Heartwarming Birthday Wishes, Greetings, Messages for Nephew with Inspiring Quotes and Images

Bing Image Creator

- Above the clouds!


- Proper technique for exiting aircraft

- Today it’s been eleven years since this awesome moment! The kid who was feared now comes back as the hero of the hidden leaf!Chapter 450, it still makes me very emotional like when I first read and saw it!😭😁🍥🍜

- cartoony design

Vector | Merry Christmas and Happy New year stickers and packs - download illustration

- bear coloring pages

1,600 M - @s7evie_t on Instagram



Be nice, be cool and be happy

- Dinosaur Puns


🎂 SEVEN TODAY! 🎂 Happy Birthday to the worlds biggest smiler! Thank you for bringing so much energy and love to everything you do, we love you squillions. 🥰 It’s hard to get my head around seven years 😱 wasn’t he just blowing out a toy story cake with three candles?? One things for sure - The Lego certainly gets more expensive. 🤦🏻♀️ I’m off to start saving up for next years 😩 Happy Friday! Whether your enjoying the last days with the Little’s or relaxing with a brew post drop off... have a good one. I’m off to tackle Ikea returns and the post office queue. FML 😂😂😂🍾 - I think Tildas face says it all 🤣🤣 - @wikiplacesforkids_official on Instagram

Carol Danvers ||

Jump for joy! Fall Garanimals styles are now available online + in Walmart stores. - @garanimals on Instagram

like !! from the start, valentine and a few other songs are the only ones that get talked about

Lucky Number Today Numerology Calculator

- Allie

People watching at a coffee shop ☕️🥐🤍 @allysa.larson

- Whose missing ??🤔

Beautiful Bible Verses About Birthdays

Fotor - Free Online Photo Editing Tools

- When you tell kids about classic games....

Why am I afraid..

- Seeing this sparked a memory from my uncles shitty tweaker wife having us do this as kids

Happy birthday @gingium! I love you bro! Here are some cute moments we had together:) - @_justpasha on Instagram

Time Waits For No One

Happy birthday K Pop, we love you buddy 🖤 - @jure_grando on Instagram

On manas bday she had cake lol - @all.around.freak.show on Instagram

I can’t even explain how proud I am of my little brother. You’ve wanted this for as long as I can remember. You’re finally a Marine, I love you! - @breana_hardy on Instagram

- Stone Cold without the rest of his goatee just looked downright wrong

- The Herculoids

- Blursed_Doom

- me irl

- Protest 2020

This is James. He shoots things fast - @nathan.thompson.961993 on Instagram

- Rob Van Dam

- 27 years today (almost to the exact moment), three 8-year-old boys went into the woods in West Memphis, Arkansas, and never came home. This is in remembrance of them.

- Anime

Went for an alpine “ride” this weekend with this amount of coverage. I was so pumped for those sun rays. Dropped in to the trail crushing that first mile and then the barrage of downed trees came for the next 6 miles. Damn! I think the forest won on this one. Carried my bike over hundreds of trees. Bloodied up those shins real nice. Super prepared. But still smiling. Such a good adventure! #weekendvibes @kerstinholster 📸 - @juliebaird on Instagram

I like this person. - @cat_offensive on Instagram

So long training wheels!! Duncan made the leap today with ease👍🏼👍🏼 Little champ is on a roll! ❤️ #firsttime #learningtorideabike #son #family #budlight #jiujitsu #family - @tjgrant316 on Instagram

- Winslow, Arizona

- Shark onesie

- Thankful I have a son to enjoy the great outdoors with...and seeing the world through his eyes. A simple fire is amazing to him like landing on the moon 😄

- gaming

- 40 Indominus Rex Coloring Pages

Slow Mo & Regular Capture 🎥, thank you @apple for my iPhone and its ability to swim under water 😂🤷🏽♂️ #summer2020 #fatherlove #iphone11pro #kidsjustwannahavefun #swimmingunderwater #boyswillbeboys #kidsactivities #summer20 #moneynvrsleepz - @jiovanixr on Instagram

- Father (left) and son (right) 25 years apart.

- Paul A. Lanquist Post Cards

- [Action Comics #10 (1939)] Superman beats up the superintendent of a prison after seeing the awful conditions the prisoners are kept in. Golden Age Superman means business.

- Birth. Cake

One week at JH Ranch was more valuable to our father-daughter relationship than anything we’ve ever done or could imagine doing. I’d chose it over a year of college or 10 years of Christmas gifts. Grounding, enlightening, everlasting. If you’ve heard about it please please dig deeper. If you have not, I’m happy to share more. Nothing like it. Anywhere. #jhranch #fatherdaughterlove #groundedingod #highadventure #parenting #godlywoman #godlyman #dontwait #trust - @lnequette on Instagram

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Such a fun, unique gift for the guy who has everything. - Laura R⠀ ⠀ #funny #art #custom #portrait #canvas #decor #masterpieceme #gift #renaissance #artist #love #home #personalize #king #queen #prince #princess #meme #inspo #royal #giftideas #photooftheday #customgifts #classicalart #giftidea #19thcentury #cute #giftideasforhim #giftideasforher #major - @masterpiecemeco on Instagram

Congratulations to Edward of Amherst, NY on winning the VIP Game Day Party with Andre Reed! Thank you for making giving a habit... and #gobills! @andre_reed83 @ar83foundation @ericbigger @communitybeer @26shirts @macysplacepizzeria @epsonamerica #gobills #billsmafia #buffalobills #andrereed @500pearl @buffalobills @buffsbarstool - @ourgivingproj on Instagram

- Big Brother

- Dog the bounty hunter

❤️The first time in months where I didn’t have to get up to work but I got up bright an early to be with family and to celebrate something AMAZING. I won’t say what just yet on SM but I will say I am beyond grateful to have been there. We had the best day together. Bonus: Eloise was actually on her best performance behavior. This is huge and needs a round of 👏 for it. #rickettsglenstatepark #family #mybabysister - @aem715 on Instagram

- Blursed flexible man

To my wife, and all women, Happy International Women’s day. - @joshmathison on Instagram

- Conor back at it again

Greetings from the Herbster Family staycation... finding treasures in our own backyard 🌲🏔 #LittleCraterLake - @tbrat on Instagram

and then there were 3 💙💙💕🥰 - @amyraimondi on Instagram

So basically this barber is a fucking legend. Tag a barber who cuts this good. #foreverfreshmemes #foreverfreshconnect #foreverfreshco #foreverfreshteam #foreverfreshrazors #foreverfreshbarbers #foreverfreshmindset #foreverfreshstyle - @foreverfreshmemes on Instagram

- paprika anime

Prendi una banana 🍌 Migliore scena della seconda stagione, punto. - @onepunchmanita on Instagram

- Florian Munteanu, actor

- how bout them cowboys!

- Murray tennis

- Aaron Paul...need I say more?

“I realized that I don’t want to write a great story about someone who’s done something wonderful. I want to live a great story.” Life changed drastically for @roryfeek after his wife, Joey, died of cancer in 2016. These days, fans of the couple’s Grammy-winning music can follow Feek and their young daughter, Indiana, on RFD-TV. Find out about the life he’s living now and the reality show set on his Tennessee farm at cowboysindians.com or in our October 2020 issue . 📸 @thepresshousepr . #RoryFeek #JoeyandRory #JoeyFeek #Tennessee #countrymusic #musicduo #singer #songwriter #musician #realityshow #newshow - @cowboysindiansmagazine on Instagram

- Just a day away...

Getting so big #waglets - @aleah_87 on Instagram

Hubert Pareroultja wins The Wynne Prize for his painting Tjoritja (West MacDonnell Rangers, NT). Pareroultja said of his expansive winning work: ‘My family believe giant caterpillars called the Yeperenye became Tjoritja (West MacDonnell Ranges in the distant past). The giant caterpillars entered through gaps in the ranges. In this painting the trees are a symbol for caterpillars coming through to the Country, and they travelled from Mount Zeil past Mparntwe (Alice Springs) to Emily Gap. I believe Emily Gap to be part of the West MacDonnell Ranges (although other people refer to them as the East MacDonnell Ranges).’ Image: Hubert Pareroultja’s winning landscape Tjoritja (West MacDonnell Rangers, NT), 2020 Wynne Prize Winner. Courtesy the artist and Art Gallery of NSW. Read more on Archibald, Sulman and Wynne prize winners LINK-IN-BIO #TheWynnePrize #HubertPareroultja - @_artshub on Instagram

- After all these years it’s been revealed

- Nghhhh

♥️ #nationaldaughterday - @thestephaniegm on Instagram

- Jack & Haley

Je fait genre je suis capable de lever la hache mais en vrai j’ai mal 😅 - @manouchkinou1012 on Instagram

- Afraid you are...

It may be the old shenron it may not be - @shen.ron3 on Instagram

- This kid has a great start in life.

- me irl

- Jurassic Park: The Lost Pin

- Concept Art

Happy Birthday Jenny❣️ We so appreciated being able to visit virtually during the quarantine...but this visit ... totally filled us up! Love you and love your trio 💕💕💕 so very much! - @crj32020 on Instagram

- Animal postcards

Hey friends- I’ve never done this before but I wanted to share a little about myself and start showing my face around here. #####. So here are five things you may not know about me.... 1. I love the outdoors it is where I am at my best. 2. Before I was a stay at home momma I was a Wild Land fire fighter for 6 years- hardest job physically I’ve ever done but taught me so much about how strong I truly am. 3. I was born and raised in Wyoming which still holds a lot of my heart. 4. I love moving my body every day and feeding myself well (not to say I don’t love my sweets) 5. Before I became a parent, I never knew I would be so passionate about how and why I raise my kids the positive parent way. Truly, this is me in a nut shell. Any of these things surprise you?! - @hollyroesler on Instagram

- Year 2000 according to this French post card from 1910

- Shocked Lex Luthor gets news

- Duct Tape Bags

Happy birthday, Pops. 🤙 Rip it up today! - @lukeshomemo on Instagram

- my little brother lit our shed on fire. instead of being mad or stressing, my family members just got chairs and watched it burn. took this once we all sat down.

- I did a craft. Happy 20th Anniversary Futurama!!

- one punch man wallpapers

These tykes turn twenty-eight in a matter of hours. 👶🏻👶🏻 From six consecutive bowling bashes at Sports Center Bowl (z”l) to a UHaul dance floor and pizza-cooking beer-tapping firetruck, we have grown famous for roisterous party-throwing and merriment over these modest years. 🎉 Of course we dutifully accept that such wonderful celebrations are currently blunderful—so this year, in lieu, Jack brings the party to you! Tomorrow, FRI, MAY29, Jack, p.k.a. DJ Bebe Grand, will stream some of his favorite selections (with attendant commentary) directly from his double turntable console to your computer or phone at twitch.tv/djbebegrand. 📡Beginning 2:30p PDT (UTC-7) Jack guides and glides through a potpourri of traditional pop, jazz, musical theater, and classical from our ever-efflorescing vinyl collection. 🍰 Then after a dinner and cake recess from 5:30-7:30 Jack returns with grooves that wax more and more irresistibly danceable. We invite you to listen for as little or long as you wish while you mill about the day and evening. Thanks @auralponic for coaching through the software 🤓 @jonniereinhart and @saycheeseanddie for graphic 🎨, and @dolladelz for testing sound across the world in Perth! 🐨 - @jackbennynow on Instagram

He was born with spirit, 7 years ago today. Happy Birthday Townes! - @westseacat on Instagram

I still see us as these kids. - Really, I forget that we’re not kids anymore. - Today reality sat in a little. - I watched as they wheeled her away for surgery.. I felt that lump creeping up in my throat and had to fight back some tears. - It was a very common surgery, nothing crazy or threatening... but for a brief second I was scared because I know I’ve taken so much of our time together for granted because I do still see us as kids. I think we have all the time in the world. - I invest so much time into building a life for us and I forget that we are getting older. We’re growing up. We’re doing all the things we talked about 10 years ago. I’m just not taking the time to appreciate it. - So here’s to balance. Here’s to building a life and living it at the same time. - Age may be just a number but time is non refundable. Make the most of who you spend it with. 💙 - #iam1stphorm #marriedlife #timeisprecious #friendzonetoendzone #highschoolsweethearts - @jeffery_alan on Instagram

- My dad, my brother, and I on one of my dads famous hunting trips. 93

- One day I hope I find Someone who loves me as much as doomguy loves the bfg

- Outdoor Survival

- Daughter took my 3d benchy I gave her and left it at a geocache, at the South Arkansas Arboretum, so she could take another toy.

Oh how time flies! These two are much taller than I am now and heading off to college. I will be missing them terribly. And both of you — do your homework. - @mrbilldaniels on Instagram

Until tomorrow... - @luke_midgley22 on Instagram

- Baby Cambridge! HRH Prince George

- Alan Owen

- Glitter Art

- @truck.drivers.usa on Instagram

- Like father, like son. Early 90s my brother had to do everything my dad did.

- [ART] Probably one of the best protagonists ever (Fullmetal Alchemist)

HSCT with @gabbycowan, I have a new found love for David peak. - @phin_wrenshall on Instagram

Summers end - @ben.elling on Instagram


- Safety Rules

It has been 4 years since we’ve had a home without a child in it. 4 years of juggling 2 full time parents running a business that runs 7 days a week and a schedule that is LIT 🔥 (those who operate a gym, can I get an AMEN?). I wouldn’t trade a single second of the time I got with these two boys and I realize what a privilege it was for us to have been able to “make it work” these last 4 years. I have to give a major shoutout to all of our BEST babysitters/fam on the planet for working with our insane and constantly changing work schedules (don’t worry, I’ll still be calling you 😉). James started Pre-k and George started Nursery school. Neither of them cried, but I 100% did. - @mobesha on Instagram

I think he likes it. Enjoying some amazing fall weather and out on a little hike. #dadlife #hiking #family #squamish #whistler #bcparks - @outdoorsmike on Instagram

Our son Ryan Andrew Mendez passed away 7/11/2019. We are saddened that his life and energy left us too soon. We plan to pay tribute to this man. Our gathering to remember Ryan will be Friday evening 7/19 6:30-7:30 visitation 7:30-8:30 memorial ELGIN Providence Boat House. 3025 Gansett Pkwy Elgin IL 60124 Please feel free to share this and repost this with those wishing to join his family, friends and acquaintances. The sharing of heartfelt thoughts and memories have been a comfort and joy to us. @selinamendez @naturallyeva @jonnymendez__ @benmendez7 - @bruben on Instagram

Been loving getting to spend all this time with my boy the past month ! Daddy loves u son - @dad_of_a_bear on Instagram

Not only do we dream about big bucks, we sleep with our bow and arrows tucked in next to us so we can shoot them too! #deerdontstandachancewithhim #myhuntingdaysarenumbered #hunterinthemaking #archeryhunting #deerhunter #traditionalarchery #ihuntclose - @shilohbutts on Instagram

- Blursed Spider-Man

- And everyone thought he was evil... (Triathlon father)

- Attic window quilts

- National Park Passport

- Bone Jeff smith

- Thrifted this outfit. Best $16 I’ve spent in a long time.

- @coachrydzewski on Instagram

Which Ragnar do you prefer? 🤔 💭 - @vikings.the on Instagram

The hardest part of all of this is not being able to be close to my two favourite little munchkins all the time! - @toevs on Instagram

- Kids zipline

As the school year is about to come to an end, we want to thank all the TFS families for the fortitude they have shown this spring, adapting to our distance learning program so well. Seeing your children enjoy screenless Wednesday afternoons or smiling to their teacher during a virtual class was incredibly heartwarming. Thank you all! - @tfscampus on Instagram

- Best beard styles

When the tooth fairy comes but you dont have a pillow ✨ - @iamjaydenperez on Instagram

- t rex humor

You are gonna love California my man. Can’t wait to see you ❤️ - @sandalito on Instagram

- Happy 4th everyone! Today’s my son’s 2nd birthday!!

- Blursed_beauty

- I painted myself painting myself painting myself painting the avatar.

Back to school throwbacks #tbt - @gavinthomas on Instagram

Garantie voor een paar uurtjes rust; een filmpie en een bio-kippetje uit de oven. Waarbij baby Meggy een hele kippenpoot wegpropt:) - @laurenverster on Instagram

- Robin James

- The reality of a home yoga practice

35 Years ago on Sept 5th, Filmation’s HE-MAN and the Masters of the Universe made its world wide debut!! I looked so much younger back then! #ihavethepower #mastersoftheuniverse #heman #35years - @heman on Instagram

Were watching Braveheart 😊😊😊 #michaelpatrick #mikepatled #mp3 #myson #myman #startemyoung #raiseemright - @mikeledbetterbluze on Instagram

Love you, bruv, I’d smoosh your face forever #theluckiest #tbs - @tylerhudgens on Instagram

- Twin grandpa

- NBA Memes

- Disney With Baby

- Sequencing pictures

- draw the squad

- Or did his reflection reveal its sentience?

Nice little ride around wollaton and wollaton Park yesterday with the big man..this dad life is amazing..who needs a bmw? @raj5785 #dadlife #bikeride #bulls #sunnylife #wollatonhall #calippomakesushappy - @mountainfitness_mk on Instagram

- We all know where this is going 😆

Alright Michael, your parents have made the questionable (at best) decision to name me your Godfather. That means if you ever want to run away from them you can come chill with your fun uncle. It’s you and me buddy 😎 - @kwardy26 on Instagram

- This may not look like it, but this is the epitome of Defensive Secondary coaching. Either that, or a guy who runs a meth lab in the Florida panhandle.

- Saga comic

- Great Scott! - Just a Standard Weekend...

- This guy straight up v o i d i n g

Location, location, location. Putting in some triangle work with @ryanmcmahon #bjj #jiujitsu #jiujitsulifestyle #graciejiujitsu - @greenwichjiujitsuacademy on Instagram

- Any idea of what F4 book contain this art?

Reach deep inside...reflect on self motivation, strenghts and goals, grow stronger as a human being! #healthylifestyle #hikingadventures #lifeisbeautiful #lifeisgood #mountains #makingmemories #godscountry #escapefromreality - @gdana789 on Instagram

- Flash

:: Iteration, iteration, iteration is the foundation of Krane, however there are times when a new style just has to be introduced. The Kovie 2.0 gets a lot of love, so he’s gonna stay in the picture. Introducing a new option to keep you safe and Pandemic-equipped, aptly named Pandie. Pandie features an elastic-chord-and-toggle strapping system that boasts superior comfort. Kids sizes will be available too this weekend! Plan a visit to the Krane Studio Store with @stacktmarket this weekend to find your ideal size and colour. Hrs:11-7 Location in bio #canadiandesigner #smallbatchproduction #shopindependent #neoheritageutility #covid19 #facemask #menswear - @krane_design on Instagram

- me irl

Jessie Homer French and Billy Al Bengston decided to “vandalize” each others work. Moons, hearts, and horizon lines by Billy. Forest fires, stealth bombers, and fish by Jessie. #JessieHomerFrench #BillyAlBengston - @vsf on Instagram

I love these girls more than words can express. - @red.irish.mike on Instagram

- Our Christmas Tree Farms

- Land before time dinosaurs

The greater the separation, the greater the reunion Happy Father’s Day to the man who loved fiercely ♥️ it’s really all we need! - @wyld_roots on Instagram

- Virgin mojito

Hooooray school! - @joeborellinyc on Instagram

- wear

- Wwe superstar john cena

- Alena Shishkova

- Whats your favorite pizza topping? [TMNT Adventures #1]

- Fergie at the Arsenal-QPR game today.

Happy Birthday Dad, we bought you a cottage!!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ - @radiojill on Instagram

Happy birthday to this tall guy in the middle- our triplet aka Uncle Jeremy! We used to gang up on him until he came home from Boot Camp then it wasn’t fun anymore 😅/Still taller and always in the middle - our our lifelong protector-Semper Fi, sir! - @phil_hanseroth on Instagram

- Why i cant digivolve? [OC]

Today is sons day! I have one of those! I love you Eazy! - @ryanhoglund999 on Instagram

- Art Quilts - Snow and Winter

- Yeeeah...I used to chill out on Spidermans beanbag back in the day.

Today is the 40th anniversary of the release of The Empire Strikes Back. Did you know that Al Williamson redid some of the panels for the the digest version of the Marvel adaptation called: “The Marvel Comics Illustrated Version of The Empire Strikes Back” and the reprint of “Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back Marvel Special Edition Magazine # 2 Parks Run”? - #starwars #lucasfilm #illustration #illustrator #art #artist #artwork #marvel #marvelcomics #starwars #SWcomics #starwarscomics #starwarsbooks #comic #comics #starwarsmarvel #darkhorse #darkhorsestarwars #marvelstarwars #comicart #art #artwork #comicbook #starwarsart - @starwarscomics2 on Instagram

Happy hour last night: a little smoke we hope clears today...a couple small fish on the line...negronis in all our glasses...my best little guy who stays as close to me as he can...our toes dipped in the water. Grateful for a few days here. - @andcaroline on Instagram

If anyone needs an oil change this weekend, I believe Tippie has some openings. She accepts all major fruit snacks. • I grew up watching my dad work on cars. It’s so much fun to now be able to see my little girls getting their hands dirty with their dad- well, Tip gets dirty. Teagan has to have baby wipes close by to clean her hands 🙄. #raisethemstrong #schaefersisters #daddydaughtertime #instagrammamas #babyfargo #moms_beyond - @kat.schaef on Instagram

We recently learned of an amazing story of a young man named Alec who loves Softy Straws! Alec has special needs which make drinking difficult, but straws are a big help! We had a chance to chat with Alec’s mom and learn more about how Softy Straws have helped Alec! Read the Q&A on our blog! . . . #plasticfree #ecofriendly #greenliving #whatveganseat #fab4smoothie #realfood #masonjar #bpafree #cleaneats #instayum #bestofvegan #plantbased #nomoreplastic #noplastic #environmentallyfriendly #trashisfortossers #saynotoplastic #smoothie #smoothies #smoothietime #fruitsmoothie #smoothielove #softystraws #saynotoplasric #nostrawplease #parenting #parentingtips - @softystraws on Instagram

These amazing paintings by @kristentyestudio are just some of the beauties that will be at our fall market! Lots of original art at this show, we are so excited! • • • • #utah #utahartists #utahisrad #utahgram #utahunique #utahrocks #utahlife #artist #art #artistsoninstagram #utahartists #artlovers #artforthehome #artsy #artevent #artevents #craftshow #crafting #creatingart #creating #creative #creatives #creativelifestyle #creativelife #creativity #beutahful #beutahfullife #slcutah #slcartist #love - @utahartmarket on Instagram

- Remember who they still are in spirit.

- My 7 year old completed his 5th of the 48 4,000 footers yesterday (Mt. Garfield, New Hampshire, USA)

- Ambassador Outdoor Art Master Badge

- French Fairy Tales

- Jurassic World Movie

- Button Men

- Most underrated character in avatar was chit sang he was so damn funny

Happy Birthday Twin ( Muichiro & Yuichiro ) 🌪️🎂 - @sukiafiq on Instagram

#PhotoToaster - @susanguice on Instagram

- Timeless Treasures Fabric

Colorado Fall Weddings 🍁🍂🧁 - @ryanperrich on Instagram

- Car Seats

- Modern Coasters

We’re not at Yellowstone right now. 🙃 But, we know so many people who are, and it’s making us want to hop back in the RV and head that way! We love that park so much. - @wanderingarrowsusa on Instagram

- My brother protecting our niece in a Nerf battle

- The flag of Bhutan, eyerape edition

Today you are 5 🎈🥳 today you told me you need new shoes and you would like red ones with laces and flames 🔥 down the side ! This pretty much sums u up my gorgeous boy all our love ! - @rachelmeares87 on Instagram

- Found this for $3. I couldnt pass it up. /r/SquaredCircle wouldnt let me post it there so Ill post it here.

- Childrens Magazines

Beautiful Canada - @tina.white25 on Instagram

Genius. - @comexintoxknowledge108 on Instagram

- Gavin meme

You can still bring your bday parade guests some good grub!!! Happy birthday Brady!! #quarantinedbday #birthdayparty #birthdayparade #strongertogether #foodtrucks #surprise - @westchester_burger on Instagram

Happy Thursday Folks Apple Update 👇 This post will have a bunch of information and we hope you can take a moment to read it. Were approaching 3 really busy harvest weekends at Grandma Lambes and have a few changes to keep you, our staff and our community safe. There is a new entrance and exit for the store and apple tent. There will be signage posted with clear directions on how to follow the new shopping guidelines. Its also helpful to call ahead and reserve your pies (were taking Thanksgiving orders too) Meaford 519-538-2757 Chatsworth 519-794-3852 This photo is of Dave (3rd generation apple grower) and his son Blake in 1984 with the newly planted Jersey Mac orchard. Fast forward to a few days ago with Blake (4th generation apple grower) with his son Ethan in the Honeycrisp orchard planted in 2000. Our Orchard Crew will be traveling from the orchard to the market and back. Please be mindful of farm equipment traveling on roadways throughout our community as were all working on bringing in the fall crop. APPLE UPDATE ✅ Honeycrisp ✅ Cortland - cee available ✅ Mac - cee available ✅ Spartan ✅ Gala ✅ Sweet Sixteen Thank you for your time. Stay well ✌❤🍎🥧 #grandmalambes - @grandmalambes on Instagram

- Miki Sato

16 pigga grader 🌊 - @johannicklasforsberg on Instagram

Jacuzzi time! Recover in 38-40 degrees celsius 👍👍 @hydropoolsverige - @alexthemauler on Instagram

Happy National Son Day - these two keep us laughing!😂 I love you @gshavor7 and @ryanrowins ❤️❤️ - @mkrowins on Instagram

Standard Peak. 1955 ft. Elevation climbed. 6.5 mile round trip. Beautiful day. #wearethe3aleegos #toughkids #kidswhohike #hiking #hikemontana #kidsareawesome #peakbagging #summerinmontana #getoutside #optoutside #flatheadvalley #badrock - @huntmikelee on Instagram

- @merrittcglover on Instagram

Happy 15th Bday @jayden_eterovic We’re so proud of the young man you’ve become and hope today is as awesome as you are. 💕💕💕💕💕💕 #birthday #15 #birthdayboy #family #love - @tinarodeterovic on Instagram

Love being their dad! #fathersday #laketrip #lovethem #myworld #dadlife #smiles #goodtimes - @mr.dkoby85 on Instagram

- childrens illustration

Happy New Year Everyone! I miss you so much all my dear friends that I haven’t seen these last couple of months. I’ve mostly been nesting to make sure my little Thomas gets a good start in his life and gets nurtured with as little distraction or pollution around him as possible. It’s been good to have a break from the city and I have been enjoying the Nevada desert 🌵 See you all soon! - @jennymannerheim on Instagram

Happy birthday to this amazing kid. Ya he’s wild but this kid makes me smile all the time. Crazy to think he’s already 9. #prouddad #happybirthday #bonita #firstdaybacktoschool - @chef_kovar on Instagram

- Traveling: With Baby

Happy Holidays to all from Luke, Sam, Julian and Rory. There’s no perfect holiday photo that could capture such a great first Christmas home in Missouri with our families. Julian makes it all so merry and bright! Being together is the biggest blessing. Wishing you and yours a love filled holiday #Christmas2019 #Julianleif #babysfirstchristmas #home #family #pjs #dadsneakers - @wildbeingsam on Instagram

- Discworld map

When the director is a serious tyrant. @theothercj ’s masterful iphonetograph - @chrisvanderwall on Instagram

- Ted?

We took a little trip to Yellowstone! It’s so pretty and reminds me a lot of Alaska. 😍🌲🎣 Enzo loved seeing the sights and was so curious about everything. This was Vincent’s first road trip too.🤰🏼 Thinking it would be super fun to come back with an RV next time. #YellowstoneNationalPark - @candiceperfect on Instagram

Before-school CLUE session ✔ 💯 Jackson is still giving away the farm 😂 #hewasnotthewinner - @familyfulltime on Instagram

Welcome @stevedarkomusic to the HotBOi roster! East to West comes out everywhere this Friday. Pre-save the new 🔥at the link in bio #STAYHOT - @hotboi_records on Instagram

- Antiques decoupage

Not many words for today. Mostly thinking about the moments we had, and the moments we will never have. Your lessons will last me a lifetime, will be a long road without you. Thank You and Happy Fathers Day pops. - @hunter_giss on Instagram

- Tiger Cubs

- I love when the show does throwbacks to an earlier season like this.

- Blursed Gunfight

- Abbis Ladybugs

- Ace of Hearts

- Artists

This #LilGoob lost something at school today! #SnaggleGoob We need some funny today after this morning. #FortheH #Goob77 be the #GreatestStranger - @goob__77 on Instagram

- Kids Wallpaper

- Surprised my 6 year old brother with The Amazing Spider-Man tickets. Hes pretty excited.

“Sleep” Today’s theme of “sleep” (from Great Outdoor Days Challenge) coincided with a page from my in-progress children’s book with a fitting image/theme. This page was merely a sketch up until now (which I decided to reveal too 😉)... so the challenge pushed me to complete this page 🙌🏼🙌🏼! Yay. (day #8 of The Great Outdoor Days challenge) This online art challenge is way to create work by new prompts with the collaborative energy of many illustrators. This challenge is initiated by: @kristin.madlen @felixkremers @jasminepomierski.art @kim.bala @foxandfables @petitfaon_prints @thejalmatura_illustration @catidaehnhardt @bykatiemai @sirjanakaurr @schrill_art @manard_illustration @fuertgesillustration @nikstage2 #thegreatoutdoordays #thegreatoutdoordays2020 #illustrationchallenge #kidsbook #picturebook #picturebookart #childrenbookart #picturebookartwork #illustrator #kidlitart #kidlitartist #etsyartist #childrensliterature #childrensillustration #childrensbooks #freelanceillustrator #instaillustration #illustrationoftheday #illustrationdaily #bookillustration #children_illustration #sommersheffield #sommersheffieldillustration #illustration #illustratrice - @sommersheffield_illustration on Instagram

- Baby Boom

- Archie, Betty and Veronica

- fox in snow

- I may or may not have looked a tad like Bobby Hill as a child

- A Rough Prom., Oil on canvas, 24x36

This is 41 - @realbenhardy on Instagram

As students return to school, remember to slow down for their safety. The speed limit in school safety zones is 40 km/h. #Coldwater #Marchmont #SevernShores - @severnontario on Instagram

Wenn Samuel mal wieder etwas zu essen sieht 😂😂 #littlefamily #myworld - @manuelhamzilla2707 on Instagram

My Boys. Our World. #nationalsonday - @chefjluypen on Instagram

- I have no idea what I was doing

How did I end up with two blonde babies? I wonder what color baby bear’s hair and eyes will be. Any guesses? - @dan.fitzgerald on Instagram

- Yoga is for everyone - even Spider-man

- Doug Mahnke is awesome

This is my brother we - @nancy.dawkins on Instagram

You are my definition of perfection. Exploring Montana with my little best friend. - @minditaggehumpherys on Instagram

Du sūnus tik skirtingi metai 2018/2020 #aukstaitijosnacionalinisparkas #familytime #sumertime - @zilva_ki on Instagram

- Cursed_reflection

Happy birthday gorgeous @shelbylynmonroe . I love you to the moon and back! You’ve turned into quite a woman. Glad to have you by my side. - @cody__monroe on Instagram

- This was my favourite selfie of the PL season...

On this day in Brownsville Tennessee this outstanding husband/dad/quarantine captain was born. Happy Birthday Wes! @wesrpowell - @michaelrourke on Instagram

- Chicago Bears Football

What an amazing Fathers Day gift... 5 days with these two dudes...3 states, 500 road miles, 9 species of fish caught, a few dozen s’mores roasted and lots of laughs...thanks for joining in the fun @menendi5 @dryflydistilling @e_n_d_l_e_s_s_d_r_i_f_t @rtinmt @howlerbros Looking forward to seeing all our friends at #casting4acure in a few weeks. Missed you @bethfarnie and Ella! - @casting4acure on Instagram

- Hehehe thought Ill just post this here... Your welcome felix :)

Thankful for such a sacrificial dad who has always challenged me to be better! Happy Father’s Day to the best around! - @cjkomarynsky on Instagram

- A Liberal Christian

That would make looking for deer tracks hard! 🤷🏽♂️ ______________________________________________________________ #huntofalifetime #wisconsin #outdoors #sportsman #happyhunting #truebuckhunters #whitetails #whitetaildeer #whitetailhunting #antlers #huntingranch #bigbucks #bswa #badgerstatewhitetailadventures #mass #typicalbuck #monsterbuck #velvetbucks #archery #bowhunting #foodplot #trailcam #fawn #clover #trailcamcatch #fall #whatgetsyououtdoors #meme #huntingmeme - @badger_state_whitetail_adven on Instagram

Hoje é dia dele! Parabéns Sinistro!!! Tudo de melhor hoje e sempre, um grande abraço da família No Labels. - @vistanolabels on Instagram

- Mods are awake post Obby Bobby

- After 2.5 years, I finally got to meet my youngest nephew over NYE. This is our first picture together.

- Mommy Ideas

Football fan in your life celebrating a birthday soon? Dont forget to keep an eye out for the exclusive range of #RoyoftheRovers greeting cards from @hypecards, available in many independent shops, card shops, and bookstores! - @royoftheroversofficial on Instagram

- A kid wins the jackpot at an arcade

- PMS Humor

- Blursed Tan

- Look who came to the football game today to here in Boise...

Happy 21st Izzi have the best day and year ahead have fun, make memories, laugh, and be happy xxxxx - @rowena.hamilton23 on Instagram

- John Candy

Dont fail your grip on a dead hang like Magnus and Juji, get a FREE LOADING PIN with any Grip Bundle Purchase from 11.28-12.1! Only 3 more days and limited quantities! *LINK IN BIO* - @gripgenie on Instagram

- Art.... Art by Frances H. Gearhart

Quarantine cuts 🪒✂️ - @jeffpetry26 on Instagram

- PsBattle: Bee farm boyz

- Prior worlds strongest man with a normal sized mug and normal sized wife

- Who aids? - 1940 Punch Cartoon on the Soviet invasion of Finland

- @brandonhansen6 on Instagram

- Boy scrap pages

- bear

- My friends boys asked to move their car seats closer together so they could hold hands

- Brock is the only true anime character in pokemon.

Happy birthday @kylebkelley !!! 🎉 Thank you for being in my life more than you haven’t & for being such an amazing friend. Thank you @kylebkelley 🌹 Love you 😘 - @young_hi_mito on Instagram

- Jurassic...Zone?

- Alex Toth

If only this kid knew how much ripples he’d make in the magic industry....There’s so many chapters in our lives to find out what we truly love. Continue to find your passion so you never have to sacrifice your mental happiness. Money can NEVER buy that. ❤️ - @kevinlimagic on Instagram

Makin’ Frens 🦌 🌲 ⛰ . . . #pnwonderland - @jremyscott on Instagram

- Cherubs down

More dodge. Less ram. When you choose to put the Wildlife Conservation License Plate on your vehicle, you’re reducing the number of collisions with wildlife in Wyoming. Each license plate on the road supports more wildlife overpasses, underpasses, and fencing projects that can reduce wildlife-vehicle collisions by 80-90%. Visit the link in our bio to apply for your Wildlife Conservation License Plate today. #jointheclub . . . . #wyoming #thatswy #307 #wyomingroadtrip #licenseplate #wy #wyhomeing #wildlife #ilovewyoming #wildlifeoverpass - @wygameandfish on Instagram

Vincent LaRusso signed my Adam Banks card! I started playing hockey when I was younger because of this character and I can’t want to get this framed and hung in the studio. Thanks to my buddy that helped set this up!! #quack #ducks #mightyducks #hockey #sports #sportsart #illustration #movies #film #popculture #portrait #signature #autograph #collection #tradingcards #cuylersmith #gallery1988 #classic #cakeeater - @cuylersmith on Instagram

- Ellie Sattler action figure with firing grappling hook!

- I’m a nanny of a 3-year-old who had a meltdown — Im talking devastated crying — because his brother’s car window had bird poop on it and his didn’t. (Note: Im not the nanny)

Harves living his best life outdoors. wild and free. - @austinmankin on Instagram

- Husband (L) and our son (R); same outfit, decades later

- blursed_snapchat

- Captain Haddock


- Contes et légendes

- Dont talk to Felix or his son EVER again.

- Cursed_reflection

- Potential for Brock Lesnar reading this magazine?

- Blursed shaggy

- @julia_24_26_15 on Instagram

- Baby Child Illustrations

- camping pics for card making