Obituary - Gateway Restaurant - May 19, 2020 In 1985, Hans Rohweder became the sole owner of Gateway Restaurant. Shortly thereafter, Hans introduced 18 year-old Thomas and 16 year-old Martina to the restaurant business. Trudy joined the rest of the family sometime later, operating the register. In 2000, when Hans and Trudy decided to “retire” (they both continued to work in the restaurant until 2014), it was apparent that Thomas and Martina were the obvious choice to take over the Rohweder legacy. Gateway has truly been a family business in every sense of the word. Kyle, Austin and Paulie were the next generation raised here. Customers who came for their first breakfast or lunch returned again and again until they become friends and “Gateway family”. Known for comfort food in abundance it was a great place to start the day or enjoy a lunch break. For many people, Gateway has been a home away from home, “where everybody knows your name”, a place to relax and a haven for hugs and humor. The “Gateway Family” stuck together during the recent major renovation, scrambling for a place to park and dodging construction debris in order to continue the daily or weekly ritual of good food and family fellowship. On March 17, 2020 Gateway closed its doors temporarily in accordance with the COVID-19 Stay-At-Home Order. Now, two months later, our world has forever changed. A reopening of restaurants is anticipated soon. Evaluating what the new normal is going to look like has been heartbreaking. Having worked tirelessly for years, we have thought long and hard about how to bring our team safely back to work. The time has come to make a decision which will assure the well-being of our employees as well as our customers. With that in mind, we are at peace with our decision to close Gateway’s doors, knowing that new doors will open for all of us. Thank you to each of you who have supported us the last 35 years. Much Love, Martina & Thomas - @gateway.restaurant on Instagram


- Taxpayer dollars well spent

Miss Piggys Emotion Eyes Variants

6 Best Staying Healthy Tips

- Get a load outta this guy!

Tips for your Class Cover profile 👩🏫👩🏫👩🏫

hijabi fit

- #DrinkingGames

25Fresh Mango Leafs Leaves (Organically Grown ) Organic Herb

- Fatty Acid



மாதம் Rs:10,000 – Rs: 2,00,000 நிரந்தர வருமானம். மேலும் விவரங்களுக்கு எங்கள் Call : 044-481-35968 (24 X 7) உங்கள் மொபைல் போனை பயன்படுத்தி மாதம் Rs:10,000 – Rs: 2,00,000. வீட்டில் இருந்தபடியே தினமும் 2 மணி நேரம் மட்டும் வேலை. எந்த ஒரு முதலீடும் இன்றி இலவசமாக தொழில் தொடங்கி மாதம் 20000 கு மேல் சம்பாதிக்கலாம் 15 நாட்களுக்கு ஒருமுறை சம்பளம். உங்கள் விருப்ப நேரத்தில் வேலை செய்யலாம். More Details Call : 044-481-35968 (24 X 7) எந்த ஒரு பொருளையும் விற்கவோ வாங்கவோ தேவை இல்லை. இலவசமாக Rs:5,00,000 (5 லட்சம்) வரை லோன் 0 % வட்டியில் வாங்கி கொள்ளலாம். உங்களுடைய பணத்தையும் நேரத்தையும் வீணாக்காமல் எங்கள் நிறுவனத்தில் சேர்ந்து பயன் பெறுவீர். சோசியல் மீடியாவில் நேரத்தை வீணடிக்காமல் வருமானம் பெரும் அறிய வாய்ப்பு . இலவசமாக மரக்கன்றுகள், மரவிதைகள் கிடைக்கும். மற்றும் பல இலவச பரிசுகள் கிடைக்கும்…. மேலும் விவரங்களுக்கு எங்கள் Call : 044-481-35968 (24 X 7) #save green #part time job #SBO job #earn money #savetreeearnmoney. - @priyamaina19 on Instagram

Relationship Tip💯 Advantages of hugging and cuddling🥺



35 Hilarious Cat Snapchats That Will Put A Smile On Your Face (New Pics) | Easy drawings sketches, Drawings, Nose drawing

HOW TO ORGANIZE UR PINTEREST ACC profile ver [Juniprrsdigitaldiary] 🧁 check description !

- I’m starting to question the intelligence of the new kid, “peanut.”


- Las Vegas Motor Speedway

40 Times People Came Up With The Best Tattoo Designs And Shared Pics On This Online Group


- Why would they put unleaded in the middle like that?

9 Major Types Of Meditation: And Their Benefits

- Lebensweisheiten

DreamSyndd ✨ (@DreamSynddArt) on X

~Rei Sakuma Edit 2~

天文台晚上發出黑色暴雨警告信號,唔少地方落大雨及水浸 . 全文:【天文台改發黑色暴雨警告 廣泛地區雨量逾70毫米】 https://bit.ly/3jhPul5 . #東網 #東網新聞 #oncc #onccig #天氣 #天文台 #落雨 #水浸 #黑雨 #黑色暴雨警告信號 - @hk.on.cc on Instagram

Icon - Kinich

- 300..400..500.. 009

🌟 Anime Wallpapers Galore! 🌟

- coupon info

Scarlett pilgrim (can also be tfem Scott if you want it to be)

- Blursed sign

Dp For Fb Profile Pictures Valentines Day

‼️🐍💚 Cobra Kai Whisper 😚‼️😻

- Oil up from $60 to $71 a barrel, following the attacks in Saudi Arabia this weekend

🚀 Quick Instagram Growth Tips:

๋࣭ ⭑ ❝ 𝔄𝔫𝔤𝔢𝔩 𝔇𝔲𝔰𝔱 -͟͟͞☆

- This lift has a „24/24“ service.

- I upgraded from PJs. Felt like sharing :P

- Thailand perfectly depicts Western poachers

- No other deal ever tasted so sweet. Or bitter from what I understand..

- This library tells you how much money you’ve saved by using the library

- Do they just put 2 strawberries in?

- Meeting and Facilitation Tools

- AMD Stock Tonight After the Bloodbath of Revelations in their Archnemesis‘s Investor Call

- Lost IPod.

- For Real...

- The water fountain at my gym has been used an absurd amount of times

- Diaz vs Masvidal scorecards - 10-9, 10-8, 10-9.

- This clock

- @a9b_5 on Instagram

- Aldi shopping list

- Pakistani chicken recipes

- I got one for you guys. Yummmm

- 60th Birthday Cards and Invitations

Its time for our last weightclass ranking lof 2019! The top 90kg mens sleeved/bare knee totals. This top ten list includes any athlete who weighed more than 82.5kg (181 lbs) and less than 90kg (198 lbs) for all meets from ALL FEDERATIONS WORLDWIDE for the entire year or 2019! Congratulations to all of these men and we cant wait to see what they accomplish in the future! Check out www.OpenPowerlifting.org for the full powerlifting database. (This information is based on the most recent data pulled from www.OpenPowerlifting.org. If you find an issue with the data please email us at issues@openpowerlifting.org so we can fix it right away.) #OpenPowerlifting #PLSource #OpenLifter @kingpensonlifts @thewinterwolves @johnny_do_ @ewilberg198 @garrettfear @papabearrogers @maniac.mapp @brettgibbz @kirksmash77 @mike.wats0n - @openpowerlifting on Instagram

- $$$ Best Money Tips $$$

- Careful now.

- John Deere Quotes

- Another stupid request

- Bad Signs

- Such even numbers

Local Anesthetic Toxicity (LAST) … General; Most often cause is due to unintentional intravascular injection. Absorption from local tissue infiltration can result in toxicity. Highest risk for toxicity from absorption is with intercostal nerve blocks and caudal anesthesia. Lowest risk for toxicity from absorption is with brachial plexus blocks. Mepivacaine has highest systemic absorption. Etidocaine has lowest systemic absorption. Factors affecting absorption: dose, site, vasoconstrictor presence. … CNS; Perioral numbness, face tingling, restlessness, vertigo, tinnitus, slurred speech, seizures. Depression of cortical inhibitory neurons -- unopposed excitatory neurons -- seizure. Large dose can additionally affect excitatory neurons -- coma. … CV; Relax arteriolar smooth muscle + myocardial depression = significant hypotension. Inhibit myocardial Na+ channels -- ECG: prolong PR, wide QRS. … LOCAL TISSUE; Have inherent tissue/nerve toxicity. Increased risk with concentration/duration. … TREAT; 100% O2 + assist ventilation -- prevent hypoxemia/hypercarbia. Benzos for seizures. Propofol can be used for seizures, however it can compromise cardiac function. DO NOT USE: vasopressin, CCB, BB, other local anesthetics (i.e. Lidocaine, Amiodarone). LIPID RESUSCITATION; Involves lipid emulsion infusions. MOA theory: extract/contain lipophilic drugs (i.e. local anesthetics). Not 100% effective. ... 📑: Basics of Anesthesia, Pardo & Miller, 2018. Top 📷: American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine Bottom 📷: Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation - @dirtymedicineman on Instagram

- im pressing it

- This street sign

🥀🥀 - @miriamsaizdiaz on Instagram

- I think we are forgetting something

- Even though its gotten better in the last century, there are still over a thousand lightning poachers in the world (down from 7,000 in 1900). Donate to me and I promise I can put the money to stopping lightning extinction. Hurry, before its too late

- The impact of COVID-19 on the airline industry visualized (2019 vs. 2020)

- [OC] Drippy Race

전 베스티 멤버 였던 @dahye0612 다혜님이 새로운 모습으로 솔로로 데뷔를 합니다 이번 “포이즌 리메이크 ”” 라치카(@gabeegal @_rianess @_simeez ) 가 작업 했으니 많은 관심 부탁 드려요💕 - @la.chica_official on Instagram

- RLFTF Crew... Mount Up! Today’s SIX performance, bit of a let down!

Get your education for FREE with our 2 and its FREE promotion. . . . We have got over 80k students all over the world. Over 30 educators in 6 different languages. Live traning classes, LIVE TRADING sessions. Utilize our own software that you cannot get anywhere else. Softwate that scans the market for you and gives you trade setups. On top of the trading we do provide a business side of it where you can build your own team of traders and be paid residual income every single month for the rest of your life. . There is no better time to start trading. Become an independent trader. Become financially free. . The only thing that stops you from being successful is your own mind! . . . #education #lifelessons #cryptocurrency #crypto #educational #cryptotrading #educationfirst #forextraining #cryptotrader #learn #forex #forextrader #forextrading #forexeducation #working #workfromhome #myjob #instajob #recruitment #jobsearch #job #workworkwork #worktime #dayjob #workaholic #workingday #worker #employment - @moneymakerfxc on Instagram

- AutoSleep thinks my daily lazy afternoons in lockdown are me asleep. Does anyone know how to fix this?

- blursed_gasoline

Humans defined humanity and yet exhibit none of the values! Our Social, economic, and political systems need to be demolished and rebuilt! #vegan #govegan #vegansofig #vegansofinsta #vegansofinstagram https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/may/21/human-race-just-001-of-all-life-but-has-destroyed-over-80-of-wild-mammals-study - @getvegangrub on Instagram

- I work for a moving company, and this note was on the door of our next move.

- Chinese vintage

- @gammeeoknj on Instagram

- My buddy came in for lunch today and asked for extra spit. So this is what I sent the kitchen.

- Weekly Horoscope

- If you are a venue and you do this, I cant thank you enough.


- @jaykopelson on Instagram

- Ive had to do 2 smog checks within 11 months (thank you CA) because the first time was a change of ownership and the second was requested by the DMV per renewing my registration. The top one was the first one I did and the bottom was the one I did today. The technician said I barely passed today.

- This Question...

Rodamiento delantero toyota terios número de parte 90043-63214 Original disponible precio 120.000bs - @toyogirl2017 on Instagram

- Lotus Boutique Hotel, Chiang Mai, Thailand

- Design motivation I posted on the wall of my cube to keep things in perspective...

We like stats. Here’s the average PB of the top 8 entries in each event for this year’s MCDC, along with the TN soil records living on borrowed time. MCDC and @murpheyclassic are ready to see some records go down. We’re locked and loaded. So tell everyone to wear a mask so we can stage these great events. #trackisback #wehavethemeets - @runmcdc on Instagram

@sendinme #ecommerce team #shirt #遠東紡織 #cardigan by #zarakids #pants from #g2000 #shoes from #Ecco #ootd #loreal #taipei #taiwan #taiwan101 #101 - @lorealtaiwan on Instagram

- Sonu Kakkar

What an incredible round at Sudbrook Moor GC from Nigel Corby in a competition last week!! Most 2s ever on a regular 18 hole course? #golf #golfer #golfing #golfstagram #golflife - @golfmonthly on Instagram

- 3 N

- Casino [OC]

THANK YOU FOR 5 million plays on SoundCloud!!! 😱😱🙏🏼🕯 - @dabowmusic on Instagram

- Auto Parts

yes im a business woman check out this cool deal: you bring me ur pets and i keep them 4ever - @vuhnill on Instagram

- OK Kohls, we both know the fleece jacket is never sold for the full price of $110. Dont make me look for this sign to find out what its actually worth/what Im actually paying for it.

- A green arrow NO ENTRANCE sign

- Up to

- [OC] [Updated] Comparison of Italy, USA, California, and New York Confirmed COVID-19 numbers

- Nice board +1000 nice +10 confusion

- Facebook likes, Youtube views for Sale!

- Animal Love=Vegan

- 50 fun

- The number of coronavirus cases detected today

- 90 Birthday Party Ideas

- Yes Chef...

- 365 days later, 28.8 lbs down!

- Cake recipes

- [OC] The Cost of Sequencing the Human Genome.

- Weekly Horoscope

When you cant go gym, you can at least post pic clicked in the gym 🏋🏻💪🏻 Major missing #gymtime 😐 #anytimefitness #talwarkars #gym #gymlife #lockdown2020 - @fusionofwellness on Instagram

- CROSSFIT (mostly)

- Alcohol aesthetic

- Misleading headlines as such should be illegal.

- Languages

- Server says as she rings it in, they want it vegan

- @dhoni_fans0 on Instagram

Heres our taplist for this weekend with To-Go cans*. We have Craft Non-Alcoholic Beverages on tap! Taproom hours: Friday. 6pm to 10ish Saturday 3pm to 10ish Sunday. 1pm to 6pm - @bawkerbawkercider on Instagram

- 100 year ago prices

- He said that he was naturally born this way

- The sign fell apart a bit

- @claytoncountypolice on Instagram

- This gas pump has two buttons for 87 grade gas at two different prices

- The prices dont end in 9

- The hourly thoughts of an Autistic options trader. Thought I was fucked around 2p.m.

P9 + fastest lap in todays reversed grid race! This means P4 in the championship with just 17,5 points to P1 in the championship. I have been improving a lot over the season and come back really strong and I would like to thanks @prema_team , my engineer @pfa_matos / my mechanics, and my incredible sponsors who supports me both when i win, but also when I lose. Thank you for that!💪🏼😁 / Big congratulations to @oscarpiastri for winning the F3 title! / @hybelhuse @give_steel @thesuperegos #FKTråd @TapdrupEjendomme @dasu_dk @racingfordenmark @teamdanmark @riisphotography @bellracinghq @jmd_helmets @fiaf3 @formulanewslive @prema_team - @frederikvestiofficial on Instagram

- One of these is not like the others

- Miss you already.

- Okay...

- Financial Charts

- A Mumbai cafe is using 1940s prices to celebrate their 75th anniversary

- english.

- Grammatically Incorrect

- This poster made by polish opposition (to the communist government) referencing the 1989 free elections

- Cost of Living

- Sticking out her tongue

- Hamilton

- My boyfriend’s gas details were so close to being perfect.

- Learning websites

- LPT : OMG! Surprised at how true this is.

- Not quite half tank but worth the pic

- Baytown, Texas


From Miami-Dade, we stand with Kenosha county and all the other oppressed people’s in this world. Pull up tomorrow and stand in solidarity. Not one more. Not one more execution at the hands of the state. We stand in solidarity with all our komrades in Kenosha county. The BRUTAL MURDER & ABUSE of our people in broad daylight will stop. How much blood needs to be shed? how many black lives need to be stolen? how many black and brown lives need to be kidnapped by the department of corrections to satisfy these state sanctioned killers? We must stand in solidarity and say NOT ONE MORE. Black liberation by any means necessary. #abolishpolice #fuck12 - @protect.the.land on Instagram

- Swimming Workouts

- Have you ever faced problems of entrees?

- China Fashion

- Perfect sale without even trying!

- 4th grade math

- And the other 10%?

- EOSS - End Of Season Sale

- parking fares in Manhattan

- throwback to when i nearly died lol

- This Sign Promoting a Clearance Sale on Old Food at a Chinese Buffet

“Suada” de domingo, treino de leve para relaxar um pouco da rotina e preparar o corpo p/ segunda. . Parte 1- 4 x 3min de saco . Parte 2 - 2 x 3min treino de sequência + técnica . Parte 3 - 4 x 3min de manopla e aparador . Manopla @joaomma_ e aparador @pedronovaesmuay . 1h treino e aproximadamente quase 800 kcals #pnmt - @profbrunovictor on Instagram

- Good Choice

- Insane photo finish at New Smyrna Tour Mod Feature. No winner has been decided yet as 92 car transponder failed on the last lap

- Robots et chômage dans 6 pays

- English words

- satta king

- Ist das vegan?

- Alpha Sigma Tau

UPDATE 9/14 - We are still closed due to terrible air quality. ——————————————————-UPDATE 9/13 - The air quality is still hazardous so we are still closed. Hope to see you all soon!——————————————————-UPDATE 9/12 9:30am - We Will remained closed today __________________________________________9/11 10:45am - Given the current air quality the shop will be closed today. Mechanics will still be working on scheduled repairs but we cannot safely interact with customers inside OR outside(what the heck!?). We will post updates here as the situation changes. Feel free to call the shop with any questions, but please stay home, stay safe and wait for this smoke to clear before making unnecessary trips outside. - @communitycyclingcenter on Instagram

- Bison Premium Grade Fuel [OC]

I’m just gonna leave this here #gto #newcar #onareway - @lutzracecars on Instagram

- Car Infographics

- The same bull at the same ranch, five years apart

- Silver dress

- Feeling nostalgic right now. Hard to believe this was 5 years ago. Oh how I yearn to experience them in a theater once more...

“Y’all make the best cocktails in NH!” 😍 🙌🏻 I love getting notes like these! - @charrmander20 on Instagram

- Addiction Resources

Nortech has a new friend. Come check out the moose @ #cottagelifeshow - @nortechwindowssunrooms on Instagram

- Calendar Templates

- This old card promising confidential loans to housewives found under the floorboards of an attic in Birmingham, Alabama.

Kya frk pdta h hai na #cow #cows #farm #cowsofinstagram #nature #farmlife #cattle #animals #milk #calf #love #bull #farming #photography #k #animal #dairy #agro #farmer #horse #cowboy #ranch #dairyfarm #art #kuh #agriculture #moo #cowstagram #a #bhfypy - @bene_volentsoul on Instagram

- Canciones para escuchar tomando en una mesa de estás

- Book Lovin

- The clue is that H equals E. I guess the lack of an H in the puzzle is a clue by default?

I made it!! My first $20K in sales, just selling used books! Can’t wait to hit 30K! This is unreal! I’m so very grateful for my network of sources, friends, and my team. Could not have gotten here without them. If you ever told me you could make tons of money selling used books a year ago, I would’ve told you to go sell your dream somewhere else. But now, I’m living it. Now don’t be fooled! It’s not easy. We had to work through many issues that had come up and some are still being resolved. But I will say that if you don’t mind hard work you can definitely make the money in books. Drop a line if you think selling books = 💰 #amazonfba #reseller #resellercommunity #bookbusiness #ecommerce #businesstips #ebayresellers #hustlehard #incomestreams #makemoney #onlinebusiness #bookflipper #bulklife #mindset #youcandoit #followyourdreams - @fba_dave on Instagram

- Number of horses vs cars in the United States [OC]

- Subway now boarding the meme train

- Anyone have any experience using e85 ethanol in a flex fuel ford e-350? Saving 50 cents a gallon would be nice if it doesn’t screw up anything else.

- I have filberts, walnuts and cashews in the pantry, but it is cashews that I keep wanting between fasts. Turns out, cashews are the only ones of the 3 that have phosphorus, magnesium and potassium in giant amounts. I swear, my body knows things now. It never did before

- I live at number 10...

- safety

- Menards Black Friday

- I prepaid $7 in fuel & beat the system by ¢3

- @jxlxnha

- Caught the order queue right as it rolled over...

- Hanging medals

- Antworten 3

Changes once you get your nutrition down. Weight was at 211lbs Bodyfat at 11.5%. I increased an extra meal more carbs and added a few days of cardio for 15 min seasons to offset the body fat. Weight went up to 215lbs bf went down to 10.9%. Next weigh in weight dropped to 213lbs and body fat dropped to 10.2% Its a science learning daily. Whos ready to make a change. Taking online Clients NOW.. Dont delay we got you at #colosseumbootcamp #bootcamp #oxnardbootcamp #fitlife #fitness #bodybuiler #nutrition #onlinecoach #personaltrainer - @colosseumbootcamp on Instagram

- Not sure if racist or hilarious

Brilliant P3 finish and his first ever F1 podium! 🏆 Way to go, @Alex_Albon 🙌 #PoweredByHonda #Honda #AlphaTauri #RedBullRacing @hondaracingf1 نهاية رائعة مع المركز الثالث وأول منصة تتويج له في سباق الفورمولا1! مبروك @alex_albon 🙌 #هوندا - @uaehonda on Instagram

- $8.50 for an outfit that looks straight out of Urban Outfitters!

- The cryptic headline of this pamphlet

- microSD

- I was staying in 1320

- music

- Clarity & Elevate get 30 points in their last two games to CLUTCH qualify for finals!

- WTF Wyoming?

- The check out receipts in my library system show how much you save by using the library

Voici un tableau intéressant qui compile différentes valeurs d’accélérations! Mesures faites maison 😁 #acceleration #accelerationperformance #300kmh - @sepp_570s on Instagram

The first SOCCOM float of the austral season has been deployed!⠀ The float was deployed from the RRS Discovery off the Chile coast yesterday (52.5S, 80.5W). Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) Senior Scientist and SOCCOM Associate Director Ken Johnson reports that all sensors are working and this is the first of the new floats deployed which have an extra feature—they will collect bio-optical data in addition to all of the biogeochemical data.⠀ ⠀ #SOCCOM #SOCCOMfloat #SouthernOcean #Antarctica #ocean #climate #climatechange #oceandata #autonomousvehicle #autonomousfloat #oceanfloat #biogeocheimstry #oceanography - @soccomproject on Instagram

#Unlock5.0 Guidelines: What will open and what will remain closed till October 31 The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has issued new guidelines on Wednesday, for opening up of more activities in areas outside Containment Zones. In these guidelines, which will come into effect from October 1, 2020, the process of re-opening of activities has been further extended. _______________________ #coronavirus #covid19 #CoronavirusOutbreak #CoronavirusPandemic #unlock5 #lockdown #coronaviruslockdown #Mumbai #Maharashtra #MHA - @_mumbaimirror on Instagram

- [OC] How much time we save commuting and other advantages of remote working

- Bitcoin

- Salary increase of Teachers

Zakir Tikka Johar Town branch sealed by Ajaz Nawaz of Punjab Food Authority. - #zakirtikka #johartown #lahore #punjab #pakistan #pakistani #govtofpunjab #governmentofpunjab #punjabgovernment #punjabfoodauthority #ayeshamumtaz #foodministry #foodminister #restaurant #pfa #chicken #pakistanifood #bbq #unhygienic - @punjabfoodauthority on Instagram

- Help with size chart

We don’t just smash #squats and #deadlifts up in here! #cardio #peloton #homegym - @kenburdon on Instagram

- Theyre hunting in packs now!

- This incredibly detailed sign about what will happen if you aren’t careful in Ireland.

- My trip to Florida is not looking promising.

SUMMER MADNESS 1997. Berlin 🇩🇪 #subzeronyc #subzeronyhc #hardcorefest #agnosticfront #earthcrisis #rykersband #igniteband #turmoilband #punishableact #proofband #rhythmtrip #hardcoremusic #nyhc #punkmetal #punk #metal #hardcorepunk - @subzeronyhc_official on Instagram

- Just filled the tank in my new car

- Swimming program

- Half the world is living in 2019 as of now.

Almost ready the stand of Tina & Kids Creations in the Hispanic Business Expo 10 Anniversary on July 14th 2020. Visit us and find out about our online classes. #tinaandkidscreations #schoolonline #tinaandkidscreationsschoolonline #fnhcnh #SHCCNJ #HelpCommerceNJ #Dalelike #PleaseShare #tkcreations101 #familia Connect from anywhere in the world. Its free. Register Here: https://virtualexpo.feriadenegocioshispanos.com/es/pronto/OTE= Get a stand: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/virtual-edition-hispanic-business-expo-nj-10-year-anniversary-tickets-91784759687 - @tkcreations101 on Instagram

- Austrian grocery stores advertise garnished raw meat on plates....

IN COLD BLOOD 🩸🔥🤠 @filthymouthcreative with amazing @dani__doll for @wolfandbear.de 👉T-shirt available in Store👈 #wolfnbear #wolfnbearclothing #cowboy #cowboygirl #artshirts #bikershirts #skatershirts #liberty #libertyordeath #donttreadonme #biker #skaterfashion #chopper #harleydavidson #longforkchopper #supportsmallbusiness #supportartists - @wolfandbear.de on Instagram

- @indianrailwaysextreme22221 on Instagram

- New info to some: grocery store price tags often print the unit price where the total price has already been mathed down to the price per unit for effortless comparison between different sizes and brands to help you make sure youre paying the best price. This is in every US supermarket Ive seen

Price Dropped Contact on whatsapp @9053368614 Free home delivery - @kitchen_mart_hisar on Instagram

- I found an old receipt that says 12 13 14 and 15 in a row.

- The signs have gone up in the IMS garage area.

- This Indian McDonalds offers the polio vaccine.

- Went to get gas for my snowblower. So close

- Thats a lot of children

- A fly’s first day in the job [OC]

- And to think I travelled 10 miles with this sack full of cats

- Ive also recently moved to Sweden. I found this to be a bit more difficult to adapt to, but Im trying my best.

- No, I would say that you are tasteless.

- Thai phrases

- Decided to jump on ahehe...

- So close

- 11.24 Tomorrow is Election Day

- My stomach has experienced more countries than the rest of me

- Pump that puts the cheapest one in the middle when most are in ascending or descending order.

#addamsfamily #adda #addamsfamilyvalues #addamsfamilyvalues #addayl #maheshbhatt #mahendrasinghdhoni #makeupartist #knowledgeispower #deepikaclasses #kautilyaacademy - @vipratipandey on Instagram

- My brother went to Aldi with a £50 note. Without checking prices or calculating as he shopped he managed to come out with this total of £49.99.

- Bras

Big Savings Sale! Save big on select products. Effective September 15th thru September 25th. Visit one our 4 locations or shop online WWW.PAPAYAEXPRESS.COM - @papaya.express on Instagram

- Diagrams

- Guess I’ll just puke on the dance floor then

Hamilton penalty incoming? 😱😱 #f1 #formula1 #russiangp #wtf1 - @wtf1official on Instagram

- The anticipation is real tonight: Perturbator Live

- If this dryer didnt work as intended, please pay even more money

Get your education for FREE with our 2 and its FREE promotion. . . . We have got over 80k students all over the world. Over 30 educators in 6 different languages. Live traning classes, LIVE TRADING sessions. Utilize our own software that you cannot get anywhere else. Softwate that scans the market for you and gives you trade setups. On top of the trading we do provide a business side of it where you can build your own team of traders and be paid residual income every single month for the rest of your life. . There is no better time to start trading. Become an independent trader. Become financially free. . The only thing that stops you from being successful is your own mind! . . . #education #lifelessons #cryptocurrency #crypto #educational #cryptotrading #educationfirst #forextraining #cryptotrader #learn #forex #forextrader #forextrading #forexeducation #working #workfromhome #myjob #instajob #recruitment #jobsearch #job #workworkwork #worktime #dayjob #workaholic #workingday #worker #employment - @moneymakerfxc on Instagram

- Environmental News

- Hard under the dress

- Bumper sticker on a motocross RV

- Bathroom barn door

My home at #oldvictheatre til January. Come see A Christmas Carol; its the height of festive cheer! #AChristmascarol - @kwedman_cello on Instagram

On now through December 26th, 2020. 🧀 🥔 🍕 #buylow #buylowfoods #everydayeveryweek #edew #everydaysavings #wow #unbeatablesavings #saving #savings #dailysavings #blackdiamond #cheese #sunrype #applejuice #potatoes #dare #breton #quaker #granolabars #delissio #pizza #grimms #sausage - @buylowfoods on Instagram

- Coin Counter Cant Do Basic Math

Remember to stay safe when you visit your favorite downtown spots! Learn how you can help at BackOnTheBull.com at the link in our bio. - @downtowndurham on Instagram

- Eco Gifts

- Crap

- Blursed_nothinghaschanged

- Manchester United

THANK YOU RGV!!! AGUILAR’S MEAT MARKETS (East and West stores) in EDINBURG, TX are humbled and honored to announce that we have received The Monitor’s 2020 Reader’s Choice Award for “FAVORITE MEAT MARKET!” WOW, that’s 12 years in a row! To our CUSTOMERS, THANK YOU for your continued loyalty! We truly appreciate your business and support! You are THE BEST! To our #1 EMPLOYEES......A MILLION THANKS! We couldn’t have done this without you! Your perseverance, dedication, and loyalty does not go unnoticed! You’re simply an AWESOME TEAM! GOD IS GREAT! Un millón de gracias a nuestro Valle de Río Grande, de parte de, Eddie Aguilar y Familia❤️ 🔥AGUILAR’S MEAT MARKET🔥 🔥EDINBURG, TX🔥 🌟Your Family Butcher Shop🌟 • • • • • #favoritemeatmarket #readerschoiceawards2020 #themonitor #aguilarsmeatmarketedinburg #yourfamilybutchershop #amillionthanks #rgv - @aguilarsmeatmarket on Instagram

- Marketing Technology

- Swimming Gift Ideas

#librarylove - @msclawrie on Instagram

- 20 yr. local business (top pic) was kicked out of their leased space and a new business (bottom pic) was opened in its place.

Whos jealous? - @sim0n_says on Instagram

- 2019 Belgian GP Tyre Choice

- While everyone is celebrating gas prices, I give you my fucking home town.

- Phrasebook para gringos que estão no Rio.

- Funny translations

- Swimming program

- The way this gas station arranged the Premium, Plus and Regular gasolines

💕 #aurahyun❤️❤️ - @borabit1004 on Instagram

Good Morning Panthers ‼️ Don’t forget that today we are following a Homeroom Hold schedule!! See y’all on the interweb soon! - @perthamboyhigh on Instagram

- I can only apologise for the crappy lighting [oc]

- I honestly hate that

- Viva la reforma energética

BTS on a photo campaign for #tillamook. The cutest little future milk cow ever! #jerseycows #diarylife - @kncproductions on Instagram

- asian Joergen is weird

- Parking dues for a friend of mine: his job pays for his downtown parking and he got a new pass two and a half years ago. Kept the old pass to see how much debt he could accrue!

- Doi Inthanon National Park Camping site chiang mai

- All I’ve ever wanted at the gas station

Coronavirus in Numbers . . . Source 1: worldometers (live counter) Source 2: China Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, Statista Source 3: John Hopkins University and other leading reports . #corona #coronavirus #pandemic #worldhealthorganization #covid #covid_19 #flu #coronaoutbreak #wuhan #china #italy #virus #outbreak #who #epidemic - @impulse.india on Instagram

- I LOVE old signage. Couldn’t pass this Up for $5

Hai Anak Malls, yuk belanja ke Giant... priode 29 September - 5 Oktober 2020 . . Yuk download Styles! styles adalah aplikasi yang akan membuat kalian jadi lebih dekat dengan Lippomalls dan membuat belanja jadi lebih menguntungkan! #IPBringhappiness #IstanaPLazaCulinaryDestination #styles #lippomallsindonesia #LippoMallsUntukIndonesia - @istanaplaza on Instagram

- F1 - 2013

- Found in one of my Grandfather’s old books from June 1969

- Everything NewPro

- Ride-hailing apps are now 65% bigger than taxis in New York City [OC]

- This sale doesnt end for 4 years

- Energy Consumption

- Korean numbers

- Back in the day.

- Bad Translations

- Advertising - Mobile

- Lottery numbers

A brincadeira foi séria hoje.... #ultraspartans #spartathlon #361 #meraki #saude #corredor #euatleta #brasilrunners #ginástica #corre #trailrunning #maratona #5km #10km #21km #42km #70km #100km #246km #running #runners #corridaderua #corrida #run - @ultraspartans on Instagram

- Never too late for the #10yearchallenge

#الصحة : - 492 إصابة جديدة بـ #كورونا. مجمل الإصابات 335,097 حالة. - 592 حالة تعافٍ جديدة. مجمل التعافي 319,746 حالة. - 26 وفاة جديدة. مجمل الوفيات 4794 حالة. - الحالات النشطة 10,557 حالات. - الحالات الحرجة 993 حالات. - @jeddahnow.sa on Instagram

- Dollar and Percentage savings calculated off the teeny tiny Compare to print in this HF ad

- Metal bicycle license plates from 1979-1980. I think I got these in Honeycomb cereal?

Follow @delhi.eats #rajinderdadhaba #eatlocal #eathealthy #photography #photooftheday #photoshoot #likeforlikes #followforfollowback #followme #eathealthybehappy #blogger #foodporn #foodphotography #foodie #foodstagram - @delhi.eats on Instagram

- A goldmine; my favorite is “he went through a pimp”

- Auto Info

Our October Calendar of Meets and Events is LIVE! It’s jam-packed with car shows, bike nights, Halloween festivities, music events and so much more! We can’t wait to entertain you!🤘♣️ - @acecafeorlando_official on Instagram

- Cambodia 1970

- I should host more bra optional parties

Diwali special collection available on fashion mini mall multai. #fashion_mini_mall_multai - @fashion_mini_mall_multai on Instagram

- These diesel prices can go back to hell

- Filling up the other day and it auto-stopped here...

- Sign printed inverted so truckers can read it in their mirror

- 24 Mbps with a 100 Mbps plan

During the first Match Day celebration of its kind, the UCSF School of Medicine class of 2020 logged onto their computers the morning of Friday, March 20 to be greeted by a video from Catherine Lucey, MD, MACP, Executive Vice Dean and Vice Dean for Medical Education. . “We couldn’t be prouder of the matches you have made. Most importantly, we couldn’t be prouder of what outstanding UCSF medical students you have been throughout your pioneering careers here – as the first Bridges class and as the first class to ever have a virtual Match Day. This virtual celebration wasn’t exactly in the plans, but I know you will adapt to this change just as you have so many changes along the way. And you will do so with the incredible wisdom, strength, and professionalism you have shown us since you started.” . This year, all 158 graduating UCSF School of Medicine students matched to clinical training, internship, or residency programs at hospitals. Sixty-five, or 41 percent of the class, were accepted to fields related to primary care, including internal medicine, family medicine, and pediatrics, and the other 59 percent matched in non-primary care specialties, including emergency medicine, anesthesiology, and obstetrics & gynecology. . Seventy-three percent of the class will continue their medical education journeys in the Bay Area and across the state. The rest of the class will complete their training in leading hospitals in 18 other states across the country! . Read more at the link in our bio, and congratulations to the class of 2020! #UCSFmatch2020 - @ucsfmedicine on Instagram

- This gas stations has quite a few fuel options

2019 ഏപ്രിൽ 1 മുതൽ വില്പന നടത്തിയ മുഴുവൻ വാഹനങ്ങൾക്കും വാഹന ഡീലർമാർ തന്നെ High Security Registration Plate (HSRP) ഘടിപ്പിക്കുന്നുണ്ട്. കേന്ദ്ര മോട്ടോർ വാഹന ചട്ടം 51 അനുസരിച്ച് നമ്പർ പ്ലേറ്റിലെ അക്ഷരങ്ങളുടെ വലുപ്പവും പൊക്കവും അകലവും വ്യക്തമാക്കുന്ന ഈ പോസ്റ്റ് പരമാവധി ഷെയർ ചെയ്യുക. HSRP സംബന്ധിച്ച വിശദമായ പോസ്റ്റ് : https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3232933380107981&id=267560016645347 #mvd #mvdkerala #motorvehicledepartment #traffic #enforcement #safety #police #keralapolice #malayalam #kerala #keralavibes #keralatourism #keralagallery #keralablasters #wanderlust #riderskerala #bhyfp - @mvd_kerala on Instagram

SAVDHAN RAHE SATARK RAHE AUR GHAR SE KAAM AUR KHANA ORDER KARE 🔥 #staysafe #stayhealthy #wfh #gocorona #sandwichfam - @sandwichjunction_ on Instagram

- This gas station has the most gasoline options Ive ever seen.