Sob Gifs Profile Pics



kalsarik%C3%A4nnit finland chill relax

Sim🖒 💃🌻💃🌻💃🌻💃 - @racanegra2000 on Instagram

himeno icon ❁

spongebob spongebob cry

Uma imagem vale mais do que palavras, mas não podemos deixar de falar depois do que vimos hoje, fomos chamados para o resgate de 8 gatos que viviam presos pelo pescoço em cordas. Nesse momento de quarentena estamos sentindo na pele o desespero da restrição de espaço e de liberdade, então imaginem para gatinhos de 7 meses o que é estarem presos e toda vez que pensavam em brincar, correr ou pular eram enforcados 💔 é desesperador pensar que animais ainda são sujeitos a esse tipo de coisa, hoje essa sensação acabou pra eles, que agora estão no ILM, ainda muito assustados, mas sabemos, com amor e carinho vão superar traumas e logo estarão aptos a novos lares. Muito obrigada a todos que nos ajudam e nos permitem assim, ajudar! E se você tb quer ajudar nosso trabalho a continuar pode contribuir com qualquer valor em nossas contas ou acessar o site Bradesco AG 1974-7 CC 288-7 Itau AG 0772 CC 09021-3 Banco do Brasil AG 1817-1 CC 120.000-3 Instituto Luisa Mell CNPJ: 21.877.796/0001-35 - @institutoluisamell on Instagram

sugar cubs

Henry McHell veda o local de um dos crimes, enfurecendo Juca. Vitória usa a sabedoria e tenta apaziguar os ânimos... . . #atodovapor #henrymchell #industriasmchell #seriesbrasileiras #audiovisual #audiovisualbrasileiro #amazonprime #segundoepisodio @primevideobr - @atodovapor.oficial on Instagram

sponge bob patrick crying sad

- Reddit funny

Pfp use it for free

bricci weep shed tears sob wail

- Arch video

shrek in pink outfit

spongybob dear

count me in bender futurama include me take me into account

Time to get back to our old ways seniors. - @barstoolmissouri on Instagram

Взято из Дискорд сервера Genshin Icons (ссылка закреплена)

bad mood frustrating hurt sorrowful sob

- Funny prank videos

~☆save & follow☆~

amy miller 3lifeessentials below click below down below

- Dogs❤️


bt21 raining sprinkling broken umbrella cry

- Animals


fantasy football anime sakurasou shiina mashiro

These are Nikon’s 2 NEW LENSES!!! Since Nikon is so worried about the “press” leaking images that they don’t give then it is before an announcements anymore. I asked @sketchartofsanchez to sketch us out the two rumored lenses that are now official. Which one do you like and why??? @nikonusa @nikoneurope #ishootraw #froknowsphoto - @jaredpolin on Instagram


joe keery

130718 cry sob

- Kate Bishop

Bubbles Crying GIF - Bubbles Crying Sob - Discover & Share GIFs

crying in the club

- Funny Love

love eyes cat you are in my eyes

- grappig : )

lets sit in a circle and cry about it sarcastic annoyed over it can we not

- Car bucket seats

jagoan hosting jh sonia thanks thank you

Can you name it? Comment Below! 🇩🇪 Follow @carmeetculture 🇩🇪 🚧 Daily German Car Posts 🚧 🇩🇪 Follow @carmeetculture 🇩🇪 . Credit: @alan_enileev @supercarblondie @gorden.wagener . . . . . . . . . . . #mercedes #amg #mercedesg63 #mercedesdubai #e63amg #mercedesusa #amggt #g5004x4 #mercedeslovers #mercedeslove #amgperformance #amgstyle #amglover #s63amg #cls63 #mercedess63 #gla45 #amggtr #s65 #amgpower #mersedes #mercedesamggt #g63amg #mercedesbenz #c63amg #g500 #mercedesmaybach #gt63s #brabus #mercedes_amg - @carmeetculture on Instagram

Cute Soobin TXT

floor sobbing sob feels fangirl

- I love you funny

Pfp use it for free

relaxing resting vacation chilling lying down

- Competitive Swimming


osumania osu when one miss

- Child love

pentol stiker pentol quby stiker typing

- Burger joint ad in my country (Philippines)

andy herrera sobbing station19 sad sob

- This rat is bathing like a human. Link in the comments. (Or here)

lalaartwork sob sobbing sobs crying in the corner


basil omori omori cry omori cry vexwashere


crying face coney rabbit duck mocha bear

O que construímos em nossas fábricas? Sonhos, amigos, famílias e muitas histórias. Vamos caminhar juntos de forma consciente e segura. #GPcomVC #GrupoPetrópolis #SouMaisGP #PorNovosReencontros . *Beba com sabedoria. - @grupo.petropolis on Instagram

clowns bye bye it see you in your dreams

- pink punch buggy

heavy tears sob sorrowful pensive face hurts

Treacherous Gulls shall fall! (Credit: Pytr Rover) - @ensiferummetal on Instagram

dodochabrc sodhtby

🙏🙏🙏🙏 - @save___girls on Instagram

jh sonia thanks thank you

- When youve been waiting on the dots forever but then the winning team hops off

joshdarnit josh darnit vine great sadness

- Do it if you love it (not sure where this belongs so hope this is ok)

down george vanous below under freedom

the second slide is the new app that everyone is downloading to relieve stress 🤩 it’s super fun and completely free!!! Link in bio 💜😍 - @epicfailclips on Instagram

crying cry sob

- Animals#4

sorrowful tears howl unhappy crying

- 3-2-1- detonate

sad summer tombstone

Né, gente! #bomdia🌞 - @saojoseviagens on Instagram

mx1 cry sob teary tears

- Aquarium ideas

friend trouble you in

- [BO2] Yo we should play window wars...

sad crying cry upset penguin

We are Costume Producers - We are Costume Producers - We are Costume Producers - We are Costume Producers - We are Costume Producers - We are Costume Producers - We are Costume Producers - We are Costume Producers. Se nos rayó el CD mientras te contábamos qué somos y qué hacemos. 🖤 - @lasmariasestan on Instagram

crying meme black guy cries sad man thank god for my reefer hood news

- I never had a scene from any show make my heart pound this fast, my chest b tensed up.

pepe cry pepe tears sad lonely

- The dragon rider,digital,1345x1238”

greys anatomy jo wilson cry sad emotional

- Salt water fishing

crying sob cry tears tearful

- Horse riding quotes

when no poop no poop poop sob emoji sob

- Amazing Chicken Recipes

pardon tears rub eyes cry tearful

- Food Quotes

pikachu cry pokemon sad

- Friendship Quotes

bunny cute kawaii crying sad

- Bike Eyes

sobbing crying in the shower arrested development

- cool/cute stuff

backhand index pointing down people joypixels down there below


crying happy alasia ballard antm americas next top model

- This classic

eyesshakinggif triggered eyes shaking eyes cant control out of control

Enquanto a quarta temporada de Sessão de Terapia estreou no @gnt na última semana, já surgem novidades da quinta! Não há jeito de explicar isso melhor se não for pelo sucesso da série escrita por @jaquelinevargas, dirigida por @seltonmello e produzida por Roberto d’Avila, da 😀 A quarta temporada, original da Globoplay e já disponível no streaming, tem 35 episódios, exibidos de segunda a sexta, no GNT - segundas à 0h, e de terça a sexta às 23h30. Já a quinta tem confirmada @rodrigosantoro e @leticiacolin no elenco. #clientesFT #sessãodeterapia #moonshotpictures - @ftestrategias on Instagram

taylor bartley sad corner hungover dunce

- DuckFace !!

zinhyy zinh zin sad cry

- rods and cones

davidcross sobbing crying shower

O ex-BBB 20 Felipe Prior, nesta quinta-feira (1º), virou réu pelo crime de estupro. A denúncia do Ministério Público de São Paulo veio dois dias após a 1ª Delegacia de Defesa da Mulher (DDM) concluir o inquérito sem indiciá-lo. . O Tribunal de Justiça do estado recebeu a denúncia em agosto que, devido à pandemia do novo coronavírus, só chegou ao juiz na última quarta-feira (30). Conforme o juiz, que acolheu a denúncia de estupro, Prior tem o prazo de dez dias para apresentas resposta às acusações. . O caso em questão teria acontecido em São Paulo em abril de 2014. . Por meio de nota, a assessoria do arquiteto se posicionou: Depois de uma criteriosa investigação, a autoridade policial concluiu pela inocência de Felipe Prior. As provas coletadas ao longo do inquérito demonstraram que ele não cometeu qualquer crime. A defesa confia que o poder judiciário também concluirá pela inocência de Prior e afastará as acusações infundadas. . Relembre . Os casos foram divulgados pela revista Marie Claire em abril deste ano, expondo as duas acusações de estupro e uma de tentativa de estupro por parte de Felipe. . Os três crimes teriam acontecido durante os jogos universitários das faculdades de arquitetura e urbanismo de São Paulo (InterFAU) entre 2014 e 2018. Em nota, a organização do evento afirmou que Prior foi banido após as acusações. . No mesmo dia, Prior usou as redes sociais para falar sobre as acusações. “Desconheço todos os fatos apresentados. Nunca cometi violência sexual contra ninguém”, pontuou, afirmando estar muito chateado e que as mulheres teriam apresentado a denúncia depois do ex-brother entrar na Casa. “O carinho do público está me tornando mais forte. Minha consciência está muito tranquila”, finalizou. . Os outros dois casos correram em outros municípios e foram enviados a promotores locais. . @rayanacaetano - Rayana Caetano, do @mais.entrete / Foto: Reprodução/Globo - @maisgoias on Instagram

pointing down joypixels down hand below

- Drawing Tutorials

crying bed weeping


bt21 koya frustrated pissed off under the pillow

- Pet raccoon

last vermont christmas hallmarkies justin bruening under control things are more than under control

Original VS Remix #007 📀 M People - Moving On Up (MK Like a Man Dub) 😎 - @marckinchen on Instagram

yuta nct nct127 sob emoji gaongenre

- Jealousy quotes

oprah cry sob

- Pot holder

pointing down joypixels down hand below

- 18 years old schoolboy or a news anchor lady in her 40s?

sobbing uncontrollably

- anime

bun cute crying tears emotional

- Riverdale archie

everythings under control happily the situation is under control there is control over everything

- The story of my life

milk and mocha crying sad

- mind numbing

pepe crying cry tears sad

- Relatable.

sob bad mood cry tears depressing

- Popular baby boy names

the plague nft theplague plague ape reunion

- Motorcycle babes

get in bed mary son of a critch 211 go to bed


wonderdaan vdospunks dos punks punks punk

- Cute bunnies

upset cry tears sob cat

- Cute n Cuddley n Wild n Beautiful......

sob crying sadness inside out

Mercedes Vision Avtr! 🥰 Dope Or Nope? 😱 😍 ⏬ . Old School Compass Dial Handmade Wooden Watch! 😍 Buy Now ✔ (Link in the bio) 👈 75% OFF + FREE SHIPPING🔥 😍 . Follow For More ↘️↘️↘️ @autolaxus 🔥 @autolaxus 🔥 @autolaxus 🔥 . . . . . . . . . Video/Photo Credit 👇 🎥 : @gercollector 🙏 Please DM For Credit/Removal 🙏 . ⚠️The photo/video is entertainment purpose only, if the owner would like the photo/video taken down or if credit was not given please DM (Direct Message) and we will sort it out ASAP for you! 🙏 ------------------------------------------------------- #mercedesbenzworld #mercedesamg #mercedesclub #mercedeseclass #mercedes #mercedesfans #mercedess63amg #mercedes_amg #mercedeslife #mercedesbenz #mercedes_benz #autolaxus #mercedescls #mercedesavtr #mercedesusa #mercedesbenz #mercedess63 #mercedesc63 #mercedesw124 #mercedes190e #mercedesg #mercedesclassic #mercedes190 #mercedessl #mercedesc63 #supercarsoflondonon #supercarseurope #supercarclub - @autolaxus on Instagram

powercry cry sob sobbing crying

- The Evolution

crying face bed time south park

- Walking dog.

sob roll cry sob


crying tears sad blue feeling

Arthur vai fazer uma declaração linda pra Carol. Será que é hoje que eles voltam? ❤Depois do #BATV a gente confere ⠀ #redebahia - @tvbahiaoficial on Instagram

sympathies cry hurt sob worried

Me every day... 😴😂 •⠀ •⠀ •⠀ •⠀ #nurselife #nightnurse #scrublife #nursinglife #nursingschool #nurse #futurenurse #nursepractitioner #nurseproblems #nurseappreciation #studentnurse #nursehumor #nurseprobs #nursememe #nursesrock - on Instagram


- Alex Ernst

pepe pepethefrog cry

- Back up and ram it!

fortune fortune cookie premonition devil may cry nero

- PUBG memes & videos

usagy usagyuuun bunny tears falling crying

- Cute animals

i live in your walls i know where you live meme cat caption

- Give me the spike of all spikes

sad crying lost bed tears

Bugatti or Koenigsegg for you?🤔 👇COMMENT NOW👇 ⁠⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ Join the community!💎 👉 @carborder 👉 @carborder 👉 @carborder ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ 📸 by @mannykhoshbin @thestradman ⁣⁣⁣⁣ #bugatti #bugattichiron #luxury #veyron #bugattiveyron #chiron #carsofinstagram #carswithoutlimits #carlifestyle #luxurycars #hypercars #supercars #sportcar #exoticcars #lamborghini #koenigsegg #bugattidivo #bugattichironsport #agera #regera #bugattichironpursport #hypercar #chironsport #carbonfiber #peninsula - @carborder on Instagram

baby crying kid highchair sob

- Cool Stuff to buy

bunny cute kawaii sob cry

- Chef Ramsey

sobbing baby crying emotional

- Walking Dead Clothes

cute sad

- Awww how sweet

sad peepo in the rain

- Funny prank videos

tears hurt rain sob crying

- Cursed_Car

cry sob no way more tissue

- Every Thing U Know (is a lie)

hurts sob hurt pensive face frustrating

- cuties

hello i am under the water

- Fricken whore

cry sob teary tears sad

콩콩이들 X 펫밀리아😻😻 @petmiglia ⠀ #펫밀리아 플렉스도어 출시 광고에요⭐️ 광고에서 보시다시피 냥이들 털 빗길때 정말 쵝오에요👏🏻👏🏻 털 빗길때 진짜 난리도 아닌데 ㅠㅠ 죠기 헤파필터가 빨아들이고 죠 안에서 털 빗기니 쵝오!! 에어드라이 기능 + 살균 기능까지 있어요👍🏻 처음 사용 할 때 적응하라고 손 넣어서 쓰담도 해주고~ 츄르도 줄 수 있고요!! ⠀ #petmiglia #petdryroom #flexdoor #commercialshooting🎥 ⠀ #고양이모델 #내츄르다 #내게츄르를다오 #냥모델 #모델묘 #모델냥 #펫모델 #묘델 #고양이배우 #catmodel #광고촬영 #모델 #촬영 #광고컷 #광고 #petmodel #gimmechuru #cat #instacat #catsofinstagram #냥스타그램 #캣스타그램 #고양이 #猫 #ネコ - @gimme_churu on Instagram

under a rock hiding escape live under rock rock


rabbit blushed cute crying sad

- The Comedian.

lilo and stitch stitch cry crying sobbing

- @chomiczek_ptysio on Instagram

crying sobbing

- Beta beta


- hmmm

cried frustrated sad woman hurt sob

Alguém já se iludiu assim? 😂😂 - @batuca_batera on Instagram

crying arrested development sobbing sob

- Arrested

sob worried bad mood tears cry loudly

- Cool things to buy

im going under singing on stage musician scream

- Animals

sad blanket under hide crying

- tierecke

red button spam press button click

- Stop resisting

- cursed_tutorial

- Animals & Children

Hi 👋. We hope you are safe. During this long nap we were working on one of our next interactive project: FLUX. 48 x 1.5m LED strips on an infinite rotating connector with a max rotation speed of 720 ° / s. The prototype and the programming are done. The movement and the light are entirely controlled by @touchdesigner . The next step is the assembly of all the units. Yeahhhhh. More news and pictures soon. @tetro_agency @constellations_de_metz #ledmapping #interactiveart #leddesign #lightdesigner #robotart #robotartist #lightart #touchdesigner #flux #collectifscale #arduino #steppermotor #3dprinting - @collectifscale on Instagram

- Cat bar

Quando foi a última vez, que você fez algo pela primeira vez? 🪂 Senta que lá vem história... O desejo de saltar de paraquedas já era antigo, porém ainda não tinha tido a oportunidade de realizar. Desta vez a oportunidade surgiu, junto com aquele frio na barriga de se jogar de um avião em pleno ar. Depois de pensar muito a respeito, decidi que faria um salto duplo, pois me parecia a escolha mais sensata naquele momento. Porém quando fui fazer minha inscrição descobri que meu porte físico (leia-se: peso) não permitia a realização deste tipo de salto. Com isso veio o baque, ou abandono o sonho ou faço o curso e salto sozinho. O medo de saltar sozinho quase me fez desistir, mas lembrei-me de uma frase que ouvi há muitos anos: “Nunca me arrependi de nada do que fiz, apenas daquilo que deixei de fazer” e o resultado está aí pra quem quiser ver. Primeiro salto do curso ASL realizado com sucesso. Um agradecimento ao instrutor @gerepqdta e ao @clubeparaquedismocostaoeste que me proporcionaram esta super experiência. #paraquedismo #paraquedismotoledo - @marcusmalacarne on Instagram

- #Densi

- Random

- Thats a pretty hat you got sir!

- Amusing & cute pictures

- Cars

- Bsb pride

- (Ika-6 na Utos) Paano i-bake ang mukha ng kabit 🤣🤣🤣

- Funny Gym Memes

- gamer meme!!

- Best of Video-Pins

- Drama = entertainment

- Happy Easter bunny

- Favorite TV

anyone watching movies like Le ? 🙄😆 - - - - - #draw #drawing #characterdesign #illustration #doodle #doodleart #design #cuteilustration #characterart #characterillustration #chickillustration #chickcharacter #artwork #cuteeveryday #digitalart #digitalillustration #graphicdesign #kawaiiproject #cute #cutedrawings #lovedrawing #lovedrawings #yellowchick #kawaiiart #sketch #EdnLe #indoedle #cutearteveryday #cuteartfeatured - @indoedle on Instagram

Im now that friend. Lol - @ryan.gordon.martin on Instagram

- Visit paris

- Maybe humans could learn something from these vermin?

Cinema 4D - MoGraph Animation @fattututorials . . #cinema4d #mograph #animation #art #rendering #render #artist #motiongraphics #graphics #3d #satisfying #love #color #blender #octane #octanerender #redshift #3dsmax #bubbles - @fattututorials on Instagram

-⠀ 🥃Whisky & Words 2nd Anniversary 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉⠀ ⠀ We are turning 2 this month! To celebrate we will start a series of EXCLUSIVE PROMOTIONS for you! Please stay tuned for weekly exciting promos. ⠀ ⠀ We love and value our members. Please ask our musketeers for MEMBERS ONLY SPECIAL PERKS. ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ 1️⃣st Week: Sep 28 - Oct 4⠀ ⠀ We are launching exclusive private bottle ⠀ ⠀ Tasting @ Special price of $120 per glass ⠀ ⠀ Bottle @ HKD1,480⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #hongkongfood #stayhungry #hkeats #topcitybiteshk #foodhongkong #hongkonglife #ourhoodtoyours #rare #liquidgold #whisky #whiskey #whiskylover #cocktaillovers #hkwhiskybar #hkcocktailbar #hkbartenders #hkbars #speakeasy #speakeasyhk #hkdrinks #whiskylibrary #cocktaillibrary #bestbarshk #slurp #bestdrinkshk #bestwhisky #bestcocktails ⠀ - @_whisky_and_words_ on Instagram

- Louis vuitton iphone wallpaper

- Whatsapp profile picture funny


😂😂😂 #LiberatoStile - @liberatostile on Instagram

Da um mini infarto kkkk . . #unhasdecoradas #unhasdasemana #unhaslindas #unhas #esmaltes #instaunhas #esmalte #dicasdeunhasbr #viciadaemvidrinhos #unha #unhasperfeitas #esmaltedasemana #garotasesmaltadas #esmaltesecores #deesmalte #unhasartisticas #instaunhasdeprincesa #instadeunhas #unhastop #unhasfeitas #esmalteria #unhasdodia #unhasfeminina #dasemana #esmalteiras_anonimas #viciadas_nails #blogdarosane #lookesmaltistico #esmaltadas #unhadasemana - @dicasdeunha_br on Instagram

- funny decals

- All types of videos

- what was the thought process behind this?

- A mother’s love

OMG So Adorable And Cute 😍😍 Who want it? 😂❤ Follow @cutemeaws Follow @cutemeaws . . Credit : dm us for credit . . . . . #tabbylife #catsarethebest #tabbycatsrule #catpicoftheday #purrpurrpurr #kittycats #kittens_today #whitecats #catractive #catclub #catofday #cat_delight #catoftheworld #catasticworld #meawfeature #catfeaturedaily #bestmeow10k #catgag #cat_features_daily #meowdeling #catworldwide #catofig #cutestcat #cutecatskittens #kittenofinstagram #kittenlife #kittengram #kittenselfie #kittenpaws #cutekitties - @cutemeaws on Instagram

- 1 OF 1

- American

- Cute Things

- cat

- When a group of Karens walk into your restaurant...

- My new crossover meme template. Enjoy reddit

- Tik tok music

5 Transferable Skills all Job Seekers Need⁠ ⁠ 1. Communication- In almost every career, communication skills are vital.⁠ ⁠ 2. Analytical Skills- This is a vital skill as the majority of businesses generate revenue by solving problems that clients face daily⁠ ⁠ 3. Leadership- Leadership is about motivating fellow employees and leading them to work towards their goals⁠ ⁠ 4. Information Management Skills- As a result of the emergence of social media, most employers look for employees who can sort and present data objects in an understandable manner⁠ ⁠ 5. Project Management- You can use this transferable skill in industries such as education, energy, consulting, and even the military⁠ * ⁠ *⁠ *⁠ *⁠ *⁠ #NAUCareer #NAU #skills #transferable #work #jobseeker #job #employment #industry #communication #leadership #management - @naucareer on Instagram

- gangster

- memes the walking dead.

- *mumbled facelift conversation*

- Both ASS At Fighting

I guess you could say I’m not working on this project... Solo.... @joebor1777 👀👀 #lego #legos #legostagram #legogram #legoart #legography #legophotography #legophoto #instalego #legostarwars #animation #starwars #hansolo #vitruvianbrix #brickleague #brickcentral #bricknetwork #brickinsider - @jared_the_legobrick on Instagram

😂😂😂😂 #doctorwho #doctorwhomemes #doctors #thedoctors #anything #everyday #everything #strax #clara #claraoswald#TARDIS #doctorwhomemes #christopereccleston #9thdoctor #catherinetate #donnanoble #sassy #drunk#mattsmith #11thdoctor #11thdoctorwho #doctorwho11thdoctor #doctorwho #DoctorWho #riversong #death #wife #doctorwhomemes #funnymemes #funny #TikTok #doctorwhoworldtour#thetasigma - @dalek_girl on Instagram

- Fishing Humor

- campy

I love my greens 🥬😋⠀ ───────────────────⠀⠀ » Lets spread the love. Tag a guinea-loving friend!⠀ » Follow @guineapigdaily.ig and use to get featured!⠀⠀ ───────────────────⠀⠀ . . #guineapigsofig #guineapiggy #guineapigofig #guineapiglife #guineapiginstagram #guineapigcage #guineapigstagram #guineapiglover #guineapigposts101 - @guineapigdaily.ig on Instagram

- alarm

- BTS _J-Hope_

- Tire, Me, PenAndInk, 2019

Yes! Yes it is! #rage #ragebroadheads #rageinthecage #feradyne #feradyneoutdoors - @ragebroadheads on Instagram

- hmmm

- Nails

- Funny Gifs for every occasion


- Wooden owl

- cute things

- Funny

- Military Humor

😂🤣😂😂 - - Via : @bullymake - - Dm for credits or removal - @pitbull_magazine on Instagram

- Snails

1 or 2?🤔😍Comment⬇️👇 Follow: @s777_bmw @s777_bmw #bmw #bmwm #bmwlife #bmwblog #bmwgram #bmwmotorsport #bmwfan #bmwusa #mperformance #bimmer #bmwperformance #bmwclub #m2 #m3 #m4 #m5 #m6 #7series #8series #x5m #bmwm5 #bmwm4 #bmwm6 #bmwm8 - @bmw_cars_center on Instagram

- Beautiful horses

- Optical Shop

- 춤추는물개😻 . 1. 초극세사 소재 2. 캣닢백 내장 3. 터치센서 4. USB충전 5.손쉬운 세탁/교체 . . #춤추는가재 #춤추는물개 #춤추는생선 #춤추는시리즈 #펫케어장난감 #댄싱피쉬 #펫케어 #고양이 #강아지장난감 #고양이장난감 #dancingfish #움직이는가재 #움직이는물개 #노즈워크 #장난감맛집 #고양이장난감 #신제품 #노즈워크장난감 #강아지장난감추천 #오리지널 #움직이는물고기 #제품개발 #상표권출원 #디자인권출원 #세일 #이벤트 - @petgeek_korea on Instagram

- This is our senator.

- because i love it

- @prajapatitrading on Instagram

- Guinea Pigs

- minivan

- The cast Of Tintin (My Attempt)

- Mercedes concept

Esse Massageador exclusivo é incrível e está conquistando o Brasil, com ele você : . Promove a Liberação Miofascial Alivia a fadiga das mãos Otimiza tempo, trabalho e força Promove relaxamento Favorece execução dos movimentos . FRETE GRÁTIS PARA TODO BRASIL . 🔴 Poucas Unidades disponíveis. . Sabemos que ter um equipamento Exclusivo é fundamental e decisivo na hora de um cliente contratar um serviço concorda? - @importeexpress on Instagram

CommentSaranghae💓for jungkookie🐰Must watch all slides💜 . . ~~Follow more @ot7kingz ^^ . . . . . . . #jhope##bts#kpop#Btsarmy#btsjungkook#btsjimin#btsjhope#btsjin#btsv#btsrm#btssuga#btsloveyourselfspeakyourself#ipurpleyou#kimtaehyung#btsarmyworld - @ot7kingz on Instagram

How enlightenment values led to mass surveillance. Editorial for Berggruen Magazine. - The irony is that Western capitalism is animated by an individualist ethic. It is no longer the superior productivity of capitalism in the West that is touted as its chief virtue. In many areas where China is forging ahead — machine learning and biotechnology, for example — such superiority can no longer be taken for granted. Instead, the advantage of Western capitalism is held to be its promotion of personal freedom. The dissolution of communities by turbocharged markets is not, in this view, a social cost but a positive gain. Liberated from attachment to any particular place, human beings in a post-industrial economy can become the autonomous individuals celebrated in liberal theory. Of course, things have not quite worked out this way. As the late nineteenth century French sociologist Émile Durkheim perceived, the flipside of free-floating autonomy is anomie — a society without any authoritative norms. Pried from closed communities, many people suffer from pathologies of isolation and purposelessness. Family breakdown, drug addiction and mental illness become widespread and increasingly normal. In these conditions of social disorder, surveillance technologies are surrogates for the communities Western capitalism has destroyed. Ubiquitous video cameras replace the prying eyes of neighbors. The price of individualism has proved to be the loss of privacy. - Jhon Gray - @nilserraima on Instagram

- Funny

- Animal friends

- Funny stuff

- Peter Rabbit Movie

- Cartoon memes

- Cats

Lah mana saya tau saya kan kucing ac : explore cc:@selsauw #fypシ #explored #starrsocietygrp - @n.pdcx on Instagram

- Animals

- sk8 dont h8

- Cat Quotes


- hmmm

Follow 👉 @peterauto - @lemansclassic on Instagram

- Animals and the other things

- Funny???

- @488kw on Instagram

Todavía falta 😿 pero por mientras, siempre pueden escuchar nuestro donde hemos estado sumando mixes para acompañarlos en esta primavera 💗🌸😻 - on Instagram

- Movie Quotes

- Onion Dip


- Lâmpada Matriarca

- Military slang

- Siri funny

- Gif

- Funny dogs

- cute animals

- Cute Cats

- Avengers Cast

- Document

- Memes

- a dog rescued me

- New Oreos

- It’s so pure

It really be like that. via @midwest_hunting_memes - @huntersblend on Instagram

Say a prayer for all of these poor men😂 - @runningspringsco on Instagram

- Mood

- Fishing

- Optometry office

- Animals

- Art

- Oye sicierto.

- Coffee, Tea & Mugs

- guy humor

2829. Hashtag(Digital Art) #digitalart #digitalarts #digitallyart #digitalworks #digitalartist #artdigital #myart #pen #sketchbook #artistic #pencil #drawings #illustrator #illustration #digital #draw #digitalfanart #lineart #graphic#photoshop #procreate #graphictablet #drawingtablet #doodle #sketch #cintiq #digitalink #creativetablet #digitalpainting *** - @hillvalley88mph on Instagram

I made a thing! I’ve got a project I’ve been working on in #unrealengine and I’ve been really wishing I had a set of @1alphatools Alpha (or Inertia) Wheels for some of the camera work... so it seemed like the perfect lockdown project! The design is based on @kinowheels Open Source Handwheels project, but with potentiometers added to adjust speed, a case I designed to 3d Print, and a 3.5mm jack which outputs PPM signal to work wirelessly with MoVI or Ronin. I’ll be putting up the shopping list, the Arduino sketch files, the STL files for the case prints, and the blueprint for UE4 integration on github, I’ll post that link soon. The whole thing comes out to about $250 in parts, 30 hours of printing, and a few hours of assembly. The code seems pretty stable, but right now I’m using UE4Duino to get a serial monitor in UE4, which won’t work on Mac. I’ll see if I can find another serial monitor plugin that works cross platform. - @boasimon on Instagram

- Pixel Art Inspiration

- Cinema 4D Resources/Tutorials

- Cthulhu

- Exercise

- Captioned pics

- Gif Fun....

- baby animqls

- Baby hippopotamus

- Preserve, Tom Booth, digital, 2019

- Napoleon Dynamite Quotes

- Taylor swift ❤️

¡Hola, hola! ¡Se viene una SORPRESA de GloboRojo 🎈! ✨¡Preparate! ✨ #SeguimosEducando #cine #juego #infancia #cultura #infancias #unlp #fdaunlp Seguinos en YouTube: Instagram: @globo.rojo.cine Facebook: /globorojocineparachicos 🎈✨🎁🎬 - @globo.rojo.cine on Instagram

- Animais

- A Flood of Emotion


- Inspiration

- animales minis

- Professors talk an awful lot about using time wisely in college.

- Cheese Lovers

- Futuristic/Dystopian Weapon Set

- Robo Dwarf Hamsters

- Pregnant humor

- hmmm

Me and my decision maker - @robinsparkes on Instagram

- Haters gonna hate

- Fitness Infographics

- Band & Marching Band

- gamers guide

- Gif

- Gadgets

- Be clean like this hammy!

- Action GIFs

- janie

- Cats

- Grandma

#Repost @rawrcomunicacao with @make_repost ・・・ sexta feira🤫 sabadão🏄‍♂️ levanta mãozinha☝🏻 copinho na mão🥤 Gradecimento especial pro @buarky_ e @edgeflowoficial pela trilha perfeita 🥺 - @caozangado on Instagram

- Cute stuff

Some looks at a building I drew! . . . . . . #originalcharacter #creative #cartoon #drawings #arte #cute #love #photography #animeart #portrait #sketchbook #manga #artistoninstagram #procreateart #abstractart #contemporaryart #animation #instagood #aesthetic #artistsofinstagram #conceptart #arts #comic #instagram #instaartist #artsy #character #sketching #comics - @m3gh3art on Instagram

- Funny kid fails

- Wwe latest

- hmmm

- Boom shakalaka

- FUNNY...right?

- Umorismo 2

- best ideas, tricks and products

- The Princess Bride

Cicurug, Sukabumi Video Amatir saat Aliran Sungai Cibuntu meluap dan mengakibatkan banjir bandang . Banjir tersebut menerjang perkampungan padat di sekitar bantaran sungai di sekitaran Kampung Cibuntu, Desa Pasawahan, Kec. Cicurug, Kabupaten Sukabumi. . 🎥 Istimewa @infojawabarat #cianjurupdate - @cianjur_update on Instagram

- Animal Pics

- Animals - Misc

- Halloween

Diploma project : Reduce / recycle / revalue NOMAD is a mobile plastic recycling workshop designed to give the opportunity to young people located in developing countries to transform plastic waste into economic resources. The workshop has 3 recycling machines that allow students from isolated schools to learn plastic recycling. #car#cardesign#conceptcar#sportcar#cardesigncommunity#cardesignsketch#cardesigner#renault#doodle#cardesigndaily#sketch#instacar#racing#carinterior#carinteriordesign#cardesignpro#carinteriorsketch @thetransportationinterior @cardesignmedia @cardesignsketch @cardesignworld @strateecolededesign @realpreciousplastic @designerspen - on Instagram

❗️Тільки 👉🏻@hyevuy_lviv топовий паблік твого міста😉 Всі остальні пабліки- це звичайні плагіати👊🏼 Ти побачиш темну сторону свого міста👻🔞 Лютий треш, сміх і все, що підійме тобі настрій😉 - @lviv_people_top on Instagram

La famosa aguapicha 😅 - @colombia_elec on Instagram

Turn every moment into a movie-like videos with the Pro Video mode of the amazing #GalaxyNote20Ultra. #Samsung - @samsungnepal on Instagram

- Best Over Ear Bluetooth Headphones Under 50

Chicks are so cute...😱❤️ Follow: @birdworld.ig Follow: @birdworld.ig - @birdworld.ig on Instagram

- Cute

#Shining - @lascimmiapensa.com_ on Instagram

- humour

AWEEEEE... 😍😍 . Do you like to do that 🤩 . . . . . Send a direct message for credit or removal request ( no copyright intended ) All rights and credits reserved to the respective owner(s) . . . . #aviation #flying #jetpack #jetman #jet #fly #onewheel #ride #viral #viralvids #viralpost #trending #trend #trendingnow #futuretech #newgadgets #newtechnology #newtech #futuretechnology #future #technology #innovation #engineeringstudents #satisfying #viralvideos #invention - on Instagram

- Humor

- Pet raccoon

- Cute hamsters

- Funny picz

- Salma ayek

- Talking Hamster Toy

- Marvel

- Stranger things videos

- Pixel Art Inspiration

About to catch these hands 👊🏽😂 - @tragosgame on Instagram

- Aesthetic Videos

LANCIA Front view of my new project called “OUTLAW”. #lancia #concept #gtcar #granturismo #passion #conceptcar #cardesign #vision #granturismo #pen #pencil #photoshop #3d #wacom #muscles #transportation #minimalism #automotivedesign #transportationdesign #cardesign #sketch #sketchbook #render #doodle #doodles #design #illustration #designoftheday #italy #sketchoftheday #simkom #cardesignworld - @iamandreapomponio on Instagram

- important tips

Segundo testemunhas, dois homens de bicicleta passaram pelo local e atiraram várias vezes contra a vítima, na tarde desta quarta-feira (23), em Caucaia. Um idoso de 81 anos foi assassinado a tiros quando estava sentado em uma cadeira na calçada de casa, na tarde desta quarta-feira (23), no Bairro Parque Soledade, em Caucaia, na Grande Fortaleza. Conforme testemunhas, dois homens em uma bicicleta passaram pela Rua Nossa Senhora de Fátima, onde a vítima costumava ficar sentada todas as tardes, e atiraram várias vezes contra ela. A Polícia Civil investiga a motivação do crime. Equipes da Polícia Militar do Ceará e do Departamento de Homicídios e Proteção à Pessoa (DHPP) da Polícia Civil foram acionadas juntamente com a Perícia Forense para o local, onde foram colhidos indícios que vão auxiliar nas investigações. Os suspeitos estão sendo procurados. Fonte: G1 Ceará #camocim #camocimbeach #portalcamocim #paraiso #politica #noticias #policiamilitar #turismo #jericoacoara #enem #beleza #moda #ensaiosfemininos #ensaiofotografico #empregos #empreendedorismo - @portalcamocim on Instagram

We have decided to stan. This account will now be private. 🤫 - @itsall.issues on Instagram

- Cuteness overload