sustainability beauty and the beast recycling

It’s National Voter Registration Day! Come by the boulevard today to register with the @lwvchicago. 1-4pm😀 - @parsonschicken on Instagram

earth florida sustainability recycling fl

Migrante LA says #JunkTerrorBill! Swipe right for our statement #junkterrorbill #junkatb #oustduterte - @migrantelosangeles on Instagram

earth earth justice racial justice environmental justice environmental racism

Sustainability Month is just around the corner! We are honored and very excited to share this exciting virtual event, “Climate Justice = Social Justice: Conversations Exploring the Intersections of People, Planet, and Power”, brought to you by @sacstate and campuses across @thecsu system. On Monday, October 5th at 12pm, we will be joined by renowned environmental justice champion @mustafasantiagoali for a live virtual keynote and Q&A. On Wednesday, October 12th at 12pm, we invite you to join a virtual conversation with three inspiring young leaders: indigenous climate activist Xiuhtezcatl Martinez, intersectional environmentalist Green Girl Leah Thomas, and @chicostate Associated Students President Bre Holbert. Sign up today at @greengirlleah @intersectionalenvironmentalist @xiuhtezcatl @breholbert30 - @sacstatesustainability on Instagram

earth day happy earth day lcvearthday lcv climate

The Senate should not consider a replacement for Ruth Bader Ginsburg until after inauguration. Call (888) 521-6658 to be patched through to your senators and give them this message. This is #OurCourt. Learn more about the importance of this action: - @lgbtcenternyc on Instagram

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- A RAPE Culture in the USA & Everywhere Else

defend virginias progress on climate justice vote blue virginia va virginia governor

#fridaysforfuture climate strike in Sydney, Australia. Week 50. - @patsyip_ on Instagram

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We are delighted to announce the FOURTH generation of companies accepted into the Startup Visa Program! 🚀 Link in the bio 👆 - @latamstartups on Instagram

resolve to fight for climate justice climate climate justice global warming globe

Some questions for white & non-Black folk to reflect on:⁣ What have you done beyond sharing an infographic or 2 on your story during your “BLM phase”? ⁣ Where have you been silent to prioritise your own comfort? ⁣ Why do you prioritise your comfort over the safety and lives of Black folk?⁣ When have you made whether you listen to a Black person’s lived experience dependent on how nicely they say it? ⁣ Why do you prioritise your comfort over the safety and lives of Black folk?⁣ When have you rejected to engage with information or perspectives which will show you the harm in your own behaviour? ⁣ When have you been defensive rather than listened? ⁣ Do you only listen to “palatable”* Black folk? *cis-gendered, thin, able-bodied, lighter-skinned, middle-class, educated etc (i.e. like myself)⁣ Why haven’t you bought (and done) @laylafsaad ’s Me & White Supremacy book/course yet? ⁣ Why do you need videos of Black folk being violently killed to start caring or doing something?⁣ Why has your energy for us died down? ⁣ Do you only participate in antiracism when it has white-approval e.g. when it’s trendy? ⁣ How are you showing up for Black people every day? ⁣ ⁣ “If you’ve ever wondered what you would’ve done during slavery, the Holocaust, or the Civil Rights Movement.... You’re doing it right now.” - Aditi Juneja ⁣ ⁣ “I’m so tired of having to put up with discrimination in life and then being gaslighted by everyone’s virtue signalling online. ‘Woke infographics’ everywhere but my experience as a minority hasn’t shifted even a millimetre. Someone must be lying…” - @itskatouche⁣ ⁣ Swipe for posts to read. As always, feel free to share, but be aware that sharing something to your story should not be where your antiracism work ends. ⁣ ⁣ [Image description: Mikaela stands in black with a facemask on at the Black Lives Matter march in London back in June. She holds her right hand in a black power fist in the air and her left holds a sign which reads: In the end we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends - Martin Luther King Jr. END.] - @mikaelaloach on Instagram

tackle climate change fight environmental racism bipoc bipoc women limate change

Planed companies building service workers in Jersey City are marching because they need hazard pay and quality healthcare, not illegal harassment and bribes! Frontline essential workers deserve better, especially when they are on the frontlines of the #Covid19 pandemic. #PlannedPoverty - @32bjseiu on Instagram

earth day happy earth day lcvearthday lcv climate

WHEN 150000 INSIGNIFICANT PEOPLE RAISE THEIR HANDS... #voiceofthepeople #mauritius🇲🇺 #maurevolution #protest #art #artistsoninstagram #wakashio #love #togetherwearestronger #blackandwhite #alllivesmatter #mbc #zanpol - @zanpol on Instagram

climate action now climate action climate justice climate crisis climate strike

Yesterday. Tomorrow. Today. Forever.✊🏾 📸: @austnn Black Lives Matter. Get into good trouble. Can’t wait to see you guys tomorrow in Santa Monica for “Move with We The Movement” 11am! ✊🏾🙏🏽 - on Instagram

climate justice climate justice now justice globe earth

🖤🖤🖤 - @ogxspliff on Instagram

earth day happy earth day lcvearthday lcv climate

CCHRP opposes the US-Duterte regime’s blatant attempt to silence peoples’ dissent through the passing of the Anti-Terror Bill. We’ve seen these scare tactics before under George W. Bush after 9-11, when his administration used the USA Patriot Act to label enemies of the state, or “Terrorists,” as anyone who spoke out against the US government’s dirty war of aggression in the Middle East/ West Asia. We know this is part of a larger scheme of counter-insurgency tactics that has played in every scene of Philippine history. Duterte is no different, only more fascist and tyrannical.  Duterte’s drug war was his first scare tactic to keep the urban poor from rising up - killing 30,000 people. This drug war was inspired and funded by the US, by the militarization and targeting of black and brown communities here in the US. Chicago knows this repression well, in the recent uprisings over the racist killings of black folk in the US, it was Mayor Lightfoot and Trump that used the Chicago Police Dept, and the National Guard, to enforce a fascist clampdown on protestors. The State under fascists like Duterte and Trump are in fact the real terrorists, and they are trying to silence any opposition. This State is designed to protect the wealthy and their property, NOT the people. The biggest threat to these tyrants are the people themselves, when the people are united, we will take them and their profit-driven systems down!  US-Duterte - #1 terrorists! #JunkTerrorBill Artwork by @hwalahn - @chicago_chrp on Instagram

fight for environmental justice bipoc climate change climate control environmental justice

@gretathunberg landed in the U.S. this week. I covered it for Earther and wanted to take a wide view of Greta as a teenage girl who just spent nearly two weeks at sea against the intense scrutiny of the onlookers and the media (myself included). - @briankle on Instagram

climate justice climate justice now justice globe earth

- Signs at the DC rally. And hell yes thats R2D2, he was there!

- Environmentalism

𝟱𝟬𝘁𝗵 𝘾𝙝𝙞𝙘𝙖𝙣𝙤 𝙈𝙤𝙧𝙖𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙞𝙪𝙢 𝙀𝙖𝙨𝙩 𝙇𝘼 𝘼𝙪𝙜𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝟮𝟵 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟬 Thousands of people from around the country gathered in East Los Angeles to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the National Chicano Moratorium of August 29, 1970. 📷: @proleroid Respective organizations that made this march happen: @centrocso @larazaunidaparty @autonomousbrownberets @frsolosangeles • • • • • • • • • • #eastlosangeles #eastlos #eastla #ela #whittierblvd #whittierboulevard #losangeles #losangelesphotographer #losangelesphotography #losangelesphotographers #losangelesphoto #eastlaphotography #eastlosphotography #vivaaztlan #aztlan #aztlán #chicano #chicanohistory #chicanoart #chicanomurals #chicanomovement #chicanomoratorium #chicanoculture #chicanoarte #chicanolifestyle #chicanopride #chicanohistory #chicanopower #chicanonation - @chicano.moratorium on Instagram

Die offiziellen Zahlen sind da: wir waren gestern in Deutschland 200.000 Menschen 🥳🥳🥳 • • • #keingradweiter #globaldayofclimateaction #allefürsklima #bonn #climatestrike #fridaysforfuture - @fridaysforfuture_bonn on Instagram

Tú crees o creas? - @reciclaccion on Instagram

*DEFEND THE DEFENDERS* From 2015-2018 over 200 environmental defenders have been killed worldwide. It’s time to reflect and ask ourselves why governments and large private companies around the world are persecuting our environmental defenders! . The indigenous communities fight to protect their lands, their waters, their natural resources and their traditional way of farming. But they have been forced to abandon their lands by polluting companies that forcefully displace them and make them live without their territories. Their livelihoods depend on their land for food, shelter and cultural identity. Pollution from mining threatens their way of life, deforestation destroys their very home. . Parents For Future Global stands in solidarity with these communities all over the world, they’re risking their lives while they are defending the well being of our planet! . Join with us the #digitalstrike campaign #DefendTheDefenders by and @pollutersout to help spread the word and to raise awareness about the indigenous communities and every environmental defender in danger! .. . This week we are focusing on Sub-Sahara Africa with communities like the Maasai, Ogoni, Baka and the Ma’di people. Too little is known about their causes: the fight in Uganda to save Zoka rainforest, in Kenya the struggle to save Nairobi National Park or to save the Congo Rainforest to name but a few.. . Let’s come together and raise our voices to share their stories and join their fight - only together we can save our planet. .. . Parents from around the globe created together this strike mural ✊💚🌎🌍🌏Nigeria @gray2greenmov , Turkey @parentsforfuture_tr , Australia @ap4ca , Austria , Brazil @familiaspeloclima , Israel @parents4climateisrael . . #DefendTheDefenders #SaveCongoRainforest #ClimateJustice #environmentaljustice #humanrights #SaveNNP #friendsofzoka #subsaharanafrica #deforestation #pollutersout #fridaysforfuture #parentsforfutureglobal #parentsforfuture #indigenousrights #indigenouspeople #actnow #savetheplanet - @parentsforfutureglobal on Instagram

- ITAP of a BLM protest in MA

Today at the @latimes About the in-person action for the #SB1257 last Thursday at McArthur Park. - @mujeresenaccionla on Instagram

NOLA City Council Votes To End Jailing Of Indigent Offenders On Minor Crimes #love #freedom - @votenola on Instagram

You cant love and light your way to the polls. You have to show up and vote. Its obvious that the stakes are high--especially for the most vulnerable among us.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ It is not enough to hope and wish for change. We have to show up. We must bridge the gap between wellness and action.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Voting is an act of collective care. - @ctznwell on Instagram

Rolanda Byrd, the mother of Akiel Denkins who was killed by a Raleigh Police officer in 2016, holds photographs during a rally in downtown Raleigh Saturday Sept. 26, 2020 in protest of the Kentucky grand jurys decision in the Breonna Taylor police shooting. Photo by Travis Long #raleigh #blm #protest #breonnataylor #akieldenkins #downtownraleigh - @newsobserver on Instagram

#Repost @rbgarmynyc • • • • • • .@senatemajldr #MoscowMitch sits on the #IronThrone at #Hypocrites Landing. . . . . . #RBGArmy #RBG #mitchmcconnell #MassacreMitch - @jaywwalker on Instagram

Die Klimakrise ist in den letzten Monaten in den Hintergund gerückt, darf aber auf keinen Fall vergessen werden. Hier in Deutschland wurden im Juni durch das Kohleausstiegsgesetz nicht etwa die Weichen für den Kohleausstieg gestellt. Vielmehr wurde es ermöglicht, dass Kohle noch lange verbrannt werden wird - nämlich bis 2038. Ein Ausstiegsdatum, das viel zu spät ist, um die Erderwärmung auf 1,5 Grad zu beschränken. ❌ Deshalb findet am Freitag der sechste gloabe Klimastreik statt! Weltweit werden viele tausende Menschen - mit Abstand und Masken - auf die Straße gehen und für eine lebenswerte Zukunft demonstrieren. ✊ Im Anschluss an die Demo gehts bei uns gleich weiter: unser zweitägiger Kongress Generation Klima steht an! Dort kannst du dich mit anderen Menschen austauschen und erfahren, wie du dich für mehr Klimaschutz engagieren kannst. Denn es ist wichtig, dass die Regierungen eine Nachricht bekommen und Klimaschutz bei allen Entscheidungen berücksichtigen. So wie es ist geht es nicht weiter! 🌎 Bis Donnerstag könnt ihr euch noch anmelden. Alle Informationen zum Kongress Generation Klima findet ihr auf unserer Website. Link in der Bio. #GenerationKlima #Klima #Klimawandel #Klimakrise #Klimaschutz #Umweltschutz #Aktiv #Aktivismus #Fridaysforfuture #keingradweiter #Klimastreik #climatestrike #Globalstrike #Engagement - @boellstiftung on Instagram

@gilsonrodriguesbr @g10favelas - @g10favelas on Instagram

We march for climate justice. We march for racial justice. We are in the fight of our lives. We are seeing our democracy under attack. Black, brown and indigenous communities are facing the brunt of every crisis, from economic insecurity to climate change to this pandemic. We cannot tolerate these attacks on our communities. In this march, we marched in solidarity. Over 80 organizations with leadership from BIPOC and LGBTQ+ communities. This unity for the common good is how we transform society. We are charged up and ready to organize. We will demand change from the streets straight to the polls. Let’s go. - @itssaadamer on Instagram

This is a historic moment in organizing. In the wake of the mass mobilizations stemming from the police killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and so many others, grassroots groups supported by North Star Fund have been the central local organizers, advocates and strategists advancing a new vision for community safety. So many folks are asking how we can resource these movements for the long term. Our answer is always the same: we are asking our community to make multi-year or sustainer commitments to Black-led organizing for systems change. The Let Us Breathe Fund is the only NYC-based fund led by and for Black activists organizing around police reform and building Black liberation. We started the Fund in 2015 following the death of Eric Garner at the hands of the NYPD. The Fund provided rapid response in that crisis moment and now supports the long-term leadership of Black New Yorkers fighting police violence and structural racism. Less than 8 percent of philanthropic dollars are invested in communities of color. Far less is committed to Black-led organizations fighting for transformational change. Philanthropy must do better. The catastrophic crises of this year demand it. We must fully and robustly resource the leadership and creativity of emerging Black activists to reshape New York. Visit the link in our bio to join the Let Us Breathe Fund as a multi-year donor or monthly sustainer, and see this critical work into a bold future. #LetUsBreatheFund #SupportBlackLedOrganizing #NewYork - @northstarfund on Instagram

#blacklivesmatter Den Haag & Rotterdam 2 & 3 June, 2020 - @nadimabuh on Instagram

A group of students, instructors and #Athens residents demanding COVID-19 transparency and action from #UGA gathered at the Arch on Friday. Protesters read a list of demands which included daily posting of test results, improvement of COVID-19 precautions and expansion of testing capabilities. Speakers included Ari Mbunwe, Mykeisha Ross, Joe Fu and Jonathan Wallace amongst others. Tap the link in our bio for the full photo gallery. (📸: @julianalexander_photography and @kathryn.skeean). - @ugaredandblack on Instagram

Today is marked as the Global Day of Climate Action to #FightClimateInjustice. Here in Vancouver’s Climate Emergency team, we recognize that we are all in this together. The scale of the climate crisis is beyond what any individual, organization, business, or government can achieve alone, we need to work together collaboratively to scale solutions and maximize results. The City continues to find ways to work together with other levels of government, First Nations, utilities, residents, businesses, builders, and trades people in innovative ways to dramatically reduce our carbon pollution. We are also well connected with cities around BC, across Canada, and were part of global networks, that foster connection and collaboration on ways that cities can play a key role in taking bold climate action and lead the way towards a healthier and more sustainable future. . . . . . @CityofVancouver #GlobalDayofClimateAction #VanClimateEmergency #VanClimateAction #GlobalCollaboration #InThisTogether #GlobalWarming #TheFutureWeWant #ClimateStrike #VancouverClimateStrike - @greenestcity on Instagram

Want some positive inspiration in your feed? We met @varsha.yajman as the NSW Schools Coordinator for the @youth4climatejustice Now a uni student, she hit the headlines last year after Australian PM Scott Morrison whined that the Climate Strikers should be in school not protesting, or they’d end up losers - Varsha proved him wrong by acing her exams and continuing to speak truth to power with grace and authority. Also, we love her @stopadanimovement earrings. 📷 Imogen Wilson #climateweek #goodinfluence Link in bio to see who else we’re following this Climate Week (& always) - @thewardrobecrisis on Instagram

In 2017, @ucberkeleyofficial became the first university to sue the Trump administration in court over the decision to rescind #DACA, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which protects undocumented individuals brought to the U.S. as children from deportation. The UC Board of Regents and then-President Janet Napolitano sued the Department of Homeland Security, arguing that the decision violated the rights of the University and its students on “nothing more than unreasoned executive whim.” The DACA decision isnt final, though, and theres still room for Trump to appeal. (Photo courtesy of Shutterstock) . . . . . . . . #dreamers #dreamersact #law #supremecourt #humanrights #civilrights #history #undocumented #americandream #defenddaca #deportation #trump #trumpadministration #janetnapolitano #ucberkeley #berkeley #cal #calmag #californiamag #californiamagazine - @californiamagazine on Instagram

#fridaysforfuture climate strike on Gadigal land next to Sydney Town Hall steps. Thanks so much to everyone who came out today for the Global Day of Climate Action! See you next week. - - #fightclimateinjustice #fundourfuturenotgas #climatecrisis #actnow #climatestrike #planetearth #climateactionnow #nocoalnogas #youthstrike4climate - @fff_sydney on Instagram

We made it into the NYT today... protesting Trump using WP Cadets as a prop among other egregious acts #blacklivesmatter #trumpvirus #voteblue #bekind #resist - @sonia_makingyougorgeous on Instagram

🍁 #PorNuestroMonte 🐍 ✊ El sábado 29/08 vecinxs autoconvocadxs marchamos en diferentes puntos de la provincia, y nosotrxs nos sumamos en Córdoba Capital. 📣 Nos movilizamos en contra del ecocidio que se viene produciendo en nuestra provincia a través de los incendios provocados. 👉 En los últimos 25 años mas de 2.000.000 de hectáreas fueron quemadas y sólo en el mes de agosto un total de 46827 hectáreas. 📣 Numerosos movimientos, organizaciones, ONGs y vecinxs asistieron en repudio y se vivió una mañana de esperanza, visibilización y lucha. 👉 La población se esta despertando, concientizando y levantandose a luchar. No vamos a permitir que esto siga sucediendo, que los responsables no se hagan cargo y ni que nos sigan mintiendo. ✊ Necesitamos: #EmergenciaAmbientalYa #LeyDeHumedalesYa ✓ Cumplimiento de las leyes nacionales y provinciales de #bosquesnativos ✓ Restauración de zonas afectadas. ✓ Prevención de la quema de los montes nativos. @el_resaltador @latintacba @adaccok @cordobaclimatesave @eldocetv #emergenciaclimatica #leydebosques #cordobasequema #fridaysforfuture #viernesporelfuturo #incendios - on Instagram

Our members participating in the inspiring teach-in held by @nwkfreedomsummer. We discussed defunding the police and demands around funding our communities. - @north_nj_dsa on Instagram

Some of you have gotten so caught up in the political views of Black Lives Matter that you can’t even empathize with your black friends. When you see that an innocent black person gets shot, you wonder what they did wrong. Or even, here we go again with more black lives matter stuff. I’ve seen plenty of posts saying, “the police will leave you alone if you don’t break the law”, but the re-posters fail to remember the cases in which people were doing absolutely nothing wrong (Breonna Taylor). It disgusts me that you guys are too blinded by your political views to see that this people group is HURTING. This isn’t just about police brutality. It’s about the racism and prejudice that every single black person in this country has to deal with. While others have the option of tuning out media in order to escape the issue of racism, we face it in our everyday lives. We shouldn’t have to deal with it. We shouldn’t be pushed to the side because “everyone struggles in this country, so how could they be hurting more than anyone else. This isn’t a competition of whose life is hardest. We get judged and hated over the color of our skin, it’s just wrong. And it’s wrong of anyone to act as if it’s all made up by liberal media. I could stand up in front of an audience of my Instagram followers and Facebook friends to talk about how my experiences with racism and prejudice have affected me. I’d be speaking on an issue most of the crowd would never have to face in their lifetime, yet some of you would walk away from it as if I talked about the weather in some far away foreign country. We know it exists, but it is as if racism is completely removed from our everyday lives and it’s only happening somewhere else; therefore, not making it our problem. Racism is my problem, and as my neighbors, coworkers, friends and family, that makes it your problem too. - @lenabtobin on Instagram

Meaningful participation is a major asset to governments, UN Human Rights Chief Michelle Bachelet says strengthening inclusive and effective participation is a concern of deep global urgency.⁠ ⁠ Link to full speech in bio.⁠ ⁠ #StandUp4HumanRights⁠ - @unitednationshumanrights on Instagram

Our community continues to suffer at the hands of the police while protesting police violence! Donate to the Vegas Freedom Fund, our local bail fund, so that we can bail our people out! Justice for Breonna Taylor, and all victims of police murder! Thank you @downtownsammie for this graphic! Link in bio or #icantbreathe #breonnataylor #justiceforbreonnataylor #sayhername #vegasfreedomfund #massliberation #endpoliceterror #endpolicebrutality #endpoliceviolence #vegas #lasvegas #vegaslocal #lasvegaslocals #lasvegaslocal #vegaslocals #vegasstrong #nevada #nevadastrong - @massliberation on Instagram

Thank you again to everyone who showed out to the 9/3 BLM Vigil this month. Remember we fight for less division and more equity. #blacklivesmatter - @blackboston2020 on Instagram

Vielen Dank an alle, die heute mit uns auf der Straße waren! 🤗 #keingradweiter #globalstrike #alledörferbleiben #datteln4stoppen #endcoal #fighteverycrisis #netzstreikfürsklima #actnow #rwepowerag #zukunftisterneuerbar #energiewendejetzt #climatechange #fossilfrei #fossilfree #fossilfreegermany #endegelände #climateaction #energiewenderocken #netzstreikforfuture #teachersforfuture #fridaysforfuture #schoolsforfuture #kohleausstiegsgesetz #fck2038 #climateeducation #climatestrikeonline #netzstreikonline #climatejustice #facetheclimateemergency #rwepower - @teachersforfuture.germany on Instagram

CM Uddhav Thackeray has directed the Home Department to immediately start the procedure to withdraw charges against citizens who had protested against felling of trees for the construction of the proposed Metro car-shed at #Aarey last year. On October 4, 2019, hundreds of trees were axed in the Aarey Colony under the former BJP-led government for the construction of a Metro railway car shed. Soon, around 200 people gathered and protested near Picnic Point in Aarey Colony. The police had then booked 38 students and activists and arrested 29 of them, including six women. _______________________ #Aarey #AareyColony #AareyForests #Mumbai #trees #Metro #MetroCarShedProject #ShivSena #BJP #Forests - @_mumbaimirror on Instagram

FREE PRIDE 20! JUNK THE TERROR BILL NOW! NO AID TO DUTERTE! The New York City chapter of the International Coalition for Human Rights in the Philippines (ICHRP NYC) vehemently condemns the violent dispersal of the peaceful Pride Protest March in Mendiola, Manila, Philippines earlier today, which led to the arrest of members of the progressive LGBTQIA+ organization Bahaghari, from allied organizations Gabriela, the Children’s Rehabilitation Center, and others. We stand in solidarity with the LGBTQIA+ community during Pride month and with the Filipino people in their call to Junk the Anti-Terror Bill. We invite fellow human rights activists and all peace loving individuals and organizations to join our solidarity movement and to take part in our currently ongoing Week of Action to Defend Free Speech & End Duterte’s Tyranny, which will culminate this upcoming Monday, June 29 with taking part in global mass demonstrations condemning the fourth anniversary of the presidential inauguration of Duterte. Read our full statement in bio. #FreePride20 #PrideIsAProtest #JunkTerrorBill #NoAidToDuterte - @ichrpnyc on Instagram

I have been to the mountaintop...I want you to know that we, as a people, will get to the promised land - MLK It is frustrating that in 2020, after we have sent people to different planets, are developing super computers, and neuralink brain chips (thank you Elon Musk)...We are still fighting the same fight. How are we still bargaining for our humanity? And when I say we, Im talking about black people, First Nation people, Muslim people who are facing a genocide right now... the list is endless. But as scary as 2020 has been so far, it has also been amazing because finally the truth of what minorities, and in this case, what black people face, is being shown. And Im in no way qualified to speak for anyone but myself, but I will say that this is progress. Seeing people from all walks of life, all over the world, gather to say enough is enough...It was amazing. And like Martin Luther King Jr said, we, as a people, will get to the Promised Land. ❤ - @pamela.masabo on Instagram

None of the officers involved in the shooting of Breonna Taylor will be charged for her death. A Kentucky grand jury announced Wednesday that Louisville officer Brett Hankison, who was fired in June, would be charged in connection with the incident, but for shooting into neighboring apartments. He was charged with three counts of wanton endangerment, and his bond was set at $15,000. No charges were announced for the other two officers involved. Taylor, a 26-year-old emergency medical technician, was killed in her Louisville home in March during a botched narcotics raid. Protesters in Austin gathered at City Hall on Wednesday night in response to the grand jurys decision. Photos by @cperezgabriel - @kut_austin on Instagram

We are the voices they try to silence. We are the next generation rising.~@thepeacepoets ~ ~ ~ 📸: @dwongpics 📸: @abbyy.owen 8,000 people. Its shown in the numbers that the youth showed up and spoke their hearts. Together, we lifted our truth that the Climate Crisis is real, that it is happening right now and that we need to act on it. Now, we ask to be heard by those in power. So listen to us, listen to the youth, to those in the world who continue to speak on how it hurts their very own communities. We must come together, so we can face this Crisis. ~ On a brighter note, I could not have gotten through all of this organizing without my team @mnclimatestrike. You all continuously push me to think harder and simply be better. I love all of you with all of my heart and you will never understand how grateful I am for you. Oh and ofc, a special thank you to my wife, @eleanor.dolan, no one could be a better co-finance director. #mnclimatestrike #climatestrike #youthpower #youthaction - @izzy.wong10 on Instagram

Resist white supremacy. Resist inequality. Resist voter suppression. Resist attacks on our democracy. Join the resistance: CIVILRIGHTS.ORG/GET-INVOLVED - @civilrightsorg on Instagram

Saddleback College’s values are antithetical to racism and xenophobia. Please see our statement on inclusion and diversity by clicking the link in our bio. #saddlebackcollege #saddleback - @saddlebackcollege on Instagram

This Thursday, September 17th from 6-7:30pm join youth activists in discussing climate and energy policy needed in Illinois to preserve their presents and build towards a thriving future. Register here: - @sunrisemvmtchi on Instagram

Watch this video of the Capital Hill Autonomous Zone. Then tell how violent it is. It aint. More: - @jerry.whiting on Instagram

Peaceful protest in Lesbos continues as victims of the Moria camp fire ask for basic protection with hopes of improving their devastating situation. With even the bare minimum of the protection they had in Moria burnt down to ashes, the refugees here are looking for safe shelter for themselves and their families. In the meantime, @dr.essamdaod is evaluating the situation with other partner organizations, providing mental health first response and crisis intervention. #moria #prayformoria #mentalhealthfirstaid - @humanitycrew on Instagram

Did you know, Puerto Rico is the oldest colony in the world? Join @Julissaarce and Ed Morales, author of “Fantasy Island: Colonialism, Exploitation and the Betrayal of Puerto Rico,” for the next installment of  #LaHistoriaUncovered. You can watch the full interview tomorrow evening at 5 pm PST/ 8pm EST via our Facebook page. Presented by @WeAllGrowLatina @latinorebels @she_sepuede @BESE
 #JulissaArce #EdMorales #LatinxHeritageMonth - @bese on Instagram

Der 6. Weltweite Klimastreik war ein riesen Erfolg! 1500 FFF Aktivist*innen haben sich gestern versammelt um für mehr Klimagerechtigkeit zu kämpfen 📢 Vielen Dank an jede einzelne Person, welche gestern dabei war 🌱🔥 #fighteverycrisis #keingradweiter #fridaysforfuture - @fridaysforfuturesalzburg on Instagram

[RÉFÉRENDUM POUR LES ANIMAUX] Durant le confinement les enfants ont élaboré leurs programme des vacances d’été en choisissant un thème les rassemblant tous: les animaux! 🦇🐊🦓🦧🐅🦜🐘🐝🦈🐄🐖🦦🦩 Quand on leur a parlé du Référendum Pour Les Animaux et qu’on leur a demandé ce qu’ils voulaient faire pour le soutenir leur réponse fut instantanément: « MANIFESTATION! ». ✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊ Slogans, maquillages et pancartes, ils ont tout décidé et organisé...enfin, tout sauf l’itinéraire qui a été décidé par madame canicule puisqu’il faisait 40 degrés....!😅 Leur projet d’aller jusqu’à l’Élysée en passant par l’Assemblée ayant donc dû être un peu revu on leur a promis de leur donner l’audience que mérite leur engagement et la cause qu’ils défendent ... grâce aux réseaux sociaux, alors n’hésitez pas à partager! 😁 Merci les enfants pour votre indignation, vous êtes merveilleusement épatants! 🧡❤️♥️ @referendum_animaux @association_l214 @onevoiceanimal @fondationgoodplanet @fondationnh @la_spa @fondationbrigittebardot @seashepherdfrance @onestpret @welfarmfr @ciwf_france @aspasnature @youthforclimateparis @youthforclimatefr @peta @cest.assez.association @30millionsdamis @wwffrance @animaltestingfr @allianceanticorrida @tanguy_toopet @gustyreptile @hugoclementk @annehidalgo @jerome_coumet @emmanuelmacron @berangereabba @sarahelhairy @penelopekomites @dseignot #referendumpourlesanimaux #manifestation #larévoltedesenfants #larueauxenfants #enfants #citoyens #engagés #pourlesanimaux #pournous #tousensembletousdifferents #loisirspluriel - @loisirs_pluriel_paris_13 on Instagram

Lets be the difference. Via: @hrsdq #motorwayincident #lahore #merajismmerimarzi #rapeawareness #womenrights #humanrights #endrapeculture #auratmarch #sexualharrasment #pakistan #repost #karachi #childabuse #feminism #smashthepatriarchy - @aiteraaf on Instagram

Week 78 • • Photo cr: Shamim Malekmian - @saoioconnor on Instagram

California Domestic workers and Nannies hold a die-in in front of the Ronald Reagan State of California building in Los Angeles. @cadomesticworkers protesting Governor @gavinnewsom for vetoing #sb1257 a bill that takes away the exclusion of domestic workers, nannies, and caregivers from basic health and safety protections that all workers have. This is deeply disappointing, but CA domestic workers will continue the fight to defend and protect all workers! #sb1257myhealthmysafety #sb1257 - @filipinomigrantcenter on Instagram

Hundreds showed up to march for Black Lives in Banks tonight! . . . #blacklivesmatter #blm #justiceforgeorgefloyd #justiceforbreonnataylor #justiceforahmaudarbery #justiceforblacklives - @oregoneducationassociation on Instagram

still so overwhelmed. i could never have predicted the amount of beauty, inspiration and support that was on show amongst the ~200 people present at the peaceful #BlackLivesMatter protest in Surbiton this past weekend. every single person who attended - you’re incredible. every single person who got up and spoke - you are incredible. we need to keep working. keep fighting. lifetimes of structural racism cannot be eradicated in a week. white people - please use your privilege as an opportunity to amplify Black voices as often and as loudly as possible. THIS IS NOT POLITICAL. THIS IS NOT A DISCUSSION. it’s basic human rights. you should be fucking angry. thank you so much @sophianasif for these beautiful photographs. you’re amazing. thank you @banquetrecords @rasta_fou for the equipment. you’re all amazing. link in my bio for UK resources. ✊ #blm #blmlondon @ldnblm @blmuk @blklivesmatter - @isobelthom on Instagram

FAST FASHION AND ITS DEVASTATING IMPACTS There’s no doubt that fast fashion contributes to negative impacts on the environment, including climate change, animal suffering and water pollution. It’s the 2nd largest polluting industry in the world. 20,000 litres of water is used for just 1kg of cotton and it takes 2,700 litres of water to make one cotton shirt, which is enough water for one person to drink in 2 1/2 years. All our jeans, jumpers, jackets etc. are made out of cotton; do we really need them as much as someone needs the drinking water? No. It’s a ridiculous amount of water being wasted on fast fashion, when people are struggling to get just enough water for each day to cook, clean and drink. The Aral Sea lying between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan was once huge with 1000s of fish and the people there could fish for their meals; now there’s camel. The cotton farming has meant that the sea has shrunk so that it’s gone from being around half the size of England, to nearly 64,000 square kilometres of this water disappearing. This is shocking and ALL down to the cotton farm using the water from the river that was feeding the sea, in order to produce tonnes of cotton for our clothes. People have lost their lifestyle, their jobs of selling fish, and their beautiful waters. The dusty banks that are now where the sea once was are dangerous in strong winds as they get into people’s eyes causing harm. As well as the environment being badly affected, humans are also treated badly in the labour of making the clothes. Child labour is often the case for fast fashion, where they are treated awfully and paid very little. The stats are staggering for how fast fashion negatively affects our world; it’s more than we could ever imagine! So, next time you buy fast fashion clothes in a shopping spree please please reconsider what it means for the environment! Remember you have a full wardrobe already, or buy sustainable clothing, or secondhand clothes. Do your bit and try not to buy into fast fashion as much! 👚👖👗#fastfashionfacts #fastfashion #fastfashionsucks #clothes #cotton #pollution #industry #enviornment #protecttheplanet #sustainablefashion #help #fashioncrisis #stop - @currentl.yy on Instagram

Asim Rafiqui (@autodidactreader) in conversation with Adira Thekkuveettil (@thiruvadira) and Amarnath Praful (@amaresthappan)— a critical discussion about Soham Gupta’s work ‘Angst,’ the colonial camera, and challenging how we think about photography. Source: The Polis Project (@thepolisproject) Listen to the podcast on their website. Link in bio. #photographypodcast #podcast #creative #womenphotographer #ethicalphotography #photographyeducation #photoethics #marthatadesse #cpbreadingcorner #thepolisproject #colonialcamera #angst - @cpblearninglab on Instagram

Young people from @sunrisemvmtky came from across the state to wake up Mitch McConnell this Juneteenth morning. If Breonna couldnt sleep, neither should he. Cant wait for @booker4ky to win this primary this week and run the most historic campaign our state has every seen. #BlackLivesMatter #justiceforbreonnataylor - @erin_e_bridges on Instagram

This is emergence. This is the work of some Black nationalist, Afro-centred organisers who began meeting in a park after some divisive drama was instigated at a march downtown. We asked a large bunch of organisations from around Detroit to show unity and sign our statement written in support of radical, revolutionary action wherever that might be. This is convergence. Organisers from Frontline Detroit, DIFS, We the People of Detroit, BYP100, MXGM, and Community Builders are embodying what comes next, that is principled unity and revolutionary discipline. The people who signed on followed our leadership. And as the movement grows, we will continue to struggle together, meet in parks, in folks backyard, march with intentionality and purpose only, and fight without concession or compromise. When orgs post this, they are posting or signing on to the work in support of revolutionary Black leadership, radical visioning done by people following in the footsteps of Malcolm X, following the example of Assata Shakur, and in pursuit of an indestructible Black power. That is what this statement comes out of. That’s what posting this means. — Organizers from Frontline Detroit, DIFS, Black Legacy Coalition, MXGM, BYP100, and Community Builders coordinated over 60 organizations to issue this public statement and set of demands toward an an end to #racism + #policebrutality. Originally printed in the 7/5 @detroitfreepress as a full pg ad. - @frontlinedetroit on Instagram

We are happy to welcome you all back to Tumamoc Hill! You will notice some changes when you walk the Hill. For our collective safety we ask that you all follow these protocols. #tumamoc #tumamochill #publichealth #exercise #nature #desert - @desert.laboratory on Instagram

Democracy Has Its Eyes on You, Chuck! - Protest to stop SCOTUS confirmation hearings: Political activist groups and concerned citizens gathered outside Senator Chuck Schumers home in Brooklyn on September 26, 2020 as part of the nation wide coordinated protests targeting local politicians, demanding the Minority Leader and the Democrats to publicly, and vocally refuse to hold any hearings or confirm any new justice until after the inauguration of the next president. #Activism #AmyConeyBarrett #Brooklyn #ChuckSchumer #CivilDisobedience #DefendDemocracy #demonstration #DirectAction #DonaldTrump #DumpTrump #ErikMcGregor #FakePrez #MangoMussolini #news #NewYork #NYC #PeacefulResistance #politics #RBG #ReclaimSCOTUS #ResistTrump #RuthBaderGinsburg #SaveDemocracy #SCOTUS #SCOTUSnominee #SenateMinorityLeader #SenatorSchumer #stopSCOTUSconfirmation #SupremeCourt © Erik McGregor - - 917-225-8963 - @ministererik on Instagram

Today we stand in solidarity with all the courageous #ClimateStrike youth leaders across Africa who are demanding #ClimateActionNow! ✊✊ @fridaysforfuture.mauritius @pure.rae.of.sunshinee . . . #fridaysforfuture #climatejustice #climatecrisis #climateemergency #noplanetb #globalwarming #climatechange #mauritius #mauritiusoilspill #pretoria #southafrica #bravery #courage #peoplepower - @greenpeaceafrica on Instagram

At a time where you have somebody that Latinos dont know, who is Joe Biden, who didnt spend any money in the primary talking to them, who needs to re-introduce himself to us, and then you sprinkle in the way covid has over-indexed in our community, you have the perfect storm for under-performance, lagging numbers. Political consultant and former Bernie Sanders advisor @chuck_rocha joined us today, to discuss polling suggesting Bidens weakness with the Latinx community in Florida, as well as the path forward. More on the pod. - @whataday on Instagram

🚨 TPS UPDATE🚨 Today the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit overturned the district court injunction in a 2-1 majority, siding with the Trump administration on the Ramos v Nielsen lawsuit. This decision impacts Bhattarai v Nielsen (as the two lawsuits are enjoined) and though we are still waiting for the decision on Bhattarai specifically, it is likely that the result will be the same. The unfortunate negative decision puts more than 300,000 TPS holders, including Nepali TPS holders, and their families lives at risk of deportation, with status and work permits potentially ending as early as March 25th, 2021. However, we will not lose hope. This is NOT the end of the road, the legal team is expected to appeal this decision to an “en banc review”, and if the appeal request is successful, then the deadline could be further pushed back. It’s also important to note that this decision does not impact statuses and work permits this year. We are currently working with the lawsuit legal team to create an FAQ in Nepali and host a Facebook LIVE on the decision in the next week to answer all of your questions. We will not let this decision let us lose sight of our real goal, which is not just temporary protections, but PERMANENT STATUS. Join us tomorrow for an in-person (socially-distanced) press conference and rally at 11:00 am in front of Senator Chuck Schumer’s office to demand that the Senator, as a minority leader, push forward a permanent legislative solution. The time is not later, it is NOW. Date: Tomorrow, Tuesday, Sept 15 Time: 11am - 11:30am Location: 780 3rd Ave (facing 3rd avenue), New York, NY 10017 Please meet us at Adhikaar’s office at 9am OR meet us directly at the location. - @adhikaar_ny on Instagram

Global Climate Action Day 2020 - @fridaysforfuture.barak on Instagram

Durch die BLM Demos wurde in ganz DE ein Zeichen gesetzt: „Wir erkennen Rassismus als Problem an und wir sind bereit Lösungen dafür zu finden!“ Dies war ein großer und bedeutsamer Schritt für uns alle! Zu sehen wie viele Menschen auf die Straße gekommen sind, um unseren Stimmen Kraft zu verleihen, hat unsere Herzen mit Hoffnung gefüllt. Teilt uns mit wie ihr den 6.6 erlebt habt? 06.06.2020 / Köln Deutzer Werft #AMERICAWESEEYOU #blacklivesmatter Foto: @v0ssil - @official.speakup on Instagram

Sipo! Con las chiquillas estamos #unidasporelapruebo #Apruebo #ConvencionConstitucional Las bellas fotos del grande @fotografoencampana - @conyschon on Instagram

#blacklivesmatter - @wesweaver on Instagram

Protests are happening in cities all across the country in response to the news today from a grand jury in Kentucky that theyre not filing charges against the police who murdered #BreonnaTaylor. Taylor was a 26-year-old EMT who was asleep when a no-knock raid busted into her home and ended her life. Hundreds in #Denver, #Colorado are rallying and marching tonight. - @unicorn.riot on Instagram

We are no longer fighting to “stop” climate change. No, that train left the station decades ago. Now we are fighting for survival, and it’s all hands on deck. We are proud to stand with Extinction Rebellion Tacoma @xrtacoma, who held their first action last night. Things are much worse than we’ve been told and time is running out. We are all now in serious danger. We must do all we can to slow the problem down and fight for every inch that remains. We act in peace with ferocious love in our hearts. We act on behalf of life. @sunrise_tacoma #extinctionrebellion #rebelforlife #xrtacoma #climatemergency #climatecrisis #climateaction #extinctionrebelliontacoma #wedonthavetime #howdareyou #ourhouseisonfire #wildfires2020 #sunrisetacoma #sunrisemovement #greennewdeal #greennewdealnow #nolng253 #nolng #stoptacomalng #notmx #stopjordancove #nomethanol #nomethanol360 #stopkalamamethanol #frackoff #passongas #frackoffpse #standwithpuyalluptribe #civildisobience #riseup #riseforclimate - @350tacoma on Instagram

I won’t let go of the momentum. Let’s keep educating ourselves. We’re not going to fight this war. We’re gonna end it. #blacklivesmatter - @imtedj on Instagram

More than 270kg of garbage today! 😯😲 Its what I picked up with @runecoteammontreal in only 1hour! Happy world cleanup day! 🌏🌎 #retmtl #plogging #ploggingrun #savetheplanet #keepitclean #plasticpollution #worldcleanupday #mtlmoments #mtlrunner #plasticfree #wcud - @soulrunner_mtl on Instagram

Dit is de juiste foto ! #WWG1WGA - @langefrans on Instagram

#PEQinjustice La FAÉCUM, l’@unionetudiante et plusieurs autres associations étudiantes souhaitent des modifications à la réforme du Programme de lExpérience québécoise (PEQ) Les revendications mises de lavant sont : ❗️ Quune clause de droits acquis soit offerte aux personnes de la communauté étudiante internationale ayant entamé leurs études au Québec avant lentrée en vigueur de la nouvelle version du Programme de lexpérience québécoise. ❗️ Que lexpérience de travail acquise dans un contexte académique (ex. recherche, auxiliariat) soit prise en compte dans les trois mois de stage obligatoire comptabilisés à travers les 12 mois de travail requis par la nouvelle version du Programme de lexpérience québécoise. 📣 Prenez position en publiant une photo de vous avec une affiche inscrite « PEQ injustice », en utilisant le mot-clique #PEQinjustice et en identifiant la FAÉCUM et l’UEQ. Pour toutes questions, vous pouvez contacter Claire De Muns Dartevelle, coordonnatrice aux affaires externes, au - @faecum on Instagram

#BaldwinPark community demanding the City to #DefundthePolice. This past Wednesday, the City Council voted to approve the 2020-2021 budget, of which 66% of the general funds are allocated for police. An additional $100k was added as seeder money for cop cameras. Over 256 comments were submitted to #DefundthePolice and the meeting lasted 7 hours (7pm- almost 2am). ✊🏼✊🏾✊🏿 📣📣📣 Also on Thursday, State Controller Betty Yee published a review of the City, which found a “serious” lack of internal financial control measures, “resulting in poor contracting and accounting practices and a questionable pay increase for a top city official. ❎ — The City authorized $279,020 for construction plans for a park project, eventually spending $507,176 only to cancel the project after three years with no identifiable public benefit for the expenditures. ❎ — Baldwin Park terminated its chief of police in September 2016. It then re-hired him in May 2017 and in the year leading up to his retirement, raised his salary by $41,233 more than the maximum allowed for the position at the time, giving the impression of “pension spiking.” ❎ — The city entered into an on-call service contract for projects up to $120,000 without additional approval, despite a city law requiring City Council approval for projects of $25,000 and up. It then exceeded the $120,000 limit by an additional $22,639. ❎ — City officials commonly approved or extended contracts without competitive bidding, and vendors of commonly available products were designated improperly as sole-source contractors to circumvent purchasing policies and procedures. ❎ — Monthly bank reconciliations, which are effective at detecting fraud or errors when performed in a timely manner, were conducted up to 98 days late. Yee stated that of the 48 fundamental components, principles and attributes of effective internal control systems as established by the federal Government Accountability Office, Baldwin Park demonstrated just 26 — 54% — were present and functioning. ‼️‼️‼️ We demand justice for our community! #SGVProgressiveAction #SGV #SanGabrielValley #BlackLivesMatter #CareNotCops #PeoplesBudgetBP 📷: @louieplas @leggsluther - @sgvprogressiveaction on Instagram


#Repost @bursayatemizhava 25 Eylüle çok az kaldı! 🎉 Biz, hep birlikte yaşamı savunmaya, sesimizi birleştirmeye hazırız ve çok heyecanlıyız. 💪🏻💚🌬️ #Bursa #iklimkrizi #climatecrisis #fridaysforfuture #iklimiçinokulgrevi #iklimadaleti #Gençlik #Temizhavahakkı #BursayaTemizHava #hava - @fridaysforfuturebursa on Instagram

- good art

The news of no charges against the Louisville officers in the fatal shooting of #BreonnaTaylor led to a protest Friday in #MenloPark. About 150 people who demanded justice for Taylor marched to the Menlo Park Civic Center, where they stood and chanted at various locations around the Police Department headquarters. They also blocked traffic at El Camino Real and Ravenswood and Menlo avenues. Its a shame that this is happening over and over again, said protest organizer JT Faraji, a longtime critic of Menlo Park police. Its only a matter of time before we have our own Breonna Taylor. Its only a matter of time before we have our own George Floyd, he said. Read more — link in profile. ——— 📸: @itsmagalig ——— #protest #protesters #demonstration #demonstrators #blacklivesmatterprotest #localnews - @paloaltoonline on Instagram

So inspired and moved by my Cape Cod community who showed up in great numbers today to send a powerful message of solidarity, resistance and peace. Incidentally, this march was organized by three local high school students! Thank you to them and to the many who took the time to make their voices heard. #blacklivesmatter #blm #protest #livinghistory #georgefloyd #capecod #capecodlife #endracism #solidarity #resistance #peacefulprotest #capecodprotest - @juliacumes on Instagram

Today, the Big Ten announced a return to football. This cuts the athletic departments revenue loss from $75 million to $30 million according to the U of M athletic departments own projections. You can’t tell me in this $45 million dollar margin there’s not $1.3 mill to save the dreams and opportunities of this historic track program? Link in bio for more #reinstateumnmenstf - @owenhoeft on Instagram

Today we can celebrate a little. But this was by no means a victory. Until there is congressional action and we finally establish a pathway to citizenship the fight must continue. . . . . . #dreamers #DACA #theyareAmericans #keepthemsafe #immigrantrightsarehumanrights #fucktrump - @michaelpnavarrete on Instagram

It’s been a year since one of the most empowering (and stressful) weeks of my life. In the past year I’ve found hope in places and people I didn’t expect, and have learned more about myself than I could have imagined. I’ve met absolute trailblazers, some of my biggest inspirations, and have been given opportunities I could never have even dreamed of. I found my voice and my purpose in this crazy organizing sphere. None the less, there is still so much work to do. Sometimes it feels so hopeless advocating, it feels like you’re screaming into an empty void. But all of you give me hope. Your love and anger keeps the movement going. Eternally grateful for all of you 💕 🌏 - @khadija_khokhar_ on Instagram

Nostalgique . . . . . Sony a7II f/ 1,8 50mm 1/320 sec iso 100 - @gabriel_pelland on Instagram

“She was asleep” August 2020 Images from a protest organized by @gkmcbmore18 in solidarity with Louisville. #blackkswannshots #breonnataylor #justiceforbreonnataylor #blackklivesmatter #nojusticenopeace #baltimore #goodkidsmadcity #ftp #blackandwhite #nikonphotography #nikon #nikonshooters #blackwomenphotographers - @ayoswann on Instagram

Trigger warning/Content warning: Strong themes of sexual violence, graphic descriptions of r*pe, physical violence, domestic violence, gaslighting, honour killings in Pakistan. Though r*pe, sexual violence, and gaslighting have undoubtedly persisted in Pakistan and permeated into the culture, this past week has been a re-awakening for women and men across the country- a wakeup call that enough is enough, that the culture, our language, and our actions need to improve to better support all people- whether thay are womxn, children, LGBTQ+, Shia, Ahmedi, etc. This week has been quite traumatic for Pakistanis, but at the same time an emotional and hopeful step in the right direction. Shariq, our Politics Co-Editor and Executive Board Member researched the current situation, past statistics, ways to induce change, organizations to support, and more. #pakistan #gaslighting #auratazadi #azadimarch #pakistani #pakistanis #research #infographic #information #protest #protesting #march - @millennialbrownn on Instagram

Save 292 km2 of #canadian wilderness - keep the #tar sand in the ground! A #mining company from #canada is planning the worlds largest open pit tar sand mine. The mine would #destroy #forests and #wetlands - the habitat of #caribou and #bears. Please help us and sign our #petition: Link in Bio. #rainforestrescue #rettetdenregenwald #activism #canada - @rainforest_rescue on Instagram

- I feel that

Zusammen mit den @jusosstaedteregion und den @jusos_aachen bei der Kundgebung der @dielinke.aachen gegen Polizeigewalt und Rassismus. #blacklivesmatter #changethesystem #againstracism - @ben.cremer on Instagram

O U R P L A N E T. O U R F U T U R E. 🌍 Our next online youth session sees the topic of climate change & environment take centre stage. If youre aged between 12-20 then join us next Tuesday 28 July from 1:30pm as we explore how social action can raise awareness of the challenges facing us and our planet. As always, you’ll find all the details via the link in our bio ⤴️ Tag anyone you think would be interested in joining us in the comments below too ⬇️ . . . . . #climatechange #activism #youthactivism #globalwarming #environment #youth #youngpeople #campaign #coops #cooperatives #education #charity 📷 Callum Shaw - @cooperativecollege on Instagram

You can’t set something up that is inherently inequitable and unfair & then rain down police to enforce it. Lets articulate a plan that includes everybody; people who are in restaurants--who are also failing right now; people who are vendors--who are failing right now. We cant fail everybody. @jumaane.williams Struggling street vendors rallied for help from NYC to fix an unjust vending system that criminalizes entrepreneurship. Pass #intro1116 💛 Big thank you to our elected officials & allies who each day advocate for dignified working conditions, justice and opportunity for our city’s smallest businesses @__jessicaramos__ @teammargaretchin @menchaca @carlinalrivera @jumaane.williams @cabanforqueens @queensneighborhoodsunited @workersjusticeproject @maketheroadny @thenyic @brandworkers @transportationalternatives @jfrejnyc @anhdnyc 💛 - @streetvendorproject on Instagram

Pre-election climate strike - Friday, February 7th. Be there. - @fridaysforfutureireland on Instagram

Thank you to everyone who came to the March Against Environmental Racism 🗣! ⁣ ⁣ Thank you to all the organizers @theyouthnyc for putting together the teach-ins, and to everyone who made yesterday’s events centering the intersections of climate change and social injustices possible!⁣ ⁣ This morning I had a conversation with someone who asked me “why are you making climate change about race?” and was claiming that the left was “unnecessarily tacking on unrelated social issues like healthcare and racism to climate change.” He didn’t understand that the climate crisis impacts all aspects of our society.⁣ ⁣ This was not the first time I’ve been told to “stop making climate change about social justice” by privileged people who don’t understand (or don’t want to understand) how the climate crisis is a result of centuries of oppressive systems.⁣ ⁣ It was amazing to see so many people come to the teach ins yesterday — not just to unite around climate action, but to specifically fight for climate JUSTICE.⁣ ⁣ Also — SWIPE for a surprise 🙃. ⁣ #marchagainstenvironmentalracism #climatestrike #fridaysforfuture #climatejustice #environmentaljustice - @jamie_s_margolin on Instagram

‼GO TO DIVESTCANADA.CA AND SIGN OUR OPEN LETTER‼ Today the Divest Canada Coalition - a coalition of organizers from over 30 schools across Canada - is releasing an open letter calling on boards of trustees and administrators at all Educational Institutions across Canada to: 1) #divestfromthepast by divesting in fossil fuels 2) rejecting false solutions/greenwashing tactics that have been put forth by administrators and corporations alike recently (like ESG and Low Carbon investing) and 3) Invest in the Future by actively #investinthefuture by relocating capital to sustainable comunity projects. ‼ Link in our bio!! Sign the letter, and share the letter ‼Whatever school you go to/went to/work at . Share it with any one everyone and use the hashtag #divestfromthepast. Follow @divestcanadacoalition from more. #divestfromthepast #divestfromfossilfuels - @leapuoft on Instagram

Some highlights from the Anti-Terror Law protest this past wednesday courtesy of @lentzphoto! Thank you everyone for the amazing energy and for showing up to stand up against the Anti-Terror Law, and US imperialism. . This bill passed by president Duterte enables warrantless arrests, greater repression of activists, and widespread human rights activists. Please keep up the pressure and check out for details on how to take action! . #JunkTerrorBill #OustDuterte - @chicago_chrp on Instagram

Media coverage of yesterday’s peaceful protest is a joke. Racism is a global pandemic that is generations old 🖤 - @joseph_strinati on Instagram

Follow @peoplesbudgetsac and take action at the link in our bio!!! • Last month we joined our allies in a press conference announcing our shared vision for a Sacramento budget that represents the PEOPLES priorities. These County and City budget proposals are. not. it. • Thats why we launched the Peoples Budget Survey. Tell us what YOUR NEEDS, and YOUR PRIORITIES are. Well use your feedback to develop a counterproposal to the crumbs our representatives have been giving us. Well be bringing the truth of YOUR lived experiences to confront the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors and City Council. • Tomorrow our allies are presenting during the County Board meeting. Support them by emailing a public comment and taking the @peoplesbudgetsac survey and sharing it, we want to hear from as many Sacramentans as possible. Its our money, and were taking it back. They dont get to tell us what to do with it, we get to tell them. 📷 @decarcerate_sacramento • #sacramento #sacramentoactivism #defundsacpd #defundsacsheriff #peoplesbudget #divesttoinvest #fundcarenotcages #investinUs #sunrisemovement #peoplesbailout #peoplesalignment - @sunrisemvmtsac on Instagram

75k 💪🏾 at the MARCH ON WASHINGTON 2020. #marchonwashington #refusefascism #trumppenceoutnow - @cyberamaris on Instagram

How President Ortega Continues to Violate Human Rights in Nicaragua by @anaiscat - new member of Girls Globe and Nicaraguan Activist - out today on / LINK IN BIO.  ​​ ⠀ ⠀ ​📣 Photo by: Alisdare Hickson  ​​ ⠀ ⠀ ​#Nicaragua #PresidentOrtega #sosnicaragua #Covid19 #humanrights #freedom - @girlsglobe on Instagram

TERROR BILL, TERROR BILL! TUTULAN, LABANAN! WAG PAHINTULUTAN! Ngayong araw ang ika-apat na taong anibersaryo ng pakapangulo ni Duterte. Apat na taong pahirap sa mamayang Pilipino! Ang Migrante NJ ay nakikilahok sa Global Day of Action ngayong araw! Samahan kami sa West Side Ave. Jersey City simula 11am! #JunkTerrorBillNow #OustDuterte - @migrantenewjersey on Instagram

From @reclaimtheblock and @blackvisionscollective . At 8AM, Council members received this #DefundThePolice pledge from Black Visions and Reclaim the Block. They have 24 hours to sign on. . Community members can SIGN ON NOW to demand the Minneapolis City Council pledge to be visionary leaders for Minneapolis and divest from the Minneapolis Police Department: . image 1: a photo and text collage featuring a photo of a protester on the street surrounded by clouds of tear gas and smoke. the text in the image reads: “Divest. Sign on now to demand the Minneapolis City Council pledge to be visionary leaders for Minneapolis and divest from the Minneapolis Police Department by committing to: 1. Never again vote to increase police funding or to increase the police department’s budget. . image 2: a photo and text collage featuring a photo of a protester wearing a face mask with the words “i can’t breathe” written on it.  the text in the image reads: “Divest. Sign on now to demand the Minneapolis City Council pledge to be visionary leaders for Minneapolis and divest from the Minneapolis Police Department by committing to: 2. Propose and vote for a $45 million cut from MPD’s budget as the City responds to projected COVID-19 shortfalls.” . image 3: a photo and text collage featuring a photo of a protester holding up a sign with the words “stop killing” on it, with cops all around them.  the text in the image reads: “Divest. Sign on now to demand the Minneapolis City Council pledge to be visionary leaders for Minneapolis and divest from the Minneapolis Police Department by committing to: 3. Protect and expand current investment in community-led health and safety strategies, instead of investing in the police.” . image descriptions continued in comments - @_batjc on Instagram

En este día internacional de la juventud queremos detenernos a pensar en el gran impacto que tenemos les jóvenes en el país, nos hemos convertido en agentes de cambio, inspiración y creadores de conciencia. Lo que nos caracteriza es nuestra energía, determinación y decisión por defender nuestra causa, por ello no nos detendremos. Recordemos que la vida de muchos seres y ecosistemas están en peligro y nuestros futuro junto a ellos, por lo que siempre denunciaremos las injusticias sistemáticas, y motivaremos a los que nos rodean a tomar acción. Ninguna lucha tiene sentido si no ganamos esta. Por que somos activistas, conmemoramos el día de la juventud, porque somos energía y fuerza. 🌱🌱🌱 #medioambiente #fridaysforfuture - @fridaysforfuturesantiago on Instagram

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Children from across the United States sent ParentsTogether art showing their suffering, anxieties & hopes in the face of the pandemic -- and ***today we installed it outside of Congress so that decision-makers can see and hear firsthand from kids asking for help.*** Check out these powerful images and help us make sure Congress knows that a whole generation will suffer irreparable lifelong harm if Congress doesn’t act quickly! Join the call to #SaveGenC through the link in our bio.  #capitolhill #parentstogetheraction #artbykids #arttherapy #activism #parentadvocates - @parentstogetheraction on Instagram

“How do we organise for climate justice and collective liberation across economic, social, cultural and political struggles?” Catch our Josina TOMORROW! as part of a panel of amazing speakers for Warwick University’s Disruption, Decabonisation and Reparations event. Link In bio. #LandJustice #BlackLivesMatter #BLM #QueerJustice #Intersectionality #Reparations #ClimateJustice Edit: Panel is tomorrow the 3rd not today 🙃 - @landinournames on Instagram

Do you see any positive progression in your country❓ - By @greenpeaceczech #planetorplastic #plasticfree #reuse #reduce #upcycle #plasticpollution #zerowaste #noplastic #nowaste #lessplastic #plasticwaste #plasticfree #passonplastic #nomoreplastic #environment #proudlyeco #plasticpollutes #agranel #plastjepast - @free_from_plastic on Instagram

Yesterday all around the world activists and community members participated in a Day of Global Climate Action! 🌍🌱 Despite the rain and blustering winds people came together all over Cape Town in different areas: - Town @ Parliament - Khayelitsha @ Isivivana Center and Yomelela Primary School - and Mitchells Plain @ Littlewood Primary School All calling for System Change and the end of injustice - environmental, social, and economic. Here are a few pictures from our Town action! Keep your eyes open for pics from the other actions. #SystemChangeNotClimateChange #FightClimateInjustice #globaldayofclimateaction @fridaysforfuture - @africanclimatealliance on Instagram

Morgen ist Rodungsbeginn. Lange Zeit haben wir auf diesen Tag gewartet, jetzt ist er fast hier. Der Bau einer Autobahn durch einen gesunden Mischwald in einem Trinkwasserschutzgebiet ist unverantwortlich und macht wütend. Wir werden nicht akzeptieren, dass dieser wunderschöne Wald gerodet wird. Komm zu uns in den Wald oder ins Camp und mach dich gemeinsam mit uns stark für den Erhalt des Dannis und des Herris! #dannibleibt #waldstattasphalt #autokorrektur #wald #camp #keinea49 #bisdanni #allefürdendanni #Klimaschutz #herribleibt - @wsa_buendnis on Instagram

Yesterday was the one year anniversary of the youth led #GlobalClimateStrike. Looking back, it is important now more than ever to speak up and take action for our climate and for our future. Join us in our fight to register voters who will #Vote4OurFuture at - @nationalchildrenscampaign on Instagram

George Floyd Protest: McCarren Park - 90th Precinct - @iggysmallz1 on Instagram

We want to say thank you to everyone who came out in honor of Hispanic Heritage Month and supported our stance against the brutality being endured by immigrants in detention centers. What is happening is a violation of human rights. The death toll in ICE custody is the highest it’s been in 15 years. Detention is deadly. The time to use our voice is now. The last day to register to vote is October 5th. If you need any information on how to register to vote head over to @bobcatsvote where they have voter information and links! - @gc_lsa on Instagram

- @friday_for_future on Instagram

Photo by Pat Sutphin, from the Black Lives Matter March in Twin Falls, Idaho. - @eujayl on Instagram

Thank you for standing up today Knights. Special thanks to @ppga_ucf ⚡️⚡️ #UCF - on Instagram

Growing up as a white suburban kid, I was taught to believe civil rights were won and everything was fine. This is sadly and obviously not the case, white supremacy has always been inherent in our culture and country. Our country’s founding enlightenment ideals helped justify race-based slavery. This racist line of thinking has then been baked into our education, our government, our healthcare and housing systems, and, of course, our law enforcement. We can only successfully address the biases in these larger systems and structures when we are also addressing these same biases we have internalized in ourselves. We must confront these problems in our own lives and continue to work on them - they don’t just disappear once acknowledged. We learn racism (and misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, etc) by simply being American, and now we must actively unlearn it. Please continue to fight and support those who need supporting most, even after the protests end. - Ned - @glitterererer on Instagram

Some shots from todays protest at Oakland Tech. A beautiful & peaceful march! Special shoutout to the youth who spoke before the event. Their words were powerful 🗣 #justiceforgeorgefloyd #blacklivesmatter ✊ - @buildonfremont on Instagram

Anotonio was just a Black man waiting for a cab... 4 days after holding a rally to remember her son, #MohamedBahs mom, Mrs. Hawa Bah is at the 1 year anniversary of the NYPD murder of #AntonioWilliams. The strength and solidarity these families have is not just courageous, its inspiring, and at the core of our work. #BlackLivesMatter #nyc #safetyfirst #ny #justicecommittee - @justicecommittee on Instagram

BLM - @kweenlateethuh on Instagram

Some photos from yesterday evening’s black led Defund NYPD protest that began in McCarren Park and marched along Driggs Avenue. #defundnypd #protest #blacklivesmatter #blm #williamsburg #brooklyn #sony #sonyrx100 #sonyrx100vi #mccarrenpark #acab #ibiteracists - @arenotphotos on Instagram

The vast majority of people downtown today were there to come together and protest peacefully. We marched and we chanted for justice and love. People shared speeches and played music in the streets. The looting and arson was not a part of the peaceful protest and we must not let the message behind the movement be overshadowed by the anarchy. Black Lives Matter. Justice for George Floyd. Justice for all who have been wrongfully killed by police. For those continuing to peacefully protest, stay strong and stay safe✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿 - @casemacklin on Instagram

Please, help us obtain our freedom...Its so dangerous these days, we find ourselves between life and death. We dont want to be the victims of this ruthless virus, and here, in these conditions, really its just a matter of time. – Letter from a migrant in ICE detention, The Intercept (July 27, 2020) . The fronteristxs collective @fronteristxs // White Coats for Black and Indigenous Lives // Anonymous, Untitled // and our allies are working to end migrant detention and abolish the carceral state. We believe and fight for liberation for all. . As of today, there are 1,268 confirmed COVID-19 cases in state and federal detention facilities in New Mexico. The number of cases is likely much higher due to the lack of testing and transparency. . The NMERB (New Mexico Educational Retirement Board) has more than 50,000 shares of educator and staff retirement funds invested in private prisons. This Aug 13 & 14, we have the chance to DIVEST from corporations that run for-profit prisons and migrant detention centers. . For New Mexico: we are asking you to email & BY THIS FRI AUG 7 :: this is the deadline for submitting written comments for the upcoming vote on Aug 13 & 14. . Urge them to DIVEST our retirement funds from CoreCivic and GEO Group! Say NO to private prisons and migrant detention. . Show up to the online NMERB meetings on Aug 13 & 14. Find the link at . Join #FreeThemAll Friday Car Rallies (or start one in your town): Go to Millions for Prisoners NM FB page for more info. . For everywhere else: Call your Governor to ask for the immediate release of people in prisons, jails, and detention centers. . #NMERBdivest #FreeThemAll #DefundPolice #DefundHate #AbolishICE #EndDetention @nmilc @sfdreamersproject @detentionwatch @nmdreamteam @organizeNM @abqsurj @art4justicefund @olenewmex . Tag: @dapperchicano @kency_cornejo @jocelynaubrey @_chanib @hazelbatrezchavez_ @szhnho @bernadineh @nattyro_ @bquin89 @saucynotsassy @andreduane @stefanjenningsbatista @mandita_cholita @dos_remos_fucktrump . Music by @merrell_reynolds For more info go to - @napawfabq on Instagram

#Repost @heroactivism @jamie_s_margolin @thisiszerohour.dc • • • • • • All Over the World . Here’s a recap of last Friday’s Global Climate Strike for MAPA (Most Affected People and Areas). . #FightClimateInjustice - @fridaysforfuture.colombia on Instagram

Climate strike week 55 - @fridaysforfuturenireland on Instagram

So glad my kids are witnessing the power of the unyielding people #blacklivesmatter - @amyquinnsuplina on Instagram

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Seamos el cambio que queremos ver en el mundo 🌍 #fridaysforfuture #savetheplanet #planet #chile #friday #consciencia #hippie #climatechange #medioambiente #environment #nature #naturaleza #conciencia #universe #peace #love #amor #gratitude #paz #world #valparaiso #fotografia #vibras #climatestrike #schoolstrike4climate #photography #photooftheday - @fotografiasjazz on Instagram

Here are some photos I took of the protest for Black Lives Matter in Hightstown feel free to tag anyone you know and share if you would like. if you post these pictures all i ask is you tag me please thank you! - @shaggymedia on Instagram

While we can’t be together in person this year, we still want runners to feel the energy fueled by the cheers of 1.7 million spectators and the helping hands of more than 12,000 volunteers. If you aren’t racing help us bring the spirit to the 2020 @BankofAmerica #ChicagoMarathon Virtual Experience by cheering on runners as they take their race in their own communities. Download cheer cards on our website to decorate for your loved ones, link in bio. - @chimarathon on Instagram

Il a été décidé que les 25 et 26 septembre 2020 seront des dates de mobilisations et dactions pour le climat dans le monde. À Annecy, nous avons décidé de ne rien organiser le Vendredi 25 mais plutôt de converger vers une autre ville qui est Grenoble. Nous nous mobiliserons donc le Samedi 26. Plus dinfos vous seront communiquées ultérieurement. - @youthforclimateannecy on Instagram

Things are not OK. Things may not be OK for a long time. Minneapolis, our home, our community, is burning and broken. More importantly, though, our neighbors — some family, some friends, some simply strangers we pass by each day — are crying for help. And the sad fact is they have been for a long time. And though we’ve heard them, we haven’t done enough. None of us have. His name is George Floyd and his life was taken on our streets. And horribly, he is not alone. Our city is in crisis, but sadly, it too is not alone. Things are not OK. There is no consolation now — only conviction to do better, to be better than we are. It starts with one simple truth: Black. Lives. Matter. We are not leading a charge, we are joining the brave men and women who have been fighting for basic justice for far too long. We see you. We hear you. We are with you. Click the link in bio for a few organizations you can donate to in support of the cause. As an organization, GearJunkie has made a donation to Black Visions Collective as a first step. And as residents and members of the community, we are working with our neighbors to rebuild and remake, stronger and more united than before. #blacklivesmatter - @thegearjunkie on Instagram

@lastprisonerproject created a directory of 30 prisoners incarcerated for cannabis. Take a moment to write them a letter and let them know activists like yourself are fighting for their freedom! Swipe for instructions and a few of their stories. Comment and let us know which prisoner you are writing a letter to. - - - - - - - - - #flower #buds #maryjane #cannabis #thc #420 #weed #ganja #marijuana #gabbard #hemp #cannabisindustry #cannaclubuniversity #cbd #lastprisonerproject #cannabiscollege #stress #cannabiscommunity #prisonreform #prop64 #mmj #anxiety #bud #cbdestress #usc #ucla #cannaclub #collegecannabis #cannabiz #stoner - @cannaclub.ucla on Instagram

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐏𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬, 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐂𝐥𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞. 🔥⁣ ⁣ With the ECI - Action on Climate Emergency - we have the chance to get the people in power to respond to our demands and react according to science. 💪 Together we can change politics for the well-being of our climate and earth. 🌍⁣ ⁣ Sign the ECI on 💚 (you can find the Link in our Bio as well) and talk with your friends about it. 💬 - @eciforfuture on Instagram

From SURJ Bay Area’s Human Billboard today at Grand Ave. in Oakland - @surjbayarea on Instagram

No matter who we are or where we live—the climate crisis has affected us all. Share your story through a quick video now through the link in our bio! #FLClimatePledge - @flclimatepledge on Instagram

Thank you to everyone who showed up to demand climate justice from our government at our sit-in yesterday! ✊💚 We would like to extend special thanks to our volunteers and marshals, as well as the Fridays For Future Toronto organizers who made this all happen. Keep sending us your photos and videos because we love seeing them! Stay tuned for more future actions and how you can continue to demand a green and just recovery from COVID-19. Slide one credit: Mira Swartz Slide two credit: Angelina King, CBC Slide three credit: Martin Reis Slide four credit: Martin Reis Slide five credit: Mira Swartz Slide six credit: Matthew Freedlander #climatestrike #fridaysforfuture #fightclimateinjustice #climateactionnow - @fridaysforfutureto on Instagram

Data about our communities is a tool we use to hold elected officials accountable for the issues that matter to us. Fill out the census before the opportunity ends this September. #representusGRA #ourcensusGRA #ourvoteGRA - @ga_votes on Instagram

vanessa’s family will not fight alone and her justice will not be reached without faith and support. i showed up for vanessa, for her family, for all of the victims with the same stories, and for all of the injustices that occur under the american flag. día y noche rezo por la familia de vanessa guillen para que encuentran una paz y la justicia en dios y en nuestro apoyo! nos tenemos que unir y tenemos que ser igual de valientes que vanessa. like vanessa, we will fight with bravery. our mexican and hispanic community is our army and our power 🇲🇽🕊#vanessaguillen #elpueblounidojamasseravencido #justiciaparavanessaguillen #soymexicana #justiceforvanessaguillen - @melodym02 on Instagram

UNITED AGAINST RACISM! #blacklivesmatter protest in Amsterdam 📷 Revue ML 🎞 Fujifilm Superia 400 ⚗ @fotowereld - @myanalogshots on Instagram

📢¡No hay justicia climática sin justicia social!❌✊ #25Set . . . #EconcientizaTuMundo #EconcientízateMovement #medioambiente #nuestromundo #porunmundomejor#futuro#cambios#activismo#unidos#union#fuerza#pelea#lucha#resistencia#cambios#protesta#nuestroplaneta#nuestromundo#accion#accionando#stronge#dreams#together - @econcientizateperu on Instagram

After a recent decision by the City of Seattle, The 2020 Amica Insurance Seattle Marathon and Seattle Kids Marathon are now fully VIRTUAL. The Health & Fitness Expo has been cancelled. All registered participants will be receiving emails with details about their options. Details on our website will be updated shortly. We hope everyone is staying safe and we look forward to welcoming you in person to our 2021 events. #runsea #seattlemarathon - @seattlemarathon on Instagram

Diesen Freitag gehts wieder an den Invalidenpark! Warum bis zum 25.9. warten, wenn ihr schon jetzt auf die Straße gehen und streiken könnt, um eure Wut über das aktuelle klimaschädliche und unsoziale System rauszulassen?! Ab 12 Uhr gehts los. Wie immer mit krasser Stimmung und geilen Beiträgen! Seid dabei und nehmt alle mit! #fff #fffberlin #fffmitte #fridaysforfuture #fridaysforfutureberlin #climatecrisis #klimakrise #climatejustice #klimagerechtigkeit #freitagsstreik - @fff.berlin_mitte on Instagram

Aurat March at Lahore Liberty Roundabout today - @lifeatlahore on Instagram

𝗪𝗶𝗻 𝗮 𝗕𝗶𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗹 𝗥𝘂𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗔𝗻𝗮𝗹𝘆𝘀𝗶𝘀 𝗮𝘁 𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗟𝗼𝗻𝗱𝗼𝗻 𝗰𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗿𝗲𝘀 𝗼𝗿 𝗮𝗻 𝗢𝗻𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗕𝗶𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗹 𝗔𝗻𝗮𝗹𝘆𝘀𝗶𝘀 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗼𝗿 𝗮 𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱! Just share this post to your Instagram story and add the comment 𝗥𝘂𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 𝗖𝗼𝗼𝗹 to the comments below to be entered into a prize draw for your chance to win! In our Biomechanical Analysis (worth £89) our expert Running Technique specialists will identify any weaknesses and inefficiencies that could cause injury or prevent you from running faster. Well take you through your running technique frame-by-frame and movement-by-movement from both the side view and the back view, so that you can understand where you are going right and where you are going wrong. We will explain everything to you so you can see it for yourself and take the first step to becoming a better, faster and more energy efficient runner! So get sharing and commenting for your chance to win! #running #runningschool #runningtechnique #runningcoach #runningcoaching #runhappy #therunningschool #runnersofinstagram #runningcommunity #runningmotivation #halfmarathon #marathon #competition #biomechanicalanalysis #gaitanalysis - @therunningschool on Instagram

The people of Flushing deserve to shape their communitys future, not the wealthy developers. - @mel.gagarin on Instagram

«Lhumiliation nest pas une forme déducation», «DIPdelahonte!», «Lindécence nest pas dans mon décolleté mais dans ton regard!» Au cycle de Pinchat, plus de 200 personnes se sont réunies ce mercredi matin pour protester contre le «t-shirt de la honte», qui crée la polémique depuis quelques semaines. Certaines élèves (toutes des filles) se sont vu contraintes de porter un haut fourni par lécole, lorsque celle-ci estimait que leur tenue nétait pas «adéquate» et adaptée au milieu scolaire. Un courrier, rédigé à lintention dAnne Emery-Torracinta, chargée du Département de linstruction publique, demande «un abandon immédiat de cette méthode extrême, une révision du règlement vestimentaire et de son application, des excuses publiques et médiatisées de la part du DIP pour cette erreur grave et condamnable, par respect aux jeunes filles victimes de la punition abusive et irrationnelle du T-shirt de la honte.» La lettre, diffusée largement, accompagne une pétition lancée en ligne. Elle compte déjà des centaines de signatures. Pour lire larticle complet, cliquer sur le lien dans la bio. Photos: @loguiraud_foto #tdgch #genève #tshirtdelahonte #cycledepinchat @sexisme_geneve - @tdgch on Instagram

- @nomo.re20 on Instagram

Todays Anaheim rally and protest for George Floyd was a peaceful one, as the crowd began in La Palma Park and made its way to City Hall. Photos by our TimesOC reporter @benbrazil91 and story forthcoming. #Anaheim #BlackLivesMatter #protest #orangecounty #oc #rally #march #georgefloyd - @timesocofficial on Instagram

“Para todas las madres, todas las víctimas, no es un grito de alegría, es un grito de desesperación”.⁠ ⁠ Estas palabras se escucharon el lunes desde el balcón de la Comisión Nacional de los Derechos Humanos (CNDH) en el Centro de la Ciudad de México.⁠ ⁠ El Grito de Independencia no significa nada para las víctimas y las madres de mujeres asesinadas y personas desaparecidas, por ello, un día antes, este 14 de septiembre, dieron una “antigrita”, atrincheradas en las oficinas que cumplen 10 días tomadas.⁠ Ve más imágenes y lee sus historias en el enlace de nuestra biografía.⁠ Foto: Graciela López - @cuartoscuromex - @pajaropolitico on Instagram

B R E O N N A, I march for you. I stand for you. I pray for healing and true justice for you and your family. I walk in peace with my people, peers and allies. I love harder in honor of you and those taken before us, for it seems most days we only have ourselves. I’m sorry they valued you more than tangible objects. I’m sorry they had abominable disregard for your essence, your smile, and what would have been your great life. I’m sorry our system is so evil and full of hate that your justice has been reduced to a check. I’m sorry we are sometimes tired. I march for you.💛 B- . . . . . . . . (peaceful protesting and marching, June 2020) ✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿 #BlackLivesMatter #EnoughIsEnough #WhenWillThisStop #WhatYearIsThis #Racism #PoliceBrutality #ICantBreathe #PeacefulProtesting #PeacefulProtests #WashingtonDC #NoJusticeNoPeace #BreonnaTaylor #JusticeForBreonnaTaylor #Louisville #ArrestTheCops #BrenHerrera #WhiteHouseProtests #LafayettePark #WashingtonDC #AgentOfChange #ChangeAgent #VoteInNovember #BLM #MyDCCool #BlackGirlMagic #explorepage #SocialActivism #Activist # HispanicHeritageMonth #usorelse #BlackWoman - @brenherrera on Instagram

[I am aware of spelling mistake. Low every means done is better than perfect] #chronicillnessandme GRIEF - I knew it would be heavy for the community to discuss. Not the usual uplifting art but it’s vital it’s talked about. ⁣ ⁣ What I didn’t expect to create for it was this quote from a chronic illness ally @realmirandahart who has used lockdown to raise awareness of our lives. It resonates so deeply because something largely unaccepted about chronic illness from healthier people is the level of disappointment and grief that comes with losing your health. Slowly as a global pandemic unfolded with things being cancelled, big celebrations put on hold, careers becoming uncertain and with so much loss happening, people quickly got a very small snapshot of what millions have been forced to live with for so long, except they’ve had to go it alone, ignored and often disbelieved and the world wasn’t talking about it. It’s tough and it’s not pretty. We understand this more than most. ⁣ ⁣ We mourn daily and we find a way through and so often with life the darkest of times also bring about some magic. Grief isn’t linear, sometimes that thing you thought you were over comes back and that’s okay. The magic comes when you unearth your inner wisdom, when you unlock whats important in life, when you make discoveries about yourself and when you decide to create your own path rather than follow the one you thought you should follow. ⁣ ⁣ Grief is messy, often complicated and can be what feels like an inky dark place with unlimited depth. It can take you away from yourself sure, it can feel like deep ocean you can’t keep your head above but, when it comes to life with chronic illness, loss also has the power to transform you, to help you let go and find who you really are. It can take a while, we’ve all heard the 5 stages of grief that you can go back and forth with, but ultimately when through the darkest depths you become something unstoppable, with deep compassion, will, determination and inner strength you never knew existed inside of you. Where ever you are in your grief it’s okay to be there, take your time, this is your road to walk, just know there is alchemy happening too - @spoonie_village on Instagram


And they thought we were going to stop? Big shoutout to @youth4visions for organizing and @fairfieldchange for the help and support. ✊🏾❤️ #blm #blacklivesmatter #justiceforall - @spamandryce on Instagram

Am Wochenende haben Aktivist*Innen von @ende__gelaende an zahlreichen Orten Braunkohleinfrastruktur blockiert. Wir sind solidarisch mit den Aktivist*Innen, die Klimagerechtigkeit durch zivilen Ungehorsam einfordern und wir verurteilen das gewaltsame Vorgehen der Polizei gegen Klimaaktivist*Innen am Wochenende scharf. . Trotz des rabiaten Vorgehens der Polizei an vielen Stellen haben 3.000 Menschen gezeigt, dass Braunkohleverstromung nicht mehr länger sein darf. ONE STRUGGLE, ONE FIGHT! . Wir haben uns an den Aktionen am Wochenende unter Anderem bei den @anti_kohle_kidz beteiligt (siehe Foto). Foto von Christoph Schnuell (@looking.close) . #endegelände #fridaysforfuture #solidarity #kohleausstieg - @fridaysforfuturekoeln on Instagram

⁣A gynecologist performed hysterectomies on detained migrants without their full consent, according to Dawn Wooten, a nurse who filed a whistleblower complaint with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Inspector General on Monday.⠀ ⠀ Wooten, who worked at the Irwin County Detention Center in Ocilla, Georgia, said in her complaint that the number of hysterectomies — invasive operations that remove all or part of the uterus — was a red flag. Almost every woman that went to see the doctor was told they needed to undergo the procedure, she claimed. ⠀ ⠀ Everybodys uterus cannot be that bad, Wooten said in the complaint, calling the doctor the uterus collector.⠀ ⠀ U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement does not comment on matters presented to the Office of the Inspector General, according to Lindsay Williams, a spokeswoman.⠀ ⠀ *️⃣⠀ ⠀ The allegations call to mind a history of sterilization laws in the United States dating back to the early 1900s that usually targeted the poor, disabled and women of color.⠀ ⠀ ▪ In 1905, Indiana became the first state to approve a sterilization law making sterilization mandatory for certain individuals in state custody. During the next several decades, more than two-thirds of all states passed similar laws.⠀ ⠀ ▪ In the 1927s Buck v. Bell, the U.S. Supreme Court decided to uphold a states right to forcibly sterilize a person considered feeble-minded.⠀ ⠀ ▪ Between 1920 and 1945, Mexicans and Latinas in prisons, mental institutions and the welfare system in California were disproportionately sterilized. Native Americans and Puerto Ricans who relied on the federal government for health care were also targeted. ⠀ ⠀ ▪ Between 1973 and 1976, at least one quarter of Native American women between ages 15 and 44 were sterilized, according to some reports.⠀ ⠀ 📄 Read the full story by Mariel Padilla at or via the link in our bio.⠀ ⠀ 📸 Dawn Wooten, left, a nurse at Irwin County Detention Center in Ocilla, Georgia, speaks at a news conference in Atlanta protesting conditions at the immigration jail. Jeff Amy/AP Photo - @19thnews on Instagram

Last Friday, we did history. Here in Madrid and all over the world, following the youth, millions of people took the streets to claim Climate Justice and demand a living planet. It is incredible what we have achieved throughout our daily work during these months, but the ones that are most incredible are all those that I have met and have accompanied me during this path. They are family to me, and we all together will change the world. We are unstoppable, another world is possible. Photograph credits: 1- Santi Vaquero (@santivaquero) 2,7 - Sergio Muñoz (@ssuzzo) 6,8,10 - Nacho Rubiera (@jsalvar) #fridaysforfuture #climatestrike #climatejustice #weekforfuture #GlobalStrikeForFuture #huelgamundialporelclima #27S #FFF #strikeforclimate #planet #Madrid #unstoppable #UnitedForClimate - @ordnajela_zenitram on Instagram

Over the past week, our hearts have been with the thousands of people protesting in the streets of Seattle. Putting an end to racism, police brutality, and the many other inequities that plague our nation is long overdue. Thus, in order to create systemic change, we implore you to act - contact your representatives at the local, state, and national levels and demand change; utilize the resources that our friends at @intentionalist_ offer to support black-owned small businesses; and when you bear witness to an act of racism in your day to day life - whether it’s a blatant act or a subtle microaggression - boldly speak up against it. Black lives matter. They always have and they always will. So, we will continue mourning the black lives taken far too soon and we will look forward to the day when the beloved community Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. envisioned finally becomes a reality. #blacklivesmatter #repost @instavisuals - @ohsoseattle on Instagram

“I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept.” Link in bio for my CO peeps to contact our senators in support of the Law Enforcement Integrity & Accountability Act. #blacklivesmatter #vote - @julees23 on Instagram

@xrhamont #hamilton350 #hamont #wetsuwetenstrong - @extinctionrebellioncanada on Instagram

#28 manifestación por el aborto legal en México. #CDMX - @maria__rz on Instagram

Only 6 days until September 25th!!! Dont forget to use our global hashtag #fightclimateinjustice  and #fridaysforfuture  🌎🌏🌍 Lets get it trending 💪 Use the hashtag, write a climate call on your face mask, take a selfie, tag us (@fridaysforfuture , , @fridaysforfuture.india and @fridaysforfuture.bihar ) in your photo, and tag 3 friends that should join the Global Day of Action for Climate Justice!!! - @fridaysforfuture.bihar on Instagram

📸: 2017. My first weekend assignment as an intern at NPR. Thank you, everyone, who reached out to me about this photo and or shared it. 🖤 If you would like to purchase a print of this, DM/email me. The proceeds will go to Minneapolis Freedom Fund and other local organizations helping protestors on the ground. 🖤 Please be safe. - @pollyirungu on Instagram

Repost• @swopbrooklyn Black sex worker liberation march in time square #BlackSWLivesMatter @sxnoir @tscandii @lisaspliffson @msgizellemarie @moneymami_k @black_trans_nation - @redcanarysong on Instagram

For Breonna, and countless others. No justice, no peace ✊🏼🇺🇸 . . . . #marchonwashington #blacklivesmatter #sayhername #sayhernamebreonnataylor #arrestthecopswhokilledbreonnataylor #dismantlewhitesupremacy - @christinamcdowellauthor on Instagram

Indias National Action Plan on Climate Change was announced in a hurried manner a month before the G8 summit was to be held in July 2008 as a political move to secure international standing than anything else. The rushed manner in which NAPCC was formulated ensured that the document merely provided broad objectives and did not address strategy. Following the hurried announcement of NAPCC in 2008, the ministries concerned took six more years to approve the missions. States were also supposed to formulate State Specific Action Plans (SSAPs) to mitigate and adapt to the impacts of climate change, but no state had prepared an SSAP until late 2017. Even then, most SSAPs framed are vague. NAPCC has been slow to start and its sectoral missions are not aligned with the schemes the government has announced to tackle climate change. 12 years after it was announced, we are nowhere close to realising the targets NAPCC sought to meet. #climate #climatechange #NAPCC #climatejustice #climateemergency #transperancy #ssap - @fridaysforfuture.india on Instagram

Erste Eindrücke vom 6. Weltweiten Klimastreik in Innsbruck 🌎✊ #FightEveryCrisis - @fridaysforfutureinnsbruck on Instagram

Join us tomorrow and risk arrest to stop the harm. Mask up and meet tomorrow at Columbus Circle at 8 am, where we will march to CNNs headquarters to stage a die-in outside their office. We are demanding that CNN cuts all financial ties to the world’s worst climate criminals. If you are willing to risk arrest during the action, fill out the form in our bio. You don’t have to risk arrest to take part in the action! We’re also looking for rebels willing to take part in the die-in. RSVP at the link in our bio. We are taking action in unison with XR chapters across the country and across the globe to demand that the media reports on the true urgency of the climate crisis and on the true consequences of inaction. photo credit @gnawoc #tellthetruth #endclimatesilence #rebelforlife #climatecrisis #climatechange #climatechangeisreal #climateemergency #xr #extinctionrebellion #xrdc #extinctionrebelliondc #washingtondc - @extinctionrebelliondc on Instagram

We will no longer stay silent. @projectsouthatl @georgiadetentionwatch. #AbolishICE #FreeThemAll #ShutDownIrwin - on Instagram

Represión en movilización de enfermería frente a la Legislatura Porteña⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ En el marco del #DiaDeLaSanidad, se realizó en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires un escrache a la CGT y una posterior movilización de enfermerxs del sector público en reclamo por mejoras en sus condiciones laborales y salariales. En una jornada de lucha a nivel nacional, la policía de la Ciudad reprimió a enfermeras y enfermeros que se movilizaron hasta la Legislatura para entregar un petitorio en el que exigen ser reconocidos como profesionales de la salud.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ 🗣 Mariana Meneses, enfermera trabajadora del Hospital Álvarez desde hace 14 años y licenciada en enfermería, comenta sobre los hechos sucedidos y los motivos del reclamo: “Las colegas que fueron golpeadas en la cabeza y en la espalda están bien. Fueron muy golpeadas. El escrache a la CGT con el que arracamos la jornada fue para marcar el abandono que tenemos al nivel de los sindicatos y para mostrar como operan contra nosotrxs en los hospitales. En el colectivo hay mucha bronca y tristeza, son 106 enfermeras las muertas ya, y es muy grave”.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ ▹ Nota de @algoconerre. La encontrás en⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ #fmlatribu887 #noticias #legislatura #legislaturaporteña #larreta #policiadelaciudad #sanidad #presupuestosalud #represion - @fmlatribu on Instagram

. - @p_huncho_ on Instagram

This week, over 25,000 people accessed the resources I compiled for women in Turkey, I worked with the Purple Roof foundation, and I organized a protest with the sweetest young activist @ethically.erin yesterday which was such a success!! I am so so grateful for all the student activists, NGOs, journalists, and women living in Turkey who reached out to me and supported this movement! I am especially thankful to @zeycan_rochelle for being the best role model out there and supporting this so much she is such a kind soul 💜✊🏾 ALSO @_jeyhan_ bless your heart for helping out and sharing our message, we wouldn’t have been able to do this without you💜 📸 thank you @ricksaintlou !! • #turkey #turkishwomenrights #femicide #turkishwomen #justice #pınar #pinargultekin #pınargültekin #challengeaccepted #kadınaşiddetehayır #blackandwhitephoto #challenge #socialactivism #activism #womenempowerment #middleeast #armenia #syrian #kurdish #afghan #newyork #newyorkcity #protest #march #solidarity - @intersectional.advocacy on Instagram

From August 17–22nd, the Women Warriors of the Surabaya River measured their water quality & level of microplastics while tracking sites of illegal dumping 🌊🧪🔬 No one deserves to live in a dumping ground for plasticwaste. Here’s to the dedication & advocacy of this group of mothers & young women to #breakfreefromplastic! @river.warrior @fully_syafi @envigreensociety #betterwaythanthrowaway #breakfreefromplastic - @upstreamsolutions on Instagram

An Extinction Rebellion protester proved a catwalk surprise at Paris Fashion Week when they gatecrashed the Christian Dior show and unfurled a sign that read We Are All Fashion Victims”. Reuters reports that a spokesman for the movement in France said the protest was designed to highlight “the impact of the fashion industry on the environment and society. Its not the first time the environment action group have targeted fashion shows to get their message across. At London Fashion Week last year activists attempted to form a human traffic blockade around venues. As the runway seasons long-anticipated return since Covid-19 halted the calendar in March got underway, it wasnt exactly business as usual in the French capital. Only 350 fashionistas were present for the show, instead of the usual 1750, with face masks the hot accessory. #ParisFashionWeek #Fashion #Protest #Environment #ClimateChange #bbcnews - @bbcnews on Instagram

Week 84 #FridaysForFuture #Canada It’s been 13 weeks since I’ve last been at this corner. No cases of #COVID in my community for almost a month. Greater Sudbury crushed the curve. We listened to the experts and cooperated. We must do the same for the climate and racial justice. - @sophia.mathur on Instagram

Global climate strike is back Fridays for future Indore once again would be organising the Strike but this time it is completely virtual. Our theme is Water conservation Date - 25th September Organising e-mail storm and tweeterstom with bhopal chapter Striking against the encroachment of water bodies in the cities and depletion of groud water level Demanding IMC to re-use treated waste water , do not dump human sewage without treatment to any water bodies. Implement Artificial recharge plan made by Central ground water board ( CGWB ) for Indore district using existing fractures in the ground. Prevent the silt formation in lakes and other water bodies through regular cleaning. Use alternatives like solar powers to supply water from narmada. Make and follow strict laws to not exploit the groundwater through illegal borwells. Protection pf existing Greenery specially on the hilly areas to further prevent ground water depletion. Drive Awareness campaigns specially for installation of rainwater harvesting in all the newly build a houses. Our international hastag - #fightclimateinjustice #watercrisisindia #water #watercrisisindia #indorewatercrisis #groundwaterrecharge #waterbodies #lakes #rivers #watertreatment #globalclimatestrike #indoremuniciplecorporation - @fridaysforfutureindore on Instagram

excited and grateful to have the support of @gettyimages with a scholarship for my masters in Photojournalism at @lcclondon @unioftheartslondon 🌱✨ - @pamela__ea on Instagram

Ende Oktober eröffnet der BER. Wir werden die Eröffnung mit Protesten begleiten. Insbesondere innerdeutsche Flüge sind klimapolitischer Irrsinn. . . . #abgehoben #BUNDjugend #Berlin #ambodenbleiben #BER #TXL #KeinGradWeiter #FridaysForFuture #kurzstreckenflügenurfürinsekten #klimastreik #klimakrise #klimakatastrophe #fliegen #flugzeug #Verkehrswende #mobilität #mobilitätswende - @bundjugend_berlin on Instagram

Danke an alle, die heute da waren! Wir haben ein mega starkes Zeichen gesetzt: Wir sind hier und wir sind laut und sagen: #KeinGradWeiter! ✊🏽🌍⠀ ⠀ Insgesamt 6.000 Teilnehmende haben heute unter Einhaltung der Hygienemaßnahmen demonstriert! Danke, dass ihr euch so gut an die Maßnahmen gehalten habt und so diese Demo ermöglicht habt. 💚⠀ (Damit sind wir übrigens die größte, coronakonforme Demonstration der Freiburger Stadtgeschichte gewesen. 😉)⠀ ⠀ Die Bundesregierung, unsere Landesregierung und auch die Stadtverwaltung und OB Horn müssen endlich angemessen reagieren. Die Zeit, zu handeln, ist jetzt ‼️⠀ ⠀ Danke, ihr wart heute einfach toll. 💚⠀ ⠀ Jetzt gilt: Weitermachen! Wir streiken, bis ihr handelt. ✊🏽⠀ ⠀ ———⠀ Bilder: @lennardprediger, und @tarielleiss #fridaysforfuture @fridaysforfuture @fridaysforfuture.europe #freiburgforfuture #ffffreiburg #fridaysforfuturegermany #fridaysforfuturefreiburg #keingradweiter #fighteverycrisis #leavenoonebehind #allefürsklima #wirstreikenbisihrhandelt #klimastreik #globalstrike #energiewende #freiburg #freiburgimbreisgau #freiburghältzusammen #freiburgpolitik #verkehswende #klimagerechtigkeit - @fridaysforfuture_freiburg on Instagram

Kedd délután vették át Junior Príma-díjukat - Pallag Márton, Kis Hajni, Waskovics Andrea, Kelemen Kristóf, Sodró Eliza, Szenteczki Zita - és őrt álltak a Színház- és Filmművészeti Egyetemért. Szívből gratulálunk és köszönjük! 🙏❤️ Fotó: Lázár Todoroff @martonpallag @kis.hajni @waskovics_andrea ❤️ #freeszfe - @freeszfe on Instagram

... on that day only, when NO WOMAN has to say #metoo anymore! 📷 @joshwideawake #womenforchange #gbv #timesup #sayhername #aminext #femicide #stopkillingwomen - @womenforchangesa on Instagram

#KeinGradWeiter – Dieser Ansage von sind wir heute am weltweiten Klimastreik-Tag gefolgt. Zusammen mit @everdrop und @etepetete_bio von @startupsfortomorrow sind wir auf die Theresienwiese in München marschiert. Der strömende Regen war keine Ausrede! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Leider leben wir gerade in einer Zeit, die uns mit zwei Krisen gleichzeitig herausfordert. Die Corona-Zahlen in München steigen stark, wodurch das Organisationsteam spontan umplanen musste – für eine gewissenhafte Klimapolitik: Die Teilnehmeranzahl des Streiks wurde daher auf 500 beschränkt. Mit 1,5 Meter Abstand zwischen den Teilnehmenden haben wir einen riesigen „#KeinGradWeiter“- Schriftzug gebildet. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Unsere Message sollte dabei mehr als eindeutig rüber gekommen sein: Wir wollen als Unternehmen ein Zeichen setzen, dass wir mit unserem Klima nicht mehr so leichtfertig umgehen dürfen, wie wir dies die letzten Jahrzehnte gemacht haben. Es muss nun ein radikales Umdenken in allen Bereichen stattfinden!“ – Benedikt, Gründer & CEO ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Mit unserem ganzheitlichen nachhaltigen Ansatz verstecken wir uns nicht nur hinter Plakaten, sondern handeln wirklich. Wir möchten zeigen, dass man als Unternehmen erfolgreich sein, wachsen und dabei dennoch nachhaltig agieren kann! Denn darauf kommt es an. Nicht in Zukunft, sondern JETZT! Die Klimakatastrophe ist kein Geheimnis, sondern Realität. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Habt ihr heute auch gestreikt? Wir können voll und ganz nachvollziehen, wenn es euch zu unsicher war. Das Schöne ist, dass wir auch über Social Media unsere Stimme nutzen können. Es gibt so viele Möglichkeiten, Teil der Bewegung zu sein. #strongertogether 💚 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #junglück #umdenkenbeginntbeidir #startupsfortomorrow #timetoact #strongertogether #klimawandel #klimakrise #erderwärmung #fridaysforfuture #fridaysforfuturemunich - @junglueck on Instagram

What an amazing event! We would like to thank everyone who attended with special thanks to those who organised •#climatestrike •#fridaysforfuture •#stopshannonlng •#stopcorklng - @stepagainstcc on Instagram

#fridaysforfuture climate strike. If you are in Sydney please join us every Friday next to Town Hall steps! - - #climateaction #climatestrike #sydney #australia #activism #climatecrisis #youthstrike4climate #bushfires #nswfires #actnow #planetearth #noplanetb #nature - @fff_sydney on Instagram

- Families Belong Together

Today, August 9, is World Indigenous Day. These defenders of the planet and wildlife should be cherished and thanked for everything because they make our lives much easier. However, they are often put at risk by the fault of the big polluters, who not only put in a big danger the plant and animal life in the area, but also human life. Many heavy metal or even radioactive mines can affect the surrounding ecosystem extremely strongly, and people in the area can be made to exploit these depleting resources, also being paid extremely little. One such case is in Jaduguda, India, where a large amount of uranium is being mined. Another case is in Nigeria, where a community of indigenous people has protested against the company @chevron . This company has violated many of the human rights, endangering the lives of the inhabitants of the area. How do indigenous people help us? They are protectors of over 80% of life on the planet, protectors of most oxygen producers on Earth and generally present in wild, relatively hostile environments. Without them, we would most likely not have the same standard of living that we have at the moment, so lets cherish what we have because of these people and thank them at least once a year for their uninterrupted work. Also, polluting companies such as @exxonmobil, @gazpromphotos or @texaco_chevron should do something for indigenous people, not just pollute. - @pollutersout on Instagram

Thank you to all our amazing educators, students, parents, and community members for continuing to stand up for justice and change ❤️❤️❤️ 📷: @firwoodfilm . . . #blacklivesmatter #blm #justiceforgeorgefloyd #justiceforbreonnataylor #justiceforahmaudarbery #justiceforblacklives - @oregoneducationassociation on Instagram

School strike week 70 Today was my official last day at school. So from now on Ill have to call my strikes climate strike instead of school strike. Climate justice is not about the survival of the planet, but about the people. Climate justice cant be reached without racial justice. Theres not much more to say about that. But dear all, protest! Theres so much happening in this world that shouldnt happen. Theres so much injustice, thats why no one can be silent about anything anymore. So lets raise our voices, but also listen to those who battle even more injustice. Lets stand together for a better world. 📷 @fmnoah #fridaysforfuture #fridaysforfutureaustria #climateaction #climatestrike #climatecrisis #klimastreik #klimakrise #blm #climatejustice #actnow #salzburg #freitag - @anikadafert on Instagram

🌍 Rejoins la journée daction régionale pour la justice écologique et sociale le samedi 26 septembre à Annecy ! 💚 Nous unissons nos forces pour montrer notre détermination pour un monde meilleur et face aux catastrophes en cours 🌱 Différents niveaux dengagement dans les actions, inscription obligatoire uniquement pour laction de désobéissance civile la plus engageante ✊ Lien dinscription dans la bio de @youthforclimateannecy - @youthforclimateannecy on Instagram

#Galeria📸 Una enorme manifestación en #bogota que le recuerda a los gobiernos de la capital y nacional, que ante la violencia policial responderemos con dignidad, paz y grandeza. La juventud no tiene miedo de la opresión y la dictadura. #bogota #medellin #bucaramanga #cali #barranquilla #ibague - @pizarromariajo on Instagram

I knew that there were 20 fossil fuel giants responsible for over 1/3 of CO2 emissions worldwide. I also knew that there was a disproportionate number of pipelines, refineries, and waste management facilities poisoning poor communities, and communities of colour. I did not know that these same fossil fuel giants were also responsible for funding police forces throughout the United States . But, I am not surprised. The goal of the fossil fuel industry has always been to extract and burn every last drop of oil in the Earth to make money . And they have been extremely successful. Since the 1990s, ExxonMobil, Shell, Chevron, and BP alone have made $2 TRILLION dollars in profits . There is no way to make 2 trillion dollars in profit without exploiting something or someone (usually both). To put this another way, had these corporations been made to pay for the environmental damages of their spills and leaks, the asthmas and cancers they have caused, and the climate consequences they have generated, there is no way they would have $2 trillion. In order to generate trillions, you have to consciously and systematically decide that certain people and places are acceptable sacrifices. And for centuries, these sacrifice zones have unequivocally been poor communities of colour . It then follows that there is nothing more dangerous to fossil fuel interests around the world than empowered, organized communities of colour who are capable of asserting their fundamental human rights. Is it any surprise then that this industry has a vested interest in supporting a policing system that, as we have all recently come to recognize (and as Black & indigenous people have known for centuries), excels at controlling, dividing, oppressing, and suppressing communities of colour? . So here we have the unholy marriage of big oil, the state, and white supremacy, all being operationalized through policing. The consequence of this toxic mix has been the destruction of our world. As activists, we have to recognize that climate justice is racial justice is environmental justice. “Until we are all free, we are none of us free” ~ Emma Lazarus - @plasticfreeto on Instagram

SEPTEMBER 25- GLOBAL DAY OF CLIMATE ACTION🌎🌎🌎✊✊✊ We live in the midst of a pandemic, but climate change is just as much of a crisis as it was before⚠️⚠️⚠️ As society is starting to open up in many places in the world, global emissions and resource use are rapidly increasing and we are running out of time. Therefore, we call for a global day of action on September 25th✊✊✊ Everyone will be able to participate in a way that is safe for them and their community-whether that be on the streets, solitary, or digitally or in whatever way suits you best. Activists all over the globe will be uniting for the first global action day of 2020, and we need you to be a part of it. This is not the time to be silent. Check out for details. - @fridaysforfutureusa on Instagram

So I went to Brussels. - @salim.kajani on Instagram

Hundreds of Tassie students gathered on Hobart’s Parliament Lawns this afternoon to protest for climate action! Did you go to the rally? 📷: @joshagnew1 for Pulse FM Hobart - @pulsefmhobart on Instagram

Please watch the link to a video of @kimberlylatricejones from @djonesmedia in my profile. One of the speakers, at the Denver protest on Wednesday, reminded everyone that there is no wrong way to mourn. This touched at the heart of our work @climbinggrieffund . I have a quote at my desk that reads, “the boundary of who we include in our heart is the boundary to our freedom.” This video reminds me to include looters in my heart. As myself and other white people are learning to be uncomfortable with our complicity, listen more and take continuous steps to be a positive force with the civil rights movement, I urge us to elevate the Black voices at the center of this movement and be open to making mistakes and repairing. Places to donate: @ruthelliscenter @theconsciouskid @blklivesmatter @thelovelandfoundation - @madaleinesorkin on Instagram

Today I came out to march with my friend Ellyse and her family for justice for Vanessa Guillen!! We demand answers and justice and we will keep marching until we get both!! Power to our gente!! 🇲🇽✊🏼☝🏼🙏🏼 #SayHerName #VanessaGuillen #HerLifeMatters WomensLivesMatter #NoMas #ShutFortHoodDown #WeApplyingFullPressure - @raqs2cents on Instagram

Denver Protests for George Floyd, May 28th 2020. Police used tear gas and pepper bullets on protesters, mostly peaceful, justly enraged. 1. running down south broadway to watch protesting cars spin + smoke. show up 2. blocking Colfax. disrupting the peace 3. hands up don’t shoot 4,5. holding a rope around the intersection of Colfax and Broadway 8. this is an inconvenience don’t you get it - @nosferatune on Instagram

Brooklynites gathered at Maria Hernandez Park in Bushwick on September 24, 2020 to demand justice for Breonna Taylor, bringing light to Black Women affected by police violence and to amplify the movement against police brutality and racial injustice and to make a loud call for the defunding of the police force. #AbolishThePolice #ACAB #Activism #BlackLivesMatter #BreonnaTaylor #Brooklyn #CivilDisobedience #DefendBlackLives #DefundTheNYPD #DefundThePolice #DisarmThePolice #EndPoliceBrutality #EndPoliceTerror #EndRacism #EndWhiteSupremacy #FTP #FuckThePolice #JailKillerCops #JusticeForBreonnaTaylor #KilledByPolice #m4bl #NewYork #NoJusticeNoPeace #NoRacistPolice #NYC #PoliceAccountability #stillnojustice #StopKillingBlackPeople © Erik McGregor - - 917-225-8963 - @ministererik on Instagram

The City of Miami declared a climate emergency last year. Nothing has fundamentally changed. The science is clear, either we take drastic action now or we have no future. In Florida on 28% of eligible voters participated in the primaries. The Democrats and Republicans have failed to preserve the planet for future generations. Electioneering and politicking are not going to be sufficient to generate the energy needed to protect us. Nonviolent direct action, noncooperation, and disruption are necessary to take back control from the global power brokers. Adopt nonviolent direct action practices and methods. Were calling on everyone to commit to organizing: •Rent & mortgage strikes •School & work strikes •Die-ins •Boycottsa •Fasts We will support your actions. #extinctionrebellion #extinctionrebellionmiami #timesup #Miami #actnow - @extinctionrebellionmiami on Instagram

Check out this important article by one of our #MayflowersKill campaign contributors, Mali Obomsawin, addressing the erasure of Indigenous peoples in New England. #MayflowersKill ✊ . . . . . . #Mayflower #Mayflower400 #Decolonize #Native #Indigenous #FirstNations #nativevoices #StolenLand #BrokenTreaties #NativeYouth #IndigenousYouth #ColonialViolence #colonialism #colonization #TribalSovereignty #DecolonizeHistory - @survivalinternational on Instagram

A few photos from last Saturday. #elijahmcclain #AuroraCO - @marcano4aurora on Instagram

AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING to gather this way again, to perform with and alongside incredible humans Angel Acuña, Nia-Selassi Clark, Linda LaBeija, Denaysha Macklin, Annie Ming-Hao Wang, Angelica Mondol Viaña, Ashley Pierre-Louis, Katrina Reid, Kim Savarino, Sasha Smith, Stacy Lynn Smith, Paul Aster Stone-Tsao, Kim Velsey, Sugar Vendil - to share ourselves, our cells, our stomping, our futures, our names - quyana all. And quyana all who gathered safely, who are protecting seeds and making the future better with us. THE WAYS WE LOVE AND THE WAYS WE LOVE BETTER, MONUMENTAL MOVEMENT TOWARD BEING FUTURE BEING(S) Created by Emily Johnson/Catalyst Performed by Emily Johnson and Angel Acuña, Nia-Selassi Clark, Linda LaBeija, Denaysha Macklin, Annie Ming-Hao Wang, Angelica Mondol Viaña, Ashley Pierre-Louis, Katrina Reid, Kim Savarino, Sasha Smith, Stacy Lynn Smith, Paul Aster Stone-Tsao, Kim Velsey, Sugar Vendil Invocation by Nanate River Garments and Masks by Jeffrey Gibson Sculpture by Jeffrey Gibson BECAUSE ONCE YOU ENTER MY HOUSE IT BECOMES OUR HOUSE, 2020. Plywood, posters, steel, LEDs, and performances, 44 x 44 x 21 ft. Presented by Socrates Sculpture Park, September 16, 2020 Photo credit: Photo by Scott Lynch @jeffrune @socratespark @audreydimola @sasha.lynnsmith @angiefromtheblockk @sugarvendil @linda_labeija @acunaangel @kasavvy @ashleypierrelouis @velseykim @snapshotturtle - @emilyjohnsoncatalyst on Instagram

Und weiter gehts mit Eindrücken von der heutigen Demo. Wir sind immer noch ganz geflasht von dem vielen positiven Feedback! Wenn ihr Lust habt euch bei uns zu engagieren oder einfach gerne bei der Nachbesprechung der Demo dabei wärt, kommt sehr gerne nächsten Donnerstag zu unserem Plenum. Wir treffen uns um 19 Uhr im Großen Plenumsraum in der Alten VHS.🌳 • • • 📸 @dominik_bund #keingradweiter #globaldayofclimateaction #allefürsklima #bonn #climatestrike #fridaysforfuture - @fridaysforfuture_bonn on Instagram

• @xr_vancouver We are standing with the people of Wet’suwet’en. The world is watching. #wetsuwetenstrong #notresspass . . . Photos by @gracegrignon #theworldiswatching #xrvancouver #actnow #tellthetruth #landback #climatecrisis #nopipeline #notmx #wetsuweten #extinctionrebellion #alleyesonwetsuweten - @extinctionrebellioncanada on Instagram

If there’s one short-term positive from all that is going on, it’s the glimpse of a cleaner, greener world that is possible with less carbon emissions and pollution 💙 How can we all work together to make this a long-term effect? Let us know in the comments if you have any ideas or commitments already! Happy Earth Day everyone! And #stayscrappy to take care of all the amazing resources our Mother Earth has given us 🌎♻️🙃 #earth #earthday2020 #earthday #earthdayeveryday #foodforall #foodforallapp #zerowaste #stopfoodwaste #scrappyaf #oneplanet #nyc #climatestrike - @foodforallapp on Instagram Arrestation au bureau de Marc Garneau, Ministre des Transports Nous tenons à souligner que nos militant.e.s sont prêt.e.s à se lancer dans une escalade des moyens de pression si cela est nécessaire pour que les droits énoncés dans la Déclaration des Nations Unies sur les droits des peuples autochtones soient respectés. « Nous condamnons les actions de nos gouvernements colonisateurs et nous refusons dêtre des complices silencieux du non-respect des droits des peuples autochtones qui sont des protecteurs des terres et des eaux en première ligne de défense pour la sauvegarde de lhumanité », souligne May Chiu d’Extinction Rébellion. #WetsuwetenStrong #AllEyesOnWetsuweten #RCMPOffWetsuwetenLand #WetsuwetenSolidarity #WeStandWithWetsuweten - @extinctionrebellioncanada on Instagram

We knelt, we marched, we shouted✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿 #BLACKLIVESMATTER woww, what a overwhelming day we had in manchester today bwoi!!! 🐝🐝🐝 The outcome was insane, people are standing upppp, made me proud to be from manchester. Completely peaceful, 0 police? We truly remembered their names, to never forget and stand up for what is right. No justice, no peace! #borisisapussyhole #ripgeorgefloyd #remembertheirnames #stopkillingthemandem #webleedthesamecolour - @hollyharrie_s on Instagram

Global Climate Strike – Friday, Sept. 25, 2020 One year ago, over 10,000 people marched in the streets of Halifax as part of the global youth-led Climate Strike, calling for bold climate action from all levels of government. One year later, we have yet to see the kind of swift ambitious action it’s going to take to avoid the most catastrophic impacts of the climate crisis and build a future where environmental justice is possible. Ecology Action Centre stands in solidarity with the youth, who have stepped up to take leadership where they should never need to do so. We support their demands, and we will be joining them in the Global Day of Action on September 25th to call for a Just Recovery that: • Invests in people, not corporations, • Dismantles racism and colonialism, and • Treats the climate emergency like the emergency that it is. We hope you will join them too! Date: Friday, Sept. 25, 2020 What: Rally at Halifax City Hall, Parade Square Time: Noon to 2 p.m. For more information, visit or check out the FB event via the link in our bio. - @ecologyaction on Instagram

Black lives matter! Black Lives Matter How many times will you hear this words before you hear these words. pain and burden has been etched into my vain and dna. Screaming the emotions and pain of my ancestors my people. I can hear them voices and loud whispers carried in the wind of history. They say forgive But we will never forgot Black lives matter They tell us racism is over no more whips and chains, but these poor fools sold there soul for the whips and chains the pressure and shackles of fear when you see blue lights. It could be day or night you freeze cause this could be your last breath. false freedom is the same as being in those chains Black lives matter I scream it from the top of my lung with the last tears in my eyes You say all lives matter as protest to my protest All lives can never matter till black lives matter a friend once told me. I felt like doing this the MLK way The old me died and passed way with that methodology No more crying No mor dying We will share this pain for every black live that has been taken we shall mark it. For enough is enough cause all lives matter but black lives don’t Feel the burden and pressure of my ancestors ghost that cry for justice and equality Cause black lives matter My pain matters My tears matter So why don’t you hear it Black Lives Matter - @mikexv_ on Instagram

🌍 Standaktion der Klimagruppe Bremgarten 🌏 In Bremgarten waren heute Klimaaktivist*innen auf der Strasse - aber nicht um zu demonstrieren - sondern um zu informieren und in Gespräche zu kommen. 🌿 Du willst auch mal beim Klimastreik vorbeischauen? 👉🏻 Dann komm morgen Sonntag um 14.00 Uhr ins Oden in Brugg an unsere Vollversammlung 💚 . #klimastreik #klimastreikaargau #klimastreikschweiz #climatestrike #lokalgruppe #klimagruppe #bremgarten #aktivismus - @klimastreik_ag on Instagram