Salvador Dali Profile Pics




creativity creative art painting artwork

- Albert Marquet

The Art Of Photographing Artists: Portraits By Arnold Newman

World of Wonder by Josephine Wall Rainbow 18688-MLT Cotton Woven Fabric

art truth humor

- Hesse

hi beautiful people money heist

- Art by Amanda Sage

Modern Halloween Decor: Hints for a Stylish Spook-fest

bomba bom bom sonaone defjamsea defjammy

- Conrad Weidt, the inspiration for The Joker, circa 1928.

Learn How To Doodle With These Easy Tutorials

bonjour good morning hatching egg

Gary Cooper on the balcony of his suite at the famous Carlton Hotel in Cannes during the 6th Cannes Film Festival in 1953.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #optiko #optikoeyewear #garycooper #calrtoncannes #cannes #cannesfilmfestival #southoffrance #frenchriviera #vintagehollywood #oldhollywoodglam #hollywoodgoldenage #vintagestyle #classicstyle #menswear #menwithclass #silverscreen #silverscreenactor #classichollywood #actor #hollywoodstyle #suits #tailoring #bespoke #sartorial #sartorialstyle - @optikoeyewear on Instagram

icon: skeletons

dali ben romdhane ben romdhane zsc romdhane

- (ART) Alone

Salvador Dali poses after shooting paint bullets at a canvas on the Ed Sullivan Show in 1961 [720x852]

Icon - Kurapika

midnight in paris adrien brody salvador dal%C3%AD i see a rhinoceros

- Saint Morpheus slaying squids

Spanish artist Salvador Dali near window.

My 27 Surreal Images Inspired By Salvador Dali’s Work

joke animation salvador dali monday morning spinning

- Art Studios

▷ Sculpture contemporaine et moderne à acheter | Vente dOeuvres dArt en Ligne

pop art cats matt chessco cat nft pop art melting clocks

- Art: Tracey Moffatt

Photo 16

asmrvirgin dal%C3%AC rinoceronte rinoceros salvador dal%C3%AC

- Color & Composition.

mustache eye popping salvador dali eyes weird eyes

- Gibeon Meteorite With An Unusual Pattern.

injective ninjas ninja protocol eric chen injdojo

- che

awkward taylor swift dancing classical painting


watchful eyes

- Architects Portrait

notes to myself: Photo

Fish heads & the feminine form: The dazzling candy-colored art of Hannah Yata

legends bob dylan salvador dali famous celebrities

- collage art

Never-before-seen photographs of Salvador Dali and Picasso unveiled

zoeken vergrootglas wat

- Artwork by Bruce Pennington

dali goodmorning bonjour

- Alberto Giacometti

artcore mustache feel good

#Magritte #renemagritte #surreal #surrealart #surrealismartcommunity #art #dailymagritte - @dailymagritte on Instagram

hungry weird busted bizarre

- Art Deco

The Bazaar World of Dalí

grotesque nomnom dali dog nom

- brom

horechata glitter horechata glitter dali glitter dali

A bit of Freud brought to you by OLAF HAJEK. @olafhajek . . . #olafhajek #freud #illustration - @agentmollyandco on Instagram

eyes swap mustache


Hello kitty holding a Honduras flag (requested)

joke animation funny man

*** . . . #newreality #fear #illustration #humanity #brainwashed #prison #hopeless #future #apocalypse #life #consciousness #thinking #locked #lockdown #quarantine #attached #lifestyle #dark #weird #bookcover #creative #believe #scary #funky #phobia #paranoia #horror #room #home #stayhome - @artforbooks on Instagram

Photographer Profile ~ Cecil Beaton

fou ouf folle folie salvador


house of legend house of legends legend legends tesla

- A Young Leonard Cohen Blowing A Smoke Ring

salvador dali weird

- Blursed Salvador

diplein ali g dali clean hide

- Anyhow: Sheroes

tic tok

- Abstract

mario clock void time

- Collage

joke animation funny im too intelligent good painter

- Admiral Ackbar

sonaone bomba kenobi woosah bom bom

- Clark Gable

kopi lain hati kopi lainhati heart love

- Fantasy Art

mmfd salhany

- This is Aaron Kosminski, a Polish barber that new DNA analysis claims is the true identity of Jack the Ripper


- tips infos

destino dali surreal

- Albert einstein

bayrak t%C3%BCrk kalp t%C3%BCrkiye

- Dali paintings

creativity creative art painting artwork

- Picked Them Up One By One, Warwick Goble, Pencil and Ink, 1897


- Nicholas • Roerich

raised eyebrow weaverdice eyebrow salvador dali salvador eyebrow

- B&W

arlene arcillas arcillas animated text name

- Art is all around us

%E0%A4%AE%E0%A5%82%E0%A4%81%E0%A4%9B%E0%A5%87%E0%A4%82 %E0%A4%86%E0%A4%81%E0%A4%96%E0%A5%87 %E0%A4%AE%E0%A4%9C%E0%A5%87%E0%A4%A6%E0%A4%BE%E0%A4%B0 %E0%A4%97%E0%A4%AE%E0%A5%8D%E0%A4%AD%E0%A5%80%E0%A4%B0 weird

- savage girl

juba kathy

- abstract/surrealism

joke animation salvador dali funny

- Almeida Junior

spamton deltarune chapter2

Socorro!!!!!! - @patriciadastoli on Instagram

apm apmtv3 surrealismo surrealista dal%C3%AD

- Just One More Thing

13 confirma elei%C3%A7%C3%B5es pt bahia

Vuoi la confettura ? Prima raccogli la materia prima!!! - @fulvio.rosasco on Instagram

crazy popeyes this is crazy verr%C3%BCckt rolling eyes

Do you prefer Liu Yes earlier paintings from the 90ies or his latest series? #liuye #刘野 #contemporayart #chinesecontemporaryart #art - @liuyeart on Instagram

nattypax nathaniel angelo gerane nat gerane nathanielangelo

Přesně za týden (11/9 2020) zahájíme rozsáhlou výstavu Mikuláš Medek: Nahý v trní! 📍Navštivte ji ve Valdštejnské jízdárně, Klášteře sv. Anežky České a Veletržním paláci ——— The Exhibition Mikuláš Medek: Naked in the Thorns starts in 1 week (11/9 2020)! 📍It will take place in the Waldstein Riding School, Convent of St. Agnes of Bohemia & Trade Fair Palace ——— Mikuláš Medek, Nahý v trní I/Naked in the Thorns, 1954, soukromá sbírka/Private Collection #ngprague #narodnigalerie #mikulasmedek #nahyvtrni #nakedinthethorns - @ngprague on Instagram

evzen bratislava menameselassie selassie weird look

- Unknown Sector: Milky Way - Gray Marrow (1974)

badass joke salvador dali mask jokes pointing finger

- Artsy

salvador dali quotes im not strange im just not normal

- richard avedon portraits

azur lane cats gift cute dance

- Salvador Dali

speedball atomo dali


kroppa art drawing surrealism dali

- Ich bin es, Rudolf Hausner, tempera and resin oil on paper, 1948

speedball adn dali

- Argentine Tango

kroppa art modernart surrealism salvadordali

- Pixar: Inside Out

dali egg sunshine butterfly

- Blursed Juulius Ceasar

kroppa digitalagency dali surrealism salvadordali

- Collectibles

salvador dali eye roll mustache surreal nerd

- The big belly seahorse is one of the the largest type of seahorse with a length of up to 14 inches.

kroppa art drawing lokma digitalagency

- Artists portraits

- Illusion - art

kroppa dali digitalagency g%C4%B1f art

- Salvador Dali Famous Paintings

wall painful artists artist colors

- blursed spaghetti

kroppa art surrealism digitalagency dali

- Alexander Deineka

artcore mustache longest feel so good

- The final voyage to the undying lands

kroppa art drawing surrealism modernart

CURRENTLY ON DISPLAY AT COPRO GALLERY!!! ABOVE: “Meurtre” new painting by @owensmithart for the “15th Annual BLAB SHOW” curated by Monte Beauchamp currently on display at @coprogallery! NEXT IN GALLERY VIEWING THIS SATURDAY OCT 3rd FROM 1-5! (Updated time) Email us at for web preview or for more information.See virtual tour link in our IG bio! - @coprogallery on Instagram

salvado dali butterfly mustache

- Copper leaf and pencil/collage 10”x 10”

animation sticker salvador dali you

- Potato experiment, 50*60 cm, acylic on canvas

salvador dali eye roll mustache

- Inspiring People

- Beastuary

- Surprising Transparent Statue

Lo bueno es investigar, en pintura no hay que ser conformista - Quimet Sabaté Casanova #quimetsabate #casanova #sabate #demora #surrealismo #hiperrealismo #erotismo #barcelona #arte #artista #oleo #pintura#dali #homenaje - @quimetsabate on Instagram

- Red-lipped Batfish, Sami Bayly, acryilc/watercolor, 2019

- Dali paintings

I mean how much DMT do you want exactly - @lunar_insurrection on Instagram

- Taurus Men


- Bregeda Art

Georgy Kurasov,Cubist Artists Umbrella Art, Russian Art, Modern #modernart #art #contemporaryart #abstractart #artist #artwork #painting #artgallery #abstract #fineart #instaart #arte #artcollector #artistsoninstagram #gallery #drawing #design #kunst #interiordesign #abstractpainting #photography #artoftheday #artsy #artlovers #oilpainting #digitalart #acrylicpainting #illustration #popart #bhfyp - @eastwestfineart on Instagram

- Alphonse Mucha

- Las Vegas Parano

- Graffiti Images

- Saw V

- a twist

É pintor de paisagens, figuras e naturezas-mortas, praticando uma arte jocosa e humorada, tendendo à estilização e com bons recursos cromáticos. 🎨 Artista: Inos Corradin Encontre o melhor da arte para o seu ambiente! 🎨 Mais de duas mil obras em acervo de mais de 150 artistas! 📱 Agende sua visita em (54) 99609-6740 🌐 Saiba mais em 😷 Estamos atendendo sob todas as medidas de higiene e segurança; 📅 Toda quarta-feira, molduras com 10% de desconto! ⏰ Atendimento segunda à sexta 09h – 12h e 13h30 – 19h sábados 09h – 12h 📍 Rua Feijó Jr., 975 – B. São Pelegrino #arte #artequadros #galeria #serragaúcha #caxiasdosul #cultura #art #arq #designdeinteriores #artedodia #artistas #diversidade #galeriadearte #brasilarte #instaarte #inoscorradin #figurativo - @artequadrosgaleria on Instagram

- Art portret

- Hope, Me, Oils, 2019

- art

- Salvador dali paintings


- Drifting through space, me, digital, 2019

- Disney

- Graphic design

- Anton Szandor LaVey

- art/artistry

- Artists

- L’Art,symbole et image de la création

- American Realism

- Psycho Wallpaper

- Book of Imaginary Beings

- Art - puzzling/unusual

- Panthèon Charivarique, Victor Hugo, print making, 1841

Рождение текучих желаний (1931-1932) (96.1х112.3 см) (Нью-Йорк, Музей Гугенхайма). 👨🏼‍🎨🎨🖼🏛 Сальвадор Дали / Salvador Dali (1904-1989). #сальвадордали #дали #сюрреализм #дадаизм #кубизм #живопись #искусство #художник #музей #арт #salvadordali #dali #surrealism #art #dalisurrealism - @dalisurrealism on Instagram

- laveyan satanism

- Art Salvador Dali

- alexander calder

- Assignments

- hmmm

Road Trip ✨ @failunfailunmefailun - @esquirees on Instagram

- Anais Nin

- Cursed_theencapsulatedone

- Alfred Hitchcock

- About Marcel Duchamp

- James Mason in 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea as Captain Nemo ~ 1954

- Collage(s)

- NoTSoranDomsTufF

- Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss! (c.1940s)

- In order for Philippe Halsman to make this Dali like photo, his wife and doughter had to throw in the cats and water. As it was shot on film it needed to be done in one frame, they succeeded after 26 tries. (1948)

- salvador dali artwork


- Dali

- Dune


- artist at work

- Alchemy, Hermetism and Astrology

- Other people paintings

- Wood lamps

- Octopus

- Anton Corbijn

- Artists & Co.

- Prismatic Piper-Seb McKinnon art from Commander Legends

사람의 마음을 사로잡는 기술 - @kimzinmio_art_company on Instagram

- Psycho Wallpaper

- Adolphe menjou

- Blursed_Cthulhu

Has your dreaming changed at all during the pandemic? Have your dreams become more vivid or intense? Is there one that sticks out? Would you be willing to share it? I’m putting together a compilation of dreams had during 2020 with the goal of creating a modern artifact that may be mined for meaning and interconnection. My hope is to create a psychic historical document that touches upon both the personal relativization of self within the collective, as well as psyche’s growth within the individual life perhaps encouraged by the solitude necessitated by social distancing. I’m not quite sure what the final product will look like (maybe there are visual artists out there who would be interested in creating a small piece to accompany an individual dream?) but I think the place to begin is with the dreams themselves. So please if you’re interested in contributing to the catalog DM me or write me at and we can figure out format, etc. It can be anonymous. I hope you’ll share your dreams ✨ - @plutohold on Instagram

- Secret Agents

- Ancient, Artifacts, & Archeology

- Artists That Inspire Me


- Art

- Aldo Capitini

- Portrait of Salvador Dalí by Philippe Halsman (1954)

Latest digital art project was inspired by La Frida, but I think my piece looks like Queen Beyoncé. #beyonce #fridakalo - @daviddamianf on Instagram

- Artist Narrative

- Story Starters

- Alberto Giacometti

- Greece in the past

- Paul Delvaux

- Samos Greece

- family unity

- art

- Artist - Alberto Giacometti

- Lovecraft


#thursdaythoughts “Do you have the courage to bring forth the treasures that are hidden within you?” @elizabeth_gilbert_writer asked in framing her catalyst for creative magic. This is among life’s most abiding questions and the history of human creativity — our art and our poetry and most empathically all of our philosophy — is the history of attempts to answer it. . . . . . #writing #poetry #indieauthorsofinstagram #writer #quotes #art #writersofinstagram #poem #poet #poems #poetsofinstagram #poetrycommunity #quote #words #life #writersofig #wordporn #lovequotes #quoteoftheday #instagood #inspiration #follow #motivation #like #lifequotes #writerscommunity #inspirationalquotes #bhfyp - @liberalpublishinghouse on Instagram

- Fire Protection Engineering


- black and white

- cursed_arousal


- Legends Of Horror

- Agent Provocateur (perfume)

- Abdul Mati Klarwein

- ARTISTE Ricardo Sanz

- Childrens Book Illustrations

- Surgical Extraction

- art history

Polar Light •Date: 1926; Brussels, Belgium •Style: Surrealism •Period: Surrealist Paris years •Genre: symbolic painting •Media: oil, canvas •Dimensions: 105 x 139 cm By René Magritte #RenèMagritte #RenéMagritte #ReneMagritte #Magritte #Surrealism - @renemagritte_art on Instagram

- Alexander Calder

- Art and Artists

On view now at MoMA: Paul Signac’s Portrait of Félix Fénéon, 1890. Have you seen it yet? 🎨 #paulsignac #museumofmodernart #moma - @svacontinued on Instagram

- Art- installations sculptures

- First Knight


- A is for Artist!

- Our President postcard - 1918

Assumption of reality Acrylic on canvas 2012 SOLD #artforsoul #artbyarif #artisthand #figurativeart #acryliconcanvas #painting #artismylife #artoftheday - @funnkar_tist on Instagram

- Winston Smith

- Boats and Ships Images

- art of marine life

- Dr. Seuss.

- Elements ❧ Water

Fantastic graffiti ♥♥♥ •°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•° Do you like this photo? Comment with your impressions. •°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•° Tag your pics with #SprayBreak for a change to be featured! All rights and credits reserved to the respective owner(s) - @spray.break on Instagram

- Art

- ben shahn

ENDED! You have until tomorrow at 11am PT/ 2pm ET / 7pm UK to get your GLOBAL PASS to all of the classes in our Fall 2020 semester. This pass includes ALL monthly classes curated by Miskatonic London, LA, and NYC and available to watch worldwide – please note each class is in its local timezone. Dont sleep on this opportunity!⁣ ⁣ P.S. These are live events – they cannot be downloaded and watched later, so please be sure you are available at the time and timezone the classes are being offered in before registering.⁣ ⁣ The link to sign up is in our bio!⁣ ⁣ Featured image is the cover of Miskatonic Board Member and Instructor Alexandra Heller-Nicholas book Horror Cinema: Eyes Without Faces. Alexandras class THE MASK IN HORROR CINEMA: RITUAL, POWER AND TRANSFORMATION is on Thursday, Oct 22 at 7:30pm PT - @miskatonicinstitute on Instagram

- Abstracts

- Sanctuary by Morysetta

- Nineteenth century Parisian catacombs worker

- Tom Hanks as Callimaco in The Mandrake (1979), Riverside Shakespeare Theater

- decorative elements

“Painter and his palette” •Original Title: Le peintre et sa pallette •Date: 1967 •Style: Naïve Art (Primitivism) •Period: Later Years •Genre: portrait •Media: oil, canvas •Dimensions: 43.8 x 55 cm By Pablo Picasso #PabloPicasso #Picasso - @pablopicasso_arty on Instagram

- fashion that inspires.....

- Academy of Arts students paint a big portrait of Joseph Stalin for May 1 celebrations, Soviet Union, 1934

- charley harper

- All Things Lovecraft

- creepy as hell...

- Appalachia - way back when...

« Sur cette offre foisonnante (surtout sur celle à venir, puisque la programmation se fait à échéance de plusieurs années) pèse cependant une épée de Damoclès : les travaux… Le remplacement de la chenille à bout de souffle et la modification du système d’accès au Centre doivent être achevés à l’horizon de juillet 2021. Mais un chantier bien plus ambitieux est à venir « pour qu’un bâtiment magnifique en 1970 reste acceptable au XXIe siècle, pour réduire de 30 % la facture énergétique et pour désamianter », rappelle Serge Lasvignes. » Le Centre Pompidou fermera-t-il pour travaux ? Article complet de #RafaelPic à retrouver sur le site du @quotidiendelart ✍️ Illustration : @centrepompidou René Magritte (1898 - 1967) « Le double secret » 1927 Huile sur toile 114 x 162 cm Inscriptions : S.H.G. : Magritte Photo (C) Centre Pompidou, MNAM-CCI, Dist. RMN-Grand Palais / Georges Meguerditchian #surrealisme #magritte #centrepompidou #art #artoftheday #dailyart #artofinstagram #painting #painter #artist #inspiration - @quotidiendelart on Instagram

- André Franquin

- surrealism painting

- Looks like a fun trip 😁

Alter Ego From NGC6744. Acrylic painting on linen. Size: 200 / 170cm. Painted in 2017. This big size acrylic painting is available directly from me now with exeptional discount of 40%. • Follow to the shop on my site. Link is in bio • Second photo- piece at the exposition of my solo show in @mirusgallery , happend in 2018, in San Francisco. #aec #interesnikazki #painting - @aec_interesnikazki on Instagram

- Max Ernst

- Art

- Amazing Artworks by Greg Craola Simkins


- Astro Atellier

Insect invasion on a starry night in Pyongyang. Scary, isn’t it? Doesn’t it make you want to scream? #collage #digitalart #uashub #creativeuprising #artostomy #swsfeature #dreamingincollages #beautifulbizarre #beautifulbizarremagazine #edinburghcollagecollective #city #cityview #skyline #sky #star #stars #night #painting #art #masterpiece #famous #vangogh #scream #bug #insect #spider #mix #sarcasm - @surrellart on Instagram

- Art Gallery

- lovecraft

- ART ... Artists ...

- Archers!


- Retro Art by El Gato Gomez

- Andy Warhol

- El Salvador

- Bridget Bate Tichenor

- This statue in Cairo Airport looks like it defies the laws of physics


- Salvador Dali / Surrealism

- Art: Books & Illustration

- Dr. Hannibal Lecter

- Self Portraits

Tesla Awareness by @diverse_medium #art #tesla #nikolatesla #freeenergy #science #369 #psychedelic #trippy #psychedelic art - @tesla369 on Instagram

- Artists

- Andy warhol

- Lost in time, oil on canvas, 35x45cm

- ART @ Antioni Tapies

- Albert Desmangles

- artist Craig Alan

- art

- Coisas que eu gosto

- Can You Find It?

- The Proud Robot, Dean Ellis, Gouache or Acrylic on Paper and Masonite, 1975

- Weird Things

- Amazing Artworks by Greg Craola Simkins

- Giorgio De Chirico

LUOMO DEI SOGNI dipinto ad olio su tela 60x80 ...come imbrigliare i propri sogni, le proprie paure, tutte le cose più grandi di noi e... vivere felici. #dream #landscape #paesaggio #sogno #surrealismo #masterpieces #bellezza #beauty #artgallery #arte #artfair #artefiera #contemporary #figurativo #figure #emozioni #oiloncanvas #oilpainting #ars #nuvole#sogno #donna #riflesso #pensiero #positivo #uomo - @mauriziomonti_italianpainter on Instagram

- Galatea of the Spheres, Salvador Dalí, painting, 1952

- The Art

- [ History ]

- Artistas

- The rape of Europe, Georgy Kurasov, oil on canvas, 2015.

- surrealism painting

Theme : Bird (s) . . . #edit_innovative_ch08 @edit_innovative . . Editing by @iamtella4 using elements from Wallpapers on adobe . Credit and Thanks to the original authors of any of the images used in this edit . . . #mcl_arts #oblivion_art #mylife_hdr_color #globaledits_hdr #asi_es_edits #igworldclub_edits #photo_creation_silver #stars__edit #ind_edits_ #gf_edits #super_photoeditz #edit_lovers_united #9vaga_edit9 #edit_innovative #editgrammer #eg_member #loves_edits #bonvac_edits #fx_hdr #world_edithdr #edits_greatshot #hyper_splash_hdr #art_ws . . . - @iamtella4 on Instagram

- Art - Jimmy Lawlor

- Dali

“The Enchanted Beach” •Date: 1938 •Style: Surrealism •Genre: symbolic painting By Salvador Dalí #SalvadorDalí #SalvadorDalì #SalvadorDali #Dalí #Dalì - @salvadordali_arty on Instagram

- Johnny cash

- A Collection of Faces

- The feeling you get the first time you smoked.

- 00 GREEK / Roman Mythlogy

- alan turing and his legacy

- Happy Thanksgiving

We need to reevaluate what digital objects truly are. The future of ownership will continuously evolve with technology. - Head on over to to participate in a revolutionary metaphysical marketplace transcending what ownership truly means. - Follow @portionapp @portionapp @portionapp. - —————— . . . - #cryptoart #crypto #newage #artauction #artistsnyc #art #empowerment #fintech #tech #ethereum #ethereumart #portionart #buyart #technology #siliconvalley #cryptocurrency #artistsoninstagram - @portionapp on Instagram

- Classic

- Le Voyage - Pencil, Acrylic 18x24

- Living Photograph of US President Woodrow Wilson, created by assembling sailors and soldiers, 1918.

- Beksiński & surrealizm

- Art- installations sculptures

- Art Inspiration: Collage, Assemblage, Mixed Media


- art3

- ART,Illustration,Painting & More

- Camarartistika

- Art: Holocaust

- Afro Basaldella

- Client Inspiration EMILY

- Artistas extranjeros también Mexicanos


- Image Maker

- Two faced

- Art - Catrin Welz-Stein


- Salvador Dali by Monica Marquez, Oil, 2018

- blabla.

- Art and Design

- Inspiration

- Parody: Son of Man

- Stan Lee by Bill Sienkiewicz

- Trophies – India, 1880 by John Burke

- Capture the Flag

- Abstract and Surreal Art

- acoustic art on fabrics

Born on this day: Salvador Dali: 1904 – 1989 A painter, draughtsman, illustrator, sculptor, writer and film maker, Dali was one of the most prolific, flamboyant, and well-known artists of the 20th century. Read more on the DAF blog - link in bio. Image: The Persistence of Memory, 1931 #dali #salvadordali #surrealism #arthistory - @artworld_daily on Instagram

- Art

- Aberant Art and Barry Kite

- Fear and Loathing in Tatooine

- faces

- Jean Leon Gerome

- All these Famous Mens


- art

Fthang birthday H.P.Lovecraft! #lovecraft #hplovecraft #howardphillipslovecraft #lovecraftian #cthulhu #illustration #bday #portrait #cosmichorror #literature #davidgfores #untipoilustrado # - @donvito on Instagram

- Dr. Freud

- Guernica

- Abstract

- Salvador Dali Famous Paintings