Uc13 Profile Pics

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GR Collection for maximum power & performance #GR grays.hockey/gr @lenatice - @grayshockey on Instagram

a7lam ahlam alshamsi ahlam

É só mais um esforço!    Boa sorte para os exames!! 📝    As férias estão quase a chegar! 🏖️😎 - @aauminho on Instagram

freezy trap freezytrap austro rap

СТРИТБОЛ 🏟На территории стадиона «Динамо» расположилась бесплатная площадка для стритбола, на которой установлено профессиональное оборудование! ⛹🏼‍♀️Она находится на входе со стороны улицы Кирова. ⛹🏼Приглашаем всех желающих спортивно проводить время с друзьями. 😀С вас – отличное настроение и бережное отношение! Фото: @sk_sanya #стритболнадинамо #streetballdinamo - @dinamo_stadium on Instagram

kalp umut

Campeão Sub-15 da copa Brasil Central etapa Goiânia. Melhores teammates...amo vcs! #clutch #janta #aguinas #aguinelas #aguinossaro #melhorjogo - @joaoedu_8 on Instagram

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OMG GUYS. I loveeeee #froyo soooo much. If you have any ideas feel free to kik me! Just ask for my kik. - @justnapervillethings on Instagram

sargasm text animated text

This week, we kicked off a new virtual Creator Speaker Series at our Thursday team lunch with the fabulous @beccagenecov. Becca coordinates the Dallas Mavs Social Media, running their Instagram account with more than 2M followers and planning/creating content for many of the Pro NBA team’s other channels. We heard from Becca about her workflows, software systems, and career story and learned a lot about the pro sports media industry. Thanks so much Becca for joining in 😸Other creators: let us know if you would be interested in leading a half-hour lunch talk for our team - @kapwingapp on Instagram

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Super voyage avec une superbe équipe ✨💛 • Merci à @nike de nous avoir fait découvrir son univers à Portland 🇺🇸 • 📸 @hlenie The Best ✨ - @imene_slim on Instagram

rythian yogscast rythian rythian irl yogscast irl the yogscast

So the homie @alvarez_est.94 and I have been saying we need to take some photos together all summer. @sb88.media snapped these shots. Thank you. 🙏 #sciontc #staticscion #staticsciontc #scionim2016 #staticlife #staticdrop - @static_scion_im_chad on Instagram

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Link in Bio for full version!!!! Welcome to the Isolation Games!!!! In the spirit of keeping energy high, let us play a game 😎⚡️🔥 📸: @electrafire #toronto #covid_19 #corinavirus #games #isolation #quarantine #party #partytime #canada #fun #goofy #boredgames #actor #photographer #girlboss #wannaplayagame #funnyordie #collegehumor #lgbtq🌈 #bi #women #femme #female #comedy - @electrafire on Instagram

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Meet John - our Product Manager! John leads the design and development of Slide. John oversees the product team which develops the backend of the app to ensure that it’s easy to use and appealing for our users. John & the product team work to roll out new app features while fixing any bugs that come up within the app. Get to know John! ~~How do you use Slide?~~ I use Slide as my main way to pay almost everywhere I shop, online and in-store. Slide allows me to quickly pay at some of my favorite merchants like DoorDash, Dunkin Donuts, Chipotle, Uber, and more. ~~How do you plan to use your earned cash back from Slide?~~ I love earning cash back and because I use Slide, I get cash back instantly - it’s so easy. Since Slides cash back is instant, I tend to use it towards my next purchase right away. ~~What do you like to do when you’re not at work?~~ I live a very healthy lifestyle, so I love staying active especially with my puppy, taking him to dog parks all across town, and training him to be the best dog ever. ~~If you could travel to one place, where would it be?~~ I would love to travel to Ireland and drink a pint in many of their Irish pubs. Celebrating good times with good people. - @slide on Instagram

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Took the gang out to play, and I showed them what an ace looks like. Also racked an ace yesterday but didn’t take any pics. #discgolf #smokinacesdg #teamsmokinaces #MizzouDiscGolf #MizzouDG #MizzouATeam #collegediscgolf #growthesport #disclife #bangputtsnotdope #teamgroupchat #TGC #letusgo - @drew_cantrell on Instagram

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- BETHANY MOTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Night markets!!!! We can’t wait until we can again x - @wonderbao_ on Instagram

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La semana pasada volvimos a entrenar en cancha! Estamos muy felices de retomar y poder estar juntas de nuevo. 🤩 Siempre respetando la distancia social y cuidándonos por el COVID-19. #Diablas #canchaparahockey #leukotape #actitudkia #teamchile #BarraKia #KiaConLasDiablas #KiaHockey #mrbig #planolimpico - @hockeychiledamas on Instagram

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¿Lo vieron? En Pichidegua también estamos viviendo este gravísimo problema, es cosa de mirar q nuestro alrededor, basta de este modelo extractivista que atenta contra nuestros territorios 🚫❌ #Repost @defencura.nagual • • • • • • La noche del sábado 05 de septiembre, Canal 13 emitió un reportaje sobre la tala indiscriminada de bosque nativo esclerófilo. Somos enfáticos en recalcar que la protección del bosque nativo se sobrepone al modelo agroindustrial que tanto quieren defender. Urge una política ambiental que resguarde todas las especies que se ven afectadas por talas indiscriminadas. Chile necesita un modelo agrosustentable. Por eso todxs votamos #apruebo #convenciónconstitucional El link del reportaje lo podrán encontrar en nuestro perfil. . . . #FueraPalteros #PlantaNativo #Agualibre #CerrosLibres #taladebosquesnativos #monocutivo #LaconstituciónseráEcológicaoNOserá - @pichidegua.unidos.por.el.agua on Instagram

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Wow ket! Hoodie, onze gloednieuwe jeugdreeks, ging vanochtend in avant-première! Vanaf morgen, elke weekavond om 17u35 op @ketnet_be 🎬 #hoodie #nieuw #jeugdreeks #brusselseketjes - @hotelhungaria on Instagram

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Rate: 8.5 Best feature: eyes Model: yes!! Follow this gorgeous girl!! @volleyball_girl177 - @modelmania_____ on Instagram

rythian yogscast rythian rythian irl yogscast irl the yogscast

Спасибо всем за отличное настроение и компанию. 😗 Больше ни ногой на такие мероприятия. 😁 Шучу)) Получила массу удовольствия, все по высшему разряду: грязевые ванны, водные процедуры и приятная прогулка по лесу. 👌#небудькакгриша #владивосток #бег #vladivostok #running #трофитрейл - @natalie.s_vl on Instagram

rebelle bg

Growth as antidote to the cynical belief that there is no better alternative. - @hotcactus_la on Instagram

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- Dominique provost

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✨ Thanks to everyone who tuned into the 7th Annual SCS!!! (It’s available to stream if you missed it.) ✨ Historically, the Summit has been a one-day free event that is curated from an open call based on the theme for that year. So this was a brand new format for us—super fun! The chat transcript and a collection of our visual aids, links, and annotations/addendums will be published in Volume 4 of The Upper Crust. 🌭 Special thanks to @kpaabus for screen caps & @kristymonnin for bts pics and chat support! 💙 #2019SCS [Image description: assorted documentation of the summit including a screenshot of the livestream, a photo of the summit agenda, and a print-at-home certificate of participation] - @sandwiches4life on Instagram

christianetorloni torloni torloninews

Programación do cinema no xardín desta semana! Martes 25 - Sesión de curtametraxes - Quiet Zone (Karl Lemieux e David Bryant, 2016, 14, VOSG) - Junktopia (Chris Marker, John Chapman e Frank Simeone, 1981, 6) - Le Bled (Buildings in a field) (Jem Cohen e Luc Sante, 2009, 13) - Trains (Karl Lemieux, 2010, 5) Xoves 27 - The Young Ones T1 Ep. 5 - Interesting T1 Ep. 6 - Flood Venres 28 - Det sjunde inseglet (Ingmar Bergman, 1956, VOSE, 96) Podes reservar oco para calquera día mandando un mail co teu nome e a data á que asistes a: cine@liceomutante.com Nas sesións de cinema no xardín as portas están abertas dende as 21h00, comezan as proxeccións ás 22h30, e a entrada é sempre a vontade, o que desexes aportar! Vémonos! - @liceomutante on Instagram

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🌿 What is the difference? 🌿 The term ‘biodegradable’ can be used to mislead people. Have you ever felt misled by a claim of biodegradable packaging? Remember - all compostable items are biodegradable but not all biodegradable items are compostable ♻️ . . . #ecofriendlyhome #veganhome #sustainability #zerowastevegan #veganbathandbody #plasticfreepackaging #shoplocal #boutique #lowimpactliving  #ethicalconsumer #sustainablehome #environmentallyconscious #plasticfreelife #zerowasteshopping #veganbeautyproducts #ethicalbusiness #cleanteeth #sustainabilitymatters #environmentfriendly #ethicalshopping #ethicalliving #ecofriendlyproducts #zerowasteliving #zerowastehome #ecobeauty - @georganics on Instagram

universidad cat%C3%B3lica de chile televisi%C3%B3n canal13chile uctv uc13

CATEGORIA 👉🏻GESTIÓN INTEGRAL EN EL ESPACIO PÚBLICO: ZIG-ZAG PARK EN ALGÚN BORDE D BOGOTÁ 🍃🚶‍♂🌆La recuperación de suelo en áreas deterioradas, es uno de los grandes temas del espacio público y en algunos casos requiere una comprensión de la pendiente natural. Cuando esto sucede, como en este caso, es necesario transformar los elementos necesarios del entorno, para el diseño produzca el zigzag destacable. El parque Zig-zag surge de una iniciativa comunitaria, mediante un proceso de diseño participativo, que logra un reconocimiento del problema; resolviéndose con una acertado y muy sencillo diseño, replicable en muchas partes. #bepbog2019 #SCABC #CreandoLazos - @bepbog on Instagram

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Locked and loaded for @flowrestling WNO. @drake_ayala #iahswr #wrestling - @iawrestle on Instagram

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A legacy continued... Robbie Cozean ‘20 is one of the greatest runners that have stepped through Xavier’s atrium. Through his four years, he has gone through many trials and still remained on the top of his game. On the track as well as in the school building, Robbie is an inspiration to many at Xavier, embodying the five Xavierian values of humility, trust, zeal, simplicity, and compassion. Anyone who has actually spoken with Robbie can understand how great of a guy he is. Congratulations to your commitment to @notredame. Your talents will be well-utilized there. #thisisxavier #ctxc - @xavier_xc_tf on Instagram

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Every night of the @CHI_Together Drive-In Experience, I would go on stage and thank our guests for supporting our small business and the other 80+ individuals that they put back to work because of their support! The Drive-In was so much more than just a movie or live music, it was about community, togetherness and supporting each other! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Photo Credit: @astheyarephoto⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Sent via @planoly #planoly #wemakeevents #liveevents #covidcompliant #wearamask #Chicago #chicagoevents #fueledevents #chitogether #drivein #pivotproject #teamwork #passion #heart #purpose #chicagodrivein #theexperience #speaker - @fueledevents on Instagram

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Hoy es un dia muy especial! No solo es el cumpleaños de nuestra Guatemala, sino también el de mi mamá ❤️ agradezco muchísimo a @tektonauts por incluirme y ser parte de éste proyecto tan especial, que nos ha ayudado a todos a estar mas cerca, tener mas conciencia y lo más importante, compartir y sentir la música!!! Les presento una pequeña parte de mi remix de 502 espero les guste, le metí corazón. Feliz día de la independencia 🔊🎹🙌 #unidos502 - @diegostraube_official on Instagram

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From a momming to copping, fun day on two different sets with great actors and production peeps! #ActorsLife - @anddpeter on Instagram

universidad cat%C3%B3lica de chile televisi%C3%B3n uctv uc13 canal13 canal13chile

“A riot is the language of the unheard,” as well as the oppressed and the desperate. For those of you who don’t know what it’s like being black in America, or being black in general (because the hate for us is universal), it is like walking on pins and needles. It’s going above and beyond just to prove your competence in the work place. It’s being shut down because your frustration is deemed trivial and exaggerated. It’s that fear of your loved one not returning home. It’s constantly being questioned and interrogated. It’s being wrongly arrested and convicted. It’s watching your culture be stolen and rebranded as something “new.” It’s turning on the TV only to find out that another one of your brothers or sisters has been murdered at the hands of the same people who took an oath to uphold the constitution and never abandon their integrity. Being black is a blessing and a nightmare. It’s exhausting living your life in constant fear and frustration. I can’t even articulate the pain I feel, and this post doesn’t do it justice. If you know me, you know that I am a very pro-black person, but often times I am dismissed, mostly by my own people because I sound like a broken record. It’s because of this that I have to pick and choose my arguments. I’m just using my platform to voice my concerns, and you should too. Silence is the greatest betrayal to your race. If you were TRULY conscious, then you wouldn’t be content with the way things are!! This is why we protest. This is why we “riot.” Because our concerns are swept under the rug and no other route has been effective. I don’t ask for my rights, I demand them because I shouldn’t have to ask for them in the first place. Is treating us like the human beings we are that difficult, or is it easier for you to watch a man die beneath you as you suffocate and taunt him? Taking all of these innocent people away from their loving families. Please hear me out, whether you’re black or not. Reposting simply isn’t enough. Sign a petition. Donate. Contact city hall and its politicians. If we’re not proactive, history will only repeat itself. (Today’s riot, LA riots 92’, Watts riots 65’) - @akemitamiia on Instagram

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I’m in the news! - @twluke on Instagram

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Obrigado☺️ link - http://dlvr.it/Rgb5v1 - @1kingbr on Instagram

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@sarah_haywood - @cafegratitudevenice on Instagram

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Dubs in the dessert 🐫🌵 - @rob.biswhoibe on Instagram

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❌ er - @__man_man_man__ on Instagram

ahlam alshamsi a7lam ahlam

Wack! Films is a #productioncompany based in beautiful #sanfrancisco We are an #internationallydiverse team with manifold interests and abilities; each member is also a #fmradio #dj Stay tuned for a collaborative radio show entitled Wack! Wednesdays which will air on KXSF These photos were #snapped during the production for the upcoming #musicvideo for the SF band #umb (@umbtheband ) @goyri @rocknetosf @radiocakes.drghost @stokeseysf @ellieisgrooblen @retractablebearfist @felipegouveia77 @oliver.soup @wackfilmssf 📸 by @arsonk #musictelevision #bayareamusic #bayarea #sfmusic #filmproduction #art #2020 #wackfilms #wackfilmcrew #wacksf #sf - @wackfilmssf on Instagram

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Weve been developing young people for over thirty years. Clubs like this need more volunteers. Become an FA Playmaker from the age of 14 and help make a difference to your grassroots club, search FA Playmaker. - @bt_uk on Instagram

christianetorloni torloni torloninews

Luisa descubre el lado más amargo del despertar de su hijo: no solo tiene que renunciar a Julio, sino que, además, se siente rechazada por Andy. Esta noche, en el tercer episodio de #Madres en @telecincoes - @madresserie on Instagram

mmh fyjc

Digital Fall 2020 opens this week! Starting Thursday, join us virtually for BACs first-ever online season, featuring digital world premieres, live theater on ZOOM, and three new PlayBAC presentations of dance and theater performances from our 15-year archive. Check out the schedule via link in profile! #BACPresents #dance #music #theater #multimedia #newwork @quodlibetensemble @arlekinplayers @veramartynov @lizgerringdance @kotahopper - @baryshnikovartscenter on Instagram

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Wie kriegt man verknotete Kopfhörer schnell wieder auseinander? Und woran erkennt man, ob Eier noch essbar sind? 🥚🤔 Die Antwort auf alle diese Fragen und noch viele weitere Tricks, die euch und euren Kindern das Leben erleichtern, findet ihr bei den WOW Lifehacks auf toggo.de ➡️ Link in der Bio💡😍 #TOGGO #WOW #wissen #fragen - @toggo_superrtl on Instagram

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Christinas Zuhause ist bedroht, die Kohlebagger am Tagebau #Garzweiler kommen täglich näher! Für sie ist klar: Wir müssen JETZT für Veränderung sorgen, sonst ist nicht nur ihr Heimatdorf in Gefahr – sondern langfristig unser ganzer Planet. ➡ Deshalb: Kommt zum #Klimastreik am 25.9.! Mehr Infos unter: klima-streik.org (Link in Bio). . #KeinGradWeiter #climatestrike #globalclimatestrike #klimaschutz #fridaysforfuture #climatejustice #groko #neustartklima #notmyklimapaket #kohleausstieg #gretathunberg #parentsforfuture #teachersforfuture #scientistsforfuture #campact #klimakrise #luisaneubauer #Klimaschutz #klimaschutzjetzt #naturschutz #nachhaltigleben #climatejustice #endegelaende . @fridaysforfuture.de @luisaneubauer @ende__gelaende - @campact.de on Instagram

xxxjunejunexx x

Time flies when you’re having fun! We couldn’t have asked for a better first month at our new home on Queen Street W. – if you haven’t already, stop by #MECToronto for all the adventure gear and good vibes you could ask for. - @mec_toronto on Instagram

trampstamps punk girlpunk girlband alt

- Blursed calligraphy

ahlam alshamsi a7lam ahlam

Perfume is the art that makes memory speak ✨🤍 #LA #nyc #newYorkers #nycbucketlist #chicago #Washington #mexico #gorgia #sixflags #vacation #summer #travel #memories #live #forever #special #unique #gifts #giftideas #forhim #forher #graduation #anniversary#LA #nyc #newYorkers #nycbucketlist #chicago #Washington #mexico #vacation #summer #travel #memories #live #forever #special #unique #gifts #giftideas #forhim #forher #graduation #anniversary #friends #tbt #trust #fyp #mexico #love #tbt #trust #fyp #explore - @nyc.mosaicart on Instagram

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Contact Me! And while you’re at it, check out my newly re-designed website where you can pre-order my upcoming album, “Look Out!” subscribe to my mailing list, listen to & purchase my music, watch films that I scored, buy prints of my paintings, browse pictures of me smiling 😃 & looking serious 🧐 and more! www.andrewgutauskas.com (Link in bio) 📸: @dianahuey ❤️ wishing you all a few moments of peace among all the noise... #lookout #website #redesign #wix #smiles #potraitmode #design #painting #jazz #rock #filmscore #brassagainst #outside #illusions #virtuallearning #lessons #saxlessons #breathe #peace #composition #coversong - @andrewgutauskasmusic on Instagram

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⛺️ - @sebastiaanvijverberg on Instagram

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Look at the hang time, look at the flying motion! #fullcourtfitness @aleminium - @full_court_fitness on Instagram

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- gIaNT aLieN BaskEtBaLLer cHaLLenGes eARthLiNGs tO a GaMe

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- Missing and Exploited Children

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David Missry rounds out our strong incoming recruiting class! David hails from Pittsburgh, PA and made the finals of the Western PA High School Tennis Tournament. He is also very academically minded: David has a perfect 36 ACT score and has made honor roll all 4 years of high school. - @lehighmenstennis on Instagram

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Boys in yellow - @sliickkrick on Instagram

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Thanks to everyone for making my first week in the new location a success! Don’t forget to book your appointments for next week. - @saguarostretch on Instagram

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2 días llenos de deporte con la @ufvmadrid @deportesufv en el #cafydchallenge 30 chic@s motivados que demostraron que nada les va a parar su vocación y su amor por el #deporte Enhorabuena a los ganadores de las #becas y gracias a @ufvmadrid y @cafyd_ufv por confiar en nosotros. ¡Un #equipo muy TOP! . . . #eventosdeportivos #deporte #eventos #motivacion #equipo #themarketroom #feliceando - @themarketroom on Instagram

uctv uc13 una vez m%C3%A1s universidad cat%C3%B3lica de chile televisi%C3%B3n canal13chile

#fuckaldo - @rossettomatteo on Instagram

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Mark: When I emailed Micky Fitz 8 years ago to record vocals for couple of our West Ham songs his reply was: yeah, count me in. He turned up to the studio in his old white Toyota with a massive spoiler wearing those funny flip up sunglasses. First thing he spotted that we were all wearing adidas samba and he told us this hilarious story how he hated his sambas until he found the way to stop them squeaking. Last time I saw Micky in Las Vegas in 2015 (picture) - few months before he played his last show. Im very proud to be part of this new special record called UNFINISHED BUSINESS written by Fish and Bundie (The Business) when Micky was ill. Could this have been The Business new record if Micky was still here? Well, this really doesnt matter now, what matters is we all done it for him and its a fucking great record. The album also features Paul from Sheer Terror, Bob from Stigmata, Mike from Arch Rivals, Jonny from Gimp Fist, Charlie from The Attack, Peter from Peter and the Test Tube Babies, Roi from The Last Resort, Roger from Agnostic Front, Colin from GBH, Hoddy from Resistance 77. You can order UNFINISHED BUSINESS LP/CD here: www.enemyink.co.uk The first single is already out (youtube) featuring Paul Bearer of Sheer Terror and Bob Riley of Stigmata. - @boozeandglory on Instagram

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#Repost @sps.broadcasting ・・・ FINAL: SHORECREST Volleyball moves to 2-0 with the win in 3! We only take W’s🤷‍♂️ #gochargers⚡️ - @shorecrestprep on Instagram

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Well, here’s to 31hours & 15minutes of torture 🏴‍☠️🚂 🏴‍☠️ @turbo.runners team smashed it, just like our bodies - smashed both mentally & physically // logging north of 400ks (results yet to be confirmed ). - What started at 9pm Saturday night, kicking off with fresh legs, ended today Monday morning 415am slightly different, battered and bruised but still smiling. I smashed my goal of logging all my kms at sub 4mins/per k & totalled 77k across the entire race - couldn’t be more stoked. - Thanks to the support of @springenergyau for keeping me fuelled throughout the race, to @hokaoneoneaustralia for providing the best kicks around - carbon x’s 👌🏼👌🏼 and to @fractelrunning for keeping me protected during the daylight hours ☀️ - @lambleyluke on Instagram

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- Hijri calendar

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- Amazing Photo of Bizzle after winning Game 7 at Dreamhack Anaheim Finals

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- And when you rotate the phone you are a goner

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‪Hard work does not go unnoticed 💪 A well-deserved congratulations to our leader, Greg Kristof. ‪Check out the full story here: http://silverwavesmedia.com - @zerogravitybb on Instagram

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Got a great birthday gift from my son. - @albietz76 on Instagram

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Вчера для двух наших учениц был особенный понедельник 😎 ⠀ Закончился «Базовый курс» в нашей школе бега и на финальном выпускном Оля и Даша пробежали свои лучшие 10 км. на стадионе Строитель 😎 ⠀ Поздравляем вас с преодолением этой непростой для новичков дистанции 🎉 ⠀ Гордимся вами! Вперёд к новым целям и к своим личным достижениям 🏃🏼‍♀️🎯🏆 ⠀ Вопрос для знатоков и математиков: сколько кругов преодолели девушки, если круг одной дорожки равен 400 метров? - @iloverunning_vl on Instagram

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Some great shots on my birthday! Thank you @mattbrambsd for the wonderful photos!❤️⚽️ - @sorosoccerdevelopment on Instagram

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❤️On Monday 9/21 at 5pm @macedomusic will be playing a virtual charity show for the @starlightchildrensfoundation via Instagram LIVE 💛 we will be adding a donate link + the $$ goes to help hospitalized children🌟 tune in via @macedomusic to listen ❤️❤️❤️ @melissamacedom 🌟Counting my blessings + trying to remind myself not to let perfect be the enemy of good🌟Some days my inner critic wins + some days my feminine ferocity does🌈Who knows what’s the day will bring but here’s hoping we’ll all try to be kinder to ourselves + each other❤️ thanks to @marinara_hamburgerstein for making it happen - @michellemacedom on Instagram

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Were talking about 🔹PRACTICE🔹 today! Our student-athletes and coaches are grateful for the opportunity to take the field on the first day of the fall season. We wish them the best of luck and cant wait to see them compete! - AD Mike Mazzaccaro #TogetherAsColts - @cbacolts on Instagram

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+++ Freies Training beim FC Rüspel/ Weertzen +++ Ihr wolltet schon immer mal ein bisschen gegen die Pille treten oder zeigen, was ihr fussballerisch so drauf habt? Dann ist das hier eure Chance! 😉 Denn ihr habt am Freitag, den 07.08. um 19 Uhr die Möglichkeit dazu! 🙌🏼 Wer Freitag keine Zeit hat oder vom Freitag nicht genug bekommen konnte, hat am Sonntag, den 09.08. um 12 Uhr erneut die Chance mit den Kreispokalhalbfinalisten der Saison 19/20 zu kicken! Alles was ihr mitbringen müsst, ist Freude am Fußball - Für das leibliche Wohl wird gesorgt! WIR FREUEN UNS AUF EUCH! 💙🖤 . . . . . . ©️Foto: 08.09.2019 - @fc_ruespelweertzen on Instagram

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Nancy Davis (@nancypeaceandlove) Dedicates #DriveInToEraseMS Gala to Late Son #JasonDavis via @variety - bit.ly/32dwa2n - #RaceToEraseMS #EraseMS #LoveToEraseMS #MultipleSclerosis #MSfamily #MSmoms #MSstrong #WeAreHere4U #Variety - @racetoerasems on Instagram

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- The kid who got bullied and the bully

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Montezumas Castle is little kid friendly! I know a lot of people get afraid of the Grand Canyon, because of the...Canyon! But this National Park is easy for little kids and there are no big drops! However, it is totally lacking in the bathroom department. So, please prepare! Read our post before you go. #nationalparks #montezumascastle #arizona #parks #nature #naturephotography #arizona #castlesofinstagram - @surpriseazmom on Instagram

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Frank Berry’s award-winning film I USED TO LIVE HERE highlights cluster suicides and was inspired by an article ‘Breaking The Ripple Effects of Suicide’ by psychologist Tony Bates. A worthwhile watch 📺💻! Raising awareness for #wspd2020 #worldsuicidepreventionday - @wildcard_distribution on Instagram


I spent 1 very memorable day with the 2 Johnnies in Wynwood pre pandemic which I totally forgot about (no offense Johnnies-I’ve been very very very busy) Now their show is on the air! I actually don’t even know how to watch it but they did send me these clips (in my story) that are pretty hilarious. Go ahead - you can make fun of me - I can take it! @the2johnnies - @petertunney on Instagram


All my life, been grinding all my life 🏁 - @kylemwells on Instagram

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Boston Half Marathon Finisher Baby! - @kkarlaandreina on Instagram

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Alyssa Altobelli. Family Forever. ❤️ - @mambaonthree on Instagram



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En esta reunión por Zoom, Paulo García y José Ramírez-Garza, ajustaban detalles sobre la Master Class de Fotografía que daría Paulo como parte de las actividades ONLINE del MTYIBG 2020. #MTYIBG #MTYIBGcontigo #MTYIBGonline #LaGala #PauloGarciaFotografia #JoséRamírezGarza - @mtyibg on Instagram

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Sophia is shepherding donkeys and Nicki thinks its hilarious! - @rockynash on Instagram

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Remember when walking to class was a thing? We are really missing our Red Wolves. #WolvesUp - @arkansasstate on Instagram


O nosso @ernesto.grassi presente no #cioba2018 no dia 27/10 às 14h #odonto 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 - @supreme.odontologia on Instagram

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#tbt com saudades de um futebolzinho né!? Ainda mais com essa trinca do @interativonopelo 😂 - @_yanbeltrame on Instagram

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The Futsal Family continues to grow and progress in all areas. New players joining our club each week, new equipment, new sponsorships, new media team @teampackettmedia 🎥 We just want to publicly thank all of our players, supporters and staff at the Pill Millennium Centre for helping us bring Futsal to Wales and making all of this possible. Stay tuned as we have some more exciting news to announce in the oncoming weeks! ⚽️💯🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 .. Please note that players entering and exiting our training venue will be required to wear a mask and hand sanitise before and after each training/ playing session. During the physical and strenuous activity (training) masks won’t be required to be worn. Strictly no spectators allowed and max 30 players per session 💯 .. www.ftslworldwide.com/ourleague 📲 .. #FTSLFutsalLeague #Elite #Futsal #Newport #Wales #League #Seniors #Fixtures #FutsalFridays #Return - @ftslfutsalclub on Instagram

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¡Medialab Prado vuelve a abrir sus puertas a partir del 15 SEPT! El centro está trabajando en mejorar y garantizar un uso libre del espacio en las condiciones más seguras. Hasta entonces el uso del espacio está restringido a la asistencia a las actividades presenciales programadas y la visita a las exposiciones. - Imagen del taller de Interactivos? 2019 - #innovacionciudadana #innovacionsocial #sociedad #madrid #medialab #medialabprado #creacion #creacioncolectiva #fabricaciondigital #digital #proyectos #laboratoriociudadano #laboratorio #ciudadanía #sociedad #prototipos #colaboracionciudadana - @medialabprado on Instagram

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👏👏👏 and a standing ovation from all of us, a chymeradwyaeth sefyll gennym ni 💙 #ClapForOurCarers #thankyounhs💙 #DiolchGIG #defnyddiwcheichllais #useyourvoice - @festivalofvoice_gwylyllais on Instagram

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Make no mistake. The Model Y (and others as well) is a ralley car. We took it down a red dirt road in Zion National Park at speed and it performed superbly. We’ve had Jeeps and other AWD vehicles and this is up at the top in traction control. Find your “mini” Tesla Expedition anytime, anywhere, down any dirt road, and get lost 🌄 - @evexpeditionmag on Instagram

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Anbei ein paar Impressionen vom letzten Heimspiel gegen die JAGS Vöslau! #handball #leoben #traditionseit1947 spusu CHALLENGE - @unionleoben on Instagram

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טורניר חורף 2020 היה אש, קבוצה שלי אוהב אתכם אחד אחד♥️ 🔥🔥🔥#אסאאותילוחםגןיבנה #אסאאותילוחם - @rom_con on Instagram

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#geekism, it’s a state of mind.👍 - @geekism on Instagram

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Day 2 of BroadwayCon recap from last Saturday!! Swipe to see some of my favorite moments!!!!! I had such a blast getting to meet so many actors I really admire, surrounded by other theater-lovers. + Meeting one of my favorite political/theater people in the world, @randyrainbow (!!) as well as one of my favorite acts from America’s Got Talent last season, @thelukeislam, just made the day even better!!!! AND I got to attend a singalong of the Six cast album with the broadway cast!! It was one of the most fun experiences I’ve ever had!!!! + a day I will remember forever!!! Thank you @bwaycon!!! See you next year!!!!! 💞💞🎭🎭🎤🎤👑👑 #broadwaycon #sixbroadway - @cjemas25 on Instagram

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Golden & Lovely people 🌅 #amistad #streetphotography #session #argentina #sunnyday #gildanigga - @deeny_suarez on Instagram

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GASTRONOMIE AFFECTIVE ► @3615dakota ► Samedi 26 septembre x 18h-22h ► Lien de lévénement et réservation dans la bio Questionner nos manières d’habiter le monde autour de la pratique du goût, et à travers nos mets, cest le projet de Foods, un regroupement de dispositifs du 3615 Dakota. Jouer du Rachmaninov à des fromages, cultiver des salades nourries aux hits de Céline Dion : cela s’appelle la plus-value affective. Elle modifie la matière et fabrique le consentement du goût des choses 🧀🎼 Une expérience culinaire entre agronomie, karaoké et neurosciences ! - @mainsdoeuvres on Instagram

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@michaelleagueplaysmusic - The last week and a half has been a creative firestorm thanks to fellow Snarky Puppy @justinmstanton, who had the idea to lock 5 musician/producer/songwriters together in a remote location to compose 10 new songs as part of a residency in the incredibly beautiful Alentejo region of Portugal. It barely happened (I tested false positive for COVID, there were loads of issues getting out of the US for the New Yorkers, etc.), but in the end, @beccastevensbsb, @giselajoaoaberdadeira, @reallouiscato, Justin, and I (plus special guest @schramnate and engineer extraordinaire @nic.hard) pulled it off and cranked out 10 new little babies for a concert tonight that will now be without an audience due to the recent arrival of a malevolent group of music-hating extraterrestrials, so weird that they decided to land here (that excuse sounds way cooler than COVID). It will be filmed and eventually made available for viewing, methinks. I can’t thank @alentejo.ert and @municipiodeportalegre enough for making it happen, and the beautiful winery @casa_da_urra for being such wonderful hosts. It’s been a dream. - @snarkypuppy on Instagram

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💕💕💕😘😘😘 luv these guys #wolf #wolfs #wolfpack #wolfblood #blood @louisaconnollyburnham #aimeemkelly - @wolfbloodz on Instagram

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Everything shared with friends is more fun ! 🛴💨 Models of the scooters : Scissor - max 50 kg / over 5 years Dusty - max 100 kg / over 3 years Всичко споделено с приятели е по-забавно ! 🛴💨 #kikkaboo #scooterlife #scooter #fun #scissors #street #play #teenage #teenagegirls https://kikkaboo.com/en/products/outdoor-fun - @kikkabooworld on Instagram

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SORTEO ¿Querés ganarte la pelota firmada por Javier #mascherano?. ⠀ 1⃣ -Seguí a @quikefelman, a @elfutbolerook, a @taluegogente y a @carusomanias. ⠀ 2⃣ -Mencioná a 2 amigos. 3️⃣-Más amigos etiquetás, más chances de ganar tenés. ⠀ 🇦🇷 El ganador lo daré a conocer el jueves 24 de setiembre a las 21 hs. Éxitos a todosss!!!. - @quikefelman on Instagram

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#ballislife #ballaboveall #basketball #nba #sports #basket #lebronjames #bball #sport #nike #basketballneverstops #jordan #hoops #nbabasketball #basketballislife #basketballtraining #ball #basketballplayer #fitness #michaeljordan #follow #footlockersg - @toffertianzon on Instagram

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Follow @yuppiegirl_93 # #tan #tans #tanning #tanningbed #tanners #bikini #bikinitan #dm #pink #pinkselfie #tanselfie #like #comment #love #tanningbedselfie #tanningbedpics #hmu #likeitup #dt #comment #lovetan #tangirls #tanteens - @_tangirls_ on Instagram

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Congrats to materials engineering major Jessie Fleming, four-year starter with @UCLAWSoccer and a @CanadaSoccerEN member, as she embarks on her professional career with Chelsea FC Women - @ucla_engineering on Instagram

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Just a friendly reminder that black lives mattering is not some passing trend that will be done when people decide to move onto the next thing. It’s not the new “tag 10 beautiful girls” trend or a nice visual to match your aesthetic. It’s years of history and fighting still with no end in sight. Worrying about the way society treats black people is a constant issue that myself and other black people don’t have the luxury of being unaware of. Don’t act shocked when you see black people being treated poorly because racism isn’t a new issue in this country. You just haven’t had to pay attention to what’s happening. Thank you for your support and awareness 💗🥰🧚🏽‍♀️now keep that energy year round when it’s not a trend 🧚🏽‍♀️✨🙈. I love you all. Please stay safe. - @chanijmiller on Instagram

Menlo College is proud to have received recognition as one of the best colleges in the West by @theprincetonreview, a recognition afforded to only 12% of all colleges and universities in the U.S.   Last week, the Princeton Review released its 29th annual college report, based on a survey of 143,000 college students. “Over a decade of recognition by The Princeton Review is a testament to the efforts of so many people in continuing the College’s mission for academic excellence and student support,” said Steven Weiner, Menlo College President. “Congratulations to the faculty, staff, and trustees of Menlo for this much-deserved recognition.” In its profile on Menlo College, The Princeton Review recommends the College as having a “friendly, open environment” and commends our students for their high entrepreneurial spirit.” The editors said that at Menlo, “students find a top notch-education and a family atmosphere that is grounded in preparing students for the real world.” More on our PR Profile at the link in our bio. - @menlocollege on Instagram

Pics of Lynn for districts poster.. don’t mind me - @luvbrdog on Instagram

🤸🏽 @montpellier.danse pour la Fondation BNP Paribas cela évoque 8️⃣ années de #partenariat tissé autour d’une envie commune : soutenir la #création contemporaine. . ▫️À travers notre soutien aux #résidences d’#artistes à l’Agora, cité internationale de la #danse à #Montpellier, notre souhait est d’offrir aux #chorégraphes et #danseurs des conditions optimales pour approfondir leur travail et leur projet artistique. . ▫️Les résidences représentent sur l’année 2019 : . 3️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ jours de travail 2️⃣1️⃣ compagnies, françaises et internationales 1️⃣/2️⃣ La moitié des projets chorégraphiques mûris et conçus à l’Agora ➡️ ont nourri la programmation du festival Montpellier Danse 40 bis. . ▫️Le festival se déroule exceptionnellement cette année du 19 septembre au 28 décembre 2020. . #md40bis #montpellierdanse #montpellierdanse2020 #mécénat #culture #fondationbnpparibas - @fondationbnpp on Instagram

Thirty-ish years ago Kent Graham took over as head XC coach of the Noblesville Millers. Bill Kenley was among his first team in the mid 80s. Twenty years later he coached me through my high school career. Selfless devotion is what comes to mind when I think of Coach. Devotion to the sport, but a greater devotion to developing the individual wearing the singlet. Coaching is an art, and he is a master. Coach retired this year. Bill will be taking the reins, and Ill be helping. While theyre logging miles in Indiana, Ill be crunching numbers in NYC. Doing my best to carry on Coachs legacy of selflessly devoting time to something bigger. Thank you Coach. And go Millers! - @blake.dirck on Instagram

16 years on....At Upton Park from the season we got relegated to Elland Road the day we won promotion! Roll on tomorrow!! 🏆🍾💙💛🤍 - @_paulnolan on Instagram

Look 👀 who’s back at it again?! Visiting the hard working agents at open houses 🏘 this weekend!! #lowrates #magnustitle #azrealtor #hustle - @magnustitleagency on Instagram

Our first collection will be launched on September 30th and it’s named after the most-talked KPop group in the world! Any guesses? 💜 - @aesthetiquepresets on Instagram

Audi prodajno-servisni centri su otvorili svoja vrata za kupce! 📢 Više o ovome saznajte na linku u BIO sekciji profila 👆 - @audi_bh on Instagram

Kate Williams ‘01 is stepping in as Interim Athletics Director for 2020-21 - she’ll be supporting coaches and athletes with a virtual curriculum and on-campus practices, and navigating shifts in the OSAA. Thank you, Kate! Click bio to read more. #gocgeagles #catlingabel - @catlingabel on Instagram

We stopped by @howlermelbourne last night and saw these amazing chicks! Check out our snap story to see @stonefieldband s incredible show 🎸🎤 - @themusicaustralia on Instagram

• @lacemupbasketball BLACK FRIDAY POP UP SKILL CLINIC!!! Featuring @tclebaron_leu!!! Boys & Girls 6th-8th Grade!!! November 29th, 2019 10:30am-12:30pm at the skill lab!!! #lacemup #personaltrainingutah #utahhoopers #utah #basketball - @tclebaron_leu on Instagram

Pace. Space. Tempo. Imagination. Create, apply and understand your style of play. @moralesme08 ✔️ #creativity #imagination #reps #floorgame #hoopofficial - @hoopofficial on Instagram

Today we feature one of our Lincoln Ladies — Olivia Pistorio! Olivia will be headed to Holy Cross to pursue her degree in Biology. Liv has been a standout contributor both on and off the track from day one. Driven, fiercely competitive, and a complete team player. She has been a coaches dream. She has experienced success at every level garnering multiple DCL All-Star, All-State, and National Championship selections. As a Junior she anchored our 4xMile relay to a dominating victory and school record performance in the first section at the National Championships in NYC. They would ultimately finish 7th overall, just .1 outside of an All-American selection. Liv certainly embodies everything that makes an All-American by our standards and we’re going to miss her next year. We are excited for her future as Holy Cross gets one of our very best! Congratulations Liv! #LSXC #LSTF #LSTFforever - @warriorstf on Instagram

...What time is it?! ⚡️ Big thank you to @theplasticgeek for making these 2017 Movie-style coins! Our Earth 22-17 Green & Pink Rangers, @raf_bucky_barnes & @babsbutcher, will be using them in our next episode! 💚💖 Stay tuned! — 📸 @candidjohnkim ⚙️ Coins by @theplasticgeek 💚 Green Ranger: @raf_bucky_barnes 💖 Pink Ranger: @babsbutcher — #PowerRangersUnworthy #PowerRangers #MMPR #PinkRanger #GreenRanger #TommyOliver #KimberlyHart #Cosplay #Cosplayer #Cosplayers #GoGoPowerRangers #Fanfilm #Toku #Tokusatsu #ShatteredGrid #BoomStudios #PowerRangersMovie #MightyMorphinPowerRangers #JDFFFN #JasonDavidFrank #AmyJoJohnson #ItsMorphinTime - @unworthyproductions on Instagram

team utah 🎷 - @devancraig_ on Instagram

As part of the National Hispanic Heritage Month, Latinx Directors will be featuring a director each day that challenges the stereotype that Hollywood has of what a LatinX Director is and what stories they can tell. #LatinxDirectors #hispanicheritagemonth #nationalhispanicheritagemonth #mandalorian - @latinxdirectors on Instagram

- Elon Musk poses with the students from the Technical University of Munich, this was after their pod won the 2019 SpaceX Hyperloop Pod competition.

Is it better to be feared or respected? - I say, is it too much to ask for both? Tony Stark, but also my ballet teacher. #CandVmemes 〰️ #ballet #dance #ballethumor #dancehumor #kombuchagirl #balletlife #balletmemes #dance #dancememes #pointe #balletfeet #tutu - @cloudandvictory on Instagram

Who honestly would have thought that I was able to get 2 label deals in one week??? - Use code waffles15 at checkout to get a discount off your next @orientaldrift purchase! - Credits: @stevenhastowait14days - @djwafflesofficial on Instagram

The Knicks are expected to not be apart of the NBA restart if they restart the season. #knicks#msg#adam#silver#james#dolan#selltheteam - @knicks.venue on Instagram

Olympic coverage memory #swimming - @mikegriffith32 on Instagram

Did you know girls’ education is one of the biggest ways to fight climate change??? #doitinadress ⬇️ 💛💛💛 . . Today teachers @melbgirls took part in @onegirlorg ‘s #doitinadress challenge to raise funds for girls’ education all across the world! . . All funds raised are go directly to One Girl to support girls education in Uganda and Sierra Leone. In these places there are horrifying statistics like girls born there are more likely to be sexually assaulted than they are to go to high school! . . We can do something about this. Break the cycle. When WE put on a dress, well be helping girls in Sierra Leone and Uganda put on their very own as they are empowered to take charge of their futures. . . It takes just $300 to provide a girl with her whole education, books and all! We have so far raised over $1000!!! Thats already 3 girls educated - 3 lives changed forever! . . ------------------------------------ . . WE NEED YOU! Were so close to 3 girls educated. You can get involved by... . 1. Donate to the teachers getting involved -- https://www.onegirl.org.au/fundraisers/melbournegirlscollege 2. Share our page and ask friends and family to donate -- https://www.onegirl.org.au/fundraisers/melbournegirlscollege 3.Start conversations about girls education and take on the challenge yourself . . . ------------------------------------ . Every cent counts and together we CAN make a difference! 130 million girls across the world are denied access to an education simply because they were born a girl! This CAN change. . Help us change the world through girls education! . Thanks again, The Student Voice Network 💛 #svn #girls #girlseducation #doitinadress #school #melbourne #mgc #power #fundraiser #donate #education #news - @mgcenviro on Instagram

nationals - @gabriel.chadinha on Instagram

Were so grateful to everyone who joined us at last weeks Virtual Evening Event: Introducing the Floating Wetland.⁠ ⁠ The evening was packed full of exciring information from CRC Executive Director Laura Jasinski and Northeastern PhD Candidate Max Rome. Missed the event? Check out the full event recording on our website (LINK IN BIO).⁠ ⁠ #charlesriver #boston #cambridgema #urbanriver #urbanpark #beantown #bostonlife #cityscape #skyline #bostonskyline #backbay #prudentialcenter #cyanobacteria #waterquality #ecology #charlesriverfloatingwetland #wetland #nativeplants #nativewetland #ecologicalintervention #ecology #science #hab #zooplankton #longfellowbridge #virtualevent #eventrecording #thankyou - @charlesrivercrc on Instagram

Whaaat I never posted @jojogomezxo ! Here it is ⬆️ ...... This class was 1 year ago ⏳ I miss these kinds of experiences so, so much. Which one of these performances resonated with you & why? @reshmagajjar @michelpsian @hannah.pinky @billyroysawyer @taviellison @adrianobettinelli @jojogomezxo ... 🎵 @billieeilish #iloveyou 🎥 @rudeboydonovan ... #acting #actingclass #dance #danceclass #storytelling #camerawork #performance #billieilish - @galenhooks on Instagram

Cards beat Duke 3-1! Swipe ➡️ to see all three goals! #GoCards - @ulfieldhockey on Instagram

Se viene el Meet Up de Quads del año @cibspain 🙌🏼 📆 29 Agosto 📍 @ongravity.es (XMadrid) 🎫 Entrada 15€ 🤸🏽‍♂️Actividades: 17h Charla @soulwheelapp “Por un deporte inclusivo y educativo” 17-19h Camas elásticas e Indoor session 19-00h Outdoor session 🎁 Sorteo de regalos de nuestros sponsors @skatepro @cibcrew @chaya_skates @red_ant360 🌏100% inclusivo, Abierto a todas las edades y niveles. Vente a conocer el deporte y a pasar un buen rato con nosotros. Nos vemos en la pista!🤘🏼💕 - @cibspain on Instagram

- Tag Rugby

Protect yourself and others from COVID-19. - @piedmonthealth on Instagram

Within these images I was experimenting with light and shadows with my model @lucys_modelling - @amybrennan121 on Instagram

Heute zu Gast bei @thcfranziskanerfc. Alte Bekannte :) Wir suchen übrigens immer noch eine Torfrau und so teilten sich das Tor zwei Angreiferinnen. Beide haben einen super Job gemacht. Generell hat das Team heute gut ausgesehen, abgesehen von unseren Schwierigkeiten die wir ja immer haben 😁 Kurz vor der HZ haben wir das 0:1 kassiert, haben uns aber nicht beeindrucken lassen und einfach weiter unser Spiel gemacht. Generell war das Spiel sehr ausgeglichen, fair und umkämpft. THC hatte aber die Chancen besser genutzt und so die Nase etwas vorne. In der allerletzten Minute haben wir bei einem Spielstand von 1:2 aus unserer Sicht, alles auf eine Karte gesetzt und versucht den Ausgleich zu erzielen. Leider führte das zu einem Konter, der den Gegnerinnen das 3. Tor brachte. Das Unentschieden wäre auch sehr gerecht gewesen. Trotzdem gute Leistung heute, vor allem vor dem Hintergrund, dass wir gar keine Wechslerinnen hatten und wiedermal erkältete durchspielen mussten 🙈 . . . #gefühlterwintereinbruch #vielleichtsolltenwiralletorhüterinnenwerden #glücklicherweisevollzählig #superduschenbeithc . . #makkabi #maccabi #MakkabiBerlin #TuSMakkabi #Fußball #Fussball #sports #football #soccer #frauenfussball #FußballFrauen #Verstärkunggesucht #spieleringesucht #trainergesucht #torfraugesucht #berlin #charlottenburg #maccabichai #makkabichai #Spieltag #amateurfußball - @makkabiberlin_frauen on Instagram

Depois de ganhar tantas formas, a nossa versátil @kokepet precisa de novas inspirações para alegrar e florir novos lares 😍🌺. Para isso, contamos com a criatividade de vocês que podem nos mandar sugestões de novos formatos de kokedama divertido para serem novos pets vegetais ❤.⠀ ⠀ Olha só o que já rolou por aqui: (passe as imagens para o lado para conferir)⠀ ⠀ ▶▶ Cachorro; Tartaruga; Polvo; Kokedama tripla; Totoro; Baleia; Cenoura; Coelho; Ovo de páscoa; Televisão; Câmera Fotográfica; Urso!!⠀ ⠀ ⠀ Se você ainda não conhece, as kokepets são feitas com plantinhas que precisam de ajuda, a maioria são orquídeas que perderam suas flores e foram descartadas como lixo orgânico. Mas tem muita planta boa e saudável que não foi vendida por causa da pandemia… Como vocês já sabem, não queremos nenhum desperdício! ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ Transformamos as plantas em lindas Kokedama com diferentes temas, e são vendidas em lojas de decoração, petshops, ONGs e casa de jardinagem, auxiliando o trabalho das instituições de proteção animal e gerando retorno financeiro para pessoas em situação de vulnerabilidade.⠀ ⠀ Agora também estão disponíveis para venda online 😜😜(link na BIO). Quer fazer uma exposição? Fala com a gente!⠀ ⠀ Agradecemos a cada pessoa que valorizou nosso trabalho. Continuem sugerindo desafios pra gente! Acompanhem nossas redes sociais que em breve divulgaremos nos stories os formatos que vocês sugeriram. Fica de olho!⠀ ⠀ #paisagismo #cidadesp #trabalhosocial #causasocial #negociodeimpacto #17ods #negociocomproposito #resíduos #desenvolvimentosustentavel #meioambientebrasil #gestaoderesiduos #residuossolidos #lixozerobrasil #sustentabilidadenapratica #cantinhoverde #decoracaocomplantas #cultivodeorquideas #naturezaemcasa #kokedama #pets - @ohquidea on Instagram

Yes, September is #brainaneursymawarenessmonth 💔. Yes, Maddie died September 23 & 24 😢, 2017, of a brain aneurysm. And though her Foundation’s mission is to celebrate how well she lived her life and the affect she’s had on so many, it’s also important to spread awareness of how she died in hopes of saving another from this fate. So if you’d consider changing your profile pic to one of these this month, and share her story, I know she would appreciate all of those that love and remember her 💙 🥰. Because #whatwouldmaddiedo ? She’d be working tirelessly to do the same for you... thank you 💕 #forever11 ® #maddiementality ® help us fund the #maddiepottsmemorialfieldhouse #mpmfh #nowspring2021 🙏🏻💚💙⚽️🏈⚾️🏑🥍 🏃‍♀️ 🏃 donation link/website in bio... - @mpfoundation11 on Instagram

Candidate no. 4 for backyard Sunday ☀ @shawnwoodward14 Practice in isolation ☑ 👇Follow us for more 👇 👉 @stokedballl . 🔔 Turn on post notifications Credits 🎥: @shawnwoodward14 . ⚽Set your goals 📩DM for suggestions and any queries 🔖 Tag and follow to get featured . . tags#⃣: #freekicks #freekick #tirolibre #golazo #soccergoals #futbolfemenino #futboleras #soccergirls #girlssoccer #ecnl #soccerworld #soccertraining #ladyballers #womenssoccer #womensfootball #topbins #upper90 #collegesoccer #soccerlife #ifutbol - @stokedballl on Instagram

Wat een ongelooflijk goed nieuws dat 71 gezelschappen de komende 4 jaar tóch een structurele bijdrage ontvangen van het FPK om prachtige dingen te maken. Gefeliciteerd, waaah! Ook wij horen daarbij en zijn superblij met deze kans. Zoals te zien op deze foto hadden we er 11 jaar geleden alle vier ook al alle vertrouwen in. #fourmoreyears - @firmames on Instagram

⚡️Mosaic Wellness Initiative Kickoff⚡️ We are piloting a new program to encourage Mosaic members to practice wellness, both physical and mental. All individuals that want to participate in the Mosaic Wellness Initiative are placed in a house. Each house is made of up of a group of members in the Mosaic community that will be competing against one another to see who ends up with the most points at the end of the semester. A little friendly competition to help motivate us to improve our wellness! Points can be accrued through various things such as attending wellness programs, working out, attending classes in the ARC, and much more. Some of our goals are to develop an understanding of how wellness correlates with overall success, cultivate techniques to manage stress and develop mindful practices, provide exposure to a wide spectrum of fitness experiences, and develop positive, sustainable routines and habits. We are off to a great start and can’t wait to see where this programs takes us! - @mosaic_utc on Instagram

- Carrington News & Events

CREW LOVE VOL.8❗️❗️ @themobhq @theflooridians 📸 : @estnyboer - @bad_bonez_ on Instagram

@noahjjhuntzinger for @bsdforever dropping 12pm PST on RideBMX.com! Stay tuned. - @ridebmx on Instagram

Turtle massage now welcomes @_snowturtle #femaletherapist #newieturtle - @turtlemassage on Instagram

Today ask someone are you OK? it is a conversation that could change a life! It’s not always easy to keep the conversation going when someone says they’re not OK, head to the R U OK website for resources that can help you continue the conversation with your kids, friends and family! - @littleasnsw on Instagram

Deilið og stækkum hópinn!⠀ #FélagiðOkkar - @fjolnirkarfa on Instagram

Being a dad is really the best shit to EVER happen to me on god like I be like how do people have kids and not be involved we #DeadbeatdadK over here !!!! - @clrdxlilant on Instagram

🔴NORTH LONDON IS RED🔴 @arsenalwfc women beat @spurswomen by 4 goals to nil... Goals from: @jordannobbs ⚽️ @lisaevans_17 ⚽️⚽️⚽️ - @shesaballer on Instagram

- The back of my husband’s head looks like Simba

Another fabulous webinar by our Preservation team! Tune in next Wednesday for the next webinar, this time on the announcement of the 2020 Most Endangered Historic Sites. #preservationvirginia - @preservationva on Instagram

Sensationelle 7,71m von U18-Athlet Oluwatosin Ayodeji heute bei den VLV-Meisterschaften. Damit stellte er nicht nur neue Landesrekorde auf, sondern auch einen neuen österr. U18-Rekord. Gratulation an Tosin und seinen Trainer Sven Benning. #austrianathletics #u18 #longjump #nationalrecord Fotos (C) Weihs - @austrianathletics on Instagram

Oggi è il compleanno di una persona tanto speciale. Una persona speciale di nome Ludovica che con la sua spontaneità riesce sempre a strapparmi un sorriso, anche nei momenti peggiori. Per questo ti ringrazio, davvero, grazie di tutto❤️❤️ Ti voglio un mondo di bene❣️ Ancora tantissimi auguri Ludo❤️❤️ @ludovicaolgiati 💞 - @ludo_is_my_love on Instagram

Que linda familia tenemos! Vamos x mas 🔰🔰 - @ivokorenblit on Instagram

Raegan Pebley Head Coach Frogs Are ONE! #OnlyNeedEveryone - @tcuwbb on Instagram

- Team Edward 😬😕🙄

#perdido #spqr - @franfungi on Instagram

#TMLX6 was fab! - @toronto.mike on Instagram

“The majority of Australia’s 50,000 practising professional artists and 600,000 creative industry workers will not be covered by stimulus measures announced to date, either because of their casual working arrangements, or because of their employers complex cash flows render them ineligible to access workers’ support on their behalf.” Don’t let freelancers (ARTISTS) fall through the cracks. To all professionals in the film, television, entertainment and arts world, join the challenge to post a photo of you in your job. The goal is to flood social media with our profession. Please follow the link in my bio to sign a 30 second email to your local MP and help save the Arts! #scottmorrison @scottmorrisonmp #joshfrydenberg @josh.frydenberg.mp #meaa @withmeaa #noworkerleftbehind #dontletfreelancersfallthroughthecracks #wagesubsidyforall #createaustraliasfuture ***update - new link in bio to stay up to date via MEAA - @_melanievallejo on Instagram

Starkes Zeichen für den Schulsport: Wir waren beim #jugendtrainiert-Aktionstag in der Gesamtschule in Haspe vor Ort! Die Kids haben sich das DBB-Abzeichen und die Geschenke redlich verdient! Danke an unseren Partner @pronovabkk und @phoenixhagen für die Unterstützung! Story auf Basketball-Bund.de / LINK IN BIO #KoerbeFuerD #gemeinsambewegen @jugendtrainiert - @dbb_basketball on Instagram

Some Roads i wish i never even went down, But you live & Learn🗣💯#trulyblessed🙏 #Gamewinner🆙 Good Pass Myboii @iamkgeorge - @w0rldwide.kass on Instagram

Alla vet man har bättre och sämre arbetsdagar men dom flesta minns man inte alls. Igår blev jag överraskad av självaste konungen och hans dotter, här inspekterar vi wellpapp-komprimatorn (Brickman)som sen flera år prytts av konungens porträtt. Han verkade uppriktigt glad över det, en mäktig människa och min största idrottsförebild sen han dök upp på min fotbollsträning -99 för att inspirera oss 10-åringar. Då va han nysignad tonåring och resten är historia💚👑#kungkennedy #arbetsplatsbesök #brickman #visessnartigen - @davidritschardmusic on Instagram

3,2,1...ein neues Slam-Video erscheint! 🎉 Letzte Woche konnte Luca Swieter den ersten Aachener Online Slam für sich entscheiden. Einer ihrer Siegertexte, ‚Das Märchen von der Gleichberechtigung im weiteren Sinne‘, gibt es jetzt nochmal als einzelnen Clip auf unserem YouTube-Kanal. Den Link dazu findet ihr in der Bio 👏🏻 📷: @noseforphotography #poetryslam #spokenword #aachen #poetryslamaachen - @satznachvorn on Instagram

Our clubs 19th birthday is coming up! In this particularly strange year, we want to celebrate how far weve come. On September 5th at 3 PM, well host an online watch party of a memorable 2019 match and give away prizes! Join us here: https://buff.ly/2EJjDdS - @sfcityfc on Instagram

Thanks for all the lovely messages about @my_dream_machine .. Coming soon 🎥🎥🎥@shanelynchlife @drivetribe @sarahdrivetribe #mydreammachine #cars #tv #show #stunt #stuntdriver #drifting #drift #carsofinstagram #topgear #chester #d13 - @npglife on Instagram

Welp, I guess I’m done with high school now. Not exactly how I imagined it to end - @__michael_c_ on Instagram

Failure is always a lesson #failingforward #youmustfailbeforeyousucceed #bewillingtofail #daretobegreat #whynotyou - @bballwillett on Instagram

🤩🏀❤️ thanks coach Steve for everything u have taught me and helped me accomplish over the past year of training 👑 - @jaxon._.jones on Instagram

Was told to post shit. Have fun y’all - @aidan.holmes22 on Instagram

New work for @pumafootball prod. @airv8 dir. @nikolas.lutz dp. 🙋🏻‍♂️ 1ac. @padde.zander gaffer @niklasbem edit & color @airv8 - @jonasabenteuer on Instagram

It keeps growing! Almost 300 players spread over several morning sessions joined us at Audie Murphy Sports Park. Players, parents, siblings, coaches - this is as much fun as we are legally allowed to have! We go again next Saturday Sep 26. Register: https://MenifeeCamps.Eventbrite.com #menifee #menifeesoccer #menifeesports #menifeevalley #perris #canyonlake #winchester #frenchvalley #murrieta #temecula #murrietasoccer #hemet #unitethevalley #cityscmenifeevalley #recsoccer #ayso #aysomenifee - @cityscmenifeevalley on Instagram

Welcome to HΣΑVΕΠ! #UpsilonClass - @sigmaaepi_bing on Instagram

Venice Ball‼️ - @zekeevans24 on Instagram

Aca en el #artlab del @fnaargentina con @siervaayc @luciakuschnir @vivianaramos9 @maria.laura.dominguez - @lajose84 on Instagram

Love you @trony1 🤍🌹 everyone has the universe by their side 🌻🔆 life is precious and I love those who are in my life - @buenamotawey on Instagram

The 6th edition of the H&D Summer Academy: ‘Network Imaginaries’ will take place remotely from July 20-25, 2020 🕹 Without rendering the current events as an opportunity we restructured the annual H&D Summer Academy into a distributed workshop programme—taking place in one dedicated week in July 2020! Our proposal is to collaborate with smaller groups in different places in the world, help each other with developing and facilitating remote learning formats that will be presented and shared online, with a bigger group of participants. In one week in July we will be all hacking and designing in our own local communities or at home while being connected with the larger H&D network. H&D will support the selected intiatives with resources and expertise, and by ensuring a learning infrastructure that is accessible and available to all participants. ↳ Check out our Open Call for workshops ⚒ link in bio! ↳ An open call for participation will follow on 15 May 2020 📬 - @hackersanddesigners on Instagram

A jornada foi intensa e cheia de conquistas. Após treze anos de Abril, onde ingressei como estagiário da revista Manequim, eu me despeço hoje da empresa com carinho e orgulho. Por Vejinha e Veja, onde estive entre idas e vindas ao longo dos últimos 11 anos, tive a oportunidade de me encontrar como repórter e de me reconhecer como alguém muito feliz na profissão que escolheu. Foram inúmeras reportagens, entrevistas, notas, vídeos e plantões. Escrevi livro (Biaggi) e ajudei a executar um documentário (Asa Branca) pela empresa. Cachaça pura. Tive o privilégio de apurar e investigar histórias de grande repercussão, de entrevistar de rainha (Silvia, da Suécia) a rei (Pelé). Vi crianças de 12 anos casadas com homens de 50 no Maranhão, testemunhei um rapaz gastar 300 000 reais por mês com baladas da Vila Olímpia e ficar famoso como o Rei do Camarote. Em Orlando, após eu quase ter sido preso por denúncias de seus vizinhos, Silvio Santos enfim abriu a porta de casa decorada com plantas de plástico e me recebeu para uma rara entrevista – e fez a foto lavando louça, pois sua diarista, chamada Erica, fazia apenas meio período. Certa vez, no pancadão do Baile da Gaiola por volta das 7 da manhã, traficantes de fuzil queriam entender a minha presença ali com o fotógrafo. Explicamos com naturalidade – e aval da tia do Rennan da Penha – que queríamos apenas subir na cabine do DJ todo de Gucci para fazer a imagem de abre da reportagem sobre gays no funk. Os exemplos de reportagens são inúmeros. Agradeço aos tantos amigos com quem dividi desafios, como Adriana Dias Lopes, Alecsandra Zapparoli (🌷), Alvaro Leme, Amanda Maia, Ana Celia Aschenbach, André Petry, Carol Giovanelli, Daniel Bergamasco, Fábio Altman, Mário Rodrigues, Maurício Lima e Tiago Faria. Em especial, agradeço ao Sergio Ruiz. Fizemos centenas de reportagens, livro e documentário. Ganhamos de Prêmio Abril à Troféu YouTube pelo segundo vídeo mais visto de determinado ano - perdemos para a Galinha Pintadinha. Muito obrigado por tudo. Agora, o próximo capítulo. Terei a honra de integrar o time da piauí, revista da qual sou assinante desde o ano 1. Estou animado para seguir exercendo o meu ofício: fazer reportagem! - @joaobatistajr on Instagram

After their RED CARPET EVENT BOOK LAUNCH 📸 📸 📸 Tina and Tom were spotted having an AWESOME time at DISNEYLAND ORLANDO, FLORIDA 🏰⠀ .⠀ Their fellow CARTOON CHARACTERS loved the new book so much that MICKEY MOUSE personally gave the guys FRONT ROW TICKETS to the NBA finals 🏀⠀ .⠀ HOW AWESOME IS THAT! If you want to see what other CRAZY ADVENTURES Tina & Tom have been on with the powers of their Time Travelling Toilet head to the IG shop link 🚽🚽🚽 - @tinaandtoms on Instagram

The Power Of Decision Making⁣ ⁣ You are always one decision away from a different life.⁣ ⁣ Decision making is the force that shapes your destiny.⁣ ⁣ You arent always going to make the right decision, but the thing is most people dont have the guts to make crucial decisions in their lives. As a result, they make no decision to improve their situation, which dampens their growth.⁣ ⁣ Focus on the things that you can control. It will get you in a free-flowing state of mind, which would increase your productivity.⁣ ⁣ Everything in your life is a reflection of a choice you have made. If you want a different result, make a different choice.⁣ ⁣ Become decisive and take control of your life today.⁣ ⁣ Good decisions come from experience, and experience comes from overcoming bad decisions. – Mark Twain - @travisbelieves on Instagram

Get over to https://www.finestmag.com/ to get the recap from yesterday’s WNBA action and a preview to today’s starting at noon!! #WNBA #TheFocusTV Previews and Recap also up on mymindonsports.com - @mymindonsports on Instagram

@Tipster.Sure es el pronosticador deportivo más rentable y seguido de Europa, publica todas sus apuestas gratis por instagram y telegram. Gracias a él casi 100.000 personas se llevaron esa apuesta que compartió con días de antelación. Mucha gente está obteniendo un extra solo con copiar sus apuestas las cuales comparte argumentadas y con noticias clave que le ayudan a ganar y tener una vida llena de lujos. Además, si te gusta la NBA, el experto de su mismo equipo 🏀 @SureBasket es el mejor especialista en este deporte. 18+ Apuesta con responsabilidad #Tipster #ApuestasDeportivas #Apuestas #bet - @freestyle_latinoamerica on Instagram

- Buttercream squad

#openingnight in #losangeles ‼️‼️ . . . . . . also did you see the @latimes_entertainment profile of our amazing @jocelyn.shek that I love even more than I love that 📷 @kentnish recorded my formerly long flowy hair for posterity ❓ #goodbyehair #hairsadness #haircrying #nohaircryingintheater - @mirrorworm on Instagram

De 4e Queer Creative die we spraken is Luis Bracamontes. Oprichter van spoken words platform Unwanted Words, dat . 26 september het 1st Queer & Feminist Poetry Awards uitreikt. Check Gayrotterdam.nl. . #queer #feminist #spokenword #spokenwordpoetry #rotterdam #queercreative #awards #spokenwordsproject #gayrotterdam - @gayrotterdam on Instagram

Ok a couple days late but THANK YOU to the @televisionacad for producing a fun, safe and smooth Creative Arts Emmys!! I got to present three awards and even though the usual snazzy live show experience from previous years is a blast, this was also really fun! And being in and out in 15 minutes was pretty neato! I’ve had nothing but great experiences with @televisionacad so congratulations for figuring out how to put on shows despite the weird timeline the world is in at the moment! This was literally the first time I had been in a full suit in over half a year so additionally thank yous to everyone below for making that happen! I loved these fancy clothes! Stylist: @jennyricker Hair/makeup: @seanjameshair Suit: @brooklyntailors Shirt: @paulsmithdesign Shoes: @grensonshoes - @hardwick on Instagram

34.700 lajků získala naše běžecká crew v roce 2018, děkujeme a přejeme spoustu naběhaných kilometrů v novém roce, roce 2019! 🏃‍♂️#runjinak - @runjinak on Instagram

24/09/19 #globalclimatestrike #fridaysforfuture - @thinkgreen.altamura on Instagram

10 years ago vs. now - @dawson_kolstad on Instagram

•Socio CON• • ¡Juntos aprendemos y hacemos más! 🤝💚 • Si te gusta lo que hace el CON y querés colaborar más ¡Hacete socio activo! • ¿Cómo asociarme? ➡️ Ingresá a: http://bit.ly/SociosCONPy . • 👉🏼Completá tus datos y contanos brevemente sobre tu proyecto. • El CON se pondrá en contacto contigo para seguir avanzando. • 🤝!Juntos hacemos más!🤝 • Consultas al 📲0984186388 📩conparaguayoficial@gmail.com - @conparaguay_ on Instagram

DOSS tunnelrave Köln - @jjhindriks on Instagram

A year - WOW. When did I blink? On the 25th September 2019 I got the INCREDIBLE opportunity to help coordinate the BIGGEST climate moblisation Greater Manchester has ever seen along with the incredible @youthstrikemcr (which has grown by over 30 since last September!). I still cant put into words the incredible atmosphere and whirlwind of emotions I felt that day. To stand united with millions around the world and thousands within Manchester gives you a sense of unity that blocks out even the strongest pieces of doubt. For that day it honestly felt like we could solve the climate crisis ourselves as one united entity ✊🏼🌍 This time last year I also thought more would have happened - that the praise we got from organising the strikes would have turned into action. That the world would have seen the power and momentum of peoples demands that day and decide to change. But we are pretty much in the exact same place. And so we are still here - Covid and all - we are still here demanding better of those in power. Thank you to everyone who has continued to fight even when it felt (and feels) like it is doing nothing. There is power in persistence, unity and determination 💓✊🏼 So have a sit back and look at some of the best bits of the strike. We will be back on the streets soon ... #youthstrike #climatestrike #climatemergency #climatejustice #1year - @emma_ymp on Instagram

A Hand Up... this is what Bruce will give you, a hand up, if you are willing to meet him halfway. You will work hard, he asks that of everyone, and in return you will have a man with the biggest heart (and a VERY loud voice) in your corner. - @pambeauchamp92 on Instagram

15.09.2020 @tornaventomilano *VIETATO BALLARE - @niceclubnc on Instagram

Here on meh vege account sign up!!! #vegan #douevencarrotbro #iwinbic #hashtag - @wild_vege_monster on Instagram

day-to-day - @mtncircle on Instagram

Horns down in Smoothie Town. #rushmorestrong - @dougierushmore on Instagram

Elenco do Unidep Futsal Pato Branco, se reapresenta com treino tático no Ginásio Dolivar Lavarda. @dudafoch 📸 #SomosTodosPato #VemJogarComAGente #Patinhas #2020ÉOuro - @futsalpatobranco on Instagram

As we prepare for the virtual Nanas Run 5K it is so fun to look back over the years at our teams participation! Thank you Nanas Run 5K for sharing these great memories! For those looking to sign up for the virtual race visit www.nanasrun.com - @porschegrandrapids on Instagram

new video i directed for @shabasonkrgovichandharris is premiering today at @thefader! link in bio™ featuring: @nicholas_krgovich dolly grip: @mattkingcroft hair/makeup: @rileyjohnsonmakeup colour: @sgllng - @derek_janzen on Instagram

My two little mates - @jordann_clarkk on Instagram

В день защитника, твердо решил играть последнего защитника. - @pavel_kosachev on Instagram

Khufra menangis melihat ini😭 . CR/SC:ME EDIT APK:Picsart . FOLLOW (Comment if you want to add it): @panz.thetic @hii_panz @claudemlbbs._ @odettemlbbs @ml_limitz @raymlbb @lunox._.mlbb @choumlbbs @odettemlbbs._ @beeml_ @lin_loly @longnightcomes @mobilelegendsbluesky @only_guinxvere @miikuchii @shxkuraa @harith._.mlbb @little.odette_ @little.martis_ @mxskov._ . #mobilelegendstoday#mobilelegends#mememobilelegends#molenkocak#mobilelegendswtf#mobilelegendsbangbang#mlbbvideos#mlbb#mlbbindonesia#mlbbfansart#mlbbshare#mobilelegendsid#mobilelegendssavage#mobilelegendstudio#mobilelegendsindo#mobilelegendggwp#mobilelegendsgame#mobilelegendsbuild#mobilelegendbangbang#mobilelegendtube#mobilelegendsinfo#mobilelegendsguide#mobilelegendsedit#mobilelegendsfunny#mobilelegendsplayer#mobilelegendsmeme#mobilelegendsremix - @panz.thetic on Instagram

BoldrDash - @dakodiakbear121 on Instagram

Congratulations @mac.russell101 for breaking an extraordinary FIVE World Records in the last 4 weeks !!! Mac is now the current Concept2 World Record holder in the Marathon, 6000m, 5000m, Four Minutes and 100m events in the PR3 (ID) Mens 19-29 category. What a way to spend your time in isolation Mac - the entire Club is incredibly proud of you 💪❣️ - @uqbc on Instagram

“QUIET!!” .... I just want to say THANK YOU to all the fans for watching & making @cobrakaiseries the #1 TV Show @netflix in the World Today! - @william_zabka on Instagram

FAMILIA❤️ - @sapa_queretaro on Instagram

A massive thank you to all the womxn who have come along to our open sessions over the last few months! Were thrilled to have you all as new members 😘 Steps FC is now full and ready for the 2020/21 footie season (long may it last!) UTS 🖤💛 - @steps_fc on Instagram

Non cercare scuse all’esterno, la vera forza sta dentro di te. 📚 Eleva il tuo flusso di studio, fa in modo che nulla possa intaccare il tuo apprendimento. 📚 Siate ambiziosi, solo così metterete in salvo il vostro futuro. #cisietemancati - @masieraday on Instagram

SOMETHING BIG IS COMING!! Watch out for a huge announcement coming next week. #GetScreened - @geneiusuk on Instagram

M4 or M850i?🔥⬇️ By @bmwtrend Videos🎥: @the19tommy85 M4: @_c4rlos_cs_ - @bmwwclub on Instagram

- @izaiasjtn on Instagram

Some of our Youth Board kids are checking in! So happy to see those smiles! - @barringtonareaunitedway on Instagram

Happy Birthday to my amazing coach Michael thank you for everything that you have done for me over the last 4years we have been working together as a team an thank you for helping me with my ups and downs an of course the amazing memories we have had traveling an can’t wait for the future ahead of us and Thank you Michael - @calebnowland__ on Instagram

An oldie but a goodie! Found this while looking at through my old pictures! 2018 St. George road trip with my friends! A good pb&j always hits the spot! Thanks @skippybrand !! - @wakeys_pbjs on Instagram

En el día de hoy, a tempranas horas de la mañana en Playa de Güibia, fueron liberados 75 neonatos de tortugas verdes, Chelonia mydas. En esta actividad, participaron técnicos de la institución en coordinación con el Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y pescadores de la zona que colaboran con el Viceministerio Costeros y Marinos. Sabemos que están ansiosos por acompañarnos como antes y nosotros estaríamos felices de que así fuera, sin embargo, por motivo de la pandemia, actualmente no podemos hacerles la invitación. Esperamos pronto tener la oportunidad de contar con la presencia de todos. #acuarionacional #educandoparalaconservación - @acuariordo on Instagram

Huge weekend! Soccer goes for back to back rings, and so does basketball! Wear Pj’s and TP gear to soccer! @tpplayers Pippin has its last two shows! $10 with a reservation, $15 with out! - @torreypineshighschool on Instagram

Just nu pågår presskonferensen på Venedigs filmfestival för I Am Greta. Regissören Nathan Grossman är på plats och svarar på frågor. Greta Thunberg är med på länk. I vanliga fall är det fullt i denna sal på Lido men i dag mycket glesare. Aftonbladets Jan-Olov Andersson (bild 3) är en av få svenska journalister på plats. Foto: Ann-Louice Dahlgren/Filminstitutet. #venicefilmfestival #venedigsfilmfestival #iamgreta #gretathunberg g #nathangrossman #triartfilm @aftonbladetfilm - @svenskafilminstitutet on Instagram

#mumandson ❤️ #londonlife - @rachelallinson3 on Instagram

Race1000 Round1 2020 329kmh nach 804m Leider macht die Kupplung oder Haldex Kupplung noch Probleme aber sonst läuft es ganz gut Luft nach oben ist auch noch 🤗 #emu_black #emu_weltherrschaft #p_motorsports #ecumaster_official #we_make_r30_great_again #wo_ist_eigentlich_haki #verkline #speedmakersvogtland #ame_racing #made_in_east_germany - @don_octane on Instagram

Parallel Radioshow presenta desde Rosario a Lautaro Scavuzzo (2hs set). Y mañana es dia de Montañas Mágicas, la residencia de Rayman Zarek, que nos acerca la introspectiva selección musical de Qasio, artista chileno con base en Berlin. Escuchanos 24/7 en radiorea.com - @radiorea on Instagram

Might break your ankle Saucin Ballin like Im Kyrie, K-K-K-Kyrie ~sheck Wes~🏀 - @a.bove on Instagram

#moa #rollercoasters #mallrats - @will.aallen on Instagram

«Se réunir est un début, rester ensemble est un progrès, travailler ensemble est la réussite»💜 - @ameliiie.g on Instagram

Вот и состоялся наш осенний забег #БольшойДубовский 😎 ⠀ Мы благодарим всех участников и поздравляем с новыми рекордами🤗 ⠀ Ждём видос к от нашего несравненного @koteyko28 🥳 ⠀ И подробности Ваших геройских побед от Никиты @dubovskiinikita 😎 ⠀ #небудькакгриша #бег #спорт #команда #вместе #команда - @nebydkakgrisha on Instagram

Retour en images sur la belle journée que nous avons passé au @joandjoe.hossegor pour l’avant première de @poleespoir_lefilm réalisé par @kestu_production ! Merci à tous d’être venus, merci aux athlètes du @polesurfaquitaine ainsi qu’à tous les partenaires du film qui ont permis sa réalisation ! Merci à @we__creative pour les photos et vidéos ! On se retrouve très vite ! - @surfing_aquitaine on Instagram

Frederick Wiseman documentaries on sale! Www.Zipporah.com #atberkeley #domesticviolence #crazyhorse #ladanse #paris - @zipporahfilms on Instagram

Yeah good run #5km 16:45 - @harry.bouw on Instagram

- @jhughes1375 on Instagram

To już moje drugie spotkanie z żeńską drużyną KU AZS Uniwersytet Warszawski i drugi raz było naprawdę SUPER 💪😀. Były floatery, runnery, back stepy, a nawet back stepy z krokiem 0 ale przede wszystkim była ciężka praca i przemiła atmosfera. @z_rm_lgorz_ta dziękuję za zaproszenie i do zobaczenia kolejnym razem. Może pora zacząć myśleć o pracy w koszykówce żeńskiej? 🤔😉🏀 - @coach_tomek_wakulski on Instagram

Welcome to the McEachern show... they winning state this year? • #getthegreenlight - @_greenlightmedia on Instagram

~Αφιέρωση~❤️ Οποίος πάρει στιχάκι με κάνει tag 🙏 - @agaph_me_oneira on Instagram

WE ARE WORLD UNITED ! 💪🌍 Rejoignez nous demain, le samedi 19 septembre : 8 LIVES 5 PAYS 2 CONTINENTS 12 000 Km parcourus entre la France, la Belgique, la Suisse, l’Italie et la Côte d’Ivoire ! Vos escales : 9h20 @saskia_alessandrelli en Italie au club « Area 51 » à Gênes 🇮🇹 9h45 @annesofit83 en France au club « Club 88 » à St Tropez 🇫🇷 10h05 @junior_soki en Suisse au club « Let’s GO Fitness Crissier » à Crissier🇨🇭 10h50 @maya.remy en Belgique au club « Dynamic Fitness Center » à Gembloux 🇧🇪 11h50 @mahdi_lesmills en France au club « Tribe » à la Roche/Yon 🇫🇷 12h15 Joseph en Côte d’Ivoire au club « Z Fit/Spa » à Abidjan 🇨🇮 13h05 Sylvie @coach_trainer_sylvie en France au club « Foresthill Aquaboulevard » à Paris 🇫🇷 16h40 @fabiennehumblot en France au club « Sport Avenue » à Pau 🇫🇷 #worldunited #lesmillsunited #WorldWellnessWeekend #Lesmills - @lesmillseuromed on Instagram

Pleased to announce that our game against @shelthorpelionsfc in Loughborough raised £722 towards the Family of the person who unfortunately passed away 🙏🏻 We are so proud to be in a position to work like this & will continue to do more ‼️ #ANYTHING - @officialdons on Instagram

Avui és un dia trist per als que som al darrere de la Sala Montjuïc perquè hem hagut de prendre una de les decisions més difícils. 😰 Davant de levolució de la pandèmia de les últimes hores i dies, hem decidit no tirar endavant amb el nostre cinema a la fresca. Volem prioritzar la responsabilitat social i cívica davant de les ganes de cultura i oci. 🎥🍿🎬 Tot això ho fem perquè ens puguem retrobar de la millor manera i celebrar els 18 anys de la Sala Montjuïc com cal lestiu vinent. A totes les persones que teníeu les entrades comprades se us farà la devolució dels diners automàticament durant els pròxims dies. ♥️ Gràcies per acompanyar-nos sempre i donar-nos el vostre suport en temps de tanta incertesa ♥️ - @salamontjuic on Instagram

Selamat Ulang Tahun ke-72 untuk Sekolah Regina Pacis Bogor. 🥳 . . Tak terasa, sekolah tercinta kita sudah memasuki usia 72 tahun. Semoga Sekolah Regina Pacis Bogor bisa selalu melayani dengan hati yang tulus, membimbing, serta mendidik para peserta didik dengan baik dan benar. . . Sukses untuk Regina Pacis Bogor, sukses untuk kita semua... Ad Veritatem, Per Caritatem. 😇 . . #72TahunReginaPacisBogor #SekolahReginaPacisBogor #ReginaPacisBogor #AdVeritatemPerCaritatem - @sdrecis_bogor on Instagram

Before a training session, you might want to do some pre-training or warm-up activities. The warm up can serve a few purposes: it can prepare the athletes for the session, fill in gaps in the training session that need to be hit, and can be part of an injury risk reduction strategy. . This warm-up would be good for a training session in which the emphasis is going to be in intensive drills, or small sided games. In that type of training session, there are going to be lots of accelerations and decelerations and changes of direction. In the warm-up, then, we might want to specifically introduce those movements prior to training. . 1️⃣ SL RDL to Knee Drive 2️⃣ Lateral Lunge to Knee Drive 3️⃣ Med Ball Skater Hops 4️⃣ Snap Down to Acceleration 5️⃣ Forward Hop go Lateral Bound 6️⃣ A Skip Variation 7️⃣ Toy Soldiers . The specific exercises you choose are going to depend on many different factors such as timing of season, timing of weekly microcycle, where you’re at in your overall training program, age and experience of the athletes, etc. This is only meant to serve as a few examples. - @dr.nicolept on Instagram

Congrats to the winning teams of The Blueprint activity @spectraconference! #spectrawithoutlimits - @spectraconference on Instagram

#KeinGradWeiter: Heute ist globaler Klimastreiktag – für unsere Zukunft, die Zukunft von Kindern und die Zukunft nachfolgender Generationen.⠀ ⠀ Im Kampf gegen den Klimawandel sind Kinder und Jugendliche eine treibende Kraft. Ihre Beteiligung und ihr Engagement sind wichtig für ein gemeinsames globales Handeln. Die Politik muss auf sie hören und Verantwortung übernehmen. Der Klimawandel ist da. Wir alle müssen jetzt handeln!⠀ ⠀ #climateaction #klimawandel #klimakrise #klimastreik #fridaysforfuture #sdgs @unicefdeutschlandyouth © UNICEF/UN0340776/Nesbitt, © UNICEF - @unicef_deutschland on Instagram

One of my favorite moments to close out 2019 - thank you @slimcinema for the chance to be a part of this music video & digital content panel with @goldieharris, @ndeyelasoul, & @whipalo, moderated by @mkraun 🙏 - @michaelaepstein on Instagram

Xàbia inicia la vuelta al cole más especial.⁣ ⁣ Más información en nuestra web (enlace directo en la bio).⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ #vueltaalcole #javea #xabia #noticias #informacion - @javeapuntocom on Instagram

1er titre #itfpro 🏆🥇 Merci à ma team tartiflette🤞🖤 et Merci à ma famille❤️ • • • #egypt #winner #title #trophy #champion #success #team #black #nopainnogain #results #motivation #tennis #tennisgram #tennisgirl #tennisplayer #tenniscourt #tennislife #tennispro #vegan #sport #proudofus #itf #wta #procircuit #pro #proathletes #athlete #luciewargnier #wargnier - @luciewargnier on Instagram

Welcome to my first collab!! And tysm for 700 followers Must follow all rules ↓ •must be following me (@xoxoflicks) •comment main and backups •tag 3-4 editors •MUST repost this post on your story for 24 hours and tag me options: 1/9 - Daphne Blake (me) 2/9 - Ladybird 3/9 - Enola Holmes 4/9 - Cher Horowitz 5/9 - Montana Duke 6/9 - Santana Lopez 7/9 - Chanel Oberlin 8/9 - Lexi Howard 9/9 - Bonnie Bennett ‼️Collab ends‼️ Friday, October 2nd Good luck and thank you for entering!!😽 - @xoxoflicks on Instagram

Thanks @ethan.t.jiang for the amazing pictures. Track here we come! - @lauren_hendershot on Instagram

MENTALLY I’M HERE - @croc_boi_ivy on Instagram

Me: “Men always think I’m gunna roast their dicks in my act” My act: - @jordanjensenlolstop on Instagram

- @tom.grt5 on Instagram

You heard it🍇 The latte lovers💎 Are back and🍇 Better than ever💎 - Want fab🍇 Pics on💎 Your feed🍇 - Follow the💎 Account🍇 - 💎@latte__lovers💎 - And now🍇 The members💎 - 🍇@wherethehipstersare_🍇 💎@fetusniall__💎 🍇@wifi0k_🍇 💎@huunttaa_💎 - Hate=blocked🍇 Bye lovelies💎 - #devonscaplol #latte__lovers - QOTD: how was your first day of 2014? - @latte__lovers on Instagram

@missllopes ❤️ @whoisestevan ❤️ Wer passt besser zu Lukas? Carmen oder Jaqueline? Me- Carmen❤️😍😍🥰 - @krassschule.fp02 on Instagram

Otra buena noticia: parte de la preselección femenina U18 -13 jugadoras del AMBA- comenzará a entrenarse en el Cenard, desde este lunes hasta el 30 de octubre, con vistas al Premundial de diciembre en Colombia. Será la primera en volver. 🙌⛹️‍♀️ Detalles y testimonios en la nota que pueden encontrar en nuestra web oficial (link en bio). 📝 - @cabboficial on Instagram

Nuestros #leinners de primer curso, a.k.a. penguins están en estos momentos empezando a trabajar en equipo en el #ForestandBack2020, la antesala para convertirse en #teamcompanies . . #leinn #gradoleinn #teamlabsmadrid #teamlabsbcn #emprendedores #emprendimiento #liderazgo #innovacion #universidad #grado - @teamlabs_ on Instagram

Entries open based on the hope that school sport will be able to restart in September. Dates and formats of the championships may need to be revised in line with any Government guidance at that time. @isaschools Register here - http://ow.ly/hh2i50zCoJk - @isaschoolssport on Instagram

La prima pagina di oggi - @gazzetta_re on Instagram

Suffering from success - @since99v1 on Instagram

Bang.. ‘Acute Misfortune’ in cinemas now. - @tobywallace__ on Instagram

Hace poco más de un mes se vive un fuerte levantamiento social en nuestro país. Algunos de nuestrxs compañerxs sintieron la necesidad de manifestarse de manera pacífica dentro del la comunidad escolar, ante lo cual no podíamos hacer oídos sordos y decidimos organizar 2 concentraciones en las afueras de nuestro colegio. También, nos surgió la necesidad de hacer una intervención musical acompañada de una jornada reflexiva para tratar el tema de contingencia. Además, por medio del equipo directivo, quisimos realizar una charla dada por el abogado Andrés Bordalli, la cual tuvo 2 sesiones ambientadas para los niveles respectivos. Sin embargo, nuestro deber como centro de alumnos siempre será promover el respeto de todas las opiniones que se puedan presentar dentro de nuestra comunidad. - @caaws2019 on Instagram

Photos from Monday September 21 and Tuesday September 22nd’s One on One sessions. Goalkeepers Ewan and Kasey took on sessions featuring a lot of 1 vs 1 situations and how to deal with them safely. Ryley went through a session featuring angle play and distribution. Juli had her first session back from an injury so it was a review of technique and some fitness work. Last but not least LE staff coach Abby went through a high tempo session featuring a lot of game situational drills. #LEGK #LEgoalkeeping #LondonEliteGK #gktraining #gkunion #gkgloves #aviatasports #ldnont #goalkeeperdevelopment - @london_elite_goalkeeping on Instagram

I think it’s time to share one of the most important moment in my life. In 2017 I became a World Champion in Show Dance in Riesa ❤️ I am really happy to have this title from ‘17 but to be honest more important to me was the opinion of the perfect dancers, choreographers and trainers around me from all around the world (IDO Performing Arts Family)! I could really feel the support not only from Slovakia but also from other countries (Germany, Slovenia, Russia, Norway, Switzerland, Czechia, South Africa, Poland, Bosnia,...) and I really appreciate your words and opinion! This is the most beautiful thing about @idoworlddance ! We keep Fair Play. We support each other no matter where does the dancer come from. That’s why I love DANCE. I believe, everyone is always looking forward to see their friends, talk to them, get inspired from them. I wanna say THANK YOU to all IDO Family, to IDO for organizing beautiful competitions so you always make a nice place to meet and get inspired! We won’t meet this year in Riesa but I believe next year there is gonna be the Dance Explosion!!! 💪🏼😄🙏🔥 The most frequent compliment was that “The apple in the end was the best part of the whole choreography” 😄 so I am adding the video of this part too😄😂 @shirina.einmal the biggest Thanks to u my sister that you made this video (secretly)! I appreciate this so much ❤️❤️ Thank you Tony Maher for the photos 🙏❤️ #dance #idofamily #idodance #riesa2017 #maledancer #dancer #showdance #worldchampionships #weallarethewinners #inspiration #support #lifelover - @gencci.berisha on Instagram

HOUSTON check out our newly added line-up at The Best Little Drive-In In HTX at @raventower ! Tickets and Info can be found at: www.LittleDriveInHTX.com or the link in the bio #bestlittledriveinhtx #raventower #booksmart #cabininthewoods #yesterday #spacejam #houston #houstontx #htx #michaeljordan @whiteoakmh - @bestlittledriveinhtx on Instagram

During Wellness Week the @trinityperth staff have been competing against the students in a range of sports at lunchtime. Practicum teacher Mr Hill took the opportunity to dunk on the Year 8s!! #tcwellness - @trinitycollegesport on Instagram

Το νερό πάντα σου χαρίζει την απαραίτητη ενέργεια για τις δραστηριότητές σου. #basketball #gym #workout #stayactive #mitsikeli - @mitsikeliwater on Instagram

dear broughton, thank you. - @worthw13 on Instagram

1 Woche ist es her. Wir können immer noch nicht glauben, dass wir über 1300 Gäste begrüßen durften! Ihr habt für unsere Start-Up Party echt alle Register gezogen! Wir sind unglaublich dankbar! Vergesst nicht den offiziellen ASIA’S Finest auf @asiasfinest_official zu folgen! 2020 kommen wir wieder! ♥️ - @dragonfly_projects on Instagram

Przed Wami wisienka na torcie 🍒🎂 turnieju Energa SA 3⃣✖3⃣ Gdynia - mecz gwiazd❗🤩 W dogrywce lepsi okazali się... biali❕ Wystąpili: ⚪ Paweł Brutel - zastępca dyrektora Gdyńskiego Centrum Sportu ⚪ Przemek Żołnierewicz - zawodnik Asseco Arka Gdynia ⚪ Agnieszka Bibrzycka - menedżerka Basket Women Arka Gdynia ⚫ Rafał Klajnert - sekretarz miasta i dyrektor Urzędu Miasta Gdyni ⚫ Przemysław Frasunkiewicz - trener Asseco Arka Gdynia ⚫ Barbora Balintova - zawodniczka Basket Women Arka Gdynia ——— #EnergaSA #Energa3x3Gdynia #wGdyni #gdyniasport #basketball #koszykowka #3x3 - @gdyniasport on Instagram

What an incredible journey with NorCal native @breezybochenek ! We’re so proud to see this multitalented lady grow up 😍🎉 • Repost from @cafoundation • In honor of National Cancer Survivors Day, we want to recognize one very special 2020 graduate, @breezybochenek. Breezy has completed six triathlons, hiked Half Dome, and continues to inspire people every day through her resiliency and positive attitude. Nine years ago, she was diagnosed with an aggressive form of bone cancer. Inspired by CAF ambassador Sarah Reinertsen, Breezy made the brave decision to amputate her leg for her best chance at survival. Sarah was the first woman on a prosthetic to complete an IRONMAN and Breezy made the resolve early on to become the youngest. Now 18 years old, Breezy has embarked on her training journey to achieve this goal. Breezy, set your goals for the stars. We know youll reach them! Happy graduation! #CAFPowersThrough #nationalcancersurvivorsday - @caf_norcal on Instagram

#leanintogether #womens3x3 #pinksignature St. Lucia first 3x3 FIBA-endorsed event - @fibaamericas3x3 on Instagram

Fun season with the Sounders. #limegreenmachines - @melinayres on Instagram

We’ll stop talking about @undercovermusicnyc at some point, swear, but just a heads up that ICYMI on IG last night, you can catch the very dreamy performances (+ very feel-good commentary) from @francescablanchard + @feverdolls over at @thevisceralglitch now— - @bandsdobk on Instagram

Muchas gracias a todos! Sociedad de Alumnos Prepa Anahuac 2020-2021 - @sapa_queretaro on Instagram

Congrats to the JD MTB team on their 2nd place finish! Hayden “Phil” Reilly (soph) took down a 1st place finish is his division! Harley Pikus (soph) with a 2nd place finish and current points leader!! Jacob Galang 6th, Alex Harvey #19 and Ethan Atzet #16 JV-A. Jessica Whitehead #11. Abby Lockington #6. Garrett Doyle #28. The freshman did a great job too!! - @jdchs on Instagram

- @europrinz_gmbh on Instagram

bubble babies ✨ - @victorsolomon on Instagram

True love ♾❤️ @thenotoriousmma @deedevlin1 - @conorsr.conorjr on Instagram

Los mejores ❤️ - @franpacheco.u on Instagram

The Amazing Race 27 began at the Venice Beach Boardwalk today! Similarly to Season 25, the general public was invited to attend the races start, with many race alumni coming to cheer on the new teams, including Season 1 winners Rob and Brennan. Photo creds to @jenniferh92 who attended the races start. The season will premiere on a September 25! #theamazingrace #tar27 - @the__amazing_race on Instagram

▶️ Alweer 3 weken geleden maakten we deze foto tijdens een super gave en speciale dag! Een hele dag lekker tennissen, maar ook andere activiteiten en spelletjes. Wat was het gezellig met jullie! 😄🎉 Ben jij er volgende keer weer bij?! #tenniskampin1dag #fun #wheelchair #tennis #champ #tvnieuwesloot - @esthervergeerfoundation on Instagram

Last but certainly not least we have Caitlin Donoghue who is our Co-Chair for Social Media and Communications 📸 swipe to see her facts! - @wise_cuse on Instagram

When? A #Poem read by Hazel Monaghan (@hazelrahmonaghan) #iamakoropaluwah #Love #LovePoem #intimacy #soft #slumber #poetry #poet #wordporn #poets #poetryporn #Nature #poetsofinstagram #poetsofig #poetsociety #emotions #sunset #smile #igpoem #poems #loveposts #heartofpoets #hop #poetrylovers #wordgasm #micropoetry #lovepoems #omypoetry - @iamakoropaluwah on Instagram

Te pasó alguna vez de comer lo que tus hijos dejan en el plato para no tirar? Te paso alguna vez de tomarte el yogur que les compraste y los chicos decidieron que “no les gusta mas” y para no tirarlo decís me lo tomo yo? . Te pasó de tener un plan armado para salir con una amiga y suspenderlo porque tu hij@ tiene prueba y tenes que estudiar con ellos así ponen la cola en la silla y se concentran? Te pasó de ser la hija que NO tiene hijos y que en la familia asuman que por ese motivo sos la mas “desocupada” y la que se ocupa siempre de los asuntos familiares ? A mi SI me paso! Hasta que un dia dije BASTA. Basta de comer el puré de los chicas para no tirarlo, basta de comer las sobras de la familia o hacer lo que nadie quiere! . Estando en una sesión álgida de terapia mi psicóloga me preguntó: “Fabi porque se pone usted sola en el lugar del tacho??” . Bueno, sencillamente correr es lo que me saca de ahí! Eso. Cuando corro soy de nuevo yo. No como los restos de nadie ni soy el salvoconducto de la humanidad. Soy simplemente yo. Fabi la que corre, la que canta mientras corre, la que baila mientras corre, la que despeja su mente mientras corre. Así que si alguna vez te sentiste el Tacho, te invito a venir a correr conmigo y despejarnos un rato . Seamos nosotras. . . #fitness #empowerwomen #ejercicio #rutina #ejerciciodesdecasa #gym #correr #run #saliracorrer #volveracorrer #running #empoderamiento #mujeresconfuerza - @empowerun.girls on Instagram

Sound On 🔈 - @icunursesofig on Instagram

Join us for our FW running sessions (Tuesday and Sunday). DM us 📩 if you want to be a Sword Warsaw runner🧘‍♀️🤸🏾‍♀️🏃‍♀️💨 Graphic design by @goosebakedloose #crew#crewlove#run#running#runner#runners#runningcrew#squad#squadgoals#boys#girls#sport#goodvibes#goodvibesonly#fun#goodtime#design#season#forfun#warsaw#warszawa#fit#sunday#tuesday - @swordswarsaw on Instagram

Who’s joining us for the BEST improv comedy in Newport? AKA @bitplayers! Come in for a cocktail and a laugh at 8 PM TONIGHT. • LINK IN BIO FOR TICKETS 🎟 • Music to follow by UV and The Ray at 9:45 PM. $10 cover, 21+ 🎤 • SEE YOU TONIGHT NEWPORT 🤟🏼🤟🏾 - @newportblues on Instagram

Nog van gister⚽️ Even oefenen voordat ze tegen de wijkagenten gingen voetballen! En ja hoor ze hebben gewoon gewonnen volgende week mogen ze naar de sportcampus in het Zuiderpark tegen andere stadsdelen! Hou jij ook van voetbal? - @voorwelzijn_rachel on Instagram

tw: depression // on Christmas morning of my fourteenth year, i unwrapped the book ‘the perks of being a wallflower’ (and also my very first iphone pictured above but that’s unimportant right now). my mother thought i would like it. she was wrong. in december of 2012, i was coming out of my first depression. i had no idea what had just happened to me. i was numb. a lot of kids dive into the darkness searching for anyone that can relate to what they’re going through. not me. i ran and didn’t look back. i refused to hear anything dark. i watched the brady bunch and disney channel and reverted into myself afraid that anything sad would plunge me back to that evil place. and then i read my christmas gift. it was a book full of dark and sad things threatening to send me to the end of myself. it contained my worst fears and i wouldn’t have any of it. the movie was all the rage but i stayed far from it. to the point that once at a friends house, all my friends wanted to watch it and i wouldn’t budge or tell them why. it was... awkward... but nothing was worth it. last night, after 8 years, i finally watched the movie the perks of being a wallflower. i always knew that it was an amazing story it was just bad timing. i’m not sure i’ll ever be able to read it in the way it deserves. i’m 22 and i watched the movie between the gaps in my fingers. but i love it & i’m grateful for people who can take terrible darkness and weave it into something beautiful so the rest of us can share in the infinity. if you’re still reading this, what i’m trying to say is it’s okay that a story that isn’t hard for some people is hard for you. it’s okay to know your triggers and say no. it’s okay to wait 8 years to watch a movie you know you’ll like & it’s worth celebrating when you finally do. i don’t think we talk about triggers enough. they can be seemingly non-scary things that transport you to ‘the bad place’. tell the people you love what these things are. and if you love someone with triggers, warn them/help keep them from them. to my people (you know who you are), thank you for having my back and not letting me go unwittingly into the darkness. - @laneyoverholt on Instagram

Such a great experience! Loved every moment of it. 🏀🔥Thank you to everyone that has helped me along the way x 🙌🏻💖 • #team #ballers #england #spain #nevergiveup #thisgirlcan #mlx #bwycb #hustle #family #memories #future #basketball . • @bballengland @knightsbball09 @gstrickss @violetstutz @eleni_voux @hann4h_g7 @yemisimefful @ledwards_11 @xolivia.1 @http.ufuoma @yxngxlishe_06 . • 📸cr: @annie_coxyworld - @katiecox.14 on Instagram

Вот оно! Самое гениальное фото с футбола😂😂😂 Нам пробивают штрафной. Наши реакции бесценны! Принимаются названия наших реакций! На фото @chebotarev_dima, Хабенский, @dobronravov.fedor, @viktor_dobronravov и я. Что мы делаем, стоя в стенке?😂😂😂 @khabensky_fund @patrikifilmfestival #благотворительныйфондхабенского - @aburkovskiy on Instagram

#tbt that feeling you get when realize you ran your butt off to qualify for a virtual event 😢 The 2020 Boston Marathon is officially a virtual event. It is completely understandable, but it still stings. #bostonmarathon2020 - @t.w_o_l_f_e on Instagram

Caption this quickly plz - @cousinstizz on Instagram

The stages of me ending up in a Jewish camp, failing to get over a tennis racket and then preforming with the one and only @erichunkermusic - @nickmatalote on Instagram

- Alumni Legacy

We are excited to reveal the winners of the community vote for the Campaign for Local Community Nonprofit Advertising Fund! The following local nonprofit organizations are going to receive advertising credit on 97.9 The Hill and Chapelboro.com thanks to the generous donations of our community: Carolina For The Kids Foundation @carolinaftk Chapel Hill Service League @chserviceleague Empowerment, Inc @empowermentincnc Eyes Ears Nose and Paws Inter-Faith Council for Social Service @ifcforsocialservice Meals on Wheels Durham @mowdurham Paws4ever @paws4ever_nc South Orange Rescue Squad @southorangerescuesquad CEF: Community Empowerment Fund @communityef Volunteers for Youth @volunteersforyouth Help these ten local nonprofit organizations spread the word about their services while also supporting our station during a difficult time. If you can, please donate today at Chapelboro.com/CampaignForLocal. Thank you! - @wchlchapelboro on Instagram

If you haven’t already, check out my band @theaquadolls and our latest cover video of Long Time Gone by the Dixie chicks! Link in bio 🥁🤠yeehaw S/O to @ryanrenomarino for my siq drum decal :) PC: @xsamsonx - @jrollaaa on Instagram

Congratulations @annabmilton for being our first post 🤩🤩 We love seeing our fellow gators showing pride while wearing masks 🐊💕 - @masksonuf on Instagram

Follow @comeontuesday she is stunning and super gorgeous 😄 I literally love her photos to death, follow this amazing, talented girl @comeontuesday @comeontuesday @comeontuesday - @amateurs on Instagram

Onze supergezellige en zeer bijzondere dagen in Berlijn zitten er weer op. Rondje Berlijn lopend, fietsend en ff een concertje van Justin Bieber met Mirte Valstar. - @suzantenbarge on Instagram

@elliot_levi_giles finishes his 2020 track season with a PB for 2nd place at the Doha DL 🔥 . . . #PHXTRK #nike #nikerunning #nikelondon #PB #personalbest #800 #800m #track #athletics #running #run #doha #diamondleague - @phxtrk on Instagram

#basketball #nbb #basquetecearense #voacarcará #basquetenoceara #basquete #nba #basket - @basquetenoceara on Instagram

#finoadomani - @giovi_farinella on Instagram

Happy Sweet 16, Maddie! We love you more than words can say! Keep working hard, have fun and listen to your Mom!😉💕🎉🍰 - @ahlgren1216 on Instagram

“How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word.” -Psalm 118:13 being a christian is not just going to church on sundays. once you surrender yourself to Jesus, your faith should be the first thing on your mind. every single day should be about him, not just when you feel like it. you have to show what you believe in through everything that you do. as proverbs 27:1 says “As water reflects the face, so the heart reflects the person.” the way you act outside of church and events such as fuge camp really shows how pure your heart is. i sure know i mess up a LOT. but that’s okay, if we were perfect Jesus wouldn’t have had to die on the cross for us. something big we talked about this week was the fact that you are never too far gone. it doesn’t matter how deep in to sin you may feel, there is absolutely nothing that our Father cannot do. people often bring up my past and say things like “i know what you did” or “remember how you used to” yes, i remember. and i probably won’t forget it either. but that’s not the point. all of that is washed away. it’s gone. i’m restored. it doesn’t matter what i did then, because i’ve changed. i didn’t just ask for forgiveness, say i believe in God and then go and do it again. i asked for salvation. i asked God to completely wash away my sins and restore my broken soul. and then i set my heart on him and decided to fully follow him. yes i still mess up, yes i still struggle with things. but that doesn’t determine anything. i am God’s. and he is mine. so without further ado, JESUSSSSSS - @lukeaveryy on Instagram

Jesus is my foundation. It’s a privilege to be out here. I don’t have time for meaningless things. #hardestworkerintheroom #basketball #godsplan - @a.lane15 on Instagram

📌🔜📢 •LOADING 2020• No, non avete visto male.. Doppio SHARK BLOCK!! 🦈🦈 #WePlayProWePlayFootvolley #footvolley #futevolei #game #sport #play #beach #estate #summer #sand #GoHardOrGoHome #SharkAttack #NoExcuses - @footvolleyworldstars on Instagram

Sabe quando você vê um #tbt e relembra que está devendo uma!!! @aderlucianascimento OBRIGADA 😘❤!!!! Esse foi um dia oloko. Jogando com @3gerardpique . . . - @pamelladelfino_bjj on Instagram

only here for the senior discount #ballsout - @meg.98 on Instagram

On the last day of #iranissafe 5,000-km-trip, @khosro_ronagh talks with a young lady from Netherlands 🇳🇱 who’s been traveling around Iran for three weeks. . . . Watch the interview & see what she thinks of Iran. - @iranissafe on Instagram

Джоан Бенуа Самуэльсон — это американская бегунья, которая выиграла марафон на Играх-1984 в Лос-Анджелесе, став первой победительницей олимпийского марафона среди женщин 🏆 Ещё Джоан дважды побеждала в Бостоне, выигрывала в Чикаго и Окленде и для своего поколения бегуний была иконой. ⠀ Участие Джоан в олимпийском марафоне было под вопросом, ведь всего за 17 дней до отборочных стартов она перенесла операцию на ноге. И все же этого времени хватило, чтобы восстановиться, поучаствовать и победить!😱 ⠀ К моменту старта Игр в Лос-Анджелесе будущая чемпионка уже была двукратной победительницей Бостона, но после первого женского олимпийского забега начался новый виток популярности марафонов среди женщин. ⠀ Да ещё и производители спортивной экипировки стали ориентироваться на женщин и использовать в своих кампаниях лучших бегуний мира 😎 ⠀ 🏃🚴⛷ ⠀ #bestdontrest #спорт #цитата #спортэтожизнь #мотивация #мотивацияспорт #мотивациябег #мотивациякаждыйдень #цитатаспорт #спортивнаяцитата - @bestdontrestcom on Instagram