Soldier boy icon

2 Super Famicoms APU-01, full recap, voltage regulator, and super CIC. Very happy with the PPU connections. . . . #supercic #consolemodding #rgbbypass #retrogaming #supernintendo #snes #modding #soldering #SFC #superfamicom - @duncans_deals on Instagram

striker@SG沼&ボルトアクション練習中 on X

- Filmed & lubed T1, circa 2020


- Linux raspberry pi

- Diseño electronico

- Electric Oven, Stove, Range Repair and Parts

- Three way switch

#macrophotography #photography #photographer #photoshoot #clicks #canon #canonphotography #canonlover #canon50mm #cameraclick #cameralover #cameramama #câmera #photoshoot #instalover#instagraphy #shootout #clicklinkinbio #click v - @__big_hit_entertainment__ on Instagram


- Laser Cladding

Un système refroidisseur automatique. Bon week-end ! - @ardpordeb99 on Instagram

Kaju roll ❤️ Follow __food_quest__ Follow __food_quest__ Follow __food_quest__ Follow __food_quest__ ❌🚫NO REPOST🚫❌ ❌🚫 STAY HOME 🚫❌ - @__food_quest__ on Instagram

- Arduino Projects

Koffie/Mika (@koffieaulait1) on X

- @ferreiraneon on Instagram

Russian soldier

- Battery

⚓𝐈𝐧𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞 𝐃𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐚🇲🇽

- Pi and arduino

- A Sewing Corner for My Tula


- Arduino based Projects

- Raspberry Pi for Beginners

Shiny Star Choker

- Rain Gauge


#cirklon2 mainboard and display take the place of the original LCD module, connecting to the front panel through a UI driver board. Original IO and CVIO connections supplemented by USB host and LAN ports. - @colin_sequentix on Instagram

- I made an Arc Reactor Mk 1 for my dads Christmas present! Ive always considered him the IRL Iron Man. Im gonna hate seeing this thing go, but I know hes gonna love it! I love you 3000, pops

- Glass - Pendants

- 3 d cnc

Gas mask

So this is the brain of our custom espresso machine. yay! its time to code and lets make a custom coffee taste. #coffeemachine #embeddedsystems #homebarista #cockroachlabs - @cockroachlabs on Instagram

- CNC Maschine

Round icon pfp cute green 14 pool ball sphere aesthetic Y2K profile picture

- fluorescent tube power supply

Slash, Tom Morello, Kirk Hammett use this kid - @pedalboss on Instagram

- Geek culture

- Custom Machines

- Boulder Opal display made1978

This used to be a Barbie keyboard... still gotta a couple connections to add, ran out of wire... #circuitbending #modularsynth #moog #nativeinstruments #hardwarehacking #trumpet #beats #fingerdrumming #gritty #keyboard #instrumental #dfam #zoia #microkorg #tapeloop #dictaphone #microbrute #neutron #synth - @joelkynan on Instagram

I received an incredible gift in the mail this morning: a prototype Sega Doom 32x cartridge from 1994. #doom #sega #prototype #idsoftware #gamedev #gamedevelopment #history #gamehistory #johnromero - @theromero on Instagram

- Amp

- Elektro

- Drone et robot

- Arduino laser

#bossbox #bossboxkids - @bossboxkids on Instagram

Available at #ttechneedle #ttechcartridge #ttechneedles #ttechtattoo #tattoo - @ttechtattooneedles on Instagram

- 641/2 - F190 Ferrari

- Ham radio operator

- BBC Micro bit

- interesting upcycles and makeovers

- Roland Boss


Untuk informasi dan pemesanan Silahkan kunjungi : Krisbow Magelang Jl. Mayjend Bambang Soegeng no. 108 Mertoyudan 0293-326293 Wa: 0821 1441 1327 #krisbowmagelang #magelang #kabupatenmagelang #temanggung #purworejo #bengkelmotor #bengkelmotormagelang #bengkelmotortemanggung #bengkelmotorpurworejo #plataa #promo #tyrechanger - @krisbow.magelang on Instagram

- Amp Ic

- Arduino;Raspberry Pi; etc. projects

- Magnetic motor

- Power Electronics

- Videos

Getting ready for some special edition bags for @partnerforcematch and @specialforcesfoundation_ match prizes. Pictures coming soon!!! . . (link in bio) Train-Equip-Survive . . #leather #patch #velcro #specialedition #charity #match #leatherstamp . . Leather stamp by: @turner_laserworks l - @zuluopstac on Instagram

- simple circuit

- carte mere

FireBoard 2, almost ready for assembly. #fireboard #newproduct #manufacturing #technology #kcmo #summerready #grill #bbq - @fireboardlabs on Instagram

Built a pink-0! A wireless Ableton link to cv clock/gate converter and wireless acess point. #ableton #diy #modular #abletonlive #abletonlink #modularsynth #eurorack #pink-0 #dope - @diegohostettler on Instagram

イラプターの音の秘密とは?⠀ ⠀ トランスフォーマーを使用したピックアップシュミレーションを採用し、色々柔軟に対応できながらも音に強烈な印象を残せる様に、特別に開発した5%1/2ワットのカーボンレジスター、メタライズドポリエスターキャパシター、スプラグ、BCエレクトロリティック社製キャパシター、気温など環境の変化に強い一つ一つ手作業で選定したNOSシリコントランジスターを選定しました。⠀ ⠀ インピーダンスのマッチングにも細心の注意を払い、ワウペダルとの兼用でも最高のファズサウンドを提供します!⠀ ⠀ プロフィールページのLink in bioをクリックしてReverb.comでデモを行うアンディーのイラプターのデモビデオに飛べます。⠀ ⠀ • YouTubeウィンドウ内のccをクリックして字幕付きでご覧なれます⠀ ⠀ #earthquakerdevices #eqd #アースクエイカーデバイセス #fuzz #ファズ #bias #バイアス - @earthquakerjp on Instagram

- Accessories

- circuit

- Arduino

...Have you tried our carbon nanotech yet? This fresh batch is hot off the press and heading to @smallbearelectronics - can’t wait to see the pedals these end up in! #guitarpedals #sciencerules #quantumphysics #guitartone #nanotechnology - @nanologaudio on Instagram

- Arduino;Raspberry Pi; etc. projects

- Lcd television

What your looking at here is a Trabecular Metal Implant (TMI) from @zimmerbiometdental! Its been around a while in the US (with excellent preclinical and clinical validation) but launched relatively recently here in Canada. Ive had my eye on them for some time now. Im intrigued by the design which features threads coronally and apically and a middle region that mimics the structure of trabecular bone to promote 3D bone ingrowth. Its made from Tantalum - a biocompatible metal which has been used in orthopedic surgery for many years. Ive recently had the opportunity to start placing these implants in my office. Every system has its feel and nuances and this system is certainly no different in that perspective. Its nice to step outside of your comfort zone once in a while and incorporate new technologies into your practice. Keeps things exciting for sure! Looking forward to sharing this journey with you! So far its been fun :) #dentalspecialist #periodontist #implantology #dentalimplants #implantologist #oralsurgery - @drbhideperio on Instagram

. . . . #goldsmithtools #grstools #benchjeweler #stonesetter #jewelerydesigner #diamondsetter #platinumsmith #jewelersstudio #jewelersbench #alexandreschool #jewelersofinstagram #capecodjeweler #jewelryworkshop #golsmithstudio #jewelerstools #jewelrystudio - @c.quinn_goldsmith on Instagram

- Arduino programmer

- Communication & Networking

- Analog Circuits

- Cool Tools

- Electronics mini projects

- Linux raspberry pi

- Arduino {Sensors}

- black power

- Active Components

- Tvs

⭐️TESTIMONI⭐️ Service mesin IC PMU (power management unit) . . #duurangadget #service #iphone #andorid #mac #imac #ipad #iwatch #gantilcd #gantibaterai #iphonedibali #servicedibali #servicedenpasar #servicehp - @duurangadget on Instagram

Eine sehr sehr Coole Nummer ! #adrenaline #bauwatchwirsindwiederweg #witzigwars #urbex_apocalypse #urbexworld #welcometwoneverland - @lp_encounters on Instagram

Tip for drilling holes on curved surfaces. An center cutting endmill works well for establishing a flat surface in order to prevent a drill bit from wandering. Without establishing a flat surface first, most drill geometries would deflect as curved or sloped surfaces push drill geometry laterally. An example of this is sloped armor defelcting a round, the same principles apply when drilling. For more tips like this follow @octane_workholding ✔ #instamachinist #machinistofinstagram #education #engineering #scienceandtechnology #drilling #milling #tips #machinist #learningeveryday #cncmachining #cncmachinist #industrial #fabrication #bridgeport - @octane_workholding on Instagram

- For the little one

- Arduino

- Electric winch

- savage 650

MK6 2.0T TSI ECU in for a stage 2 tune with some custom options. #MK6 #BurnAllTheMK6s #Stage2 #Deletes #overrun #popsNcrackles#TSI #MED17 #BurnAllTheMK6s #EuroCustoms #TriCore #MagPro #VW #ecutuning - @eurocustoms on Instagram

- falla de display

- Mad Scientists Lab

- 30 Amps Esc

- Beautiful Bling

- I worked hard to understand the math behind my first circuit and it worked! Its such a small achievement but I learned a lot to get here and seeing these lights on makes me so happy :)

- Google Chromecast

It’s alive!⚡️ Picoclick running on battery 🔋 18mm x 20mm of pure cuteness. Four LEDs for better visual feedback👌🏻 Time to design a simple case. Any ideas? 😏 To learn more about my Picoclick project check out this ➡️ #picoclick . . . #nanoclick #octoclick #pcbdesign #embedded #embeddedsystems #pcbdesigner #dashbutton #doityourself #diy #cnc #pcb #pcba #electronics #diyelectronics #tech #technology #led #iot #internetofthings #electricalengineering #engineering #maker #makersgonnamake #arduino #esp8266 #esp32 #mcu #moekoe #moekoe_diy - @maker.moekoe on Instagram

- Electronic engineering Wi-Fi


- Bakelite

Пошаговый протокол снятия остаточного материала после брекетов. _______________________________________________________ Взято у 👉 @dr.gadjiev_umalat _______________________________________________________ - @uc_stom_dental on Instagram

- Microcontrollers

Centralina MIDI Controller Ferrara 21/04/2020 #ferrara #ferraracentro #midi #midicontroller #arduino #arduinomidi #multiplex #arduinomidicontroller #diy #diypedalboard - @cellos_s2 on Instagram

The Sinfonion will be back soon 😊 #audiophilecircuitsleague #sinfonion #modul #eurorack #quantizer #modularcontrolcenter #work #berlin #happy #acl #modular #modularsynth - @audiophilecircuitsleague on Instagram

- Your Serverless Raspberry Pi cluster

No dias de hoje ainda há trabalhos destes 😁😁😁😁 #MBPOWER 🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹 #NOTBLABLABLA #WORKINGHARD - @vagspeedmbpower on Instagram

- simple circuit

- Friends and Distributors

- I created a moisture measurement system with Arduino - The link are in the comments below.

- DIY Synth Kit

- Tvs

- Crochet skirt pattern

- Battery powered led

- Raspberry P

- When I was a kid, I used to imagine old electronic boards as cities and it always piqued my interest. Now Im making myself a little village :)

- Free software download sites

- Apple logic boards / moederborden

- Electronics projects

- Arduino Led

- Combat robot

- Computers & Electronics

- Arduino {Sensors}

The Signal Blender is officially back in stock on our website! Grab one and get to blending that board of yours. #oldbloodnoiseendeavors #obne #obnesignalblender #effectpedal - @oldbloodnoise on Instagram

- AMD microprocessor for aircraft avionics

- Pi

- CNC machine tools

#Repost @benoitfinck happy to have you in our Team! Welcome! ・・・ NEW SPONSOR ANNOUNCEMENT! Thanks a lot @flyduino for the support! ❤️ I’ve been flying Kiss for about a year now and I’m so proud and happy to be representing it now! If you haven’t already really give it a go it a fantastic system to be flying on 😉 - @flyduino on Instagram

- green in shoes

- Electronics projects


- Nickel Free Earrings

Just got some Amperex Bugle boy EL84s! #buildyourtone #vintageaudio #nostubes #newoldstock #vintageaudio #guitaramplification #vacuumtube #marshallamps #voxamps #nostialgia - @amplifiedparts on Instagram

- Home Appliance Parts

- Iron man arc reactor

- 3D Printed Creations

- Stepper motor

More prototype PCBs in! #eurorack #sdiy - @northcoastmodularcollective on Instagram

- Bitcoin

- 4 Bit SSD

- Homemade CNC

- CompTIA A+ Certification

- Electronics projects

- I’ve always enjoyed the warmth of McIntosh tube amps.

- turbine engine


- Electronic Data Systems

- TV board firmware


I picked up an @adafruit motor shield the other day to learn more about controlling servos and DC motors 🦾 #servo #servomotor #adafruit #adafruitmotorshieldv2 #arduino #arduinoproject #solderingiron #soldering #timelapse #processvideo #wip #diyelectronics #electricalengineering - @i_mozy on Instagram

- Matching stabs are so satisfying.

- EE student’s life

- Arduino Radio

- Arduino

- tecno


- Arduino

- Bug Out

- circuit

- Before & After - My boss said he heard a hum from his amp. He asked me to look at it and maybe clean it up...if it needs it...

- Jewelry

This time last year we were doing maintenance on our NEVE Console Desk 🙏🏻 We’ve spent the last couple of years replacing capacitors on the EQ modules, the mini fader modules and the input modules. . These recapping sessions will ensure that our beautiful desk stays in top shape for our students for years to come! - @wearespiritstudios on Instagram

- Harvester

- Alternative Power

- Plasma tv

- components

New FC for FPV, Pyrodrone F4 #fpvdrones #fpv #fpvracing #fpvflying #fpvfreestyle #drones #brand #dji #aerialfilming #droneforgood #dronestagram #flying #flyinglife #flyingisfun #happy #fun #birdseyeview #colorful #bluesky #energy - @crosswindrc on Instagram

Coupla clear portable radios to greet you on this fine Sunday. - @retrospekt_ on Instagram

- All mobile phones

- Arduino & chip

- motor engine

- My first adder/subtractor on a Spartan Board!

- CNC Router

- Arduino

- tv led

Manufacturing the USS Shift switch for out QS systems. #bazzazinc #quickshifter #qs #manufacturing #performance #motorcycle #racebike #trackbike #streetbike #yamaha #suzuki #honda #kawasaki #bmw #aprilia #ducati - @bazzazinc on Instagram

- equipment

- Arduino programmer

- pcb board


- @ayushman_telecom on Instagram

- Btc miner

- Arduino

- Arduino - шлагбаум граббер и TV пульт

A few more details of the #PrintedPlacer control & HMI boards - powered by PCB produced by @pcbway Designed in @altiumdesign If you would like to stay up to date with the design progress of an open source Pick and Place machine, make sure to follow #PrintedPlacer and @aljaztitoric! - @aljaztitoric on Instagram

#Repost @art_fpv ・・・ Today I have received new Flyduino products: KISS 25A esc and KISS 4in1 25A ESC. Big thanks to @flyduino for sending them out to me for testing. Full review will land on #fpv #flyduino #flyduinokiss #kiss25aesc - @flyduino on Instagram

- Machine Vision

Why there not standard issue parts I do not know, just happy to have them 😈😈😈😈😈🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯👻👻🕷🕷🕷 - @spydabrown_ on Instagram

- Tvs

- Light up tree

NEW RASPBERRY PI ALERT! The long-rumoured 8GB #RaspberryPi 4 is now available, priced at just $75. Visit or click the link in the bio to get yours today. - @raspberrypi on Instagram

- Arduino

- Electronics Basics

- carte mere

- Tech

Entry no -1 R170049 Name -Md. Ishaaq Ahamed Branch -ECE College-Rgukt rk valley Theme -Every one have dream to achieve heights in their life Dont know dreams will come to reality or just they remains like dreams But everyone have a chance to choose to live or to go for picnics at a very High apartments or high hills. In this pic they are like apartments and hills every can click image from there motherboards which are in our laptop which are provided by our university *Note* No external lens used Shot on phone - @rgukt_click_o_mania on Instagram

@drbill.mojo stereo matched 14Bs comin together! Hey, did yall know that theres a PCB version (seen here) available now? And its less expensive with the same everything else?! #recordingstudio #musicstudio #studiosession #recordingsession #recording #mixing #mastering #studiogear #gearhead #musicproducer #production #studiolife #audioengineer #compressor #synth #analog #tubepreamp #tubecompressor #varimu #micpreamp #recordingengineer #producer #recordproducer #vacuumtube - @locomotiveaudio on Instagram

- ohms law

Early 2021: we’re gonna swirl ‘til we hurl. #fuzzrocious #fuzzrociouspedals #stompbox #stompboxes #effects #effectspedals #effectpedal #fuzz #fuzzpedal #fuzzpedals #guitar #guitargear #guitarpedal #guitarpedals #bass #bassgear #basspedal #basspedals #gearybusey #fuzzpedalsofinstagram #electricocean - @fuzzrocious on Instagram

- Which HBA is best?

- Blue Tooth

- Spot Welder

- ARM Microcontroller

So excited when I got these in the mail, straight from Sweden— the future of wireless DMX. The new TimoTwo CRMX module by @lumenradio is going to be the new standard. Wireless mesh (signal repeating) , improved RF coexistence, and Bluetooth capabilities... game changing!!! I have a couple of products in the pipeline that will make the most of these powerful little chips. Hopefully I can share some of what I’m working on soon! #CRMX #wirelessDMX #DMXmesh #TimoTwo - @eric_tk_androvich on Instagram

- Induction Forge

- Mechatronics Engineering

- Afwillite (and related species)

- Arduino

- Electrical energy

- Best Arduino Projects To Try

Hypersonic HID 55W Single point Starting @ 4000 + shipping H4 starting starting @ 4300 + shipping WhatsApp - 9319161756 - @musafircars on Instagram

- Claw machine

Пополнили парк техники на нашем производстве еще одной «машиной»👍 готовим к запуску☝️ #автозвук #teampride #pridecaraudio - @pride_car_audio on Instagram

😁😁 #electrical #electricalengineering #electrical_engineering - @ee_electrical_engineering on Instagram

Oh what’s this?! :) #skitzo #skitzofpv #fpv #flightcontroller - @skitzofpv on Instagram

- Arduino programmer

- I will store this Macintosh SE for 10+ years without bothering to check the battery on the motherboard. WCGW?

- Arduino Circuit


- Elec Arduino

- Modèles réduits

- Stereo amplifier

- carving métal

Theres something awesome about solving problems from the ground up. Hardware and software working together in harmony. #embedded #electronics #arm #stm32 #microchip #microelectronics #processor #developer #hack #projects #engineering #software #hardware #tinker #gadgets #geek #nerd #wires #tech #technology #hardwork #custom - @raj.lxgroup on Instagram

Productive day yesterday. This one is one of 5 designs that will soon be available! #dangerclub_ #onyxstone #waxcarving - @dangerclub_ on Instagram

- black tourmaline ring

- Nuclear technology


- Just completed this motor driver circuit for maze solver bot

this old fuzz face came in for repair, both transistors were biased really well which is quite rare. This is what real NKT275 transistors look like. #analogman #fuzzface #nkt275 #fuzzislife - @analogmike_piera on Instagram

#KillerBMotosport #subienation #subaruwrxsti #subaruperformance #subaruparts - @killerbmotorsport on Instagram

- Cof Data

Anyone who knows what this boards function? Leave your answer and I will pick up someone with the correct answer and send our module board as gift. Tag your friends who is interested in it......#arduino #electronicengineering #electronics #coding #hardware #computer #electronics #electronic#raspberrypi #repair #repairs#buzzer#chips#modules #electronicengineering #electron - on Instagram

To the left, to the left, all my working MOSFETs are properly attached to the left. 🥺 I havent messed up this bad in a while. Onward! - @dahmanator on Instagram

First experiments to build the voltage controlled low pass filter used by Ray Wilson in his DIY Noise Toaster synth. The filter works very well. Next step build the CV circuit. #artislab #calabria #synth #diy #diysynth #modularsynth #diymodular #diymodularsynth #mfos #lowpass #filter - @artislab.cs on Instagram

- arduino stepper motor

- 8051 Start

- Cnc router plans

- electronics

- Arduino

- Gold detector

Camden EC2 looks even better under the bonnet 🇬🇧 (or hood 🇺🇸) 🤩 . Theres 1620 components inside one of these beauties. With great performance comes great complexity 🙌 . . . . #camden500 #camdenec2 #preamp #cranborneaudio #recordinginterface #audioengineering #musicproduction #proaudio #recordingengineer #recordingstudio #soundengineering #studio #studiogoals #studiolife #micpreamp #mic #transparent - @cranborneaudio on Instagram

Taking back 2020. Watch this space. #godeater #animalfactoryamps - @animalfactoryamps on Instagram

LCD Oscilloscope Kit DIY Practical – Test Electronic Learning Portable With Case Analyzer . Check out the link in the bio 🌐🛒 . . #printedcircuitboard #proteus #sensor #electricalprojects #capacitor #ohms #arduinoproject #arduino #resistor #microcontroller #digitalelectronics #tech #electronicengineering #robotics #robat #technology #electrical #diy #emeddedsystems #electronicslovers #robot # #bhfyp#usa - @electruino on Instagram

- Angle grinder

- The rocket that took people to the moon for the first time had only 14KB memory.

So I was trying to hold off on posting these as I wanted to surprise everyone with this photos just a few days before the amplifiers arrived in stock. However, I cant wait any longer. Here are some pictures of the new CT Series production! As you can see in the pictures every single amplifier goes through an very thorough QC and testing phase. First we run a series of tests on each individual amplifier making sure the performance and power output is up to par along with making sure the amplifier is producing a clean sound wave. Next each amplifier is moved to our bulk test area where we run each amplifier for roughly two hours to make sure it working properly and is built to last. Every single product we make goes through a QC and testing phase like this. These amplifiers finished production almost 2 weeks ago. They are currently headed to the US on a boat and should be in stock very soon. Thank you to everyone who has pre-ordered on! I appreciate your support! If you havent gotten yours already, I suggest getting your order in ASAP! We still have a few days left of the 30% OFF pre-order sale! #ctsounds #ctsoundsarmy #ctsoundslife #built2last #caraudio #amplifier #production #pcb #qc #testing - @colemanthedinger on Instagram

Assim que elas nascem. Estou encantado por elas. São vários processos, escolha da madeira, dar formato, lixar, furar e tratar. Se você gosta de tábuas de madeira escolha uma para você, ou uma para presentear. @tabuas_do_chef Mais informações pelo WhatsApp 48996224547 #tabuas #tabuasdefrios #tabuaspersonalizadas #presentescriativos #diadospais - @chefvilmarturnes on Instagram

350 points later #soldering #modular #Synthrotek #busboard - @kingsolarious on Instagram

- Arduino

- Three D Printer

4.5 years of hard work to design this bad boy. I had a great team and this went towards a great overall project (not pictured). Im very happy with how our senior design project turned out. - @marcusedarby on Instagram


- I work in an audio repair shop. I was fixing a bass preamp when I noticed this:

- Active Components

- Electronics

The time has come... - @advancedpowerdrives on Instagram

- Arduino projects

Thora bada button bana Kar laga denge to meherbani hogi!🙏🏻🙏🏻 😂😂😂😂 .... Stay home, stay safe and laugh 😂😂😂 * * Follow: @the.meme_factor Amazing memes 😂| Super Funny content 💯| Crazy Voiceovers 🎙️ ~~ ~~ #grain #cross #ads #adsmemes #indianmemes #indianads #like #love #likeforlike #dankmemes #trendingmemes #explore #art #relatablememes #troll #youtube #instagood #instadaily #instagram #sarcasm #style #followformore #followme #funnypost #followforfollowback #meme #memelove #memestagram #lol #viralmemes - @the.meme_factor on Instagram

- Programming tutorial

- CNC Parts

- sewing machine presser foot

- Switched mode power supply

- Home Appliance Parts

- Arduino Programming

- Follow - @easyelectronick - Follow - @easyelectronick Follow - @easyelectronick - - Like❤️| Share👉| Comment 👍| Follow💯 - - Source : @easytronic3795 Credit for original content© Disclaimer : No copyright intended All rights and credits reserved to respective owner (s) DM for credits/removal - - #electronic#arduino#electronicengineering #technology #electrical #eonicslovers#diyelectronicguru#Diy#digitalelectronics#arduinoproject#seproteus#arduinolove#arduinoprojects#wires#project #fun#robot#electronics#soldering#led#code#homemade#motor#diyelectronick#engineerskikhushi#arduinouno#arduinonano #easyelectronick - @easyelectronick on Instagram

- Arduino Parts

I know my photography isnt great, and the build is Janky but this is the first time I have attempted a build of this level of difficulty! And im proud of it damnit.. #vapenation #vapefam #vapegram #coils #gettingbetter #coilporn #coilbuilder #wireporn #BENOITBUILDS - @mf_benoit88 on Instagram

#jouluksivoimaa #lappiin #mb #350cdi - @carpower_vaasa on Instagram

- Tesla coil

- Famous Psychology Experiments

Do all the resistors and diodes first. Then low profile caps, transistors, and other low profile components. Next, taller electrolytic caps. Save the big stuff like transformers and pots for second to last. Finally, do the hook up wire. Nice and neat. - @zvexeffects on Instagram

- Elephant holding a BMW logo hidden in the Electronics

- aa؟؟؟؟؟pirooz????a

Piccolo Falsetto guts. Nothing more to say about it. 😉 . . . #guitar #guitars #guitarist #guitareffects #guitarpedals #guitarsofinstagram #effects #effectspedals #pedals #pedalheads #pedalbuilding #pedalporn #tone #rarebuzz #rarebuzzer #maker #madeinohio #4ts #4tracksyndicate #rbfx20 #piccolo #falsetto #rangemaster #germanium @gutshotculture - @rarebuzzer on Instagram

- Smart Materials

N.n - @frantripas on Instagram

- Projects to try

- Forbidden Ravioli

- Active Components

. . Preparing for the rebuild of the PSU in @watersoundpro ‘s #PublisonDHM89B2 😊 . #WaterSoundPro #Publison #PublisonSystems #DHM89 #DHM89B2 #VintageDigitalFXBox #VintageDigitalPitchShifter #Repair #StudioPiscineATokyo #PiscineATokyo #TheGoodDoctorPrager #LeBonDocteurPrager - @piscineatokyo on Instagram

- Automatic watering system

- p8 lite

Do you have the new card of the Ultra pitch mod with full RGB led and the DIP switch? If so there is a new firmware update fixing some bugs in the first beta release. Contact me and I will send the new firmware and instructions for updating. If you have the first version there will also be an update during the summer. #technicsultrapitch - @backtrack_btk on Instagram

My next project. . . . . . . . #homebrew #homebrewer #homebrewingdiy #beer #craftbeer #dohomebrew #homebrewpodcast #podcast #homebrewingonly #microbrew #nanobrew #brew #wort #brewpiremix #brewpi - @homebrewingdiy on Instagram

- Diy hydroponik

O bom filho à casa torna Válvula nova, revisado, regulado e testado Agora a parede cai 😱😱😱 @estudiovitoriarp @hartkesystems @gallienkrueger @tecniforte - @estudiovitoriarp on Instagram

- Arduino projects

- Lead acid battery charger

- Iphone repair

- electronic arts

Working on something sneaky..... . . . . . . . . . . . #emax #spacecowboydesigns #fpv #fpvracing #fpvlife #fpvlifestyle #sneaky #drone #droneracing - @bigshaun_fpv on Instagram

- My first custom circuit board!

- 2017

Alu Bearbeitung @abel_fraestechnik #cncmill #cncmachining #cncporn #cnc #cncmachine #cncmachinist #endmill #millingmachine #corona #hoffmanngroup #garant #aluminium #aluminium #schraubstock #vhm #hartmetall #hartmetallwerkzeuge - @cnc_art_munich on Instagram

- Amp Ic

We’re doing some repairs on the Beck Video Weaver - Stay tuned and fingers crossed it’s just the power supply!! 🔙🔛🔜The Beck Video Weaver design began in 1973 as an extension of the Beck Direct Video Synthesizer. The initial design combined magic square mathematics with color sequencing by means of a series of 74193 TTL logic chips, which are 4-bit up/down counters. The design synchronized a series of cascoded counters to video pixel clocks, which were derived from the NTSC color subcarrier frequency of 3.579545 MHz and then fed into counters synchronized to the video horizontal and vertical sync timings. Further counter stages set time base tempos for the animation. 🔻🔸🔹🔶🔷🔶🔹🔸🔻#videoweaver #beckdirectvideosynthesizer #videosynthesis #videosynthesizer #videoarthistory - @telefantasystudios on Instagram

The two little boys who are going to amplify my sympathetic strings! I shot all the process, I will post a video about that ;) #hurdygurdy #viellearoue #workshop #lutherie #atelier #vielle #pickup #microphone - @guilhemdesq on Instagram

- Active Components

Endlich ist alles verkabelt und die Kabel etwas fixiert. Super dabei geholfen hat der Kleber von @berfixkleber , den ich gewonnen habe. Da er auch unter UV Licht aushärtest und auch gleich eine UV-LED unten dran ist, muss man nicht lange warten. 👍 Als Nächstes noch die Abdeckungen/Diffusoren vorne aus Tischtennisbällen und dann gehts ans Programmieren. . Follow me @spaethdiy . #werbung #werbungwegenmarkennennung #unbezahltewerbung #arduinoleonardo #diy #selbermachen #doityourself #maker #makersgonnamake #arduinoide #elektronik #electronic #programmieren #programming #arduino #ws2812 #led #homeoffice #scub #switch #button #case #volume #control #atmega32u4 #tischtennisball #usb #hid #gehäuse #303 - @spaethdiy on Instagram

- xy plotter

Finished making some Sega Triple Bypass V2 boards. Got one installed in a MD2 VA1.8 already. . . . #sega #consolemodding #retrogaming #modding #soldering #triplebypass #megadrive #megadrive2 #oshpark - @duncans_deals on Instagram

- @ali.the.architect on Instagram

- Mobile phone repair

Drone Masters in production! More@info and demos coming soon ⚔️ • This set will be available Saturday 10/3 at 3pm EST 🎶 • • • #fuzzlordeffects #fuzzlord #fuzzlife #doommetal #guitarpedals #effectspedals #stompbox #guitarfx #pedaltvchannel - @fuzzlordeffects on Instagram

- Electronics

- aquaponics Texas

Microsoldering repair. We fix what other shops can’t. Call now for a quote! 🔬 • • • #Phoenix #phoenixaz #phoenixsuns #PhoenixArizona #phoenixtattoo #phoenixphotographer #phoenixrising #Phoenixpark #phoenixhair #PhoenixRealEstate #phoenixtrade #brophyprep #phoenixville #phoenixzoo #phoenixdrophigh #phoenixartphotography #brophy #PhoenixDrop #phoenixart #asu #phoenixweddingphotographer #arizonastateuniversity #phoenixwedding #phoenixfanfest #arizonaentrepreneurs #phoenixevents #PhoenixEuropa #phoenixphotography #arizonaphotographer #arizona - @macrepairphx on Instagram

- Computer Parts And Components

Cmon DOD. Im not a rocket surgeon. . . . . . #pedalrepairs #effects #effectspedals #DOD @digitechfx #workshop #thecave #tymguitars #madeinbrisbane #delayayayay #contactusthroughthesite #supportindependenteverything #begoodtoeachother #staysafe - @tymguitars on Instagram