Peculiar Portions Profile Pics

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Trying out making bento style lunches for my preschooler to get her to eat more. Ran out of time and threw the string cheese in at the end. Fun fact is I get to eat all the scraps for breakfast. - @jhakuta on Instagram

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1, 2 or 3? How do you like your vegetable soup? I top mine with grated Parmesan, a drizzle of extra-virgin olive oil, minced parsley or a chiffonade of basil and crunchy Maldon sea salt. It FINALLY feels like a soup day, and here’s how to make one with almost any produce in your fridge or freezer! 🍅🥦🥕How to Make Soup from Any Kind of Vegetable🥕🥦🍅 1 to 2 pounds vegetables ½ cup aromatics, such as onion, garlic or leeks 1 tablespoon avocado oil, olive oil, ghee or unsalted butter Salt and pepper 4 to 6 cups vegetable, chicken stock or water 🥦Choose any combination of 1 to 2 pounds of mixed vegetables. Choose what needs to be used first. Could be broccoli, cauliflower (florets or riced), greens, potatoes, sliced cabbage, zucchini, butternut squash, etc 🧅Choose aromatics: Garlic, leeks, shallot, green onions, yellow, white or red onion. 🔪Chop the vegetables and aromatics. Cut the vegetables into evenly-sized pieces. 🧈Heat oil or butter in a medium Dutch oven over medium heat until shimmering. 🧄Sauté the aromatics. Gently cook until softened and fragrant, about 5 minutes. 🥕Add the vegetables. Sauté the vegetables and continue cooking for several minutes. The vegetables will soften slightly and brown around the edges. Salt them as they cook down, about 1 teaspoon kosher salt. 🧂Salt as you go! Season the vegetables well, especially if using low-sodium broth. Vegetables need salt and pepper and you will intensify their flavor by salting them as they cook. If you are adding other seasonings such as spices or herbs, add them now. You can add about a half teaspoon each of cumin, chili powder, smoked paprika or garlic powder. 🐓Add the stock, broth or water. Simmer until vegetables are cooked and softened. Taste the soup for seasoning and garnish with grated Parm, extra virgin olive oil, crunchy salt and fresh herbs. - @smartinthekitchen on Instagram

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- Bento Meals

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Is pasta on your menu *at least* once a week in your house? 🍝 It is in mine and thats a good thing! New research published in August found that pasta consumption in both children and adults is associated with *better diet quality and better nutrient intakes* than adults and kids who dont eat pasta! 🙌 And get this: In adult women, pasta eating was associated with *lower* body weight and waist circumference!!💃 Take that low-carb dieters!! Ready to make some pasta for your family tonight? Give my Nicoise Pasta Salad recipe a try. If you close your eyes while you eat it you may even feel like youre on the French Riviera. Worried your kids wont touch it? 👫 Make it an interactive meal and serve it buffet style so everyone can make his or her own bowl with preferred toppings. Scroll to the right ➡️ to see how to set it up. Head to my site to get the recipe at or message me for the direct link. How often do you make pasta for your family? What would you put in your Nicoise pasta salad? Tell me below! . . . #jessicasrecipes #familymeals #pastasalad #pastafits #pastafordinner #nicoisesalad #tunapastasalad #eatmorefish #seafood2xwk #eatseafoodamerica #healthyeating #healthylifestyle #balanceddiet #interactivemeals #familystylemeals #hardboiledeggs #kitchencoaching #fedingkids #feedingthefamily #momlife #littlefoodies #haveaplant #fruitsandveggies #produceforkids #mediterraneandiet - @jlevinsonrd on Instagram

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- Can I just have my beer non shaked?

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- books

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- The VVitch

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- Japanese meaning

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- forever halloween

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Lao Sze Chuan Highland Park will be opened on July 1st. Thanks for your patience in waiting during this time. We will see you soon! #laoszechuan #cityofhighlandpark #comingsoon #famousfood - @laoszechuan.highlandpark on Instagram

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- Back to School Dinners

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Tenham um bom início de semana!!! - @coachluizmartins on Instagram

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- Aesthetics

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Behind the scenes from Toyota shoot 🚲 - 🎥 Link to film in bio - Huge thank you to all the team on this one! 🇯🇵 - @us.films on Instagram

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- Keen On Joining (Watchmen spoilers)

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- Watermelon rind pickles

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What’s your signnnn? ✨ Let us know down below on this #InternationalPokeDay ! ___ 👉🏼Don’t forget that you can get a free mini poke bowl when you order $25 online. Just use code: POKEPARADISE at checkout! 🔗 Link in bio! *Offer available until 9/30 - @eatatbento on Instagram

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準備が大事、強火で作る「麻婆茄子」 #ライブドアインスタブロガー 調理時間 20分 (2人前)  子ども評価 ★★★★ (もうちょっと辛かってもええかもねぇ 麻婆豆腐も美味しいけど茄子もいいよね) 嫁さん評価 ★★★★★ (食べ応えがあるのは茄子の方だわね、茄子がしっかりと香ばしく炒めてるって感じだわね)  「中華は強火」とよく言いますがそのためには準備が 大事です。 切り物はもちろん調味料関係も手元に置いて一気に作るのが 美味しく作るポイントでしょうか 熱々で食べる中華は最高に美味しいですよねぇ  【材料】 茄子・・・      3本 豚ひき肉・・・    100g 青ねぎ・・・     1本 ニンニク、生姜・・・ 各1片 豆板醤・・・     小さじ1/2 オイスターソース・・・大さじ1 甜麺醤・・・     大さじ1 コチュジャン・・・  小さじ1 醤油・・・      小さじ2 ガラスープ・・・    200cc 水溶き片栗粉・・・  適量  【作り方】 ① 茄子はヘタを切り縦に6等分に切り調味料系はあらかじめ 手元に用意しておきます  ② 熱したフライパンにサラダ油を大さじ2ほど入れたら茄子を強火で炒め焼き色がついたら別皿に取ります  ③ 熱したフライパンに豚挽き肉とみじんに切ったニンニク、生姜を加え強火で炒めます  ④ 挽き肉がパラパラになってきたら豆板醤を加えます  ⑤ 茄子を加え全体に混ぜ合わせたら茄子を加え少し炒めてガラスープ甜麺醤、コチュジャン、醤油、オイスターソースを加えます  ひと煮立ちしたら水溶き片栗粉でとろみをつけ小口に切った青ねぎを加えたら出来上がりです - @kamekichi_papa on Instagram

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Essa é a minha fotografia entitulada ‘Budapeste1’, disponível para venda no site do PLANO SEQUÊNCIA ( - um movimento de diretorXs e diretorXs de fotografia. Cada artista colabora com 3 fotografias e através da venda de cada impressão, o valor será 100% doado para programas de ajuda aos mais necessitades colegas do nosso audiovisual durante a pandemia. Colabore, compartilhe, doe ! E tenha uma lembrança na parede, que depois que tudo passar, te lembrará que lutamos juntxs !’ . . . #planosequenciaong #planosequencia #ajudeplanosequencia #covid19 #todxsjuntxs #dop . . This is my photograph entitled ‘Budapest1’ which is available for purchase on ‘PLANO SEQUÊNCIA is an action from directors and cinematographers. Each artist collaborates with 3 photographs and the full amount earned from each print sale will be donated to aid programs to help our film crew colleagues who are in need during this pandemic. Collaborate, share, donate! And have a token on the wall, that after everything is over, will remind you that we fought this together! ’. . . #planosequenciaong #planosequencia #helpplanosequencia # covid19 #alltogether #dop - @lubaseggio on Instagram

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- medicated lip balms

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- The Goblin

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- Brat & Sausage recipes

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- Im in the middle of trying to make a site so commissions can be ordered in one place, and decided to make a guide. Im just thinking about ways to make it easier for both parties to be precise upon ordering. What do you all think?

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- cards

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いつもありがとうございます! 今日は、如水の看板メニューでもある塩ラーメンです。 この様な工程で作っております。塩ラーメンの他にも醤油、香そば、たいわん、担担麺など…色んなラーメンがございます。他のメニューも随時紹介していきますので是非ご覧下さい。 店頭でも、お持ち帰りも対応しております。お電話でもお気軽にお問い合わせ下さい。 お待ちしております! #如水#いつもありがとうございます #感謝感謝#塩#塩ラーメン#無化調ラーメン#看板メニュー#他のメニュー#随時#ラーメンテイクアウト#名古屋ラーメン#店頭でも#お持ち帰り#生麺#お気軽にお問い合わせください #名古屋市東区#徳川町 - @jyosui.ramen on Instagram

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Soup season is fast approaching! 🍲 Krystal is embracing the changing seasons with her homemade turkey meatball and rice soup. For her meatballs she used @jennieo Lean Ground Turkey: ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ I love this brand of lean ground turkey. It’s good for so many recipes. Has a great taste and is priced right! -@kminton082. She uploaded her delicious bowl to our #WeeknightMeal gallery, where Influensters are sharing their favorite go-to recipes. Hit the link in bio to check it out! 🤤 - @influenster.eats on Instagram

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- The Cafe - Recipes

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- Taco bowls are the best. 🌮 Quinoa, taco-seasoned ground turkey, green bell peppers, and shredded cheese. Can’t wait to add in some sour cream and eat!

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Comer bem alimenta a alma! ✨ Aprecie os sabores da nossa gastronomia e sinta a experiência apaixonante de almoçar no #jacsrestaurante! ❤ ⠀ #vemprojacs #jacsmoc #vaidejacs #variedades #almoço #saladas #jacsjacaré #jacsrestaurante #montesclaros #nortedeminas #montesclaroshopping - @jacsjacare on Instagram

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- San Marzano sauce

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Hebben jullie wel eens een situatie meegemaakt die achteraf heel anders was dan dat je eerst dacht?🧠💭 - @littlegoatstories on Instagram

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- FRIENDS: Monica Geller

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- Ghost images

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- Goda be updating Page ones design as new fossils are found

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- Grandmas Sopa de Papa

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[🍚 TAKE A RICE 🍚] - @take_a_rice on Instagram

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- French Onion

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- Good & Veggie

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- Tagliatelle

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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 香水小知識💯 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 大家都知道如何挑選適合自己的香水嗎? 不管新手❗重度愛用者❗都看這裡❤❤ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 已經幫你整理好了👍 小編最偏愛的就是淡香精/淡香水,你呢? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 📌香精 Parfum (簡稱P) 濃度在20%-30%,香味最濃也最持久,持久度6-8小時,適合晚上或主題場合使用。 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 📌香水/淡香精 Eau de Parfum (簡稱EDP) 濃度在15-20%,持久度4-5小時,較大眾化,香味較香精淡,價格也較低。 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 📌淡香水 Eau de Toilette (簡稱EDT) 濃度約5-15% 持久度3小時,香味更淡,價格便宜,適合日常生活、工作使用。 👉👉此濃度非常推薦新手入手👈👈 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 📌古龍水 Eau de Cologne (簡稱EDC) 濃度只有2-4% 持久度2小時,適合浴後和運動後使用。此濃度男香居多,女香較少見。 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 甜蜜對香持續優惠中👇👇 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 📍全省百貨櫃位均可免費試香 ✅【台北】 新光三越A4 4F 新光三越A11 B1F 新光三越天母店1F 京華城1F ✅【台中】 廣三SOGO 1F ✅【高雄】 統一時代百貨 1F 高雄漢神巨蛋 5F - @gishbeauty on Instagram

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こんにちは。虹色商店です。 本日もOPENしております! さて、「早雲蜜芋モンブランパフェ」「チョコパフェ」の2つがTAKE OUTが出来る様になりました。 店内でのパフェとは形が若干異なります。 また、アイスが入っているので溶けやすいです。 食べ歩きスタイルでお作りしております! また、あらかじめお電話などでご予約をいただけますとお客様が来られる時間に合わせてお作り致しますのでなるべくそのままの形でお持ち帰り頂けると思います😊 お時間ある方はお立ち寄り下さいませ。 本日も皆様のお越しをお待ちしております! #虹色商店 #美観地区 #美観地区カフェ #倉敷カフェ #岡山カフェ #倉敷ランチ #岡山ランチ #美観地区グルメ #お洒落カフェ #古民家カフェ #蜜芋 #蜜芋クレープ #蜜芋パフェ #チョコパフェ #食べ歩き #テイクアウトグルメ - @nijiiroshouten_kurashiki on Instagram

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- Images in Excel 2003 toolbar icons used in Death Note anime are mirrored, but text isnt.

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. レストラン1899お茶の水は、現在、神田カレーグランプリに参加しています!   当店で提供しているのは、「1899出汁カレー」。 魚介出汁の優しい味わいの和のカレーで、 日本茶に合うよう、日本料理人が本気で作った一品です。   神田周辺にお越しいただく機会の多い方は、「神田カレー街食べ歩きスタンプラリー2020」にも是非参加してみてくださいね。 1899へのご来店も、お待ち申し上げております!     RESTAURANT 1899 OCHANOMIZU participate in the event, “KANDA CURRY GRAND PRIX” now.   We offer 1899 Dashi Curry ,used seafood soup stock and Japanese ingredients such as mushrooms, It is made as Japanese-style curry by the Japanese chef of the store.   The rice made by houjicha was covered with curry with plenty of dashi stock and beef tendon.   Thank you for your support. Looking forward to seeing you at RESATURANT 1899 OCHANOMIZU!     #1899 #レストラン1899お茶の水 #RESATURANT1899OCHANOMIZU #神田 #お茶の水 #御茶ノ水 #日本茶カフェ #お茶の水カフェ #イベント #カレー #神田カレーグランプリ #神田カレーグランプリ2020 #1899出汁カレー #restaurant #food #instafood #Japan #Tokyo #kanda #ochanomizu #curry #1899dashicurry #kandacurrygrandprix - @1899_official on Instagram

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- Proper nutrition

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- plantas de casa

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- Tina Moore

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- Mashed cauliflower, ground beef with onion and bell pepper, and eggs

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- Sriracha-Mustard Popcorn, sprinkled with Parmesan.

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Doors open at 1pm. See you all real soon! - @innerwestbeerfest on Instagram

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- Full day for 1230, 120g protein, 57g carbs. Dinner was stupid good 😳

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Vandaag nemen we een kijkje in de Thaise keuken. Een heerlijke maaltijd van groene curry met biefstuk en rijst. 💚 De Thai Green Curry melange zorgt ervoor dat het recept een rijke en frisse smaak krijgt, die zich kenmerkt door citroengras.⁣ ⁣ Klik voor het recept op de link in de bio van @euroma_nl. - @euroma_nl on Instagram

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Working from Home and Cooking from Home. Lots of HOJA Best seller are now available for Frozen Food . You can easily reheat at home and enjoy like freshly cooked. #frozenfood #hojaplano #taiwanesefood #easycooking #planofoodies #dallasfoodie #richardsonfoodie - @hojateaandfood on Instagram

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- Love how this Beef Stew came out.

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- Dream place

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- Aesthetic mood boards

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Sorry I took a little hiatus but I’m back. And with a ton of fun new recipes I’ll be releasing during Quarantine! This is a delicious and SUPER EASY One Pan recipe You basically chop a bunch a bunch of veggies, sauté some chicken and let everything simmer in @traderjoes Red Thai Curry Sauce with some coconut milk and let the magic happen all in that one pot. . It’s spicy, sweet, and with tender meat and crunchy veggies it’s the perfect comfort food during the the rainy quarantine San Diego is expecting!! . Spicy Thai Chicken Curry 1 cup jasmine rice 2 cups water 1 tbsp coconut oil 2 lbs chicken breast/thigh 1 red onion 1 red bell pepper 1 bunch asparagus 1 can coconut milk 1 bottle Trader Joe’s Thai Red Curry sauce 1 package sliced mushrooms 1 bunch green onion 1 bunch cilantro Salt and pepper Crushed Red Pepper - @cheff_drew on Instagram

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- Garlic basil chicken

simons peculiar portions yogscast the yogscast simons pp simon honeydew

Een soepje is heerlijk als lunch of als avondeten🍜 Deze plantaardige kippensoep met kip van @vivavivera of @albertheijn is minstens net zo lekker als het origineel!😍 (Receptlink in bio!) #zokanhetook #albertheijn #vivera #gezond #vegetarisch #vega #vegan #milieu #voeding #duurzaam #klimaat #eiwit - on Instagram

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- cherry tomato salad

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- Eyelet skirt

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- beanie weenies

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- I mean, theyre not wrong

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身為一個小畫家兼歌手,有自己的貼圖代表著一種態度。 一種我很邱的態度。 ————— Line貼圖搜尋 「是玠貼圖快樂動物篇」 或直接去個人資訊點連結 check it😎 - @dadadohuang on Instagram

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- I hereby bestow upon you pictures of zoo animals and the workers without any context. [Wont Hurt You]

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- Camera Bag (dreams)

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Whos Ready for SOUP Weather?! I know I am! This easy Broccoli Cheese Chowder is the perfect recipe to kick off sweater weather!⁠ ⁠ - @craftingchicks on Instagram

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ലോക്കഡോൺ ആയിട്ട് കുറച്ചു ഐറ്റംസ് വാങ്ങിക്കാൻ പോയതാ. അപ്പോളാ പച്ചമാങ്ങാ കണ്ണില് പെട്ടത്. Swipe ⬅️⬅️🔚 പിന്നെ ഒന്നും നോക്കിനില്ല്ല. അങ്ങു പൊക്കി 1 കിലോ . കടുമാങ്ങ അച്ചാർ റെഡി. ഒരു ടൗച്ചിങ്‌സ് ആകുമല്ലലോ 😋 . . . Kadumanga is a variety mango pickle prepared by using mango.It is a very popular in South and Southeast Asia. These sometimes spicy pickles are also available commercially Kadumanga achar or Kadukumanga achar is a very popular kerala style instant mango pickle making with sour mangoes.There are many varietys of mango pickle in Kerala and this is the most common and easy to make pickle.This pickle is usually making in small batches and using with in two or three weeks In this pickle not used any preservatives or vinegar.So this this will not last for many days like other pickles,so always make small batches and finish with in two or three weeks . . . Rate Rs.80/- Kg . . . Location 🎯 Novel Fresh, Ecity Phase 1. Bangalore. . . #quickrecipes #pickles #weekend #lockdown2020 #citylife #cityfood #cityfoodie #mangopickle #selfprepration #bangalore #bangalorefoodblogger #ruchiyum_thedi #rtby_jovarg #safeyfirst #stayhome #happyweekend - @ruchiyum_thedi on Instagram

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- Ideal lean

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- 12 dancing princesses

the yogscast yogscast simons peculiar portions simon honeydew lewis brindley

Lagi PSBB kaya gini enaknya order Paket PSBB Family (Paket Shabu & Bakar Bakar) bisa Home Delivery dari @sogogishabu Harganya cuma 329.000 Nett sudah include biaya delivery dengan radius 5km (Kami siap kirim ke rumah kamu) tenang semua peralatan masaknya kami pinjamkan 😍 . No Pork, No Lard ———- 📍TEBET Tebet Timur Dalam 2 no 47 . 📍TANJUNG DUREN Jalan Tanjung Duren 1 No 1 Rt 12/Rw 04 . 📍CIPETE Jalan Cipete Raya No 12A, Cipete Selatan - Jakarta Selatan 12410 . 📍LEBAK BULUS Jalan Karang Tengah Raya No 6C Lebak Bulus Jakarta Selatan . 📍KEBON JERUK Jalan Pesanggrahan Raya No 10A Meruya Utara Kec Kembangan Jakarta Barat 11620 . #sogogi #sogogishabu #sogogishabugrill #shabugrill #psbb #takeaway #homedelivery - @sogogishabu on Instagram

clinica guilarte drguilarte logo guilarte cirugia plastica medicina estetica

- Hungary

the yogscast yogscast simons peculiar portions yogscast simon yogscast lewis

- Another still from the Mama trailer

pobrecitos que pena pobres desgraciado desgraciados

@ottogiamerica⁠ 3 min curry with karaage for my quick dinner!⁠ Perfect for a lazy girl like me!⁠😁 ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ #ottogiamerica #ottogi #ottogiambassadors #stayhome #ottogicurry #currycice #karaagecurry #koreancurry #koreancurryrice #오뚜기 #ottogi3minscooking #cheatcooking #savetime⁠ #quarantinecooking #homemade #cookingathome #feedfeed #letsstayhome #homecooking #cookingram #cookingisfun #cookingislife #livehealthy ⁠#foodblogger #lablogger #timesavingcooking #savetimecooking #カレー #インスタントカレー - @vegasandfood on Instagram

simons peculiar portions yogscast simon yogscast yogscast lewis the yogscast

- Check out my 1200 friendly meal prep!

aff luba lubatv como assim muito ruim

#ChickenNoodles - @your_choice_noodles_qa on Instagram

simons peculiar portions yogscast yogscast simon the yogscast yogscast lewis

Whats your favourite comfort food? Our list is so long it would take us forever 😂 any other big foodies out there? ✋ Our Vegan Palak Paneer has to be one of our favourites! Have you tried it? Turmeric Rice is a HUGE favourite of ours, pair that with creamy spinach goodness - makes for a wonderful, nutritious and not to mention gorgeous meal! 💛💚 ⁠ ⁠ We cant forget about Chana Masala - growing up this was always a go-to meal/snack we made when we had company over - garnished with fresh sliced onions and cilantro - PERFECTION! 🤩⁠ - @ahimsavegan on Instagram

book marina lopes mari lopes marina lopes official girl influencer academy

寒い月曜日の朝 #305c #35mm #film_jp #nyucionly #305vibes #bdg35mm #indo35mm #nikonfm2n #analognakal #retroikafilme #kodakportra400 - @ramdikaharianto on Instagram

simons peculiar portions yogscast the yogscast yogscast simon yogscast lewis

- Chip Alternative

tinoos food primo oferta tinoos food logo

\お肉の下味冷凍レシピ/  先日、楽天スーパーSALEでお肉を#まとめ買い したので下味をつけて冷凍しました😊  購入したのはエビス通販様の肩小肉とささみと手羽元。 何度もリピしてる商品で @anachan_kakeibo トップのリンクの中の楽天ROOMにも載せています♡ 肩小肉の代わりに、むね肉やもも肉でも作れます!   1ヶ月分ほどまとめて買って冷凍しておく事で、毎月同じレシピで#下味冷凍 を作っても同じメニューは月に1回程度しか登場しなくなるので、メニューを考える手間も省けます😁   うちの下味冷凍はお肉のみを冷凍。 野菜は冷凍しちゃうとシナっとするので、炒め料理にする時は野菜は一緒に冷凍しない方がオススメです!  下味冷凍の作り方は以前postしているので、よければ参考にして下さい♡   うちは夜ごはんに使うことがほとんど。 使う日の朝に冷凍から冷蔵庫へ移動させておけば、夕方にはだいたい解凍されてます♪ レンジOKの袋を使っていれば、レンジでの解凍も出来ますが冷蔵庫で自然解凍させる方が◎   被っているレシピもたくさんありますが、ほかの#下味冷凍レシピ は過去にpostしてるので、よかったら @anachan_kakeibo からご覧下さい♡   #やりくり費 #生活費 #特売日 #貯金ゼロ #節約 #節約生活 #アラサー主婦 #専業主婦 #節約レシピ #節約ごはん #あなちゃんの節約術 #あなちゃんのレシピ #つくりおき #つくりおきレシピ #おうちごはん #お家ごはん #夜ご飯 #よるごはん #肩小肉 #ささみ #手羽元 #食費節約 #ズボラ飯 #冷凍保存 - @anachan_kakeibo on Instagram

simons peculiar portions yogscast simon honeydew simon lane yogscast simon

•BANCHAN CLUB• The wait is over! Our banchan delivery box is ready for preorder! Whats included in the box? •𝗣𝗼𝗿𝗸 𝗕𝗲𝗹𝗹𝘆 {𝟱𝟬𝟬𝗴} •𝗟𝗔 𝗚𝗔𝗟𝗕𝗜 {𝟱𝟬𝟬𝗴} •𝗞𝗶𝗺𝗰𝗵𝗶 {𝟱𝟬𝟬𝗴} •𝗥𝗮𝗱𝗱𝗶𝘀𝗵 𝗞𝗶𝗺𝗰𝗵𝗶 {𝟱𝟬𝟬𝗴} •𝗙𝗶𝘀𝗵 𝗖𝗮𝗸𝗲𝘀 •𝗞𝗶𝗺𝗰𝗵𝗶 𝗣𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗮𝗸𝗲 •𝗦𝗼𝘆 𝗣𝗶𝗰𝗸𝗹𝗲𝗱 𝗤𝘂𝗮𝗶𝗹 𝗘𝗴𝗴𝘀 •𝗣𝗶𝗰𝗸𝗹𝗲𝗱 𝗢𝗻𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗦𝗮𝗹𝗮𝗱 $𝟭𝟬𝟬 Pre-order by 5pm on 29/09/2020. Delivery on 01/10/2020 between 12-2pm or 7-9pm - @hojuomma on Instagram

p%C3%B4por favor ed gama porta dos fundos vamos l%C3%A1 fa%C3%A7a o que lhe pe%C3%A7o

- CSIRO diet

simons peculiar portions yogscast the yogscast yogscast simon yogscast lewis

- Vegetable Soup With Ground Beef

mentira jo%C3%A3o vicente de castro porta dos fundos voc%C3%AAest%C3%A1mentindo %C3%A9golpe


simons peculiar portions simon honeydew yogscast yogscast simon honeydew

- Akira : Katsushiro Otomo

rhinoceros sumatran rhinoceros

- Its Sunday... So meal prep for the week for a family of 4. Including Sweet Potatoes, Cream of pumpkin soup, Chili Sin Carne and vegetable croquettes

simons peculiar portions yogscast the yogscast the yogs yogs

- Fried rice recipe

por que voces fazem isso comigo luba lubatv eu sou um sofredor coitado de mim

- Bluebird houses

the yogscast yogscast simons peculiar portions simon honeydew lewis brindley

Did you know Mujaddara is a popular dish in the Middle East? This legume dish is always served at celebrations and can be eaten with and without meat. It is also topped with golden, crispy onions that round out this hearty meal. Our Mujaddara can only be found at the Farm at Eastmans Corner, so stop by and pick up your Mujaddara in Karimahs Fridge! #food #foodie #Lebanese #karimahskitchen #eastmanscorner #goodeats #authentic - @karimahskitchenllc on Instagram

poxa davidson rafael portugal porta dos fundos familia sem filtros

- Fitness

the yogscast yogscast simons peculiar portions simon honeydew lewis brindley

Quarantine crew 💛 we’re gonna be here for a while. ... #curbyourenthusiasm #larrydavid #leonblack #jbsmoove #quarantinecrew #quaranteam #hbo #curbyourlarrydavid #vintagecomic #comicart #fanart #retroaesthetic #retrocomics #illo #procreateart #digitalink - @karaparisday on Instagram

porfa favor ivamil

Year 8 have been studying “Invertebrates” in Science this week using freshly sourced worms, retrieved from school soil by Miss Gamble! 🐛 - @lurganjuniorhighschool on Instagram

simons peculiar portions yogscast simon yogscast yogscast lewis the yogscast

October is just around the corner and that means another animal prompt list! Please feel free to join Faunatober this year and get inspired. Use any medium you like and draw any days you wish! Tag your art with #faunatober2020 because I’d love to see your creations! Happy arting! 🖤 . . . #drawingpromptlist #animalartwork #animaldrawing #drawwithme #artwithme #faunatober - @katekennedyart on Instagram

please luba tv por favor por clemencia eu imploro

Whats the LARGEST NUMBER you know in Chinese? 💯✔️ PS Just click the link in the Bio to learn more: @ChineseClass101 #ChineseGrammar #ChineseLesson #ChineseAccent #ChineseClass101 #ChineseLanguage #AskInChinese #LearnChinese #StudyChinese #ChineseStudying #Chinese #ChineseVocabulary #ChineseWords #ChinesePhrase #PracticeChinese #ILoveChinese - @chineseclass101 on Instagram

simons peculiar portions yogscast the yogscast the yogs yogs

- All Rick & Morty episodes sorted from best to worst based on IMDB ratings. [OC]

clinica guilarte drguilarte logo guilarte cirugia plastica medicina estetica

Which one is your favorite? Some pngs from @pngzzzz ______________________________________________ Images are not mine unless specified. I take no credit for them. Feel free to DM me if I have used your image and you would like further crediting or me to take it down. You are welcome to repost any of my posts, but if you use one of my photos or edits please tag me. ______________________________________________ Hashtags: #darkaesthetic #darkacademiabooks #darkacademiaaesthetic #darkacademiawomen #darkacademiamen #darkacademiastyle #darkacademiamoodboard #darkacademic #darkacademiafashion #darkacademiamemes #darkacademia #darkacademiavibes #moodboard #masculineoutfit #vintage #library #moodedits #vintagefashion #outfitsinspiration #lookbook #styleinspo #lightacademia #classicstyle - on Instagram

simons peculiar portions yogscast the yogscast simons pp simon honeydew

We ❤️ leftovers and will happily eat bowls of paella or fried rice for three or more lunches in a row! Did you know that fried rice is made best when using leftover rice? For more #ZeroWasteCooking tips visit the link in bio! #CarolinaRiceUnites - @carolinariceusa on Instagram

v de vitoria pequeno v cruzando os dedos sorte cross my fingers

Thinking of better days ~~~ - @linguinewithclamsgram on Instagram

simons peculiar portions yogscast the yogscast simon honeydew im walkin here

- Food and drink

hambre que a ver gordo gordura

- 90s

the yogscast yogscast simons peculiar portions yogscast simon yogscast lewis

- Pinto Bean Recipes

- Authentic Mapo Tofu Recipe | Chinese Food

- Books..!

Turmeric is a powerful natural anti-inflammatory. How many ways do you incorporate it into your diet? ⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ #plantbased #vegan #supplement #food #cook #cooking #foodies #natural #health #healthyrecipes #turmeric #flourish #foodismedicine #veganism #detox #beetroot #veganrecipe #healthy #healthfood #recipe #nutrition #dailydetox #cookbook #australianowned #holistichealth #preventionnotcure #wholefood #vegankitchen #wellness #vegancooking - @flourish_live_naturally on Instagram

- If this has been done already I will eat raw cereal

. در مورد کینوا چی می‌دونی !؟ توی این پست کینوا که یکی از سالم ترین غذاهای موجود توی جهانه رو معرفی میکنیم. شما تا حالا تجربه استفاده کینوا رو داشتین !؟ - @fitclub_ir on Instagram

- 7+ months baby - easy breakfast recipes

- Chicken Divan recipes

- Creative Destruction

- Asian/Indian fusion

- Healthy Recipes for Athletes

- Easy Family Meals Cape

Consistency. Practice. The boring stuff you need to take any skill from good to great. I cooked every single weekend (when I wasn’t out of town) for 2 years in my tiny kitchen and wow, the difference is huge!! . 👩🏻‍🍳I picked up so many new skills in the last two years, living in NYC and cooking for 2 (my partner and me). . 🤯In this period, I took 12 weeks of cooking classes that improved my kitchen skills tenfold. I taught myself a ton too, like how to make dumplings, bread, nail pastry dough from scratch and boil eggs. I can now make the perfect gooey stir fry sauce. I finally got comfortable cooking red meat. And I upgraded my containers to glass ones ☺️ . 💛I’m so excited to keep going, keep learning and keep relying on meal prep as a tool to get MORE out of life. Thanks for being here with me!!! - @workweeklunch on Instagram

- MPS: M-Thur Lunch:1/2cup ground turkey breast,1/2cup basmati rice and 1cup mixed veggies

- Dog whisperer tips

- Po ta toes

Dont have time to cook lunch or dinner each and every day? This super simple and healthy recipe by @keytomylime will have you prepped and ready for the week so you can get back to doing other things you enjoy! ***Recipe Link in Bio*** . . . #MealPrep #HealthyRecipe #Recipe #EasyRecipe #EasyLunch #DinnerIdeas #PrepLunch #TonyChacheres #Delicious #HealthyFood #Chicken #Rice #Broccoli - @tonychacheres on Instagram

- Korean writing

- 400 cal vegetarian mapo tofu with sides of steamed zucchini, snap pea and jasmine rice.

- #7 bone broth and soups

- Primeiro meme, dscp ;-;

- When your enemies come over to play C-Jump

- Yuca recipe puerto rico

- My MealPrep This Sunday: Pork Loin Potato Stew with veggies

We just made fresh edamame hummus 🥦 Enjoy 😉 . . . #strays #sffoodie #sffoodies #sfrestaurants #sfcurry #sfbento #sftogo #sftakeout - @konomama_konomama on Instagram

- The Cookie Monster

Mango sticky rice ☺️ kalo jajan ini PO yaa sobat jajan ... - @wrgjajannengshadut on Instagram

- Asian dishes

- I [ate] some smelly fish.

- sinigang na baboy filipino food

- Alice

- First time cooking with wild game--Spinach and Venison Meatball Soup!

- Recipes by Ingredients

- Arya stark art

- Trying to eat more health with meal prep - teriyaki chicken with quinoa, tamagoyaki, broccoli and pickled ginger , salmon with shiitake rice, sesame oil spinach/green bean and pickled kumatoes, curried chickpea and spinach and lastly chicken and veggie stew!

Yet another local favourite :heart: Lets try this White Pepper Crab recipe today! :crab: Par-cook crab: Steam crab for 15m; drain. In a wok or heavy-bottomed pot, heat oil and deep-fry crab for 1m. Transfer to paper-lined wire rack. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Make sauce: In a wok over medium heat, heat oil and sauté onion, garlic, and pepper until fragrant. Stir in oyster sauce, soy sauce, sugar, bouillon, and 2 c water (if using poultry stock, omit the water); bring to boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 1m. In a small bowl, combine cornstarch and enough water to make slurry; stir in slurry and simmer until thickened. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Toss crabs with sauce: Add crabs and stir-fry until coated and heated through. Garnish with coriander. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Credits: . . . #spice #spiceco #singapore #whitepepper #crab #white #pepper - @spice.co_ on Instagram

- [homemade] Chicken & Andouille Sausage Gumbo

- Pen illustration

- Noodle Meals

- asian recipes

Add a perfectly roasted chicken cut up into pieces, a pound of al dente spaghetti, then the cacciatore-style vegetables and youll have a meal that will transport you to the old world, to grandmas dining room table, her in her apron, serving big platters of steaming hot delicious food. Recipe link in bio - @bellasunluci on Instagram

Have u tried our #mango dessert series?? - @hongtang_id on Instagram

As spring has come, I think you need this! Korean Spicy Cold Noodle that is called Bibim Naeng Myeon! My mouth is filled with 💦!!!!! Yum! #melbournefood #melbournefoodie #woodo #woodorestaurant #woodokoreanbbq #woodobbq #woodokoreanrestaurant #우도 #멜번우도 #비빔냉면 #냉면 #koreanspicycoldnoodle #bibimnaengmyeon #forgerttingready - @woodo_melbourne on Instagram

- Getting ready for my daughter’s make-your-own-pizza birthday party with a little bit of Saturday morning algebra.

Have a great month and dont forget to leave room for dessert! • • #tellys #seafood #food #foodporn #foodie #fish #instafood #lobster #foodphotography #shrimp #dinner #delicious #yummy #foodstagram #restaurant #foodblogger #foodlover #lunch #seafoodlover #crab #foodies #fresh #seafoodlovers #salmon #instagood #sea #oysters #chef #tasty #foodgasm - @tellystaverna on Instagram


Today we’re showcasing a Kokuyo product that is loved by students around the world because it helps make memorization easier! Introducing the Kokuyo Checkle. A simple tool to help you highlight important notes which will later aid memorization. Highlight or write text using the checkle pen then move the red sheet over the text and they disappear! Helping you study more efficiently and effectively. Do note that the blue highlighter and pen are permanent while the green highlighter and pen can be removed using the special blender in the set! - @kokuyostationery on Instagram

Ever wonder why we made The Dutchess oval? So it can fit a chicken this perfectly. 📷 @joeholdsworth - @greatjones on Instagram

VEGAN CHICKPEA COCONUT CURRY . Coconut curries make quick, easy, and healthy weeknight dinners. Try this chickpea curry for a vegan curry option. . INGREDIENTS * 2 teaspoons oil (olive oil, coconut oil, or avocado oil) * 1 small onion, chopped * 2 carrots, peeled and chopped * 2 garlic cloves, minced * 1 tablespoon fresh ginger, minced * 1 15 oz. can diced tomatoes, drained * 1 13.5 oz. can of coconut milk * 1 14.5 oz. can of chickpeas, drained and rinsed * 1.5 tablespoons curry powder * 2 cups baby spinach, chopped * salt and ground black pepper, to taste . INSTRUCTIONS 1. Heat the oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add the onions, carrots and cook for 5 minutes until the onions become translucent. 2. Add the garlic, ginger, and curry powder and stir for about 30 seconds. 3. Add the coconut milk, tomatoes, and chickpeas. Bring to a simmer and cook for 8 minutes. 4. Add spinach and stir until it wilts. Season with salt and pepper. . . . . #chickpeas #chickpearecipes #chickpea #chickpeacurry #currylover #feedyourbody #quickmeals #easymeals #pantrymeals #pantrymeal #vegetablecurry #vegetariandinner #quickdinner #mealplanning #nutritiongoals #balancedeating #healthydinners #simplerecipe #eatforhealth #quickrecipes #nutritionadvice #easymealprep #nutritiontips #healthierchoices #healthierme - @nutritious_minimalist on Instagram

- The Bikini Bottom Horror: Return Of The Sponge

- Inspired by the guy who posted here, Kenjis one pot no knife lighter tuna casserole

- [Homemade] Bangers and mash with caramelized onions, plus an egg

- Neil DeGrasse Bison

🌑 Summoner 🌑 ~~~ It’s coming into spooky season, however in Australia that happens in the middle of Spring! So it’s not really a spooky setting 😅 unless we go with spooky flowers? 🌸👻🌼 ______________________________________ Dress and belt both from one of my fave brands ever 🖤🖤 Shoes are second hand .. . . . . #gothic #gothgoth #witch #stega #witchfashion #altfashion #alternative #darkmori #darkstyle - @catinawitchhat on Instagram

Harness the power of your #InstantPot or other multicooker for this family-friendly Harvest Vegetable Minestrone. Get the recipe at our link in bio! - @forksoverknives on Instagram

Zeitlos gut! #ngkntk #ngkntk_dach #sparkplugs #ngksparkplugs #kfz #schrauber #zündkerze #werkstatt #ancient #egypt #ägypten #kunst #kultur #culture #art #artlover #ancientegypt - @ngkntk_dach on Instagram

- Cubeman # 253 Dream Path 06-NOV-2019

- Thunderbird House

- Bearded dragon

Está com saudade de ver um show na nossa Casa? A @casanaturamusical é o palco da nova temporada do MINIDocs (@minidocs_), série audiovisual exibida no canal Arte1 (@canalarte1) e TV Cultura (@tvcultura) e hospedada no Youtube. A 4ª temporada do projeto tem estreia confirmada no Arte1 e será veiculada no dia 29 de setembro, terça-feira, às 20h30 com o cantor Tim Bernardes (@timbernardes). A série terá exibição semanal, com estreias sempre às terças 20h30 e reprises nas quintas, ao meio dia e também aos sábados, às 13h45.⠀ ⠀ A curadoria feita pela Casa Natura Musical traz 11 artistas de diferentes movimentos com a temática e um olhar aguçado sobre suas composições, além de acessar as transformações que eles querem pro mundo através de sua obra.⠀ ⠀ A parceria junto a Zoe Films, para colocar o palco da Casa na TV, reforça o compromisso em ampliar nossos canais de contato com os públicos e possibilitar que os artistas tenham nosso espaço como um amplificador do seu trabalho e mensagem.⠀ ⠀ #NosEncontramosNaMúsica⠀ ⠀ Crédito fotos: Henri Kenzo Taniguti - @casanaturamusical on Instagram

You know this family eats rice like its our job. Tell us why you feed your own family rice as part of a nutritious meal! Is it one of these reasons? 🥗 Plant-based 🌱 Vegan 🦋 Non-GMO 🚫 Gluten free 🌾 Whole grain - @ralstonfamilyfarms on Instagram

- Clean eating/shopping

- [Homemade] Dutch pea soup (erwtensoep)

🤭☕️ . . . . #nichememes #niche #nichememeaccount #moodedits #moodboards #moodboard #art #aestheticedits #artistic #outfitinspiration #outfitmoodboard #darkacademia #darkacademiaaesthetic #aesthetic #aestheticpost #aestheticblog #classyacademia #explorepage #lightacademia #nicheaesthetic #academiaaesthetic #darkacademiafashion #vintageoutfits #outfitoftheday #vintagestyle #chic #classyfashion #vintage #classy #lookbook - @theartofacademics on Instagram

Yesterday we asked all our fellow cheese lovers to guess what we were making. It was, of course, this delicious mushroom risotto with Truffle Trove. Recipe link in bio. #truffletrove #risotto #welshcheese #britishcheese - @snowdoniacheese on Instagram

Selamat Siang .. Sahabat Djampy 🤗 Sehat semangat tiap hari belum lengkap Tanpa ditemani si “Djampy” 🌱 resepOma memproduksi 2 varian Djampy /minuman herbal segar Dan sehat saat ini.. - Kunyit Asem - Beras Kencur Selain enak juga bagus dikonsumsi secara rutin lho.. 100% terbuat dari bahan alami, Tanpa bahan pengawet Dan pemanis buatan. Yuks beralih ke yang herbal, supaya tubuh kita juga mendapatkan manfaat dari apa yang kita minum 🤗🤗 #halal #halalfood #halalfoodie #jamu #jamuterbaik #jamusehatmurah #jamusehatwanita #jamusehatpria #jamumodern #jamusurabaya #jamusegar #jamukunyitasamsurabaya #jamuberaskencursurabaya #missfoodculinary #minumansehat #minumansegar #healthydrinks #drinks #jamuantivirus #jamuresepoma #minumantradisional #minumansurabaya #kulinersurabaya #minuman #minumankekinian #minumansurabaya #minumansunnah #minumanhits #minumandinginsurabaya #minumandingin - @kroketresepoma on Instagram

@dirtygingervegan VEGANISED AN AWFUL VINTAGE RECIPE AND ITS THE BEST - @uglyvegan on Instagram

- Mandarin chinese alphabet

- AD.sivos

- Yakisoba

- story of O

14 day quarantine- Day 4 Dinner - on Instagram

- Animales

- Pickle meal

- anne

- My budget meal prep from last week! Ground turkey made three ways.

- bullet journals

Seasoned rice (comes with our $10 Bento menu) In Japan, it is calledTakikomi gohan (炊き込みご飯) Takikomi gohan is a Japanese rice dish seasoned with dashi and soy sauce along with mushrooms, vegetables, meat, or fish. ubereatsmelbourne Our $10 BENTO Fried Chicken Bento Sweet Chilli Prawn Bento Tempura Bento Veg Croquet Bento Main dish served with Seasoned rice with vegetables, Pickled vegetables and Spicy gyoza. #melbournedeliveryfood #melbournetakeaway #takeawayjapanesefood #melbournejapanesefood #takeaway #rice #bentobox #melbournefoodie #eathealthy #ubereatsmelbourne #loverice #japanesebentomelbourne #bento #melbournehealthyfood - @shimbashi_soba_russell on Instagram

- I Love Soy!

- Medieval romance

โคล่าสดทำไมราคาสูงกว่าที่เจอทั่วๆไป? อย่างแรกเลย “แอร์คราฟท์” ขาย “คราฟท์โคล่า” คราฟท์ คือ ทำอย่างประนีต แปลว่าใช้เวลาและฝีมือในการปรุงโคล่า ต้องเตรียมวัตถุดิบแบบแยกส่วน ทีละชิ้นทีละอัน คั้นน้ำ ฝานผิว คั่ว เคี่ยว กรอง รอบ่มจนเข้าที่ หลายขั้นหลายกระบวนการเป็นเวลาหลายชั่วโมง + อย่างที่สองก็เพราะว่าแอร์คราฟท์ทำโคล่าจากวัตถุดิบจริง เลม่อนจริง มะนาวแป้นจริง เครื่องเทศจริง วานิลลาแท้และส่วนประกอบอีกนับสิบชนิด ซึ่งมีราคาที่ต้องจ่าย // ระบบอุตสาหกรรมที่ผลิตคราวละมากๆทำให้เราเคยชินว่าอาหารมีราคาถูก ซึ่งแต่เดิมมาไม่ได้เป็นแบบนั้น อาหารคราฟท์เป็นธรรมดาที่จะราคาสูงกว่าอาหารแมสเสมอ เพราะมีการลงทุนในต้นทุนเพื่อการกินที่ดีกว่า // แอร์คราฟท์ทำโคล่าด้วยวิธีดั้งเดิมแบบที่โคล่าเกิดขึ้นมาในยุคแรกๆ เราเป็นสโลว์โคล่าท่ายาก 🤣🥃❤️✨ - @aircraft.bkk on Instagram

- Chinese Food

Різноманіття в одній каструльці — рис, шматочки курячого філе, дрібні кубики моркви, два види солодкого перцю, слайси шампінйонів і стручкова квасолька. Мікс натуральних спецій до смаку, кольором завдячуємо куркумі👌 . . . #homechef #рис #рисзовочами #рисскурицейиовощами #паелья #паэлья #mushroompaella #paella #comfortfood #realfood #готуювдома #люблюготовить #паэльясгрибами #onepotmeal #chickenrice #onepotrice #смачнавечеря #идеиужина #foodstagram #onepotfood #homemeal #foodblog #foodlover #люблюготувати #простістрави #onepot #bonappetit #simplefood #простаяеда #домашнякухня - @kulinaristo on Instagram

- Thought the bedside table in Up looked familiar

- Creamy curry chicken with pasta - easy dinner idea + video

- 2014 diet

Oktoberfest dinner for Abby’s birthday! @aragornsgirl - @smithtastic1970 on Instagram #downeyca - on Instagram

This Weeks Featured Producer: ✨@kimchee_jeanius ✨ ========================= ➡︎ABOUT⬅︎ Jean O founded Kimchee Jeanius in 2017. And is a highly regarded kimchee producer/fermenter. ALSO, I’m very proud to [always] call her, “my wife.” ========================= ➡︎COMMITMENT⬅︎ Jean O is committed to making fresh batches monthly. All kimchee is hand cut, mixed for a superior product. And yes, you can TASTE the difference. ========================= ➡︎PRODUCT INFO⬅︎ * Plant-Based * Essential Probiotics * No-Added Sugar * Uses Only Whole Ingredients * Keto-Friendly  ========================= ➡︎WHERE TO BUY/HOW TO BUY⬅︎ @kimchee_jeanius ↪️[One-Time Purchase, $12/Pint] 🔁[Monthly Subscription, $20/2 Pints] Available only to San Francisco Bay Area. 🚗 Drop-off is available and limited to: -San Francisco -East Bay - @tumamispices on Instagram

- I just discovered this subreddit, and I thought Id post my 6 favorite soup and chili recipes that Ive made over the past year since they might come in handy during this chilly weather weve been having! All 6 recipes are included in the comments! [OC]

- Made some Chicken with Veggies Wok for the next four quarantine days :)

Bismillah hari ini kita ada menu baru “Mango Sticky Rice” harga promo cuma 15k aja, cocok nih buat makan siang, makan siangnya Mango Sticky Rice, makan penutupnya roti kuro kuro, dijamin enduull🤤🤤 Kita juga ada 100+ pilihan topping, Salah satunya ada topping yang klasik seperti coklat, keju, slai-slai. Ada juga yang kekinian kaya roti asin pandan (chicken teriyaki saus keju), telor sosis mayo, telur kornet mayo, beef, nuttela, ovomaltine, skippy, chesse, silverqueen, toblerone, kitkay, cadbury dan masih banyak yang lainnya 😍😍 Jadi buat yang penasaran langsung aja datang atau yang ga mau ngantri atau kehujanan bisa order via GRAB/WA 🙏🙏 📍Lokasi: Samping Alfamart Jalan Pahlawan, Majalengka Kulon #infomajalengka #majalengka #majalengkajuara #infomjlka #infomjlk #exploremajalengka #ulinmajalengka #majalengkahits #kulinermajalengka #jajananmajalengka #psbbmajalengka - @kurokuromajalengka on Instagram

- comidas

- the secret history

Makaroni dengan 15 varian rasa !! . Jadi kali ini gue nyobain makaroni premium dari @makaronibonju_id , mereka punya 15 varian rasa, dari yang paling pedas, gurih, & manis. Kali ini gue nyobain varian yang paling pedasnya & gue makan bareng produk terbarunya dari @makaronibonju_id yaitu tofu-tofu daebak (batagor kuah korea) yang rasanya klop banget sm makaroninya. Buat kalian yg ga kuat pedas, ada juga varian nori seaweed yang pakai nori asli! dan ada yang rasa coklat jg loh.. . Yang membuat makaroni ini lebih premium, kemasannya itu menarik banget, & dibagian belakangnya ada komiknya gitu.. . Untuk pemesanan, bisa langsung ke @makaronibonju_id ya... . #makaronibonju #makaroni #snackenak #jktfoodbang #jktfooddestination #pedas #kuliner #culinary #makansiang #makananenak #sambal #makanpedas #laperbaper #wowkuliner #kulinernusantara #kulinerjakarta - @mamankkuliner on Instagram

- a few of my favorite things

- Comic page

Ribollita Soup with Ham. A savory, clean-out-the-fridge style soup recipe is sure to be a crowd pleaser, and can be ready for the freezer! Swipe for ingredient list & find #recipe at link in bio. #familymealsmovement #familymealsmonth #freezermeal #leftoverham - @colemannatural on Instagram

New menu is coming soon..dalam kemasan vakum dan sudah ready to eat...yang kangen cumi hitam madura, stay tune di ig kami ya 😉 #kulinerjakarta #kulinerbintaro #tangselfoodies #kabartangsel #jktfoodbang #kabarbintaro #tangselian #bintaro #tangerangfoodies #seputartangsel #nasikrawu #nasipecel #nasimadura #peyek #freshmarketbintaro #cumihitam - @dapurjengria on Instagram

Can I just buy wrapping paper (or a dress, ya know) with a roasted veggie print? 🎁💃🏻 These colors are seriously the best, and even the roasty wrinkly carrots are pretty cute (IMO). . As of today, my life is officially 100% more chaotic than normal. We’re moving in 7 days, so I’m trying to cook and eat AALL the food. Hence AALL the random leftover veggies got roasted this morning. All together, because, easy 🥦🍠 . When roasting a big batch of veggies together, the key to uniform cooking is chopping the veggies DIFFERENT sizes. Those that cook quickest (broccoli, sweet potato) are the biggest, and those that take longer to cook (onions, carrots) are smallest. Then you throw ‘em all on a baking sheet with avocado oil, salt, and pepper and roast at 375F for 30-40 mins!! ✨ . I am off to clean out the random jars of yeast from my fridge (I made homemade date and apple yeast starters for bread a few months ago...and forgot about them- long story.) 🤦🏻‍♀️ Hope your to do list is a little less stinky! Happy Monday, friends! 😘 - @toleranttummy on Instagram


- remus lupin

- Hong Kong Travel Guide

- Asian

- cultura

Chili con carne is een populair gerecht, maar chili sin carne is minstens net zo lekker!🌱 Maak deze heerlijke stoofschotel met vega gehakt van @quorn_nl of @albertheijn . Dat wordt smullen!🙌 (Receptlink in bio!) #zokanhetook #albertheijn #quorn #gezond #vegetarisch #vega #milieu #voeding #duurzaam #klimaat #eiwit - on Instagram

- Deliciousness

- [I ate] Grasshoppers! #nuts #almond #walnut #peanut #cashew #macadamia #brazil #hazelnut #natural #healthy #healthyfood #healthylifestyle #eatgoodfeelgood #fresh #freshfood #online #market #nationwidedelivery #shoplocal #wehaveitall #getnuts #nutsfactory #nyc - @thenutsfactory on Instagram

- Chipotle chicken/shrimp tacos, crispy tofu with peanut sauce and rice noodles, and breakfast quesadillas for this short workweek!

- 21 Day Fix Meal Plans

- Worlds largest Collection of bellybutton lint

- Pickled Thai snacks @ Ayutthaya floating market

Im a bit of a gourmet chef. I love cooking - mostly Thai food - Will Ferrell⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Us too Will, US TOO!! ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ For the most delicious Thai in the 6ix, drop on by our patio or check us out on DoorDash and UberEats!⁣⁣ ⁣ ISAAN DER⁣ 📍2961 Dundas st. W. & 2013 Yonge St.⁣ Delivery takeout online orders⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ #torontodelivery #torontofoodblog #torontoeats #takeoutTO #TakeoutToronto #Cravethe6ix #deliveryto #tastethesix #thaitoronto #thaifood #torontofoodies #blogTO #noodles #midtown #torontospots #torontoeats #torontofoodies #gtathai #torontopatio #patiotoronto #patioTO⁣ - @isaan_der on Instagram

- Elizabeth Swann

- Craft - Game accessories

Here’s a tasty meal made for our #meatless eaters! Kitsune-Donburi is a rice bowl topped with fried bean curd and egg which are cooked in a savory sauce.⠀ ⠀ Did you know that the literal translation of this dish means “fox rice bowl”? It’s told that fried bean curd is a fox’s favorite food, and they both have this same shade of brown.⠀ ⠀ As always, make sure to find the recipe in today’s story and by following the link in our bio.⠀ ⠀ #zojirushi #zoijrushiamerica #vegetarian #foxricebowl #kitsunedonburi #japaneserecipe #rice - @zojirushiamerica on Instagram



Hoy tenemos sancocho 🍛🍴 #laponcena #comidascriollas - @la_poncena_restaurant on Instagram

- Slow cooked bbq chicken with a side of plantains and beef and broccoli 🥦🍗

- Bullet journal instagram

- Baked spaghetti squash

Chicken, Mushroom and Dried Scallop Soup. My Mum taught me how to make this nutritious soup. I find it so soothing to eat. I always feel happy when my family are eating it. It has become one of our real comfort foods. The dried mushrooms and scallops provide a real depth of flavour. It’s a ONE POT @danielleskitchenessentials meal, easy to make and so delicious. #chickensoup #onthetableathome #foodilovetomake #comfortfood #homecooking #danielleskitchenessentials - @onthetableathome on Instagram

When everything you need comes in just one bowl. 20g of protein in just 3 minutes. #TasteMoreofLife⁣ –⁣ #lonolife #realtaste #realportable #livethelonolife #protein #collagen #instant #lonolifestyle #onthego #portable #adventureready #simmerandsip #foodporn #bonebroth #noodles #quickandeasy - @lonolifeinc on Instagram

Matzah ball soup! - @philrgoldberg on Instagram

- Broiled lobster tails recipe

Yumm! #tangyuan - @hongtang_id on Instagram

- Oral Motor Activities & Games

เมนูง่ายๆ ก่อนออกกำลังกาย เพิ่มพลัง แล้วลุยต่อ 🔥🔥 #ลดความอ้วน #อาหารคลีน #คุมอาหาร #ผอมชาตินี้ #ไม่ใช้ยาลดน้ำหนัก #เมนูอาหารคลีน #อาหารสุขภาพ #ลดน้ำหนัก #ลดน้ำหนักแบบปลอดภัย #กินคลีน #อาหารเพื่อสุขภาพ #if #คีโต #วิธีลดน้ำหนัก #ลดพุง - on Instagram

- Strawberry margarita jello shots

Todos que provaram se apaixonaram! Você já experimentou essa novidade no nosso cardápio? O Filet Antiquarius está arrasando corações! ⠀ Se você já experimentou, deixa nos comentários o que você achou! - @restauranteantiquarius on Instagram

- Customer Service in the Animal Kingdom.

DoubleX 250. —————— •35mm Film motion. •Bahan dasar Kodak Eastman 250 2017 •Dengan butiran halus. •Proses D-96 •Dapat di-push/ pull hingga 3 stop. •Dimodifikasi di Indonesia. . . . . #bersoreria #250 #grainisgood #films #35mm #indo35mm #theanalogclub #kodakeastman5222 #thefilmcommunity #madewithkodak #kodak #filmisnotdead #filmphotography #bw #bnw - @toko_bersoreria on Instagram

- JY products

We are excited to announce that the first snack made of organic puffed pasta will be launched soon in the best bars, restaurants and organic markets. @la_pastatina_bio Certified vegan by @veganaustraliaofficial . . . @cooperativa_campo @canu_organicpastastraw @ariastraws_au . . . #pastatinabio #pasta #pastalovers #organic #organicfood #vegan #veganaustralia #veganaustraliaofficial #letsgoveganaus #notfried #foodporn #foodgasm #foodie #foodbloggers #sydneyfood #melbournefood #yummy #sydneyeats #healtyfood #instafood - @ariastraws_au on Instagram

- @chicken_fried_rice22 on Instagram

- 21 day fix

- Vegan Frozen Foods

หมี่กะทิ หมี่สีชมพู ปรุงรสด้วยซอสพริกศรีราชาพานิช @srirajapanich_chilisauce ใช้ง่ายสะดวก ไม่เจือสี, ไม่ใส่วัตถุกันเสีย และไม่มีผงชูรส และซีอิ๊วขาว ตราภูเขาทอง @goldenmountain_sauce ที่ผลิตจากถั่วเหลืองที่คัดเลือกอย่างพิถีพิถัน หอม อร่อย ช่วยเพิ่มรสชาติอาหาร ไม่ใส่ผงชูรส ทานคู่กับน้ำซอสกุ้งที่รสชาติคล้ายหลน ดันลืมใส่ไข่เจียวหั่นฝอยลงไปด้วย แต่รับรองความอร่อยค่ะ สามารถสั่งซื้อง่าย ๆ ได้ที่ Line@ซอสภูเขาทอง (@goldenmountain1954) • #goldenmountain_sauce #EveryDishHasAStory #TheTasteOfTheOrignal #เพราะทุกจานมีเรื่องราว #รสชาติของต้นตำรับ #ซอสภูเขาทอง #Srirajapanich_chilisauce #sauce #chilisauce #ซอสพริกศรีราชาพานิช - @panofnunoo on Instagram

- Congee is about as cheap and versatile as it gets

Cup Noodles Seafood Gurih Pedas. Regram from @temeninmakan #hungrytowin #beranilaparberanimenang #cupnoodles #japan #japanese #food #foodporn #cup #noodle #ramen #foodstagram #delicious #mie #enak #mieinstan - @cupnoodlesid on Instagram

辛ラーメンキムチ袋麺!新発売!! マリルド辛さ! キムチのシャキシャキの食感!! #辛ラーメン#辛ラーメン激辛#辛ラーメンキムチ#ランチ#グルメ#cooking#ラーメン#食べテロ#food#yammy#アレンジ#キャンップ - @nongshimjapan on Instagram

- Blanchester Ohio

- Chese

- books

Vai preparar seu almoço? Deixa que a gente entrega prontinho 😋 e do jeito que você gosta! Acesse o link 👆🏻na bio e fale direto com a gente! #mamafitsaudavel #comidadeverdade #saude #fitness #vidasaudavel #indaiatuba - @mamafit_saudavel on Instagram

- 300 cal Mac and cheese with air fried chicken for the first part of the week!

We have created some amazing artistry with our onions that were just a little damaged from the water. We have beautiful caramelized onions for you! Every meal you make can be enhanced with a tablespoon full of caramelized onions, from omelets to pasta to meat dishes! . - @meadowcreekfarmsab on Instagram

- Mas eu JURAVA que era só tirar o PT pro Brasil melhorar, gente. Ué....

- A Farewell to Arms Pt 3


- Chicken fricassée with rice

- Misadventures of Poland - Hommage to Bill Watterson

ᴀʀᴛɪsᴛ : @maplemoon_ 好想去旅行!! ᴛᴀɢ : #drawing #draw #art #artwork #doodle #girls #watercolor #illustration #hongkonger #hkdraw #hkig #originalart #香港原創 #香港 #漫畫 #香港插圖 #電繪 #hongkongdraw #香港插畫專區 #hongkong #hkart #artist #畫畫 - @hongkongdraw on Instagram

- Homemade chicken soup with barley.

While floating around on a raft you will need to keep yourself fed! This weeks recipe is Coconut Chicken inspired by Raft. Recipe can be found on Pixelated Provisions, link in the bio. - @pixelatedprovisions on Instagram

- Thanos Snap

#Repost @rawthenticpetmeals ・・・ MONSTER MEAL 😈 ・・・ - Carrot purée infused with coconut oil 🥕 - Goats milk kefir 🥛 - Mackerel morsels 🐟 - Chicken wing tip chicken 🐓 - Dehydrated kangaroo meatball ⭕️ - Whole chicken egg 🥚 - Freeze dried lamb green tripe 🐐 - Dehydrated beef liver chips 🐄 - Beef mince 🥩 - @raw_fed_insta_dogs on Instagram

Meal planning Not has the best few weeks 🙄anyway ......... Monday tomorrow and lunches planned for the week @sw_heatherandlaura this reminds me of you xx Fried off mince onion carrots added two beef oxos couple of chopped new potatoes and sprouts simmered until veg is cooked Added frozen mixed veg at the end - @slimmingworldmelb on Instagram

- Eco Friendly Travel Tips

Dessert with #durian? Why not?? 😍 - @hongtang_id on Instagram


- beans

- Ramen with a slice of American cheese.

- 4th Of July

- If last night’s chicken stew or chilli has stained your storage container and hot soapy water just won’t shift it, reach for the baking soda. Wipe the inside with a smooth water-and-soda paste and allow it to sit for a few hours. This should get rid of any stubborn marks for good.

500T (kuninglangsat). —————— •35mm Film motion. •Bahan dasar KodakVision 500T 2017 •Dengan butiran halus. •Proses ECN-2. •Dapat di-push/ pull hingga 3 stop. •Dimodifikasi di Indonesia. . . . . #bersoreria #500T #grainisgood #films #35mm #indo35mm #theanalogclub #kodakvision500t #thefilmcommunity #madewithkodak #kodak #filmisnotdead #filmphotography - @toko_bersoreria on Instagram

Fuja da rotina e peça um almoço especial no meio da semana! ⠀ Todos os dias da semana temos pratos especiais. Hoje temos o nosso clássico Arroz de Pato e o Camarão Zico. - @restauranteantiquarius on Instagram

- Forbidden...curry phone case?

Homemade Fried Rice 🔥🍚 ——— Cooked up some fried rice a while back for lunch for my brother and I. Not the most ideal bunch of ingredients, considering I only had sushi rice on hand, but still delicious to say the least with the bacon, peas, scallions, and eggs added. Simple and tasty meal to use up leftover ingredients! ——— Fun fact 😲: A lot of fried rice recipes call for leftover/old cooked long-grain rice since it tends to have less water content (less mushiness when cooked)! ——— 📸: Canon Rebel T3i w/ EF-S 18-55 mm Lens - @yuulovefood on Instagram

With recent events relating to the fires and bad air quality, we at Thien Tam believe people are in a greater need for help. We took extra precautions protecting ourselves to provide food and water to those in need during these challenging times. 🚒 Thank you to our first responders who are working nonstop to contain these fires. Stay safe and healthy everyone! - @thientamveg on Instagram

Cozy up with a bowl of hearty Collards and Sausage Gumbo tonight. (Link in profile) #tasteofthesouth - @tasteofthesouthmagazine on Instagram

- [Homemade] Preserved lemons

- Pasta-making Adventure: Squid-Ink Tagliatelle. Ten Out of Tentacles!

Snack time should be germ-free! Use the Magicopper Antiviral Cutting Wrap to store your food safely! Its Copper nanoparticles eliminates 99.9%of viruses, bacteria and germs upon contact! MOMMY TIP: You can use this antiviral cutting wrap on any high-touch surface a your home or office. Perfect for protecting your personal items too! #magicopper #mightybabyph - @ecomomph on Instagram

- CH - {Viktor Krum}

- Chicken stew as part of an effort to reduce my lunch spending. Tastes far better than it looks!

Vocal for Local it is this weekend. We are flooded with orders for our Nepali fare.....the response to the local cuisine motivates us to introduce more flavors. Watch this space for updates. Today it was Samay Bazi and selrotis. We are a cloud kitchen operated by 3 people. Request you to pre order a day before to help us serve you better DM/ Call/WhatsApp 9932769511 #localfood #newarifood #nepalifood #selroti #samaybazi #cloudkitchen #foodloverssiliguri #siliguridiaries #siligurifoodies - @timboor_2020 on Instagram

#comidacleanfeitapormim peito de@frango grelhado com pure de madioquinha, arroz negro e cogumelos paris. Tudo feito sem oleo na panela de ceramica - @carmen_bonamico on Instagram

- Aesthetic revolution

- Spaghetti-Os posted this picture with the caption Turkey leftovers from Thanksgiving? Throw em in your Os for a flavorful + seasonal add-on!

🐷🥚มาสัมผัสความอร่อยแบบจัดเต็ม รสชาตินุ่มละนุมได้เลยที่อร่อยดีทั้ง 19 สาขา ตามไปเช็กใน Story Highlights กันเล๊ยย🙂 #AroiDee #อร่อยดี #รสชาติคุ้นอิ่มครบจบทุกมื้อ #อร่อยดีย้อนวันวานกับจานที่คุ้นเคย #โจ๊กหน้าแน่น - @crgaroidee on Instagram

It’s very cloudy in New York City now, so I made some ramyeon. Sometimes I enjoy instant noodles, this time I added homemade chicken dumplings and rice cakes. So cozy! - @maangchi on Instagram

- For me

D-59, 화요일 아침 - ✔️ 블랙페퍼 닭가슴살 100g, 현미밥 쪼오금 ✔️ 방토, 파프리카, 사과 1/4 어제 저녁이 내피셜 부실해서 오늘 완전 1kg빠졌을 줄 알았는데 0.1kg 빠짐. #꿀타민 을 너무 많이 먹어서일까? 어제 훈제도 짰는데 오늘 블랙페퍼도 짜구나. 자극적이라 입이 얼얼함. 더 파워 오브 염분. ▶️ 먹는 양을 아주 쪼오오금 줄였는데 그래서 티가 안남 #D_59 #기록은나의힘 #맛있다다맛있어 #오늘하루만버티면연휴가온다 #나원래오늘치앙마이출발이었음🤢 #진쯔코로나샛기진쯔 #아직타이항공비행기표환불못받음 #나는읽기쉬운마음이야 #자꾸듣게됨 - @dietanddiary on Instagram

Chickpea stew from Alentejo. A great confort food to start celebrating the arriving of Autumn. #portuguesefoodandwine #instafood #pornfood #foodporn #instachef #food #foodie #foodies #foodstagram #foodlover #foodshare #foodstyling #foodart #gastronomia #gastronomy #portuguesefood #delic - @portuguesefoodandwine on Instagram

- book activities

Whats for dinner! This one is a life saver when we come home late and cant find anything in the fridge. But we do have ground beef (well, we use organic ground turkey as a health substitute) in the freezer and packets of @mccormickspice I got from @safeway (mild chili - swipe for pic). Its so easy and its kind of like a home cooked meal! - It takes a couple mins to defrost the ground turkey, and then I just brown it, chop up some and fry some onions, add a can of beans and diced tomatoes (maybe a small can of tomato sauce too), stir and simmer then in about 10 mins later we got dinner! And I must say its not bad! The ingredients on the packet look ok and not too many preservatives. Ive used these for years since I was a kid with my parents and now with my kids. #thebest 🤙🏼 - Whats your go to easy dinner? - - - - - #hawaiisbestfoods #whatsfordinner #hawaiifoodfinds #easyeats #hawaiifoodreviews #quickandyummy #eatinghawaii - @hawaiisbestfoods on Instagram

- Casserole and Potluck Recipes

Il risotto è sempre un’eccellente alternativa alla classica pasta, specialmente quando si hanno a pranzo degli ospiti e se sono previste altre portate come secondi particolarmente sostanziosi. Quello proposto sul nostro blog, è un risotto molto facile e rapido da preparare, ma caratterizzato da un’unione di gusti e profumi intensa e particolare: i carciofi e il prosciutto cotto, che insieme garantiscono un mix di sapori gustosissimo e non così comune!👨‍🍳 #cucinatoconSanLorenzo #gamberorosso #italiaintavola #gnammo #oggicucinoio #risotto #carciofinisottolio #risottoaicarciofi #prosciuttocrudo #italianfood #ricetteitaliane - @sanlorenzo.official on Instagram

- [homemade] Chicken Ramen with Scorpion chili

Ramen rumahan, cita rasa restaurant - Terima kasih @kris_oliven & @herling untuk fotonya yg sungguh luar biasa Ini 😁 - #ramen #dirumahaja #kulturasa #chickenramen #noodles - @kulturasa on Instagram

- - v aesthetic

Зберігай собі пост☝️ Тут зібрані всі ціни на смачненьке зі знижками до 5 жовтня: -20% на всі арахісові🥜 та горіхові🌰 пасти; -10% на солону карамель, джеми, та чай. • •Київ: вул.Жилянська, 45 — магазин Balcony •Львів: вул.Шевська, 12 — Вернісаж Mall - @maslotom on Instagram

We’re just as sad as you that #Oktoberfest was cancelled. But that doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate at home with close family and friends! Sauerkraut and sausage in the crock is a classic. Number two on this list of five sausage recipes for the fall (looks like a flare of flavor, too). Check it out at the link 👆 - @unclecharleysco on Instagram

- Clean eating

🌟 一周减脂餐食谱 . 减肥期间一定要健康饮食 今天来分享 6 天工作午餐合集 . 希望大家能喜欢 😍 . 1️⃣ 蒜苔炒豆干 ➕ 香煎鳕鱼柳 ➕ 蒸甜玉米 . 2️⃣ 水煮虾仁 ➕ 西蓝花 ➕ 紫薯块 3️⃣ 红薯芝麻饼 ➕ 缤纷时蔬炒巴沙鱼 4️⃣ 黑椒鸡胸肉炒白菇青瓜 ➕ 蒸甜玉米 5️⃣ 豆干炒菜花 ➕ 水煮萝卜 6️⃣ 黑椒意粉 ➕ 豆角炒鸡胸肉 . . . 肉类:鳕鱼柳 鸡胸肉 巴沙鱼 虾仁 . 蔬菜:蒜薹 西蓝花 胡萝卜 青瓜 菜花 豆角 白菇 . 主食:玉米 紫薯 意粉 红薯 . 每天都不一样 . 才吃不腻!希望大家会喜欢哦~ . . . 分享自小红书 APP,喜欢请帮忙转发以及分享 =] . #小红书 #健康饮食 #便当食谱 #健康便当 #healthylifestyle #bentorecipe #healthyrecipe - @xiaohongshu_app on Instagram

. . . #1日目のカレー と#2日目のカレー 2日目はハンバーグカレー🍛🥄 #ゴールデンカレーバリ辛 がすき🤤 #ゴールデンカレー #カレー #おうちごはん #ごはん記録 #今日の晩御飯 #献立 🍚🧑🏻‍🌾 #canong7x 📷 - @kuma_halo on Instagram

Save this photo for when you don’t know what to eat for lunch (or dinner, too). 📲 #CoCoICHIBANYAindonesia #CoCoICHIBANYA #CoCoICHI #CurryHouseCoCoICHIBANYA #goodsmellgoodcurry #curryhouse #japanesecurry #curryrice #japanesefood - @cocoichibanyaindonesia on Instagram

- Chinese flashcards