
Take it from a girl who thought she wasn’t a “hat person” for many years...there is no such thing as a “hat person”.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ A beautiful felt fedora can make your look this Fall and there is none better than these beauties by @anupaya . This 100% Canadian company sure knows hats and works closely with a millinery in Montreal.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Jump online or pop into the shop to check them out! - @doreeshabit on Instagram


*festiveness intensifies* ❄️ (📷 @acd_86) - @dalhousieu on Instagram

mtl at night

What an awesome week of sailing with these ledgends @sammeech @jase_saunders @jporeb. It was a lot of fun and a bonus to come away with the win at the NZ Match Racing Nationals. - @joshjjjunior on Instagram

kitty kat! :DD

Een fantastisch gezicht was het vanavond om de tweemaster Morgenster en de driemaster Eendracht Rotterdam te zien binnenvaren met de door kinderen beschilderde zeilen van het Sail a Future project. De Morgenster is dit weekend in onze museumhaven te bezoeken ! Tonight it was a fantastic sight to see the two-master Morgenster and the three-master Eendracht sail into Rotterdam with sails decorated by children from the Sail a Future project. De Morgenster can be visited in our museum harbor this weekend! - @maritiemmuseumrotterdam on Instagram

🇵🇹 A sua segurança acima de tudo. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 🇬🇧 Your safety above all. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 🇩🇪 Vor allem Ihre Sicherheit. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 🇫🇷 Votre sécurité avant tout. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #grupocardoso #hotelbaiaazul #lostintotheblue #madeiraisland #funchal #visitmadeira - @hotelbaiaazul on Instagram

Downtown mtl

Here is Northern Crown, a 4 generation family boat. Photos: @billyblackphoto Design: Aage Nielsen Build: Walsted Baadevaerft Restoration: Rockport Marine #boatbuilding #woodenboat @eggemogginreachregatta - @rockportmarine on Instagram

Quebec City Icons All-Over Embroidery Cotton Cap

Incredible sunset shot from @justinrgagnon of Bass Harbor! One of the many views youll find at one of the most beautiful regions Maine has to offer - @newenglandoutdoors_ on Instagram

Hit me hard and soft tour

Free fallin’ - @lake.winnipesaukee.nh on Instagram

billie at the HIT ME HARD AND SOFT concert ! ( Québec, QC )

Hey folks I’m in #Montreal for a couple of days if you have any #AR #VR #immersivetech I should go see let me know! - @entreprenananeur on Instagram

billie at the HIT ME HARD AND SOFT concert ! ( Québec, QC )

🌲 Are you on holiday right now ? If yes where are you ? 🥰 • #christmas #holidays #tistheseason #holiday #winter #instagood #happyholidays #elves #lights #presents #gifts #tree #decorations #ornaments #carols #santa #santaclaus #mrsclaus #dog #doginsnow #xmas #fall #winter #snow #snowy #christmastree #puppy #jolly #snow #merrychristmas #cozy - @redholly_christmas on Instagram


Take advantage of the limited Sunday Fundays left this season! We open at noon 😎 . . . 📸: @yorkharbormarine #drinks #lunch #yorkmaine #colddrinks #sundayfunday #weekend #maine #southernmaine #vacation #summer #yorkharbor #yorkbeach #seacoastnh #coastalliving #waterfront #outdoordining #tikibar #deckbar #mainelife Nearby: #portsmouthnh #kitterymaine #ogunquitmaine #ryneh #hamptonbeach #dovernh #wellsnh #keenebunkport #eliotmaine - @deckatdockside on Instagram

Terrasse Dufferin / Fairmont Le Château Frontenac


Parabéns @mario.gonsalo !!! Foste escolhido para ser nosso destaque!! Obrigado por usares a nossa hashtag #bytheroad_ ,continua a fazê-lo!! 📷 ————————————————— Congratulations! You were highlighted! Thank you for using our hashtag #bytheroad_. Keep doing it! 📷 ————————————————— Usa a nossa #bytheroad_ para seres destacado! Obrigado! ————————————————— Use our #bytheroad_ to get a chance to be highlighted. Thank you! Selecionada por @diogojgdmotareis - @bytheroad_ on Instagram

Sylendanna - Nice 2 Know Ya

This view never seems to get old! Picture taken by: @trailsidephotography TAGS (Ignore) #erie #eriepa #myerie #pennsylvania #goerie #home #erieite - @erie on Instagram

billie at the HIT ME HARD AND SOFT concert ! ( Québec, QC )

Who would you take on this boat? 🤩 Tag them! 👇🏼 . . . #summerjewelry #summerlook #summerbody #summerlife #summerlover #summer2020 #summerslam #summerbag #summerhair #summersale #summerfashion #summerreading #summeringreece #summertime #summerhouse #summertrends #summeroutfit #summercollection #summervibes #summerday #summer #sunglassesbranded #sunglasses #sunglassses #sunglasses😎 #luxurysunglasses #fashionsunglasses #sunglassesstyle - @blueprinteyewear on Instagram

Fluffiest Of Them All: This Werewolf Cat Is Winning Hearts Worldwide

say hi to quebec

- Maine Real Estate

Musée de la Neufve-France

Nothing beats sailing at sunset 🌅 . . 📷: @christsgphoto - @laserperformance on Instagram

Have you been to Pictured Rocks yet this summer?! Photo by: @twoweekendwanderers - @travelpuremichigan on Instagram

Happy #LaborDay from the Pier to you! As a special treat, we’re open today from 12-8PM! Cheers to an extra day to eat, drink and be messy! 🦞 #BealsLobsterPier ( 📷 by our own @_jsnyder_) - @bealslobsterpier on Instagram

Quelles belles images! Merci beaucoup de notre part aussi. #Repost @esterelresort ・・・ 🍇🍷 Hier soir, nous marquions le grand retour de nos soirées vinicoles et nous avions linsigne honneur de recevoir nul autre que le vigneron @thomasbachelder, de @Bachelder_Wines . Des produits exceptionnels et des services gourmands, un retour à la (presque) normale que nous attendions depuis longtemps! . Grand merci à tous nos invités, mais aussi à notre équipe de maîtres aux cuisines, à la sommellerie et service. 🔥 . #accordmetsvin #winepairing #Laurentides #Esterelresort #vin #wineevent #winelover #winetasting #foodandwine #fooddestination #gastronomie #gourmet #foodie #foodieqc #foodiemtl #Quebec #Canada #quebecfood #quebecfoodies #EsterelResort - @bachelder_wines on Instagram

San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park will be presenting three live programs during the Ocean Institute Maritime Festival on September 12-13! On 9/12 at noon lend an ear to “Chanteys: Work Songs of International Seafarers.” You’ll discover the work songs of merchant seamen, oarsmen, longshoremen and fishermen. On 9/13 at 3pm the park will present “Balclutha and Star of Alaska: One Ship, Two Names, and Very Mixed Experiences.” Join Park Ranger Christopher Edwards in exploring the story of debt peonage on the West Coast. On 9/13 at 3:30pm join us for live Q&A with the hosts of Better Lives, Bitter Lies, a new podcast on San Francisco’s waterfront history. You can learn more about the Festival and join the live broadcasts here: #FindYourPark - @sfmaritimenps on Instagram

Still very busy selecting photos from 8mR World Cup at Hankø #sailingstagram #sailing #regatta #sailingphotography #artofsailing #wallart #nikondeutschland #yachtlive #sail #photo #sailorsworld #secretsailing #classicboat #8mr #norge #hankø - @ts_sail on Instagram

Her day, Every day. #🌍 - @canarygrey on Instagram

Golden Hour🌅 Unsere Abendfahrten tun der Seele gut! Lokaler Food, feine Drinks und einmalige Abendstimmung🥰 #abendfahrten #rhystärn #supportyourlocals - @basler_personenschifffahrt on Instagram

- St. Martin / St. Maarten - Caribbean

NYC #newyork #nyc #travel #photography #travelphotos - @incredible_travel_photos on Instagram

#wroclaw #wroclove #halatargowawroclaw #river #bokeh_shotz #bokeh #sunlight #sunset #goldenhour #journey #trip #artistic #afternoon #photooftheday #photographer #canon1740mm #canon6dmkii #fullframe #lightroom #lightroompresets #winterholiday #poland #pocztowkazpolski #lubiepolske #canonpolska - @bartek.regmunt on Instagram

Le #Département06 vous souhaite une bonne journée ! Restons prudents et respectons les consignes et gestes barrières. Déconfinés mais responsables ! Protégez-vous et protégez les autres ! 📸 @carole_de_nice / Nice - @departement06 on Instagram

This pic rocks - @wyatt_stueve on Instagram

#fotografie #istoric La data de 14 octombrie 1916, un puşti care se întorcea de la bunici a observat trupele germane care reuşiseră să străpungă Defileul Jiului şi să pătrundă, astfel, în Oltenia. Grigore Popescu a ajuns într-un suflet la Târgu Jiu şi a alertat autorităţile, care au organizat o rezistenţă. Confruntarea a intrat în istoria României ca Lupta de la Podul Jiului. // On October 14th, 1916, a kid returning from his grandparents noticed the German troops who had managed to break through the Jiu Gorge and thus enter Oltenia. Grigore Popescu reached Târgu Jiu in a heartbeat and alerted the authorities, who organized a resistance. The confrontation marked the history of Romania as the Battle of the Jiu Bridge. foto src. @discover.targujiu info src. - @tg.jiu on Instagram

Whos got a case of the Monday Blues? This lineup is calling your name! See you at Happy Hour!* 🍺 *Check your nearest Gordon Biersch for Happy Hour times & availability. Link in bio. . . . #craftbeer #beer #instabeer #beerporn #beerstagram #beergeek #beernerd #brewery #ipa #drinklocal #beertography #craftbeerporn #beersnob #beerlover #beerme #craftbeerlife #craftbrew #beertime #beers #brew - @gordonbiersch on Instagram

Think of your favorite shop- whatever it is: coffee shop, cheese shop, barber shop, clothing shop, music venue, fitness studio- think about all your favorites. Now imagine it’s gone. How do you feel? (Comments welcomed). This is the reality of what we’re dealing with. We’re your shop local coach- can we call on you to get in the game? Will you support our local businesses community with your dollars. We need to get our community off the bench and back hitting some home runs. #buylocal or #byelocal it’s that simple. *note. This gorgeous photo used just to show an empty street. This can be anywhere in our community. - @shoplocalraleigh on Instagram

Alguien más por ahí con ganas de teletransportarse? 🙋♀️🙋♂️ . . #NavegandoLaPatagonia #lagonahuelhuapi #PuertoBlest #Bariloche #Patagonia - @turisurbrc on Instagram

Buque Escuela Cuauhtémoc: Un símbolo vivo del espíritu marinero que caracteriza a los elementos de la Armada de México, siempre listos para servir a su Patria. ¡Viva México!🇲🇽 . . . . #ZarpoYachts #VivaMexico #buquecuahutemoc - @zarpo_yachts on Instagram

✨FRIDAY✨HAMBURG AFTER WORK FEATURE✨ Featured: @bukhamburgfoto Location: Museumshafen Oevelgönne . . . Gratulation zum Feature Klaus! 🎉 Wunderschöne Abendstimmung über dem Hafen 🌙⛵️⚓️ . . . ➡️ Follow and tag @hamburgafterwork #hamburgafterwork #ThisWeekOnHamburgafterwork - @hamburgafterwork on Instagram

- @midcoast_maine on Instagram

Maine, a site to sea 😍 - @joialynne on Instagram

A trip down Old Front Road. - Credit: @living_rural - . . . #Ygk #kingston #kingstonon #kingston_on #kingstoncanada #EasternOntario #Ontario #DiscoverOn #DiscoverCanada #WorklifeBalance #Canada #lakeontario - @kingstoncanada on Instagram

Day 43 ⛵⛵ #sky #ocean #sea #sailboats #sailboat #dreams #goals #beauty - @sailboats_daily on Instagram

So a few people got together for this little thing called @tikilandday yesterday😂 Who am I kidding we Tiki Took Over😃 #Repost @tiki_miller_ ・・・ The guys have given me a boat - Maui #tikilandday - @mightytikijoe on Instagram

❤️❤️ - @wroclaw_official_ on Instagram

Safe Harbor. Basking in the remnants of the setting sun a lone ship settles in for the night. Have a great day! #quiet #respite #revive #relax #solitude #calming #peaceful #sunsets #sailing #sailinglife #exploremaine #thisismaine #capturemaine - @jeffwoodimagery on Instagram

Vacation starts with the view of Mille Lacs Lake from The Red Door Resort.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ . ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #thereddoorresort #reddoorresort #reddooronmillelacslake #summer #warmweather #lakelife #summerlakelife #harbor #blueskies - @thereddoorresort on Instagram

🧡💙 - @dipalpsavaliya on Instagram

We ❤ Amsterdam! Tag @amsterdam.blogger to share your Story ✨ #amsterdam #amsterdamblogger #amsterdamfashion #netherlands #amsterdamfood #iamsterdam #photography #amsterdamlove - @amsterdam.blogger on Instagram

#bigshrimpinainteasy - @fvzombieboat on Instagram

❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️ Alle Jahre wieder findet auch unser Weihnachtsmarkt auf Schloss Burgk statt. Zum gemütlichen Beisammensein, einem heißen Glühwein und etwas leckerem zu Essen lädt dieser am 1./2. und 8./9. Dezember wieder ein. Wir freuen uns auf zahlreiche Besucher mit viel guter Laune. #schlossburgk #weihnachtsmarkt #glühwein #allejahrewieder - @schlossburgkfreital on Instagram

What a sight... We’re throwing it 🔙 to the J Class Worlds, 2017 in Newport, RI. 📸 @michele_friel_almeida #jclassworlds #newportshipyard #discovernewport #newportbuzz #north sails #jclassyachts #newyorkyachtclub #nyyc #sailinglife #jclass #yachting #instasailing #instayacht #yachtlife #sport #racing #throwback #throwbackthursday #throwback🔙 - @officialjclass on Instagram

Summer traffic. - @marinersclub on Instagram

Super cool shots of Block Island tonight. . . . #blockisland #bi #labordayweekend 📸: @zook0351 - @cross_sound on Instagram

Snow days #LyndonArea #getnekedvt #vermont - @lyndonareachamber on Instagram

A beautiful Pic by @hrebelnyk_o . . . . . . . . . . . #likes #like #follow #likeforlikes #love #followforfollowback #instagood #followme #instagram #l #photooftheday #instalike #likeforlike #likeforfollow #photography #bhfyp #followers #f #followback #me #instadaily #beautiful #myself #picoftheday #smile #fashion #likesforlikes #followforfollow #comment #bhfyp - @thecanadianliving on Instagram

Download the Streetlight Chicago app today or visit for up-to-date info vital to youth experiencing homelessness. The app features location, hours, and directions to resources like health care services, drop-in centers, food pantries, and more. Youth can also access a 24/7 crisis text line and a Book-a-Bed feature through the app. - @chicagohomeless on Instagram

Full moon over Peaks Island 9/19/13 @6:42pm. F-11|1/8 sec|255mm trying to show perspective of just how big the moon was. - @efletch20 on Instagram

A beautiful photo by @jordanparenti — make sure you follow him ・・・ Gorgeous Philly 🤩🤩 ••• 📸:@jordanparenti ••• #philadelphia #philly #philadelphia_citylife #phillyphilly #pennsylvania #pennsylvaniaisbeautiful #travel #travelgram #travelblogger #traveller #travels #traveler #travelholic #travelphoto #travelawesome #explore #explorer #tourism #lovetotravel #travelmore #wanderlust #city #citylife - @phillytodo on Instagram

What does the arrow in our brand logo stand for? As our graphic designer @giancarlo_murgia would explain, the arrow he designed in 2015 as part of our logo represents the link we aim to establish between Berlin, where Sardinien reisen is based, and the island of Sardinia, where our client companies are based. #Sardinia #Sardinien #Sardinienreisen #Berlin #destinationmarketing - @sardinienreisen on Instagram

Wrześniowe szkolenia zawsze pod hasłem silniejszego wiatru. Refujemy żagle, zakładamy czapki i na wodę! ⛵ ⛵ ⛵ #mazury #zeglarzjachtowy #sailing #maxusevo24 #jesień #polishlakes #september - on Instagram

View the #fallcolours 🍁 Sightseeing flights are available. $65 per person, HST Included. 15 minutes per flight, minimum 2 people. 1 hour charter (1-3 people) from $335 per hour, HST additional. Contact the front desk for more information. 1-800-461-1940 #ElmhirstFly #thekawarthas #goresorting #fly #travelgram #hospitalitystrong #CanadaNice @thekawarthas @resortsofontario @ricelakecanadaeh @northumberlandt @perfectwknds - @elmhirstsresort on Instagram

- Sailing basics

Compartimos estas bellas imágenes del Buque Escuela Esmeralda ingresando al puerto de #Iquique. Nuestra unidad Defender PM-2512, de la Capitanía de Puerto de Patache, se encuentra proporcionando seguridad a la maniobra. #AutoridadMarítima #armadadechile - @dgtm_chile on Instagram

This stunning foliage view ( no filters) was captured from the @boathouse.bistro rooftop on October 12th last year. If you would like to experience this beauty make your plans soon and come to #visitboothbayharbor #fallinmaine #foliageinmaine #midcoastmaine #boothbayharborregion - @bbhchamber on Instagram

They say that Newport is the sailing capital of the world, I believe them. Wind is constant here, and every time I get on one of these gorgeous, classic #schooners Newport comes alive. #sailing #newport - @ali_h_richards on Instagram

#grandmarais #northshore #sailboat #photography #nature #minnesota #travelminnesota #beautifulplaces - @_travel.minnesota_ on Instagram

#Repost @viveelcentrogye (@get_repost) ・・・ Visita al Buque Escuela Guayas y Navio Velero Cisne Branco, Brasil, en el @malecon2000 en el marco de #GuayaquilATodaVela 2018. @capturguayas y @viveelcentrogye invitan a todos al FESTIVAL CULTURAL Y NÁUTICO VIVE EL CENTRO DE GUAYAQUIL, este sábado, 30/06, y domingo, 01/07, en la plataforma del MAAC. ¡No pierdas! ¡ Te esperamos! #ViveElCentroGye #UnRumboNuevoEnElTurismo #GuayaquilEsMiDestino - @guayaquilenredes on Instagram

Awesome shot here from Cadillac Mountain! Capturing Acadias best sunsets! Remember to tag us or use #maineoutdoors to be featured! - @maineoutdoors_ on Instagram

Loving these shots by Scott @cutleafproductions - do check out his prints for sale #brixham - @lightingupbrixham on Instagram

Winter town ❄ . #winter #winterwonderland #winterfashion #winterwedding #winterpark #winters #wintervibes #winterstyle #snow #snowday #snowwhite #snowflakes #snowman #snowfall #snowflake #snowing #white #swarovski #elegance #elegant #christmas #christmasday #christmasspirit #white #cosy #cozy #winterlove #snowy #snowstorms #christmasdecor - @laraswinterwonderland on Instagram

We spend so much time looking out at the view that sometimes we forget to appreciate that we are also a view to admire ~ but you all remind us with these beautiful pictures! #cambridgemill #onlyatthemill #cambridge #ontario #kwregion #galt #galtlove #tricities #guelph #exploreontario #toronto #photography #history #grandriver - @cambridge_mill on Instagram

Bon dimanche à tous ✨ 📸Repost @tourisme_bretagne #morbihan #morbihantourisme #morbihansud #golfedumorbihan #bretagne #bretagne_focus_on #bretagnetourisme #bretagnelovers #bzh #breizh #breizhpower #voilier #voiliers #merphotography #dimanche #sundayfunday #sundayvibes #morning #morningmotivation #weekend #weekendvibes #france #francephoto #destinationbretagne #instaphoto - @ouestfranceimmo on Instagram #contact #us #whatsApp #calling #8824296463 #jobplacement #naukri #jobs #merchantnavy #indianMerchantnavy #Merchantnavy #indiamerchantnavy #marinejobvacancies #merchantnavyjobs #merchantnavyvacancies #jobsplacement - @india_merchant_navy on Instagram

- Schunnemunk Mountain State Park, leaves are starting to change

The city of Stamford, CT was incorporated 127 years ago in 1893. With time, it became known as “the city that works,” It’s amazing to see how much this city has progressed. 🔥🔥🔥💯 #stamfordct #heystamford #realestate #newyorkcity #longislandsound #metro #i95 #beautifulviews #downtownstamford #harborpointstamford #citylife #fairfieldcountyct #propertymanagement #realtor #homebuying #homeselling #renovations #investingtips - @via_real_estate on Instagram

Lucky are we for our #People, #Place, #Prosperity 🌤 #HespelerVillage #Cambridge #WRUnited #ExploreWR #Hespeler #staylocal #shoplocal #supportlocal #shopcambridge Photography by @williewarner111 - @hespelervillagebia on Instagram

Magnifique Photo DES VOILES À SAINT-TROPEZ 📸Josette Loum - @mylittlesainttropez on Instagram

Are you ready to explore the Smokies? 😍⛰ Youve got a place to stay, we can help! 👉🏼 Just click the link in our Instagram BIO/profile. You can text, call (866 34 SMOKY) or email us. Amazing shot by 📸 • @felicia_fullwood #tennesseemx #tennesseelandscape #tennesseesportsman #tennesseedeer #tennesseemakers #tennesseeyogi #tennesseemojo #heavenlyscotch #smokymountains #tennesseetitansfootballisback #tennesseemua #tennesseeadventures #tennesseestrong #tennesseebraider #tennesseehome #tennesseegram #tennesseetattoo #tennesseefarm #tennesseerealestate #tennesseeliving #tennesseegirl #tennesseelife #tennesseeriver #tennesseewedding #tennesseewalkinghorse #tennesseewalker #tennessee #tennesseetitans #tennesseephotographer #tennesseewhiskey - @heavenlyscotch on Instagram

@thedrizzzzzle we cannot get enough of this photo 💙 Proof that we have the best tenants in the whole world. #bridge #water #igphoto #instagood #photography #igdaily #marina #boats #sail #cruise #pnw #gritcity #tacoma #washington #sailishsea #upperleftusa #fosswaterway #grunge #summer #photodaily #pnwonderland #boating #dog #yellowlab #baby #boatdog #iglove - @fossharbormarina on Instagram

- All Things Finnish

- Lake George NY

- Karlskrona

*LIKE TO VOTE FOR YOUR PEOPLES CHOICE AWARD FINALIST!* Group B, Photo B: Follow those barges. Last match of the season by Peter Pangbourne @peter.pangbourne We hope you enjoyed seeing the best entries from our 2020 Photo Competition over the summer. The 12 Photos of the Week which received the most votes now face off in a second round of voting, consisting of 4 weekly polls. The 4 Group winners will then go forward to the grand final in October, and the Peoples Choice Award Winner will be announced during our 2020 Awards Ceremony on 10th November. GROUP B: Voting open from Monday 28th September midday - Sunday 4th October 10pm Photo A: Riverside Museum and Tall Ship Glenlee - Daniel Jones Photo B: Follow those barges. Last match of the season - Peter Pangbourne Photo C: Trinity on sundown - Stacey Belbin #PeoplesChoiceAward #PhotoCompetition #PhotoCompetition2020 #barges #bargematch - @nationalhistoricships on Instagram

Schooner’s Aquidneck and Adirondack II under last night’s California-smokey sky - @onwatchsailing on Instagram

Love this image #thanks for sharing @photos.kurt #sagharbor #windmill #ff #photosbykurt - @sagharbor on Instagram

Today was supposed to be Heritage Day at @maritimegloucester. This is the first time in 17 years that the site will be quiet today. We are sorely missing our favorite event of the season and all of our friends and partners. Maritime Gloucester has contributed so much over the years to make Gloucester Schooner Festival a huge success and we would like to thank them for all that they do. Can’t wait for next year! #lenburgess photo . . . . . . #gloucester #gloucesterma #capeann #capeannma #schooner #schooners #pinkyschooner #sailardelle #schoonerardelle #pinkyschoonerardelle #buildlocallysailglobally #maritimegloucester #maritimeheritageday #northshorema #northofboston #gloucesterharbor #01930 #gloucesterschooner #woodenboat #gloucesterschoonerfestival #schoonerfest #mayorsrace #internationalfishermanscup #esperantocup - @schoonerardelle on Instagram

A breezy ocean against a perfect blue backdrop, what better setting to sail the GS 58 Performance. #grandsoleil58 #grandsoleil58performance #performance #regatta #performancecruiser #sailfast #grandsoleil #grandsoleilyachts #cantieredelpardo #madeinitaly #luxuryboat - @grandsoleilyachts on Instagram

@jennhaagen bookkeeper by day, 𝘈𝘔𝘈𝘡𝘐𝘕𝘎 photographer by night! 😍📸🌿⛵️ . . . . . #pr #prfirm #prlife #pragency #publicrelations #socialmedia #publicity #restaurantpr #hospitalitypr #nonprofitpr #realestatepr #wordhamptonpr #iworkinpr #instapr #li #longisland #hamptons #hamptonspr #nyc #beach #wordhampton #discoverlongisland #discoverthehamptons #photo #photography #photooftheday #photoshoot #photographer - @wordhampton_pr on Instagram

Meet Allegany County!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ The County of rolling hills - Allegany is home to 2 dispensaries Grow West Cannabis in Cumberland (@growwestcannaco) and Allegany Medical Marijuana Dispensary (@ alcommd) in Cumberland as well.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Allegany may come from a local Lenape word, welhik hane or oolikhanna, which means best flowing river of the hills or beautiful stream.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ -⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Home to over 2,000 patients and beautiful views!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ -⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #exploremarylandcannabis⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #tourthestate⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #mdcannabis⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #marylandcannabis⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #cannabiscommunity⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #cannabis ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #maryland ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #marylandmedicalcannabis ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #medicalcannabis ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #mdcannabis ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #marylanddispensary ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #mdcannabiscommunity ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #alleganycounty - @exploremarylandcannabis on Instagram

UNSER KULTURAMT INFORMIERT 𝗔𝗸𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗦𝘁𝗮𝗱𝗿𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗹𝗻 Die letzte Wochen waren 11 Teams und 79 Radelnde unterwegs. Insgesamt, Stand heute früh, sind dabei 12.912 Kilometer zusammengekommen. Auch Die Eierpunscher haben fleißig Kilometer gesammelt, hier auf dem Bild kurz vor ihrer Radtour. - @grossbieberau on Instagram

basílica del voto 😍 . . . . . . . . . . .➖✖➖✖➖✖➖✖➖✖➖✖ 🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅🔅 ⚠️#ecuaworld_ ⚠️#allyouneedisecuador ⚠️#ecuador ⚠️#ecuadoramalavida ⚠️#WelcomeToEcuador ⚠️#Ecuatorianamente ⚠️#ecuadorisallyouneed ⚠️#discoverecuador ⚠️#landscape ⚠️#travelmoreecuador ⚠️#landscape_lovers ⚠️#landscapephotography ⚠️#wanderlust ⚠️#worldcaptures ⚠️#gopro ⚠️#WhattodoinEcuador ⚠️#naturelovers ⚠️#bucketlistec ⚠️#travel ⚠️#traveling ⚠️#instatravel ⚠️#Worldphotography ⚠️#Big_shotz ⚠️#promocionandomipaís ⚠️#instadaily ⚠️#paradise ⚠️#southamerica #Instagood #Like4like #Folowme - @bucketlist_southamerica on Instagram

Foxhound off the Isle of Wight in the Round the Island Race. Photo credit to @dolphiniow #foxhound #gaffer #oga #oldgaffersassociation #bowwave #goinglikeatrain #isleofwight #roundtheisland - @oldgaffersassociation on Instagram

Big tide and offshore storm plus sea level rise = yikes its getting wet in here! - @northsouthrivers on Instagram

Unas vacaciones en el mar pueden ser en un resort, en un apartamento, en un camping o incluso en un barco. En Adriacia podemos hacer que todo sea posible según la opción que te guste más, aunque la mejor forma de llegar a todos los escondites que albergan en el mar Adriático es en barco. ¿Te gusta la idea? 📍Mar Adriático - @vacacionesencroacia on Instagram

Does anyone else feel like climbing aboard a big schooner and bombing around the world until this is all over? - @capndarling on Instagram

Join us for the Sail In Parade at 1pm today! #DirkHartog #visitWA #SharkBay1616 #WhatsOnWA #DiscoverSharkBay #TourismWA #thisisWA #justanotherdayinwa @westernaustralia @australiascoralcoast - @sharkbay1616 on Instagram

O eclipse solar parcial, que cobriu 58% do sol, foi recebido com aplausos no fim da tarde de ontem em Porto Alegre (02/07/2019). #eclipse #eclipsesolar2019 #eclipsesolarpoa #eclipsesolar #portoalegre #orladoguaiba - @portoalegrepictures on Instagram

Who could use some GOOD news right about now?! 🙋🏻♀️ AMM’s historic skipjack, Wilma Lee, was just U.S. Coast Guard approved! Stay tuned for information regarding private charters! ⛵️ - @ammweddings on Instagram

My hometown ❤ - @mr.robban on Instagram

Back on the lake. #lakegeorge #endless - @peterandorgriffin on Instagram

- Something about the framing I find very oddly satisfying

Hyperion #sailorsworld #sail #boat #sailboat #sailing #sailyacht #yacht #superyacht #megayacht #yachtlife #yachting #boatlife #sails #ocean #sea #travel #nature #beautiful #beauty #picoftheday #photooftheday #instagood #amazing #luxury #perfection #nautical #goals - @sailors_world on Instagram

Vivid is in Salcombe today, biggest yacht in the bay! Availability in September from Lymington, explore the Isle of Wight and south coast of England. #luxurylifestyle #luxuryyacht #luxuryyachtcharter #yachtlife #SailingintheUK #sailingholidays #diveinwithdiyachting #isleofwight #lymington #privateparadise - @diyachting on Instagram

Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go. #bannerandoak #freedomtoexplore - @bannerandoak on Instagram

Here we are !!! Ça part de là, ⛵la reprise est difficile avec si peu d entraînement pour l équipage mais tellement bon le goût de l eau salée de la baie de St Trop😎 Jour 1... @les_voiles_de_saint_tropez 📷@gilles_martin_raget #sailingworld #worldsailing #sailinglife #sailingboat #regatta #tp52 #irc52 #sailingphotography #sailingstagram - @sebastiendurand12 on Instagram

- From a beautiful hike in the mountainous lakes region of Northern Patagonia. Villa Llao Llao, Bariloche, Rio Negro, Argentina

Mit der Greundiek in See stechen: ⚓️ Anker eingeholt, Leinen los! Am nächsten Freitag, den 2. Oktober fährt die Stader Deern von den Hamburger Landungsbrücken auf eine traumhafte Elbfahrt auf Elbe und Schwinge in ihren Heimathafen, den Stader Stadthafen. Los geht‘s von Brücke 10 der Hamburger Landungsbrücken um 14.00 Uhr, Anlegen Stadthafen Stade ungefähr 17.30 Uhr. Tickets kosten 20 Euro, Fahhräder dürfen kostenfrei mitgenommen werden. So ist die Rücktour nach Hamburg - wer denn zurück radeln möchte- auf dem eigenen Rad 🚲 also so gut wie inklusive. Weitere Infos auf Fotocredit: Mathias Freund_Verein Alter Hafen . . . . . . . . . . #Stade #Stadeerleben #Hansestadt #Tourismus #Greundiek #Schiff #Museumsschiff #maritim #Elbe #Hamburg - @stade_frischer_wind on Instagram

Die Formel 1 der #classicboats ⠀ ... da guckt nur der Kopf raus 😂⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #netzboot #wustrow #saalerbodden #fischlanddarss #segelboot #classicboat #oldboat #instasail #aufnachmv #visitgermany #mvtutgut #wirsindurlaubsland #sailboat #boats #sailing #mymvmoment #fdz - @hugosebwi on Instagram

- I worked as a medic in northern Canada. This was my view from work .

Marcia is rocking her Tshirt and Hanger poster with her favorite city map! It’s all just about making the most of these last days of summer with soaking in the warmth combined with the cool activities at home since traveling is no more a relaxing vacation option. Make it your own! 💛😍🛋 Shop custom tee or poster at the link in bio. 🖍️ Multiple Map Styles 🔎 Zoom / Drag&Drop 〽️ Custom Labels 📍 Pinpoints to mark locations 🗺️ Paper/Framed/Canvas/Metal type - @grafomap on Instagram

An diesem grauen Herbstmorgen schicken wir euch ein paar Sonnenstrahlen aus Landshut von @felix_mittermeier 🌞 #wirfeiernbayern ______________ Have you already been to the beautiful city of Landshut? #congratsbavaria . . . . . . . . . #landshut #martinskirche #altstadt #blauerhimmel #sonnenstrahlen #goodmorning #freitagmorgen #niederbayern #mittelalter - @wirfeiernbayern on Instagram

- Dolores Claiborne

Bon Echo Provincial Park - @ontario_parks_pics on Instagram

- ITAP of a rope

- Big Bear

📸 @terka0096 @beauty_of_czechia #beauty_of_czechia - - - - Po dvou dnech přestalo pršet, tak se jelo na výlet 🏞️🌄🌅 #secskaprehrada #zapadslunce #prehrada #borovice #skaly #skala #zeleznehory #visitzeleznehory #visiteastbohemia #fotkyzceska #uzasnamistacr #fotimeceskouprirodu #cestujemczsk #dof_brilliance #tree_brilliance #uzasnecesko #cervanky #mraky #sky_brilliance #sky_perfection #wb_water_brilliance #priroda #krasyprirody #czechroamers #czechrepublic - @beauty_of_czechia on Instagram

Descorcha en casa la genialidad de un Cabernet Sauvignon de @marquesdecasaconcha, el compañero ideal para las tardes de conversación. 🍷 #conchaytoro #marquesdecasaconcha #redwine #wineoclock #cabernetsauvignon #winecountry - @conchaytoro on Instagram

- Small Group Tours

- Driving School

Lonely lifeguard stand. Got to spend the last night/day of my mini Maine-cation at the place where I had a wonderful time celebrating a round birthday a couple of years ago 🥳. Nice to say hello to so many familiar spots and I still ❤️ the views along the Marginal Way. . . . . #kcae #girlswhohike #girlsweekend #neaturewalk #outdoorsyish #maine #mainecation #mainelife #newengland #itsfallyall #ogunquit #marginalway #shotonpixel2 #lr_travel - @kbecker57 on Instagram

LED koplampen, 17” lichtmetalen velgen, navigatie, smartphone integratie, een uitgebreid veiligheidspakket: de V60 B3 Momentum Advantage heeft het allemaal. Tijdelijk nog verkrijgbaar in een beperkte oplage, vanaf € 39.995 (lease vanaf € 599 p.m, netto bijtelling € 267)! #Volvo #VolvoV60 #V60 #VolvoV60Momentum - @volvocarnederland on Instagram

📸 @gabstudio #Repost @gabstudio with @repostapp ・・・ Sorry for all the landscape posts! This one is really good! #bridgesaderhold #gabstudio #bridges - @grovesailing on Instagram

🥂 Tchin ! - @inter.iles.catamarans on Instagram

The Sonderboat TILLY XV chases the 8-Meter-class sloop FRANCE at the 2014 Régates Royales, a five-day competition for classic yachts in Cannes, France. Read more about this exciting event in WB No. 244.⠀ .⠀ 📖 Link in bio⠀ 📷 @woodenboatphotographer⠀ ✍️ Benjamin Mendlowitz⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #woodenboats #woodenboat #boats #boating #boatlife #dreamboat #boatbuilder #boatbuilding #woodenboatbuilding #onthewater #accesstoexperience #boats #boatsboatsboats #schooner #sailing #sailboat #yacht #runabout #regatta #sailinglife #boatinglife #boatsofinstagram #boatlovers #boatrestoration #boatrace #france #cannesfrance #classicyachts - @woodenboatmagazine on Instagram

- Virginia history

- When some holiday cheer can’t even stop you from looking evil

- Royal Huisman Yachts

Our brand ambassadors @shaefitlife and @a.palkofit love to stay active outdoors! As mentioned below hiking is a great way to reduce stress and anxiety while truly enjoying what Northern Ontario has to offer 🙌 Tag us in your favourite outdoor activities , we’d love to see them! Posted @withregram • @shaefitlife Enjoy the little things❤ Alex and I had a blast hiking the Cup and Saucer trail this week. I find hiking decreases so much of my stress and anxiety. It has been one of my favourite things to do since I was a kid. This trail is stunning😍 @a.palkofit @popeyessudbury #fitgirl #outdoors #hiking #ontario - @popeyessudbury on Instagram

Lets make a trip with us! Kami akan bawa kamu mengunjungi tempat-tempat favorit di Malaysia dan Singapore, dengan pilihan transportasi dan akomodasi yang bisa nyesuain budget kamu. Itinerary dari kamu atau dari kami, semua bisa. Yuk, tunggu apa lagi. Jelajahi Malaysia dan Singapore bersama kami! @pakettourmalaysia @pakettourmalaysia @pakettourmalaysia #pakettourmalaysia #tourmalaysia #toursingapore #pakettoursingapore #tourmalaysiamurah #toursingaporemurah #guidetourmalaysia #sewamobilmalaysia #sewamobilsingapore #rentcarmalaysia #rentcarsingapore #tourandtravelmalaysia #tourandtravelsingapore #backpackermalaysia #backpackersingapore - @pakettourmalaysia on Instagram

Hang time ✈️🖐 #thisfuturerocks #poweredbynature #fueledbyathletes @rockwool_group @sailgpden #loyaltothefoil - @sailgpden on Instagram

Its our people who make Austral tick. From the ocean to the office, its been over 45 years of team work, hard work and commitment to bring sustainable seafood to the restaurants and homes of people all over the world. #PeopleofAustral #SustainableSeafood #AustralFisheries - @austral_fisheries on Instagram

- @osiskristaps on Instagram

They said: He spent how much on a boat?!?! He doesnt even know how to sail! Hes gonna live on the boat all summer?! He doesnt have a fridge or AC?! Where is he gonna park his boat without a yacht club membership?? How is he gonna transport his boat, launch it, put the mast up, put his sails up and learn how to fix a 40 year old engine when it breaks down?? Well folks Seb did it and somehow made it all happen 👏 📸: @kategoguen #contessa26 - @o.pesto on Instagram

Classic beauties ELENA and THENDARA making their way to Les Voiles de Saint Tropez regatta. ⚓️✨ Photo: @gilles_martin_raget - on Instagram

Ihanaa ja rauhallista juhannusta Leviltä! #levilapland #visitlevi #sparksyoursoul #midsummer - @levilapland on Instagram

🗣 9-30-2020 ⬅️ The #Census concludes tomorrow. Please make sure you’ve been counted at Make your VOICE heard. ✅ • #2020Census #2020 #census #morristown #njcensus2020 #stimuluspackage #facts #censuschallenge #censusbureau - @townofmorristown on Instagram

- ITAP marinas in Clearwater Beach

Any one else holding their breath right now? Swipe ⬅️ to see if the duck is succesful. . . . 😬 #phew - on Instagram

- 7th -Discovering the world

Kingston is well known for their summer seabreeze, but it looks like Fall may be even better! . . . Kudos to @sailcanada coach Ken Dool for capturing some great shots! - on Instagram

🛶 ☀️ 🌊 🌙 ❤️ - @colemanhell on Instagram

It’s another beautiful autumn night on the water in Mystic. #seamystic #seaeverything - @seamysticseaeverything on Instagram

Desde el lunes próximo están permitidos los viajes interregionales entre comunas que están en fase 3 o más. Te esperamos en nuestro hotel para que - de manera segura y cuidada - te vuelvas a conectar con la naturaleza, el aire puro y toda la belleza del sur de Chile. . #chile #hotelescumbres #puertovaras #experienciacumbres #eligechile #surdechile #redescubrirchile - @hotelescumbres on Instagram

A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for... CYC welcomes back S/V Madrigal, returning from a cruise around the world! #circumnavigation #sailinggoals - @centerportyachtclub on Instagram

Дорогие друзья! ⛵Парусный сезон ещё не окончен, а погода стоит прекрасная. Самое время ловить последние тёплые деньки и проводить время на природе с пользой. Сотрудники «Акватории ветра» приглашают вас на прогулки под парусами и без. Не упустите возможность посетить наш яхт-клуб, иначе придётся ждать до следующего лета! P.S.: Напоминаем, что для больших компаний у нас действует специальная скидка 50% более подробная информация по ссылке вы можете узнать в группе в ВК Ваша Акватория Ветра. ☎ Телефон для связи: 29-00-97 #акваторияветра #паркспутника #городспутник #пензаспутник ⚓⚓⛵ - @akvatoriavetra on Instagram

#classicyachts #sail #sailboat #boatlife #yacht #vacation #hollydays #croatiafulloflife #croatia #croatiapostcards #travel #summertime #medditeranean #summervibes #summer2020☀️ #islandlife #islandvibes #sea #vip #dubrovnikcroatia #weddingday - @celebratecroatia on Instagram

Thank you to all of our staff and guests for taking the necessary precautions this summer. While things were surely different, we were happy to have you safely experience and enjoy all that the wharf has to offer. Cheers to Fall! 📸 . . . . . #bowenswharf #bowens #bowensri #newportri #newportrhodeisland #safesummer #socialdistancing #kieljamespatrick #thankyou #rhodie #anchor #newport #customerservice #summer2020 - @bowenswharf on Instagram

Rouge : couleur dautomne, la teinte que prennent les feuilles mais aussi le ciel à certains moments précieux... 💫❤ 📷 @mel_nb2 . . . #ilovemorges #morges #morgesregiontourisme #myvaud #myswitzerland #slowdestination #slowtourisme #leman #visitswitzerland #chateaudemorges #portdemorges #swissviews #sunsetlover - @morgesregiontourisme on Instagram

Good morning! We had a beautiful weekend of flying! Look at this fun shot of what we call a “splash ‘n dash” on Conesus Lake. Happy Monday! 📸: @urbanoffroaders • • #newyorkexplored #rochesterny #explorerochester #hotairballoons #livingstoncounty #balloonsoverletchworth #iloveny #ilovenewyork #bucketlist #hope #encouragement #hotairballoonride #hotairballoon #hotairballoonrides #livoniany #fingerlakes #fingerlakesny #fingerlakesregion #conesuslake - @balloonsoverletchworth on Instagram

Discover the beautiful Finger Lakes region of New York on Club Adventures: American Experiences! 🌄🧳🚗 The road trip, reimagined / fully curated just for you, so you can travel where you like, when you like, with who you like! Go hiking in search of cascading waterfalls in Watkins Glen State Park or sit back and sip some local Riesling on a wine tour. The adventure is fully up to you. . . . #WeStillBelieveInAdventure #AmericanExperiences #ClubAdventures #LiveLikeaLocal #TravelUnscripted #Adventure #AdventureTravel #Wanderlust #Explore #Traveler #Travel #DitchtheScript #RealExperiences #WeAreAllLocals #LocalLeaders #SmallGroups #SmallGroupTravel #AuthenticConnections #MovingExperiences #LetAdventureHappen #AdventureWithABrandYouTrust - @travelclubadventures on Instagram

The Tempelhofer Hafen in Berlin, shot during the amazing Festival of lights. #photooftheday by (C) sveb_plusminus #berlinomagazine #berlinphotooftheday #festivaloflights #tempelhoferhafen - @berlinomagazine on Instagram

#Repost with @make_repost ・・・ Fall is here colors are changing quick and by the looks of it this year will be a colorful one. #igersnewengland #igersmassachusetts #igermass #ipulledoverforthis #ignewengland #igmassachusetts #ig_newengland #ig_massachusetts #ig_unitedstates #newenglandphotography #beautifulmassachustts #igermass #massachusettsphoto #naturalmassachusetts #newenglandigers #visitma #onlyinmassachusetts #massachusetts_igers #raw_skies #raw_pink #uspixels #raw_community_member #raw_newengland - @igcentralmass on Instagram

REMINDER: less than one month left to submit your session ideas for #ecsite2021 🚨 The call for sessions proposals will close on 23 October. Share your experience at the largest science engagement conference in Europe. #ecsite2021 will take place in Stavanger, Norway, on 10-12 June 2021 (with pre-Conference workshops on 8-9 June). It will be co-hosted by Jærmuseet and the Norwegian Petroleum Museum. We look forward to reading your session ideas! - @ecsite_network on Instagram

Literary on the edge of glory, this captivating cottage is perched on a bluff overlooking the Atlantic Ocean in Kingsburg, NS. Kingsburg is a quaint village located 1.5 hours south of Halifax, 20 minutes from the historic Lunenburg, and just 5 minutes to the renowned Hirtles Beach. Features include a third floor observation tower and steam shower (#dreams), among other upgrades. The pricing includes all the contents of the house and the garage (!). Priced at $1.599 million this is one for the books. Contact John at Duckworth Real Estate for more information: #luxurylifestyle #luxuryrealestate #luxuryhomes #cottagehuntcanada #cottagelifestyle #imagesofcanada #canadagram #canada🍁 #canadasworld #imagesofcanada #edgeofglory - @cottagehuntcanada on Instagram

⛵ bandido @rothsail @csprinz #veleirosdosul #sailorsworld #sailingstragram #sailboat #sailingphotography #yachting #boat #sail #sailor #vela #regatta #velejar #sea #ocean #velejada #velejando #veleiro #instasail #sailculture #instasea #instasaling #doleitorzh #navegar #navegando #nikon #instasea #velejarbrasil #meioliquidofotografia #veleirobandido - @fabianobenedetti on Instagram

Sunrise.... its going to be a good day Captured by Thank you for sharing . . . #perthppe #perthicons #perth #perthlife #seeperth #perthtodo #sunrise #nature #landscape #boating #australia #photo #photography #perthisokay #visitperth #cityofperth - @perthcitylife on Instagram

- Lunenburg, Nova Scotia

The #TF35 is built on an ambitious design brief; bringing top-level foiling to a wider range of sailors. The newly developed foiling TF35 fleet recently met on Lake Geneva for the first of two training weekends. The sessions provide sailors, class organizers and the development team an opportunity to see their vision in action, and trial a format for future regattas. For North Sails, these early training days serve as a chance to analyze the performance of the new TF35 sails. 👉 Hear more from our experts via our bio. 📸 Loris Von Siebenthal - @north_sails on Instagram

Valuable insight to help you adjust your sails and head in either direction. Two Roam Guides to Midcoast Maine, now on the website link in profile. 📷: @tricialaddphoto⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #readyroam #communitysourced #wheretonext #neverstopexploring #anotherescape #travelersnotebook #travelcommunity #travelwithus #readyandroam #newengland #themainemag #downeastmagazine #mynewengland #newenglandphotography #newenglandpictures #maineisgorgeous #getaway #mainesmidcoast #mainepeninsula #igersnewengland #mainelife #mainetheway #visitmaine #scenesofnewengland #scenicmaine #mainething #thewaylifeshouldbe #coastalboats #sailboat #Penobscot Bay - @readyroam on Instagram

Es un Aventura Extraordinaria velear frente a la playa más bonita del Caribe Mexicano y practicar snorkel en el Gran Arrecife Maya. - @maromaadventures on Instagram

Castropol #Castropol#Asturias#Spain #addicted_to_asturias#asi_es_asturias #estaes_asturias#total_asturias #world_spain#ok_spain #conociendo_espana - @misi_navia on Instagram

We are loving the New England summer but we do miss our offshore racing days with @prideofbaltimore - @sailwhenandif on Instagram

Aqui no Hospital Encore, oferecemos o serviço de agendamentos de exames, consultas e também boletim médico online. ⠀ Neste período de pandemia, ou até mesmo na correria do dia a dia, são ferramentas que trouxemos para facilitar a sua vida. ⠀ Essa é mais uma das comodidades que oferecemos a você, cliente! ⠀ Deseja saber mais sobre os serviços que disponibilizamos? Acesse o nosso site - O link está na bio. ⠀ #hospitalencore #encore #cardiologista #prontosocorro24h #exames #planosdesaude #consultas #hemodinamica #cateterismo #angioplastia #cirurgiavascular #cardiovascular - @hospitalencore on Instagram

Bluenose II is continuing her summer of sail and is on Nova Scotias South Shore in St. Margarets Bay this evening. Be SHORE not to miss her. - @visitnovascotiasouthshore on Instagram

Howard McMichael, Jr. May 19, 1938 - June 2, 2020 - @mcmyacht on Instagram

That view..Thanks to @whatayecee for this slice of Cheshire wilderness at Delamere Forest ✌️ - @igerscheshire on Instagram

Krkonoše • Fotograf / @vasek112 • @cesko_foti @cesko_foti • • #portrait #naturelovers #igerscz #folkgeeks #objevsvet #roamonenature #fotolabcz #peakdesignczsknacestach #fotkyplnekysliku #neverstopexploring #olympus #olympusczsk #mujolympus #cewecz #czechroamers #czechexplorers #zahorizonty #ceskofoti - @cesko_foti on Instagram

63 boats will race tomorrow in the 36th annual ERR. We’re all particularly looking forward to sailing this year. photo by @billyblackphoto - @eggemogginreachregatta on Instagram

Throwback to sailing in light summer conditions! #12mr #jenetta #summer #robbeberkingsterlingcup - @jenetta_k1 on Instagram

- @vladivostoklive on Instagram

SO scenic. This is what Maine summer is all about! ♥️😊 (Photo by @erikajohns0n) - @best.of.maine on Instagram

Would you like to live on Bluenose II? Link in bio. #BluenoseII #NovaScotia #VisitNovaScotia #Lunenburg #NS #discovercanada #explorens #explorecanada #nsjobs #jobs #sailboats #sailingboats #fairseas #classicboats #classicyachts #classicsailing #classic #sailzone #sailcouture #sailuniversedaily@sailuniverse #privateer @spinnakermagazine #spinnakermagazine #schooner#sailing_yachting_news #sailns - @novascotiabuzz on Instagram

Playa Puda ~ . . . Ph: @felipee.ig - @postalestome on Instagram

All that LA traffic is about to get *slightly* more bearable. California Governor @gavinnewsom just issued an executive order stating that by 2035, all cars and trucks sold in California must produce zero emissions. This does not mean that come 2035, all cars on the state’s roads will be zero-emissions, however; exceptions will be made for used cars, cars purchased before 2035, etc. Considering the fact that air pollution disproportionately hurts people of color across California, it’s about time that the state do something like this to curb vehicular pollution. According to a 2019 report by the @unionofconcernedscientists, on average, African American Californians are exposed to 43 percent more PM2.5 pollution than white Californians, and Latino Californians are exposed to 39 percent more PM2.5 pollution than white Californians. This new regulation is definitely a positive step, especially taking into account how serious air pollution is in California — but we wish these mandates were happening even sooner. What else would you like to see California do to reduce pollution? For the full article, click the link in our bio. - @greenmatters on Instagram

#postidascoprire#postidavisitare#igrpiemonte##piemonte#piemonte_cartoline#piemonteturismo#piemonte_super_pics#igerspiemonte#piemontedascoprire#piemonte_photogroup#visitpiemonte#vivopiemonte#piemonteitaly#italy#italia#amoitalia#torino#torinoprovincia#volgoitalia#volgo_italia#volgopiemonte# - @piemonte_da_scoprire on Instagram

Sailing into fall. Happy first day of autumn from Martha’s Vineyard 📸: @theryanpatrick . . . . . #winnetu #mv #newengland #katama #marthasvineyard #igersnewengland #edgartown - on Instagram

Kilukarbisiluett peopesa peal 🤲🏰⛵ From the bay of Tallinn you can see the towers of the Old Town. The famous silhouette, which is also printed on canned Tallinn sprats 🐟 on the palm of your hand 🙂 . Thanks @tallshipstallinn @tallinnalinn @lennusadam @visitestonia @noblessner @admiral.bellingshausen . #visittallinn #thetallshipraces #tallships #sea #estonia #tallinn #sailing #regatta #summervibes #summer2021 #admiralbellingshausen #tallinnalaht #vanasadam #jahtklubi #meri #mere #oldtown #tower #bay #baie #regate #lete #vieilleville #altestadt #vanalinn #segelschiff #bucht #türme #voyage #sailboat - @ehakruus on Instagram

📷: @jdlaerial ••• Raritan River in Clinton NJ - Waterfall with the beautiful theredmillmuseum & 2 fishermen in the fall #fishing🎣 #🐟️ #redmillmuseum #redmillmuseumvillage #clintonnj #riverfalls #northjersey #newjersey #njspots #njspotsdrone #dronelife #jerseydronelife #jdlaerial #nj #thejerseycaptures #skyhilife_drones #dronehotspots #Dronmasters #fromwhereidrone #flyinglenz #dronephotography #droneglobe #beautifulnewjersey #dronedaily #dronedesire #dronestagram #dronestagram🚁📸 #theredmillmuseum - @hunterdonhappening on Instagram

Looking forward to Septembers sunshine, seagulls and sail boats by the seashore. #MVOL #marthasvineyardonline #marthasvineyard #september #seashore #sailboat #seagulls #harbor #eastchop 📸@timmjaws - @marthasvineyardonline on Instagram

On August 1st, the 2020 Wooden Boat Series concluded its trifecta of events with the Eggemoggin Reach Regatta preceded by the Castine Classic Yacht Race, and the Camden Classic Yacht Regatta. Held in Maine amidst a global pandemic, the organizers and sailors planned for months to carry the tradition of the summer racing series and adhere to the strict local safety guidelines. The Eggemoggin Reach Regatta has served as the cornerstone of the series since its inception in 1985 successfully offering the opportunity for talented yachtsmen and women to display their athleticism and passion for wooden sailing vessels.⠀ ⠀ To read more, click the link in our bio. ⠀ Photo taken by @langleyphoto. To see ERR photos and more, check out her website:⠀ #ClassicYacht#Regatta#ClassicYachtRegatta#Maine#Sailing#ClassicBoat - @classicyachtoa on Instagram

Its been voted one of the best holiday events in New England: the Mystic Holiday Lighted Boat Parade. Saturday, Nov. 25. Downtown Mystic. #ctvisit #mysticcountry #downtownmystic - @mysticcountryct on Instagram

A new perspective on the lines of the R-Boat thanks to @BlockIslandSteve in this months IYRS Classic Yacht Regatta held in Newport, Rhode Island. ⠀ ⠀ Gamecock(@gamecocksailing) a 1925 Herreshoff R-Class Racing Sloop owned by Peter McClennen. McClennen enjoys the camaraderie of classic yacht ownership especially among the local fleet of smaller day-sailors. It is my dream to see even more boats and events on the water to keep this momentum and camaraderie going.⠀ ⠀ Photo: @BlockIslandSteve - @herreshoff on Instagram

47,249 kms. 3M+ pieces of PPE. $2.38M in donations. Our journey with @conquercovid19ca concludes with some impressive numbers, and a lasting impact. Thank you to the inspiring volunteers at CC-19 for protecting those who protect us. #StaySafe #ConquerCOVID19 47 249 km. Plus de 3 millions d’équipements de protection individuelle. 2,38 millions de dollars en dons. Notre aventure avec @conquercovid19ca se conclut avec des résultats impressionnants et un effet durable. Merci aux bénévoles inspirants de Conquer COVID-19 d’avoir contribué à protéger ceux qui nous protègent. #Soyezprudents #ConquerCOVID19 - @volvocarcanada on Instagram

- @philippe.tison on Instagram

#repost from @visit_dinant [J -1] Plus que quelques heures avant de pouvoir voter pour que Dinant devienne la European Best Destination 2019 ! On compte sur vous :) #dinant #mtnamurdinant #valleedelameuse #dinantourisme #ebd2019 #europeanbestdestinations #europe #city #cityscape #amazing #belgium🇧🇪 #tourism #tourisme #BestPlaceInTheWorld #FierDetreDinantais #PicOfTheDay #Croisette - @igersdinant on Instagram

All tucked in for the night in one of our favourite anchorages. Photo by @sailingsolstice . . . . . #conovercove #wallaceisland #bccoast #coastalbc #coastlife #islandlife #sailboat #sail #boatbc #boatingbc #bcboating #pacificyachting #pacificyachtingmagazine - @pacific_yachting on Instagram

Du 26 septembre au 10 octobre - #LesVoilesDeSaintTropez WE ARE WAITING FOR YOU 🍻 #LeSube #hotel #bar #hotelsttropez #barsttropez #vuemer #vuemersttropez #thisissttropez #golfedesttropez #portdesttropez #terrasse #terrassesttropez #champagne #tchintchin #cocktail - @lesubehotel on Instagram

- Lake days are the best days...

- Boating Italy and France

Bass Harbor Head Lighthouse located at the southern tip of Mount Desert Island Photo by @mp_yo - @mainetourism on Instagram

Celebrate you this Labor Day with savings on your favorite 2020 Honda models. #CRV #LaborDay #LaborDaySavings - @rmhondadealers on Instagram

Weve now moved to increased capacity for our sales and transitioned into zone seating! We have 2-person, 4-person, and 6-person zones available on board the boat. Tickets will only be sold as zones. 24 people maximum. Give us a call (410-263-8994) or book online on our website,! . . . #schoonerwoodwind #schoonersailing #chesapeakebaysailing #chesapeakebay #schoonerwoodwindsailing #Maryland #Annapolis #visitmaryland #visitannapolis #annapolismaryland #sailingcruises #Sailing - @schoonerwoodwind on Instagram

🌎 NEW SERIES ALERT! 🌍 Overview is a new series from PBS Digital Studios and @publicmedianc. Join @drjoehanson (of @okaytobesmart) as we explore the wonders and perils of the natural world from a drone’s-eye view! Where will we go first? Find out when Overview premieres Thursday, September 24 on the PBS Terra YouTube channel! #dronephotography #dronevideo #dronestagram #landscapephotography #nature #northcarolina - @pbsds on Instagram

- Boothbay Harbor Maine

#sunsets #sunsetsandsunrises #theseaside #solnedgang #assenshavn #danmarkdejligst #shipinwater #visitdenmark #danmarkdejligst #visittheseaside #lovesthewater #wismarqfoto #total_denmark #topåtur #dejligdag #vedvandet #oldship #visitassens #visitfyn #beautifuldenmark #bestshoots #beautifulweather #outdoorphotography #dk.vejret - @ladyjanewismar on Instagram

The heat this week is reminding us of better days on the water. You can get excited for summer. Purchase a gift card, support a small local business, and join us on the Sam Patch when the Erie Canal reopens: #eriecanal #sampatch #betterdaysahead - @sampatchboat on Instagram

Es bedarf keiner Worte...einfach einen kurzen Moment mitgeniessen ⛵ . . #sailingphotography #sailing⛵️ #sailinglife #sailinglifestyle #sailingboat #sailingadventure #sailingtrip #sailingday #dof_of_our_world #dof_addicts #dof_explore #9vaga9_vision #dof_addicts #dof_explore #brilliant_light #sunsetlovers #sunset_pics #sunsets_captures #sunset_vision #picoftheday #weekly_feature #weeklyspread #ilovewhatido #ilovemyhobby #ig_sailing - @ajo_drea on Instagram

- @ioanninamoments on Instagram

Perfect for working + living by the lake 👌 $1,395,000 4 bed, 2 bath Viceroy home, nestled into a prime location on a level lot by the lake (option for small commercial marina or other business) VIRTUAL TOUR: - @mymuskokacottages on Instagram

The Maid needs a lifeline! We were so close to opening in April with a whole range of inboard activities for families, a new exhibition, engines in steam, new cage and loads of refurbishments when COVID-19 struck. We expect little or no income this year but have almost the same costs so we have now launches and appeal so the Maid can be ready to welcome you all back as soon as possible. Our appeal also includes some great rewards so please visit the page below and share this post! A huge thank you from us all here at The Maid of the Loch. 😍 Https:// #paddlesteamer #donate #crowdfunding #appeal #scottishmaritimemuseum #supportthemaid #supportsmallcharities #steamship - @maidoftheloch on Instagram

- Boating Italy and France

„Mit der ganzen Familie bei schönem Wetter zu segeln ist ein besonderes Erlebnis. Hier wird man nur vom Wind getrieben, kann es sich gemütlich machen und reichlich “quality time” tanken.“ ⛵️🌊⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ - Phillip Behncke⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Entdecke Phillip‘s Travel Story über Langeoog. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ JETZT ONLINE 👉🏽⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 📷 Phillip Behncke (@phil.behncke)⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #wearebirds #adventure #langeoog #gin - @wearebirds on Instagram

Wir leben alle unter dem gleichen Himmel, aber wir haben nicht alle die gleichen Möglichkeiten. Habt euch lieb. . . . 📸 by @bozz_photography_ #lorenzkirche #lorenzkirchenürnberg #nightsky #calm #habteuchlieb #seidliebzueinander - @lorenzkirche_official on Instagram

TODAY April 24th 1895 Joshua Slocum set sail from Boston to become the first person to solo circumnavigate the globe. A must read for sailors, Sailing Alone Around The World by Joshua Slocum #today #monday #history #sail #sailor #sailing #westmarine #book #bestseller #travel #explore #sailboat #voyage #nautical #alone #voyage #boston #circumnavigation #nature #boating #espn #living #freedom #fearless #justdoit #cruising - @justsailboats on Instagram

📍Stadium High School. Have you ran the stairs in Stadium Bowl? If so, well done. That workout is no joke. 😓 - 📸 @overtacoma - #OverTacoma #TacomaWa #Tacoma_Wa #StadiumHighSchool #StadiumBowl #CottonCandySkies #PNW #PacificNorthwest #GreatPNW - @tacoma_wa on Instagram

- Boothbay Harbor, Maine

Danke für dieses tolle Foto @philator :) Genießt euren Sonntag ☀️ ________ #sonntag #hafen #wochenende dasding #dasdingkoblenz #wirsindkoblenz #koblenz #kowelenz #koblenzcity #meinkoblenz #teamkoblenz #koblenzontour #koblenzliebe #ilovekoblenz #koblenzer #koblenztagundnacht #koblenzergram #rheinstagram #igerskoblenz #koblenzamrhein - @wirsindkoblenz on Instagram

- Amelia Island, Florida The Perfect Beach

The Bluenose II - built as a promotional yacht for Olands Brewery back in the 60s and a forever staple of NS. ⛵⚓ . . . . . . . #dronephotography #dronestagram #drones #photography #photooftheday #fb #novascotia #halifax #dji #djimavicair2 #canada #eastcoast #maritimes #dji #droneporn #dronography #visitnovascotia #explorenovascotia @discoverhalifax @halifaxnoise @haligonia #explorelocal #explore #canada #staycation #visitns #visitcapebreton #capturenovascotia #imagesofcanada #coastal #yacht #sailboat - @stevenlayton on Instagram

Go for the hike, stay for the view! Thanks to @nataliekfournier for the pic📸#fundypark #explorenb #albertcounty #newbrunswicktourism - @fundytourism on Instagram

- Stylish Living

- Favorite Places & Spaces

#SundaySail #sundayspotlight A sailor is an artist whose medium is the wind. ~Webb Chiles #thisiswindjamming #sailmainecoast2021 #betterdaysahead #visitmaine #booknowtravellater ⛵️ Reserve your 2021 adventure on the @schoonermaryday today: 📸: @fjleblanc - @mwa_fleet on Instagram

Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didnt do than those you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from safe harbor. Catch the wind in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. -Mark Twain . . #picoftheday📷 #instagood #sailinglife #yatch #boatinlake #boating #sunset #sunsetboat #summertime #instasailing #naturephotography #adventuretime #sailingyatch #yatch #sailingphotography #catamaran #catamaransailing #sailinginstagram #blue #sailingworld #sailingpassion #getoutshoottoronto - on Instagram

- Camden, Maine

Get away with the new Dufour 530 ____________________________ Evadez-vous avec le nouveau Dufour 530 #instinctivesailing #d530 - on Instagram

Summer sailing is fast approaching, dont forget to get your entries in! RYC Musto & Marine Deals Spring Regatta & Gold Cup Race 2020 is 2 weeks away! Victoria Friday Night Special 2020 / 2021 is 3 weeks away! Coolstore Single Handed Series 2020 / 2021 is 3 weeks away! CRC, New World & Sailutions Wednesday Night Series 2020 - 2021 is just over 3.5 weeks away! .... not that were counting or anything... - @richmondycnz on Instagram

Very happy to have gotten the chance to crew on Lydia (1956, all original rigging) for the Master Mariners this weekend. Second place despite a few injuries and slowly sinking. - @howesp on Instagram

Las embarcaciones Meerblick (1917), Giraldilla (1963) y Rossina di Mare (1961) se han adjudicado hoy la quinta edición de la Regata Clásicos Club de Mar en las clases Época, Clásicos y RI Clásicos, repectivamente. La prueba, que ha constado de una recorrido costero de 11 millas náuticas, se ha desarrollado desde este mediodía hasta primera hora de la tarde en la Bahía de Palma bajo la organización del Club de Mar Mallorca y con un viento de componente sur que ha oscilado entre los siete nudos de los primeros compases de la travesía y los 12 que soplaban en el momento de la entrada del último clasificado. Más info: / Fotos: Nico Martínez. - @gacetanautica on Instagram

- Boats & Ships

Otherside Soft mountain tops light up in blue mountains national Park and our crystal blue rivers. - @ray.chau on Instagram

Why stay only one night when you can receive amazing add-ons on your two, three or four night stay in beautiful Lake Louise! ⛰️ Book through our Fall Into the Rockies Promotion and enjoy complimentary add-ons like breakfast on us, room upgrades and more! Book this fantastic autumn promotion using the link in our bio! 📷: @davidguenther - - - - - - #lakelouise #justlakeit #crmr #banff #seizetherockies #banffnationalpark #mybanff #canada #travel #rockies #mountain #nature #ExploreCanada #travelalberta #alberta #explorealberta #vacation #holiday #explore #adventure #wanderlust #adventureseeker #goexplore #wonderfulplaces #roomwithaview #hotellife #luxuryhotels #besthotels #seekmoments #optoutside - @deerlodge__ll on Instagram

Happy new week sweethearts ☀️ • • • 🌿 #nature #toptags #theoutdoorfolk #nature_lovers #nature_brillianceasw #ff_nature #naturephotography #natureshots #outdoors #nature_good #getoutside #earthgallery #tree_magic #tree #colors #clouds #natureworld_photography #beautyofnature #naturesfinest #in2nature #ig_naturelovers #ig_nature #skylovers #natureswonder #ig_naturevibes #ig_worldclub #world_shotz #naturegram #mothernature - @m__a__h__m__o__u__d on Instagram

Who would you take with you if you had the chance to go on this elegant boat?🧡⚓️ • • 📸 @classicskum #seahelsinki #woodenboat #finnisharchipelago - @seahelsinki on Instagram

Alle Jahre wieder...😉🌲 #Dresden - @dresden_stagram on Instagram

•Fotograf📸: @vlad.max •Locație📌: Palatul Culturii din Iași ❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄ ,,Cel care se minunează de frumusețea lumii vara, va găsi motive egale de uimire și admirație iarnă. În timpul iernii stelele par mai strălucitoare, luna mai triumfătoare, iar cerul mai aproape ca oricând. – John Burroughs ❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄❄ #palatulculturii #palatulculturiiiasi #palatulculturii🏰 #iasi #iasicity #iași #iasiromania #iaşi #photography #photoshoot #photographer #romania #romania🇹🇩 #romaniamagica #ig_romania #ig_europe #travel #travelphotography #travelblogger #travelgram #travelromania #photographyeveryday #promovezromania #romaniapitoreasca #romaniateiubesc #likeforlikes #FollowMe #HaiînRomânia #Româniameaefrumoasă❤ - @romaniameaefrumoasa on Instagram

Don’t forget your keys and face mask when you visit our dealership. From now until further notice, it is a condition of entry that people 12 years of age and over wear a face covering or face mask. As per the direction from the Victorian Government. VACC in conjunction with the Victorian Government have confirmed that Automotive supply is regarded as a necessary/essential service, and we are permitted to continue operating throughout Victoria’s Stage 3 restrictions. For more information, visit As we continue to closely monitor the coronavirus situation and advice from Government and health authorities, we would like to reassure all customers that we are taking the necessary precautions in order to protect our team, our customers and the greater community, as well as continuing to operate and deliver the high standard of service that we are known for. View our latest announcement here: To book your next Volkswagen service call (03) 8832 7888 or visit For all sales enquiries or to book a test drive call (03) 8832 7888 or visit Bookings are essential. - @doncastervolkswagen on Instagram

La pointe du Roc #destinationgranvilleterreetmer #destinationmanche #destinationnormandie #destinationcotentin #granvillenormandie #granvilletourisme #granvilleterreetmertourisme #granvilleterreetmer #granville #baiedumontsaintmichel #cotentin #cestbeaulamanche #cestbeaulanormandie #attitudemanche #jaimelamanche #jaimelecotentin #jaimelanormandie #latitudemanche #manchetourisme #tourisme_normandie #tourisminnormandie #manche #normandie #portdegranville #normandietourisme #voiliers #monacodunord #echapeesbelles - @granville_chausey on Instagram

Мы очень ждем выходные, потому что в это воскресенье проводим последний перед финалом этап Кубка Силы ветра Петербург. Но вообще хотели вам напомнить, что поучаствовать в Кубке можно и в том случае, если все предыдущие этапы вы пропустили. Главное — собрать команду и быть готовыми кайфовать от адреналиновых гонок, так что зовите друзей и присоединяйтесь. Победители воскресного этапа получат медали, игристое вино и подарки от наших партнеров — буше, Brave Goodies и Cultura Coffee Roasters. Пишите нам директ — расскажем все подробности ⛵️ #silavetraspb #silavetra #РоссияИзДомаПетербург - @silavetraspb on Instagram

When the mayor comes around, you know the event is a big deal! Thanks to the city of Bridgeport’s Mayor @joeganim who stopped by the Bridgeport Harbor Marina on the weekend for our first ever boat show. Joe Ganim arrived in style in a 435cc @evergladesboats boat and had a wonderful time. It was also his first time riding a fliteboard! A great way to end the weekend. . . . . . #getnautibridgeport #boatinglife #boatingfun #coronabeer #boatinglifestyle #boatingseason #firehousegrill #tworoads #boatingday #boatingworld #boatingdays #fliteboard #boatingallday #bridgeport #connecticut #lamborghini #mayorjoeganim #boatingseason2020 #boatingadventures #graywhale #boatingfamily #boattest #boatingstorage #BoatingTrip #boatingbridgeport #boatingsafety #titosvodka #boatingwithfriends #boatingparty #bridgeportharbormarina - @bridgeportharbormarina on Instagram

#Repost @tylerfields_photography . The 257/78m Barque GUAYAS | A training ship of the Ecuadorian Navy. ⛵ - @rdv2017 on Instagram

#italiantravelblogger #italiantravelers #artisticphotos #memoriesphoto #photos2020 #beachflash #artisticview #lifesrylebloggers #bloggeritalia #sealovers #photos2020 #photonature #lovesea #lighthousephotography #image_by_rob - @image_by_rob on Instagram

Snowy Street in Amsterdam, Netherlands ❄️ - @damdamlovers on Instagram

During the month of October, CMM is offering FOUR public cruises on the Dee of St. Marys. Join us and experience the Patuxent River aboard an iconic Chesapeake Bay Skipjack. ⛵ Click the link in bio to purchase tickets, but dont wait! One of our four cruises is already sold out! 📸 Photo credit: Glenn Thompson - @calvertmarinemuseum on Instagram

Its getting quiet out on the River, but there is still so much to enjoy! Come visit us this fall! #1000islands #visit1000islands #drinkny #drink1000islands #iloveny #ispyny #drink1000islands #thousandislands #saintlawrenceriver - @drink1000islands on Instagram

#Repost🏆👉 @reyhan_ree · · · · Good morning, let the new day find its way out of the chaos.... . ▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪ Admin: @maryna_ig_foto ▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪ Tag:#sunset_sunrise_beautiful ▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎ . #bodensee_de #bodensee_eu #bodenseeliebe #sunsetgram #sunsethub #ig_sunset #ig_skyvibes #abendrot #abendröte #burningsky #burning_sky #sipplingenambodensee #meinbodensee #shadowhunters #güneşbatımı #lichtundschatten #live_your_sunsets #shadowphotography #lagodiconstanza #tramonto_magnifico #tramonti #sonnenuntergang🌅#bodenseeferien #treasurethemoments #preciousmoments #ig_skyvibes #ig_sunset #skysun_friends #sunset #ichliebediesenausblick - @sunset_sunrise_beautiful on Instagram

It was exciting to watch the newly restored Mayflower make her way through the Cape Cod Canal this morning on her way to Plymouth Harbor. #mayflower2 #mayflower2020 #plimothpatuxet #mayflowership #plymouthma @officialmayflower @plimothpatuxet @plymouth_400 @plymouthareachamberofcommerce @mariaallenwrites - @southshorehls on Instagram

Photo by @faresyoussry #fatnasisland#lake#sunset #lakesunset#palmtrees#clouds#sky#nature #naturelovers#naturephotography#reflection #westerndesert#siwa#siwaoasis#egypt #amazingegypt#experienceegypt #liveloveegypt#everydayegypt #thisisegypt#egyptshots #visitegypt#photooftheday#photography #beautifuldestinations #wonderful _ places #nationalgeographic#naturelover#amazingsiwa - @natgeo.egypt on Instagram

So that’s what the coast looks like from up above . . . Photo by: @carlsverre #supernaturalbritishcolumbia #supernaturalbc #destination #destinationbc #destinationbritishcolumbia #travel #travelbc #travelcanada #travelbritishcolumbia #explore #explorebc #exploremore #explorecanada #explorationgram #beautifulbritishcolumbia #drone #dronestagram #sunshinecoastbc #lovewhereilive #view #views #lovewhereyoulive #outdoors #getoutdoorsmore - @gibsonsvisitorcentre on Instagram

Flautenrace 🐒💨⠀ ⠀ #netzboot vs. #zeesboot⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #alteboote #braunesegel #classicboats #darss #fischland #fischlanddarss #wustrow #althagen #segeln #segelboot #sailing #sailingboat #entdeckedeutschland #aufnachmv #mvtutgut #weroamgermany #germanroamers #meinseenland #Ostsee #ostseeküste #balticsea #visitgermany #tradition #traditionundbrauchtum - @hugosebwi on Instagram

Cozy up now that sweater weather is right around the corner with our Vintage Men & Women Fall/Winter 20 boots. 👞✨VintageFoundryCo #VintageFoundry - @vintagefoundryco on Instagram

Nuit reposante - @morlaixmaville on Instagram

8mR World Cup at Hankø #sailingstagram #sailing #regatta #sailingphotography #artofsailing #wallart #nikondeutschland #yachtlive #sail #photo #sailorsworld #secretsailing #classicboat #8mr #norge #hankø - @ts_sail on Instagram

Its an understatement to say were excited to welcome Quantum Sails Zenda to the family! This marks an incredible opportunity to better serve Quantum Melges customers and all Melges sailors worldwide with greater design collaboration, stronger class expertise, and a unified commitment to excellent customer service. Read more with the link in our bio. - @quantumsails on Instagram

Well, we finally figured out what’s in the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow! #lotsofspirit Thanks to @portimages for capturing! #ONaboat #potofgold #kennebunkport - @thespiritrestaurant on Instagram

#𝗧𝗜𝗣𝗦𝗣𝗥𝗢𝗧𝗘𝗖𝗔𝗥 . ELIGE una lámina de seguridad de número de micra alto para que te brinde mayor resistencia y seguridad. . . . . #Protecar #automovil #auto #autos #car #cars #motor #carro #autom #vehiculos #motos #automotriz #vil #laminasdeseguridad #segurodefaros #segurodearo #segurodeespejo #alarmadeauto #taller #peru #vehiculo #accesorios #instacars #ford #mecanica #chevrolet #toyota #accesoriosparaautos - @protecarperu on Instagram

Sail into Labor Day in style! @sailwhenandif still has a few opening this week! 305-697-1024 - @sunsetsailsalem on Instagram

ABI is a 215 motorsailer designed and built by Manny Palomo of New Bedford, Massachusetts. Educated as a jeweler and trained as a boatbuilder, Manny took inspiration from several historic American workboat types in ABIs design.⠀ .⠀ 📖 Link in bio⠀ 📷 @woodenboatphotographer⠀ ✍️ Christian Smith⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #woodenboats #woodenboat #boats #boating #boatlife #dreamboat #boatbuilder #boatbuilding #woodenboatbuilding #onthewater #accesstoexperience #boats #boatsboatsboats #schooner #sailing #sailboat #yacht #runabout #regatta #sailinglife #boatinglife #boatsofinstagram #boatlovers #boatrestoration - @woodenboatmagazine on Instagram

The Mitsubishi #ASX is the ideal home away from home - equipped with a big screen, all the latest tech and plenty of space for friends, family and cargo. #MitsubishiMotors #MitsubishiMotorsAustralia #MitsubishiASX #BuiltToPackLifeIn - @mitsubishiaust on Instagram

Preserving the Onrust is a costly endeavor. Maintenance work for this type of vessel is a nearly year-round effort. Thank you for your assistance to help preserve an important part of the Connecticut River history. If youd like to help today, go to our website: #onrust #ctriver #ctnature - @ctrivermuseum on Instagram

We are so excited to announce we plan on opening for sails July 9th! Tickets on sail now! We have re-imagined our operations for safe and healthy trips for all! Link in bio - @chlboston on Instagram

- Bar Harbor Maine

So many vessels came to pay their respects to the Wagner family at yesterday’s sailpast. The joy of seeing familiar friends, the weather parting, and the tributes people offered were incredibly moving. Thank you everyone who joined us online and/or on the water. More photos and video to come. . . 📷: @emiljanderson - @cwbheritage on Instagram

Absolutely stunning! Cant wait to do this again next year! #Repost @downeastmagazine • • • • • • Penobscot Bay This photo captures some of the magic of a summer solstice sunrise sail on Penobscot Bay aboard the @schoonerolad. . 📷 Submitted by @carterjonesmeyer into our 6th annual #DownEastReaderPhotoContest. Submit your own Maine photos and vote for your favorites at Link in bio! ☝️ . Special thanks to the @nrcmenvironment for sponsoring this years contest. . #MainePhotography #DownEastMagazine #ReaderPhotoContest #PhotographyContest #MaineLife #PenobscotBay #PhotoContest #Maine #MaineSunrise #SchoonerOlad #SummerInMaine #SummerSolstice #SunriseSail #camden #camdenmaine #sailing #sailboat #midcoastmaine #woodenboats #woodensailboats #schooners #schoonerolad #cutterowl #penobscotbay #daysail - @schoonerolad on Instagram

- Travel destinations

KIEL WEEK 👏⛵ Did you know Kiel was the first German city to commit to going zero #waste? ♻ We too are committed to reducing waste - by #upcycling waste and making our products recyclable, we contribute to a #circular economy 💚 Last year alone we recycled 160,000 tonnes of stone wool! 🙌 #ThisFutureRocks #kielerwoche #kielweek #recycling #circularity #circulareconomy #zerowaste #sailing #sailgp #sailboat @sailgpden @kielerwochesailing - @rockwool_group on Instagram

Coming or Going. It’s a 76’ long thoroughbred. Designed by Joel White, naval architect. Built at Brooklin Boatyard in Brooklin, Maine. Can you hear the thundering of the herd? It’s your stampede to victory and to the podium, in New England, the Caribbean, and the Western Mediterranean Sea: Spain, Monaco, France and Italy. “Wild Horses” has done over 1000 starts in the past 22 Years, with over 300 wins in the Spirit of Tradition division. Now it’s your turn. What are you doing the next 20 years? Seriously for sale at only 1/3 of its replacement cost. Brand new 2019 North Sails 3Di gold mainsail and blade. Delivers on its own bottom with six in crew, to Bermuda, the Caribbean, and back and forth to Europe with a set delivery sails. #wildhorses #wclassyachtcompany #76ftyacht #sailing #sailingusa #sailingnewport #sailingcapitaloftheworld#sparkmanstephensbrokerage #yachting #sailinglife #sailing #yachting #woodenboats #woodenboatsarebetter #classicboats Photo by George Bekris - @sparkman_and_stephens on Instagram

A może morze? 😁 Zdjęcie autorstwa @marcin_nalepka #gdansk #statek #noc #swiatla #morze #budynek #zdjecie #baltyk #pictures_from_poland #wybrzeze #fotografia #ilovegdansk #polska #gdańsk #woda #sea #night #balticsea #baltic #photo #lights #trojmiasto #pomorze #wiosna #spring #waves #canal - @pictures_from_poland on Instagram

- @zapatapatata29 on Instagram

Our new OnWatch training is now live! OnWatch is a survivor-led and informed training designed to empower you to spot, report, and prevent sex trafficking where you live, work, and play. Through true survivor experiences, industry experts explain the key signs of trafficking and how you can empower a survivors path to freedom. Click the link in our bio to start the free training! #IAmOnWatch - @iamonwatch on Instagram

- X-mas never ends in Quebec City, Canada. I was looking for Santa but he didnt show up. Haha

Good morning 🔆. Happy Sunday🍁 📸➡️@itworksforbobbi - @medicinehat360 on Instagram

Town Creek, Alabama as captured on camera by @creeksidephotography thanks for the great submission. Tag us or use #naturalalabama to be featured! #naturalalabama #mothernature #naturelovers #nature #instanature #naturephotography #travel #hiking #lifestyle #explore #adventure #alabamaadventure #alabamagram #letsroamalabama #roamalabama #letsexplorealabama #explorealabama #alabamaphotographer #alabamanature #hikealabama #gulfshores #alabamaexplored #alabamacaptured #alabamastate #alabama #beautifulalabama - @naturalalabama on Instagram

La insularidad en su mínima expresión ¿Reconoces esta pequeña isla de nuestro archipiélago? . . . 📷 @cata_aguila_ . #Chiloe #chiloeisland #paisajerural #patrimoniomundial #instachiloe #chiloegram #rural #chiloerural #Paisajecultural #landscape #surdechile #decimaregion #chile #thisischile #archipielago #paisaje #cultura #patrimonio #woodarchitecture - @adondevaschiloe on Instagram

Bei diesem Anblick möchte man die Zeit anhalten! 🌅😍 Diese wunderschöne Aufnahme steht exemplarisch für die zahlreichen farbenprächtigen Sonnenuntergänge, die wir in diesem Sommer von unserem Aussichtsturm erleben konnten. 📸💚 ❗️ Nicht verpassen ❗️ Heute verlängern wir zum letzten Mal in diesem Jahr unsere Öffnungszeiten: 🕣️ bis 20:30 Uhr, letzter Einlass auf den Baumwipfelpfad um 19:00 Uhr. 🌳 📸 @george.moments #sonnenuntergang #sundown #abendrot #blauestunde #freierblick #aussichtsturm #fotografie #fotomotiv #sonnenlicht #feierabend #denabendgenießen #rausindienatur #spaziergang #wanderlust #soticktnatur #naturpur #baumwipfelpfad #baumwipfelpfadrügen #prora #binzerbucht #ostseebadbinz #inselrügen #aufnachmv - @naturerbezentrumruegen on Instagram

Today we celebrate Finnish Nature Day! 🌲 The northern nature is an endless source of inspiration, one of the foundations of the Finnish economy and a place of both activities and relaxation. Spending time outdoors, whether that be sports of various kinds, camping or picking berries and mushrooms, is near and dear to many Finns. 🏕️🍄🚴 #thisisfinlandofficial #finland #finnish #finnishnature #lifeinfinland #suomenluonnonpäivä #nature - @thisisfinlandofficial on Instagram

⛵️•𝙴 𝚙𝚞𝚛 𝚜𝚒 𝚖𝚞𝚘𝚟𝚎...•🐢 #dinghy #baratti #dinghysailing #golfodibaratti #piombino #toscana #vessel #sailing #sailinglife #sailingboat #sailingpassion #sailingyacht #sealife #sea #sealovers #seaside #seaview #seal #seascape - @mettiubeche on Instagram

Here is Fern, an Aage Nielsen design built side by side with Northern Crown in 1955 at Walsted Baadevaerft in Denmark. . Photo: @billyblackphoto Inspiration: @tylerfields_photography Restorations: @rockportmarine #woodenboats #boatbuilding - @rockportmarine on Instagram

This Sunday (8/2) celebrate shipbuilding with Maine Maritime Museum and Bath Iron Works! From 10 am to 2 pm, join us at the city dock in Waterfront Park in Bath for FREE tours of the museum’s flagship, the 1906 schooner Mary E. #fortheloveofbath - @mainemaritimemuseum on Instagram

The oldtown of Freudenberg is one of the most beautiful oldtowns we have in NRW. Some of the cute half-timbered houses were already there in the 11th century. The town borders Rheinland-Pfalz (our southern neighbor federal state), it is located in the Siegerland and it isn’t far away from Olpe. Freudenberg is very beautiful all over the year but especially in winter when there’s snow like in this picture by @boardshortslife❄️ . . . . #allaboutadventures #shewhowanders #mountaingirl #girlsborntotravel #andshesdopetoo #sheadventures #girlsaroundworld #starttheadventure #sheisnotlost #finditliveit #yourpassport #weltenbummler #fernweh #lovetraveling #reisenfuerweltentdecker #inspravel #wearetravelgirls #neuehorizonte #reiseblogger #reiseblog #neverstopexploring #travelblogger #digitalnomadgirls #collectmomentsnotthings #welovetoexplore #adventureculture #rsa_outdoors #fuerglobi #hatshotsarmy #weroamgermany [...] - @travel_nrw on Instagram

- Boat drawing simple

#Repost @unlimitedireland • • • • • unlimitedireland ® Presets UNLIMITED IRELAND ® ☘️ 📸: @shane.g.ireland 📍: #galway SELECTED BY| @curious.illusion 🌟 FOLLOW US l @unlimitedireland TAG US l #unlimitedireland #ireland ____________________________________________ Love Scotland ? ♥️ 🏴 Follow us @unlimitedscotland ! ♥️ 🏴 ____________________________________________ Love Poland ? ♥️ 🇵🇱 Follow us @unlimited.poland ! ♥️ 🇵🇱 ____________________________________________ Love Great Britain? ♥️ 🇬🇧 Follow us @unlimitedbritain ! ♥️ 🇬🇧 ____________________________________________ FAMILY HUBS @unlimitedhubs 🌎 ____________________________________________AMBASSADORS 🎖 for some of the best traveller photos of Ireland @daroo_36 🌟 @curious.illusion 🌟 @jkennedy_irlphotography 🌟 @loudare 🌟 @dcphotographyzone 🌟 @annipanni15 🌟 ____________________________________________ Become an ambassador @unlimitedambassadors 🎖 Link in bio ____________________________________________ ADMINS @ramseyselim @daroo_36 @curious.illusion ____________________________________________ #ireland #photography #photo #photographer #photooftheday #travelphotography #nature #naturephotography #landscape #landscapephotography #dji #dronephotography #travelireland #beautifulireland #touristattraction ☘️ - @irelandsbestphotos on Instagram

- Chesapeake Bay

- ITAP off the coast of Cape Ann

⛵Once a Pirate...Always a Pirate 👣 credit: @jgearbrand and @justoceans777 #pirate #sunday #stpetersburg #piratesofthecaribbean #sailing #sailor #justsailboats #gulfofmexico #justoceans777 #jgearbrand #sunny #florida #westmarine #theburg #stpete - @justsailboats on Instagram

@centerparcs_lac_ailette depuis le ciel ! 💚 On en prend plein la vue ! 😍 📸 Merci à @aurelienminozzi d’avoir partagé avec nous cette belle perspective ! #jaimelaisne #departementdelaisne #hautsdefrance #hautsdefrancetourisme #picardie #france #francetourisme #francetourism #tourismefrance #photooftheday #photographers #photography #landscape #landscapephotography #nature #naturelovers #naturephotography #naturephotographer #naturephotography📷 #centerparcs - @jaimelaisne on Instagram

- 15 metre

An exquisite example of a Vertue, FLYING FISH was built in Maine by Jack Bassett, who launched her in 2010 after eight years singlehanded work (see WB No. 230). A number of Vertues have been home-built by individuals, over time, with extraordinary skill and tenacity.⠀ .⠀ 📖 Link in bio⠀ 📷 @woodenboatphotographer⠀ ✍️ Roger Robinson⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #woodenboats #woodenboat #boats #boating #boatlife #dreamboat #boatbuilder #boatbuilding #woodenboatbuilding #onthewater #accesstoexperience #boats #boatsboatsboats #schooner #sailing #sailboat #yacht #runabout #regatta #sailinglife #boatinglife #boatsofinstagram #boatlovers #boatrestoration #craftsmanship #woodworking #carpentry #vertue - @woodenboatmagazine on Instagram

Christchurch reflections. This was taken the day after that lovely mackerel sky sunset a couple of weeks ago. We only went back because my friend thought shed dropped her filters. Im glad we did, got some different shots again and this amazing reflection. No sign of the filters though! #christchurch #christchurch quay #reflections #boats #dorset #visitdorsetofficial #lovemudeford #lovexchurch #lovefordorset #exploredorset #igersdorset #dramatic_dorset #capturingbritain #scenicbritain #thisprettyengland #britains_talent #1ukshot #gloriousbritain - @christinedownsouth on Instagram

Recognizable bow. Great yacht photography for your home or office available from @silkengallery online or in our Newport gallery. Opening at 10am EST today. #interior #framedphoto #interiordesign #nauticalinteriors #designer #oceanhome #seasidehome #beachhouse #boathouse #islandhome #summerhome #secondhome #beachy #beachstyle #nauticalstyle #jclass #ranger #hanuman #yacht #yachting #sailingphotography #sailinglovers #sailing #boatpictures #boatporn #marinephotography #marineart #classicyacht #newport #lilrhody - @silkenphoto on Instagram

Have you been to @marthasvineyard island ? Press like if you love MV + tag friends/family ⛵🏖 : : : #marthasvineyard #island #edgartown #oakbluffs #vineyardhaven #massachusetts #aquinnah #chilmark #westtisbury #capecod #travelphotography #travel #usa #boat #naturephotography #newengland #dog #dogsofinstagram (photo @bigwhiskey34 ) Submit your photo! Tag #marthasvineyard - @marthasvineyard on Instagram

Montanregion Erzgebirge/Kruąnohoří UNESCO Welterbe seit 2019 Die grenzübergreifende Bergbauregion ist die einzige Landschaft in der Welt, die die vielschichtigen Epochen des Erzbergbaus vom 12. bis ins 20. Jahrhundert und ihre weitweiten Einflüsse aufzeigt. Bergwerke, Erzaufbereitungen, Landschaften und Bergstädte machen die Geschichte und Bedeutung über- und untertage erlebbar. © Jens Kugler, Greg, Phototron, Stadt Marienberg/360grad-team #erzgebirgebewegt #wirsindwelterbe #welterbedeutschland #shareculture #shareourHeritage #UNESCO #visitgermany #Welterbeverbindet #weareworldheritage - @welterbedeutschland on Instagram

Win a virtual interactive PDSD course with @SovrenNauticalAcademy worth €180! 😮 in partnership with @thesuperyachtchef Entering is easy, just head to @sovrennauticalacademy and follow us, and of course @thesuperyachtchef and tag three other yachties below. ⛴ . Sharing the post to your stories and tagging both accounts and #yachtcrewtraining gets them an extra 2 entries!!! . ➡The winner will be announced Monday 5th October and you will have 6 months to complete the course. Terms and conditions apply #win #competition #belowdeck #bravo #sustainability #yachtie #yachtcrew #winning #yachtstew #yachtchef #yachtcaptain #yachtieinspired #belowdecktv #realitytv #yachtlife #pdsd #yachttraining #yachtie #superyacht - @sovrennauticalacademy on Instagram

SAMANTHE, launched in 1972, was designed by Robert H. Baker. At just 26 on deck, she has a large cockpit and a confined interior, yet her proportions and beauty are hard for anyone to deny. She was featured in WoodenBoats Save a Classic department in WB No. 274, and is currently being refurbished—including new keel timber, new decks, and new engine—at First Light Boatworks in Chatham, Massachusetts. Learn more about pocket schooners in WB No. 254.⠀ .⠀ 📖 Link in bio⠀ 📷 @woodenboatphotographer⠀ ✍️ Lawrence W. Cheek⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #woodenboats #woodenboat #boats #boating #boatlife #dreamboat #boatbuilder #boatbuilding #woodenboatbuilding #onthewater #accesstoexperience #boats #boatsboatsboats #schooner #sailing #sailboat #yacht #runabout #regatta #sailinglife #boatinglife #boatsofinstagram #boatlovers #boatrestoration #pocketschooner - @woodenboatmagazine on Instagram

From socially distanced outdoor team building activities to mindful spa experiences, @mohonkmountainhouse has everything your corporate retreat needs for a relaxed, bonding experience. Best Venues New York shows you why Mohonk Mountain House is perfect for your next corporate retreat. Link in BIO. #teambuildingactivity #corporateevents #nyevents - @bestvenuesnyc on Instagram

#szczecin #igers_szczecin #thebestofszczecin #mojemiastoszczecin #Infoludek #visitszczecin #lecenaszczecin #szczecininspiruje #photopoland #world_of_poland #lubiepolske #citykillerz #sonyalpha7 #sonyimages #sonyphotoshoot #polskawobiektywie #darmlodziezy #ships #igers_poland #creativeoptics #agameoftones #yourshotphotography #photographyart #gramvisions #visualperfectionists #visualslayers #captured_treasures #captured_insta - @inneobrazy_agatajankowska on Instagram

Happy Labor Day weekend! Thank you for sailing with us at #PortlandSchoonerCo ... We love this beautiful photo from @dominictrapaniphotography of Wendameen sailing past the Ram Island Ledge Lighthouse. ... #maine #sailPortlandSchoonerCo #portlandschoonercompany #schoonerwendameen #portlandmaine #mainecoast #mainelighthouse #maineinvites #mainething #exploremaine #maine_igers #igersmaine #igersnewengland #ignewengland #exploremore #mainephotography #vitaminsea #VisitPortland #CascoBay #laborday #sundayfunday - @portlandschoonerco on Instagram

#repost @sarasota_florida 📸 @kylesupernova ~~~~~~~~ To submit use #sarasota_florida, DM me, and or Tag me in your post! Like our New Facebook Page: Sarasota Florida Features~~~~~~~ #sarasota #sarasotaflorida #florida #sarasotacounty #sunset #beach #siestakey #sunshinestate #follow #southflorida #centralflorida #loveflorida #visitflorida #lovefl #floridarealestate #puntagorda_fl #landforsale #fl #palmtrees #redsky #blueskies #venice #bradenton #siestakeybeach #gulfofmexico #gulf #lido #paradise southwestflorida - @southwestflorida on Instagram

🔺 Love of the day 06.07.2020 🔺 We bring a new grid of Travel Photography from Germany by : @frederikschindler . . 🔺 𝙋𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙤𝙜𝙧𝙖𝙥𝙝𝙮 𝘽𝙮 : @frederikschindler . . @frederikschindler says Sweden near Berlin. The more I discover around home, the more I wonder why I should travel to the other side of the world. This place is just 60 minutes from my home and I live in the middle of Berlin. . . #germanytravel #germanytrip #weroamabroad #landschaftsfotografie #tree_captures #stayandwander #buildings #weroamgermany #dronephotography #suisse #outdooradventures #germanytourism #beautifuldestinations #landscapephotography #visitgermany #germanroamers #weroamgermany #folktravel #tessin #nature #nomadict #outdoortones #createexplore #stademagazine #rsa_outdoors #folkgreen #folkscenery #folkgood . . 🔺 Tag #momentions and #momentions_10 & @momentions_10 for a chance to be featured 🔥 🔺 Thanks for the love 🔺 Thanks for sharing 🔺 Congratulations on your last feature, for now🔥 🔺 DO CHECK OUT HIS ACCOUNT✌️🙃 - @momentions_10 on Instagram

If you’re following the #NewStyle calendar, today is the day 400 years ago that the Pilgrims left Plymouth, England on the #Mayflower to start their historic trans-Atlantic journey. “They put to sea again with a prosperous wind...” {William Bradford, Of Plymouth Plantation} #mayflower #pilgrims #plimothpatuxet #williambradford #ofplymouthplantation #plymouth #plimoth @officialmayflower - @plimothpatuxet on Instagram

Awesome racing day today for the Jr. sailors of the Barnegat Bay! 📸➪ @luke_dunton #tomsriver#tomsrivernj#tomsriverlocal#tomsrivertownship#tomsriverrocks#tomsriveronline#islandheightsnj#islandheights#islandheightsyachtclub#beachwoodnj#beachwoodyachtclub#pinebeachnj#pinebeachyachtclub#oceangate#oceangatenj#oceangateyachtclub#seasidepark#seasideparknj#seasideparkyachtclub#barnegatbay#barnegatbayyachtracingassociation#08753#ussailing#jerseyshore#jerseyshorehouse#jerseyshorelocal#exit82 - @toms_river_nj on Instagram

Mit 4 Booten waren wir am Start bei der Forggensee Rund um Regatta am letzten Samstag⛵😎 #Regatta #forggensee #segeln #Segelschuleimallgäu #schön #sommersprosse #Edelweiß #Honeymoon #Pinocchio #Segellehrerleben - @forggensee_yachtschule on Instagram

Make your customers’ booking experience a breeze and coast through any season with FareHarbor! - @fareharbor on Instagram

💨•𝙻𝚒𝚋𝚎𝚌𝚌𝚒𝚘•🌊 #baratti #golfodibaratti #toscana #piombino #livorno #mare #libeccio #settembre - @mettiubeche on Instagram

Empress Year Built: 1928 Place Built: Arnside Home Port: Maldon Builder: Crossfield OGA no 1473 Photo credit Tony Pickering #empress #gaffer #oga #oldgaffers #oldgaffersassociation #arnside #maldon - @oldgaffersassociation on Instagram

With the #1 Automotive Brand Loyalty in the Industry, its not hard to see why our customers choose and love Subaru! Learn more about the J.D. Power 2020 U.S. Automotive Brand Loyalty Study, Learn more: - @piazzasubarulimerick on Instagram

September may have arrived, but summer is far from over. Share your summer snaps with us using #TributeToSummer to be in with a chance of winning a staycation in Cornwall. Find out more via the link in our bio. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ . - @st_austell_brewery on Instagram

Volvo Car Financial Services, in collaboration with HDFC Bank, is all set to make financing easier and loans approval faster so you can focus on bringing home a Volvo with more joy. Click the link in our bio to start. - @volvocarsin on Instagram

Elena sen va en mer @villecannes @regatesroyalescannes 📸CFPhotography06 ----All Right Reserved On My Pics if you want share my pics, tag me or contact me---- #cannesnow #cannes #cannesisyours #instacannes #ilovecannes #paca #frenchriviera #CFPhotography📸 #streetphoto #streetphotography #frenchriviera #bluesky #photooftheday #followme #landscapes #voilier #bealpha #sonyalpha7iii #a7iii #sonyphotography #picoftheday #streetart ##streetartphoto #regate #portdecannes #regatesroyalescannes #regatesroyales #bateau #voilierelena - @cfphotography06 on Instagram

The Tall Ships Challenge Ontario Tour will be returning to Midland Harbour August 9-11, with historic fun and entertainment for the entire family. Get your tickets today, link in bio! - @midlandtourism on Instagram

Sailing into the weekend, with a new season off in the horizon. Whatever your plans, enjoy! _ _ _ _ _ #sailing #schooner #aroundtheharbor #coastalmaine #portlandmaine #aroundsunset #mainephotography #maineisbeautiful #newengland_igers #newengland #scenesofnewengland #bestofthepinetreestate #bestoftheusa_seasons #onthewater #newenglandcoast #mainecoast #summervibes #rhodeisland_igers #igersnewengland #mynewengland #horizon #seascape - @dd4.images on Instagram

Eine Seefahrt die ist lustig, eine Seefahrt die ist schön ... 🎼🎵🎵🎶 So geht es auch übers Wasser. @rolandfotodn #nikonfotografie @moinwedel #anna - @rolandfotodn on Instagram

*CONTEST CLOSED* Congratulations to Dennis S. from Maine! - @sebascoharbor on Instagram

Reposted from @experiencesimcoecounty Make your summer historic, with a visit to @discoveryharbour - now open to visitors Thursday to Sunday, with safety protocols in place and restricted access to some parts of the site.Find all the details at While you’re there, grab a bite at @captain_roberts_table, now under new ownership by the brilliant folks behind @mad.cravings and @georgianbakery *Remember that when you enter into a public indoor space or use a public transit service in Simcoe County, you are required to wear a face covering. Physical distancing also remains a requirement. @heartofgbay @sgbchamber @penetanguishene #experiencesimcoecounty #simcoecounty #penetanguishene #historicsite #history #heritage #livinghistory #museum #britishhistory #warof1812 #canadianhistory #navalhistory #militaryhistory - #regrann @penetanguishene @ontariotravel - @brucegreysimcoe on Instagram