Team Poland Profile Pics

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- Old Town in Warsaw after Legia won the championship


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אל תשכחו יש לנו ארץ נהדרת - @lynngurevich on Instagram


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- Our World is in Unrest.


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Uwielbiam z nimi pracować Lea Oleksiak @leaoleksiak i Wojtek Kuliński #wojciechkulinski, @leaoleksiak @nasygnale.official @nasygnale.fani #makeup #charakteryzacja #serial #zdjecia #makeupartist #makijaż #actor #aktor #aktorka #actress - @makeupart.anetastupak on Instagram

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UNFASSBAR geiler zweiter Platz für Team Amboss bei den Region Battles der @fitnessbundesliga! Wir danken allen Zuschauern, die das Team nach vorne gepusht haben! Ohne euch... ihr wisst schon 😘😉 - @amboss_athletics on Instagram


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+++ Freies Training beim FC Rüspel/ Weertzen +++ Ihr wolltet schon immer mal ein bisschen gegen die Pille treten oder zeigen, was ihr fussballerisch so drauf habt? Dann ist das hier eure Chance! 😉 Denn ihr habt am Freitag, den 07.08. um 19 Uhr die Möglichkeit dazu! 🙌🏼 Wer Freitag keine Zeit hat oder vom Freitag nicht genug bekommen konnte, hat am Sonntag, den 09.08. um 12 Uhr erneut die Chance mit den Kreispokalhalbfinalisten der Saison 19/20 zu kicken! Alles was ihr mitbringen müsst, ist Freude am Fußball - Für das leibliche Wohl wird gesorgt! WIR FREUEN UNS AUF EUCH! 💙🖤 . . . . . . ©️Foto: 08.09.2019 - @fc_ruespelweertzen on Instagram

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- Cast Marvel

Goalkeeper Wojciech Szczesny of Poland looks on prior to the 2018...

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Squad! Thankful for the memories, now its all about Premier! #shingitaiforever #pmalakehighlands #grizzly #grizzlyden #grizzfam - @grizzly_kimball on Instagram

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3/3 wins, phase 1 complete 🥶 - @lucyroberttss on Instagram

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Wonderful evening at our Trans and Friends cafe InClusion at the @themanoramsterdam 😊🤗😍👌🏻👌🏼👌🏽👌🏾👌🏿❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🏳️‍🌈 *Thanks to Sam our photographer for the wonderful photos - @transamsterdam on Instagram

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World championships are knocking on the door. Lets start this Swiss Team! You are strong, ready and confident! Thank you very much to all the volunteers who are helping those kiddos during the event. Good luck guys!!! 🇨🇭🏆💪 - @coachhervekrebs on Instagram

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Human pyramid as stable as our patients 😂 1905 Congrats team 🎉🚑 #qualified #paramedics #humanpyramid - @hashbrown_14 on Instagram

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- Hypocritical Romania

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- Complete Transparency

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Dziś na trening wpadl nie kto inny tylko @lachuyt - czyli całkiem jutubersko. Będziemy troche działać nad jego sylwetka i postaramy się przyspieszyć jego powrót po kontuzji :). Niedługo na jego kanale początkj naszej współpracy. #silazubra - @karoldacosta on Instagram

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- 2018 World Cup Russia

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- Love at First Sight.

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На территории спортивного комплекса «Энергия» (ул. П.Л. Морозова, д. 30) состоялись соревнования по пляжному волейболу среди студентов юношей и девушек Индустриального района.🏐🏐🏐 В мероприятии приняли участие 9 команд, представляющие Промышленно-экономический техникум, Колледж отраслевых технологий и сферы обслуживания, Педагогический колледж.👫👫👫 В упорной борьбе ребята продемонстрировали спортивное мастерство, интересную, динамичную игру. По итогам проведенных игр в командном зачете места распределились следующим образом.👍👏🎉 Среди девушек: - 1 место - команда (II) промышленно-экономического техникума; - 2 место - команда (I) промышленно-экономического техникума; - 3 место - команда педагогического колледжа. Среди юношей: - 1 место - команда (I) промышленно-экономического техникума; - 2 место - команда колледжа отраслевых технологий и сферы обслуживания; - 3 место - команда (II) промышленно-экономического техникума. ⠀ 👇👇👇👇🌟🌟🌟🌟👇👇👇👇🏐🏐🏐🏐👇👇👇👇 ⠀ Подписывайся, коль не стесняешься😉😎 😀 🤳Instagram: 🙇Facebook: ⠀ #волейбол #75летпобеды #спорт #sport #сила #бег #мотивация #прыжок #зал #фестиваль #поддержка #пляж #творчество #форма #питание #нормы #знак #физра #хабаровск2020 #хабаровскдети #Хабаровск #khb #instakhv #khv_foto #khv27 #khb #тест #хабаровск27 #khv - @indray1936 on Instagram

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- El turista

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- The Spanish Flu

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Que viagem maneira, talvez a melhor de todas que já fiz, gratidão a todos que compartilharam bons momentos comigo por aqui... Voltando pro Brasil feliz e renovado para trabalhar bastante e buscar nossos objetivos! #goimp - @adrrrcsgo on Instagram

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- Twitch, League of Legend, Obsession

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Llawn Balchder ❤ - @rsrowe13 on Instagram

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4 hari setelah Inggris dan Perancis menyatakan perang, Perancis melancarkan serangan ke Saarland, Jerman untuk mengalihkan perhatian Jerman sekaligus menunjukkan kepada publik bahwa Polandia tidak ditinggalkan. Meskiput 30 divisi maju ke perbatasan, serangan itu tidak pernah terjadi. Ketika kemenangan cepat di Polandia memungkinkan Jerman untuk memperkuat garis pertahanannya dengan pasukan cadangan, serangan itu dapat dihentikan. Pada akhirnya Pasukan Prancis mundur pada 17 Oktober. #memes #memeindonesia #memesejarah #historymemes #historicalmemes #karyaanggotarhc #karyarakyatfms #karyapengikutjs #perangdunia2 #worldwar2 #saarlandoffensivefürgründung #saarland - @memesejarahkita on Instagram

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@ambulansefag_odvgs I dag feirer vi PRIDE på Olav Duun vgs. 🏳️‍🌈 #LoveIsLove 💛💜💚💙❤️ - @ambulanseforum on Instagram

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Great first shift back after having few weeks off. Thanks to my boys for letting me get a little nozzle time🚒🔥 #dreamteam - @bobby_sully on Instagram

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- Flags: Europe

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- A Tale of Two Englands

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#самбо #сборнаяроссии #сборная #спорт #медицина #спортивнаямедицина #москва - @dr._voronov on Instagram

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Кубок России 2018 #footvolleyworld #futevolei #footvolley #footvolleyfamily #footvolleyRussia - @russian_footvolley_official on Instagram

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Finally after 2 weeks AFK! Special cold war Cold war explanation: The Cold War was a period of geopolitical tension between the Soviet Union and the United States and their respective allies, the Eastern Bloc and the Western Bloc, after World War II. The period is generally considered to span the 1947 Truman Doctrine to the 1991 dissolution of the Soviet Union. ------------------------------------------------ Hastags🚩 #coldwar #communism #sovietunion #soviet #historymemes #history #dagelan #9gag #memeindo #coldwarmemes #nato #warsawtreaty #memesejarahdunia #sejarah #america #finland #switzerland #karyarakyatdms #savelioning - @random_ppl.v1 on Instagram

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- Tom Wlaschiha, pictured here with other GoT cast members; John Bradley, Gemma Whelan and Faye Marsay. A girl enjoys him. :)

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- Theyre All Muslims [NOW FIXED W/ NO SHADING]

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- Italy cannot into European Power

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Ein Teil unserer Crew ♥️ #coronarebellenduesseldorf #coronarebellen #berlin #coronademo #anticorona #greatawakening #stayawake #crd #losrebellos #team #nieohnemeinteam #querdenken #umdenken #bleibwach #aufwachen #aluhut #freiheit #frieden #revolution #demokratie #democracyisdying #freiheitskämpfer #fürdiekinder #befreitdiekinder #pizzagate #fuckmerkel #fuckgates #fuckspahn #demonstration #liebe - @coronarebellenduesseldorf on Instagram

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Non svegliateci! 😍 Vittoria per 3-1 a Casalmaggiore al termine di una battaglia entusiasmante! #TrentinoRosa #ForzaTrentinoRosa - @trentino_rosa on Instagram

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- Democracy with Asian Characteristics

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GAMMA has added 25 additional member federations in support of its efforts to develop #mixedmartialarts around the world. From 55 member federations in 2019, GAMMA has now seen that number rise to a total of 80 in 2020 and continues to invite other nations to become member federations. - @gammaworldwide on Instagram

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- Your islands are belong to us

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Jak Piątek to sparingi 💪🤼‍♂️ #trening #walki #sobieski #poznań #hardwork #wrestling #power #fights #tokyo2021 #motivation #poland #athlete - @michaliktadeusz_97 on Instagram

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Новая серия на канале! Спасибо всем, кто с нами 🙌🏼 Ссылка в профиле, а это фото с того съемочного дня 🎥 @drepak 💪🏽 @gocha_chivchyan ⠀ #стройигаси ⠀ #180sx #200sx #240sx #s13 #rps13 #silvia #s15 #odyvia #jdm #gorillaenergy #kartelteam #purple #drift #дрифт #stancenation #stance #workequip #silviamadness #nismo #sr20det #180sxgram #nissan #work #fitment #workequip - @spartak_a on Instagram

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Vítězná selfie 🤳❤️ #Repost @svitule10 ・・・ Vezmeme domu 3 bodyyy💪💪🇨🇿❤️❤️❤️ - @zenyfotbal on Instagram

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Wed never ask you to choose between the @chiefs and a #townhall! Therefore, due to Monday Night Football, we plan to move todays public town hall to 5 p.m. #RunItBack #KCMO #KansasCity #ChiefsKingdom - @kcmogov on Instagram

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Thank you Gretchen Evans and Frank PR for your time and dedication to this article. Great stuff from Team UNBROKEN - Eco Challenge Fiji! #teamunbroken #ecochallengefiji #military #disabledveteran #enduranceathlete - @endurancesportsmag on Instagram

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On Sunday 2.08 we went for an exciting adventure in the second edition of Hiking with Pride in Latvia 🇱🇻 (because #pride of being queer doesn’t end with the pride month)! 🏳️‍🌈 . . 📸🔛 Swipe right & left to see our group pictures & highlight momentums! . . 🚶🏾We explored the local forests in Gaujas Nacionalais parks, conquered some hills and rivers, saw breath taking views at Līču-Laņģu klintis, as we enjoyed the community atmosphere with all the lovely creatures who joined on the experience! 🏞️⛱️🌴 . . 😍 Thank you everyone who joined - that was a magical way how to start a new summer month! . . 🔜 If you are keen on similar hiking adventures - press like and spread the message for your friends to join! . . #ActiveRainbow #HikingwithPride #outdoor #hike #experiential #learning #community #pride #queer #lgbtcommunity #loveislove #challenge #connection #lgbtqia #lgbt #nature #group #photography - @active_rainbow on Instagram

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My 23rd birthday is coming up in 3 weeks which would make it 12 years since I first started playing hockey and I’ve found myself being quite reflective during this lockdown, pandemic, whatever you wanna call it _ 5 years ago I got my first England U18/21 call ups but I feel like since then I began to play to gain respect from my peers or coaches and my love for the game was beginning to wane and take its toll on me mentally, to the point where in my second year at uni I cried for what was essentially a whole semester because I wasn’t making selection and each email that didn’t have my name on the teamsheet felt like a constant reminder that I wasn’t good enough. So I stopped playing for year. _ I’m back playing now and in a much better headspace and if there’s 3 things I’ve learnt over the past twelve years it’s this _ 1. Doing something together with a team of people is amazing, great friendships can be formed _ 2. There is joy in the graft, in waking up each day finding ways to perfect your skill _ 3. Don’t seek validation from other people or something external, it leaves you burdened _ Hope this encourages someone! These photos represent some of my proudest memories 😁 - @tskmusic_ on Instagram

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- Balkan Wars, Chapter IV: A new Greece.

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Der Zug bleibt nie stehen Wir fahren bis zum Ziel mit denen die am Bord sind 💪🏽💪🏽🔪🔪💥 Follow dem Strong Boys @alenlovko @wolf.p.1 @deniclay80 @ahmad_al_shorbaji @tyiz249 @nino24_7 @jacomo1984 @mr_onyx79 @peterroe @osyris1 @bangmike1208 @bollyboygermany @ergyl.x @donny_fit_cgn @bigsnake.hcs #teamstrong 🦍🦍 🔴Coach @strongmick #bodybuilding #wettkampf #goldenboys #newera #flex #muscle #gym #aachen - @hardcorestation_aachen on Instagram

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- Manchester united images

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Za nami nie najlepsza noc dla polskiego MMA, ale za to poranek już bardzo miły, bo wylądował szczęśliwie przyszły mistrz UFC @janblachowicz z najbliższymi 😊 #mma #champ #ufc #blachowicz #jones #champion #juras #sunday #happy #morning #blachowiczjones #sport #photooftheday #wca #fight #team - @filipbatkowski on Instagram

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Today we are at Pixel Connect Conference! Our colleague Paweł Weder, Head of the Huuuge Cracow Studio will give a lecture about hyper-casual gaming and the activities of Tap Tap Games by Huuuge Games. #pixelheaven #pixelconnect2019 #event #huuuge #chillzone #gaming #gamedevelopment #hypercasual #mobilegames #mobile - @huuugegames on Instagram

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[Résultats jeunes 🔴🔵] Un seul match officiel et une belle qualification pour le 3e tour de la coupe Gambardella pour nos U18. ❌U11 Amical : RcDoué(1) 2-1 USB(1) ✅U11 Amical : RcDoué(2) 2-4 USB(2) ❌U11 Amical : RcDoué(3) 1-6 USB(3) ❌U13 Amical : USB(1) 5-7 RcDoué(1) ❌U13 Amical : USB(2) 1-6 RcDoué(2) ✅U13 Amical : USB(3) 8-1 RcDoué(3) ❌U13 Amical : StMath(1) 10-4 USB(4) ❌U14 Amical : LionAvire(2) 5-3 USB(3) ✅U15 Amical : MazeBaune(2) 1-10 USB(2) ✅U17 Amical : USB(2) 10-0 Ang. Ndc(2) ✅U18 Gambardella : Ch.DuLoir(1) 0-2 USB(1) 👍Sans oublier nos féminines qui réalisées une opposition avec les catégories U11F et U13F. 💪La suite avec les seniors en championnat ce dimanche - @us_beaufort_foot on Instagram

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- British Vintage

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Oregon, more than a team... A big family🤜🏼🤛🏼 #Oregonhockey #Oregonfamily #hockey #fieldhockey #family #hockeybelgium #Belgium - @oregon_hockey on Instagram

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- Ben Mee

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Being part of a team means lifting each other up, even when we’re tired and sweaty. I’m beyond thankful to be part of this amazing group of people on @smst2team and I can’t wait for all the adventures ahead ❄️❄️❄️ #abs #squats #YOULATE - @saxtonskier on Instagram

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Водолазов вызывали?🤗Бабура сними свои Nike уже😾#goalkeepers#uhlsport#adidas - @sosik8787 on Instagram

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Ferd was erbij! 😂 #ferd #feyenoord #dekuip #sorry - @dumpertsport on Instagram

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Super excited for winning the @manitobasoccerassociation Futsal Provincials for the second year in a row. Thanks to my teammates and everyone who supported us somehow on this journey. #futsal #futsalisnow #canfutsal - @andr3mo on Instagram

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Ter Leede Vrouwen 1: De volgende ronde in de KNVB beker is bereikt! Afgelopen zaterdag werd ook de tweede beker wedstrijd gewonnen door Ter Leede. Na een mooie strijd tegen Sparta was het dit weekend een uitduel tegen CSW. Een lastige tegenstander die het achterin goed dicht wist te houden. Het team van Coach Vincent begon goed aan de wedstrijd en wist op een 0-2 voorsprong te komen. Toch was CSW nog niet uitgespeeld en schoot een mooi afstandsschot binnen. Ter Leede liep uit tot een 1-3 overwinning, speelde een prima wedstrijd en gaat verder in de Beker. Gefeliciteerd Dames ! Eindstand: Csw vr1 tegen Ter Leede Vr1 (1-3) Komend weekend zijn de vrouwen van SSS op bezoek voor zowel ons Vr1 als Vr2. Komt u ook kijken? - @terleededames on Instagram

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All inclusive für Bienen, Hummeln und Co: Landwirtschaftsministerin Barbara Otte-Kinast und Wissenschaftsminister Björn Thümler haben heute das neue Insektenhotel vor dem MWK eröffnet. Aufgebaut haben es angehende Forstwirte der Niedersächsischen @landesforsten . Ein herzliches Dankeschön dafür! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ @mlniedersachsen #Niedersachsen #Wissenschaft #Forschung #Kultur #Artenschutz #Insektenschutz #Unweltschutz #Artenvielfalt #Hannover #Leibnizufer - @nds_wissenschaft_kultur on Instagram

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- Right wing nationalists solution to the refugee crisis

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Quando vinci 1 a 0 con il Napoli!! In goal su rigore #NoemiManno! Buon compleanno #isabellacardone - @fcbaripink on Instagram

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- Chicago Blackhawks

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- Hurricane Tuga

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Сегодня было хорошое сражение двух сборных 🤼‍♂️Мы старались как могли 😁,чтобы все прошло в рамках правил игры @stokodnomutv Скоро на Росси 1 будет выпуск нашего выступления в иной форме 😉💪🏻 #sambo #stokodnomu #tv #fias #denisgoltsov - @denis_goltsov on Instagram

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What a fantastic weekend for roundnet. Thank you to all the athletes that attended our Summer Tour Stop. Congratulations to the winners from each division, including the egg toss winners! - - #YYCRoundnet #RoundnetAlberta #Roundnet #JoinTheMovement #Spikeball @spikeball @roundnetalberta @cathedralbrand - @calgaryroundnetclub on Instagram

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- The year is 1956...

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Početkom tjedna najavljena je nova natjecateljska sezona Paket 24 Premijer lige rukometaša te nastavak suradnje između RK Zamet i Ine kroz RINA akademiju. 🤾‍♂️ Dugogodišnja suradnja rezultirala je brojnim uspjesima, a u dosadašnjih devet godina mladi Zametovi igrači postizali su respektabilne rezultate. 🏆 Drago nam je što smo kroz podršku akademiji potaknuli mlade igrače da razviju svoj talent i pomogli u izgradnji novih profesionalnih rukometaša. #INAHrvatska #DokazanoNajbolja - @inahrvatska on Instagram

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You know how the saying goes: #teamwork makes the dream work! Marriott associates from hotels around Vancouver recently joined forces for a day of volunteerism to clean up the heart of their downtown. Kudos, teams! 👏 📸: @vanmarriott - @marriottcareers on Instagram

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- Hungary is of imperial again

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. به خانواده بزرگ SSI بپیوندید 👌👍✌ برای دریافت اطلاعات بیشتر میتوانید با مرکز خدمات و پشتیبانی SSI در ایران‌ تماس بگیرید. ۰۲۱-۸۸۶۸۸۷۳۴ ۰۹۱۲۱۰۹۵۰۹۸ . به روزترین باشید... SSI باشید... . آموزش غواصی اسکوبا و غواصی آزاد از مقدماتی تا پیشرفته آموزش تخصص های متنوع غواصی تحت لیسانس سیستم SSI بزرگترین سازمان بین المللی آموزش غواصی بر پایه مدارس غواصی . Scuba Diving & Free Diving Courses From Beginners to Professionals Varied Specialty Courses SSI - The Worlds Largest Store Based Training Agency. . #SSI #ScubaSchoolsInternational #SSI_IRAN #Scuba #ScubaDiving #Diving #FreeDiving #InstructorCrossOver #ScubaDivingCourse #CrossOver #ScubaDivingInstructors #TechnicalDiving #WeAreSSI #IAMSSI #ScubaDivingInstructor #DiveSSI #RecreationalDiving #SportDiving #ExtendedRange #غواصی #آموزش_غواصی #مدرسه_غواصی #کراس_اوور_مربی_غواصی #مربی_غواصی #غواصی_تفریحی #غواصی_ورزشی #غواصی_تکنیکال #غواصی_آزاد #غواصی_در_ایران #مدرک_غواصی_بین_المللی - @ssi_iran on Instagram

fussball soccer challenge league sfl fcwinterthur

- @mr._ilya_alexandrovich on Instagram

bartek bartek kurek %C5%82ysy gang%C5%82ysego bartosz kurek

With the crew 🚢⚓. I truly miss school days 🏫📚📔 and would like to say thank u to my broskis and other broskis as well, ahah👨, who has done school years 🎒, one of my favourite years✨. Much love 💞, hope 🤞to meet with u asap, guys. The best of the best in the whole 🌍. #friends, #appreciateyourfriends, #goodtimes, #missthesedays, #crew, #crewlife, #smile, #pics, #gotothefuture, #boyz, #boysforlife, #lifestyle, #boys4life, #fitnessmen, #timeslikethese, #summertime, #fitnessforlife, #broskis - @danielfitnessforlife on Instagram

represent demi vance northern ireland proud excited

- A road sign in Berlin indicating distances of each German territories.

siatkarski gif volleyball volley siatkowka team poland

- Jamestown colony

sports sportsmanias panini panini america who do you collect

- Poland is cube!

happy volleyball dru%C5%BCyna team polska

- Polands decision

- Mainz banner : “for us it was clear all the time, now it is official: Jurgen Klopp is the best of the world.”

- Iran and Palestine play a game

Your 2019 Dallas Beer Guardians player of the year @paxipomy! - @dallasguardians on Instagram

SIEGERFOTO 😍🔥 #vorbereitung #landesliga #frauenfussball #lfc #lfcfrauen #einteam #testspiel #sieg - @ludwigsfelderfcfrauen on Instagram

- Times Europe was saved from the Germans

Welcome to home Skytteholm Ip 3pt vamos 🙏🏿💪🏿 - @traore_mai_officiel on Instagram


- @croixrougemc on Instagram

Bizar toch? Dat we bij de start van de New Nexus Social Distance Marathon er alles aan deden om elkaar niet tegen te komen en we de mooie houten medailles nu weer op kantoor kunnen uitreiken. 25 collega’s renden in twee weken 6 etappes door Groningen en Drenthe. Alleen. BI-consultant Pieter Meindertsma draaide met de data uit Strava een mooi #PowerBI dashboardje in elkaar voor het eindklassement. Luciano Pappalettera strijkt met de eer omdat hij elke etappe het snelst liep en ze bovendien allemaal binnen een week voltooide. Inmiddels zijn verschillende collega’s samen alweer nieuwe sportieve uitdagingen aangegaan, variërend van een dagelijks oplopend aantal push-ups tot virtueel Pieterpad lopen. Keep IT moving! #ITsourDNA - @newnexus_nl on Instagram

#teamwork #lgnordberlin #djm #heilbronn #lateseason @langundlaufladen @pumaperformance @puma @pumasportstyle #langundlaufladen @bycasfor @grosskopfnadine @caro_joyeux @florarustemeyer @frederik.pmz @tomsnntg @lcb.07 @jan_niklas_gw - @lgnordberlin on Instagram

Победители SUPERSPRINT K1W 100 m 19+ AAACUP2020 ⠀ В одной из самых ожидаемых и зрелищных гонок на нашем юбилейном кубке среди женщин на байдарках медали и призовые распределились следующим образом: ⠀ 🥇 Подольская Наталья @podolskayanataly - €5 000 🥈 Ковнир Кристина @kkovnir - €2 500 🥉 Литвинчук Марина @marynalitvinchuk €1 250 ⠀ 4 место - Медведева Мария €600 5-8 место - Панченко Анастасия, Карамнова Анастасия, Худенко Ольга, Красс Луиза - по €300 ⠀ Еще раз от всей души поздравляем наших участников, ждем новых побед и рекордов на следующем Кубке! - on Instagram

- Matador de Austria

- Finnish Art of War

- To do list Van Gaal

- America is stealing all the glory :(

Wat een mooie dag! 🥰 Samen sterk 💪💪🏽💪🏿 Wij strijden voor onze vrijheid, voor onze toekomst en voor die van de volgende generaties... Wij strijden voor het welzijn van onze medemens, voor de vele mensen die zwaar getroffen worden door de draconische maatregelen... Voor de kinderen die slachtoffer zijn van geweld en pedofielen... Wij gaan door... Zolang als dat het nodig is! Hopelijk zie ik jullie bij een volgende demonstratie 🙏💜 Eén voor allen en allen voor één! Yassssss 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #vrijheidsstrijders - @kristelmelissaelstak on Instagram

- An interesting title

- Travel - Scandinavia

- Polandball Map of the UK

- The flag of Geneva, Switzerland

- Sports storage

- hypocrites

- Austria

- England national

- Five Stages of Invading Russia

#vagentroci - @shaalmii on Instagram

- Haereticus!

- World War II - In Theaters September 1st, 1939!

.... #taekwondo #breathe #fighting #worldchampionships #missingit #martialarts #worldtaekwondo - @yass_ugo on Instagram

- Different types of protection

Příjemné odpoledne, děkuju. 🙆‍♂️👍 #ESAM 🔝🔝🔝☝️ - @libor_holik on Instagram

Unsere Schulen waren schon 2018 digital abgehängt. Das zeigt auch die aktuelle #Pisa-Studie. Leider hat das dieses Jahr auch die #Coronakrise wieder deutlich gemacht. Der Unterrichtsausfall beim #Lockdown hat gezeigt, dass wir digital noch lange nicht gut aufgestellt sind. Digitaler Unterricht und Online-Lernplattformen sind bei uns noch immer eine Seltenheit. Dabei finden laut Ifo Bildungsbarometer 97% der Deutschen, dass Schulen dazu verpflichtet sein müssen Online-Unterricht anzubieten, wenn Schulen länger als eine Woche schließen müssen. Auch der Staat hat eine Schulpflicht: Unterricht darf nicht noch einmal ausfallen! Also: Machen wir die Bildung zur Top-Priorität! Investieren wir in WLAN an allen Schulen, Fortbildungen der Lehrkräfte, Online-Lernwelten, Schulgebäude und technisches Equipment! 💪🚀 #WeltBesteBildung #oecd #bildung - @fdp on Instagram

Words of wisdom 🙌 ⚫️💛🔴 #belgium #united #ceepcalm #quote #crown #flag #unity #visit_belgium - @visit_belgium on Instagram

- Happy Birthday to Alexander Buttner... Buttner 1 ------- Gerrard 0

Kulturminister Abid Raja fikk æren av å åpne den åtte meter høye skulpturen Eye of the north i Langåsen skulpturpark lørdag. Les hele saken og ser bildeserie på! - @vaganavisa on Instagram

- Burma campaign

- Mali-cious Machinery

- Poland Wants Holy Sight

- Was für Masterbewerbungen in den Niederlanden und Schweden klappt, kann in Deutschland natürlich nicht sein

Its a very special week for me and this amazing team this week as its one full year to this week since we set off on our journey from London to Ballaghadereen by bike and raising over £250,000 for two amazing charities. It was a very long, tough but memorable week that changed all our lives and so many others lives forever. I will always be grateful to this team for giving me the best week of my life so far and I hope we get the opportunity to come together again and achieve something even bigger! On this day we were setting off for the final stretch into Liverpool and it was the best day for me as we got to experience cycling over the Mersey River along with some amazing scenery before finally feeling the relief of landing at our stop in Liverpool after three tough days both mentally and physically 😊 Until the next one ✌️ #L2B #london #liverpool #imnda #cycling #londontomayo #memories #Mrireland #MI20 #Mersey #wellandtruelylifted #teamL2B - @brian_carr120 on Instagram

- Germany was just defending itself

- Wine Nationalism

European Family . From: u/FlaninAcupboard . . ~D😷 🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩 「」© All Rights and Credits Reserved to the Respective Owner(s). Does not intend to infringe copyright. Please contact us for credit or removal. 🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩Follow @Indonesia_ball for more PolandBall Content. . Liking my content? Running this page need a lot of effort, You can help me by donating in Kofi at link in the bio! 🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩 「TAGS」 #countryball #countryballs #polandball #meme #joke - @indonesia_ball on Instagram

- Winter Holiday

WKU Amateuweltmeisterschaft Oktober 2019 Bregenz 🥊 In der Woche vom 16.-21.10.2019 machten wir uns auf den Weg nach Bregenz, um an der Weltmeisterschaft der WKU im Amateurbereich teilzunehmen. Vier unserer Kämpfer qualifizierten sich bei zahlreichen Turnieren dafür und erbrachten erstaunliche Leistungen im Ring! 💥 🥇 Für Leon Schrock 🥈 Für Kristin Geißler 🥈🥉 Für Christian Müller Pitt Stake musste seinen Podestplatz leider sehr knapp gegen einen Österreicher abgeben. Ein Ergebnis mit dem wir mehr als zufrieden sein können! Wir sind mächtig stolz auf unsere Kämpfer! 💪🏽 #invictus #k1 #kickboxen #kickboxing #thaiboxen #thaiboxing #boxen #boxing #fight #fighter #sport #motivation #gym #crossfit #nevergiveup - @invictuskts on Instagram

- urawa reds

- How WW2 really started

- Fake Friendships

- Seven Years war

- The Colonial Shuffle

- 2 number typography

Happy Canada Day! 🇨🇦🤟🏼 - @operahouseto on Instagram

It was an honor to perform together with the master of kung fu and the best stuntman alive, the one and only @jackiechan 🇨🇳 #dunkingdevils #repost #china #springfestivalgala #chinesenewyear #stuntman #rolemodel #bigshow #jackiechan - @vivalamevzi on Instagram

#FlashbackFriday We may not be gathering on 5th Ave tomorrow, but the show must go on! Join the virtual 63rd annual 🇩🇪🇺🇸 @steubenparadeny tomorrow at noon! #FBF #SteubenParade #Oktoberfest - @germanyny_ on Instagram

Strongman-Crew 🏋️‍♂️ Wenn schon keine Footballspiele stattfinden, müssen sich unsere Spieler anders unter Beweis stellen und nahmen am Newcomer Strongman Contest teil! Und auch dabei schneiden sie sehr erfolgreich ab 💪🏼 #rangersleadtheway #strongman #strong #football #fitness #heavyweight #rangers #afcrangers #afcrangersmödling - @afcrangers on Instagram

- Mjölk

Just thinkin about last years #NHLDraft 💭 #TBT - @usahockey on Instagram

- Andra Världskriget

#ZhiveBelarus! - @cvilcvil on Instagram

- anniversaire

- History of Byzantium

- Italys zits

- The Emperors Old Tricks

- The bucket war

Trenčianske impresie @hossboss81 @zimnykoval @my2ja #hviezdydetom #astrencin #bigfun #charita #skamosmi #funkynálada - @marcelforgac on Instagram

#ilovemywork #superczas #zwariatami #sukceszasukcesem #dzięki #🇵🇱 - @lukaszkuzik on Instagram

@omroep_west heeft een mooi artikel geplaatst over hoe onze Sassenheimse club het vrouwenvoetbal op de kaart zette. Link in bio! Welke bekende gezichten herken jij op deze foto’s? ❤️💛 - @terleededames on Instagram

Impressionen vom gestrigen Fanclub-Ausflug ans @worldcupadelboden Rennen. Vielen Dank allen Mitgliedern und Teilnehmer für den grandiosen Tag! Und herzliche Gratulation an @reto_schmidiger und das ganze @swissskiteam für die tolle Leistung🙌🤸‍♀️ #chuenis #chuenisbärgli #weltcupslalom #adelboden - @teamschmidi on Instagram

- We are not into so much differents after all...

- The conflict that never ends

- HOI4 be like

- free beer

- Best practices for Real Estate

Geschafft!👍...und damit meinen wir nicht die Arbeitswoche, sondern beglückwünschen die 15 neuen Kollegen zur bestandenen Prüfung. 💐🥳🎉In der Abschlussprüfung ging es nochmal hoch hinaus und heiß her. 👩‍🚒🚨🔥Aber das Daumen drücken hat geholfen und nun können alle, auch die Ausbilder zurecht stolz sein. Wir wünschen alles Gute für die berufliche Zukunft und kommt immer wieder gesund nach einem Einsatz zurück.🤞#flughafenfeuerwehrfrankfurt #brandmeisteranwärter #brandmeister #frankfurtairport #frafire #firefighter #abschlussprüfung #werkfeuerwehr - @flughafenfeuerwehr on Instagram

- saltpeter tantrum

- Doubly landlocked

- The dance of cooperation

- Oman is Thinking

- Knock knock, Poland...

- Postwar Relations

- Proper Procedure

What an amazing first day in Spain 🇪🇸 with these great friends, topped off with a big win for Barcelona FC. - @sh3zzer on Instagram

- bad business

- pole dancer

The team! These are the selfless individuals that come together to create the “amazing” effect in all the events we do in UKCG especially the Casting Days. These are the people that will selflessly put themselves out so others live an experience they never forget and also come away feeling elated and fulfilled with confidence about what they have just achieved. Without the dedication and the expertise of the team there would be no organisation to which the brand sits upon. The ideas, solutions and creativity that come from these unique individuals are what makes the UK Calendar Girls brand what it is today! Thank you for creating the amazing in yesterday‘s event and against all odds. Here’s to all the future events together 🙏 - @uk.calendargirls on Instagram

- Look Up In The Sky

Celebrating the Clonakilty Intermediate Ladies football team - our county champions 🏆🤩🥳 Congratulations to everyone involved, all of the team at Scally’s are thrilled for you! 💫 - @scallyssupervalu on Instagram

- Frying Pan

🤩 𝙒 𝙄 𝙉 𝙉 𝙀 𝙍 𝙎 👊 AZ Onder 14 wint de derby tegen Ajax: 3-0. 👉 Penaltykiller: @kevin_pool.1 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #AZO14 #azaja - @azjeugd on Instagram

- Hubris! An Exploration Of The Sciences And A Modern Apologue For Preparatory Caution

- Czech the Agreement

Три года с «Химками» пролетели как один день. За это время команда превратилась из аутсайдера ФНЛ в грозу клубов РПЛ. Вместе с руководством, тренерским штабом, футболистами и персоналом нам удалось впервые в истории выиграть Кубок ФНЛ, во второй раз за 15 лет выйти в финал Кубка России и спустя 11 лет вернуться в Российскую Премьер Лигу. Почти на каждого игрока стартового состава есть спрос и в ближайшее время «Химки» смогут получить хорошую прибыль с продаж. Пора двигаться дальше!​ Ребятам и сотрудникам, которые остались в клубе, хорошего сезона! ​ - @rooney4444 on Instagram

- La révolution

- Tack för alla goda tankar 3

- how to sign

- Iberomance

- Gut Köln

- Asians in Hungary

- Poland starts tailoring business

- So close

- Some things never change

Feyenoord supporters vandaag! 🗣 Feyenoord - Den Haag. 27.09.2020! Via @denoordzijde Follow @ultrassnl for more! #feyenoordrotterdam #feyenoord #rotterdam #ultrassnl #feyado #ultras #ultrasmentality #ultrasmalaya #ultrasliberi #ultraslife #ultrastyle #ultrasworld #tifosi #tifo #firm #youth #casual #hooligans #footballculture #footballcasuals #football #footballclub #stoneisland #eredivisie - @ultrassnl on Instagram


- The real reason is japan is worried about those missiles

- Russia is blind

- Skandinavien idag 3

Happy Canada Day everyone! #weareallteamcanada #37millionstrong - @rosiemaclennan on Instagram

- The Meaning of Life

- Flags: Europe

Graduating seniors - Cruiz, Clayton, Ligrit, Julie, Joey & Iggy. Thank you for representing us so well. The best is yet to come! 🦡❤️ #BadgerFamily #AlwaysHungry - @brockwrestling on Instagram

- Who brings the gifts?

- Foradalom!

- Nuclear physics

- Big Jake


- Dyngus Day

- Germany vs bomb attacks (colorized-2016)

- Goddamit Italy

Three fights tree victories 🏆 A good way to start this year 2020 Great job! #k1 #k1kickboxing #fight #strong #fighter #winner - @main_gym on Instagram

- Finnish Weather

- German Plagiarism

- European Fascism

- The sounds of the east

Die besten! ❤️ Schönes Wochenende! 😘 #rettungsdienst #polizei #ambulance #helfen #einsatz #blaulicht #ersthelfer  #erstehilfe #eh #teamseker #tolgaseker #cologne #köln #berlin #münchen #notfallsanitäter #rettungssanitäter #rettungsassistent #rettungshelfer #drk #juh #asb #112 #rettungswagen #paramedic #rettung #rettungsgasse #rettungshundestaffel - @tolgaseker.official on Instagram

💛🏆❤️ - @krycha_0707 on Instagram

Love them so much❤️ #besten #ZHIG #rtl2 #love #zuhauseimglücklover #💋 - @zuhause_im_glueck_fp on Instagram

- Flags of the world(Mostly countryhumans)

- One None

- elderly empire Austria-Hungary

- Da hat sie recht (link im 1. Kommentar)

- El Fighty Club

- Aliens Slaves?

- German final solution to childhood rebellion

- Hegemon

- Germany on Steroids

- surströmming

- Internet Phenomenon

SK Vidars tropp i årets NM i friidrett . - @skvidar on Instagram

- WWI Chronicles: Romania

Есть такая традиция ✅ новый день в новом городе начинать с утренней пробежки и общения с людьми! ⠀ 📍Сегодня КАЗАНЬ - столица Республики Татарстан, которая в эти дни принимает «АССК.ФЕСТ» @asscrf и его участников - более 2500 студентов из 185 ВУЗов и 14 ССУЗов, представляющих 63 субъектов Российской Федерации ⠀ Фестиваль АССК @asscrf - одно из крупнейших событий в сфере массового студенческого спорта в России 🇷🇺 ⠀ Солнечные ☀️ дружеские 🤝 и заряжающие ⚡️ 7 км в 06:00 🕖 по Кремлевской набережной поддержали предприниматели и лидеры сообществ ⠀ Восход 🌅, свежий осенний 🍁 воздух, бодрейшее ✊ самочувствие и отличное 🤩 настроение на весь день! ⠀ Люди, которые готовы в 06:00 🕕 выйти на спорт, способны на многое! 🚀🚀 ⠀ #6AMRunners #7AMRunners #BusinessRunning #NewmanSport #Русфонд #ScienceInSport #AdidasRunnersMoscow #AdidasRunners #CarlFBucherer #TravelTec #ScubaTec #ЯWorldClass #БизнесКакСпорт #OakleyRussia #TYRrussia #Normatec #NormatecRecovery #Suunto_Russia #GoSupMoscow #БегайСКантом #КантТерриторияБега #IRONSTAR #RosaRun #SwimStar #IRONLADY #STARKIDS - @vladimirvoloshin on Instagram

- Ich bin ein Lützelburger

- This just a meme okay? Relax.

- Germany cant into jokes.

You dont really know when jumping into a film just how difficult it will be, especially a documentary. You need to be a bit naive really. 5 years, thousands of hours, countless days and nights later, its finally realized. To have it released in theatres in Albania is truly special. From the many film festivals and screenings around the world. To the cheers and the tears from the audience. To every person we met along the way and to the people who supported us from day 1. Thank you. @kjonuzi51 @slightlyaskewfilms @that1ericclaptonsong @triumphthemovie - @luftarvonrama on Instagram

- The Birth of Transnistria

- Vrei să pleci

- Space colonization

- Sweden: The Austria of the North

- Poland tries being optimistic.

- Germanys pain

@adrenalinefighters invägda och klara👊 #svenskammaligan #adrenalinefighters #alingsås @toprankeq - @jonasjjensen on Instagram

- Sorry romansh speakers, but theres no romansh at google translator

- Subversion

Indochina Prancis (bahasa Prancis: LIndochine française, bahasa Vietnam: Đông Dương thuộc Pháp) adalah federasi protektorat kekaisaran Prancis di wilayah Indochina di Asia Tenggara, terdiri atas Vietnam (yang dulunya terbagi lagi atas Cochinchina, Tonkin, dan Annam), Kamboja, dan Laos. Ibu kota Indochina Prancis adalah Hanoi. Indochina Prancis didirikan pada Oktober 1887 dari wilyah Annam, Tonkin, Cochinchina dan Kamboja. Saat berdiri, federasi ini belum mencakup Laos. Laos sendiri baru bergabung tahun 1893 setelah Perang Prancis-Siam 1893. Tanggal 9 Maret, 1945, Indochina Prancis jatuh ke tangan Jepang. Kekuasaan Jepang berakhir saat Hiroshima dan Nagasaki dibom atom. Federasi ini ada sampai tahun 1954. Dalam empat protektorat, Prancis secara resmi meninggalkan kekuasaan kepada penguasa lokal, yang merupakan Kaisar Vietnam, Raja Kamboja dan Raja Luang Prabang. Akhirnya, satu persatu negara di Indochina Prancis merdeka menjadi 4 negara yang berbeda tahun 1954, yaitu Vietnam Utara dan Selatan, serta Kamboja dan Laos. Hestek : #karyarakyatums #creatorofrhc #karyaanggotarhc #karyarakyatfms #karyarakyatkrps #karyarakyatkrps #karyamemerssml #meme #memes #memesejarah #memefunny #memelucu #memecomikindonesia #kamevid #nendank #kegoblokanunfaedah #unfaedah #receh #ngakakonlen #dagelanlucu #kamevid #dagelan #paktomganteng #hitzeedsamlekom - @pak.tom_ on Instagram

- Never ignore Part 1: Poland

Mit den besten Bildern des Finals, verabschieden wir uns vom 93. Spengler Cup. Es würde uns freuen, euch auch im Dezember 2020 wieder in Davos begrüssen zu dürfen! Wir wünschen Euch ein tolles neues Jahr und einen guten Rutsch! #SpenglerCup Bilder: Keystone - @spenglercupdavos on Instagram

- European languages families

- Soviet strategy

- The Christianization of Wales

- Football teams with flags in their badges part 6

- Harmless fun

- Who wouldve guessed?

- The Dutch Republic

- The Rise and Fall of the Ottoman Empire Part 3: Austria to the Rescue!

- Fashionable

- The Importance of Color Regulation

- The Devils Plaything

- Organised Crime Around The World

- Swedish Immigration Politics

- Buried Treasure

- Ukraine vs Krasnodar

We came, we saw, (we lost). #colu #barside on tour - great turnout in Manchester for a Wednesday in December #cufc #oldtrafford #carabaocup #quarterfinal - @kwdotnet on Instagram

- Deutschland hiring workers

- The Hun of the Deal

- Forza Azzurri

- Disgusting Strawberries

- Language Family Across the Europe

- Family feud

- Language problems

- Its Königsberg verdammt!

Oche ist Conti!‼️🗯 Unter diesem Motto sind wir heute mit 2.000 Menschen auf die Straße gegangen und haben gegen die geplante Schließung des Continental-Werks protestiert. Für uns ist klar: Wir stehen an der Seite der Beschäftigten, deren Familien und den Gewerkschaften! Menschen vor Profite! #ocheistconti #menschenvorprofite #aachen #spdaachen #spdac #continental #contijetztgibtscontra #igbce #igmetall #dgbaachen - @spd_aachen on Instagram

- A Love & Hate Relationship

- Helsinki, Finland

- In a parallel world

- die Powerleveln

- Englands relationship with football

- Reunification

- Fall Mud

- Didnt Expect The USA Inquisition

- I no pay tribut

- The last straw.

🏆 CUPSIEGER 2020 #lifestyledesign #thehappynow #nothingisordinary #livethelittlethings #welltravelled #calledtobecreative #livecolorfully #beachsoccer #beach #soccer #birr #aargau #italia #italy #basel #switzerland #zurich #swissbeachsoccer #dedication #swisscup #schweizercup #beachsoccerworldwide - @kfwt24 on Instagram

- Daily life

It was a big honour and a great experience to represent Austria at the European Youth Olympic Festival in Baku.🇦🇿 • Unfortunately, I lost to Greece and got the 9th place.🤼🇦🇹 #wrestling #freestyleteamrsci #comebackstronger #followus2thegames #WIRsindSommer #youtholympicteamaustria #baku2019 - @jakob.saurwein on Instagram

- Belarus independence party

- Flag of Washington State

- Birdcatcher Blues

- A proper host of the contest

- The First War of Kappel

- Liechtenstein at the Olympics