Springbok Games | Play That Beat 1000 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle 1000 New | Color: Brown | Size: Os


- Another puzzle piece cutting board

Shes A Classic

- #Autism #Nephew Rocks 3 ... TY for being a part of this special board I created for my Nephew

70 Artistic Puzzle Piece Tattoo Designs for Men [2024 Guide]


- Putting this together took no brains

Lady by the sea

- Awesome things

1500 Piece Adult Puzzles,Wooden Puzzle,Decompression Puzzle Entertainment Activities,Funny So...

zeno remake

- Autism Awareness

High Tea on the Balcony

Boy And Girl Spiderman Pfp

- Rock and roll Sunday...

The Birdbrain (Other)

FELIX GONZALEZ-TORRES Felix Gonzalez-Torres (b. Guáimaro, Cuba, 1957); The work of Felix Gonzalez-Torres is profoundly anchored to concepts of materiality, time, loss, regeneration, and generosity. #FelixGonzalezTorres @delacruzcollection 1. Postage stamp, 2020 2. Postage stamp, 2020 3. White mint candies in clear wrappers, endless supply, 1991 4. Letter from the artist, 1993 5. “These Times,” Postage stamp, 2020 THESE TIMES is a digital and printed stamp project of 50 artists I 50 institutions curated by @sandraantelosuarez, a project of TRANS, @trans_arts.cultures.media. Each gesture is an artwork made by artists as an immediate response to these times and a tribute to New York City, Ibero-America, Spain and Portugal. Our culture has been whipped with the plague, for which we honor every single being lost, the vulnerable and those facing difficulties in their daily lives. It was made possible through love, grief and solidarity. United more than ever, much love & hugs, IBERO- AMERICA, ESPAñA & PORTUGAL OUR CIVIC DUTY TO VOTE IS ONE OF THE POWERS WE HOLD TO END INEQUALITIES AND INJUSTICES IN THE WORLD #FelixGonzalezTorres #TheseTimes #DeLaCruzCollection #lovestamps #postagestampbyartists #ThesetimesStamps #TheseTimesForever #Transmag #SandraAnteloSuarez #Frieze #TogetherMoreThanEver - @these.times.forever on Instagram


Still not sure if had any fun doing this, but successfully killed time for a week - @4hands_nick on Instagram

Natures Medicine

- autism awareness


- Just finished this diamond painting I’m in love with it

Special moments - Kimika and Takuji

- All of the remaining puzzle pieces are solid blue

- hmmm

Exciting news: the Libbie Cowan Childcare Centre is opening on August 4 and there are a few limited spots available! We will be following new safety protocols put into place due to COVID-19 and we are so excited to have your toddlers back in the building! Please email tiffanyb@mnjcc.org if you have any questions or would like to register. ✨ - @milesnadaljcc on Instagram

Attack Detected


- This absolute unit of a puzzle piece

Kitten Art

- My puzzle is missing one piece and came with three extra pieces.

Hanging at the Shop 1000 Piece Puzzle - Quick Ship

- Puzzle Shop

Moja ukochana prawnuczka ,kopia swojej prababci

i love amy

My quarantine puzzle. #quarantinedays #quarantinechallenge #quarantinediaries #quarantinetime #quarantineactivities #quarantined2020 #puzzletime #puzzlesofinstagram #puzzleaddict #jigsawpuzzles #puzzlefun #kidsinquarantine #kidsinlockdown #kidsindoors - @mastercoeliac on Instagram


- This jigsaw has a difficulty rating of +cat


Jade Icon

- Autism Fabrics and Gifts

Ellas Puzzle

- Floor puzzle

Sharing The Load Of The Puzzle

#PorFinEsViernes y… ¡vuelve nuestro concurso semanal! 😍 Para participar: 1️⃣ Síguenos @borges_es 2️⃣ Dale al me gusta ❤️ 3️⃣ Deja un comentario con la respuesta correcta (A, B o C) Ayúdanos a encontrar la pieza que falta en la botella de vinagre balsámico de Módena y puedes llevarte uno de los 3 lotes de productos que sorteamos. 🎁 Tienes hasta el próximo 24/9 ¡Suerte! 😉 - @borges_es on Instagram

Section One Of The 100 Tile Puzzle Under Hummingbird59


m-flo lovesシリーズ再始動🥳皆さんアーティストの予想はつきましたか?新曲「tell me tell me」今夜3/6 0時より配信開始💛ジャケットはとんだ林蘭が手掛けたアートワーク🧩 m-flo ♡ @tondabayashiran #mflo #loves - @mflo_official on Instagram

Free stock photos - Rgbstock - Free stock images | Happy Puzzle

- puzzle jewelry

Female Hand Holding Puzzle Piece. Stock Photo - Image of jigsaw, build: 25481848

so cute

- 999 piece puzzles. 😠

- Autism Awareness

- Playing Cards

- Health News

- When the top of a puzzle piece breaks off


- Got a puzzle missing a piece but with a duplicate of another piece

- Finished with an extra piece..

- Designed by Esme - Hand Stamped Gifts

- Day 10 of quarantine... Corona virus, just take me.

- Photography Inspiration

Happiness. #puzzletime - @fiveeggsmeals on Instagram

- Funny anniversary cards

- Love wallpaper backgrounds

- I finally completed my puzzle only for this to happen

- Someone framed a puzzle and there is missing pieces!

#ContestAlert Alright mamas, this is a tough one! 🤷🏻♀️ But its high reward too 😍 Here are the rules! 1. Solve the puzzle in the comments below. 2. Follow @momandworld & tag 3 mom friends you think should follow us. 3. Share this post to your story with the answer! Only one lucky mommy will take home the products that this puzzle discloses! Get solving 💖🌸💫 #MomAndWorld #MomAndWorldLove #CareByNature - @momandworld on Instagram

- These are all the pieces I got.

- Adoption Day Party

Relic: puzzled. This is truly one of the most difficult puzzles I’ve ever done, in promotion of a really excellent horror movie you should check out. - @emilyvgordon on Instagram

- Wikipedia is now legal to lewd Happy Birthday Wiki-Chan

- FRIENDS calendar

- 1500 piece puzzle but one piece is missing.

- 300 pieces jigsaw puzzle

- Sorting through a puzzle and found an uncut piece

- Immersion

- Two of the same puzzle pieces in one 500 piece puzzle.

- Dont say anything... its her big insecurity!

- Babys first books

- couples keychain

- Design - Save the Date

- Autism

- Autism/Puzzle piece crafts

- Blursed were-rabbit

- Jigsaw Puzzle Collection

- Bought a star wars puzzle from buffalo games and it was missing a piece. Buffalo games sent me a new puzzle to make up for it which is also missing a piece

- @southwestern.railway on Instagram

Quarantine puzzles completed so far, with a special shout out to our puzzle helper Stevie @yellowfoodgirl @drewswack @theglittercove @lyndzi_lulu - @megsamermaidnow on Instagram

- Borrowed a puzzle from my parents place...

- puzzle piece crafts

- This jigsaw puzzle I bought that’s made in China replaced (poorly) the US flags with Chinese flags.

- Fuck...

- Autism Awareness

@golakehavasu turned my photo into a puzzle and this piece is my favorite part. Swipe to see the og photo. . . #Photo #photos #snapshot #art #picoftheday #photooftheday #color #exposure #composition #focus #capture #moment #photography #photo #photographer #artphotography - @taramtominaga.photo on Instagram

- Autism

♠️🃏 © . . . #queenofspades#joker#playcards#mother#motherandbaby#jokerbaby#quarantine#breasfeeding - @mahdieh.farhadkiaei on Instagram

- Adoption

Disney Puzzles are the best puzzles!!!! #disney #disneycruise #disneyworld #disneyland #walt #cruise #magic #dream #wonder #fantasy #vacation #grand #florida #california #easter #egg #water #travel #love #home #roadto1000 #walt #california #florida #pirate #night #fireworks #castle #walt #epcot #theme #amusement #puzzle - @disney_vacation_blog on Instagram

- This puzzle came with 3 extra but 2 missing pieces

Knowledge does not belong to an exclusive club. I feel pretty passionate about public and patient empowerment, that is partly why I set up this page. I want patients to be able to make informed decisions about their care. The archaic image of doctors singlehandedly dictating treatment is far outdated. Type the word ‘acne’ into Google and you get 211,000,000 hits. Type in ‘eczema’ and you get 37,100,000 hits. Whilst it’s incredible that we have access to this much information at our fingertips it is also easy to see why ‘doing your own research’ about your skin can be completely overwhelming. So where do you start? Swipe above to see my tips. The source of your knowledge is hugely important. In the first instance give yourself a framework from a trusted source to contextualise your knowledge, I have shared some useful resources below. To complement this we can add original scientific research articles in peer reviewed journals. These can be intimidating to approach for all of us, especially when out of our area of expertise. In medicine we have a hierarchy of evidence ranging from anecdotal evidence (individual case reports) to thorough summaries of many controlled studies (meta-analyses). All types of evidence are valuable but it’s about recognising the limitations of the data presented and asking questions. It is a minefield to navigate (even for those of us trying to do a PhD!). Finally, you do not have to be an expert on a topic to ask questions about your care. It can take a lifetime to become an expert so don’t be disheartened if you feel like you can’t get to the bottom of your skin condition. There is no such thing as a ‘silly’ or ‘insignificant’ question, if it is on your mind then it matters. I hope that’s useful. How do you feel when seeing doctors? Do you find it easy to read up on a topic? Do you feel confident to ask questions? Useful resources shared in comments. - @drzenawillsmore on Instagram

- coloring

- The worst jigsaw puzzle

300 pieces, Ceaco: Santorini, Greece 2019 #puzzle #jigsawpuzzle #windmillpuzzle #windmill #santorini #iconic #viev - @windmills_puzzles_and_we on Instagram

- Accreditation and Assessment

Thanks to @frontier.is & @flashreproductions you can now take home The Cameron House in puzzle form!! Read about the new initiative @wepiecetogether and support a local business today through the link in our bio! #cameronpuzzle #linkinbio - @the.cameronhouse on Instagram

- Cozy Space 500 piece jigsaw puzzle.

و بالاخره تموم شد🧩 - @zumba_azade on Instagram

gift from guests, put together during stay in Poconos, now in frame! #thankyou #grateful #happy #guests #host #beautiful #loveit #frame #poconostravel #poconos #poconosmountains #tourist #vacation #superhost #airbnb #followme #nature #woods #forest #poconocabin #poconofarmhouse #puzzle #memory #gift #loveit #patience #relax #relaxation - @poconostravel on Instagram

Gorgeous new puzzles from @eeboopieceandlove for kids and adults! We’re open Sundays 11-4. Come in to browse our full selection of puzzles for the whole family! - @newcanaantoystore on Instagram

- Ci

- Autism awareness month

- Been working on a 2,000 piece puzzle for the last couple of weeks and I’m almost done!

- Rakhi greetings

- Not what I bought, puzzle dont match box but still excited to see what it is. Will post update!

- Autism Awareness & Autism Tattoos

Sunday afternoon activity. Now what? #quarantine #puzzle #goldengirls #bored - @ddoaner on Instagram

- hmmm

Le 6 août la 2e partie de cette colossale enquête sera disponible chez tous les marchands de presse. Pour l’occasion nous réimprimons la 1ere partie de l’enquête qui sera donc elle aussi disponible. Suivez @societyofficiel pour en savoir plus. #jecherchesociety - @franckannese on Instagram

- jewelery

- This puzzle

- @khaanaleia on Instagram

- I made a replacement puzzle piece for my daughters puzzle!

- This puzzle is missing one piece.

- This piece fits and the balcony lines up but isnt the right piece.

Get yourself a jigsaw keyring from us here at Chimo, and make your keys a bit more fun. Buy two and fit them together! 🙌🙌🙌 Www.chimoholdings.com #madeinsheffield #British #stainlesssteel #keyring #keys #jigsaw #cutlery #business #website - @chimoholdings on Instagram

- I got duplicated pieces in my 1000 piece puzzle. Took me a few minutes to realize it.

Happy Easter. . . . #klimt #puzzelen #zondag #art #artlover #wenen #kunstpuzzel #altijdbezig #neverwasteagoodcrisis #aloneathome - @veerlewindels on Instagram

- The puzzle is the wrong color. The white ravenclaw should be blue

- background

- Spending all day doing this puzzle and finding out one piece was missing

- ALpHa DeLtA KaPpa gAmEs

- Matching cards

- Gifts for Girls

When I started working on #Hamilton Off-Broadway, I was a kid with a cell phone, a book bag, and a lot of “fake it till you make it” energy. In the five years since, I’ve built a business in a space I have loved since I was a kid and surrounded myself with some of the most talented teammates in the game. I wouldn’t be where I am without this show, and I am so thrilled that now the world gets to see this life-changing piece of art on @disneyplus. This is a collage of Hamilton fan art we made in our first year on Broadway. It’s always been and always will be about the fans above all else. #Hamilfilm - @mkarns_presents on Instagram

- Black Art

- My cat threw up on the puzzle I’ve been working on

- Last year I completed a 1000 pieces puzzle with only 999 pieces

- It happened again. Same puzzle.

Corona-Puzzle #1 We can fly! - @danisuejordan on Instagram

This 🧩 only took 3 weeks to finish with 2 missing pieces #myworkflow #slow #igetitdoneeventually #thxforyrpatience #dontjudgepls - @phbrz on Instagram

OK it only took me 4,524 puzzles, but I finally made an axolotl! Now available in the store! #puzzle #puzzles #jigsawpuzzle #jigsawpuzzles #woodenpuzzle #woodwork #woodworking #painting #handmade #axolotl #axolotls - @superyates on Instagram

🧩 Este puzzle es el más adecuado para los niños a partir de 5 años. Cada pieza de este juego Puzzle tiene por un lado las letras en minúsculas y mayúsculas en el otro. 🦖 Este Dinosaur Toy puede incluso puede pararse y así podrá estar organizado en el área de juegos. #bellascosas #bellascosaspty #babystore #babyshop #baby #babyclothes #babygirl #babyboy #aksesoriesbayi #kidsfashion #medanbabyshop #babies #kidsshop #babyfashion #babyshower #babystuff #pregnancy #newborn #babystyle #babyboutique #babylove #love #pty #panamacity #pty507 #panama #woodtoy #dinosaurios #dinosaur #montessori - @bellascosaspty on Instagram


- coloriage

- Puzzle Crafts

- Brain-Healthy Activities

- DIY Gifts

Puzzles are now available to buy. @jordan_robins has turned some of his amazing photos into puzzles. 500 or 1000 pieces #iloveagoodpuzzle #puzzle #photo #hyamsbeachcafe - @hyamsbeachcafe on Instagram

- Birthday gifts for girlfriend

- cute guy quotes

97 #sd80085 #puzzle #500pieces #puzzlemania #puzzlelover #lovepuzzles #puzzleaddict #puzzleaddiction #puzzle #puzzles #puzzlefun #puzzletime #premiumpuzzle #puzzleperfect #passionpuzzle #zozoville #heye #heyepuzzle #geek #geekette #girlgeek #geekgirl - @sandra_khaleesi_80085 on Instagram

Missing pieces Credits to @pololocollage ⚊⚊⚊⚊⚊⚊⚊⚊⚊⚊⚊ Link in bio ⚊⚊⚊⚊⚊⚊⚊⚊⚊⚊⚊ #art #artidilic #artists #artist #inspiration #artinspo #inkspiration #inspo #streetart #design #interiordesign #homedecoration #architecture #homeinspo #artwall #prints #homedesign #houseart #arte #Artwork #artoftheday #Artlovers #artdeco #Decoration #Designinterior #interiorism #Homesweethome #watercolor #realistic #inspirationalquotes - @artidilic.hd on Instagram

- Main Idea Activities

- When jigsaw puzzles share a template

500pc puzzle done! 🧩 🧩 #teamworkmakesdreamwork #noextrapieces - @sz_npp on Instagram

- The puzzle has been solved without completing the border

🔥🔥ASIL! 🇧🇷 . . . photo by :David Pacheco @pachecodavi . . . . #brasil #bomdomingo #brasilemchamas #burning #brazilisburning #whatsideareyouon #brasil🇧🇷 #vaibrasil #nocoraçãodobrasil #nocoração #coracaoemchamas #brasilprofundo #sospantanal #pantanalemchamas #sosamazonia #soscerrado #342amazonia #puzzle #quebracabeça #jigsaw #defundbolsonaro #cinematographer #capturethemood #huaweip20pro - @pachecodavi on Instagram

- Came accros this in the Waterstones sale today

Who else has finished a 2000pc puzzle lately? Thanks for sharing @puzzleknucks - @buffalogamesinc on Instagram

We added a fun little surprise to the Mars puzzle. Can you find it! 🧐 - @betterco on Instagram


- Autism Awareness

- alzheimer

- cursed_cindarela

- The company who made this puzzle hid a cat in it

- Blursed_Cat

- Kids. Puzzles

- acorn kids

Find the right match to complete the puzzle and reveal this product with a refreshing fragrance. Tag 3 friends and challenge them too. Shop for it now! #FragranceTrivia #YardleyLondon #Scents #Perfumes #Fragrances - @myyardley on Instagram

- Autism WAAD (Apr 2)

- Cake Stall

- Cool Puzzles

- Transformers for Kids

TRIUMPH - @lizfgarbus on Instagram

Teach our children to join hands and be kind with our Be Kind In KidZ Puzzle located in our America Box Black History Edition! 📦🇺🇸 Give the gift of knowledge and culture awareness and make memories with the family at the same time. 🧩 Each and every one of us can change the world, and it all starts with kindness. ❤️ Your child will get the chance to learn and celebrate our influential history makers and discover the movements that paved the way with our America Box Black History Edition! 👉 www.inkidzco.com - @inkidzco on Instagram

Céu - 2016 Céu é um quebra-cabeça feito a partir de um conjunto de fotografias tiradas do céu dos 12 países da América do Sul, durante uma viagem-residência pelo continente. O trabalho problematiza a noção de identidade, unidade e pertencimento. O formato de quebra-cabeça possibilita múltiplas composições de céu pelo público. @projetosolosul - @favaroluciano.arte on Instagram

#jigsawpuzzle #isoactivities #islandarchway #twelvesapostles #mindbogglers #hinkler - @makalicious21 on Instagram

Did You know ? #raysofhappiness #alzheimer ##alzheimersociety #alzheimerawareness ##alzheimerawarenessday #september #WAM ##alzheimermovement #worldalzheimerday #ENDALZ #alzheimer2020 #alzheimerdisease #alzheimercare #kind #bekind #monthofkindness #alzheimerprevention #oyealzheimer #alzheimersawareness #alzheimerfriends #alzheimerpatients #lifeloveandalzheimers - @_raysofhappiness_ on Instagram

¿Cuál de estas tres piezas completa el puzzle? 🧩 - @roadto2022es on Instagram

- Just love me a 999 piece Puzzle (there os a piece missing in the bottom left)

- Custom Design

- Small Laser-cut Puzzle I made from a stamp.

- Art - Valentines Day

THE FINAL PIECE - @jonnysun on Instagram

- Breakout Edu

Dez dias, dez fotos da nossa vida diária em preto e branco. Sem explicações e sem pessoas... Fui indicado pela @ju_machadomartins .Vamos? . . . Aqui minha foto 8/10 #dezdiasdezfotos #puzzle - @rapha_tx on Instagram

Women in Science puzzle! #feministjigsaw #potterpuzzle - @onebadmothers on Instagram

- Completely white puzzle

Look closely or you’ll miss an interesting detail about this piece (no pun intended 😎). Leave a comment if you see it! 👀 Missing no. 9, 2020, 24k gold leaf on found puzzle, 22” x 26”. #gabrieldawe - @gabrieldawe on Instagram

- Missing pieces from a brand new jigsaw puzzle

- Autism

- My jigsaw puzzle has a duplicate piece

- The two edge pieces of my puzzle dont connect together.

- Autism Fabrics and Gifts

- 300 pc map my kids completed.

- The one missing piece

- Finished a 2000 piece puzzle with not one but two missing pieces

💝💝 - @puzzlesquadmx on Instagram

- t craft

- ABDL stuff

- This puzzle piece design has an edge piece in the middle and no coherent order.

🦞 Our new series of Sunday Sneak Peek 👀 fun! We can’t wait to show you @philipcolbert 🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩@philipcolbertstudio fantastic 1000 piece puzzle! You can find more on our website ~ and some insider view coming soon!! #puzzleswithpurpose #artxpuzzles #puzzlingworld #jigsawpuzzle #jigsawpuzzlesofinstagram - @artxpuzzles on Instagram

- It is complete.

- Taken from r/mildlyinteresting

- develop toys

- Eye humor

- Got this new puzzle for Xmas. will post the finished product once we finish!

- Deep Frame Ideas

- An artist uses jigsaw puzzles with the same cut pattern to make mashups like this one

- open when letters for boyfriend

Only a few more prints on the site from last week , take a peak if you haven’t already 😈 - @slimesunday on Instagram

- All of hearts

- Our jigsaw came with two extra pieces

- Christmas Gifts 2016

- Transformers for Kids

Its the first day of Fall🍂 As the weather gets cooler and you spend more time inside, it is time to start thinking about how you will spruce up your indoor space and pass the time during the cold season. Explore our selection of boredom buster products that are guaranteed to keep your entertained while indoors by the link in bio! - @galisongift on Instagram

- coasters

Desde a Páscoa montando em alguns momentos livres e hoje o quebra-cabeça da Monalisa de 1000 peças está pronto. Vi de perto cada centímetro e a textura da madeira de álamo que Leonardo usou para pintá-la entre os anos de 1503 e 1506. Acho que com essa experiência distanciada com a obra, mediada pela imagem, me aproximei da noção de fetiche como nunca. Em quarentena e de longe descobri as manchas de seu sorriso e a relação de harmonia com o mundo que ele traz. #monalisa #leonardodavinci #puzzle #fetiche - @alves_caue on Instagram

- Adopt A Child.

- Blursed puzzle pieces

Corona Puzzle #2 - @danisuejordan on Instagram

Life is like a puzzle. There may be difficulties finding the right pieces but in the end your puzzle will be complete. . .DM for paid work..💰💵💰 . #photoshop_creative #photoshop_art #picsartedit #picsartbackground #photoshopcc2020 #lightroompresets #lightroomedit #lalquila - @phot_ogiri on Instagram

Soft Tones Pt. 9 🔮💜 - - - - - - - - - - - #seam #moodboard #seereverseforcare #vintage #vintagearchitecture #aesthetics #hypebeast #noinventoryentry #jjjjound #vintagevibes #aimeleondore #moderndesign #lifestylebrand #commonthoughts #withouttendency #leondore #highsnobiety #moodboard #malefashionfits #minimalmovement #modernnotoriety - @commonthoughts.studio on Instagram

- Grandkids 2

- Heart Health for Seniors

- Art

I’ve started so I’ll finish ~ Magnus Magnusson #theglenrothes #theglenrotheswhisky #theglenrotheswhiskymakerscut #speysidewhisky #sherrycask #singlemalt #scotch #whisky #whiskymakerscut #magnusmagnusson - @theglenrothes on Instagram

It’s finally time to welcome this giant still life puzzle into the world~ designed way back when ‘corona’ was just a beer, and impatiently awaited (by me) all year. The scene features crusty bread, various fruits, a ripe cheese, drooping tulips, rogue rolling olives, lavender, good books, candlelight, a favourite toucan-shaped jug... and a few hidden details for you to find as you puzzle. Despite my unfair adavantage, I still enjoyed doing it. Published by @hardiegrantbooks and out Sept 1. Link in my bio to order or head to all good bookstores (they need us) or @booktopiabooks online 🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩 - @aliceoehr on Instagram

Tell us: Whats the largest jigsaw puzzle youve ever made? ☺ (P.S. Only finished ones count!😉) - @amazenthings on Instagram

- jewelery

- blursed_cindarella

- Many long days working with this puzzle, just to find i’m missing a piece

- This puzzle had 5 duplicate pieces and 2 missing ones.

Your New Game of Arts to Support Our Troups ! ArtxPuzzles is : A global initiative striving to support contemporary artists during the COVID-19 pandemic. Percentage of the funds will be allocated to select charities supporting contemporary artists during these uncertain times from around the world. A X P presents rare, unique & custom-made original collector limited-edition contemporary artists jigsaw puzzles for all to enjoy! More infos : @artxpuzzles - @aguirre_schwarz on Instagram

- Custom Jigsaw Puzzles

- This puzzle with no picture

Nine Koi #puzzle #puzzles #jigsawpuzzle #jigsawpuzzles #woodwork #woodworking #scrollsawart #scrollsaw #koi #koipond - @superyates on Instagram

- BEAD & BUTTONS ART & Jewelry

BUY AN ARTIST COLLECTOR EDITION JIGSAW PUZZLE 🧩 HELP AN ARTIST STUDIO🎨🎨🎨 COVID19 Relief efforts supporting ARTIST RELIEF, FIRST RESPONDER’S CHILDREN’S FUND and more! Our worldwide initiative with over 80 artists from more than 30 countries and growing!! Come puzzle with us! #puzzles #puzzlewithpurpose #artxpuzzles #artists #jigsawpuzzle #jigsawpuzzleaddict #jigsawpuzzlesofinstagram #stayhomeandpuzzle #contemporaryart 🧩🧩🧩🧩www.artxpuzzles.com @1strcf @artistrelief #artistchoice - @artxpuzzles on Instagram

- 1000 piece puzzle, 999 correct pieces, +2 clones

- modge podge diy

مين يقدر يجيب الحل؟ 🧠 ـ سيتم اختيار ٢ فائزين عشوائياً 🍕 أجب في التعليقات وقم بالإشارة إلى 2 من الأصدقاء إتبع @dominosoman who can answer the solution, 2 lucky winners will be chosen randomly to win a complimentary large #pizza 🍕 Answer in comments and tag 2 friends Make sure to follow us to be in the lucky draw @dominosoman #fun #weekend #puzzle #chicken #thursday #game #gamestagram #win #luckydraw #Muscat #Oman #omanfun - @dominosoman on Instagram

- Jigsaw Puzzle game for kids

SOLD OUT! Thank you all for your support.💓 This puzzle is based on the original painting Faultline, 2020. I am making these available for $100, size: 19”x19,” 500 pieces. The proceeds will go to @colorofchange - an amazing organization campaigning to fight against racial injustice. DM with your email address and the word CHANGE, if you would like a puzzle. - @adiamillett on Instagram

Autumn is coming!!! Thanks @thriftypuzzler ! 🍂🍁 #Repost @thriftypuzzler • • • • • • “Harvest Festival” 500 pieces by @cobblehillpuzzles . Well if this doesn’t scream Fall I don’t know what would! 🍁🍂🌻 🐶 a like new treasure from my local thrift store 😊🧩💕love that Bernese Mountain Dog! #jigsawpuzzle #puzzlesofinstagram #puzzle #cobblehillpuzzles #thriftstorefinds #500pieces #dogpuzzle #bernesemountaindog #fallpuzzle #quiltsofinstagram #dogsofinsta - @cobblehillpuzzles on Instagram

- Security envelopes

WANNA JIGSAW PUZZLE IN ISO?! Need something therapeutic for the mind during self isolation? I’ve decided to create @jo_inthedark jigsaw puzzles featuring my original work to help people de-stress during this hard time. SWIPE FOR DESIGNS 👉 ENQUIRES / PRE - ORDER VIA DM 🖤 . . . #supportsmallbusiness #jigsawpuzzle #covid_19 #meditatethemind #weareallinthistogether #selflove - @jo_inthedark on Instagram

- Adoption Day Party

We have fantastic news! All of our puzzles are available for PRE-ORDER on genuinefred.com 🧩 . . Featured: Fanfuckintastic by @waynewhiteart - @genuinefred on Instagram

500 pieces, Via Terra:Мельница Киндердейк #puzzle #puzzles #jigsawpuzzle #windmillpuzzle #windmill #puzzlefromrussia #alexthanksonceagain - @windmills_puzzles_and_we on Instagram

Look at these pretty little pieces of the ocean from my “Shoreline Stroll” #puzzle! I had no idea how much fun it would be to see my images broken down into little pieces and then get to reconstruct them. It’s bringing me a surprising amount joy! 😊🧩🙌🏻 Swipe to see the finished puzzle. Tap the link in my bio to get one for yourself, or give one as a gift! - @brookewilen on Instagram

DESIGN YOURSELF MODEL: @alice_korotaeva PUBLICATION: @gisele.magazine - @wildflower_model on Instagram

Let’s talk support groups. Finding the time and the pieces of yourself to deal with ALL of it. It’s a lot. I’ve always wanted to do this, and now I can. Support groups for new moms, parents of toddlers, and parenting during a pandemic will all launch the week we officially open. Stay tuned for further information or DM directly with questions. Venting (especially over coffee or wine) is key in this whole parenting game. We get it. 😉 #tumblesupport #tumblehaus #tumbleiscoming . . . . . #indooractivities #playroom #playspace #classes #activekids #dailyparenting #magicofchildhood #funnymom #motherhood #fatherhood #parentlife #denvermomblog #childhoodmemories #citykids #coloradofamilies #creativityfound #bestofmom #bestofdad #momoftoddlers #messymotherhood #denver #denverdads #denvermoms #lohi #denverkids - @tumblehaus on Instagram

#SEPTEMBER_PLAY begins tomorrow! With so many of our wee ones heading back to school, home school, childcare settings or just learning through play at home - we thought it would be the perfect time to focus on learning and development. . Join in by picking a prompt from our grid and using #september_play in your posts. Make sure to tag us at @monthly_play so we dont miss your posts. Open to any account no matter how big or small. We pick our favourites to showcase at the end of each week. . Here is our play team this month - @megaawesomemessyart @easyplaywitheanda @montessoriyerin @themedoutmommy @mangosandmayhem @yazookiddo @ourmindfulpod @little_old_life @harrylovestoplay @smile_with_zumar @funathomeclub . #august_play #myeasyplay #myeasyplayoutside #messyplay #makeamesswithmama #backtoschool #onepoundplay #shallweplaytoday #shareyourplaywithme #invitationtoplay #imaginativeplay #thelockdownlist #eyfsideas #quickeasyplay #playchallenge #toddlerplay #childledplay #playislearningplayisenough #inalldayplay #mumsschooloffun - @monthly_play on Instagram

- The last piece is from a different puzzle.

- Matching cards

When you’re doing a 5000-pc jigsaw puzzle, you have to do some OCD sorting of the pieces. When that puzzle is of the Sistine Chapel ceiling, you’re going to find yourself with a plate o’ dicks. - @in_limestone_i_trust on Instagram

Visit @onlinecounseling_bynoor for mental well-being, motivational posts and consultations ♥️ #motivationalspeaker #motivationalspeaking #mentalwellness #childcounselling #stressmanagement #anxietyreleif #angermanagement - @nur.baig3 on Instagram

- Autism puzzle piece

- My toilet paper puzzle has a tiny Covid virus hidden in the pieces

- Football Care Package

- puzzle tattoos

Birds nest puzzles available on my website. Link in bio. . . . . . . . . . #art #illustration #puzzle #puzzler #puzzlesofinstagram #puzzlelover #puzzlesale #contemporaryart #newcontemporary #artforsale #artsale #artistsoninstagram #artsla #anthroe #quarantinepuzzle #covidart #coronaactivities #coronaart - @anthroe on Instagram

- Accessories: Phone Case

- Amazing women

#puzzleseason is going surprisingly well! #brotherjeff @samhow13 @jusmetillb - @vevitasfotos on Instagram

- 2020 December Christmas Disney

- bricoles et bidules

- Hardest jigsaw puzzle

- 3D Textured walls

- coasters


HAHAAH REDID AN EDIT swipe to see the old one lmao (also i meant garbage to leftovers not garbage leftovers lol) - Character: ciel phantomhive Anime: black butler Time: I give up on timing myself Song: cool kids by echosmith (Love this song) - 《Tags》 #cielphantomhive #ciel #phantomhive #phantomhiveciel #blackbutler #cieledit #cielblackbutler #cielblackbutleredit #blackbutleredit #anime #animeedit - @sketch.edit.x on Instagram

- DIY Holzarbeiten

16th Law of Power #48lawsofpower #robertgreene - @studyofthe48lawsofpower on Instagram

- Conderolla

- Autism

- hmmm

No two pieces are alike. The quality of our dies and above average thickness of our chipboards ensures the interlocking pieces will come together flawlessly multiple times. Recognize the design of this puzzle? Leave your best guess in a comment. Well give you a hint: 🍩🍰🍪 - @springbokpuzzles on Instagram

- Finished this 1000 piece puzzle today

Where does the Secret Forest Portal lead to??? Only the owls know (probably) #puzzle #puzzles #jigsawpuzzle #jigsawpuzzles #woodwork #woodworking #scrollsawart #owls #forest #portal - @superyates on Instagram

Just finished a nice puzzle. Thanks to the person who made this for me from a photo I did of these 3 wonderful women back in February. Only one of a kind. @dalle.beatrice @lydia.lunch.official @gigi_boumboum #lydialunch #beatricedalle #virginiedespentes - @sebastiengreppo on Instagram


- Gifts for Children

- Best Toys for 8+

- @austen__brown on Instagram

- Venice - Shopping

- When you get your mothers eyes and your fathers nose.

This is result of the first days of vacation with family, 1.000 pieces puzzle - @michelinecamotibertolani on Instagram

- Cheap Wedding Favours

- Having a cow...

- Gifts for Children

Y’all. My fantastic aunt sent me some of the best puzzles. I mean come on, check out those crazy pyramid shaped ones from Germany in the 80’s! - @little_greenghouls on Instagram

- Scroll saw patterns free

- This puzzle with lettered quadrants on the back to make it easier to put together

- Bulletin Boards

Our puzzles are Ontario Made. Damn, but thats a saucy looking label! 🇨🇦 . . #jigsawpuzzlesofinstagram #jigsawpuzzles #jigsaw #ontariomade #buycloseby #supportsmallbusiness #myhaliburtonhighlands #haliburtoncdc #familytime #stressrelief #haliburtonlife - @theoccurrence.ca on Instagram

L’enquête évènement cet été. En deux parties. Première partie le 23 juillet. Une somme d’informations inédites sur l’affaire colossale. - @societyofficiel on Instagram

- One missing puzzle piece

- cutting boards

- Cartoon chef

- Begin en einde schooljaar

- Abominable

#tranquilwords #wordsofwisdom #writersofinsta #poemsofinstagram #poems #writersofinstagram #writingprompts #writingcommunity #motivationalquotes #poetsandwriters #poetsofinstagram #writers #life #love #selflove #words #writerslife #loveforwriting #writingcommunityofig #wordporn #wordgasm #spilledpoetry #spilledthoughts #spilledink #instagram #mirakeewriters #mirakee #insta #poetsglobe #poetstribe @honorpoets @heartofpoets @poets__society @tastehermind @bymepoetryindia @bymepoetrywell @poetstribe @poets_official @poetsglobe @poetstext @poets.and.writers @writingsbysaadain @monsterpoetry - @_tranquil_words on Instagram

A good way to caffeinate your Tuesday! We love this @baristart puzzle. Thanks to @jeeksawpuzzles #Repost • • • • • • Barista Art is finished! This one really tested my patience 😆 but the end result is stunning! I chose this puzzle for this weeks TWP because I love to collect mugs from all my travels. It was really difficult to chose but here are some of my favorites (second photo)! 💕☕️ . . . . . #jigsaw #puzzle #jigsawpuzzles #puzzler #puzzling #puzzlefeed #puzzlelover #everydayimpuzzling #ilovepuzzles #puzzlesandcoffee #cobblehillpuzzles #baristaart #1000pieces #1000piecepuzzle #gratefulhouse #puzzlecollection #puzzletime #puzzleaddict #puzzlesofinstagram #puzzlecommunity #puzzlelove #togetherwepuzzle #twpcollection - @cobblehillpuzzles on Instagram

🧩 Sunday Sneak Peek 👀 🐘 🐘🐘ARTXPUZZLES’s Contemporary Artist Asha Fuller presents this unique Collector Edition jigsaw puzzle titled “White Elephant” gives us a insider view into the artist process of seeking, studying, dismantling, and reassembling. 💥 🟧Jigsaw Puzzle Size: 18 x 24 with 500 pieces is a certain perfect size to frame! 🖼 So many of our puzzlers and art collectors are already organizing to frame these colorful artworks. 🧩 @ashafuller 🐘 🤍🐘 “We admire elephants in part because they demonstrate what we consider the finest human traits: empathy, self-awareness, and social intelligence.”Graydon Carter 🟦 BUY A PUZZLE• HELP AN ARTIST STUDIO 🟧🎨 We continue to support COVID19 relief efforts worldwide, our global initiative represents over 30 countries 🌎🌍🌏worldwide, our goal to represents 195 countries. 💥👏🏻🧩🖼 #puzzleswithpurpose #artxpuzzles #jigsawpuzzle #jigsawpuzzles #jigsawwithus #covid_19 #covid19relief #collectoreditions #arteditions #contemporaryart #contemporaryartist #globalinitiative #artistsworldwide - @artxpuzzles on Instagram

- Double Lobe Piercing

- Guestbook For Wedding

Putting the pieces together ... stay tuned 🤘🏾 #SwishaHouse #SwishaBlast - @swishablast on Instagram

C’est le moment de ressortir mon meilleur puzzle 🤍🖤 🎁 @florianemini - @pauline.mini on Instagram

- Jigsaw puzzles for kids

- Blursed_Frida

- flea market crafts

Woohoo! Another jigsaw enthusiast @talinga393 has just completed my 🍭 jigsaw. Send me pics of your progress 🙏🏼 The last remaining jigsaw was SOLD last night, so a big thank you to everyone who has supported this fabulous coronavirus art initiative by @flowersanddeadthings. . . #artjigsaw #jigsawpuzzle #jigsaw #coronavirusart #art #lollipop #lollipopmural #allsold #realism #streetart #contemporaryart #contemporaryrealism #melbournestreetart #fitzroystreetart #robyngrove - @robyngrove on Instagram

🚨Attention all puzzle lovers🚨 I’m SO excited to announce that you can now purchase Ryleah Shae Creative puzzles featuring images of past designs & installations 🥳 They come in your choice of 285 or 500 pieces and a portion of all sales will help raise funds for @dfsvancouver These puzzles come in bright, intricate designs and I hope they will help you pass the time during this wild wild ride ✨ Find out more & see the full collection at www.ryleahshae.com/shop or click the link in bio 😊 - @ryleahshae on Instagram

- Art

- Jigsaw Puzzle game for kids

The two best things about this #MyHeroConoco puzzle are 1) that it exists and 2) that it’s online so you don’t have to spend 10 minutes flipping over all the pieces. If you solve it, show us. Get puzzlin’ at the link in our bio. - @conoco on Instagram

- Baby

Have a picture you love and want to turn it into a gift for the family? We got you covered! All you need to do is go to the “upload your own photo” section and we’ll make a puzzle exactly like your picture! 🧩 Awesome handrawn art by @ambers.drawings we loved turning it into a puzzle! . . . #puzzleyourpet #petco #petsmart #printypets #custompuzzle #customart #puzzle #puzzles #petpuzzle #petshop - @puzzleyourpet on Instagram

- Christmas

Boom! Another one bites the dust! #galisonpuzzles #puzzlenotscreen - @onebadmothers on Instagram

- honeymoon gifts

- Jigsaw Puzzle game for kids

- Cool Puzzles

RIFA INSERTO ✨ Valendo 2 quebra-cabeças “Abaporu Inserto” de 150 peças. São 99 números, cada um R$15. O resultado sairá assim que todos os números estiverem completos. - Escolha um número ou mais, pague através do QR Code que disponibilizamos no post/highlights, ou entre em contato para pagamento através de transferência. Assim que confirmado, enviaremos a imagem com os números disponíveis para escolha. 🙏 ✨💫🌟⭐️✌️ - @_inserto on Instagram

- African American