Unconscious Profile Pics

faintfaintedblack outdizzyknocked outshockedkosleepykulfy

illustration gradient cool animation amazing

So often, when people start focussing on their savings, their financial plans, or are seeking advice for the first time, an emotional blocker is Ive waited too long, it is too late, I wish I started years ago. Dont let this head-space stop you from getting on the right path TODAY. If you didnt make good financial decisions last year, last month, yesterday...that is ok. Just start small, concentrate on one thing at a time and start sowing the seeds today for a strong financial future. Revisit series 1 of The Reality Cheque podcast for some ideas on where to start. #therealitycheque #financialliteracy #backtobasics #podcast #finance101 - @therealitycheque on Instagram


no nope

#landwirtschaft #ökolandbau #bio #bauernhof #ökologischelandwirtschaft #powertothebauer #ernährung #regional #saisonal #wenigerfleisch #agrarwende #nachhaltigkeit #kursaufklimaschutz #faktenstattfakenews #wissenschaft #biodiversität #ernährungswende #onlinehofladen #hofladen #bessereinkaufen #supportyourlocalfarmers #wissenwasdrinist #wissenwoesherkommt #embauerment #startup #direktvermarktung - @embauerment on Instagram

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- Home Life

𝐟𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐡𝐚 ଂ

imagining dreaming closed eyes asleep unconscious

Global Climate Strike – Friday, Sept. 25, 2020 One year ago, over 10,000 people marched in the streets of Halifax as part of the global youth-led Climate Strike, calling for bold climate action from all levels of government. One year later, we have yet to see the kind of swift ambitious action it’s going to take to avoid the most catastrophic impacts of the climate crisis and build a future where environmental justice is possible. Ecology Action Centre stands in solidarity with the youth, who have stepped up to take leadership where they should never need to do so. We support their demands, and we will be joining them in the Global Day of Action on September 25th to call for a Just Recovery that: • Invests in people, not corporations, • Dismantles racism and colonialism, and • Treats the climate emergency like the emergency that it is. We hope you will join them too! Date: Friday, Sept. 25, 2020 What: Rally at Halifax City Hall, Parade Square Time: Noon to 2 p.m. For more information, visit www.wearenotgoingback.ca or check out the FB event via the link in our bio. - @ecologyaction on Instagram


☽ Mother Oracles ☾

abbaila selection baagane untundi sticker viva harsha colour photo movie love sariga cheyaleru

Your boy is on @civileats Go ahead and google it, I am taking this time to ask for your support for an @icollective2019_ and @bellyofthebeastma collaboration, we are raising funds not only to make sure this multi month collaboration is successful but also to make sure I-Collective members that have not been working during the pandemic are taken care of and if we raise enough money hopefully support a future endeavor for one of them. Support indigenous cooks, I hope that if you follow me I don’t have to explain how important indigenous food sovereignty is for our communities. Link in bio for donating, every single dollar is greatly appreciated and please share! share! Peeps that you can expect cooking in Northampton mass in the next few weeks @chefquentinglabus @allergictojerkz @_challahgram @frankieperalto @birchbasket @jiibaakwaangr - @neftaliduran_ on Instagram

sleep gif lol unconscious

- Thank you for everything.


undertale monika

~ The Future is Plant-based ~ Today Animal Rebellion danced through the city of Den Bosch, showing the world our vision of a loving plant-based future! 🌱 In the South of the Netherlands people are very passionate about Carnival…so we made our own version of it: Plantastival! 🎊 It was a positive and colorful day, as we brought to life the sustainable, peaceful plant-based world we want to create. Around 40 activists gathered in Den Bosch, and some children joined too. Rebels were dressed as veggies, and all the flora and fauna we want to protect. There were songs sung, before we marched through the city. The children handed out flyers to the public, which charmed them. In the end we gathered together for speeches and dancing, celebrating the beauty of our planet and all the beings living on it, and showing the Dutch public what we are fighting for. JOIN US tomorrow (Sunday) at 11:00 for the Funeral Ceremony! 💛 #animalrebellion #plantbased #rebellion #rebelforlife #plantbasedfoodsystem #plantbasedworld 📸 @come_closer_project - @animalrebellion.netherlands on Instagram


fall down unconscious slide slipped corridor crew

- Michelle Obama Trying to Feed a Kid Some Vegetables

minka minkacomics comics collega college

- Volunteer Stories

elmo pass out black faint

- What is Science?

bonne ann%C3%A9e nouvel an r%C3%A9veillon nouvelle ann%C3%A9e joyeuse ann%C3%A9e

We are excited and humbled to have received the Sustainable Business Practices Award at the 2020 Greater Victoria Business Awards last night! Thank you @victoriachamber and @camosun ! We were honored to be nominated with @elatecosmetics an absolutely amazing sustainable, vegan, cruelty free, low waste, ethical cosmetics company. You have to go check them out! :) #gvba2020 #sustainablebusibesspractices #yyj #yyjevents #urbanagriculture #localfood #localbusiness #supportlocal - @topsoileatlocal on Instagram


passed out molly shannon val bassett megan mullally karen walker

#WorldOrcaDay 14 July each year. ★ CELEBRATE ORCA ★ Read more about how you can help: www.WorldOrcaDay.org Please spread the word on social media (thanks!) - @orcaingrid on Instagram

𝐇𝐞𝐞𝐫 💓✨

tegialam telusthundipoinappude daaram b sticker manishi pothe viluva telusthundi bandham relation

Bonjour à tous, nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer que la marche du 3 juillet à Genève aura lieu ! Voici son déroulement: Le rassemblement se fera au Quai Wilson à partir de 18h30 Pour des raisons de sécurité sanitaire liées au Covid-19, nous formerons des groupes de 300 personnes comme nous l’a demandé la police. Pour notre sécurité à tous, merci de venir muni.e.s.x d’un masque et d’un gel hydro-alcoolique. Nous comptons également sur vous pour respecter les instructions sanitaires annoncées par la Confédération. Nous comptons sur votre présence et nous vous remercions pour votre soutien. - @blmgeneva on Instagram

killi poyi bhodam poyi surprise bad news shocked

Fortified foods can help save girls from debilitating anemia. Show your support at https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/30242-help-end-hiddenhunger #futurefortified #foodfortification #fortifiedflour #anemia #anaemia #nutrition #malnutrition #backtoschool #newschoolyear #education #girlup #plussocialgood #socialgood #heforshe #nutritionmatters - @gainalliance on Instagram


bummerland ajr ajr brothers

Este viernes es la sexta movilización mundial por la Crisis Climática y Ecológica. Es muy importante salir aún en este contexto social. ✊ ¿Qué exigimos? 🌎 1. No al Acuerdo Porcino. Ni con China ni con nadie. Ni ahora ni nunca. 2. Basta de extractivismo. Basta de ecocidio. No a la reforma de la 778, plena vigencia de la 7722. 3. Exigimos terminar con la industrialización de animales no humanos: genera sufrimiento, contaminación y destrucción. 4. Ley de Humedales YA. 5. Queremos un modelo de producción de alimentos agroecológicos y basado en la ciencia, no en alimentar bolsillos. No te quedes sentado/a/e mientras todo está por colapsar. Involucrate. #BastaDeFalsasSoluciones 🔥🌎 - @fridaysforfuturesr on Instagram

The collective

light weight

Even though most scientific diving has been put on hold, you can still stay involved and support others! Join #AAUS as an individual member today! We are striving to keep our community strong during this time, and becoming an individual member is one way to do that. Visit AAUS.org for details. #scientificdiving #marinescience #scubadiving #oceanconservation #underwaterscience #diving #togetheralone #americanacademyofunderwatersciences - @aaus.scientific.diving on Instagram

sad sticker baadha nithin reactions

All proceeds for these stickers will be donated to “Fridays For Future (USA).” FFF is a global climate strike organization that started in August 2018, when 15-year-old Greta Thunberg began a school strike for climate. Along with other groups across the world, FFF is part of a hopeful new wave of change, inspiring millions of people to take action on the climate crisis. Follow link in bio. - @waterunderthebridgerecords on Instagram

Im not a fan of Reality

unconscious fall over passed out fell tumble


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MKULTRA (auch MK ULTRA, Aussprache M-K-Ultra) war ein umfangreiches geheimes Forschungsprogramm der CIA über Möglichkeiten der Bewusstseinskontrolle. Es lief von 1953 bis in die 1970er Jahre im Kontext des Kalten Kriegs. Ziel des Projekts war, ein perfektes Wahrheitsserum für die Verwendung im Verhör von Sowjetspionen zu entwickeln sowie die Möglichkeiten der Gedankenkontrolle zu erforschen. In Teilen überschnitten sich die Arbeiten auch mit den Forschungen anderer US-Programme zu biologischen Waffen. - @der_gesundheitsapostol on Instagram


dian dian puspitasari woman women jewbelle

- Albemarle House


%E5%A4%A9%E5%AF%B6%E8%B2%BC%E5%9C%96 %E9%9F%93%E5%9C%8B%E7%91%9C 2020 %E5%94%AF%E4%B8%80%E6%94%AF%E6%8C%81

- Dr. Ben

Didnt think this through | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

fallout vault boy pip boy fallout1 fallout2

- Origami artist

human powered health kaia schmid schmid point up

- Rescue operations at the scene of the 2013 building collapse in Dar es Salaam. 36 people lost their lives and a further 60 were buried beneath the rubble.

unconscious faint black out

Quan el teu cusi et regala sacs i la mitat set foraden 😂😂 Trunfus collits! #societatdelapatata @juanet_ @gnoguerola - @miramunt28 on Instagram


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Are you listening @defrauk ? This Colonial hobby has no place in Africa, it is not an African tradition. We are working with KUAPO, House of Friends Kenya and the Global March for Elephants to ensure these voices are heard and to #letafricalive Credits Steve Kyenza, Patrick Othieno (Pato), Petrix Peter, Jamey Ponte, Joseph Wandera @gm4er @dan710ths @kp24 @ben_garrod @benfogle @the_bill_bailey @garynuman @teddysphotos @thevickimichelle @stanleyjohnson @chrisgpackham2 @carolinelucasbrighton @lukepollard @liberiachimprescueprotection @janegoodalluk @protectingafricanwildlife - @bantrophyhunting on Instagram

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Wir danken auch dem Textilhafen der @berliner_stadtmission, @campact.de und @xrberlin für die Unterstützung mit Material und Technik für unsere große Sammelaktion beim Klimastreik von Fridays for Future Berlin. 🤝❤️ Morgen, wie jeden Montag, treffen wir uns wieder im Gemeinschaftsgarten Bauhütte Kreuzberg in der Friedrichstraße 18/19. 🌻🌳🌹🏡 Wir haben nach wie vor viel zu tun, genügend Unterschriften zu sammeln und freuen uns sehr über Interessierte und neue Mitstreiter:innen! Machen wir gemeinsam Berlin klimaneutral! 💪 #klimaberlina #klimamitbestimmung #bürgerrat #klimakrise #keingradweiter #berlin - @klimaneustartberlin on Instagram

nera text animation colorful

RIP to the the legendary U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a lifelong trailblazer for human rights and gender equality. Please honor her memory by making sure you are registered to vote because voting in November has now become more important for the future of our country now more than ever 🇺🇸 #RIPRBG #RBG #VOTE2020 - @studionumberone on Instagram

my hero academia deku all might slap pat

Unserem Aufruf „Das Schlachten beenden - bei Tönnies und überall!“ folgten am Samstag etwa 100 Menschen zur Demo nach Weißenfels. Bei der Auftaktkundgebung am Markt kritisierten wir in diversen Redebeiträgen die ausbeuterischen Arbeitsverhältnissen in den Betrieben, den katastrophalen Einfluss der Tierindustrie auf Umwelt und Klima und das unermessliche Leid der nichtmenschlichen Tiere die, nach einem elendigen und kurzen Leben für Profit und Genuss ermordet werden. Anschließend setzte sich die Demo lautstark mit Sambatrommeln und Sprechchören über die Hauptstraße in Richtung Schlachthaus in Bewegung. Angekommen forderten wir bei einer Abschlusskundgebung die sofortige und endgültige Stilllegung aller Schlachthäuser, Mastanlagen und Zuchtbetriebe. Und die Umwandlung der gesamten Landwirtschaft hin zu einer bio-veganen, solidarisch organisierten Lebensmittelproduktion. Vielen Dank an alle die da waren! Und besonderen Dank an Hendrik Hassel und Fabius für die tollen Fotos! ❤️ #weißenfels #tönnies #veganactivism #stoptheslaughter #meatismurder #vegan #alf #activism #demonstration #antispeciesism - @tierbefreierinnenleipzig on Instagram

bhale thittarandi sticker thittaaru scold text

- Free From Violence

unconscious slapped got slapped beaten fight

- Les nuisibles

chat conversation speechbubbles doodles what%3F

- Buy and sell

my mom be like hey sleeping waking up deku

- World Wisdom Gatherings

avaan evaru sticker who are you meeru evaru evaru

- This hill was a tourist attraction in the city I lived in in China. When you ride up it feels like youre riding down, when you ride down it feels like youre riding up ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

elmo pass out black out faint unconscious

It was an honor to speak at the Moon Township Municipal Building for a rally. There was a moment of silence for Ruth Bader Ginsburgs passing. We must remember not to lose focus for all we have to do in November. - @michele.knoll.44 on Instagram

meme realisation realization

Hello from our booth! The @nourishedfestival has officially begun!! 🎉 Come live chat with us, get a 15% off discount code for our website, and enter to win one of 3 Lebby prize packs!! ✨ Our booth is at: https://online.nourishedfestival.com/exhibitors/51 OR head to the link in @nourishedfestival’s bio and search “Lebby”! Can’t wait to see you there!😍 . . . #lebbysnacks #chickpeasnacker #chickpeasnackers #lebbytime #onlinenourishedfestival #nourishedfestival #virtualworld #videochat - @lebbysnacks on Instagram

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Lets support each other and watch us grow. Join our growth event and meet some glorious, wonderful, amazing kids around the globe. Do not follow to unfollow any child or their mamas Thanks . . . . . #globalkidsconnect1 #globalkidsconnect2 #globalkidsconnect3 #kidsofinstagram #igfaboulouskiddies #kidzandkidz #igfaboulouskiddies #kidsaretalented #childmodel #globalkidsconnect4 #globalkidsconnect5 #igmama1 #littleslayersandmomma15 #blessedkidsandmum#ssos2020 #posh1z1 #mumsgroup1 #globalkidsconnect7 #globalkidsconnect6 #thefixer #prayingmotherwithrevtoyin #littlebubbleandmamas #friendswithdream #fantasticteam3 - @globalkidsconnect on Instagram

om sign blink change color symbol

- If these people can clean public places, so can you! #trashtag

disney minnie mouse shocked faint unconscious

[GOLDEN BLOCKS TOUR 2020] - @villedegrigny91 on Instagram

human powered health kaia schmid schmid point up

- Amazing Facts

anna kendrick unconscious dead body dragging

- San Francisco CA Poop Patrol Cleans up Feces and Needles all over the city.

bigos amogus speech text meme

- Trophy Ridge

ace ventura unconscious exactly as i planned

- AIDS to help kids

fkn1 sagsplitter benjamin animated text

★ "Happy Birthday" 先週は一週間前倒しのBirthday Trip。 良い波をプレゼント🤙🏾 誕生日はいつもの休日とあまり変わらない温泉へ♨️ これからまだまだ長い人生ですが仲良くやって行ければと思います! 皆んな宜しくね😊 #happybirthday @erikoandmarshall #thankyou #asalways #wife #familyfirst #redropejp - @redrope_jp on Instagram

bedtime story madonna lets get unconscious 90s music dance

⁣ “If you have much, give of your wealth; if you have little, give of your heart.”⁣ ⁣ ― Arabian Proverb⁣ ⁣ To volunteer with us: ⁣ Contact +44 7929 744389⁣ ⁣ To donate food item:⁣ Contact +44 7736 956615 ⁣ ⁣ To make a donation:⁣ www.virginmoneygiving.com/fund/foodforlife⁣ ⁣ #foodforlifelondon #foodforlife #foodforall #vegan #food #charity #volunteer #signup #donate #covid19 #coronavirus #lockdown #quote #proverb #give #heart - @foodforlifelondon on Instagram


Őrségben❤️🔥 @freeszfe @matthewdrayman95 - @peterfybori on Instagram

dizzy confused faint unconscious kalia

- #BankBlack

health warning presentation gesundheit aok

- Sole Hope

moon knight switch unconscious

- A/H - YT - Allowing

angus winton angus winton distinguished gentleman gif

Die Rodungssaison steht vor der Tür, liebe Naturfreunde. Und dann könnte es dem Dannenröder Wald an den Kragen gehen. Denn dieser soll ab 1. Oktober für die A49 fallen. Klar ist: In Zeiten von Klimakrise und Waldkrise dürfen keine alten Wälder für neue Autobahnen gerodet werden! Selbst wenn der Wald nur in zwei Teile geteilt werden sollte, so wären die Folgen für das gesamte Ökosystem verheerend und nicht wie­der­gutzumachen. Unterstützt jetzt unseren Eilappell unter www.bund.net/danni, damit der Wald nicht gerodet und der Weiterbau der A49 gestoppt wird. Vielen Dank! 💚🌳🌲🌳🌳💚 Den Link findet ihr auch in der Bio! #bund_net #dannibleibt #danniretten #waldkrise #klimakrise #keinea49 #waldstattasphalt #mobilitätswende #transformation #ökosozial #wald #laubmischwald #danni #verkehr #rodung #moratorium #dannenröderwald - @bund_bundesverband on Instagram

headshot slapstick faint knock unconscious unconscious

- Oh no BBC... I thought you knew better...

nijamga chintisthunnanu sticker baadhapadtunnanu hurting sad

- Philippine Tours

qc the end die quebec bruh

- Latest Golf News

chat conversation speechbubbles doodles letter

- Das Kapital

dolunay faint nazli pinar ozge gurel pass out

- [Occupation 1977] A 1999 Smart-Poster Made to Encourage Enlistment in the TerraCorps

chat conversation speechbubbles doodles dream

Après une première bonne nouvelle annoncée hier sur notre nouveau vice-Président Félix Noblia, nous vous en annonçons une deuxième aujourdhui : la publication de la cartographie des Fermes dAvenir ! 🥳🤩 Depuis 2013 et au travers de nos nombreux programmes (concours, festival, formations, plateforme de financement participatif), nous avons tissé des liens avec plusieurs centaines de fermes engagées dans une démarche agroécologique partout en France. Ces fermes, mises en réseau de façon informelle, démontrent le vivier de paysans ayant la volonté de s’engager vers un nouveau mode de production, plus respectueux de la Terre et des Hommes. Elles sont toutes, avec leur spécificités et caractéristiques, des « fermes d’avenir », elles se reconnaissent dans la vision de l’agroécologie que nous défendons et ont signé la Charte des Fermes d’Avenir. Nous proposons aux fermes qui souhaitent rejoindre cette dynamique et cette communauté, d’apparaître sur notre cartographie, qui présente des fiches détaillées sur leurs modèles, leurs productions et des liens que nous entretenons avec elles. Vous êtes à la recherche des fermes qui sont lavenir de lagriculture en France ? Ne cherchez plus, elles sont ici ⬇️ https://fermesdavenir.org/fermes-davenir/le-reseau/cartographie-des-fermes-davenir - @fermesdavenir on Instagram

d4dj first mix anime faint dizzy unconscious

- Conquering the Marathon


In our line of work, we come across the need for our freelance beekeepers to understand the long-term effects that bark log hives have on the environment. Tradition is extremely important to our beekeepers since theyre harvesting methods have been passed down from generation to generation, for over 500 years. Though these hallowed tree hives can last for many years, we have spent almost 25 years trying to educate the community about incorporating more environmentally friendly hives. And now, just these past few years with the help of bees or development, our beekeepers are allowing some of these beneficial changes to be implemented. Change takes time. . . . #africanhoney #zambezigold #Zambianhoney #purehoney #unpasteurizedhoney #africanbees #certifiedorganic #ethicalhoney #killerbees #traditionalhoney #savethebees #forestbeekeepers #singleoriginhoney #africanbees #killerbees # #forestfruits #halaal #kosher #barkhives #beekeeping #foresthoney #sustainablefarming - @zambezigold on Instagram

shock faint unconscious chris p duck cartoon hangover

Noubliez pas notre campagne de sensibilisation axée sur le respect. Que ce soit au volant, sur la route, dans un véhicule, ou derrière un guidon. #GeRespecte #GeSuisPasSeul - @transports_publics_genevois on Instagram

tom darondovas signature text calligraphy potographie

- Certification Information

fall down the deep chace crawford the boys fainted

#ParkingDay in Mannheim: Gemeinsam mit dem Rhein-Neckar-Bündnis von #ExtinctionRebellion haben wir knapp 3h die Augustaanlage blockiert. Wir fordern eine konsequente #Verkehrswende in der Geburtsstadt des Automobils – und des Fahrrads. Wir haben gemeinsam gesungen, getanzt und gelacht. Danke an die Musiker:innen, die uns dabei begleitet haben! Die Räumung lief heute etwas anders ab als gewohnt: Aufgrund der #Corona-Pandemie ließen wir uns nicht von der Polizei wegtragen, sondern sind freiwillig zur Aufnahme der Personalien mitgelaufen. Lasst uns beiden Krisen angemessen entgegentreten! Es war eine wunderschöne Generalprobe für die Rebellion ab 5. Oktober in Berlin – wir freuen uns! #MitDerWissenschaft #StopptDieZerstörung #ActNow #JoinTheRebellion @xrberlin @extinctionrebelliondeutschland - @extinctionrebellionheidelberg on Instagram

among us pensive tram

Mujeres en Colombia, Ecuador, México, Costa Rica y El Salvador, salieron a las calles a protestar para exigir la despenalización total del aborto, con motivo del Día de Acción Global por el acceso al Aborto Legal y Seguro. EFE/Mauricio Dueñas Castañeda @mauricioduenass/José Jácome @jota___jota/Sáshenka Gutiérrez @sashe/Rodrigo Sura @rodrigo_sura/Jeffrey Arguedas/Francisco Guasco #colombia #ecuador #mexico #costarica #elsalvador #aborto #abortolegal #abortoseguro #feminismo - @efeamerica on Instagram

oh my god omg faint fall knocked

- Free From Violence

chat conversation speechbubbles doodles ok

- Kino

unconscious faint black out

- Anti-deforestation protests in Romania

chat conversation speechbubbles doodles no

- Indian Government

barney rubble the flintstones seeing stars knocked out ko

- :( Palestine, Syria, and The Rest

inka inter lo ne sachava sticker degreelo chadavali shivaji raja reactions

Were thrilled to announce professional climber and American Ninja Warrior Meagan Martin as our virtual gala keynote speaker! Join us and @meaganmartin89 on October 29th for an evening of inspiring girl leaders, ways to engage with our mission, and make new connections. Register for your tickets at the link in our bio! ⠀ ⠀ #GirlVenturesGala #AdventureAwaits - @girlventures on Instagram

faint austin stowell patrick sullivan fantasy island fall unconscious

Kebersihan sebagian dari iman dan jagalah kebersihan untuk masa depan #smkbisahebat #osissmknwongsorejo #smknwongsorejo #gclsmknwongsorejo #ambalansmknwongsorejo - @family_smknwongsorejo on Instagram

curiouspiyuesh piyueshmodi visualthinking mindfulness cautious

- Community Involvement

faint dramatic elmo passed out unconscious

- Natural Headache Remedies

witness look conscious watched watch

- Malaysia - Penang

shocked %D8%B5%D8%B1%D8%B9%D8%A9 %D9%8A%D9%86%D8%B5%D8%B1%D8%B9 %D8%AE%D8%B6%D8%A9 %D9%81%D8%B2%D8%B9%D8%A9

Carries funeral service was today. I am so Happy that I was able to see it. April, your speech was heartwarming. You made tears flow and laughter come out as you spoke so much truth about Carrie. To Virginia and Family, my sister twin @pisces_310 niece @keepinupwitniya and nephew @itrendsetta , I am sending you may continued love and prayers. Carrie, continue to rest in peace. You will be forever missed. #RIP - @angelavmcknight on Instagram

enti ra sticker what venkatesh malleswari movie

- Chaletl...

jeremy sless sleepy sleeping uncomfortable unconscious

- believe or not

innervoice media ivm film audio

Gobierno de Chile asegura que más de mil migrantes han ingresado ilegalmente en Chile por pasos no habilitados. En la región de Iquique las autoridades están en constante alerta por esta situación, observando muchos casos de personas migrante que deambulan por la ciudad. Según las cifras de la Subsecretaría del Interior en agosto el 80% de los migrantes detenidos eran venezolanos y en lo que va de septiembre la información disponible “se acerca al 90%”, confirmó el subsecretario de Interior, Juan Francisco Galli quien asegura que es debido “a la crisis social y económica que vive Venezuela que hace que mucho de sus ciudadanos tengan que correr el riesgo de traspasar al menos, tres, cuatro fronteras antes de ingresar a nuestro país”. Para más información ingresa a nuestra página web. #EUVzla #ElUniversal #Venezuela #Internacional #Chile #Expulsa #Migrantres #Ilegalmente - @eluniversal on Instagram

beat up hurt injured city hunter ryo saeba

Monitoramento da produção das mulheres do MMNEPA através da caderneta agroecológica. A autônomia econômica, social e política das mulheres é fundamental pra redução de toda violência que acomete a vida das mulheres. #obrigadafundacaobb - @mmnepa.escritoriocentral on Instagram

assignments researching unwillingess bored dull

North East Network has been a forefront in uplifting the status of a woman in all spheres regarding health and other female related issues. Recently, North East Network Nagaland in collaboration with the Chizami and Enhulumi Women Societies organized a one-day Health and Hygiene workshop at the respective villages with young adolescent girls between the ages of 10 to 15 years. On the 15th of September 2020, the campaign was held at NEN vocational training center Chizami with the presence of fifty-five young girls, followed by Enhulumi that was held on the 17th of August 2020 at the Village Council Hall with 35 other young girls. The awareness campaign covered topics on Food & Nutrition, Menstrual Health & Hygiene, and Safe and Unsafe Touch was shared with the Young Participants. In an effort to reach out to young people, rural adolescent girls in particular, who have limited access to information and knowledge on health, hygiene, and safety, NEN Nagaland have started an awareness campaign in Chizami area. In this awareness programme, we have focused on 3 areas. Read More: https://northeastnetwork.org/health-and-hygiene-awareness-campaign-at-chizami-and-enhulumi/ - @nen_northeastnetwork on Instagram

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- Belajar Trading Forex

spit blood top war battle game feeling sick im hurt blood

Campeones!!!! - @casalilisurf on Instagram

nausea unconscious unconscious stage mayakathil nanban

Teresa Bonvalot sagrou-se, este Domingo, Campeã Nacional pela 3.ª vez e recuperou um título que lhe escapava desde 2015. A surfista do Sporting CP venceu a 4.ª etapa da competição, que se disputou no Porto, depois de já ter vencido a 1.ª e a 3.ª etapas, ao derrotar, na Final, Kika Veselko, por 12.85-11.40. Joaquim Trindade, também atleta leonino, terminou a etapa no 3.º Lugar do Grupo 2 dos Trials. Parabéns Leoa! Força Leão! #SurfSCP #DiadeSporting #ModalidadesSCP #EcletismoSCP - @modalidades_scp on Instagram

spit blood top war battle game feeling sick nauseous dizzy

- African Videos

batista unconscious knocked out wake up bro wwe

Se viene registro de las Flotadas populares!! 🚣‍♂️🚣‍♀️😊🌎 📸 @raquel.yan3z . #romeriafluvial2019 #mulchen #biobio #rioslibres #rioslimpios #biodiversidad #kayac #kayaking #flotadaspopulares @biobiospot @elmulchenino - @colectivongenko on Instagram

shocked top war battle game shookt oh no omg

- Very busy time at the Cape: two Falcon 9s, one Atlas V going to Mars, parts of SLS, and OmegA!

fainting faints unconscious

- UN Refugee Agency

giddy in dizzy qualmish nausea unconscious

Datavardians are supporting a good cause! Today we are at a volunteering event #nasemesto where we are renovating, painting, and cleaning up our surroundings. Lets make our city a better place to live in! #datavardians #bratislava #volunteering #volunteer #betterplace #together #goodcause #team #lovemyjob #atwork #ourcity #work #heidelberg - @datavard on Instagram

dead weak unconscious

Penerimaan Mahasiswa baru kelas Reguler dan Karyawan Kelas pengembangan bandung barat, lokasi Lingkungan Pemkab Bandung Barat. Info lebih lanjut hubungi : Novi - 0878 3495 0099 - @infokbbku on Instagram

qualmish lethargy unconscious faint cross eyes

A real smile goes all the way up into the eyes. Show us your SMILING eyes and cool and unique masks! Post a pic! #StaySafe #WearYourMask #6feet #InThisTogether #SMTXstrong A message from Erin Zwiener, Texas State Representative@ https://www.facebook.com/StateRepErin/posts/828907520967636 Pictured: Martha Moreno - Momma to July Moreno Info to order your Mermaid Mask contact Katinka Pinka, Owner of Bower Bird Antiques and Curiosities. Check her out on Instagram! katinka_pinka_bowerbird UPDATE: PRE-ORDERS AVAILABLE, I have more fabric on its way to me; will be ready to ship/pick up next week ✨ Mermaid masks! Double layer cotton, comfortable and roomy, thin 1/8 elastic thats easy on your ears, and an adjustable nose piece. 💚 On Etsy and at Bower Bird (open Thursday Friday Saturday, noon to 4) 🧜🏼‍♀️ - @mermaidsocietysmtx on Instagram

sushichaeng faint fainting falling asleep falling

And we are having fun ....... photo credits @strassme - @ioanna_liberta on Instagram

travel sickness unconscious nausea dizzy faces cross eyes

Glendale EduFun Celebrates Literacy Week. #edufun#preschool#funschool#literacyweek#day3#tinytots#tinytalent#👨‍🎓#👩‍🎓#qualityeducation - @glendale.edufun.somajiguda on Instagram

my hero academia unconscious fainted wake up all might

QCCA’s gardeners have their first veg! Thanks Azmal and Mary for helping to make it happen - @qcca_camden on Instagram

dead passed out fainted tounge out stumble

- @simplemanqtr on Instagram

candice lerae hurt nxt fainted unconscious

DIRGAHAYU REPUBLIK INDONESIA Yang Ke 75 Sekali Merdeka Tetap Merdeka Spesial Hari Kemerdekaan #MUSIKALISASIDA #PUISIDENTAMIEN #PUISIINDONESIA #PUISIMADURA #PUISIMILENIAL 🗣️ @dent.amien & @aprildv_ 📝 Dent Amien 📷 Vector 🎼 Tanah Air (Cover) Terima Kasih Yang Sudah Nonton Video Ini Salam Literasi DENT AMIEN Karya Dan Rasa [#] #dentamien #musikalisasi #puisi #puisiindonesia #puisinusantara #puisidaerah #literasi #literasikita #literasimedia #literasiindonesia #temancurhat #temanbercakap #tempatbercurhat #tempatbercakap #nadabercakap #videokata #suarakata #sajak #sajakkita #sajakindonesia #suarahati #risalahhati #madura #indonesia - @dent.amien on Instagram

lethargy unconscious dizzy nausea heave

- Mexican drug war

supernatural dean sleepy unconscious screw it

- amazing memories

giddy dizzy in dizzy unconscious travel sickness

🎉Hoy queremos desearle un muy feliz cumpleaños a la ex Presidenta y Alta Comisionada para los Derechos Humanos, Michelle Bachelet @m.bachelet Gracias por su entrega y trabajo constante en la construcción de un país más justo, igualitario y digno para todos y todas. Su legado será ejemplo histórico para las mujeres socialistas.✊🏼 - @juventudsocialista on Instagram

light weight

- The flag of the Italian region of Marche

dizzy unconscious dizzy face lethargy faint

IO STO CON GRETA. Dite di amare i vostri figli più di ogni altra cosa, eppure state rubando il loro futuro proprio davanti ai loro occhi... E se le soluzioni sono così impossibili da trovare dentro il sistema, forse dovremmo cambiare il sistema stesso. Greta Thunberg alla Conferenza delle Parti sul Clima( COP24) Katowice, Polonia, 2-14 Dicembre 2018. INCONTRO APERTO A TUTTI I CITTADINI Catania, 23 Febbraio 2019 ore 18:00 Palestra LUPO, Piazza Pietro Lupo, 25. Organizzatori:Catanesi per Greta Thunberg Si svolgerà un confronto pubblico sulla tematica del cambiamento climatico, su cosa si può e deve fare oggi a riguardo. Si prevede una manifestazione nel mese di Marzo per sensibilizzare la popolazione sulla questione clima. Durante lincontro dunque si discuterà sugli aspetti organizzativi dellevento. #wwf #wwfcatania #catania #sicilia #event #february #love #life #world #greta #instagram #instagood #instadaily #instamood #wwfam #nature #clima - @wwfcatania on Instagram

tgto zombie orpheus onwaaard the gamers unconscious

Nouvelle équipe, nouveaux projets, nouveau logo ! 😁 MerTerre fait peau neuve avec plus de détermination que jamais pour un #objectifzerodechetmarin ! 🙏🌊🌍 En Mer, sur le littoral, dans les rivières, en montagne ou dans les campagnes, REJOIGNEZ-NOUS ! #zerodechet #zerowaste #environnement #naturelovers #oceanlovers #sealovers #mountainlovers #taclonslapollution #merterre #marinelitter #noplastic #plasticpollution #pollution #cleanup #followus - @asso.merterre on Instagram

qualmish vertiginous giddy unconscious dizzy face

Leeeeuute! Der nächste globale Klimastreik steht an. Es geht um unsere Zukunft, ein gesundes Leben, einen gesunden Planeten und um die Menschen die jetzt schon stark betroffen sind von den Auswirkungen des Klimawandels .💔 Lasst uns zusammen laut werden am 20.09!🌍💚🔊🔊LASST UNS ZEIGEN DASS WIR ZUKUNFT UND KLIMAGERECHTIGKEIT WOLLEN #fridaysforfuture #fridaysforfutureneunkirchen #fridaysforfuturesaar #saarland #neunkirchen #landwehrplatz #allefürsklima #actnow #gretathunberg #climatestrike #climatecrisis #notime #klimastreik - @fridaysforfuture.neunkirchen on Instagram

raichu faint pokemon dizzy knocked out

- Bonsai

Eco Brands Unite! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ At the weekend we were fortunate enough to meet some like-minded brands, clean up a section of Brighton Beach, and share a bowl of our refreshing açai at the end! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Served in @shopcocabana coconut bowls with a side of great company - @sasstainable @tibatempeh @natrldrinks @suckastraws @morelifeadventures @fuel10k ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Its Great British Beach Clean Day on Friday, and we invite you to don your gloves, grab a bag, and pick up some litter around your local community (whether youre by the beach or not). ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ More info coming soon... - @growildacai on Instagram

🐢HOW TO RUN FASTER🐇 • In this weeks episode we discuss how to run faster 🏃 • There are a few strategies you can try to increase your speed 🔥 • Reach out if you have any questions 🤔 - @thatsrunning on Instagram

Fridays for future! Wir sind auf die Straßen gegangen, um zu demonstrieren, um zu zeigen, dass Veganismus ein großer Schritt in die richtige Richtung fürs Klima darstellt & dass Veränderung bei jeden selbst und vorallem auf dem eigenen Teller beginnt- heute abend treffen wir uns auch wieder um 18 Uhr im My heart beats vegan @myheartbeatsvegan Restaurant für gutes Essen, ein Zusammensein und gute Gespräche ☺️💭🌱 - kann wieder jeder mit dazu stoßen! - @karlsruhe_vegan on Instagram

- @newarkgaypride on Instagram


[ITA] Il 16 Giugno si festeggia la Giornata Mondiale delle Tartarughe Marine, vieni con noi per scoprire i meravigliosi abitanti del Santuario Pelagos... . per info . info.whalewatching@gmail.com . Martina + 39 339 322 9909 . . . . [ENG] June 16th we celebrate World Marine Turtle Day, come with us and discover wonderful Pelagos Sanctuarys inhabitants . for info . info.whalewatching@gmail.com . Martina + 39 339 322 9909 #world #worldmarineturtleday #marinelife #marine #marineturtle #turtles #turtle #sea #worldday #caretta #carettacaretta #tartarughemarine #tartarughe #whalewatching #whale #pelagos #pelagossanctuary #summer #sealife #sea #whalewatchingtours #whalewatchingpelagos - @whalewatching.pelagos on Instagram

📚Escenas de la #feriadellibrolapampa : edición virtual 🦋Nos preparamos en toda la provincia @dini.calderon @rubinlolo @belizdaiana @gobiernodelapampa @ferialibrolapampa #LaPampa en #faseprimavera #CulturaSueñaySigue... - @culturalapampa on Instagram

- Same Doc? 😄 Another superhero. Thank you for your service!

- Flag of True Taiwan

@isseymiyakeofficial // @olympics Legendary imprint 💫 - @stxworldwide on Instagram

Venez manifester le 20 juin pour défendre la #régularisation des personnes sans-papiers ! À Paris rdv demain le 20 juin à 14h à Nation et dautres rassemblements sont prévus un peu partout en France, Marseille, Lyon, Rennes, Rouen, Grenoble, etc. #LibertéÉgalitéRégularisez ! #MarcheDesSolidarités #JournéeMondialeDesRefugiés - @la_cimade on Instagram

- Million March for Endometriosis 14th March 2014

🔴 Concentració de suport per la inhabilitació del President de la Generalitat de Catalunya, @quimtorra, i tall de lautopista C-58 al seu pas per #Terrassa. FOTOS: @cristobalcastrofoto ______________________________ #monterrassa #igersterrassa #igersvalles #igerscatalunya #catalunya #catalonia #llibertatpresospolitics #llibertatpresospoliticsiexiliats - @mon.terrassa on Instagram

- Far-right QAnon protesters in Berlin this weekend, ignoring all Corona restrictions

- Cheap flights from Ireland

- Wendy Padbury

Plogging in the country side. #ploggingtaiwan #plogging - @peterchen872 on Instagram

Beberapa hari yang lalu yakni pada tanggal 26-28 Februari 2016, HMI (MPO) Cabang Yogyakarta mendelegasikan kader-kadernya untuk menghadiri forum konferensi London International Model United Nation di Central Hall Westminster and Imperial College London, United Kingdom. Mereka mewakili HMI di ajang bergengsi tersebut. Pendelegasian ini merupakan bentuk kepedulian HMI terhadap isu-isu internasional dan bentuk upaya HMI membangun generasi cerdas berwawasan internasional. Semoga pendelegasian ini menjadi bagian dari kiprah HMI di dunia internasional. Bersyukur dan ikhlas Yakin usaha sampai #hmi #hmimpo #hmidipo #yakusa #hmi1947 #pepiat @aktivis_merch - @hmi1947 on Instagram

​Aldrig har det været vigtigere at holde fokus på en ansvarlig og bæredygtig kaffeproduktion.​ Dagligt står kaffebønder ansigt til ansigt med konsekvenserne af klimaforandringer i form af stigende temperaturer og enten manglende eller for meget regn. ⠀ ⠀ ​Fairtrades standarder indeholder detaljerede beskrivelser af, hvordan kaffeproduktionen skal ske i samhørighed og med respekt for naturen. Det kommer både naturen, lokalsamfundet og kaffetræet til gode. ​⠀ ⠀ ​Eksempelvis støtter Fairtrade kaffebønder i at omlægge til økologisk landbrug. Det er en blidere og mere nænsom dyrkningsform for både naturen og lokalmiljøet – jordkvaliteten forbedres og grundvandet og nærliggende vandløb forurenes ikke af sprøjtemidler, alt imens kvaliteten af kaffebønnerne stiger. ​⠀ ⠀ For Fairtrade-kaffebønderne betyder omlægning til økologisk landbrug en bedre høst og en højere minimumspris for deres kaffe.​⠀ ⠀ #økologiskfairtrade #fairtrade #fairtradekaffe #demderhandler⠀ - @fairtradedenmark on Instagram

4️⃣ Impacts of COVID-19 on minorities in Africa you should be aware of: ➡️ In Rwanda, Batwa communities are facing difficulties implementing hygiene measures and almost half no longer have access to their own farmland, making them dependent on increasingly scarce informal employment. ➡️ In Kenya, the pandemic has been politically weaponised against the Ogiek in the Mau forest, who along with the Embobut Sengwer community have suffered illegal evictions and the destruction of their homes. ➡️ In Libya, where civil war has collapsed the healthcare system especially outside of major cities, the marginalised Tebu ethnicity reportedly avoid using the main hospital in Sabha out of fear of attack from rival groups. ➡️ In Gambella, Ethiopia almost 25% of South Sudanese refugee children are life-threateningly malnourished & a current surge of COVID cases is challenging food & humanitarian aid across the country. #minorityrights #africa #covid_19 - @minorityrightsgroup on Instagram

- 500k people walking in Montreal for Greta Tunberg

#calabriadamare #calabriadascoprire #viviserrasanbruno #mountain #camminata #certosadiserrrasanbruno #trekkingitalia #trekking #natura #naturalbellezza # - @viviserrasanbruno on Instagram

Nothing I write could ever make one iota of difference for what the black community is going through. But what can make a difference from here on out is what I, as a white man, do. The past few days Ive been processing these scenes and trying to wrap my head around how a country with such a violent, disgusting past seems incapable of moving on. What hatred is instilled in people and from what age? What is not being taught in schools? What is whispered in the ears of police while they are getting their qualifications? How can police so frequently be the ones in breach of the law and more often than not, get away with it? I have so many fucking questions and Im one of the lucky ones. I cannot fathom of 43+ MILLION people must feel on a daily basis. This senseless, cold blooded murder of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis Police has led black America to their breaking point. How can they handle anymore? There have been HUNDREDS of other incidents, that no one should ever forget in the running to this very moment. I see these protests and I watch on and all I can say is, I understand. Make no mistake, it is awful, the emotional damage done in the community will be nothing short of heartbreaking. Businesses will be lost. Jobs will be lost. Worse still, black business and jobs will be hit hard too. Millions if not billions, that could have been spent in better ways, will have to be pumped into rebuilding what is destroyed. But the most harrowing thing is how many more lives may be lost as a result of protesting in the midst of a pandemic. Black people are already statistically at a disadvantage when it comes to COVID, not because of any genetic susceptibility but for the same compounding environmental reasons that have led to where we are now. Why should they have to risk sickness and potentially death to have their voices heard? Many, many more will die from COVID, no doubt. But a percentile of those deaths will belong to Derek Chauvin and the 3 accessories to the murder of George Floyd. It is unforgivable. I cant stop thinking of the video, witnessing Georges privilege to life being taken away from him. It has haunted me every night as I lie in bed. - @benjaminsallen on Instagram

- Environment

- The yellow vest protesters yesterday in Dublin carrying a sign about chemtrails.

Tina Hendrix leads a march through the streets of Seattle to honor her uncle Jimi Hendrix on the 50th anniversary of his passing. . . Photo: @alienaftermint #jjoshuadiltz - @officialjimihendrix50th on Instagram

S B A L L O N 2 0 2 0 ⚡️ 19 - 20 - 21 giugno Valli del Pasubio (VI) Hai già segnato le date in calendario?😎 Qui un breve riassunto dello scorso anno, ma seguiteci per scoprire le novità #SBL2020 👉🏽 noi stiamo già lavorando per voi! 🚨🚀 A presto 💥 video maker @bertonluca 🎥 - @sballonteam_ on Instagram

- Save trees slogans

- Notting Hill Carnival

- Hong Kong police use water cannons on protesters | Protesters scared that police will use tear gas

- Voyage Laos

- Guinea Bissau

Sebuah truk terbakar di KM 752/A jalan Tol Waru-Sidoarjo, Rabu (30/9/2020) sore. Truk bernopol AG 8224 UO yang terbakar itu awalnya dalam perjalanan dari Gunungsari Surabaya menuju pabrik gula Malang. Truk bermuatan karet bekas, kata Kanit Laka Satlantas Polresta Sidoarjo, AKP Sugeng Sulistyono. AKP Sugeng Sulistyono mengatakan, tidak ada korban jiwa dalam peristiwa ini. Namun, truk sampai terbakar habis meski petugas pemadam kebakaran sudah dikerahkan ke lokasi kejadian. Dugaan sementara, kebakaran terjadi akibat konsleting listrik di truk tersebut, ungkap dia. Namun, petugas masih melakukan penyelidikan, lanjutnya. Ia mengatakan, truk dikemudikan Eri Arianto, warga Kademangan, Blitar. Awalnya melaju seperti biasa. Dari Gunungsari, truk melaju di jalur tengah arah Malang. Saat di lokasi, tiba-tiba sopir truk melihat dari spion sebelah kanan muncul api di bak sebelah kanan truk bermuatan karet bekas tersebut. Melihat itu, pengemudi langsung meminggirkan truknya di bahu jalan tol. Dia turun dan api cepat sekali membesar. Sampai menghabiskan semua bodi truk. Petugas kepolisian bersama pihak jalan tol datang ke lokasi. Termasuk pemadam kebakaran juga didatangkan untuk memadamkan truk yang terbakar itu. Namun saat api padam, truk dan semua bodinya sudah habis. Saat kejadian, arus lalu lintas di jalan tol arah Surabaya menuju Sidoarjo, Porong, Malang ditutup total. Mengantisipasi hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan. Sementara arah sebaliknya, arus lalu lintas sempat merambat. - @halomalang_ on Instagram

Retour en images sur Tous ensemble faisons briller Bourges, opération de nettoyage bénévole. . #Bourges #VilleDeBourges #animation #évènement #souvenir #igersbourges #igersfrance #igerscentre #bourgesberrytourisme #bourgescity #BourgesTourisme #bourgesmaville #hello_france #explorefrance #Bourgesestdanslaplacecujas #bourgesmaville #Bourgesville . ©#LydiaObjectifPhotographe - @villedebourges on Instagram

- Beta Broker Hangouts

Há mais de 60 anos, nosso meio de transporte alternativo começou a se propagar pelo mundo. Ele não polui, alivia o stress e faz bem para o corpo e para a alma, além de ser uma ótima ferramenta para se construir amizades! Um ótimo Dia Mundial Sem Carro para toda a comunidade do skate! Fotos: Marcos Hiroshi (@mundohiro) #CBSk #DiaMundialSemCarro #Skateboard - @cbskskate on Instagram

- Poly U students holding US and UK flag are asking someone to save them

#Tasmania, aumentano le #balene spiaggiate, 380 sono morte. Circa 30 sono ancora vive, 50 sono state salvate. E lo spiaggiamento di massa più imponente mai registrato in Tasmania, nell#Australia meridionale #ANSA - @agenzia_ansa on Instagram


- Stop your violent protesting!

⛓️ Turkey’s government issued arrest warrants against 82 members of the opposition HDP party, including the co-mayor of the city of Kars and former members of parliament and party leaders. Members of the “movement of the nameless” platform were also among those detained whereas the spokeswoman of the “Party for Social Freedom”, Perihan Koca, was taken into custody as part of a separate trial. The path of intimidation and repression of the civil and democratic opposition will not solve Turkey’s social and economic problems, but rather worsen them! 🛑 We call on Turkey’s government to immediately end repression against the democratic opposition and release the political prisoners. - @guengl on Instagram

Join us virtually to share why you hike today in the comments below or create your own post and tag us. We look forward to reading your Why I Hike posts. 💙 ⠀ ⠀ Comparta con nosotros su razon de hacer la caminata en apoyo de la prevencion del suicidio.⠀ ⠀ ⠀ @tahoehikeforhope @afspnational @afspsacramento #whyihike #porquecamino⠀ - @tahoehikeforhope on Instagram

हमारी एकता और अखंडता ही हमारे देश की पहचान है, हिंदुस्तानी हैं हम और हिंदी हमारी जुबान है। हिन्दी दिवस पर आप सभी को शुभकामनाएं। . Wishing you all a very happy #HindDiwas from #EntrepreneurExcel - @entrepreneurexcel on Instagram

I join with Mubarak to clean and as well do some photo documentation during the last bonnycamp shoreline clean up with @beachsamaritans @doyinsola_o @esthernwali @greenqueenofafrica @peluawofeso @stylomedia1 #Internationalcostalcleanup #Internationalcoastaldaycleanup2020 #breakfreefromplastics #worldcleanupday2020 #bffpbrandaudit #sradevNigeria #shoreline #kidphotographer #photohrapher #environmentalist 📸stylomedia1 - @anufotogirl on Instagram

Aynı Gemide değiliz, Ama aynı fırtınanın içindeyiz! İklim için Okul Grevi / İstanbul Were not all in the same boat. We are, however, in the same storm! School Strike For Climate / İstanbul 25 September 2020 #İklimAdaletiSosyalAdalettir #FightClimateInjustice @fridaysforfuture @fridaysforfuture_tr @sifirgelecek - @xrebelliontr on Instagram

Aujourdhui nous vous présentons le Réseau National des Jeunes Leaders pour la Paix (RNJLP). Le collectif les remercie vivement pour leur engagement à nos côtés, ainsi que leur aide sur place lors des distributions de kits sanitaires et alimentaires 💪🏾🙏🏽 Ce réseau a été créé en 2014 et mis en place officiellement le 13 juin 2015 à Anjouan. Le RNJLP est une Organisation Non Gouvernementale (ONG), qui regroupe des jeunes leaders des trois îles de larchipel comorien (de différentes régions et localités du pays). Le RNJLP compte plus de 600 jeunes leaders au niveau national formés en médiation sociale et gestion des conflits. Le but du RNJLP est de promouvoir le leadership de la jeunesse, traiter les questions de la jeunesse, l’amélioration de la paix sociale et la participation des jeunes au processus de la réconciliation nationale. Son objectif global est la lutte contre toutes sources de violences, la promotion de la paix, le renforcement de la cohésion sociale, l’éducation civique et citoyenne. Voici leur message de soutien : Nous avons rejoins le collectif Actogether pour leur bon engagement envers la population comorienne et leur aide aux plus vulnérables dans cette période difficile de COVID-19. Les jeunes leaders se lient avec Actogether par cette citation Seul on va vite, ensemble on va plus loin 🤝🏾🇰🇲 . . . #comores #comoros #grandecomore #ngazidja #anjouan #ndzuani #moheli #mwali #covid19 #coronavirus #aidehumanitaire #education #scolarite #scolarity #action #prevention #solidarite #solidarity #umoja #intelligencecollective #actogethercomores - @actogether_comores on Instagram

#environment #worldozonda #gretathunberg #piece #covid_19 #world #mumbai - @national.recruitment.agency on Instagram

आज हम सही मायने में #EarthDay2020 मना रहें हैं। #India के 90% शहर का प्रदूषण कम हुआ, दुनिया भर की नदियों का पानी साफ हुआ, जीव-जंतुओं में उत्साह है। #lockdown ने हमें प्रकृति के साथ समन्वय बना जीना सीखा दिया। आईये अपनी आदतें बदलें.. #Earth को बचाएं। #Jharkhand @wildlifetrustofindia - @wpsj_ngo on Instagram

- Distilling Good Health

Selamat hari lingkungan hidup 5 Juni 2020 Yuk kita memulai era baru menuju dunia yang lebih baik. #itjenklhk #KementerianLHK #worldenvironmentday2020 - @itjenklhk on Instagram

- One of the worst flags I’ve ever seen

After the explosion in #Beirut many children who needed BMT transplants lost hope, but then there was @fundacionaladina and there was magic! Thanks to @pacoarango_aladina and Aladina who have donated $500,000 to CCCL! #CCCL #UnitedAgainstCancer #SavingLives_CelebratingHope #ILoveCCCL - @ccclebanon on Instagram

- Cerebral Palsy Awareness

L’opération « des fleurs pour les abeilles » c’est maintenant! Loreak, erlentzat, orain da! #flowersforbees https://youtu.be/6whNVgpBVdo?list=PL2yrmliTxj5qlp5iHtefPWcpHjEB2ILNp - @erle.beltza on Instagram

- HARMFUL Products

- 12-year old girl dies after walking for three days to go home!

- Brown White & Red Star Flag. G20 protest, Hamburg. What flag is this?

. [Whats Up Purwakarta] . Hai Kamu Urang Purwakarta Terbaik! Berdasarkan informasi yang disampaikan Bupati Purwakarta Ambu @anneratna82 menyebutkan bahwa di Purwakarta ada satu kelurahan berdasarkan catatan dari gugus tugas pusat dan provinsi ditetapkan sebagai zona merah dan rawan akan penyebaran Covid-19 kategori tinggi, yakni Nagri Kaler. (Kelurahan) Nagri Kaler itu memang selain ada kawasan pendidikan tinggi yang banyak mahasiswa dari luar daerah, kemudian wilayah itu kawasan perekonomian karena pusat Purwakarta. Jadi, kami akan melihat dan mengkaji, lalu kami akan menetapkan kebijakan apa yang tepat, katanya. . Pemkab Purwakarta berencana menerapkan pembatasan sosial berskala mikro (PSBM) guna pencegahan penyebaran Covid-19. . Namun sebelumnya, akan diadakan rapat dengan gugus tugas untuk evaluasi. Baru nanti diputuskan PSBM ini akan ditetapkan atau tidak. . Terlebih mengingat hingga saat ini (14/9) tercatat 186 orang terkonfirmasi positif Covid-19. Dari 186 orang itu terdiri atas 145 orang sudah dinyatakan sembuh, sembilan orang meninggal dunia dan 32 orang hingga kini masih menjalani perawatan di rumah sakit. . Sebanyak 32 orang yang masih menjalani perawatan tersebar di sembilan kecamatan sekitar Purwakarta. Di antaranya, 12 orang dari Kecamatan Purwakarta Kota, empat orang dari Kecamatan Jatiluhur dan lima orang dari Babakan Cikao. . Selain itu, ada juga tiga orang dari Kecamatan Bungursari, masing-masing dua orang dari Kecamatan Pasawahan, Cibatu, dan Campaka, serta masing-masing satu orang dari Kecamatan Plered dan Bojong. . Pemetaan wilayah penularan covid-19 pun terus dilakukan, misal jika penularan mayoritas berada di wilayah industri maka perlu meningkatkan komitmen dengan dunia industri itu sendiri dalam upaya pencegahan. . Komunikasipun akan dilakukan dengan pemerintahan kecamatan sebelum PSBM diterapkan, karena penerapannya akan berimbas terhadap kelurahan-kelurahan terdekat. . Terkait teknis atau mekanisme PSBM sendiri masih dalam diskusi Tim Gugus Tugas Covid-19 kabupaten Purwakarta. . Photo taken by mediaindonesia.com . Yuk Semangat! Proud to be Urang Purwakarta! - @urangpurwakarta on Instagram

Dallessere piccoli come una nocciolina 🥜, a fine maturazione un 🍋 può arrivare a pesare anche 200 grammi! ⚖️ - @bergam8calabrese_ on Instagram

- Thousands of us swedes are protesting against Obama during his visit in Stockholm right now. Against a war with syria, big brother and the treatment of Manning. (More pictures in the comments)

So ready to hand in uni work and be freeeeee 💫 - @lauracobxx on Instagram

- Plane crashes in Moerdijk, Netherlands after flying through a tornado, which put too much stress in the wings, making the whole plane to disintegrate mid-air. October 6, 1981

- Yellow Dream, Eaten Alive Illustrations, Digital, 2020

- Celebrity love

- trayvon martin

- Saint Davids Day

#WirHabenPlatz #LeaveNoOneBehind - @jfe_queer on Instagram


Tomorrow is the big day! World Premiere of A Shot Through The Wall at the Bentonville Film Festival. Screening virtually this week, Aug 10-15. Get your tickets here: https://bentonvillefilm.org/artists/a-shot-through-the-wall/ #ashotthroughthewall - @ashotthroughthewallfilm on Instagram

- Florida Living

- ISIS Propaganda 2014

- Economics Textbook

- Alternatives to Pesticides!

Právě probíhají projevy před elektrárnou Počerady v rámci demonstrace Za budoucnost bez uhlí!. Požadujeme: ⠀⠀⠀⠀ 🔚 UKONČIT TĚŽBU A SPALOVÁNÍ UHLÍ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ 🏡 SPRAVEDLIVOU TRANSFORMACI UHELNÝCH REGIONŮ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ 🏭 CO NEJRYCHLEJŠÍ UKONČENÍ PROVOZU ELEKTRÁRNY POČERADY ⠀⠀⠀⠀ 🎯 NAVÝŠENÍ CÍLŮ SNIŽOVÁNÍ EMISÍ V RÁMCI EVROPSKÉ UNIE DO ROKU 2030 ⠀⠀⠀⠀ Nemohli jste se k nám přidat na místě? Nevadí, přidejte svůj podpis k online výzvě: ✍️ https://smradzpocerad.cz/hnutiduha ⠀⠀⠀⠀ #coal #climate #climatecrisis #climatechange #activism #peoplepower #nonprofit #nongovernmental #czechia #pocerady #environment #powerplant #chvaletice #power #electricity #energy #carbon #nature #globalwarming #smradzpocerad - @hnutiduha on Instagram

🍁 #PorNuestroMonte 🐍 ✊ El sábado 29/08 vecinxs autoconvocadxs marchamos en diferentes puntos de la provincia, y nosotrxs nos sumamos en Córdoba Capital. 📣 Nos movilizamos en contra del ecocidio que se viene produciendo en nuestra provincia a través de los incendios provocados. 👉 En los últimos 25 años mas de 2.000.000 de hectáreas fueron quemadas y sólo en el mes de agosto un total de 46827 hectáreas. 📣 Numerosos movimientos, organizaciones, ONGs y vecinxs asistieron en repudio y se vivió una mañana de esperanza, visibilización y lucha. 👉 La población se esta despertando, concientizando y levantandose a luchar. No vamos a permitir que esto siga sucediendo, que los responsables no se hagan cargo y ni que nos sigan mintiendo. ✊ Necesitamos: #EmergenciaAmbientalYa #LeyDeHumedalesYa ✓ Cumplimiento de las leyes nacionales y provinciales de #bosquesnativos ✓ Restauración de zonas afectadas. ✓ Prevención de la quema de los montes nativos. @por.el.monte.cba @el_resaltador @latintacba @adaccok @cordobaclimatesave @eldocetv #emergenciaclimatica #leydebosques #cordobasequema #fridaysforfuture #viernesporelfuturo #incendios - @fridaysforfuture.cba on Instagram

- Madagascar Vanilla

Uuund Action! 💚💚💚 Morgen wieder: In Heidelbergs Fußgängerzone mit Bild und Wort auf Tiere und ihre Rechte hinweisen. 💚💚💚 Zum vierten mal seit Corona: Maskenpflicht (Mitbringen) und Schilder (haben wir da), in der Silent Line Stellung beziehen. 💚💚💚 17:00-19:00 Bitte nur mit Anmeldung (bitte Nachricht schreiben für die Links) über Facebook oder Doodle. 💚💚💚 💚💜💚 💚💚💚 #vegan #heidelberg #tierrechte #actiontrotzabstand - @veganinheidelberg on Instagram

- Voyage Laos

Sabato 12 settembre, su Rai1, è andata in onda una puntata di Linea Blu dedicata alle bellezze del lago Maggiore. Non poteva mancare una tappa al San Carlone, che ho avuto lonore di illustrare a fianco della bravissima Donatella Bianchi... La puntata è visibile su Raiplay! #lineablu #raiuno #lagomaggioreitalia #statuasancarlo #Ambrosiana #sancarlone #dentrolastatua #guidaturisticanovara #guidelaghi #guidefactor #guidesofitaly - @guida_turistica_novara on Instagram

Tatanen - @ahmadsyarifudin13 on Instagram

It was a great surprise to win the Human Rights Press Award for this series of photos taken during the protests in Hong Kong last year. It’s quite a strange feeling to be chosen as a winner, because I believe that all the other photographers who took part in the coverage are also deserving of awards. It’s hard to express that strongly enough. We all put everything, physically and emotionally, into documenting these events on a daily basis, sometimes with little to no sleep or food and water. But there was always somehow energy and motivation that we all gained from the presence of each other. Many of the photos taken by the incredible shooters who work for local newspapers won’t ever get seen outside Hong Kong, so I encourage you to search those out. I know I couldn’t have done some of my pix without the knowledge of this community and I truly thank all HK local shooters for sharing their intel, in person and within the various whatsapp groups. Just wanted to also take this opportunity to thank my HK bureau colleagues. It’s a small, but super tight operation. @ayanchiu, @suxinqi, @yuelaine, @jeromemarktaylor And also thanks to the @AFPphoto photographers, local and from overseas, who backed me up. I felt so lucky to have such an amazing team and am so grateful to each of them and also to my bosses at AFP, who made it all possible. - @DaleDeLaRey, @EdJonesAFP, @HectorRetamalPhotographer, @Isaac_Lawrence, @LaurelChor, @TheLilyfish, @MananVatsyayana, @slpsiusin, @MRasfan, Nicolas Asfouri, @Fong_Fifi, @VivPix, @YeAungThu, - Thank you finally to my amazing wife @Sophie_Expression. It can’t have been pleasant welcoming me back home stinking of tear gas, sweat, drain pipes, or pepper spray. But welcome me back she did! - @antwallace on Instagram

*DEFEND THE DEFENDERS* From 2015-2018 over 200 environmental defenders have been killed worldwide. It’s time to reflect and ask ourselves why governments and large private companies around the world are persecuting our environmental defenders! . The indigenous communities fight to protect their lands, their waters, their natural resources and their traditional way of farming. But they have been forced to abandon their lands by polluting companies that forcefully displace them and make them live without their territories. Their livelihoods depend on their land for food, shelter and cultural identity. Pollution from mining threatens their way of life, deforestation destroys their very home. . Parents For Future Global stands in solidarity with these communities all over the world, they’re risking their lives while they are defending the well being of our planet! . Join with us the #digitalstrike campaign #DefendTheDefenders by @fff.digital and @pollutersout to help spread the word and to raise awareness about the indigenous communities and every environmental defender in danger! .. . This week we are focusing on Sub-Sahara Africa with communities like the Maasai, Ogoni, Baka and the Ma’di people. Too little is known about their causes: the fight in Uganda to save Zoka rainforest, in Kenya the struggle to save Nairobi National Park or to save the Congo Rainforest to name but a few.. . Let’s come together and raise our voices to share their stories and join their fight - only together we can save our planet. .. . Parents from around the globe created together this strike mural ✊💚🌎🌍🌏Nigeria @gray2greenmov , Turkey @parentsforfuture_tr , Australia @ap4ca , Austria @each.for.earth , Brazil @familiaspeloclima , Israel @parents4climateisrael . . #DefendTheDefenders #SaveCongoRainforest #ClimateJustice #environmentaljustice #humanrights #SaveNNP #friendsofzoka #subsaharanafrica #deforestation #pollutersout #fridaysforfuture #parentsforfutureglobal #parentsforfuture #indigenousrights #indigenouspeople #actnow #savetheplanet - @parentsforfutureglobal on Instagram

- U T A H

- Don’t know how I feel about “the Diaspora” voting

- Nagpur Protest aerial view

Até quando a ganância de algumas pessoas será maior que o bem estar de um planeta, até quando políticas de destruição do meio ambiente será aceitada e tolerada, até quando trataremos os seres pertencentes dessa terra como escravos para nossos desejos, muitas vezes alimentícios ou de entretenimento, não podemos mais tolerar esse sofrimento aos animais, não podemos mais aceitar que vidas de animais sejam ceifadas por motivos banais, vivemos um momento triste que parece nunca mais ter fim, mas enquanto não nos colocarmos em igualdade a todos os seres vivos desse planeta haverá guerra, doenças e por fim a destruição... A justiça divina não falhará e aqueles que causam ou são cúmplices desse sofrimento irão pagar, e não será com o dinheiro que tanto idolatram... #brasil #pantanal #queimadascriminosas #especismo #agronegocio #agrotoxicos - @fabahfabah on Instagram

232 kg Müll weniger in der Natur! 💪💚 Gestern endete der 3. WWF Jugend Clean Up Walk von Emmeln bis Papenburg. Trotz Regen haben wir die Natur rund um die Ems von alten Elektrozäunen, Zigarettenschachteln, Autoteilen und vielem mehr befreit. Insgesamt haben wir 232 kg Müll und über 500€ in Spenden für das WWF-Projekt in Vietnam gesammelt – was für eine erfolgreiche Woche! 😀 . . . #cleanupwalk2020 #wwfjugend #plastikmüll #naturschutz #spendenaktion #notmytrashbutmyplanet #müllwandern #zerowaste #plastikfrei - @wwf_jugend on Instagram

- Direct Action

- I just paid a dollar for this picture

#wirdrückendiedaumen - morgen steht bereits die Zwischenprüfung für unsere #industriekaufleute - #azubis an ✅✏️. Wir drücken ganz fest die Daumen und wünschen unseren 4 viel Erfolg 🍀👍🏻. #ausbildung #morsbach #ihkprüfung - @montaplast_karriere on Instagram

Photo of our last day of undergrad at UWI in 2004. - @sh3ralee on Instagram

Fridays For Future Linz soll laut Magistrat der Stadt Linz beim kommenden Klimastreik das Gehen verboten werden?! 🤬 In Linz gibt es nun einen Bescheid des Magistrats, der vier Tage im Vorhinein zugestellt wurde, welcher behauptet, das Covid-19-Risiko wäre bei einer mobilen Demo zu hoch. Wir können diese Entscheidung nicht nachvollziehen, insbesondere weil jeden Tag Hunderte Schüler*innen in überfüllten Bussen ihren Schulweg bestreiten müssen und es auch ansonsten größere Menschenströme in der Stadt gibt (etwa auf Märkten) 🙄 Internationale Studien und Clusterauswertungen der AGES zeigen, dass das Ansteckungsrisiko im Freien gering ist, und es ist äußerst fraglich, ob eine mobile Demo riskanter, als eine Standkundgebung ist. Wir wollen das Corona-Risiko so gering, wie möglich halten. Doch wo eine solche Maßnahme nicht nachvollziehbar begründet wird, sehen wir unser Grundrecht auf Versammlungsfreiheit eingeschränkt. Es handelt sich hierbei um ein Menschenrecht ⚠️ Mit derselben Begründung, mit der uns das Gehen untersagt werden soll, müsste man viele wirtschaftliche Aktivitäten, etwa Menschenmassen in Einkaufszentren, verbieten. Vor allem, da diese nicht denselben rechtlichen Status haben! Dieser doppelte Maßstab zeigt, wie wichtig Klimaschutz der Politik wirklich ist – nämlich garnicht😵 ➡️ Die Bundesregierung hat in ihrer Covid-19-Maßnahmenverordnung festgelegt, dass Demos mit Abstand bzw. Maske stattfinden dürfen. Weitere Einschränkungen wurden nicht genannt. Und diese Verordnung ist gerade dazu da, um die Infektionen einzudämmen. Republik Österreich, was geht hier ab?! - @fridaysforfuture.at on Instagram

- You know this country is doomed when Police pointed his gun towards an unarmed citizen holding her slogan

- The Korean Unification Flag in Action!

Once again, Impact Hubs around the world have joined a week of actions towards the achievement of the #GlobalGoals, including the global #ClimateStrike to call for climate justice and a sustainable and equitable recovery from COVID-19. Check out our 2020 Global Impact Report to learn about how impact entrepreneurs are shaping the post-pandemic economy: http://bit.ly/TheNewEconomyStartsHere (link in bio) #ClimateAction #TurnItAround #ACT4SDGs #RecoverBetter #ForPeopleForPlanet #BePartOfTheChange #TheNewEconomyStartsHere #ClimateChange 📸 @impacthubberlin - @impacthub on Instagram

- Clary Sage Essential Oil Uses

Against all odds. Whatever it takes. Wherever needed. WFP is saving lives and changing lives in 83 countries, reaching almost 100 million people each year. Find out how it all began- link in bio #UNGA75 - @wfpsrilanka on Instagram

- Child abuse lets stop it..

- w h a t

Sundays silent walking meditation for planetary survival and climate justice. #climatejusticeissocialjustice #blacklivesmatter #sixthmassextinction #noplanetb #ActNow #RebelForLife #extinctionrebellion - @xrboston on Instagram

- Mother comforts child in fear when seeing Hong Kong police

- Ethiopia

Join our #HereForYou Challenge and tag 5 people in the comments below to let them know you are there for them, and to let them know they can reach out to you for support. During these hard times people often reach out to a friend to let them know they are struggling.⠀ ⠀ According a Harris Poll, 94% of Americans would do something to help if someone close to them was thinking about suicide.⠀ ⠀ It is important in these moments to let friends know you are there for them.⠀ ⠀ Participe en el desafio de #aquiparati al seleccionar 5 personas que son la razon de que usted participa hoy en la caminata. Les puede dar un saludo en su medio social usando #hereforyou #aquiparati y @tahoehikeforhope y @afspsacramento. Aunque todavia estamos distanciandonos fisicamente, nos paramos junto y nunca solos.⠀ ⠀ ⠀ @tahoehikeforhope @afspnational @afspsacramento #hereforyou #aquiparati ⠀ - @tahoehikeforhope on Instagram

- Cycle 3

Kaffe er en råvare, der er særligt følsom over for klimaforandringer - stigende temperaturer og store udsving i nedbør. I 2050 vil antallet af kaffeplantager være reduceret med 50%, hvis vi ikke nedbringer CO2-niveauet.⁣ ⁣ Derfor oprettede Fairtrade i 2017 en række klimaakademier, hvor kaffebønder uddannes i at tilpasse kaffeproduktionen til klimaforandringer. Hvert år tilslutter flere og flere kaffebønder sig undervisningen på⁣ klimaakademier, der nu findes i Afrika, Latinamerika og Asien.⁣ ⁣ 🌱Klima-fakta: Fairtrades klimaindsats består desuden i at hjælpe kooperativer og plantager med omstilling til en mere bæredygtig produktion gennem Fairtrade Premium-tillægget. Det bruges til investeringer i regnvandsopsamling, skift til vedvarende energikilder, beskyttelse af den lokale biodiversitet og omlægning til økologisk landbrug💚⁣ ⁣ #fairtrade #sdg13 #klimaindsats #demderhandler - @fairtradedenmark on Instagram

- Romanians and Bulgarians, we resist together banner during anti-corruption protests in Sofia

- UN Refugee Agency

- Good to Know

- Be kind

- The only photo from the Macedonia is Greece rally you need to see

26 ธันวาคม เสียงกรีดร้อง การพลัดพราก ความเจ็บปวด การสูญเสียคนรัก พ่อแม่พี่น้อง ถึงจะผ่านมาเป็นเวลา 14 ปีแล้ว แต่ความทรงจำเหล่านี้ยังอยู่ในใจของพวกเราตลอดกาล ขอให้ดวงวิญญาณทุกดวงไปสู่สุขติ RIP 14 year Tsunami December 26th 2004, sound of screaming,pain of losing lover, friends, parents from last 14 years past, but the memories are still in ours heart forever . Wish every soul rest in peace. RIP 14 years Tsunami. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #surfingthailand#andamanseasurfsurfschool #nsp#freedomboardsports#patongsurfingteam#patonglifeguard - @andaman_sea_surf_1999 on Instagram

Innerhalb weniger Stunden ist das Geflüchtetenlager Moria abgebrannt! Tausende Menschen sind obdachlos und brauchen endlich die längst überfällige europäische Hilfe! #wirhabenplatz ! Dafür sind heute in vielen Städten erneut Menschen auf die Straße gegangen! Horst Seehofer muss endlich den Weg frei machen für die vielen aufnahmebereiten Kommunen und dem menschenunwürdigen Wahnsinn ein Ende bereiten! #leavenoonebehind - @gruene_jugend_nrw on Instagram

Hello everyone,  The Pandemic has affected millions of people all around the world but in India it has affected the livelihoods of people at large.  During the lockdown to bring back the positivity,  I started exercising and  indulged in morning yoga within the safety of my home. Generally when we talk about running, we talk about our running goals, happiness and smiles. But today I am talking of bringing back smiles on millions of faces.  So how can you help?  On Independence Day an initiative was taken to launch Indias largest digital run known as INDIA RUN AS ONE , that aims at restarting the lost livelihoods. You can use any single fitness app. You can jog, run or walk in the safety of your own surroundings.  We as a family believe in following our hobbies and passion together.  I have registered along with my husband Ajay Talwar and son Nakul Talwar. We are Sunfeast Run As One.   Friends all you have to do is register . Remember the more distance you complete, the more you help.  So come on people, lets do what we are good at.  REGISTER & JOG, RUN OR WALK! #livelihoodmatters #sunfeastindiarunasone www.facebook.com/indiarunasone www.instagram.com/indiarunasone twitter.com/indiarunasone - @neelam.talwar on Instagram

- Why arent you striking with us? | Milan 2019

System Change not Climate Change💥 #throwback to 29th March - over 25ooo jung people marching for better climate policy and the attending of the paris agreement! @bundeskanzlerin STOP stealing our future and start ACTING🔥 . . (c) Timo (c) Pauline - @franziwessel on Instagram

YO ELIJO RECICLAR ♻️ En Chile 🇨🇱 se generan más de 8,1 millones de toneladas de residuos domiciliarios, sin embargo se recicla un poco más del 4% 😨. En promedio los Chilenos y Chilenas generamos cerca de 1,3 kilos de residuos por día 🗑, cifra que se puede disminuir considerablemente si actuamos de manera circular y comenzamos a gestionar nuestros residuos ♻️🌎💥. Más de 1 millón 250 mil TONELADAS de envases y embalajes son puestas en Chile en un año 🤯. De estos datos 👆🏼, solo se reciclan alrededor de 150 mil Toneladas, es decir, a penas el 12%♻️! ¿Y el resto? Más de 60 mil TONELADAS de envases y embalajes no son dispuestos adecuadamente y terminan contaminando nuestro entorno. En RECICLO queremos ayudar a revertir esas cifras, pero para eso tenemos que hacerlo JUNTOS! Evitemos que las botellas y envases de vidrio sean enterrados en los suelos de la Región y contaminen nuestro Medioambiente. Recuerda que puedes reciclar con Reciclo y ser parte de la economía circular, el Reciclomóvil está ansioso de ir a buscar tus botellas y envases de vidrio 🚛♻️💥. RECUERDEN que mañana LUNES 21 de Septiembre, estaremos retirando en La Serena y Coquimbo🙌🏽! Coordine su retiro ♻️🚛🔥 #economíacircular #reciclaje #coquimbocity #laserenagram #yoelijoreciclar #sustentabilidad #chilesinbasura - @reciclo.chile on Instagram

- Ylang Ylang / Cananga Odorata. Huile essentielle, hydrolat, aromathérapie.

- Chocolate olive oil cake

- Break my heart

- LinkedIn News

Del @ceamm solo nos llevamos cosas buenas: buen@s amig@s, buenos recuerdos y no buenas, sino las mejores enseñanzas de la mano de l@s mejores maestr@s. Hoy mi @sofihee_ cierra un ciclo de su vida importante, significativo e inolvidable gracias a todos los que conforman esta maravillosa y amada familia Montessoriana. Estoy orgullosa de ti hija y te amo por lo buena, lo solidaria, lo inteligente, lo amorosa, lo profunda y analítica que eres. Seguimos por más mi niña 🎉💫🥰 - @daniegui on Instagram

- Idaho State University

- Ät de rika

- I know it is technically asshole design,its just repetitive. And the exact same stuff always gets reposted.

- Finnish Gadsen Flag

Restore Lake Ecology, No Cosmetic Beautification! 🙏🌊 Fencing them, building walking tracks, outdoor gyms, etc is like putting a wreath on a dead body. #ReviveCityOfLakes On 25th September, a new bridge over Durgam Cheruvu Lake, Hyderabad was opened with much fanfare. This secret lake with natural rock formation is shrinking due 2 debris dumping. Isnt it cosmetic beautification over natural beauty? 🌉🤷‍♀️ #FightClimateInjustice #GlobalClimateStrike #NoParksOnlyForests #GlobalClimateStrike2020 #GlobalDayOfClimateAction #ClimateChange #ClimateJusticeNow #ClimateEmergency #ClimateCrisis #FridaysForFuture - @fffhyderabad on Instagram

- Dirt! The Movie Clips & Quotes

- Alternate flag of Lebanon with Pan-Arab Colors

Es geht los!! Für eine lebenswerte Zukunft - wir zeigen Flagge #companiesforfuture #klima #streik - @sympatextechnologies on Instagram

- Belgium is with you.

Did you know 💭 that the Escazú Agreement✨ embodies key parts of Sustainable Development Goal 16?!🌿 By ensuring access to information, 📚 access to justice, ✊🏽 and public participation, 🗣 the Escazú Agreement can advance the implementation of the 2030 Agenda in Latin America and the Caribbean 🌎 What are we waiting for?! Go to the link in our bio to demand 💥 #EscazúAhora #EscazúYa #EscazúNow 🌱 ✶ ¿Sabías que 💭 el Acuerdo de Escazú ✨ incorpora partes clave del Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible 16?!🌿 Asegurando el acceso a la información, 📚 el acceso a la justicia, ✊🏽 y la participación pública, 🗣 el Acuerdo de Escazú puede avanzar en la implementación de la Agenda 2030 en América Latina y el Caribe 🌎 ¡¿Qué estamos esperando?! Ve al enlace de nuestra biografía para exigir 💥 #EscazúAhora #EscazúYa #EscazúNow 🌱 ✶ #A1mesdeEscazú #AcuerdodeEscazú #AcordodeEscazú  #EscazúAgreement #EscazúNow #EscazúYa #EscazúAhora #EscazúAgora #climatejustice  #fridaysforfuture #digitalstrike #climateaction  #climatecrisis #climatestrike #latinoamérica #caribe #Escazú #LAC #ALC - @re.earthorg on Instagram

- Save Earth

Quando o assunto é conscientização, cada pessoa contribui do seu jeito. A @euanamerico e alguns amigos tiveram a ideia de colocar essas placas na Usina Velha e no Rastro, para lembrar da importância da preservação... ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #OsZarco #ArcosMg #Arcos - @oszarco on Instagram

Global climate strike is back Fridays for future Indore once again would be organising the Strike but this time it is completely virtual. Our theme is Water conservation Date - 25th September Organising e-mail storm and tweeterstom with bhopal chapter Striking against the encroachment of water bodies in the cities and depletion of groud water level Demanding IMC to re-use treated waste water , do not dump human sewage without treatment to any water bodies. Implement Artificial recharge plan made by Central ground water board ( CGWB ) for Indore district using existing fractures in the ground. Prevent the silt formation in lakes and other water bodies through regular cleaning. Use alternatives like solar powers to supply water from narmada. Make and follow strict laws to not exploit the groundwater through illegal borwells. Protection pf existing Greenery specially on the hilly areas to further prevent ground water depletion. Drive Awareness campaigns specially for installation of rainwater harvesting in all the newly build a houses. Our international hastag - #fightclimateinjustice #watercrisisindia #water #watercrisisindia #indorewatercrisis #groundwaterrecharge #waterbodies #lakes #rivers #watertreatment #globalclimatestrike #indoremuniciplecorporation - @fridaysforfutureindore on Instagram

#climatestrike #climatechange #climatesign #changeisnow - @fff.paris on Instagram

Hey South Plainfield student if u take a photo and repost using the #lcboh2o u can just earn a follow!!!!!!!! - @lcboh2o on Instagram

ФРАНЦИЯ ЗАКОНЧИТ ЭКСПЛУАТАЦИЮ ДЕЛЬФИНОВ ⠀ Прекрасные новости! Франция объявила о запрете разведения китообразных в неволе, а также об их импорте. Это означает, что дельфины, живущие сейчас в дельфинариях Франции (а их всего три в стране), будут последними жертвами этой жестокой индустрии в стране. ⠀ Запрет на разведение и импорт вступает в силу мгновенно. Также постепенно будут запрещены шоу с косатками (в 2022) и с дельфинами (в 2027) и будет спланирована реабилитация этих животных. ⠀ «Пришло время открыть новую эру в наших отношениях с этими (дикими) животными», - сказал министр, утверждая, что благополучие животных является приоритетом. ⠀ Это была длительная борьба, где активисты, учёные, зоозащитные организации и граждане отстаивали права этих умнейших животных в своей стране. И у них получилось! ⠀ Это должно послужить примером и для нас! Активная позиция, протесты, распространение информации - главные инструменты в борьбе за права пленных дельфинов. Главное не сдаваться! — ⠀ FRANCE WILL END EXPLOITATION OF DOLPHINS ⠀ Great news! France has announced a ban on captive breeding and import of cetaceans. This means that the dolphins now living in the dolphinariums in France (and there are only three in the country) will be the last victims of the dolphinarium industry in the country. ⠀ The prohibition on breeding and import is effective immediately. Shows with killer whales will be banned in 2022 and with dolphins in 2027. The rehabilitation of these in the sanctities animals will be planned. ⠀ “It is time to open a new era in our relationship with these (wild) animals” said the minister, arguing that animal welfare is a priority. ⠀ It was a long fight, where activists, scientists, animal protection organizations and citizens defended the rights of cetaceans in their country. And they won! ⠀ This should serve as an example for us too! An active position, protests, spreading of information are the main tools in the fight for the rights of captive dolphins. The main thing is not to give up! - @freerussianwhales on Instagram

- Fair Trade Coffee

Is the goal of a protest to change the system, or force people to imagine a world outside of it? Many abolitionist organizers, who are fighting to abolish prisons and the police, would argue for the latter. And as police violence has not decreased despite the many reforms introduced in the last five years, more and more people in America are beginning to agree.⁣ ⁣ —an excerpt from Even A Pandemic Couldn’t Stop Police Shootings. Activists Explain Why Abolition Must Be Our Goal by Mary Retta at Refinery29 (link in our linktree). - @mpd_150 on Instagram

- Philippines News

How President Ortega Continues to Violate Human Rights in Nicaragua by @anaiscat - new member of Girls Globe and Nicaraguan Activist - out today on girlsglobe.org / LINK IN BIO.  ​​ ⠀ ⠀ ​📣 Photo by: Alisdare Hickson  ​​ ⠀ ⠀ ​#Nicaragua #PresidentOrtega #sosnicaragua #Covid19 #humanrights #freedom - @girlsglobe on Instagram

📰 Notre focus pour le Webmédia @auxsons est à retrouver sur leur site (lien dans la bio) #musiquesdumonde #environnement #auxsons - @thegreengreenroom on Instagram

Alla barns rätt att gå i skolan. Under pandemin har 1,6 miljarders barns skolgång påverkats. Många barn riskerar att aldrig komma tillbaka till skolan. Utbildning är en av de viktigaste faktorerna för fattigdomsminskning och en långsiktig hållbar utveckling. Vissa projekt fokuserar på inkluderande skolgång för barn och unga med funktionsnedsättning, andra fokuserar på att barn på flykt ska ha möjlighet att gå i skolan. Men en sak har de gemensamt – projekten jobbar för att alla barn ska ha tillgång till utbildning. För alla världens barn har rätt att gå i skolan. Stöd Världens Barn, för alla barns rätt till hälsa, skola och trygghet. Swisha till 9019506, märk med BARN. Tack! #tillsammansförvärldensbarn #världensbarn @varldensbarn @sverigesradiop4 @svt @ur_officiell - @radiohjalpen on Instagram

- Charities

- Taken on the streets of Rome. The virus has spread to the real world.

- Member of Special tactical squad of HKPF sniping protestor at the street corner.

- Almocado Range

AFSP hopes that by hiking we will draw attention to the issue of suicide and ultimately prevent others from experiencing a suicide loss. Share with us in the comments below the emojis of the bead colors you are hiking for today ➡➡⠀ ⠀ Ceremonia de Collar: Interactua con nosotros y comparta sus colores de collar para su apoyo de la prevencion del suicidio y use sus colores durante su caminata en honor a el evento de hoy. ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ @tahoehikeforhope @afspnational @afspsacramento #hikeforhope #afsp #hope #hopehikeshere #endsuicide #youarenotalone #hereforyou #aquiparati #whyihike #porquecamino #shareselfcare #comparteelcuidadodesimismo⠀ - @tahoehikeforhope on Instagram

Deutschland hat schon zu viele braune Flecken. Leider in mehrfacher Hinsicht - aber lasst uns hier und heute nur auf die in der Natur eingehen. Ihr habt es vermutlich bemerkt - beim Spaziergang im Wald, beim Gang durch Euren Heimatort, beim Sommerurlaub irgendwo in Deutschland: Unsere Bäume leiden unter einer extremen Trockenheit. Dürre vielerorts bis fast 2 m Tiefe. Unser sagenumwobener Sehnsuchtsort Wald stirbt! Dabei sind es nicht allein Fichten oder Kiefern, von denen großflächig nur noch traurige Gerippe übrig bleiben. Auch Buchen und Eichen - einst bedeckten sie ganz Mitteleuropa - sind vielerorts nur noch Schatten ihrer selbst. Und das ist erst der Anfang. Wenn nicht schnell und mutig umfangreiche Entscheidungen zugunsten des Klimaschutzes gestartet werden, werden wir auch unseren Wald nicht mehr retten können, wie Forstwirtschaftler*innen und Wissenschaftler*innen befürchten. Durch sofortige Maßnahmen können wir aber die schlimmsten Folgen der Klimakatastrophe verhindern - noch haben wir es in der Hand. Lasst uns daher gemeinsam unseren Politiker*innen Mut machen. Geht am 25.09. auf die Straßen, zeigt Euren politischen Willen und fordert ein wirksames Handeln für den Klimaschutz. Stoppen wir gemeinsam die Hitzewellen und die Ausbreitung der braunen Flecken! Jetzt! #global #globalstrike #2509 #climatejustice #together #savetheforest #aufdiestrasse #stoptheheat #dürre #actnow #waldsterben #waldspaziergang #wald - @parents4future on Instagram

📚BOOKS 📖 • We all love running, listening to people talk about running and of course read about running! 😍 • We know what you favourite running podcast is...but what is/are your favourite running book(s) • Born to run is one of our favourites 🤩 - @thatsrunning on Instagram

Siamo arrivati al quarto appuntamento con la rubrica GREENVOLUTION REPORT prodotta in collaborazione con @climaticamente 🌱⁣ ⁣ ➡️ Oggi si parlerà di Greenvesting e progetti green 🌱⁣ ⁣ #climaticamente⁣ #Ener2crowd⁣ #greenvolutionreport⁣ ⁣ #joinTHEENERGYrevolution #greenbond #energy #plasticfree #greenvesting #greenenergy #equitycrowdfunding #investimentigreen #progettigreen #energiasolare #efficienzaenergetica #energiarinnovabile #sostenibilitàambientale #ecofriendly #ambiente #ecologia #investiregreen #greeneconomy #greeninvestment #climatechange #crowdfunding #lendingcrowdfunding ⁣ - @ener2crowd on Instagram

- @negiruchi2 on Instagram

Hospedagem responsável e segura com muito comprometimento em oferecer um serviço de extrema qualidade. Aqui cada mínimo detalhe é pensado e feito cuidadosamente para o seu bem-estar, máximo conforto e total segurança. . Características que fazem do Hotel Amazon , referência em hospedagem do mercado Mato-grossense. - @amazonplazahotel on Instagram

@defi_delles cest un raid solidaire mais pas seulement ! Dimanche, le lendemain du #worldcleanupday, @sophiepanonacle (député de la Gironde), les raideuses, bénévoles et collaborateurs TBS étaient mobilisés pour la Vague Défi dElles avec un ramassage de déchets sur les plages 🌊♻️ #defidelles #defi #defidellesarcachon2020 #raid #raidfeminin #ensemble #challengeyourself #togetherstronger #outdoor #outdoorlife #likeagirl #adventure #adventurelife #outdoors #womeninsport #developpementdurable #changeforgood #makeourplanetgreatagain #solidaire #solidarité #engagement #picoftheday #écoconception #plagepropre #nowaste #clean #arcachon #whoruntheworld #shero - @tbs_1978 on Instagram

- Europe & UK

- Stakes just got higher. After a week of silence on Hong Kong

#finaldesemana #munhozturismo #serrasverdesmg #turismomg #visiteminas #serra #montanha #numeidumato #minasgerais #paixaoporminas #visiteminas - @numeidumato on Instagram

- blursed t-pose

- тнey are coммυnιcaтιng

- Flag from one of my favorite shows!

🗣 J-1 ! Le rapport sur la planète vivante 2020 sortira officiellement demain ! Le rapport planète vivante est produit tous les deux ans par le WWF, avec la contribution dexperts de premier plan et dautres organisations. Il sagit dun bilan de santé pour la planète, qui montre comment se porte le monde naturel, quelles sont les menaces auxquelles il est confronté et ce que cela signifie pour nous, les humains. 👥 Les experts du monde entier ont mesuré les changements dans le temps des populations de milliers despèces animales, du comptage du nombre des espèces. Les scientifiques rassemblent ces données dans une base de données et les analysent pour établir lindice de la planète vivante (Living Planet Index, LPI). 🌍 Ce déclin de la faune et les lieux sauvages est principalement due aux activités humaines, et elle commence à empêcher le système de vie de fonctionner comme il le faut pour répondre aux besoins de la population humaine croissante. 📅 #Rdv à partir de demain et pour une semaine pour connaître l’état de notre planète terre. #Connect2Earth #LPR2020 #NaturePositive - @wwfmadagascar_ on Instagram

- Essential Oils

Announcement 📢 as the global day of climate action is approaching, we will be striking this day demanding climate justice. If you dont want to be public with your strike just dm us or @fff.digital with your climate strike online. If you have any questions dm us. #climatejusticenow #faceclimateemergency - @fridaysforfutureegy on Instagram

- DLP Projectors

- 100s of doctors tell America to Ditch Dairy and Go Vegan in front of the White House [2018]

Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones weve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek. - Barack Obama This Global Climate Strike, 2020 we stand today and the days to come to save our planet. We are the change makers and torch barriers of our future..The Earth is our home and so we need to protect it. Every small effort and initiative is better than waiting for the correct time. Reduce, Recycle and Reuse are the three Rs which is the need of the hour. #FightClimateInjustice #climateaction #climatejustice #adivasilivesmatter #adivasiinaction #youthinaction #actnow #climatechangeisreal - @fridays4future.jharkhand on Instagram

- Africa

- Moa Aberg

- The Lithuanian Luftballons were only the latest in Lithuania-Belarus airspace incidents. In 2012, a Swedish PR stunts agency, taking off from Lithuania, released teddy bear paratroopers over a Minsk suburb, resulting in Lukashenko sacking top generals and freezing diplomatic relations with Sweden

We are working with @lombardodier to pioneer financial solutions that stop #oceanplastic and create long-term value for collector communities. Lombard Odier will support the collection of over 795 tons of ocean-bound plastic in Haiti - the equivalent of over 39 million plastic bottles! . . . . . . . . #plasticbank #socialplastic #plasticresponsibly #stopoceanplastic #impact #sustainablefinance #sustainabilitymatters #lombardodier #rethinksustainability #rethinkeverything #regenerativesociety - @plasticbank on Instagram

Signez linitiative citoyenne européenne Sauvons les abeilles et les agriculteurs ! . Depuis le mois de janvier, Slow Food fait partie de l’Initiative citoyenne européenne « Sauvons les abeilles et les agriculteurs », qui pourrait être le mouvement déclencheur de la transformation de l’agriculture, en aidant les agriculteurs à adopter un modèle basé sur l’agroécologie et favorisant la biodiversité. A partager sans modération surtout en cette période de transition covid il est plus que jamais tant de changer nos habitudes, mode de production et de consommation à léchelle mondiale! Lien cliquable en bio https://www.slowfood.com/fr/slow-food-europe-la-nouvelle-strategie-europeenne-sur-la-biodiversite-doit-proteger-les-abeilles-et-les-pollinisateurs/ . . #slowfood #sauvonslesabeilles #eucommission #beefriend #slowfoodmovement #abeilles #agriculteurs #environnement #ecologie #pesticidefree #bee #initiativecitoyenne #europe #petition #partage - @slowfoodenfrance on Instagram

- Make Kiwis Smart Again. Help them to be aware that the Coronavirus is Real and can take Love Ones Away

Thanks to @matermuseoa for the great work they are doing protecting the coasts of Spain. Working closely with volunteers in local communities to reduce plastic pollution and deliver environmental education talks. Fantastic work! - @eocaconservation on Instagram

Der Mensch ist für zu hohe Temperaturen nicht gemacht. Wenn wir jedoch weiter CO2 Äquivalente so in die Atmosphäre pusten, wird es immer heißer auf unserem Globus werden. Ist eigentlich ganz einfach: Zuviel Treibhausgase = Treibhaus = wird zu heiß = Katastrophe für Natur und Menschen, weil Lebensgrundlage weg. Das versteht eigentlich jede/r. Wenn die ersten Kipppunkte erreicht sind, wird dieser Prozess sogar noch schneller gehen. Forscher bestätigen, das wir gerade noch zwischen 7 und 10 Jahren haben, um die Erderwärmung auf unter 1.5 Grad zu begrenzen. Eine knappe Zeit, aber es ist zu schaffen - wenn unsere Politiker*Innen endlich anfangen zu handeln! 📍Kommt HEUTE mit uns auf die Straßen und fordert, das endlich die politischen Massnahmen eingeleitet werden, die es noch möglich machen, die Erderwärmung so zu stoppen, dass sie nicht zur Katastrophe für folgende Generationen wird. #KeinGradweiter #climateactionday #ClimateJusticeNow #Covid19 #climatechange - @parents4future on Instagram

Die Corona-Pandemie hat gezeigt, dass Politik durchaus handlungsfähig ist. Beherzt sind Massnahmen getroffen worden, um das Schlimmste zu verhindern. Es ist also eine Frage des Wollens und nicht des Könnens. Liebe Politiker*innen: wir brauchen Euch - für die Zukunft unserer aller Kinder und der Kinder dieser Welt. Setzt endlich das Paris Abkommen um, denn ohne schnelle, klare und politische Lösungen geht es nicht! Es mangelt nicht an Lösungsansätzen, technischen Innovationen und Ideen zu einem sozial-ökologischen Umbau unserer Gesellschaft, um eine lebenswerte Zukunft zu gewährleisten. Ja und Individualmassnahmen sind zwar wichtig, aber sie werden nicht ausreichen, um eine lebenswerte Zukunft für folgende Generationen zu sichern. Dafür braucht es vor allem klare politische Lösungen. Jetzt! Die Mehrheit der Deutschen spricht sich in Umfragen für mehr Klimaschutz aus. Der Rückhalt in der Bevölkerung ist also gut, das Thema anzugehen. Also Politiker*innnen: Fangt endlich an! 📍Komm auch du am 25.09.20 mit uns auf die Straße und zeigt der Bundesregierung, dass ihr ihr mit ihrer Politik des ‚Weiter-so‘ nicht einverstanden seid! 📍Fordert eine Politik, die es ernst meint mit dem Schutz unseres schönen Planeten, unserer Natur, unserer Ressourcen und vor allem – unserer Kinder! #KeinGradweiter #climateactionday #ClimateJusticeNow #SDP #CDU #GROKO - @parents4future on Instagram

Eindrücke von der heutigen Demo mit 270.000 Menschen. Es war sehr bewegend! #allefürsklima #climatestrike #fridaysforfuture - @radbezirk_lichtenberg on Instagram

好壯觀的場面,祝大家中秋節快樂🎑 — 桃園市中壢今天舉辦萬人封街烤肉活動,有金華、新街、興南、水尾里18棟新都心社區大樓約5000戶參加。  桃園市新都心生活文化協會理事長莊金泉說,疫情期間住戶們實在「悶壞了」,今年報名約970組,每組10人,近萬人參與,比往年人數還多。  📷/高宇震攝影  #中秋節 #烤肉 #團圓 - @udngroup on Instagram

Less than 24 hours to go! - @fridaysforfuturenireland on Instagram

- Fair Trade Difference

WHEN DREAMS COME TRUE! 😍🙌❤️ Garden of Dreams festival 2019 won the prestigious Ambassador Award in the BEST REGIONAL FESTIVAL OF THE YEAR category! . We were nominated alongside @exitfestival, @lovefest.rs, @nosleepfestival and @seadancefestival and thanks to the votes of the audience managed to take the title! . Read more on our website. . Huge thanks to @ambasador.hr and all the voters ❤️ . #gardenofdreams #godfest2019 #sarajevo #zagreb #ambasador #ambasadorhr #musicfestivals #musicfestivalseason #exitfestival #lovefest #seadance #nosleepfestival - @gardenofdreams.ba on Instagram

- Basahin muna daw Anti Terrorism Bill: (Paraphrasing) Sec. 29: You can be detained for up to 14 days and an additional 10 days with out a warrant of arrest BY MERE SUSPICION. Sino makakapag sabi dito mapagkakatiwalaan at hindi mag aabuso mga pulis?

TIERRA DE HOJA: Su composición permite una reducción en la demanda de agua y mejora el pH del suelo. Es 100 % natural y libre de químicos que pueden resultar perjudiciales para tu jardín. Presentación: Saco Peso producto empacado: 25 kilos. - @tierra.maule on Instagram

Trade impacts the resources that communities have or don’t have. One fascinating part about the Fairtrade model is the Premium - these extra funds that farmers receive (on top of the price of the product) - are voted on by co-op members. They choose how the money is spent. Sometimes that means building schools, buying supplies, or providing scholarships. By following the link in our bio, you can read about how Fairtrade has empowered Wreford, Sandra and Lindah to continue their education and become leading professionals in their field. Learn more at the link in our bio! . #fairtradecoffee #childlabor #education #fairtradeproducts #sustainability #genderequality #forcedlabor #livingwages #globalwarming #climatechange #sustainablepractices - @fairtrademarkus on Instagram

Hoy hubiera sido la Ruta de las Iglesias 10k 2020🏃‍♀️🏃… En lugar de estar tristes porque no se pudo dar, ¡estamos con esperanzas y fe de que la próxima edición será más especial que nunca antes!💪 Gracias Saadin Solah por este legado de Deporte, Entusiasmo y Alegría que podemos esperar cada año. ¡Les esperamos en la meta a todos en 2021!🏅🏆 - @rutadelasiglesias10k on Instagram

- Afrikaanse Humor

- Tel Aviv & Jerusalem

- Adventures

- Farmers busy picking Tea.

- Hawkins Construction

Gestern waren wir als Fachschaft Medizin gemeinsam mit @healthforfutureaachen und 4000 Teilnehmenden coronakonform auf Aachens Straßen, um ein Zeichen für Klima- und Gesundscheitsschutz zu setzen. Gesunde Menschen gibt es nur auf einer gesunden Erde!🌍 #klimastreik #fridaysforfuture #KeinGradWeiter - @fachschaftmedizin_aachen on Instagram

💪 La lucha animalista es feminista. ✊ La mayoría de personas voluntarias y responsables de santuarios y protectoras son mujeres, que en muchos casos tienen que soportar su invisibilización. Son ellas las que contribuyen a mejorar la situación de los animales en España, día tras día, con mucho esfuerzo y trabajo. 💚 En PACMA lo tenemos claro: feminismo y animalismo van de la mano 💜 - @partidopacma on Instagram

- 2017

- Refugee News

¿Recuerdan hace unos días que difundimos el corte de árboles al lado de un cartel publicitario en Talca? 😔 Pues bien, un vecino de nuestra ciudad tomo cartas en el asunto y nos envió este registro: plantaron un nuevo arbolito en el mismo lugar y con un cartel que anuncia el nacimiento de un nuevo árbol ❤️🌳. . Pero, lo que debía ser una tremenda noticia, terminó siendo la tragedia de una tragedia, ya que el nuevo árbol y el cartel fueron destruidos y sacados por desconocidos unas horas después 🤬👎. . Como dice la canción de la banda argentina Bersuit, no hay nada más antiecológico que un infeliz. . #Talca #Maule #Chile #medioambiente #másarboles - @quetalquita on Instagram

- Certification Information

LA CITATION DE LA SEMAINE: Plus tôt cette semaine, Stef Paquette, musicien franco-ontarien, sest prononcé sur le décès de Pierrette Madore, survenu la semaine dernière. . . . #citation #pierrettemadore #francophones #frcan #arts #onfr - @onfr_tfo on Instagram

Kazdağlarını korumak için Kirazlıda tuttuğumuz yaşam nöbetine bu sabah yüzden fazla jandarma tarafından baskın yapıldı. 4 arkadaşımız ormanda çadır kurdukları gerekçesiyle alıkonuldu, jandarma karakoluna götürüldükten sonra serbest bırakıldı. Şu an alandaki çadırlarımız sökülüyor, eşyalarımız toplanıyor. Bu baskının Cengiz Holdingi Kazdağlarına sokmamamızın hemen ardından gerçekleşmesi tesasüf mü? - @kazdaglarikardesligi on Instagram

- Indonesia

- African Videos

- Police violence yesterday in Paris