- 1999. I was in a boy band for a few weeks and we took professional headshots. Pleather jacket in July. “Sexuality” rune pendant. Tons of love for the camera.

Guests Left Mortified After MOH Exposes The Bride During Wedding Speech

- Supernatural jokes

- Boys Boys Boys

Es ist keine Überreaktion Wir alle sind unterschiedlich empfindlich

Hardin Scott, Ladies & Gentlemen 🔥🔥🔥 #AfterTruth - Jetzt im Kino! - @afterfilm.de on Instagram

Romantic Good Night Message with Dreamy Sky and Heartfelt Quote 💕🌙

- saw this on tumblr

Cheerleader Photos Captured at Exactly the Right Moment

- 19 April

Pregnancy is for 9 months, but friendships are forever #SinceDayOne - @naturalgrimes on Instagram

- Jonathan Knight

Still trying to figure this knife out. Im really not digging that top bevel at all so on the next one Ill probably ditch it. Of course Ill probably try the bevel again later just to try to get it right😆. What do yall think, top bevel or no? 440C Custom mix KG GUNKOTE 550 cord handle wrap Coyote kydex w/Molle lok . . . . #roknives #1sfg #sof #veteran #veteranowned #retiredmilitary #jumpmaster #specialoperations #knifemaker #knife #edc #handmade #customknife - @ro_knives on Instagram


- Hardware

Wild Profile: Meet the marten

- Michael Weston

someone please take him to therapy

- Take a Poll

How bizarre, how bizarre - @themichaelrichardson on Instagram

- Booty

- Just took this picture for my phones wallpaper. Thought Id share

YOU GOT IT!!! - Nathan Explosion

Christmas Fit Idea

- Gotham

Little Nate

- Tom hardy dog

- bathroom stand

- Mens Hockey

- Marvel gems

- Lacasa

- ::crush::

- Farm boys

Vwars on #netflix BTS directing our star @iansomerhalder - @bradturnerdirector on Instagram

• YOGA • Yoga fabric is perfect for those who feel the need for absolute comfort with the guarantee of a 100% natural product. Thanks to an innovative treatment, it offers completely natural elasticity without resorting to the use of synthetic components. Discover more at the link in bio. #albini1876 #aw2122 - @albini1876 on Instagram

- This crane with a giraffe livery

- Castiel angel

- Calligraphy: Italic

- Elena and Stefan

- Cabinets

- We found these massive icicles growing in our carport tonight.

- Doctor Who Aesthetics

- Alex Pettyfer

- Supernatural Quotes

- Blade Runner : Harrison F.

- Star Trek Movie

- Jamie fraser outlander

- Misha Collins

- Marvel

- Bowties Are Cool

- richard armitage (paying cat tax)

- Keanu writing letters to Sandra B in The Lake House

David Tennant talks to Radio Times in this weeks The Big RT Interview this weekend. He talks all things ITV Des, the serial killer drama, starting Monday. Read the interview in full at RadioTimes.com. . , , #RadioTimes #whattowatch #des #davidtennant #thebiginterview - @radiotimes on Instagram

- Karl Urban as a Space Marine = Good Feelings in the Happy Place

- hot harry styles

Aujourdhui nouveau shooting photo chez @dristudio_photographie ! En attendant, cest toujours un plaisir de revoir celles du shooting précédent ! #magie #magic #shootingphoto #magicien #cosplay #harrypotter #polaroid #magicwand - @ugoavecunh on Instagram

#TBT 👑 - @bardownhockey on Instagram

- David Tennant

- [Self] Captain Boomerang from Suicide Squad

- Les Miserables has ruined my life

- Quest for a solid beater under $50 has brought me this

- Got to see Andrew McMahon in concert last night. Perfection.

- 55 but still hot ♥️ John Stamos.

- Doctor Who

- Criminal Minds

- Things to write about

Verleiht euren Werkstücke mit einem Gravierfräser eure persönliche Note. 🤗 Mit Hilfe unseres Fräsers lassen sich z.B. Schriften und Gravuren unkompliziert in Holz fräsen. So lassen sich im Handumdrehen tolle Türschilder herstellen. 😍 Wie verleiht ihr euren Projekten eine persönliche Note?😊 . . . #kwbgermanygmbh #tools #powertoolaccessories #kreativ #diy #türschild #fräsen #werkstatt #heimwerker #handwerker #heimwerkerin #handwerkerin #holz #wood - @kwb_germany_gmbh on Instagram

- I believe in Sherlock Holmes!!!!!!!

- Logan Echolls

- 221B Baker Street

- Josh Hutcherson

- Aluminum hull of a littoral (coastal) combat ship under construction. [874×1024]

- I know Im late to the party, but I finally watched something with Dave Franco in it and, damn.

- Charity Miles Champions

U cant see me - @kgfchapter306 on Instagram

- James Lafferty

- Beware the Roles Wraith

- Dramatic Photography

- Doctor Who

- [self] Hook from Once Upon a Time

- Happy Birthday to the man who created the greatest television show. Thank you for making me laugh during numerous rewatches. It’s been my go to way of forgetting about tough days.

Great to be back in business @theclassjournal @chris.mlr #tailormade #tailor #tailoredsuit #bespoke #bespokestyle #zurich #zürich #tailoring #tailoringservice #fieldingandnicholson #luxurylifestyle #scabal #scabalfabric #mohair #woolsuit - @fieldingandnicholson on Instagram

- 10th Doctor Costume

- All tym fav shows..!!!

Unos días antes de que todo cambiara, terminamos el número especial de @revistacodigounico . Espero el momento de volver y continuar con el gran equipo que hemos formado y del que aprendo día con día. Gracias @josietv por tanto aprendizaje y por dejarme formar parte de tu equipo junto con @crissterron que me han apadrinado 😂y no podría pedir más. Ésta foto que @ux10 ❤️ nos hizo es una representación de lo mucho que disfruto y extraño “trabajar” 💕💕 - @diegosernah on Instagram

Dbajcie o siebie! ❤️ #PrzytulajcieICałujcie #NawetJeśliPoRazKolejny #ToNieByłaTwojaKolej #DoZmywaniaNaczyń #WypraniaCzystychZasłon #CzyWytarciaJużITakLśniącejPodłogi 😉 #NawetJeśliZupaByła #NiecoNiedosolona (#BoTakZdrowiej) #BoTakZdrowiejBędzieToWszystkoPrzetrwać #ApropoZmywania #DługośćTrwaniaTejKwarantanny #ZacząłemOdmierzaćIlościąZużytychGąbek #WięcZaczęłoSięToWszystkoTrzyGąbkiTemu 🙉🤦♂️ #TymczasemKolejnyOdcinek #OMnieSięNieMartw #JużDzisiaj #ZatemJeśliWMnogościPomysłów #JakZadbaćOSiebie #WybierzecieTakąOpcję #BędzieToPrawieJakWygranaWTotka 🤪☺️ #korcz - @marcinkorcz_official on Instagram

- Perpetual pencil

- Dorm and Apartment Ideas

No son doce tracks, es un puto disco. 🛸🎧 #eldiscoescultura . . . . . . . #new #album #release #indie #josehoek #tremolopark #musicproducer #signal #beats #musicproducer #newvideo #rocklatino #cdmx #bsas #ccs #synth #analog #electronicmusic #electro #edmlifestyle #synthwave #venezuela #vinyl #design #radio #signal #waves #search #photography #musica . . Prod: @capitolioccs // 📸 @danimanphoto - @hoeksound on Instagram

- Stephen Moyer

- Joyce taylor

20cm gyuto in 1095 and 15N20. Snakewood, silver and buffalo horn handle. The new owner requested the LOCKDOWN 2020 mark to celebrate the period we are in but, hopefully, out of soon. Under the circs its just good to be in the workshop doing something positive... #damascus #gyuto #snakewood #societyofbritishcutlers - @invictaknives on Instagram

- Dean Geyer - those forearms!!

- A mostly clean shaven Daniel Radcliffe

- Norman Reedus3!

- Ian Somerhalder

- Cannibal Lecter

- ITAP of two buildings in New York

Whos this dummy with @markiplier? 💥💥A Heist With Markiplier💥💥 premiered on @youtube today, and it already has TWO MILLION VIEWS! I am so thrilled to have been the Hair, Makeup, and SPFX department head on this mindbending project! Our #dreamteamdeluxe had such times creating all the looks on this super awesome choose-your-own-adventure series. Check it out - @erikaslay @erynbrooke @plaiddysen @erinxtexas @katiecheline and even my man @txnthruntru (and so so so many others) had a ton of fun making it for you with @roosterteeth!! #roosterteeth #markiplier #makeupartist - @undercover.makeupartist on Instagram

Prepare yourself for Continental Club weekend as we both locations back to back. Houston On Friday night. @continentalclubatx on Saturday night. #austinmusicscene #houstonmusicscene #blackfret #newmusic #texasmusicscene #texasmusic - @donovankeithmusic on Instagram

- Charlie Cox... so cute and furry

- Allen Leech

- Doctor Who

New Japanese knife 🇯🇵 big thanks to @cutboy_knife #chef #knifeporn #japan #happy - @mrnedersee on Instagram

- Castiel

- [Self] End of Time Tenth Doctor Cosplay Anyone? First time trying wound make-up!

- Robin Thicke

- Destiel

Filleting knife. On sale today. Go. 🔪🦑 #filletingknife #handmade #blokknives #kitchenknives - @blokknives on Instagram

- Amazing Men

When it comes to business, the bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot. #jace - @jacewatches on Instagram

such a cutie ⭐️ - @cillimurphy on Instagram

- Henry Cavill and Ben Afleck

- Big Bang Theory

- Criminal Minds

- Sam e Dean Winchester

- All About JENSEN..!!

- Good doctor

- National treasure movie

- Carlos Rivera.

- Doktor Who


Unleashing the full-force of the church to love people one at a time: 1. Across all of our Campuses we were able to collect close to 8000 PPE supplies for hospitals in the Kentuckiana region going to hospitals treating COVID-19 patients and TONS (literally!) of food to fill back up regional food banks with two days notice! 2. Our Bullitt County Campus was given the opportunity to pray for the officers in Mt. Washington who were dealing with a lack of PPE- the BC team was able to get collect number of things from their list of current needs. 3. Our Crestwood Campus has been serving Norton Brownsboro workers over these past weeks and they were graciously invited to pray over a group of healthcare workers as they started their day. 4. In Indiana, the Gregory Family jumped in together and ran pizzas to Urgent Care workers in Clarksville, and their kids all wrote letters thanking and praying for hospital staff. 5. After their medical and food drive, LaGrange Campus delivered the PPE supplies to Baptist LaGrange ER staff and they donated over 2,000lbs of food home products to be distributed to those in our community who most need it! 6. Our Elizabethtown family continues to deliver food boxes and meals as the needs arise. Also, love this - Students from this campus held a “sweet-16 quarantine” drive-by birthday party parade! Oh, and Tyler got to baptize his mother Jennifer! 7. Our SE!KIDS team at River Valley created and distributed Easter resource packages to help families celebrate Easter at home this year. 8. Our southwest campus went around the community dropping off encouraging packages to people who needed an extra pick-me up... one nacho bar at a time! 9. Our Chapel in the Woods hosted their first online classic worship this last Thursday! They also gave 1200 pre-packaged communion cups so that seniors in assisted living all across the state can have Easter communion in a sanitized manner. 10. Our Shelby County team has raised $4,000 to care for healthcare workers in Shelby County. Not only that, they have taken on caring for Eastern KY by making sure small town food banks are restocked in that region! - @kyleidleman on Instagram

Efter 8 år i AaB, er det nu min tur til at forlade skuden. Det har været en oplevelsesrig, succesfuld og helt igennem fantastisk tid. Jeg har nydt hvert et minut og tager mange uforglemmelige minder og oplevelser med mig. Jeg vil gerne smide et stort tak til alle de bekendtskaber, trænere, ledere og ikke mindst holdkammerater der har været med til at præge og udvikle mig som fodboldspiller såvel som menneske. Nu starter en ny udfordring, som jeg glæder mig til at komme igang med. Et sidste tak til fansene i AaB, en solid og loyal støtte igennem op og nedture, vi ses igen d.14 August, når Hobro gæster stadion💪🏻⚽️ #SG29 - @sebgroenning on Instagram

- Elementary my dear Watson!

- Dry fitting the top of my Dutch tool chest. Starting to get excited.

- Doctor Who

- Oh yeah well, this is my boyfriend....both of them...in my head...

- John B

- Awesomely Funny Supernatural Pictures

- My favorite Doctor (David Tennant)

- Book Inspiration

- Not gonna lie, this will change your cheese game forever! (OC)

- Chuck Bass (Ed Westwick)

- Blursed xit seats

- Parker Urban Pens

- Peter quinn homeland

- Nathan Fillion

- Dean & Sam

- Neymar and David Beckham over the years

- Benedict cumberbatch

- Bailey Chase

Chiseled, filed, and sanded a toy sword for a fun present. I love the gradient in the walnut. - @codynorrisart on Instagram

- smosh ANTHONY

- Colin ODonoghue - Dat lip bite...

- Scottish Actors

- Intj t

- Nick Wechsler

- All Things Fandom

- Airplane wing flap and slat configuration examples [2000 x 3191]

Trying to improve myself with something else, started with the letter A - @linshidesign on Instagram

- Clay tools and tricks

- Tom Hardy

- Hawkeye comic

- [SELF] Star Wars Poe Dameron, Finn and Rose Tico

- Nicholas Hoult - that smirk

- Larry gif

owe ride . . . . . . . . . . #filmmaker #filmstudent #theatre #actor #actorslife #actors #film #london #england #stonehenge #toweroflondon #director #oweride #films #travel #uk - @aidanpgriffin on Instagram

- Chris Pratt ❤️❤️

- Carry on my wayward son...

- Alex Meraz

- Criminal Minds BAU

- Doctor Who

- I said this sub needs more Stan Yanevski (a.k.a. Victor Krum) and I am here to deliver. 😉👍

Quarantine life... - @mgrossman18 on Instagram


Happy birthday @nickjonas! Found a pic of the day I met you...over 8 years ago in New York. You are, without question, the best man I know. The more I know you the more I love you. I could go on singing... Toasting to your health and to happy days (@villaone shot in one hand and an orange wedge in the other). 🥃🍊 - @avoyermagyan on Instagram

- Me & Medicine

- Marshall Allman

- Allons-y!

- Matthew Gray Gubler for Bello Magazine

- Adam Levine

- jaaaa

- [self] Matt Murdock and Luke Cage strike again!

- Handsome Shark, Adonis, God, Jensen Ackles

- Ian somerhalder baby


- Pittsburgh Penguins Hockey

- Mens Cuts

- Ryan Gosling movies

- Peter Scanavino

- Chef knife

- Mark Pellegrino

New model, simple little every day carry. - @ken_onion on Instagram

- Michael Buble & Family

- An aesthetically pleasing and artsy photo of young James McAvoy.

- The Art of Shaving

@dominiquecrenn joyeux anniversaire#joiedevivre #mentor #generosity #funny #getoutofmycar and more than that. - @larquier.maxime on Instagram

- The House

- fuller house cast

- Highlander

Recently made pen. **SOLD** Really loved how the pen came out. It was really a hard time turning this pen, as its cross cut end grain laminate. Had to sharp the tools 4times , repeatedly strengthen the wood with thin CA , to avoid the large chip outs. But in end I was very satisfied with the work that went into this , as this pen got satisfied. #art #calligraphy #drawing #handlettering #pencil #lettering #pen #moderncalligraphy #sketch #brushlettering #instagood #calligraphylove #illustration #calligraphyart #artist #typography #love #calligraphypractice #sketchbook #draw #calligraphyph #pentatonix #handwriting #peniel #brushcalligraphy #pendik #handlettered #photooftheday #calligrapher #pentax - @syedspen on Instagram

- After watching The Cloud Atlas, Ive fallen head over heels in love with Ben Whishaw.

- Carl Gross

Schweres Design? Leicht aus der Mode? Oder wieder im Kommen? Alles Fragen, die ich mir nicht stelle. Was ich bau, muss mir gefallen und zu unserem Zuhause passen. . Hier zeige ich schon mal das Gestell der Kommode, welche bei uns in der Küche ihren Platz findet, zur Aufbewahrung der Backutensilien. . Ein für mich doch eher aufwendiges Projekt, aber der Spaß am Bauen und die Freude am Ergebnis zeigen, dass es sich lohnt Herausforderungen anzunehmen. Und dafür mach ich mich auch gerne mal schick 😂🚀 . . . #nichtlangefackeln#fotokunst #stahlgeil#schweißen#stahl#stahlhart#stahlzeit#schweissen#werkstatt#diyprojekt#heimwerker#selbermachen#photoart#picturepeople#fotoideen#photographylovers#photoshoot#designermöbel#einzelstücke#diy#massivholz#möbeldesign#handmade#creative#kreativ#möbelbau#möbelnachmaß#möbelliebe#industrialdesign#industrial - @nichtlangefackeln on Instagram

- Andy Garfield

- Nothing like a bunch of preorders to start the day.

- Blacksmith

05.26 antras mano gimtadienis, ateikit pašvęst prie balsadėžių. #eurodebatai @jaunimoeuroposkomanda @europoskomisija - @ed.bog on Instagram

- Supernatural facts

- ryan gosling & emma stone

- Song Il Gook

- black and white wedding photos

- The Hybrid

- Doctor Who. Ten

- I AM _ _ _ _ LOCKED

First acting classes finito! Absolutely loving getting to delve into some seriously complex characters at #mcilroyandassociates. Cant wait for whats next 🙏🤙🤙 - @ky_al on Instagram

- Rory Williams

Yesterday, one of our favorite guests celebrated a birthday. We raise a glass of cherry Coke to a fine friend and gentleman, wishing him good health and happiness for the year ahead! - @smithwollenskynyc on Instagram

- Alec Track

Joely on the job - @darrencowell on Instagram

New knife! #shunknives #shuncutlery - @m_travelfood on Instagram

- Chris Evans

- Sherlock Holmes

- Finger | Kit Kat Mosaic Tiles

- Daniel Henney

- Lucifer (Supernatural)

- Matt Smith

- brighton reinhardt

- Hugh Grant

- Popped Collars

- Crowley SPN

- nancy wheeler.

- Beautiful Stories

- Misha Colins

- Suits tv shows

Just a couple of effortlessly cool dudes hangin out in the NYC subway, tomorrow at 10/9c. - @jackcutmorescott on Instagram

- There are not enough Hedgehogs here! Enjoy a bit of Martin Freeman.

A breve .... la serie per gli chef dello storico @illuogodiaimoenadia: @fabiopisanichef & @alessandronegrini_chef. Photo @maxbarbot & @robertozanzot . @nicoladellagnolo @albertopiras @stefmoroni @dorinapalombi - @michele_massaro_fabbro on Instagram

Wenger Blades Ligaw - @lenglengdeya on Instagram

- Smooth Jazz Artists

- Sherlock fan art

- In the summer of 2007, this gold-encrusted sword that once belonged to Napoleon was auctioned off in France for more than $6.4 million dollars

- Darren Criss

- True love

- I cant resist the beautiful Misha Collins

- Art

- sidney crosby

- Ive regenerated 3 years in a row for the same convention. What do you think?

- Benedict Cumberbatch

- Swedish Men

Dont worry. Its going to be alright. 🙏❤ - @ptothejohan on Instagram

- Perfume Commercials

- Celbs babys

- Addicted To !!!!!

- Adorable Pictures

- Chef Gordon Ramsay

GOLDEN SPIKE MEDAL We know some of you out there are always looking for that bonus bling (hellloooooo R-Pod!), and for those of you who have already completed the Iron Horse Half, time is running out for you to earn our fourth annual Golden Spike Medal! The Golden Spike goes to those runners who run both the Iron Horse Half AND the Craft Classic Half in a calendar year, and you’ll notice a trend as the years go on. 😂 Don’t miss out! Head on over to craftclassicseattle.com, sign up for the HM distance, and as long as you also ran the Iron Horse Half this year, you’ll get our newest bonus medal along with your Craft Classic swag! - @orcarunning on Instagram

- Dean Winchester

- Tom Hardy

Thank you to our Host with the Most, Ted Allen, @thetedallen Longtime Dining Out For Life spokesperson and champion, Ted will be hosting our Subaru Instagram Live event on Thursday, September 24 at 8 PM EST. Tune in to @subaru_usa on Instagram to watch. Visit diningoutforlife.com to find out how to support the Dining Out For Life organization in your city! #AnEveningInForDiningOut 📷 credit: Peter Ross - @diningout4life on Instagram

- Aaron Paul is a smoke show

- Wind turbine

Casual😐 - @matias_marcon__ on Instagram

- Space boi, Bobak Ferdowsi

- jamie parker ;

- Needing some Benedict Cumberbatch in my life

- Doctor who

- Matt Smith {Actor}

- Malcolm Reynolds

- Luther

- Blake Shelton

I joined the merry ranks of the USA. Finally a dual citizen!! #citizenship #naturalizationceremony #usa #uk #actor #work #grateful thanks @thesteeliest for the photo!!! #friends - @markleslieford on Instagram

- I constructed a sundial with compasses and a straight edge for the Astronomical Leagues Astronomy Before the Telescope Observing Certificate. Ill be painting it on my driveway, so the gnomon will be movable.

- Fred and George

- My Superman

- ITAP of a man using two flashes.

- Walton Goggins

- Dean Winchester

Um filho e um neto da Ilha da Madeira. Um #tbt bem antigo, lá de 2012 - @blogdorafaelreis on Instagram

- Baby In A Trench Coat ❤️


- Abnormal Summit

- Ian Somerhalder

- Kiridashi knife I made from a old saw blade

- supernatural pictures

- Music

Next up we present Suitman Jungle who is a maverick with the drums and has a way with words too (and not just on the sampler!!) Suitman Jungle has previously created a track in response to the spaces of London Bridge Station as part of the Musicity x Low Line project. You can listen to the track on Musicity website. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3EQFWzyuuk @suitmanjungle @makemusicdayuk @londonfestivalofarchitecture @teamlondonbridge @ifru_london #MusicityAtHome #AtLondonBridge #Diaphonique - @mscty.space on Instagram

- Not a celeb, but my super adorable ladyboner friend. What do you think? :)

- Finished this beast of a chefsknife, already named ‘Mandingo’ by it’s new owner. Made of an old circular sawblade, some brass, G10 black spacer and mystery hardwood.

- PsBattle: This stock photo of three macho dudes

- downton abbey thomas

- Benedict Cumberbatch

- minimal office

- Elijah Wood

- Supernatural Deans plaid shirts⊙﹏⊙

- Manualidades en miniatura

- Hannibal - Series

- Since Ian Harding was missing from PLL tonight...

- Japanese sword

- Koa Marking Knife (link in comments)

- Blade

- bea.style

- I did a photo shoot with my bionic arm and it makes me look like a cyberpunk Bond villain.

Finished up these two parers in AEB-L stainless. One wearing desert iron wood & the other red curly maple. * I’ll sprinkle in more detailed pics eventually. Have a great week & stay safe y’all! • #yazelknives • • • #twoisbetterthanone #pairs #pair #paringknife #handmadeknives #customknifemaker #madewithhands #maker #makethings #makethingshappen #kitchensofinstagram #kitchentool #kitchentools #ironwood #curlymaple #twins #twinningiswinning #brothersforlife #foodpreparation #mealprepping #cutlerysale #knifenuts #getyourstoday #slice #cuttingboard #butcher #butchersofinstagram #butchery #butcherblock - @yazelknives on Instagram

- Dean with a Phone

- property brothers


- After getting a non-Bill quote last time. Thought Id try again

- Castle

- Fantastic Beasts

- Jonathan Toews

- Favorite Actors

- Bubinga, Oak, and Copper!

- Cockles

- Famous humans

Two 150 mm honesuki and two 200 mm variants, available soon. #swissmade#handmade#customknife#chefknife#honesuki#rwl34 - @laradiosa_coltelli on Instagram

- Daryl Dixon ---|}

- Dean Winchester: Supernatural

- Brahms Mount: How Its Made