Stay the Same Profile Pics

samenetflixamazon studiosdont changeremain the samesame thingj14prime videodazed and confused

aşıklar durağı, hyunlix


he will never be the same michael kupris become the knight he wont be the same hes not gonna be the same

Братья Казахи! Запомните одну вещь, если Вы, не дай Аллах, окажетесь без денег и крышей над головой в Ингушетии или Чечне, можете смело зайти в любой дом и Вы там будете почетным гостем. Достаточно сказать, что вы Казах - сын того самого народ, который ровно 76 лет назад, 23 февраля 1944 года, во время депортации Вайнахов, принял чужеземцев так, как подобает казахскому гостеприимству. Все население, включая стариков, детей, больных, беременных без разбору, за пару дней загрузили в телячьи вагоны и вывезли как скот в зимнюю пору в далекие края. Благо дело, что в бескрайних казахских степях встретили наших предков как людей! Дороже Вас, друзья, гостей быть не может! Любой дом для Вас гостиница и ресторан! Кто не помнит прошлого, у того не будущего! #Вайнахи #депортация1944 #чечня #ингушетия #казахстан #вежари #казахи #братья #братство - @gorec212 on Instagram

The Mannequin - Minsung

~Felix pfp!~

new year same pandemic keep vigilant happy new year pandemic coronavirus covid19

- Unedited image


are you thinking what im thinking stan marsh south park world wide recorder concert s3e17

- Pin hole

★ seσ


dazed and confused woody wooderson high school girls girls cute girls

- The jump from the first to second statement just earned a gold medal for mental gymnastics


new year same pandemic keep vigilant happy new year pandemic coronavirus covid19

- Axel Ejsmont Tattoos

★ hαn

more stay change same

- @thenewcorporation on Instagram

정인 Jeongin ♡︎

~Jisung pfp!~

same shit different decade time age era

- Never forget the balance when you gonna be botched

nothing would be the same kenny sebastian simple ken podcast its different its not the same

- Feminism

Han Jisung

~Minho pfp!~

something like that casey frey similar just the same equal

Two deaths, 256 new COVID-19 cases, and 9 delayed testing results by the State are being reported this morning for a cumulative total of 24,170 cases and 519 deaths. The deaths include 1 male in his 70s and 1 male in his 80s. Both patients had underlying health conditions. For more information and other data visit This map shows the cumulative total of positive COVID-19 cases by ZIP codes and the number of cases in parenthesis: 79821 (160), 79835 (401), 79836 (219), 79838 (259), 79849 (386), 79853 (106), 79901 (557), 79902 (617), 79903 (489), 79904 (622), 79905 (724), 79907 (1,580), 79911 (221), 79912 (1,779), 79915 (973), 79922 (179), 79924 (1,243), 79925 (1,250), 79927 (1,424), 79928 (2,270), 79930 (641), 79932 (688), 79934 (493), 79935 (497), 79936 (3,437), 79938 (2,955) - @iam_elpaso on Instagram

i ♥skz!


nothing will ever be like it was before not the same anymore amanda miller siesta key mtv

Sunday mood got us like … #whotels #hitescape - @wdubaipalm on Instagram

probably not the same thing family feud canada its not the same thing its different theyre not the same

- Auction ideas

~Felix pfp!~

this is different stephen james walter cruz homecoming not the same

- Gallery Walls

Jeongin ✨

SAI Wallpaper

ozwald manzanita head movies same sheets new day

- The tree states of being of the Donetsk Airport Control Tower

Woman Turns To Reddit After Husband Shuts Down Her Wishes Of A Childbirth Tradition

theres not a thing that i would change jhene aiko eternal sunshine wouldnt change a thing stay the same

- Dermatillomania

Bang Chan!💞

I.N abs

cause everything is new abba lay all your love on me song things are all new nothing is old

En cette journée internationale de lutte contre lhomophobie et la transphobie, nous voulons rendre hommage à notre grande famille, les incroyables bénévoles des GRIS du Québec! ⭐️ Cest vous qui changez le monde une intervention à la fois et qui contribuez à lutter contre lhomophobie et la transphobie. MERCI! 💜💙❤️ - @gris_montreal on Instagram


JishwaTyCookie Wallpaper

dazed and confused same age

- Bathroom Graffiti

Prince Hwang Hyunjin

new year new years nye goodbye hello

- Fire Karen is back at it again /s

★ ℓιχ

Fanart Xubin&Zhang Jiong Min

were in the same team here omar adom zidan the fbis s4e13 we want the same

#ETUnWired #ETSDGs Gender equality agenda has not seen adequate progress. There has been progress in some sectors but there are many areas like ending domestic violence, economic empowerment, etc. that needs much more to be done. -Dr. Anita Bhatia, Deputy Executive Director for UN Women and UN Assistant Secretary General for Resource Management, Sustainability and Partnerships at at #ETSDGs summit 2020. Unite with us: #sustainabledevelopment #sustainablegoals #sustainabledevelopementgoals #sustainability #sustainablefuture #businessandsustainibility #sustainableenvironment #qualityeducation #aquaticlife #empowerment #innovationandtechnology #climateactio #planetandpeople #future - @et_edge on Instagram



i honestly feel the same grady smith me too likewise i feel you

- Ad for a streaming video service in India

Lee know❦


same thing jacob same way same old story as well

🚨🚨🚨 BREAKING: Trump just announced his nominee to replace Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court. His pick, Amy Coney Barrett, would be disastrous for reproductive freedom. Not only is Trump ignoring RBGs final wish—hes also going against the 77% of Americans who support reproductive freedom. We’re going to fight this like our lives depend on it, because they do. If you’re outraged, turn that anger into action. Tell your Senators that there can be no confirmation until after the inauguration. Link in bio to hold the Senate accountable. - @prochoiceamerica on Instagram


Son Realizes His Moms Annual Birthday Camping Trips For Him Were Really For Her

new day same outfit one piece same dress same clothing

- Imagine that


im not changing stephan james walter cruz homecoming ill stay the same

Gana una bella joya de Plata de @enriquegarciajw y una estancia en en el maravilloso Pueblo Mágico de TAXCO y vive una gran @experiencias_de_lujo #jewelry #diseño #designer #handmade #glam #luxury #mexicandesign #mexicandesigner #taxco #taxcopueblomagico #pueblomagico #lajoyademexico #experienciasdelujo El 1o. de octubre se dará a conocer al ganador (a) por este medio. P a r t i c i p a !!!!! - on Instagram

STAYs quokka 🐿️🤎

Quokka is so cute🐿️

post all day text whole day

Spending my last night in my childhood home. It’s strange how memories come best not through thinking but feeling/floating between quiet and openness. Even then it’s not easy. I’m afraid once I leave this space the memories will stay with the walls. Maybe they’ll travel into the new owners dreams. Maybe I should hide a fake skeleton or at least a finger. I watched the world change here. A plume of smoke in September. I kissed my first girl here, drew hearts around her name on my desk. So much I’m proud of, so much I regret. I’m blessed for this place that housed so many, that introduced lovers, and has been the catalyst of years of friendships and expressions of creativity. So much comes from a place. The terrace I’ll miss the most. The strong light, the huge trees now massively at home, the floating mermaid. What is closure? Do we ever find it or do we chose to forget? To not feel? To say this is a new chapter would be blah, it’s a new book. A book less innocent, more honest. More knowledgable of the world and price of chairs and taxes. A book written by me not my parents or teachers, or plagiarized or spaced at 1.5 for a deadline. Big Love to all my friends. To Richie, mom, dad, Eva, miles, Nadine and the slow ass elevator of fifteenth. - @jackhenryrobbins on Instagram

˚⁀➷。 felix icon ´ˎ˗

Felix fancam

every day go the same gotta stay strong bladee ecco2k

- Drag Scientist Yuhua Hamasaki finding ways to educate the gays about COVID-19

staymoa + venelope 3

stay home stay safe stay home stay safe holidays christmas cheer

YOZGAT’IMIZIN GECESİ AYRI GÜNDÜZÜ AYRI GÜZEL OLACAK Belediyemiz Dörtyol Kavşak, Belediye Hizmet Binamız ve Saat Kulesi Tarihi Askerlik Şubesi arasında yol, kaldırım, çevre düzenleme ve dekoratif aydınlatma çalışması başlattı. Belediye Başkanımız Celal Köse, şehrimizin en önemli tarihi yapılarından biri olan saat kulesi ve belediye binası çevresinin hemşehrilerimiz tarafından en fazla kullanılan alanlar olduğunu söyledi. Bu bölgenin şehrin giriş kapısı olduğunu vurgulayan Başkanımız Köse, Biz burayı ne kadar düzenli ve temiz tutarsak, gelen misafirlerimizin hafızasında o kadar pozitif bir yer tutar. Özellikle de hemşehrilerimizin en fazla kullandığı alan olmasından dolayı insanlarımızın güzel görüntüler içerisinde yaşamasını istedik. dedi. Dörtyol kavşağında belediye binasına, saat kulesinden eski askerlik şubesine, buna ek olarak Emniyet Caddesinden Sungurlu Caddesinde Karslıoğlu konağına kadar olan bölgede çalışma yapacaklarını aktaran Başkanımız, Bu bölgede altyapı çalışmalarımız olacak, asfaltı yenileyeceğiz, yeni tip kaldırımlar yapacağız. Kot düşürmesi gereken yerlerde kot düşürmesi yapacağız. Kaldırım taşlarımız soğuk havaya, tuza, buzlanma ve solüsyona karşı dayanıklı olacak. Dekoratif ışıklandırma yaparak bu bölgeyi güzel bir görünüme kavuşturacağız. diye konuştu. Başkanımız çalışmaların yaklaşık 2 ayda tamamlanacağını, bu süre içerisinde de hemşehrilerimizi sıkıntıya sokmamak için de gerekli özeni göstereceklerini, çalışmaların etap etap yapılacağını belirtti. - @yozgatbel on Instagram

station19 maya bishop the information will stay the same no matter how many times you repeat it same information

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim @dirtychild.smg = Hanya #AnakDexil Yang Begitu Cinta Kepada #KotaKelahiran. . SEMARANG = 02 Mei 1547 @dirtychild.smg = 04 Mei 2013 . @dirtychild.smg bukan hanya sebuah brand kaos semarang. Lebih dari itu, Tepati juga tentang cinta dan rasa bangga kepada kota semarang tercinta. (Ingin memberikan suatu kontribusi buat kemajuan kota semarang). . *Terima kasih buanyak buat semua yang sudah mensupport produk lokal semarang : @ganjar_pranowo @hendrarprihadi @adennyar_sastrow @jpradarsemarang @hny_22 @silva_bruno91 @tia_hendi @iin_disbudpar @yoyok_sukawi @ichalmuhammad91 @fanatic.1932 @cindykcindy @aslisemarang @spotsemarang @smgkrs_ @hrclothes_apparel . #dirtychildsmg #anakdexilsmg #supportlokalbrandsemarang #ayokitabanggasemarang - @dirtychild.smg on Instagram

basically the same thing rudy ayoub its just the same thing exactly alike

- Thought of the day

we cant be on the same team laura haddock zoe walker white lines we cant be on the same side

- Brains get sick too..

update status update status together not alone

- Atheists United

hope stay that way dont change same

- American horror story memes

one day at a time one day day at a time day by day each day

- Child Rights

im going through the same thing tye harlem i feel the same way i have the same experience

Nosotros también necesitamos una nueva normalidad ❤️ Ayúdanos a salvarnos #salvemoslahosteleria #covid19 #hosteleriaalicante #ocioalicante #ocionocturno #yomesumo - @pelicanoficial on Instagram

i agree violet benson same i think so too i feel the same

- That one cold morning on the school bus when all the windows were foggy

everything about it always stays the same james vincent mcmorrow get low still the same nothing has change

- Alice

same me too i agree

- No means it doesnt no mean maybe?

oh nothing stays the same everything changes change is constant nothing ever stays the same nothing stays the same

A Florida woman who raised thousands of dollars for the families of three murdered men is accused of stealing the money and going on a spending spree, police said.⁠ ⁠ According to the Polk County Sheriff’s Office, Amanda Brown, 32, created a GoFundMe page in the names of Brandon Rollins, Damion Tillman and Keven Springfield, a group of friends who were slain in July while on a fishing trip in Frostproof, a small town about 70 miles southwest of Orlando.⁠ ⁠ Over 200 people donated a total of $11,915 to the now-defunct fundraiser, titled “Polk County Triple Homicide, Family Expenses.”⁠ ⁠ To learn more about this story, click the link in bio. - @investigationdiscovery on Instagram

lovelyti tv lovelyti2002 keep the same energy everybody equality

- B&W Inspo

exactly the same nothing change same same everything is the same jailed

Repost @mary.type --- 2020.07.16 is the date when I started this project. After two months and 192 meters of thread I have the pleasure to show you my first embroidery poster (51x78cm) still in collaboration with my daughter @gagane_. I am very happy to having achieved it and very proud of the result, even I met some issues during the process. It gives me ideas for the future :) #365typefaces #typography #typeface #font #typeinspiration - @365typefaces on Instagram

asher angel love all day feel feel some typ of way when i aint around you

- Spanish Roof Tiles


The #SDGs offer us a fantastic opportunity to step forward into growth. Let us work together for a better world for everyone and generations yet unborn. #compassion #globalgoals #sustainable #life #abcd - @sdgschallenge on Instagram

it was quite different andrew baena unlike the others not the same dissimilar

- @poverty__social_life on Instagram

things stay as they are stay the same no change diego luna miguel angel felix gallardo

From yesterday, salons and barbers were asked to display their unique QR codes for the NHS COVID 19 Track and Trace app. You can read more about it from the NHBF on their website #trackandtrace #covidapp #salonsafety #checkin #nhbf - @salonsupplies on Instagram

hennessy hennessy first moments mid autumn festival reunion cherish

#thishappened on #30th of #april : #1993 : @cern announces #www World Wide Web #protocols will be free #1789 : #georgewashington is #inaugurated as the #1st #president of the #usa #1803 : #louisiana #purchase . The United States of America purchases the Louisiana territory from #france for $15 #million #dollar (today‘s value: $300 Million) #1859 : #charlesdickens #ataleoftwocities is first #published in literally periodical „All the year Round“ #onthisdayinsights #onthisdayinhistory #goodtoknow #instafacts #followformore #knowledgefactory #knowledgesociety #knowledgeisthenewmoney - @onthisdayinsights on Instagram

we gotta stay on the same page always jason bateman marty byrde ozark tell the truth

Hope you all had a safe and lovely Easter weekend! A huge thank you to @smugwood for sharing a fantastic @2019_milliput chart! #milliput #epoxyputty #familybusiness #northwales #northwalestagram #woodwork #art #colourchart - @2019_milliput on Instagram

not the same thing different dissimilar distinctive sassy

#lunes #parendematarnos El estado es responsable #cuarentena #pandemia #femicidios #art #artivismofeminista #artivismo #arte #squatting #squatters #feminism #elestadoesresponsable #nonoscallamosmas - @la.cosa.mostra on Instagram

earth2 not the same same thing different things

Looters are cowards. Period. - @ddd_highbred on Instagram

its time for us to stand together eric cartman south park s16e1 reverse cowgirl

- @matheus_mmo19 on Instagram

nothing has changed james engvid things have stayed the same no changes

Remember a couple of weeks ago when we were all jumping to reshare posts about anti racism, and making claims about Black Lives Mattering? Well here’s an opportunity to recognise and respond to anti-Blackness, Afrophobia, and Xenophobia when it takes the guise of “protection”. ⠀ ⠀ Nine public housing towers in Melbourne’s inner suburbs have been completely locked down and surrounded by the police. There are so many reasons why this is a sickening, racialised, classist and morally REPREHENSIBLE response from the Victorian government (see insta stories for my personal thoughts, or better yet, follow the updates of those who are personally impacted). ⠀ ⠀ Call the MPs listed above, then send them an email. There’s a link to a template in our bio but it’s best if you change it to be your own wording. Donate to services linked in with the community, and listen to their needs and demands as they continue to progress. - @huntlymuntly on Instagram

funny meme comedy show finger

- Someones Valentines Day didnt go to plan at London Victoria

we look the same look alike same similar identical


i will never change kyra green i wont change ill never change ill stay the same

It’s been a long time in the works but it’s time to set it free. New single New Signs of Life out now and sophomore album out September 25th on @daisrecords. Link to the pre-order and video over at and streaming now at the usual spots. Everybody’s support means the world to me and I’m so thankful that we got to make this record. Hope you like it! - @remyveselis on Instagram

its exactly the same thing alexandru lefterica wlfy smite theyre the same

- Why? For the love of God, Why?

i say we sit tight president orlean meryl streep dont look up lets stay put

- Downhill Demolition in Ahyeon-dong, Seoul

nothing stays the same arlissa house of cards song everything changes things change

- Cyanotype

ang ku kueh girl akkg ang ku kueh girl and friends singapore national day2020

Bemp🍀 - @brianmorrissey64 on Instagram

lets hope it stays that way eden lazlo games people play remain the same i hope so

- Ironic Twitter handle

same me too i agree

- Bitter

girls age i get older they stay the same age

#nutriflexx #eatlocal #bodypositivity #cleaneating #healthyfood #nutritionist #dietitian #indiandietplan #gymmotivation #shredded #gym #eatclean #fruits #vegetablesoup #virals #likeforlikes #follow #nutrients #caloriecounting #fitnesstransformation #training #muscles #indiandiet - @nutriflexx on Instagram

same degree niko pueringer corridor crew same extend same level

- Art / Design

better worse staythesame michael michaelscott

15th Indonesian Film Festival has been postponed until 2021. Stay safe and we’ll see you next year! 😊😊 We are also still selling some of our merch, so stay tuned for that!! 😆 - @iffaustralia on Instagram

very similar hunter engel agufish same looks the same

- 28lbs down since May 1st with a hellll of a lot of cheats. SW: 232.8 CW: 204 GW:180

twas the same it was the same clone same thing same

Editing the edits.. Swipe left for the one on this week’s wall.💕 For details and other close ups, send me a DM ✨ - @elenamccoyartist on Instagram

same pink squiggly arrows around same in green bubble letters me too same here i feel the same

Everyone is at risk of getting #COVID19. Protect yourself and those you love by: ✅ Wearing face masks in public😷 ✅ Only gathering with people you live with ✅ Keeping at least 6 feet away from others ✅ Washing hands frequently ✅ Avoiding touching your eyes, nose and mouth - @cityofpasadena on Instagram

%D8%A7%D8%B2%D8%A7%D8%AF whisper never be like you change all the time

🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥🚥 𝐆-𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐂𝐄 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐉𝐄𝐂𝐓 𝐑𝐄𝐖𝐈𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝟐 The Online 𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 Experience 𝘾𝙇𝘼𝙎𝙎 𝙎𝙏𝘼𝙍𝙏𝙎 𝙉𝙊𝙑𝙀𝙈𝘽𝙀𝙍 9! ⠀ for ENROLLMENT and CLASS SCHEDULES, visit 𝘄𝘄𝘄.𝗴𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗰𝗲𝗼𝗳𝗳𝗶𝗰𝗶𝗮𝗹.𝗰𝗼𝗺 ⠀ ⠀ For inquiries pls call⠀ 0917.8.GFORCE (436723)⠀ 0998.52.FORCE (36723) ⠀⠀⠀⠀ #GForce⠀⠀⠀⠀ #GForceProject2020⠀⠀⠀⠀ #GForceSummerDanceWorkshop ⠀ #GForceDanceCenter #GDC⠀⠀⠀⠀ #GForceProjectTheOnlineExperience @teachergeorcelle ⠀⠀ - @gforce_mykag on Instagram

dude you youve changed kyle broflovski south park s15e7 you are getting old

Rise and shine! MFOL FL  organizers went out early this morning to demand change in their communities with banner drops across the state! From South Florida to Tallahassee, we dropped banners to address the specific needs of our communities. • As we continue to fight for more community investment and gun violence prevention, it is paramount that we demand change in our communities and hold our elected officials accountable for their inaction. We will not be silent.  #MFOLBannerDrop #MFOL #GunViolencePrevention #YouthVoices - @mfolflorida on Instagram

greys anatomy meredith grey nothing is the same nothings the same everything is different

We love whoever did this Tucson 💕✊🏾 #WeStandWithKenosha #FTP - @blm_tucson on Instagram

lovelyti tv lovelyti2002 keep the same energy

- Promote Your Free Tarot eBooks & Blogposts

waynes world garth dana carvey we fear change fear change

- Blursed art

stay tuned dave crosby claire and the crosbys the crosbys stay up to date

- @ryanusky on Instagram

viva pinata les galagoogoo some things never change stay the same same old

Yup - @sifubigtonygbo on Instagram

me too same agreed

YOUTH UNION BHAGALPUR 😷 😷 🧼 🧼 🍪 Mask Soap & Biscuits distribution in the several areas of bhagalpur.. Keep going guys.!! . . . “Unity is strength. . . when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved.” . . . . @youthunionbgp @youthunionbgp @youthunionbgp . . . “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” @bhagalpurmerijan @bhagalpur_likes @bhagalpurii.memes @bhagalpur_our_pride @bhagalpur_our_pride @bhagalpur_se_hai @bhagalpur_love @bhagalpur_silk_city @apnajilabhagalpur2020 @eachonefeed1 @_phoenix_mode @bhagalpur_silk_city @angikamanjusha @vibes_of_angika @bihar_se_hai @bihar_youth_for_new_bihar_ @unique_faces_of_bihar_ @bihar_jharkhand @amazing_bihar_jharkhand @bihari_vibes @bihar_legacy @adarshanand111 @rajeshv15 @nehasharmaofficial @photo_print_chitrashala @bhagalpurdps @josephite_memories @assisi_sensation #bhagalpuri #bhagalpurmerijan #silkcity #silktv #angikamanjusha #instadaily #coronavirus #corona #coronamemes #support #share #likeforlikes #likesforlike #like4likes #comments #loveyourself #loveislove #istagood #instagram #insta #instafashion #instafortnite #unity #bhagalpur_ #biharsehai - @bhagalpurmerijan on Instagram

never change hunter engel agufish dont you ever change stay the same

Monday mantra on repeat today - self-care is sanity. What are you doing to take care of yourself today?⚡️ 📸 @werenotreallystrangers - on Instagram

i wear the same pair everyday favorite prefer like better shoes

Check this good stuff from @feederinsider #unhiddenbucharest #street #streetart #book #album #artists #feeder #feederro #johndots - @johnpuncts on Instagram

same page on the same page relationship agree

This is why girls are not speaking out about these violences and abuses against one is there to trust the victim girl 😑 . . . . . . . . . #support @madurai_ponnungadaa __________________________________ . . . . . . . . . #vadivelu #vadivelumemes #vadivelucomedy #vadiveluforlife #vadiveluversion #vadivelu_fc #vadivelu4life #vadivelufans #vadivelumeme #vadiveludubsmash #vadiveluforever #vadivelucomedy😅 #vadiveluveriyans #vadivelumemes🔥 #vadivelutroll #vadivelu_version #vadiveluinstavideos #vadiveluvideomemes #vadivelu_memes #vadiveluversion2 #vadivelucomedy😂 #vadivelu_comedy #vadiveludialogue #vadiveluquotes #vadiveluvideos #vadivelusir #vadivelumusically #vadivelumemes😂😂😂😂😂 #vadivelu_forever😎 - @madurai_ponnungadaa on Instagram

this aint the same one meek mill this is not the same one not the same thing this one is different

Make space for the right opportunities 🌟 @werenotreallystrangers - @dvf on Instagram

the more things change the more they stay the same scolding words of wisdom clever thinking upset

#asiansforblacklivesmatter #defundthepolice #justiceforgeorgefloyd #justiceforahmaud #justicefortonymcdade #justiceforbreonnataylor #stolenlives #looteddreams #blacklivesmatter - @nilushadassenaike on Instagram

same moving

Thank you. 🥰 - @the_rebeccalewis on Instagram

just keep it that same way here john finch smite make it the same remain the same

- Arquitectura Educacional - architecture for education - 教育架构

smokey smokey bear only you covid covid19

- Poor kid. It didnt have to end this way.

business as usual blaire night teeth nothing new always the same

We love the earth. Thats why we put our premium wine into aluminum bottles that are meant to be infinitely recycled.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Credit: @p__nutbutter83⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #revelshine #revelshinewines #revelshinemoment #sustainability #1percentfortheplanet #fortheplanet #recycle - @revelshine on Instagram

same as always per fredrik asly pellek identity song cover same as usual

- Dad, stop drinking! (date unknown)

do not change cameo stay the same remain unchanged emmerly tinglin

- Tried to start an inter-office post-it war from my office on Cannon Street. Four days passed with no response. This morning, I saw this.

same way as always per fredrik asly pellek identity song same thing

- Authleft Libright disdain

oh nothing stays the same from yesteryears alessia cara seventeen nothing stay the same everything is changing

- Hungarian-Serbian border near Röszke

m150 usa itworks energydrink care

- Billie

dont change rida tharana rida tharanaa %E0%A4%AC%E0%A4%A6%E0%A4%B2%E0%A5%8B%E0%A4%AE%E0%A4%A4 %E0%A4%AC%E0%A4%A6%E0%A4%B2%E0%A4%A8%E0%A4%BE%E0%A4%A8%E0%A4%B9%E0%A5%80%E0%A4%82

Galerie STP - participating gallery #photobaselberlin #10-13_Sept #galerie_stp #greifswald #Germany #artist #beatpresser #zuzanapustaiova #kirksora #tempelhofairport #berlin #artfair #artworld #photooftheday #fineartphotography #berlinartweek #artcollectors #basel #photobasel - @photobasel on Instagram

never change hunter engel agufish dont you ever change stay the same

- Cascadia Subduction Zone

do you really think anything is gonna be different now kyle broflovki south park s5e2 nothing will change

Full loaded 1064nm 755nm 532nm 2015 laser for sale. For all ink and skintypes. # Focus handpiece for skin rejuvenation # Perfect condition with low shot and full service bye CynoSure. # Training and know how available in Aarhus, Denmark. # Price and more info in private message. # #picosure #picosurelaser #picosuretattooremoval #makesureitsapicosure #tattoo #tattooremoval #removaltattoo #inkremoval #astectics #medical #medicallaser #lasermedical - @picosure_for_sale on Instagram

dont change on me roddy ricch cant express song dont ever change stay the same

- @margeauxbruner on Instagram

i hope it stays that way bear grylls worlds toughest race eco challenge fiji hoping to stay the same

- And I quote

lasts forever arlissa little girl song always be like this always stay the same

Imagine having this amount of self importance.... 🤔 - @bellabluenola on Instagram

we gon stay the same wiz khalifa we will never change i will still be the same

- Authoritarianism always works the same way, regardless of the form it takes.

i dont want nothing to change brynn elliott without you song i hope it stays the same i dont want things to change

Jolie 😍 merci à elle ou lui @laprovence #tag #marseille #parole - @demiportionofficiel on Instagram

i guess some things never change same old stay the same not surprised mani

“In the birthplace of American liberty, our organizers, and artists @mmhaims displayed a flag unraveling, because gun violence, police brutality, and consistent attacks on the most marginalized are unraveling our democracy before our eyes.” - @marchforourlives - @mfolpa on Instagram

just like the others alex boye wellerman sea shanty song youre no different exactly the same

- Fox News reporting on Shapiros infatuation with AOC

dazed and confused matthew mc conaughey wooderson chill

S RÚŠKOM ALEBO BEZ RÚŠKA? 😷 U nás v SNM - Historickom múzeu na Bratislavskom hrade súhlasíme s významom rúška pri zabraňovaní prenosu chorôb. Buď ako Augustus v pravom dolnom rohu 😎. #bratislavacastle #bratislavskyhrad #facemask #facemaskselfie #snm_historicke_muzeum #rúško #zvladnemeto - @snm_historicke_muzeum on Instagram

never change liam scott edwards ace trainer liam dont change unchanging

Dear Teman Swasti, Berkaitan dengan terjadinya pandemi Covid-19 yang berdampak pada keberlangsungan dunia usaha yang berujung pada terganggunya hubungan kerja antara pekerja/buruh dan perusahaan, kondisi ini mengakibatkan sebagian perusahaan mengalami penurunan pendapatan, kerugian, hingga penutupan usaha. Tak heran, di masa pandemi faktanya banyak pekerja di-PHK, “dirumahkan”, pemutusan kontrak kerja sebelum berakhir, pemotongan upah, hingga memberlakukan prinsip no work no pay (tidak bekerja, tidak dibayar). Oleh sebab itu, Swasti Farm mengadakan program yang bertajuk GIFT Guppy Investment For Those-in-need yang memiliki arti Investasi Guppy untuk Mereka yang Membutuhkan. Maka teruntuk Teman Swasti yang terdampak Covid-19 dan ingin memulai usaha breeding guppy, Swasti Farm berkomitmen untuk mendukung dengan memberikan donasi dalam bentuk ikan guppy. Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut, hubungi WhatsApp Shely +62 857-4703-7487 untuk mengajukan permohonan “GIFT”. Setiap permohonan yang masuk akan dilakukan proses verifikasi lanjutan guna memastikan program ini tepat sasaran kepada yang benar-benar membutuhkan. #EContest #EContest2020 #SwastiDigitalGuppyContest #CantikinRumah #GuppyFish #PengrajinGuppy #FarmGuppy #FarmGuppyTerbesar #FarmGuppyModern #ProfesionalFarm #GuppyLover #GuppyBreeder #GuppyIndonesia #GuppyJogja #GuppyYogya #SwastiJogja #SwastiFarmGuppy #Guppy #GuppyAsia #GuppyEurope #GuppyWorld #DecorativeFish #IkanGuppy #SIGF #Water #Fish #Aquascape #Jogja - @swastipengrajinguppy on Instagram

nothings gonna change jordan whitley tampa baes its gonna be the same its gonna stay the same

📱 Si no vas a poder veure el directe del debats #atrescbandes! 🗣️ Amb Àngels Margarit @mercatflors i Marta Esteve @fundaciocarulla reflexionarem sobre *Art i Comunitat* moderat per Pepe Zapata, director @tresccultura 📍 Penjat a - @comuart_bcn on Instagram

monkeys best friend were the same mask smiling google


stay the same positive wholesome confident j14

A big thank you to the Arroyo Grande Chevrolet for always supporting our community and me personally!! ❤️❤️#cancerresearch #cancersucks #cancerawareness #cancersurvivors #cancercure #cancerfighter #cancerprevention #cancersupport #cancerwarrior #california #cancer #cancercare #arroyogrande #groverbeach oceano #pismobeachgolf #pismobeach #centralcoast #avilabeach #sanluisobispo #santamaria #local #help #chevrolet #realmenwearpink #realmenwearpinktom #pink - @realmenwearpinktom on Instagram

- Farrow and Ball Paint

To mark the celebration of the 80th year of Alliance française in Bengal, India, Alliance française du Bengale in collaboration with Institut français India and Bingsha Shatabdi are organizing an online Reading & Drawing event with Ms. Karthika Naïr, Ms. Joëlle Jolivet, Ms. Bijal Vachharajani. Know your panelist : Bijal is an award-winning childrens book author. Her books include A Cloud Called Bhura, Seed Savers, Whats Neema Eating Today and So You Want to Know About the Environment. She co-authored 10 Indian Champions Who Are Fighting to Save the Planet and The Great Indian Nature Trail with Uncle Bikky. She is a senior editor at Pratham Books where she leads a team that creates picture books. She has been the editor of Time Out Bengaluru, and has worked with,, Fairtrade and Sanctuary Asia. She is part of Nalanda Academy’s Abhiyan Library movement. She believes that reading and nature have magical powers. She has a Masters in Environment Security and Peace from the University of Peace in Costa Rica and is now a certified climate worrier. 𝐿𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑒𝑠: 𝑅𝑒𝑔𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟 ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 #literature #teaching #literary #books #reading #français #bangla #english #alliancefrançaise #webinar #france #india #bengalkidfriendly #writers #alliancefrançaise #franceinindia - @afdubengale on Instagram

❤ THANK YOU to the incredible firefighters and first responders working hard to keep us safe. We are grateful ❤ #california #californiawildfires #thankyou #napastrong #sonomastrong - @kron4tv on Instagram

Truth on East 15th Street. Sorry about the wonky angle—snapped from a moving car. #signofthetimes #streetart #wordsofwisdom #lorrainehansberry #mayaangelou - @reneez25 on Instagram

- Pray wallpaper

💢 News Flash 💢 Shame, Guilt, and Fear are tools of the Patriarchy. Shaming, objectifying, and degrading women are ways the patriarchy weaponizes our valuable and inherent humanity against us to silence, dismiss, disenfranchise, and marginalize us. It is complete bullshit. . Your sexual experiences dont define you. YOU define you. 💋💋💋 . . 👩🏿‍🌾👩🏻‍🔬💅🏾👩🏼‍🏭👩‍🍳💃🏽👩🏽‍🎓👩🏿‍⚕️👩🏻‍💻🏃‍♀️👩‍🎨👸🏿🧕🏻🤱🏾 . . . . #Feminist #Female #Sex #Progressive #WomensRights #HumanRights #SocialJustice #WomenForJustice #Sexuality #SexEducation - @feministtherapist on Instagram

#correspondances 20200421 - Francis Bacon by Peter Beard - Peter Beard by Francis Bacon - @kkkkkarchun on Instagram

#truth Thank you @perkupkit for spreading the truth of how we felt with breast implant illness ♥️ #healing #bii #breastimplantillness #fatique #ibs #anxiety #brainfog #rupture #toxins #memoryloss #pain #confussion - @thewomenofbii on Instagram

Peta Hasil Pemilihan Umum 1955 Follow: @bapak_qasim_soleimani @bapak_assad @baath_indonesia @bapak_sadat @bapak_musharraf @bapak_gaddafi @bapak_khomeini @bapak_abdolrahim_mousavi @bapak_ataturk @bapak_putin @bapak_nasrallah @bapak_saddam @bapak_khamenei @bapak_saddam @bapak_sultan_mehmed_5 #1955 #pemilu #orba #pemilupertama #nu #pni #pki #masyumi #parpol1955 - @sultan_mehmed_5 on Instagram

For something a little cheekier 🍑 turn your skincare focus south and book in for our brand new booty blast treatment ✨Designed to refine and detoxify the back of the upper thighs and buttocks, our Beach Bunky DMK Enzyme Therapy incorporates a backside body buff and microdermabrasion thatll leave your skin looking super smooth & booty-ful 💛 Head to the link in bio to give your bum a beauty treat—the effects are tremend-ass! 😲⁠ ⁠ 📸 @twomusestudios - @no.11spacayman on Instagram

Absolutely humbled and honoured to have my image chosen for an Honourable Mention in such a prestigious competition. ▪️This image grew from a concept of parental protection. I’m often accused by my kids of being “Over protective”. My intense need to protect my kids from the bad and the difficult is not always healthy, I need to remember that. ▪️Thank you to @click.magazine and @clickprophotographers for this honour. The finalist images are literally jaw dropping. #seehervoice - @helenwhittlephotography on Instagram

TOO MANY STUPID PEOPLE AROUND. - @margauxmonneri on Instagram

- Ironic, huh

- When wiping after poo or pee do you use your dominant hand? [OC]

Hour seven of blockading the administration building and we are holding strong. #NOCGL #REJECTTECK #DIVEST Pictures by @mymediacreative - @divestmcgill on Instagram

Black Lives Matter. The Bowery Ballroom and Mercury Lounge stand solidly and firmly with the Black community. We are distraught and mourn the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and all victims of institutionalized racism. We’ve seen this happen over and over again in America. It is not enough to be upset. We must take action. There must be change. We’ll be posting links to our Twitter that you can use to take action, as well as some of the organizations and funds our employees are donating to. The links will also be in our newsletter today. - @mercuryloungeny on Instagram

#ReporteCiudadano Gracias a la denuncia realizada por nuestro medio CNT Ecuador realizó el bacheo y arreglo de las vías que habían sido intervenidas por esta empresa para la implementación de fibra óptica en el sector. RECUERDE hacer sus denuncias, quejas o reportes por nuestro medio que estaremos gustosos en ayudar a viabilizar la solución del problema o conflicto en su barrio, zona o sector de la ciudad y provincia. - @ambatoenlinea on Instagram

- The world is now watching.

- @iamdavidhcarter on Instagram

Giveaway: Win a Bruce McLean Poster of YOUR choice. 👌🏾⭐️ . To celebrate our 2nd year anniversary, Department for Art are giving away one of our Bruce McLean Series posters printed at Dark Matter Studio. . To enter the draw all you need to do is: 1. Like this post. 2. Follow @deptforart and @brucemcleanofficial. 3. Tag two people who you think would love to win an iconic Bruce McLean work in the comments below this post. . The Rules: Only one entry per person. Only one prize poster is available. The winner will be randomly selected at midday GMT on Sunday 27th September 2020 and sent out by Sunday 11th October 2020. This competition is not endorsed by Instagram. The poster will be sent via Royal Mail, tracked and signed, and packaged carefully within a tube. Frame not included. No returns, exchanges or alternative prizes available. The competition is open worldwide. The competition is open from NOW. . Please follow the rules carefully. Good Luck, DFA. #givaway #brucemclean #brucemcleanofficial #departmentforart #dfa #artwork #ownart #posters #freeposter #hashtagtowin #darkmatterstudio #posterart #artistinresidence #ownart #ownartwork #inittowinit #winnerwinner #london #love - @deptforart on Instagram

- self love

- Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago is hosting a Virgil Abloh exhibition. There are rumors that he will release exclusive items throughout the exhibition as confirmed by this MCA Instagram post.

Thanks to @matermuseoa for the great work they are doing protecting the coasts of Spain. Working closely with volunteers in local communities to reduce plastic pollution and deliver environmental education talks. Fantastic work! - @eocaconservation on Instagram

ITS FREE! Enter our giveaway to WIN ALL 6 shades of our new Modern Classic Lipstick! 💄💄💄💄💄💄 This lipstick glides over lips smoothly releasing intense and vibrant colors from the very first touch. 💄💄💄💄💄💄 One winner will be chosen every Friday all month long! (Winner will be contacted the following Tuesday!) HOW TO ENTER: 1. Follow @lauragellerbeauty 2. Like this post 3. Tag 2 friends in the comments BONUS: Repost this in your IG stories and tag us! #lauragellerbeauty #laurageller #modernclassiclipstick #lipstick #classic #classicmakeup #lipstickgiveaway - @lauragellerbeauty on Instagram

We are so grateful today to have been able to support Hong Chi Association 匡智會 with 6000 masks that will be responsibly distributed to families and children of all ages with special needs and disabilities. And a huge thank you to our friends from Cookie DPT and Mrs. Yu for sponsoring and supporting BEYONDs mission to help and serve our most vulnerable communities here in Hong Kong. Stay safe and healthy everyone! #beyondfoundationhk #specialneedshk #beingyouroptimalandnotthediagnosis #匡智會 #cookiedpt #helpingourcommunity @hca_hongchi @beyondfoundationhk @cookie.dpt - @beyondfoundationhk on Instagram

- Bullies Suck!!

- @laradechainel on Instagram

@lamaingauche_75 est DISPO POUR VOS PROJES TATTOO LES LUNDIS ET LES VENDREDIS 🖤 [ils proposent plusieurs séries de flashs] BOOKING OU INFOS —— ENVOYEZ LUI UN DM OU UN MAIL [] #landscapetattoo #tattooparis #paristattoo #tattooshop #flashsheet #letteringtattoo #lettrage #blacktattoo #flashtattoo #tattooist #14keller - @landscapetattoo_bastille on Instagram

As many as 215,000 more people than usual died in the U.S. during the first seven months of 2020, suggesting that the number of lives lost to the coronavirus is significantly higher than the official toll. And half the dead were people of color—Blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans and, to a marked degree unrecognized until now, Asian Americans. A new analysis of government data from The Marshall Project and the @apnews finds that deaths from all causes—COVID and otherwise—have gone up 9 percent among White Americans, but more than 30 percent in communities of color. And at the peak of the pandemic, people of color were suffering quadruple the rise in death toll that White Americans were. Read the analysis by Anna Flagg, @daminisharma23, Larry Fenn, and Mike Stobbe at: Video journalist Marshall Ritzel from The Associated Press contributed reporting. - @marshallproj on Instagram

- @sunsetparkbid on Instagram

BURNING LANDSCAPE, 2016⁠ Acrylic, oil, and treated fabric on canvas⁠ 96 x 126 x 2 / 43.8 x 320 x 5.1cm⁠ #STERLINGRUBY - @sterlingruby on Instagram

New light box up on the facade @blumandpoe in Los Angeles #rememberinnovember #vote #elections2020 - @studiosamdurant on Instagram

Vergüenza infinita y dolor profundo. Y salieron de una mujer... y se volvieron verdugos... y perdieron el camino... y la educación guardó silencio... y la justicia miró a otro lado... y muchas lloraron en silencio ahogando su propio llanto... cada vez somos más los indignados. - @ruthcchaparro on Instagram

- This speaks a lot of volume.

This October, coming near you, ARDEX Pro Events! Contact your local sales pro to find out what’s happening near you. Give us a call at 1-888-512-7339. In the New Jersey area? Check out the deets on this flyer. Comment on this post...what type of training would you be interested in? #educationmatters #training #tile #ardexamericas - @ardexamericas on Instagram

👧🏾👧🏿👧🏻👧🏽👧🏼 - @goalgang on Instagram

- Environmental News

Posters are upon us! @golden_bee_biennale This is a fabulous and amazing space where posters are floating around you, making you feel as if you are Alice in Wonderland - a Wonderful Land of Posters! Congratulations to the Golden Bee 14 team and to Serge Serov! Photos by Vladimir Peysikov #goldenbee14 #posterterritory #sergeserov - @posterterritory on Instagram

- Child Advocacy & Orphan Care

- The most densely populated square kilometre in Ireland

🌱 If we were asked what the one reason we partner with @greenfleetaustralia is, this is what wed show ☝🏽. We offset our carbon emissions with Greenfleet, because sustainability is what they do best – and have done for years.⁠ ⁠ Between 1999 and 2009, Greenfleet revegetated this site with more than 95,000 native Australian trees, a lush forest now home to hundreds of species of native wildlife. 🌲 This ☝🏽 is the incredible result after just 20 years! The forest is also playing a role in critical climate action by capturing carbon from the atmosphere and helping restore overall biodiversity.⁠ ⁠ Learn more about our partnership with Greenfleet through the link in our bio now. 🌳 #thesedayscoffee - @thesedayscoffee on Instagram

- Utopian future and its Ugly little twin, Me, painting, 2020

- Branding

- Hematology

- End Street Harassment

- That Notebook kind of love...

- Those people are brave to undergo testing to help humanity

- @d15cordia on Instagram

For a new installment in our series Deep Dives, New Museums Edlis Neeson Artistic Director Massimiliano Gioni speaks with former New Museum curator Laura Trippi about the landmark exhibition The Decade Show. Click the link in our bio to watch ❕ . The exhibition, which opened in May 1990, marked an unprecedented collaboration between the New Museum, the Studio Museum in Harlem and the Museum of Contemporary Hispanic Art, and featured works by Emma Amos, Ida Applebroog, Dara Birnbaum, Beverly Buchanan, Robert Colescott, Mel Edwards, Gran Fury, Leon Golub, David Hammons, Maren Hassinger, Edgar Heap of Birds, Jenny Holzer, Leandro Katz, Barbara Kruger, Louise Lawler, Group Material, Bruce Nauman, Adrian Piper, Howardena Pindell, Richard Prince, Liliana Porter, Martin Puryear, Faith Ringgold, Martha Rosler, Betye Saar, Cindy Sherman, Laurie Simmons, Lorna Simpson, Nancy Spero, Cecilia Vicuna, Pat Ward Williams, David Wojnarowicz, Martin Wong, and many others. . In this Deep Dive, Trippi also discusses Felix Gonzalez-Torress 1988 show at the New Museum—his first museum exhibition ever—and her legendary collaborations with Laurie Parsons and Bob Flanagan. . #NewMuseumDeepDives - @newmuseum on Instagram

💔 - @melissamccarthy on Instagram

So incredibly honored that I had three images awarded as Honorable Mention for the 2020 Voice Image Collection. Honorable mention represents the top 2% of 40,000 submissions. I can’t really even put into words what this means to me. A few years ago, achieving Click Pro, having my work published and placing in The Voice competition were aspirations for me. This year has felt like a dream come true and I am really proud of myself. It’s been a lot of hard work! And these particular images all have a story to tell: the empty gym when our school went to remote learning - I can still remember how quiet and surreal it felt. The silhouette image - I really pushed myself - it is a single exposure shot in the corner of our shower. The cornfield was an earlier image I took with my drone and I remember feeling completely amazed at this new vantage point that my drone offered me. These images represent so much growth for me as an artist. Thank you so much to @click.magazine and @clickprophotographers. To see the full collection of the amazing finalist images, click on the link in my bio! Also, full images in my stories). #clickandcostore #clickmagazine #seehervoice #clickpromaster #jillcarsonphotography #omahafamilyphotographer #nebraskafamilyphotographer - @jillcarsonphotography on Instagram

More than 40% of plastic is used once then tossed - this isn’t sustainable... @groundedpackaging aim to remove plastic from the supply chain. All their packaging is 100% reusable, recyclable or compostable. 👊🏻🌱 - on Instagram

- @3kevin3 on Instagram

After 4 weeks and about 200 draft introductions to the project, we’ve decided it’s probably time to launch Hoi Polloi’s socials. It’s difficult to know where to start in introducing the magazine, as It doesn’t have a specific field of study or matter of interest. In essence it’s about supporting the people around us: Small business’, Community projects, artists, music platforms, blogs (we could go on forever). By creating a space that allows creative, socially aware and forward-thinking individuals to document their work, their struggles & their accomplishments, we hope we can lead our community of readers into understanding the values of self-worth. We understand this probably all sounds a bit cheesy, and some of us need ‘real professions’, but understanding and materialising passions has housed the homeless, provided dream lifestyles, created sustainable communities and much more. While the powers that be fail to provide, our communities in England continue to deliver, and only by supporting them will that continue. People are expressing their artistic styles in so many ways and we want to get as many people as possible involved in this project: so whether you’re a musician, photographer, artist, craftsperson, business owner, charity, social worker (anything that involves you loving what you do) please let us know and we’ll try and feature as many of you as possible! It may last a month, it may last a year, but we hope that for as long as it runs, we can document all the brilliant stuff happening around us. 💛 - @hoipolloi_magazine on Instagram

#freekashmir - @mirpur_.ajk on Instagram

📣 COMPETITION TIME 📣 We are offering one lucky follower the chance to WIN TWO TICKETS to NO LIMITS in Edinburgh on 29th April with global hair phenomenon Keith Harris • TO ENTER; FOLLOW our page, LIKE this post and TAG a friend. 🎫GOT TO BE IN IT TO WIN IT🎫 - @the360events on Instagram

A MASSIVE explosion in Lebanons capital city Beirut has killed at least 100 people and injured nearly 4,000 others. The enormous blast could be heard some 125 miles away in Cyprus after it erupted in the port area of Beirut. 🔸What happened in Lebanon? The death toll in Beirut has risen to 100 after a huge explosion ripped through a port area. Lebanese health minister Hamad Hasan said I have never in my life seen a disaster this big, as 250,000 people were left homeless. Pictures showed buildings destroyed, people walking wounded, and a sea of wreckage after the blast that could be heard some 125 miles across the sea in Cyprus. Nearby buildings around the port have been leveled, windows and doors blown out, and fires continue to burn as smoke plumes billow across the Lebanese capital. 🔸What caused the Beirut explosion? The source of the blast is believed to be 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate which had been stored in a warehouse without safety measures since 2014. Security sources reportedly claimed a welder had sparked the initial fire that in turn ignited the chemicals - causing a blast the fifth the size of Hiroshima. Ammonium nitrate is mainly used as a fertilizer but has also been linked to terror attacks after being used in homemade bombs. Lebanons internal security chief Abbas Ibrahim has insisted that these were explosive materials rather than military-grade explosives. Security services there said the carnage may have been caused by a fire in a depot of highly volatile materials seized from a ship a few months ago and stored there. 🔸 What did the officials say about blast? Lebanon’s Prime Minister Hassan Diab said that those responsible for the explosion at a “dangerous” warehouse in Beirut port area that rocked the capital would pay the price. He said: “I promise you that this catastrophe will not pass without accountability. Those responsible will pay the price. “Facts about this dangerous warehouse that has been there since 2014 will be announced and I will not preempt the investigations”. source @thesun Media/News Company #lebanon #beirut #beirutblast #whathappenedinlebanon #lebanonexplosion #lebanonexplodes #beirutlebanon - @goodgreenpeople on Instagram

Picture perfect @dahbi_hichame ... ... ... ... ... ... ... #vitiligoindia #vitigoworld #tattoo #tattoos #mentalhealth #positivity #mentor #mentorship #love #acceptance #peace #skin #melanin #art #cool #vitiligoindia - @vitiligoindia on Instagram

ZERO TOLERANCE FOR DOMESTIC VIOLENCE! This is not only someone who Models for us but also a real friend of mine. So sorry this happened to you @elisafckinfenty and fuck boy Damian Dame Turner will pay for this! 😡😡😡 - @famousinkedmodels on Instagram

On days when I feel sad, angry and helpless about the future of our world, when I can’t breathe properly after a 20 min walk outside due to the air pollution (and I don’t even live near the fires so I know how lucky I am) I remind myself of the existence of souls like these two and find solace in the incredible work they’ve done already in their time on this earth plane to make our world a better place. They’re just getting started and I know that they have so much more to contribute with those of their ilk. I’m reminded that even though I feel helpless, I’m not. That no-one can do everything, but everyone can do something. And I have hope once again. Supporting California’s ecosystem recovery via donations to @onetreeplanted link in my bio for further details. #alchemywithambi #climatechangeisreal #sheroes - @alchemyambi on Instagram

- Theres More Surgical Mask Porn out there than you think

True power lies in the hands of everyday people. Know the facts, know the solutions, and ACT!  Check out inspiring words from some Day 1 speakers at the #SDGActionZone, brilliantly captured by visual scribe @chrisgadbury What were your favorite sound bites of the day? Share below ⬇️ #ACT4SDGs #ForPeopleForPlanet #sdgs #GlobalGoals #TurnitAround #UNGA - @sdgstrategyhub on Instagram

- Maligayang Araw ng Manggagawa (Art by Kim Santiago)

Stay healthy! Stay hydrated! Sculpt from the inside! We are also seeing clients @ our #silverlake location! #vitaminiv - @sculptdtla on Instagram

Have you registered for the free ‘Science Against SARS-CoV-2’ virtual conference? Visit t secure your place now! - @thermofisherscientific on Instagram

As supporters of the Black Lives Matter movement, and as advocates for climate justice not only within the Pacific but across the world, it is important that we stand in solidarity with our Pacific brothers and sisters who continue to endure the violence of colonisation both within their communities as well as on the whēnua. There can be no climate justice without racial justice. • The @pacificclimatewarriors in Te Whanganui-a-Tara and across the oceans stand in solidarity with West Papua and call on the Indonesian government to release #Balikapapan7 West Papuan Political Activists! They are facing between 5 to 17 years in jail for speaking out against racism. • Visit the FWP website (link in bio) for more information on how you can send an email to the Indonesian panel of judges calling for an immediate release! You can also take a photo and spread the word and stand in solidarity and encourage others too as well! • #Balikapapan7 #FreeWestPapua #PapuaMerdeka - @marymoeonokolio on Instagram

Hey governors — like @nygovcuomo in New York, @gavinnewsom in California, @govlarryhogan in Maryland, and @govpritzker in Illinois — what action are you taking NOW to reduce the prison population in your state so that we can stop the spread of the novel coronavirus and save lives? Our lives have changed in enormous ways in recent weeks to decrease the spread of COVID-19 across the country, in large part through social distancing and increased hygiene practices. Neither of those necessary steps are possible, though, in the jails, prisons, and immigration detention centers across the US that hold more than 2 million people. These facilities often are overcrowded and they lack basic hygiene options and health care resources — circumstances that make COVID-19 outbreaks inevitable. Already, the jail on Rikers Island in New York appears to have the highest concentration of COVID-19 cases in the world. Making this problem even worse, the churn of staff and others in and out of these facilities daily means that a COVID-19 outbreak in jails and prisons will lead to illness among staff and spread of COVID-19 in the households and communities where those employees return at the end of every shift. Governors across the nation need to take decisive action NOW to reduce jail and prison populations through whatever powers they have at their disposal, including commuting sentences or granting reprieves to bring people home now. By doing so, they will reduce the spread of the novel coronavirus and save lives. PLEASE SHARE THIS POST / TAG THE GOVERNORS & MAKE PHONE CALLS: GOV. NEWSOM: 916-445-2841 - @fuel_endlwop on Instagram

- On May 26th, 2018, a fire broke out at the Europa-Park theme park in Germany. It completely destroyed the Pirates of Batavia dark ride, as well as severely damaged the Scandinavia and Netherlands sections of the park. Nobody died, however 7 firefighters sustained injuries due to smoke inhalation.

- moodboards & layouts

Mars 2020, Montreuil. ------- La situation de crise est permanente pour les personnes exilées dont la santé psychique et les conditions sociales sont extrêmement précaires et marginalisées. Dans le contexte de la crise actuelle liée aux Covid, et du renforcement des politiques capitalistes racistes, les personnes exilées dont celles résidant en foyer, vivent dans une promiscuité et des risques permanents pour leur santé et leur intégrité physique et psychologique. Comment accéder aux soins, subvenir à des besoins basiques quand la police vous attend à la porte, au coin de la rue? Se soigner sans maltraitances est un droit mirage, auxquels certains doivent renoncer rongés par la peur et la menace dincarcération et de violences. Les centres de rétention administrative (CRA), eux, demeurent ouverts. ⚫ Cagnotte en ligne pour soutenir le mouvement Les Gilets Noirs en lutte (+dinfos sur leur page Facebook), financer besoins alimentaires, sanitaires, frais davocat et autodéfense juridique : 📎Lien dans la bio. ⚫ Les Brigades de Solidarité Populaire @brigadesdesolidaritepopulaire existent dans différents villes de France en plus de la région parisienne, dont Lyon, Marseille, Nantes, Rennes et se mobilisent notamment pour les populations africaines exilées précarisées. Infos sur leur page Facebook, si vous voulez et pouvez les rejoindre +Cagnotte en ligne. Parmi les associations qui continuent dapporter un soutien social et juridique : le Bureau daccueil et daccompagnement des migrants (BAAM), @baamasso. -------------------- Crédit photo : @collectifperspective -------------------- #exil #santé #santémentale #afrique #afro #négrophobie #racisme #discrimination #droits #violencespolicières #justice #crise #covid19 #streetactivism #streetphotography #luttes #giletsnoirs #solidarité - @collectifperspective on Instagram

- A reminder during these wild times! Stay safe everyone!

Personally used tactic😉, No offense to dogs 🙏🙏 . . . @writer4reason . . . #explorepage #explorepage✨ #selfesteem #quoteoftheday✏️ #quoteofthemonth #selfrespectiseverything #writer4reason #writersofkerala #igwriters - @writer4reason on Instagram

#Parentlife #LearningExpressToys #ShopSmall #ShopLocal - @learningexpresspinecrest on Instagram

FORNASETTI 🖤 - on Instagram

- A series of posters I created for one of my favourite albums, ‘Remain In Light’ by Talking Heads

sassocie au festival Confinement pour soutenir l’Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, AP-HP. Confinés mais toujours créatifs et généreux. Sur une idée du pochoiriste Raf Urban, Projet SAATOa lancé un appel à +100 d’artistes dans le but de créer des oeuvres vendues au profit du fonds d’urgence de l’AP-HP. . Merci @polarbearstencils (oeuvre de gauche) et @viniegraffiti (oeuvre de droite) que vous pouvez retrouver en vente sur . . . #stayhome #solidarite #solidaire #soignants #hopital #confinement #streetart #graffiti #decomurale #arturbain #streetarteverywhere #streetartist #streetartists #streetarteverywhere #artedistrada #spraypaint #spraypaintart #streetarteverywhere #urbanart #artcontemporain #streetartistry #sprayart #urbanwalls #streetartofficial #arteurbano #masque #masques #graffitiart #spraypaintartist #spraypainting Merci aux artistes : @nean_kingdom @abys_osmoz @benjaminduquenne @brok3hctnb @sandrotartiste @sanerlipopette @sema.lao @laboukle @xkuz_toi @kafekorse @onsept_nok @retrograffitism @raf_urban @worldofmonsta Et aux autres : @woizoner @twopy1 @parvati.artwork @seboh_creation @crey132 @cannibal_letters @rise_up_paint @b2o.da @ach_woodart @seth_globepainter @caligr_one @doudoustyleart @stewearth @jodibona - @wasaa_streetart on Instagram

- Expression populaire

NOUS NE DÉFENDONS PAS LA NATURE, NOUS SOMMES LA NATURE QUI SE DÉFEND. @daviddelamano_ @extinctionrebellionfrance 🌿Vous aussi allez coller en imprimant une affiche à partir du lien dans ➡️ la bio! Amusant, beau et engagé! 🖤📣 #murapeches #extinctionrebellionmontreuil #loveplanet #federationdesmursapeches - @streetartrebellion on Instagram


- 2017

- Rubber gloves

- Here are just some of the many faces of war. Yemen 2016 - Present


- Creative Retreats

@y3nology_uk Not just a lipstick but an attitude, a style & a chance to treat yourself better. #Y3NOLOGY Y3NOLOGY ® FASHION FACE AWARDS 🌱VEGAN JUDGE’S EYESHADOW & LIPSTICK MAGNET🧲VER. FEAT. ECO-FRIENDLY FAUX LEATHER DUSTBAG 패션 페이스 어워즈 심사위원 립스틱 feat.친환경적인 가죽 수납 가방. 하이엔드 패션 아이템 最時尚臉孔大獎評審純素磁力唇膏feat.環保仿絨皮革收納袋 Y3NOLOGY ® cosmetic founded by YEN.C, the owner of I-MAGAZINE Inc. who gathering Fashion Face Award Judges to create a whole new vegan and cruelty-free makeup brand. We are aiming to search for outstanding materials to design our products also reducing the carbon footprints. 10% of our profits will be used for charitable purposes and donations that will be sent to various charities every year. Y3NOLOGY ® 는 I-MAGAZINE Inc. 창업자 YEN.C와 유명 패션피플 대상 심사위원함께 만든 화장품 라인입니다. 9월에는 올해 코로나19에 연기된 대상 발표에 맞춰 첫 블랙 패션 페이스 어워즈 심사위원 립스틱 시리즈를 출시하는 데 이어 투명 라인과 다양한 재료로 만든 화장품을 계속 출시할 예정입니다. 저희는 실험실을 엄선하여 동물 기름을 사용하지 않고, 비건 제품으로 화장품을 만들고 ( Vegan ) , 동물로 테스트하지 않고 ( No animal testing ), 브랜드 수익의 10%는 자선 용도로 쓰이고 매년 다른 자선단체를 선정해 기부합니다. Y3NOLOGY ® 由I-MAGAZINE Inc. 創辦人 YEN.C 以及著名最時尚臉孔大獎評審團隊共同打造的時尚及化妝品牌。 我們希望透過設計以及搜索不同物料製成對地球友善、純素食、無動物測試、天然與可持續發展的產品,減少碳排放足跡。品牌十份之一收益將會用作慈善用途,每年選擇不同慈善機構作出捐贈活動。 Lipsticks, Eyeshadow Palette, Lipgloss, Blush Palette & more coming soon. Official sponsor of I-MAGAZINE FASHION FACE AWARDS 2019 #메이크업아티스트 #lipstick #純素 #makeup #makeuptutorial #립스틱 #메이크업 #donghae #아이섀도우 #vegan #唇膏 #化妝 #sj #eyeshadowpalette #mct #vixx #eyeshadowpalettes #bts #素食 #eyeshadow #jimin #imagazine #btob - @lositkan on Instagram

- New 3ce minimalistic collection?

Here at Movingmedia, we know how important it is to give back to our community and we couldnt be more proud to be in a position where we are able to help spread awareness, in a creative way. “𝘓𝘢𝘴𝘵 𝘺𝘦𝘢𝘳, 𝘊𝘖𝘔𝘔𝘉 (𝘊𝘢𝘯𝘢𝘥𝘪𝘢𝘯 𝘖𝘶𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘏𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘔𝘢𝘳𝘬𝘦𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘔𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘉𝘶𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘶) 𝘮𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘥𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳 $73 𝘔𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘪𝘯 𝘰𝘶𝘵𝘥𝘰𝘰𝘳 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘦-𝘣𝘢𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘢𝘥𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘵𝘪𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘱𝘢𝘤𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘩𝘦𝘭𝘱 𝘴𝘶𝘱𝘱𝘰𝘳𝘵 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘯𝘰𝘵-𝘧𝘰𝘳-𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘧𝘪𝘵 𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘰𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴.” -COMMB 2019 Community Report To read the full report, click the link in our bio☝🏼 @humanesocietyofdurhamregion @ptbo_humane_society @cancersociety @ccspeterborough @ccsdurham - @movingmediadigital on Instagram

- Man can never be abused apparently

#mybodyismine - @andreariseborough on Instagram

Did it work? Cleaning our rivers is not that easy. #WorldRiversDay #Rusabl #TopicalSpot - @rusabl.basics on Instagram

“A compass never gives answers nor a detailed roadmap, but it will help you set course. The closer you get to home, the better you’ll know the way.” - Illustrations for Inner Compass Cards, 2018 by Lisette Wiebes. Photo by Marieke Verdenius, art direction by Neel van Lierop. - @thewiebesagency on Instagram

@meredithannewhites banner for Signs of Solidarity voter edition reminds us to vote for affordable housing! ATL remember to go vote this November 7th! Go check it at @97estoria - @signs_of_solidarity_atl on Instagram

Every year, the American Academy of Restorative Dentistry selects the most remarkable publications and informs of the noteworthy progress made in the profession. In the just published 2019 selection, our research team has 2 articles selected!! We feel proud but humble!! Keep going.. #prosthodontic #prosthodontists #dentalschool #dentistry #digitaldentstry - @martarevillaleon on Instagram

- Life of Street Kids in the Philippines 🇵🇭

- Some places can still call things what they actually are

- This is so fucking powerful.

- anniepetat

- //pretty//

- The epidemic in a single photo

Its time to get to work. #viragious #covid19 #cdc #cdcguidelines - @viragiouscleaning on Instagram

- Graffiti art ideas for Will

- Personal investigation

- Transistor layers of CPU in electron microscope. Intel D320, 2004, technology 90nm. [OC]

- Masks for anti-maskers

We’re pleased to announce this new, accessible group that is forming now. Led by Chelsea Small, ACSW (supervised by Saralyn Masselink, LCSW). DBT teaches 4 sets of skills: mindfulness, distress tolerance, interpersonal effectiveness, and emotion regulation. These skills are well-suited for the times we are living in. . . . Link in bio for more info; under ‘Teletherapy’ . . . #supportduringcorona #copingduringcorona #lifeduringcovid19 #onlinesupportgroup #grouptherapy #dbtskills #dbt #losangelestherapist - @michelleharwelltherapy on Instagram

- Activist Art

Cracked sternum × × × × × × × × × × × #unfetteredpoetry #poetry #writersofinstagram #wordporn #writersofig #thoughts #instawriters #poetsofinstagram #stories #igwriters #wordswag #wordsofwisdom #writeaway #writer #poetrycommunity #poet #poem #igwritersclub #writing #poems #love #writerscommunity - @poet_unfettered on Instagram

a lacuna é incógnita. negação que quase que não que. as definições e o fetiche são dx outrx. . . . . . esse corpo de ***** que tu vê, é apenas a imagem do que sou 2019, fotografia digital, impressão sobre tecido microfibra, 120x80 cm #contemporaryart #selfie #geolocalisation - @cruxdiego on Instagram

- Gender equality quotes

- yellow man bad, give updoots

- Number of Theatre Stages in Turkey

- Who is Chris?

Heer🥀💎 ❣💔🖤 - @babyness.x on Instagram

- Bookmaking, Envelopes & Sketchbooks

I don’t want to just post a black square, I want to further push the agenda Coming from a predominately white suburban area in the south, I know a lot of people who follow me on here might not completely understand the movement while simultaneously being influenced by old southern values family and peers are mouth feeding them I am asking anyone who follows me to do the bare minimum- educate yourselves I’m not asking you to donate, protest, or read a book, I’m asking you to watch some shit if nothing else. that’s ALL. I know you all have Netflix, I know you use it daily, watch these documentaries. Posting about it is NOT the bare minimum. Education and knowledge is. As for all my followers who are actively fighting and providing information and links- keep doing it ❤️ #blacklivesmatter #blm #acab I’m not looking for any praise posting this. I’m posting it so those who follow me who this post pertains to have no choice but to look at it. I don’t want to speak for any black people or overstep any boundaries- Fuck the white saviorism bull shit I’m just doing my part - @samfine on Instagram

Not because it was your fault, but because you were scared.. Stay Strong Loves 💚 If viewing follow @_sexual_assault_survivors for more - @_sexual_assault_survivors on Instagram

We are still open as an essential business, but are all doing our part to help #flattenthecurve Please help us by calling ahead with your orders or quote requests. We will get everything ready for you and get you in and out with very minimal contact with anyone. Or better yet, let us deliver to you. Thank you everyone for doing your part! - @forestlumberco on Instagram

- Got this email today... I have no words.

EL PATRIARCADO ES UN JUEZ!!! QUE NOS JUZGA POR NACER!! Y NUESTRO CASTIGO!! ES LA VIOLENCIA QUE YA VES!! Los JUECES protegen a nuestros violadores... EXIGIMOS JUSTICIA PARA ANTONIA AHORA!!! EXIGIMOS CÁRCEL INMEDIATA PARA EL VIOLADOR MARTÍN PRADENAS!!!! Porque si nos tocan a una, nos tocan a todas!!! #justiciaparaantonia #noestassola #carcelparamartinpradenasviolador #martinpradenasviolador #niunamenos #hartas - @feministasplazafranke on Instagram

To be Heard and Felt is my ultimate goal, because Music is what feelings sound like. - @nands_music on Instagram

- Concha Romeu

- Chem Trails

- How do you do, fellow anti Zionists?

⠀ Sehr stark von Schalke!👏🏻 Gemeinsam gegen Corona!👊🏻 Danke an ALLE HELFER!!!🙏🏻 ⠀ 📸: @_schalke__1904 ⠀ Für mehr Beiträge folgt: ⠀ Meine Partnerseiten:🤝 • @dynamo.supporters • @1860_group ⠀ #indenfarbengetrenntindersachevereint #ultras1312de#ultras#hooligans#ultrasgermany#pyro#pyrotechnikistkeinverbrechen#1312#acab#tradition#gegendenmodernenfussball#volkssport#kriegdemdfb#fussballmafiadfb#scheissdfb#fuckdfb#fuckrb#scheissrb#antirb#antidfl#fcköln scheissdfl - on Instagram

- The street is not a safe place to throw away your gloves or face masks for christs sake

Time to rename a bridge! - @brianstokesm on Instagram

- Vu comme ça...

- Nicole Yarran was just 32 and expecting her third child when a routine scan picked up bowel cancer. If you know your body and you know somethings wrong, please get tested. Youre never too young for bowel cancer, despite what some doctors may tell you.

No Ticket? No Problem!🇹🇷😁 - #kirklarelispor #fenerbahçe #turkey #football #footballculture #fener #ub - @ultras on Instagram

In the spirit of #WelcomingWeek, @mccNYU’s staff welcomed our new international students 🌎 to the NYU Steinhardt community. 💜 @steinhardtgbl #SteinhardtGlobal #NYUSteinhardt @nyuogs #NYU - @nyusteinhardt on Instagram

- @jordan.b.peterson on Instagram

- Thats the tea....

Ever try to figure someone out based on their appearance alone? Our physical features reveal who we truly are inside. Lets find out what your face says about you. Online Workshop Date: Friday, August 28th, 2020 Time: 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM Cost: INR 1500 Includes Certificate of Completion Registration Link: #facelanguage #facialfeatures #onlineworkshops #certification #discoveryourself #shortworkshops #hrskill #entrepreneurship #selfdevelopment #growthmindset #understandingpeoplebetter #RituMalhotra - @lifecoachritu on Instagram

- slowlorrris

- Do we make our own face mask ba?

@michaelrapino and @livenation Entertainment family donates 50000$ to #globalaidforlebanon 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 #beirutexplosion #beirut - @mediummena on Instagram

Si estás construyendo o remodelando tu casa, ahora es el momento perfecto para entrar en contacto con nosotros sobre la integración de todos tus dispositivos inteligentes y aplicaciones favoritas. 🦾❗️ . . . #vivesmart #casasinteligentes #domótica #automatización #obranueva #smarthouse - @smart_house_peru on Instagram

— “Racially motivated violent extremism, mostly from white supremacists, has made up a majority of domestic terrorism threats.”   ~ Christopher Wray - director of the FBI – 17sept20 ... “White supremacist extremists, from a lethality standpoint over the last two years, particularly when you look at 2018 and 2019, are certainly the most persistent and lethal threat when we talk about domestic violent extremists.”  ~ Chad Wolf - Acting Department of Homeland Security Secretary – 23sept20 image: @BLM - @acluofgreatermiami on Instagram

- Ads

#HopeToRise #COVID19PH #COVID19Response #RiseAgainstHungerPhilippines - on Instagram

Blurring the line between acoustic and electronic instrumentation and spanning 2006-2018, learning structures, vol. 1-4 is streaming now, and available for purchase worldwide at the link in bio. // artwork by Joshue Ott, @zackbent, @ZachMcNair, and @studio_lauren_zoll, respectively. - @ryanlottmusic on Instagram

🎉 Нас 1000! Отметим это конкурсом?! 🎉 Но сначала слова благодарности! Спасибо вам за доверие нашему бренду! 💚 ⠀ А теперь условия конкурса: 1. Конечно же быть подписанным на наш (*этот) аккаунт! 2. Отметить в комментариях двух своих друзей татуировщиков или ПМ мастеров, которые хотели бы тоже поучаствовать в конкурсе 3. Поставить лайк этому посту и двум любым Необязательно, но можете сделать репост в сторис этого поста. Нам будет приятно 💚 ⠀ Итоги конкурса мы подведём в понедельник 20 июля 2020 года через сервис @lizaonair ⠀ ❗Основные положения • Победитель сможет выбрать 5 любых пачек модулей Kiwi, либо Pixel • Доставка бесплатная до ПВЗ транспортной компанией СДЭК • Победитель будет выставлен в сторис 20.07.2020 в период с 18:00 до 18:10 • Победитель будет выбран случайным образом ⠀ #stayonthegreenside #kiwi #cartidges #kiwicartridges #киви #модуликиви #тату #tattooneedles #safe #stayonthepinkside #pixel #pixelcartridges #пиксель #модулипиксель #перманент #перманентныймакияж #smalltattoo - @kiwi_supply on Instagram

- @dukanikk3 on Instagram

The US has reached 200K deaths due to COVID-19, Colorado claims over 2K of those who have been lost. local community artists Sammy Lee and Stella Yu, created COVID Walls, a portrait project which aims to keep those lost from being forgotten, on the front wall here at RedLine. ⠀ ⠀ Lee said the process itself is healing, which is one reason she hopes people take the opportunity to glue portraits up themselves.⠀ ⠀ “It’s a very cathartic process. Cleaning the wall and just brushing and rubbing their faces. I think it’s a good thing if they get to do it on their own,” she said.⠀ ⠀ Next time you come by RedLine make sure to take a moment with ‘COVID Walls’ to help in honoring our community!⠀ ⠀ You can find a link to the @9newsdenver coverage of the work in our profile. ⠀ ⠀ #covidwalls #covidwallsdenver #denverartists #communityarts #artforcovid #redlinedenver #communityartcenter #artforjustice - @redlinedenver on Instagram

12,995 dots comprise the #Ohms album cover, and we’re inviting you to become a part of it. By adopting a dot on the cover, you’ll be contributing to the @UCDavisChildren’s Hospital and to #CrewNation to fund lifesaving research and pediatric services, as well as support the music industry’s vital crew members, whose livelihood have been impacted by COVID-19. Please join us in supporting these two great organizations and adopt a dot (or many) on our album cover at (Link in bio)  “Ohms album art is an iconic rendering of a suspended, chance moment in time. Over 10,000 individual circles become unified to create the distinct visual. As with Deftones music and lyrics, the definitive meaning of the imagery invites and relies on interpretation from the viewer. From a dreamy gaze above, to sadness, hope, despair, optimism and a longing for connection, the emotions conveyed are endless and infinitely evolving.” – @FrankMaddocks (Creative Director, Deftones) - @deftones on Instagram

FELIZ DE CONFECCIONAR ESTOS NASOBUCOS totalmente hechos a mano 🖐 handmade para TAALEN TV : ELLOS SON UNA AGENCIA DE MODELOS QUE BRINDAN DIFERENTES SERVICIOS, preparación de modelos para su catálogo,así como servicio de fotografías, y múltiples las ofertas que tienen para sus clientes,@masklasic tiene el placer de colaborar con su equipo que esta bien capacitado !!!así que pueden contactarlos por las redes 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 @taalentv @sofi_pecky 📸 @orestvpro_ Modelo: @amelia_inkgirl Allí podrán conocer más detalles de todas las jóvenes que quieran ser parte de su trabajo...gracias a @sofi_pecky y @orestvpro_ por la alegría de estar en mi vida 😍 y el apoyo inmenso ...con ustedes fue un gustazo hacer este encargo de los nasobucos - @masklasic on Instagram

Tegnap délután Alföldi Róbert Keserű Imrével, volt gimnáziumi osztályfőnökével (Horváth Mihály Gimnázium (Szentes)Irodalmi-drámai tagozatosai) és Nyáry Pállal (drámainstruktor-drámajátékos osztály 2017-2020., osztályvezető tanár: Golden Dániel és Gáspár Máté) állt őrségben. 📷 Hoppá, Színház - @freeszfe on Instagram

Lockdown Experiments: • Natural dyeing with 🥑 Avocado skins are one of the strongest dyes. You can achieve a range of different shades, from deep reds, blush and dusky pinks. I used a 100% cotton fabric and the whole process is sustainable ✨ #naturaldyeing #naturaldyeprocess #avocado #sustainability #naturalfibers - @hajar_daide on Instagram

Grazie❤️ - @silvioburatti on Instagram

- Gros malaise à la une du Courrier Picard

✩✩✩ Right Now ✩✩✩ Screening my short film tonight! Come check it out if youre in the neighborhood XD Strano Film Festival at San Pietro ad Oratorium, Italy - @kidbazzle on Instagram

LA NUEVA CALLE MALVINAS ARGENTINAS 💪🏻💪🏻 . . . . . . . #obras #sanfernando #qlsdsf - @juanandreottiok on Instagram

- SOME PEOPLE MOVED ON BUT NOT US. [Will be posted as Lennon Wall message boards across Hong Kong districts in the coming daytime]

- Abused and Battered

- World Design Capital banner -- in front of Yongsan Disaster site

- This dudes boutta go play the lottery

- FMP: Concept

- Beautiful Skin

- Family Planning Association of HK.

Sometimes I wish there really was a Dave News Network where we never practiced fear-mongering. 😎 If you’d like to make sure you see all of my fear-free posts and podcast episodes, I will DM them to you when they come out, so you never miss one. Just send me a DM (private message) with the word “DNN” so you can be sure social media algorithms don’t hide the good stuff from you! - @dave.asprey on Instagram

@three_percent_nation ✴🤷‍♂️✴ #threepercentnation .................................. #guncontrol #igmilitia #patriot #3percent #progun #conservative #glock #ammo #ΜΟΛΩΝFUCKINGΛΑΒΕ #9mm #gun #guns #pistol #rifle #ar15 #ak47 #shotgun #firearms #comeandtakeit #molonlabe #concealedcarry #2a #2ndamendment #gunporn #pewpew #tactical #dtom #edc #nra - @mattkafora on Instagram

כששחקנית עומדת על הבמה עומדים מאחוריה מחזאית ובמאי כוריאוגרף ומוזיקאית מעצבי תלבושות התפאורה והתאורה ומאחוריהם הסדרנית והנהג הקופאי המאבטחת אחראית השיווק ומנהל הארכיון - 150,000איש ומאחוריהם המשפחות שהם מפרנסים; מאות אלפי אזרחים, מאות אלפי נפשות שנותרו היום בלי אופק. כל אלה מאחוריי שחקנית אחת. ולפניה , אתם , הקהל. מיליוני צופים בשנה שממלאים ערב ערב את האולמות בכל רחבי הארץ. עבורכם ועבורנו התרבות היא אופק . אוויר. חמצן. כשהיינו סגורים בבתים , כל אחד מאיתנו הלך אל השירים, אל הספרים, צפה בסרט בסדרה, אנחנו לא צורכים תרבות אנחנו צריכים תרבות....!!!!! לאורך ההיסטורי גם בימים הקשים ביותר התרבות לא גוועה. להיפך.היא תמיד כאן כדי להציב לנו מראה , לחזק את רוחנו,להעניק לנו תקווה.תרבות נוצרת ע״י אנשים ועבור אנשים מתוכנו ולמעננו. תרבות היא לא מותרות!!! תשאלו את הסיני החכם שכשנותרו לו שני מטבעות בכיס קנה עם האחד אורז כדי לחיות ועם האחר פרח- כדי שיהיה לו בשביל מה!🌹 כעת כשהמשק חוזר לפעילות אנחנו אנשי התרבות משותקים.אנחנו לא יודעים איך נחזור ומתי. המדינה חוזרת אט אט לשגרה ואנחנו עומדים מול שוקת שבורה , הצהרות ריקות ומתווים מעורפלים שאינם מאפשרים את חזרתנו למעגל העבודה. זו אינה החשכה זמנית של מסך או אולם, אלא החשכת התרבות על המדינה. החשכת התרבות של כולנו. למען כולנו- אסור להשאיר את הבמה הזו ריקה. #אליביזאווי #תיאטרוןחיפה - @asilevi on Instagram

Knowledge is power! Millions of people were struggling to pay rent before covid-19 the number in the months of recovery to come look worse but solutions to these issues already exist in our community. Sign our #PublicLand4PublicGood petition and join us for our Community Teach In and Tenant Panel discussion today at 5:30pm. #linkinbio - @saje_southla on Instagram

- A a revolution

#LESSONSINGASLIGHTING . I was reminded of this Daily Mail hit piece today in a post I shared on Facebook. . I had written an advice column responding to a mother concerned that her daughter’s grandfather was openly bribing her to get hugs (“I’ll blow some more bubbles with you if you give me a hug.”) . I reinforced the mother’s right to feel dismayed by this, and suggested to her that this is where women’s hesitation to speak up about predatory behaviour comes from - the lessons we are taught as children (particularly girls) to accept men’s attention and bribery for affection, even when it makes us feel weird. . So of course the conservative press trashed me as an hysterical man-hater trying to demonise “loving grandfathers” as rapists and child abusers. (Guess what?! Some of them are!) . Following on from my earlier post about disingenuous right wing tactics to pretend some allegiance to “sisterhood” when it suits them, this is another thing the right does well: it pretends to care about notions like “respect” and “kindness” and even “protection”, but these are just pretty sounding weapons used in the fight to maintain the status quo. . In reality, the same people who love to invoke the rights of children when it means shielding them from learning about progressive social justice have no problem abandoning them when it comes to preserving male entitlement and patriarchy. . It’s really vital that we become trained in seeing these tactics for what they are - deliberate attempts to misdirect and undermine movements trying to bring change to the world. It’s so easy to discredit consent training (and maintain men’s rights to women’s bodies) when you can paint the people advocating for it as hysterical wowsers. It’s gaslighting and it’s effective, so we have to refuse to be distracted by it. . They do not set the terms of the debate and we must not meet them on their playing field. - @clementine_ford on Instagram

- Yanick Paquette met my friend Johanna back in 2013 in Argentina and chose her as the new face of Selina in Batman #69. We always said she was Catwoman in the flesh. I feel so proud.

- Always another side to the story

If you think #covid19 is bad, its nothing compared to what #climatechange could do to the planet. - @cooleffect_ on Instagram

It was 1975 the first time that I was introduced to this procedure as a young nurse. The sweet, beautiful girl was only a couple of years younger than me and I was horrified! As I was prepping her for surgery she recited to me the reasons that it was being done. She said that it would stop the growth of unwanted hair on her face and body, her skin would become lighter and she would be more appealing to a future husband. What? This poor girl did not have any idea what was being done to her. Now, I am even more shocked and, yes, angry that a procedure like this is still happening to girls! How? This is not OK! - @pattylea on Instagram

- That escalated quickly

Las mujeres indígenas enfrentan barreras estructurales para el ejercicio de sus derechos reproductivos. Con la cancelación del presupuesto para las Casas de la Mujer Indígena, el Estado está incumpliendo la obligación de garantizarles el derecho a la salud. #DíaDeLaMujerIndígena - @gire_mx on Instagram

- Before/After

- Not only streets, HK police enters 3 universities including HK Polytechnic University, University of HK and Chinese University of HK. Tear gas and rubber bullet are used harming the safety of students.

Doctors and nurses in Itally 😷😰 - @coronadefends on Instagram

- Visiblement, être une femme dans le BTP cest de bosser nue sur un tas de charbon

“ha ah plz” - @tony_gum on Instagram

- Protests held against virus clinic plans near residential buildings in Kowloon Bay. However, Hong Kong gov. still ignored the citizens demands.

- Lunar New Years over. Popo is back at it again. Suicides, brutality, arbitrary arrests of protesters.

- Branding Vol. 2

- Flag of england by Banksey

- Dua Lipa mural in Dublin, Ireland ☘☘

- A memorial for deceased Pro-Democracy students has burned down this morning. [Stand News]

- Do the Evolution

Mais uma reunião. E o outro encontro marcado para o dia 18. “Os eventos-teste foram bem avaliados e elogiados pelos integrantes da Saúde.” O Grupo Live Marketing RS, no início da tarde desta terça-feira, 15, fez mais uma reunião com os técnicos e a secretária Arita Bergamann, da Secretaria da Saúde, a coordenação do Comitê de Dados, Leany Lemos, além dos titulares das secretarias de Governança e Gestão Estratégica, Cláudio Gastal e Rodrigo Lorenzoni, do Desenvolvimento Econômico e Turismo. As primeiras falas foram pautadas em reconhecimento e elogios à organização dos eventos-teste de Porto Alegre, que ocorreram na sexta-feira, 11, na Fiergs e no domingo, 13, no Auditório Araújo Vianna, por parte dos representantes do Estado. Inclusive, Bruno Paim, técnico da Saúde, em sua análise, disse que daria até para ter um público maior, entre 1500 e duas mil pessoas, pelo tamanho e condições do Auditório. E mais uma vez, após breves questionamentos e observações também da coordenadora Leany e da secretária Arita, o indicativo gradual da retomada do setor, por eventos corporativos, e de menor dimensão, foi levantado, considerando o número de participantes, fluxos, tempo de permanência e local. Neste momento, Carlos Siegle de Souza [Nene], assessor da Secretaria de Governança e Gestão Estratégica, também manifestou a possibilidade de os municípios credenciarem equipamentos aptos, licenciados portanto, para receber os eventos e não apenas delimitar pelo perfil e número de participantes [públicos], dimensão e área de interesse. - @grupolivemarketingrs on Instagram

Durante estos últimos años se han publicado numerosas obras que hablan sobre el conflicto Vasco y la banda terrorista de ETA. Una literatura que surge para intentar reconstruir el relato de una sociedad atravesada por la violencia. En nuestro catálogo podéis encontrar tanto novelas o relatos como ensayos que tratan sobre lo sucedido en Euskadi y que son testimonio de una brutalidad de la que todavía nos quedan secuelas. Nosotros os recomendamos “Una tumba en el aire” de Adolfo García Ortega, “Como si todo hubiera pasado” de Iban Zaldua, y “Mejor la ausencia” y “El eco de los disparos” de Edurne Portela. #UnaTumbaEnElAire #AdolfoGarcíaOrtega #ComoSiTodoHubieraPasado #IbanZaldua #MejorLaAusencia #ElEcoDeLosDisparos #EdurnePortela #Narrativa #Ensayo #ETA #Euskadi #PaísVasco #GalaxiaGutenberg #LecturasRecomendadas #LibrosRecomendados #Editorial - @galaxia_gutenberg on Instagram

- @traellekeys on Instagram

⛔️ NO MASK, NO ENTRY ⛔️ . Since 24th July the UK Government made mandatory the use of face coverings in shops. We are going with the science and facts that show that face coverings are effective in containing the spread of COVID-19 in closed spaces, therefore we are asking all customers visiting us to be prepared to cover-up once entering our shop. . Although large supermarkets are defying the law and ‘choosing’ not to request face covering use, we want to make sure your shopping experience is SAFE and our staff feels safe too, so we are following the guidelines. . If you have a genuine exemption you are allowed by law to enter a shop without one. . We are not stocking reusable coverings, but if you think we should, then comment on this post and we will meet demand! 😷 . #bulkmarketuk #zeroeasteshoplondon #zerowasteshop #refillnotlandfill #facemask - @bulkmarketuk on Instagram

Новы пратэставы арт у Віцебску. - @belsat on Instagram

Time Magazine has introduced its list of the 100 most influential people in the world and this year, two nurses are named for their influence on society - Amy OSullivan and Bonny Castillo. Time’s CEO and editor in chief Edward Felsenthal wrote that this year’s list looks “far different” than anyone could have predicted only six months ago. The TIME 100 has always been a mirror of the world and those who shape it,” he explained. “While you will certainly find people who wield traditional power on this years list—heads of state, CEOs, major entertainers—it also includes many extraordinary, lesser-known individuals who seized the moment to save lives, build a movement, lift the spirit, repair the world....Their work challenges each of us to wield our own influence toward a world that is healthier, more resilient, more sustainable and just. ➡️ Read the article now on or click the link in our bio or search this website ➡️ - @nurse_org on Instagram

Masks will be mandatory in public places and gathering sizes cut to 10 in Winnipeg and 17 nearby communities starting Monday, as the province tries to slow the spread of COVID-19 following a spike in cases. Read more at #cbcmb #covid_19 - @cbcmanitoba on Instagram

Demonstranten tijdens een manifestatie tegen racisme en politiegeweld in de VS bij de Erasmusbrug in Rotterdam. Copyright: ANP / Remko de Waal #anp #atwork #2020 #blacklivesmatter #rotterdam #photography - @remkodewaal on Instagram

- The first slums of Caracas, Venezuela 1962.

- @payupfashion on Instagram

- I will abuse my powers, but people of Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia need your help!

Read the story below 👇 “Flowers of Shatila” by Faten Anbar, femLENS documentary workshops participant in Shatila refugee camp, Beirut, Lebanon, October 2017. Photos are taken using mobile phone camera. I love roses so much. I toured the alleys of my camp, but unfortunately I could not find any roses or flowers, I found only one rose. The only plant I found I was disappointed, I was sad, my camp lacks any kind of nature and roses and flowers that adorn the place in its shape and fragrant scent. Yes, I was trying to pick up some of the plants next to one of the buildings inside the camp, so I was a little happy to have them. Yes, the camp of “Shatila” was crowded with people, houses, spaces and narrow playgrounds, but it was still beating with the love of its people. Everything changed. Despite the difficult living and all the changes, we find that the good and the steadfast are still alive inside the camp. Faten Anbar is a thirty-year old Palestinian-Lebanese woman, who has lived in Shatila refugee camp in Beirut, Lebanon for over 20 years. #femlens #refugees #shatila #documentaryphotography #photographyworkshops #womentakephotos #lebanon #womensphotography #documentaryphoto #refugeestories #womenphotographers #beirut #refugeecamps - @femlens on Instagram

- Met Police protecting firefighters with their riot shields from falling debris, Grendel Tower Fire June 2017

8 million people are gone missing. They are either human slaves, sex slaves, raped, murdered, or tortured for their #adrenochrome . Many of these are in such horrible situations that they WISH they would be killed. And many of them are children.  The most optimal timeline is that humanity unites to free and heal all of these people, and the people working to free them (because that is traumatic as well), and ensure that this darkness never exists on our planet again. This will take a complete realignment of our society.  Ways to get involved:  Global mediations.  Rallies/protests. Facebook group: Standing For The Children Donations: Operation Underground Railroad  Accounts to follow: @projrescue @timballard89 @vets4childrescue @exoduscry @hopeforjusticeintl @a21 @thorn @deliverfund @childrescuecoilition @savinginnocence @ijm @enditmovement @d2lorg @defendinnocence @globalfamily_gfcn @polarisisproject @katejoseen @stoppingtrafficfilm  Feel free to add more resources and share!  - @spiritgoddess__ on Instagram

- Art

Zvětšení prsou implantáty značky Motiva Round 315 ml ⠀⠀ 👉Zvětšení prsou na naší klinice již od 67 000 Kč. ⠀⠀ 👉Objednat se na nezávaznou konzultaci můžete na tel.: ‪+420 273 136 126‬ nebo na e-mailu:☎️ ⠀⠀ _________________________________________________ #plastickachirurgie #plasticsurgery #premier_clinic_cz #zvetseniprsou #augmentace #augmentaceprsou #breastaugmentation #breastenlargement #brustvergrösserung #siliconeimplants #klinikaestetickemediciny #zvetsenieprsou #plastickachirurgia #motiva_cz_sk #motivaimplants #plastickychirurg #novaprsa #boobjob #boobs #newbreasts - @dr.lucie.zarubova on Instagram

- 30/1500 people -our church is helping feed during the Quarantine Lockdown outside Manila Philippines