Russian President Profile Pics

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Sukhoi Su-22M Fitter 2026 IrAF TC-68

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- Trump funny face game

kokichi oma

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- Circle of grifters

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- Lead by example

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chinese new year cny signature kitchen

Today @POTUS & I paused at the @USSupremeCourt to pay our respects to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Her 27 years on the Court will be remembered for her vigor, determination & service to our great Nation. My prayers to the Ginsburg family & those mourning her passing. - @flotus on Instagram

lukashenko belarus president of belarus batska wink

- Shimon Peres

cute boy woah surprise shock sweating

- ACA, Deficit, Budget, and Right Wing Extremists

look evil putin russia russian pointing

- Fidel Castro

piye ki lur piye ki lur alpin

- The inspiration may be obvious (xpost from r/toiletpaperusa)

kim jong un clapping clap north korea

I’m here for it! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 - @iamkenricgreen on Instagram

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- 43 Another Great Man

trump russia collusion djt donald

- PsBattle: This reneissance style image of UK House of Commons

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- How the shutdown ends

trump to moscow trump putin handshake

- PsBattle: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Donald Trump

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- No, I dont take responsibility at all.

deal with it president obama barack obama sun glasses style


no nope nah no way shake head

Hollywood has some very blunt thoughts on last nights trainwreck. The stars react to the chaotic first #presidentialdebate, at the link in bio. - @hollywoodreporter on Instagram

trump putin trump putin shake hands

- Joe Biden strikes again

hey ryan tedder one republic run song hey there

- Elizabeth II & US Presidents

putin give five high five world leader politicians

- 2015 GOP Control House/Senate

checking around tuong lu kim south park s15e6 city sushi

- Angels In Heaven

russia parade military9may victory putin

- Liberal candidates 2020

xqc su s

- Barrack Obama throws football w Chief of Staff Denis McDonough on the Colonnade of the White House.

putin bird salute respect

- PsBattle: This photo of Putin whispering to Hillary Clinton

mert mert tsu tsu mert t petting

At her 1993 Senate confirmation hearings, Ruth Bader Ginsburg turned to see her husband Martin. At the hearing, she testified, “The decision whether or not to bear a child is central to a woman’s life, to her well-being and dignity. It is a decision she must make for herself. When the government controls that decision for her, she is being treated as less than a full adult human responsible for her own choices.” Rest in Peace. Thank you for lighting the way for so many of us, for so long. ~~ 📷: John Duricka, AP #rbg #vote - @danascalvo on Instagram

iron dimon medvedev %D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%B2%D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%B2 %D0%B6%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%B7%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B9%D0%B4%D0%B8%D0%BC%D0%BE%D0%BD the new order

В режиме видеоконференции состоялась встреча Владимира Путина с Президентом Республики Молдова Игорем Додоном. 28 сентября 2020 года Сочи - @russian_kremlin on Instagram

yes christopher cantada chris cantada force yeah right

- CBS News

pigeon russia putin bird salute

- hmmm...

cry laughing meme cry laugh selena gomez meme

- Abdicación - Proclamación

alberto fernandez putin alberto fernandez rusia

- SVT har fått nog av Trumps svammel

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- !!!!! ``EXPOSING Lies Truth & Injustice ✊ BLM

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- Blursed_Queen

funny face sticker

- Lead by example

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- The Infector

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- Collection of political cartoons.

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- cursed_trump

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- Justice Ginsburg breaks one final barrier, becoming the first woman to lie in state in the Capitol

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- This flag of Pakistan looks black.

isabelle hanssen superp iamsuperp superb sap

- When youre so jealous of youre predecessor that you try to destroy his achievements while also taking credit for them

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- America

finger no nope %E7%8E%8B%E4%B8%80%E5%8D%9A wang yibo

- 1-P. - Trumpsters/Pencesters - Deplorables

tweet donaldtrump trevornoah dailyshow twitter

- Invest in this new trump template

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- FLOTUS Melania - style!

%D1%88%D0%B8%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B9%D0%BF%D1%83%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B3 vladimir putin putin russian president

VOTE!!! #vote - @jasonsmithny on Instagram

om kim jong un

Grateful for the chance to pay our respects to Justice Ginsburg yesterday. - @hillaryclinton on Instagram

president donald trump executive order


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❗Циолковский, Свободный, Благовещенск, Благовещенский и Магдагачинский районы перейдут на газ ⠀ Программу развития газоснабжения и газификации области до 2026 года подписал губернатор Василий Орлов с Председателем Правления ПАО «Газпром» Алексеем Миллером🤝 ⠀ 📍Уже в следующий отопительный сезон котельная Циолковского войдет на газе. ⠀ В конце 2021 года начнет работу котельная в газовом городке Свободного. В 2022 году на газ переведут еще 3 котельные, до 2026 года на газе должны работать уже 9 котельных Свободного🏭 ⠀ К Благовещенску газ подведут в 2023 году. На нем должна работать новая котельная в 800 квартале. Также в 2023 году условия для подключения к газу необходимо создать для потребителей, живущих в селе Чигири Благовещенского района. ⠀ 💬«Амурская область – наш стратегический партер на многие годы вперед. Программа на 2021-2025 годы – это первый документ для системной работы по газификации Амурской области. В соответствии с этим документом четко определены цели, задачи и обязанности компании «Газпром» и Администрации области по газификации региона», - отметил Алексей Миллер. ⠀ Подробнее – на 📲 ⠀ #Амурскаяобласть #ПравительствоАО #Приамурье - @amurobl_official on Instagram

communicate with russia believed believer frustrated stressed

- Our Lord Jeffery

bae suzy pretty wink jyp entertainment


munching russian president the power eating chewing

- First pic of Trump displaying Covid symptoms emerges

yes clap cheer centilia girl

«Я подякував Президенту Чапутовій за незмінну підтримку України на шляху до ЄС і НАТО. Загалом після перемовин сьогодні я впевнено можу сказати, що українсько-словацькі відносини мають надійну міцну основу, і ця основа дозволяє нам будувати та розвивати наше подальше партнерство – успішне, ефективне та вигідне для обох країн», – зазначив Глава Української держави в Братиславі. - @op_ukraine on Instagram


He started yesterday with a call to Putin. He ended the day tear gassing protesters for this photo opportunity. The U$A now has our own Hitler. We created this, only we can change this. Make a plan. Have at least 2 meeting places. Stay safe. Do some good. - @3kingstavern on Instagram

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- Former president

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- Donald Trump Pictures

%E0%B8%A2%E0%B8%B1%E0%B8%81%E0%B8%84%E0%B8%B4%E0%B9%89%E0%B8%A7 %E0%B8%AE%E0%B8%B1%E0%B8%99%E0%B9%81%E0%B8%99%E0%B9%88 %E0%B8%AD%E0%B8%B2%E0%B8%A2 %E0%B8%81%E0%B8%A1%E0%B8%A5%E0%B9%80%E0%B8%99%E0%B8%95%E0%B8%A3%E0%B9%80%E0%B8%A3%E0%B8%B7%E0%B8%AD%E0%B8%87%E0%B8%A8%E0%B8%A3%E0%B8%B5 kamolned

- Heritage Foundation

dancing russian

- World leaders react to seeing Putin.

shum sir hk hongkong rubik

- Life Imitates Art

sabre eth sabre sabre ethereum floki valhalla

- Come over, Donnie!

yoosung kim mystic messenger yoosung relieve thats good

Bom dia. Parece que Flávio Bolsonaro foi, ou está em vias de ser, indiciado como chefe de quadrilha criminosa. Espero que o q resta da democracia brasileira seja forte o bastante para julga-lo e prende-lo, caso ele seja achado culpado. Penso nos agentes públicos - policiais, promotores, juízes - q lutam pela legalidade nessa hora em que o grupo eleito por tantos de nós, flagrantemente, opera o estado com a determinação de esconder os seus crimes. Esses, sim, são verdadeiros patriotas. A luta q travam é heróica pois seus inimigos são os seus próprios superiores: os políticos e as elites que os corrompem. Deixo aqui o meu reconhecimento e, nele, a minha modesta homenagem. Donald refugiou-se da lei na presidência dos EUA, é o q indica as manobras fiscais reveladas ontem. Eu suspeito q os Bolsonaro roubaram na medida do poder que tinham. Tivessem mais poder, suspeito q teriam roubado muito mais. Estão, como o americano, encastelados em cargos públicos para escaparem da lei. Eles e muitos dos que com eles se elegeram. É um grupo de bandidos. Vieram xingando e acusando e ameaçando outras forças políticas com uma desfaçatez impensável. Exibiram, eles e seus eleitores, incomensurável bravura cívica contra a corrupção; e, por fim, eram corruptos, sempre foram - digo ainda esperando q a justiça confirme as minha suspeitas. As pessoas corretas no brasil são muitas! Milhões de nós vive o mais honestamente possível num mundo desonesto em tudo. Não precisamos de um deus melhor do que o dos outros para amarmos o próximo; não precisamos odiar ninguém para amarmos a nós mesmos; e não somos alucinados arrogantes. Estes, q vieram bradando valentia contra o comunismo, vieram foi p/ nos roubar. Eleitores deles podem fingir não acreditar nos crimes evidentes de seus mitos; mas nós, os mais de 80 milhões de nós que se opôs ao nazifascismo não votando em Messias, sabemos que vocês sabem que levaram uma gangue de bandidos desqualificados ao poder - suspeito eu. Se amavam a honestidade ou apenas odiavam o petismo por ser um movimento operário saberemos agora que a desonestidade dos seus escolhidos está se revelando por meios legais. Né? - @pedrocardosoeumesmo on Instagram


- 106 years old, saying goodbye to her son

trump smug trump smug smile normal7

- Hail to the Chief

downsign faces leaders president vladimir putin

- Trump kids

respect %D8%A7%D8%AD%D8%AA%D8%B1%D8%A7%D9%85 %D8%A7%D9%86%D8%AD%D9%86%D8%A7%D8%A1 %D8%B4%D9%83%D8%B1%D8%A7%D9%8B %D8%AC%D8%B2%D9%8A%D9%84%D8%A7%D9%8B

@TSJ_cnspra tiene como misión garantizar un proceso expedito y oportuno; el ejercicio y disfrute al más alto nivel de los derechos humanos, civiles, políticos, económicos, sociales y culturales favoreciendo la vida del adolescente judicializado . . . #adolescentes #justiciajuvenil #derechoshumanos #tsj #Responsabilidad #penal . . ——-—————————— @darcapital @dartachira @darmiranda.dem @darmonagas @direcciondarbolivar @darfalcon2019 @darportuguesa @dararagua @d.a.r_vargas @dar.apure @darcarabobo @darnuevaesparta2019 @darbarinas @darzulia @darmonagas @daryaracuy @dar_delta_amacuro @darmerida @dar_guarico @darcojedes @direccionadministrativalara @dar_amazonas @daryaracuy @dar_trujillo1 @darcapital - @tsj_cnspra on Instagram


- Cyber Threat

straighten the hair jvna breakdown song hand gesture cute girl

- Christoffer

its ugly russian president the power its not pleasing to the eye its awful

- Melania Trump

shum sir hk hongkong shumsir

Thank you for hosting us for a beautiful Christmas evening! ✨🎄🎄 @tiffanytrump @realdonaldtrump @flotus - @michaelboulos on Instagram

vladimir putin ura

- Americano

%D8%AC%D9%8A%D8%AF %D8%AC%D8%AF%D8%A7%D9%8B %D9%85%D9%85%D8%AA%D8%A7%D8%B2 %D8%B1%D9%88%D8%B9%D8%A9 %D8%A5%D8%B7%D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%A1

- PsBattle: Donald Trump giving a thumbs up

russia view tina fey amy poehler saturday night live

- De quando o presidente faz o seu país virar chacota internacional.

puntland puntland deni puntland somalia deni said deni

- hmmm

vladimir putin putin walking russian president suit and tie

- lol

clapping amanda holden britains got talent good job applause

- Worlds Smallest Woman

vladimir putin pigeon salute respect russian president

Throwing it back to 2011 when I met The Queen and was awarded The Queens Award for Enterprise. What an amazing experience and honour. #thequeen #buckinghampalace #queensaward - @biz on Instagram

nowruzmobarak holiday happy nowruz aide shoma mobarak nowruz

- Chief, this, is, it.

trump putin snl russia vanity fair

Today the Presidents younger brother passed away. In a statement President Trump said that he was not only his younger brother but also his best friend. #roberttrump #donaldtrump #nationalnews #news - @losangelestribune on Instagram

caiyingwen tsai ingwen hanguoyu han kuoyu leejiafen

- The Trump Family & The Pope

haha funny cute putin valdimir

This gives me hope. - @plznfanku on Instagram

thanks biden joe biden president biden july4th fourth of july

- WWII veteran gets awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor (2019)

ayy squad turn up gang

- PsBattle: President Trump sits in Winston Churchills chair after meeting with Theresa May at Chequers.

emerald moment emerald emerald lore clowncord waifwu

- PsBattle: Trump seating Evangelist Paula White

stin slav tancuva densi

Recipients of the Royal Humane Society of New Zealand Silver Medal were honoured at Government House Wellington this afternoon. These awards are given to those who demonstrate extraordinary acts of bravery when other lives are in danger. Today’s recipients were Mr Heath Bagnall and Mr Matthew Rogatski, Mr Aaron Burgess, Mr Kostantinos Kothroulas, Mr Geoffrey Mathieson, Mr Cameron McCallum , Mr Jason Rewita and Mr Scott Quate. A heartfelt thank you to each outstanding recipient for their actions in a time of real crisis. - @govgeneralnz on Instagram


- trump doing trump things

vladimir putin donald trump osaka

- Some well known political figures enjoying friendship and laughter. [920x621]

trump russia biden presidential debate debate2020

- PsBattle: the president of Finland offering the First Lady a cucumber

russia putin xi china kremlin

#DonaldTrump y #MelaniaTrump dan positivo a #COVID19. Así lo confirmó el magnate estadounidense a través de su cuenta de #Twitter. ⁠ “Esta noche, la primera dama y yo hemos dado positivo por COVID-19. Empezaremos nuestro proceso de cuarentena y recuperación de inmediato. ¡Juntos lo superaremos!”, se puede leer en la publicación. Todos los detalles en nuestro link in bio.⁠ ⁠ #NoticiasCOSAS #pandemia #EEUU #política #crisissanitaria⁠ ⁠ - @cosasperu on Instagram


- The Brits, and I can’t fucking stress this enough, are at it again.

russian president meme wide vladimir putin



- No translator necessary

russian president putin meme gimme a kiss wink love

- what is this, a shot for ants???

downsign faces leaders president vladimir putin

- President Reagans cabinet, 1981

its russia collusion day wake up good morning bed holiday

- Trump was loudly booed with chants of vote him out while visiting RBGs casket today

trump russia biden presidential debate debate2020

- Edie Windsor

putin vladimir putin russian president russia laugh


moveon foreign policy united nations day united nations un

- Prayers for a republic

vladimir putin russian president pen play

Владимир Путин сегодня проведет совещании с членами правительства, в ходе которого обсудит ситуацию с коронавирусом в России и в мире. Подпишись на мой TikTok team.putin #putin #russia #president #Путин #россия #лидер #рф #президент #осень #сентябрь - on Instagram

putin walk walking wide vladimir putin russian president

- Candidates 2016

vladimir putin wink president of russia

- PsBattle: Donald Trump autographs a baby with his own Trump hair

- Clickbait on current events

- PsBattle: Donald trump surveying graffitied buildings

- PsBattle: Mike Pence and Donald Trump watch a video of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

- Como cuando tienes una reunión diplomática con la presidenta de la cámara de representantes de Estados Unidos (tercera persona más poderosa de EEUU) y sacas tu servilleta para comer cacahuates como en centro botanero

- no words

- Gracias Javier ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

- The guy from ‘Home Alone 2: Lost in New York’ (1992) recently tested positive for COVID-19.

- Ever wondered how the Nepalese flag looked like indoors? Here it is!

- American Presidents

- PsBattle: Trump leaving his half empty rally

#trump2020 #vote - @josh.ethan.johnson on Instagram

Премьер-министр РФ Михаил Мишустин посетил АО «Чебоксарское производственное объединение им. В.И. Чапаева» холдинга «Технодинамика». В ходе рабочей поездки в Чувашскую Республику он оценил работу промышленных предприятий региона. ⠀ Представители Правительства РФ посетили резинотехническое производство, где смогли увидеть процесс изготовления техпластины, поставляемой на судостроительные предприятия, а также оценить технологическое оснащение объединения. ⠀ Кроме того, премьер-министру продемонстрировали продукцию гражданского и специального назначения, выпускаемую в рамках диверсификации производства. Среди изделий были генераторы пожаротушащего аэрозоля, пестицидные шашки, противоградовые ракеты «Алазань», пусковая установка «Эльбрус-А». ⠀ Благодаря уникальным и конкурентноспособным разработкам «ЧПО им. В.И. Чапаева» продолжает удерживать лидерские позиции на рынке. ⠀ Фото: ⠀ #Технодинамика #Ростех #чпоименичапаева - @technodinamika on Instagram

US President @realdonaldtrump and Israeli PM @b.netanyahu met at the @whitehouse a day before the long-awaited Deal of the Century Middle East peace plan is released. Their meeting was followed by a meeting between the US leader and Blue and Whites Benny Gantz @gantzbe . 👉Link in bio. 📸 1: GPO 2:Reuters 3&4: ELAD MALKA . . . #trump #politics #worldnews #picoftheday #israel #israelnews #netanyahu #bennygantz - @thejerusalem_post on Instagram

- Attack on Democracy

- Blursed_Comparison

- Barnyard was a great movie

- Marine Le Pen

Para mim, Portugal não é apenas um exemplo de como encontrar uma saída para a crise - com boas ideias, trabalho árduo e disciplina. Portugal é também um modelo na definição do caminho rumo ao futuro defende Ursula com der Leyen 🇵🇹🇪🇺 A Presidente da @europeancommission está em Lisboa hoje e amanhã, na que é a primeira visita oficial a Portugal desde que tomou posse como Presidente da Comissão Europeia a dezembro de 2019. #istoéEuropa #StrongerTogether #NextGenerationEU #EUGreenDeal #DigitalEU #UnitedAgainstCoronavirus - @europedirectregiaodecoimbra on Instagram

- Europe news

- In light of the recent announcements from the White House on Saudi Arabia, seems a good time to repost this pic

- Zulfikar Ali Bhutto

- Carl XVI Gustaf, the King of Sweden, posing for a picture. Today is his birthday.

- If only...

🇲🇨 2019 🇲🇨 - @hshprincesscharlene on Instagram

- That look of fear when you make a deal with the devil.

- blursed presidential term

- Le site

- Does anyone know whether he said “nohomo” or not?

- An odd choice, but the I always thought the West Wing was the ultimate cosy tv program. Perfect viewing to unwind after a stressful day.

- if you put it like that

- Donald Trump & Melania

Le président Michel Aoun accueille le président Emmanuel Macron 🇱🇧🇫🇷 - @ambliban on Instagram

- The story of two wives; Im being forced to stand here. Honey, Im so proud of you

- Stach, corrupted leader of the Pols

- I want to know what theyre feeding this boy.

- Talmannen tar helg.

- Ryssen vet sin plats.

- How is Your 2013?

- Donald, these cows are small but those ones are far away...

- That might be the most uncomfortable couch in the world

- 2019 Politics

- PsBattle: A protesters Russian flags fall near Trump as he gives the thumbs up.

- Potential template with Trump and sad Indian PM in background

- Chair

I paid Amazon more for shitty costumes during his first two years in office than he paid in taxes. I feel violated. - @randyrainbow on Instagram

- PsBattle: Donald Trump with Kim Kardasian

- hmmm

- 1920

A short time ago, John King was sworn in as Georgias Insurance and Safety Fire Commissioner by Governor Kemp. He becomes the first Hispanic Constitutional Officer in Georgia history. Please join us in welcoming Commissioner King to the Department! #GADOI #Commissioner #Insurance - @georgiadoi on Instagram

- Finally she met her crush !!!

- Nice pants mlady

Valsts prezidents Egils Levits Francijas prezidentam Emanuelam Makronam viņa vizītes laikā Latvijā uzdāvinājis divus “Ērenpreiss” velosipēdus, savukārt Francijas prezidents Levitam uzdāvinājis porcelāna trauku un franču vīnu. . . . #LTV #LTVZiņas #LatvijasTelevīzija #Makrons #EmanuelsMakrons #france - @ltvzinas on Instagram

- Love & Relationships

- PsBattle: Julian Assanges Photographer

- English royal family

- Mods are asleep, upvote the original absolute unit.

זה אחד הימים המרגשים בחיי. כל כך הרבה פעמים ראיתי את ראש הממשלה יוצא לפגישות חשאיות ברחבי המזרח התיכון במטרה להביא שלום לעמנו. היום, סוף כל סוף אחרי 20 שנה, כולם רואים את פירות השלום שהוא הביא. הרגע ההיסטורי הזה של חתימת שני הסכמי שלום עם איחוד האמירויות ובחריין - ייזכרו לעד בדפי ההיסטוריה של עמנו. כך נראה שלום תמורת שלום, שלום מתוך עוצמה. אני מודה מעומק ליבי לנשיא טראמפ ולרעייתו הגברת הראשונה מלאניה על קבלת הפנים החמה והמרגשת. אמרתי למלאניה שאלמלא הקורונה הייתי מתחבקת איתה כפי שהתחבקנו בפגישות קודמות. הקשרים האישיים הללו הם נדבך מרכזי בהבאת הסכמי השלום ההיסטוריים הללו. אני כל כך שמחה וגאה על כך שהייתי חלק ברגע הזה. אוהבת אתכם, שרה. - @sara.netanyahu on Instagram

- hmmm

- The British Empire asserts its dominance over the American colonies (c. 1729)

Thanks for being the dissenting opinion for those who couldn’t speak for themselves. - @coleyfranklinhinson on Instagram

- hmmm

- Stock Market

- The flag of the United States is created (1777)

- Sheer maxi dress

Wir gratulieren herzlich der neuen Generalvikarin in Deutschland! #alternativ #katholisch #altkatholisch - @altkath_kirche_oesterreich on Instagram

- American Presidents and their Familes at Home and Work

- Kinga Duda - President of Polands Daughter

- Blursed interview

- You like what I’m sellin

- Would it be in bad taste to make this into a meme format?

- Archie

- Joe Biden is a rapist.

“El camino de salida de la pandemia y hacia los objetivos de la Agenda 2030, requiere promover políticas económicas, industriales y sociales orientadas al cambio estructural de nuestras economías. Claros conceptos del Presidente @alferdezok en la 75°Asamblea General de las @nacionesunidas. #AlbertoEnLaONU - @mariomeoni on Instagram

This picture was taken a year ago....but it expresses my heart this morning. He is my friend and I care about their well being very much. I’m praying for @realdonaldtrump and @flotus as well as everyone who has been affected by covid-19. As a Christian if you can’t pray sincerely for your president and refrain from ill will when he is sick, then you may need prayer more than he does. Check yourself. - @jentezen on Instagram

- anyone else think it looks weak when politicians are surrounded by their lackies when on tv?

- Die Royals

- President Facts

Eedaflegging van de federale regering ⁣⁣ Prestation de serment du gouvernement fédéral Eidesleistung der Föderalregierung⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ @alexanderdecroo @vincentvq @vvpetegh @sammymahdi @meryamekitir @pdsutter @tinnevds @elianetillieux @ludivinededonder1 @pydermagne @karinelalieux @zakiakhattabi @gilkinetgeorges @sarahschlitz @sophiewilmes @davidclarinval @mathieumichel⁣ #BelgianRoyalPalace #MonarchieBe⁣ ⁣ 📸 FOD Kanselarij van de Eerste Minister / SPF Chancellerie du Premier Ministre - @belgianroyalpalace on Instagram

- Blursed face swap.

- Scomo playing on his phone with his back turned after Liberal voted no to any debate regarding the recession.

- Solitude

- hmmm

Herzlich willkommen in Österreich! Die neuen Botschafterinnen und Botschafter sind heute bei Bundespräsident Alexander Van der Bellen zur Überreichung ihrer Beglaubigungsschreiben. Mit dieser Akkreditierung sind sie die offiziellen Vertreter ihres Landes in Österreich. _______ #beglaubigung #akkreditierung #willkommen #botschafterinnen #botschafter #österreich #hofburg #bundespräsident #vanderbellen - @vanderbellen on Instagram

- Belgium Royal Family

Подведение итогов Года #профсоюз #профсоюзюфу #профи - @denituranov on Instagram

- The Suffering of Flake

- Melanie Trump

- Tina turner 2017

- At this rate, hell reach China next week

- Your move nibba

“Someone who used whatever talent she had to do her work to the very best of her ability. And to help repair tears in her society, to make things a little better through the use of whatever ability she has.” — Ruth Bader Ginsburg on who she would like to be remembered as, in a 2015 interview with MSNBC. ••• Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has died of metastatic pancreatic cancer. The court’s oldest sitting justice was 87. Ginsburg was appointed to the Supreme Court in 1993 by President Bill Clinton. She was the second woman to serve on the Supreme Court. Read more about her legacy at - @ajcnews on Instagram

- Funny colours: Left vs AuthCenter

- Visa ord från presidenten

- H.M. Konungen hade Konselj igår

- When you forget how to stand in your flesh disguise and an Earthling gets suspicious.

Asti incontra la Cina - Conferenza Stampa di presentazione dell’evento #unioneindustrialeasti - @unioneindustrialeasti on Instagram

- Finnish President Niinistö with 50 euros sticking out of his pocket, together with Finnish prime minister-delegate

- OBAMA with Children

- Angelica Rivera

- Congratulations to Guy Gavriel Kay for receiving the Member of the Order of Canada

- belong to the royal

- Macron

- Go Danmark!

Celebrating this amazing mother, wife, grandmother on International woman’s Day - @_markstewart_ on Instagram

- Brexit

- My fish got anal cancer

- Dr. Fauci receiving a Presidential Medal of Freedom from President George W. Bush

- #Trump & Queen

Сегодня не заседании Законодательного Собрания Ростовской области был принят целый блок социальных законов: ✅ Новый порядок расчета временной адресной социальной помощи, который был принят в апреле и установлен до 1 октября 2020 года, продлён по инициативе Губернатора до конца текущего года. Напомню, что новый порядок расчета адресной социальной помощи предполагает, что на нее могут рассчитывать граждане, чей среднедушевой доход ниже полутора прожиточных минимумов, то есть ниже 15 тысяч рублей (ранее на адресную социальную помощь могли рассчитывать те, чей среднедушевой доход ниже одного прожиточного минимума). ✅ Закреплены нормы об обеспечении бесплатным питанием детей, обучающихся в начальной школе, а также расширяется список получателей этого горячего питания. Согласно изменениям, в Ростовской области помимо учеников 1-4 классов горячее питание будут получать и учащиеся областных образовательных учреждений с ограниченными возможностями здоровья, которые занимаются на дому. Их родителям предоставят денежную компенсацию за двухразовое питание в день. В зависимости от того, сколько учебных дней в неделе, компенсация составит, по предварительным данным, от 2,5 до 3 тысяч рублей в месяц. Кроме того, горячим двухразовым питанием будут обеспечены студенты с ограниченными возможностями здоровья, обучающиеся в учреждениях среднего профессионального образования. ✅ Депутаты проголосовали за закон, ограничивающий продажу зажигалок и емкостей (газовых баллончиков), содержащих сжиженный газ, несовершеннолетним. Это первый шаг в защите детей от смертельной опасности сниффинга. Напомню, за 2016-2018 годы от этого вида токсикомании в Ростовской области погибли 20 несовершеннолетних. В 2019-2020 годах мы получили ещё 2 случая. В настоящее время только на профилактическом учете в комиссиях по защите прав несовершеннолетних находятся 23 подростка, систематически вдыхающие сжиженный газ. Также депутаты направили от Законодательного Собрания Ростовской области в Общественную палату региона Затонского Станислава Александровна, заслуженного врача РФ, профессионала в сфере медицины и образования. - @stenyakina on Instagram

- Donald says he doesnt know Prince Andrew and isnt a fan of Epstein so here is a picture of them

- defol USA

- Melana trump

- PsBattle: This photo of Trump and Trudeau

- Washington, DC

🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 - @ivankatrump on Instagram

- President Obama and Steph Curry getting in a game of Connect Four at the White House

Great meeting with Judge Amy Coney Barrett today. I fully support her nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court. If @senatedems don’t want to participate in this process, that’s fine. We’ll just be able to confirm Judge Barrett faster. - @flsenrickscott on Instagram

- Really?.......Really!


- Wladimir Putin

- a very beutiful first lady

- hmmm

- Joe Biden strikes again!

- Angelica Rivera

ШЋЕКИЋ ЧЕСТИТАО БЕЧИЋУ ИЗБОР ЗА ПРЕДСЈЕДНИКА СКУПШТИНЕ ЦРНЕ ГОРЕ Предсједник општине Беране Драгослав Шћекић упутио је честитку новоизабраном предсједнику Скупштине Црне Горе, Алекси Бечићу, у којој се каже: “Уважени господине Бечићу, поводом Вашег избора за предсједника Скупштине Црне Горе упућујем Вам срдачне честитке и најбоље жеље за успјех у раду. Увјерен сам да Вам повјерење посланика и грађана Црне Горе даје снажну вољу да највише законодавно тијело у нашој земљи водите успјешно и праведно, са циљем стварања слободног и демократског друштва. Сигуран сам да ћемо имати добру и квалитетну сарадњу, на добробит грађана Берана и Црне Горе. У то име, примите моје искрене поздраве”, наводи се у честитки предсједника Шћекића. ПРАТИТИТЕ САЈТ ОПШТИНЕ БЕРАНЕ ➡️ #berane #crnagora #skupstina #dragoslavscekic #aleksabecic #skupstinacg #opstinaberane #predsjednik - @opstinaberane on Instagram

- Sir Jeremy kissing the Ring of Thornberry

- UK Politics

Wheres Ghislaine? With Donald Trump (and there sure are a lot of these...) @wheresghislaine - @wheresghislaine on Instagram

15 jan @realdonaldtrump eats ‘ #Hamberders ‘ while government remains shut down ! #donaldtrump #hamburger - @funnynewsindia on Instagram

- Tom Wheeler, FCC Chairman and former lobbyist for the cable and wireless industry.

Vielen Dank an Bundesministerin Elisabeth Köstinger und Bundeskanzler Sebastian Kurz für das positive und sehr konstruktive Gespräch! #rettetdiegastro #cuisinealpine #doellerer #sebastiankurz #rollingpin - @doellererandreas on Instagram

Per la sezione miglior documentario darte Il Nastro dargento 2020 va a: ERMITAGE – IL POTERE DELL’ARTE di Michele MALLY La selezione -coordinata per il Sngci da Maurizio di Rienzo – riguarda per regolamento film proposti nell’anno solare (2019) da Festival e rassegne, e/o diffusi poi in sala o su un canale tv o in dvd. #nastridargento #selfie #documentario #documentary #ermitage #toniservillo #michelemally - @nastridargento on Instagram

- New president :)

Carla García Pérez y su corte de honor ya tienen sus bandas acreditativas como máximas representantes infantiles de las Fallas de 2021. El acto de imposición de bandas se ha celebrado en el Salón de Cristal del Ayuntamiento de Valencia. 📷 @fotofilmax_armandor / @jcf_valencia #fallas #falles - @actualidadfallera on Instagram

- First Lady Melania

- WW3 is going to be like the MA Raid

- Moda office

Notorious... - @ciscogeorge on Instagram

- The things Britain has to do to keep America happy.

🇺🇸 - @jessewatters on Instagram

- PsBattle: Trump fist bumps Queen

‏بدء اجتماع المجلس الاعلى للدفاع للبحث في موضوع حريق المرفأ - @generalmichelaoun on Instagram

El Rey recibió del Embajador de Malta, Daniel Azzopardi, las cartas credenciales. #FelipeVIRey #ReyFelipeVI #KingFelipeVI #FelipeVIDeEspaña #FelipeVIDeEspana #ReyFelipe #ReyDeEspaña #SpanishRoyalFamily #FamiliaRealEspañola #CasaRealDeEspaña #MonarquiaEspañola #CasaReal #SpanishMonarchy #CasaBorbon #CasaBorbón #CasaDeBorbón #CasaDeBorbon #CoronaDeEspaña #CoronaEspañola #ReinoDeEspaña #Spain #España #instamoment - @casarealdeespana on Instagram

- Blursed_Pope

- Emmanuel Macron

Darren woods,the CEO of Exxon Mobil oil at London - @exxon_mobil_company on Instagram

- PsBattle: Kevin Spacey receiving honorary knighthood from Prince Charles

Vladimir Putin addressed the citizens of Russia following the announcement of the presidential election official results by the Central Election Commission. President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Citizens of Russia, friends, Today the Central Election Commission announced the final results of the Russian presidential election. Over 67 percent of voters, which is over 73 million citizens, took part in the voting. Over 56 million of them, which is over 76 percent, voted for the current Head of State. It sets a record in the history of our country. После обнародования Центральной избирательной комиссией официальных итогов голосования на выборах Президента Российской Федерации Владимир Путин обратился к гражданам России. В.Путин: Уважаемые граждане России! Дорогие друзья! Сегодня Центральная избирательная комиссия объявила окончательные результаты выборов Президента России. В них приняли участие более 67 процентов избирателей – свыше 73 миллионов граждан. За действующего главу государства проголосовали свыше 56 миллионов граждан – более 76 процентов избирателей. Это самый высокий уровень поддержки в истории нашей страны. - @president_vladimir_putin on Instagram

- Amen to these!

- London mayor Boris Johnson playing Boccia

- Live look at Covid-19 transmission

- Justin Trudeau

- alexandra manley

Happy birthday sir! Hope you have a blessed day 👌 #keepmakingamericagreat 🇺🇸 - @michaelboulos on Instagram

- Trump baby

President Higgins welcomed H.E. Ambassador Stéphane Crouzat of the French Republic to Áras an Uachtaráin on a farewell courtesy call. Upon their arrival in Ireland, and before they can carry out their duties, new ambassadors must be officially welcomed by the President of Ireland. Ambassadors are officially accredited to Ireland from the moment that the President accepts their Credentials. At the end of their term, the President invites the Ambassadors on a Courtesy Call to Áras an Uachtaráin, to thank the Ambassadors for their service, hear their experiences in Ireland and discuss the departing Ambassador’s views on issues of relevance to our bilateral relations. Chuir an tUachtarán Ó hUigínn fáilte roimh Ambasadóir Phoblacht na Fraince, A Shoilse Stéphane Crouzat, chuig Áras an Uachtaráin, agus é ar cuairt chúirtéise agus slán á fhágáil aige. Ar theacht dóibh go hÉirinn, agus sular féidir leo tabhairt faoina gcuid dualgas, ní mór d’Uachtarán na hÉireann fáilte a chur rompu go hoifigiúil. Déantar ambasadóirí a chreidiúnú go hoifigiúil le dul ag obair in Éirinn a luaithe is a ghlacann an tUachtarán lena ndintiúir. Nuair a shroicheann ambasadóirí deireadh a dtéarma, tugann an tUachtarán cuireadh dóibh teacht ar chuairt chúirtéise chuig Áras an Uachtaráin le buíochas a ghlacadh leis na hambasadóirí as a gcuid seirbhíse, le héisteacht lena dtaithí ar Éirinn agus le plé a dhéanamh ar thuairimí an ambasadóra atá ag imeacht ar cheisteanna atá bainteach leis an gcaidreamh déthaobhach. - @presidentirl on Instagram

- Blursed interview

- What Really Happens In The Duma Behind Closed Doors

- hmmm


- and then there was this...

- Obama lies

Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden and his wife Jill Biden pay their respects to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg as she lies in state in the U.S. Capitol 📸Erin Schaff/@apnews/#Shutterstock #shutterstocknow #ruthbaderginsburg #rbg #joebiden - @shutterstocknow on Instagram

- House of Windsor

- Slovakian president stays stylish

- A wider angle of the previously posted photo of Trump signing a document.

- Beautiful People

- Joe Biden, Obamas Best Bro

Like if you pay more income tax than this guy 👆 - @repjudychu on Instagram

- Donald Trump & Melania

- Astronaut Tomas Stafford 89 years old, came to say goodbye to Leonov

- Fångad av en stormvind

- PsBattle: Putin meets with The Pope


- Trump, New start

- History online

- Guess which ones possessed by Satan :D

La Senatrice Teresa #Bellanova è il nuovo Ministro delle politiche agricole alimentari, forestali e del turismo. Il #giuramento è avvenuto questa mattina al #Quirinale di fronte al Capo dello Stato, Sergio #Mattarella, e al Presidente del Consiglio, #GiuseppeConte. - @mipaafsocial on Instagram

Сегодня в рамках РЭН-2019 принял участие во Всероссийском совещании по популяризации энергосбережения и информационной открытости ТЭК. Представители энергетических компаний, региональных министерств энергетики, ЖКХ и СМИ поговорили о важности регулярной совместной работы в информационном пространстве и поделились интересным опытом реализации информационной политики. #Роспредприниматель #Росмолодежь #РЭН2019 #Москва #ТЭК #РоссийскаяЭнергетическаяНеделя #Росконгресс - @mortt13 on Instagram

- Alexander Boris de Pfeffel seems to be partial to the auld bottle of Ballygowan

- PsBattle: Russian president Vladimir Putin giving a yearly speech 2020

#евреи #ЕвреиСимволВечности #Израиль #Иерусалим #Биньямин #Нетаньяху #Москва #Россия #лидер #Israel #Jerusalem #jews #jewish #instagram #инстаграм - @jewish_girls_boys on Instagram

Sus Majestades los Reyes con Su Santidad el Papa Francisco tras recibirles en audiencia. Their Majesties the Kings with His Holiness Pope Francisco after the audience. - @spanish.monarchy on Instagram

- Melana trump

- China meets Queen

El Kremlin deseó este viernes 2-O una rápida y fácil al presidente de EE UU, Donald Trump, quien anunció en la madrugada que él y la primera dama, Melania Trump, han dado positivo por coronavirus. Por supuesto, deseamos al presidente Trump una rápida y fácil recuperación, señaló en su rueda de prensa diaria el portavoz del Kremlin, Dmitri Peskov. Esta noche, la primera dama y yo hemos dado positivo por COVID-19. Empezaremos nuestro proceso de cuarentena y recuperación de inmediato. ¡Juntos lo superaremos!, escribió Trump en un tuit. En un comunicado posterior, el médico presidencial, Sean Conley, detalló que el presidente y la primera dama están bien en este momento y planean permanecer en su hogar en la Casa Blanca durante la convalecencia. Trump y su esposa se hicieron la prueba después de que este jueves se conociese el positivo de una de las más cercas asesoras del mandatario, Hope Hicks. Ver más en #Kremlin #Trump #Coronavirus - @diariopanorama on Instagram

- brigitte macron style

- Mexican President Tests Positive For Covid 19 (News from 7/20/2020)

- America President Trump family

- The Figure In Black

- PsBattle: Trump Inspects a Drone

Hakaretler havada uçuştu, sürekli söz kesildi... Seçimler öncesi ilki gerçekleştirilen Trump-Biden canlı yayın tartışmasını 10 soruda özetledik. #donaldtrump #joebiden #abd #seçim #trump #biden - @gzt on Instagram

- AMLO intercambia bates de beisbol en Casa Blanca

- HM The Queen

Asumo hoy la responsabilidad de liderar una institución de gran impacto en la dignidad, los derechos y el bienestar de los colombianos Desde nuestra @defensoriacol queremos llevar un mensaje de esperanza a todas esas comunidades que viven la violencia, la pobreza, el olvido, la persecución y el dolor. Vamos a estar a su lado. Necesitamos que los colombianos sientan que hay una institución que los apoya. . . . . #DefensorDelPueblo #Colombia - @carlos_camargoa on Instagram

- Royal News

#vote2020 #vote #bidenharris2020 - @fashionbyreyortiz on Instagram

- Willy is vandaag beëdigd als Stranger Knight in de Britse Orde van de Kousenband. Inclusief kek outfitje

- /Meme/ Throwing diplomatic curve balls towards the EU during Brexit negotiations

We arent kidding around when it comes to riffs, or when it comes to peace! Congrats to my phenomenal bassist Vlad, (of course I have two nominations, but you know, still really great). Kimmy, youre up next! Name another power trio thats got 3 Nobel Peace Prize Nominations! . . . . #nuclearpowertrio #acapr #nobelpeaceprize #worldpeace #fusion #metal #shred #metalbladerecords #music #heartwarmingstories #changetheworld #bethechange #foreignrelations #bass #slapbass #drums - @nuclearpowertrio on Instagram